New York Clipper (Jan 1896)

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January 4 THE NEW YORK Ol^IPPBR. 703 lARRT Ha.pi>3r Ne-w "STear to ^11. A GIGANTIC SUCCESS, mm In Vaudeville Up to Date, Under the Management of JAMES F. WOOD. hit sT>r u*il* la tba Vaaderlllwi «h* Raba aad Sport, LVCIBR AMD ORnVR, high oUii >Ia>l«i>I rontfillani, thuf ain't dolna ~ - " b«t ilniilBii act bvftir* thr rohilri i>>« llonarrlit of Kalcii KaarK — thvm rasrlnai lh« Maitvr Pant«il»l«nilRliariowarapliUtorth« The MIUIODalrci, SMITH AND COOK, Ita* Hit ofiThs HaalUt" Covtke biHrat bit sT>r uaila la tba Vaaderlllaat lha Raba and Sport, LtlCIB a thlag to tbam alKhtl)>i tho Raal Parady Kiasa, THONP80K AND COLLIMS, a <A«ldad hll| lha Paiaaaa WOOD SiaTBHS, ap loiUta Hlnarni, ttia b« Comad)', nOWB AND IIBII2rZ, In a batrelor faa—thar aralaallilBByali tbaalraaaaatalDK^ _ . world, HONS. AND BILLK.TRAVELIjE, clow tba oIloalgbtlK. Tha Vilal Spark. CUARA BOHORA, a big blt« AmrrKa'a Graatrit Wondan. TUB DA\V8(>MI>,<;ama<r|r, Norally aailCharaclar Chanoa Acllila, ilBlilllBa (halraetwItbttaaOreataatnoTaltyeTerwIlBaMad, tbaoriglnaUorihlaaeti tba BI«b of narra, CUIMailNS AND JIAOBB, ComrdlaBi and DarlaHiae Buian, and tba SrroamlBg Parra, anilllnl "OONrOSIOM." Iba eBtlra company. /% ORE/%T SHO^m/ F-ROIVI ST>%RT TO niXllSI-l p. 8.—TO BfANAQERfli I, JAlUEg F. WOOD, OTganlaad and iMoliad Ibia ihow In all ttaabaal VaadaTllla lleaiat In tba coaatrr, aad If Iharala to baanjr ebanga inailr, I will lalbrni maaia Ran whom I hold eea- tracta wllbiB ngania to aama, bat, ai II la, tba Sbnwwlll play all time bookad. TImaaliailad and all weak ilandi. Balarn dalaa at all hoaiail baTe playad. Warhof Drc. in, playad Harnaa'a I wo huaiaa In llalll- more; Ant VandaTlllo Company aver playad tba Hollldayoatildo af CamaBclta Compa ay. PaahlBg Itlrnt lo tba doora tbli wrak at lha "Bark." Ragarda toThoa, R. NIaro, Harry Marrla, 4lllBiora»nil LaaBafd.Bad Jamaa J. AnnMtroBf|. P. B.—naaagora, I am bow ttaoklBg (br aaxtaaaaon a Big Bpactaealar Barlarqao Conpaay. All naw printing. Sand la opaa tima. JAMES F. WOOD and JAMES SMITH, Proprietors and Managers, Fn Route. Executive Staff Harry Morris' Entertainers: SMITH, COOK & WOOD, Proprietors; PETE CAVA- NAU6H, Representative; FRANK LYNCH, Master of Properties. $250 FOR AN IDEA. $500 to Be Given in Prizes for Original Tlioughts. Bergen B«ach, on Jamalcn. Day, will be opened as nit oiidog reaort for (be plain |)eople on Nay 30, IKUO. It will be tbo tcnnlnas of th» foar principal trolley lines In the olty of Brooklyn, N. Y. One f*re, Ave cent*, will be charged, with free lrnn»- fers ft<om every part of the city. The great Brooklyn Clly H. H, Coh wllb lu aOO mllei of track, eipects to carry iao,auO to 00,000 pamengen a day there. Tlie Nae- «aa, <laeen« County and Rabarban Aoada will aUo carry many thontands, It will be the greateit trolley termlnut In the world. Three million people live witbin twelve mllee of Borgon Beacli, A large Casino la now being ereeted from pinna made by HcBlfatrlok dc Son, Ihe «n:hlte€ta. In this bnllillng high olaie eonllnu. ooa vandevllle performaacea will be given. There will b« comer is afternoon and erenlng on the long covered pier* There will also be varlani novel amasemeBt enterprises along the brvad hoard walk, which will exlend 4,000 feet on the water rront. The eleotrie laanohes ttom the World's Fair will be seen for the flret tine In (his part of the connlry, and operated here by the railroad company* The owners of Bergen Beneh wlah to make thia Ihe moat attractive resort for r«- ■pectable people In the vicinity of the great cities, where wuiaen and children ran come anattended wlthont danger of meeting rongha or toaghs. To attain this ob- ject MESSRS. WILLIAMS AND ADASIS want Ideas for novelties and new attractions fbr snoh an onting resort, and will give for the same the (bllowlng prlies i $250 for ttie Best Origioal Idea, $!# for the Next Best, $50 for the Third and $25 Each for the Mt Fonr, $500 io 111, for the Seven Best Practical Ideas vrith the Biglit t« Use. The prlxea will be awarded whether one or a (honsand compete. The declaloas to be made by three prominent citltens of Brooklyn who are ontlrely dialntereatsdi Prlias to be awarded Manh 1, ISOO. AU Ideas to be lent by mall to PERCY 6. WILLIAMS and THOMAS ADAMS JR, Owners of Berg;en Beacti, 189 Montague Street, Brooklyn, N. Y, PFlTUegaa along tba board walk will Iw lot to raapoatlblaparlla. A>rl««6. All balldlnga fortbewme will be erectadby tba owaara, aad allwlUboarobltootnrally attnctlTO aad of Koorlsb dealf a. This advertisement will not appear again. Gut it out, you may tliinit up a good idea soon. FilsanffiErrol Only Open Time January 13 and /27a I WEEK Proutor'a Plaaaan Palaca. KEXT WEEK Twoaty-tbird SI. Tbaatra. THIS Pour Cohans GOGGLES' DOLL HOUSE. AVENDR THEATRE, PITTHBITRO, WEEK OF DEO. 30, JAN. 6 AND 13 OPEN. Addraui 30H EAST POUIiTEEIITH STBEBT, New York. AN ACT THAT 18 ALWAYS A BIG HIT. CLEMENTS AND BARNES EW HOUTl!, BAH T. JACK'S BIO EXTB. CO., THE BDU. FIQHTER. FOR SALE CHEAP. 0 CAOES, a - I'orfbrmlag Deer, one lioohlng 01aas,ene Bird, one Monkey, and the other sail* ' vther aalmalii good shape, wllh toocblng np nad rnmlsklng. MANTio Ohiesffo Oprn Boss* Block, Alns*. lU.. »raiLEnrULl ThalolesB bs boflihi iw MBMP; eSssye?U„ niLES rULLMAJr, UDBnrtoMtteet, BiOklo, ■. T. ^ Bfiefenlo ■ m ATTf onrrLBM, . . _ >iarcmRrw.Befhk^ir«wTnrt. vlllirlTsallloroniutJoD. Ttmlnlesa b« booitat ler LHA IV. UO •r Uksadlrt mmnmm 9 CIRCUS CANVASES, Pote.Mia8t«kea,8BAT>', Flagi, Etc fi^E^IDD'S PATENT CmCUS LIGHTS. 9 aicoji>'BisD»:Ti3,iii'n,iR.,rota«ii. S. S. Stewarf s Celebrated Banlos PRICES FROM $10 TO 1200. Alao Haata and Book. Ibr tba Ba^jo, la gwaat variety. Btriaga, llMda, EU. 8.0(1 for lUaltntad Drlo. UM aad ealalofu.. Ttioaa ID' teraitad ihoaU Mad U0.U1 iUiaM for » .p#«liu.n enpj ofTHB BAXJO AND ODITlll JOUBJUL. Addran H. a arzwABT, nm. ai aid m oinrcMU., Pbilad.lpbia, raaoa "CENTRAL" TRUNKS. Ma. lUD; Sin.. HjO; SId., |TJ)0; Wo., MAI; «Hn, 49.00: Ala- IVJO; OomnnmHit tnrfL meUJ boaod. tl: Hil4olmiitnsk<,|AJBcon)Msta. BlUtraDkOOiDxl) •od H^ton roUowera, jlJ5 an( tlJOi 8b[pp«l oo r* eslpt or tlOD, bsL 0. 0. 0., exoept ot«cCD mllet. then re- mit whole amoaat Muilosl loslnioMii, ticket tn4 mui- ue'.e'tniDkatoofilfr. iUtiao lluiketa,vlUi tnr Hotor, ooT«r. sta.. SUn^ yiaiO; SBId., Iicsoron., llftAD. Baa kau •Dlppfd «D receipt o( prle*. RIMONB A 00., CBKrAAJ. TRVMK rAOTORV, Bttub IIIM^ 68-MKorth 7lh RUett. F1illw1i>l»hU. B.B.&B, Piefesslonal Trunks. <l.nd (^r N.w Cauloau. aSPRDEHALMT., AI.LEIIIIBXV, P.. NO EXTRA CHAROE FOR NEAT. STEAM HEAT IN EVERY ROOM. GIBSON HOUSE, CINCinilATI. OfUO. nm CUM Anerlcu PUn Uotel. lUiet, $3.0) lo V.QD i^r day Noted for lha exMlleace ni He culrloe. Itocaiea ■ lihmooeiuiaareof three nratcUMlktnlrea Hr.Jitha O'Donnel), (ornerlr boid «alt«r at (he Buroct ]luu»«, florliMchars')of uiadloloiroom In ihlihotfl. tl. B. DUHBJ^R. ProKHltDt iiwl Mtnaser. THE CREDITORS OF THE GEO S. COLB AND LOOKVOOD ALL HKW UNITED HllOtffl Dfr«rroru1etlHfollnwrDr pft^rty: Awetlinloed Kins lIoniK. I Draoihl Hor»o.l Dooker.TeoU, Bjiai^ W»s- 0D«, IUmuKii,aU. A coiiv^ivUToitfl tbov ouldl. AltiiMt nev ijm] Id sood CAodllJoD. lion «IU b« furalehed by Parlber d»alr*<l lnr<inua- IIBATU A fW:OTT. PoUdtu, N. Y. CALEDONIANFAKK NEWARK, IT. J. The nuk tialL, nn« encf«wl, in nttwl uf villi a haadaoma MMtt*. Ursioailc sad ticmodf CompulM wlMhloR to RUTSaadarsneraoooaaDd eTioioHa,wil| plaaee appir VOIOT. ManMar. PtailfiK c»r»acllT.«JOO. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, COMPE?rEMT MEDICINE LECTURERS. Addr.u, alflnr rtr.ranca. ind .nct'vrlnv pliotagrtpli, TI/HNF.II4IIIAKIIK MBUICINK CO. Wen. I.K8 Md 1,1111 Monimn At... BL Loul.. Mo. ^IQ^ GOOD WORK. SIJBE FITS. WrIlBfor Estimates. ANTllONV BOC'll, «M llaulh El«raoJi Blra.!. ItlM.lpllla. Pa. Criffin's Suide frif ANNUAL SOI- lOff DOW ntir. Hioutd be lo (ha h sod a or arar jr ahovnaa. LarRa book, hudHmalj booad Id Marooo Ck>U), wllh out alda aod Back fltana. frofuMlj lllua- tr»ud. CoBuroa M> pasaa of oaefal laronnadoQ for tha profaiaioo. Price II. will ve aaod ItO.O.D.t Why. oarUlolT. iail droo a pnatAl oinJ lo OBirnw PUBURIIIWtf ro.. Boffam. H. Y. CQNQUERINQ THE WORLD. Ho* ao rovuthruDBh Baropa. WILL B. WOOD, ruiooaPraalldifltaloraodTeolfll- w oqulat, aod OHopaar of Oral daja artlsu <ll people), headed bj hU drast SaoiailoB. tha acaotDpHihed K05IA. TUB LAPT WHO FLIBS. CIRCUS CANVAS, AUiOfT new. ' IO,aOaadlaBn.roaod lo«;OiflOaad lOV.lia ion. «iJU. a>«l>. AUdrMa O.J. ■AKBB, 1M W. Third Htraal. Bmm. OUr. Mo. Chicago Photo EngraTlog Co. oun iob aix rui ENCYCLQPEDJA COMEDY, J.MELVIUE JANSON A. OimiNXMCAH GlITT. R rROPElWinNAI, KNTKHTAIHKH al.n li lo irucll of alllr u;ln(M.||Lqnu . Immnroui iH<eujr, rtcluilntiii, nrnnutnoao., funnr alorlra, I'djk' eoiiirn.llloai iinilninih .Imiip .I'.Mh.v in.kiK .k.lclm., anil riinnr ni.iipr nr .Tf rr ilpurlplloo, rh.< It lo lhl> Iwok. UMITATIONB PHOH NOTKII BTAHBI J. W. KELLY, I JOHN BYRNES, (TIIK IIKRAT IIUKnillKTi. j (DP FUlllT BKLIJ* KAUR), *h la the moM unli)no bimk arer caeie from tlie | ' I aetar aav a viilaiii» ho r<>»n|il«l*. runnjr, and veil ar printar'a prem." I innutti ihal n>«*ra ibo la*) lleH thai ihU > nn ilnea." C'nntaloloii rOU paitaa. prlatatl In large type, handrnmalr b«u»il In cnlma. |i*n( In my pail iif the Uiilinl flUlea or firltlah Dvmaloa o:) rteelr-l of prloe, $3 U. Addrvaa AelhoranJ I'ulilMier, J. MRLVII.I.R JANKOH. I.K A Valnul Rtirel. Iiiirailel| hla. Te . U R A. ijou nrhi R U A I> I N », C JK.. TIIBl ONLY BUHLKBUVB TIIBATHH IN TIIR OITV. FRED RIDER'S NEW "NI6HT OWLS," WBBK OF DEO. lU, WAS ANOTIIKIl niCCOnit BIIBAKiaH. WERK DKO. W), ED. RUSHE'S DI6 ' WHITE CROOK." WILIi TKLL, VOtI LATKII. Jaa. >, lU, II, Fab, 0, r, H. Kab. 1.1, 14, IK, waak Keb. »«, maiTli 9,n, 7, weak Marab U waaia .llarrb 10, Harch M l, **, H.l, and later. IV. B.—Wa .lo not uabll.ll onr Racalpla, but our book, arai onrn lo all. CHAB. OILDEB, Managar. THE ICrVIOM^TIO OJ>I>lTIES, TIIK FJROCi} AIV» IjIXABI>, JEROME and ALEXIS Open Jnn. <l for lialunce ofNC'iuiOii. Crfnteil iiHeiiHntlou with thoHollly & Wotxl Co, High clflHH conibliin(ioii8<iiil^ drHlrMl. TlilNact iHNult- nlilfl for llio iiioHt rrflncd audience. A No. 1 vuiidcvlllo niiiiiiiKoi-fl oIko ndilrcHs JEROME AND ALEXIS, Paople'a Thotro, CiaolnBatl, Ohio. THE 6RAIIDINI NANDOUNS ARE THE BEST FOR TONE, ARTISTIC WORK AND BABY PLAVINO. J.THMVILLmNY&CO., Soil Agents, 35 Breil Joms St., Naw Yo(k. AlM TlollnB, NlrlBgiu Bund laatnmenlB, Etc Write for caulogue. XHE THII1I> ANNUA.!!, OONVHNXION OV TIIK Protective League of American Stiowmen WILL BB HELD IN TUB (IIIBATIIANUVKTIIAUI. »V TIIK lltrTEL HMUHV, AT OINOINNATI, O.. JANUARY 7.8 and 9, l§ee. Allclrcaoownere, manaft*'**'ff****** Iresaiarere anil deperliMonl munajiere and all city blllpoet«n,«»av»« loaliera and ahew prlttlere ai-oconllall>' In vKod lobeproieal* THE TWO LITTLE SPRITEB, NELUE O'NEIL and SUTHERLAND ull.e WITH inWIN UHOIt.' CO. HKA.OX IIIM-INUt. Muhliip; 11 lilg hit III tlielr iiovol Hinging iiiii! uvrobullc duiieliig act. HlltSn'B DOWEIir TIIEATnCO Till* WlCieK. liapprfaw Vaartaall frlaadal AildraM t'araorCI.IPPKn. THE The Trick alar, TlieJaggler, The Woaderworker,' The Jfaglelan ONLY JALVAN ThoJepi The Bgypllan, ^ The Arabian, ■ The Yula. THE OBIENTATj JVOVKLTV A1ITI8T, fltlll raa<larlne with R. AP. (lanriU'a F^euod B«aa>jn, caualiif tlioaB*o<]a lu waidar la liamaniirdain''nl rUjiaida lo CookllB axHlirileon aod all rilomTa. VoDrv, IIIK U:VI.Y JALVAIV* SEAVER'S OPERA HOUSE, DARXON. VX. Nowly Fitted wllh Ncoiiury, Nuw Ntngo uud hiciiiidcficviit LIghh). A ClUOU Btaoia TolvB rar OKOD Allraclloa.) ob Iba B. A H. U. II. Aa aaax janp Bl. Jeba.barr or Rawport. Flrat elaaa attracllt.a. ulayail en aharlaa or raalal tarou. \i. T>. MUAVKlC MunoBor. A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. NT CONROY and DWYER am ■BaA<IEn rOR BBABOn with HOWOHTin IlIBRRniUA, A OOOU IIOX IRIHII COMKI>V ACIX. A HIT moM aTART TO ninau. Cara orOLIPI'dl. MAGIC TRICK JITOaLIVG