New York Clipper (Sep 1894)

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Sbptembeb 15. DIAMOIfO FIBIiO eOBIIP. Latat tajrlafi* and Delagi of thc'Bata- ball VntttmUT' "Banio U lip* for k UrgM laga.. Tte Euttn II lU riibt In lu Wit, but mtiiy ol Ui« olilu *n m inuU ilul ltW7 euDot upport * bif li priced w«o,<> Bjs TM Bugtlo Ewntno limn, "•nd la order In m*le ilie rsoe at ell IntemUiut BaOao U obliged Id pat up wltb »team that la about oa a par wliti mo weaieroan. Bolhlo, wltb 111 800,000 popaMIon, nil no bnilnea In a league wltb eltweof the ilaa o( Erie, BlngtiaiBlao, SprlDiOeld, getmstoa, Wllkea- ban* aod Tonken. It bemtlee ibe great Queen Vlir o( Ibe lakea la tbe ejes ot oulaldere. U we cannot lei In the big learie, at leaet let n* baTe loouuilnir • illtle belter Uian the pruent Eutera League clr- culL It ongbt not to be bard to organize a old' coontr; league wlib clnba In Bairalo, UttnUt, Ool- oobiu, iDdrintpolii, Kocbeaiar, Bjmcoie, Toronto and Toledo. Tble woald make a leapue more com. pact iban tbe email league ot wblob Bolbln la now a nemherand wonM ramlab more large clUn." Uaooger Obapmao, ot tbe BoiTalo Olab, o( the ixtem Kagnr. nae daring tbe paai week or two teen conpdied to prteent a patcbed op teaio, owing to the abaenee ot aevernl ot bla beat plajera ibioogb lllneat and lojurr. NolwlUiilandlug Ibeae diawbacka Ibe BaSUo team baa been plajlng a prcit; eiroog game, and at one time Jumped from serentb plwce to eecoQd In tbe cbampionalilp race Wben Maoseer vbapman geta bla men Into goud irim aaalo tbe Bad'aloa are pmtr lora in make It eiKedloRlTlntereallDg for me leadeiBia ibe race for tbe Eailem League pennant. AabUnd bu been admitted to ibb Peonulranla suie Leagnr In place ot Btaton, on tbe condillon liiit nn gaoea In wlilch It pirtlclpatea will be counted In tbe cbamploneblp record, inleaa It plan out tbe aeaaon. rrealJenc young, of tbe National League and American Auoolauon, baa nouaed Pieeldeni Pow- er>, of Ibe Eaelern League, tbat tbe iilajring ot tbe Alkintowi plajera br tbe Yonken Ulub, claimed b; Ibe Fennajlvanla Stale League, la Ulegal. Ueakin prerenud tbe Eries from making more ibun four atfe bita off bim BepL T, at wilkeebarre, ra.. tbe Wllketbanea tben winning br 8 lu 1, In ten loDlnga. Tbe New Torka played an eililblllon game wltb Ibe Yonkera team, ot tbe Ewlern League, Bepi. T •t tbe Pok) Qnunda, tbls cll7,tbe lauer tben win- nlDg bj 10 to I. Tbe Boetona defeated tbe BoOtlM In an txblbl- IIOQ game plajed Sept r, at Baoklo, N. Y., br a ■cere of 11 to s. In aeren Innlnga. Tbe Pblladelpbia team, ot tbe National League and American Aaaoclallon, defeated tbe Phlladel- Ebia nine, ot tbe PennB;lTBolaBlaie League, br u > t, Sept. 7, at Pblladelpbia, Pa. Tbe Piuaburgi defeated tbe Readlngi br o to 1, In an exbluilon game plajed Sept. r, at Reading, rrealdent Young, oC tbe National League and American Aaaoolatloo, baa wrltiea tbe following In- ■tmoUoni to eaob oC bla oiBclal amplm: "Tbe prtaeni race for tbe National Leagoe and American Auoelsilon pennant bide fair to be tbe moat cloielr and boilr conleaied in tbe bluorj ol tbe national game, wbllelbareererrconldencelntbeabllltr and Inlegrltr of eacb member of mj oHlclal ilair ot nmplrve, I aoall expeot eren man to make an extra eOOrt to do good work. Tbe tact tbat Ibree clube are dgbtlng bard tor tbe coreied prlia la a matter tbat doea not and aboold not aObet our work or concern na In iba leaat uofflolali. In nmplrtug all games jon muat. and I am sure jou will, enlirelr Ignore tbe qoealion aa to wbo tbe coateaianle are, and attire onlr to do good, olean, boneat work, witbont tbe illgbteet fear or laror." In tbe two gamea p^ajed tbe Bt. Lonia and Bnwkun leami, Sept. o, at st Lonia, Vo., Connor, ol tbe former, la credited wltb tight aate bIta ont ot ten timea at tbe bat. In tbe Ont one be made a lale bit, lodudlug a triple bagger, eacb ot tbe Sre tloeaatbat Intbeaecondone bemadetbieeiale blla. Including a bome run. Tbe Clnolnnatla made onl; tour eafe bit off Ueroer, ot the Waablngton icani, In ibe Dtatot tbe two gamea plajed Bept. s, at OlnolonaU, 0., iber tben winning br t to 1, altbongb tne Waahlnglona made all eafe blu off wlurook. ' Hain on SepL 8 pretented tbe Olereland-New York game from being plajed at Olereland, 0. Jobnioa, tbe oraok pitcher ot tbe St. Joaepb team, of tbe Wealern AMioolatlon, hai been releaaed to the Pblladelpbia Olab, ot tbe Natloral League and American Aaaoclatlon. The Flndlaja defeated tbe Detroit team, ot tbe Weatem League, two gamea on Aug. 20, 21, at Flodlar, 0., br 8 to T and a to (.reapectlfelj. Pean, ot tbe Detrolu. waa put off (he gcouada In tbe lecond game for nalog profane language. Tbe Flndlan defeated the Decauti two gamea on Sept. It to sandgtoT, reapeoUrelr.atUeea- tnr. Ina. Foreman, ot the To'.edoa, almoit atarted a riot re- oenu/atorand Rtplda br throwing a ball Into the giandatandataborwhonadgajedblni. Tbe ball narrowly mlaaed a ladj, and aunoat In an Inatant a roab for tbe Held waa made br a number ot men, bent on leaching tbe Itaiepltcner a leaaon. Before ibej could go too far, kowerer, ther were paolled. The ipeolatora did not forget the act, notwfibaland- log, and a mob watted tor Foreman after the game. It might have gone hard with bIm It tbe Tbiedo playera bad not left the park by a toandabont way. There Is talk of a New England League clrcolt next aeaaon, with six olnba and reduced rxpeoaes, to be compoeedot clubs at lau Birer, New Bed- tord, Fawtookel, Brockton, Liwrenoe and Uartr- bill. Inlenae tlvalir In bueball exists between eaoh ot Ibe cities ssmed, and snob a league would doabtleaa be a paring one. A new itook corpora- tion wUI probabV hold tbe Harerblll fnnoblae next year, wltb a caplul atoct of t3,uo, and John Irwin will probahlj manage tbe 'eam. Keakin prevented Ibe Bangora from making more tbsntwo aate bIta offblmin ihe aeoond ot tbe two games plajed Sept. G, at Bangor, If e., the Faw- luoketa then winning bj 3 to 1. Tbe Providence team plajed an exhibition game wltb tbe New Bedtotda, BepL 4, at Frorldence, R. I., tba former then winning bj20 to 1. Prior to tbe game, in a base mnning oonltai, Uanj Ljons la cicdited wltb making a oucnlt ot the baaea In M aeconds. Tbe Bangon made onlr foor aate hlli off Lamps In tbe morning game ot Sepi.8, at Haverhill,Mass., tbe BaverbUls then winning bj 8 to 0. Twelve Innlnga were nectsaarr to decide tbe Lewlsion-ronland game on the monlog ot BepL 8, at ForUand, Me., the termer tbenwlnnlngbjatoa. M. Bnlllvan prevented tbe Biookljns trommsklng more than two aate bits off bIm BepL e, at Eaaten Park, Brookljn, tbe CleveUidi then wuulng bj iltol LBAOUE-ABilOCgJiTIUn. The Eutam Clubs Commencs the Lait Ssrlai of Chunplonthlp Contstti In the West Hew York va. PIlUburK. TbeNewYorkadtfMted the Flitsbun SepL 4, at ■lie Polo Oronnda, tbia citj, alur a olote and excit- ing iinlsb. Bolb teams UtUed bard tbrougbont, •ud tbe retnlt was In doubt until tbe wlnclug mn «se scored In the Isst half o( tbe nlolh Inning. The Kew Yorka took a lead In tbe flrai Inning, when ibej asored alx runs, and malniatoed It until tbe olnih, when the PlUebnrga lalllrd at tbe bat, and •cored tear rune, taking tne lead for the drat lime. Wbon tbe New Yorka went uj tbe bat in Ibeir iilf ot ibeolnUi, It waa growing dark. Fuller led on -:<''■ • high ilj to Ihe oalOeld, aod reached third on 'I'e °IL Tbeu Meekin bit Into the orowd at right i; id, Ksonng Fuller and blmtelf, altbongb tooched out >t Ute plate; but Oapt. Ward cUlmed that tbe baU was bloeked, and Umpire McQoald allowed Ihe ijMm. Burke hit for ibree basta, and aoored on lleman's hit to Bauer, the latter throwing wild to Ibe plate to catcb Bnrke. PinuDBO r. a. a. o. a. a Si?.^."*"-* a s 8 1 " »" • I t s - »«klw,lb..s 8 I • N«i'MLel....» 1 1 1 BftMr to..,, ails 0 0 0 . » , . . Waidiib.... - - ■ **>TH,iiL..i 0 I a a 9ivsiHUfo,eti o Uaiuiu,ib.t lias 0 roller,aL?.. t S : Wiw Toaa. V. a. a 0. A.a Battt, v.... ( 1 I I 0 0 n«iiuo,rf.. I t S 1 0 0 DaTU,sl>..-. 1 I I 1 i 0 0 0 ooria, lb.... t i I • I - ■ —. I 1 a I e I 110 0 U TZj , w. I. ■ • a ■ V VHUWT. Vb... « » 1 8 4 S "'<ieH,ei...< list 8 famlLo.... • I 1 0 8 1 ■xwltc p... < 1 I 0 t oeetkla,p... 118 0 10 „„To<*Il.. tl U is S 10 (I IWala-..a It It 17 IT S hlubuii 1 0 0 0 8 1 0 0 4-U "n loA 80008100 8-11 Euue mai-rutdiarf, 7; Re' Twk, W. Bue oa I^?t-J>'i 05ball*-r,l| If.T, t Binick Tlie New Torks won again Beptc, Ibej then skat- "htont tbe Plttsbnrfswllboni amn, Bustesad THE N JTVST YORK COjIPPER. 448 Frank O. Ward, of tbe VTasblsgton Club, ot the Nsllonal League and Ametlcso Aaaoclatlon, was bom April 18,1887, at Cbambetiburg, Fa., but at aa earlj ag« bla patenls removed to Altoona, Fa., where Frank learned to plar ball. Ula Orat protea' atonal engagement wu with the Jobnatowo Club, ot tbe Fennajlv^inla Stale League, In 1887. In 1888 be waa a member of tbe Aileniown team, ot the Cen- tral League. He took part that jear In onlj thittv uhamplonablp conleats, and ranked well up la botn tbe omclal bauingand Holding average* of that or- ganization. Ward began the aeaaon of isso wlih tba New Orleana Club, ot tbe Houihern League, and remained wltb It nntu June 4, when negoilailona were comploled tor bla tranaterto tbe Pblladelpbia Club, ot tne National Leagoe. He did not remain long wltb tbe FblladelpbUa, and alter be waa re- leaaed he Joined tbe Dover Club, ot Ihe Delaware League, with which club be dniabed out the aeaaon. Ward Joined the Oslveaton Cinb, of Ihe Texts League, tor tbe aeaaon ot 1690, but Onlsbed It wltb tbe Bpoiane Club, ot the Pacldo Nortbweat L«agu^ be taking part for tbe latter club In seveatj-one chauplonsnlp gamea and ranked drat lathe oOclal batting avoMgea of that organlzalloa. lie also headed Ibe list lu tbe olllolal Ijatilug averages ot the Texas League, at the time he left tor Spokane, Weak. Ward commenced the aeaaon ot isil wltb the Sacramento Club, of the California Leagae, and otter taking In fortj-seven cbamplonsblp gamea, aod tanking second In tbe oolclal batting avengea ot the Dallfomla League, he atarted Eatt and Joined tbe Mbineapolls Club, ot the Wettem Aaso- olatlou, wltb which club be dniabed the aetaoo, taking part in Olij-four cbaioplonablp gamea, aod nnklug third In tbe oldclal bailing averagta ot that aaaoclatlon. Ward benn Ibe aeaaon of 1B8J wltb Ibo Milwaukee Club, ot ibe I7ealern League, aod after taking pait In fortj-alx chtinplunahip conteiia, and ranking aeventb in the onioul biiilog averagea ot tbat league, be waa tranaterrcd to thu Baltlmoie Club, ot tue National League and Amcr- can Aaaoclatlon, wlih wblob oiub he dnlabod the aeaaoB, taking part lu flnv tbiee cbamplonsblp gimea. Be remained wltb the Oaliliuon Club part ol tbe aeaaou ot 1S>3, when a deal wa< completed between the Baltimore audUluclanail Clubi, whete- bj Ward WM eiobangtd tor Mullane. Later on, however, Ward waa re>aasd,aud llolahed the aei- aoDwItb tbe UarrlabargClub, of IhePtonajlvanIa Slate League. When Manager Bubmelz was en- gaged during the past Wluter, to handle Ibe Wasb- iDgtouteam, be afgned Ward to plaj aecond baie, but Uie latter baa tiled leveial poelilona on ibe Washington team dnilog tbe preeent aeaaon. Ward li a kard and reliable uatamao, and a vrrj clever baaa runner for a beavllj built man. lie atanda tIL 7bi. In blight and welgba 180 pounda. Bhret both pitched wltb good eiecL The termer managed to keep the bits msde off bim well scat- tered throughout tbe game. Tbe leldlng of the vlaltora iras excellent, not an error ot anj deacrip Uon marring their work. Tbe New Yotks were more fortunate In buoobing their blla- Tbej ecortd their drat rune In the aecond inning on Uojie'e aln- 8le and Van Haliren'a home run. iUta bj.Ruaie and urke and Tleman'a out gave tbe New Yorka an- other run la tbe fltib, and their lut run was scored In tbe alxth innluf, on bits bj Ward and Fuller, a base on balla and Farrell'a long Or to tbe ont fleld. Banerand Fuller did the beat leldlng. Pivnaoao. r, a a. a A.a i Naw Yoaa r. a. a. o. a.s DoiioTia,ir. a 0 I I Q Ollaraa, IT.... 4 0 1110 SmTui, ■?.... i 0 I I 0 OITianiu,rt.. 1 o e 1 I 0 Bacbler, lb.. 1 0 0 8 1 nDaTltTlb.... < 0 1 1 1 I auaiaCcl... 4 0 1 8 0 0 Oafla-ib... < i 1 II o o tolas «Wai4,ib.... I 1 1 0 8 0 Waavar, aa.. t 0 1 3 3 0|raaBall'o,el4 110 0 0 llaiuiao,8b 4 0 0 1 1 OiPaUtr.ui... 3 0 118 3 BoidlD, e... 1 0 0 3 1 0 rarnlXo.... 9 0 18 10 Eluat, p 3 0 0 0 I 0 Suit, p 3 1 I 0 8 0 TMlila...J8 0 8 II II ol Toi>la...3l 4 8 IT U < PlUaiilin UOOOOOOOO-O N» YoA 0 1 0 d I t 0 U -4 Btrnad moa—Nav York. 8. Baia oa imn-Filuburf, I. Os balia-r . a; N. Y, 1 sinick oat-Pn 3; N. T, 1 Uniplra. MeQoild. TiBa, 1 at The New Yorka defeated tbe Pittaborga again, SepL 8, when ibej wieeied aecond place In tbe pen- nant race Irem tbe Boaloni. Cuobert iras wild In his uellverj, helping Ibe home team to two mns therebj,' while erton bj WesTsr at abort stop, a triple nagger bj Fanell and two elngles bj Dojle drove In two mora mns. The Plusbnrgs panlsbed Meekln'a pILihIng freelj In the teoona and third Innluga, when tber earned tear runs off alx eafe hlis, Inclndlng a double bagger bj Sngden and a boms nm i>j UartmsiL Tbe vbltors took tbe lead In tbe aeventb, when two bases on halls snd s soralchalngle bj Bauer brought ma run. Tbe New Yorka won tbe game In tbo laat halt of tbe ninth Inning, when nrrell led off with a alngle and Meekin followed wlib a great bome mn drive to right centre. ffTiBioao. V. a a. o. NawToax-v. a. a. o. a.s Doiu»aa,tta o a i o o 4 1 0 0 o o 8D1U1.U.... a 0 0 1 0 0 rliiaag, rC. 4 0 ■ 1 0 0 0 MDorK, lb.... 4 1 I 8 I I ~ nwaid. a>.... 4 0 0 1 1 0 VanBall'D,cf 4 I C I I 0 8 0 18 BunwLot.. 8 111 Basir, lb... 8 0 18 WtaTar.ia.. 4 111 Hailaiaa,8b 4 111 BuBdaa, o... 4 111 aafflbart,p.. 4 0 0 1 a 8U Piltabug 0 I NiwYoii 1 0 4 ait 8 oil 1 II 0 0: 11 ll 0 iPuUar.M.. farHUiO .4118 ■ 1 0 llwtlD.a... 11 Talab...J8 8 7 V U 8 Raniaif'raai^FltUbBfB,'8; Haw Torb, 8 BtM oo ar- n>ri-l%l;II-T..l. CHiblU-P.,4:K.V..t ainckont -r.,S:b.,l. Umplia, KtOaald. Tliiia.»b. Waahlagton ra, HI. LoaU. Darkneu limited tbe Waablngton-St. Louis game Bept. 4, at Wssblnglon, D. 0., to seven innings, tbe latter then winning after a bard up hill llghL Tbe Wsshlngtons knocked OUiksoD ont ot tbe pitcher's poslUonlu tbe drat Inning, making alx runs offblm. Breltessiein waa then subatimied, and pieveuted the bome team from making iDore than one mn In tbe other alx Innlnga. Haddock, who waa recenilj releaaed bj tbe Philadelphia Club, pitched bla drat oame tor tne Waablugtona, and was bieffectlve, be- log tatted hard In the dnt, third andalxth uulnga. WAauiaovor v. a a. o. a. ai Sv. loeia. t. a. a. o, a.b. Cwlai.ll.. 118 Ir, 4 0 I I 1 I Mlllir.c 1113 3 1 1 1 a 8 0 0 uaiiD.tb... 1 I I a 3 0 jiiusut,el.. 11110 0 PlIU, lb 3 1 1 0 0 0 Clossa, rf... 3 0 0 1 0 0 OlarktoD. p. 0 0 0 0 I 0 Bnl'sl*n'B,|i3 1 0 0 8 0 ToUU...lIIOUIlt tl 3 0 I 0 0 0 0-7 0 3 0 0 1 -10 BIncX bnid'ru^wiublbjtM,'!; St. Loali, a oat-W.,L Umpin, Balls. 1laia,lJa Tbeattve lesnS was reversed Bept. t, when the« wss given to the home team bj the umpire bj aacoieot8 to0. Tbe Wsablnglona could do notb- UwvrtlbClarkaon'a pllcblng oatll the eighth Uin- Sg, When, with the lasea filed, McOuire hit lor a home nm, aending la three nni ahead ol h m and UelngUie8»ie. \bevlaltanfaUedtntalljlnlhelr bait ot tbe eighth Inning, and tbe home team west in and baued ont three morennalnthe ninth. It wuthen gettlngdark and uie vlalioia pUicd lodlf- terenUj. not ojiug to pot oat anj ol ,lba hone team Omplie Beus ntt*^f^"°^J^S^ laS\i deolated the game f otf elied. Oapuln Miller aad Oealie Fielder Bhugatt were boih oidwsd out of the game tor sbaslve Isnnag* to lbs nonln. TbeBLOoaUClub prouated Oie gams on toe cUa of Oaptaln Miller that McOulre'a bit, on wblob tbe ompheallowed him to aoore a homerau andtle tba game, did nut go over tbe fence, butainck In a tree witbin the Incloeote and came back on the deld. Tbe game aiood when forfeited aa tollowa; WAaaiROToa.T. a a. o. Aa. er. Loom r. a a o. i.a Shalbwk, la. 1 I 1 I a I Coolax, U cf 1 u 1 I 0 8 Jorcavlb,... 1 1110 omr.K 1 0 0 17 0 Uaaaaaar.rit 1110 0 Nllltr,e,ll.. l 1 1 I o o 4 1 t a 0 I i:ouor, lb.. 1 o i la o a llcOiilia,o.. 4 1 a a I 0< 4 113 4 0 8iiiiitb,ir... 4 0 1 4 0 uiMiuaaii,ci. a u i Bu>diidale,p 4 110 TMall..,J9 7 S» WaabiBgtoB— 0 0 St Lhji 0 8 (krtCaulb 4 0 0 8 0 0T>la<bam,o3 I I I 0 8 Badfotl, 8b. I 0 0 3 ■ ------ r«lia.Bb.... 4 0 1 0 0 1 Uotaa. tl, u 4 0 I a 8 0 Clarktop, p.. 3 I I 0 3 0 ToUll. ..38 4 10 38 14 1 0 0 0 U 4 8-7 - a 0 0 0 1 0 —4 BaiMd niiu—^ aablogloo, 3; Bt. Loula, S Bail OD unn-W, I: 81 L, 1 Oa billt-W., 8; Bl L. 1 euuckOBC-W., I; Bt. L.. 1. Ulaplra, B«lla. Tiiii»,S.IO. Superior baUlng eoabled the Waablugtona to wlu BepL 0, when tbe contest waa limited to eight Inn. higs on account ot darkntaa. Mercer did lyaarka. bij weU, as be held ibe vlallon down to tight aost- terlnghlts, two of which wereacntohea, and tailed to give a baae on balls, or even make a wild pitch. The komo team balled Brelunetein tteelj, eapecl. allj when men were on baaas, and earned ten of ibelriwelre nuis. Triple baggers were made br irard, McQoIre and Btlbacb, the dtii named get Unf two. ^b_e other long blti were double baggers LODia r. a a o. A.a br Jojce, McQulre and (lulun. WAaaiaoiesT.a a. ~ "~ *^ ■bUbMb.ts. 8 13 1 Joroasb.... 8 s a I UsaaBaar.rft 18 3 8 3 8 3 MeOaWe.. 10 3 8 BtlbubTu... 4 1 a 4 nutB'aliMb 1117 0 ~ 1liia,3b.. 4 g 0 1 1 Harcar,p.... 4 0 0 Tllall...4l 1118 11 8. CmIbMI. oaOlar, o..... 1 0 (looDor. lb.. 1 QaiBB, lb.... 1 ahasirLot. 1 rain,3b..... 4 Uoiaa, if... 4 lr«k'Bkf B,p 3 Totals...88 8 8 31 10 3 WaibiBaUB 8 0 1 0 1 8 0 a-ll 8t UlliB 0000100 0-1 Eanad ruo^WasbioftoB. 10; HI. LoBli, I. Baaa oa *rror»-W.,]:BLL.,3. OnbalU-W.,A BlmebOBt—W., 9;SLl<.,a ttmplfi. Valla TlBit,>h. BalllBioae va, Chleaga The Balllfflorte defeated tbe UbIcagoa, SepL 4, at Balihnore, Md., In what proved to be a verj Inter- tallng conleaL Uemmlng, wboae lelcase wss r>'. oentlj obtained from Ibe Balilmores, kept tbe visit- Ota' blla well apatL Ue was poorlj aupponed, Jen- slogi, Hoblnaon and Unuthera making coaUj er- rora. But lor theie mlaiak«l|)lie Oblcsgoe would have been abut cut witbour a run. Twu great plait bj Jennloga, and the work of Kelts and Par- roll wen th^ moat notewortbj fnture. laoaa v. a a o. a.a 1 1 OBHJAOO. r. B. a. 0. i.a UutebliDB,>l 8 0 1 0 0 1 Dsblu.u... 8 Wllaut,!'.. • Dadur, lb.. 8 4 liBlaSb.... 4 PamlLlb.. 4 Bebrlrar, o.. 4 TotaLl...O Oh MSB BalUffloiB I a I 0 I 8 0 8 4 8 Ull . 0 I 1 I BiLVll kaUar. if -. 8 kMlir, If... 8 aioalli«ra,lb 8 McUimw, ib. S Bndia, cl... 8 llall^ lb....4 I I 1 /•DBloga aa 4 0 I RoblnloB, a 4 IttoiBilBs.p. 4 I 1 I I > I 0 11 1 1 t ' 1 I 8 18 1 10 10 41 8 II 81 17 8 10 10 0-3 1 0 4 0 -8 KafBwl niaa—BalUmor*. Si BuBeeBrrorB-i:litoMo, L 00 baUa-0,, 4; B., 0. siract out—b., 1. Uuiplia, Kwl). Tlan.lJO: ^ „ , The nloib game between these teams, Bept, o, te- lulted In an apparenU v eaaj viclorj for tbe BalU- motta, who bolted Uuichlaon ao bard In Ihe Ont two Innlnga tbat be had lo giro waj to Terrj, wbo did uucu belter work during the remaiodtr of tbe game. Tbe lead taaenbj the Ualtlmorea In the drat two Innluga took all tbe Inttreat out of tbe game, and thcrcotler tbe vlsUora plajtd mon like a lot ot amaloura than anjibing else. Brodia led lo bat- ting. Ilia (our blla Included a double t«gg«r. Ilelii was credited wiui two double baggen and Uablen wlih one. The Beldlng ol Uablen, Halls aod /en- ninga was a leaiuta. Eacb made aeveial aenaa- Uoaal plaja raiOAOo. Tain, rf,». Dabtoa,M...« trilBot,!!... 4 - • lb...4 LaaiNCI.. PBrntt,8b.. 4 H'cbiaoe.p,tl4 Bdiilnr. a. 4 T'<lala...n ObMBSO BalUBMra. _ garBadrasa—CI -o , 8; i.. 1 On LSI. V. a a o. i.a 8 I 1 I I I 1114 8' 0 14 0 0 18 0 118 0 0 8 11 0 U 1 I 8 0 11 0 0 11 8 814 II 1 8 0 BiLviaoaa v. a a o. a-a xiuir.u.... 8 113 0 0 KHUr, rf... 8 I 1 1 0 I ■Inmibaialba 1 0 It 0 0 ■auraw,». I Brodlt. tf... 8 BallalbL.... 1 iaauBfaH. i 18 0 0 118 0 list 8 0 0 R«btBaBo.a 4 aMaioo,p..4 I I 0 I I ToiaU...d II14 n 17 8 0 0 0 I t >-8 ■ also -IS Baiaaaimrs BtaaU. Tuna, nsBalUaoies beat the ObKaiOsaali8s»l.8, aadlaerMsdlbslrMadla ihs ebaMpSa^p-- anoilh was IneOeoav*, the bome team baulog bUn hard and often In the Bist tour innlnn. when Ibej •MMiRdelevenraiBandalonglead. Ternwaaanb- Billuled as pitcher In the Otlb Innlo*. Uawke waa also batted treelj, but he kept Ibe^llt well scst- teied, except In tbe secona Uulng. Darknos etoDMd the game In Ibe serentb Innlsg. MeOnw and Bnnlben led In bitilug, tbe former geltlng a triple, double and alngle, and the latter two dooNa baggeis. A bome ran waa oiade bj ianalngs, and a mple bagger bj Uawke. Double baggera bj PamitaadUeokerwere Ibe onlj long bite oiadllad to Ibe UbIcagoa. Oaiotoa Tjm.rtp. PaliliB,aa . Wllniot, IC. DMkar, lb. Laoiaol... Irwiaab... I^rmll, lb. V. a a o. I.a 1110 1' 11113 1110 0 10 18 0 1 I 1 1 8 1 1 I I 1 3 1 BAtnaoia t. a a o. Aa ..4 1 laakr, it... 4 I 1 ojBrailhaialbl I s t MaOnv, Sb. 1 I .1 - Bndla,oi:.. i t a Ultl, lb.... 13 0 laBBloga, u 1 1 I Bobinu,e. 1 a 1 Uawke, p.... 10 8 Urlalth.p.., 1 0 0 0 0 ItuKbiMorll 0 0 10 BebrlTir e.. 3 0 I 3 I TolaU...9 8111811 I TalalA,..38 lliaal II 4 ObleasD 8 8 0 0 1 0 8-8 BalUiuitiB 8 1 8 8 0 9 -11 Bainad niBa-Cblcaao, 3; BalllBota 8. Bim od ar n>ra-i>.. 8: B,, I. On balla-<).. 8; B, 4. Blratk oat— C t. Uiupiia, Kta:a 1lmo,l.u. Philadelphia wa. Olnelasiall. Tbcae teama ooatended tor the aeventh time on Sept. 4, at Philadelphia, Fa., th* home team tben acoiing their loanb violoij ot the serlea Tajlor did good and effective work agalnat tbt vlaltora, keeping tbe aeveu aste hits made off him well seal- leieo tbiougboul tbe gsnie, not a ran being earned. Wiiirock, while bolted barder than was Tajlor, waa alao effective at llmea. The Jong bits were a donbio and triple bagger bj Turner. Uallman, Uulllvan. MoPbee and Smith made aome varj tlonti plaja. raiLA V. a a. a A.a UuullU>B,cr8 3 18 ciRoiasAYi. T. a a o. i. UUiam, 8b. 8 0 I 8 8 Hor,<l 8 1110 0 llollMar, It. 8 0 8 8 0 [ iieniM,lb.. 1 Vaniu, 0... 4 OaaavaB, rf. i i^onlikav, lb 4 •mitb, li.... 4 WIUIBSk, p. 4 T»laU...3S I a I 8 a I 0 0 14 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 II I 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 I I I 0 1 7 17 11 I 0 0 0-8 Bojia. lb.... 8 117 8 0 rrnu, 3k.... 8 0 0 8 1 I TBrsar, U... 8 1 3 0 0 0 TbOBipMB.rl 8 0 4 4 0 C llallmao. lb. 8 0 0 8 4 0 nUnwau^e.. 110 8 0 DaUITao, aa. 4 I 1 4 8 Tailor, p.... I 0 1 I 8 TMlIl...48 8 11 17 U raibdalpbla.... 0 0 ciooibbau Doaooeoo.. Katanl ran-Pblbdilphla Baaa oa balia-P.. 3; Ula alaaatl, a atruoS out-P., 8; U., I. Umi-Iro, Raiilla TliBi, IJO. Another Tlotoij waa Boered bj tbe rhltadelpblaa Sept 8, thej tben winning their dtih game ct tho aerlea The home team bit Dwjer hard and olten In the Bnt three Innlnga, when thej aecured ten runa and a winning lead. Dwjer waa then taken out ot the pltchai'B position and FOnmler aabatl- tuted. Tbe Utter did tar betttr work, holding the Pblladtlphlaa down to dva rune doting Ibe remain- lug all Innlugi. Oanaj, too, waa quite fieeir l«tled, but managed to keen the hlta well apart, except In Ihe drat and third Innlnga. The long hlta were triple baggera bl Bojle, Oruu, Bulllvao and Uollldar, and double baggera bj Uamlllon, Thomp- ■on, Uallman, Oiadj (two], Uoj and McPbee. The delolog of UaUmao. Sullivan, MoPbee and Smith, wltb the bauing ot Uamlllon, Orou and Oradj, were features. Ciioiaaivi V. a. a. o. A.a. faiLi. T. a a .- IIui||U>B,or8 3 11 Boila, lb.... 8 I a 10 i:ioi«,3b.... 1110 TuiBir, IC 3 111 lllMiaBtrll 8 0 3 9 Th-mpwo.rra 8 1 I llallaiaB.lli. 8 S 3 8 umr.o.... 8 3 4 riollivaB, u. 8 1 1 A.a 0 u 0 0 a 4 p too 9 0 0 I 0 I 8 1 I 0 0 ( S 4 I Laibaa.Sb.. 8 llor.el 8 lloUMar, ir. 4 llerbae,lb.. 4 Hartlu, a... 4 CaaaTaa. rf. 4 Oemllbir, lb I ImltS, M.... 4 FoBrsfir, p. 3 I s a 3 0 I I a 0 I I I I 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 18 110 0 I 3 U 0 0 8 8 0 0 1 I S 4 8 0 8 0 0 1 0 0 I 18 S ir II i T0UU...I8 8 II 17 IS 8 PDiladilpbla... 3 0 7 1 1 1 1 0 e-ia Clooloaall 8 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 1-8 Earaail niBi-Pbllailalplili, I; Ciselouall, 8. Hbm oa •iroii-P,3; 0.,l. 00 bafla-f " " ' ' Tliiia 1.48. -P., 3 Urnplr*, Kaiilli. Two gamea foronoadoilaalon were plaied HepL o, boUi being won bj Ibe Pblladelpbbia. Tbe upeslng oonieet waa cloae and oxcltlug during tte Ont lour lonlnga, but tbe home team aeonrod a wlnolog lead bJ bard bllllug In tbe next Inning. FUbtr W48 batted bard, eapeeiallj bj Uamlltou and Ciou, who each nude four mto hlis, tbe laller'a embrao. lug a double bagger. Uojlo and Tbompaon aided, each geuing two doubles and a single. Triple bag- gen) br Uelebaolj and llollldaj were Ihe oiberlong blla, Ike latter leading In baitlog for the vlaitois. Phila. r. a. a. o. A.a.,OlRaNRAVi. v. a a. o. a.b. - -,100 1 I u 0 .19 0 1 3 18 0 I 8 I U 1 U 1 It 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 a 1 llLalbani,8li.. 8 8 I Hollldar. U 8 UamllloD,cr. 8 4 18 0 Boylt, lb.... 0 8 3 0 Oiw JO.... 1113 a i I o o iiudfhm.n.. t i Klll' I 0 0 I 0 C1MlIVIU,0.. . I 0 TboBipMB,rr 8 1 3 0 0 auaaavaB, il.. t u llallmu, lb. 8 0 0 3 1 aconiuij.ibi 0 ■'lamiota,e. 8 0 8 8 1 H' 4 0 Bolllru. u. 8 1118 4 u WMblOg.p.. 8 0 0 0 a 0^ Ti>uIa..4S II 18 r 8 I Totala....B 7 1117 10 J rblladtlobla... 0 0 118 8 14 1-14 Olaciaaall 00U8O0O88-7 KarBMl luaa—Phltaditpbla,!: Oloolaaatl, 8. Bawoo balli-P, 1:II., 4. BUuet<iut-l'.,4:0.,l. Uaiplli, Kmi. lla Tluil.3.10. Tbe aecund game, which waa easllj won bj tbe home loanj, waa limited to seven Innings on so- countof darkneaa. Wlitnck waa bodlr punished, Tbompaon geitlog two boujo moa and llamllton one, while Bulllvao and Oradj got lilpio bogaeia, and Tavlor msde two double boggeis aod Uulmaa one. Tajlor held the OloelnnaUa down to six acatlerlng aafe blla, which Uioloded a double bag- ger bj Hmllb. OiaciHVAVi. T. a. a. o. A.a 0 LalbaBi,Sb.. 4 0 u I 1 0 0 llor, <L 4 0 0 ' lloUidar, II. 3 0 ' noPbaa, lb. 8 I PaiLA. V. a a o. A.a Uimiluio, ol 8 8 8 0 0 B«|la,lb.... 8 13 8 3 nioia,8b.... 8 8 3 1 1 Diiabuir, II1 1 0 3 I . Haiiii,ir 1 0 0 p u t^Xafpkr,a.. 8 o TbompaoarfS 3 S 1 0 t niBAvio, rf. 3 0 Hlllaiaa,8b 1113 8 ' ■ Qiadr.a.... 4 0 111 Balllno, ■. 4 8 8 4 3 Tajlor,p..... 4 8 8 0 1 TolaU...41 IS 1811 IS I Talala...S 1 rblladalpau 4 o a 1 o OiaoiBBall 0 8 0 I 0 Baraad ruoa-Philidalphla, IP: Olaalooatl, 1 0oBiair,ib.8 1 aaiiUi.ii.... 8 0 WItuoet.p.. 8 0 Talala.. u 0 13 3 1 118 0 110 0 0 10 0 1 7 V 0 118 8 10 0 0 S II 10 4 7 3-18 u t-a Bus on -.auvivii,^ w, wiusiuwau, i. dbmvu •ifon-P .S; 0.,a Oa loUa-rr, 1; U , t SI-uokOBl- U., 1. Uoipln, lioiiUa TlBB,I.U. Broohlf B Tl, Olovolaad* TheBrookljnawaraabutoalwll aranbjibe Olevelands, Sept. 4, st Eastero Park, Urookljn, N. Y., when tbeae teams met lor Ihe sixth lime tbls season. Uoppj wu lnaoefom,aDdpnvenl(d the Urookljna from making mora than tour acaturlog balhk Ue wss well supported, the vlaltora plajlug wlUioni ao error. Sleui, too, was verr tObollve fur lour Innlnga In Ihe null, however, tue Olevelands batted out lour earned nns, and tbej did tbe same In the seventh. Tbe conleel abonoded wltb lirll- Usnt plays, Obllds, MoKesa and Ootcorao poitlou. larlj ditilogulahfag tbemselres. The long bltg were a triple bagger br Uuppj and doubles bt Cbllds (two), McKean sal O'Oonnor. ULsvaLAao. v. a a o. BaooaLvs. r. a. a. o. i.s. nbiUi,ab...8 1 B I 8 • (inma, cr... 1 o i a o u BurbtlLU.. 8 18 10 S ittilBdl(.3l<.. 1 1) I 0 0 0 McKiu.ia. 8 110 1 i noreana.ial V 0 1 8 I Tabaau, lb.. 8 0 a 18 0 D^Earaa.rl.... 1 0 o l 0 o - - - - ■ - DalrTBi 8 0 1 I 0 a Oo ipira. UcOarr, 8b.. 8 0 0 0 1 >|Dslr. lb 8 0 I I HcAlatr. cl. 8 0 I 8 0 MTlBdwav, If.. 8 0 I 1 Blaka rf....8 0 0 8 8 0 Udiaac*,lb3 o o 8 O-UoBBor, e. 8 118 0 MUallsr, e.... 8 0 0 1 Oappr, p.... 13 10 8 CUu>a,p a u 0 0 Talall...ll 8 1117 11 of Ta(all...8l 0 ir runiaad 0 0 0 0 i 0 1 0 BnotliB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Eaiaad rBaa-Otaralaad,& Baatau •nora.-U, 1 balla-u, a Btnea oat—U., 1; Br«>bl|a. a Uwi L;B«b. TIBial.U Tbe Urookljna msiuged to rererse lbs shore ra- auliMpL 8, when these leama met tor tbe aeveBtb game ot tbeir aeries. lHo conlatt was close and exclllug and was duallj won b/ tbs home team after a hard np hill llgbL Vonoa and Keonedj wire Ihe oppoalog pitchers, and Iwlh did good work. Beeldes Ihls tbe OeMlog waa perfea onTwlh aides, tbe onlj mlaplaj ot the game being a tiass on balls l>j Keonedj. Tlie Clevelanda autled the ran getilog In tbe eeoond luulug uu aluiles by Mo- Usrr snd McAlter, a baae on laiUa lo Blake, and Ibe laller'a being forced out at aecond liv Young. Tbe Broofcljna lifd Ibe aoore In tbe arih, wbtn Ualj Blogleo, stole aecond and Uilrd aud came bome nn 1 I iirioiB, el 3 I 8|8blMlU,8b., 1 I I 0 f:oreona,aa. 1 - ■ ■ rf,.., 8 3U 8 I 1*1 1 0 a I 8 r 0 8 8 TAla.. rlaiilaaa. (mtira> BaooatTS. T. a a. o. a.a Tredwaj'a alngle, and Uiev won In the ninth oo ein. Ileebj KennedjandUrUSnandoulsatOralbjMblo. die and uorourau. CursLAio. T. a ao. i.a Cbildi, lb... I 0 0 1 I ' Buibiu, ir. ' ~ ' ' ' Tabiau, lb. HdlBir. U. HcAUir. el Blaka. rf... zlBwtr.a. mlwap, ir, a ' 1. Ib8 0 0 0 0 1 8 0 0 0 f " e ~Ba(BU'ru*^Sro<^l|B?L BaM va \tU»-C\iwttJUd. 1. BtiB* oil-U, 1: B., (. VapUa Liaok. Yual, 180: TbeClsveloads ravened Um sbors rasnltsapLS, In what proved to be a ntj OM sidsd sad nnln. isteailsg eoMsat M. lulllna, who waa reoeailj rslsaisilt " ' " 0 8 10 lloalBw, a.. 8 0 0 10 laasadr. p. 3 8 38 II ol Touk.. - 10 0" 0 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 1 I 0 I 1 1 I I U 1 8 0 0 7 0 0 4 1 1 0 a in « s 0 IMS. bald 8sd^brWattlB(i<ai.wMU •leaDsai irta sod Iks trooklfM &twu Is two sits bits, boM being mads In the elgblh Inning, otlsr shanoes had bean offered off bis pllchlng to pal out the aide, when the Btookljna aooisd bolS ot iheli mna Licid waa tteelj lausd, bat his snppon wss poor, and maaj of the hlu cams alter coeili etron b»4 been Bade bj the boms tasm. HoAleer mads a home runoffa ball baued lo right flehl that look a Inoki bonud Into Ihe Otij oeul eeals, aad MoAlsar mads a circuit ul the baaea letors the ball was i«- toned to the dismond, The other loog hlis wsro a irlple biger bj O'Ooantr snd a doable bj McOair. Oaavauna t. a. a. o, ab OblMi, lb... 8 iuibiti, It., a HcKaan, u. 8 TlbMU. lb.. 8 MoUarr, 3b.. 8 HoAliar. If. 8 HMka ... a OtlooDor.o. 8 BuUlTan. p.. 8 a 1 a a I I a t 3 I 8 10 0 a 3 1 I 4 a a I 8 14 1 a 0 HaoosLvi. r. a a & A a iinOlD, cr....4 0 0 8 0 1 llatli I 0 0 8 p 0 ^Uilnlli, 3b.. a 0 0 1 I 0 norooraD, u 1 I 0 Sheek. rf....a I S Dalr, lb..... a o i TtBilwar. It. 4 0 0 t LaabBaM,lb 4 0 1 Hailij, 0.... 4 0 0 Looio. p 4 0 TolaU.. - - 1 I 1 a a 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 I Total!...18 18 18 87 11 8| Tolali IB 8 3 37 18 8 Olavalaad 0 0 18 10 18 a-U BnotliD 0 OOOOOOIt^a Banad raoi-rliTalaad, & Bom oo amra-m., 1; Biwblin.e. (Inballa-a,l; B..8. Blnuk»ul-0.,4|B., 4. Umplia, Lraeb. Tlma. 1.8a Bosloat va, Lonlavltle, Oarknecs llmllsd Ihe game between tbeae teama plajed SepL 4, at Boston, Mais., to eenn Innlnis, the Boetona wlnoln; bj ilmelj balUgg. Uodaon alaitsd In to pitch, bat waa baued ao baid tbat hare- Uied before ihs Ont Inning waa dulahtdandSUratU pllohed out the game. Wadswoiib, alter giving alx men ibeIr baae on balls, was railred In favor ot Kuell. Tbe long hits were a home run lij Qrltn, a tuple bogper bj Luienbcrg, and doable baggtn uj Nash ami Stivells. Hosvoa. T. R a 0 a.s. Low*, lb.... 8 3 3 1 1 1 Lobs, la.... 8 8 1111 DaiS, al.... 8 1 0 3 0 1 HcCanbr, It 8 8 1 9 0 1 Taokar, lb.. 8 8 8 1 a i Hiaa. lb.... 3 1110 0 Kaah, 3b 1 4 a 3 0 0 Hlch'ili BanaoB, rl.. 8 3 8 8 0 0 uaBS«l,c llmlMO, p. BltvaUl,p 8 8 3 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1- .. 8 I 3 0 0 t T0UU...UK181I 8 I BoatoB.... LoullvlUa LooiavuLa t. a a o. A.a BIOWB, or... 8 8 118 0 iiuik, ir.... 8 1 0 9 0 1 iifiu. 0. a 1 I I 1 I Mini, rl.... 1 0 1 I I 8 uilMrt, 3b.. 1 I I 8 I I LuUariS.Xl 3 10 8 0 14 I I 1 I 0 ZabBir, lb.. 4 1 8 7 8 0 0 8 0 0 0 KbiU. p.... 3 0 1 0 0 I . . TuUU...3e II II SI 8 1 .8 7 0 0 0 1 UU 8 0 U 8 I I Ull KarBM ruBi—Uoitoo. 8: Loulivllla, 6 Baia on iitori -B,8;U,S. On lulU-B., 10: L,4. Blruok sut-B.,8; L, 4 Uatplra, Hunt. Tibia, lla The Uoeinna daloaled the Loulavillei again BepL 8, after a oloae and exolting tnlak. wadaworib was Ireelj baued, tut mausged to korp tbe blU tho Uoalons scored three runs snd gained a lead tbat Ibej ualnialued until Ibe sigkih fiinlngs, wbsu tbe Loulavlllte baued Nlobola for three russ and look the lead for Uia ont time. The Bosions Had tho eoon In their halt ot tbe eighth, snd won out to tbo ninib on hits bj Lowe,iJonuaogblonandMo. UarUj. Uilahtabjilllveusaud Ularkandihe lial. Uog ot Lowe, Uaunon, Qanul and NIcol wtra teat, urea The long bits wtro a home ran bjr lake, triple baggere uj NIool and tlauael, and douulo baggera bj Lowe, Baonun and NloboU. The ntlU- lug ol Ullberi, Counaughtou and Naah was good. LooisviLLS. V. a a. o. «,b. BrowB,of.... 4 I 1 1 0 r Ulaib, ir. UrlBi, o 4 0 NIool, tl 4 1 B I 0 till 8 10 1 oiibaii, lb.. 4 0 0 u 8 I LuUBVrB,lb4 0 1 ID 0 0 BaraMi ruui-L«i)Uvilla, 8; lf«Mlou,S Buaoootrari -I,., 1; II, 3 Oo. ball^l., I; B., I. airack out-L, 8. Boalol. V. a. a. o. Aa. Loia.ab.... 13 13 10 i;uhDa'ioo.M8 0 8 1 1 0 uuffr. 01.,.. 1 0 1 1 0 0 aii:ariiir,ii. t 0 I 1 1 u *UI•ll<^ll>.. 4 0 0 8 I I Nub,8b.... 4 1114 0 BJeb'dWB.M 4 u I s 8 I HiaaoD, rr.. 4 13 10 0 lata,tb 4 Stat 0 iliDial, 0.... 1 1 8 8 8 0 Wad wortb.p 3 110 10 NlrhiilJ, p... 4 13 110 Telali....S> 0 rais 1 Touli...«) 7 II n 14 I LsuUvlUa 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 3 ' ...I 3 I 0 0 0 0 I ' 1a,a; H ' - -L, I; Uoiplrv, ll'unt. TiBia 1.47 An uuoxpeotod vioiorj wai scored hj the LonU- viiloa, SepL 0, pnltlng Uie lloeuioa In iiilrtl place la Ibo peousnt mce. The game wss okmlr ouniealed tu tbe slslh Inning, wUcu errore br Usunoo sod Lows aod hard hituog helped tho LouUvlllea to aevon runs and a wluniag Ivad. Tba vbiltvn baited lludton nine Umea aafelj In the Oiat throe innlogs, coualog the auballtutlon of Bulej, wbu waa rtleut- Ive except In the sixth Inoing, Inks pllobid tor Ihe Loulavllle team, and wis bolted bard llirough- not, tbe Uoeious eaning seven i f ibelr Icn nna, Orim and Bilvetu led their reapecilve loaias lu bsi- tlng, the toriuer geuing a double aud three lUiilea and the latter r. triple and two aloglei. The niner long hlu wore doubles bj Urewo, Ulark. NIcol, Lake, Lowe, McUartbr snd llonuon,aod two triplet I J Hjan ar.d one bj Unffj. LuDlavlLLB. V a B. O. A.B, Browo, It... 8 8 3 B 0 I UlAfk, a ... 8 I 8 3 0 I tlilu,a -8 4 4 8 0 1 NIool, rr.... 8 8 110 0 tlsb'JKHI.U 8 I 1 I 8 I U8a,lb 8 I 8 B 4 I lata, p 8 1 8 0 8 1 Toiala...48 11II r; 18 i LouIiTllli 1 I > toavo*. V. s. ■. o. A.a, Uwa.8b.... 8 I I 4 3 I iX)aBa'UiB,»a8 8 a u 1 0 Oulfr.oC.... 8 3 8 4 1 1 . - - - - . Mouattbri li.s I a a i 0 Ullb<lt,ni.. 8 tail 0^8lJ>illa.1b., 8 I B 7 1 0 Lauab'r(,lb8 1 I II I l Mtab, ab,,,.. 8 u u 1 0 I BiaiioB. rl.. 1 I I I 3 Tiaaar, o... t 0 0 S 0 I iiiaa, 0 8 I a 8 0.0 llodaoD, p.., I 0 U 0 0 0 Hialar, a,.,. 8 u I I 1 1 Tollb.,.4l lu lin II 7 .- - 0 I 7 0 I 1-18 BiisloB I 8 1 1 8 0 8 0 0-10 Karnatl runa—LoulivlUa, 8; Boiuiu, 7, Baw oo aituri -U,8iB.. I. Ua balU-L., 1: ll„ a HUaet oul-L, 1; B,, 1 Uupha, llBtal. TiBii, lu>. Bti Loala va* llroohlFH* Thslenib game between lUeso clube was plajed SepL a, at SI. Loula, Mo., the llrooktros Iheu soorlngthslrtoventhvlouirjot Ihoserles. Ander- son, lata ot lbs Nsw Koglsnd Usgur, msde bis Ont sppeannce with the liroohl>o Testti, Ko om- clal unipirs appealed, and Ularbaou aud Uallej served aatlafaoUirlli. btein pitobed cnecllvrlj, preventing tba home Uaiu Iroui making more than one ran. Tbe Uruoklins balled llawlaj freelj, and he nve waj to Brtlienatein la Uie aerenih Inning. Tndwaj waa dlaaUed In Ibe mib Inning bj a Ebed ball, and bs gave WSJ lo Bhooh, A triple. gar bj Polls and a double bj Corcoran were tbe J long blU of the conleet. BaooBLva r. a b. o. A.a TradwaT, If. 1 1 0 8 0 0 Bboeh, Ir... .10 0 8 La<bia>a,lb 8 I a 10 Ooieoraa, aa 8 o 1 lab Bataa rt.... a 1 I 1 I 0 Hv. Lvoia V, a, a o, A.a. cnirir,It.,,. 4 I 0 0 0 u Kir, M 4 0 M 0 8 0 linlar.o.,... 4 0 3 0 8 0 I'MOUl, lb.. 4 0 0 IS 0 0 rnni8r,lb.,. 1 0 u a l 1 liia>a,lb 8 I a 10 I eoraa, aa 8 o 1 la Bart,,., a till ........... Dalr.ib. ,,.1 I 1 I a oiKbasan, ef,, a u I I o i Bbiodiaib.. 1 0 0 1 I o.Ptiiasb s u a a u AodaraoB.ari I a a 0 I llawtoj,p...a u 0 I s Kiaibiw, 0..4 118 0 UHisitBrt'o,p I 0 o 0 1 . SUlo, p 4 oils qiloaan, rr..., 8 0 0 3 0 u ToCau...*) 0 par 8 ll Toiala...u I i>t8i7 8 Brooblro 0 1 0 1 8 8 0 0 0-8 BL Loul OOlupOOOO-l •KiobPiw 800 Datf witlor bilog hit wilb baUad ball. Baaa oo balla—Broohlyo, 8: bt I.0UI8. t NUubI out —B , 1; W. L., 9. Uaipliw, aUrbWB ud Ulllaj. TliOa, Two gamea for oneadmlaalon weie plajtd Bept.v, when each team was crediltd wllta a victorj, lo tbe drat game Unilsnsieln snil Kenntdj wors the op- poelog pllchen. The former wsa verj eiftotlvr, the Urookljna btlog onlj aiHe lo list bim to soj sx- tent In the eight loblug, when Iber s-ured ibree rans. Kenoedj wsa baUed when blla weie needed, Connor's balling waa steaiuie. lis snd Hhoch led their reapecilveleans In batting. Tbeforuur'aave hlu Inolnded a Irlple bagger. The other long bits were double baggen br Bhlndle, Kenoadj anil llolnu. Boih teama delded absrplj al orlilcal aiages, Ibe eecood bsse pisj ot llalj and tJuluu being a Oeldlug feature, nr. r»oia r. a. a. o. a.a. roolir, 1(...8 0 I 0 u 1 Rir, M a 0 0 I a i snisr.e.,,. 8 1 o a a o f^oaaor, lb., 8 1 8 IS I o Auaati, cf. a I I 8 0 0 OiilBa,ib,.. 1 a i 4 a 0 PallA lb,,.. 1110 8 0 ilogia.It,,. 1 0 1 1 0 0 Brailasi'B.p 1 0 0 13 0 TMaU,, .41 7 13 n 18 1 I I U 0 8 ' ' BaooatTV, T, a. a. o. a.i Hboeb, af.,.. a a a I 0 l,«liaBM, lb s 0 0 r 0 0 I c^oreotaa, aa a o I I 4 i i baraa/rr.... 1 I 0 I 0 Oairib..... 4 I I 4 S I < sbladlaSb,, 4 0 1 0 0 AadetaoB,cll 0 0 8 0 Osilar, a,,, 1 0 I 8 1 o^n MaaaaJr, p, 1 0 I 0 8 I f Talala,,.«l 8 814 S BrooblfB 0 0 0 Bt, Loaia olOllOUO -7 Esratdrooi-HI LoalB, 4, Baaa oa balla-Brooblta.3; HI. I,, 4. Mtuck out-B., I; St L, 7, Uuiplia, lluril, Tlau,a». 1b tbaaacoBtl SBBMLocId aatl OlBihwn took IbaplaMi of gBBSldr aad BrilUBBIola. rBipvcllralp. UlarBMis waa bDocSad nat'>r Ibi pllditr'B pmIiIub tialora llii am iBBlBS waa anl8li«l. Tula Pniidlat Voa dar Alio oidirad Vraltaaataio to tabi olarfcibB'f pUea, bat ihi laiur raluiad baeauaa ba liad pitcbtd In Ilia Bnt ibbib. BraluoitalB waa baavilr Baid Bi,d iBdiOallilr iui. Eiadad, llawliv ibaa took Ulaibioo'a plaei, aad wai aliashanl laUia ieeuad Inalar, AllarUialbia^uM dowo aad did BOod work, Lo«ld waa abo baoiatd out lo ika Ont iDBlBf, wban Ibe bona laim baeebad hvbb ■alabllBaail Mor*4 8ra raaA liBBidrtJfpk his place IB tbaaacoiHl laBlBBaBdSBUlnd iSa laaia, bp allavloa o.a boiiwlaaiBoolir l«nr bliaaad iBoruoa. Ibalollles of CoBBor. Kir, Dal/, BblBdIa aad Jllailov wai s laatara. BBOoBLVa. V. a. a, o. a, a i Mv Looia r, a a o, a.b. Sboeb, cl..„ S I 1 0 0 O Ooolar.l',,.. 8 8 ] I | 0 Laduea,Ibe 8 I 1 o O^Kjj,u a I j | I f Core>nB,aBa till 8 BiTbr, o,,„, 8 Otis? llBrBa,n... 8 118 0 OliOBaor, lb..8 I 8 i p 0 OalfTlk. 8 18 18 dabaaarLcl.. 1 I I I 0 0 Bbioila, 8b. 8 1 8 1 I OiUuiBo. n,,, 1 I I s j o - MriiiA lb,,,, 1 0 0 I a 0 " I, tt.. 1 0 I a I s M,p..o 0 p 0 f 0 AadataoB, If S 1 1 Kiaaiow, a,, a 0 8 I 0 Loa^ 1 0 0 0 0 UUosaD;i pi or ■aoaaer, p, a o 0 I 0 i Uawiaj, p... i 0 1 s . TeUOa.'.M 11 17 31 8 8 Talals„.ai 7 U 84 7 8 BiMblfs. 4 • ! I. ( 0 ! i-ti BLLoiill S 0 8 1 8 0 0 1-7 BaiaadrBBa-araollfa,8i it Loaial. , BaM as toUa -■,aiKL,l Mraili aoMit.I>. I. i;Bplra,Tlam. Tlaae,l.4B: