New York Clipper (Sep 1894)

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410 THE ISTRIW YOBK QUPPEB. September 15. Avinivr OF Mono—"8lieii»odo«li" tsttraA BeDL 10 Qpon III Uilnl week wllb • Itigt ud tmt fnitauiuuUcsDdleiicaln n itn O ac*. ItM muB'' flctntprodnctlon, with lu tbrUUiii u4 UtomiiUr nouuo MUilo plcmrcs, lui mtxti t •raailoo nre In tbnuictl uiul«. It It oMniM tint tha biuln«H It braklOE Uio boi omw noordi of lot liouM, nut eiMpUiif ttiOi« mda bj "Tlia Uld Ilomctlmd." Itlilitalrt<>maoitlonfi>*7. ^, ^ MHOinwAT TiiiiTai.—"Ur. 8;nUx,>Mn wnica IM Won Uopper >ail hit coreptD/ m dltponlof menuclvet ai itali hoato, Hu pioTtn k iscctit. Tim Kcood HMk ot tbt run brgtn Btpt U. - UoBiH' HraiuH.—Uoilnni cooilnnei to bo np to tbt iiudwl ot lonner tnunt u ibU hooM. For tbit week lilt corlo ball muiciloai art RlutU, gon iimiitl; lIoDclonl, barrel mjtierj: Lo llo;r. otil Ko^t .««rTL.JiW'i'Xl Sr.l'fitJj I »%"t'ir'^:,'A*r.°.K».'.'" SA""""' Kdowo p'tyn , lupldoulrattblirwitihpt. ID. Wliri ihi ticarlloa ortEtlltloil piauruU»bill>u uUcdr n<», tDd In; nocheXer^Attbo UMora. J52""^¥?'',?,^^ -— * ' ■— mutner I f^ii-hoA'ua AanoooeM: 17-19. D»n>o Irt"'"'! a»tb<r>,t<n>MU,roid>llulrnntboir lo uAnaiion uiinioc7u4 Inawl lniMai>l4 hmr. Tliiranai u po>- MM QOllBllad ■UNORlh idO iklll, pirfomid MTrrtj luUoxtotliUtMonl Ui« »«i«r. Tiny »«r» iicjM lroup« 01 tr*iMd doic*. ; , Jiionilhor«aiblr racttMrm ud (oa iniltppluu. iiioPiolb>rlliTatldoD« by Un don wu«MrMnim* dlDOt. Tin ICHI •PleiUIDlDCbUl Mold b« OOt WOd; _ _ TMUK*. TboNlliMDA»rlalBtllet«t<doo«rortbodril v!l*»"i>mmVn!^hliL^/lalrtaVkAiMVn' HaIIii ^UTt' I tiiHO lo thw Mua^f.udwiU BO doubl ptorouloler- king; Kmma BcbllMr, "»'}» •"'S°?i'.S?L'?,'*,rlI!; •kIoii rHton u toon u ll lo Id omcoU niDDlllt oidor. 'long tailred woman, and Hltnla Uartmin, Ibrco {ttl^^Tio*. »o bmd, *bo mlEod tbt blut in wiui - 1 . - —J- tiittr Orrt u* MttltUt 01 Illo, ehanlauo lalomallonJl. tlio I flrtt wDMrmiKo in Amtilea tod «»< tccordtd t tery nLtUrlnirMoirtloA. In tppMnnco Milt. Uli> It loont •nd rroUy. ond >l>e (KwiMi »n etir unu iCtt It cbtnnlsc. II»r YOWlii-ltMtBt 8ho tnwored htr toOiJ mrctoKii >, wntn ■•»»»>»»"-!i"Tf*_rV"To'i:rkiRiill inbolhrronchisdatrau. Ii» K.mlnrnoir. wlilililt rorJholMtkairollhowttk. Uiid«illn«l:r.,H. rboBUU ' tot*. *u taoUior Aoitrleao dthutiot Ai^nn;'* tO-ti, "A eooimtrflliovtr,U. A. rt ^?«CuoilO«lll Iloottoptntd tbtfyo"'* F'ft l^t rorJholMtkairollhowttk. Un*-"--™" AUnn ," tD-U "A gooiiDtrflliO' 'long , — —. footed girl. In Um Uettro tbt llring plctgrei bold OTcr for tbli week, and tbt raoderlilo bill Incladet iba WhiUet allien, Qao. II. Wood, Tom Ardalla tnd 81.OlairBliten. ... . _ OiRDIH TIIKlTBK.-IUCO'a • Utl" U dnWlDI vlintllilio p.iwirbtanewaiir>cuon,ln iplie ol tlia (act tbti It l«ln 111 ncooil yoir. It aniered Bcpt 10 npon tbo ibird week of III preHot leaioo. LYciuM TiieATXi.—K. II. Boibam bann on Bcpt. 10 Ua thlnl weak or hit tnonti Titll. Faol M. Fut- ter'i Intcrating plaj, '-Tbo Viotort* OroM," hu ra- celrad horij •ndonamonl, and lha ttlenaanoa hai boon unlfonnlr good. ^ . . UiLY'ii TuiiTii.—Tbo third week ot Uia occD paniijotililihouae liyAngniiloUtlr'i Block Com- pani, begin BepL lo, wuon "A NIgbt Oir> wai gtfen luTutperrormancc, ■'Seren-TwentrKlgbt" It tnnounc«d tor 11 aud rtmtlnder ol iheweek, "A Ualotr ( '" nndarllned JIMUU Abnid' fonnlgbt large, tlibouRb It In cUlnad thtt It will coisptra ftTorablr with rormcr box offlue recordt ol tba iciobt'lo rotu, •ueetulollr --.— - -. — la ihlt boott^ llio Floichtr*,, tfetltrt tod fasiSUn (»"woBtD'tiTd thrJt'iiiiD'); ijM ippttltd tl Ult bout* for Uit am Umt tnd wtit nil iictlrtd. Tbt Utyion, ■revtioti, nidt tbtir Amer ■In aolltr, unit nitugtr, ud Edttid kool. Itadtt oi Iliroint" for t wttk. 'Db.- btltl s. I«>f' B»r J> fjj iMilooaL tad donoK uio nmalndlr ol Ibl WHk htd iiil buoitt l-oDilof 17 tnd ••tt. "A miuotd Ilebtt" mir. Oiit. mm* 0»tn» ud Biljy Willt. Tl»tl«: Lit- tolf t utintd uliDiU, ttoik; t«d (MM; Vtnmiion tnd Uiratl, ibt WoritlU tod Btlti Cooblln. I^"nipp«trtnet tnd'woo 'h'litf tppltttt, Koltolt roogtrt, wirti tlio aido Mr It iriU wirti tlio aido f>«r 'rttppttrtlict nantrr, wu llrtn t vtiiD ro<tplJoo. too IitIoi Oairalo.-At ibe Academ/ ot Hailo "A Dlac^ ^ . — , niitop"r»«l»«JiUOnlproloeUi)OontnTiu|ieFt(tlo pletoltteoBplHodtlitonlOFItiomtol. TbtpilD lobby bilora t irltnOM ftU>»rln«-,.W;!!l''»„¥5T\ !" „Il5 bw boto btndMiniely dtcoitud It wblle tod gold tod 1 HltlOKatntnUoa,*'nMt «e«k. * Tbo lulomtatn bat llitbouwbtlbotnnttlrtai|>«cdtbioii|bool. HIiMt tigbiuoiliI«t«k. .. h,^,, in r.r . ' t-TCitw TH>»Tlll.-"Ibo sun AUnn ;btjjtnJOftr t ntvtHiioihivobttotdotd tnd a ntw eili coutniciod lattbatk ofUitbtkonytod ororUitpmiiOMdt. Palm', ltin< tod oUitr pltnu btvt bttn tddtd to tbt dtcort- fleotooUit toor, I OAtlTO ROOi'OitOBX.—Tilt bill prvtOttdHopL 10 tod [ Tttk iDClodtd Morpby tod Hick, iltrlnldo Ltmir, Iht I Kttpollltn Qutnet, Lilt blov, .Volllt Sojinoor, Ibt | Ethioblin tiniira tnd dtoetn, (;oaooit tnd allfon, AllMOutodi:illlcoCtinpb.lL 1'RDOrot'a TntATtK—lt_Uio ollojbla wtok art.lht | Tbt Wbllt MlKdnD"'0110(17. lonl'l'ToMrolUoM'dltiwriL COLtT UlRttT TUlT'l -TJt .London OMtly Co. b» imn 10 for not wtlt. Ntjt took, llil Virlin D« ilonlolo. Buife kctio iiiLL-U ratlr^.tnd Iflillf. Lioitr Looiirir Lny (^ilaui. Uw UtiUu, MllUt rrtn>I>n, MimitE Conway, tod Tom unity. hTh rinlilt. <iio bat bttn Uo titltUnltltntorUit ntoiiitKifborCo. tor tbt ptu Mo itttooj,iptattItw Korn t»D Foeiia no« t« B«i« » biTilDtM u rood. W« cloiw oor l«at Muon B«pt.», fcl OMtnllft. ni, • BOBlh** Ffrt Mid fo loto op«r» booiMloflhftWiDlwmKW. RoiWi:Cb«tle*B.Baer, propri«lor *iid muuitr: ^JV^^PlTJiirii ofi ifutl. AbiE?«, r.DkIt Plirnh«L Ed. K«o.r orKJiUlnoiiStaU Bill Pwurj- Ai«I*- l^!StIdrp«Uid»trr B Kirch. a»^«»'«»:''»Pf"'* HlMtc;iuibop^^^ fortlMBeitEtAtoCtDTinUoD April ^BOM JlMM LlTliamSS'H KOTILTT COJjMST.-W* oolj falrb soecMdal. still w» b»T* llrodud pud TSTblUt. W« tar* Blw iho M or MiitbeUop Id OTOir uwfl iod lud* • Vwd ud lui DR ImprvMloo. Hon MUOD w»wlUMtoataIuiiaruiilb«uoro^Bpur,wiih all oov pspor. Lltbofiipbi ud vail iroric nil] U ■ * wiwi" '""* bomo tt tbii Umo of jetr. rjKTJi AviHUi ToBATSK—TbiB hooso reiiulMtl clf^d BepL 10,10 twnntt ot a floBl robflftml ot "UumiH/ liampiT Up lu DAt«/< Bnnoanced for pro- dacUon bj Ui« Mllpudau od Uio CoHowIdb otod- "EMflRlTUBATHBt—TillsbOBM WBi ClOMd B«pt 10, whonBilrciiBrohesrBal was bB4 ot "A BMble I'llttd ID •Tfr/put Di|bt or tepLlO: wh«p Cor* Vto tuMlaa4 conpaoyippMrail In ' Tadhsmo'* Fftnlnar,*' , • •tcryor lU* lo Notmo, which woot «l,tb ■ Ulroiouar* »A I ofBoonaaAt oiit or ogr cIlT tkevrH Uit mmoo. Th( | _ Vl^^' » I pay wtB woll r*coUe<l AD Hnoday Di|bt,aoil the com- I Tripw I ruT U 00 ofiDlr iioo<l one DurlOR Uio trtQlDi the I . u. & ' (UndllDlVoraKluaruiud Uw KoekvMoaDtalaBUIoR ■ ' Ha»l r«ivl«r«d MTonI ••Itcllooi. Kom «oik, '^Ijo TMoof Lift." MlHUt'H KfllBTB AVLtUK TflBATRL—Th« )lo«e lllll Eoditb Ki'llr Co. boRuavMk'tfflDnioiuaBtboroolilil olMpt 10. TMOptniDrhouu vaJtaiarfonar,ludOTory "iam"wa< tDcor*il. TIm wadnR portiuD oi i)iffot«r lAloDMtiii Qrttolaa'. *h-U lh» comidy ■h•lc^•l w*r« rdllorbrliht vlL TbaroaroiUnMYvnlolarormoilaui Id thb or««oluUoD. "Tiio I'aklr'f Daafliier" l« iho UU« or ibo taarloaqua vlilcli briOii ibe •ounaioloit pro- iraan* lo • clou. Nat* wMk, tho Clir Club. TBB Nbv Yoik HkWBDUuaa' asd HuiloDori' Prn- Ucuv« ud BooiToleoi AtKxlation will bold luTdurlb IliBlBblo TliBBtre Aroblo _lr«."bad food bulDoa e*pt , „. , „ iiiplomter.' pluMd a Ikir ual* ■DCtS. "Von VoDioD" bad aood bualoaw Auniatoa Piieu'a '-Siruck Oil" Uo. aod DoDoaUr A Ulnrd'a '^'Kalo- oialiara"dl*iOawaakoriO-l&. _ ^ WUTiKOOrau 1I008B.->*A Railroad TIckai" 10.11, Cliioato«n'ia,' lrtrM8.19. „^ ^ , Jamiis* Ofiba IIoDiK.—"Juo* hadRoodboaioojt JU5. "IXJtt lo how Vor*" had larM butoou To nnno: ' Mr Aaot BrMgoi" 10-13, *^io Powor of UoM'^ IJ-ia. Bbop/' Id wiilob Ji):m lirew BDd bli cotDDBor Bre B0D0UQ''4't to BppOBT UpOD th« «r0UlDff ronOWlOff. JOBBFii Ko.\TiB^oper», "A flDb4DS0*'("AOBinia"), WBI BQDK Htpt. 0. ni TciT*ce (lArdeo, hjr ihe Ilim- rian ttocleij aod TlicauluU AmatAur AnooUUoD, honor ot ilio Bafilverwrf of LouIb Kouutb'B binb. ARiiar'sTHiATiiB.—rruoia Wilion oraoad ihUhouas and bano blaown aaaaon oo Bapt lU. appaarloit lo "Fbo Darira Ifepuir," a eomto opara, lo Uiraa aoi, by J. Cbtc* TorOoodwiD anil BJwaid Jacouownl. Tiiarowualargo audtaoco prfl>aut,biit lha oTarcnwdlDB orUio hoota, whlob bad btaD prom*Oliatad, wtR praTaotad by Uiaaalu tary aoUoo or ilio Kiro <k>minlaaioiiara wbo. t^y aotborliy TCHOd Ib Umdi by law.commutladUiat DumudiDRroooi tlohaiN-boaldlMavli). Cooaequanily, noooa wuadmiUod aaeaptiholMldamol coupoo ilckeia TbaooarawaiDOta aue6&ii alibouiili Uia iwiiularliy ol Mr. M iiaoo utTad ii irutD abiolaia Ullmo aod will pit'lHiblr nodar lia aaaaon liorapacuniaillyutlaraciiirr. >aii to Ibo liar Lulu Ula'or woo lha dual iHinnr*. Uia caU: MalitMn. rrueia Wll- nn; ItOrooRu. Kliya Thomai: (laiwral Kaiamalriir, J. 0. MUod: Baineant, J. II. Olitllloa; Bariow, w. II.Lararty; i opiDinan nmwan wiub w %»m n^m*. a i PnariMi, Ailelo Iliidna; Klvvrioa, LuId Utuar: Ban- iicrfomtaora la alTao by Hopr ud Uvlia Dolu.l talla, Maud HIIm; Hob, clirlaUo Mcboqad; Mllo^ | l>rt?.'L_J^■'C;„Tr**i**_.^?l''?_.."?i_*??''5*. toonal faatUal l>'rtday araolDf, fwt ll, at Lion Park. WOBTB'B MratrM.—lha Colored lllaalr»la oonilaoa t*iotr aoceaaarol aofaavmut ti*ra. Koir faeaa appaar iron tlnatotloM, udbualnoulasatltlaotorir. UuBiR'R PiUCB Mcairii.-Tbo at'.aDdaoca BapL 10 wa«Do(<ioll«ulart«M D»aal Tor iltaopoalscDlRbiot ■ baooak.hutatillaBoodnioviJwaa u'oftDtall day. lo tba carlo lialliihia weak aroiha IIIbUoo Rianta. Baldwio IbUDiw pomp). Uari MIcbol (atroof raao). Will Elioomio v-ra waikor). Ilamwo (atroojiinu) Idafiiniih(taUoo«d vomaD), and Roia Caltlian (burdad U|iy) Riato—LoiUa lUf Diaad. OareiLCIInioo vriUoo.lbaBnarpIlar, Tbot. f. ADwiladkidnar.' Kunlior luaDtloo ol tha voikwiil ba mada lo our nait laaua. KouHTRiWTii hTKBtr TiiiATHN.-BiaTa Hrodlo fBtda at tlililiouaaoaHapl lU Mm iIihi app«aruca ib ihlacliy aa u actor and Rava color to ilio Mr<ti niatrA|K>lliu pr*> MDlatlon cr iltn |iUy, "Un iha Howary," acuntady dnma llelroo, Mr and Hra. Toolay, ud Laoptrd and rulton. HixiH'8 BowiHT Tnumi—LoQla Robla'a All Bur Rptelaliy Oo. norad to tha lower IrtuaaBept. 10 Tba ouaolBRhtaaaawora llibr.owlDR lo ilia heat A good -.1^ i> —iuB \%.m Dahb ••.•« ti_ii> rb..iaai| illlly lha Altoanir.—At IlBrmaDiis Bleeokcr IIbII Sept 3, 1,6 "Lootin Mow York" wia the bllU and big boojja ra- tpondcd. "Pack'oSad B^y" aoioiad largenoirdad,7.8 c'omloR, U. U, 10, "A Railroad Ticket" ^ , ^ ^ TaaLRUifoOriaAtiocaB opened iba oaekwiib two perloriDaoeea Bept« 9 (l-abor Day) or'-Mlai OyBainlu." ne tbeatte waa crowded at boUi Mrformaoc**. "Yon Vooaon" w rUod ft to good aiiandanoa Wea'afaipriao rarty.lD -HJl" Uc*l FoU boDiji •The buck crook;" U. Mr. aad MrakelUr; 13. "A trip to OhiBiiowB;" II, 15, -rii* Power or tbe Praaa;" IT. W, "Ueo or 76:'' 10. U. Marie WaiDwrlght; SI. 21, Ualea Daavray. Tror.">At Ibe QrlBjrold OperB Uooso, BepU 3, Rn«o CopbUD packed tba bouaa at adrucad prlcta •'li9r> did a big buainaaa K A- "Tlie Black Oniok" draw ■ood bituua 7, a Kellar oame lU, 'Tba Power or lha Pran ' la."Atripto Cliioaioin" ll, "rkaOanlar' Is. Hand h Ofira Uouab —'The Circua Otowa" did fairly reU7.S 'My AUbtBrldgat' eouiee N. I^ ^ Uaiarr TiiaiTHB.—Tbe Lu'^orth Vaadarl leCompuy i!l<i a ROod boAlDota laat week. The Kentucky Bo*abuda' Aiblaiio ud 8i<aclalty Coupaoy came U ud week wrlitoo br li- N. Miaphaaa. r«r tha aola purpoae ol tt plultiog Mr. llrodia and RlrlriR kli nuioriaiy a Bionay value IB Uia dratnaiie OoN Tiie hooae waacrowded In the uiipar part, aed. like a bear, ouRreatly orerwelghled In the rear.liy tlioto who had inirdiafod adiaiuloo lio < oU, and wiiURtiod with luoalug ayta on tbe aaa of va- out'oatalD ironi ol tbeiti.uut the oianaRamaotol the houao had orarieachcd iiae II In tODlilRhlyaailniaUiig Ihe valoeof ilioaiirficiiiiu nod wii« ima ly cbagrlBaJ when tba Kite Ciiiiinilii*litaerx ordered thai ue aurglng ornad lo Ibe raaritlionld Ito Rlrcn the raeut e<aU. TiiBI tbo great uiiwaHhMl «aio kitou plaora in the choice aaaU lor vlilou they had nit paid the price, and, highly pleaifd wlihibla irrugauirutathey grfelad Ibe abowud Iboir Howery hero witb troiiiantl 'ua afptaup*. Mr Uredlala Dui naarly ao tough a«ha la paloiad- llauoaeeaaca maoy aiarltng llualltlu^ aod tleaaiTaa iDurh of the favor ahowo liln. Iiii pr«Mnca la lha play la aliuoat a guaraotoe ol 'l?*KTilKATHK.-Joaeph U. llaworlhand hia oouipuy praaaoiedaiBTival of -'Hoaedale'Hapt lutMforoa good r...j .... ..It ......11 „D aciad. ipproral wblob ■lied aadiaoce. Tbe play wa« veil atajrtd aod wall aci«d, aod tbo panuiioMce lully aarnad ilta approral wblob waa acourdid IL Mr. llawnrilt aa Kllloi Uray waaeieel- leal, aa vera alw M. A- Keooedy aa Bambarry Kobb, Dharlaa AbboU a* Ullaa McKvoDa, Charlea B. lluiord aa Muthaw Laigh, liabaile Uraaaon u H'^ao. Mary Barker aaTablUiafliurk. aod Mttia UIifaBiiiiihai AnlmrMay. Thacaai In lull: Bllloi tirey, Joieph & llawonh: Bun- b«rry Kobb. M. A. Keooelr; MItoi MoKoDna, Charlea Ab bott: Maiiliaw I.alRh ciiarlaa H lJufurJ; Col. Caran. dull May, Uafld iv VouBg;Homuy Kuo, WalierTMmaa; iT.trnnnl Daw, Itlcltard B Milloy; Farmar ar«eo,ItOula Kay: Dookaaf.ilaorge Uuoler; Robert, Bma«lJa4iBaoD; Muaa Leigh, luballa BreiMOj Tabliha Work. Mra. Mary ilarbar: Lady Plorence May, Maud llaaUm; Laily Adela Oray. Katflie Bylraoe; Pfimraae, Julia M. Bacbelder; Birab Hjkaa, M«rie Urolhah: Bother Mti. Olara Migal; Aribur May. Little Ulire Hniltb, I *■ wu produced under tbe cDaDaaoroaDtor 11. B. Taylor, and will reuiila two waaba at utla huuae. .... KaiTii'a Umox B<4DARB TiiBiTiB.—Deiplte lha diaa- maable weather tw|i|. 11^ a R'wa ali«d aadleoc* waa uraeut The I'ToiraiBioa fur ilila week laop to the uaoal aUodard oreicoileoce whieli thohoitae alwaje preaaotA, tha prlnelpal reaturv, theiiriraly ppaaklow, being tbe NewYittk vaudeTllla lUbuiui J. A iltioh LIbby, tbe qui. inne, vlilte tita tnaai laklBi iraiura waa LoOD Htirrla* uoay circua. iBiroduoing the wioiUloa pony Bioner. Uihora on Ilio bill were Jo n bb*1 Nellie Moilartliy, IB VuuR«reiL John K. Drew, Baonoit end tJaoDon, Boon'e ThorDiooaaaO A.LaoipioB. Neat week, tho Roae lllll Bpaclalty aod EitraTaganiaCo. Oabiio.— "Tba MtUa Tro iper" begao Brpt 10 tha third w<o(of lla ran. ita coinpwa anrcMji. In thia city at 10 la*. leona tow aaiiure>i. aa tt bai had a cootlanoaa 'uo ra-aioQ of crowded houaea. Upon the date aboTO maB* 11 nMllharawKilnirndtcola new mtulcal aod puto- nilniladaatfor Delia Poi u 1 JeiUraoo da ABgalln. llsrlf M.-iTbo llulem OperA Uouso began Hit alitb ragnlar aeanon (o a good alted andieoca, cooaldar lag Ute weather, wlili "ATenparaBcaTnwn." Tho liouia haa btan Inproied and preaeaia a ptaaalDR appearaoce. eai»aclilly 1l»e entrance. Mananr RofOBlMrg liaa ooly the beat atiraetlooa booked, BBd rail aae no roaauDwhy , ViU huuao Bboald not make iiionay tbia aeaaoD. Neit wteb, "Tbe PaajiOR Khow." COLViiatn.-'iUianNo. r* dkl e lilgboaioeailaat weak. Oil 4 Ihe Order or Rod Man pecltad lite bouae Ironi lop lo , boiion "Darkrat Ruaala" ooooed wall 10 and tbaie la every proiipeM or It dupllettlog lu teat ae>aon aocceai, whaotbay ware ctrtopenad ta turn people away. Neit waati,' OM Olory" for tbe Rm iline In Kew Verb. OkYHML'.—The LopdoB Hporta Old fairly wall Ibe paA weak. HIaoo'a Olty Olub began Ita flrat llarlam OBtage mantibla aaaroo lotoaaraiclaia bouae, ud had knot I raload they would, on doubt, bare uned i>eopIo awiy The compaoy raetwitb a haarty recaptloBud aboaU do a gnod veek'a boaloeu. h'ax*. week, I'eler Maber'a Alhletio and Hpaolalty Cu. llaRUH HtraiDH—TbiKhoaaebaadeoavellBorkrUia a«a*on, ud HaDager Smiih bopea ro reach blgh water mark beiore Ibe eold weatherconaa Uurle ball—Myer'a uaparworkera, Ploaale La Bluebe. the Murray Trlplala Thoa R. Ad'iy.BlB. Buaaell ud Hma PrancU. Btaga— PredO BoeDeeraod Abbart U. ffeu,Blla UerTlaChaa I'acy and Ida Uulay, John 11, Trayoor, Jobn B. ud LeoDa Waller and Alma Leo. AKiiiUH HAI.U—A moaloal tniarialonitot waa glntn 4, by Iba Harlem Aid Rncletr. Tbe moat Botabie volao- toerowara Floraaca Robllllard, plulat; Aoole Hay<it, lo '*Aunt UaaMU'a BlnglBR Bcbool; * U.B HoblUlanl ud K. Walpolr, In >olna, which were reidered la »ioellaQt •tyla. EibII llargdorf deaarme meoiioa for the adiolr- able nuaar;iD which he Oiled tbe bid aa maaterot car* rowBiaA NEW YORK ST ATE* DrtMklyH.—KTei7thlDg to • ttaealrloal wayla I IB lull btatt, aod all our thaairaa ara dolog a (airly prolt* Nwarbnrff.—At tbe Acftdeioj of Uoalc, LtUlan KoBBedyBopt. 10,11, Lawla Morrlaoo 13, Kellar 14. BIca'a BaipiiHa forty lu "1 9r> Uatad tbe full capacity of the -lUfcOS. -Atney Ut'*7_playadtofooflbualBe^. M ' alowrlghteooiea 17. *Tne UIM rLaltBahtod Me' . ... .Tho KoroDaogh Shew eililbitad B to exc«Uaot boat- 2oaa...~r.tbel'rauClubMlBatrnlB begaD theiraaaioon . the aov Prattio Academy of Moalc. FUbklli. H. Y. Bltiffhamton.—At Sione'g UpfrA UOQM The Yl^»rr7^waarenIalIladTaD^a. ^n. BoTTOB'fl Woato'g WAxaaRBor la doing waU at •peclaL "Spldei nod Fli'* racelTod good patnnage oep;. 1 ''The D<rbr Maacof'^plraaed a gond aiiad audience a Book iDca: ^.''A Texaibtoer;" li, 'The UlrciaCiowD;" 11, Will, barty. ln"fbeRlilBf U-nerailon;" l\ Hoao CogO lao, ia"Diplomac)." At Uie BJiia Toaatre thoAll Lidka' Hkew p^eavd good aited audieocea 9-a Doe 10' 15, tbe Viru 1)0 MoBtu Conipuy. Elmlra^At IliB Opcr* Koose "Shaft No.2' waa Ibo auracUoB Bapi. 4 to lair boalBeaa. *'Rpldvr uxt Fiy"waapreaaBtedatoapoorhon>e Boae Cogbian lo 'iilplotiiacy"didfelily weilf. 'Olorlaoa"eemeiO. Doe: ■rhe Ciicua Olowo" l3,LI|ilao lAawla 17, Warda aad Jamea la Uilcsa—At tbe UilCB Opfra Uoue Robb Cogblan bleaaad afair uOlance wlih -'Oiplnmaoy" bepL A "Men aod Women" didweild Datod: "ATnptoChloatowo" in. •*]|ie throuaClown" 11. "IISQ " 19, Donaellt and Ulrard 17. ^ WISCONSIN, Mllwaakee.^it tbe New Davidson Tlie&tn week conmaBcIog B«pt 10 Maaager Bbamuo Bnwo aubmlta lo thejodgoeot of bla patnaa tba flrat pn>dBO tlon upoo uy ataga of "UIT tba Kartb,"a traraatyby John D Qllbert. Id wblcl) Eddie Fay playa ihe atar part, aupportel by Iba Amarluo TrarcalyCompuy, iBclad- iBg UalMo Moftyn. Joaepb Dooar, All and BeBi.Loulae MoDUBue,Badte UoDoaald. lleUn Dooglata, Alice Br- aea, the UawihoraeSlatara. aod otbera Jtehearaala bare ^!w.'KBBrrAitD ardJab. UPLI.KIA5 Ar* wlih Kleka- BoHadkloe Co.,Ko. X oowpUylogtbe Lake tovoeor Innetofa BTBva PBABVi hu algned with Dr. H 0. CrlttaDdaD'e Bhow 10 tour Kiw York aute ibia Wloier. LuTRR'B a UBS BLOVHkB clooo At Blogbampioo, N. v.. BepU ^v|ih Bob llDDUag'a Clrcna, to play tba New York ^^uBRBTOM A AarnuR bave aecured Ala»e Laehumo lo trarol u nolo plulat with tba Tlolloiaia Yaaye and Heorl Hartaau Ib their cocnbiw coacert tear. M. La- e^aame wu Br t baud lo tbIa ocualry with tha 'L'BolkBt Prodigaa" Oo. Uaxelub, BAUiaiA:i,c)oae<1 wlUi Feck Aeague'i Clr eva, at Faahakill, N. Y..8epr. a NuTia raoM w. D. Auvtra (Mixioax Billt) Fair OroBDd Oiow.—Boalaeu wlih thia abowiaop to tbe top Doich aod lar aheadorUie boalBaaaoruy rormareeAaoo tiflautha taotba* beao loo noail lo a«''oiniiiodate the croadaaBd Maxicu Billy bu ordered a oaw middle piece ud nora people lo baadle the croadA Wewillhoo play Booth and will play alt Wlotar oadiir euvu. tiovABD Paw, manacerol lonea' Baod.wrltea zn aa followi: "We receotly bad aa ad. Ib Tea CurraR aad it paid UA We received aeTiial iBqatriea and elnaed big oBgaaraiaDta la W^ablogioD, D. C aod WMIUm»perT, Pft. Tbeday'abBalBeaaatiha laltar place amoBLied to BliOD. 'War ud Paaea' la a olg auccaaa tai the way of a Doaical apactaclA Ib oioatoi tbe placoi tha ibealraa were aetoallr paokad and id Laoctatr. Pa. BrMgaport, Cc wd Wilmlogtoo, Del., the boa'a aod aire«t car* were almply awaiaped aod could aot heglo to budle tbe crowda. Attha Plttabari. I'j,. Expoaiiloo looaa'Baod ordlaiy'lveinaowlll letnlih themoalo UBilltbeendol theUlr.Ocl.D" HiiAoy ABD HAkaDiniTS. ARRiiusn. have been ac* gaged rer tbe Wllbor Eotanalomant Co K0TB8 raoB TOTTLB'ti OLTUi'JC.—Wo ate lining a fair bualoaiAud making Iobr driTealorlheClloton Fair, AlltRbeBy Co, Pa., Sept IB. II ud 20. We are going to cbanie oar whole outat at tlie Fair. Our aliow will oloea Bfpt.Tl. We will then opeo aWIoior show, andar the umeofLaallca A TuiUa'a Olrmp'c, CbaA McBrlde la pklDtloR Ibe wagOBaaod niahlogbA*>nen Will Oltbs ud Prank Boow are galog to apanj two or three waiha et tba Floe Farm. TBiOaxBO.'r BROS, Oriental wonder worker*, aave a perioral an ca oo Labor D^y at Plrdeiiiy Hall, BofTalo, N yT, for the beoefltor Court Praiernlty. B.l»,A.O. F.or A.,01 wblcb Prot J.P.Oro'onlaamember. Uarrt K^'iHTBbu adopud a novelty ID adverl'nlaR wblDbpromlaaafoodraaalu Bach programme ordoditr diatribatadcoDtalDiapunlAwblcli eiclita conaldarable eorioalty aod kaapa tbe paper iroiii bklna deairojcd. MKLUi BuiK. KuaiB ITatrraad Colorado Bob Joined WlchluJaeh'aromhinailoo at Bridgapurt, Ct NOttUI rKOH WlTfllMRLt. B DOVD'S pAriLIOfC "U. T. C* Oo.:—We areatlU B0T1DR lo UieereoteDor of ourwav. We aro Id Vermonr, and oualt eaa ba« thoa lar paoat d out Blcaly. We hare been way up lo tlie lumber country ol New York Btatt, and la an old coverftl brtdae Dear Kortbaniptnp, N. Y.. Chai. Brickvood dlaaivared ao cid abow bill which bad Ikob paaiad np twenty-als yaara ago. It raad: "McLaer'e Oreat KoTony t*o. will eablbit at r\ih Uonae, Aug. Ay Itf i." Tbe oaoie of Iowa and date wero wliuo Id paueil. KorihanptOD wu called Flab Uouaeattbattlne. Thabillwaaaqoarterpheet, iIvIor aainae el tba eompuy aod the prvRramme. We are bavioff beautllal wrather. iLe "Hojal Bpook" atalka roRolulr. aod ihe way the boyaare comloK oot la new dothea la aooetblBRRrud. LewOorioobooRht a Hoe tmttlDghorMlaatweah.koowD u "Little aeorRo." Ue upectagnatthlDaatronhlm. Hr.AadMra.aBflFreite, Kroeei Hlce Ud E. P. Whttcomb clotaJ raceDily to fill WlotereDtagemeov. Liliiin Athlloe aod JowpaMorria Joload latoiy. We will a'oae In aboat fear Wf aha Id a^me town nai^ eoougb lo Wloter ourtera, CbaUucey, N. Y., ) that Ibe ahowcan drive op lo one day, Norn rRou OituBL'sBqDi.-4iAiiDUiNiVR Paradox.— Our oara were turned out Iron the palot aliop looar looklORdoeand ready lor the loog eeaaoo which Man atrr Oauel latwda throagh the Bouibara BUiaa aod OatllbrotA We have t*o crta twelve pobI«a ritity live Jobanle Page, taw B BSnoldA William Orada, Jaoiu B,EdeD.Ly.tIa^ Pierce, Nallle Bawiborpe, the S(rt>j, fllatar^Wle Beymour, Matiha Frank Id aed B idbi« McATor. Tbe piece briatlaa wllb aiMclalUea. "a Black Shaep'^naatwaek. EariRH TiBAiRA—"Tbe Great Brooklyn llaudlcap" bad lU dntprodnciloa onuy ilage la Foarttao U>n\t are on tbe aiaj:e la ibe raclag aceoe. larlodlnR Dry MoDopolA Tbe eaat: Lather B. Glow*, wnjiini tif. bnoD llo«ard OlevA Ralph BtDart: RtglBald Rmu Mearr RioekoridRa; Jack Prenlica. Daveaport Btbaa- David. William R. Doooelly; Jacob Bjltuohelmer, lUrrv K MiltonUiU: Walter. Cbarlee Oofal; Mciwniar Boy JrbBCh«di:rrogr*Bime Roy.Joho UcRae; Poikenm;,' Perclval DOBBay; Viola Ham, B^lle Barroo: Fredanck; Vao Aukeo. Mary B*u lore: BlauorWllterJ. KailicriDl Ravland: Lofle Falrchild. Ireoo Bagaa; Canie Sam. uri^Ulldrtd DarllBRloo; FubI» Bwcailand, UiUi ir- vloa: JoBDleADdrawaUaryA Oreene. "nieCapiaio'i Bato^* plaied to lodllbreot btuloeaa laat weak, Ktxi week,'TheSldoBbaw^** - , „ ,. FeorLB'B TUBATHB.-"ABIdo For Llfe'-proredAMr. Ins atiracilon Ual weak, and tbIa week "ihe haiit Uaieot" piomlaea eqaallygood reaolta Nan weak. (/. B Wood lD"TheOrpItuBorNew York.'* Katiosal TBRAyHA-^bert Downing cloaed awtek ol lair bBBlBonB. aad -'A 6ommer BHuArd" la ibe atta" tloB tbIa «eek. Ib the caai are Nellie Rnaebud..Ki. iriee Oolde, CharlaBBrka Barney lUynoMa. nK,o O'Neill. JInmyCanoll, tbe Daillos RlBt»naBd oiltn Oeonte Tbticber oeit week, id "Atout Ooihani." ADUiTOHit;ii.—TheNewTorkBiaiapIa)cd lo fairbuM. DeislMlwe«k,1>ut kfuagar Qllmore laaatlriied diet le ban one of the atioDReatattractluoa of the waaon ii.i. week lo"TbaOM flouth,"whlcb rw|;.«laopopuier laat Winter. Ti<e adraoto aalo lodlra'aa a b.R vtrk AmoBg lha leid'Dg mambera of the eompaoy are Crc^i C. TbnnpiOD. Darry T. Uooard, Lllirao Caicf. lUrrr Pl'rMD, haHgle Cuthbeit, Billy Jackion, Winn ud Uil. leruU Nor* Butboriord. Next week, Buaaell Broihrn' Coined I ut. Biioir.—Bualntu coDtloBai of ibe gilt edge oMer tit rcaier thia week loclodee Boa Benoldl. Jauea Tnointba Kase aad UoDrr.Comalla BroA.Wnrd aod Ljnch. hif Koar. CoUlna Bros. Ooalaoo eiaier^ Kokio, iiujJ: kloa ADd Leiih, Ford ud FraoclA Meeiibu mi Raymond, tka UHmorta and llarria aad i;ro- a Next week BIJou Op;rACo.tnakea liarui.pear«urt*. wItbMlhoo Aboro ud Loolre Moore heaiiloK the Ckm. puy. The bill will b« balf operaaod oair iaudeTiii« 'iOilp Abof 1" will be the flrat productioo. BROAD ^RilT TORATRl.'Ihe MaaOQ OpCUCd 10 Willi Hrr. John Drov, ln*nte Boad to Ktilo.*' lupnoned tv Mr. aod Mm Hidaay Drew. Ebco Plympioo. Gilea KIiId» Huao Tolaod. Alfred Fliher, Char:a< 11. CroHby. jii Hfe^la.Al9eit JohDaoo. UB. Aahioo, W,P. Kllii,Juha B rectlaod,liuih Baeauley aud Aoaa LongaucoL N«it WJe^.Mr.ud Hia. Keller. FORBrACQB'S TllBATA-UtllOD NublaB. I3 "Frnm Slr« toBoo,"abouldharebo«na etroog aur-.eiluo hMnm, but It IS evldeot that tbe patroDa of Ifr. PorepBU|.ii'a tltoalro prvr<r the aiock conpanr pruducilooa. Kanoy HclDiyro, Jeule Boortella, Itowel) Uaoaell, A. u. biu»t OBdotheia make Ihairreappcanuce iJilawe»k. in-iw tain lltame. U.P.A.."a«u will appear ler«a'ier crajy other weak. Next week, "fablo HomanI," altli In id; olcturoL Ni>TH Asn Aica McBiuii.—The PIrorcrd WomaD'i CoDvaBtloB ha« mada a popular htr. Prim e Tid) iniir. a drarf, la a reatDra thia week. Tbe LoadoD £bteiiain*N appear Ib the thratie wlih the Mlowlag roaUr: Ttie Drimoatf, FobII BobI Broibera, Baby Mabel. \\'t\*9T and Randolph, H. B. Edlano, Beaale T«ylnr, Cia<Ui Ladoodoir, Kogera aod Rogtra, Dick Banda and tli« Le'laSislera. BTAKDABDTOBATRC—Aa u rpaolog a'trBclloB "Ti e - * Ha " beeo progreaaing eooaiutly for aeverai waaba lo thia E17. l>aniai FruhmaD'a Lrceom Theatre Compaoy Id 'Tbe AtcaxoDA" waa laat weeh'a atuutloo. ud elao the VImOiB klfl <IIV will ivwiw ..V it Bii-a t^viiiw nw^Miw^. ita uklog eonga aod baojo duaui: th* ui>innla qaartat, 1 builneaa. The Wild Weat coBllnnaa at Awbioia Kraeaio ATTillMhe biivan h art b«il: .MahlwiD ami 1 .i,.«h„.iB«.i,«M ,«,i„„ i>aly. to anew aorubaiioeumoJ,. Kitvua duger, uiobu- loiulat; Kvaiiaaid ViOtYi. In a bUck face turo: iha lloaalo blu■.lla^^ bead to hetii b(luc«rB; Lialo R dJe.L ohararier aloger aud oMiiedU'hoe tber oeLut beiej; iViiutwllatid KvAni. tn aaketeri; itnarlea Dlamnml. the MiUuMo niiaatrel: FUka and V BtOB, la "tiamlllo l!p to it.vValierilyJe, tIdIIo vlrtnoait, nod Joe. B. Judge, taoori bu.\DO« T1IKAIHA—JuliD F. FlaMa* Drawing Oaida opeoodHepi. tfi. Tna waini wcatber leaded to keep the aadlenoe down ittaauiailDombar tn theaneroenii,bui UH Bveiileu ahov wu well atlanded An excelieDt piv- Bramma la ditliad up ud lieaitily eoJoyed. Tha Kada roA open the alww with a tood aorobaiio ud lombKog act. Haode Haverlr. daloiT aad piquut, rudered *-rbe Hhip I Lore," 'i'hivW' aid "Hall Put Nina" Id apleodhl Btife. Mdcar and thirrao, Iri*li oouadlUA tallowed with a roHii. Tlitirdattoing waa olavorand wellappre- olaied. riekla ud llauauB, ta a iiiiiuiro or uoaio and Ptik, where bualoen keepa op to a paylag palot CuLtimiiA.—' t:harley*a aubi" opeoad bore B«pL 10 to a targe aidlencr, ahicu wu kept la roan of laughter ibroaiboui tbe entire performuce. Tba uiageoiaBt la forteo weak! Park —Tlie Marie Tavary OraBd RQellah Opera rotn- , puy opened at tbie tbeatro IP. Included lo ihe llatof BiBgarathataupe-'rt Mane rararyara \lariuiao<i:;>i4i a IttuiADL ila'an von Do«ol od Thea Dorre. A. L. Unillo, I'ayua t^laik, William Warru, Vllllan Mutiaa, H. Dudley aod William llanilltoo Chaaiar. "Leap Tear, or tha Utliea' Prif llagA" 17. BiMU —Tboee rood 01 bBntt cork perrermetB are being moai rurally eetertalueJ thlawenk by Law Dookatedar'a HloUreia. He opeoed h\ wh«o he preeaoied "The Aotor UptoDalA" which lacar'aloly verv amualog, u la Be- lotyre aod llaatira two act akcteb, '-Down Hoblla. "Tbe I'owar of the Praaa." 17. ~ Harbor Lighla" waa preafateil hetetoagood olaied. riekla ud iiauauB, ta a iiiiiuiro or uoaio ana 1 . " ^ la k* WAi(*r R*nrni^-B miv^ SoriSly, raUeil many laugh a ud the melody evoued J?'-Jf|,™" * t-«ipuy. Iha L'..V^'!L[""l\Krit:?? .i!rr.S .'."LK;i":."i A"ie.r ■ q:Ih*i. oV;;; Hotru-A rare. Uut al.ay. rrovea at ready echo. Obarhi> Cam waa laughed at Id a com- edy uioDtdogue. HiMe lluaaied ud Mabel Uuyer, Id charaoier dueia and dancea, were apidauded tor their olarer woib. Joho and Harry Dillon, Ib parodlaa un popular auaga, made wauy jvpular hita, Ueorge A Auitlu parfunuvu many laughable aod clever tricha on the alack wire Marie Uioa, aoprauo aoloiai. raadered aaveral aa'eeilnna. JuliuioiVrull, the popular alBier, 1B lllberalu aud other e>>DRB, adilod ii> the utbaaUatu br hiB clever ebaraelBr aloglog. ilia racoptloo wu ibe uaual nvauoB. Bmua aud Abarco coor.lada the perfurn- Their feau or tvaiortloB, traoRve to tlie Braektyn people la"ABBDchof KerA" which wa« produced at thia iheatre 10. — " ' alwaya provea ' "QDChof Ker_ Tbe Frodlial B'ttortbe aaaioB, BBddrawoBly lairly rooo atteeduce, aa the waither waa very warm aad the play did not oreate a very larorable Impraaaioo. "dupatba" IS ud week. Bijou OraHa Hoisb— "The Pul ee loapeelor" thia week. 'Tha Derby WInaar" woo medium retuma la*-i week. Tbeplayoetda rawriUogbtloreitcanbetermed aaucceri, * laOid KaBioaby" leaod week. AOAOUT or Mcaio.—M B. Odftia in "dam'! olPoseo," . u booted for thli weak, but at the laat momeot can- celed hlaeagagement 4. olalmlog be wai boohed to play at a blgh Krade ot pricea, and be refaaed to nilSll hia en- AKemeDLuDliRitne pricea ware railed. Tble Muager ItodriRuia refuied to do, ud will aue Mr. Ooitla tor BiftUdemaRei Dao Met^arty gavohta repeiioryoi Iriah plaja laat week to poor builneaa, aod hofdaoverf, 10. In 'The Cnlikeeo Lawo." 'The Pollee Fauol" IB ud w*eb, Piitrufl TifRATRi.—L«a:er A Wllllaiaa' new farce ' Hook ud 1" beilaa ua rvad aeaaoo. BamT.Jack'i OrooletAi.did a proStable bualoaaa laat week. "A Jay Circua" IB ud weak. WuxuiHLA.Hu Mtobdv —MaoiRer Frank Burton re- pnrti iiu: hin drat week andlngp wu good and preaanti lOin tiurio Hall, IjoUraodo La Ruw (loogbearded mao), Jack Hovllae ud hia collectloa ol marloeourioA Fnaoh Holiaa, Hr Veruaa (dra eater). Aolao Duiut(i)ueeBor •ratlty). Walter Hiuari (legieu wonHer), aad ibe Oua- lauD TT*t (Vooetlao iroutHdoura). Tbaauo: Tte Four Beech Blateni. llltcbeand UitoblA Mlla,Arlloe, Oarltoo til>tar« aad CoMoUo. Kxroaiiio:* Mcaiu QaLL—Laat week wu tlie mvoo- tcoQih iod ilQal weak ei tha aeaaoo, which hu ' BBoa with their popular act. Their feau or tvniortlt vqintiUnaanil aimllartnoka r*calvail haariy eDtonrai rather" IT. lltiBBa A tiiDiiART's Casi.vo.-Tbat the people of ihia Olty have an eje rorthe ttMatliol i> verv clearly ahowo by the maaner lo which they crowd ihia place ol anere- meni, wbereahall doa*D aiiapely wemoo pouupereoo-, ORM la the ropfoduciloBB ol palniloga by celebraioJ artlUA. The two woakv mo • Hi terminate riapt. is. Htub a BiDMAiCB TiiATKL—The Ituaactl Hrothom' rDDXdiaoa at* playing lo good houaea here, u loty have many adinliaraln thlej)liv. htihl* paoHtebla to kluagar QllJoaaB. tbe targe nightly ■lUBdaacB re-ralniDg QuctaBnged to tbe esd. During the eeaifto eacb week baa eeeo aa largo a Hat of Dorelt; aaia u cao t»e aeon aoywhere lo thia ooqoiry. Maaager (iitlohu liu not aa yet decided whether be will liaee the reoort uoiher aeaaoo. ..Mexriux.—Ihrbuaiaeia alafTorUte Ameneu Traveily OompKoy coiupriaea Aloiudar Dafldaoo, preprUtor; Bharuiaa Rroan, inuagar; George Bow|e», tioaliiaaa fUBBRar; W. R. Dean, trrwureri Fred J. HnatiA mnairal utioctDC llaiver Barret, ballet maater; ttaptH«t Illcka, property nian; Koler ArBiatruBR,e|ectriclu; AL Voo de werkeu, ina»i»ro*rptoter; ud William ButterAnutfr rerkeu, ina»l»ro*rptoter; ud _ of trtntporiatloD Piera AKOot F. W. Kracxoniier, rormeilf oftiio Darldaon Theitro TorteA acojfflpuled by -a 'T.r K i,. »»pa>.ni>iu-. i^w 1 It^iTv mi^lAtt I WlLU WiHTHiion-.-BjlTdleHHPa laalruct'Teaad loter- miDt Jm. D. Hjno larepraMDiatua lor Jobo F.Fleld'I -^t.-- •nierulomeat la oow lo Ita Ian week*, u ih*r ^ _ _ _ B)le l-f^P''**"':'i';jl""l*.V^^^ wUI break iipcaiup and dla<onUBua ilioahow aUiot li.e | Mitwn,paa*ed ilirooihtheeiiyaintheiBivMH^ofj'ula Batuool Ilreen, uanapoiiailOH. beat week, tbe Ituta- I miajj, olOoiober. TnoygUa two oerrormaBcea daily. I dailowa Aady AinaDO'a'ACIrao 8weep"CjBipany ^"fTHu.* Oraa* itofflB Mr»*u' Uall-a gord >Ued I »'»»VVio^^il?'!-.?*iflVV.*.?i'*^ *rit.Vf^5.^.?Ii!l'?,"_?^^i™L"Ai'J liouaa wltoeated iho bill preaenied ttept. 10 lor weak aod garo fretiuut etlJaure id appmval by applause aod raugbler. Atiole LloyJ. charaeiar ohaBge periormer aad vooali!>t«a«wellrvc*iT«d,anJ Foaier end liewlM were MtenainlDR in n i-iiarafier akrtcb. Tbe Maabatuo 4hiutaUr (JuartMtwere rarAlledMroral tlmt^aod Marie Ofiinih aaa&ivrii Rrneroua api'lau^n for herduclai. R. J Curil4, tenur Flower, wai wall leoelitil, aod toe Patter- Mid Brof. von hearly applauae fur their work oo tbe liurlaiutil b.iiv. Ma.Woy aod lluirera wore auiualDi la lUalmhe'rii * Smui aiiu->," ami (leo. \V. Hty lo "Black end \VliUp"dhl mtl*. Iha All llror., aorolHilio tmnlileia aud g'tnait'nuara. ciooodilie inograitiuie ud were ao- pirdeda liea'iy r*ceii|l«ii. The rwiular roneerl wu Riven on llie iiii>r rKnlen afl«r lha itoilornienoe. Next weok'e aanunncviiteuia Include Howe aod H«nla,Rnilth fi-tii Ktiltar I'tinri Kokln. Fred Bobetia, Daooaod Mack, nad Flora He Bola. foiiT l'A:<t\iHi( ntRATHH.-tluilHll'aWorld ol Koval. tie^ar* hire (hia work, aoil upeDrdtu aialraltaO audi eove itet'U iiV nho aeaneJ lo thuroathly eBjuv every tttni no the pr itntniiii*. With tbo exrepiluo nf Young and Ha4uo,wiio made (tielrraBt<i»earaot'«on theraade' ^ llle auie aii-«r bu aUtecce id t«i>lve and tbirtoeii ytara laaii^.lvf ly, the foiniiany hu li«i*n fal y reviewed id iUe»e ftiuuinv and (ur'her coaimeol la uBBereaaarr. Young and lla«ondoni-i«verart Mr. YouBR a^aurolBR Ibe rtiarai'rr III en lnauranr« ueal. wlUi Ur. Muoa aa a Jnlly Dulrliiiitn. They lumMlaco nuue lahlBg anoRa nod giH>d liiniellon't. aud wrie loudly applauded Next week. Jwiiii F. Fieid'A DrawinR fUida PkOfLR'HTitNATHR -A largeudMoce aaaembled hare Bight III tttpt lA to n liueaa the Urat ptuducllnn lo tbia ciir. Una i««>on. ol Ihe llauka Uroa.' "/aoiuiuA" Hunn ul tha A^eqerr and uiaoy ol UiO Irtoha ol tlie puto- iiiline ware new The compaoy, abich lacludea the pupu< lar oktwB. (lao. II. Aduii*. uate A aninoih a-d enieruln- Ing eveBini'i aniuaemanL Next week J. K Knmel. lo "FriiBiBaHadlluuae^" Jaimiu' THiaihk —Thp odi i-roaentad here tbIa week II '-Ihe l.tfeOuard," JoMph J. Uttwllni'a lataatactialaU (Ion, which waa produotd nlflht nf K«p|. lu bciuie aa »u<l|anr« which, Hmuph wuolullr ■Diall. waa at all oventa deoidi<dlr dnuuiiBlraiilP. The pltf<'n liAt a piteot clatirt lur atiratlou In Ihe nuraeioui tfOBAtlo'et iBOidroia wiihnli'rii ll U Roofroutly *i>il-klnl,ud which were axeodled iiulli' onninaoilably on llie niHOlog date. Bup iKtrtloR Br. D^wlloR In In |>ro<rQtatJon are Myra L Da- vit llfnry Robcri, iMarlcv PhllllpA llatrv H Baillolt, Frank UuHpi. J. 1'. WdfcKrioo. Fraocla Xavler, Ruilla lloiihonr, Willla I'llman. Albart (IraBiaoa, Rol*ert Dnao, I'on. Malf er. NiiHonwell. Join Maditao. Maud Amber, lUKle M»)llf^ Kilty Mllla aod ElUHtapica Next week, "MjAuntBildgaU" a very r*lr boalneaa ihia aaawn Axriiiux —'The Prodlaal Diugh'ar" liaaan a werk'a nRagBBiMit 10 QBder fkvoralile drcuinitaaoaA It li I preaaaUd with ao oatlia Daweaat aioce bare latL and lha chaBcet are that it will duplioAta Ita fomar aucreu. HaaplU the dlaagreeablew«atlier. a fair alrad audlaaee wea praveat at the ODoalng performance. >*alr bualawi Uit weak, "lo Old Kentucky ' 17. tuvarv—Tbia la alaiom c-rta<D to be a hiRwoek at Il)da A Hehaao'a Ka*iera Oiairki nUy bouae. Tho Howard Allien.vuu SpecialtvCouipaoy lurslih the ealer- lalOBUt. IheopeelnR ptrfomani^WAM loa lair matd audianca, copatderiBg tna a-Aiiti. RuaiBeia the opeaiDq week waa toMuatarWIlio&'o ra'liiactloo. ComloR IT. llallanA Uart,lD'*laiari»n" EariB■.-Maaager HAadftud ihia vrfV iraDBiera "In tbe Name nl the t^iar" to liU Kaaloro Dlilrlct Imnao, whne It aeam« m l»e duidicailnr ita Bueci'ta ol the Weit- IMatrkL "Harbor I.l|lit4" 17. Lu ATR:tPB TBiATRD-l/oikr Ihia tlUo the old Lee Arvaue Aoaileiiiy thie* open lUdoo<B in, uoJerlhoniu- a tempBl nf l.lodeo and Itot -* ' tlipy prr «ent "i^lde Truked, ber Bt Ihe bead of l^ ranoraiod Ihe houro _ _ _, . , It tMCfc to Ita former raok mTPnoR ike plai houaea of the Butara DIairlcL i-ntf liihlwiD begiaa ao engagement herel7nf|welvenlRbta Lti-Hi'H.—"Tha l*ay Train" la thia week'a atlraalloo. SavrmlchaoRea have i>eM uaie alnoe Ual year. The iile4^wa*Rtwatedwliha fairly good alied audlaoce la Fairly good buaineu lait weak iiKiraHiitx—Prof. Baltlwin, the white mehatioA and Katth BbMwib, the aotiionniat, have nialwilh deaaneil eocteaaharA Thepn>ily lliila nla>houBe haa hean lha Bteoeofcniwiled ud mratlSeJ awlltiicat aightlr, and the pmaptf U for ao e«iaally aood bu«lnaaa duiing the naiol Ibe pTofeaaor'a enRaRanaot are briRhi. TMiaTRR CniMCR-Chaft. Mutoo. well kaowo u a manager of eaatieutaa oerlonnaBc* houtea open^i ihia theatre a,aod intendetl giviOR i»eirnrmuc*a fromtto iDSur. M. ThehouMweelonnerlykDoooaHthereople'a Theatre aod the Uraod. Mr. Baatoa aecnted the aervicva ol Frank R. Carr aa rtaidentmuBRtr He patoo a fairly ROod perfonuance oo the ei>*BtBR week, bua bualaaaa iiid Dot pmve rery Baiiaiing. and thB«a perfotoier* who 1 kttyed all week weot awar. It laaald, ntloka a porlloo of ] tbeiraalatleaHatordayniihl. The main faatutaoi (ha .Du McOarihy'in-aa tbe lout thvOinpaoTloepao thalraeaaoo at theAta4euiy MaaiRerJohaB. Hayoor, of the People' waa In Chicago, ft. 7 Aaoaa Bvua repiacea Ceo itayaor, of the People'^ - , Bfua repiacea Cao-le NIealoKluUiecaatol "Ud ifia Earth." A. 11. Dlog- wall la bore OAlag thlBV for "Ib Uhl KeBtockr." Manager Uaorge Bowioi has saieral hoya la laouatto coatumaa paradlsR the atroau upoo atlltA placarded "OA theSanh." Loktera Vllllaaa' Co. rebuned bare la»t weea The Bladt Theatre cominaDc«a Ita regalar aoavia la. with '-Vaeterand Bothoe,"adraDiaby B. Voo WiMtokrutli, aod the drat autk««rlo<Ion peiiormBooe will he iivto IP, when "Zwet aiackllcheTage,"acooiodr br Bcboaoibu and KadelDurg, will do pr^weoled. Agoea Veiaae,or the Htadt Theatre Kurlcb; Theodore Burg, hardt, ol the Bladt Tli*atrt, BUtlan: Karl Uoltr, of tha t'olORoa Flora ThNtro, and llenrT HtetnB, ol the Court ThMtra.CaaBat.will oiae their BraiAmarlcu appear- uce upto (lioae datea, and no^rl? ATihJi'nuui^ I-o^^-Vt the CrescBBt Sept. 1 "A rVSkaS" wlih lli??^ aod t^^^^^^ ^'^'^h "A O'«o aweep•'^^ pityed \b!?!aTt The t!e"''mwaMi«^^^^^ »•«"«•«■ KTaoa coma. i'LwJ r (hrongkooi. aad they hope to brifg I , ,-,, MINNESOTiL np^Blog day wu the debut OB tbe vaedt vllleiiage ofBva Vtareota In ehatactar chaDiaA u«lated by iiereoptleoo vlewr. 1t»r pertoraaBce waa a naveliy la every way, aod made the hit o( the proftamow. She wu only u giaad lortheopoBiagday. Hom.-OB t)cL 1 a atoch conpuy, orguUad by the I at. Paial—At the MeUopolltan buslooM was (klriyROOd wtlh D«DMRdlly. lo Tho Mllllonalra." week ol Aept a William lloey will preaeat 'The Flaaia" woekofl. Thia will be the flratappuruceot thIapUy bare hat the raputaMoD of Mr. Itwy laeerialotojoaura bim blaboBPet. TbeadTuceaala laAaUeriBg. Week of IS Julia UarlowA (iaA»P.-BeBlneaawaa aood week of IwlihlbaDev- ll'a Aucdoa." Week nff. 'The Deiby Wlnoer," roLoaed weak ot IB by "Tba Police iBapeetnr *^ liLtHric—We*k el 9. Ham T. Jaek'n CreoloA BuDBOA.-BttalDaaawu big weak on Uuluth.—VatUo Vlcken came to the Lj-cenm Pepi. a.4. loataad efi. I, ud boaioaea au ligbr, 'The Circua ljuevD" uot laklag with a Dulath aodlance Pta hilltop la dtaerum tbeae oool Dighia and Un aUrae- ttooaai* not the beat....41 the Parlor Tbe lire thia week: Harry Hloomer, Anoie Hllioa.Oee. HUioo, Ed. Weleb. Louie (falgley ud the regDUratock. Tbe bulaeaa It Bot very hfiaa^ - Billy Boven bu Joined tbt Ewlan *Vlile Traced" don aed bead ol too pleoea. WlllwrOeuel ha«all poatra and doga Id Roe coodiUon ud worhlog like deck. We open Oot. IB, at Bedrord, Ind.. Qrand Opera Uouae Ton gOTAL BlCOLUU OlRCUtf AMD tllRMAH WaTBR Canilval. Faok Uall, mBoager.wllI oueorict. C at tho comer of Wattadi Avanne aod llubbaid Court. Chicago la Jaek Flibeity will be utlog niaoater. H lauiiXA KIOTO duowA—Boater ol Mm*. Lyona'SRyr* tlan HagnaUo BaalerUo.: Pior. W. Marklf, maoagera d lecturer; Lottie Ball, eloeuttoBlat; Oerniu Wolinau. human plo cuahien; Or. B. P. Onao aod Mme, Lyooa! nilloe worbera OregoD lodlBD Uedlcloe t;o.. No. 7: Dr. Buffalo Praok, leuurer: Dr. Wm. F. Larimer, mao- agar; Or 0. B. Heaaher, lootb eitraotor; MrA Lariner. feafurer: D.O. Le^jlA Frankle Muaker, U«o D. La«- reoee. DolUe Delmaloe, Cba^. Berkell Leoa KIIda Hoaa l^eon aod wd. Brukett Oompaoy oow toorlog Ceatnl lIllDolatoralrboBioeaa Creek Iod lu MediclBo Co. No. 10: Dr. Beo, iMtortr; Lw Thimpaoo, coDodlas: WioaleTboaipBoo, eerlo comlo and llg daocor; Uatiy Colby, muaieal panemer; Ueo. Hade, luRglar: Nelaon OapTe:t, canraanun; JoeOgelallOre, lodlaB. Theeun-- paaylBUBdertkBrnuagemeat ol TimmpaooAPnAmir. We are in i>bio and had the buoer week lut week. Di, Benand LeeThompaonJoloed tha K. orp.'aiaatweek UmaUila Indlu Medloioe Co, 31: Dr j. Boughtoo (ore- EfO Joe), lectuier; Joe Bart, manager ud voeall*t: Wm, ydio atage muager ud black laoe comadiu; Praok OrrlllA Irlah eomedlu aod vocallat; Prof. A. Ro.kle, DuUb mtod teader; Chleia White Bear, Red DiRROr, LUf e BIk ud Frioeeaa Neacoleta Dr U. V. rarnentai otoeed Aug.1l. Dr, OregooJoeJoloedll Dr. B. j'.UIll, our loapecior, made ua a pleaaut ylait OB that date Dr. Blire t:oDC*it asd t^emedy Co., toorlog N. W Mir. aoori, eelllBg Blokapoe Indlaa ramedlea: Dr Bill,aoIe propr aior, le^torer and maoagar: Dr. Uarry Bradr, a*- alatant; Ju D. Maddeo, atage direcier; Themae Voce, vanirlloiiout aod maglclu; Maaier Fraok Whiinao, vlollolac and leader; Ueorge Zucker, piuUt; Chioia Maay WayA Long t:loud, tfaalt Foo>. Char:aa Heoki i b luB obarge el the ouvaa. with two a'alauntA We aliuw uoder a flOxia obloog tut, aoated wlih drcBa aeata. Boalaeu la lair. Dr. S. a Bpeocer, wife ud mother vle- Ited oa at Malilud, Mo., for a few daya Everybody livea Id caiop and the wblie apectre perambolaei everr Batniday montog at 10 o'olocb. br. Uanr Brady la TlMUoa ua for a lew dara Kickapoo iMlclae t>)mpuy. No 0: Colooel F. D. Yata*. muaier: Mn. F. D. VaiBA Dr. B. E. Patuo and MrA B. K. Fatteo, Jamei W. Alko. Armood BrolharA Buokakln Charlie aod wife ud two ebUdreo, Billy WTI|br, a braubaod, with Joho Sua,leader; Jobo (loela, Will Huo, i buoi Dal or, Ichael BohBatar, Burr Uarrlogion, Orooo Linob. Oeorge Hart. Chauor Hatt, Oreeo Mud, Fred Uiili ud Ed Oaraoo The BIbenu Oil Adfenlaiai Oj., No.e, report proaparaas bualoaee lor the put iwuty weehA Tbalr canp co aiata of a SSOft aide wall, with olrooaaeataoapablaorauUBg l.oi) people; good itage ud neeDBiy, ooe large co(>k twt,cntce tea^ ud aleaplBRteoU , Roe'er: Obarka K. Barilett Jr., niao agar; J. II, Kolman, aiat.e director; J. E Peolfo,E. Dalley, L V.arahaio,RoaaHuaad A. Uaivey. ranvat mu Tbe lodlu Herbal Nemrdy Co. raaortdolnga ■ood bailBeaa Id TexaA The mater: Dr. W. Fruk Wood. Bote proprietor and muager; Mra. w, Ftaok Wood,llabu(DRtnothfBtnctor; Etia Wood, orRUlit; Fruk Howard. Irlib eomedlu: Dan HaailaU, Dutch eomedlu: BlUle Jannlrga, bladt face romedlu; Frt- faaaor Alvarev vidinlat: Joie MareoloA eomeiuat; Baltic Juk, aafewan. and Tommy Brono, bottler The Cuban Oil AdiertlalOR Co.,ioBnDg thnugli loaa aod MiDDeaota,r*portbu*ln»aau vrry lood. Tlie com' May la noder tbe maaageout of Dr. 0. A Cawelmaa, Ihtner: MrA 0. A. Caaaolmu. Libby BtAckwell, Jack UBrioD, atage nuotcar; Nick Young, comedian: Dare KtoekwelL nagldu; Blma aa*! Archer, mualcal team FiukHophiDa,andihe Iowa SuUMaDdollo CiBb Kliutlo A Leltwldi'B Uregoo Medicine ilo. douied tbeir recelpu for Diibt of BapL ft to tbe BodarerB from the lotaai area at iTlBcbley. Mian, and vldoiiy ... .KpaoRha Eleculs Belt anl AdvertiaiDg Co.'a roaier: Executive ata(r-W. A. Bpaugb, role proprietor; Will U. Bunley, manager, and Nia Will It. Bluley, treaioiar. Par rormeia-B. E Bnut Daithconedlu; Will H. BUnley, blaohlhoeud Iriah comedian; Jamu Arthor, coator. ti^^'*^! ^t**'- Rkooinlcb, maglclu: Billy Fierce, baajolai; n. 0. Olllham, orgBBlat, and Olloert Baacbei, TlotiolaL WehareloHBeremldayeowiDgtoaAvare raiaa Etery ooe lawailudhappy, aod tbe mu lo white mskea bla weakly Tialtprompt^ every Kuoday nonlog. PENNSYLVANIA. Plklladelpills.—There Ib gnrely no dearUi of new auiaetloDi at the local theatres thia week, no I«n thu Areptaya recetvlog Ibeir flnt prodaoUoDB In aia elty. Boalaeaa fall ofT a bit laat week, bat the drop wu notaeriOBA Canntn BTBRrr Of am noFSR.-'Ibe Mu fh>m the Weat'playedtoUirbualnaaaoDir, aad tbe plav cuDOt be aald lo have nide alaatiOBTmpraaaion. llilaweek Mearr Oor Carlelea'e RevoloUooary drama. "The Hen pi -TV which U a oew name lor "To OMeo Tlroea." 1d the caat are Uoa Levick. Alexander Tiocut, (Aarlea aiartera, LUIUo AndrwwA Haod Edoa ilalL Rath Muaaley. bdva^ j, Morgan. Alma Aiken,oBetberl LeooBn],Bldoey B. MaBBfleTarDelucey Bartlay, Bentoo UanTif. Borfce.ThomBaYoanRudHeDrTJoDaA Next veM, the Beaton Howard Athucon Company. BrtanTaeATiA-Willle ColDertiad a a-._ waek with "A Back Komber," ud boaloeaa Impnved cnnilderably after ibe flnt algbL "A Wild Pock'* 2^**^ ^Ith a caat ladadlBg Matk BBUlvaa, Maria BboaitiBea Lodge, EobartYsnon, Charles A. Voifaa PayTrala" acarcdycamauptoHanaK^r Ppeov'a aoiicl. patlooa. 'The Baoch KIbr'' which op^ocd ID la tie nji* olrlay which will be more apt lo pjoaae the fiteodani pauonA J HOpb ClIftOD aod LouUe ArdoI play the lead- InBrolep. Neat week "Wlia lor Wile." LvoBOB TORAtRA—The B«cond week or the UMii Crook Rarlo'que Cmnpuy rally equalled tho dn-t, kod tbia wub Huaaer JermoD bae iccured uoiher auoo^ attraction In the May Howard Burleaiiae t:om]>uy. Next weak, IboLoadoo Ballaa Rnile que tympany. OiHAHD AVB.1UB Thbatra— MaDBRBr lloPaod npeced blaaeasnn Id. with 'Jim the Pooman" bi theaiock com- EaBy, a«ilattd by Jos Holland, who had twea apeclallr uiaRad ror the productioo. Keit week, ' pioa aim Naodlev." Eletbxtii &TRKBS OrsRAHovdA—MaoBRerCancrori bu further Btraogtbened hia bill Una week, by a ne* bprleaqueoB Ibe troUoy partiu which have Iwen prov- ing aoch a ooUuce aboat town. Crowded liouiea nera Uie rale all laat week, _ . . . tiRAXDOPKHA HoufA—Tbia Is the 1a«t week Ola mod- erately aucceufnl graod opeia aoafoo, wbicb. irfinias arilaiic ataodpolnt, haa bveo a mo't pHaBureablooDa FoilowlDt la the repertory lor ibie week: MnoOay, ' Faoiti" Tueaday, ami Baiurday uatlDoe, "Tlie Chimn orKormaodr:" WedneidaT, "HaonD I.«acaut;" Thur*- day. "The Bbuenilu Qlrl;*' Friday, "Carmeo:" Batur- dav, "Cavalleria Ruat caoa" ud * It Trovatore.'' Ea.H8ixoTD.w TiiBATRA—Tbe flrfct week oi the aeitca haa qaluaurparaed Maoagar Uart'a loBdeataxpedatiopi, udbe la Mtiafled that ihe itock company, undarilia direction of Rarrr W.titoBo, U aiunfuo.''^ Tblaw^ek, "Walttog for (be Verdict.'* Next week, "nie Black "arcs BrRBBT TOBATBB.—Coder tbe manBsament cl Ba'ry B. Uabn this lilaiarlo old bouae will once more ba opued lX wllb too Block companleAone ror ait*roooa aod one for oveBloi producuooA The old comtdiea will be revived, aod tho opeolog bl>l will be "Aa Like Aa T*e Fma" "Dao Bolt" and >*The f^pliBre." Rpedeltlu will also DO rIvm batweoa tbe pleeeA The compaoiea ta- dade KailierlBe forreat, Cbrlatioe Bllawnnh, Lodim LoreotA Defaie ITayward, nroovi. Earte. Clara FMellt, Uelu Norwood, Fraok D. Alleo, F. W. EdwerdA RIcbaid 0, Dillmore, Will W. BroofcA Joaeph E. Uuley. Rlcbjirl L Bherman. Juiea W. Bukeoo, J. H Park, Rlctianl Vil- llera aod others. NOTCB—After a no ol three nlgbta "The FalUr Uerca- la-.enm," ooder ite new managemeot Qiully gate up ihegboiLS AAA M 6teele.a popular yuuoK neaa- Kpermu, madehiadobut lo tho Oirard AYoDueBioti mpany, 10. Hlanoaidetiuatrela Arthar Raieigh When th" oew American Thaaire ge'a under way oeit moDth, there will be bIe theat oa in ihia clly carr]* IDR ainck compaolei Dr. George U- Cox la dn. IDE the preu work lor tha A'ch aeorge Tjhr talo towD lookloR altar WlUaid Bpeoaar'a Intereata. ..UeoFRO W. aarcallaa will tw atige muaRor of tbe Artu. and Emit Taube will lead the orcbeiUA Har'y i;aaipbell, the new lo'aoe ol the Temple Tha- aire Camoao, opued the bonaa 10 wllb the RobioMia Opera CempAoy AdABebuwIH make bar flrat ap- nearaocn here u a atu at the Cbcaioat street Opera lleuae OcL B Mme. Kronold, wbo makes her laie- well appaaruceatlhearaod Opera Hooae Btpb 14, go«a atooco to 6L Loula. wbore aba ib to appear at a muaieal ludval WilfHd ClarkA h b beeo apeoUliveogaBtd loraaariaaot cemedloaatUieairaid AToaae. begiuoiDg 11 with "She Stoops to Conquer." Uort Daverly aaya the report that lie bad aigotd r'lih Ruaaoira Comedl- ualaerroaeoaa IrviOR ilaiid(.woeomea to the Audi. torium Oct 6 The price of rererved aeauattbeNiBih ud Ardi Huaeum bu oeeo redacMl to Dvo ceots donnR the aitarooon houra Emma Bell of * Clameoccxu ilaae lama," U a new acqulaiUoa lo the Forepugh Stuck Compuy TreuoraiB Jnhn HacDoBougli and Louii Fleiachicaa leturn to the Wolnaiand Park, leapectlTi'iy. Frank Oaidoer ha* beu engagid aa aialitaat traasanr at the Aadltorinm. FitUbariE.—TblBlBATCd lolKr week for our looalabowmoA WIUi more thu BOCOJ airaogera Ib ai- taoduce apoo theU. A K.Nailoiul Eocampmeot, aed all tMOi oo uaviDg a good UmA bnaloeaa can bardly lall tebegrod. Qrahp Opkba Hoita':.— "Atue Jeua" ibta weeek," "FaataAma" Bept 17. "The Prodigal Da-igbter' drav largely lut week. DuquissB TuBATBR.—Harry Ltcy, to' *A Man From the Heac," tbia week. "Alabama" made mooet uptox "ATemperuceTowo" 17. . „ AlvlvTubatrr —Willie CoUler, lo "A Back Number," 10 and week. 'The Faodog Muter'lwuaBucceiaap to 8. BuodTbaataa— Oeorgo Thalchei'a "Aboot aolhaa" 10 for Ihe Brat time bera, 'The White BqaadroB" aaUtd lato popular Mror lut week. Blcbatde ud CufleM, lo "AU'rcuaClowB."l7. _ PABKTUEATaA-J. J. BoUlvBD, In **Tba BUckTboro,' this weak." "The Oalley Hlave" pleavd wall op to A Uabbt Wjluahb' AOadbmt up MtTSio—Morria' £a- tertAioars 10 lor ibeIr flrat eogagemeothere. Tbe I'Oa- duo Tbaatie Oo. did tbeokual large bualneas of Ibe home laac week. iiTOLORAnA ACDiTORicu.-Oumlc Opera, by the Bee- netMoBiioD CAieiBoa aupreme with "Ulivetie"aa (te aitracUoD for la "Ttie Maacoue" and'Tlie Bobainiu (JlrP'werewolldoBe lutwiek. llARBiB' TflSATRK.—-Tbe Utddon Uud" 10 ud week. "Uader tho BprU" did fairly up to a Haaar Davis' Edr:* Hoaas —a big Bceoio repre'ooia* llooortbe "Balfool aet.|bbDt«" aed other eveoia oi our late CiTil War la Manager Davla'pU<«d« r«iJifiiEre this weak. Al Tuoer, deecnpilve vocallat; guatieile. ecceBtnc lurgler, aod Bhiler and Nadi, comediaaf. are aoioog the oHier pnoeipal oew leatBrea. MixcB MBAT.—Proprietor Chariaa L. DarlA ol Ibl Alria kTheaire aborteood hia haropun trlolo order lo be pieeaot atibereopeBlDw or hiBtli»atre lor the preaeoi aeaaoo * Ibe BiegeolVlckaborg," near tbemainra- tiuce 10 Bcbealey Farr, le a big succeu. Scraikton.^At tbe FroiblDgham Rose Cogliuo Sept. K lit Hatlle Barnard Cliau cane 7. 8 lu (food booaeA Reno A Wllllamaco. come 17 fortbreeolgtii'^,, ACADiMT—Wm. Barry. In 'The Rlalng Ueneraiii>a, 10. *«plder aad P1y"7, liad a talrhuuie. FiixAAab- etera "A Breexr nme" Co. ll, "A Texu Buer" li. Jamea B.Maeaie'a "A Side Bhow" 11 , , Datis' Tubatrb opeaed the aeaaon 10 with u all Ladr TandeviUe Oo. cempiiung Emma 0>trely. Ltlieiu aih EIraorA Little KoalA Llule Top, Bluobe AodrewA Mile- Hex^ Lnlo Weatwonb ud tbe WrigUt BlatarA Heading.—*'ABre«zjT1me*'drewB lair sl/.ctj audleoce at tho Academy of Moalo BepL 4. "AVViM Duck" plaaaed Uie audlucea aoaniiraKovaUyCon* puy bad a topb»avy booae7. CbaAA.Loder, lB'*<'h. What a NlgbL^'dld wdl a Comlog: Robert DowoIdi. Id "Damoo aad Pytblu." II, "WiA lor Wile" It. "^A Texu Steer ■ IL OBAHO OrBRA UousB-HeUle Bcroard Cbaae. la *'19!M.** Will appur at thia place U-l A „v Bijoo TBaATaB.-Tbe Tivlan De Monto Company vkx olltfc Laneaater.—Tbe Fotion Opera IIoobo op«i» Bept. 17 wiUi Fowdl, mr.glclan, followed by "A Bench oi Keya"l),'BpUeraDd.'iy"& The aeauog capacDy the boeeebu beeo looreaiedfhiml.taito 1,400 b7 log III*, to the BBdl orlom. The aiage baa been rr- boilt, adillBg llCt toitadepibandl7lL teliahelgbL«M» iBDowSdii., aTommodatiogtbe largeat dro?'- \}^*J*,l dreaalBg roomabave beeo newly carpeted aod Bliao wna eleeulail^u. Alt«<»Ba.^nie Elerentta ATenne wis dark veri of Septa Boberi Dewnlog eome* ll.*-A Texea B(«ar it. & a Kulell» Many Davla' Edao >(S***v.?**U palaifd aB«dwDimted,wlUi Edwin & Toa^lobia ><u