New York Clipper (Oct 1895)

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502 THE NEW YORK OLIPPEH. October 12. World ^Pl ayers — M*nH|cr U, 8. nnlilnun, o( \,}ixam Tlic- Hire, lliilhlo, K. V, bm writlen to Till (lutrn • full ititemciil or bin i1»lln||ii wllh I.jdla Yemniim' Titan, ADi) K deullcd nplitniiilaii of ilio ciiiwii wblchimuptolbo cloalOR of liU "(In tbe )tn«d," tha compiinr In wblcta nlio wu reilured. Mr. n«b- inaon njii: "I went to Itme cxpcnn In pluclnft WuTllDsiipon Ibc roAd wltti thin compHnj tft h ■Ur, Willi Mwclfti impcr and Hpcclal Rrcnerr, Ur. ftnd Mm, TUun reported at llulT^lo cnrlf In Aiignit, pomi throo weekiiprccedlnii the dnle ifxed for tbo pmdacllon. I iiHimlllcd to Ibcni Ibo manuncrtpt of tho ji'mj. Tbcj were wy much dlMallafled with It, and Induced mo in cmploj l^eonard Watra aa mualcal director, and to pctrnlt him to rewtile the play, wblcb I verr rnoliHlilr did. Tlie accnnd week out, at ournpcnlnt iilRlit in Dclrnli. Uli:h., Kept. 8, we had an Innneuo audience and had to turn ban- dtada of people avaj. In tho Dm act aome anmln In the gallet7 hnnlert lira Tllua. Slio look umliraio at thin and left the alag€. No |KTAiaMnn of inino, mj maoaser, or iho local manaper, Mr. Hiair, would iDiliice hor to Ro un again that ercn- log. Thia, of coiirra. killed our iiiiRlticRa for Ibc week. Bhc appeared at iho llicalrc llii neal even- Inft to apolo(ilr.o for her conituri and gnamntee that II aiiould ntvcr occur «i*lii. Wl'h thh un- dentandlng I armn^i-d to lot her in on ataln, holding In alicjancc a nnn of twi, which I had aa- acaaed uiion Ihe lidv for her wll fnl ncgleri of diiir. At Iteiick'M (iprra Ilniutr, Clnclmiail. ().. aim agalii bflcanie refraclnry, and dcmiinflPd thai ihn full amount of her Midrr l>c iiuld liiuticnllalrljr, aa acoit. dIUon proccd^iit lo licr apiicanince nu tha aiagc. Of counic I ondftiirored to pmteci injvir, and re* fuaed to adranco her inonov or lo remit Ihe lino. I then paid hcrtheamonut (hie her, alter deduct. log llto floeji, which htie acrcpicd. Hlio did not appear In tho flnl act, liui did appear In Iho aec* ond act, alallrig In the aiidlcnrc that the reanon aho did not appear In tho ttnA act waa lio* canae her rnlarj wai not paM. 1 lined lier for not appearing lo iho nrai act flMaddltlonal. Hbu appeared In the next tvoavfitnnil for ihe reatof tne week, when I nolincd hcrapcclalhr. I>v aper. iooal letter, to lio In readlnrm In depart for the next atand. At the <:IOM)nr her pcrfumiance nn Batiir- dn night, at Clndnnall.ahi: fainted, waa carried on Ihe ainge, weni In lied and cUlmcil phratcal dta- ftldllijaa an cx'MM for not going ahcail with the companr." Mr, IMilnaoncnncludcHhln letter wlili • compllnieiilar; allualonlnilioaiilllifur HIaaTllna aa a perfonner, and InllrnaiCH that her ncilonn hare l*eon brought about Ihniugh the unwlm advice of olben. — Notea and roster of the llonilrnun Ctimedj Co.; lliiNlneaa In Inillaiia waa almvo the arerage dorlDg llio very warm weather. HInce Ihe coM wavo aet In wo hare liecn liinilng people awar. Our companj eiiiiiracra lwciil>-twn pe«iplo: Vt.r. llendenuD, pnnrlcinr; Frank Ihj I.0011, manager; 0. 1). CiitHne, In advance: 1, K. Wallen, Thomas Olhbona, Will N. Bmllli, F. W. I'lic, Cliarica Mack, Obarlea Cuttr, Nellie lliilrner, Uhn Aniiniir, lluno Haxetle, Nre. tiioniaa UlhlmnH, Kiigcne Hcoit and Babv Vera, Our band la under tno dinicllon of Prof. K. F. Illnning, and the nrclieidra under Iho direction of I'nir. Ililllipa. Nellie llalmcr haaglven up the ■onlirellft rolen, and hi now playing leada. She waa prcacntcd with an elegant 1h>x of cnishnl nowera i)jr her frionda In Uporie, Ind., Hepl. 11. The alago blunder the dircciluu of Krank IKiJcoii. He haa prodoccd Iwo of bin own nlecca Ihl4 aeaaon, nimeli: "A Famll; AITnIr" anil "An Unworlbj Wife."' ' — J. A. Mottdl wriica tliat tio liaa aecured Iho rnj. altrrlgbta for playing CharlCHTowitiieud'a "Ihiwii In lllxle" for the I'arlllc coait. — Niiln from JIakeever ft Jlolo'anin (lid Ten- neaaee" Co.: Wo aio at prcaeni Inuring the Wrai and playing to hig liualnciw. I1ila coiiipHny alHiulil not Irii Gonrouiided wllh a company playing under a nliulbir title tbni aimndnl recently In Imllaiia. — Alice llunoland liaa received excellent noilcca from Ihe proaa for oxcollont work aa Alice Bodloy, in "TI10 Midnight Mood." — Notea fruoi Marie VVellcnley'a Playera: W<i opened ouriecond week al UbIiHHiwa Kalla, Win.,in Blanding room only, In "Tlie liaiillrn," wllh Mano Welleeley aa IIIII7 I'Ipcr. The cniipaiir haa bueii «■ auocenful that Manager lliirllngaiuo will awing tbem over hia circuit for Iho llilrd llino llila aeaaon, after wblcb the company will In under tho man- agement of Richard (Ilieo, and will play one idght •nd week iUnda, la Mario Wdlcaloy'a now play, "On Ihe Buwaneo KIrer," Ihniifh Iho .South. — Donald Hayaard, thirloeii moniha old, only cblld of Mr. and Mrs. Mwin Hayiianl (Sarah Mc- Donald), died In (lliealer, I'a., Kept. », of oholem Infantum, — Ulltton A Hlddleton Nutn: We nneiied our ■eason Bept 33, nl Noirlalown, I'a., to the capacity of the liouie. Tfie manner In which the playa aro Blaged altiacu parlluularatleiilloii. Tho apeclalllea •i« new and renned. Tho aiinclliui la HIaa Jano Ainolt. The com|iany la under Iho inanaguoienl of CilflonA MIddletou. and cnnalala of twenly.lhree Buple, aa fnUnwa: Joaeph D. Vllfiun, (leorga W. Iddlelnn. Ilany U. Arnold,JobnMorriii,Jay Ulnkly, llanr 0. Uarton, StndtolldMacIMnahl, Wni.'niylor, I^Dk Buillh, Geo, winter, fM. Molllua, W. K. Btaf- ford, Harry llnwani, Win. Hhnemau, Victor Hnohn- lain, K F. arinin, Waller Walla, Harry W. Waloia, June Agnmi, Narulla h'bnviie, lAihi l^py, Feleill Bt. Hond. T. U. Howard, In advaiico; (I. W. Ulddlo- Un, liUBlncn iiMUagcr; Jiio l>. Clllioii, direclnr or ainiiaunienui; Han; H. Ilarton. alago manager; Win. Snnenan, macbliiliii; Waller Walla, mamir of pro|t- ertlea: Yioutr Hitehulclii, leader or on-healra, and Geo. Winter, ImudniaaiiT. Wo rarrr our own oar, two liorKM, Jnii Hiid Wild Nell, and uiiiriiriucd band and orrlicalni. no make a rcaluru uf "IJiiiiy rilion." — Waller Kennedy Infiinnaiia that the aliandon- mcnt of hu Now Kngland lour waa duo auloly to Iwd managonniii- — W, H. Ilarhliin haa been ongaiinl In Mtnagors. Hycmlo play tho leading nilu In 'The l.iiid of tho Mvlng." Ttio managonioiii cniili'iu|itaii< giving the playa Now York nil, ninl nrgoilHiluiiaror ilial imr- poaq are iinw In pntgrcaa. -H;rtlo li-Hiiiui. of llin ijMliig HMm, wllh Hurra; A Unrk' "KinulKan'ii Hall," wan lakininoil- Dllnly III al Kannui (Hlv, Mo., and waa iiiwlilo lo Iravo wllh tbo u>iu|uiiy, liui rcjnliinl (icI. n, at Oblcago. — Tho Wavi'rlj liniinniic nnOi'. widi'h nmile a aiK'ccna wllh llieir imKlin-iloii of "TI10 Vnniig l.leul- «naiil,"lari h|iilng. will im-nonl all nrlglnal Ihrev act farco coiuniT, "lllH Wirr,"oii Nov. u, at tho Uenlral (i|>cm IIuum:, iIiU city. Tlie ctuupany |. bring ciiarhiil li.v Arlhiir Kviiiia — c. II. Sluan, lonui-rlj mautgerof ihe Ulilland Tliratrw Ka.inaa Cliy, Mn., hiu Irnml the Nnnla TbcatiT. NMrriHioaru, I'a. lie linn changed tho name to I'winle'rtTlii-airc. — Frank llninoBway laroheMndiig wlili Hie l,<iwlrt Ounuily Vii., Ill llnxikljrli, N. V. --J, A. Trallo, uuiMgcr and pniprlrtor of "(Hd Toiiiie«»c," writ™ ihat Iho hiur wan cIikpiI at lio- mill, Hloh., t;;<|ii. '.-a, oKliig in a iiilainko In the iHaiklnga, and iho unpn>reilcuinl hoi wckiIiit. Mr. Trallo will rvorgaiilw ilie Miow in ('hu-ago, 111., ami will nil all eiitagniioiiia atter Nov. I. — Harry K. liHly rhweil wlili "Tlio Two Johm" (III. and Jol.-ied "In Old Tt'iirnvwc" In (irund llap. Id^ MIoh. -~ Niilea from tbo Dc llavciilViiipily t\t.: Weo|ion- od In '/.aiiMville, (I., Sent. .10, In big IokIuiw, which lucrcaned each nit hi alter tho oiienlnc. a ran- or- cuTviu-e Willi uocKalandcompaQics. Woplay«1to tluobualnna In I'lntnu, and Manager Uiad lnaiko<l ua fur tho MiuiMlniciKalr week) ne.Ni Hea.>iiin. Uan- agoni who woulil mil liook u« ilio Itni ol tho mmwiu am now oiToiliig ua iliuc Jimmy NcUccr. having a lay ug one day hiu wr«k. ran over fnini ClKveland audiwld una vlall. Ho will JMuni after thoTpinple t:np neitoi. Wo are IlilnHliicIng liovrlllraaleiich perfonuHuci', Hiid onr H|iei-laliln gnwlih a hurrah that In pleaalug. Hlin are iiindr by Ml<a Ho Haven, and Minn Dicvpitnin and Minn Iff are liiiniduoliig new aoogn and lUurra. Sununtm. l-ivdy and Itiuk each rectilvo i-all aripr call for ainutg luriin. Our little onrn, T^'t and llaby Jm^kHin, pVraao. and. In fact, Ihera In a vim ami danli alKiui each prrfonii- aoce tbat ca«w people lo n«j: "The Ih-m oI all; come again." Ilitry T. ha«4ie«n qulio nick Inr a fe« dayn, but In iiiiw luipluriug rapidly. Wr all hnik fttrwar^l lo 11iumd.4y 10 wektuiu' Ihe '-Old Itc- llable." — Malda t.'mlirtu, wIkim' eiigageiupnl with Walker Wlilieahle wan only for hlawrrk In llila cliy, at tho llrrabl diuaro Thrairr, la to Iv niarrvd under tbo lunliageuirul of the II. It. THjIor Thralileal Kn- cliaiigc. Ilor rvpertory will Include "A Duel i>f llvartn," "The Cnole" and "Oanillle," and ber tour will ia«|iui'aily In Niivcniitcr. — Olsa No hrr>ole will oiteu her Amerii-an aea<atn, tmdcr tne maiutgement of Oharlenaud Daniel Friib. nun. lirl. 'Jl, In A luny, N. Y. — The lilniuoiiit Dminailr i\>. cloned, wo aro lu- iKruird, al lied Klug, lud„ with aalarira In arroara. Iiliiiiclio I'lix auil Uni. II. Hell Joined the Hoyce A tvann Theatre Co. al Uaitlnon, Wlt.,Ucl. T. — h:niia Meltllle has algned wllh lltco'a IVpubir l%0|ilc, topUjimdn. -Klaw A Edaogcrbave completed booking for the tonr of the big companj Ihat win present •'The lUrala'' In Ihe BprtDg. Joaeph JenewoD. William H. Crane, Kraocin IVIbjon, Nat Goodwin and Mra. John Drew, t'igetber with otber well known actore. will IM In tbo caai. Tula gtm U ainady at work for mm-aT on ihe touni of Jnneph Jeifeiaon, r-me HInler, l^lraoi Cox'a "Brownlea,'" 8n| Hnllb Hoa- aell, William II. Crane, Joaeph llmoka' Comedy Company, Joiepli llronka' RoropeanRMclacle, Mar- ray and Mack, Kleld'n Hlnairrlt, llnlsnd Iteed, Frtdftlc Warde. "The CounlryCnrcun," "Shadowa ol a (Iteat City," liennian Thomnann's "did Home- dead," 'Town Toplet," "Tlie lloweiT Ulrl" and nenrgu Cayvin, llolden Ihia they bavealttady iHX'ked foni alttacUonn forO. B. Jelfenon, Ktaw A f^labgcr'n Houlliem ctrcolL — Kollnwing In the meter of Dick P. Hntlon's 'Tcian" Co., aapportlngAlherlTaylor: R.D. Uwln, H. A. Orahan, VI. Al. Wblle, Hhorty Hold, Csrl Fleming, Ilanu mocker, Clarence Fry, Frank 'Tiwnacnd, iiiio nruDllr., Joe llanlnn.T. F. Wllllamn, K. 0. Hioddard, iv||i Svilklna, Jno. Prince, Maude Huiion, Thelnia AaKlgae, Babetle Uwla, Lulu Hution and Funny Kceler. IHck P. Hutlon, pronrio- Inr and manager. "Texas** and "Montgomery" are tho plara produced. Tlie company travel In their Off II palace car. — llarTT kiarkbam haa formed a copartnerablD wllh J. W. llrookn for the nnanagemeni of Memorial Hall, F>nlport,He. Itia the Inlenlinn lo pni In next May a sining Summer stock company, puylng said ciiiiipauy also at (Calais and l,iii*ec. Me., and 81. Jiiliu. N. B. — Norrafnim Iho "Old IIiiIm Tanner" 0>.: Wo have Juki Hiilslicd three week^of gootl bnnliifjn In Unlne, and are now among tho White Mountains. TiHi Iroyn are all well, and the orchestra, under the ditrcilon of Piof. H. H. Ihirker, Is playing the latest overiiirea. iKotl R. Ileal cloned Sepl.w. In Idwin- ton. The noonday parade of tlio I'uckeriininh Farnera' Band brings everybody out <tn the ntreein. We now hare Iwo drum inajora ahead of ibe band, and Ihrlr lightning pitchfork Juggling make* Ihe people o|>enibelrcyen. Ilaalneaa Isrtgnlat Iho top noich, and wc are all looklog forward lo the time wlien ire get Into New York HIale. Jonepli II. Tliayprlias replaced Otto lllock In the caaL — Carvlllla, Ute of Oarvlllla and Foy, Is wllh Flor- encA Hlnirord*aO)., aacomedlanandnugo manager. — IVm. H. Williamson, ronnerly of wllmlngloD, Dd., will aMumo the maiisgeraent of the Taylor Opera llonae. Trenton, N. J., OcL Hi. — N'ellla Hiymore hu Joined "The While Ibil" Co. lo play Jen, the tough girl. — Hon Cooper, of tha Front and Fanahawe Co., iniiiirns the diatn of Ids motber, which nccntreo .Sc|it. 21, atherhomelnOnand Itaplda, Mich. — Krrin llopklu, II Is announced, has sold bis InieresI lu Jamea 0. Itoacb's play, "Hory of tbo Hill." toaaynillcalo. — Kcrerao Ilaylon, In Ibe action of John Hart ngatunt lidnizuD Thompaon and (lenrge W, Hyer, nicd his roport Oct. 4, In thIa city, awarding Mr. Hart damagoa In Hie sum of $3,mi2. Tbe action iraa Ugiin by Mr. Hart aeven yearaago. He had Inen engaged 10 play a pan lo "The Two Kbuora," which waa wrilleu byTnompMinand llyer.bula ler pbiying for a noiiih he waa diaoilnaed on the ground of Incniiipeioncy. Ills suit waa for aalary fur Ibe whole season for which he waa engaged. — Ilccd A Iloblnaon'a Cu. cloeed Ucl. i, lu Chat liam, N. v., but, wc are Inturmed, will reorganlto and go out again. -Mn. Fred A. Sullivan (Ullve Nnrih), leading Isdv In "A Cracker Jack" (;o., baa \Ktn acriniuly III, and la rcatlng lore few days at her home lo Indian apolla, Ind. — Lillian Wslraih, In Iho Chicago, III., courts, OkM. 'J. waa pcmiltied to iterforni'-Honor" during ilio ruiiialndorof tho week ending Oct. A, bul ifan eiijulned from preaeniliigtliat play after that dale. Tina waa the rcaiilt of an application luado by Auguallu Daly, who clalma the American nghbiof "Hie Khro," fruui wlilob the play waa Ukcn. — Thocouiioliice having charge of the preioniu Hon of a lovlDx cup to Josenh JoiTersoTi, during his coming ongagenicol In llils citr, has decided to innko the broaeiiuilou Nov. 8. The rommlttee con* hlBiaof K.ll. Hoibern, Nat O. Ooodwin, John Drew, lyancls Wilton, Ihuilel Frohnun, Mine. Modjeaka, Alice Ftacher, Kilia rioclorUUn, andMra. K. K. Kld- ilcr, wllh Frank W. Sanger aa socreiary. Buiacrip- ihins lo the lestlmonlar may be Hcnl to Mra. John liniw Hr., Lyceum Tlioatre, tnlaclty. — a. I,. Htont, Florence 8. Ilasllnga and lllllo Uona Iwvo lust reached tbinclty lo begin rcbenmla wllh tho "dlodana" company, headed l>y Ada Van hlia, which will begin tour al lUdgewoud, N.J., iia. 10. — II. I*. Meldou, managing Klhel Tucker lu reper- tory, wrilea that be baa more than his nhnre of tbo usual trihulatloDs atteudaot on the opening <if a now organliAllog. The band and orvbesira en- gaged la Chicago waa not op lo the mark, munlcally ■peaking, and therefore tlieir aorrlcea wore dls- ponaed wllhOeu 6. Hevenalofthoacilugcompany were also fonnil to l>e Incooipelent, and wo decided to clojo our season on UcL «. New peojile have n<- portcd,and Hie aeaaon will open, after a tbumugii nerganlr-atlon. In Usnvllle, I'a , Oct. u. The com. Einy now Includea Klhel Tucker, Craig Utrrlok sy Thoinpsoa, Kmnk Oolgne, May Cordon, llaby (lordou, Thaddcus (Iny, Fiauk II. Colgne, Wni. A. Pyno, Wm. IL Mealy, Homce Clarke, Wu. A. Carr and Frank K. Freenmu. Lewis Mitchell Is business manager, Joaeph Daundeni tnasunr, lAHor Uur- iioy ToiHesentailve, and I'rol, Miller musical direc- tor, waaonlseuljrolr iKwked until Juno 1. — Notes fton llloo i Uarton hi Uomedhias: Tills In the Oftb week of our aeaaon, which ban up to tbo preaeiit been marked witb oxcellenl busincsa all along Ibe line. The show la giving aailsfacuoii everywhere; In fact, Ihe Keiionti verdict Is that It In iiie beat company lllce A Uarton have ever had on the road. lUce, Uarluu and t^ulglsyaro laklug Mven and eight encores nlghiiy wllh their inrudlcn, and Frauklo llalnoa Is aluglug wllh auccvNL Tlie Whitney Broa. are making their unnal hit wllh their novelire, osiieclally their musical lio.xlog. J. K. Mullen and Annlu Dunn, whoBo B|>oclally U liilrodnoed In Iho flrat act of the comedy, an rccelvoi] with iviani of laughter iilghily. Wlillu In Asbury I'ark, N. J.. Jay i^iilgHiy waa unlerultiNl by Champion Jliu (Mrbelt at bis tmlnliig<|uartcni- — "IHd llulwl'nnucr" Doles: Wo hadgooilbunb nowltiMaliioanil Now llatiipablre^and will bboriiy go Into Now York mid I'oniuylraula for ibroo nighi alandri. Tho ih-iing ituiiy and Ihc dog. Young Ituiie aial IVniicr, aro ravortiea. John J. Uiook'a dancbig always gets dvc lo eight oncoroa. F. C. Wvckoir, lu a Blnglug apocUlly, and K. A. BUIs, In hli baton and gun aci, reuulvo merited apnlaiibo. 8colt Ileal, advance, clumil Hcul. In lAwlstou, Mc, and was rrplscnl by llsrry It. Yl "kors. iiur band has four piei-ea and our uK-henini nine. Wo claim tho BttuoKPni orchMlm wllh any night nuud nhowuii the lond. — IMIslo Msrkoo cloned hor "U. T. C." Co. Sept. ik, and Is In i;o1uiiiliin, (>., organlKliig a company fur the WInicrsoaaon. 1*. U. Iinuads baa signed aa BdvnitfL- rvprvMiiiHllvc. — Jrtiuca and llcloiia Nails have Joined tbo Mario Kln7ivt>>. The company Topoit bnslow as e.xcel- leat. — Nulen fmin tho I'arauna A 1*001 "i:. T. C." Co.: We ii|^iu-d tbo HcaBun al Itookitori, Masa.,8e|d. |i. anil have been playing to guiHi Inulnoai. Wiih (no luind our ci'initaiiy uiinihen twenty-sli people. Ur. ParMUin, who has lH.<cn In advance, bai gone biuiw to l(uck|Hirt, tick. Fmuk Kluliall haa laki-ii bin place, and all tbo c«)mpAiiy are looking furwanl to |:utlo lllirs Juluing tbo conuiany again. — Itwior of MoKlnley Wall'a Co.: U. H. Mc- Klnloy, A O. lloKlnler, Dooo liunick, Ucrt Kvans, lluyHnidlc, Wlilier dcUonnoll, John Walaon, I40 liaiu Ingiaiiau, l^ullue MuKlnley, Kiuuia McKln- ley, l*iiiil TKnca, Jeaneilo Violoi, J. H. Wall, mana- ger, ami I,. V. faily, agriii. Wo are playing Michi- gan lo excellent luisloeas. — Adi-lliic Unnlcu lulitruu us that ber eomlo opera i-uiuimiii will o|ieu Ha aeaaon lu I'niladulpbia, I'a., ww-k uf Nov. 4. Tuo prinUng, wardrotw and paraplivntalla have Iteeu gotten up ou au elaloralo HCnIr. Hiid Iho company la iKniked solid up to Juue 1. — rillo AkeraiAun aciida tho following' "Our repcnoiy tbU neaaoh will comprise my two tiow iilayn,'Tne (Siuryot acnuie' and 'A llnve Lllllo Woman,'togclhor with Iho popular comedy. The HuluiiV Daughter.' I nhall have two entlrel; new dances, fur wblcb we cany Iwo siwilsl acenca and elcclrloil cdV.'cla. The coninany uuubcra sIxbMii Iteiiple, aa fullows: Jauiea K. Abplobce Jr., Joseph K. Hiaier, J. \V. Itlnauld, IM. A. McHugh, Julei Van Uoiik. J. iluuker n'righl, Harry Lealle, II. li. McKoe, J. K. Wainn, leaderoTorvbesua; BethHumuer%'ille, lltrir Marren, Jranelte Uuwell, Bunle timy, Ullle Aberkimui, MwanI ('larooce, agent, wlQi lliia licmaid, uiaitngcr. — Frank w.lMlge la no longer manager of Ada (I my. — Llllle l<otne Mualii haa Joined TIMen'n nenpera to do ber specialty and ula; parta. —Tho Uwiia \au« Co. are tuuriug Mlnntaoli, Iowa and Wla-onidii this ataaon, and lepott gojd buslnea lu npHo of hot wraiber. Tbelr loaler con- fUtaof the following people: Leoua Lane, Jeaale Blink, Cherrte VoMt, Mn. (1,1'. Loekman, nonoee Houlgomery, planlat; Ullbeit Wealbrook, Held A. WlUon, U. iWkatleld, Kdwin Hi1nk,aiafemaaager; CC. Bbowalier, tnanager; Master K. Olratd Biuk and L> rvUte Jaanlta Hnomller, _ Rotes from lbs Original TenoMsieJnbllee BIjg- en: We enjoyed qnlle a .fCiSi Uf al atape of a aereoade, lenfcred iwUie bat>4 of tte P. 'Twrlghl'a Comedy Oo., wbom we tad Ibe P}*" anre of meellng alPnilrle JnnctlOD, Minn. Ni»l 0. Hawkins, oir prima "1o"Mj1» "P'°1";J^" t^Jd enceeverywhero. Clara Bell Oaiey lawlnnbig good opinion". Buslncan contlonea good. — Will and Ida Klefer, and Bessie Dinn^lb Al- lieitand laibelle McRliiley.who '»>• i5?K-f?!I: racrtng al aonlh naveii, Mlcli., have Joined tbelr re- "'^'ne«nt°a'dd"lltonn to Ibe "Tenncsaeeia Pardner" (Jo. are: Horace Vinton, Joa Uwnoce, Spot Nor- ton, Mna aaylon, F.velyn Gordon, and a Pickan- inny Hand of fourteen plecea. The company, we nre Infonned, nownnmlKm Iblrly-two peoge. — Notea from Ihe Jeade Mae Hall Co.: VTe have l«en out twenty-all wceksand have p ayed eleven fans. Bunlneaa nae. At Kcndalinllo, Ind., all prevloua records were broken at high pricea for Hie number of people and groM receipt*. Governor Mallhewa and soils, of Indiana, formed two box "^'oeorge Reno, actor, lenNew York Ihree weeks ago for Ihepnrposeof JololDg IheCiiban InsargenIa A telegram from Cnba, dated Oct. 6, annonaces tbat Mr. Reno had beeiarratedatNenvllaabylheSpan- lili anihotlllea. — Thomas 11. Bureblll commenced an acUoa against Delia Slacey, at pteaent with the DIgby Bell Co., In Octolier, \m. Tbt referee reported In favor or Ibe defendant, Oct. 4, on motion of Col. J. F. Mil- liken, Misa sucey's couDsel. Judge Pryor conOrmed the report, and gave Judgment In favor of the de- fendant wllh coeta — Notea from o. U. Jobnslone'a "Our Dorothy" Co.: Wearelnonrnlntli week and basinets b ex- cellent. Have made no changes In company since the lieglnning of lbs season. The "8. n.O."Blgn han lieen displayed frenuently during our fair dalea. The roaler: lltrry Fuller, Fred MalcoliD, Harold Chalmnn, Austin Walab, A. Randolph, ODssle Jobn- ■inne, Vera Cameron, Con Norlan, llof. McDonald and unirumcd band and orcbealm, 0. H. Johnstone, manager; J. T. Pennington,advance. — Charloue Kay, receiUy a member of A. Y. Peanion's IhicHIc Htock Oompany. lofonna us that the company lately dialianded al Madison, Wis. -May and Kllly Hannond, of "O'lionllgan'a Ma»iuentf e," Infomi tut tbat they each received aaa present a pair of dlamood earrings while playing In lleadliig, It. —Mienry RemanI has severed hIa connection with "The Midnight Special" On. — Rmllh A NIxon'a Oelebiltlea report bnslneas good through SouthcanlerTi Missouri. The teeter: Jamea Hmlih and W. A. Mion, pteprietori and man- agera; B. F. Ulatloek, M. Allen, Hoy EMon, Dot Coleman, Nellie railib and Baby May. We are flaying three night atanda DoiOnlemaalamak. ng blis In nonbreiie roles. — Will vino Is Introducing his Yankee specialty wllh Nellie Mcllenry'a Co. MICHIGAN. Detroil.—At Ihe Lyceum,Sept. ao. Oct. 2,Oay ClflOienl, In "Tlio Ntw Domloloo." tiki not ilrar ni aell aa fi[ifcisil. The piece w&i al fnull, nnl Mr. Cleoienu lladliepreitnitd "Hie Roll*," In nhlrli lis made a hit liora lau retaoD, l4ll«r Ininloan irouM prolvblr lisrs ra- nulttd. It li liln ihlvDllon ID pnHlore ihlnanll another plera In eo -n-cllpn nllli " ri-o N«w liomlnlon." DKvnoiT Ol'lSA lloi-Hs.-Wllliani II. Uraae, In "HIa V'tia'a PallNr," cornea 7-lf, lullnwril liy Frinli Imolela I1-IU. Laai vcah tbo Tarary Or«m tUinipnnjr put lli« I'rica III. nod onlv fair biuinaM ptrrallcil durma IIM evrnlna |ior(oniiAnrv#. but at tlio iiiaiinoeii |irle»a sore rrduevil anil Ida linaie* laMltfltl. '-Trilby" come. XI K. Wniv.vRV'n (laaND ul-lHi llot-ns-Tltfa a-e«k. Ji-lio KrnwII, In "the Icbli Anjaniian." Laal wkV iha Wi|. liurUiivra ODmpaiir nnlfliiO altro w^La'anKanaoiant 111 Miuniiitua lurn■lal^ nnpfvcnlaolH] In lliehlalorr nl Ihn lioiiae r<ir aiich n lona ooxasenienL ttait vaeb, "IMaD In Dliie." (-aul-nlt.i.'M EMi'lkn Tii urns.-Tbia week, Cran-rord Rroa.'MIoi-tjnU. (ant weak'-Jnlly (Ikl Cliurna" oiwined tilKaodkrplltopuitlie endol the cnsaavoieot. Next aoalf. Die (liniertOi«ra rompnoy. Wo.voHRi.iMii TiiKivas i.\D Ht.-nxK.-In eurloliall,a tmuiv 01 niaruen In pUniatinn lirn; tlieXanon, magic Kiiihara Ria;fe—MaiaaM)llunl^r..Snl Uonni*.Eldnm aod^i'urlne. Fnm Malnwieaial Hunter ami HL Clair Nora —Ur. t:nni|dj4ll, Ihe onoer toil nitntctr uf llw Kiiiiilre Tlietira, eipocta 10 bulhl a nen lhaatro In Clara- laiid In the near futare. Hikl MrUnmpboll: "TlitUiet- 111* will lit aiiualed bO tkemnlnairTttnrthodty.aod.l Ihliik, vlll l« nMnad al>ont Kab. I, last It will coal tfftOJU tod «-|ll be llioruujciily modtro In tvary remcl. T1inunlyob*1acle1iiiiTtTnime in iIm pun-hta«or3Q fetl or Itml lo tlio rvariif tho bt. Ktaotlatlooaror thiasn i-o«f;ulnnoa Willi Uit owctr. Mr. WtbslaranJ rnyaelf nn>|airiotm lu ilie project." Orand Hapidt—At Power*' Open House IJI- lltn L«*K Se|it. 27, jdayed to aooo hnaata, tadid -Vlitrlay'a Aunt" 30, and 'lAenandotli''(IcLa. I'oinlnu: ndnan Uailno Bwul U.Olay CItmtot 10, UonaaUy and Olrtrd I& Otia Bklnntr 19. tlHANu oiiat llorna.—London lltlltn Co. vaek of RapLaOLilId a Koud bnaloeia. Ontlna ve«k HIceA Bnnnn'a How DIM Ro. Hairn'a (irtat lloenr-WMk of 7: Fnntsnrtln't Hrtinia Ntaloaa. La Rtlle Tuledu. Olbaon tnd Mellinra. Anlan, CiiraAdnmttnd tbtaiocb. Kalamaxao.-AI Ihe Academy of Huslo, 8epi, n.'Mtenandoali" cMiinl« aRuvd lionaa. Rooktd: Kane Mntiotll Oct. 7. tlie Ulllitrl Oooilc Optra Ctt. 8. Ofaleaao Marine Band It. Tni OaaNP will ortn Ita ataaon Oct 7, with the folloa- Inxifoplt: tltpltln Nettle Lltlle,tht6umlroTda, PoarlL lA Itlltt lltisl. aidy aed nona MrKtt ani Pnatll (Sisaoy. HaalBKvir^At the Academy of Mualc "Old Ten. Or«» good bouato OcL I and J. Olay CItiutnl vomaa R, tud tlia Cliletgo Hirint Hand Ift. HoHurtLL's OrnnA tlalni will open 7, wlib John A. CUrh aanantaer ami tilt luilua Inn vwit; Mabtl llar- l'*-i^','''?"''."■!'' latlln. lil.tnill.liilo PIrU. Jtnnin R<. Ctair, Hoaalt tiawn. BltotMtiiy. Harry Sioronl.Mllllt Ctrnian tnd lilt alock. Basiln Creek.—At Haniblln'a Otiera House, .4|<l T7, ' Tilt Okl HMiifiatrtd"|tUyeOlonltrBt and en. tbualaatleawllenrr. t^trrlaLouUnptnetl week or StIiU "Jnlly IIM lliuiiia" II niilcato Marino Hand IS, Clay Cltmpnt. In "Now DDmlnloo,"Ul. DISTRI CT OF CO LUMBIA 'U'B.blnglon.—The event of last week waa the I'lvnlni: for tlio llm timo of John \V. AI1«usii'a Ult- yollt f^uart UiMira lloaar TI10 Lillian Kuaioll Opera ('4>. lire■oDItil "The Taiaanf^" and lbs dunhio ttlractloo pl t lirand ntw liniiip tud aa oimra not Ittntorura aaea locally, ata Ihe ineanaorcmwillng the hnuatoa lUoMn- iDii niaht. Tito rpQinbiilpr of the w»«k wa^ fair Tha n|iera alUinoah beautifully mpunleil. did not aetm lo ratc i lhpii'.tiiilnrdno-. tvto lo aiicU tincl'nt lundaai the H'lpjfll i'o. "bliilw (irlal.iplitr" made bit Initial Imwiii w talili ilon tudlinm at haplty'a NaUnntI T1io«. Irr, rtlllna that Itouit cmiironaldy allllit week. "Podd'n htaJ Wllinii." Willi Kttnk kayo In the thit mKnaa liflnip drawlaa card al Alleo'n ilinnd Optra lloiaa. Tha audltncea vera iinlrunaly of fair alia, and Hit plar waa Ihorooakly ei.J» "Tlio Whilp Kaf farval badly al lUplty n Aradtniy »r Miulc. "Tht Mblniihinntoial.'' at lUslpii'a nljon. taa wall lanlvad, acoriof Ihehtttor thU aoaaoira nllnirllona at that liouaa. Tbt lluaaall Bmlheni' l^mpillana. wllh u» Uockauder aod hia brand iiaw boilatt ui run, wtra favortd wlUi lood bntl. r.V'.S *' •$""•»■• byctum Thtalre. Bairtlo bill a WIM Weal Intfrrtml wllh Ilia naular btiiatadur- InKlwoDlghtniiriaM watk. Tlit atlandaaraal til rnurof Ilia plinna wta aoiitrtliinw liuintoaa. ,.M "'■VM'- ,Tna>TnB.-r«nilllt D'Arvlll-, lo it!!!?' Xla^"7-ll; 'Tilt Fonndllor' I *"»i """',LArAvma(inrA«aOr«an Hucaa-Pradn- Icb W ania 7-lt. Ada Italian li-ie^ ..'*'-';"''S.'i'.*J".'!"■«"» •loi aa-Flr.t Unit "lltait of Manlaad" 7-11 Hlft a "llw ||.|>. ' R;i-i.iv aACAoHator Hrair-Corlonp, In "lloodrick llwlaon Jr.." 7-la: ' In OU Ktolurhy" ll-ls. """~"" , ""SI' T!'"'""-'>»lb«tM'i Onditaiii Buia 7-11. Klorvnct BInilbv It-IO. KinSAJ'nl.vjiifa'rHaATsa.-Tlia VtndtTlllt Oub T- 11. Tlioraiiin-» KlbP V«uil»Yl|le« U.K. 7£"'',' '^!";"."* rvhtaitlnt Iht ntw HttrtorMtrTland"Co.dur1ni IlitUathairnl^atwtek. at Alltn't Qiand intparalorr to lla Initial niwenlalloii t ila wttk. ttwrlea^,. Kfaa^ pmi.rittPr and maatatr of the lleniM aauaiw Thtalre, Kow Voik City, htt beta htre ilao. pvnoaally dltMlloa tht pnptralluit, wblth are r.'."?, i'"??!!!' -..-''»'''™ ""W n" aPPnar la Uw "Llllla Obrlitpphei" l>p. last week. CALIFORNIA Loa ABfelet.—At tbo Loa Angeiea Tbealiean •lAlhirate pmJuetlDn of '-PbADiaanit," by total tmtlten, la lamktd lor Oct. VS. The flutlavaPnibtBanO.., la Hia MInbttr." rbiatd a moai aiccaaaftal four wtafca* angmaa- Dtnt at the Borhank Tlitatti tft. Tbt htntt will ba dark untilt*.» Pnwity Co. Oci. 4 ... Tht Ombtam, lo aplta t>r ctiunttr Altncllpna. wai wall (IIM doriogwatk tnd. InsHtpl. B Ktw rtoplt tdlltd lorSl; Hush J. Bmnetl. llr^dtn ami MltrhtlL and Wtatoo and Htrbtrt. Iraaa.—Tha Wallaco CImu packed lla raaTaaa,B, toralns many opi.p!t awaj on Hit .i^alaanlBht Carl Bardi tnd Cirilt CUakt Ward trw bllM to ba mtr flad on lha Maeatt.dorlnaa partonittort 01' A (!oiintrT lllTl" at Tuner lltll tbt Torbtil conrtfl Oo tenia »-» al Miitl - lltM unltn Hawahttdtd ablctda l«rty ortia aho Itlttl boned (or tbt AtlaotaBtpcallloD. Saa Oleco.—Tbe ataaon at Flihefa Opera Of>tnlloutto|iaotwltblhtPn«ltyOo.Oct.M. raallse Hallronitalia,ll<alllocbwtlian. II, U. TaBllaaatwau.ica8aovn.Bt|iLejrantwtpet«>ni. aacat, ihtlr laou balog paeked both alUraooo aod s tag. Variety and Minstrelsy Sana fbom Tag Sr. JouN. N. B., KiaiBmox.— net* aRtboiiaaodBotstrangerain town. Tbeextit- blUon la a Wg aaccea) BnancUlly. Mackay'a T*ni 8»ow, O'Brien and Backley, Oampbell and Evana, the DAllya, llnsled and Gnyer, Bert Hale, Sheridan and Mack, and Al. Corey, planlat, are bete. At tbe 81. John Open Honae Uttft Wonden gave a good ibow icTlalr hnslnesB. At Bkallog I^k Harper's BpecUliy Co. closed after one week of had bnslneM. Tbooamda of otnngere are pouring Into tbe city ""emtb It Wcini joined Uie Watson Sister* Oo, lo Philadelphia, Fa., for ibeeeaaon. niTTH aSriiwABTand Tommie OUIen were engaged Isst week aa a apecUl feature at ibeOalety Tbeatn, Troy, N. r. FoMbe week of Oot T ihey have been engaged for the Howard Atheoicuin, Boeton, Hsn^ and will nil in Uie following week at tbe Oiand Opera Hontololliatcia. TbelrsketcblsBaldlohe winning mnch appfovai. Kimg P«o(ntiB,ol Monl«»eyaodPnjcU)r, Inforau at Ihat she la not plajlog ah»e. The lady working alone latnoiberpanT.oftbesame name. Majob J. A. Mantnig haa purcbaeed a farm at Keyport,N. J., and will estahllab a blanch facloiT of the Onadlan Fireworks Co. HiBBi. I.ITIKO8ION, female barttone, la veiy 111 with lollammailon ol tbe lungs and fever. She would like 10 bear from her alateia, Anna and Mar. Tag advance work of (Soveland'a HInatrela la ably handled hy J. B. Swalford, W. B. Oreer and Ed, Scheafer. Marioii iKD Piaiu. laj they will bead a minstrel compaDj of Uelr owD next aeaaon. llATni iNP MiNNiB Bblib made a bU at tbe Oonrt Bireel Tbeaire, Balfalo, N. Y., laat week, In their spedaltj. Tbb O'Bbibn Binsit wen hilled to aopear re- ceuily al Keith's New Theaire, Boslon, Msae., but bad to cancel the engagement owing to ibeslckDeea or dura O'Brien, Elu WaiNwaionT baa not retired from the pio- foalon, as haa been aiated, bnthsa signed with the MexIcanTroabadonrs, anil will bereaher be known aa Deloite. . Dim H. Rowg and Billy J. Turner bare again Joined bsDda. * Tag MiBBgRB of the Boston Vaudeville Stan visited Mabel Rivera, fonneriy a tmle Impeiaonator, and now an Inmate of Ibe Insane agylum In Aoatln, Tex.,0DBept.2S. Tbtvlsltonwerelnlonnedbytbe pbyMclanaibat ItMlas Rlvem does not recover In one year her case will be bopelesB. K. M. Uitx, tbe celebrated banlolat, waa a recent Ci.irr(B caller. Be Is In tbe citj, snporintending Ibe prtnling, etc for K. M. Hall and Donnelly's Hlo- sirels. They will lour Halae and theptovlncea eariy In the BorlDg. A. R. BROWN, D. L. Fmtler, 8.0. Bakerand W. li. Pierce bave fumed a copattnerahlp. PoiL BUKT rtalgned from W. A. Brady's "Old Olory" Oo. Sept. S>, acd entered upon hiB duilca as manager of Loula Roble's Big Exbsvaganza t;o., better known as the Waabbnre SIsteia' Laat Senoa- ilon. prodnclng Ibe two act operaUc extravaganza, "Foitnna, ortnePrlnoeaaTongb. TBB LtTioHB 8iBT»g clooed a saccesatul week's eogagencntatthe Wonderland Mnsee, Milwaukee, WU., and an booked for a relnm date. Habbb and Wilms Joined Hyde's CMmedlana Oct 7, at Waldnan'a Theatre, Newark, N. J., for remainder of Ibe aeaaon. TBB iBrggiAL, Ctnclnoall, 0., iraa opened Sept 3a, under tbe management of Ben IL Cook, for ijie Bison Oily (luaitetproprieton. Tbe people engaged, bealdea tbe qnanei, an: Marie Darcy, JuUa Kelly, Lillian Evaas and Madellae Fnnke. HoBTOH iRD HBTgLU do oot wlsb Ue profcslon lo thinktbey were engaged as a "Dll In" act altbe Bon Ton Tneatre, Jeney City, N. J., last week. Tbey ear tbey were engaged In a regular manner. Tdb FBBMONn, Ohas. and LotUe, are with Ibe Rellly a Wood Co. Tbelr new aot baa been veir favorably received. Ina MoBXUA, of Wm.and Ida Morello, did not ap- pear at Ihe Bon Ton Tbeaire, Jeney City, N. J., laat week, alttaougb billed. Tbe team Is still making a hit wllh Rnasell Broihen' Comedbkna. Axn JABTisare nucceatfolly woriilngtbe Hopkins circuit. TUBBuKORBSigriBB Rportsuccesa on Ihe Doris clrcnli. They opeoatUolmea'SlarTbeaire,Brook- lyn, K.Y., weekot OcLU. OcrATiA({UEaBQUB,nialherlnlaw ol Billy Ker- sands. tbe colored mlnsutls, dledloDonaldaonvUle, U.,aepl.». ' InwiM BBoroaRS' Bio SrmiAiTT Co. will open tbelr seaoon Oct. M, at Miner's Roweiy Tbeaire, New York, under tbe management of Fred Irwin. Tbe company Includes the MImlo Four, O'Neill and autberltnd, Judge fttinlly, Qnnjeau and Hay Johnson, Davenport and Lorella, Hoore and Karcher, Omcey and Burnett, Fisher and Oarrell, and Ihe OulleiB. HowB AND Hbstz wem Currgn callere Oct. 4, and report tbat tliey were a aoccesaful feature wHb Hilly Van's Big MInstrela. They slate that tbey nave added a number of good trlcka la luaglo to tbelr act CDNNiKoiiiM AMD BirALBr met with much favor at the Palace Theaire, Boston, Maaa,, week of BepL 23. Kitty Alltnb, of Huber and Allyne, an^ tbe Bhiien Wilson, fonneriy Wlllla and Wilson, have Joined banda. FXANk BlNNBY AND KlTTIB CHAPMAN baVO Signed wltb Ihe Fky Foster Burlesque Co., MIss Chaoman lo play Ibe Prince In the bunea<|ue. Tub SraNFoBna lalorm us that tbey were com- pelled to cancel the Orpheum, In Chicago, 111,, on accouutof tbe poor health of Mn Jennie Sianfoid. 8be Is doing nicely, and will be able to go 10 work bi a week or so. BaxbianbLynh and Mortliey and Rich are Bll- Ing engtgemenis ovcrilie Hopkins circuit. Wb an Informed that Dave Treoy In lying at tbe gDint of death In Uie SL Kllzabelb Hospital, taytoi^ Ai.BUBriis.of Albunua and Baniam, basluat ar- rived from Eunpe- ''•?'f/l.t*!?"'^*i'"P drummer. Joined Prlm- weeks'engage- Job SiBiBKi AHiiMAimNNniBjN coniemplaie Uicliig a minstrel company on a lour of the South Ibis 11 Inter. ■..MK- I'*™'"'"URfUTIBIsoche Andrews) gave birtb toagtrilaibyonOcLd. . Blu.T JAckiwii wrltn that be to with W. s. Olevo- land'a MInstrela. HosntioFTnK MtsxRV Bloohib Oibls' OAiBrr 00.-J. J.Rayuiond. proprietor and manager; Max A. Arnold, advance agent; Jack Feirlter, aiage manager; lllnesand Utbam, Davey and romeru "■"1«..MdU CroIx, Strike Needbam, Ftank HaJ: son, > lolel Norman, Minnie Cross, Minnie Rawllna Joefc Earl^B, Marie llenlle, Ulv Aid'eff, DM KTnSdJ; Bcaslo Wbeelock and Aggie Fenlon. "'"'""Ji KKNNo AND WBLcti's burtesque tnpeze act and boxing match l» reported a bit with the Araortca June "iBw Btikliv andBcinion, novelty mnsloal acL have iv?r»vMt" •■■«»'^™»'«.' week. KnnixSnaYNBsnd MaeWoideo have forihe past dvo ireekB beeti milng engngemenis at Uieprtndui variety booaea In Boaton,1ilasa., and bave met with BO tnucb approval that ihey began a three week? wriea of ntura engagenienia on Oct. 7. Tbey will nil a two months' conlnict at P. F. Proctor's hSnsii, KMtoo. conclnslon ol Uielr wottS ROOTBR OK TUB IBVINU TllOVPB.—J. T. BalUel. Sf!??™' """'«'<"»''<". MBtotant manager; I HP Jl.*iffl°?'.''/y*»"e'"' if"" ""dertmnd" Ed. Merfcel, II. La t^re, May Hnffb. Joala Waihv Wilson and Lewla. Dick Uaflnr;n, TbiSpain M<i Albert Uugb, muslul dlrectornseasSi ..S'tPiM""'' ^'-.'**""'Rhea HavBober, the colored sketch team, and Dehnore and Lee, the revolving ladder mmeiidded Business nnorted to bo veiT good. MuraiiKBNNBDTopens on tbe OipbeaoolRnlu San FTJoobco, Oct. II, bhi lint appSancTtbSSln i»fc:r.?!fT*^Jli?''^ ■'o«nwl for Oc- li^'JS^ November baa been received. It coi- uinatbenualsptcyand Insimctlre leading, de- Mgnai to Intereet ah perfonnen and wndenta^ the banio, gultsr and mandolin. It conMnTa two step polka, two waluea and a PouJbdaiie In maioaika Ume. and llkewloe firSSh^T^i! S^n°iSS.^K^•^^ '»»»•"'« anordi uifS!2 '5.« •"tyooonoertand oompetHton pi,iiI!SS.u K AiademyotTlBS^ Cli?!rbiiSJ,ipbil « ooM?ifu"ii5brJ5J!5!:"'''*''"» i.w«itr.rAnBui.Br, imp oruromer. Joined Pr rose A West's Minstrels In Philadelphia, Sent. 30 Babbx AKn Ranpali closed a ten weeks' enoa nient In CInclnnall, O., Ool. 6. OaiB. K. BiBBia wTltea tbat Jeasleomrier oot on Dave Marion'a toleatBOng, "Jnita Boall Koim But It'B Home," at Ibe Ifuoslo Root Otrden Obleago, III., and It made a big bit; thai j Aldrleh Ubbey predlcta for "Better itan c<4d'; anolbrr "After tbe Ball'' racceva, and eays it laont Of Ihe moot heanllfnl oonga wrltteb tbIa reason; ibst a leuer received from Hyer Oobn reads ihui- " 'Belter than OoM' made a bit wllh Hawmnv; Boston AtbeneumOo.,atPbllBdelpbla;l u>okii,rte eacorea and sang nnlU Iwaaboane,'>andibaiBn. otber one from NeUle HcOoIre leada: " 'Oeiier than Gold' a greater bit than 'After tbe Ball;' i con- gntnlateyoo upon your great ooccees;" and ihti Joe I. Uoward, of Howard and Emerson, wriiea from Obleago: "I put on yonr 'Better tban Gold' at Hepklne'^laat ntgbl, and ton Uien to pieces; ii it tbe talk of the town today." Also numerous cog. gntolatoiT lelterv, from otber well known deacrlp. Uve aingere bave been received: Imogens Comer who la singing "ReUer tban Gold." aloo "caai Aalde;" Ola Uayden, UllUn Otalle, Uum Eddie Oliiuire, J. Edgar Jobnoton, Lew Palmer' 0. Lole Silver, Cbaa. Emeat, Uorwltz and Uowcra! Hand Raymond, who Ib tinging Okas. Horwlir.^ great tioplcal aong, "It's a: Long Ume Comlot"' Oolbsm Olty, Manbatten Fonr and Rinon City (]ntr. lets, all elnglng "Belter Uian Gold," and ihey all say It IB the coming Bong- TBi DiBiJNa Sigrm report sncceaa In tbelr new kid act, irritten for them by Fted Wamn, of ihe Oliver Byron Oo. They are playing alUisHanliai- lan Atbletle Club, ibis city, this week. Edpib PiRgBB and Lizzie Vermeil bare Joined bands. Obarlbs Gbibab, who baa been III for mmc Ume, bas recovered. Bbxbi Cazman and his company, Geo. Loyal and wife, and tbe Bale Tnnpe of bicycllals, who are 10 open at Koaler A Blal's next week, arrived from England, Oct 6. Mr. Cazman will open bla tour In Rndato.N. Y., M. FitiNk COT bas accepted the position or stage manager at tbe Mutee, In Omaha, Neb. TBI BiHTT SlRTBRS abd Gibson and MayBeld are ngending a tew weeks wlUi Sam Yeager, In BL Paul, OBiroB will Join Welsh Bros.' Twenlletb Onlury Yandevllle Co. Inslead of Uielr Winter Circus. Haiob Bobx was a Ouppbb caUer OcL 7. lie has Jnai retnined from I«ndon, Eng., wbliher be went two yean age. He played many engagements In Loodon, tbe English pnvlncea and on the Con- llnenL BBiiBtBm SwirFORD, danghter ol J. B, Swatford, agent of Cleveland's Minstrels, died Ui Kokomo, Ind.,Sept. 21. Nona PROM Al. 0, Fibld's Bio Whrb Mmsmiis. —Wealnick onrBnt cool day at Macon, Ga., and as a resolt tumed tbem away. Bualneas bas been good dcaplle the extramely hot weaUier. Uncle Dsn Bmmeit la being received wltb avety demonstmilon of boBOr and regard. At Nashville, Tenn., be was the gnest of Senator Gordon at his lectore, "The Laat Days of tbe Oontedency." Camp Uatdee, Con. fedenle Veterans, nnanlmously elected Uncle Dsn an honorary member. When ibeovennreof'Dlxie" Is struck ibeaudleacea ilse en masse and give ihc rebel yell wlUi a vim. EveiT versa of "Dixie" Is puucnialed wlUi tbe wildest demonstrailons of sp- rlanae. Tbe ahoir Is giving aatlataciloa. Harry J. Inward, nbnsto tenor, waa Initiated Into tbe Bir- mlngbam Lodge of Elks when lbs tnnpe played there last week. A social seoslon was tendered the company by the membere of No. at, and a meet en- joyaue evening was epenL Bailow Bios.' Hdhrbil Ninm.—Boabieaa con- tinues good and our attraction Is giving good aaila- facilonln every city played. After tbe pertormance BtElaood, Ind., OcL 3, through tbe urgent sollclu- Uon ol Princes Harry WanTand W. A.Jackton, Manager HcBenir and fourteen membere of ibe coDiany were Induced to la^e degrees In tbe order oC the "Princes of Orient," and wen duly Initiated Into the sublime mysteries Iheieot by Uie local lodge presided over by Mayor Finch. Oor corpulent baritone, Bob Fric^ Flank BeiTy and U. Russell have not yet recovered from the solemn effects pro- duced by tbe Impressive ceremonies, and W. A. Ward conaldere tbat be made UiebltoCblsllfoln bis sUU untlnUhed address, explanatoiyof bla Ideas nganllng tbe splendore of the obllgsUon. Man- ager McBenry was unanimously chosen as travel- ing 0, P. W. and will repieeaent tbe order en foiii'. Jamea and BUly Barlow an prime favortlea In this aecUon, and are renewing old acqnalntances among tbelr former comndes, tfie glass'manofaomnn. Mn BsuMAN. of Ihe drm of Hyde A Behman, wan preeenled bybis wife wlUi a line boy baby on OcL (- JoaiB Zamora, gymnast, Joins tbe Watson Stolen Burlesque Co. MiSNiB HoEvov and ber daugbteis, the McCoy Bisters, have been compelled to cancel some en- gagements on account of the allllcUon ol Minnie McKvoy's moUier, who bas been taken to an asylum In Blackwood, N. J. This lady was on Uie stage lor years, aod haa several cblldnn now In tbe profes- sion. J. W. Lee asd J. P. Lee, wbo manage ibclr own company, Ibe team of Lees who do an Im- paleneni act, and Uie two chUdien known as tbo HennUigs Children, an bergrandcbUdren. Macart's Uoa iHD MoHBBY (AROus opons wltb Manager Uavia, In the FourteenUi Htnet Tbeatrr, Uito CUT, OcL 28. Tbelr new cynocepbaloua broke from bla cage In St. Louis, Mo., and ratoed nicUons befon be was recapmred. UeHlled np with beer In a saloon, then brake a mimr, played on tbe plane, consumed gome grease paint, gold paint and pan of a sponge, bntU feeling weU and doing Uie "property work" ol tbe act In good shape. LKaBBNBDicT has left McOabe i Young's Min- strels and Joined W. S. Clevebind's Hlneirela. TENNESSEL NBthvIlle,—Tbe season attbeT. eatre Vendome wat aunplclootly Inaoguratad OcL 3, wlU) Utodtnoa'a Amtricao EiUavagtoia Co., In "Stnljad." Tlie eagtge- inent vat for Uiree nighbi sad maUnoa; the altendaact wna liTiit, tnd Uie plu madt qulta a hit wlUi lu wttlUi Koneout aeaoory. haodaoae cvttuinta tod ntcban- d tdecla Mtatgtr David Utndtnoojolood Uie nni- pur hera tad will remain with lla few daya Bllint koilit nplictd Ploreaco llolbruok In tht role of Miatiu 3. "llarkeatRuapla"cuniea7,S. t*"?"''^ TKarLa.—Tbt houla wandaikStpLXI- Ocl. I. E.ully Baacker, lo "Our Ptat," camot.laail drtw iwal huontt. Uintr Vtnoa't "fbo Limited Mtll" caaial. nod bad I'nlr boalntaa 'Tht Dtxxltr" conita 10. ORAnuoraaA Hoina ltdarh until 31. TAManACLa-Bi Uov.' dob" aud tiConiniDiiaoAb Tailor, uadtr Uie innoagamtntorcbtn. L. lUillty, oiitotd tlitlr KtMu KtpL 3U, In tlieir iBtriotIo duotoaut drama, Vaakeo Doudit aad Dixit," to an auditact or lira thou. ' M iCSf'°' * "" Nom.—WaiTon Conlaii. who ailtmpted to product a round ol iramOlrialllit New Muonlc. Btiil. O-a, netoia tu be lu aaurldol iroublp. Itwat recoidtU Itatwtak tlial In uave a bioilugo on hit anrt hit mantetr'a txunkn ^rllnliundrtdOil]arii,on wblcb loltaieuwa. Balora Mr. naalan raokl aet away Botlntti Mtoaaar Shuli, ol lilt Ntw Mi>onlc flad a bill for Slanb, JtlTennn. KUw A krluitr, atitchlDK all irunht tnd coatumet, alltiing tliu tbo mortxasu wu a IVauduleat one, do nitnoy brlUR palled, and wu only given lo defitod Siaub, Jelftr. toe, kUw A Rrltngtr out of gno dot Ibtm. It Munt Uui Loutan govt a gatrtnlto of ttvta bundrtd dollart for tht uta 01 Hit Ibtaira for a wtok. ud only tm hundrad and iwtoly dollait *** I*!''.' Conlan cAini dlract (torn Ntw York to play '-J*?*" •nsagtoitnt tadi at KatbvUlo, Htnipbin ud Knoxvllli. UoBln niid a bill replovtolpg hit innkt, tnd Ihtn tbt Uitoibrra of Ibe company iMued tniiibtr lllachmtnl on tbo tniubiand cotUiota for bick aalkiT. Tbo mtmbon ol the company litrt lott lown,but ar. I^ntu It ttlll btto 10 nghl dii aolu Aoericnt clowd aiwcctt^al wnnrntot ot tla parfonnanott 1. i.V:-|?''°i'''''.''if"l"'*'»'8''ow hi bfiltd lOrS RInRlInx Brat.' Olrcoa come II. Chadsmoogm.—Tbe fall In tempentnre has 1°2?*'".SL'.?."™" by Ult tnioatmtol atoblac ESL'ti ,■^ Wli.*?"^ '1 <• "Ir paln>oia£ ^» Llmujo Mair draw a good top Wvr liniH 3. ft>i> ui'Ji.A '- ^""r- U»lr lt«uitn,- YanktoDoodltind ullSwSff.'-l«lT' *■ Buoklogi: njan >iil7^"-"^?* '{•"s. """^ botn In Mtw York toma llmepraparlog (or Uia ttagt, will loin Prtdwio Waido t ift^"° "Tbe BatileotMlmloaHldaa" It doing ■Itmphli.—At Ute Onnd Opera Uouse darkness riK!?.."!!!: BiiillrBtotkerJ,3^-Ih» SttSS' .' l"' * "wdt Man''n, It, • Iki 'Wblu vaxuar -11,11 .itt?".".''^"?*.!!." oj'oned Uie ngular tttion wlUi "iS5!f.\f"!!",'S !f*AV.»l>"'^'l'«>bouta. Combg: 'Wnlad" 7-13. Oladyi Walllt U. IS, kiUt rnuam M, IT. UTAH. Bait Lake Cllr_AI tbe Grand Open Honse Ult tipck company Ui maallni "Btblt" Uibniaallaod aacM Tht atw eompaay la ttaidlly galDlag flavor. TaiKosDtaiA>D,nimp1at«l» ramodaltd.wlUbeoptatd (KU IS at a popuur i.tlm tbiiire, wlUi a tuck caniMny. Tka at; bout*, whldi will M known atIhtK^uTbe- tiir\?""'"*' 'boiooghlytqolppid tlagtot good tilt, S* nmmadlont htlwB^^TIllM,llBS onellr *IU to tigbt haulrad aad any. Tht iwu^iwi?aUI ta '*.'5t!l,'^Ji?,"i*?^.<'«*"^ BlltwSlllr^ u SK^CEi i Jl?!!?^'' (nmlBBtlhlblUoa, ato'd tkaUu tlalLbad Inustaaa ttlaadimot watk ol lE2 ludSi&?"" """blUoaofhyiaw.