New York Clipper (Jan 1896)

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700 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. lUuftr John U. ObtDoiio, of llie TMonto auli, hiailtiwilftantcluiAottiiloplnlillluil A. Ilol- Una. U1«e»DoU«Ddpl»ied«r(hth«HeirUrltUi aab of Ike Booitaem beine, wMcta claii wm Io flntplietvliestlw lucuedbDudcd.wlwD havciit to Bsldmncatiul anialied Ue ntwnwIUi Hit Aiiier- Inn AaKlaUon (sua. Inino heplarol wlih th* KuM Cllv, Wnlsin Lttgg*. tarn, which won tli* ohuiiioluhlp. IalMlhii[ta7(!il«lUith«Ft.\V»;n« turn of Nonii W«*t«rn leiRut, which flnlihtil kc- oitd IQ ths ptnnait nc«. In IM3 pltjed wlib 8I. r«nl',ot nttura Letirie. In 1lt3pl*;til wlib Ho- Mia, of BoatlMni Lciiint. In liwiwuln Ijiitlnen In hl> lirare clir, PhlUrtelpliU. The pint Mi>i»n ot UN Dollihdpltjcilwlih Hockrori), or Wmuni A*- •ooiaaoB, and mnkdl w*} up boih Id llelillDg anil haOUif. Thlanukw roar new plajen ilgoed lor Totonio, An nehaiii alalM that Hanager Ohapmao la an •pplleanttor iha nanagtiMni of tho Virginia Stale Leagnt, wbloh la laconed. It wu olTf red to Mr. OtapwB and he wu compelled to decline It, aa he ted hl« iBlateau In the Tanoto Olnh to look aner. The Boitan Club wontd make • wlae more It II Med to oMaln Bojie'i rdeaae rram the I'lilladd- phlaa, BewooM rtnalnl; utrrnitbeD the ronner'a (earn hehlul the t«t. Ohailei II. Hoiton, whn nuDaged laal leaann'* BallMol««in,at Ibe K«it«m league, la aoxlona to poichaia a bait Intemt la theTonnto OInb, ot the Moaleacie. MMager Walkku, or the lodlaoapolla tcun.ot lha WMtem l<ta|a«, baa aurrbancd a tami near PDit HoiOD, Hlcb. J. W.' HoUWaj, ot the UlnclnnatI leam, la ehi Sgjod ooning rteoida In the Itecorder'a onice, at MtlOBau, O. TWrteen lulnga were neceaaar; lo ileclde the ladoor nme bttweeo team nt ihe l.tke View CInh Md ninih Bonimta OompanTliec.'^i, at llochee- tar, N, Y,, Ihe Utier winning i>j ii in lo. Abrad 0. n. n>itiUii,«iiodi(d PH.r,, lo PtiilidtliJiU, n.,wuapronlHBt initubr |iUr«r and amplrs aonol a ifUftar or & e#Dtarr ago. lis wu hnro tliool dnr. roor jian i«o lg laai clur.aod niu pUftd wiib iha AUit Olat la UM. Allar tllllelulldl>h>Illl^d ha bad Oaand aaaaMlMdar illb Ut Oljaplo, Xw>u>ii< aad oUitr •— • ■ otua gu»rCil|r. Ila wm b»l kooni, heverar. alao nnplra, liavloi cradlltblr nilail Ihal ooir- Ma POIItlna lo a mijnrllr «r Un proroMlonoJ tomti pfkjM la nlladaliAla rram ma u isn, loeluilia, aod pfOTlOff popaUr vllb tolJi hUran tod Biiaclalor*. A neramaot for a K«him«ta Kaow Laaaoa for omki ataaoB'.la baloa pnilttd to in airlr rompMlna. Trit eltlw wdatad ia eonpiclaiha kart* eircull or* Baatrioa, liiBeolll„Oiaaha nod Ilullonlo Htbimika, aod Alchtwo, LavTMO*. UaTtoaonli aid ropala In Kaoui. irllh a aoaniuar/ llniltib* ItagnaabfioU ba madaadaaorlal TbaOlniplM daffatai] lU raclflra liy 7 lo d, D«c. 15, it luariaBd<ci>,aai. ,. ,H* wmwi »K«u■ duw.. 1*111 mjw in, uuiii wivr III, naJ«r laacaa chanplooablp ataaoo bORloi (bay vll bavfl llula uoabia la pkhloa «p flrai dau youoa pkf an Tfeapaiaat iMaaaalU badivppluf abiloflbmhyUta II tba mtoor laaaaa dobawlll hold off iiolll allar tbo — .„ . 1 .. ^1,1 lafara ribai kUDiiar Bnlth, of Um Lyachburg taaio. ot tba VIrgtota itata taataa, buiUloa u att a cbanploo taam to- ■NMrror tbaconlogiaaten, Ao affimt li haloa made lo nt a rrioelilu for Koox- villa, Taoa., lo iha B>utbarB Auoclalloo, OtaulMH.Bkb«u,a«er«ur7ortlia Broulilro OluK baa neatiWaibiBitoo, D.U., ui bain N. K. Vouoa, |iml- daat orIba Katloaal Laagut aa*! Amtrlcmi ANOclallon, loarTtagatbaouJor laacua Kbttlula cr cbaaiplooililp gamaa for the comltg >aaa«a. W. n. MaOanDlBl*. ronnerlrmaiuaaror Uia Bnoklvo Uita,alllprohablrliaracliarta oribaAuraita oloa,of IbaNawRoilaadUaiio. W. A.Suodar. ronoerlTOf Ua Ohloaan aod Plllabunt taaa^ «bo rallrad tmm Iba illaannd alawvaanaao aadbaaama aa avinnlUL olll laha part lo ravUal maaUoKa to babald atllruoklni, .N. v.. Id rabniary. Piank MaPaiUlo, a pllabar, Um alooad for naxt-tiifn wllb tba Toronio niib, ol tba Eaalare Laaaua. MaFanllo Via wllb tba Rochainir laaiu, of Uio wna latfiia. Uat aaamn. Anarbaloi ralaaiiMl by tba lallaralobliajoload tba Korfolkik oriba vlriloU Imroi. aod pltchaO Milaao vIoalBi nmaa. Ila waa <iio*lilarBd by coniwuoi ludaaB 10 ba M good a pluzier aa llith, oow with Iha VblladalpbU Club' na VatlDoal Boinl will tmat la Uila ollyduilog llie waak bagloBlDg Jaa. U. A pcftlan of Iha r«O0M amiuul tba Polo flroooda aod MiBballan ^Uhl wsro btown doan br Uia high wliida ot Iba paai waak. MlBagar Irwlo. ol Iba Naw Tork roatii, hai raliinlad to laoltj artar to abiaooa or a waak. li U raporlad thai ba Bpaot hia Obrlmou bolUaya In bla Naw Eoglaod IbU hoiBa. Tba Vaalan Laapqa d«ta#atfa cooraoad Dao. SO. at Hllwaukaa, Wla.. for iha puipoM of cofoplallaa thalr cir oulL A rail attOuol will ba itiToo In oar nail luua ItlipoaalblalballbaBridgapoHOIubniar gat a fran- cblaa IMba naw Atlanflc Awwlallon. A.J,Haacli. piaaMaalot Ihi PblladalpbU Cluh la ra- poflad^ haaiaa ukid a II. Byma, of llia Btooblin inob, toaoaaplkUplafaaaeliilroiao aad nanbar of iha Balaa Ooamluaa. on accnaol of iba fomiar'a abaaoaa fraa booa on builnaai at tho lime iba commlllaa abouU naaL ItubaUaTad tbalMr. IfnawlU acoapl. Tba Jaraar OllrOlub,orUi«Allanllo Aaioolilloo, will donbtlaaaba a Mooaaa aaataaiwo. aa It baa aoooibar of pioBilaant aad waaltbr lo<a1 capltallMa balilad ll, rnat- maalar Riibarl Jol^lao, of Jaiaey Olty, will ba lu pratl- danU CKIOKET. ATTaiMCUTiiini:fiior4k« McnuriM oiili* Boi lUb ooanur orkktt eiub«, • vtrf lone tUt ol fliiuru wu wrunoiortiMiaurnuaijr rur Hit Uar of tht Afliinllu toim. Twclrs of iJit lourttM limokMOoaBUMbftvi tKlt ftrtAond tt Iwt tliiMD oe«u9 ebUDptoQiblp coii(t«u. To« AuMralUoi b4T» ftRUiM IbrM mtlonu vlUi YorUhln, two Moh «ltb olh«r nnt dui coubKm. txc«pt MldOl^ ll, thi loor litt or niteltw timj^A M Lonli ntthtoi It 8«mj,- IdUOubIra aihl Ulouettontalr*, ud ob« Mch wltb Mm olhtr nnt du* counKuk txc«pt MIdOlt' GI, tbi loor litt or niteltw tivfA M LoiamtUtoi It ipowllitoto flwlft lUltAt^te dtt*. Til* AuitrklliD* will fttMM«OQBi«rUi«AiUiirMRib otBogUail ihrMtlioM, u4»|M«nlBD4ltnituillaKiiUli unooa tbtrouDiIti thftt Uht vMI thu vftiT* Uitilr cUimi IoUiomttIcoi o( ujpnHMuoul Kbo tat7 be wlMioO to nprwut Kdi- Turn PioinoOLtJi, ol Bu PrmaclHo,OftL,nM<)«ao««- MlU&t diovlor U»l Muon ID tito Oftllronilft AmooUHoo. OtoU OudMrruM tt*t In ih« bttiloi kvoncw of tb« riono tMa, biflu owd* SU ratu Id dHMO inolDti^ wTtibHSniuwM«bl|hwit ^«*n. ILCCuldy. for ih* (bin noMwn muml hid tb« bMt bo«llor knnn, tabiM IS wlekcU at uio oott of 7J1 no* oteb. lit bowm 50M vuhtu thu kU tb* oib*r ho«Ur* oon- bwod. .wllb uoibfr bowler 10 tupport 0««tdjr, aod odo orlmbftiuntDDrth* nnbuttUrdDor.Uio riclflo tata wtHiM h*v« •Rood abowlDii for tht itwoDitlor thtOtll- ronUAwooUiToD. K. Xl OiutiOK, or ihf HwrltDW OtQU,of L«w|tso*, Mud., DotolaUlT lowli la itto iHttlnf Dforuea of ilio M>—ehnwiti AiD«el»ilon. Ilo It d moot dttI vtl friiiD VotkAbVrt, But. J. II. OombDr. ol Did Lowtll oUTOa, -a ...^iiiijii InUHbatilDi DTorafOD, inDklpi iloabto »v«r Taaloi «xeipt t«o,ftoil nolitlllDglo ,. 1(0 WNB Id Sno funn wh« fttoeiubtd onrM ia I MOT* la ik«H Iwo lo«i . - tba apuop MOMd. Deoriox M9 raat far onc« out Id hU > WNB Id Sno funn laMlwo IbbIbh, tli«T«ifmDO«onr«Wrlibiihow«d up iuli»Mon IbIiUoU Udm fonit, bauloi Tlieroailf aad MhIbr Qatlr t^r tba LoD|:*o«d loom. Tib triTiN iHLixo Ou'i li*d » aott auccauful muod ilMi,wlBalai till cbunploQDhlp uf tha Mouvuolliaa " ~ Mia,wkll« jTL rboklta tltlof bowl^woD Uf baK bowllna avonn Id cliuaploDihlp ooBtatu> aacapturlui ihltij-ihTMwkbouatUio oott of aUUMOfarJ nai taoh. if. I Rolobjr kadi la battloi, vita ta avaiaia of ID.TB nina for aloe IddIoiI Durlof Uat aaaaea tbo flnt ilovoa loot enlr iWa iliDoiiar ilio feaitaoB ptur«l. P I. Bhort.w)ioranli«d wteod (obti- Iwf, OMTaHy oapUtaad tho mi otov«a durlog tbo put fiiSaBtbAiiti«llaBa)aTeD,Ourln| ibopraMataaaMO. wUliiaYa tbawtrleaior HttiioD,avoT7 luiTouad atiu bovkar.vbo nooDUj ntdf bl« tint tpiiaaruco la Idi- poftaai mataaaaaad rartorfd (Ir* wicKttaat acottof oBif U ntta. LrooiL thi kanl bliUni baiMnao nr ■owbiditiallBiUludlRautii ilti mmornianHaihli dHulag.toto wltb tbo AuatiilUDiaun to BhiUad. .001* bu tbo ban tatilav aroraio Id nnoi ~ Iba ■altlnor* Club lul aMMW. ooorlniwi nioo taalan. OUban, ilio proiwtloDal ot Itia ibawlloauil raoki thlid la battlog. Tho abwoD ma of tl4 dIob laniH |4ayail Um A.a.BTnuiliouoco (knou Eo|llibaaaUur,raooDt* ' tbafoi* Ika MadiDlaot aUTotpout '1 ballof thai Rpomitlh, tho one* A wu iht boot ho OTOT ballod acalwt, and tbat MeU ww »m of Iba baM bowlan of tbo pmaat dajr. 4. u. BTpiu U10 uoro lami I; Mtarad ob crtcbot bafon ool»fa,aBda»ro»wdhlt b (baou AaMnllao bnaior, i Diiuia, lb* UflhaadoJ hovlor. who wu oo •uooaainil iut aoaaoQ anion Iha TlilllDiEuliib laan.U aaitoui to IO lo Bailud Willi tho AuitralltB luoi of Wl uho Janli aad OtMOTT, bo c«oi a eriuot builnata, lAtC liajlai oHehoi iTocfc taraoiallr (a Loaaoa uvu nacb uoaay. Tib two oonaitilan nillat iht conpalltloD fbr Iht Ballfbl Cap lad Olub Kofonl Coh tho orabtomi of tfar looucbaaploaiblp In rttUa-lMphra. 1^^haTooipnoML tMU>wlllia(tt«M to bud om thoir Initu to ttio ^no- - - , _ , - - _ _, Jfc llto orablomB of tbo cbaaploaiblp In rttUa-lMphra. 1^^haTooipnoM illllactt«M to bud om thoIr Initu to ttio Ano- OrlekolOhiba, m ihot ika laeto Id that dij wTll H la wtnaofoalr oaa OTiaalHtloo. TlhOanualorat^hbi, of miad*l|4ila, Pa., will |lro a MiMor aotaflalaaiaiu al lu olab ht^aio^ .laa. 7, l£ Foh '~ 'ipril K thoprommMa ror ibo Uot moatlttDod ' "ITm Hratio of l*ooiuc«," praaoAtod « mi Apri. . data fioBitttlai 0 oT I ^onOtaKof rhllad«li4ilk. I**., haaoWu- Welfoedoa: Tk* r4«>MoBia P. l'. taar - hj iB«Bbon or Iho olub, TiiYaadonOtDtLof rhllad«li4ilka I't-thaaoUrtail iho relfoadoa; Tk* r4«>MoBi, P. l'. Baaaoti; itoanifar. .. P. PBalo:a«et«ur7,.i.J.Bor«l- TlitdubUlaa Aoariih iDieoBdltlon. TBI Auatraltaa loan ihu will vUllBoaUDd noii ua- aoB will ptaj i aorloa of vtmio lo UiU oil/, l*hilaJolpbli, I'a., aal iUb rraoclora, Cal, prior lo tbolr ulhai for aoaa n««a tbtlut montlooaJ olir. ■ABVif Dariitv, tbo LonJoD ud SoDih Alrlou Bull- lloaali«,ltla laM.nudo a& Mlbrwhoa thanmt* tootl- moaUJwaiatanadtoilTatbt lallor cbanploo cflchoior CM^QUdowB lor It en '^»|iaft." AnoBHPmiivBiri han rorooHr tahon plirabotwroo Ibo ronnlMoa ot Iha hfttila|hairi*blro Clab and iba rannlitaworotlMr BajiliRheouBilMUtoapropoaa] lo aiUDd Ibo rMMaetlal qaillOcatlooN of cmbix pUytn to ihrooj«anlDiMaad ol two. IxHiiroeaot iDioroolooIal chiroplonidilp caDto*tb« twoao Viclorfa and Boutb Aoiifalla tho loUarnot villi ao aifoip*<>tod dofeat, toalalr aalni to Ibo fallDTo of UcontaUimo, both ID bauloiraadbowllo|. II, Vak lIOMRinH liconpllloc an aicotleot mlow bf IntoraaUoaal matdioi pbyod la Ptliidolph'a. Pa..tba opoolDtanlclobetnii f1r«n Id UialaMlanoof ntAmtr- lean CrttktUr. J.J. Ltoxii raada Itf mm Is BlaoiynlnotoilDoro- coot nutcb Id Aoilraila, ibna rivallof M« farooui ID nisa atalDil EoaUsd at Lonla Ja UBS, nhh tt irero ouile In DlnoifflTo mlaKoA. Iir a rwnt Atutrallaa cAOlaU Adam Hailior. of iha nioflotooolOTMi.*u crodltad withbavIoBbattodaball Ibo fanarliablo dlatUM of 90 lardi. OoontoBooDor bu a nooti of baitlof a bail leo yafda, at Molbouroo. THE TUBF. Rbw Orlamna Ilae|Bg. Tbe C'mceni Clij J&ck«]r riQi) codiiduci to pn- ■Mt larR« fleMs of bigb clun boneM to its patiooH al Neir Orleua, Ia., Bod U KVloIng connldenble coin of Ue mini, u s reaoltol Iti eoterprlae and goo<l luoafeneBt. Th« mails ilnce oar lait laae are h«r» glTeo: Doc Ma-Plfft racy Bifaa aod ooohalf fkirtooRi, furM-EUao. UI. Hodca, * to I, woo; Kooaud, lUI. Ilkha, in I, aacood; Klaf Ria. )W. U'arrao, U to 1. ililrl. TiDo, lAI>a flaepBd faeo—Oflo aod ooahalf mlloa. aalllDi-Utaaoo, lQI,Tllcla3i, to I. wod; Blllf McKoDtia, lin, AEar.itoftbBotoBd; Rtdcap. WO, TDbomUo. ll lo i. third. T\tf,t:a}i. . ..^hlnl raca—Soroa fttrlnoKaaatl a half, baadleap-llonM Ibo, W. B^rotl, 4 to 1. woo: fliarfe, O. UaloBood, A io l.aoroad: VIda,iH. WlUlami. li to l.tbin). Ttma. 1:^1 fourth rac»-S«Too aod a halriorloonhaDdlca^l>onilDRo,lo0,Joooa,0to>, woo; Jabo ^tlnnarataa, JliL urortoD.i to A, aoeood: Anlat, 111, Turnar,IBto 1, third. Tlnia,lJ7 .... Plltb rar*— 000 ratla aad a ■laiaroita, HOlllog—fulluar, l(D, Uaf- wDod, TioA, wao: Adam JohnaoD, igc, Ihiifr, 10 luI,aac- ood; Willi*. nmJurphr. 15 tai, third. TiBia.l:At. Doc. S.-rlprt ma—Aaion and a lialffuP-Ofw, wlllag— Whlvpor, UI, Ca>wood,7 101, woo; Ulllu P. .^U.(;UrJS tol, wcoiid;UoiieoKlB|.lll, M(d|Blor,4ul.tlilTd.Tlin*. 1 :U .... fUcoad rata—Baron larlonia, aailloit—Tom Bayra. KP7.Irvla, Stil, wod: i.haaoa, fid Tabor, 11 toft, oaeoDil: TucrH, 101. W. Jonaa, 7 to 1. third. Ttino, l ■Ji^^ Third rtea-Oaa and ooo half tntla^ budl- cap-r»n»or, tJ, W. lllekn, 0 to oiio, won; Bot^io, lUf, lllin,0la»,M<DBd.OUnit, n, A. Rarroll, II li> i. ihlrd. TbDo,3:4.'> Koanh iwe-Ooo nillo aad ao olgbtb, CttrlMaaa llandleap, vataa Bl.OXl-artr. Slieehao, 111, Tabcr, 6 lol, woo: Janborao, icn. J. Uilli to I, aocood; LaDiilro. 1(0. J. NurphT.B'a to I, dilrd TItno, K.normca—Ooa nlla and ivooiy raida, aolllaic— ■oodlaDi, ItRi, Clark, 7 to 1. vou: eir Joho. IIO. Caywood. llio»,iaconil;ro(alan. MS, J. IIIIl,3to 1,ililnl. Tima. I:AI. Ooc. 0.-PlT«t raca—Saian aod abalffurloDnMlliDg— AdihL,f9,DatlB,S 10 l.woo: Jainaa V. t;uur.tiV. Har- raii, U to i,B4coad: (juaao ifau, im. Carvoud, ot«d, third. TlBO, 1:13 bacond taca B o too nifloBKa. two ^oar old milaa Btulllo, IIA. Porkloa, aroo, von;Mainl» _.. ICBL Barrair, U> to 1, Moond; Roinuea, UO, Paou. 6 to I. third. Tlma.l*J> Tblid raoa Ooo mlw and a >U- tatata,aaDlu-Blllr Banoatt, lia,TutMrvllio.0 to I, «od ; ArUat, 117, Taraar. 13 to ft, aocooil; OaTa l^nUlfor. 117, Hflt. S to 1, third. Tlma. IM. Pnurtb raco—Ooo nlla. ItaBdIcap—Prin, HI, OayoAod.Oio 1, woo; R'lalraO., SI, HlMtni. 3 to I, tMCoad; UUIaa B-, u. Clay, i lo I, laifd. Tlut^ r47K I''nh raca—Ooattllo aod aaTonir jarda, a«lllB)t-«L L«K kM, llao, 3 lo I, wod ; Bpaadollo*. 110. Bdiorrtr. a to 19. aacood; Kan, lUT, Mculouo, 4 to I. ihlnl. Tlma. IM^. Doc fl.—Ptralraco Botoo furloain.BoUb|—Rao Bas. ICB, JoDaa,l lol, woo; King ( Koaa.4 id 1.aacood; HIrJoho, HB,auwart,9tuT. UiinJ. Tlmo. 1:.'K*4 Hoc- oDd raoo—Ooa rnito, aalllBR—Uapt Eldd. l(iO,TutieiTlUa, t_|o^woB; Dal Ooronido, IW, rvlllru, Uio I,aacood; Bqolaoi. ISO. Joota, l>j lol. tbtrd, Time, 1:49 Tklnl raca-SlK ftirloDBB. par«e-Had Joho, 111 lllli,3 to I, «un; Rloaada, Hart^iy. 4 to I, aoeood: Tha Bcalpior, lli>, TuborvlUaJ to I, third. Tlmth i:ui'i Podiui raw- Obo niUa. bandteaiN-Klkiia, Clay, is to I, woo; I>»- mlago, lia. Joo«a.S lo a, Mcoad: Aablaad,Sa, Cavwood, Itlol, Uilid. Tlgia,l:ia....:..Finh_rac».lllla aad ooa altlaaolb, puna—Jack tb« Jaw, lOS, Ham, lutal, voa. BaMor, luX l^alwood, C ti 1, .MODd; Boood Mora, 111, TubtlviUO ul, IbllU. Tlma, 1 M. Oao a.-8la farloDga. paraa-^oea Imparlal. Ill, Uill, )loa,flrat;MlBa Rowall«.lua Uan, Utol, Mcondlfion- naailiUllal.W. IIOH,»tol, ihlrd. Tlma, I:!!.'. Bao- opd taca Oea iiilla,ror Iwo rear oloa—Mani.a 0., lUL iUnall,2l(U I, Itiat; Judga iMbooM, Ut, Mou.« M I, I; Kayal Ubolea, IU,%hafT, t lo 1 Ihlrd, Tloio, 1:17 Tbinl iaca-R«.«B rarlooa.. fur lhr.a year oMa aiu opwani—Kaoaod, ltH,llloka,S>3 lo I, lint: Moiaiu, 101, Dufr, i to 1, aacowl: Lairaiiiia, IV, nil!, la lo 1, tblnJ. Tluia, 1 ;lb rootlh nba—Ooa inlla aod iwtDly > haadloaa—Laaadoe, KB, J, Murpby, 7 to a, orr 1, UDBiniioaDaiwfaty raxdi^ haDdloap—Laaadoe, KB, J, Murpbr, 7 to a. Drat; Riiulia 0., tl, Hiagliu, B tol, lacoBd; Balklloa, lOI.Oby, auiol, Italld, Tlma, 1:1**4 PlRb lacc-fili rorlooga, puna, for Ihrca laar obu aod opwanl, lofe balow ilia aoala-OU DoolnlOD. UB, Uani. 7 lo 1, Dial; MopMy, IIS, MorM.OJlol, aacaod; BIr Joan, lei,lloM,fi to I, third, TlBia,l:ie,<(. I>ac. JU-riiat nea—Sl:i lurtean, aalllog-HlBDla nirda. 107. Oatowood, u 10 I, woo; Burlay Mar, lOT.Ta. ItatTllK iota l,aa«ood; Anaalc, KfT. PaaD,6 to I, third, TiBia, 1:23 Ilafood imta^FiTa furlooin pona—Black Tlaar.wa, Daffy, s to I, woo; Bob Na>i1.o, UH Tulla^ TlOa,7b> l,ia<uDd; Batulor Vaai, 111, Burpby, S to I, thinl. TlBia,lJI<i Tblid nca—Ooa inlla,a«Illaii— U.odlcaal, lll.Oluk. 3 to I, woa;Bagla BInl, lU, Wjno, SU 101, aaaooil; u, B. Cci, III, Niklaa, e to I, llilnl. Twa, 1:I1K roonb raea Oaa aod a quanar mllaa, luwilafi-Cua a), iilcki, IK to I, woo; Biuoat, n, Hcbamr.aoiol, aacood; raytoala,n>>, OaUwocd, U'to I, tta\rt. Tina, l:ll,U VlfUi raca-aatao fuHoan a^lai-Oania IN. Ibaa. r to 1, woo: YUa, IW, Oaia- wooiOtiol.aawBd; Balk Lioa, 107, uanltot, Uilid, Tuna, lau. VlrflBte Joekajr CUb. Bdldii; week wllaniMl» apun Id Ibe auendiac* •t Bt. AMpk.kiili M UK bockokken were unror- tuDate In tbelr oompellUoo wlib tbe talent, a graat majorlv oT Ibe beUlJig pAtniu of Ibe mok cleaned DP A praU7 rair degna ot prollt on tbelr callnulea. LArge aaldi and aplrlM Onlaba btre mied alnce our lABl lepon, tbe lenlle nplo tbe day of loliv (o PRM belbi hat ilTtn: Dae. tt..-Plfal raea—teran furloaga—Nlaaly uraD, 107, Donay, 10 lo 1, won: Oontalaa, liA, J. Moipby, lOtoa, Warilba, U7,ik>laB loi.UiliO. Tlina,lde lUt aoo a half nirloBg^Paiilo, KB, Aaban. I 10 S, voa: Uoa Luoaf, UB MttabaTI, 6 lo 1, Moood Tribula, KB, Aadiawa, 7 lo 1, thlid, Tina, Iblid laoa-Utir a nlla-Oialar, IIB, Dalalianty, ll u 1, woBimitoo U,>I, Aibnni, i tul, laoond: OaLn, Uo- dwwood. 11 to A Ihlnl. Tlma, 0:53 rmirthnc«— rira aad a hair AitIobb»— Naotaokat.UAaboro,Blo&, van; Godr, lOOl natabar, al lo I, aacood; llammlag Bird, V7, HItdiall, 1 tol,lbln, Tlqa. 1:11 Pllib laoa-Uli aad a balflurloon-Inp. Bainarliaa, 103. tllaaaoo, 7 lo 10, woo; Baliloa, lU^ J. MooM, W u> I. aacood: Or, Baad, 101; Alalrawi, lilol, thild. Tlma. la7,>; Biltbram— BoTBB I\irlaata-R«il8tar,lH R. King,a lol,woo; ladia Rabbar, M. Ooraay, • lo \ wcaad; BlrTom, lot, Dala- haoty.jl tol, "~— • , tklid, Tbiia,lJI, l>aa.l7.-Klr«tnc*-Sixaod a hall farloaga-TomaiT Biophy, 113, LjBch, aiol, om; Llitia Jo^ ICD, ,Ufoiif, tt-tf a>iva. HiBh, AMbM* v"*, ■•"a .Miviv* » to b: aacood; llobaak. ItB, Aodtawi, IS la I, thiid. Tuna. 1:^\ Btcond tmoa~Kli furlonga-Ltdy Rlcb- niobd. Mr7, Cowman. II to 1, Oni: Lumbaman. 110. Dal- abaatj^le a. Mooad; Mirauarlla, 107, Lcblinas.3lol. thlid, Tlaia, 1:I1'4 Tbicd taca—Thraa-yaar uua, four aad a halriutlooM-anla, loo, Aadrawa,6lo I, nm; bno. V«lTatJlaia,4IA. oalabanlf, 7101 aaoood; Ooman, liA, Mlleball. ; to I. Ihlfd, IlniK 0±»', Founh raca- Oaa mlla aod a nirloog—Jnllat, V. tltaawo, 9 to 10, Brat; BtooHoa, 11^ Bllebell, 4 to I, ncood; roialoTa, Itn. J. Maorw. W to I, tblnl, Tlma, IM', rfllb ~ Toii,yaar-olda, all tfad a naarlar furloan—Ban, 110, Labmin, 15 to 1, Oiil: CuduMoo^ IIM, Hatcbar, S lo I, aacood; fll, Laaraaca V, 109. Allbi^, 6 to 1, ihlnl, Tlma, 1:11';- SUlk laaa-OBa nilla-Salauktt, ll^, QrldlD, e to £ flnt; reiki. IOI^ Coodrlar, 0 to 1. lacood; llooialai. liaWadibiira,3lol,tblN. T1ma,l:<A IMO, 3>-nnt raoa—Pour furloon-Imp, riondarar, IU,arUlo,4tal,lnl; Bclloaa Jr„ IIOla, Moora,b u>l, aacood; Htrndoii, IIIX Uttaluuty, 8 to I, thitd, Tlma, 0:5314 Bacoodraea-TwoyaaroM^iliand abalffur. looga—Kan, IW^ Lohmao, 7 to 1, flnt; Bl Lawneca 11, lUL Alford, la ta I, wniad; llallla ll y, KB. Dalahuilr, id tol, lAlid, Tliaa,l:l7K Tlilid laca-Four aad ahair l\irloaaa-.Kamo, Iv, J. Mooia^S lol, flm; Booalavilla, IM Oalaliaaiy, 6 lo 1, aaoood: OoTonor Flfar, ion R. king, 10 lol. ihlid, Tlma, 1:01*4 Konrlb laco-SIa aad a h.lf rarktnaa-rtckaway, hO, Alfatd.l 101. flnl Mania nhao. liV A, Moon, S to 1, aacood; Cuckoo, 109, Nieay, 10 10 I, tbitd, Tina. I:S Finh ladi-Aaraa rbrloBn, Ihiwa vaar uMl—Hlbarla, IIOl Aibura. II 10 ft, llnt;8lra, lU, IHIahaDtr,ft to Iwooil; Juaolta,llii Kury.lOlu 1, Ihlnl. Tlma. I'M Hliih nca-Oaa mlla-Iraiilon. ri.Mlloliall.;u> lOk flnl; Bataukai.lIX Uildla.a M I, lacood; Ihial, 91, A>bum,«J to I, llilnl. Tlma, l:a«'». TBB I'BMNBBkt BUgDggll* ABBOCUnOX lO Out wltb Ila Blake Mognnime for in SmIqi mcellor, AmU n-Mar i, A Cunberlaad lurk, Naabniie, wblob Is aa Mloin: TbtOunbarlaod Filie, ror tbr«« Tear oIiIb, on and oii»-«l|bib mllta, tl.toa; tbe (itnl Brewtni OompAir Uandlcap, lor tbiee jeer oldi, BaT«atarton|B,f 1,000: lloncan Uolel llandl- oap, ror ibtee fear olde, mile, (; (ireenbrter Biakea UandlcAp, for ibiM jeer olda, mile, (1,000; NIobolaoB llouae Stakee llandmn, alx ranoaga, fl,Oin;Balle Meade Bukfe.ror two jeer olda,four rnilODn, (I.OOO; Naiwell IIodbo Slakn, roar and oao'halr fanobte, (l,oa>- TnaDrlrlDi Cluh or Keir Vork.ibroiuib liaexecn- Ure eomnlliM, on Dm. -ii, mmomni tbe rolloT. Ini alskfa to b« decided u tba iirand Clitull meet- iBf, lobebeld lo AobobI neit, at Fieeiirood rark: For tiotttn-l:U claaa, (9,000: l:i« clan, (s,n)o: 2:30 clan, (.^,900: 3 Dlnulo clean, (1,000: 3:M claaa, tor lbR«;or olda, (t,n>0, end ■ a:S«rlaa>,forlaio Iter oMa, FVir p«c«ra-a:l9 riaai, (1,000:11:13 clUB, tl,00D,BedSoilnule claaa, (1,000, JncgKT BaoiDkB, * brotbtr In law oT "Snappei*' Oarrlaoo, la IjIBI •> tbe point or death at bu bonw •I Sbeepahead bi, L. I., ta * mnit ol Injiutea i»- GtlTOdBtBI, Aaapb, Decis, ' ■ Old Dsmlnlon Jnckejr Clnb. Tka pedi tfMl bmi been toolber period nr prom to lb« Old DndBS}!! Jocker Clnb, at Ila Alexander tBtend lneK,.ud tdlowen or tbe boraea hare man- •fed 10 gain mneb ready caeli bj reason or tbelr Bbnardnea In pictlag ilioae hones moat llktly 10 win. We (Ire belo* Ibe reiuliaslnceour Ian lisue: Dac. M. — flnt iwlv^Four foilooga-Balla <I, IIO. Andraai.e ml,flnt; Jo Jip,IIO,A.boro,oiao,aaCMd; Bnicot, Mullar, lb to' I, ihlnl. TInio, i-My, .JK- ond r«4»-Tworeir oHa, .It and aiiuaitor rortunita-Klor. rIa. lUl nlaaHB, 1 10 I, nm; Torrwdala, llttKMry, « 10 l,Meood; MM Ho«a,9). R. Ilrawn.20 10 1, llilid, timo. IM\£ Thlrdrac«-Tbne)aari>kl«.iili andaliair iar- lonii-Too Much Jobaaoo. lur, Klal. 1 10 3, nnt; Imp, BamarUan. 110, alaaM0,ft to LMcoiid; Blue Booott, 107. t:oodn«r.fttol,llilnl. Tlma, 1:29>« Fourth race—Ooa mlla-^fullau fo, OlakMHi, 0 10 3. llrAl: BnokUia, ttf, aitchaU.B 10 I, aacMd; l-ailktolv 91, bouiller, I lol, tblid, Tlma. I:17i; Finh reca-Hli aod a qtoiur nirkiai.->laillaL'buii, lOZ, A. Houra, 11 to U. flnl: r<ck. away. m'„ Pltrco. B 10 1, lacond; BlKUo, 105, Nelnn, II 10 I. third. Tlma, Bmh nc«-Slx aadaiiQatlar furkDia-Trallor, luSv KIni, 7 14 >, flnl: Dr. ll.unmli, IOi,Aodnwa,;otal, Mcood; Xnoklya, IO, A, Moiiic.llo 1.tklnl. Tlm«l:II<«, , _ IXc, B.—Fltal ncw-PIra luilooga-llia nowo. lOt, Al- fiinl, ;io>,ent: M>tlO|>olli, lU, Aodnwa ft 10 luroBd: WaacllO,>l. ihlid. Tlma. ini*i.... iMooJ ni-a—BoTaa nrlooaa-Toloaa, 101, Flalcber, w 10 1, dm; Banrollo, led, Dofaiy,] lot, aacoad; Lalgb, lOLCoudrltr, e t« 1, Ihlrt. Tlma. I:ii,*, Third raca-Tlina jtnr o\dr, ala and aiioanar rurloofa—Tancrad. Ill, Aiban, fl 10 5. flnl; Qallla. 99, Olaaaon, 10 to 1. nacoud; llatlla, lOil,', R. Hog, «0 10 I, Ihlnl. Tina, Founh faca—Two jaar u d., Mx and a half furlonia-rotlldl, 103, Ulataoa. 4 In :i,0ni; Tonvdala, loB, A. Moora. ft u, t no- nod; mlua 11, aa, Atbara, U to 1. ihlnl, Tlma, i:r,li Fifth raca^rour aad a half fnrloaga-Jo Jaf. liii, Aabun,! 10 l,flr»t; lliianca,l01,Oomy,IU ti I. »c. ood; Cnlomlio^ lOft, N.buo. li to l. lbM, . Tina, 0:51;. ..... .9l<lh rac»-41aeBilla-aalUlln, W*;. A, Uo it, B10 ft. Unit; Brooklyo,99. Itarrl*,3 In 1, aacood; HItianl.'.'l. Aabun, II ms, Uilnl, Tlma, l:i;. . . , , ,.„ ' l>*^.n.—Flial race-Two yaar oUa. Ova furlonin-xll. loo II, HQ, Aabum.s 10 l.flnii; Rodoay. tUAKabuii, a 10 1, KCAOd; Tiaaooa. lin, (llaaioo. 4 in 1, Ihlrd. Tlma, 1:05 HoconJ nc«-SIx and a iiaartcr rurlnnya—T^- ercii, uu. Alburn, a tn5. nm: ffalcmr. lur, Aifoni, t to 1, MciKid: Fnnk K. Uaif, 101,IlkaHin, 15ml. lliln:. Tlaia. 1J3 Third nca—BK aod a half lurloiie.—llanom. lalCcidrl.r, 111 Ki I, inn: India Kubhar. 11^ Andnw.. 4 to I, BKonil; Pajinajutr. it\ Alfonl, 15to I, ihlid. Tina, l:a Fnnrlh race-All agn, four and a lialMiirtonica -Kionia,W, niu.oo.t u 1, nm: Faiin, lai, v. riiuitn. moon. 9 U)to, McoQd; ill. tinea. IS, Dur^py.M lol. thlnt. Tlma, Odd^i Fiflh lace-TtirM y.arnlil., tlx aad a quarlar foriuoai—ilammlog Bird. ^ llilch.ll, 8 to 1, Brat; l^rragot. lui, (^iu<lriar, 20 10 I. Mconil; Tha CloTn,lid, Alfon). ( 10 l.lblid, Tlma, 1:0* 4Im1i ran—Ooa iniia—Poixa da Laon, 107, D.l«ii«niy, i |g 1, nnt; VaUtnc, IOI.A.bani, 110 :!, Mcoitd; F,lacin>, u*^, ■Taroaa, 31 tu 1, third. Time, I :I7. Pr«al«l«at P. P. JoimBtoit, <ir tbe Nalloniil Tiolllog llone AmocIaIIou, pn- Bldtd at a meellnn of promloeot totroen, held Ike. 'in, at l,exloglon, Kr. Thegatbeilog waa hrid for iheporpoie oradruoclog nieaeorrB to elevate ibe turf, and, ariera geoerar dliconlon, tho rolloirlng rewluiloni were adopted: HiMOlrtd, KinL llAtall ihe WaJiUm aaiociitlona which iiava manotaad alakia In ckua is tha Dear fuloiD are rcpacirnily ra<ius4«d to wlihdmw ilia aaiiio anil iab*ll. Iota for lliani alakot wllh a ^utrd amount of idiled moDoy by Iha aaaodatloop, aod that Iha caili entry ayaiam b« ntaload. /rraotml, Bacond, iba io our Jodgmcnl all aiaocUl looa tbal hara a. maoy aa in aTinaaol olabtaan bnokmak.ra dolag builnew at ihilr tnck. ahould gl.a on rairular dayi no pune IcM IhiB (5111. aod 00 axira daia none t(M tliaa %lOK and that wi rai|uaal lham 10 do an. Wm, LaiiUMD kaa been engaged l>; Jac. Kop- pen Jr. oa miner tor bis aiable, to ancoeert John R. bunpbell. Ho will not break bis relallons wllb J. II, and F. r. Keeoe bj bla contnct to train Ibli airing. Ho will ualo tbe older divlalons ot iho Keeoe etable, oabied l>r Tom arecn, who will handle tbe Tearlloga. JocBgr Abbumi lavo a remarkable pcrfomance In tbe louiilt race ai St. Aiaph. Va., Iiec, '.^6, Joet as ihestart wasiiiAde ihe horse's saddle slipped on- der bin), and the Jockey, lidlog bnirbark on lite nolniara withers, clang to bim, and lo the slrBicb rorced hitn ahead and won tbe race. JiMis McNiixr, (ormerlr* Jockey In the eniptoj or Janes Qoldcn, at UysUo Park, was nmrdemd In a rongh and tumble Ugh*, at Providence, R. I., Dec 20. Hie oaaallanu made good their escape, hot de- tectives have deecrlpllons of ibem and are llkelj lo root hem down. Ocas. W. raaigB, a young luifman, died Dec. 23, at Ihe home or bla father,at Hamarooeck, UI.) after a piotiacteil lllneae, The heat known bonea owied hy Mr, Parker were Lake Shore, lloniwaj and Heny Doke, all or which raced In the Bant last Snnmrr. TliBQlTeawar Clob.nt Uing Bioocb, N. J., bold i miimg race Dec. 25, Tbe iac« waa one mile heals, hem three In Ore, and was won by John wukloa' White Wlogs la three slialght besia. John Km- moaa' lilaekwood vrae second and John Dium's Imd Ihlld. Time, 9:44, 9:47, 2:49, Tub Detroit (Ulch.) Jookej CInli has changed ihe dales or Its inceiing to Aug, 4-12, to conrorai wllb a olroolt wbloh bos been onooged to Include Louie- vllle, Ky,.IIard-a; Cincinnati, 0.,at Oakley, Maj lB-JoD«22, and LAloi>l»June23-Aog, 1, TBI Poasalc (N. J.) nidUig and Dilvlog Clnb boa been organlieo, wltb a capital alack or (a,ooo. Oen. Bird W. Bpeater, Ollberi D. Uogart, aeoige P, Rntt, William Beam and Ludwlck Klok an Ibe oiganlxen. ()Diz and Lady Hay, valoable uoUIng nates, re- cently pnrohaaed tor James Gordon Uennett, will be Bblpped to Oenoa 00 Jan. 4. qnUlsabaynureiiy WIIknontQuinda, by Bona Hde, and hai a leeerd of J:M*.'. Ttii Kentncky Aeioclitlon, at a recent meeting <ir Ila board of aiewaidB, choee the rolloirlog oniolabi: /. F. Cbty, ptealdeni: illlton Young, rice preiddent; J. K. Camdoo, BMOBd vice president; JoUus Uarka, treasnrer. , Wbrb OuiDD, cned by the Ueirlwa Btables, dropted dead aa tee bonea poesed under Ibe win In iberonttta race at Inglealde, Ban Itanclaco, Call, Deo. 21. BEsroBO, Ihe properly or Ed, Corrlgan, fell and broke hIa leg It lue Diet J nmp In Ihe foorth race at Inglaalde, Bon FibdcIsco, Oal,, Deo. it, and hod lb besbct. TOB Horlbwealen Bieadera' Assoelatlon bsa de- olded to bold Its annual irotllng meeting at Vaali- IngloD Park, Cblcap, 111., daring tbe week begli)- nlng June 3D, 1890. JoBK A, OoiDUiiTa'a will waa admitted to pni- btie hi Ketrbuig, ^', Y., Dec, 'JO, Ills young widow Is mode prtnclpol Itgateo and sole exeeuiilxwttli- ont lioDds. EABNias BAOiHo In Ibe West will open at Uacold, Neb„Jiine 15-20, lied U*k, la.,wlU lolkiwonJine 22-1;. TBI Belmont Urltlng Olab, or Ptalladelpble, Fa;, on Dee. 24 leased tha pHvllegea ror Uelmont Paik torDextyaarlo EdwaidOdeU, who bid (4,000. Taa Field Clnb, «l llaabioack llelihls, N. J,, wait desttoyed by lire Deo. 24, entailing a Ion or (t,o(n.^ Bkn dauau will bo sent Weal by H. F. Diryer, neit seoaoo, wham he boa many atake ongageuenl^ Jicoi RurranT Ja. bos aecnred eecond call on Ihe aetTloea or Jookay BUnma ror nr.xi eeoaon, Tnik'cvio, a munliig hone, tho property or Hugh Hi-Carren, dieil al B(. Aaaph, Va., Iier. 25. Qp^- iHVix, a bookiaabar. wlioaa lioma wu la Unta- Tllla, Ky„ diad or coogaallon 01 Iba bnin at Naw On laaaa,La.l>, J\.THLETIO ToB Wealtra Inter-State , Unlrereliy Football Aaaoolatlon, Ihreugb lie execniire comoiltiee, eleeted tbo lollowlog oDlcUle at a meeilng htid at low* lily, la,, U«. 'Jl: Piealdenl, lU K. Moodr, UolvetHlly ot Kanaaa: rice preeMenl, II. T. Oory, Unlrenlty ot Mlaaouil; secrelaryi A. J. Wotrer, Volveraliy of Kebnaka; tnaani«r, Ubarlea Q. tat- ling, Unlveralty at Iowa, The folloinag scbedole or gAoee ror imwaa adiftcd: Oct. -a, Iowa and Konau, at Iowa i;ili; (let i», Mlaaonri and Kebna- ka, al OolnDbla, Mo-: Kov. Kanaaa ondMeb- naka, at l.*wi«nce, Kao,: Nov. «, lowa and lUa- aonrl,atOolnmbla;Kov, lo, Kanaaa and UlMonil, at Kanaaa City, Ho.; Kuv. 'J4, Iowa and Nebimato at UoahA. Kaasos was awarded tbe pennaat rtrir IKW. A silver cup, valiiad at fjou, wlU be con- teatedrorln IBM. atoaoBttTiMDis-fl, thepnreeslonal marker of ibe New York Bacqtiet and fthnle Clnb, and Uairy IbMkM, In A similar tioalUon wltb ihe Chicago Ath- letic Aaaoclallon, engaged In a match at ncunelaat the conns or the rormer organlntlon, on ;;inaa. Standing conceding lioekee Ove acea In ilia Hiat game and alx ac« tbcreattcr. biandUig Hbawed thai be wna able to make this conceialonby wlaoiog tbematcbln stnlsbt seta by a scora or \t\-vi, \i— 14, l»-i;. Tbey played ror a conuibnicd pnrve. A MITCH at hurling waa contealed at Wallace*a Rldfewood ivtrk, l/ong laUnd, im Bqnday otter- now J>ec. 20, the team* engaged repreaenuiw ihe WoltlbneandBmnel cinba, reapecilvely, aad the renltota holly conlnted gome being a Ue ontbree polaueach. Ton New TortTninvefeln U now offleerod as rol- Iowh: Pr«aldant,lobnBI*Uj tlcepjaaldenLRudoIph Welso; coneapoodlBg aJoielarr, F. BnobMw; re- cording secrelaiMa, rTEebfaoieln and Airied I. Ilomnan; caplakiTLotilJ Vehtt; Uentenanl, Qeorga Woir. TBABS repieaentlng revecliveir Ihe Bay Mdge Athletic Clnb and the Ksony Rangoa met In a toot- ball match at lk« groanda of the rormer, at Bay Ridge, L, I,, on vbitamiBa aftemoon,the homettan winning by a soote ot 1 to 0, AFOoniLt MITCH was contested at Long Dmnoh, N. J., on Ohrlalnaa, the contending leama lepieaent' Ing Ibe l<ong BiUch and Victor Oiniia, and the cnn- lest taking pU<» at the Oential Qon Onbiagnanda. The ronAer won by a ecore of U to 0, TBB Kew York Athlelle OInb preaenled • grand nprtght plano'tt Michael ('. Mnrphy oa aiUhilstsua gill, as a mark or appreciation or hla setvlces In brlngins ouia cbamplon American teamagalnat Ihe lA»don AthleUdCInb, In tbtncUy.UM FOU. To(l«nlsiown(N. J,)0oU0lab elected oAlcere lam week, ue tdlowlog beUig ohoaen: Pmldent, Pool Revere; txnsarer, J.^B. DIckaon; .aecreuiy, Anhar Beriy, WHEELING. The ir«w York BIbC* DIv1«1«b of the league of Amertun WbeelmeD liold lis nnoul meeUog it ihe amnd Union Uoul. tbti cWj, on Hondi^ ereolitg, Deo. 30, delegttei beloff la at(end«ncerroiBslJp»itBO( tbe BUle.; THe prlod- pal hiulneas tmancte^ war tbe passage of tbe fol- lowing rcaolnuoos, open ibe.BaggttUoD ot Cnitr Coiuiii Toller tut the dlfUlon recomdwed to tbe Neilontl AttenUjtheabaDdonment brtbeleagoe of the control or racing. TUiaroiuedcomlderabIs (lUcunloOf liQC the aeiiBe ol the meeilng ff«B la fuToror iQe t^ooaalt inggestlon, and the resoin- UooH preaented b/ Walter jenklniL of BaOiIo, vere pas«d, vlth oalj three dlawnUng votea.. llore iliejare: kttmvtii. That the Boanl of OOceni of Ihe N«v York HUM Uimluo, 1*. A. ncomm«iwl ib« National Auem- Im cotning iwuIdd, to t>e b«ld oo the MOODd Hoo* dar lo Kobruarr, UM, to take nieb actloQ ari will bad to iltt aarlr nllaquUbnieatbr tbe Uamn of lujonidlcUOD and coDirol ur«r 'cycle rauof, aad that vltb rocIi r«coia- meadaiiou vocoDDuolcat* to lakl NaUooalAMmUy tut lollowiOK Rtatcmwi or laaaou vblch fiT* rb* to tlie molu'loDi: rir>t-Ttiat tbe L. A. W. iho old be m ooaMltoted and lie aii«lnNioOHliict(daitomahe It la the rullMtianao a bolr rcpmaoutlre of tbtMntlineota, oplotoaa aod ob* JeciMBiilUi bvloai lo eotnaoo to U>e Koaimaaiuf Vv- ulntawlUilnilM lJnlt«4 Btatoi; that tta alTorta thoold be devoted to ilia protactioa of ibelr rlRfatf, tb« aUTancO' iDMt of tbelr Uiereata, aod ihe tupplrlog oi tboce roiierUl aetdiiuil coDTeoleoceflnhlohniaketliauie of .A.QUATIC. III! bicjcl* mom mjojablf aod mere beaeBdaL HfcuiKl—I hat the oo&tnl of blercle raelDg la aot ao ob- ject ID wbldi tbf treat majonif of Anwricaa 'errluta iiareacoDiuoo latarentiod that tbe eiperlonceof oor loiRue Id iiili detarimeDt of Ita work bu doc btto iDcb aji IO cjtimitDd li to'cjolIaiajtenenlly.bQt baa,on the cOQtraTT, nhjeottf the leaipio to noui adraru erlit- clan aoj arouicdinnch ooplaaaaot and liaimfultooteo- tloowiuilaourora rulu. Third—That iheexperltDce of the leasoe lo the control ol 'c/de raclDF, while beloir dliilocur hrailla to lis KToirib 1q maoydlrectlooa, haabeeo In do atnnaaab- ntaoual fkctor li atdlag lu Incraane of mtmbentalp, evao anoBff raclof 'cf dfna themaelf ci. Founb—TiiatwtbelleTe that the true aad certain bdo* ceiiiorilieL A. W. will befoand loa unltedoOonroraii eolirKMl luembenhlpaDdlorthe maliloK promiaeotto all'iiycllHta lb* aanoaocemeDt of all tboaanalheDeflia and adraQiasei nbleb tbeleagne profeaaeito wpplj. Faat Tlaae oa the Slope* A dl«palcb from Loa Anfelea, Cel., dated Dec. 2^ briop lltaroUowloR lafonuiUon (lo th(ieoDneeUoo It U veUto roinli.d CupTBR naden that tha re»id« Id Tbi; CLirria A5yi'AL jt^ian (DTfroD|r the tlioei made op toDeal, im): "Noiwlihoudlos the cole vlod the team ai Saota UoDlca loverad. oatoi foar attempta, three wbrM'a reo- oI^l^ demoDitiatloa that the ttmek (a ooe of tbe fkttait o« tliocoait. KeUer, To tlie oDe-lblrd mile paced, tnide but M^i*. tha pick op belna bad. J. H. i^amptHli, (or th= i>t«idlo/ ttaru QDpeeed. tblrd,.vhleh Cox held ibe reconl for at tii., nuue at LoolaTlUe, cat tbe fliaie dowa thne- nnbaof eaeeoedtComlDRlnwIihamad tinirtto 4Z?aiI. Uibrecht, CaupbeU and BdwanHtrfcd for uiethlid lulle ulplai lecMd, «blcli alood beretofote at tfa., wblen iher cut three McoodAmakiDia newooeofSTt- ImmidlataiT foHorlofr RaDdaD, Sehefikl aod Battoa broke tbe half mile record oa Ui« triplet with ei^'ia." TheXMcae Bolletin* Obalnnan OldeoD,of the L.A.W.fmcbg board, on Deo. 29 annoonoed tbe acceptance of the foUov- 1© / reconls: , J/oi/ nlle, CtaujL aopaeed, nylag start, aialott time, by llanr 0. OUrk, Oenrer., Col., fl0a.. Nor. V. Doa Mfln, CiDJa A.aDpactd, itaodbiff mart, agalost tlma, by MarrraCUTk, DeDTer,OoL,4a. tf>24.,Nor.ll. TAm nKo, CUaa A, aopaMO. flyloir elart, iialBat time, bf Harry O. Clark, Deaver, OoL, 7m. lAa., Nor. 11. >bvr mlirj, Clem A, uopaM, ataodlog itart, igaloft tlioa, br Uarry O Olart, IfenTer, CoL, 9m. 47e., Nor. 21. Mre aiUef, Clam A, unpaced, etaodlng aiart, ■galnat time, br Uain O.Clark, DeoTor, CoL, 12m. lla.lteT. ai.. Tax Ctlnmet ■OycUag Clnb, of Chicago, lU., at Its recent election ohoee the following omoen: W. 8. Kaeblcr, piwldent; W. 0. Jacob, ?lce preddent; Pranlt Fauler, recordiog eecretan; F. i. Kiomea- aobtr, flnnclAl seoretarj; L. Oa Brnedlgan, trea«- anr; C. II. Uenple, captain. COL. Popi, of Ihe Pope Vaaulbcturlot Co., Uaa con* cludrd a deal wlili a proDln»Dt real eaiale flm In l*u«bla CoL, bj whieb the eompeoy hat partbeaed a Taloabloflafleofrnnad od Ualo anUTblru atrcetaop wblcliiliecompaarvm areeiafooretoir einctareeoo- Uloiitg larice elorta on tbe aroaod noor, hachehtn^ apart menu and ortlce roomi abovo It, and tba BoTer Bicycle Club will bftve their quailen and irmoaalum on the top nlory, W.W. UAaiLT03r,orDanTer,CoUaccordIoR lo a dli- Kich dated Dec v7, nde a blcyaJe one thli3 ol a inlle, m a RtaBaine atait, paced, at Oeranado, CaL, od that day In S?^, and ibat oo tbe Haiqe anerooon Taylor and llewltt on a taadim, paeed by Bione, SwanbroaEn. \Va»ti* burn aoUTerriU on* "quad," rode two-thlrdi of a mile iDlm.tii. fromailylaK etart; aliKt that tha lame team nude a balfmlle, under like condlUone, In eOJjit. , Tua Penn TtMelmeo. of Pbllidelpbia, Pal bkld an eleetlon on Deo. V, with the following reaulttPnitdeat, w. D. Pn>oi«: Tlc« pratldeDt, 0. Anbter: irtanrer.l^ Lawton: doaaelil aocntary, .W. McMaboo: reootdlog aeerecan, p. a. MIcbotaon; nclng committee, E. Parker and 0. FlKber. , Bowi.f Lisns Urkik, a iittmber of tbe Preai Wheel- meoClotLdledai ttia tetldtDce In'BfooUiD, .N. Y.,on Deo. 29. Death neulted from an attaek or potunoala, which dereloped r»om a HTerecohl,contiaotedacoDpIe of weeka prerlond/. Valtkr cSisoan, ihe profee«lonal 'erclUt, accord Ink toadliMichftDnlllWaakee, Wli.,dated Deo. ». vS married on Dec. 17 to Mian latbarlne KobtaabetiE, of Cfalcaga, IIL - . • WINTEH SPOKT ComlBg Rveata. Jaa,5—kkaliog cbaoiplooihipa of Qwmtnj aod Aao. Ijla,at DamaiailL Jaa.LO-)(alloaalabatiDgf«caa,rrafaa,Babamla. - Jan. 7-4^irilaf naieb, - North ra wdui, Dabrmple llaiial,Oagtimliyk,Na>TorkCltr. Jaa, t-II->Ilu£allllaealearUat matab, oalloaal chib ebanplouhip. 8t FaaL Mhui., os any day tb. loa Mita. ■ .Jan. 11,13—loumatloBal akaUoa ncaa, Daaoa Plata, Sallietlaail, Jao. IS-akatInf iaeaa,BailiB,Pnii8la. , Jaa, »-StaUn| laaaa, nanfloit'Oa Mala, Oar, Jaa, 13, U-Ietamational akatlof imoaa, noaoa. Boh.- inla. Jan. I5-.latar-(lob rink onrllag mateb, OortoaHadal. ^^Jaj.IS.l » gk aliBgcbampiaMhlpofllaiape Bambmc; Jaa, a-aitttlii| racaa, Berlin, (lar. Jao.V-Iotamaliooal tkallog imcaa, Bwlapeal, Ilnb- giry. Jan, nja-Nuloaal AnuUar BktUog AaaaeUtton cbanitloDabipa. etraaU kllBD. * Pali. l-Oaaallu Bkulait AaaocUtlaa anulaar cbam- plootbia naac, MODtnal, Oan, w'!'^,'■'t-S!£"P•'"'^!^ ?«'<«'' 'aiAli NaUoaallUaa, HcLlQUMk Maaol, .1 aaeb plaea u claba ebooa^ and oa- oat dar tbat aalu —, rab,7^WoTid;a chaDpionablp akatlag maMlag, BL PMaiaborf. Baaaik Fab, IS-Casadiaa amataor Oiara lUtlog cbampian. able toast, Moamai, can. ' lab, Id-^Qolovuid noalcakatlBaimaaa, Monltail, Can, TBI AmatanrStatlng Aaaorlatlonot Oanoila held lu annual meMlng at Montreal, Ueo. 11, Iba epeod eTtnia ware aet for Feb, t, at Ihe nnatier mile tnck ot the Moetieal Amatenr Attaletlo AaaodaUon, and the (ollowltgoniclalawerachoeentoaerTadgr- Ing the forthooenlag ye*r: llealdent, W, O. Roea; Oral vice pmldeal, M. Freeoian; aeronti Tice pml- dent, t. A. Taykir; necreuiy-inaauier, Lonla Ha- Doneteln. AiiaicH pinea abal, at tao baadiad blnlaaicb. bi- laaan H.S. tfrtibt aai W. a. laahar. rvaMllraiyor tha Uichmoal Yicbl (nob aad tba WaiubartartiiuDirr Clqb^ teak pUea al tha ipaudB of tba Watlmliutar Kao- "•J.y?.'^ Babih»aJ^I, op Cbriilinaa artara«a,lbe r* aalt bain I a T kulrTar Wtiabt by a Kara ot 177 u tei. Tna Briiar Tmbl. amblamaUo ot tliacbaiottoaiblpor tba roaDUta Wall Qga aQb,or BtaoUrn'M-V„ iim ahatroroB<a>Tbraiu t>ar, taa blida each, and rka rale- na oortvao, Br. WIUUo Wteo, pnrad lb. alaitl, ba madias actUityyarda aod kUUaa algbL A oaarto OKklaa mala bacwaa. Ibaeiaia arOallaa, Tai., w«IAtUBia.Oa.JiriljgBaabKla lo ba Bniibtla ilii loruarcllf Jaa. 11-94. ConalwR ETonla. Boilaai'"*""'"'"''"''' **'""• "'nlaTonTbaoaa- Ttea Derewrirr InvratlBatl.u. On Friday, Dec, 2T, Iho New York Yacht tim,-. Special Coamlllce, npnolntetl to Inreailme iii. cbargea ot fraud preferreil by lord liottm»B agalnat tbo nunagfia- of Uerendcr, relailre lo an alleged ckuage Ih. the load water lineof ihe Ameriu Cni> winner lo the aecopil race with Yalktiie lit aaied Sept. 7Juk^glB jia mUalon o( louultr liVo Ihe facia Id ibe Ubo. J. Plerpont Morgan, Km c Wbljney, Qa^A, tj^eai'Ki Uinlaier R,.j. pht'in and C»pt. 0,T, KabanjOi 8. K., acted aa the coin ot llnal epptal, and, iiu to tbe time of golog to anm. had not rendeiediitheV decision on the cbatae or Ihe Irteta Kiri, Oret made pnbllc In Rogianii eome weeke ago. loitX Uunraren, nunagini aimer oi Vallirle III, accompanied by aeorge H. Asuolih hli legal adviser; Arthur Olennle, Hear Coiumo- ilote ot Ibe Hoyol rottamoutb. Yacht Clnb and J. A, 0. Hatnlltott, hU private Recretaiy, airlieii lo Amertctn waiera on UhrlBlmna Uay, but owing to a dense fog that prevailed, in »ai detained down ihe oay nniii the folk>wina morning, lie appeared before tho InveaUiallnt coomiiTee durtog ilie Ural day of the Beaaion, and, hevlogglrco ancb evidence oswaaat hlaconiauofi' Balled for bla native heath on Satnnlay, :s, Itanni behind bla atioroey and Ut. Qlennle, to tepreaeni bin daring the rcnuiniog daia ot iho Innulry, What hhi tntliDony iroa, and what Ihe ontcouic or tbe aenlon will be b n profound aecret, as the wort of tbe Irlbanni baa been conducted behind cloacd doon, Oapl Hank Hair and a acore of nefendn^ crew, Ur. istilo, managing owner of Defender; John Uyelop, meaaurer of ibe N. Y. Y. 0,, and nunr more aro aald lo have lesliaed In the case, Iam UoDiaven'd aide nt the argument being lia:>ttreil up by altldavlre fivm Homeof Valkyrle'acrewand the teellnioey of blmself nod Arthur Olennle, The result of tbe liQulty la not likely to be known uaili ■be commliieo makea ita oDtclalroportto the club. Tke Yacht Racing Valoia, OrLoaalllaad Soand, beU Ita anonal mMtloK Id ihii citr D<fi, 30. TtpraivQUtlool boloa aa fallov: eaaaao- hako^^irlatblaii Y. 0-. Ollrtr E. nnnwell, u. W. Wav- iDora,fAarlal A. Shtariiiao and W. P. Htapbaaa: Corin- thian PkeL J. D, BiArkmaii; UarUiu Y. C, P. Wiiomtr and J, D. lYaagaD; AmaricanV;i*,, 11,0. FanuDa;Iadlan Harbor Y. C, K. B. Jnoaa: Knlcbarboekar Y, O., O, II. ObtlltersuiJ F. B. Hirlck: Boraaalioa Harbor Y. C, r. B.Toala Jr..(laonta (Jardoar Pr? aod B 1*. Croakblte; lUnirxlaail llaibor Y. fl.. Ward niiKia;aaaOilirY.O,u Oraad L, CUrk; lIuntlDgton Y. C, David A. Blorr; HaRuanotT-O.,!!. Himon Birt Jr.; DoaalMon Y, C V. E.naTaaa:N«wRochollaV. C^Charla. P. Ton-ar;AUao- tie V- ll. J. Olabiw Matura or mioor lioporiaoea vara diKaa<d.tb«cbiarbaiiiaaiDi of the maatlog balaa tba ra- alMtloD ol tba couocIL aa foUova; ollTar K. Uromvall, ebilnnaa: Ftadaricb B. Baraaa, Btoyrauot Waiowrialii, Oacarll.tliaUborff, La Oraad L. Ulark, E, Burton iiait Jr,; aad P. Bouoa jonfa. Muatary, Out RKnuBos, lor Cninmbla; Prof, II, S. While, for Oomtll.aod Chaa. Relih, for the llnlveraliy or PennaylvaDla, formed the commlltee which met in Ibia dtr, Utc. 20, for the pntpoM ot armngingthr prelhnloorlta lor the neit three cornered boat race. The Foaghkeepsle ooiirae, whioh waa en nilsracloiy to tbe three calegea lost year, will la all probahlUiy be again decided on. Enica BiiLiiY oreated a new Scoltlah record tor flfiy yards at the Corporation Baths, Rdlnhnigb, Dec. 17, Ue had a epiendid niange, and, Bwlm- mlDg poweitully, covered ihe distance In 9s.,whlch eiiaala J. D. fjon' world'a record for the nine distance. TBk IVipno y,t» Yaohl Ctub, of Tanrlown, N, Y,, at a meeilog held Deo, tt, decided to order eight halt lateia lo be added to Its fleet befoie the open- ing of nextieaaon. Pbop. Kbiioil, phvsical Inslrucuir to Iha BeveniU ReglDMni, K. 0. B- N, Y,, hoa been engaged to train the ct«w of tbe Union Boat Oob. WiLuiu K, ViKOBHDiLT IS flMIng out hlaaleaui yacht Valiant for a criilia to thatledltemnean, aalilog fnn tbia port Jan: 7. CobONU.lbe old cup candidate, isbelngexamined oatoberaoindneaa, andiltonnd In good conilldon wlU he Sited ooi In aohooner rig. OiiT. OniB. DiBR, of the YlgUant, and bla youna BagUih bride arrived M thia port Deo. 23. Taa naaoltaaj Rowloi Club, or tbIa city, vlU, aa a ra- aultoritaanBual tiiaatlDr,iialj ncaatly,baonlcerad an loUova dnrlog tba aoauloa yaar:' Horace W. Walter, Sraaidaot; Darld Oppaohalm, .lea prawdaot; Joba J- baa, trauuier; Edaaid L. allbart, aacratair; Bdvaril H.AAdaiaAn. captain; Piank A.Tiampj, Sntflautaaant; miLcapl , UMarnlll, aacood lltntenanL Taa FnaDlahip Boat Club, ot Ibla 'city, at Ita raeant alactioD, clicaa Uia rollovioa olRcara; R p. McDoaall. ptaaMaat; J, M. O'Coaoell, ilea piealdaot; P.J, UcKaa, Inmauiar; J,K, Uanloatoo, ooireapondloa aaoratary: W. U.BroiTo, flaaaoial lacratary; J. Bailor, captain: d. 0. Alllaoo, liauiauat. PBBoaaicK Livnonp, aitad tweotr-eiabt, a toaabarof - araraaasd BayYacbt Chibaado ~ " . la, diad It ■ ■ ■ L I ,0.0.31 tba araraaasd BavYacbt chib. aad bWoarof tba jachi Ktlda, diad ai Uia noma of hla brother at Banaooliarat, THE BING-. Pmn HaiiB, who aaplrei to the cbamplooehtp oftbe worM.waither*cl)ileDt of a tattlmooIalMae'DtatlfKd- laoo Bnnarn Qardea. thIa city, on Saturday ereolng, Uec. maod bU wpalarltywaa aitOfted by tbo preaeoce i^r a OTOwdaafBcbntt«(|alteilll tbeapaolouietractnre. Tbe ahow, while belBK ntoai excelleoi to a oportlog lenae, did not prore aallnl^etoiy, ror th« reaaoa that lite two twiem adrertiieO ta oppoM the beoeBolaiyube prioolpalooe belnvJIm B«ll) dkt not Biaierlallie. Tbe ulfitUy ma^e byMaherwai, in conieqaenee, aoaatlitCaetoiT. and tbe eihibltloo did not raeait la rtUlogtlielrtulad In the eiUmatloa efthe pobllo. PniNK HoTNiiiiit, or JamutowD. N. T., and a man named Ward, or Hllwadhee, \ria, aiarted % ten nraod t»but at Janaaiown Dec 26. Tbe bone boy waa more thao a nalcb for Ward, aod. aftir Hlogglng bIm abit, tbe Oklerorpollte eoiend the r1ng,bucuie referee blM !•> reeognhetbiollcer, and threw blfflout^ After eiplina- tloni bad been Bide tb^dgbtwuatopped. . . Jimmy Cmr. orthU city, aod a colored aaplrant nam«>l Joe LakOaor Btrmloghaai. Alk.cootaaied a doUb Ight with rmall Rtovu In a road bouae oearBIgh Bridge, tnlH oily, Deo.». Caaey knocked hie man ont In taeraur- teeoih roead. K SwitnniKn riioot at plgeoomteo blidi each, for tbe chauploaRhip of Hoomooth (lodnty. V. J., took place at Elwook Park, Long Branch, oo Chrtatmaii. There were bat Are eooieaunus and tbe winner prored m be Prad Hoey, after KhooilnfforTa tie on ninebtrdaetchwiilt Edgar Murphy and Phil Daly Jr. TBI Ceatnl New VorkF«ilii7antl PetSuwk Aaaocla- tloD beld lu Ortt aaoual ihow at Uneldak N. Y« Dea ST- X9. Tbe omten of the aaeoclaUoo are: B. P. Chapmen Jr. meildent; P. 0. Underwood, vice prerideat: WlUaai a. Nlxdorr, tiaanirer; B. S. Tiale. eeereUty. JAaaTi.TLOi. orNenbont. N. Y., la a lire bird um> tett at tha raag* of the Weat Nevbnrg Qon Ohib. on Dec. SS,kllledUoator4Sblnla Uix tRB^tcDT, the Preoeh all aronod aportman, noted uaplongeroDihe turf, ibe origteatAr of a private bull rIoRoo bb enaie lo the nburbi of Parla a npporter or OTeryepedee of outdoor eporta. and the prlodpaTbacker of the Aneiican'eycllnt, Arthur A. Zlmmennaa, when Um^ latter flnt vlilwd the gay French capital, died od PuiuHiLiKiAY.foroianryeaninroprlelor efthe pop- ntat aalooo ud reatanrant at l.ttS Bnudway, tbia cItr. a Boted reaert lor eporting and theatrical men aad poll lloaai ererunoe Ita opening, tblrty Tearaago,haa eon- doded loiwiirefnm bating belog aattaM wltb the anplefonaoe Uiav he baa accumolated doring thote ■ AJOH P., the famoniet. Beratrd dog, twoyean of age, and weiahUg sa)R>,tbe proi«ny of OeorgeP. Francl> WIS the Tlotln «f a cable caronLiDoDlaATeoae,Ctaloaflp, IIL. 00 Deo. M. being Inntaoily fcllied. THEATRICAJL. COKHNUBO PROM PAGI 007. . IOWA. Dee UolBca^At Foster'sOpen ffonee "Fadd*u< bftd WlUon'* drew two Imnenae andleneoiChtletmaa Day, and dtllghted ereiTooe. "On the Ulalwilppr* p^ed to (air bottoeu Dee. fll Clay Clomeot oome«t In '^eKewDomblon," Jan. I. . aaivo unaA llorea waa dark all tbi week, aod Ida Van CoitlaDd oomea Deo. SO, (n a week ol repertory. Cedar lUpMa.—At Qreeiie*e Opem Hodm Ecta Keodall, 1ft "A Pair of KMt,"gBTe two perfomaacen Chrlitma«, to full tadaaea. lie gare tbe mtintMri of hla compuya upperaiiertheereBlng entertainment Titealtuhefornreeoe'a Opera Uoaie were hanriueitd at tbe (llube llotf i CbrUtmaa ol^ht by Awlatant Masager Ofo. M. I'eek. KUty flre pertlelnated aad had a no**. enlonble tJne A. T. ^tkrmn'a Btock C^. U blUtd for Deo. n aad week. "Oothe Mlat>lulppl"caaeir, to fair bnMneei. Keokiak^At the Reotek Open Hooae Oomp- aton'a Plajeii cbaeU a week'a engagement Dee. SI, to light houita. The BoAion Uoward Atheairom Co. drew a good aodUnoetL Conlog: Em Keodall. In **A PalrofKlda," Jan. 1; '*TbeOooatnClrcua"Z. CaHBoll BImCe,—At Ihe Dohaof Tbeatre the Woodward Tbeatre no^ In rvpertorr, draw oorted boaaeiweekofDto.n. Booked:'"Cbuley'dAaat" Jin. I. Blnir B. Vaace'a ^Tbe Ltmlted Hair 7, "AItIq Joalln" 9.