New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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FRANK ONLY A VARIETY ACTOR. < KIOITITION. winrnr ton ni xiw tom CLimR, BT KABI MBRBP rrB. All I the ciltlci m*7 giTe him t tottr. The leglllmla Mtor »]lh«; nej D*y mj thit hla nMthodt •« qimr. When hia eDbru to pleMe thej detcrtbe. But the men who cen Ughtao oor cere la a boaelt oato his klixl, For the,iroil4 haa much trouble to tpare— Dnio.thia ire are none of db blind I A nrletj actor—go look At a benefit bill, the year <roDnil; Yon will Hod him In some little nook, For hIa heart la qnlie hoDcat end eoand. Be la willing to give o( his beat For hamanl^'a generoua aake I And;thera*8 manr a home he has bleat That haa samred Irom Povertj'a ache i nen a trace to the JIbo and the Jeer) Let our praise be bellowed on the man I Ther an sllll to homanltr dear Who (or aje do the beat tbat ther can I There's a part ror na all here to plaj. While we Mrel the olrenltot Time, And It lan't the part—bnt the wii j That we lut It, which makealireaubUme I THE I CE PA LACE. niTTUf Ama tbb rRMNOK for tbb imr tobe OLirriR, BTD. «. WIKTBB OP. In a bondoir fomlahed with extnragaht and le- aned loxniT a young woman, with eteel Mae eyee, reclined upon a low divan covered with a large bear akin. A handsome man, with the manner of a great lord, stood with hIa back to the Dutch Ire place, and tojed with the golden hair ot the charm- ing woman. The young woman was the wife o( WoUnatl, Councillor ot State, and the adorer o( the moment was the Duke o( Oonrlaude, the aU-powei(al fa- vorite o( the Czarina Ann. "Duke, do me a little aerrtce," aald the rarlAblng blonde. "Anything yon wtah, Alexlna." "Well, yon muat send my hnaband to Siberia; he la the p«at of my life—* good enough man In his w»y,"ahe added, wllh a wicked leer, "but Bucb ao ■asl* Tbe Duke buret out laughing. "With the greatest pleasurel" he orted, "Just aa soon as you furnish me wllh « plausible pretext. Hot pradence Is necessary. We other Oennans are already hated too much in Russia. We must be on our guard, for these damned caudle utera wouM only too wuilogly cut our throats. If a good oppor- tontiy oiered, when they might do ao with Im. punltyl" "Poghl" ejaculated the coquette, with a ahragof her beautiful ahouldere—"don't let that woiry yon, my dear Duke. As for me, I could twlal them all around my thnmb. nowever, that'a neliber hen nor there, will you do me the aervlce 1 have to askotyout" "1 have already iold you, ma belle, that It would aObid me the greatest pleasure—only, as I said, yon mutt furnish me wllh a plandUe preleit." The pretty woman gave a Utile pout. "Itaeema that Wollnakl sugpecls my lore for yon; he begins to aimoy me by hU Inuendos." "Ah, my dear, we must find a belter pretext ttan Ihatl" said the Duke, wtlh a eardonlo enUe. "Tai on your thinking cap, and by the dme I see you again yoa will doubtlcm have found what you need to ltd yon ot your dear lord I" The siren gave a harsh laugh, and lapped Uw lloor wtlh her shapely allppered foot. "Where there's a will there's a way," she mu- muredtheD. "We shall aee I" From that day forward the beautiful Oeiman began to Btek the pretext with the Indefatigable leal ot a hnnlrcs. Bhe aoROundcd her huabasd irllh bo many suarts that he became, after a ftsblon, her prisoner, and now nothing remslned for her to do hut to deliver him up to the executioner. Carefully disguised and veiled, she reached the Duke's resi- dence one evening. "I've got hini," she bM, In an uudertoue. "Whom, preyt" "Hy husband." "Ahi" chuckled Ihe Duke, "I knew your sage lit- tle head would hit upon Bomethlngi Well, what Is It, ma beUet" "lie Is at the head of a conspiracy, whoae aim la toputao end to tboiiiloof ilioQi-raians—to over- threw you, and placo ui-oii i.:c i.:i'lc il:cCnind Duchess Elliabelh, who scareely conctnl'i Ik r: uv Blaosympathlea." "Tbe devUI"exclaimed the Duke,paclng iheOoor. "Have you the prnofar> "Inconleeublyl" With this she handed the Duke eome papers, which, when the latter had carefully read ibem, convinced him ot the truth ot the accusation. A few minutes later the two aeparated, and half an hour afterwards the duke mounted his hone, placed himself at the head of two regiments, and was not nanqnll until all the conspliaion were ar- rested and In his power. • • • • • « • IB Itat the cold weather set In much earlier Ihtn Qsual, and In Homla It waa ot onprecedenled lever- Ity. The Mrda dropped dead In the air. Every momliig some aentineltwere found frozen atlbeir poMs. No one dared to leave his hotise alone dur- ing the night. The extraordliiarT thlokneas o( the Ice Ineptred the Duke of Oonrlande to offer the world an unexpected and altogether new ipctiacle. He had oonatnloted on tbe urtace ot the Keva, an Ice palace which recalled the talea otthe MeoL They began Ihe conatractlon In the first days of Norember, under Ihe direction of a chamt»(r1aln, by name of rautacheir, and the strange smictui* had already reached a contldenble height, when the loe began suddenly to gtra way under this enor- mous bnrden. In the month ot Deocmber Ihe Duke ordend the ■oe palace to ha rebuilt on tern Irma, between the AdaiiaUTlntand Ike Winter ralaea ot the piea- out day. In the latter part of January, l?40, it was almost finished. The Ice stones, so to ipeak.were cut In the Ifeva, like in qusnlee; then they were traosported end fitted to each other accotdiog to Ihe rales ot Ihe trade. Only, Inatead ot noitar, tbsy made uee of the liver water, which frexe by degree*, and fastened solidly these stiangely wrought etonea. Thla palace waa fif^-iwo feet In length, aiitaen in width and twenty in height. The not, likewise of Ice, weighed heavily upon the walls. It was the evening of Januaiy 31. A magnltcent sleigh, having the fonn ot a awan, and drawn by three black horsea, approached tram the AdnUrally fort. Wrapped from head to toot hi a purple relret pelisse, lined and trimmed with beaver, a Ooeeaok't cap ot the same fur on her powdered hair of a dai- illng whileneas, Mme. Wollnakl eat In Ihe middle of this aleigh, burled, lost in aeveni bear aklns. Tbe driver atopped near tbe Ice palace. Alexlna, ridding henelf quickly ot the skins that enveloped her. Jumped nimbly Into the enow asd direcled Uer stepe toward the enuance to the fantastki monu- ment, whose strange aapeot Uirew beriuto npuirea The embrasures of the doors and irlndowa wen deelgned In an antique style. Above the miin door ■pread a magnificent tnntiqilece covered wllh ex- quisite Boulpturea. On either side, bordering on the roof, ran a gallery, whose quadnugular cohimiis of the cornen and the plllan had been cut and turned In blocks ot tbe aame congealed anid. .\ If .li:s i.iil', likewise of lc«, aumunded the pal- ace, or Ico, niw, were two dolphins, which, placed at the entnnce, ejected from their jaws lames ot naphtha, BealdethedolptilBa stood six threatening pieces ot aitllleiT,al8o cut out ot Immenae tlocka of Ice. Suddenly Alexlna perceived her friend and made haste to Join bim. The Duke, In high black boots, white rldhiR Irous- en and a short pellsae of green velvet, bowed grace- fully before Mme. Wollntkl, taking off bit cocked hat, adoraed irlth white feaUwn. "What a auipriae P* he tald In Oerman. "Yon are the fint one to do me the honor of coming to aee me and contemplale thla wonder, which la scarcely finished. Don't yon wltli to examine the Inierlorri "Why, yea, certahily," replied Hme. WoUnstI, taking the srm of the hasdtome cavalier. They entered, and Uavened fim a little ve*U- bule. On either aide wen to be aeen two Utile looma perfectly furalthed. Nothing was wandog there but the celllog; but It waa not needed, and one could aee the better tlie blue light of Ihe moon sltled by the transparent and sparkling not. The Duke called Alexlna't aHenOon to the glased caseraeouotplateaof ice,aa thin and mntpamt aa the finest gu» UnndRda ot candles bnrned In the iTi'^'*T"''*' and candelabfa of Ice, placed before gigantic pier glaases, which filled the wast spaoe with a light Ukatliatot day. ADth* tnnltnre, Ihe table*, the dock*. It* dlvaaa, Ihe foetalool*, the thaln, the cspboiBidi, Ite boOK, wiai la fish table aervlce, Ihe glaoea, ererythisg, In fine, wia ot Ice, worked up, tnraed, carred and painted wtlh aa much art, and In aa many lively colon u Bevrea porcelain. But the aatonlahment of Hme. Wollnakl leactaed lu height when she taw the fireplace In which lay ■ome Ice wood, which, steeped In naphtlia, aesmed to bum In reality. And ehe ihonght the wst dream- ing when the ditcovered a oiagnlfioent bed, wllh tester, and whoae loe curtalna, wllh open work, re- aembled precious Bntaela laoe. On leaving thla enchanted palace the Duke oon- ducted Alexlna to the Ice pyramldt, on wbot* ver- texes rose lanterns, lighted Inttde, pilnled mth gmesqne figure*, and Mrning by themselrea. Be- tween these pynralds snd the psUce they had placed boxes conulolng exoUo planis, orange tree*, fir treea wllh blrda In Iba branches, Ike whole of Ice. By the light of this fairy lllumlnallon all these objecla tparkled like diamonds. To the light Alexlna nollced an enormoua wblte elephant, car- rying a penon upon Ita back. During (he day thla coloaaal animal made waler spurt from Ita Hunk. During the night the waior waa replaced wllh burn- ing naphtha, as tor the dolphins. To the left a baihlng room had been built, according to Ihe Rna- alan cuatom, and which, moreover, could be heated. Theae facts are hlitorlcal. Precltely at the moment wben the Duke waa re- tiring, ttlU giving hIa arm lo the young wonuh, an onicer approached him, aud mads u> the all power- ful lord a commuulcailon, which Uie laiier received wllh evident aatlafaclion. "Hy dear Alexlna," he said, "you have come Just In lime to wlloeaa a apectacle which win Ije aa unique In lu kind aa thla palace la. In order to finish the deconllon ot It I tllll need a few autoe*. All tbe stiempi* I have bad made wllh Ice having tailed, I have had Ihe happyldea to replace. In part, Ihe Ice wllh living men." "BowaofaakedHme. Wollntkl, wtlh an artlea* air. "it'a very almple," replied the Duke, wtlb a dia- bolical amlle. They will he forced to aaaume atli- tudea Indicated by the artlatt, and waler fno the Neva will be poured ever Ibdr whole body, untli they are metamorphnaed Into atatuea of Ice." "Oh, but thai'a honlblei" murmured Mme. Wo- lukl. "theae unfoitanalat will be dead before their mntformattonP' "No, my goddeas. The flgurta would not have the purity of Unea and nondneat and tympathy ot coolonrethalcoTOpond wllh the lawt or beauty. They will continue to cover them with wilar ao long aa they are alive. Thoee who nccumb In Ihe course of Ihe opentton will not be used—ihalt all I" "I believe," aald Aleilna, "that ay Mood would congeal In my vclna it I taw. Id this terrible snd murderous odd, Icy water pound on Urlng men." "Oh I why sof Baked the Duke, tmllhig. "Wmp- ped Dp, u we ere, in superb and warm tsi*, w* can enjoy this coiIobs tight withont any dangsr." •'No,Dol"«idAlsilia,taoldlag oat htr kaodto the Duke, 'Imnitlatveyas." "Rven It I leu you," aald the Duke, wllh a aliaoge srolle, "tbat It Is the consplratoi* whom you have atalaled In dltcoveilng thai I am going to punlah thus t Rvsn It I add that Wollntkl, your dearly be. loved husband, la going to play Ihe principal part In thla Utile entenalnmentt" "WolloaklP exclaimed Alexin*, whoae steel blue eye* began to tpatkle all at once, while her Ultle white teeth ahowed lhamtelvet. "Uuke, yon are adonMe, and I thould really like to kit* you I" "Then yon wlU remahir" "Ton aak me I" At a Bign from Ihe Duke Ihe vloUm* wets brought forward, aU thlrerlng wllh mortal agony In Ihefaoe ot the frightful fate that awaited them. "I beg of you, Duke, let mecommtad the attitude that Wollntkl must atsume." "I Bumnder him lnu> your hands." A gealure fnm the Dake, and the uofoitonale man waa led before his wife. "On your knee* I" ordered the taesilleat wouan. And aa WoUukI did not obey, two executlonera bralally forced him to kneel. Bheaurveyad htm a momeot wllb Inablent coM- neaa; then, addrenaiog Ihe Uuke: "He InokB well thut, doe* he notr" she qnerted. In a mocking lone. The Duke i»wed by way of aaaenl. Then they began to ponr lorrenia of Icy waler upon Ihe wretched doomed men. All iMgao to utter groane and curses. Wollnakl alone renalaed muls. "Do you atlu adore met" Aieiloa asked her hue- hsnd. "AnyontUUJealDUsr" He made no answer; hut, a feeble groan having escaped him, bis Inhufflsn wife bant out laughing. "They are hilling them," aald one of the aoldlen ot the guard to his comnde, "because Ihty wsnted todallverua fnm Ihe hatstnl rule of ihsatiBogen, But patience, the day ot vsngmsce will comel" At last the cruel work waa finlahed. The Ice autiiea were plaeed baton the palace, and the lyrent could contemplale thtm with taUatac. lion. The Ice palace waa DOW cooplela Indeed I The aoldlsr of the guard bad propheiled right The day of veogatnce hsd corns. On the nighi of .December >, 1741, Ihe reglDtnl ot the PreehmJanakI guard gave the signal ot Ihe ravolL After Ihe death M the Oeman toverelga they no longer wlahed to eee a Oeimai on the throne, the son of ths Dnka of Brunswick. Soon the Tobolsk rsflmenl followed the example ot the guard. The Umad Dncbea* niiabeth, daughKr ot Feltr Ihe Orecl, *Dd Ihe leader of Ihe Bnttlan party, wllh hsr Callhful partltan, the French pbyilclan, LeMock, pot Ihem- •elve* *l Ihe heed of the Inop*, who jmelalBed niiaheih enptea^ Tte Duk* ot Oonitsnd* had haaa ovttUirewo a abort dme afl«r the death ot AnD,aDa baolahad to Feiym. In her Inn Alexlaa wa* nltt** with a weU meiliad ponUmuDL (be nei(T*d Um knoot, and wa* exiled to BIbeil*, when *b* Had of oonramp- llOB*(urtwoytano( ptaaac*,>idpatap*o( re- linlauu*. F ISKIMO . VRITTBh'roaVRR NBW TORR CtimR. BV JA MW Blinm iAM. Alitor fiah pole, tlx feet long— linked qnlle tlralghl'a.(nwlng; Home made fiah line, good and Rireng— llaed for hanien tewing; Hook nia gavo uie, that ahe found Hllcklng In pa't iirnitem; WomM I dug out o' Iha'Krnund— Myl liui;ihey wen rauaerel Ho I went aOtblng, down Intho whileblrobobopplng; Wadcd-oie anil l.uiher Ilmwn— Qol niir breeohea anpplngl Rut the iraut they bit like Ham— Juetramenpa-ililng, Oniiheil the woim-and then tor-alntii On the hank wen lying, Feller rame along, and aaht Twnnt tbe way lo lake 'em. Ought to let 'era pinir, Insteail— Not haul baek and tnahe 'em. ■Lowed he'd ehow ua how to do, Wllh hit mile feather; Ftahed all day, and Juat caught lim. laid It to Ihe wealberl Coming liaok, with pnckels fat. He and Uther found tilm. Fighting akeelere wllh tola hal— •noula mIMIon 'mund bIm. Feller aald there want no innt In that dmtted hoUor; Ouiaed hIa luck—and Inught u* nut For a allrtr dollarl CEORCIA WELLES la a Uhloago girl, who very earl; In life made up her mind to gn upon the alsge. In fant. It It related that Bhe took part In ainaleiir Ihealrlcala at the age of five yean. Rohmil llfo, huwerer, prevcnird her from realising hor hii|tea fur a fnir yearn IhrreBfler, hat at the age of tlxleen, when ahe gnidualeil from college, ahe liegan the tluily of dmmallu art In lloauiii. She received InalruoUnn fur only oneyear, however, and then tncame a iiiemlier ot a Wealem repertory oninpany. In whiuh ahe gained much experlencs Ihruugh Ihn work aaalgned her In aundanl plays. Hhe wai naliinlly filled tiir Ingenue work, and eventually won groat credit In a rolo of tlibi BOrl wbloh the played In Kdwaid Owlnga TOwne'a couieily, "My Wlln (liitwilled." Hits Welles rscenily appeared in thU city, lu Sadie Kartlnora pivduoilon ot "The raaapoit," and maile an exoeUentlinpreaInn therein. Bhe Is very pellie, ol remarkably pleatlug appeannoe, and haa ran- aldemlile uugnetlam. She It aarDeet lo her work, and hor future la Mghl with ptomlse. IVORY BILLIAR D BALLS. How Th«y tr« Mida tnd Pr*par«tl for th« Mark*! When In iho factory Itie tuBha are carefully exam- ined by an expert, to delect any i»atllile Itawa or oncka that may exUI, fur, liraidea the daugen lo the Ivory trnra carelen baiidling while In Imnall, the original pnaaeaaor iitihe Ivnry \» liy no moanaio careful of bis tutka at he ongbt in In, ounalderlug their value, and, wllb llie iilmaat illanigard of tbe precious iiwtArlal of whieh they are ronipnaed, uae* tbem for Oghiing, fur ii|inM>tlng aniall treea and ttinilM, for ovortnniing tliinea and fur grubbing la Iba ground, wIllHiut any very defiulle pnrpuaeihat la apparent lo the human oliserror. Of coune, he often apllla hIa luaka, aud a very mlnule creek, bardly dlaceiullile u> the eye, will aerloualy Impair the value of along and lieaullfu piece of Ivory. If tlie omck la extentlve Ihe tuat inuat t>e devoted to another purpose thsn that of making billiard Iwllt, but, lupposlug ihe tuak lo be found perfect, It la paated uu lu aiKitber expert, wlwrneaiurealtaiid marka It at pn>|ier dialancea i<i lie cut lobi blocks. it la tben tawed lulu lenglliH of m u> 3 lucbea, according to the alzo of the balbi Ut tto nuidt, and the raaulUug liliH:ka are paased iin Inui llio lianda of the turnani. Ttiroing lalhea of iiniMiiul accu- racy and delicacy are put Uiwnrk and the Ivory aawduat liegluii llyliig In all illreciluna. Niil bi lio Icel, however. Ivory la Ion precloua lit In wasted. Kvary apeck of Ihe dual la carefully gathered up at Ihe end of eaob day'* work. Wben a aiilllclent (inanlily baa been accumuUtcd It Is IreaUxl wllh cliemlcala, and by meant ol a peculbtr ceiiMDl aud tlie uae Ota hydraullo preaa Is molded Into a coo paotandapparently liiiinnaeneoua niaiM. Krnmthla are iiianufactured oiauy sniall aniclea, wlilob pre- nent all the appearance ut Ivory, aiid are lu reallly RUCh, though not In lu ortglnal alate. On account ut Ihe raliio i<f the inalerlal, Ihe uimoal care la uted In tlie culling, and Ihe cylindri- cal ahape of Ibe liluciu enables an eoinomy that would not lie auapncU'd, Kvery one baa accn ivory martingaleringi, liiilevery oneiloe* not kiiow tbat Iheae come frnui tbe two uniia of the Ivory block that la lieing turned lulutlii;'o for a billiard ball. They are cut nut wllh aa much care aa Ihe hall liaeir, end aflarward rou- tied and pollahed wllh the mm» tcrapulout aWcolloii. The liall llaelf, efltr being ruughly turned, la laid aalde for at least alx munlha to aeanon and harden, for Ibe Ivory, when frubly col, U very xifi, or, at leaat, very much BOflerlban llaflerwania iccomea, and when Ihe teaaonlag la pnperly eilicicil ibe turning la compleled, and Ibe pollahlng,Rt nrai liya very Ingenious maeblDe,ltcooUnued wllh prr|,ftrtd chalk and ohanul*, than wllh the lealber a'oni-, and finally complstsd with the bare palnia of Ihe opcm. lor. The ball Is now tar aa the mechanl. cal proccaaes of nianufaciura are concerned, and paaied on to Ibe wholeaale and retail dealers, bnt Ihe ittk la by no meaaa ended when the work Is done, tor tew materlala are ao aenaadva lo atnov pbeilo and lenperelurt chaoiea aa Ivory, and at alfflott any moment the istU may become leaaeaed In value by the appeannce on IM turface of iluy creeks or llawi. If these ar* mpertlclal they Un pair only the looks of lb* ball, but eomeline* Ihey extend far Into Ihe Interior, and Iht haU will than braak Is two or chip wliii rough naags.