New York Clipper (Sep 1894)

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488 TELE NEW YORK CLJPPEB. Seftehber 15. — A pItuMt •arpriM wu gtrea lb« mDslttl dlreolor or tlio "Ra>b Oltr" Co.,OMrga li. P«l«r- •ng, u Uia memDorii ol tsM ooniptoj wen <)ep*n- Inffor ilw Wetiian Aug. 3i. It «u In Uie form (X tMrenide concwlreodciRdbjiiMJerMr Oltj Mill- Wj Htnil. undpr tbe letdernhlp of Ju. T. UlUr- Tbo b»nd rmnied UicDiKlTeitloin the plit/onn ot iho Erlo Depot, Id Jcne; CItr, »<) ptrronaul » Domber of pnpaiftr ftira prior to the deputore of tlie tniD conielDlnii ilio mcmticni of the compeoj. — I, H. D-ihrIu Md wirelKlltjHi;) Imreorgu- Izod til* DoDgiHii Oomedr Co. for tbo Wlntf r tonr tbroogh Unlnmrin, opeolng Id Hocky Ford, Bem. B. KOiter: 1. If Doaglu, liirr/ Rngllph, Hertnn HaailiK Miirrjr Fitroer, J. B, Friii, Beonle Ho- Wytr, KIIIT Uajr, Loau Femeir, Hlnnle MclDtfre, Miulono Hclntjro, nleDltl, Md Robblo Uooglw. — Onj'fi CnmcdlMi* opened Ibelr Muon iMt moDtli •! lied WiDg, Hlnn, Tbe; will pier e few felr dele* In tliel Blele end then Jump to Florlde. Tbe riiMcr: Orej end Kellogg, pmprlclon: 0. Kellogg, bofUDOee raeoeger; Ollotun A. H4)bbioei eleie director; lllclierd Uroagbton, mMKr of prop- ertlee; J. B. Kmclilleld, leeder of bend; Jnbn Lleke, Inider of orchulra; w. Ncleun Orer, W, Tornell Te'ker, Harni lllll, Aiignet Uolime, H. F. TeDoej, Will OermoDd, Uliee. I'roliDp, Jeck Uewliloe, Rome HiiDCle, lleeele lluiruwe Iloliblne end Annie Tbomee Qrer. Tlielr renertorr oobelete of "A Fool for Locli," 'Tbe Old Keotuckj Uoj^e" end "On Uie Belieik." — W, ), Bplree, who bee been CDgiged Id tbo priDilDg buelDcee el Vblcego, III., for tbo Met two jeera, bu relunied to ibe profeeeloii end bu »c- oepted u eogejemeni wiib Keniliili'e riejcra. — Uel; Bilpp, of Unlllno A BMppH Uomedj Co., wee tetOD elok wlih Ijpliold terer et PIckrrlDf, Ho., and ther bed to go od eod leare hiin iboro. Tbe roeier: Tlioe. J. Culllgu, proprietor end mueger; lien rulllgeo, egeni: Joo Hueeir, Cberler Orlffln, JIni BIsMrd, T'lm lUj, Ulee Megll, AdiiIo UrtlSo end llUle Petil Dije.ilf. — UurlDg tba pertonnanco ol "Tbe Tumedo," ISnntlicm Oi.) et FU Hadieon, le.. reoenllj, W. U. Howcre, carpenter, fell from in« llj gellerr e die- unco of twemr.twa feet. AlUiough eerlouelj In- Jorcd be wee ebie to contlnoe witb tbo ebow, end le rapldiT recoTcrlng. — lUnegor BIdner R. EUle, of "U<rkcfI Ruielt." wriiee: "We opened our eeeenn to line buelDeu, end tiie pier le more populer tben erer." — "Meiedor," » tour ect comedj, hj Ooo. 0. JoDke, wee ortglnell/ eclcd Aug. 24, at Johnelowo, Fe. — ftoott Herlilo'e now foDr ect BontberD pier, VUown In Dixie," received lu Iniuel preecDtailon etego et Ileuck'e Opera lloueo, OloclDOaU, CBepLZ. — Obeuncejt Ulcotl began ble tour el the BoeloD, Meee., Haaeam, Bept. 3, when "Tbe Irlih Arilet," br Ang. Iluiuend Oeo. ll.Joeeop, weeaoiod for tbe flret tlmo ou anr etege. — The Dierabere or 'The ilerbr Heecoi" Co. geve an enleruilninrnt ai the Ueeaecbueotta Btat^ I*rleon morning of BepL 3. Tbojo eppearlng were Rdwln Aniea, Ulllr end VIole IU;nore, UeleT Ulxoo, Dal- vinl llroe., KnUo Kixinoi, leebel Ijorrelne, Prof. John llirdlDg, end llunthend itudd. Tbo enter talnment Uuled en hour end e half, after whiob tbe wanlcD, Gen. llrldgee, enterteloed tbo compenj at dinnrr. — Jeniee \1, Uankeon, tbe ;oong eon ot John W, end Mer; Ititnkeoii. hee ticpn engegcd In Iho eiook el the Arch HUcet Tbeetro, rhllederplila, Pe., and le nhferelug Itoli lluckekln (d "1*. I'., or tbe Uen end tbe Tleer,'' which le to lio one of llie opening bllle. — Feror riunkolc he* wrlltou a four ect lilar, In wblrb, bo Infurme us, be and hie brother Unerlee will probeblr elor noxi eveeoD. — Nolceend roeior from ttaeKIUIo Itboedea Co.: We oiteiieil our bch«uii Hvpt. 3,'lo Aubnrb, N- Y. yiee Khoedce bee eecurcd eovcral uew playa tor tbie eeeeon end Is looking for ulbert. Hoeicr of tbe onrapanv: Klllle Itboetlee, Qeorgle Leeier, fiatome Biting, Merle l,« llor, new Meredith, Little Jceele, i-lende Kile, Win. U. Iienven. Kdger lloeeell, K. H. Le Rot unae. F. Neneoni, weiner V. Olivier Jr., Obaa. WlnetOD, llerbrrt W}le, llnee Ulllbouee, Raj- mond Hedoll, with W. IL Werd, treeeurer; Qllhert El/, bualnees manager; Wm. II. UanTere, eiege dl- looior; Uerbort Wjle, musical director, and Obaa. It Winston, celcliim liable. — Uebel Hiseon will bereetur be known u Habel atuaru Bho bee elgurd to plaj Itoae lloio, lu "A Turkleb Uatb." eeeaon im-6. — Llllleu Wjelt hee eigued with Iho Aiken Ko. foreewii of I6O4-0, ee eouuroue. — aUd)B Brruiour Ime been ODgeged for leading bnehine with tbo Aiken Co. for the eeeaon ot UM->. — Badio Ileeeun, In "A Kentuokr Olrl," dedicated tbe unuid UpcK llouae, UontpoUer, lud., Aug. 90. — u<ck enii Armonr beie eigued witli the Ken' nedj UoniFdT Co., ae conwdltn aud eoubretta. — Vnm tbj "(!oluD0l and r> Co.: Uualneee bu lioen excellent thus tar. We pUy i'bllooni, N. r., a mibni date(oi)lr alz deje from the lint date) un extra ilitoml lerma. — Thi' Vli' iiie Ooncert Co., bow lonrtng the Uetlilniu I'luvlncee, le oonipoaed of Ur. FnaRaj- mond, proprietor eod inaoageri J. 0. Itarninnd, ad- vance end buaiucse iiieiugor; Geo. Hevere, sUge manegor; Luor Hlvora. Mr*. OenerleTe naymoDd, Qeo. 11. Hhew, John G. Ward, Qeo. Fnnit eod John Culllne, lir. Frod Uiereud K. V. Jobrjton. — FmDk Held (Bluarl Bemee) bes algned wlib "A Turkleb Uaih" Co., to Oil tbe poelUon ot alege man- eger and pU; Aiw. — The Vunku Tlieatrr, Lincoln, Nob., bee been eoilrel; rebuilt, aud wiie dedicated Sopl. a. Tbe Voiike wea bururd lul Spring. — "1110 Hen from tho Weal," en adepleilon br Oliver J. Booth and llarrjt l.eoy from a novel of tho eauo ueiiio, wee orlginellr aoled Sept. t, et tbe Uboainul btnol Upora Uouse, Philadelphia, l*e. — RxaU'r ot Kliliiwuod'a riaren: Frank L.Wbli- Uer, Jaa. Helaldj. Ueorgv lluab.Joseph Kliapatrlok, Quocnie Uoniroer, UUic Hhcppard, Aiujr Ouniler, J, Kmni-le llajroe. mnaioal director; Tbuuiae Glllu- wood, so;o proprietor aud uanagcr. lom will be Ihrouuh Now \ urk and renuajrivaula. — Uarij llloh'e Biandard llraniallo Co. will open the eneou Bopi. M. lloorgo Rich will go lued' vence. — Ueeslo Tennehlll baa been engeged hjr llallon A lien. — Mario Jeuaon liegao her tour SepL I, at the drlawold Opera llouar, Tiojr, N. Y., when "HIsa Ujtnamlto," hjr Qlen HaoUouough, wea acted fur Iho Onl uine un aiij aiago. — "Lent Ketile," by llanrjOuj Carleton, In which Ttm llurphj U playing tbo eiollar rule, wee acted tor Iho drat lluo on Kuy bUgo at tho Kuiplro Theatre. Iloljuke, Maaa.,ti«pl.9. — Tho liavldiun Tnceln, Milwaukee, Wla., which wee burned April 0 leet, baa beeo rebuilt and na open<*il Bept 3. — Kate DprHguc'e Tronliedoun, accompanied by Iho Uoatou Laoy Urchoeira, will coiiitnenco rebeer- eale BrpLS, and upoo tlioir ivgular eoaeou etwut Bept. 16. A airong cuiDpenybeebefn engagod, and two playe will l» ptoifucco. They will play one and two bight alaoda ibrougb New Roglaod, New York eod IHuineylvanlH. J. u. Uutoblneon baa lieen engaged ee etiveoro brodu — Iloaler or James YoudrU Oa, nnder tbe maa* agenienl ot Franclyn K. IMvle: F'Ttdrlo L. Powen, Baoiiiel W. Qioiin, Maurloe Hensbitd, Leonard Umne, Frank Ih Weaver, Uacey Ilerlom, Ride Johneain, Ooneiance Uamhllu and Ilortonse Bu- genlo Van Zlle. — The UoUonough Trio have Joined Daolona' "FVuiiaame" Ou. g> — Ada Orey end hor bueband, Oherlee F. Ttngay, relumnd rrnin Kugland lest week, end are pivnar. log tor their fortbconiing tonr. Mlea dray la booked 10 pley In KngUod neitBunimor. — Itoeter ol "The Young Hra. WInlhrop" Co.: Wageobale h Keiuper, managers; L. A. Wagenhal^ bualncea manager; J. M. llaniller, irproeenlaUve; Wall«r UoNlchol, UeaaDter; Oullln Kemper, elage dlreolor; llobort lloWade, Kmill Uunliar. WlllUm Hunt, Laoalug llnweu, Una Abcll, l.llllan Sbomlln and are. Anulo Uordmer. Their tonr beglna at Ulnghamton.N. Y., Oct t. — lid A. Uolluah cloeee wllb WoodbuU A OiBy'e "Aunt Bally" to. al Uwell, Meee. Bopk It, and Jolne Ulile Akcnironi'e FubhlU, N. Y. TbIe will make tIr.Mcllugb'e third seaaoa wltb Mlaa Akorelrom'e Co, — II la rumoicd tbel i. 0. Wllllamaon, Ue Auetral- Ian manager, la oegoilaiing wllb Charlea Fnihnun wltb a view to taking the Kni|ilre Stock i3o, to. Auatralle In tbe Somnier ot ISM. Mr. WllUamson iDicnda to eend ble own opera company to Uile country next Bprlug, — Al, Neumau aooooocee that he bu eeoored the Amerlnan rigbia ot Mlllucker'e new opera, which le 10 bo producod In vienue, OoL 10. nie llkfeito ot tbe work le by Uaner and witinien, Mr. Neumaa l:ae Bleu eeeuted "Urauijegd," VoD Boppe'a oew o^iira. — . 'len Vockey hu relsraed fmn Aebnir Park, N. J, a. re aurceeslnl Bunimer aeaeon at that re- eon, where abe gare draniaUo enieitalnmente at many of Uie |. Inclpal hoieu. — Kate Walaon ]olne4 Oait«r<s Bontbera "Tor- nado" 00. at ouomwa, la.. Sept. s. to play Ihe lead. Ed. Andenon la eogaged to play Dolao MoKaoney, tbe Irleb comedy part, and oiaaage tbeitage. — The Swanwood DtaoaUc Oo. opeaad Ibelr eeeaon Bept e. Id "A Htaadowed IJte." et Obsodler- vine. III., to reported B. R. O. The i«et«r: J. J. Rwattwnod, pronrlMor and maoager; Billy Oraoe, Herts. Frank, n. R. AUienon, l^aro Miller, Jaa. L. Onece. Emet BhnhE% Jack E Vernon, Nellie Blanch, erd, Hcllle narieti, Roeabd Leslie, eod Georgia Abort. -Sara Hntdy tne replaced Fmok De Vcnioo wltb FeiTle' Oomedlana. — Uarry TownMud npeaa ble eeaaoo at Rldio- towD, OuL, Sept. zi. He Is booked for eevenl fair detee In Weetem Oolarlo, eod will tten lour the rrovlncea. — nneier ot tbe Eva TeognsT Cornedy On., which opened the araxm at Oohore. N. T., Bept. II: RvaTanguay, Millie Folmer, Lllden Eveoa,1l. A. l/uoerr. II. K. Belle, Wn. Orockitt, F. N. Ltw- rence, Win. Clltmn, »'. B. HcBrlde; I. n. Fnller, musical direcior: J. A. Tugnay, manager, and (leoree w. niplei.edvaoceieprcaeolailTe. — Koiee tr<m ''A wild OooaeChiae" uo.:Tbecom- peny le now In lie tonrtli week, and from preaent onuook the eeeaou will be bttaht Melt Koiell baa just retomed from Anrora, III., where be wax died by the bnmlne of hie dotklng boose, wblcb wee totally dcairoyrd by are, hot telly Insured. Mr. Kosell baeantwed Into a contract wllb M. E. Hanlej, to produ>;e bla new piece ot "A Fair ol Twine," In open Aog. 31,18M, at Dayton. — Toe Uolqne Qoartel, Mceere. Moore, BelUe, Cayeon and llelynns, are with •-The Operator" Oo., Urnrlog the Bonthero and Wealero Bales. — Wlllard W. Bowman has Joined John B. Bien- nen'e "Tim. tbe Tinker," 10 pley Ihialel Cava- Daugh, tbe leedlog heavy. — iTeeldeot J. U. W. Djrne was elected at tbe re- gular meeting BepL 6 bualneae manager ot Ibe omce of the Aotora' Ftoiecilve Union. No. I, Una city, and Will E. Harland wea elected eecretary, vloe Wm. Vevere, reelgned. — Marie Dreasler hiu joined ihe Cimllle D'Ar- vllle Co., to play Lium Joyce Bell'eperL — Roster of the J. E. Comerford Oo: Noimto Campbell, maoaaer; Qeo. A. Bawlo, edvaoce rep- reaenuilve; Will F. Morris, etege manager; J. B. Oomertord, Nell Twomey, Jamea Levering, R. B. Comerford, Jafneellarte,f!dnaR.Teylor,J.E.Ryeo, Alice Fuller, Eltreda Monrell, Jean Weigh eod Made- leloe Oarcla. The company open ibclr ecaeon Bepi. IT. — "FrlDcePAiTera," libretto by R. A. Bameit, author ot "KM" and "THbaaco," will go on tour ihlaaeeaoD, ondortbe menagement and control ol the Boelon Hneeon. Tbe people engaged are: Annie Lewie, Faonie Jooneoo, Annie Mtherlend, Joelo Bedler, Mabel Blanloy, Roaalloda RIesi, Fred Lenox, Uarrr Uaveopori, Oeorxe Marlon, Oturlee Kirk and the Verdi ouarteL Qeorge Uerlon will direct tbo etege, and Jolm Brabam will direct tbe mnsla The burlaqne alll begin lleeeaeoo at tbe Uoeioo Museum, on Bept. IT, wuere It will be etaged tore run. — Marie Walnwiigbt will begin ber eeason on Sept. 16, wboQ abe will open tbe new Drake Opera Uoueo, Eiliabolb, N, J., wltb a apeclal pertormenoe ot "Aa You Uke It," wllb Barton lllll aa Jacqnea, and Nallienlel Harlwlg aa OrUudo. Thie will be tbe ouly lime Mlaa Walnwrlght will pley Roeallod UHaeeuoD. tier new eoclety drama, "Daugbtera of Eve " by A. B. Lancaaler and Jullao Hagone, win be her main reliance. — U. 0. Browoing baa beeo engaged for joeepb Murpby'a Oo. for thla aexion. — It le remored that Nine Farrlngton will, on ber return to ibleconoUy,gouponibeveodevilleBtage. -Marie Uurrougba' repertorr will lDolode"T(io Frodlgate," by A. W, Finero: •The Bcapegoat," by Wllion Junee end fierlrade warden, and "Judab." John K. Kellerd has been engaged ae her leading man. Her tour will begin In October. — Marlou Maiiolaaira her hoibsnd. John Maion, have begun suit lor denagee In tbe Superior Oonrt ot Ueesacbuaetts against lauo It. Weinberg, of Ibis city, tor false Imprleoumeni. Mr. Weinberg caused uie ental ot Dr. eod Mii. Mason In Boelon, Haaa., leal Bummer, on tbe oherge ol dlepoelng ot certalu Jewelry which wea ble eeonrtiy fur a loan. They were acqulued of tho charge, eod In tbe pres- eoi euli eeoh asks for dsmagea. — Jnle Keeo ("DoiIUo UiU'e UDicbman") Inlonna oa tbat he wllli»t go npoo tbe road ibia eeeaon, bnt will take a r«at He le aUll keeper ot the ettong box wltb UoL Oody'a Wild West organlxailon, eod between perforuanoea lode Ume to entertain ble trleoda In ble Icel at Ambrose Park. Among thoM who partook of ble boepiiallty lut week were Obarlee W, Yonog end Obarlea A. Haaou, the well known oomedbina. — It le annonuced that Manager F. 0. Whitoey baa nbaodODed the Idee ol preeeoting "Ollquetie'' tor tbe prteent, aa b« haa aconred ao enUreiy oew opera. In which be will alar Loglee Bandei, Beeldte tbeoompeny beaded by Mlaa Baudot, Mr. Whitoey will have on the road uls eeaeon a company play Ing 'The Feootog Master" and one playing "Rob Roy." — Ella Wilson haa hroo'gbl eolt tor abiolote divorce against Charles E. Qtapewln. — Faolioe Uall will open ber seaeon Sept. u, et tbe new Lyoean Theatre, Elleabeih, N.J., lo ler fiew muelcal oonedy, "Dorcaa," by Uany FanltoD. t will also be tiie opening of ikle new playboiM. — Da Woll Uopptr wu preeeuted, B^L t, wltb e Sold watch and chain by the "'"""'"i Beech ompany. In raoogoliiooot bla eervloceateeverel of tbe fooea Band conoeru daring Ibe Bommer. — Roeter and noiea from the Leeter Comedy Co.: Dr. Oeo, B. Leeter, manager; Mrs. Geo. B. Leeter, Profrsaor Leelie, Uirry T. Kerr, J. U. Ueodley and Fiuk Uurd and wile. Uan; T. Kerr, plenUH, Joined at Wlnokeeier, lad. We are under a gofi. roond top, with 90tL middle piece, Baelnees le boooiing, Tbe compeny opto tbelr Winter eeeaon loHlobigao, Oct. 1, — Bedio Uaaaoo, Uie star In "A Rentncky GlrL" moume Uie km ol her only brother, who died li Cblcago, III., 00 Aug. 31. — Nutea Irom We new "A Cnxy Lot" Co.: A well pleaecd audience wllneased, Aug. SI, tbe Initial Krformance ut Jas. R. Adams* (oew) pantomimic rceciiniedy,"A Oraer Lot,"et IIeverein>w,N. Y. Mr. Adama received liberal applanae tor ble new crcailouot Uie cbaraoler of Hubby Buttooe. The eooge and dancre Incidental to the larce were hearUly encored. The new aeenery. Including the trick iranelurDatloD sceoe, worked splendidly, and the "Uall ol BUiuee" econe wu amarvel ot beeoiy. Among tbe speclililce were Kelly aud Uurgees, mu- sical team; Adelaldo BuUer, acngi; Bddle W. Volby, mldelr perch; l*eerl Ha/niond, eong and daooe; Moos, and Madam ElopI, Prencb gnteequedancen; Oto. Mullen, munolugue; Hnili.the dancing (luaker- eae, end Jae. H. Adame, the Emperor of Billle. The BOene, "Home ot tbe Falrlea." wu a etarUlng anr prtae. Orvllle L. Maybood la nnalcal director, — Annie M, Otarke, tor maay yeeia leading lady ol Uie UoeloD Mueeum stock, iu leUred from the eieie end will bere«tiec devote herKlt to the work ot drameilo teaublng. — At the Ocean Thtatie, Long Braoob, N. J,, on SepL t. Stage l>rpenUr W. U. Lewis waa eerlously burned auont the race by a gae exploelon while preparing tor the pndocuonof Wlllatd A Bentam'e '■Ibe Engineer." — Tue Blandanl Tbeatn Co. opened their eeaeoo at Lewuion, Me., Bepu t, In "Tbe Commercial Drummer." Tbe loeter: B.B.Thompeoo, manager; A. J. Wllllama, buelneu manager; Oeo. Brooke. Ilanr Uudeon, William E. Manning, W. T. Cook, wiu U. stevena, F. 0. Hareball, Mabel Ingham and Floienco EHIuU, TUe company wlU tonr Maine and tbe pnvlana. — Angell'e Oomcdlau opened their legnlar eea- aoo at (hurgla, Hlob., Aug. It, aod report good bnal- ncee. They carrr iwelre people, Inclndlng, we ere Inlunocd, a baoa and onneeira, three ecte ot unl- foims and oearlr a car load ot econery. Tbe roe- ter: J, H, Aogeil, proprietor and manager: otto Jobnacn, euge director; E. 0. KneeUnd, Teader ot urobesua; Olbo Biowne, leader ot hand; Item Rich- ardaoo, Tboe. Lennoo, Claude Ouhino, Geo. Lnd- wlg, Mn. J. S. AoeelL Alice Newioo, Mre. Olaln rtrgeTwIichellaod LllUe Foole. — William T. Olover, formerly manager ol the BInnieoherg Concert Oo_ le dow conoecied wiui Ue Arm of JobDaoe A Anbtirihls oily, and repieeenta TeayeJlarteaoWilcliek (Jonceit Co., "Blue Jeaot," Ultle Tneeday and otbera. — Heeler ol "Acreae tbe Poinmao:" Edgar Pore- mao, maoager; Ueo. II. Bamuioo, bnxineaa mana- ger; A. K-UiBhtli, iteaanrer Frank J. Blokhoiet, auge manager; Attbur E. Bpiagne, Frank Walout, Rdger Fonman, John B. Oooper, F. J. Blokhnnb ThomaaU.HedlnRer, John II. Heck, Jeienon Lloyd, Obaa. Oodwio, Henry Lewie, Mend Uniud, Jnlla Wrel,OllveaainaodIaleHedloger. Tonr beglna In New Haven. CV, Sept. la. — Fluk Buomao and wife, Roee Addle, have been engaged 10 give parlor enttnainmenle at the Fonnialn Bpruig Hotel, Wankeeba, Wlx., next ttammer, Kbiielh the ekook Uere thle Bommer MIee Adelle played iha tlile role In tereial pUye, and won macb pralae. '—•-1 — WInBeld Conger haa been engaged by Oeo. Standard Tbenire, IS. lOgmen tor his aew ttook at Um a, ohloa<o, m., wkleh open* Sept. _ Notea from Rowland'eBUick Oo: We w«l el<« fttocwatal eaano of elxiMn «"*•,<'» ?S-ii M?pSr!lodeesnmet IbeBanagomjnt OaietT Tbraire, Dnboqne, la-, Oct I. T*l» hoyee h!.^Mn elexenUy iraiteil aedwJII be conducted JTalH^taS wtidivUlelbeaUe. l^siSr^Slot Fowland'e Slock Co-'K Sweden on V-t 1. reuirnlng J»«<»»IiJ^'.lf wiiiiMarwIlh a well known end eoooe«fal mao Sir, wbwa nsIL will be rnbllebed l)««T.ln X' o!m Bwedlab dialect comedy drema, "The LI Ue Ualkolleo." The baod and orcbettta, under the IfElereblpof Mr 8torkey,beve been engaged tor Tbo OaletT, for a eeason of eereral monlbe. -Notea from tbe Bnbb comedy Co.: TbUleoor Ulrd week ootaod bnslnres hubeeo excepUcoally JSoJ We opened with a B™"* wncett at lalMd Fart;r.aelon,^a., BepL a. The car line carried over 7.000 people end made atrangemente to ropjat SeconcerlonSept». Obarlee Fowler le tlorbls borne in WlllUmsport • and waa prwnied wltb an elegtni duplex drnm^by Uie orohertta. xne hind and orcbSua or fooiteen eoloUt* nnder Prof. i.O.M.Fnlioo, area etroDgfealnre. -FredertokOagel bae b^oMli'P^*/,™'™ 0. Beabiooke to lead the orcbeetra of bU opera company Id •Tebaeco" and "Tbe lale ot Obem- pagse," and haa Joined Ibe company. — Mr. and Mn. J. 0. Nngent have tolned Berry "^flara Uacellea, who bu been leadlog lady with Hoe.Janaoachek, Meggle Mltnhell, «•» fc""!' eod other well known atera, will bare an Important role ID "Fawn Ticket JIO." Robert V. Feroey end L. D. Drew irlll alao be membeie ot Ibe company. Mr. Fercer will be auge manager. — bri 8. King, lata treaaoRr of Boyt'a Madlion Square Theatre, hu aevered ble conoecUon wlUi "^'pnSirteior Hayee, of "The Kid" no., wool Kast leal week to look over that eectloo, to ere how the company would tfo laler In Ihe eeason. Manager Horee »sUiatbe will book Falilce. In "The Kid," In Ume eo tbe Eastern people wlUhaTeaehowbe- tore Ihe Bumraer comee again. ^ . — Count De Swearlngeo la onbeetra leader wltb UeF. E.SponDeTDTafflaMoOo. „,,„._ — Maud Oi«nger<aaupi>ortlog company: William S. Barttord, John F. Futfong, AodrewKann, Edward Grace. A. M. Calmer. William F. Ceadeld, Charles A, Bond, Belen Lowell, Minna Ounnett Helene Brnoket, Oarrle Roee, Llule Rlcca, wlUi Edgar F, Wilson, manager, and J F. Arnold, bnsloen manager. — cW J. Bteveneon will sur tble seaeon lo "The Black Flag," nnder Uie maoagemcot of Fred w. Baylor. ,„ — The Fat Rooney Comedy Co., preeeollDg Ibe popular, minhtui end witty comedy, "Lord Roo. ney," will commence Uile seaaoo'e tonr of the SouttieroaodWesUrn Biatea about the middle ot November. Tbe company vrtU be nnder Uie man- agement of J. Allan Damabj. Only Bnt olaea bonaea 1R11 be played, onarlee Brookee. at preeeni a rnem- her ot the exeeoUve aian ot Bnffelo 8111*0 wud Weet, will go ahead ut the company. — Notea from tbe "Heart ot Africa" Co.: Mr. and Hra. OIlTer Byron will opene abort prellmlnaiTaea- eon In UU plav BepL 21, et R*d Bank, N.J. Ther play Troioo, H. J., 33, aod Phlladelpble, Fa., week ol 34. They will Uien cloea noMI Nov. 10 for the regolareeaaonwltbaoewplay. Royre Alton, who, by permlaelon ot Nr. Byroo hu beoD playing wlUi ' McOarthr'eOet"Oo., will rejolo Mr. ByroD's com- pany. J. P. Jobnacn bu been reengaged u man- ager, making bla elxleenth eeaeon wlUi Uila or- ganluilon, — Ulllan Roasell made her appeenoce Sept s lo Uie leeding role ol "The qoeen ot Brillianie," Ihe new ccmlo opera, at the Lyceum Theatre, London, Bog, — atuart Robeoo wHi beglo hie tonr, nnder tbe management ot W. R. Uayden, at tbe Park Theatre, Brooklyn, Sept n, preeeniiog Bncketooe'e comedy, "Leap Year." Ula company thla seuoo wlu In- clude Hre. Robeoo, Once Fraoklyo Lyoch. Oa- hrlelU McKeao, Camilla Campbell, Cenle Beijr, William Yeanuee, Jobs L. Wooderaoo, George U. Uaoltityre, Henry Bergman, Clarence Montaloe, John Webeler Jr., B. J. Mortimer and D. Bauer. — It le rumored that John A. Ellaler, the reneiv ble actor and manager, hu applied tor admission to Ihe Edwin Forrest Bome, — BUlv Dcven and Bonthcote Maoeeogh will pnt Qeo. B. KDlgbt't old play, "Over Uie GardOD Wall," 00 Ihe road Uila eeaeon. Mr. Devere wlU play tbe role toimeriy played by Mr. Knlgbt Tbe company bu beeo engaged and new sceneiy bu beeo paint- ed. The tonr will begin lo Lowell, Maaa.Octl. Among the people eogagedeie Lillian BaU-Oevere, Qeorge W. Wbliford, Thonaa Chapmen, Ada Ten- ner, Hande Wllllame, and Jamee W. Quino, Uie orlgloel Bridget In the play. — It la reported thatoirardl, Uie celebrated Aus- trian actor, bu become Ineane. — Beatrice Eerie la pla)lDg principal sonbreil nlea wlUi Howard Wall'a Ideaie. - — Boater ot "UlUe Triile" Co.: FredRobbloa, proprietor aod manager; B. B. Rlcaby, bnslnees manager; H. F. Luce, Ireuorer; Oliver Labadie, eiaae manager; Master Bego, "prope;" 0, P. Rob- blos, Oeo. P. Watson, Joe Allen, May Smim Rob- Mos, Jcstle Ueoderaon, Koea Delan, Btella Bulr, Dora Denemon and OenleWIUIaios. Seaeon opeoed Bept. 3, In Detroit Mlob. — Banj w. Emmeitclelmi mat he, and not Frank Daijont, wrote "About ooUiam," the feroe comedy now being produced by George Thaicber'a Comedy Oo. — T. F. Giant wlabes 0810 stata ihatbe does not Imvellblaeeaeon in coojonctlon with Jacqollloo aod Diryer, u wu orlglDslly loieoded. — Motee and loeter ot the BenoettBlalen'Oo.: Ella Bennett won Ihe Iret premium at tte Union- lown, Ky., fair, for horaetaok riding. Tbe com. paoi are now reheanlog a farce comedy by Mr. Botnerland, enuiled "The Queen ot Uie Circus." RoeUr: Jnlla, Ella and HolUe Benoelt Alnye Oole- nian, Hargoerlie D. Thompeoo, plaolei; Obaa. Eilla, W. A. Nlion, Will E. KIcter, LewU Bntherland, wm Benoeu, w. N. Htmmeltand R, T. Uarte, ad vaooe. The company It playlog fair daiee In In diaoa aod Keotucky, eod neeUog wllb tucceu. — Roeter ot Uie Uolden Comedy Co.: Kltile De Lome, Helen MInkler, Kate Bruce, lona Holden, Hre. 0. A. Holden, 0 B. Uilllngwater, Ferd. Fhllipp Sllee, Lew A. Warner, Ralph Bavencrolt, Barry Hamlin, Pnt. Bam H. Drieshach, 0. A. Uolden, U, H. Uolden, end the child dancer, Utile Hay bleb- blue. Tbe repertory of the o*iropaoy luolodee "Boxy, Un Walt," "Toe loslde Tnok," "Hite No- body," "Reaab, be Oypay'a Daogbser," "A LIUIe Bntyuodr," "thlver Perklne, A. M." and "Aogle." Male SteveDebubeenvleiUnglbeUoldeoComedy Co. for tbe put two weeka Hne le muob Improved In hiaiui, and will be able lo work In a ebori Ume. — Teddy Weeley, pUnlst, hu signed wlUi 'Tbo Colonel aod I," u leader ot orobetlra. — Paul Leake, for many yean coooocled wtlb the elairot FAe DttnU TrVUun, bu aaumed ibe buel- neu managemeot of the Ubadie-Powell Co., which wlU opeo lie eeaaoo ehoitly. — Oliver lAhadle Is playing Lawyer Bharp and managing Uie tiage wlui Fred Robblns' "Llule Truie" Co. ^ RHODE ISLAND. PnwIdence^At the Pnvldoooe Open Uonae, Bart S, 4, t, Dootaudtr'a MlDUreb did onlr a bir bial. neaa. Tbe nmalndar of Uhe vaeh TUn Mgtpbr made hia trat appaanaoe lBtblaelt7aiaitar,aDd prMsated "Lem geill«L" to «bleh iba patjooa look vair klndlj. Thla week, TtaoL 0. Baabiooha. Id "Tauaaca" aod "rrCaea Pro Tam ;'• IT. ia,l», Jobn L SalllTaii. kBiTB'e Oraai llooaa—This waak la tha laog kwoked lor aad naacb talktd oropaaloiotiblahonia Taahoaaa baa ba«B aawly palotee, dneoratad aod earpated. The opanlDeattTaaUnnlaUia llvleg plateiea that baf 0 baeo In BoatoQ for iba paat tea w<«ki. leaa'bar with AayDOD Moot*, Hallo aad Vaa Aakaa. AdrloDea Da BeaaolL wood aad HbaparO, Filtoa and Bnel. asd the Uaalra Kaalwaak. Paur P. Dally, lo "A CooDtrr Bpoit" WaeraiKeraa TnBATaa~11ia Rosa Ulll EDallah Poltr Co. playad to a ble waoh'a boilaoia. to tplu or tha warn wtathar. Tills weak, tha Loodoo Ballaa. follovad br Uiialllll'aNawTarktun.ll-11. Loiaaor'a Oraei llocaa—Tha •Iseb, la "A Bimv* Wamao.'*asd iitIbji pleiona did a good builoaaa VSl Thla waek, Btbal Tuofear. lo "A Hoootala Plok." no. ponid hp LoUifop'B ptajan. Week ot 17-a BUmI Taaar • IU otoMot'TIi* Maw Manlalaea" and''iba riaaufa Wira'' XocxT Pom eloaad lu aaiaoo a aod Ciamat Part It. Tba aaaaoB al tha iOTaral alwta naorta haa bteo mneb baltartkaa vae oipactad. NoTSa—PriBb Moor* has beau apaolaud admlulftiv lor or Iha ettua of Jelia Portar, «bo diad lono Ume aleoa. HUaPDrterwaaamaatbarofLoibrop'B Conpaap lor aararmt yaate Ooo B llavra maoaaor ofUie WooQaoafcat Open Uoaao for B. W. BUlolt tb« louea. baa baoa aaocMdad by 0. M. BUalotd. who la Itaaaa aa wall aa maaaaar Lolhrop'a Qimod Oparm Uoaaa, Pawtuekal, altar a tboioagh ranoTailoD aad rapaivaB. optn«l tor Iba aaaaoo 1 Tha auncUoa aaa Vllp- PM,.Broibata^ol tbia oily, eaw prodocUoe, antiuad "Ollamma" Tbaplar la a farta^oinady, which will lo. Irvdaca twaolr-two muaieal oambara aod oumer- eaa doBcaa. Amoag Uio nanbara of lb« compaor ar« Mawloa ttm. Mabal PoUock, Clorlai Cbutsn.Tll. Iiaa Blaka, la; Oui Anbar, vr. Prvd Jod« and loa LaTord. DonflBB R. Aahl, u,foo|h bla allorear haa ap°a >hahoi oHeo at Loihiop'a Upan llaoaa, IB rawiadat, whan Um Whippla Bnllion PUpadl IDrIha boobbioI BOaarwblek &arowa hlia. Ula auoiway laaalTtd a loUBr tnm liiaUe,OosB., tti tha a<k«tuial lia WhiDple (ralbita hava lllld ibeU pbr Ib ^at^rai^BBdar tha aaae of iba "MoBUIth DlUmma Tot oxPBgtm iBBATii, PorUand, Ore„ wu Mieoed Sept 8, nnder Uie management of Ootlav Walter, manager of U» Orpbeom,Ban Fmnclaco, and Robert Blel, of Portlind, It It Mr. Walter-t In- tenUon 10 form a dreull ot variety boutet on Uie PaelDc OOMI, loclndlog Loa Aogele* aod Sao Fno- cltco.. Cel.; Portland, Ore, andBeatUeaodTacoina, waeh., uot giving performen al leaet four weeke' wOTk, wlUi a poesibllliv ot ro-eogagement tbould tbe Inme prove of suBclent drawing »wer. OBiJiLxs O'DaiiH. formerly of tto O'Bneo Bioe^ and lately ot "Ibe DIack Crook" Co., le at the New York Uoeplial, under matmeoi tor a biokeo koee cap. Ue Is mending slowly, but It It doubtful It he will be able 10 do eoy more acrobatic work. Funk LtTONi, the muelcal tramp, and Aoolj Wblmey, a veij clever singer, have signed wllb Robert llaoohetter't NIgbtOwIt Co., opeolng at Montreal, Can., Hopt 17. ^ Norga rBOK tbb Haihz 8iiioi»BiJ»fx8QiJi Co.— We open our seaeon Sept», at 8t Lonta, Mo. het- lle Voo Beig beads ihe compaoy, which locliidee Pete LcoDerd aod Charlea llBrt,Edward aod Kitty Dea«an,McAvoy aod Doyle, B^7,.Hart, Napier end MeiellA^ May Dudoee. Ollle Welters, Maud Bolt, Rnby Monigomery. Ida Howes, Frankle Adair, I/)Uise Bond, May Jardle, Fennle Garreu and Tnoe. " EuiiTA DxLMiiK, ot Allen and Delmalo, met wlOi apalnfol accident lut week, while plailug at the Boward Aodlurloni. Balumore, Md., In elepping from a cable car. Tbe team In cooseqneoce, can- celed tbln week. , „ „ _ Onxoi HxLiox, ot Bngleee and Hellor, wu pre- eeoled by bis vrlfs withababy girl, Aug. 13. Law Bax» will relnro Eul noD Salt lAdie Oily, Dub, atopplog en nmlt st ot Louis end Cblcago. Tot CBiktTT HiKSTHiL CO. bu rcogaulzed for the eeason with the following roeter: Nelson T. TCeu A William Delke, proprleton aod managere; Edward Colemao, bualneu manager; WUilam Bleven^etBge mtnager; LewJones.tdvance agent Tbe compeoy elarta ont with tweoly-ilve men. In- clodlng the Mono Maodollo eod Guitar Olub, Rod aod Edwarde and Teeta tod Delka. Roam OP TBB Ladiis' Olss BPBLSqux Co.— Vao BDd Leely, Martha George, Waller aod Waller, Marie Armauong, Leonl and Everett, Dalley Bros, and Lennelr Slstere. Frank Domoot le wrlUog Uie openlog comedy. The seuon opene lo October, end oinees May IB, at Uie Londoo Theatre, New York Clly. TBI BitCN OiTT QDABTgr-Beo Oook, FTtok 01- rard, Banr West end Letter Pike—will be wllb J, D, Hepkloe' Tiaot-Oceanlcs Co. iblt Beaton. LuoixB AMD AicBHiu weTO amoDg the people who opened the Orpheum Theeire, Portlaod, Ore., BepL 8, bavlog jDsi dnithed a eucceaafol engagement at Uie Orpheum, Ban Frencltco. The team, with Mvenl friends, spent tbelr vecaUoo camping lo tbe Bocky Monoialnt, aod report having a good Ume. LouKXB AND LoTTA have algned wltb a bor- lesque company, to open lo Oblogo, Sept 16. Miss LoUa baa enURly recovered from her recent lUneu. FXlMCa BROTUIKB AKD MHB. MlDDBBH JOlOOd Price'e FloaUng Open at Evaiuvlile, lad. Biuow, DOLBOM A Fowins' HiKBTDiLB nport flatlerlDgencceuthnnib tbeSouUi. They ere In New Orleana thle week. Hit AND Mhs. Obas. R. Field are ependlng a few weeke at Bailor Springs, III., and are practicing a newaerlelact TBB Ecurax Qdirtbt— York Anderaon, Beoir WIntred, Frank SnUon tod Ueon Wllllame—have signed with tbe Lanwortta Colored VandOTUlee. 0x0. Olifton rcceolly doted a elx weeke' eo- gagemeot at Inman't Culuo, Coney Islaod, when he Impeieonated female chamctere lo toe bur lesquee. RoeriB ot tbe Peter Maber AUileUc and Specially Co.—Dan Broe., NeUlo Welera, CoUlna aod OoUlot. K More, McAvoy tod D<)yle, the Keegaoe, L. 0. MeiUer, UoNulty Sleters, BIudb and BIddb, Peter Heber, Jerry Uanball. Joe McOrath aod Peter Lowry, wllb Jamea F. Wood, mBnager,aod Uaorlce Jaoobe, edvaoce agent The company begins Ita tonr at the Olympio Theatre, Iblt oliy, Bept 17. Roonn of the Intematlonal Specialty Co.. now lonrlng tbaPaolOo coatt: Fred W. WInana, Frtok Foley, Robert McDooald, Geo. Duobar, Alice Evaoa aod Rex Feeler, J, 0. Clark, maoager, eod Geo. TouDg, advance, Habzbi/O and Napibr have Joined tbe Harle Sanger Burleeque Oo. LkOMABD AMD MoBAH, With the NOW Yflik Stan, wen prteeoted by tbe Lafayetla Olub wlUi a floral tanreeeboe at the Auditorium. Philadelphia, Pa. Fuo BATiiii,of Wolf aod Bavllle,hu recovered trem tbe efliecta of ble eerlout ilckneea, and they opeoed Sept t, at tbe Bocklngham Theatre, Loola- vEe, Kj. BuBT SiLBS It now the itage manager ot McDon- ald'a Theatre, Montgomery, Ala. Enrra Natbam, ecored a tnccees, Bcpl. 3, at the FeieCheropetre, Lion Park, tble city, singing 'The Bel'or'e Aucbor' and "Uargarlta." Lbw B, Oahboll, late of O'Brien and Carroll, bu elgned cootncis for a term ot yean wltb Larry Dooley, Uie ot Ballon A Ueit's Uo., to work u a teem, Ther loieed doing a elrong eloglng act They opened at aoetav Weltertnew Orphenmntt- ire, PorUand, Ore,, Bept 10, for two weeke, aod will Bll tor Australia lo November. Fbani La Rosa, dylog ring performer, played a •nccetstnl eogegtmenl week ot Bept s, at toe Ag- rlenlinral Fair, Band Creek. N. Y. Tdb Bibtxrs Auxnb have tuned for Btn Fran- cisco. Oal., lo open a tour weeke' engageniont at the Orpheum Theaire. RosTXaopCiLLiMDni'aHtMSTBiLS.-RayTmely, Billy Cbtte, Alex. Wllllamt, Oeorge Cooper.Sam Wooda, Cbarlee Bhelton. Clarence Cole. MaU John- ton, Billy Yetger, J. It Klngeburr, Barrio MoPhall, Theodore Fteldt, Jnllue Parrltb, T. H, Hoxley, Charlea Palmer, Btrrr Palmer, N. B. Collins, 8.0. Eppe, B. Wstklne, A. w. Conine, Auolent city Oaa- let, W. F. Patierion, Skip Farrell, Wm. Ritchie and Oeorge Clark: ImMrlal (luartot, T. U. Hetterman, Alex. QuIno. Billy Bcrlreoer and Oeorge Feme, Al, Watia, Woods and HcPball, Sbelton and Klogibnry, Lew Farmer, Andy HoKay, Wm. Williams, Ull(y Wheeler aod a bnua beod ot aiiecn pieces, Tbb LiPOKTB Sistxbb are wllb Rice A Barton's Corned Une. PAHKia AMD RiTABDO wcN preeoolcd wim a haaket of dowora at Ibe Palace TheaU'e, Boelon, Haae., last week. They are wlUi the Walaon Slsten Co. Jamb, obanleute ecoeouiqne, bu signed wlUi Ibe Stndow Teudevllle Oo. Jaoi and Rcsa Bdbkb, tpemn, opened at the Orouo, Chicago, III., Sept B, wlUi tbelr oew act, •Two 6111 Edge BporU" Tbb Fltimo Dbos. La VAN.urUllebi, are pUylog a two weeke' engegemeot at Uie Indutrlal Bxpoal- Uon, Torooio, Ceo. OwBN AND BONLiM, Doloh team, an playing Uie KoM A Hlddlelon Clrcolt TBI WOMDBBLAND TaxATU. NorTlitoim, Pa., ro- otled aod deooraied, wu opened Bept 10, noder Uie name ot tbe KorrU Tneetn. The booee It nnder the maoageoient ot Daniel F. Qulllmen, who loteode to coodoot 11 u a llnl oUee vandevUle leeort CoNMOBB AMD QiiMH an In tbelr third week al Ihe Caaino Roof Oarden, Iblj oily. Wblob AMD WxuB an wUiDlni favor Uireogb Uie Nortbweet bi Ueir Irlah Uelob. Jaoi Dbtibb, haojoletaodcomedlao, hujoloed Fled Heldiog, vocalletaodcomedlao. Jam IB Dilxb and Bihby WASxhave again Joined baods after a eeperaUoo of a onmber ot yean. They Jdued the Vivian De Honto Oo. at Wald. maoo'BTbeaire, Newerfc, N. J., Bept s. Oaxiub K. Ricx vrrlieauetbatowlDg to tbe duth ot her moiher, liig. 31, ehe bu canceled all engage- moDle. Mn.Rlcedleu atOeneTa,N. Y., and was seventy-two yean ot tge. F. T. WiTANT Intormt ua that be wlU not go out wltb Baooden'VaodevllleCo.,ube had Intended. Be bu Joined Mabel HeoderMU aod they are In Cblcago, III., working on two new acte. Fbani Haxdimo, the mntlc pnblleher, hu re- ceived trem England a large invoice ot unpubllehed tongt, trrangeoenu having been made with a lead- ing mneic publishing hoose tor regnUr consign- menu. Mr. Hardlog ears that many ot tbeeetoogs are already popalarlo Eogland. MBt.xT, tbe contorUonlel, wu married to LIUIe Johnson, non-proteetlonal, at AUaoUc, la., Sept I, JOB Wisr, lale ot Winslanley and Wett, wu mar- ried on Beptt, Id WublngtoD, D. 0., to Annie Blehup, a reeldeot ot Pblladelpbla aod a noo-Dio- fesBlootl. Oakxoli. and Garomxb opeoed at tbe Loodon Theatre, 8ienbenvUle,0., Bept 8, aod report a eoc- ceu. Dome Cde, female baritone singer, opened Uiere the eame date. Jabxb B. Batbll, oomedUo and hanjoitt, cele. hraicd Uie alxteenin euolvermy ot hit weddlna at hit home In Newark, N. J,, on Aog. 38, and watpn- leoted WlU a handeome ''Oole" banjo, by Jot. So- gtt, ,yuenr«T of tbe CUpper OInb, ot whick Mr. HaTeu It Banager. Horga FiaK Babbv SBpniCB Oono jpxxi imb TaodeTllle Oo.-TIie lateait attiacUon engaged tor Uie teatore In the olio la the Great Do TaTFimiiT no et tranganim wu wrIUen by Benrr Betton. tnii It entlUed "The Girl waa Left Behind," with tctnn lo China and itpao, by Mr. CoIIIdb, wltb beaniltni dnpery u maten tbe dreaaes. The bettle at ea of Uie Wal-WI KI le a wondertnl Invention, and the ant of lie kind on any iligt. Everytbing le nor leadr tor Ue road. Mary B. Deagle nee elgned tor Uie teaeon to do her jpeclaltj, "The Whlrlgig, or a FlatbofWHlo'tbewtep." "e. ra JAIIXB S. BlBBBTT AMD RXTTA BABXBIT hate Joloed htodt. Oaxbib Booit bat beeo n-engaged at Haay wii. Heme' Theatre, PltUburg, Pa. She goes wiih Harry Williams' Meteon. 010. IifogRanLL, ck>wn Joggler, bu closed wim Wltebiu Jack's Show, and aooepied the poelUon or stage manager ot Mntlo Ball, BouUi Norwalk.ct. maklog hit Uilrd aeasoo there. ' Wb. H. Fibbbb, tbe or1|laau>r aod loTeotor, be Infornit at, of "The Fire Dance," now being per- formed by Hue. Rlslto, et Koeler k Blal's: wm tbotUy pnt on a new ttansfonDetloo dance, it is called "The Blrtb ot Ibe Fin Fly." Too electric effecu will. It IB pronileed, be a mervcl ot the eleo- blden't tklll. DAXT 8.011.110X1 iKD HLLB. DOtOBIS FiRNlK. dee will thorUy go to Cuba to llll an eogagemem ot elx weekt. Harrt M. Bilhb bu doted u bnelneu manitir ot the Wondeiland. at Lndlogton, Mich. He Jnlu Ihe Pease Slaien' NovMlr Co.,atDecatur, lit, Scot l». Jbsbie Oahmnxb, late ot St Hanr and Gardiner, bu reured from tbe stage. Wamhxm 0. Bhadfdro (BannoD) wu charged le the Brooklyo, N. Y., Police Oonrt, Bept 7, with tall- log to provide for hlB wife, and waa ordered to give a bond for t3to to per gt weekly tor her eop- port UewueommlitealndefeDit Noris PBOH Howard MoOabtbb'b HiMBniBLa.- Prof. Joe Bell's bnu band ot tuoneen plecee Is mtk. Ingagood Impreatlon. l*rot.Fr>DkM.IlalIttockJr. and hit operaiicorcbeBtmof eight plecei receive tp. fileoee lor flne eeleclloni. Terrell, the Egvptlu nggler, le a teatore end Is repeatedly reralled, u Is alto Matt Bculy, Ibe contorilooitt Beard ud Kdoz, In "Fnt In a Oblneae Laoodrr," are one 01 the grealett drawing ctrtlt ot the eeasoo. The (emoue CheaUiam Broe. elwaya gel encores, u do Uie MoCarrer Broe. Will 0. Uayden, Brltt Craig, A. 8. Lowe, BI Beery WlUlamt, Pnt. WUl Jones, D. 0. Tbomu, Bddr Smith, R. Z. Elllaon, J. 0. Low- ery, Wuh Faonagan, Billy Dooelo, Harry Raymond, Jomy Sliro ud Lou Da Mount are alto with Uit compaoy. Mas. Babrt La Rxahx pieaenled bar husband with a baby girl recently. Ton BxiLxr BRoa. Inform at ot Uielr locoeat It Cologne, Oer., whence Uiey were lo gotoOenen, Bwltz. TbeytliolDlendlotppearUi Italy. Wm. Db Boi, bead baUocer, la at Uie Foonttin Square Tbealre, dnclontU, Ohio, tbU week wlUi Hari'e Dotiot Novelty Co. J. B. OtBB wrltee ue complaining that he tigoed, June 18, togoont wltbTloletMucoUe, and that 00 Aog. 30 Ihe lutonned Mm that tbe would not go ont thlt teatou. It was Bobby aod Jeule Flelde who played week ot Ang. 37, ai tbe Olyinplc Theain, Chicago, 111., and not Bob end Nettle Fleldi. NoTia pxox OBauHBAuaB'a RbpimbdMimbtriu. —We an now lo our lltth week aod are playlog to excelleot botlneet. QeorgeBalJey's trombone eoloB In onr noooday concerte an toe feature ot our ttreei parade. Our oew flret part evenlug sere- oadenamoied by Jta. Onebr U meeUng with tuccett. Gill Oirry anil Frank Kirk In their ipe- dalUee are tare bin. Hoon and Kemp en becom- ing favorites every wbere tber have appeared. Uaille SmltbH orcbeatra la a credit 10 tbe enow. OBIS Datu, ot Oogglu and Davit, wlUi Lindsay Broe.' Original Georgia Mlnttnlt, wrltee ut Uitl he wu eeiioiBlT hurt recenUy and wlU be laid up for a ume wblle. Mr. Oogglu u working akne until he recoven. Nrtix FiXLDe Infonni nt Ibat the hu reoovertd tnm her recent lUneaa aod will open at Hall'a Owl- no, Chicago, III., Sept It. SoiNLOM AND STiTiNt an BlDglog Lew Oanoll's DOW eong, "Mita Dunn." Tbej an with Kalblleld'i Orpheum BUr ComblntUon. OiiMNiMaBiii AMD Ohaxt hare dlaBolved partner- iblp. Geo. W. OoonlDibim la wllh "A Clean Sweep" Oo., playlog tie part of Faoay, and Hr. Oranthu rtUred from Uie etagetogo mto a mer- cantile boalotae. Lawrxmob MaoDomald, tbe baritooe eloger. It meeting with greateocceu elogiog "Tbe Tom Fic tore." DooLiT FARMWoitTa hu leased the Front Stiee Tbeaue,Baliunnn.Hd., and will open 11 BeptM, u a popular pricedbooee, with two pcrtormancee dally and giving variety and drema. TBI Labihib aiBTBis BDd Frlmrose Lanmlo oloeed Uielr eogagemeu at leland Oarden, Lewu- too, He., Sept 8. Alpbbd HiNiBAN hu bccD appolotcd tresaorer ot MIoer'e Elghib Avenue Theatre, ibla oil;, by Hantger Loult Roble. Hr.Minebaonufllledsilm- llar poilUon dnrlig the peat eight yean lor W.J. Ollmure, In Fblltdelphia, AT RoeriR or tbb '-aLArBBT Dats" Oo,, at tbi Tonnto Fair.-MDor Wm. E. Adama, maotger; Garden Olty Qutrlet, John Tigal, Ohas. Harberd, Obaa. Lee, 6. iMvls, John B. Giabam, Jeule law- eoD, Annie Jaokeon, Hlnnle Harberd, Lonlia Roii, John Bawklot. Hansier Adamt wIU play ftlre ODUlOCtl. MLLL MARGUERITE Wu bom In RoUerdam, BoUaod, lo I87S. Her fkltaer, whcee tamllyr name wu Warteoberf, wu a tamoue eoolorUonlet, aad to bU early tralnUig ehe owee ber mtrreloea abUlty, When the waa only four yean old be put her lo training for the career be bad ohoeen for her. After Ibree yean ot almost coouonoui practice under bla tolilon she made, lo oer naUvo citr, her flnl appearance u an aciobei and a contoitloniaL the being at thlt Ume, u Duy readily be teeo, only eereo yean of age. She did Dot do at tble Ume, however, a eloxle mm, but ap- peared along wlUi otben. BhorUy aiur thlt the went u Vieona, ihll contnbuUDg her ehara u one ot a gnop ot pertormeit. During ber tubeeqoeni career abe haa appeared In many ot tbe prinoipil olUeeot Oontloenlal Europe and ot OitaiBniAln. BhehupUyedeucceatulengagemenlaetUie Follet Bergero, Parle; the Empire,Surrey, Palace, PavUloo BDd Tlvoll Tbealree, LoDdon; Ronacber'e Tbeaira, Vienna; tbe Empire Theain, Edinburgh, and In many other promUent houiea, Including the lead- ing theatres ot Roeala. Eveiywhen ehe bu woo much feme, and the alinoet onanlmona verdict hu beeo that, u a cootonlonlat ehe bae no eoperlor. Mile, Marguerite It s feet t lochee In height. Is well built, and la fair to look opoo. She It a blonde, WlU blue erei aod a Itce that It not oolj preuy, bot wblob Indicate* nloement The greater part ot ber work U done upon a trapeze tod upon a rerolvlng drool, aod In the lalter act tbe accom- pllahea teau wblcb are not ooly oolque, hot which tolenee would, wlUont thlt ocular demoutnlloo, deolan Impoulble ol performance wlUioot Imme- diate and laiUog phyilcal iDjury. She bu Joit flo- lihed ao eniagemant at Koeter A Blal'a, Ula cliy. IOWA. Oes Halnee,—The Onnd Opera Bouie opeoed to good botlcaM byRlcbirdiA Prioile'a MUatteliSept 1. "Tho Past Hall" OBma to erowdad houMat-t. "Tk* Toraado" eoaiaa M. "A roU Dap" and "Chip o' Iba nid Block" coBita II. Ruaeo A Bwlft'a -'ll. T. 0." li. It, Wllbar DimmaUo Co. 17 ud wa«b. Foeraa'B Opbba Boosa—Rolaad Rood CBOia to a R. 0. 3 aod waek. The Polur-llalUw Co. It 11 WOBOBBLiND HnBCH-Curlo Hall: The CrawlMi. PrlBoaia Zolft (aUilaoB PalioakaBd Aralla Ulll. Bifou Biaga: BIJob Cotoadr Co , OUodo La Holt* aod Mmnlo maabart. TiMatoriam: Sulla niBaban, Homer cbiUt Waida, Ed aak, Lao Rloabart aod Oelaioro and Ua. WoBdarlBBd tutf: Xma K. L. Rlaebart, proprietor asd m*aa|ar:Baai A Olrbar.aaalatBat maaaaar: Dao PIka, UekaiukariP. a. Babaok leelBiar; Hra. Sim A. Oaiber. tiekst aallar: Pania BtBdlord/piaalat; Mla« Uane. piaB- lal: Bd Blood. apoeUIomeariWrn. Dap. atuaeiBBaear. BiBMox A BAiLBT'e Ciiooe cBBie 10 big erowda. Cedar Rstplds.—At Oreene'B Open Boose R- I, Bcou'a "A CBlp 0' Vie DM Block" aad Plabar'a 'Cold Dap" wmpaoloa praavBtad both BttrBBtloBi Bapt I (« a erowdod booaa. RolBBd Bead ooBMa lOL "Jaoa''IX "Tea Toraado" It. "Tha Devll'a AdoUob" ll.^A CUan Bwaep XI BarBomAIallap'aCiroBadld a bll bBiloM* t Goa Naiaeo, an oauaalriaa with the afiow, bad nil Mtlaw biokaa by aklck Irom a boi>t,ii at WaurlM.Ua wasbroothtlo Vila ellraad la bowIb BtLBho'i Ho*- pltat abate b« will probably ibbibIb for aeraiBl waaha. C^aacll BluOTa,—At Dohany'e Tbeetro "The Paat Mall" opBuad Ihs raiuUr aaaaoB Bapt 1. and dra* a top baatp booaa. Eoota4: "TbaTonada" U."KII>an>ar Bad Iba Rbloa" 17. lA 19. Roaeoe A Bwlll'a "U. T. Tbe bouaa baa baoa Ikunuiblp claaBod aad I*BOTa^^ hat OO cbaseaa or oaw i^aiuiwa aiw aoUosabla rp* auff: Jobo Dobaay. niBBaiar; JobB DohaBp Jr.,traM- Bier; Wm. Poatar, dooraaapor; Hany Bwliart. aaaa aafaar; Chaa NichDU, aUio machlBlat ■araliaUlaiMi,—Al tbe Odeoa RolaBd MM epaea Iha boaas Bapt II Banam A Ballar'i hadlBU uaue.