New York Clipper (Sep 1894)

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434 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Sbptembeb 8 SAM DEVEEE'S OWN GO. Ill Members Eogaged will Please Report for R«tiearsal, lyeeuiD Hieatre, Boston, Monday, 10 i. N., Sept 24. Plesie MkBowledga <hli««II hf l*IUr to IS. I>EVE]RS:, 184 Hobermerbora StrMt. BroMjn, N. T. N. B.-3wt poMlshed: "MAIUETS LITTLE BLACK FACE CHILD," tbe greatest of all coon songs, with whlstilng reftvin. Com' pnalon to his famons "WHISTLING COON;" also waltz song, "MILK- ING THE COWS WITH HABY,** by Sam DoTere. Copies free to professionals by addressing SAM DETRBE, Pnbllshor, 184 Scbermerhom Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. New Sentimental Songe. Eacli one a Winner. "LITTLE BLUE EYED NELLIE," BT IlikRRT LUOinONE. PRIOE « OBKTB. "WILL THEY ANSWER IF I WRITE," BY JOHN nr. OEOHOB. PHIOB U OENm. ' FOR SOUBBEXXES, "AIN'T I SWEET," BT ITAN L. DAVIS. 8uf b)r Tlot ArooM, of U»ultbnud AraoVl Bl.un. rniCB V CHNTH. "RICH AND POOR," rBLu aooLRKKON. piioB M uzins. A limlUi) DamtMr of orcti«IUm Mru hKT. bt.D prlol.d, ud will be unt to pnfuiloBAl. oo raeelpt of CArd or I niinniiii., tommpuM br ud codIi lor.lch. WIlITI^aiirrH MVSIO PUBLieillNO CO., n-H Dunliop. Bl, Boilon. fflRS'PltOMIVEyili,No.l Hkv» opened a Bualness Office at 6 Union Square, for the tr&nsaotlon of all bustnegs In oonneotlon with the UNION. Engagementa aeoured for membera (only). Membenhlp at present time over one thousand. M AN A-Q-ERM are respectfully invited to call or write for the engage- ment of Professionals In all branohes, whloh can be Aimished at ehortest possible noUoe. Address BUSINESS MANAOER ACTORS' PROTECTIVE UNION, No. 8 Union Square, IT, T. O. p. B.—MMtlBH •varr Wedntiil>7 mt II A. M., at S VbIob ■qa*n, whan appllc*- (lon« for invmlMnlitp will be racelTad dallj* THE GREATEST ARTISTE IN HER LINE IN THE WORLD, MME. FLORA, la m DMBlltal, BewIld*rlB( TrsBilbraBtlon Dbbm, PmaallBB WoBdarfal, ▼ BtattllBf BBd BrIlllBBt BlectflCBl Calclam Bad BI«r«optlWB KflTect. With tha Oraatelt All Faatun Show BaaaoB, UIM-«S, NEW YORK STARS. VERDICT: A. NOVELXY. "THE HOG TRAIN." MEMPHIS ★ ★ GEO. J. KENNEDY ICRECOR. A hit at Preatoi'a U.t waalt Haw HBTan, Ihii waek. Tbti Bad orl|lBBl Mailaal Act, addnn aa It. ■BfBgad fbr epaalBB at Bat rallr antaatad. MaaBaei Inn aa ffo. T LAPATBTTB WaadarlBBd Thaalra, lata la waat or a atrana PLAOB, W. Y. Cltf. in "THE !! PATOIOE, in"THE KID," will ba BiBBagad thla iaaMB 1>Y PRANK B. MORBB ((bar yaafa aetinc mBasaar of ATrip toChlBB«own")ror llBTe. AOo>, with B*wprlBtlB(,plB7ara aad inaelaltlaa. VB ARB IN IT TO WIN. Addrafa all CDBUBBBlaatlOBa t« PRANK U. HORBB, WB Obtb of Amarlcaa Thaatileal BiahaaRa, Gar. asib St. aad Bivadwa^, Naw York. MAHAOERB IN SEARCH OT A HOTXI.TT TAKE NOTICE, AMERICA'S GREATEST CLUB lUQBLER AND LIQHTNINO BATON MANIPULATOR. TIIBONLY ACT Of TIIR KINO BBPORBTDB PUBLIC. TITO AOTB OOHBINED IN 0KB. JatallBKOBOk IW0U1I tbfMOlQb^ .nildnlOB altUt.iKUOtaad DOT.lraortm.ou NootdUm. or womont triekl In ul.ftci Maka an lB.luUDMa.«htDB.of coatuma from «)ua JagtllDato btloD toL B«tUDB and vardroba "Naplu.ultfm." ATLlBRRTVIor MkMO or*9l-tB lor rarl.tpor nlnilial oombloatloaB. Rvpoutbla nuai.n o«lTaiiai»uPlalndald,ll.J.,or .n.w» •n.i^ =..f,u AOBNT TOMT SUtlH, N.w Yorb. AT LIBERTY FOB WINTER SEASON, The Seaman Family Hand and Orchestra, 8BVBN IN NUMBBR, CORNBT. OLARIORBT, TUBA, BUPHONIVII, AL.TOS AND DRUMS, AND GOOD RRPBRTORY OF MUSIO, Spaolaltlaa aa (tollowi Mlaa Paarl laaBiBB, Baphoalam Soloai Sam aad Anala SeanaBB, Uomady Sketch AniaUiHaek Walla, Blaek Paao CoBadlani Bllaa, Qto- taaqaa Arll.t Bad OoatertlOBlati BBa BaamaB, Maaleal BpealBltlea, Pleatf at (aod Aata Bad Comodi Pareaa, Addraaa, aot later thaa iapt. S, O, H. WBLLS, IlBBBgar, Charlaitoa, III, STAR MAKERSa "A Bcokaa Vow," "Bweol OaraldlBO," "aweet Vmjt of Ijobb Ago," "SomatlBea Dream of Ma," "Mamory'a Faf»,""TBka the Blllar With the aweet," "Mr Brl|ht BoBBle Flower," "Kl.a Ike Cloada Awar," "Sweat Nora O'lfell," "Amorlcaa Ballao," ■•A Kaee la the ■aoBllnki," "Mj Preltr Little Sweet Blileea," "The NIghl We Loat the Bella, B-Ainf 4 or TUB AROTB RO OR, Wnil ORCnBSTIU PARTB, MAILBD TO PROPBSilONlL DINaBRl aBNDINO rRUURAMMB AND TEN OINTH. Ko iliaoUOD paid 10 Mlara difltUDi Ifom ua roraiolni ••at. AMERICAN MCain rUBLllUINU CO., Ko; U Ban PinMolb euwl, Nw York 01$. WIGS TUB OLD HBLIABLB AND ONLY PHUPBnalUNAL WIO MAKBRS OUTHIDB OP NBW YORK. A, M. BUCH & CO., lae Nlalhat„ PhUa„PB. SATI8PA0TI0N GVARANTBBD, THE WANTED, AT ALL TIMES, FIR8T CLASS ATTHACTIONS fOB THE FJUHOUS MIDWAY. ST, LOUIt STATE FAIR, OCT, 1 TO 16, MACON, OA,, AND DALLAS, TEX. BaUlBi prlTiUnato ht AddiMaOTTO BOIIMIDT,llaa««arBld»v,Bt UiU, ko. A Nmt NOVELH MNIT IN EOUn JAT OIBOOa 00 THIS WBBI, LTOBDH TBtATO, oatOiOa Star or DBMRIPTIYB BABITONE TOCALtSre, HERBERT HOLCOMBE ICr CDBHMAN AND nOLOOMBE), WITU BANnBR'S "BONOH OP KEYP" CO. Bf S EHrORES NUntLT, IB the ORAHD ORAMATIO SONO, "THE SHIP I LOVE!" BxTuor raoa taa Puaa —"IIEBBBRT HOL. OOMSE'B .loalDf ct ibU Ortnd. Harale Ballad, li a marral of ArU.uo Plolih and Pow.r. THE PHIP I LorB* Iq Br Holcomba'i band. I. a baailllnl Mail ol all thu I. rofload aad .ulblorl U Inrarlablr brlaga down tba boota*' a^Tbl. oomplela aoDf aaot oa r*- calptoflOMDtabrth^ aaiGLISH BpRG.PVB, C0„ SI N.Moor* etiaal, N>w Yo 'ork. "A LOVER'S SERENADE," Bsaatlfal Walls Bone and nafyaln. Haale hy Hark 8. Claraon. Word* br Capt* Jack Orawfbrd. <^Tke PoetS€ouw* Dellghtfal mvlofir, dreamy lenllmaBt, anda (^ateby" ■wla^ li embodied la tkU MBg. Has a tone of soft Spanlib air* Uapldlj growing la tevor. "ONE SONG WITH ME," WalU <laanette (br Male Volcea br H. Bf, Petrle, Bample coplo. of above plecea ailed free on applleatloB, THE THOMPSON alUSIO CO., Hei Wabaah Are,, Ohicage. j Raffling Comic Song! "HE GOT LEFT!" Fin* Cliorui wil Due*, 3-i Tim* Kt ooDclmloo. Saod lOe. ud profrvniD* LTflLIB BTRWART, SS lATATttU Aruoa, "rooklfD, K. T. FULL OROUBgTHATlON. »I.(P. Wanted, to Complete Co., Lsd^ fbr JoTonlXej, Bonbretle yrho caa ling. Man fbr JoTenllei and HoaTlea, nan for Goneral Bnilneu, Prop- •ri|r JVan for small parts and Piano P]a^er< tend photo sad sisU lowsit isIut Id flnt Isttar, m&o TILDEN A 8TEBLB, SfftllWll pSft eiMBAM. WANTED TO BENT, WITH PRIVILBOB OF BDYING. Blast be In good condition. Mnit b«ar Inspoc* tlon. OWo fbll partlenlars. B. L. POWBLlia Oedar Rapids, la., Sopt. H, Des Blolaes, la., Bepta IB* Wanted, Partner, LAOT OR OENT, WITH 1,500 TO 2,500 DOLLARS, For Scaalo SeaaBtloBBl Drama, aa Treaa- nrer, or will Star kaoWB aathor. TO LBT, flaceeeafai Plax* Bpeelal Paper, EDWARD KRAUPA,1,1IB CrtaiaSL, Ptlla, Pa. OWUO TO MIBUTUDBiUTANpUlO I DO NOT UO WITH "LirfLBTRIXlI-' Ol>. AM AT LIBERTY. HA.BBY FABBELLi, Oomedlu, iDitramtnisllit, Blonr ud Dsoesr, BUes Fso*, Irlin or Bcceotrlo; preferirlih C»iiiedr Fsit. If na went s hot speolsllit write md*. Addrea> ore CINUINNATI Bh'4)UIBU, OUkId&sII. 0. TORONTO, CANADA. BOBINSON HOUSE, 106,101 mud 109 Bar 8t First olui scoommedAtloDs for U v^r week. Btl/ tlock tnm sU of Tbestrss. M. 0. FLICk. Proprietor. LEADER FOR BAND AND ORCHESTRA. Mull be toot) errsan' ssd beve illrer pitted oomet. tsle sf*, oelgbi, wersnt. Ten lo«e«t ulsir (we pu bosid) end fnU psrtlealui to dnt letter. No Isrei mi- Tuced. Addreu A. 0. WB0T| Bebobolb, Del. BelaJT MMt be low, ei it li lore. WANTED, FOR LEHEN BROS.' CIRCUS, BAR 'arfom.r; ooa dotoa doubles otaUrrtd; aula vsltbt Bnr O'N.ULwrlU, Ao.aar. TEOa. PBHT, WlDdnalar. ad., T, PeiUaod. lad , a Raatopl, IIL », L»ro7, lU, III. HARRY AND RUTH ORVILLE ABB NOT CODNTBRPEnEBa, BUT DO MABB 001,- LAR8-r0B HlNAOBRa WANTED, HAPPY DAYS, LodIs Fierce and Beatrice Thome Want t SERPENTINE DANCER who can ling, AddiaM LO018 riEROB. Mbaomoala, Wla OPEN BBTT U. ANSWER gUICI. EIV ROUTE, Hazmlton's Ideals. A, M. HAMILTON, Maaager. SPECIAL DE8CRIPT1YESTANDS AMY BIIE AND QUANTITY. Bead rudlof matter aod ai for lampl* D .baat ataad, ID aolora. Bamplaaora .baau aad window basnra. idaaala. NaTICNaX UTB. CO., na N. BMODd at, PblUdalfbl^ Pa. ■ THE BUNGALOW, The most merrelou* Ulualoa ertr eees Ull todsf. A. •eDPttmn for MmIcIsdi or PpKUcnUr rUfi- Miw sod SMoutloB Addreu V. d J. flHAw. IM AnneMs fltreet.«:hleeiD. HI Ghas. 6. Moore, Pianist and Dlreetor, OPBN rOR rOBIH OPERA. BDRLBXODB or TARIBRT. ADAHK HIiUKB. Taith AT.^aa and Kib Blrm. N T. Ollle INDIAI7 OLTJB XSPBST. BBOARDS TO PBIBNM. yORBAN."- A Jit BlKk Horn, 5 iim OLD, A TRAINED TRICE nORBB, POE HALE CBBIP. ARAORinCB." Addraaa PRANELTN r BABTEB. EaaoTO, fa. AT UBERTY, WIU BOUBHTON, AI SIX LITTLE TAILORS. STEP in and examiiie our latge line of cloths for Full and Winter wear which we have recoiveil from the largest woolen mills here and abroad. THESE GOODS go through a new process, eipeciallj (or this firm. They will not lose color or get out of shape in damp weather. DON'T place your orders with any other house until you see this beautiful line of goods. Wa rlT. a laiDpla to ararr coitomar for aiamlnallon. Oar price. wlU .uair aaltyoo. We ore the largest manufac- turers of fine custom work and do the largest busiaees in our line. Samples and self measurement guide sent on application. Jacobs Brothers, 226 BROADWAIf «""»«"« (""f). BOWERY, «»wBRBR00yEST.,N.Y. SIEOMAN&WEIL MPORTEnSAND MANUFACTURERS. no m4 112 OrMna StrasI, nav Prince, N. T. Wa WIT tba hnaft and moat eompleta atoek ol all Modso! bM.TBHIAI,S, OOLD AND SILVER TRuUllflOB, Eta. oalBOW for IbHtncal wardrobe, aoo ai lower piir'- " ' U laeb SaV and ai A raid. vjHfiailNB,^^..,^ , WIGS aod bRARDS ol aTarr doaorlpdoD (made on onr piamlMa from bunan baJr) u notk or to oi^r. KaB'aw1ia.axa3: Ledla.' win |UD and npwaida. PW008'HCAIIS and HNASBS' HBASB lor CONTOHTIO.tUT8, Farnd ImttaUonj mida ot pattBt material. Taiy dorabla and only walablnf 8 OVHOBB. i a,00a pl«ea. ..&PS^TS'iSBit^mii bahdals, tua, , tiCM Wa. ^,Tkl<- •ta. Kit u^ula ran^na OolUB?5ta, %.a\ aitra aTT.tnlliaahloaad, ILnklwaar batUi Uua aunwont. !i Hi*!!): wontMi, lua; allk, atao and a«; baa aUk, I7A0. Wa eanrlD .hadM in aran onaUtr and aUe In Kodi, ot make Ibamta ord.r to foar dan, Faddad "•^t.lBrDiinatmal.)|T. A BPANOLKB, ai.U a ponnd. BVIiUOR laAm? ttomlJcIdobaa deep (■ aaot. a paid) to %1 Osw ffies. prtoeissd oTery li PBPOSITg reqaired on sU order*. oiiioiiVA.r.iXY, SENTIMEIVT, AND MELODY, ALL COMBINBD IN TOE BBADTIPDL BALLAD, «.« ii«ni«fn» «i«.iBi ■!« A« . n Compoaod hf William LoibIbc. Nowbelni nag bt BATMOKD BHAW, THE CAEN. CROSS MrNBTRBUCand OOBTOX'S MINRTRBLS, and Ennonooad tba moat baaatlfal and taklnic Ballad of tba imaiL OoplM malM PRBE TO rROnSSIONAL TO- OAUBTS Mndlng CAld and pnimmma to FRANK HAROINO, 228 Bowary, Naw York, P* B.—A few more oreheotratlOBa of "BVMIIBR COKKS AGAIN" aad "DB> OBMBBR AND HAY" Preo to Profea- aloBBle. SOMETHING NEWa Juj ibsde deelred- Tbti dye iroee swej eheed ot ssr other dye toue, et oae buf the price, sad tsies leu then ooe bslf the qnsotl^ to ebtslo tbe deilred nnit Price, TBete. for 4 oQBce botUe. We ibeii mske oor well koown Cotton If gbts Lb tbe tbore oolom, sod wheo fSded osn be djed to orlflQSl color. Hsr« mad* s big bit witb OQT la 00 Worsted Tlabte sod Sblrta. Tbey sre lo tbslesd. Cstslonwssd^r—' ' sblppsdO.O. D. ' " ePIoi/P'BROS.. IIP LiDden Street. Brontlyn. W. T. We bsTs tskes the eole sseiMr for the weU kaown BOTPnAK DTE, msde br Wm. MoOleUeo, of Norwiob, CL, sod ihsll osrrrln itock et all tlmei the followloit colon: Flak, Bias, Yellow, Porple, Oreea sod OrsDfe. sod esobeolor osooedjedlo Cstslofoussdunpleeot Ufbts me. Oooda Votltlrelj s uepoiii reqaired to ooTor B Good GenUernvB Bp«ol»lty^ Artists. 3 G«od Lmdj- Bpe«l«U7 Artlets. 1 Oood MnelMl Team* 1 Pint Vlolla thftt can pl»^ «a* asaelc. ALL MOST rLATBMALL PARTB, BB GOOD L00KBR8 ANDDRBSBBRflOK ANDOPrBTAQB. BtsU towsit Ml- SIT* Mo ftrssidTSBoed. Asewerqnk^ ' P. W. WBJQHT. Kewsrk. Ohio. 1 IIM FtCE Mi, who u ibomfhlr eipenesoed, sad s PBVOBHBP. MsAdoftciwetipeelslfy' Btrooff, ilBRleeoinedr muic- slftotpnnned. tBeompeunts sloied flrsi r«&esn«l. Wefsiwssdfmseed. Aoewer qaiek, sItIdi fUI pertlon Isit. ' PBILD ROBBUfB, Msiisser "Lttlle TrlKte," Co., esre free rrees PrloUof Co, Betroll. MltK Niw Opera Home. Fair Week. BOOD COMPANY WANTED TO OPEN WMkofSevt MtoB. Mulbsitoonf ottnaUoDjeeukr m yn po^alaHm. Be* 0pm Hous^JOmlL MISCELLANEOUS, Usi CUnCURA SOAP ASHAMED TO BB SEEN becauuot dlat,;. nrlogfUoUlblemldieBlalbecoQdltlonot tboiiuscia who Ure In Ignonnco of the lict that Id CcnaoHA Soap I. to Iw foand tho pnnst, nreet«at, and moat effeotlre .kin par- Uer and beantlfler In tlM world. For pimples, blukhaad., red and oli^ .Un, nd, rough bud* with Bhipelen nail., dij, thin, and falling h*ir, and almple itbj blemlahes, It Is wondeAuL A'.>TIBB Dam AOS Obu, Ooar,, Boston. FORAUTKrHOST uroffiiKuic BUUBSiS luinMniCmucK » H.WOLFACO, CHICAOCi.t lAA*. VaWISH t o sell? AWANT a BAR6AIN? SWA—■ MAGIC LANTERNS\ TAPE-WORWIIhAl vuli Mtd, oroo ca.fro. Stad to. Banip torParaphlH. Pr. IL M.y Bnltb. Bp.daUB. lOU OUn rt, St. Uiul., H«. (Had 'ElnO ut* . BILLIARD MARKER. Acsnts-wanted ererywli«re for tike beat mrtlole on the market* Bo certlfled by Champion Bllllnrdist Frmnlt O, Ives, or Olklcago. It li the best selUng arllole of the kind ewer Inveateda Rljcliu fbr entire Btates -wlU be sold. For lUnstratod clr<- calnr and all other Information write orappl^to ^ B. BHKPBIARD, ilT HoUU Bt,, Mallffca, Jt. Be TUB HOn* BXTBW8IVB KAHUPAOTUBIBSOP Billiard and Pool Tables n THB WOBIA THE BMNSWICK-BAUE-COILEMDER COIPANT, If a BeO BBOADWAT. Newu« sod most eletut dries, vlth tbe If iEOtrALBO HONABB qOBBIOllfi, BmHud BSt»l1sll» etotl eeei^ eta., of oor own "^THifefTi^ s'*i* Uapo rtsMoo THB BBDBBWIOK-BAIiXB-OOLLBin>BB 00. nhiflun, rHsalBBstL rl Loots r ~ ZAMBESI DIAMONDSaii^rtnfl^ sod IntTodnood for tbs Qr^t time lb Amerios st the WOBLD*B PAIB wbere ther oreslad soeb s leusiloD onsoooaotortbelrbriUlinor sod dne oot—the nesieei ^roseb to the geonlne dlsmood ret diKorered hST* Iqs sll tbe Are tod prlimstlo eolors of tbe feooloe. araOLUi FE10E8 to the prafeiiloiL Per toil psitlcv- Isrs, prteee, et«. Oooda shipped 0.0- D- cbsrges prepsld, wtthpriTUonoreisinlDsUoD. Addreas La BODKINB, SU Desrbon Bt, CblONto. iPARRnrO. WRBSTLINa, OLDB BWINOINO AND .J rBNOIMO TAUGHT. Kow opes for eofSgenwoL No noser wsnted lUtU lesseu sre kItoq. PBRPEOr aATiaPAOTIOH.ODARANTEBD^ Bsepeetfollr. P. J. FlTgLIB. esre of OLIFFBB. H. STRASSHAN, UWYER, 92 2d An., NEW TORE. TBJUTBIOAI, OLAIHB and OOHTBACnB ABPanALTT. omoaboaiaiBA.M.tear.M. EDMUND E. PRICE, Counselor at Law, nVW YOBK OIiIPPBa BDHAIRO, ta AMD n OBNTBB BTBBET; Now Terh jntWi PrmotlM m aU lb« Cooita, 01 rU and OrlmlBaT Speoal attention atran lo tba ooUaatlon of alaloa aad dabta ol alIklnda,tnapnpantlonotafraa&iant. aad otberlaaa. bailnaaa. lUniinraCIII l aand lO eaata to PBAMK BABBIBOX nUBUtnrULlBoiloB,llaaa,andaaewbalTonwlllial, A. BBODRICH, LAWYER, BoaioeH Ugsl *bA qolte. iBrsocbea sod tedlltlea In other Bute*. OFFICIAL SPORTING RULES. ThaMoaiCcinDtota BoekolRutaaevarpubllahad. THB NBW YOBK OUPrER aa;a: -THE AHERIOAN BP0RT8 rDBUeUINO CO. bare plaead on tba maikat a book of orar 310 pacaa, ambimoinfi iiila. for naarlp all braoeba. of apoit, aicapt bone laeloi plIadbrJamaaE PoUlTan. IbrraaralbaSacieiuTofw. Amataor Alblalio Ualoa Ba baa prodocao a work wb tii —Inlha aame Ho. , , J nialnl to aU alb. UtM and loran of oaldoor paaUmaa and apoitai" PrioB, BO Oanta. Bant Fo.tnald. CalAlogaa ot N.w Booka, darotad to Bport, PBBfi. AHERIOAN BPORTB PUB. CO., a«I Broadway, B. Y. _ OOE. YONQE A OOa ■aABUPaoTtmtR* op WAIKIKQ OAM BB. Importere of OUTLEBT. Hatb the lAtgwt Una of JeweliT, No- M tlon.,NoTalilM,&o..tloweitpilo:«. J B Good.fotSlmlaeD.AncUoneenura / m AgonU.Oino Racks and Knife Bland, n a .apcolaltr, IUnili'tdOatalogiietiee| e TOO Waihlngten Ir.. ST, LOUIB. MO. 14 KARAT eOLD PLATE CVt THU •Off sod send II to oa ' 'troDrnsinesodsddrsusDd we •end ron this wstcb br evprea forsumlnstKn. Aesertsf* per • lesie sod ebsin ssd cbsrm sent with It. Yoe ei- Smloe U sod If roo think It » bsinln per oar asmp!* pike, BLM, sad U Is yonn- It la boSQtirallr rnsrev*^ sDd wsiTsntetf the beet (IB*- beeper lo tbe IVorM for tba mose/ sad enosl is 'PC*?': ■Dce to s f*n«n»^ Bo'W Oold Watch, vrlis M^dsr. this offtt vU not sppser scsln. THE MTIOML HF6. &lliPOilTMB CO.. saiDuuanimni