New York Clipper (Sep 1894)

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O0BTrt«l't«il,ia»«, bj n» Fruit QaMs Psuiitaiiic Compuj (UmlM), Founded by FRANK aUEEN, 1893. ^E'W YORK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1804. I VOLUME Xl.ll.-N» 28. I PriM 10 CMtd THE TICKET SELLER, WIIITTIir FOR Tfll 5IW YORK OlIFPIH. BT EUNICE MOKBOK Yoo aea liliii thniiiiili a llUle hole, Tho ticket wll«r iMid; A moDsroh, In bis iliild Rlr, To BTinptthj (iDlta cold; it never ronid te itaRt be wu A josUi—be'e RlWRja old. He latea R( jon wllb an eje BoorlUcillJ tl«m; Ropllaa eeierelj to ibe facia Ttutjon draire to learn; Tba Tleage of a dead head be Oao readllj dlacera. lie takea joor dollars with a twlit Tbaf a bora of oonaisnt lue; Blapa down jonr Hotel and tho change WItbont tM leaat ncnae; Tho> mooej'a Ugbt be ellnga It 'roniid In manner Terr loose i And ao the alreain goes ofer br. And, through ibe window snutll, VUtt whirling brain he suil maat siph And, smiling, answer all; The hardest work of Adam's kin Ye*, ever since ihe fall I Have plij on him, ladles fair I Oavc pitr, dead beads bold I llavo pliy for the man whoso brain Is premntarf Ij old I Whose worries aod perplejililcs Ar« great and manifold I Saint Peter has no poet like this. Had be Ihlsqursiloning line— Thoto IhODSand queries to exponnd And answer, t opine Thaieren hia position old Saint Pttcr would resign 1 AN AWFUL VENGEANCE. ADAPntD raoM ma frskob roR thb Niv yorr CLirpsR, BY DUDLEY WINTHROr XOOBB. Night was beginning to fell, and one one Ihe gas jels In the Rne Paaqoler shot np their pale, DIokerlngllghL The laded cab horse who bad been halt slaking between his shads tor the past two bonn, wbllo walling, raised bis drooping bead,and,sbllting his feel, began to paw the pavement with his big, ihick shoes, and ibo driver swore: "HolyVlrglnl will she never const I'm getting ont of patience, aa well aa my poor nag, who has been In the harness since daylight, and wanta to he relayed, to be snre. Bnt that's lost ihe way wllb these One ladles; they don't care a dg for man or beast, so long sa " The grnmbling driver ont himself sborr. The door of a boose bad opened snddenly, and a sKa- der woman, shivering In a heap of ton, stepped qolokly aorosB the sldewRlk. "la It yon, drlvert'> sbo asked. At an afflrmatlve sign of the driver's head she got Into the cab; bnt at the same moment a wtll dressed man crossed the eldewilk. In hie tnm, with a bonnd, and tbrnst himself Into the vehicle. She felt beraelt bmlally seized by both arms, and gave vent to a cry of fright Bnt the one who bad seized her bnstled her wllhoni ceremony Into the fnitber comer of the seat; Ihen, ahniting Ihe door, be lowered the front glass, and cried to ths man on the box: "do on, driver; yon know what I told yon. Let yonr hone do bis best." Tbe bony nag, ronsed by a vigorons appllCRiInn of Ihe whip, spnng Into an nncenain gallop, and Ihe old cab rattled oir, taking a zigzagging oonrae that woold have delighted a chased bare. The yonng woman bad caoght hold off tbe door knob beside her. "Don't try to Jnmp ont," he said, grasping her band and tulsting It cnielly; "moreover, at the pace we are going yon wotild kill yonnwlf to a or- talnty." "If s all lbs same to me." "Bnt It Is not ell the same to nw." "How came yon In Ibis cabr Ate you ipylng me now)" "II Kot In the least I was simply walUng (or yon to leave the honse of H. de Joyeose, yonr lover." "Ton are crazy I Yon know very woll that K. de ioyoose la not my lorer. Beside*, he doesn't live htre, I think. Ton know as well aa I do that he lives In Uie Rne Uarbenf." "Yes; bnt be also llvra In ihe Rne Pssqoler—tor yoo, It seems." Sbs was beginning to recovsr henelt allUle, and, aa her asaunnce retoraed, she snddenly laoghed In bis face Insolently; Sol here joa an In my cab—for It Is my cab; yon don't look as It yon donbted It I now did It happen r How comes It jon are not at yonr olnb atthlshonri" "Dear me I It Is very simple. As I havs_ been watching yon tor several dtjs p*«i, and bare had yon followed — " "Ahl yonarebavlngmefoUowednowt Hycom- pllmenu r> ''Thank*. I simply gars yonr driver a louts to let me follow yon In this vehicle." "And where are wa going like llilst" she asked, losing a Utile of her composnre. "Wby, Ihe beut will break his neck, and hi* driver'*, too I" "Wearegoing home." "Ahl— No, bnttnily, arejoalneannatabont ihUJoyense story r' In the Roe de Moncean tbe driver stopped his foaming nag, which waa trembling all over. M. La- my made his wife alight, still keeping hold other hand, as If throngh precinilOD, and they aseended the elegant atalroase, biasing with Ught, wllh 9ollsbed walla ot brilllaol atnooo work. The man below alowly picked op bis iclns and drove away at a walk towards the belghu ot U ^ts, diraggiag his staonMen. ILUtoyoondiutedhl*in(etob«T room. In lbs niddleof wUoh ah* stood Uk* one •tavUed,nnd dldnotsppearlo come to her senses agnln nnlll she heard the soond of tbe toning key In the lock. Then, worn ont, crashed, she dropped npon aaeat and awaiudher fate. Ihe hoshand crossed the anteroom qnlokly, and asked ot the mMte eluimbn: •■You have been lo Dr. Lanoy's, lo rtqnest him lo be here this even log t" ' Yes, monsieur. Indeed, iho doctor baa Just ar- rived, and awaits you In jonr study." The physician mme lo meet H. Leroy. "Whai's the malttrr You are not sick, at leaat I" M. Leroy looked very gnve and sad. "Hy dear doctor, a great mlstonnns hss come to make her ny whore tho had passed the dsy; she Invented preteiis that belled each oiher. The derangement ot her fhcniiles Is such ihal she, Ihe Dosi honest, the most virlnons ot women, has tried to make me bellore ihat rhe had Rdvenlnres—she has made almost Kurrtlons proposals to roe, my dear doctor I" "Ob I all yon lell me contonnds ms I" "Yon will see her ahonly, and qoeatlon hsr. Ask her where she spent ibe days or tbe lUh.ol the I4ib, ot the 16th, ot the 17th. Yon will aee her grow con- fused, seek her snswers—or If, unforiunsuly, she divines the sIm of yonr »amlnailon,abo wlUibiow yon Ibe name ot a lover, Ibe dm name ibat camra to her Hps. In dne, loday.ta I was sgalo rolk>wlog day, so to speak, hour by honr, they establlah adnl- lery. Furthermore, I have a Mrles ot lellen of yonra, which leave no doubt u lo yonr relations wllh M. deJoyenae." "You have my lelttrsi" "They have oral me Are bnndred tranca Yon aee I don't conalder money when yon are oon- cemed. So I have In ny banda more than Li neces- aaiy In Insutnle divorce proceedings, and raise a Irlghtfnl scandal. Yon have bone np lo the prtS' enl a reputation ahsolitely Intact; yon are quoted as a model. You have even taken advmnl*!e of It to be Implaoably unkind towards those of yonr so- qnalntanos* whose live* might Im attsoked; you have completely rained Mrae. lagimnge, Hme. npon me—a nisfortnoe that I have foreseen, alaaI only too mnob for some lime back." "Ton frighten me—really i" "Since a tew months the health ot Hme. Lero; has visibly obangcd—a great nervous ezcltement- Insomol^-a constant want ot appetite. 1 have often •lllied to send tor you, bat she has formally opposed It; and I did not wish lo Insist, her Irrlla- bllliy ot late having become eioeaalve. Bat ainco a few days the malady that has been bnwlng hw broken ont, and I have fonod mysell confronted by mental disorden eitremelv eerloo*." "Yon stupefy me f "Ify wits-yon ai« doubtless Ignorant ot It, my dear doctor; one does not like to oondde anoh things, even to his physlclaa—my wife has hsd la- anlly In her tsmlly. One ct her uncles, without being exactly demented enough to place In ooo- llnement,wss known for his atrsoge humor and eccentilclly. Her grandmother, time. Lleovain, spent two yean In an Insane asylum. It was. In- deed, said, tbatltwss In conteqneoce ot a fright; bnt Ihe taot exists none the less. UUeily my wife badallatonceoddand nnnsnalwaya. Bhewentoil very often, never taking her carriage—which wm something very remarkable In one who could never endure walking or a cab. She remained ont for long hours, returning In an Indescribable state of agita- tion. Becomligvsiyaszlon*, I bad reoounetoa st«p Ibat wai panlcalarly itpogBant lo me, bit which, with a person like Hme. Leroy, oonid not have an Insullhig etaanoter. In short, I followed ber." "Oh I If me. Ltroy is so tar above all suspicion I" exolslmed tbe good doctor. "Precisely—poor, dear woman I Well, doctor, I saw hsr do Ihe strangest things. She went lo churcbea, where she condooted herself In aoch a slognlsr way that sbs attracted the atlenllOD of the nsbera. She went ibroagta the mnseom*, remain- ing for boon in conlemplaUon before a plctore, a staae, the most Inslgnltcant object BevenlUmes she mndered towards Ihe qiay*. Imagine my tenor Ihe day I saw her leaning with a hsggsrd air over the ^rafet Ota bridge I Anotbtr time she went to thamoriael Kow.onherreHn.ltwatlaparfUe ber.stter having sent for yoo, I canght her wander- ing on toot In the neighborhood of the Madeleine, approaching pasaen by, and asking aim* ot them I It you knew the effect It had on me—Ibe eight ot my wife uhlng alms, like a common vagrant t" Intempting hlm»eir, V. I«roy burled his face In bis hands, andahmptiohaahook hIa thonlden. "What do you think of doing t" quencd Ibe doctor. '' I don't want my ohildren to be exposed to have under Iheir eye* the speclario ot their rootlier'a In- stniiy. That might hafe temUe sonaeqnences for them later on. I am going to take then traveling, and have Bortensc conllned In a private as;lum, where she will receive the care suited to ber con- diiloo. During our absence shs will recover—snob, at leaal. Is my Arm hope. It will be thonght that she accompanied us, and the worM will alwa;a be Ignorant of the frlghtrnl troth." "You see me struck wllb consttniatloo, my dear Monslsor Leroy. But nisy I ace madams t For cer- tain Rteps most be taken." "Ceruinly. I'll fake you to her room myself." The doctor looked *"mewhal uneasy. "Iter Insanity Is not ot a dangerous character. Is 111 Shehaa no weapon* Id her possession—oo^t "Xo, no; you may bi eaay on that point" • •••«•• When M. Leroy entered his wire's room can- Uossly, after the doctor's depa tun, he found her standing moHonloa before her mirror, wllh her hat and outer cloak still on, sod lisr du- eled eyas Ized on ber renecUon, as If In a deep study. Bhe Inmsd towards bin, saying calmly: "Lanoy hu Just been here. He uted me many questions, looting the while so atapid, wild and Beared- What does that msant" "I don't know. Did he dndyooaUlngP* Sheaeated herself.sod tald reaolnKly; "Oume, teU me—don't beat about the bnah— whatl* onrallnatlont" He drew eome papera from his pocket, and placed ihem on the little Ubie before tlm, laying: 'Thsrs are Ihe notes of Ihe deieeUvs who fol- towedyonpanottheHn* by my CTdsn. Day by Uremoir, the Bsronrss D'llerblay, by closing yonr door to ihcm, by pulling then In Ihe pillory, so to apeak. Ob,youhavebeon Oorcel Wtll, I ran make you dcaoend lower than all tbeae women I" "Uome, out with It; what do yon mean by these Uircaia I" "This. I wish nellber to dishonor you nor my- self; so I shall not go to law. Out, aa I wish to put a atop to yonr relailoss with H. de Joysuse; as I do not with to ran the risk of their having conse- qnsnoes ih«t might ohaoge Ihe plans tor ths future that I have nuds for my ohildren, I have made op my mind to do a ctnaln thing. Evldenlly there must needs havs been a profound diaorder In your organization, for yon to have allowed yoorseit to risk so mnob. Atten l«n years ot an exemplary lire you compromlae yoonelf wllh a young man; yoo wrlie him sensoleea lellen; you sxpoee yohnelf every moment to be delected, This Is an Indication ot a ptofonnd derangrmeut In your Inlelleoinal fao- ultles. You have mi example* ot It In ;oor fam- ily. A few months of ivpaee, otlrsnqulllty,ol Iso- lation will pot all lo order again." She drew beraelt op. "Yon wish lo have me conQnedi" "Thai's a very hanh word, Ho; I wish to have yon nuned." "But Ibis Is an Iniamnus thing I Insane I / In- sanst Ton are well aware Ihat I am not I Uoold yon ever admit Ihat I am Insane. "Dr. Lanoy has Jnst left hers, De ha* attended yon since yourcblldhood; so he la well ajqnalnled with your temperament Ue did not hetllateto sign for me a oertllcale alueting maola wlUiont dsllrlnm, and was kind enough lo make It hi* busi- ness to lake the necessary step*." "It I* he, yooraeir—both of you, who sie evi- dently Insane I Oh I bnt I shall not allow miself to he oonlned like that I Ton don't know me, sir I They shaU not carry me away from my home like a obUdi" "How will you resist. If thies or foor men hold yon f Ton wlU oty onl, yon will make a icandal- aU Uie more rsaeoa to deelan yonr Inaanlly, Ton will sBy, perhaps, Ihat yon have a lover; Ihal II u nvesg* OBlmy part Bo on* wlU.biUere yon—no one but myself. And I"—soiled suddenly wllh a cold ngo, he grasped hor by tho ahoulden snd shook her vklcniiy—"and I—If yon ■ udge. It yon iTslsi, II you oppose my wl'l In ihla mailer—do yoo heart Kjou dn-you know I ama deadshot I awear to yon that I will kill joiir mlieral)le Jny- ense i" "Ah I" Bhe aald. In a hollow vulre. 'That touches you, I aee," he said, wllh a sneer. "Hut why, then, don't yon get a dlvone Instead nf doing Ihla horrible thing t I «ill lata Iho lilame on nyMir; I will apt defend myaelf-t will con- fea all." "And your fort use, mailaniet I need It fur my business." Mme. Loroy uurred a choked cry, and, pouncing upon an ornsmenltl atlloito lying on her dreaalng table, bounded towards hor husband Uke en en- raged ilgrei*. He pulled open the door and called to a dDiiieatle: "Help I Uy wife wUhcs to kill mo I Ahl my Qod I Hy Ood I Tho homicidal rroniy haa already Mined ber l The doctor-quirk I Go ror lir. U- Doyt" Hme. I,eny stood as if poirtlloil In tho middle or Ihe anteroom, her hat uollod, her hair In diaorder, a alllello In hor hand, bctoro Ihe aervaiita, who had run thither, filghtcn'iluulot Ihoir wlia. • ••••• A year had gnne l>y. It wa* a hl ti'r ould nighl In Ibe monih ot Jenoary. A I'olaloroiia nunb wind awepl through Ihe dcaorled bIkoIs, gathering Iho tut railing tnuw Into gmt drilla, and rendering Ibe thorniighrsre* well nigh linpassalilr. In Ihe Hue do Huncosu only one human being appeared lo have ventured abroad dcaplls tho slorm—and Ihal one waa a tall woman wrapped In a shawl, whiih alio aorvcd tier as her only heail oovrrlng. Wllh hctliRiing, uLRtrady Rtrps, she straggled against tho furious wind and blinding Buowlltkea, Bonnderlng detpontoly Ihroiiih the drifts, uut.l floally alie stood lietora tbe poi u oocVro of a hand- some dwelling hooso, that luoiuvil up while and aim In the flolutti night "At last 1" the panted, "my pailenuo la rewanlori. The hour of my raveuge Is at hand I Krerybiidy must beaslerp. Wlih the picklock In mj poatealon, I can eoally gain aocOiS to the Intorl'ir, and then lis rye* appeared lo gleam from under the shawl, aa shs stooped auddcnly, and began lo busy hirscir at the look of ilm great double door of Iheenttauoo. • •••••« In a luxuhonaly furnished sleeping sparlmont In the house In question H, Leroy lay aoiind aaletp hiB head half burrled In Iho wift, allken plllowa. A year's deep Borrow had brought wi.lie iimka In his (tork hair and furrowed his bandaome laoo. As the mile marble olook on ihs oarved ounilc- pleco Biiuck Ihe hour of Ihive In the morning ilie dour of the room wa* opened aolily hy aiime one wllhun', and the faoii of the woman In the shawl lookod cautlooaly In. The ahawl was now thrown hsck on hsr shoni- dsra, exposing her dishsvelled hair and the doH whileneu of her face. In whlih the wild eyes glli tered with a slartllog Intenally. After a rapid survey of the room shs glided la, with a sinogr, aatlslled smils lighting op her cold featnres, closed snd locked Uie door behind her, then swept nolselewly to the bid, whoae oocupanl conilnued loaleep, undlalurbed by lira mjstsrluus Inlrader, who now bent over him wlih gloating eyes, mil of deadly hate, PreaenUy her pale Hp* moved, and ihere rams throogh ihcm, lo ahlss, Ihe words: "Ah, Ihaveyoaallaall" The sletpsr stirred, u It the ominous woids had touched Irim to Ihe quick. Atiblsmomsol Ihe nooluraal Intrndtr straight- sued herself,and,thrasilngher hand Into her bosom, drew fi rtb a long poniard, wllh ahnss sharp point aha pricked ibe face of the sleeping man, unUI he moved as If In pain, and dually opened his eyes In a bswlldorad way. At the sight of Uie mslign and Ihrsalening fate bent over blm he uiicred a ory ot fright and imiisiI upright In bed. For a moment Ihe two looked at esoh other, eye 10 eye, as It were; Ihen, M. Uniy, reooveiing him. soir wllh an cffoit, exclaimed huaiselr: "ruul" "To*-//" "Hy wire I" "Your wifel". abe hissed, "The unronunata crealore who, throogh a vile oonsplraoy, you had coodned tor twelve long months—twelve terrible months—lo a private Insane asylum I iini who, at last, (lod be praUed I wa* able lo escape tonight and seek yon here, In ord«r to met* out lo you ths. J'.aUcsyon so richly dcservs—(he loo long dsUysd ralrlbnilon I "Yon are mad-stark mad 1" orled the nnhappy husland, shrinking berora the woman'* terce and cruel gaia. She hnntont Uoghlng. "Yta, lam m*d-tlark mad. If yon will have II BO I Ah, ahl I'm Justin Uie oondlUoo to enjoy my nvenge and drink yonr blood like *o muob neolar I Bee I aee " Bhe added, wlUi a gnttng, dellrlons cry- 'ase It Sow lo tomota, lo atooemeni lor ths loved one from whosaatms yon mercilessly Ion me i" And wlUi a demoniacal abriek ah* leaped upon him-ho could not beat her otf-and plunged her poniard np lo ths hilt into hi* hrsaat De fell back wllh a gasp, sod whU* his fiam* quivered In the Uiroc* ot death Uie tisniled womao toraed the weapon npon hersslf. A few boon later the Mghlcssd doausUos found the two lying npon tho hed, thslr formsr oU*- Iccas strelched, taoo downward, aeroaa Ihslr mat- ter's body-two ghasUy corps**. A nor who has recenUy reiurned from a Hedl terraoean Ulp etys that a* iho ship was lestlng the harbor of Athens, a well dteaaad Udy passenger sp- proacbed the capiain, who wa* pMlng Uie deck, and, pointing lo Uie distant hillscovsred wlUsuow, ashed: "What Is that wblte stuff on the hUla, cap- tain r' "That Is snow, madam," replied Ih* cap- tain. "Now I* II, really rtmaiked Uie ladyi "I thonght ao, but a geuUemao Just told me It wa* Orssce."