New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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104 'P H HI NEW YORK OtilPPER. June l. ^Theatricals NOTICE TO OORRESPONDXNTS. Our ihittlrltnt cormjwnUmtH ait hereby rwUflM UuH ihr nvttpnilnl^ mte Md hy Itiem viR erplreon jiiiir I urxi. Tfiftf arf mitiHtnl to xrimti ttinti to tlil.i ophr Iff ona',/nr mieteatjtn' IfSfi-fi, LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. Monday Nifflit's Op«iilH||a In all tke Big Show Tcwu. GOLDEN GATE CLEANINGS San Francisco Houm All Reported to be Do> Ing Well-Buslneit at the Orpheum Sur- patting All Precedent at that Houte— The Columbia Theatre Fairly on the Road to Succett. |Op«clal DlKpalch lo Tlift Nftw Torh nlpp*r| San KiuNcifuit), Nnjr 2n.— liiiUlwln TliciiIrT—Tlin I.lllliuihnH, III "lliimiiiy liiiiii|ilj I'p In IhUc,'' liavo htxn iloliii; H riixlilnR liiiitliiPHii nl IIiIh Iioiim, and ilH'lr rnimifciMimi liiui Itpcii rxirniled In Juiic lu. I'lil.rHlilA. —Tliu Fmirlc7 llminitllc Co. h»vo iii'lilcvcil II pliciiiimciinl hiiixow licrr. Tlti;; liiivu plHfciMiin hlintlicniliini-o iilfllillj. Tho contrHoy, 2T, im'Wiiiril ".\U ilio i'(iiiiriiriH<ir lliiiiic,"iinil were ureciiil \'f H Inntr. iifiil I'litliiiHlaAlii!Riiilloncc. IIHAS'H lll'KHA lllll MR.—KilmiiDil lliirw prtMincil "A I'ucc In llio Umnlliilit"'2^, In nn mtrnimliii hOIIHO. Mjcirji* Jcmlo Morton'H (.'omiaDX ojienei] lul iilghl In "Dill Comer drm orj," In > itcMl hoiiw. jAiit ircrk Jmiicii U. uml Uirrlo Ward pmMinleil "Shiimiiii <l'llrlcn," "Kllir O'Cnnnnr" mil "Tlio Hlmimlimun," TivoM.—"Tlio Uiij i|iinn" wm pmductd hiM nlltlit mill met wlili nuci'i'iu. (IHniKi'M.—KnormoiiH hniiiKH hive licrn tbo pile licro, uml Iho >iirtlenccii nro, In llio nwlD, coinpowil •if Iho wnlllileiit nKmiiernur lUs IkuI clrcla, bore- tnforo nlrRngom lo VHrlntj onlorUlninentM In tliU clly. The followlni HptcUllnlii nppesced hero hut niRht: Amnnu, fitcliiUai; Udntrjre >n<l lleaih.Knllc nnil Hmtinon, munlcml porronncni Rogen llrm., 4lcnn«n cnmodliinii; Hauil lUjiuoad, Mxibretlo; Nuiirraii, Spunliih rInRfttlileto; JuIm I^t;, coniet- lim; lllchniond anil (llenmjr, skdeli pntfnnnui, uiid rollx end Cain, grotemiiie conedlant. NOTKri.—(Icomo II. Wood linx lefi for Ilomon to fnlQIlii conlract VMjo'a ongagoDUDl waa ao HiicccMriil ilwl hia nunngor coniomplKin a relum hero li>r a lirlet concert ongsgemeot at tho Califor- nia Thcairo Ilanr Armalrong and Dare Hont- gomerr hnvo gone North OoTtj QnoCt; waa at Ibikomllrlil laatwcok II, Hchlnlt Is tm newly ongagcil Bcenlo anial at the Oiphouin Uor> licckwiih, female awlDimer, alter a nlxweeka' en- giigemont at tho circua Ilojal, In Ihia clly, haa gone to Madlmn rnrk, Healllo, lo nil a Ihroe wtoka' en- Ragomenl. Her manager, Jake lloaenthnlt ron- lemplnlea forming a vpoclally compenj next moaon,- wllh Hlaa Hei knlili la tbe aiellar at- tmcilon Yaayo gave a concert at Macdon- oiigh'a, In Oakland,and played to acnwdcd houae. Wllllnin Dnrrofflhaii Joined the Illgglna-Wal- ilron Co. el Seallle (lenevlere Kannery, of itae lialley Company, la engaged to marry Irving lUInn, the aon ot a millionaire liimiier dealer Charley lllggawlll go In advance ot "Tho Anwrlcan Olrl" Ci>.,nndertbe management ot J. r. Howe Qna- lav Wnll«r, manager ot the (irpbeum Company, liaa leaaod Iho Barton Opera lloiiae In Preano, and lidded luo the Ibratna already managed by Ibal company. FROM OTHER POINTa "Tha ISphlni" and "MeSoriay'i ICourtthIp" Sueeeistully Produced In Beiton-Many Houtei Cloiad for th« Seaion, but Good Attendance Reported at thete Remilnlnf Open. IBptolal DlqiattbH to Tha N«« York Olppar.) 1I0SION, Hay a.—The TromonlTheatn never held a more entbiulaiilo nor larger audience (ban It dkl laal night, when ihe aocond annual aeaaon of comic opoTH, nnder the dlrm^Uou of Ilanj Anlttn, bad lla Incepllnn. Not only waa the eront of Importanco liocanao ot a now o|iera being pmlucod, liiil on ac- uiniiil nf tho nnil appeamuco ot a new candldalo fur iirliiia donna honoin, Mario Mllbinl, a daughter lit llaiTlnnn UlUam, llie tamnuaaoog wtller- lllia UlllanI made a moat pronoiincod hit, and aticr Iho ncifaminnco waa aeoiired, under a Uireo yean' conlnict, by Mr. Aakln. Tlio now opera, "The Hpbln.x,"laiiy Wllllaiii MayiiadlerUro*nanill«wla ti. Tlioinpnou. II waa Unit wrtlien l>y liavid Qrey, Willi ibo aaiiio conipoaer, and produced by tin llow- nnl llaaly llidding Unb In Mr. Browne'a book Ik very clever, and Iho produclloii given waa oDO ot tno beat over aeen in Roe loo. Tlie niualo la excellent, and Ibe work acorod a great HUci'caa. The Mcond act eaiieulally, ihnwliig a irauoiidona ilguro ot ihe tireatilphlux, la worthy or iiiHo. Tbe caal waa aa tollowH, wllb • clioniaot 10: I'rof. I*. rapyiMa, t^lwlii Kleveiu; Thla, Walter Allen; Nefcrkem, J. Aldrlch Uliliey: Kntodhcnoa, A. I. KIngalor; NciMaiielm, Oarl llartlierg; Nr. rilminliia, 'rallniailgo llaldwin; lam, Jaiuea K. WiMHia; Thflkn, Frnuk Byuiondu; llriz, IViuy tlooro; Wrab, llnben UUko; Taiiali, Frank rniello; Tlieyah, It. W, Hiiille.v: lleeclu. Mm. Uum Joyce lUill; Hhatna, Clirlalle Ueliiinald; Amaala, Nannio Hurao; Tilly lluleiiiv, Kalo Tniror; l-'aiinv llinicaoii, MInulo lirober: llalbur, Mario Ullianf, Wiu. II. Ui'Uart'a now farce conieily, "UcSor- lity'a Cnnrlablp,*' had lla Unit prraonlatlon on any Hiago at Ibo Ctmimbla Tlicairo laal night, nmler Iho iiMimgonioiU i>( lleiirr II. llairlN ainl iiinilo an lu- alaiilaneoua hll. In fanl, II took llie big nndlence preiwnt liy atomi, nud llioy were noi riow imr chan liiawai-illug HiHilauiio nf the nnwt iniimuia kind, Tbo picre la wifiien In a vnrj riiiiiiy vein, Ibn |ili>l dcallUK nllh Ihe anliiKMliloa and dlinutilllca wbloh tirlao livlwren a iitnplc of coiuballvo IrUhiiicii whit are coiuiaiillv al InggorbmilM. The Iwo Icaillug niloa an< taken by ibr niillHir, Wn. II. UrUirt, and Dan Wllllaiua, lailh of nbuni did nioai iidiiilnililework. Tlicplayln ll«eltla"fnitliy,"lark- ing llio eleiiioni uf aoiinduma In any degno, lu lla nulhiir ovldeiilly Inleiuled II alinuhl, lint II HUHWOra Iho purihuio of a genuine laugh nmkor, and Ihe audliiiix are mlbilleil llioinwllb. Kx-i'liampliiu John I. Hnlllvan gal a buwllng m-eptlon when he came on In Ihe bial arl and ipatTcil three reiindii wllh JiHi lAimiMi, abowliig mnrh of hla old Ilghlnliia nriii work ami iiiilck ntovoDient on ilie (rel. T1I0 cAKi: John McSirley, IMii Wllllaiiui; Tim T\i<daii, Wni- II. HoOtrl; Tun Mi'Morley, Waller Hiiow; IVnty Krernioen, Ur, Sleeiier, Joliu T. (■raven: Tliliwldo o'fWu. Wm. J. Sully: lliiok Siil- llviiii. Jamca Carrull: An iilliald UclMnn, John K. Flynu: llnser ii'llnra, I'vUi (Irinin; UIke Oalca, Oina. Iliain>iiiv; Ura. (Ilad.ra Kooney, Klorcuce Nnck: Nra. T\Kilan. Klla Craven; UbsJullel'Tnolan. Annio loiilao Tirrell; Mtv. Mynii, l/>tlle liean liiHiltonI: MIM Kllllo UuX Madlo Scbumaun; Nlia Nellie Md'orniaik, .MU'C hamca At tho Caalle tiqiiaro Thraln "Ttie niavk llunmr" waa produced on a ai'Ale of mn\ aplendor, Tbo Hiage mounllng, coatumca and imppinga are gor- geoua lu ihocxueuio,and theuovelileiiIncorpontrd aro many and brllllanl, cupecbtlly ao Ibe iqwlachi ot Ibe nMunted band upon tbe Mage aid Ibe inarcb ot "The Ulack lluaeani." Tbe audltnce waa an ex- ropilnnally Bne one Wo. Banr bad an eicel- lent hooM and received a wanu greeting al tbe Orand Ooera llonee. where he apMared In "Tbe Hlnlng tieneiaUon." Jue On, In 'Tlie Slar," drew big Imalneea to Ibe Park Thraire and made a bh al dsco Tbe reviviil of "Uiilii 1/iril Kaiinlleroy'' drew a iiKid aiiillciiro loihr liowdoln Huuare T1iHaire,Bnd tbi' mine was llie I'a-M' nllh "\M." al Ihe llollla Mreei, and "Trlliiy,"ai ibe lloMuii TbMtie Thepoiiu- lar piiio liiiu-w all iiv«>r town averaged very fair liualurw afiemonii and evening, tbe Nickel Odeun and Aiiallii .Hioue'a MuMum "cairylng Ibe ban- neni." however. i'liiunii riiiA, May 'JD,—Uatlen tbealriral are rnUiur i|ulci lure Juat now. Tbe Boetonlana pi»- aenied Ibeir popular opera, "IteUn Hood," al Ibe llroad hut night,and opened with a crowded honie. Edward llaiTlgan appeared lo ■Tbe1lalor"al the Cbcalout Street iHiem lloiue before a full at- leodance At tbe Chealniit "A Milk While Flag" opened Ibe aecond week of ita run liefore a large aadlence "OiiiUlnBwin" waa produced at the airerd Avenne and waa well received Uj ihe large audience In aiieodanee. Jeaepb Uolland, In Ihe lllle role, made a dc-clded mew. and K. H. Hol- land, aa Mr, Carilner, repealed bia fnnner Irlunipba III Ihc part Tlie flnal wnk of Hie KraaoQalilie .(iiillUHlnnopencil wllh a fair allcndance. Mon- tague A Weid'a (^imcdbinB w^re the ulincllnn. Korepaiigh'a hail a full bnui«e. and Ihe rpirilcd plA|lntf of -link Doiiilniiea" by Ilii* pinca company kept Ihe aiiilleiice lu rnn- iliiiial giwit biimiir. Al Ihe I'eople'a Amy l«r, Krunk lloaue and l>. A. Andenion, In "I'awii Tirkei 110," received an ovation Tbe "Blark Flag" at Ihe Kenalngten had a good Inuae, and Manager Hlone'a alock rompany naile lla InlUal Imw HUco'a Kalravagaiin Cimipanr Iwd a crowd al the Lvceiini for ihe aci:ond vcek'a open- ing The llijou, with a One hnoae nbow, waa niillo In Hie naual congealed rondlllon Heorgc Cnilcton HacyandMaliel KllmiKih Knowlc. iMIh of (icorge Ilolland'a (llrerd .\venue Tliealro HInck Company, were married May HI. -Vwliig to ii rci rni dcalli III Ibo Macy family Hie weddlnir waa inlvatc. CiiiCAiKi, May 2H.—Aliiinegh Iherc waa nolliing new In lowii bial iilghi, InlcreBi waa well auainlncd liy addpd fenliirea al lloiilcy'a, when IjA* Vlierrt Joined "Tbo llinh ot Vcinia" company, and at Iho finnd, where a new fealtire nan given in Ihe ap- liMianci: Willi "A lllack Hheep" I.'n. of Allro llerce, who haaalieedalhireyearaconlnicl wllh Mr.llnyi. Hlie gave luilbtllona of Kicannia lluec, ilciiiT Irving and Klleii Terry, and aluo gavo a nelccllnn from "KaM Lynne." Minnie Kenwood acnt a ilocinr'a reitllicale Uba RIlAler, In "A WiinMn'a I'ower.x IH doing well at Ihe linciiln "Tlie Col Ion King" In only dnwlng fairly well at HcYli:kcr'<. "Aladdin Jr.," at Ibe Chicago Opera lloiiae. iadving Ibe largeat bnainoaa In (own, wllh new tralurei enough planned for the future to retain popohir in- feieat In Ibe prodiicllon. WAaiiiKUTON, May -ja.—Tbe .SailODai Slock Com- pany of Hummer Comcdlana opened al Ilapley'a Ka- lionai Theatre lo a dennlypacked aiidltoilnni. Tbe •orcheatra waa reiitovcd lo Ihe back o( tbe bouae to accoiiimodale iho crowd. A curtain ralKr, "A lAve name," iraa followed by "Nlta'a VitM," which called oiil Ihe full atrengUi ot the excellent com- lany, car.b Individual member of which received Ibe glad hand of ret ognlilon. Tbo National Sum- mer Comedy aeaaon openn veiy anaptctonaly Tbo nllh week of Hummer comedy at AilenM (tmnd ttiiem Houae waa the occasion ot a big bonne to greet Frederic Iiond and company In "link l)oml- noea." Ilughoy Kernan'n lieneflt performance at Kenian'a Lyceum wu packed to Ibeilonre John I'.smhh'a "llnde toni'a Cetdn," at Butler'a llljou Theatre, had a One opening. Mti.wAi'kKK, May 'ja.—In npile of unfavomlilo weather Bchlllz I'ark commenced ita aeaaon Hun- day wlUi Houaa'B Band, and Ibe pavilion waa niied to lla capacity, uullnee and nigbt,aiid lail night the Whitney (ipera Company, In ^The Fencing Mae- ter," tiegan a week to a gooil home, conaldertng Ibe wintry weather The Kxpeaitlon Monlo Hall opened lu lliini week with Ihe uaual Idg Hunday night houae, and lam night Ibo attendanco wan good for a cold auditorium. Wllb a relum ot warm weather our Bummer amnaeinenui an certain to prove aurceaalui The Wouderiunil waa well al- leaded. Kamhah Crrr, May -jh.— Canary * i/Cdorer'a 'The I'aMliig Hhow" opened at lliollramlHiiiidaynighi, 10 a packed bouM, al advanced prices .Tlic Kemper Stock Co. opened llielr Inird week at the CnalcNpreaeDilng"AKant Familv "to agood boune. "In iildTeoneKnc"openealteaccoiiii week at Ihe aiiibi, wllh a fair Bnnilay nialliieo ami a good bouse al nIghL ST. l.ouiri. May 3S.-The second week ot tbe con- ilououa abow at llavlln'a Theatre opened Hunday with two performances, to good bmdneaa Al Terrace I'ark vaudeviilo entertained good crowda Hunday and Monday nlgbls. CANADA. Montiwal,—Academy of Mnatc-Tbla bouse n- oiwni lor a «e<k iia Uiy 17, Willi Hine. n4|aa^ In "Uma. BaniOeor." "MaCoualoa," "DiToreoDi" and 'Saplio." urRKVHTiiaAVaK.—RuMandcltarleaCABlilan rvopaned lliniliiHlwllamI A to fined bulllDM^wllh "RaemteV* "Naiica OkinaU" and "Mali rnpoM*." TiiKATna BovAf--"ni« wiilw a«uidroo" had aooU huuMa fur week orio. Hooked: WMk of 37, "The nalley Klisx Moaaa—Tbli r«Mirt did aood baaioeai week ofa) wllh Bitty ilmll>.rallla Duon. Fiank roriwt. Agfle Lorrmloa, Lorm Romlie, Mu- Bettiioni, Julia lliahlajr. Law (lonlon, Hoaa Hiclf. BleAU. Malta ROMin, LoIm Haynanl, Anata MeradlUi, Jennie Oapia aoJ mr. La l^raiv. ReU nedrorwaaKorfr: Tli* lAdy Mlortrala, Albeit fan, BlUy Nowlta. Balte Cllttoo, AsiO.e Lonatnt, Antotae eratlMra, Klla Ooir. Uw (lonloD. llowanl flla- taia, Fimnk Fomat, Kilty Hartto, Marie Daiaita, Laonca aait Fref. UeralMin In Uia Annel. I'AUirB TliaAVKa—Ihta houM oontloued lo ilo gooil ItuHlnapJ, with Ihe roltiiwlnjr bill for weak ol a): The RuaMlta, Koiaire Blaleia, MllclieU and Lonttoa, Millie Knumtln, llamtu Araold, llaltne Mlnnoo, faul lltdeau and Rllza Duvvnar. Kelaioed for WMk of 17: TlioiDia. Walih and I4(cad. Chartai Baonell. Ilairielia AnioU. Millie llaakltn. ami MIUlull aod Lorraine. nuiiaaa I'aaK tiail hlic hiiois* for week nr IP, nllli Cairedn. Olirir, Bourn, fie Brigny, Aclillle L^euna, Ihe four Juitgaii, Joule anil Lorla. MoOf.and Mme. tlruat- HIvlere. and llunhaai and uovanl. For week or U Bniet-Hlvlera, Houin, Da Briiny. Iba Laclrer*. the Tliree Oantaenand o thera. ■lamlltoBr—At Ihe anwd Ibe lIoeghU>n Co, ctowd a four dajH'aogaaefllent Hay S, lo fair buplntM. Tht* houH la ctoaad ror Ui« Heaun. Tub BrAH.~LaAt waak'a builaeM ww uir. Thtfl place liaaataoeloaed for Uiewam. to reoi^a again Rant. 1. Nora.—Tbe niasaganiaBt nrtlia I'aTlIton il Hamilton Beach Inland mnoloa the Place thU Summer, opening alMut Ihe mtildia til Jane, vaudavllleallimcllooawlltbe |i|arod. . 'ToraBla_Al the Grand Upera Uouse Chauncey Oiroil, In "Tlie Iriati AnltL" May a>-3^ rame to good Ituetnee*. ComlDR. "Uet-tra'* SKII. T^iaono (IraSA lliiciia—Itallen and Han, In "Later On." waaadrawlug card D-a. Cnwdeil lionvea at eicli |i(irfonnanc«. MotiHK*rtMlvBahaaIiadaaucr««ralwaak. Lecture hill: Bunnaa* aaeiad bull. Ttiaatra: Beaete Malcolm. Ilamlllun and Itlynu, l^rrle Bcott, CorDeboa, JcMie Wuoilii. Mawry Ml-Kic IlALl—Houu couiaaS. Uwebec,—Al Ihe Tbrairo lloynl. May llio Freneli i^vn ri,iii|>nnv chtHHl llii, mmii Ii, pHkl liii^l- neaa. Ai-AiiaBV ur Ml'NU'.-Cmiilng: ii, llio ruiihlnna;'Trll- liy" aw«i. iJrauKi'RKATiMi Ri\K.-a«Mi«a'a Hand la liooke«l Ttir Hie o|,ening nl lite LNdlca' Fancy Fair. Jane.1. Uwal|ib,—At Ibe Hoyal (Ipom llouM, Nay -x, Tony Kamll, In "llauy Oweo." played In a lair houae. tin Zl "UncleToiirA l'al>in" had a I4lr hnnM. The hla Van ('ollland I'll, waa bllteit for NanaRer Tnvoniier'Abonent ai. hut Koao (\iah1an wlabliijt llialilale. It waa at von tier, lull anerwania cancelrtl. Ttie Van I'oilbllld Ou. harlnn litttnl elaewliore llia Knyal wa* Utt without auy atttac- Hon, anil UiebeneUl la poelronetl. (Uiiitlna: WeekorTT. tieo. W. Larven. In rei^rtoiy. IiOBdoB,—Al tbe (Irnud Tony FiiiTeli, in "Harry Owen." iwcknl the hoiiti, May 34. Davla* "U. T. (\" (V. aa^i taop«rfpnuaaf««2&. lucrowtled liouaM. "Cloilur- rita" waa prniuceil i\ Itf auiateur talent, wllh A. D. Hot- man ami HIaorhe Biaiiaiiaw In the Iredlna n>lea. B<H«kvd: Itouahton Uramallrt^i. rr-Jnne I. MARYLAND, llaltlmore,wnio Suuiner aeason was inaugti- mtnt iiiiwl auaplclpualy May 17. cool and rieaaani weather comttlnlns wUli the unuaualtr nne allnollooaDrtered l,y Manasaia Fold and Deaa lo attraci larite and an'revlatlTe aildlracea. Tlio lltoiti-ba tinml Owim IV. ITeali m>ni Itiair i<i\iii|vniua WaahtiiElon onHaaament, o|«oed at llama* Academy, In "11 TivTaloi-a" heton a laliie and tirtlUaol auilleacT. Tlie relvnoiy Ivr the aeek Includaa "Faual." 'Tlie ttaRneuola.^' "Cannon." "Tlia Barber of reTllla," "Ntanin" and "Marlba." M. autlla and Sin. liellNiante hare been ai>«clally oniaRcd tor tbe Baltl- luoiraMaeo which la llmllnl tn Inree weeka. Jnne.l "Caratlerla Kuallcaoa" and " I Pagllacrl" will ba auna by the full ainnaih uf theo>ui|«ny. tor the banelll or the Joulnatlala' ctoh HulliHuj; INimI. **The County Pair" had a llRhl week, andlDg A FonD'aOntaa Horaa.—Manager Gliailea E. Foid'aRum.' mar alock company, Ihe roster of which waa aWen lo Iheae columaa aone llDteaao. epmuanced Ihe aeaaon, r, wllh a nne iinatuctlua or ''rtie Arabian NlRhu," ahlch ellctled Ibe naarty api>n>val or as audience tliat teated the capactly or tbe neuaa. Wrtsbl ItunUnHioo anti Anna Bebnont carilett off the hoooiw. N. C. lloodwin drew a auccaaafon auod lionaaaeloalosts. "Ihir Raftmeol" wtubelml en June). IIULUOAY KvanTuaAVRS ~T1iedoota elided for tbe tiealed leroi B. Mme. and Aognatio Keayllle having done fairly well. Tlie |wet year prvvH tilatily I'lolllaele lor llilahoui'r, ileai'ltetba praTalilna Oaltneaa. KRaNA!«Si MoNTHtNTAL TUKAiaR.—Klnin'a London ilaleiy lllila raulo to aood alleodaace 17. Thi, Fav Pnater Huileanua **•<■ drew largely B KANSAS. IfMTeBwerth.—.» Lia»(on)'< anod Opera llenae the rat Hta^ney Oomedy Oa. baa good bualoeaa Ma^e. "rlialea efreoaaaca" WBianag 1^ bona taleat #0n the Road# All Routtt Muft Raioh Uft Not Ut«r Thtn Monday* DRAKATIC. Akfrklrain *. L'lH'v-fli. Jolm, .V B. tfty 37-^.ia« S. "AUl«m«"-H4D rniiclKA,C«l, JonaS'tj'. ■ "AluilitiD Jr."—Clilcaao. ID . Miy 77, indtllnlti. ' "Auui HrlilKfli"-ll«r"»n. S. V.. Uty'/7^»ao 1. "A Yonuin* V«iitl«iimii"-lin>olrIjH. W. V.. MftyXT-Jiinnl. "American n»ro"-TokNto. U. Niir37-Jon» 1, ilnaA Bap- W^.Hlcli...V6. „ a. „ . . Barrt'*. VVin.-Doilon. Mftiv, JlR7 77-Junal. ' lUllsrA (Iny'a Dnunailc-Ri: lieQavloT^ Mo^ Jlay TJ, V\ft-trr, III-, 3iKiune 1, Caiv (llmTdcwi. Mo. M. RameH A Unrrldi rurar4-Bil1lvalor, Utna^ Mar 37- Jonel.AMiUnJ. WU.3-a , .„ „ ^, HnMon I'UFrri-MerliaiilcaTllla, N. Y.. Ua]r7r-Jan*r. BarraltL \Vl|«>D-llrooklj o. N. V., MftTir-JuM I. -Blacli fllin«it'*-(:h1< aio. III-. Mar 2^ ladaflnlte. Crana *. W. Il.-N. Y. Cil/ Mar 97->luM I. now HItlrr'a' Oonmly—rmrieCliy, Ia.,MMr37-Juiel. riiKlliitmrK I'liyer*—fluMeii, Cal., Mny 37-Juiia I, Ctaa- ir«l Cliy 3-ii. ('a iniiV 4'lrin«ii>—I'avltirkfi, R.I., May ST-Ouiie L Cl.iMoD'K, kaif-nikico. III., May W-Jane I. llarlcrm,K. Y J-P "C'(»uniy falr'-Wlllbmnlnrff, N. V., Mav 27-Ji)ae 1. "irrackar Jack"—Deiroll. Mirlu Ju^^M. '•iUmn ||n|Uiw"-liiiir«lu, N. v., May 3701. I' Tiiiioo Kiii|("-tiilcABn. III.. Mar 37. loiltilnlia. Datlry'R, rat«r r.-4'JilcaKA. 111., HayS-Juna I. iNily'a. AiiC-.Newaik. N. J.. UaF Z7-Jiina I. I)aTrn)<(irl>. Kanni—4:iilnc(>, III., May IT-31, WJIliaiu • liiir*. » v., Jiinci:i-fl. Jhtv'f, WilMtD-UoiiliiK. Mich.. Mar27-Juoa L Jjilliilarii. F,inc-<1ilrA||o. III.. May 27-Judo I. TTrvlarick Hond C^iiuedr-Wjialilnirtoa. D. C.,H»y Z7,Ja- ■L' Oellnlle. VoM'n SiinimarfUiKrli-llalllmore, MiL.MayTr, lod«>Dtto. KniU A KaaHiawe'ft-flllverHprlnna, M. V., >lay29-U. PoraitaiiHli't Hlock-ltiltatlalrMa, l'^-. Hay 37-JumI, "Fi«t MiiU"-Kmih] ilo Uc. Wliu, Mty O, Matltoaa W, \Vaukeili«3l, Itacloa Juds 1. "Kaiiat,"ralta)ian'ii—villlamUfurv. V.W MayST-iftan 1. "im," lllca'M—BoiUrti. Mmm., Mayl7-JaDa I. "Ki>rKhlrVlrKlnU"-K. V. C1(t JoM^tl. "KatalCanr'-N. V. Clly MavlT-Jiinel. aillaUB•^ Wm.-H. V. City May 77-J«ne I., ^ Ulillo A Kvlli fliock-Mlantapoll*. MIna., May 30- JuDal.BLl'aul2-f. .... . . (KMlriclt'it, Kunlea-Haatllo. W'aali.. MayZ7-Jun« I.- (Ilnnt Hiock-Plilla'lelplila. I'a., May I7-JuDa I. (iyirty WanlaKUM-k—fort Huron, Mich., May77-JunalL -'Oalalr Ulrr'->'. V. Uily May 27-Juoa I, Clilnfu, IIU 3, hiilrnolia. * (lallry Plare"—Moiilraal, Can., May f7-Jun« 1. HarrrRan'R. Rdvanl-rhiladalpliULl'a.. MarZ7-<liin»l. IlonnlRX rmnk-ralmrauDt,^. Va.. Maya), (liaaf* ton il. Ilallen A nail'a-Tmy, V. V- Hay 29, Holtokea, N. OO- liin'R Ri'dck-Kiin Wayna, lod.. MarV. loUailDlie. Ilani]»rM>n'fi Riock—Onlar Haplda, II, May aMuoa 3ik IIIkhIdm a U'aMiuan'»-l^>rtlan>l. Urtu May 27, ImJeflD^te. lloUen Cuiiiedy-lDillanapolU, iDd., Hay 27<June 1. _ UouKhlnn'M, Mr. aod Mr«.—laOOilon, Can., May Z>-3I.3)«> irnlt, Midi , June V8. „ ,„ ,, „ _ Hon A Khaaiion'H riayatv-llaiTlBfllla, II.,Maya, haanaSKloDB I. 1 lollcuiil'N Htock-PhllatlelpliU. Pl, May 37-Juno .1. llertMlon'a ARoea-N- V. (!lty Mav ZT-Juna 1. -Ilamlat M '-N. V. Clir May77, lad«flnll«. "Human Hic«"-M«(rafo. .S. V.. May XT-Juno I. (tTil-hArtlir'-N.Y.CliyMavn-JBnel. , J- Idaal Oomady and 8|««t«Ui-l'lBe PUInP, N. Y., Hay O, llilIniBnt XL ChalliaiD 31, l)aIt«B, Maaa^ Judb 1. Kjaoe"—Dalrolt, Midi., May Z7-Jum I- ^BBtparBUKh-KaniaaCliy. May 37, Iwlanolta. Tjcaum Tbaatre, Prohmaa'a-BrooklyD. N. V.. May 77- Lyroum Comedy—DubiumBvI*-. Mjiy ZT-Juno I. lAnan'a. Ooo. W.—(Iueli4i. Onl.. Mar ZT-Juno I. "LlltleTrlilo'*-Pllnt, MIcli-, May 'A J'ort llarnn 30- "LUUe LonI PauoUeroy"— Bomod. HaiM., May >7-Juno I. * Lmi raraillW'-UairolL Ukli,, MayX-oone I. "LltlleCiirUlop)iur"-N. V. (*lly MKj?7-June 1. "Lonn'R Lucr'—N. V. City JuoaS-K. MellBDTya, NtlliB-Hruolilyo. V. \^ MnyZT-Juno I. MrCartfiyX Dan-Albany, K. Y.. MRy37-Junu I. aaniJtoM'a, Hldianl-.\. V. Cliy Marn-Ouno 1. alvlllB'N romvdlajiii-K«ue«lia, WU., May77->Juna I. Manira Bolact Playor^-Broail Brook, Oao., May 37- Juno 1. Mabol Ealon—Buirilo. N. Y.. Juno S-K. Marble Tbeatia—AH*lcion, Mlon., Nay a>,arRC0T]])e:k>- Juna 1. "Mdtorloy'a CoorUldpa"—Boutin. Maw.. May37-JuDel. "MImtc WorM"—N. v. City Juno3,'ndortolte. "Milk WhIlB FUK"-Pbilu]tlpbla, n., May 77, Indonniie. NOM Jolllly--Nev I.laboD, 0.. Ma.yW, Alllaooa SIX Nallooal TliHtrw (Uock-WaahlDRtoo, D. C, May 77. liulBilolie. _ "N«v Boy"-Ullca, N. T., May 9. OU'a. Joaapli—Bouon, Mnaa., Hay 27-Juj)e 10. "4)hl llomtate«d"-Koclieiler, N. Y.. May 9.30^ Dea- Ttr, CoL. JunaS-M. _ Kpudd'niiead WiUoe"—Ilarlom. N. T., MarI7-Juna 1. ^ "Polico InKMCtor"—Montreal. Can., May 77-^una I. "rawing Pliow," Xo. 1-Kanna City, Mo,, Hay 3t;-JuDo 1, Cloveta(id.U.,.VK. PotlBrwHoIIav-.V. Y. Clly Jano 3-& "PawD Tlckot 3l(r'-PlillailBlpbla. Pa., May77-Juno I. "l*aialoB Bliow," No. 2—Hunalo,K. V., Juna 7,8. Rpll■ou'^ SUiart—K«lamaioo,MlcIi.,Mur39.bouUiB«CKl, lod., a^LoganaportSl, PoTtWayDftJaaal. . KBhao'a. Ada^lvvaland. 0., May 37nIuno I, Burlklo, N. V.. Rcjaoa'a, Mina.—HoDtrBaUCan., Mar 37-JoDe 1. K«otrn>w'a Jolly I'ailidodorB-CnpploCrMk, Col.. May 37- JODO 1. Rofiikani A Y.MWt Dniiiailc-KDl|h(iton. lod., MayTT- Jano I. "Hod QuooD"-PIUaburR, Pa., May}7-Juno 1. Sully\ X>ao-.\'. Y. Cliy May 77, Indodolta. "flliutaAcreH"-HpilDRnB)d,Haia.,May39,1>roTldonce R.I., SiMuDol. "Silll Alanu"-N. T. City Ma>- r-Jnn« 1. "8mugKl0T«"-ChleaK0, ilL, Mar Zr-Jano I. Tha HMonara-Danvar, Col., May 37•JuD^ 1. TrowbridRa'a Stock—Provtdencv, H. I., May 37. In- dBflOltB. "Trilby." I'alinor'a-N. Y. Clly MvZ7, IndollnilP. "Trilby." Hnuly'a, No. 1—Boaton. Haaa.. Ma)* 37-JuIt 1. "Trilby." Urody'a, No.3—Wortaalar. Hana, June 1. 'Trilby," Hrady'vNu.S—Omaha. Nob.. Hay SKIuno 1. >'Ttirllby"-N. V. City JuooS, iDtladnlte. uTTncle Tum'a Calilo," r«rrj*f^B«ynoMa 111., Juoa^ ^ nilcbritt 4, CaUs t, Orion U, Canbridgo7, tteiw- "UqtIb Tnm'a Calilo.*' Witlierall A Dovl'a-Sl. RorIo PkOf, N. Y., Ma)--.9, NIcliolvlUaSU. Pan«tiTlllB31. "Uocln Tom'a Cabin," Uarln'-Ihiroli, Midi.. May 37- Juiiol.Tolrdu.O.,.i0. "Uodo Totn'a t^ablu," Uwli A Elllittt'ii-Pond du Iac, Wla., May 31. "Uorlo Tom'* Cabin." Riiiltli*i^Wa»hlD||ton, 1>. C, May 77*JunB 1. "yvnilB LM-lli>nliiUl«, Pa., June 5-9. Wade Conmly-AiUntIc Cliy, N. J., May 7T-Juno l. Wali'a, llnnnl, IdMla-itaiiinaw, NIcli., Nay Z7- JuQB 1, HayCiiyS-i WlllanI A tllBajtOD'a Tlieair«-Kort Plain. N. \ ., May 3t>> Jonal.St.JolnmTllloS-.". ^ "Work and U'aRDa"-Vlnlon, Iil, May 9, ^^alarloo9D- June I, n'aTorrrJACIurlaHCliy RlVSICAaL. Amorican ()|torn-CloToland, a. May 77-Juno I*. IhV'lnnianlli'BrM-riiiUddrfila, Pa., HnyTT-JuDal. "BIrllt of Vciiua"-t*lilcafi\ 111 . May ZT-Juoo 1. . Ckuiptdtollti tliHtra-OiarWfllaii, K t^. Hay 37, mdallniia. fknllc Siiiiarv O|vni-lloi4oii, Mii«*., May 37, ImlollDllf. Canilllo D'Arrlllo (>|>«ra-N. V. V.i\y May W, iitdeltn Ir. t'-unrtfitl-Porrncrj (>i>vra-N. Y. t^ilv Hay 37, iDtlcllolle. Columbian Oivra-tlmnd IUpRKHIclt.,Juiie3. Chlrafiu Maiino Hauil-Hllnaiiktf. U ik., Juno a-A. U«IU Vox tl|>oni-Albany, N. Y., May £1, Troy 31, Now- buru 31. "»iictngMaiit«T"-Mimnku«. WIil, UayZ7-Jua9 1. Otlbort iTpen-Lovall, MaML. Har 37, loilBnaUo. Ilolnira RobinMMi U|<(>m-YouuRiit4)*n, U.. Hay 37-^une 1. lllnricIl•(iOwn^-Mnllimort^Mtl.Hay37-Junol3. lli>PI>«r'a. 1>B unir-llanronl, t1.. Hay 3ilL SpriORilaM. Haw.. 31. l-ntvldonce. R. 1, J. \UriduaPurt, Ct.. K. r.llliau Riimll Op»ni-N. Y. City May Z7. iDdodDlie. "Lllllo Tycooa"-PbtlMl*l|<hla, Va., Juna 3. Indaflnlla. Parry. Van don Bi^rg O|*oro-.N. Y. Clly May 77-Juno I. l'ykoOi«m-RallL*kaClty. U., Hay37. Indpflnlla. PugRidey lln«.'-i:l«Trlanii, U.. Bay -J»^^l. Tranton, N. Jmiio I-IA. flrauhlittR R«l) RlneonMII. Jivlmalnirp. Vt.. Mar 31, Bar- tou Juna I. Navptirr 3, Hlcbfotd -I, EnoabuttC ralh N til. Amaa'r: Band-ToTvoln, Can., Ma)- 3, Bulfalo, N. Y., SI, M, QualrOi: Juoo.1. "Ri4ih«"—MiiMPD. MaaiuMayZT-Tuno I. *<Tlia Hrrlofi"-Ronton, MaM. May 37. Indaitolto. T1ii>mai'0|<«ta-Lanc*aior.l'a., Nay 37-Juna l. Wilbur Opora-Bunalo. M. Y., May iT. lodallnlth riillK'n l>VB0|4ra-<)l.Lttiik Mo.. Jnnv 2, Indollnllr. VAHISTV. Alliambra Yaudavlllra-«tL Paul. MiDO., May 3T-JoD« 1. HinnMpollK.V5. C4»inniHrl«-N. V.riiyMaj n-JunoH. i:anailian JubilM Minjtrra-NaFOlMO. 0 , Juool,2.Bk»l TolodoS, Rudolph iToMoL Deltaft, Wauwon7-#. Ladiaa' Clul<-Nowark. S. J.. May 3T-Juna 1. Uodnn llalcly (llrl«-BalUnipr«, Hd.. NayTT-Juoe I. Natioi'K, Rhadiiir-WiilikmabnTV. N. Y., Na)- 37-wfuno I. MA«im Pamily-IIendarion. Me. May 19, Poxcraft a). Eakl Raororviltf 31. RimtorriUr Juno 1. _ , Mlaro'a B^lmvaL Anca-Phl|ai1e)|>hia, Pa.. Hay 37*Juao I. NaM Bradlay-WlikvtlurT*, P^ May I. RaoliRauilpy-llaiiron], Ct., May If. Hallb' <k Wood'a-Lo* Anavlaa. CaU Mar Zr^Jano 1. Aaiiioa'o—ilraod Ranhlf, Midi.. Nay 3T*Jud« I. WatM>D|iUl«c«'-.S.Y. City Mayfr>Juo«l. "Whlia Cn^.k"-N. V. Cily Nay r-Jaao I, Bultilo, K. V.. -VH. niNSTRKIiR. Vrrclaad f—F.*aBa('ll>,ra..Ma.vT?. Rutirr »\Rna«.M, Kiulfni»n.iiin»l. ClHCViEB. Bakar A Ramhiri-Mt. VoinoD. IIU Hay T-Juna 1. , Hatnuni A Halla>-l>ajloti. O, Mur V. Rlcltnioad. Ind. ImllanaH'* SI. Braill Jitao 1, Rt. LouK Mo., M. (Tlark'a, H.U—n'arroD. Aik.. Jaaa A. Uoek-a, Bani-Oii«htoini. Pa., May SUi Ortaana 31. FalriUM Jono •^PooDiatndala.\ Kowntarllla 4. tjutacy^PiTa UuMburt A OiliooB-»-Ed<lfTlU«, la^ Hay V, AlbU B, UnotlDg'a-^Jamtatovn Jf. T., Hay 3X HaUmaaea 31. Olaao JuoaT. rriwdablpS. WaUivlUo 4, AlUun\Com\af C. • MoratLa 31, CanlorrUlo Jooa 1, Monltoa, Ho., 3, Laa- eaaiar^. Halo'a, WalUr L.-Lock Haraa, Fa.. KayS, Raoora, 30, KmporlomSIa KoUon'a, John-Bogota, B. A., MaTtyjndaOolM. HoUon*#Ulppodroma-Troy.OjIlaT» _ . „ „ BlogllBR Bnn.'~KwtMi. 0^ Hay S, AJdiHad 30.0r«cn. TiDa, Pa.. U, Jamaatown, N. Y., JoDt I. Niagara Fall* 3, Ltoq ■ ^TBan aca FalU A. „ RayDoMa'—WalUTllle. N. T.. May X. Bafla Rma'.-8rTacuM, N. Y.. Hay 9, Oavogo Waior* lowD.U OpfpnibuiRefonil. „ « « Bcribn r A Hmlili'a-4niDion, Haaa. May 0. Harlboro 30. Koulh Pramloghain 31, Nilick June I. Htadol Broa'.—Brocton, K. Y.. Hay 3). PuraaiTilte 31. Wa«libani-Uw«II,Maw..Junol Walah Broa'.-Parkar»tairf; Pa., Mar ». CoaiaavllJo.'n. SI. Dovologion Jooa I, PbfmKvIlM 3, 4, Spring Clly 5, PolUlownA.7. BlnJabonfl. _ „ Trallaea'a-LyorhburR. Va^ Hay 9. Potarai^rg SO, Nor- folk 31, Kawpon No^a JuBO 1, RlthiB0iH3. MISCKLLAlVBOUa. Amont'a, Oapl. W. D.-R<Kk llland. ID.. Har37-.lano.r Rartltolmnoir'aEoiilnea—Qilcaco,III. HayZT, IndoriDllo. Black Africa—AiBih Brooklyn. K. V., Hay 77. Indodnlto. Briiiora l'>ialn«a-8kovhaiiao. Ho. Hay £>, 31, Belfaat 31, June 1 BaMvln'a, Hr. and Mr*.—BoaioD. Kaa*., Juna34i. ilufTak) BlII'H WIM WMl-llanbnry, Ct., May S», Rrk port.'n. Now Haron 31, Jodo I. ATorca^ior. Maiv., 6. i Coyla'a Hoaauni-lia araaia.Tr:*., May X. Kdna Wood—/>t mile thrnugli Soo'li America. PdllortoD—Wllkaabarra. Pi.. May 9. ii. Kcnd•ll'f^ Prcaton—lludanso, MayTT-^unoi. Honi; (.one Sur llarrT-WiloiaiPUK N. ]| . MayT'^OBa I. Molltn A F.aal«iMi'a-Drownil«|il,Ha^ Hay 2», BrldKCion a). NorrU Brui.'—Troy, K. Y., Hay TP-Joae I, Albany 3-R. HIca'a. Frank II -PUjiuemlae, La, Hay 9. Oohf PolntJO^ Bayou I'aulSI. rimlui-florton-^llandala, N. Y., Hay 31, OibowJuno], E<lvanlaa, 4. Plaaa,6, Ue Kalb JuDCtioo7.Plarr*pontH. TiiMlro Royal—AliMBr. N. \'„ Hay Z7-Jbbo I. _ Teia> llarrya WIM W««t-KaiuaJi Clly. Ho, May 77- Juno 3. Tool—£n mi/<1hrou|1i Canada. NEW JERSEY. J«rMy Citjr.—Tlie regulariKMon at Uie ActM- amy doaed Hay 9. Tb« boua* raopenaoarlylo Soptam- bor, Willi Floronco Blndloy In **ne CapUln'a Hata." Tho MtaonJuitcloaedhaabwnlklrlyrvmDDaiBUTO. WlUon Barreu'H weak, ondlog A waaa prodtabia ono. Bo.i T05.—TliM being Iho laat weak of Iho regular aea- aon the managamanibvaecured a auongbltLcomprls- (OR Frank B«*h, Joho awl KolUo HcCartliy, Ed. fluloo, Ibe ITanfotilh FarKuaon Broa., boo Shaw, Geo. Erana, H«)ur Doyle, Llnlo Hulroy, Willli and Haloln, Marnier* lie Newino. Uoo*t«d and Ooyar aod tbe whltoay Broa. I.a«i wo«k tho bualnaaa wae good. J. 1. C.—Naoale Ruwell, Irooe Komik Haud Bennlog. ton, Dollr lafTerla, Hay Boberta, and Aodrov Byrne. Bualoaaalagood. Nan&—Hanager Dlnkloa, or Uie Bon Too, will uke a benefit June 3 Das'lBuIllTin.rurDiaoyyaaranjdior atthoAcadem*, ukaauBiohlmatir a wife Juna III Pml Raymeod, of Ihe J. I. C, will lead tho orthortrm at Erb'a Parlllon, Nnrth Beacb, tt. J Willow Haven Ion aod t^ln« will glra a midair timpete performance wllh Prof. Walcot and Nina MadlMo 30. Tlie manage- ment will uiakaTariaty a faataia. The place la auy of acceaa tnm New York Oty Molllo Whiitoo haa re- C4tlT«l pemlaalon fran Bonnie Tbonton to alna hor fonga, both publlHiad and unpnbllidied. At tha J. I. C., 0. »Jia lecltad Jamea Tbomtoo'i latert, "Tirllby," com- plalo Oneoftho proaounccdIiiuiatUie HooTon Ian weak waa tha Tentrlhxiulal act of Ella Morrla. Titat ahe la % comedlonoo waa nanlfoned by har work with iha dnmmlea AdTertlalngAroDt (loo. Clarke liaa again relumed to hla Tacatod pdbIiIob at the Bon Ton. - Hoboken—Ooe more regular allrHCilon will appear at the Hoboken Theatre under tlio pTenntiiian- agonient, naiiioly, UaUw and llait, who nuuio Uioir Untt appearance In ihla clly on SO-Jbob I. The llolwken Land ImproremODt Co. baTO fwurfd conunl ol the houM uoocr forecloaore, ami ileo. Ilartz will anuina the man- agoiuoni. reopening Ilia aaiiie aaihe Lyric, rariy In Rff^ lam bar. BMOU.—Thin roMrt cicaed tho naaaon 29 under tho pre- nent iiiapaRomoni, and paww Into tlie powaaalon of Sol 8. Welnthal, tbe proientowBerofilie Imperial. Tlio iK-t week waa a gooil one. aod the lorem of muaclo iiaocing hadaaurToir. Tlie Tnrklab tnupe waa lotereatliig, aT ihouRhaoniewhatDionotonooa. Tbe tiou>eliax bean aa- cu laJ fornWune I, atitlRbt %arletyboloR tbe oiTcrlng. NoUilnR alWr that date nntll tbe nguUr openlOR lo Augott, wllb a atroDK aiiiacttoo, poaalbly one of Rico A iHrniAl..—Billy WIUoo, LllHo Adana, MziJe Kolaoa, EUa lIoheDbolm, Jemle Hack and Profeaaor fiamlort. Bualaaaa la good. Ohir.xtau— Joa. H. Phllllrm Hte manager of iho BIJoo, will aaaame control hero and will bare a atrang company rorbla opening week, 17, Nick Collin*' AilildtM and Rh- daily Co., Mark Woliay, manaicer. The people: Fllha aod Wolley, Jeanne Sarle,acorRe aod Haud Hlckaiijs HaiUo n'aaioB, Billy ODay, Mar O'Day.HrrtloTrewlder, Campbell and O'Brien, and Sophie Colllnii, Maiinm Hooday and Baluiday. Price* 19, 3U and 30. Tho place will be known hereafter aa tho Ljrlc. NOTES.—V. U. Horrlaon, mho in lUll miiTorlng wllh hia eyea, will be loader at (he ljyilC]anda beoeflt haat>ean arranged for him, to take place Janet Harry Brock- away, treaaorer the part two aeaaona at the BJou, under UliTaront maaagomenii, toea out In tho aanio capacity wllh Ihe Four Empereia of Maalc, In "A Jolly LoL'' Bart S.cilmore. who haa been abaenifroni the Unltoil Btatea for a hmg parlod, will appear at tbo Dljou 30-Juoe 1. Ho will again retom to NoTia Scotia In a week or ao. RewAric^-TblM Is tlie laat week of ibe seasoD, and bnslooaa lo moving along In falrtygood ahapo. At Hiner'a, laat week, Ut« De XfoU Uopper Opera Co. pre- aeated "Dr. Byniat" witli tbeir unal brlUlaacr, aod eroTT part of tne houae waa tilled nIghUy wllh audloncea tliat heanlly evinced iboir approolatlon. AuguMlo Daly'a Comedlana will form the Biule for the aeaaon at Uila houae tho prevent week. Bach change of bill will re- coIto marked aitentloo, and form a moat Iniareating on* Ragement. JACon\—"Temptation ofMooar" Co. eloaed their Eaat- em tour bore laat ereek, and tbe bouie doted for iho Ma* aon oD tho name dale. Budmaflwaafklr. Waldmamit's.— "A Jay Clrcoa'* opened to large houaea the eaily part of laat week, but falloff later, owior, prob. ably, to tbe weather. Ttiey doaed 23. TiiR LadW Cluh aiarted Ihe laat week ol tho aeaaon to a well filled houae 77. and are likely lo Halah lo good aiyla. NiWB.—Ttw Police OorainlMloaeni bare glren ooilee of tlieir intenUon (oatop all HuodayMKoniianrea In Cale- donian Park aod alaawhere .ThaLotua Clublieneilt, notice or which appeared lait week, occura at Jacoba' Tltoaira, Wednenday ore, V. Late addliloni to the pro- Kunme are: W. H. Btoao, Bra Geo. 8- Knight. Kelha I. Waller HcDougtl and tbe Newark Baqjo Cluh Manager Tobin. of Jacoba' Tbeatie, Intende rlaltlnR hla home In lUlnola lo a few wa«ka. Tho 'temptation of Money" opena In Chicago, ID., June 2, at ihe Academy. OliirW.Orantnaya nalnlenda lu open wllh Pour Bmperon of Huilc, In ^'A Jolly Lot," uouer canvaa, la Newark^In a few wMba Mr. and Mra. Kendal pre- ■cniod 'TheQueen'nShilllng^ In Orange, N. J., 37, for ibe tteneflt oftlM Heeonl Ambaunco Hoapltal. Pstcnoa.—KelUelfclleiir? preseoted "A NlRbt at Iho Circue'* al tho Opem Uuae, 3ft, to good bualnoaa, Tlie regular aeaaon at inu hoana la duaod. Hijuu THiATRK—Bbatlow Maber*a Athletic and Yaude- Tllle Co. cloaad Iho aaaaoo at Ihia houae 3ft, (n good bual- new. Rdin H trail.-Hiulnoat «aa falrtygood atthiahonae 30 and week. The arriraH for 77 and week are William l>e Boa, Bryant aod Ripley. Ibonipaon and BonoolL Kfula E. Rouen, the HyMerioun Po«ell, Blandio Walworth, Hllo. BerUal. Jnlca aad Klla Oarrlnn, Hlldred Connor*. Ed. and Joale Braiii, Alda .V. Armour, and ihe Colnue Thrto. Num-—Olem C- Hagea i^nt aareral daya vlalilag fhcn'ia In thia city thla week C. W. LittloilBid lo the proprielnr ofa road houae oear IhU clly, over tlie door of which appearn the lign, "Clipper Houae." Tommy mil U apendlng tlie Rammer at bla home lo llila clly. TrftBtoBe^IHellowmnl Stock Co.* booked here for May 37 and week, liav« canceled on account of the leading lady, Haehelle HaamI, lielng vary III la Plain- field, N. J Oecrge UetamaB. aeanio arilet. iivm Painiar'a Theatre, l> al work on the bridge In Taylora Opera llouie for tho Houiner HIrhad PItzgeraM, Ihe eleotrlo dub Rwlnger, waa given a big rvcepUon here Iho night before be aaifnl for Farla Cochnn Park will noMD 30. under the nwna of rUrk^a Quaker City Park. John II- Clark li ihe leaaee and iiitoager- The attrarilooa for tbe epenlngdaj ate Clark JovonllaWon- diiv.Prankle Ilogaa, Bonnie Lyator. lleorgloBlromooa, Joe Cormlar, Chaiila HcHoaTor ami J. U Clark. Tay- lor'a Opera iIooM haa doaed for the aeieon. CO NNECTICU T. HBTtlbnl.—At rroetor'a Open Honse boalneaa eonllnnea good. The Ranu-Bantley Novelty aod Bur- leaoue Co. ctmea Hay 9. De Wolf Hopper, In "Dr. Ryo- lAi," 30; "The BtroUen" June S. "A Tempormnea Town" drew a crowded honae Hay 9. Qua Heega. la "A Yeoulae YanUenan," did falriy well71; "Little Loid Faunlleioy" diew good andlontea 8. Wm. Barn- bad good attend- ance » At Foot Oaaid llalL Balfa'o opera. "The Bleeping Qieen." byilie Park Charch t^iarut, bad lair attend anca 74 .waahburo'i Olrcna paeked iJielr taata 30 BnlTalo BlU'o WIU W«at rome* June 3 Hn- alcalDale laboma roraweek,baroreaallliig.MaT3l.toflU ao engagement at the Palace Theatf*. Loiwon. Eng RIcker and Taleoii o\>tn a Tmndevine ahow oartor an MKT. loot, June I. Brld[M«poit*-At tbe I'ark City Tbeatre Paallm UalL In ^Dorcaa," did a good biulneoo Hav a, m dkl "AaYe6ow"M,an4 'AYeiolae VeoUouiaa''^B. "Chore Acroo" cornea 7T, "Bobby Melvilloi, of Loadoo" 9, "Trilby" .lunr 1, "fir.RyataV'K. ^ ARKANSAa Hvl ftprlBva—At Ike Opera Bouaa tbe Otto KnuMo Stock Company conimeaced a woek'a enng*- L al pppalar pHcea Hay HV Tba bouoe haa been parked at every perfurMaaeek and they wlU ronaln an other week A variety abow. uidar canvaa, aivT ' the Colonbfta Clrcua,_far« thrae nalloee and tbi night pefformanaaa 94 to peer bulaaBa. vaa, fivled World^Playcfs — noaler o( milicil i (lieeioa'a Tliettn Co.: Oheilee (>. Vlllinl, I>9w nieeaoo, Edwtn Wticoii, Fmek fititfer, lletn D. K«D}0D. J. Ai. Welennui, L. (I. Wlihnr, ilrile SeTenee, Agettu BInileun, Irene Ue Uwe, Ken BIncleton enil Mm. Ilomrii Clllton, plnoltt. Tbe Koplre Cliciilt, over wbich Uie cemJnoT le booliud, iDciodeR ill Ibe pleenro teMne froin M»mioi« to iloDiCe Feint, ilireiii'ii Uie AeirooiUckii. — "Tnon'iiiicS<inii(lron"ciodcilM«K>e at Moai- real, Can., Hit r<. — Tne kcallieiiy mrnnj arcolt Co. irlli cliiee llieir aceaoo at AUiol, Uara., Her. 31> — "Jay Bloir A Co.'i will close a fairly micccivnii aeaaon June I. During ih? SnDiiiierilie piece will lie enilrely rcvrlilen. Ttie eoMon will open ainei .SepL u. — J. II. Coeaar inilea us denyinii that lie Is mar tied to Fenny Oohen. lie Untea tut tbe aDieunn- nioDt waa urenuturc. — Feni Peck will msnaRe the I«iiia ITsmnaii Oo., wiilcb will start to wallc frun Kew York lo ten Kiancl'co, Cel., nn a vutcr, anil pUiy all toviu lietwcenbereamlCiiUtonila. Ttaoy will start fnini here on June 10. — Calliennt Uartlnl, mother ot LewlH .Moniner Miirtlnl, actor, died on tfoy ti, aged Otty slx jam, ten months and twenly-two rtaye. — Georgo Carllon Miicy and Mabel RlirjiiieUi Koowlea were married in rnliadelphla, I'a,, on Miiy •t. Dr. Hacy baa been leadini; tnan nnil Wm KnoiTleasoubTeiteatlhe(;iianlATenueTlieaiie,l'iili. adelpbia, Pa. Alter tHe tnanlage the liildeand erooni and wedding pailysat down to a collation at Ibo IrTlnn lloune, wbcie tlie lounc couple bun been miAmg. UlerMr. and Ura. Uaey, amid a rhoirrr of rice and tbe beet wlabea of Uielr rrles<l^ left iho betel for tbeir wedding trip. — Have Davidson baa tieen engaged for nen sea- son iiy Manager Eugene Tompkins. — ,\. U. Llpman has recorercd from bis late acci- dent — .May Oaiiaglier, dauKhtar of Ihe late Jack CsUa gher, U at present In destlliite circumstances, iis well as reiylow wltb illpbilieita. Unill recently she was in a aubordlnale poslUon In "Pudd'nbeiiU Wlbnn." — Tony Denier Uexpecled In tUa city for Ihe nor- poao of organbdng an"l'ncle Tem'a Cabin" (ioni- pany on an extennre acaio. He haa secnred tho celebrated raaatlirdoE caned Dlir, and be will have a pack of bloodhoundi anil donkoye. — UatTT 8. Ilelsoy has secured the right to pro- duce "Tlie MIdnlgbt Bpeciai." llarTTBemardhus liecn engaged as oiialnen manager. The company wUi open Ibi season aboiitAUR. at. — (food hnalnesa Is reported from the Vemlo Lee Voropany through the coal counlry. While piaiing in welWioro lUas Lee was preaented by bar friends with a notal piece, also a gold pin In form of a star, net with pans and diamond centre. -J.T. Wllllania writes that be haa auacbed ereirthlaa belonging to "Our Dorothy" Oo, for sal- atydueblin. TheattachmentwasHeciredinossa- towomle, Kan. — P. F. Uowlln, of North Adams, Mass., Is to orect abandnomebuiidlogforaDopem honae. work on ihoaame to lie commenced at once. Itwlll beTOft, wide, iMft. long and colt, bigb, and wUl ceniain two galleries, with a matlnB capacity of about I. eeo. Tbe stage will be 6i jtiau, wltb a proscenliini UfLwlde. — I!il7j> WetTcn win deliver three Sliakeniearn lectures during llio Sumnor at National I>nliiDillnii Park, SiHlcn Islauil. Tbe first of tho serica, which will lie given Juno '20, will bave for Ita tlionie "The Merciisntof Venice." Tbe sccoml, nnnonnccd for July S-'i, will be upon "Hamlet," and Ibe llnal lecnire, npon Aug. li, will ileal wltb "Hiiclieili." — "Ttie Splilnx." .comicopara, written tiy Wllll.m M. Browne. iitu»ic Itjr David Onj, wm Riven lla flnt profee- RlODKl production May 27, by llanr .Isklo'e Opera l'.o., llieTreuioatTheAtie, Boetoo. itaiK — "Vc^rley'e CMc1.hip," en Irleli comedy, lo llirto tcU, by WHIlKO) H. McCn, win i;lTeD lu llrat prcductli<n OQ HnyVt .l the ColumhU Titealn. Boeuin. llio. — (leo. A. Hill liroualit hie compur Imcli rraii the Roulb .bout four weeke BKO nod cloHM hli Haivo. Ilo liu reiolned hie old partner, Knali Allen, from whom lie liubMO peparalodeixteeoyesni. Tliey pUyod Uit wook in Korrealport, N. Y., to fine bunlneu. TliecompsDy cnn- Rlile of llie tollovlnt:: Marie Alleo. Kninia Khewell, LIIIUo Tower, nrmra Wajno. Fraok AUoo, J. J. Winter, J. B. (^irran. n. N. Leni, Prod Alleo. J. Divlis rmr. WelereoD. plaolkt. end aeo.A.lllll. TtieywitI irur llie Adirondack* and vklully Ihie 8utnmor. Awi .nlldpole a pleafant end i>mnieltlo trip. — Noleefrom iheMalial I'aluot'-o.; UhIit Rrehm niwle berOnlKPHnninceuiKiuenyMtAiio durlna ilioj>«rfurm- eaee ol "Llllle E(m>ll.n" liytM. compaey. In MLSlerl. lov, Ky.. Ifv I& TfiHt<lier end Eberhanll era m.kine aulle a eennallun vlih tbeIr iiiu.lcal act. Conipauy m olDff a flood buHlnias. — '-Tbo Rod QuevD." a tnekhlraroe. In tour atls. by James R. Hea.rey, wes acted Tor the lint llnieun eiiy RIaso May 37|,it llie BUoa Tticntre, Fltb-.buri:. I'n. —Jolin L. BulllvMi ludihU eppesrance Mer V, Id U*. II. Mct^n'e nmed.v, "]lc8orley'eCoiirli>rilp."ntllio Columbia 1lK..ln>, BOHlon. Mess. RH ODE ISLA ND. Providence*—Thinaroimd Uio theHlregnro la>t growing iliiltor, and ere long the lN«rtla will have a real anil people look ttown Iho itaj at the viirloua roMiin Tor thoir atnuiemonL TiiiFRoviDKXCK OpiRi nui^ax will havo twoof three more ailnrtiona tHforo It locka up for Iho Suniniar. On Mar 29 Uif Stiollon n-11lnmienl"Mothor In Law." Pur tho romalndornf the wc«ik JnmaaA.lleniowltlpar awelcnaio relum vlilt and prtaoot 'IBioro Acrca," Tburo Is do ilnnbi aa to excellant iiualDoaa, m Mr. Homo lolfa good Iniproa- . ra on ■ ■ ' " . , _ ipper _ l)lr one more attraction, aod then iiio eitd. _ . _ _ _ , . goodmiproi rlon open rroriJooce Hioaire goara on hlsvlaitoariy In tho aeaaon. Jdiio4, 3, Uo Wolrllopper ooino* and t*oi>aU WuTNistrreH Thratrb.— Renbt-Baniler Co. caioo a>-a, on a return vlall, and they gave a King up rhov lo bang up butlnaai^ Ihli waak, llia Bon Ton CInh, a Dtirolly in Provldoncv, alllioagh tho peoplo haro been aaan here many tltnra before, and the Tullowlni: week a blc nuroliy company (■ promlwl. A Tow more veokiwlll Inlali uji here alao. TRownnmiK'fl Star Thkathi.— Slat Preonianand Ui« Block Comiiany, In "ButrOaka," SO-tt, and Iha bunlncM waa only good. Tlila week. Max Kraainao, In *'l^lr rtar." On Tncadl)-OToolng, Maoager Jnhn N. nilltipa will bo tondered a benettt, and tho lollowing hare rolun- leoral: Two full unlformnl bimaa bauda, NoUlo DOTlnidi. Uaaior Joe Ularlo, Wai^ltbum Banjo Quiniet, Arthur Uoon, Burko Rroi., Bronnan and Witeelor, lllgfiGH Bro'. and LIUlo Alice Pbihor. KoTBH.—Cliaa. C Colllna, prenkloot uf tho Frorldonco Opera Houae, trhlle out on hla vhoel la*t wook waa run hllo br a eanlaeo and thrown to Hie trrounil. Hp re- celTcdaotnebrulMN and a aevere ahnking UP Thn town la all corortt) up wllh paper for tha ningiing Brtv.* Hhnw, which coniaa hore Tor tho flnt ilmo .lune ID. Pawtackele—KalherlDo nobcr, In rcitertoiTa hail gonl bujilneM May ai-2&, and all agrae ibat tbe work orMlm Rober waa the t>eil tlie haa eror dooo hero. Tbix week Cauieron ClenenH will make hU Itrat appaarance aa aaur. and na he U wall known hore will pmbably do well. NiiTKK.—Kannla Newhall.or ihe Robert Downing ('«., waa In lownSI Paroham, nf Kamltam and Rerniour, la at hla boino hore on accMot of Mr. Soymour'a llloea*. FOREIGN SHOW NEWS. "L'ARiiEKr," ft coniedj, Id fonr aoto. hjr Emilo Fhbrc, wae Acted for the flret ilowftt UieTheRira Ubtc. la PftrtB, Fr., Ugy o. "OUR Sailor Lad/' a maalcal comedj, Id Uirco kClH, wu orlfrtDttllj acted at the IfuncaAUr. UooUe, Eng.. Hftj 8.(The libretto la by Fnsd'k J. KIrke. Ibe muilc hj Geo. Dlxott "Ln rainiKH Us SIadamb,*' a three act play, by AlblD Valabregue. vru Alvea lla InlUaUro at Ibo Vanele*, Paris, Pr., Nay 2. "I.A Famillb Uabtial," a Hpectacnlar drama, to nve acta and ten nceDen, waa produced at ibo Am- blgue. Farlit. Fr.. Hoy 4, The work la uken from Rogeno Bue'B novel, "tea Uyatcna l>e Parts," by Emeat Ulum aod ibe late Ilaoul Toche. "I.A Dot Dk UHinrm." an operetta. In three acu, libretto by intil Fenier and Antony uani, tbe muflu by (laitou Serpetle and Vlotor Ronor, waa given fur tbe dm iline at the Bouirea-ranaleiia, Piris, Fr., Hay 6. "iiBR ETANdnjxAKM," ft mnalcal dnroa, written and compoeed by Ur. Wllhelm Klcnzl, waa prodoced for Uie tfrst time on anysuge at ibe Royal Opera llouee, BerllD, Ger, Nay 4. "DOK goixon," * one act piece, by the late W. o. Wllle. waa orlglDally presented at the Lyceum, Loa- doo, Kog.,Uay4. "TiiK HOHK SecurART,** a play, by IL C. Canon waa acted for ibe flrrt time attbeCriterion, London. EnK-May:. "HONOR AMosu TBiim.1* ft play* In four act*, by Chat, llannmn, the Incidental nnslo composed and arranged by SaneaB Corae, wm staged for the lint Hue at the Huilnga Pier Hieatre. London, Eng., May A, '-Good (Jivik Beq," an opera barl«MiM, In two acts. wrtUen by Leo and Uarxr Trevor, composed by Bumham Homer and Uairy Trevor* was prodnoed rortbellrel time at ibe Thfalre noyal, Rlrhmowlf Eng., May i. IOWA.-(B«« PagawiJ. Daban*—At tlie unand (ipera Uoose, Hay al, "Side Tiackad" doaed thair watoo, plavlog lo ■ b«,1 bo«ae. Dae ST-Jane I, Lycenn Contedy Ompany, la