New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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208 TUB ISrSlW YORK CXL.fPP^3tl. June l. ONLY ONE OPINION. UNANIMOUS VERDICT OF THE ENTIRE PRESS. THE COLUMBIA THEATRE A MOST DECIDED SUCCESS. IN VOPVLAR FAVOR WITH THE WHOLE TOWN. TOa.o IkEost BrllllArLt Tlxeatrloal EverLt Ua a. ^-ma-rter of a Oeixlrttry. H. _ •T. .1. OOXTLOB. MELVILLK MARX, H. ITRlBpLiANDER,) THE MOST CENTRALLY LOCATED, THE HANDSOJtfEST, THE BEST EQOPPED, THE L ARGES T STAGE, AM) THE SAFEST OF ANY THEATRE IN THE STATE. OPEN THE YEAR 'ROUND, ■ W?A'Kiffi3S'UJ*BJW' ALL MODERN IMPROVEiENTS. COiPLETE IN EVERY RESPECT. 19 PRIVATE OOXES AND LOGES. SITUATED RIGHT IN THE HEART OF THE CITY. REACHED BY EVERY CAR LINE. More poopio traTerae Powell nnd Market Streets and pass tho doors of tho Colombia Theatre Iban all other streets in the city of San Francisco combined. PLAYING FIRST CLASS AHRAGTIONS ONLr, NOW BOOKING FOR THE SEASONS OF 1895, 96, 97. First Cln««M Comedy, Farolcal, I>rnmntlc, Opcrntio, Pnntomlmlc, Spectacular, Extravaf^anza ond Minstrel Or- Snnlzatlons dcMlrlni); tlmo, -will pleaMO nddrcHN FRIEPLAWDER, COTTLOB <t CO., Columbia Theatre, San Francisco, Cal., U. 8. A. ~ NOW BOOKING '95-BB. moneT order?^ ADDKB«H ALL coMMUfTicATioNH TO jm.E WALTERS, Chlcago Ttieatflcal ExchangB, Cotton Exchange Building, Chicago, III. REUNITED Chat, Lite ol Jilnsoii Tiia IHISH COMP^DIANS Bobbj, bh o( J I. Snihin Co. Hong Writer*, Irlih ComMlana and Danrert, »■ be enifaBed tbr neit seaton. AddrMi BOX 103, BAY niDOE, nROOKLVN. N. Y. SHANNON, MILLER & CRANE Tea anoADWAY, n. v., onb door hklow hinth st. (Ponmiir u vtuta une), MILITARY, THEATRICAL AND CIRCUS GOODS. Qnld nnd Sllfer UcM, Frinzea, B|»ni|1««, Btsni, Thntli, Broc»ilea, llgkla, ShlrU, Fiddlnia, n>U, WIgii, Bhooiiiid JowsliT, TliMtilciil, KquoMiten anil AthlaUo Qoodi, Omlumeni'•nd Badge Makera'Buppllu. yingii and Itannora, Hllllair and Soclol; Trlmmlnga. Amoti of all klQdi U> order. Bend for catlmatM Tlie larieal anwinmonl and lieavloal alock or Uieaa gooda U> IM found anjwtiere. OlrcularB free. Oooda aantO.U.l). OPEN FOR ENGAGEMENTS. Water Show and Aqnatlc Ezhlbltioiu of Omamental and Soientlflo Swinunliig by . CHAMPION 8WIMMEH flF TlIB WORLJ). , ^ The only mBB In aha world ibat anlni wllb haoda mmA Ifga tied. thigmbnuuuh mucckhm. DrawlUra«crowd. vli.nrarh.appeAn. M.oia.n ol ttn.! nllwa. roinMnlManA Rumm.rraiiorl. In.lUd corTMiwiKl. Aililrau I'HOF. JAHES L. HcCUBKRR,, Uul SMfflAN&ML, 110-112 GREENE STREET, NEAR PRINCE, our premliM. TlQllTfl (our eirn nuk« ud loi' port«l). In CnlUQ, tlAr.(reduoed Itom 11.10): heavj ta\\ fufilonad Cotton, II.7B (vMr belt«r than pJD vomed tlKlilt: l«itt mdo Wonted, I3J0; Bilk. 93M h4 %iSD; heat Bilk, 97Jw. WscAfTT XI itiulei lD«ac)i qoftlltT and »lu lo itock, and make to onler In rourdarA. Pailded (iRhu ■ -SSS'^AJitiTi. ^uma'L^jSS^ (Wo .re Mlo .RoBl . for th« V. B.) P.rfoet (ml- iTiM iii.ippEns, t3.n: jandals, .•ud; tMIOH. U.7I .;e. 8PANOLK8, i. DVIjLION FIUNOE18 from lUln. Ow^ . J.rd) to lOlD. UOfft. Oponwort Laco^ Qolu Olmpo, , JANDAtS, 8PANOLK8, Ullon HA' ii.lOiwrK. —' tec,. ,. , , ,^ l1niM< Lace., Cord., Pnlllnn PViw.rm, .tc M Inch BATJnN. In ST.rr itliulo, av, ffic. and tliD arard. riuUiu, VolrolMn^ VelToli^NflEL nROCADRR, au. AHMORH, RKIELIM, IIBLMBT8, HWQHDM, DAaOBRS, with and wfuiml J.w.u: A FULI, LINE OR TIIBATIUOAIj JBWELRT. OATALOaVR, mCEfl AKD EVinr INrORUATIOH eSNT BY MAIU aOODS BBNT C. 0. O. DRrOSITS REqUmBD ON ALL ORDEIW. n JOHN W. ISHAH, 639 LEXINGTON AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY. jiTMnniiFoiiiTEeFmYiiiin, AT BUBLINOTON, IOWA. Addraaa O. 0. OIJIIIK, Otolmm. THE EMMA WARREN GO'S., I AND 2. CO. No. 1 Ol'ENS AT MINNEXFOLIS, MINN., JULY 1. CO. No. S OPENS AT LAWItENCEliURG, KT., JULY 30. n- WANTKD, (tor varh Coiopi DanrlnH Boubrrlte. l.ftatllai|| Man Naalol»na Itor Uiand and Or«n«at ... ...... .w..,.v«.'V«W. w*.— . rany, Bood Vanatll* P*a|ile, eaiHwIallr Hlnglnfi and >n, Pfopa lo doabla baaa dram and anaall paila. nnd K. Addr*aa JAI. 8. GARBIDB, Manafcr. Waco, T«i. NOT THE BEST IN THt WORLD, BVT A LAVOHINO HIT. JAMES E, COOPER # STEWART ICCCUNI'lllC IlL.A.eiC mAOB COMBDIAI^N. Joii rlDiml R snrrMaftil leKion at Mlner^e Rl|[h4ti Arenae Thwalre, with the Ararrlcnn Ualely tilrli* Co., nnd rvenaaged fbr avMton of *U! Tfale ipeaktfor llselft Tlienkt to HinneKere A>r offers. iTave a fbw onen date* ftir Samner araaon, Address IIAHIll' STRWART, SU3 B. 1071b Slreet, Nt\r York Clly. BACHE AUDITORIUM Lighted with Rlectrirlly. ftentlnvCapacllr, 1,400. Rvrrythlng New. 8lage40i60. WIEL.L.HnOIlO. PA. 4,OU0 Inhabitntiti. Connti* Bral, midway batween Corning, N. Y., and WlUlamsporl, l*at flis adjerciit towaa thai have no Opera iloaae to draw from. M'anled, fbr sea'- eon *UV*(m, AttracllDnaofallklnda—CoiuloOpera. NInatrelaand dnertallr Shows. Addreta KUANK A. RtlDBRTS, Manager. J. 3>T TTVisxier, OIROnS AGENT AND R. R. CONTRACTOR, DKSinKN KNGAGRMRNT FOIt BAI.ANCR OF TKNTINO SKABON, OR WITH RB- PUTADLB TIIKATIIICAI. ORaANIZATION, BBASOR IM-M. Addraaa COHRV, PA FAIR DATES. No Ntmpl. coplo. 10 anjon.. TUB JUKB NUrniER OF BILLBnAIII) ADVERTia INfl (lancd Jnno S) will conutn a Hit 01 tho PAIRB or Iho Unllod Rta<M and Oaaatl., toioih.rwllh ihoMAVra nr the officers «i aach. copiM or ihi> nnmtor «n only l>.rn»ar*l byaamlina |1.00ror a jMr'. .ubMrlptlon to llfLIJiaARD ADVKHTMIItO CO., No. in Kul Blalita NltMl,, 0. N TJElTy , rAHTY, «UUnf |o )uo nr InTaal $30) In awfll koowo aad tnNewfulOontdr Jlrama; narnKkaal llthofrrarh l>ai>vf tliriHtiiliDut: araofrr ^nd allroinplale: baalof tima; «aak Haodi; nov bemi bookad. AtUlrwM OnmN i:i.irPORlt, am miihth at*.. Ne« Vnrk Cllr, care Oorelng Jolt Sh«w Print Co. 7 BRAND ATTMCnONS 7. KEHP SISTERS' AHERICAII WPrODROyE COMB. Faur lloraeCharlet Racei, iwoTaami Btrebask BMiiftB 0l_ Aminca, at«a7 and9 rMn* *lih thair Htgti Janplof rcoU for Patra, Park' and IUr««. Addraae itaadJuXares K*mp filaian. pmilleat «klMr*n rM«<« In lUa, In tha Laittt HoT«|il«a of Raclnx. Cw ba booked •Vncee, Odl, Cauda, O. P. KBliir, Haaafar. Howley, Haviland & Co., MUSIC PUBLISHERS, BEQ TO ANNOtlNCE THE RETURN OF THEIR PARTNER, Paul Dresser, WHO WILL BE AT THE OFFICE, 4 Eb 20tli STREET, BT«rj day iIurlOR llieRummor, whore he will Imi pleaded to roeake old frleoOa aou wtlcome new onoi. WANTED, ALEADER Who can doable In brass aad who can organlsv, or has aa organlHHl braas band of alMut fbarleen pl»c*s» composed of white boys ranalMg from tea to eighteen year* of afie. Address . . — ■a C, A. A. B., Care of CLIPPER. WHAT YOU STEED In a HAFE DEPOSIT ItOX In (he Latest and Mast ImproTcd Burgrlar Proof Vaults OF THE NationiilSaf6Deposit()o.ofN.Y. THE NEW MUTUAL LIFE BUILDINO, an MDKRTV BTREET. SAFES $5 TO 300 PER YEAR. WANe, FOR THE EMPIRE THEATRE CO. Rntodnnal I.«adln|i Tadr, IImhI ftoubrelta, one vll »l>felaltaa: Han fnr lliaTlaa. Laada, and Comedian. All niQtt ba Al. Roberaod fooA dn>i>R«n ort and nrTktaire. Rend plmln, whIcU TTillba raturoeal. Mtate ln«eft Mliry In tlrai I(«M»r. (Uau>n r>i>eni aUut A\ir. 1. Addrau tlAlllir r. ROBRINR. IStK.MaloRl.. Wlrlilta, Kainaa. NOTIt^K.-Hsni. (D MlMOurl lllmulii, IthHaoa and Oblo PtnA op^n Itnis. SINGING AND DANCING COMEDIAN, AND A GOOD OENERU. ACTOR FOR RRI'ERTORV tXlllrANV. MuH ba KilMr, oaparl- onMd poopt., .nd h.To aond wat^mb*. Naoi. mUit .od Oill partlculan flnl l.tlar. Bauon opan. Aug. 1. Addrau HARRY ADAim, Car. Ilotal aimc Chlcao, 111. VARIETY LEADER, EXPERIENCED IN ALL BUSINESS, AT LIBEIITV AFTER MAY 26. Tlolln, riano and Rrmia. A ooa r*f^T«nc«c FoTolth ortbamalldwlrml. 8A1I KOOLT, 7t Hanla Avenoe, Allanhanj-, Pa. For Sill, 12 Niadsoit tut Silti iid 12 PATIOUB COATR AND nin, all satoed ft« nav. Oelr JBsd thne wtek*. Al« pmtf waidrabe (br anag and aaoa qoattatu, ladlaaaM lanUamaB. Addra«a_ BTONB, care el OUITBR OPnOB. NOVELTY TWO STEP MARCH, ^^ILiA OocaLXLette" BT HEINniCH BAUER* rDBLISHBD ONLY TWO WRBKR AND PLAVBD BT RP.VKNTV ORrilEflTRAe IN NKV YORK. TIIENEW VURKHEROI.nol April Ift, In makloR of lltli march, aayii: "MR. IIEINRfCH BAUBR,the com- poiar, vathered rich laarataaHtln reitartfar. Ilia new cmiPOBltioo. 'La CoquAlta.* craatad Rreat antliuilaon, and Ichad to ha rtpeaied aevoral tlmai. Thtaniarcli an. dnublMllr will ennauar tnualo lorlDt Amarlcana br jttorjn. and loon win beae popular aa 'f^uhloRtoa Poat' and 'LIb*rtr Ball.'" PROPEflSlON'ALa, MUfllCIAlia and DRALERR can ob- tain this march by mall at the foltowlnr REOUOED PRIOER: Piano cApy, 16c.; tnlllurr band, SDc-; nill or chenlra, 40c.: II Intirumonta, aOc-; 10 lastramenli^ 2ftc; 3 taMrumenU, 12c, THOU ABT BnNE OWK ONE.** Th. latait popular una or tba um. author. Ilio nEROLD call. II "TIIE MUSIOAL 8F.V8ATI0.S OF THE DAV." Bona and piano copr. He.; ortha.|ra part., with ROLO CORNET. Be. BESD AHOUKT IN BTAJirH TO TIIE rPBtinnEn. H. baubb. aw w. «d bl. x«w Yorn. WANTED, FOB MURRAY'S NEW SENSATION SHOWS, TARIETY PBOPr«B In all branehei, eap«)(allr ladlea, and a Leader lo doable In band; aim a hutUloB Adraoca Anot. Bend lowtst pM^lblo valarr. BhownpaoaJane 15. at Eaotpory Me. AdJram PRBP MURRAY. Maoagar. FOR SALE. CHEAP, FLYINB RETURN TRAPEZE OUTFIT COHPLETS. (lOOD AB KBV; MET lin. WIDE, .in. M)Nn. IK Al co.vniTioH. iioiai iraiiiogton, On.ld. and E. Water St.., Mllaaukoa. WIfc Tent For Sale, 60ft. Round Top (second liind); Baalis etc Alw Coali Tant, lliu, witli ouUt, ' 1P. 0. E. TYBBEIL, oAkodl. Wla. MISCELLANEOUS. THE HOST EXTENSIVE MANUFACTURERS RILUARDand POOL IN THE WORLD, THE BRUNSWICK.BALKE.COLLEN0ER COMPANY, No. SCO BROADWAY, NEW YORK Neweat and moat el.gant itylaa, wlUa tho UNEgUALED MONARCH CUSHIONS. Dllllurd Hateriala, Cloth, Balla, Com, .tc., of oar ovm m.naftootar. mnd Im- portation. THE BRUhRWICK-BAllCE-COLLEHDFJt CO., ChleaRO, Olaolnaatl, BL Umla, Ban Pimnclieo. RITTCDV UtnDinDt BMd lOoMurorMnple ol ut. MllCnl nUIIKula Mtthlnalaninunwanarutura liuiiband.. HATTBRY PIIOTO. CO.. Boi M. EiIod, Fa. YOU ARE THE Mil BEAD ALL BELOW. Thane are tbo rorni that craaied nucha nn^adoD antooir Uiecon- nolneum at the World's Pair, and alnce hare pualed the Kkntlflc worhl vlih tli«lr_p«r1'eclioD and lirllliancr. RRKT KR£R with privlleira of eianilnalloo. Prorea- clonal rata*. Fnr full partleutan addmu M. H. BODBI.W A CO. aafl Denrbom Htraet, CThlcatto. MAGIC LANTERNS WAN1E0 mm HARRACII k CO. m Filbert St.. PhlUdaltAiiL fa. "nilUnVnC" F0RAI.1..' Oolftet.. Sandoulct, UWHUNUO Evi'liiK 00. If w. nh m.. n.y. ■ S1.G5 ,; DOiTPAYACEITW SEE IT* OurlntcatlmportcdBUme punloi diamond eipen& Yoo ^ftnnotdotcctCromibefirDulnc.'iy) Iniioduco tills nctv stone wn will send for 30 days this line or stud b7oxprcs9aO.D.fDrfLfll Yoa nkniM, irnMrqaal In apprarsiMatO a aiOrlDgdon'TltkalL UMhUeiorvw lb* ami SI.U Oite QDttk Saoi nttam% CM aUliOHfrflnnAnnam. ft ia.teae Pwa. lUnOJtLJOMlliaCO. tWMaitnloTmpH. I delect our oealr dlacnvarvd, InT |||g You Can't ebarvM prapald. r^talorutiVf'nmiCnlVhM^^^ fraa. iat«matlonaiaimCo^l,iSMef«nlcT«mpte,Ciilca|p>. ported rami I rem real dlamonda. HOMaiworM'a Pair for 115. A hanitwme laira rins. *tiid, bee or Murf pto, wild lol Bip. 0. O. D. for I.S. rrlTlleRB of eKamltiaHon; OPIUM UarpklB. Ilmbit Cared la 10 to »6 dara. No pa/ ilU carad. Pr. J. Bl.pbBBa, Lobaaoa, 0< RacioeYoctiiSiiooiKoiiis, RACINE JUNCnON, wit. CattoetMaOaUKf- THE DANDYa FOn BICYCLE CLUBS. JPrtttj Pin for cap or /COBl. Any A'«w, nol ' more tktn Un Icum. 8il*TrPliir,«. r/.6(crlln|[,31c.,doB. 93i0. CKiawnnrm. MoBAEfcKEELEB.MfK. Jcwekn. ArnMiomu, UiSt. A. GOODRICH, UWYER, ^^-^li: laitaland qalet Braodiee and laclHUea In other Stalai. EDBIITND £. PRICE, Counselor at Law^ NEW YORK CUFPER BVILDIIVO, 88 AND n CENTRE BTREET, New York CItr. PractJeeIn all thaCoarts,Clrll and (MnlosL BMcfal ettantioD clrao to the ooUaciloD of dalmi and diDtaof all klnda, the prepanUon of efTaameota and other legal bualnoML POR POSTERS AND HANSERS Baae Ball| BIcyole, Trotting, Running, Faira, Etoa eALVE^fuTI.Ma DITBOIT. MICH. FUTURE WIFE AND HUSBAND Perlhoaaand 13.0). FUTURE CO.. n E. TlilrWDth Btml. Hew Torll. ANTI.STIF'II' • I AM ABSOLUTS NECEBSITV TO TBB Athliti, Boiirs, Sportsnei. BoM by Dmnilda and Sporunjt Ooodl Cicllst, Toirist urfBill Ptajer. PrIcaJOa.; SBC. Box. Tralnera' BUa, •I. ■oMaOcaclon. In STREMOTDENIMO THE MOBOLES. E. FOUOBBA* CO..g N. William Bl.. W. Y. Bostnn, Mtea., and wee what yon will geL i COE. YONQE & 00. a laaiiwacTUaiat or 3 WJJXaia OANEB. d ImporUrB of OOTLEBT. <* BjretboIaiBeat line of JeweliT. No- 4 tlona,Novel(IC8,te.a(Ioweatpikia. i B Ooo4afor8ti«eUi»o,Aaetloiiwiitod I n Ain:nta,<teneHac>BaiidKDl(eBUniua 4I aipccliUtr. IllotU'UlOaulogugtrwl 9 TOO Waahlaglcii «>e. ST. LOUH. ■0. TO BE POSTED RE^I> THE CLIPPER ANNUAL FOR, 180C. COira'AmNG RECORDS IN AIX DE* PAMVEMTS OF SFORT, INCI.UDIMQ CHBONOLOOIES FOR 1804, AQDATIC ATHliNlC, RACINO AND TBOmNQ ETZNTS, DASEDAUh CRICKET, BIL- LIARPS, ETC. RECORDS OF FAST* EST TME AND AIX BEST PEBFOBS. ANCE9. ILLUSTRATED. Price 26 Cents. A-ddross THE NEW YORK CLIPPER, CUPFHR BOIIiDnfa, new VOBK. VleAnNM*nkNt«r>nrStmtiMit>< tr«tcd(at«ik»ue WMoatU*