New York Clipper (Sep 1894)

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SBFTBMBEB 15 THE ISTEW YORK CO^IPPER. 430 MISSOURI. It. Tb« tiot weaibar lui wMk bftd » d»- pr«a(ni •S&u od 'fell tb« bo«M Mnpt tb« OlTnpfe, vtMr* "In Old Euitvckj" dnw geeA booM awJio OmA HoFM—"Mun't of foMo" did a bu bOtlDMllMtVMk. *^BMkR«Bib«f*U. OtnnoTiUTBB.—VultJuMB upiv«otlaf 'Mia Dnimlte'MblRWMfe. Dutol frvhoita'a Lyotan TbMr in COBpuri IB **Th« Anuiou^" 17. OioiP tmni ~Wknl ud Vekci npi*MBt"A, KuoDllMBwik" ibli «Mb. -'Ju*'* did lilr twilawi tut WMk. Cl«T*l«ad*i Minitnli 10. BtTUt'n nuTB>.~IUlM«)d'i Orpbmm 9tMn this v««k. *TM 0)d Clininfc" «*r» air*ei«d by ib« btat iMt •Mk. * Th» TttopUUoa nf MoB«r" 16. SrAHM^D TB1ATU.-Ur«iil«t> Ltcmbd TbMin Ooro- pur DAd* ■ b)| lUrt At ihU boo* but ib« b«tt *M IM oucb lor tb« pwpte Tb« Mail* HAonrOo. ihli wttk. KIM A Bartoo'a OooHdlioi M, roril T»ATU~()ulo«ia kMpi apv«U lo pplieof botvMibsr. ThlA wMb: Ttw roar LlTlDnioo^vMooL 909\ BAlfthCapODtl, Jtwell ftMl LTDCh, UirM AlhlODI, Me: '.BOd Wek^ W. A L-ioir. riors Htlcb»1l ud LoUl* TTMv. TDOndf. B4MI OAIDUI An ClBIKO TniAriiB.-JoMpbiD* Btb«l, Mu FtttlDKUJ, Don Bioth«ia Pnnk M\tf, A. 0 Uuo- eu, O'BriM Rltton and ilia D* Pomitiu LonDox Mnio Uall-ITol B, D«T«r Baio (w)d|I[* brlitkCUTlB BonntBaiberlwdiBd VAlorlobt, Jaont* KlmMlL rrwk John. Ed. Markry. JfthnnrTio llavt ind Juk (VlMr*(ipwnn) aad Ltiir Owwood OABDurTBUTU—rr«d B li»i8rkuuk«Dth*poti- Uoo ofitti* muaBvr, lOd vioouorw; Malor Tuohr, 0«er«l* Uftvtor.Mvi* fioUy. (»)It« Saiim. Louu nao*,MlM Wluon. OMncU MIU>ttr, Burke, Looii BUke, FrttBh Toaoieed uhI th« Bontiiem UiounU. Biiou TiUTmi.-aeo Piiber, Veil, Ed Cooper. Oeo. Tttlbov Tlllle Dt> Louche, Jeule Adami, Chee.. Ade tod urn Klrby (S), Tlllle Kol^oi end IHuioikI Wbli- Moamim HraiDM-WilMa Broi.(Ueicb),Nebeo:o ;ireeMiu)JfutorDeTeTbomu (roetllii), btMk Cerl DeaieUa), Burr KMok (pedoitrleo), ead tiua. lUplire BBTAR'a TaiATKB.-D*Te UcGonl. Dm r. end Ida MeaoiDv, Wm. L. Beker, EdlUi RendeJI, Moon. Oouule*. Dollle VftUoo, Chu Pelaer. Ida WaIUbi end J. J. Uer belt. Ewtkia* ALUMBRA TBBiraB.~P«srl ADdren, John RoaUi, BlUtthe Ademi, Ed- 0. Kennedr, Meade B. Uwlf. J. ILRfeo SbMlef ftod BcealoD, Mike UiirtiDi. Lee* Hlllliw, tS«akL Oef, LotU* Thorae, Bt» Iluwepf acd LeooA Hayter. OHMTeBaTaa-DtaoeeadriAiiruoa. Mile. Manellt, Ed. Wblta, Geo. X Valvo (ibe JepL One* Mule, Plorao«a Elliwortb, llaitlinoidoD.Cba«.UradTaad BUaMoori. TBBATO COMiQDB -Ada YouQff. iboL Ooylo, BoUe and Faarl Aodrewa, Billy La Clede. MUlaid PUlmore. AlBiAAdaiDi^ Hible Pkquetia, Ed. Hnrley, Allea TeSa and HUe. LaB«rd. Win» OABDiir.—OolUe Dtaple, JohnioDaodTbooip- ica. Pail aod Lena, Orac* Larar.Sadle Hart, Aleiaader Kirk. JoMpb Drav, Jamea Ualan, tbo lUar Ttlo and the Albion Trio. CBAT.—Alba IIeywood_pmeeled *'Ed|e«ood Polki" at M«Uartlaad*e Em sl Loula. Opera IIoqm 9 Bid Maata baa relumed bleoU pe»ltiMi aaataie miDacer ol lb* OiyoploTheatre, with AlhertUjonaiaulitani Cbarlei CatoU ii eooreleadof Chaa. W. DanleLi, boiloeH manager of "The Coaac Oaartt" vaa la the city left week Elltaaeth Plickenier. prorMiloaaliy knovn aa LoCUe L*f lie, waa married to Bennao Pleke, one of (ba attacbea of the London Msitlo Ball. Ang. a.... AL Ltppman arrlfrd here tnin Hew York SeoL 4 aod re- baaned with ihe"aatDl.or Pofeo" Company for the pert of rraak Bronron, railerinii Fraur Coalter Booia'a Bandepened at tba Bipooulon MDiloHallfi Ed J. H«Dley,lata proprietor of the Bool Oaidoo aod Cailoo Tbeacre. baa baeo neftotlatloc for tba QemiaoiaTBattre, bui BO arranitamaot baa b«eQ made m> Ear Jamea J. Batler baa ratlioed bla poaitloo aa pnMKOtlng aitomey ofiba poliee court, and will bareaner lire bu wboleat leatlou to u>e maaagameat of tba Btaadaid Theatre, «itb KoCane J. UoUoday aa auletaaL Ksnaaa Olt^.—Tbe irarm w«kUMr loterfered ■omawbatwitb baelneu laatwuk. AttbeOoatea'Opara llooee,8«pL 19,14, li, "Tbo Ajnaiool" aad btg bnilnoaa laeapeeted. l^t weak Mn. rouar aod Mr. Bellow, Id * Cbarlotta Cordrmy." *'Ib Bocleiy"aad'^amlllt," opened Ibe ranlar Haaoo, and a fair waek wai tbe raaulr. Tbe Coataa'baa bean enuiwly reOlted. talreecoed, with draper' lea aDdBewllghia; all go to make ibe boueoneol tbe bandaoneit tfieatrea la tbe Wen. H. H. llnd«oneoa* tlaueaieaieeaad manager; Lon HadMa, bavlneaa mao- agar, aod Vm. Warran, treasurer. tluao oriu Uocu.—Thu week Solly Banker, lo **Otir Plat" Lait week tJooroy aod Fox, In **Bot Tamalii,*'dld agood wtek'a tMialaeaa. Tbe I area la be- lag wblpped Into ehape. Neat wt«fc Ward and Vokea, In *'A Boa on the Baak," will make thalrfiru appearance bera. Maoagar Jodab baa added tblriy two llghu to tba lobby, maklag a very pratty effect. NijrTB BTBBtr THKATBk.—Laat week Tony Parrell, In '-Oarry Oven," opeued aell, bat buOneaa lell off tba latter pan ol the weak. Inabahowa do not make a bic bar*. Tbe booa* la dark thia weak. **Ttae Tornado" opena lor a week 16. TaaiTRi t^oHiquL aid and Waltoa, Bertha bta TaaiTRi t^oHiQUB—Almeo, Parker aod Elmore, Bow- Kd aod WaltoD, Bertha btaad. Mnrrla aod Pey, Uoaila Elmore, Oleaaau and tto>d. Una Parker, Orlanda aad tbe aioek Bueioeea ta lood. TBootfT Parh.— Tbe Dahomer Village haa been attraet^ log large enwda. rAjaaoDjrrriRK.—Dr.Carrer^ WildWeat eootloara the atiraetJoD. BualDeulablr. WABBiMatON Park-— LennarO. tbe lareBtororibe bul- let proofablehl, wbo wai a icainre here wlto the Coarvy A Poxbbow, wiUglre exhibltlona out at the park tbla week. UumBiHO&-Hanager Lawla. of the new QlUle, ctatea that the bouaawUlopeaaD Prank tteaT«r,aoowboy with the Wild Watt Bnow, wu killed laat week by bia berae tailing on him Hra. A Judab and daughter, lUanoba, amTod home from Maw Tork laat Pnday AaaccMeotocouned at LeeaBumm*t,aiaborboiKan' aaa Oily, laat week, darlogtheparformaoeaby amaieara ol "Tbe Poftal Olerk." a local piodoctJoo. Tba i^y went aloog all right ootll the U'-i act, wh«a ttwu the doty ol toe deteotlre to mah In and place the TlUalo, tbe peetuaeter, under arreaL Pied (l. Ulbha, whoplayed the dei«etlTa. couUo't dod the *'prop" rerolrer. eo ne bor* rowed one iromOlarence Molt, wbi vaa oa tbe atage at tba time. Mr. Mou gare bla "it," bat caatloaairbin to be eaiaHil, aa It waa loaded. Tbe pan doea not oaU lor the dlecbane of tbo weapon, but when Mr Qibba draw the rerolrer on J. t. Leaiiiarmao, «ho played the PoatouAtar. and oomuanded bla to throw op ma haoda. tba preuore tooaened tbe eprlng In the basdla ana a report foUowad. Mr. Leatbermao tank lo tbe aoor, eaolaimiog: "My Ood, I'm aboL" The aedi- aaee applauded ahax they ibeagbt a cleTerplore of act Jb|, hot were borrifled to aea Uibba ineb irom tha atage aiutantbroaibtheaadleoee aayin;: 'My Ood, I ba*e ■botJiok." Mr. Leaihenoaa never regalatdooDeclooa neea aod died aithiB ao hour. Tbe bail eotarad bla head «Ter tba eye aod reached tba brain. lit* JM«pb.«TooUo^ Ttxeatre openg Uie regular _ JOB BepL lU, when Him. I'ouer aod kyrle Beltewoomei for two Brgbta,rollo«edllby Proumao'eLyieamTteaue Co.. aod li lA, Boland Head. OaiwffORO'aTaaATRB—"OirPlafcamea "TbePaat Malt" ULII. 11. "Mr. Baraea ot New York" IS, It. I& BDM Md»b qpoBed the aeaeob tteo l I, and le dc big baaloeia. Weak ol 10: Oeo. WUIlaou (tarUo ... Wm. Block, O'Bourke and Baraeua, Mclotyre an-i Rice, big baaloeia. Weak ol 10: Oeo. WUIlami (tarUo boy), Wm. Block, O'Bourke and Baraeua, Mcloty re an-i Rice, Inea Fearl, John Tbompaoo. Pox aod Pieber, PitageraJJ and Leal^and Waliar Ralitoa. Babidm a Bailbt'i OiROoa ORECON* Paitlamd.^ba HArqium Gniul wlU open lis Pall aaaton BepL d, with Edala Mihoa Boyle'e oonedf drama, "Prleada,"aB tbe altracUoB. Lawrtaoa Baalay and Oeorge Oebnunie, ib '*An American Girl," lU. Dan Sally 17- CotDRAT'a TOEATRB ta dark. MotBuao'aTiiRATRB Com IQOB.—Dell Bartloo, Ooreena, LaalUT Oeorge TroielL Cluurlea Oro, JuUa WlocbeU, Mand Baynood, Laoae llamtia aod Ella Lee. ARiRcaiL-Mdie DQDbar. Walttr Le Roy, Floreoea Olayioo, t^appolo aod Krever'aOrcbeatra. LoVTBB.—Tba Vieosa <)aartet WABaiMortw (JABDW.-Tb* Vienna Prater OrcheaUa. Noraa.—Tbe Orpbeum Amueemeot Compaay, ol which OoaraTeWaliar. of Saa Praaciaco. la dtrvclor general, and Boberi Blel, of tbla olir. la jgeaeral maoaaer, bar coocloded a leaaa of tba old Caaloo, wbleh baa beeo eO' Utaiy remodeled and raflited.aod wlil open tt under tbe aameol TbaOipbeuoL Iiaill cater lo the oetur elaaa of paopla onir, praaeetlM a clean and atinctlre raude* vlUeiMrrormanoe, pemltiiog bo dnaklOR nuremokioi Id the booae. AnrnBgemeou bare been made wbereoy all tbe atuaotloaa oi tha Han Praodieo Orpbeum wlU be Played bera. Tba followlogare tbeoamaa of thepenpir booked lor tbe opaatng weal: BnauBroa,iladlAltaTabl MUa Bran, Ando aoa Onuie, Ifooler aod CarroL Uanli A^rkaTLueier aod Archmere, aod Oeorge Cattto. UTAH. OHIO, ClMfllBiiMtl.-Kot foryeRTB ttu Bcplember beta oaberedlntlthaacbaaoortblogoTertora. AUIaatweak thamereon«AAup Inlha'tra dorlog toe d«y,aBd tbe al|hiewer« rwnlDiicent of the tropica ibe tbealrlcaj maioauaavelterad with the reat of maoklBd aod b» walledtbeklBdof wralbercarrtdout fortbeoL Whll^ It prored demorallilog to the bouae aliowa, Ibouaaoda Oortad to the campua wbera ibe mllliaiy apecuete of Onni a Crater, or the fil«ge of Peier^burg," «ae pre- 10 orear cooaiderahle moDar- CoL d j LmJiob i>ni>n •Rlag the abow, and Jemta b. Ue It wiJuoiSiairAr * Oranfa crater" w.i) be ropeatfd lla^k manager. W*LXtJT (tiaB«TTnaiTB£!:wiihOierJfid'a Minairela JS.'a'rltVffaf^l"'*'"' "»<^*rplT-'.Sf: «a%^^klK?\-J;,ri5^^^ tbfSTk'i^fr^."* "•J2mltf,SS?it'ayff "ri lfiMr*!5 •^r- *" » iremeodoul aodleoco d. when tbe rallaay ma derke atleodHl7 Cwnerih* S^.tpSldu!"?!'''^'WOilSMorrSr llKUOKu uraajL lloiTaR.-J. £. uttle rerlrid World" 9. ' McOa-ihr eCat • waa the Mderlioi St Mu- ager Brady wiioeaaed the felloe eTburTeMolbeSe^^^ 01 the week. aoJ. for a new play. It waa tnaBta>Ter* aiDMtbly before the oloae or lUM eongamML wlilJf l?°.iPAf?'°*"5' " ■"•PUble ooe. Louie ^•;t«o, er the Weaun Brothen, la given agood eeuro part, aod bla dialect waarery moch ilavoredaith tba auanyBonib. "LandofibeMl5oi;bVsuo"ir n"**!"i* ".Ji?"tI"-*'ony Parrelt prerented "Oairy 0»eu J "The T^mpiaiiOQ ol Money." atlb lU aeou- uoaaldraw bridge wMoe aod wrack of the elemScS 5;«:^Jj'^;;jgy,-J.deapitathabeaL ConiS/lid ^ Foi).<iTAiir HocARB ToBATRR.—Hart'B BoatOD Noveltv Oo. ume 9, wuV Irving Bandowe. ihV alnSTmi tK LoodenTbuire Specialty Co. plaVed loTAIr aiied aod* aooea lau «aek. Ljdla Viamana-Tltca elMag bar ibn« WMka'eogaflemeBta Ureoler'a LreenmCo. 11 "fi'm? aSiiJr.*?* Hoi).t.-Phi^ peteia mni'ertd in Tbe Old Sojer" 9. Latt week. Mr. and Mra. Robert Wjjno ware Mao lo •'The Wageaef 81b." Like all the other boQBMRobloaoB'e Buffered Iron the warm wave. TOO Boy Traiup" I& ..!l'?i".'."fIS!If"'rJ*^'*P'**"» Bmpire Bateitalaera oamap. "Ooodleaad Poodle" attiaciedwell ^eaaadau> diaocea. Hellly A Wood aUo. Id. MOBLA MiODLBTOM'a MPtkDH.-Tbe ZaiTOf. Ibe Oer- man Bote, Will lloward, Priaea Courad aod Bareopa were the carda lo curio ball lO. Law and Delia Waltera, MtDiie R Kilo*. Wade and UaaUana, Belle JaDean.Biii? Bk>jd,JohnKoeter aod Tom Willlame appiinkd a the olio. Bneleea* waa praMy good lartweet PiKB OriRA llouAa.~Boih the Odeon aod Moalc Hall wlii auffarby ibe Flke eaiarlng the coooett fleu The Apollo Club haa decided to abandon Mnalo Hall, aod tbe Onbeua will leave ibe Odcoo. aod both have c^aen Uie Plte. TbaApolfoOlub WlU likely give i«leav naa* coQceita aa haa beeo luwoot Haiy Wltioo Boeboek'a coocert la aoBoaat^cd for Oct II. ■ OOBir.—Joba B. MoParlaod, oaee of "Blue Jeaaa." ■od whota Uat veatare aaa alth "Danmoor,*' baa re- tired from tha theatrical boaloeaa aod laoocanwrelo ibedruglloelB iBdlaaapolla. lie vlalM bla oM homo 011 RoblnaoB la here looklog for Wlater qeanara lor tbe circua Tae cuavao will oot arrire much before Oct. 1. Tbe Mar Peetlral chorue will eive two roucerie be- fore the oeii great ieaUval lo IBM Rehenalo 01 choral work for the eveoc two veare haoce will eooa oommaooe. Ma^tfl^ular, oi Sella Brothera' Chreua, wne bare to aecureaoew teot Ed.t'orcorao,for»ooieyearadoor- |aeper at Heuck*t aod at the People'e, baa oo Idea ol gefr Uogitacaioto the amuaement baraeaa, aod laoowan BRaot lor a hay and grata comroiwnn houaa Lae wii lama, bnoan u ao old nlaatrel. aod oow a I rain broket, la oo the regular Uokat aa candi- ^'le for Beeretary of iRe Cloclooatl Cbam- rolCommeroa Tom NelaoolaagaloiheaBaUtaat ui Treasurer Geo tie dboettl^ of HtucV'a Manaaer J«mea B. KoBoaa^r baa been enianalBlog Maaagtr Al. BoQiler. Ol the Muobio Templa LomariUe .!T..The IBdlaaapolla MeaBecbor win vialt the Zoo BP, ahare ihey give acoocen with tbe Ualtad Blagere. ibe ('orr«. vlUeOenBgVereio aod (be Urpbeua cocieiy Mr>. Mt O Banow.wbotdheaihepanol Mr*. Bacoo Qreeo IB "Down In Dixie," la noae other ibaa Llllla Uall.ihe burle>quer. Bhe I* "tralolag dowo" aod bopea to head a S^P1'>T.''*'^£'***'>'*>( araaoo lo a burle«qaa catled ^rbeOuldao Eagle."......M. J. OalUgber retired from "Ru*b Oity' early u the week, hot waa pcrauaded to le- lontabla rola. CleweUod.—TUB opcDloff Dlgbifor allhouges. weakorBept.a,waa very pfomlaiog, but wiih the later hot weather atieB'laooe drooped oao^Balderahlr. LvoBOttTflaATM oloeed X i, t. ProbBiaa'a -'Jaoe.'* with MlaerraUorriB the tltJa role aad Fraak Noicmaa aai^harleadhakleiOD, dldagoud baalaera -'HuBaat,"by Jerome K Jerora^ preceded "Jaue " "A Ride tor Llla'' weak of la fotlowtd by Robert Uilllard, la *Tba Noml- BM'* 17. 8TARTRiATRBL~Bemon'a Lilly ClAy Compear opened for a week X with aoowdid bouae. hut for reaaooa before aiaiad buaiaeaa the latter part or the week waa not ao anod. Week o| 10,RelllrA Wood'i Coiapaoy. followed ITby Hyde* Behaao'a Co. U. R. Jacobs' TiiBATRB.-'*Pahlo Rowaol," L 4.e,dld aieellaot buitBe<a Aon E Mayor aad Albert Aaateee loin itaecootpaor here, taking leadlog rotaa ' Land of Salt Lmka Cltr^EdWRrt Hurigu bad fair buatoeaa u tba Bait Laht Theatre for foor olghu. beglo- aloiAug.Uk caaoelloc tbe dlth algbt ''la Old KtO' iucly*>ladueBepL 17. Liona.—*OoUegeObuBi,'*by tbe atock, did a go bualaaaa paat aeak, aad wlU ba lepeatad ihU week, i leaeetoppedby an laJoBrtloo. It la claimed to be a gL_ Med veraloB of "Cbarley'B Aoat," and Uharlea Probman, through a K>eat repreaaoteUve, baa ibnaiaoed autL Tbe atott^oeludee: Hobert Moma, Brlgbam Royoa, Hany Tatfor. WlU Honti, W. O. Baede. Hoy EUera. Aoate O'Maltey, NeUle Draiy. Oanle U'Malley. Ita Brayar. Uule Batk»rMrey*r; W. O. tSolemao, leader of oreheatra; Will Uaile, Major Deehog, Alrlo Baeaeler, 0. W, Uinna, haael^vy; T. F. 0'MalUy,maoagar;0 a AoaelL iraaa> orar; Eda. fypar, aaaiatant tiaaaurar; Bam'l t^ol,door be»per, aad U. U. L^anaa, uahar. M*M CALIFORNIA. Lm AaK«l«a^At tbe Bortaok Tbealre "Feck' Bad Boy"aeJoyad big patraaaga Aug. t7-8apt 1. Dig- fflae aodWaMroo b^g^a a ibrea weeka'eogagemeotl, with ^'Kldaapped" aa tha Irat attraetioB. J. T. Huw^rt' PHyaiadoeada aaeeaaalal engagemaoiatthleboaae I. U4 left lor Oahlaod, where they an eagaged at tbe Fao- PM'aTtivura. TrulyBbauaOkJoiaed the compaay UMra. ■ ■.^.Tkalmparuriaalo UaU u a new TaadavlUabonee Wb«MaaadtblBaooth,la«hldbMartla LahmaB,J.J, <*«ttlafiudAir. nilagboaaa are latara at ad. roughly enloyed OoM" 19. \L lA. ' njD OrsRA be HIdoiabt Sua," d, T. d, draw very well, aod waa tbo- •flbe^* oomea 10, iT, la, •hba Power of BDOtJD OrsRA HootB-Week of le will wiioeaa the loltlal petrormanee ol Beach, Regera and Boae'a opera, "By Ibe Klog'e ComBuad," by the Murray a Lane Orerm Co. MuchUiure«twilibeaUachedtethla.aatheaulbora are all Uleraland people. Comiog: 17, 14 IP, Ib«b Ma- coakar; K, 31. B, Marie Jaaeea llALTHOBTU s OABDas THBATii.—Tho brlUlaataaaaoB oltweltaweeki ol tbe Murray A Laoe Opera Co. waa broogbt to a magDlfiooBt oloae. X by a beaeOt perfom- aBcauthaataia, J. K. Hurrmjaod Mlae Laaa "Heart aod Uaad" waa the i>pera luag. Every eeat la tbe audi- toriumwaa aold la edvaaet, and tba occaaloo na oae iPBR to be raniembered. Floral oSarloga were gitaa la pioroaioD- Harry Browo w«a oreieatad withaaolld gokl watch aod ehaio. Maoagar Chaa La Martha, ol Halt* iMrth'a, la worbloa oa a big clam baka, te be givea IL CiiBa.—BrBeat'Sa'vedor, atage otaoaaer of iheWllbar OparaCo-.leitthecumpaor beia.gologioNew York Piol. lluffoao. maatciao, of tbla city, wbo rallted a lew Cariagotogo loto private baaloeM, la again preparlog go en the road J. Peroy Bamlia. maoager ol ibe Jaoover. Pa, Opera llouM,waa lo eliy tbe paat week, BvpeotiBf Ibe Lilly Clay Compaoy, ofwbieb be la pari proprietor. Dayton.—Tbe new Qnnil Oper» Uouae wae opened tiepL Sby Julia MarIowa,lB '^e LoveCh<ee,"aa- auted by RobertTaber. BuBdlagroomwaaaiapremlum, aod Ibe audleora waa ooe of tba moat aiyliab that aver rracad tbla theatre. A marked diaoge hutabeo place lothebooae. New earpeta,ouruio aad eceoaiy have ra Placed all ibe old. dingy aiuff. Tbe bouae la bow lighted Jirouihout by electrioltrjuid, la feet, la a model oae Id erery racpect. Harry K. reicol le iaanagar,aad It waa throoihblauatlriBgaffortJ that tba chaoae wu niada. Wood rattnn remalaa Ib the box olHee aod Chaa. I'omba haa charge of the iUge Clevelaad'a Mloetrala. wlib Hilly EmaraoB. H; Mane Jaoaeo 19. Park TsaATaB.>Weefc ol Bevt S, nil Petera, lo "Tbe Old Boler," bed good baaiDtai Sept. lO-U, Fraok WlUa. In'Tba LIberiy BeU/'aod llvlog platoraa; IS-it, U. F. Davla' **Uoele Tom'a Habio." eoLOiBBB* DoHi Tbratrr— Hurry A Hack'i **F1oal gao'a Ball," BepL ^ had good barlneai. LOkDOU TflBaTBB.-Joe Bavyar and HadIa Btael were Uia new tacae week of a. NoTis.-Baffl Heodeieoo baa diarge of tha atage at the Boldlera' lIoawTbeaue A haodeome eiavoa portrait ol Jollatfarfowe waa pieaented to Manager retefatand It oow kaoge lo the lobby oi the Grand. CMn«an.~lll HeorT'B Mlnetoela bad a good boaee Bapt 1 "Bide Tracked" had fair atteodanea T. Ooe: Pnr. KoBBcdy 10, Walle'e Comedy Co. 17- TRRATaBCoHiquRopeoed for lu third eeaaoaSepI AowdjeBcathatdlledareryaeatand occupylad all L3l available aiaadiog room waa praaent Tbe performanea waa giMid and waa received with BaaBlfeaiAtioaaof pUaa- era. Thie week: Tlllle KoaaeaJeaaieWooda, Bella Irr- iBg. Vay Uoey. Joe T. Keliey, Jeoole Robda J.O. Mar pby, Bertie Tboratoo, Bob Braoigaii. and Ulckey and lie. BprlD Mfl eld .—Tbe fornul opeolni of ibe Orftod, Bepi. A aitb 'MUa Dynaml'e." Marie Jaoaeo'a aaw plar pievad a aaooeea Al BLack'e Opera Hoaaa, i<ept. . Hurry aod Hack, lo -*PloBlgaa*e Ball." kept lha aodloDta InacoBUauoBaleugh. Tbeboeaa waa well flUad both natioee aad evealag. BleaboBTllU.—Attiie City Op«n nooae Maude (Iraaeer pruduoed 'The Maaur Paaelfto." for ihediat line OB aoy atan, Bept 7. lo good bealDen. Rooked: "A TeiaatiueFsi Tbe Loadoa Theatre ooeoed S to a a packed buuee. OpaalaglO: Amallaaod AiUae. Lait week'a people tamalD over, escopt tbe Waliari. PlndUv^Qle WallAn, la "Bide TiKked," oraard the Narrin Aug 18 to Pig baaiaear. J. W.' ar- ner'a *'CBd of the WurM," prodoeed for tha drM tima eo aoy ata«ea,drewalan(ebouBe. "ilie"lA LOUISIANA. KVfMi?'^ Tbe e«op»a af aod WlU baatov a liberal patioaagewhaoarar BiJ alua aoienaiameau era oa the bouda OrtOA UqpM.-N*|iie MeHeary ettrmarad goad bualaeatthrougbput tba week, deaolie the eiuemel* bol SSI*";. ■';»'70ailor,lB't6ortMoiUlattr,"R "iJaaJe Dodley." wMch lumpa iiom Waahiaatoa, U. 0-IT. RT. Ofaata TBaAT>B.-Baaaie Boaetalll la "Play- n^."drew taraeaadleBMadBriat tha week JoaOU, la-nbaSiarOvar,*'!^ H-ll-U^M. iiB m — - - ■ KENTUCKY. l^aMUwIlla.—At Kacaolry'a Tbeftlrv IL 0. Fleld'a Hlaairalapiajrdaiwo alghta'aagagentaBtBaFt X t, drawing moderate bouaai. Mane Jao»a,Mi, lo "MiM Dyaamita," draw fair bouaaa. Commeaciog Vi, tbla bouae will Uiaagunio a prallmiaaiy aeaaoe of btib claajaiiraciiunaat popular prcoR flfty, taaatr ttve aod dReeo eeaia 'The Hiivar * ed<ilBt," week of 10, vlll be tbe arata<tr««tioB at tha abure prTce* MAaoiio TaBtLB wiiiopealudoora for tha tnt time tbta aeaiOB IS, with 'Hot TRmalea" Tbti hooae during the Summer TBcatloB baa beea reaovatad tbrouafaoaL A aaw electric plant baa beea latroduced. tbe laveatloo of A C. Bourliw.- toAoag^r. Avi!eEB-Wi'.U' "A Liberty Ball * eloaed. a laUly aneeeaafol eogagemant. Orealer'a Lyceum Tboatre Compasy weak commeDciagP. aRAiipUnBAllotrBR.-Wm. Home aad BiteUawkloa opeBedthlabouHS.Ia "ThaLoatPAradlaa" Tbebooia waa aaebed tba Bret Qight, aad the aueadaaaathronah 001 Ibe week waa gratifying Id the maaagaia. "Ae Charity Ball" waek of ii^ "Jaae" week of 17. BooHiiaiiAM -Ealbifid'aOrpbeBu man merited bef- Ur atteadaaca ibaa they received Uit week. The hot weather aad oonaier aiuactlooa were the eaaee, VThal- leo A Martell'a ComblBAtioo waek of la Natioxai. Paaa.—BorMhneck Broa.. maaagera <tf thU retort, have decided, owlog to Ita aocoeaa, to onntiuue Uie Mtdaay PlalHOce fair (luring thlamoath. Ibe tt- tracilooa week of lo will be Pral E. f. Bpeetif (blfh diver). Da Mora, Moaa. Ooller, La Marteoo and rlag per- lonsattcea. Una TiiRATBi.-Na» fkcaa week of 10; Reiford aod Cbapmto, Koier aod Parker, Haaile Thloia, Ed 0. Mur pby. Praakllnaodntewari, BobBallBg,llattle Haaoo aad Ed. Polay. Bualaaaa laialr. KoTBi-Kraak H. aod J. B. WllU.ot "A Liberty Ball" nompaoy, loriled tha membera ol the Loulavllie and Baltimore Baaaball Club to Tiait the performanea S, BeUaUroa.*Clreaapaohed the taot fbr (nur per lormaivea 7, B Padncah—AL 0. Pleld'B MluirelR paoked MonoQ'a Opera Uouae Bept 7. After the peifonoaoce Mr. Field aod bla oompai<y war* eoteruloedat a attg eoclal br the local lolg- " - " ^ will ba dark thia waek. MASSACHUSETTS. BoBtoB.—Tbe Uollle Stfeet Tbeatre rmog wIUi merrlmeat laat week at every performaoca of "A Coao- try Sport." Tbla qaltalcal pea pioductloa haa beeo re- wriueo. aod aa oow praeaBUd by Peier F, Dalley aad ble excaUaat oompany la InmeoMly fuaay. Tbe pnviat week eloaea tbe eBgageaeal, aod week of Bapt 17 brlaga Aaguatio Oaly't compaoy oi oomedlaoa, la "A NIgbt Off" aad * Beveo Tweaty-BlfbL" Bovaom SqPABR Tiratbi:— Maoager Cfaarlea F. At iioaoo lecenaialr pauiog up atroagaitracifooa tor ble patrona Laat week be piodaoed 'The Bpaa ol Life," wbleh «aa doaly caat and moaniad.aod drew big per* log baalneat. aod for ibia weak bawiUprortuee. for tba drat time lo Bo*ieo. under ihe direetlon of Jtue* J. patrona Laat week be pmdaoed 'The Bpan ol Life,' wbleh «aa doaly caat aou moaniad.aod drew bi| aceota are laid la the olty nl Valparalao, three rear* agn, wbea tbe aaitore aod tobllen of the U. H. U. Haul- mrre were aManliad aod oAma ol them killed IB that Honth Amerloao metrapolla. Tba eioood ft ahowa the aeamdooal attempt lo plllaao ibe Ameritan rootnre eDka^ aod lo tha third act la iboen bow the treacberoua BtilTea aeughi to wrack the Baltimore OB the roabaof the Chlliao Cpaat lathiaact tho heroloe (May Harvey)rlaba bar Ufa to aavebereouatry'aafalp,a»dibieroiiua ooaol tbe mret aeaaatiooal epiwdu vi tbe play. Tbe fourth act eu- bodiea aa eieiUog chaae of ilie Chilian privaieer, "Iiaia," by theUalUmora,aod Intiwduceea oaral battle betaeea toe rival war atatpe, all or which la to bedooe. mioua tbe regulatioo nuakeiry, caeoua aad powder, aod la laid to be aa laieaaely thrilllag aod aene eilr rlog Bcene- Among the mecbaBical elNeta alli t»e a wonlag modal nl tha Baltiwora. complaialy oe- crowdmg over wbUe ;'o:d uioiy" ]fawOrleBBa.^nieaeaioD of ISM opened Id loUblartiB thle city Bept 1 OreaowaU't Oraad (»pera Uooaa aad tbe Bt-Chailaa Theatre, eoBirolM by the Hlaw A Erlaoaer ayadlcata, were packed, aad tbe Im- ueato aadteorei that awalieO tbe nlalag of the cortelaa STtved by eppUaae that they eere read/ fr>r the amoaa- flMBtnaMB^bagtB. The BMnagoraofibavartoaa play SuMLmacbttaaiBUoaae lBeiaded,aotUlpaia a big paalagMMOO TboButolalaa pioapofoai oaadiUoa. M tba am of ab*. aottoo. rba >«i »n pmlaa a|i«uyMd,aadwbMtbaaa Mapla BoalWfB prodaati CArbettand William A. Brady, ibe aew aavalplay, "OM cupyiog tbe atage, wiih the Amarlcan "blue Jaekeu crowdmg over ibe tldea ol the Chilian crolatr, while '0:d Uloiy" (Ibe alaii aad ainpaa) warea iriumpbaat orer all, borae ity ibe meo who era rUkloa ib*lr lUea la order to aave tboae of tbe drlllao^. Prum tbla bnal outline of the plot li ceo be teadily aeeo that there la ample ruon lor etroeg and aiarillog etage effe^te aod Dovel mechaolcal devlcee. The Buoaae- meot U folly alive to the oeedi ol the v.caaivB. aad tbe >atroaa of tha Bowdola can aaieiy loob lorward to ooe ei hamoitaUrriDgpla>ttherlUTe ever feea. The com- paoy laaatroBgODe.the foll'»a Isabel eg tbeca»t:Kobert Adama, Jamea Kerne; Doa IgoaMo Alrarado, ueorgeO. Biaiep; Mr. Uarv-y. Uavid Oa*iei; Hiram La«i0B,l)ea- lel JarreU; JetemUb Fhp. Jo a A. Coleo-aa; Baetaa 8edleyJacheoo.H. P. UoQloa; tfiiaa Braduer, Uaorge 0. i;aloe: Kemaea, Oeorge Dnke; Bnow, HylveetarWanan; 'oliceaian,Oeoige riowdeii; Ueiaeoger, Fraok Mart; May Harvey, Uoaella Mootc; Dooa* Haria Alraradv, Vlviaa Edrail: Hilly Plammar, Loulee H»otroae. BuBTDM MtraauK.—TbauBca) ulcoit Biaue a aueeeti tat week of FItoa A Jeiaop'a comedy drama, *-Tba nib Artlai," ahiiji draw overdowlog audleocaa to Uie MureuBL Aa Manrlce Oroola Mr.Uioou la a iypa|el a w«U bred, aabiuoaa yooog Irlabmao. *Tbe Iriab An- lafwIUbe ruathrtugb thieweeh, and wiu bm ioUnve<l 17, oplBlBg ol Ibe diiy-fwurlli regular aeawo ot ili* bouaa, by a rarlTai of ''rrlDca Fro Tern," ao up to dat« editioa,wbicbwlU ba proMoled with new ecaoary, oo« tumea. mniio, uolqaa pr perUea aad a very atiuag emit BoBTDR TUBATBB.—BoatOD piaygoora certalaiv have a atroaa Itktog lur Oeaaiao Tbomaaoo and him lifklilo pic- ture ol couoWf life, *^e Old Honwatead." Tbe drat week ofiia revlvel hete—eodlogB—witaaaeedDaugbibut aaoeceulon olaodieacaa that erowdad Managar Tomj*- klaa* booae to the doora. aad late eonero were loriuoato lo lodlogevenataadlegrevra. It la aottoo much toaay (bat tbla play «aa never prodoeed ib better loriD,aor baa Mr TbompMD'B rendiljoo of the old Vaakee lariaer. Joabna Wblicomb^ ever t>eeo uuer to life thaaali'ieaaat, aftatthoroBjbly en>rrolatedby allconvertaatwlib thai lypsofNevBoglaaacbaraour. Tbe play wlU run dve weeke more. Park TflRATRV.— T. V. feabroobe'a recooitrueted "TabaMe"clAMlaaacoaBBloln)B attbeParhi^aBdienr- catdad lUbf TUB Hurpby lo Haory OuyCarletoa'aoeaady, Ijm EaUla,'' which baa already prvreaaauvaaaoDLhe New Bag aad clrcolL Ilia eupport wiU ba lo aaenrdaaca with the BOfda of tba play, tba iBooBfBg of wbleh wiU ba marked by tha care waico alaaya o>>araoterliea Maotger BtelBoo'a preduoUena Neat week, Jaa. J. CortMtt, lo "OaoUemaa Jaok." ORAkO uraaa HorgB.-Loute Aldrleb, la **My Ptrt- Btr." eleaed aa exeallaot «aek H, aad for week of lU Man* aa«ra ManaBoM k Magea aaoeuace the drat Boiun pro* duetleB of *^vea « Uuld," wlib a atroBg eomOAoy, headed by Elmer Oiaadla and wile (Eva HouBtloru). Tbe drama WlU be ttacad lo accoidaaca with the ueaal liberal coatom of thia boaaai Next weak, "Acioia tbe Potemao." _ TRaHURT Trratri.— Tbe roo of "Hadellaa. or The Uagio KlBa,"le bat draalogio a cfoae, aod Haoagera llarrr Aakeo anil Fbil W uaooouDce tbe laat weeka uf Camllle O'Anllla and her ebarmiDg upeiati^ ('4jL0MatA TOBATaa.—"YoDBg America" la havlog a iplendldaadweUmarltadroo at tbe Uolumbia, aod Ite embodiment of Amertcaa pairletlam la well calcuUt»l to atJr tbe heart. Iiaaaeoodweehelaiedereolag of 8to alaounad boaae,aod li aaame aafe to predict a euBpnua' UoB ol aodtaocee that will BU the bouea lo lu eapaclly, B. P. iRiTM'a Nav TUBAtaa-Oaeol tba moat pleaalag vaudavllle, oomedy ead apadaliyehowa gireo lo towa thUweakwIUbeloiiBd atKettb'aTbeaira. Tbla week'e programme ahowa tbe Bamaioi Fied uolomoa'a Opaiatio Trio, la The ReBdMruue:** Fialkowaky, Harguerliau U'Rrleo aod Beddlni. BaMoaad Hoi>ena Beddiag aad BiaotOBLHuaaod aadHaib^»*rr" - - gibboo FamUy, Looey, tbe Daril Dola _ _ BUridga,JaBe.nia- lag Bleu ra aad ihaVea* UowAto ATggR«H.-Ttae Doward alll coatlDae lo Caleb the loTf-re of popular eetertalauoBia. Maaager Oeo. B. Lothrop tiaa eroilded ebowa that have etBgbt iLe claaawbopatrooiaa bla bouaaa, baace ibeir popuiarliy. For veek ol 10 ho offara tbe bouta burlaaque eompaey In the eitimvagaan, "Llll Qoaao " arraageU by M. A. Ilew- letLaad Ihe foHowlag olio: Ruth (;iiadBeiri Band ut Bontbera PiebtoiBBfoa the Living Flctuiea, tba two Du^rowa, Ida Uoaeli. Mauie Flower, Mereite Mrarv. Perblae Broa. Orace HtrateB, Fforaeee Rlesa, Kalb Ward, Uaydeaaod HethertoB. rraok aod Olara Marlon, Cbatlee ifeywood, Oia lla'dtD, lUarr T. Walu« Etu* Altlea, Mand Fraakllo, Btaacbe Famandei, Joe Hard* nun and Ueorgle Oirard. Actrm A Hronra HosBoa.-Mtlll the nub coatlBoea bera ThU aeek: Virgiala Haapp, HUa. Heyale'a Par- Uiaaf»BialairauM of loll tad rapier HBoete; 1a BeUo Hoaa.iha Tnrklab wblrlalikd dancer; the dao of Qom- boa-aealoraBdJaBlor.(;oril>ai^aad boBrlyitaga ebowa by 1*0 weU eelectad oomraniee. Ltoiph TflaaTaa.-Tbe bill at tbe Lyceem for «eek 10 leadanff with tha aama of Jamea P. Uoey Otbere on tbe llttara Joba RC l^lalr, the Fremoata. Adtfo Furvia OarL the OoUeoa tbe i:ieDeoio Broe., wbltmaa, kloaa aad Boroa, Tata»ca aod Boailh aad Oibera. ijbaud HV8Bi;M.—Tbeiour act comedr drama, "Battery B'* la booked herewith Ubarlet Walcoa Kuaaall, iba aothor aod actor. Id Uie leadlog nieoi Hegleaid Varlay, •aprortad by the lAtbrep Block Co. (a the oifo are HlDea aad RaiolBiloo. Fmok Uoiloa, Mai and MibbIo Le Boj Kaafferaedllill. WUIia&Llneolo, aod Jack Talbot, Jebo RnbloroB and Kiltie Allyoe la laree. PaUOB TUBavaa:—I'ealleuoue ahoee nteaoacootloa* oaaauMeaa at Col. AoatlB'aboaaa^ Bherehe preeoma ihia aeek Oua lllira Kaw Tork Marai la Ibe »>upaayara ABBieDtvara and Joba Daly. OllleParkaaod Ban Valioo, Pn^ H Leaha, the Crane Broa.C. W LIttteBe.d. tbe Three Oaidoer Broa., tbe mo of La Hoot Broe , Mme. flora. Leonard aad Morao, aad Clark and Aadraaa Tbe eitravagaoia for the weak ia "gdCO Kaaard. Ooed or AllTew''wlth F:ed J. Haber aod Joba Uaiduer lo tl»o uml' la abow Ko. 3 appeare Mellie Waiara, vocaliai: Maile Warraa. froto, the daaear; Jaeafo Olllver aad oth*raot the Palace Comedy i^rtapaBy. Teoair Jamea Bemt^ bod oi the well bBoao aathor- actor, wiirbava the laadleg role (B*'Uld Olory'*tliha Bowdoto Bqoara Thaatiei, week or U Juliette Cordea, aileof Raeineee Maaager Fnd A. pDOd,of tha Roitoa _ ^ InDeCotto TbetlreL baabaea cbt^aea to < aBjBailib'a"Bob Boy." l«owall,^t ibo Opera llooBe *'Tb« Clrciii <no«a" came BepL 9 to a good boaae Bimaa'' Righl BaUt"rUy»itogaodbntlaeaaAS. "The ftaaler" (N >. 1 r&tbad a big houaa 7. Booked: Robert Haniall, la "MoBbara* 1^ line HlUler, la "t'orla" II. aad "Heael EIrte" 11^ Lo«ia AUrlcb, Ib "My Paitaer" *& Mraio UAtUB."A Modem llamlar, • Vft aad *Ti a t^traaa Qlrl.** played to IhtrbuaiaemL "UUie TaiU e * will baplayad l»>1lby Thomaa and Wateoa, J. J.Oweua, Cbaa. Haloa^ Viola BaocrotL Mabel Colbr and oihera. A. II. WoodbalU lo "AQBt Baity," oomea IML BuoD TiRAtRB —Lilly Alley B^a Boileaqu* Co. aad Mb a ABaiea'aUviBRpletaiee played a good «eek*a buMBow, eodlegfl. De roraat A Warreo'e Htirleaque ()<>. and llr. log pletutva are billed for Maud week. Lagavii«TBRAT«a—' Pinaiora"drew big bouaaeaiid tha opera eeaauB letubeprolunieJ aoulher week. "The Hikado" WlU he play*l lO aod se#k. Joba Llojd. tba teaor of the Oilbeit Upora t'oiupany, airuek for aa bl'- vaneeof aalary tiler tb« abow i.thlakiDg enaihar aiau eouM ool be aecured for iba opealag,! tut Uaoaaat Oil- beridid e< me tail haaillof aad eeeured tiaorge Hltdtell iB aeaaoB. Ueroeti l>od«I, willtam Walker eod Jamet DeooeUy were bIbo new lacea laat waek. Ulnervt L^, HiKhleya, Foi aad Ward. Hauoma aod Illaae aod Bam. leatoo are billed fur eouoeilB. Paop. WotoDTT, partobutejamper, la here 10 for aaeb. Wonaetor^AI tbe Worccater Tbeatre "Spldtr and Fly" aad Ufiag platarat drew abigliouaa Beptl Tim Murphy, lo ' Lem Kettle," did a g-'Cd bnalaeae e. Joaaph Orlaner and Phmi e Uavlea, Ib 'T1i« New Beath," bad Uige audieaoea 7. B. 'Tha Daaler" II, Tbna. Q. Hea- brooka. Ib ■Taheeco," IS. Byrne HroUiera' i Bella" 14, 'A FauBTBrKBrr Ornia llui'ai —ihe l.vBiieo Bellee eB> tortaiard lajee aodiaaeea lut week, tanworth'a CohM- aait^ilorad TaudevtlleCo. lO-lli, "O'Dowd'aTribulaUoaa" IT-& LOTHRor'a OfBRA Roni.—EatherlBo Rober. In "The niddea llaaJ," dM a big boalaem laal week. "The BsBker*a Daugbiar" 10*IV None.—Fraokla BL John, ol Lothiop'aBtooh Company, lau aeaeoD, la now with *-Peck'a Bad Boy" Co Ur. tieorgeh. Lothrop, of Lotbnp Opera lloaaea.len I titr a tlx weeka* trip to (iallfoiDLa. Mweerr ready tor iraaaaipm«Bi u aaiwa rrew ^;Siik^oaae;wberelboywlllbaMrB«aekof Ki la , _ BoauoB aiih a moarter raadeviito abow, at tba opeaiag BttraeUoB of Ihe leaaea. Jebo T. Fyaee baa akeaov laeamad bit duuaa aa raa ld a a i maaager of lha rrotL dZwbMta Tboo. Beea, laat rear whh tha Oraad 0^ Hoata Oempaay, iMt )oiaai bo Oma Dlakaea «d. Hprlti|a«ld.—At ailmoro'i (Toart Square ThM< aire,rifpT. i'*A Bunch ol Keyt**drew a large bouae. Tim Murphy, m ^Lem Kauie," t, had ll>ht leiurna. -Wpliier tad Fiy"auraued a fair tlwd ■ugaudiea'a.d The liv> ing otelBreadidaoi aronae much •nthuaia'in. Erile BUa- ler,lB '-Uoila," waa weU 'ecelveilby agondhnuae^i>. Kn* eoreawera Bumeroaa B«oaetl: i/, Hobert Maoiell; II, Heabn>okeOMraCo.."Tabaaco:" 18^ "The New Honih;*' ILWabdi'ai!oiioert/in. OiLHUBR'aUraHi Kuvaa-Tlie Uadoa Hfarka wlllap- paar at popular pncaa Id. II, U. TrCRRa a PaatAR TBIATHa opeoed the laaano B to large buatoeaa. W»ek ol It): Kenoedy aod (Iregory, t'oiaaaad Bacoo, Brighem (ventriloiiuiai), Margueilie Neaton, Jamaaaod Mao Baieley aad Kittle Blagham. Lynn^At the Lyon Tbeaira *'Klabl Uolh" plaieJ to a paotad bouia 8epL B. "Tlie Derby Maacoi" did a good boaloeaa I. Bohert Maoiell eaiiia B to (kit bunaeaa B'ad>'e **Uld Oiory" «aB to hare been pro diiced7,butcBucalad. not being ready ler ibe road. *Tlie Uaiiler'' waa played to a big buiinraaa Upulog: *Tlie Tfto dietara" H, "My Patloar" Id, "The Mali Artiit* 11. tt Mt'Bio HiLL.~RlohnDnd aiKl nieor«*r, ihe Morellni^ MorrlBOO aad Diviaa, Jamea K. Riack, eille Albion, Joe UairiBOB, l*attio and Dlia, aod lliing t-lciurea LawKHca.—At tbe Opfn Uoute "Prok'a Bad* Boy" played to good bntfoeae HepLl 'The Panfor" «aapre«eoted loa pacaad iMuaed. "Bliht Bella." 7, S. tleaaed good eiied audleiKaa. Cumlog: li, 'ThaKpan ol He;" It, II, "Davy Joaea;" |7, IB,**Yqubk Aiiierlcai" 19, "Tahaw-o:" O. -Tne Kaw Bouili." Uaiktt.— ihit houaa opeoed S and big houeea bare beeo Ibe rala. Bnoklaga for M: deawood Broa, lle^ uiioie Dlxoo, 0. J. Oawlii aod J. L i.^iaodler. Tauition,*Atibe KewTtacaire "Tbe Hauler," Hapt a, had good buaioeea. The Onrinaoa, lo -Tbeilil* liooUye Abrrad," 7,dr»a aamall bouae. t'oinlDg:"Peak'a Had Uuy" IQi ILL. Peck, a well huown and popular TanntoJlao, will maoagaihaDewibeaireforiliepreeeut DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. WmehlugtoD^'Tbe FoMlog Skew" openrd Uie regular feaaon at the Altwugh Otaod Opera lluua*. Bept 9-dt te eicollaal tmaloeta. The melange preaeoua waa of tha higlitet order ol merit and the bouie pa' rona ware loud lo their praleea uf tbe naique progreiiime. Thia week. Jamea J. Corbett la "UeaUemao Jack:" "A Wild Oack" 17>0. HATroRAL THRATtR.—PriunMO i Weat'a MInairela opeothe rejuler aatfoo thta weak. ThaTaveri tiraiid Opera Oo. iMl AotDiBTbP Mraia—Charlea Dlcheon «aa heraS-K, lu "AJoilrUood Fellow." Thepiere le ao eliboratioo ui "A Mao About Tovo," ahloli haa boMi u»td mr lite pm*1 two aatauna by Hr Dlakaoo at a curtolo raiaer. The patrouago waa highly aaualaotory and ihe eomodv went wUb a vim, Thli week, "Our. UoeU DudUy;" 'imtl.a MtaeleAlppr* IT-S BvvLtR'a Buou.—"Paul Bauvtr" bad a fair weak aod wa« reeelved with faror. "The (lalley Rlave" M-\t, <!uia Vaa TaoMll, la •Tenaaiete'e Pardoer.^' 17-a Kaa«AH a Ltoiph —i he City viuu hahl furth U*i week to lair builneea Tha <*lty Hpuna are bare Uila wiek. 0. W. WlUianii Co 17-S. Kom-Edward J. Ahrtma, maaager ol Chartea Ulrb- aoa a "JoUr ritn^ Palluw" (fo. haavrllUa a Pieeeof muilo ooUilad "Tba Indian Hun Dance," a moat pieaaing aod weird oompo»lllon, which waa produced laat we«k by Uie Academy of Moilo orchealra, winning repeaieil eocorea aiilitly tditilaa B. Bvaoa, naoagarof iiia Herald Bquare rheairo, your city, waa lo town uat week luwIineaaUhtrlei Dlckpoo'a "Jolly Hood Falhtw, * ami wu eo w?i| ptoaaed Uiat aegot'atiOBB are being made to produce the a>uadyat ihe llerahl Hauare iiurlog the preaent aea«OD. Lewla MorrlioD'a "Fiyiug Dulchmao" will alae tteprodncad at tbe aamebouie J. W, Arery, foimerl* oi ibia city, waaalau acalfor laitweeb. lie hat aaaomed tbe prau work ol Delia P^x ilrant Parrlah left lor bla European trlp& aai Ing from Kew York « KuieooKamau baa aaaamwl the tnaaaxtmant oi Ker- Bta^a Lyceum Theatre, havlnR cloaoJ a ancceeailiil aaaann with bla apeciacBbir pirotochnic out of deorprodooil'Hi, "Ameilflua." Herbert Paiiee, wlm la pnoorciioiraal wlUi lheWallierWhiualdei:o.,waa la town laal weak, TiaiHng blaparente. TENNESSEE. NaalbTlllw^Uaee/* URDD'ioew raroe comeilf, '4-II-4I," u*berad In tbe aaaaoo at the Theatre Van 'oni', BepLS. Tha ofowd waa Bol aa large aa It wnutd litto been If Ibe play bad beaa boowa bare, aod the waather had ool been eo warm. Deaplte tbeea facU, however. au4leacaa of lair propurUooa Oiled the Ibraire ihrouxli* Aat lb* whole engagement. Al. n. Piahra MInairela IL II Uijoif.—Will K Hurton'a "Acti*re' Holiday" Compeoy opeoed the aeoood aeek at tola huuaa with a Libur Day mailora. lArgecrowde were the rule the Qr*l part of Uieweek,butilieaUaDdtnref«Uoitha Utidt litir; Tbe booea Bill be dark IC-IA. Oarrle Laniont'A ||U>al (kHn< ptay eomee II'IL Omahd OrxRA UoutL—Maoaaar Tboa Boylt la buay with a large force of workmen cltaulog tod renevatiag the houee rreparatory bi openlag Uio aeaaon 14 with 'TheCvloooL''^ (Jutte a nuiutier of luipri'Veiueot* are Boiad. erpecltlly la the galtorieo aad baleonlea. HaO' agar Boyle la cooOdaat of a proaperoui aetAoo aa bit booklnga aio drat olaaa m arery reapvet Koraa -Rella Hfoa.* CIreui will be here IS, to ka follow. ed by Bamam A Hallvy'a Uot 9 Norman Willr of Uia "i 11*11" Co., received a telegram from New Vora i en. Bouodng Uie draUi ol bar eon aead two yeara. NotwiiN- Biaod'ug thia iaot,Bba wont f>a that night aa iboogh Boihing bed bappeoed J. L Craddock, maaager • 1 lilt Opera Houae. t'elumbua, Ulea, la tpeBdlng a few ilaye thf ciiv aod olrtBlatlag auioug bla pnieuiunal frieoda Htaaley Maoay le not wiUi tlia "t-lI U" Company. Jott bow, belog dtltiaad la New York by athoBtlUneia. Cbaltmaaoga^Ttic UoaUer" did a good builneaa Bept t. "Down la Olile" ^mai II. MICHIGAN. l>«tr«lt««All Ibe ibemtreB Rr« opeo ibli week aad the Mate Fair lo (all blaaL At toa Lyceum Tlia- aire Boaeall'a (Oomedlaoa Bept 10-11. Harry Lary im Dnauir oraMa Uoi'tB—'Thi Fenelag Haaur" lO-U^ Rolaad Feed IT U. WBiraar ORAaofffiRA Moi>aa—Tbla weak. *^ha Ivy Leaf l^week, "Ur.OBpM" pteyed to goodbualoaH, Heit waek, the Wilbur fiperaCo. OaaraitL'a EiiriRB Tmbatbb— Tbla waek, Badie flat* aoB. Laat week "Uttfo Triale" bad tcredlUMe run. Neat week, "Ml Pluoktrd." Vurobblabd TiBiTBR ARO MpiiB.-€nrle hall: Tha Naldt (pboaohoreacaai fuoolalo), Le Oraage (loag iMided maalaod Fraak'a HroMn Faeury. " LeodaBdHervllla.iiymoada. Hoghea aad Oraad Uapldo.—Fowfrg' Upcra llooae wm opened Kept i by "A TiIp lo C^lotiowo," which playwl to a larg« uouae Boat (loghlaa IS, If. ORjjioOriRA burai—Week of 9. ibaWilberi>p*ra no puywl to larfo bOBaea. They hold tha boatda thit week. ^'//r. t^BpItf'17^. BHirN'-j OravA UoctR—mil aad Ltwreoca.Klitraa aod Co'i^ Leopold aod Vouog. Dollla Brooke aad the Dlbbord opened Bept. e, ,..«al), toapecked beoaoire* paaUof It 7, & "Ur Uopkd" U. Toar acrlbe ja*t re* J»lia«B.Wli6 (new lih *-|ella_of_Blaekvi|le** ^local). to a pecked booae. re* larae/froaateadare* trip to the Eaat, wbera ha hat btea watebiaa devalepneote of hie olay, '^a C<rcut trfowo," wblaoElcbaiu and t'aaflehlare bilBilor *- IbotaiaL ■•■lBaw.^na Aokdear or Unite op«M4 u tiled Uw hoaaa. *A f ilp w aatlao BoidwaU'a Vmn 17 ooofe * WUtby'a OiraM ooaoa r ■ •■iBBW.^ ■epi.rwltbaaadu CANAPAi T«i«Bto.«Al tbe Qnuid Open llouao rb appre- cUUvaaudleoeeaiaetedBol. SffllihRuaaalloB Ua opea* lai alBht lo "Peacefal Vallay.*' Thia «a<b Mr. Ruaeell WlU live "Poor Relation" Bepi. 10>l<, "Patcelul Valley" ai>d "Th« Hair at Uw" it, IL .'OHOim OfBBA llotmB —*-A Haggtga Chech." S'tl, wtt adrawiog card aod Ailed the bouae at each peirtinitaoce. - HoKaridea't Efopemeai" ii>-U ACAUKHT or MPHIO—Arihur Rlilnian't "A Huriimer Rhooer"iipeBed ihe Anademy a| HuiloHepL» to a fair bualneaa "A Orocher Jack" li>-ift Thb AruiTtJhii'H rptoed 9 with Collina and MaDeli, Aiooft, U'aik and Angellne,i'ele«te,Ji>hn P. niark and Prof. llltgloB. ^^wBT auaio llAtu—Imperial Ruwian Court OrohM* MwiMB'a Mvtxa—Under the manaiamant of H. ri. Yoiiag. IB doing a gocd baalaei>. TUB HoPOTMiAL FAIR ha« b«en formally nronedhy Mr Jiiha Thninpann and ererythlng la lo (ml a«lng. Thn follnwlDg are aoma ol U-e aUrartiuna: For Ihe graiiil iteu'l peifitrmancaKuiioraM'iicao Pamiiy. t'tum and llerrert, ueorglua Dadigo. Ttoner and Pn-bel. La Van Hr»lhBrB, Rantaa aitil Amo. AIIm Hajinond. Kalltailne (lyleA Kiineorant llmthera, Hannark jntl Ailtir, Hajta, Kialla, Wlliuoit Duit and Hnjal Ja|taneie Troupe MAINE. I'sriUml—nirlnni nulilcn'H "Ulil Jeil rroiii;" ail.d Lallirop'i ihfiir. aur. al, H.pL I, "PMh'* Boy" pUx.*19to .,ii.d .ikILbc "rh. T.o Mit.ri" r, K hkl bl| iHiliiiM. lAull AM'Ich, lu "Mr Pulnrr," nimu la M. -Tho Itennr Hlm.l" ltt\ <!alUMl.fa UId HI.'. 11, ThoDiB. g. rtwirook., id "Tibwen," 17. NEW YORK CITY. La.I W*.k'« Br.Bli,—1)110 mIiIIIIoimI haw, lonicU upon llrvxulivtj, iwuiig Inla IIim lutweoli, prvarnilng ■itrniigallrHallno. It liml a lirlllliuit opening. TDD nnulii ki ttu itchlofMl *n choorlnii fur nhilo ilioaTorMgo ot liiitlnou tim bef d 011I7 fair, RooiluiiMotlonah.TOrcapiitk(ooilijtiarvnl. Coni' cdjr, In uno form or .nottipr, Iim IhucHll, lu It usimtly liMat me i>egiunliig ot iho «»ion... .The oonllnueil perlorniencc* for thn wri k I'nillnii VepL K were: Rloe'e ' IW," at Iho (laHKiN; "tlln Innnotnro Alimad," at Ihe lluuu; ■ Thu Vlclona L'iku," at ilioLYUitiM;"ANI|iht(lir,"at IIilv'h:"TIio Utile Trooper," at Ihe UiaiKU; "KhonaiidnAb," at tho AUiiiaHir or Muaiu; "Chatlpjr'a Aunt," at tho KMriHI; "Unon IIi.IIkw," at tho KouHTtiHTii BTHacr, and llin "Ciom Ituail.iil ljre,"aithebTii<, Iho throe Hit nanieil oloalni on iliat dalo Ttio one week ilaoila oloilnu dcpu s were: "llarlHir l.llhte," at Nioiira; "Tiio l.liiillo<t Mall," at tho Piori.i'a; "A True Aniorlrati," at Itaaw Tiiihu ATaHVi; "noiitienHn jHct," at th« amikiuah; 'A Khi( utTriicp,">t ilio (lii.Kii ilrua lluuaii,anil HlaYca nt Uiilil," at Uio t'lii.iiu iica Ynrlut; en- l«rtalnmont waa furuialiuil hi To: r PAhiDU'ri, Ki H TIN \ lliai.'H, Iho (JaKTRAi. UriHi lliiiraa, tho UNtOK mUAHl, tho liUmiOH, rHIWrOK'H, Iho OI.VU' riu, Iho Oahihii llixir Uahoih anU UiKaaii Rowmr anil Kiuirrii AvaNuv I'crlnrinanne In llehrew were givon at the TiiiUtaud SVihdiuii. ..Tho HHOtllWlY TliaATHK npCnCll Htpl. 3, wlih lie Wi If IlopiKr In hia now ninaloal oiIkivA' gaeia, "Dr. ttjniai." Upon ilie iimgranitiio Iho entire oredit for iho oompoaitlon of thia work waa h aiowcil upon ). Uhrever (loulwln anil Wutilaon Unrae. The laat n.mtil gciiUtnun, It will lie rt- nii*Diliered, ooniitoied Uio miialo for "C'lndrro'la al Hi'naol," of which the iiieatnt work li a llnral dcicendent, poeieaalni hj Inheilutico aomoot Iho uiuilo of the ronncr work. It la now rialiiied by aoveral exironwij Indlgiunl pnillra that Mr. Horae ooDlrllinlril IIIUo, l( any at all, of the now raiialo for "Dr. Hynlai," allliough he alODo liaa recolvtti the ci«illl. Joha H, lllllor, director of moelu and amduchir tor Mr. Hup- per'i eompanr, cUlnia that he not only Hrraiige.1 all of the muRlo to ault llto new iHiok, but ouni- poied Diany of llie hut Duiulicra, iDuliidliig Mr. Ilnppor'i drat song, "What la }ftio\" the walla mualo for ibo dance auoHiipanjlng ilio duet Ito. tweo Dr. Byiilax and Mlia Tmpira; lir. MyuUti'a aoug, "There waa a l.lith) flirl who hail a Lllilo Curl;" Ibe gnroiie for the inarnlnilii, gulianninl orohetira, and Iho Dnalo nrthogntart llluilraling thedoDUnolailonor Hviwlra. Ilorr Klugi]iirt-I(ehll, the Qrtt TlollnUtot iho orulienira, iiklnn i:ru.ill fur Ihe orcliotlrallon uf ihv rcnialnilor or the niuilo, and llla further cUlmcd thai Jrunle (I' ldlhwalitU aong, "The Hoarding Hchuol llrhghla." waa c-m- contMbuUd liy Iho compoecr nt "Little Juhnnio Doogan." Ur, lllller, In onklug bla oninplalnt, polnta with pridt ui hIa record aa illrooUir i<r mualo for Her Ma)niiy'a opera In Ixiudiio, uii'lar Col. Hapkaou, and lo hla aucwaaful lalnra aa ill- rector and virlunan of Ihn laio llina ile Uuraka, whi» waa hla wlfn. For thu wtrroctnem of Uicao varhuia olalmiltia luipuullile lo voiiiih, liut ilio laccniat they hafe hern vlgnroualy lait furwanl, ami am of an eilranrdlnary oharitcter, rendcra Hiirao nutlito of Hum aa lininratlfo duly. If Ur. lllller iild uouh poH auch portlona of ihe work a. ho cUInia, Ihi. ca- tent of hla grlovanco can only lie ralliiiiiluil liya poruial or Ihe l/riiia or hla coiilraol aa mualcal dIrooKir of Hie uinipAny, and, lu'lnill. ting that ho haa lifou wronged, aa ho ctaliiiF, Iho publloulun r.r hla complalat ilioulit ha'o li en preceded by hla realgnatlon from thu iHMlilna be holda In lha coinpaoy, for It iliould cor- talnly lie a pileclplo of huM'ir l» rrinalo loyal lii one whoao pay we recflve; and, while Mr, Hlllor may ba alila lo hiing aenie moaaere if reproaoli upon Mr. llopiier'a managi r, be ran ararcoly hope lo reap aoy honor hlnueir, or In cninnaad elllior tbereapcct or ayinpathy of honuraiiienien hy ihu oourae he aeom, to haro puriuod Ilagenlcrk'a trained aninula were placed upon exiilblllon, Hrpt, », at MAtnaoN |j<iCAHI HianuN, where they '.vlll make a lengthy aiay. Till OaaHAHU TniATHk will upon Hrpt. lb, wIMi a revival of '*Tlie Corner (Iroceror Avenue A." HAHAOaa A. U. I'Atmii win nriHiuro Hyilney Hoeetifeld'a now comedy, "llla Klril l>inpi.|gn," during Iho aeaaou. fAHNY lUviaroaT will Itraln, Hoc. lo, an tight werke' onKageincoi at the Finh AvenuH Tneaire, During her engxgementMlw Davenport will jini. dnoe Hardiiu'a new play for Hie Brat Mme In Hue counin. Hhe will name Iho play "Ulamonda," at- ihongn the Kreucn vertloo eoniroiltd hy v.iah Uerahardt will be known aa "Tho llucneaa of Athena." NuivriATiiiaa are pending hotwHii Hanagera T, Henry Vreachand David lleiideraon forlhe nroduc- Hon of "AladdlB Jr." at iho Uroadway Theairo, early In April. AuaueruB TauMta, liarld llelaico, Hydney llosen. feld, Paul H, Colter, llarrl-nn Hrey Klahe and C'harlea Kline are among the piaywrlghia amlrr oonitael to (nrolah material for A. IT. I'ltlmer'a Hlook Uo. this aeasoD. UIAMBO.-Uarrlgau'a, Hbindaril, IMmer'a, Haill- eon Hi|Uare, Hark, Irving Pace, Uernianhi, Heir mana'a aod Ueoual. WILSON BanaarT will produoi llirco now playa dnrtflg llla coming eng.gemeiil at the Amtrli-an Theatre; "The Mananiao,"a draiiwHzatluu by Mr. Baneltot Hall Ualne'a n'ivel; a hlgu claaa melo. drama on the Hnea of "The bPyer King," and a dram* of Ihe early Chrlallau era, whioh will prui*. birbe called-T u Higo or thoVrosi." Maud Af. frfea will again Im leading la<iy wlUi tho compiny. Hla WUMnvai.i.'a menagerie opened Hepi. s, at Kleventh Aveou. and Hliiy Hlxih ifiiTal, fur a llmlird .eawin. Till HonvNiAiia have liegun lehrarsila on "Kai 1. nifsa," which Ihayaro going lo give an eUlHirate rerlval at the ripening of iboir coming eogageinent al the Broadway Theatre. The luVa of VaHnllxa win be song by Jeanle Uaruett Uavla. l>. Kiolae Morgan and L'arollne llamlHoo will alug L rdiaal- lenauly, lleory Clay Baroabi e will lie lie lust Faaha; w. II. McUooakl, Julian Hardy; Kugene Cowlea, Oen. KanhrhuhoiT, and (Worge Krotaing- haa, Btelpaan* J. CBaaLaa I»at(s baa oompleXd ansigemeDla by whioh. In addition to managlog lb* r, 0. Whil- Bar opera companies, he lieconiaa maiagerot U. 0. Muwr'a glfU Af .no* Theatre, Mr. Daf is waa Mr. Mlaer's bualaesa tuaager lur a long fsrlodsararal /sarsago.