New York Clipper (Jan 1896)

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Januaby 4. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 605 CBBonus lUrriNisuj Willi ibe KtUj Ic Wood 00. Tut memtMn ot tiio comniiT ileteniiliKd la tmn • Obilatiiita Bn Mletnuon In OlnclnuU, 0., Id tlia abtpe ot t ]oll; time ni » Ctutuinw tree, ud ib« Ides wu lor •!! u> Inxlne ttwiDMlTM bo/t ud glrla anln* trea ma phced In Fet«r*i Ooboert Uail, ind our ImromAnt sutcs ttut It ie4nlrad naarlj two boon lu giro out ite pivMDU. Fnsi 0. Bnu wu muur ot ceremonies uid oudo k apeeco for eacb preaeouUoD. lUuiter J. M. HoUonoogb g»Ta Muio liilli » coailf llauiond rIOR. r*t RoUlj lecelTea lu Irur/ beaded uu* bRUk Vrsuk Drju nte Gilbert Moolion a Sbrloer'e obArm end Uoulton pnraeDted Bntn witb ft BLiilflbl T\amplMr*a cbunu. Tbe suu irere *U coaur anil •pproprUle, »nd the wbole eveotlnvolTedwiejipcuuiiure o( leveral mooMOd dulbin. Tbere ms inuBle end timing and »\»a- quel tb>t conimned qdiu en earl/ boor. Tbe meoi- benotibe compeDrciescatiiereufoUoiia: FunK D. BrjeD, Nellie romiter, QUbeil IfoalloD, J. M. Hcl)OD0U|b, HwJge Ellis. Put Ilalllr, Era Arm- eiroog) Uiu7 Lane, PnDcce Lane, Ada Uouitoo, Frank Enns, Uarrj Vlil(wi|. Uirr; Premonl, Hie. BanT rrtmont, Jerome ai»t Ale.tla.and Peler Cod/. Otben preaeu were: UUOD, Uonoer and Ulioo, nice and EUoer. Joe UamUioa and Jim Uioadbeu, Noru moM Rioi t BiHtuH'e UmiMiiu.—Oor buslnees tbni Car ibto lioaaon bae aarpaeaed tbat ot aorprevloas Beaaon,and ilie sbow baa nade lucb a decided bit everrvbere Uiataooretiol latieraaie belDg recelred dallr astlng Cor reion daiaa. At Dajuiu, O., an ezourelon panjr ot tro tanndted people came down rrom OraenvUle, 0., to aee tbe wbltiW7 Broa., oar clerer mualctU team, wbo ball trom tbai pUce, and gare ttenj a roualoff reception. Jar QnlgleT alao reotlred a cordial nxepiloo at Oolambaa, 0. (bli borne), Dec XI. Ubaa. J. Kewun rejoined tbe courpaoj a teir weeka ago, bar- ing recovered ttom bis recent uuusa. VTe lajed oir tbe two da;a belore Otutalnua at Obarleelon, Vf. Va. On Cbrbimas Eve tbe entire compao; gatbered about an Immenae Cbrlat- mas tree, eivcied by tbe ladles ot tbe companj, and aCter exobanging man; bandaome presenis all Sitook ot a aumpuiona itpaal, cosalaung ot all edellcacleaottbeaeason.and tbe erentptored retr enjojable to all. Rice A Danon cootemplaie pulling a large eMInragaiua companj on tbe road next aeaaon in addition to Uelrpreeenteolcrprlaea. Cbas. Barton epent Deo. 33 and 24 \a Ctareland. 0., looting after the Inttreeta oC Bice ft fiailon'a Koee mil Eogllab Four Co. We played to an enonnooi bnslnaaa In Cbattestou, W. Ya^ UbtUilniasnlgbt. '' IM nil Miir OOMIDY, "A Founr Blair," Roacb and CasUeton are singing tbe lata song ancceaaes, "Leader ot Conipnor B," "Hearlat(a,''"famdliie Aller" and "Put He Oir at DnOalo." BatiT Mara, aoibor of ibe popular aong, "Singer In tbe Qal- len," la a member of tbe uompanj. Faim Uuiua, at Unmea and Kellr, and Jobn Bowen bave Joined bands. Hu. iMO uis. J. MiLTiui JAiiaoN, o( FbUadel- £bla,Fa., are taking a utptbiongbibeNeirKng- ind Stales, and expect to be borne Jan. U. MOTIS FBOK MILTILLI'S BUUU EKTUTAINiBS.— Business Is excellent, and aboir glvbig Immense MllaCaoUon. We gare our flitt matinee perform, ance on Obrlstmaa la B. R. 0., at Franklin, N. 11., and the enllre coiopanr partook of a auupiooos CbrlslmasdlnneratueiesklenceoCJoluU. llamb* Un, tbe proprietor ol the opera taonae. Eeerrbodr recelred Kills, TalnaUe anl naeCul, anda wedding will be celebtatad Jan. t aa an outcome ot a Cbrlst- mas pieaent. Antaor Poller was pieteoled witb a beaudtul watob cbain bj Emma WateiD, and, as abe adjusted It to bis waton be romatked, •■! wlab I could nave tbat, too," uncbing bcr band. Bbs re Elled: "Yon mar Have It II rnn want It," and we an >baTea weddlngJan. I. No cards. DuoM, BowiHs iND UuuH lobtod tss ReUI/ t WoodtfbawUec.zs. TBI Taan blsrBss Livsr send bolldar greellnga 10 TBI ULirrtn trom Blnnmgbam, Eojr. F. BookB IMUOP, comedian; Uaiel foireat, lead- ing ladj, and La Petite llabel doted wItb tbe James A. Belltr "A Qcrman Baldlef" Vo. at Wtieellng. West Vs., and go Into tbe vandevlUe again for ibe re- mainder of tbe season. Jams SviTH, oC Bmltb and Cook, and James F. Wood take one a big spectaoobr burleaquo co. next season, opening In Bepiember. Ur. Wuod la now booking tbe ebow. Tbe ilanr Uorrls Eatenalnere are npurted as dobig a large business. Time Is all dlled. Tbsr plar week atands. aucix watr, oC tbe Walt Slaters, bas been verj lU for two weeks, and bad to cancel WllmlngUin andPaleiaon. RnerEB or Pitmi's Fimilb (Oolobbd) Bsmd, now tonrlng tbe New England statw, wItb "OM Ten- nessee:" Ella Uawklus, T. Lewta, Annie Frazler, OQsale Hall, Oenrsde Parne, It. SbeMou, kla'ne Simpson, Ernie Uogan, Eua Bdmoiuon and Lerj Paiue. Jnoiu iMO ALxxiB closed wlib tbe RelUr ft Wood Vo. Deo. 21. TuiAiXTKB report aocceas In their Western en- gagements. AMNii WumuM (HrB. A. T. Qornun) Joined tbe Rsnu>Sanile/ Oo. at tne London Tbesne, this olij, but week. lUBTIB or TUB OalXNTAL KXTBATAaaMZt Co.— Oeo. W. Bberldaa, proprleiar and nunager; Frank 0. Uudtnan, boslneea manager; Oeo. B. Parr;, mu- elcal dlreouir: James B. llsn, auge manager: Sla- ters la Terde, Balelle Mann, Oertia Waj, Sadie BDlngbam, Hildred RoeieUe, Belle Verde, Etta Uutoo, Llllle La Verde, lanra Bart, utdeTarlor, Daale Rlager, Florbe ItcDouaM, IMJ Oordoo, Uola HL Olalr, Nellie Kaimond, Haud IMwm, Monljor Walker, llarrr Ughiwood, Fanl Stewart, Oeo. wambol'<, and Marten and Pearl. It wab Oeo. W. Leslie and Frank Oates wbo Joined bands, and not Ftank (later, as taa suted. Hit Lovimoton will tetom lo AuatnUa to 1111 dates next Sprtog. Nona raoK Hoai Bvdbu.'s Lo-idom Skua Co.— Obnatmas was spent verr pleaaantlf. We played to bigboslneasat AillBlTer.Hasa. Cbilsunaspreaents flowed treelT. IIni.OaDpbeU(RoaeBy4ell) received pressnia Crom every meoberln the oompanT, mou all ot them being costly. Hr. Oampbell was not for- foiten,as eacbmemberoC tbecouipanyremembeied Im with prtsenia loo nunterona lo menllon. Every member ot tbe oempaoy received and gave aub other lliile lokeos oC esteem. Joe K. Kelly, stage manager, was not forgotten. As It Is custom- ary tor overj' company to remember tbelr mall carrier, and aa Joe Bbepp, oC Campbell and Sbepp, bas looked after oar reuers since the opening vC tbe aesaoo, tbe company Jolnily gave Urn presents. ObrlsUnas eve we bad a banquet In FUl Ulver wllb Hr.Campbell and Vbrlatnasnlgbtwe were lendeted auotber by Mr. Haitln, manager ot the Fall River Opera Bonee,.apon the stage, after tbe performance. Joe K. Kelly opened the teailvlUes wlui reclutloss and songs. Hr. WUey, ol Fall River, a newspaper man, rendered eome flee selecUoga, followed by Alice St. Claire, Jonca and La Fearle, Haater Eddie, Joe Bbepp, Herman Bttausa, Billy Campbell, Mr*. a«fflpbeU,Leo and Obspman, Miss HadaUse and Ibe Silver Bell Quartet tnaelecllons, and we sll en- Joyed a pleasant Obrlatoas. At the end oC tbefes- . dvlUes Joe Sbepp was preaenied wltba K.ot P. bnuon. It was a present Crom bis partner, Hr. CanpbcU. Waina J. Fummi, ibe Chicago variety agent, bas engaged Aaeiln F. Qlbboiui, formerly oonnMled wllb Jas. J. Atinalrong, In tbia city, as an assistant. Huiurr AMO SDiuiuit's aot was well received at Keith's Tbeam, Boston, Haas., last week. 008 Hill's Moviuiuare imported to have broken the record for blgrecelpls at tbe (HymploTheatre, Oblcago. 111., week ot Dec. ie-2L FaiiMk WBmsiN, trick viollnbit snd dancer, will remm East shortly. BkRHaHD Dyllym's engagement In SanFrandsca, OaL, commencing Deo. u, Is succeastiL Mr. Uyllyn Is a big lavorlts In tbe Oolden Oau Cl^, having played then Cor a number of yean, and be Is kepi bnsy renewing old acquilniencee. Dimoii's Munruui will open their seaaon at Uoylestown, Fa., Jan. 20, wllb me foUowlog people; E. T. Bpenoer, John IL Boilib, Jobn Page, Oeorge FIsber.B. A. llenion, UatUo Milton, KaUeJscksou, Oeo. Jscksoo, Peu Vance, Rooster Scott, Jno. smith, Jetson Hicks, James Pattldge, Minnie Jack- son, Ida Adama, wm. Fields, Arttur WUmore, Obas. Norton; JamesSunloo, advance reprcssnla- tlve; Oavs Williams, sole proprietor, and Hokl. Hirst, preaa agenL Jno. II. Bmllti and Manager Demon wen tbe gnesta of Mr. and Mn. Anbu WU' more on Uhitstmas Day. Bloout, stilt wire walker, bas pubUsbed a book ol igsDuoilou la Ihoaa wishing to tiecome wire wilketi. Oilmou iMD Busuku sn at tbe Empmneatn, Fort Wayne, Ind. Wa. L BaxD and Edith Randall have closed a In weeks' encsgememln Oblcsgo, 111. A. B. LoasDT, pioprleter ol tbe Anthradle Tbe- aire, WUkesbane, Ps., tendered bl* pertormen and attaches a ChrtaUnas dinner, when he also donated . soavenlis ot Ibe occasion. Nom PBoai Huso's Cm Ctus Oa—Oar bnHneas the past two weeks bsva been boose record bieak- eiB. In PblladelpbU last week we beat our pnvloas leooid, which wsa the baonerat me regular bouse prtoea. Obailea V. Seamon cloaed bla engagement with na Dec stand waateplaoed by Hinnle Bron. eon, who doaa a vary laklng spectslty. Hanager Mlaoo wUl gtvs a banquet NewYeaTa night to Uie manbea ol Us ooDpauiy, PENNSYLVANIA. PhU«delphU<—Ilie eettlemeni ot the ainet car itiike early laatw*ekcaai«daqalckr«Tital of Rood huslaais at oor tliMtrea, aod tlier ai* ooce aoon la a ll«D»raU> HuApotoaieooOttmi. AuDBJiror Mratp.—ror thaeorreal VMb theovaraa 10 be ilf aa ar* "Uaoaal aaA anul," Dm 3i\ Ju. i sad maUoMJu. t: "ThaJevaM." Dea 31; *'MlknAn.*' Ju. 1; ~ll Tiofaiora," vlih Ui*anaapp«aima«*ori^Dilna DauUllie naw oualfmlu, Jin.a.aD,l "Blsolallo." Jaa. 4. Tea proUaclloQi la*t «a«k aar* "Saaatl aatlataitl." "RoboriLa DUbla"tod "AMa" and "Dlaoiab." Id Ui» lal- tar iipvim Eimoa Navada mailaa imalsaaeaaa, aictl of Uia crillea aaraatas Uial thay taad aavar tMfora haaid tba part i|ulla bu diarmloal* aoair. na altaoOaaea waa KwO. "liaaMlandUn1al")iKaalMbaaQ raryauccaaarul aadiiMtlravabrialiMOaea. N-ir-«a«b: "HuniaoaDj Ju- Hal," "UaaMi ukl OniaL" "VrilUam Tall" "CaTillirla RutUcaoa" aod "ratllatcl." BKOAU Sraaar luaaTaa-Fraaala Wllaoo. la *-Tba Cbitnalo," wLIopan Uila.lha tiilra aaahof hli aoaasa- nivot. UDuaraocouTamos CDOdltlooa Ltaat waak'i null- ntai «aa bis Tor Uia laaarMi- Tba toiacaBaat la for tuur watha. TlieLllliaa HuMallOparaco. coiaaa Jaa. U. CuB8r.^(;T SraaaT Oraai IIochb —Uaarv Irvlas aail BUtQ Tarry piaMOt for Uila «aak "King Althui** Oaa. St), SI and Jao. I aiid tnaUoaa 4. "Hance OlddaM" aad *'Tba Bella" 3. "Tha Manbiat of Vaolca" S and "Louli Xl" a. taat waab. at afary parformaoea, alth Iba aicap- iloa ol Chrlataua Uva, Uia DotM vaa erovdad. Mr. Irv- laa'aoawaatuvallDBidlapUyad aa parfaa an aa Uioaa aliaa-)y kaowa bar*, and tbat Uiay ranlrad Uia racns- ollkio tbat waa tbair doe. Malt aaob Aoguataa ritgn'a "Jfaia. Baoa Qaaa" eoiuta fora loruilRhr. CiiarracT BxaasT Tuaaras.—'Trilliy," tba aoiiouali looked tor, opaoa aa aocasaoiaat limltad lo tvo waaka al ibU Utaalra. laat aoik "A kllk Whila Flaa"draw a lair altaodaofla. Tlia cbiaaaa oada Id the onoipaoy alow laat bare baia Dot addad tu Itaalroaslb. "UlaKi- callaocy" comei Jao. 11 Walnut Biaiar Tuaavaa.—Cluuooav Oleolt, for tba Kocood and laat aaak of bU aonsaaiaBt, appaara lo ' BaTuuraaao." Laat aeak. la 'Tba IflUi Artlit," ha dnir gaoarally Rood booaaa^ Nait voab, Chailaa 11. Uappar. la "Cblmmla raildaa." raaic Tuaaraau—"Tba Banr World" hdda orar tor iba oarraat weak. It la a owriluruaa ibov, wall prvaaalad by a darar compaoy, and aall aDllUad tottaaaucaaaa wbkb It aeaaia to hara atuloed laat waal. Vast aaak. Amy Laa aod riaok Doana, In *'BIa« Uarum Sanim." AOOIToalOH.-PlrnD ft UliarldaD'a Bit BanaaUoo Co. ealaitalo Maoagar allmora'a patron* for ilio currant weak. Laat •Mi tba boi ollca raealpli pivvcd that *'Tfa« TaaatUtk Caoloir QUI" waa a auol aaloclloo fur tba prvTnblallr dall bolldaya Tbe B R. O. algn naa lo rroquant uta. Nan weak, Uia Kov Baiaora. HaTioKAL TBR*TaK.-llUTa Biadla. in "On tha Bow- ery," bohliiboboaida for tola Naw Yaai'a wavk. "Tha r.ouoo ElDR," np IDWu at DObuIar pricaa, w«a an altrao- tloo Uiattawor Baoasar Kally'a patroaa ouod ta mlar, and bualaaaa last waak waa aocoidUiiIy bir- Jai. S. nlmroaoA Waal'aMloMnU. Oumo uraiu Uouss —III Beory'a Hloalrata ramaio for tba piaaaol weak. Ual weak Uiaf proaootad an ai- callaat prORtanma and diaw Iklr atlaoilaooa. Nait weak a 111 loo Iba Ural orodoeUoo ol Olio Ekk'a aea eoinlo opart, "the Soariow," lor wbloh alabaralo pieparallooa aia baloRinaila. IIIRARD AvaauaTuRana.—"Tba Btiaau i>t Kav York" uManasar UoUaod'a prvdactlna lor iliu vaak, la which tba araaiar part of hla nock oompaoy will be aaao. "Lit. Ua Hlaa Buaybody" laat waak did Dot plaaaa Ibacrlllca. Bualaaaa. hoaaaar, wai fair Nasi WkOk.^ha Maalauata" Poaal'AUOB'aToiuTaa.—*Takaa rniD Lira" la played br the r»rep«OBh Block Ihlawaok. The parformaiieaa of "faual" ouriDf tba lattor ball of laat aeak warn auaodad byoiowoa, ataneluR loooi ouly baloR abtaloablaatllia rue of the euttalo- Qaonia Laarock vaaaarr autoaiarul aaMapblatoptaalaa Tbaplay waa patuaoalhaMaRa to iha oioatllbarml Banoar, aouia of Iba elacirlialtiracia haloR both naw and itartlloB Haitwaak Ibocoinpanyiakaaa raat aod a oombbiallua appaara la "Tbe Smuntlara." rsoru's THS11BS.—"BIgbl BalU" ii tha allractloD wlUi which Manaaar Bradanburfli al,l opaa Uia naw yaar. "Towd Toplca" packed tba liou>a all or la«t waak, arandurlnRtJiektflta. Thla hoaka teama to ba baaing oooof tba oioal auccaaaful aaaaoni uT lucaraar. "tin- maoUy" oait waak. BTAAOAkOTHSATHB.—"By Jack" OURbt to DTOTaa ROod dowo towo caid (or Ihla aaak. Laat voali "thaBlniRala of Life" bad ao eaiiaeat all to ecnipUlo tit riiiUilolphla lawlaaaaaaa, for bouaaa ware fuU lo ivlla of iha iractloo tia up, aaat vaak, "UaodaAcrMilia Baa." CasainuTOB TusAraa—"TLe Whita Crook" Co. la tha auraclloo lor tba pnaootwaili. Nrit vaek, Tha Kraoch tialatj Olrla. CAHRcKoea' OraHA Hoeas.—Tlie Ollklio Family, Bur- lon'a duR circoa, Maion aod Tilua Ilia burloaqua, aoU- tlad"Naw OBi" and Itaa oponatia "Br.Ohaullattfl," to- latbor with amioaual proHr'iuBio liytlia compaay.niaka op Ibe antartalnmant tor ihla waak. Boabiaaa laat weak waa good. TUB Buoo.-Tha bill thia wtak lododaa Ihe Valdii Bla tare, A. U. Uucaa, the Amarlcan Trio, Blaolon aod t^rrl, Dolaur and uebrlmoot. Jack and Boia Burka, lllltvn. Nclion and BIlladRa, MUaaa Oaliaoia aod Crouch, EiDatT aod Jlodlaa, alaior Davlu, BrlUIaot Qiiartat W. H. Borka, MaUon and Ullroy. HcLaan and Hall, and BeEvoy and Orimn. lo aplla of tbe doll opaaloR laat waak pioTad lo ba thabaonar waak n( tbe aaaaoo. cbrbil. maa Day aod tfaaraanor Iho catacllr ol Uio bouM waa oonltoBonaly taalod. TUB LTcaos.-Toa Baou-Bantlay BorleuiaaCo. la lha current attiaollon. Baalnou laat weak waa big atary olgbr. Blaao'i Clip Club balag Uie altiacUoo. Ham. Da- Tara'a Uwo Oa. aod Oneae oaat weak. OtOBBTUKATCS.^>amana'aCity Oalaty Olfia provkla UiH oonaol eatarulanaor. Laat waak builoaaa waa lair. TBS BiraavM.—i;aplalB Tatrlo, tba polaoo aalor. ra maloa for Ihli waak, hailov nada Uia ffraat bit taat waak, YouDR Bauar, Iba boy daoduw, la a Daw auiacllvD lo the carlo liaU. lo Uia Ihtalia aa aotarulomaol lo Rltan by llieBicalalorCcceotrluuaa, Boaloca bat wiak waa vaiy joTIS—TbamOHtlairorlant llam of aawalathechaoRa lo Iba maoaxamonl of Iba Kark Tboatra. Banagar J. Bard Wom-U Imh latiiaJ, bafloR trAaararrad all bla rlshta 10 Bauasar W. J. Olloiero lor a Taluabia eoo- aldaralloD, aod will lahaa uiucta naadad raat bafura oiu- barklaR io odiar ibaatrleal OMratlooi abldi ha baa un- der cooaldanlloo, Keasra. Niion A Zliuaianaan niada er. llllmora au olTar (or tbo placa, hoc Uia deal taU Ihioogb. Mr. Qllmoro atUI baa aaaami olTani nadar coo. aldaratlon, and. If ha tollowa thaadileaoi hIaBbyilclan, mayyatacoaptouaol thanulfUiadalallaaiaaallaCactorT. lo tha maaatlue the Uiaaire la balag rua by Br (III. more, wlih Jobo J. Uoboea hi cbarua—IrvlDRandTarry play "A Story of Watarioa" aou 'Joumaya Bod In Lorara* BaoUof," allenoon ol Jao. Z for Uia baoaSt of lha JadaraoDBalamlly Uoapiul Tbnnday aJlomoon I'f laat waaka braaacablet vaa ptacad oo lha old three atorjr brick oouaa. Bulb aaU Bpraco Scraei^ i*bllailalpfala, where Joa*ph Jaliaraou vaa bom. FraaclaWllaoa,llT. A. W. Whalpler, rubllo Librarian ol Uloclonatl, and be WiU Bllkr, or till! city, are the orlRloatoia oC Uila Idea TIN Art Olob Rlroa a recaptloQ lo UauiT IrrlOR Jan. 1 .Tba drat aaoual ball of lha Lleoum Aouclatloa, compoaad of aUachaa ol tha Lyeanm Tbaatca. lakaa ptaoa at Baaanarcfaor Uall, rab. 8 AUon Oaoioiid aod OIIITord Oempaay bare roUnd from tba rorapaaib Stock (Toaapaoy. JaaaoCar- dao and Bobait CooinilnBA. Ibe latter ooir wlUi "Tlie BiDWBlaa." vllllaba tbair placaa.,... OUtfurd I>aa.piar, lonuarly of tba Foreiaugb diook t^moaay, aipaeia to atar In a play of bu own. baalBnIna Pob. I WUllam H. Wallla, tbe Tatoraa actor, wbo baa baao III hate for aararal moalbadlad at bla hone to thla elly Deo. a. Ua waa faiy well known hero haTlos baan eoooaolad wltb many efUia old e!oekeDinpaolaa,and hebadalarBe olrole ol nlaada. PUtabBTgn-Oirlaiaias week bnngtit excellent boaloaaa u>allour localahow aliopa. ALVJH TUBAtaa.—"Hanaal and Uratal" raeolraa lla Brat piodualoo hara aO. Julia Harlowe aDd Bobart Tahar cloaad a auccaulul aosaRemaot SS. Lillian Buaaall Jao. e. Duqi'ssRB TURATaa.—Wn. II, Caana praaanlA "Uia Wlfa'a FAlhar" Uila weak, for tbe flratume bare, ooaolog Doc, 30. Jobo Draw iiava aatlataclloo np u> 0, Tba Bcbllaraaa feaaaotVo. J«o.B. NSWOUABDUI'SBA IIODsa —Baodowand thaTrocadaro VaudafUlaa are Iba Haw Year waak'a attraclloo. "A Tilp lo CblnaUivo" cloaed a mlctbllal week Dae 0. gat UOwlwlowlll aiTl>aJaD.S. ■ BuooTulAins—"TbaOolloo Klaa" la now relRolag, Tbo Daw "ElabtBells" wUl rlBiJan,!. 'TbatliaatDla. mood Robbery" olnaod ao aacllloB waak Da^. SI. AvaauB TSBATua.—chaa. A. Lodor. the Four Oohani^ IJie Kanamuia Japaoaaa Truapei Fold and Lawla, Two tjraeaa, Unaalad and Uuyaraod tne Avaaoa Opora Co. la ' Tbe Mlbadu." cODprlaa Uila waak'a bUL Bualnaaa cculbinaa Taiy larsa. EUST EMO TusATsa-Manaier Aduna, wbo coollauea to ndo on Ihe top wave of aoccaaa, aanouneaa tha BonUMia-Pflca Co. for the carrant waak, la a repertory coioprlaloB "Pallcla," "Kit Caraao." "Bllod Bagsar." "KooUiaoo Cruaoa." "Kauai," "lofomar" and "Tba Mlahl Watcb." aiadia Tacber'a ■.■ooiedy Co. doted a groat two veaha* oBRasamaol Dae 3a, HABsr Datm* Bon Braaa.—Blcycla racaa belwaon Bla ral wouao and loa coraatplaylnsor Maude Uayward are the chief curio hall attfaetloaa ibia weak, while aa aluactlTa apaeialty proRiaioDa b glrea Id IJbe theatre by Law Randall, Ualana Barry, Janae WUUaota and Bony and Murray. Boaloaaa aicalltoL UAHar wiLLiAaa' acadbht up Bveta—AL Raarcaand hia Blr Show nil Ibla waek'a blU. UafiT WUIIama' Own Cu. did thoDtaal brta bntlnoaaof Uila bouaa laat waak, Tlia City Bporla bealif Jao, e. flaw tfuBLU's MooiUM TuBATna.-Tbe Loodon Bporu Burlaaqua Co, holda lhabbaida tbeearranl waak, while OUo. Uio ZRlptlao anaka eliarmar, and galavryhaa, Ibe la!*"ai^ laan. are tba prioclpal faaloiaa In tha wuodar halla Atundanca laraa. ' - ■ PLoraAH-—ManaterHld E. Ellla aU bla Clirltlmaadio, Boroarewltli hia paiaolo 11. B. Blair, who. durlog lha enure period or K.' 0. Wllu' Btaaaseaient of iba Ucaod Uparm Uonta. Ironk UBI u> IBL flUaa Uia poaluon of cblafdiorkaapar ol Uiat boaaa. lo oow aDyarlnlaodaot oflhaBawATanua Tbaatjn Le Oraoda Wbllo. boal- oeaa maoagar or ibo Unqoaaoa, laODOaUared lo boooe of Ibe boat ailopbona playara In iblaeooouy. and for a loea Uma nianlpalatad that loalramaot In OUaoie'a Band. Bla aylothone aahia era nfUn a dababtful iantaia of tha orcbaaml pmevaiumaa at ma Dueaaaoa. Maoagar Ntlaoa Bolnna. of the Doquaaoa, aa uunad train Naw York Doc S, ablUiar ba had baaa lo aerure aoaa aunellooa rur both ibla aod naat aaaaoo, It la nuDQiad that ba baa tacuedtba laaaa of aproml. aant Naw York theatre, to tie mo la eonoocUoo with Ihe UiKlooaaa Chaiha Olcktoo aod vlfa (UUIao Burk. bardl) era to appear ahortlr at tba Aaanaa Thaatra lo tbalr OBO act comodlaua, "tha Soil Callar" Bra, Dick too laaoaiiraol Uiltelty aod a gnat rarorllebaia Wblla pbylBR at Uia l>u<inaaao Uala waak WlUlam H. Craoe aod bla company will rabaaraa "Tlia Una. amor of Kaalnctp," tbe Daw play wnuaa for him by Praahlln fylta. Aioooa UiaaawtPOOptaasaasadrer'Tha noranorof Kaoloeby''are Lorlmar BtoddArd.a aonof Peat Bloddaid. and the Bltaaa BAibleaoa. who toko tbo lolaa of twiD tlttora Maaaicar Ceona Coaaer, of UanT Darlr Bdea Maaao, la abaoot la Haw Totk. ' Haariakmsa—At Ibe Operm House Walle'sOom ady Co.dld ibaUrtatt boaloaaa of aoy repertory compaoy la the hlHory of tba baoaa. BaBlnalaB wllb Obtlatmaa, lha BL R. 0 tign waaoni at eraiy partoinUDce. Tba eoui- paay la tba ataoosaat atar pretaolad by Mr. Waits In thla city. Tbalraacood weak'a«nRaRanaothaRlnaDao,3ni XDax Mcvaa.—Manager Ed. Vuuag bad all bo couhl do to look altar bla Cbrltlmaa waak'a batlaaia It waa the banoarwaekolihafaojvn. PorweakofSD.-UnaaWldowa t:iinTaolloo,lbaaa Vani, rruf. Carl'ala'a t^aaloa Paradoa. LadaUa aoil AUaraa, wylla aod itaafoid, Blawart and Ulllaa.aed Cllif.ird aad Jenba. Tua Al-DirvRiru.—Dr. W. II. Loaa, Diamond Jack. In aoltaor tbaauooRaacoproiItloo.did aliiR bailaeaa, and will cootioiia OBO nwia waak. NOTsa—Tba PraaaolatioD of a typ*arller lo Maoagar Wuod«.orthaffBllat3anady Oonipaoy. bp Loa Biamtr. lobabalrol tba ni'iotaiaoi tba compaoy, waa aplaaaloa oraol rruf. Vutcaot f. lioUl, ol the Walla Baod aod Orchatlta, wai tba laclplaol ol abaadaoina Buhl beaded CAOarroro tha menbtraof tba bead Maria Dacca la oo a concert lour thnugblbaWaat ReadlBfWm, Huey. Ui "Tbt Olobe Ttoller, played to bla buitloraa Dec. IS. "Tbe Bllrar King" draw wofia. "jaily Cbl Cbama" had a iconi tlaad bouaa 17. Oliver Byroo. In "Upe and Downa of Lite," did a large bualnaaaa. John KetiaU ooaiaa U, rrlmruaa A Weara MlnalcaU Jan. I, cbaa, II. lloppar, ba "Ctduimle raildaa," l:*LoatlnNtwYork"l. ORAltDOrHBA lluuaa—"Iba Darby Batcot" waaolayad to biR builoeia 16-31. Illmhiolalo'a fdaalt andtte30, for a two waaka* alar, Buoir Taa«TaB.-Tba Naw NIabt Owla did a banner buainaaa waak uf Dee. D. "The While Crook" Burleiiiua t^ la to appear weak of 30. MARAOkn Paso Rioaa. of ihe Kaw Nlsht OwU Bo^ laanuam. landared tha oonipaoy a baoqoal at (InlTt Cryalal Palaca Uwtal oo t^rlabnaa Ku aftar Um parlem, aoco. AB elagant mono vma tarred. tTorera ware laid for tbirty panona. Bam ColliBa aollDg aa lo a alm ailar. ScraaloB,—At tbe Academy ol Husla Ptimrase A Waai'aMInalJ«la.Daa.n, camelo ovarduwlos houee. Aodiaw Back, lo "Mylaa Aro<ai," n, had a Itrse bouaa Due: "Lottie Mew York" Jaa LI, "Tbe Irlili AUer niaa"3.'TbarandugMaater a. raoiuiN0UAH.-.Tbaaarrlck Builaaqua Co . In "Tbrll- by." comet3), Chariot II. Uoppar.lo ■vbtuoiie Faddan," Jan I. Datu'Tssaths.— llormce Bwing, In "Widow Bedott," ladoa aKIaa. I. "Duvn on Ibe Farm, Dea tS-B, CkDia lofoUbonaM, HariTThuma Itaa baan engaged eaataaa oral Uila houta. AllosBa,—At Ibe Eleventh Avenns Opera lluute Jamea A. Balllay. In "Tlia Brootn Maker." draw ,uod booMaAaraooflandoTaoInc of Dea 0. "Tbellll- ilay'a Abioad" bad (air atlaaJtoce 37. Ilowortb'a liool HlbarolcadldwallaRtnioontod oTanlBH itfsai Booked "rlmUiaTiDtai" Jan.1. "TbaBldBlililBpodaL"' " ' for I, caoealad. Jobn EameU. Id itia "Irlah A.d ' "A Baltli or aioodrra" P. BlelaoB'l "U. T 0." Co. II. Uabsi Uati^ Eoa.v McaSB.—Tbe Uriaat waok'a atlaodaaoa of Iba aaaaoo aaak o(^ti. Thla aaak: Uoklan. Cballtnt and UoUaa, Dollle E. Ilnwa, the Mjeia, Byron Bpaao, Ali'bonao (•qolUbriatiaad Florence ZaUer. WIIkeabane.-AC the Orand Opera House Mylaa Afooa,"I>ec.S, bad cnwdad booaaa bolh mall- nco and olght "Upa aod Downa of Life," la, had a rary atormy nieht aod light butlnaaa. "On Brbl'a hhoraa," TT. bad fair bullntaa. CooilnH: muroaa A Weal'a MIoatrab & "Loit lu Kaw York" 91, "The Fenolag Maatar" Jao. I, DuUaao nail alabt. Mceio llAU "LIula Triile" oUyed b> big bualnaaa 3MB. 'Tbe Broom Baker." S-il bad fair attaodaoca. OnnlOR: "Forglvao" Deo. 3D^an. I. ^ Kutbs— WallarO Haok, iranageror Mutio Uall, ipaot a weak la .Vow York boron OirlabDU Tba Qraod laa tome Baa attracUona booked lor Jannary and rab- ruary. Krle^At tbe Park the wubur Opera Oo. have eojeyed lacked hootea Uia antire pott week, alaodlBR rouui ualy bebiR Uie rule, , WcaoaaLiBD Moaaua ard TBaATns—TbU buoie did large buala«aa laat waak. OdoiIdr: Waak 0(9, Maaautp, Lll Cetabka'a Pig Clrcaa, and Hetmpolitan Nurelly OHDpasp lo lhaalre. laaacaaler^At the Fnllun Opera House "Fablo Itoiuanl" came to larwa buaaea Dec. 34 and 0. Tballor- inana. In "Tba ailboolye Abroad." pUyad Ui aery goud bualoaaatf. "Tba BllTerKInR"drawbrvaaudIeneoat7. a. "TbalrUh Ablerman" biTnaSLMUa EdIUi Bllla, In 'A Balcb of BlwDdwi," Jao. I. BaatoB.—AI AUo'e Open Iloute, Dec. Ji, "Tbe Boglnaer", matinee aod aaanlng. oamalo brga lioutaa 'Coou llollnw" did fair builoeto 27. Comh r: "Widow Bedoll" SJ, PHmroia A Wott'a HlaBUwIa 31, ''Jolly Old Ciiuuia" Jao. I, '-(Alnimla Faddea" 3, Amarlcan Ualtly Olrb a. Walla Comedy Co, e-ll, MARYLAND. li«lllanoa«.-^rlatmas week brought Joy to tba boarta of oor managaia In Oie form of orowded honaea and hrary racelpta,nhlcbwere wall marllcd by the etcallaot bllla pioildad. Tba ooilook fur Ibe ra- inobldor of tlie bolklay oaaaon U bright, anoUiar llrat claaa array of atlractlona balog piateoted. llABBja* AOAOBMT WiUlani Uoey brloga bla laleat aeoinre, 'Tlie Olobe Trolur." JDoo. 3U. "LIule Cbrla- tophar" gave gaoeral ratltfaetlon lo large audlanoaaO- S8L Uaury Irrlag and EUtn Teary coma ^an.0, for one week. ruHD'aOraHAlloVBR.—"Uia BBcellanoy" la lobe pre- aeoud for Uie drat Uoie bore 31. by Oeorge BdwarOe'a ComloOparaCo. DaUaFoia«oredaaoecotawltli"PlaBr da Lb" tati week, lo which nbe waa ably aatlatad by Jad Da AngalU and A'f Whalan. Tbe buute waa crowded at OTorp parfonnance. "Tbe Bbop Olrl" la billed fur Jan. 0. ALBAfOB BLvoaDaTiiaATRR.—'Mnie SaaaOane" Itilia Now Yeai't week auraoUoe aod will oo doobt repeat lu laat yaar*a local tucaeaa Hld'anS ManaBabl did an Im- menae builaaai^ claalog 39, wlui Uia atual cruab lo aea "Dr. Jekf U aad Mr, Hyde." Mhinle PabnaroomeaJao.a. buLLioAV BmakT Tuuvaa—Mr, and Mra. Oliver Baron occupy tha tiaaida Xt and week with Ilia "l/paand Downa of LIfa," "Bla bdaioaaa relRoad 13-91, wlOi '-ne Wblla Rat." -'Roah Oily" b due Jan. S. UUWABO AuoiTOBlCN.—Baoagar Kainao Rlraa ua an- other aoualna good houaa bill whidi Indudu Law Docktladar. fladj Taliar aod llaaian Boo All'a troupe of Areba, t^batlaa Olckaon, Lillian Borkhart and (1. II. Laonaid, Ibe BoUopohtaa Trio, Flaher aod OroweU. lawiatico and Uarrlogtoo, aod Katlar Uanry Bedron. Jaaaole Wlottoo b relaload. Buinate vaa heavy week eodlogflt Jas.B, labam'eOoloruoDa gsaaiAR'a BolOBSRVAL TuRAns -Bam Davera'e Owe Co opeaaSP. Weber A f laldt drew a aucceaalon af paek- ed huutot 35-31. "The Whita Crook" Bpectaeular Co. comet Jao. 0. _ CaaTiRB'a UOBOa THSATaa—Naw Deo. 90: Dontoy end Barxlogtoe, Ocav aod Doldnaa. L at woeh'a baalooaa waa latge. NOTBL-Tlia Oladya Wallla Co, which waa to have re. aumadKalourol IboHoolb at UaoalUa, Va., Decs, die banded bare ye. TfaeDieDberaoribaconiBaar warepald loruU J. M. Barroo, maaaiBar of -'fhe Wbllo Bat" Co., woo lamwrly a mom bar of tba old BalUmor* Bnaeno auwk conpeoy, ofwblch Jooaph Jaffaraon and B. k. Cbaa- tar era Iba ooiy oUier turrlffeK nembera Baaagar Chaa. B. ForU la oonildarlOB the avlaablllly of •>"^.v log an opoo auuctui* on Iba line of ooe or our oumaroua aubnrban tiuUap loada for a Hainmar acaaon al oiiara aod oomedy Nat Bolb will aiar Jair Oa Aegolb oeac aea t o o Tba Damroadi Opera i;o. will gira loor Wagnarlan parfonnaocea at llarrb' Academy, healooUB Jan. 17 Mn. BIbn Martin gave adlBnarCbrlalmu nigbt In hoaor of Willie (Collier and bb wife, at whieb many mambart ol the prolOaalon ware pieaaol Ao ISB UoyoJe waa aaoog the Chrlalmaa Riru raoalred by Delia Fua At a perfonnanoo Biaen lo Uatiron by a comtaap liylod tbe Uoltoit Orlaoul Opera and OramatfoCo, of Naw Front BuaatThaatra, Dee. sr. a (alie alano at Bra predpluiod a panic, lo noBberiariouAly iDjuiad. AttaoOROdorofaaoaploR Baa was ootlaad In tbt Ralbrr, and amaa rana llghled aaalcb ahmg tba eoillDg. It fcnilad and a amaO toosue u( Heme lanad rrom tha wall Boae one In the audleoee tcxnamed "Flra."and the s,ino peopla In the hplldlBa made a mad nab for iba doom. Tbo aaa waa taraed oB atthtajuootuta. bcraaaloa Uialirrorollboorood, which fooaht lu way outaaid. rasaidtaia of ooeaoquanooe, Tbe audleoee waa eoapoaad aouralr of Bntalan and rollib Jawa. Kaman, BlCa A Uouck bare laodared UoUlday BlreetT>aatra.«ilb the aarvloei ol all attachea. light alo., fur a banaat patforoiaDoa, Jan. 3, for tha aulfarara (rem the calamity. FLORIDA. JBoksamvlUe.—Tha OhiUisaa week atlncUoB at tbt Park Tbtatre prored lo bo a record breaker, crowded bouata greetiDB every perfonnanoe of Ibe Bald. wlo-Meltllle Oo, wbleb played at popolar pricaa. "The Bloaaway" oomet Jan. 3. MRS. LESLIE CARTER, Whose temarkshle ponnjal ot Maqland Ualvsrt In David Belaeoa'a great dimoa,'Hie Heart of Mary- land," now niaslog at tbe lleiald Siiaare TUealn, baa woo the nsanlmous praise of the eilUcs and public, mads her debnt In New York at the Broad- way Tbealre In November, IBto, In a play by Paul U. Poller, eoutled "Tm Uf ly UsckUig," which sbs pfcsanied wllb aocctsa ibronsbonttbe Ualied gialsa donsg tbe acsson of IBgo-il. In Ibe BuBuner ol iBn ans went b> Fails and secsrsd Audiania mn< rical comedy, "Hb« Ualystt," apeaiing In tbe ptln- cipal nis durtig tbe aeaaoos of IBBI-tn snd un-«3. Tne next tivi> yean abe speni solely In etndy, ander tbe direction ui Uavid Bebiaco, and t ea up eared aa Manland Oalfen, In "Tie Bean of HarylaDd," wblcb waa produced In Waablngloo, D. 0„ OcL t laat. Not only dbllbe play make an lostaoisoeoQS succeaa, but Mrs. Outer's performance ins declared by Ike crlUca and pnUlo aa apboldlog tbe ptiunlas which ahs bad sbown wken abe made ber debut, aid abe emerged from ber retirement a iinlabed acuta ot rare eokoikmal power. An eameat ala- dent, a hard woiker, and • woman of latsUlgeace, Mrs. Outsr wlU probaUy make ManleadOalnii thefoacrsBBerot asRlesol nlealB which she will win Cane. NEW YORK art. Laat Waek'e ■veBla.-Beranl IbititiUng snd loporlaat events were iBClnded wllbin the Mulls ot tbo pssi week. Among Ibeie were tbo picecnisilons of seieitl noTtlllet, one ot which wss seen for tbe Dnt llnio upon any itsgv, l«o oibcre wen glrti Ibelr llrei pruducllons In Ibis countrr, and aooincr was given tor ibo Drat lime In the DCRopolls. lb tddlllon le thise evenis we bad lbs pleunre ol greeling, for Ihe disi time, Jobn Hare, Ihe KnglL-h tcioMiaiager, As Cnilslmas came on Wodntadar, Ibe alttsdsice si Iho Ihestrcs upon lbs Oral two nlghls ot ibo week was tar from eailafaciory. Mallnees were given on Obrlslmss Day at all ihealres wllb Iho exception of Abbby'h, but with slim gosnclal rcealbi. The buslneas fur Ibe latier halt ot ihu week was e.vcoilcnl, but not enoiclent lo swell Iho week's tclums lo atbfactcrr proportluna The conilnued alinclloua fur the week obdlbg Deo. » wrrc: (litnd opcia at Iho HkTsaroi.iTAN UrsBA llui'sB, "The Hay PanalaoB" al llovT's, "Tbe Shop llirl" at PaLHEK's, 'The llesttof ]larylsnd"sl iho IIbralii SquARii, 'The Home Sccieiary" al the Lyvki'm, Olga Neiheraole at Ibe RariHS, "Shun Acres'al Ihe Fifth AvaNUk. "KxctlBor Jr." ai Olybpia, TheFoundllD|''al Iho Oabhici, 'The Wltsrdor Iho Nile" St the Cabino, '-'Ihe Sponint liuchem" at Ihe ACAUEkY up U|isic,"The L'oiiniy Fair''ni Ihe Star, "The Btnango Adventuicn of Ulea Uruwn" at lite liTANOAsn, ibe Slock (Company at I>aly h. ASiagl'ariy"allheOAM»Bii,PcierF. Ilalloj atihc Buuu, sud'Uonnle BcoiUud''at tbo Fuiibtrektii SiTBKKT, Ibcibrro lasi namtd bavlngcloerd upon ihai dale Tho one irevkalandaoloalng Deo,'.'o were: "lluinanliy" al Ihe uhamd opbha llni KK, Jooepb Callahan, In - FBuai," at Iho PBorLKs; Hit Empire Block Iho IIahlsh Oi-bha IIiH'HS sbd "A notvcry Olrl" al ihe i'uuimbi'b Vailciy eulcttalumeul waa furabihtd al Tumy PAnroa'ti. Ko:aBB A niAL's, lbs UmoN bgt'ARR, I'BiicniN's, Oi.YxriA, Phoctor a n.SAaUHR Palavr, ibe I,ON- uoK.lhedAiBTr.iheOLYBi'iu sud Bisku'sliowsHV snd RiuuTii AvBNUK..,.r(rluruianica In Uenusu were given si ibe Imviko PiAt'c and ubhbama and peilornancea In Hebrew at iboTiiAi.iA, IViku- sur Sbd Aplib'b "llaaaci snd Otvlul" waapro- sentcdat Daly s TlikATRKovcry day Ism wcok sa a mailnto altrtcllon only, 'Twelfth Night" bavlnu been Iho uvenlng sliracilon... Al ihs auriiican Tii i:. ATRX, 00 Uic. 3).' Nuiihern Ughla,"a iiraraa. In foiii scia, by James W. Ilarklna Jr. and Kdwin Ibirbour wsa given IIS Irsi meirnpolllan prcaunisllon At ABBSr'a TiiCATRS, on Deo. 23, John llsrr.ihr Kngllsb sclor-mansiier, made his AmcrlCBn dcliul llo wsBSuppoiied by Julia Nuibton, with whom sIm we were peroonslly unscquslnlsd, Frod Teny sun luooibcn ot Iho Usirick Tbesiro Co., of London tjog. He aolecied for his Orel oArlBK "Tbo No lorlona Uni. Iibbainllh,"a uuwand original play. In fouracia, b; Atlhiir W, Pinero. Thin play, wblcl upon Ih'.a occsalun wss acen for ibo Oral iliuo li Amciica, was uriglnslly aoiid at Hr. llsn a liar- rick Tbeairr. lAindon. Hatch 13, uf ilie curreu' year. II Ihb pruMom play.and lla alury, while nui lu tbe leasl edifying. Is noverlbdeaa well cuncclvcii anil adrollly bandied, aa nay bo Judged Irniu Ibi fallowing aynopsis: Hra. Agnoa Klilianiilh la ilii daugbli-r of a notorloua aoclslitt sgllslor, ami she bcracir, baa been well known In ihe Ksst end oi LonUuu aa a platform rastet concerning revolu- IIODH snd tho wrongs ot ibo people, 8u radical have been hir vlewa, anil bo vehement her Biyloiii prt-'aObllbg tLcm,Hhe baa been called UadAgnca. and baa woo for herself the fuilber appcllatliii wblcb baa, wllb llille niaeeu, licoii at-Icclud fur llir llilo of Ibe play. Ileaet liy iMvcrly, abu inairlcd a yr uog bsrrleler, Hr. Klibsuillh, but found Ibat li ber case uanlagu was a failure. For one year fol lowing Ibbi numlage conparallvo happlucsa wsa hrrs, bul Ihls was followed liy seven yean ot di,- neeilc Inlellcliy end si rife, wblcb were, al Ibe expl- ntlon of Ibsl lime, brougbt lo sn uLd liy tbe destli of her hjaband. Her nntsppy seitilcd life hsil caused ber to vlow with diaguat Iho aacramcnl m malilmuny, and abe becauu a nureu, and Ibiu uiui wimsnouervicilm of tbo Inaillullon of wedlock LucaaClccve, wbuu she has nursed Ihropgh a bu* vere lllncaa. Thla Hoove la a vsin, nervous anil BhsUow crotlure, who baa bion unhappy lu bla home, and bss left hlH wllo liccauae abu would niH feed bin wlili nttiery nor humor bla wcskoeaacs. His. Bbuimllh becomtH lbs mlalreu of (lleuvc and ihey go 10 lire In Venice, In leaving lila bomi' CIcen bad abandoned a pollllcal career In which be had hoped lo have tiecumu foinuua. ilia rcla- ilvesibluk Ifaai ho may yd rcaunio Ibis caicor ami make a fairly Hucccaaful pollllclan, and to Ibla cuil bis wito and her iireihor aeck lo have him ruiurn lo KDglsnd sud keep up ippeanuces by living In tbt; tame house wilb Mrs. Ueeve. One uf bla lelaUvcs, llae Uuko of SL Olpheria, Is enitualcd wllb tbe uila- aloD,sud Hra. Cteen abd bcr brother alao couie lii Venice to aatlsl lb Ihe segollailuiia. The Uuko conducbt bU cauipalga In maaierly at) Is, He plays upon all of bla Cloeve'a weakuesacH, aod, having tidlculcd Hre. Hbluinllb e drcBS, Bhu In forced la self dcfODae tu dun a faahluuabln gown which Lucas hsa bought tor hcr,sndlouibtr- wlss impruio her peisoual appearance. Seeing herbcauly IbuR enhanced, Lucaa uabllealasn un- wonted caiuBl rogsrd for ber, snU propusra Ihsi lliey shsU ahsudon Ibeir Idea ot poeing before Ihu world sssnlagoolalri uflbe Iballlulion of msli linony. and auggcala Inaietd that ihey ahall liido away lu aome secluded spot sud Ibcro enjoy Ibo dellrluni ol loving Inalaolulely Bcnsualfaablon. Un. Klibaiulih la plunged Inludeapair, for hir new dream ut llft- la ended, and ate aecs unly a return lu her earlier coodltlos, when sbs wsa sn unhsjipy wife. The Uuhe gains Ihe day, and Cleave consenis to rvluro to England and agslu reUdo under Ibo roof wblob abellen ola wite. A clcriynan and bla alaler lut- ploreHra. Bbbsmllb lo cemo and dwell wllb them In UHlr llllle panoiuge. Hhe refuaea, however, and Ihey litve wilh her a email Ulble, upon ihe ny, leatot which Is wrlliea ihelraddreas. Sbeanalcbta up Ihe book and ibruwa It lu Ihe are, which Is bum- tnglnacoBveoleot stove, bui, appalled by ber act, Hhe Ihruata her bead smiil Ihs nsmcH, snd, regslu- Ing Ibe book, claaps It to ber bearL Ulecve baa l«fi ber and aba has gone lo Ibe lodgloga ot Iho clergy- nan snd us Bister. Ililber comes Hra. Cleeve and mates Ihe hideous prupoalllon Ihtl, while Hr. Cleeve kee|« up appearsncesbysgalu nslding *llb bis wile, Mis. KUbsmiib alisll come snd live Ina vllls atFulbsm.sndrematolilsmlairess. Agaesconseuu, liniHrs. Cleeve anallyMcoinesnsnaeaied by Ibe In. faaauBaoheme,aod, declaring It lobe loo degrading, refescs hcrown consentie the amngemeoL 'Jleevc then conra lo Agnes sod Implores ber lo agsin live «lih blm, bul abe refuaes snd snnouncea her Is- leniluD of acconpanylog the cleigyman and bis alaler to Ibelr borne. Mr. Pineru bas given us In Ibis work snoUier convincing proof of Ibo excel- lence of his Uierary aijle, aod bss ahio famished abnndant evidence of hia cenelrucUvo ekill as a pisywrlghi, but In nauibt ciss baa ho succeeded, except In results cooliary to his purpose. The problem sebmlltcd b how to make free kive sn m.- ccpiable sniisiltuis for me Inalllailoa of marrlsgw, a problem ibat la certainly OBwoithy ofcoeslderallon, and the discnsshin or which la In Ibis esse woiae ibsn naelcas, heesuse Ihe aiilhor oSbn no aolotlon. Ilia prebltm Ip, In fact, beyond logical solullon, fur tbe case la Boat onfalrly elated and iiealed, lila theme Is, moreover, eiiremely Indelicate and ut- terly bbBI for dlsenaslon npon Ihe sisge. Wblle acknowledgtai Ihe gnat sMIIiy ot Hr, Ptaeroaa a writer, he kas done Utile lo prove blmstlt a (oflcal Iblnter, snd much Ihsl proves ibst ho cither Is not, or else Ilut bo deliberately Ignores Iruih end sscilbcs rv Mils 10 other than Ihclr Iron causes, llo Invcitaiho piuccaeof Iho logician. and.alBnlng « Mb bis fslae conclusions, Irlva to Juslify Ihi'bi by equally falao prenibta In Iho inal conn of hunsb rcsaon conviction and belief wall upon Ibe word lAtTM/ts^ wblle doubt and diairiisi lollow In the liain ot Iho word bnniw. But wo mil not wailo iliiio nor aiwco lu futihcr consldcin. tlouoflhls Kork, BUil III Ihls ilcit mlusllon we sn led ihrough luouiury of Ibe lui IrKsnt butcxpivaslvo Intlam wblob rrada: 'It la iioi wonh while lo waste powder upon dcsddncks." However much preblem playa may nourish In t.onilon, ibey arc ilcail hcK, and, so lav sa wo sro oincerncil, Mr. I lnvro baa wrillon bla play loo bale, nuil .Mr. Ilsrv, liko Ihe Rirtnl young Kngllabnasian. Olga Ncihrrsolo, hna oome hero hui poorly ri|ul|tpeil. Tho iKifurmsnco was oxcellciil. Hr. Man, a bo saaunictl iho rolo ol Ike Uiikc 01 HI. OI|ilirila, niarto s elmngly tavonblo IniprcNtliin, lie la sn ctinerl and oxircmcly coD' HclenllouH nciiir, it bo twcomi'S ciiiuploU'ly bleoll. Bed wilh bla rule, and wboao arilHilc aobau la ton nice 10 pcrniil hiiii lo uiar any aruiic liytH'oklng for hlniaelf anuniliio proinlhciiro llieri'ln. Ilia niclb> ods are qelor, and cvvn HOvort', inn ihcr are lhor> ougbly srtlbllu, Julia Keilaoii ulTOrdcil Ibo auiik'BL'O a dollghiful euriirlae, foratu' pruvcil in to an Aciresa of (ar note Iban urilliitry inrrll, .the la of duo preaciicr, and baaa tiaoilaunic sud liilell.geui face. Her voice Lt alroug, clear, ot huuiI lonr, ami glldvA easily Into varjlng Ibnvctluhti. Her iiicnlsl vlal, ii la sciilr, and In fact<, Ituie liearing ahu la (acllo III cxprCNiluu, llrr prcmiut rulo la o unreal, HI ulino.xlouHsnil ao fnlavly tintwn Ibht II relia herof Ihooiui^niiiilly "t awakoulngin lhi< heart* of licr auJIlnni a single leaiwiialvo Ihrlll, but wo cau readily eoncclro Ibat alio puaacaacH llio power lo wlu aUuiitlanteyiiiiialhy iiiiil artUiie much eblhUkliRiu, Fred Terry wcn cnllrrly aailafnclory III llio rriH-llaiil role nf I,iioam Cleeve, and Hlaa KIIIh iL'g,u. a aatlunrnilo TtioriH', cuiiirllmled a cliaiin- InKiKnralliiru ot Iriio tvtinmnliiKhl, Wo are glail lubavcacca HrlUrr.aud lilacicalliiniif ibeohl IMiko will llng-'r long In iiicnuiry, Inil au raniint bill trgn'i Ibst niliiglni wilh IhU iiieiiiury nill la) Ihe iinpleaaaul liiiprvMaloriacr.aU'illiyihlH iiinalci:- aaperalliiR of playii. 'Tliu Nulurloua Mra, Klili- ainllli'' canbiil be a Miicoi'aa In Ihl-: cuuutry, auil we now ft'Cl convlnccil iliat Mr. Hare was righl In au lung Insitilog uimn iiiakliig bla Unit n|i|icsraiiro hero luaneiher play. In aplle * f Iho fact inut llio uku of blacholce waaalrt'aily fauilllar lima, Ui-ilcrailll would It liave iHirn liati liu ilclayi il bla ciiiniiig uii- 111 be bad eiirlcliiHl hb reportiiry. llo la, lit bliii- aeif, W( I'lhy of a curillal wclrmiiu In our abnrcH, abd, were II not for hlrialiaru lu ria-lallng lu tlrbiwu ourslBguby Ibo prcaunlalloii uf tii unlinlya wiiik as lhal In whicli bu la i.iiw appearing, bo wntlil havonur bealwIihuH, ,U II la,III. rd la much ressiiii lo regret hlBCutnlng, Tli.i i-nilro laai uf Ibo play followa: llaro; HlrHaint- ford Ck'ove, Kiigeno Uajt'iir; Lucas Cleevt', Fitil Terry: ll<v, Aiiiua tvintirlli'ld, l), Aubrey Hnilih; Slrllrurgo Hra<inck,«:iiiiilea Kuck; llr, KIrki', Krcil Thuine; Fortune. I'llncn l.liiyil; Aiiluiilu rnppl, Chaa, I'oravnglla; Aiini'S, Julia Ni-llaon; lli-rlrtiilu Thiii|ie, Kills Jt'gr.ya; Hyiiil Ck'uri', Hluu U Hut; Nclla. Ili-lcu liiiuk; llv|il)7.ilidb, Mia, rlia^. ilruvi'a. ..Atibu KurikKTiiKiTUK Olga N'i'llu|i«ole i ni- duccil, llto. 'Jl, Air Ihu nrAl iliiiu un any alliMe, "Car. men," a ilruiiia, lu four aciH, ailnplcd by llebry llanillliin Iruiii I'ruapcr Uerliiicira aiory uf Ilie Kaiiio name. Illxera p|it;ru uf "Canuun'* lung sgo oisflu Ibo alury faiiilliur lo lliralrugiiera,and Ur, Uauilliuii'rt |ilay, lu llio lualii, ilHTcra IIMIo fruin lhal wurk. Tbu cbariulbif oiualc uf iliu upera rlUa llio tlilu role of much vt IIh uiri-iiHlveiirHa, liiil In llio drama tho bold waaluniiuaa of Cnriiieu la ui.ielhivud anil la ropuIalTO. Miia Ncibi'rsulu'a piuirajal of the Spaiilab wanlun iiaa liiirri^aiiiig and ar laiir. Sliogavaa wuiiilerliil ilcllnesiliin or a wuuiin nf tho lower claaa,and, wbiloahe uflcnninilu btrBiiill- tors abuddi't al her iiaiiiralutw, abu faacliiulid Ibuui wllb her liilciirliy. In Iliu anchu Iwiween Varnicnaiiil Hon Juho, ahcro >lin Hlshcs ni piiivu bow well ahe cau love, tbu HcnaiioiiauiiiLracea and umatury aliaudon aernuxlronii'ly roiiiilalvu, anil. In tan, ber loo falibfiil cliiirarU'rixalliin uf a vilu wuitian vaRalwayHoirtiialvulu gdiHl laalc, Nuubu could Res Ulaa NclUerMolu'a i^ciforiuaucca of Ciir. men, and fall lo accord her prelae, liul, bavlng acun bur, no nnu ooiild bel|i cumlemnlng ber furiireaenllng a play tvhicli calla fur anch rejlbni. If Ibe aiicccari uf a play dojiouda u|ion the urfendlng of rriutd laalca by a reprvBeiiiull. ii ilrgraillng m wuiiianhiiud, auoli |ibya ahiiiiM ni:vor Ihi taillien, miioh Iras pr«luc<il; but II irudiiced, ahiiuld re- ceive unlvcrpal cuodeinnullun. Hr. Ilaiiiillon'a "Carmen" la Biich a play, and Hlaa Nciber, Bole la far tui great an acirumt lo luud bor art lo ao iinwurlhy t cauao. Krueal Ulcoler, sa Duu JiHH) LllieugoB, waa (oliiaiskliig slid ufTu,;* live. f.iilgl fat llbicliu waa rxcellcnt aa Lucaa Henilci, and Kmo Shannon wuu her uiullnbce br her Rcnih aud tnccfliu iKirlrayal uf li.ilurra. Tlio roniHlnderof Ibu conipauy bail Inil lliiliiiii ilu, but did lhal llliki well, The caal: lloii Juao l.llieugos, Krncat U'lcealcr; Uoii Hui.u>-I Harccila, 'fhoniaa Klngaion-, liUCAB Henilrr., I.ulgl la lllscbe; Uei- oal li'AIla, William Karreb Jr.; I'rli-ai, J, Fliiulay; Pedro Ulax, Foreal flood; Daucsire, Jubu Ilbiiri Hemcmdsdo, Cbsrka Kuroai; HurgeanI, llcargo llumi hruy;lleppo,'l',(Jourilcu; Pedro, lloracul'ul. lock; IleloreH,Kniol4liaunon; Maa,IJIuu llingttou; Jusos, Hsdge Heailuws; Aulla, Jane Kmmutaim: Torcaa, Aleiua l.elgbloii; lues, Mauil Ulaylun; '/era, Uorlnuo I'arkcr; Cuimcn, Ulga Nulbrraulo At a mallase petturinsnoe, given liee. 'J1 at tbe Fifth Avenuu Theatni, for tlio lieiiellt ot a looil ohailty, there was pmluced, fur ihe Uni line upon any atsge, "Ilenedlcl Arnold," a play. In dvs acbi, by Kchsid (loIdsD. llsaUiryeoliraotssuuieuf Ilis Incldeols ol Ibe life ot tbat lufanioua inlbir, bul It la by no niasns a veituluua hisUiry. The play was Ihuacaal: Ueosdlct Arnuld,Henry Jewell; Captsin Uevsnent, KdiranI J. Morgan; Hajur ourksuo, Ulsr- sncs llanilraMe; Beverley llublosoii, J. Fnncia Uilen; Oeoersl Hose, II. A. Wcsver; Atexsoder llsmlllOD, Uenry Weaver Jr.; Colonel Lord Laucr- dale, Vincent Herraio; Peggy Sblppen, Fnncea llasllngsi IKirulhy Uayhew, Haudo Venner The alitb week of Hie sossun of grand open at the Mtlropolllan Opera House began Deo. 'j:i with s performance of "TrUlau und Isolds," as menlloned In our laat Issue. "Aids" waa ptesenled on Vbriatinaa night ilth tho same cast sa opoa Ibe former oecaalon, except that Hig. Husallano took tbe place of Jean deHeaxke, Iketboven's "Fidello" ms Bug In Oerinan 2d, It was thus cast: Leonon, Freu lanosobowtkr; Harzellloe; Fraulein Sopble Tmubmann; Rocce, lion nucha; I'liorra, Uerr Uvemani; Jai|UDb; Hen Hlraalla; Uer Hiblsltr, M. IM Vilea; FlonsUn, ilsrr Wsflaosfer. Hme. Hsilia made ber Itrsl appesrance this season 'Jl,.ln Uounod's "Ilomeoet Jullello," wllb tbe fullowlng singers In the cast: Jean de lloitke,' H. Plaaeoo, Kdousrd de lleszke, M. Hauglsre, M. de Vrles, Ug. iMsielniary, HIg. de Vps- cbeltl. Big. HlnaMlol, Hllo. BausrueUler. and Olsrn UunL "Lubeogrlu" waa given at the matinee w, wliti Hoe. Konilcb, Hine. Henleill, M. Flancen, Big. Creiiionlol, Big. Ancoos and Wg. VascbelU lntbeassi;and"Tanobaussi" was given evening of that dale, with a cast which Inoloded liola Bselb, Sophie Tmubmann, Big. Kausokmstm, Big. VlvUnl and liensn Wallnoeter, Bocba, MUr- aalls,IUedelaad Uvemiann "Die Fledeimaus" waa sung at tha Ibvino FlacbTubatu lMo.'Jb, with MlBDls Uiide*, Budolpta Bsnlua, AAorx Uat