New York Clipper (Jan 1896)

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Januawy 4. THEE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 705 GOOD HEW SONGS FOR 1896. THE DEACON WENT ASTRAY. REFRAIN.' .LE6TERIM>WNt«4 LtCrACIlAIlW wmr vsm. . Had balk hb MCtiaonlmrt fret cut »fr bclcv IW fau«1>^ OeOpnwmM upoabhi tod ihdr tfaUDcnt crfoqMrfiClMlii. thcT |W« ctHcd Kknct to Ikcir tld lo sukc Us nlli anlo. Am le ■ p*t)lne Irinp wu hailed, Ibe itory (fdcMf told ; llr ffiv* ue Doclonbolh hb (ttt fcrrauclu of rcllo«cold; Xbcr wved tbem fron tke vwnat'i kc*. be Mood It nob)/, too, AhUm ipom the Dcacm'» flak Ibe iuiA|ct's fcct i «-jT. AiHltootihlMvlicTMlitoMlrj^Biucdto Tt. I>a<M vast Mnir.-far kb M (Rt n* mfi Ibr MfBUtta •b« kc M Ml npaute, FmerbM>n>lte|.Wt>i>4kbMndi«<nk.fri- IldraT<hlu<Ui<iCiai>aiMtrEaa>; (Mi Ht oAnDRd 10 nqiUlo, bst U. ulk «M iB la nK Tht foUewlaa SENTimCNTAL flOHCS an tin bMt m iOBl* paUUb«d. "Yoiiaretiie6irllLeve." "A Hoihb fsf Tie." 'My Dan." ''Hm Y0Q Gini Back Her Ltelon?" _ 'Mi M dicbestn Puts frat to Professiomls mH Cud (r Fntnin, THE 8. BRAINARO'S SONS CO. i" wabash av^. CHICAGO. Tlio XliL'iitrldil ProluMHion of Aiuerlcii "Wilt Kidu IVER JOELNSON 'CYCLES, THE WHEEL THE KILPATRICKS RIDE. Ton An Rospectroll^ iDVlted to VliU Oar Wb.ol Oliploy at tbe CHICAGO 'CYCLE SHOW NEXT WEEK, BnicM 317 and '3tD, mni ttectlve Oao of Oar n.antlriil SoaToalra. ReiMcirally, IVEM JOHNSON ARUB « <VYCI.B WORKB, Pllcbkart, AmtM. THE KIL.I>^TJaiOK®. The Kllpatrlck. are th« Fea<arr, OlfiapU, Cklcago, Nut W*ek. WANTED, Sti'ODg Combinatiou for )aat three nights week of JacQaTy C. Veoks of January 13 nnd 20 open fur first class CombiDniious ur Bcpertoiro Co'a OLEAN MUSIC CO., OwnerB Academy of Miisiu,' Clean, N. Y. The people of this city arc witb UK. A GREAT SONG Sung by two GS-reat Artists^ "I WANT YER MA honey;' BT THE COUPOSER, MISS FA7 TfiAffLBTOXT, IN RICE'S "EXCELSIOR JR.," MZSS LCA? ZHWZXr^ IN "THE WIDOW JOKES." OROUESTRA FARTS FREE TO PROFESSIONAI.S. T. B. HARMS Sc CO., FnlU.hen, 18 Eart 8M Bt, N»w York. ''SHE MIGHT FLIRT WITH OTHERS, IS A GREAT BIG HIT. Free to the Profession. Send for Your Copy PExn-iE MUSIC cjom:i>a.ivy, WBW YORK CITY, It. Y.i • ISait ^iOlh glnol. CIUbA<IO. ILI.,1 *,MT Chaiaptala Av PROF. H. $. MAGUIRE'S LATEST AND GREATEST SUCCESS, T1i« TtUlDn. CftlnUlloQ and l'trr«nDlo;; How, n-JJIoK vumi (a AddlllOD, SabUrtuUDD aod MalHIcAtJoD »d Ihtt BUekbotnl.TeUlDiTinie.AfiA.rt:.; iluj kaivr«rinE ijoailtooi lo Eaillrii tod Ulttun Olrtct rrom aaOI«at«, ■inlocallht ifptrala and dmi^vt mltM, ti>rea dhUrcnt ki;lc4 or daDclag, w«||iId|, CUnMo folha aad LaneiarilK Horoplpa, alM pt'Idr In dllTM»Dt po«I|[odii for LItIdk flcluTU. NaMOt li dTt jatravld, I'or* ttbll«, UJ^ baodi Dl|n, uU !■ a tsnlil o**Mrfrcr Ion. npcD for enRtKrninDiP. AdJrass PBOP. n. B. llAOUr&E, .4. E. Cor. Oareet and JFlTonoa fJU-, Fblllilalpbla: tralo«ro/llia bMMauppa. THE HOHE OF BURLESaUE, Wonderland Theatre, TUE CITY. ViNlUIiRS WillTB OR WI R£ AT U.NCL. FALL RIVBR,nAS» .1, la II. II13, II, \i, 17, l«. 17,19), II, 71. ONLY Bl'IILI^ial.'E IIOI'SI! I.N ■ -E.J. MAHTli). auupr. WANTED-AII 'Roonl Varltti People m< I'Um PLlVEItlooul'jKlbnUlM;) I'OR VEblCINE 01). No r.rM.jTurwl Pf. *.o. rom (i;>g»i»i i>«iiT«n) I'ic .v. t. ATTOTIOII, lliUU6ERS.-AT UBERTY, FRANK £OMII AHO Ollia TOnKKL tUct nc« KOKkibnl QjiMdUoi. Ain Slrai. Trick Acroballa ruu. Ad. inm BABBT lalAiaB,AlbODf.N.T. WANTED, A BAUOON, WITH HAN TO HAKE AflCRITKIQNB lo dlir«r«atp*TlNDr Ubfled RUU« (fera^ i*nl4lD( (iiTVOi«>). Addiaaa A. P. (;., P. O. Boi 1,1*3. rortimoBUi. H. If.. wUtlOKlonoiftf llia wt«> . _ WANTED, CIRCUS OVTFT, 60, 70, 80fT. lOUROTOr, wllh MIMIoPiMM, BmU, UltiU. Wwoii. C.|W u comH.l.; , Olr.^jvck^bqtUML A.>EU.ACV.,SI»ll D vrim. AMi nraM,- • • WOILD'S GREATEST SHOWS. Pre-eminently the One Great Amusement Enterprise ef Amerlea. IT STANDS ALOSE ABOVE ALL OTHEBS, WHILE C0IITEMNRAB1E8 HUDDLE KMIETHKR FOR CONSOLATION. So gr«il his been Hs svectu, and i» pranouncid III viclorhi, Ihil onhiklla rhmit, who Uv« HNmuInt botn iworti •iwinim, and ha«« b«IM aad batmlrchgd one anclhirlnm ecMn to ocean, an obliged te oom logettir, ihiko hindi, klu, make up. and Join Hieir mikoned fereei la aa a|. tempi to belsler up Iheir fati waning palroniga by Junk ihop Iranuetloflt In lecond hand, ebioleaoeni, doliinol titlei. Ringling Bros.' World's Groatost Show l« Pre-emlnenllf Um one Progimtlve, Modtra and vp lo dale Amuieaunl lnilihitlon,andl)ill|roipaUo ol leouring palrvnage In Ihe name ol Ha own proprletort. IT IS AT ONCE THE FAVORITE OF THE MASSES, AND THE TERROR OF CONTEMPORARIES. Wanted, toCoiaplote tbe Greatest Exbibition Ever Presented io the Wide, Wide World, PEOPLE IN ALL BRANCHES OF THE TENTED AMUSEMENT BUSINESS. All Communlcallou stould be addraucd to RINCLING BROS., Baraboo, Wlt.,oioepl In Ike following depailnenli, wMoh addma as below: MuilcUna, Addreai W H, WELDON, Baraboo, Wit. Bill Pollen, Addrais A 0. RINQLINQ, Baraboo, Wla. gpio, Addrais HUOH HARRISON, Henderaon, Kr. idr - ■ Side Show Fooplo, Addrais HUOH HARRISON, Canvasmen, Address JOHN SNELLEN, Baraboo. Wll. Oroomi and Driven, Addrais S. ALEXANDER, Banboo, Wit. Ring Slock Men, Addma RHODA ROYAL, Baraboo, Wit. Trainmen, Addrm ROBT. TAYLOR, Baraboo, Wit Preport* Men, Addnu CHAB. 0. MILLER, Reedaburg, Wit. Wardraba Men, Uddnia W. REESE. Banboo, Wit. Animal Men, Addrait JAMES RAFFERTY, Banboo, Wit. EleptanI Man, Addnia PEARL SCUDERB, Banbeo, Wit. Oontinmng the Subject, HAH BEKIf MADK nVT ID $60,000 AT XHU Grand Opera House, FHILADELPHIA. REOEITINO TUB Oil' xiLK errvB Twelve Ijcadiiiju>- I>»ilieei, A.VU RE-ENGAGED ANOTHER WEEK Annual Benefit sTiiR Biim nils OF PHILADELPHIA. FIrai 4-I«»4 leading lionira nnd r«cog- ntied iierfomanCf LV«Bdt1r«M HI HENRY'S Miri STBa S, En fOUlB. For Scfibner & Snllii's Side Shows, A 7t<l [>^irt TKLKEn vlij dull I'uDCIi lol Vanlrllv ■I l>ni.a LiiiltWumftD (iijit lit iiiiiii), Alronp Uao io )fart«t. iir ipy "tharhiruoff ntt. wlilioal wcUliU; oot nhi> ran ltL« I h^rw* ■Til* -ho* rtafit, a nrtiillnjr i«at, ifi'l »i|.tiB. V' tl I Ilka t9 liMr frAm pIchBOlDDy imnJ Ol toll rirc*- .'^'^■t ''a* conp«>*ntr^p'* o*») ai- riv. .UKKH w. Akattik. r<r'i)antnl aMmi ik'kloaM. riuaharr I'a. Chicago Photo FngraTlns Co. The Hnppy Besnlt of tho Jnxtaposttlon of AbiintUnt CnpitsI with Inventive IlrainH In tho Qrent AND Twentieth Century Glyptoromatic Spectacle. Anolcnl snd ■atlqMBtvd caitoma b»T«b*«ii r»«l high ob iho barrea ifconofob* llvlone Tlia flood lafraof plaaaare ■laari ajar ftir Ihe moat ilapsndoaa aod gorgMaa Stage Pndaotlon of Bfodara TlniM. The urlglnator^the Inaovalor, lUe aiThlte«t and ballAcr of aiara aacceHnil Slaga Plclarea than any oavaaaB In the paat dfwade, Itasconcaatrated In thiaoae Glgaa- tie Bnlentrlfa hia raat •HMrteare and brlnga tbrth a nrodarlloo that makts thli tha V\\V!t OP A NBAV BRA IN VAl'DlCVlLLlTAND BDULICIUUiDe SOME OF THE STAR FEATURES ARE: Bhetffir and Blakoly, l«montand l«ova, the greftt Blilarra Kaiullv, StanUir aBd Bchaiaan, Bnltb and neaaan, the Gleaaoni, HMv* Lara llelatan, a full ecor* oftottlly glrli with prettpfbrme anil Ckcri. A |n,(H)0 PRODlFCTUKlf OP Ll VJIf t>_ PlOTVBBB, e>nnioat .Natave^iOwn.and with inblMla more rapiiiroualy bvftutlful than Samara* mitt Cleopatra, ar th# ntylblcal Italia Hoohh. All new and gorganua CMtamte, beaatlfal electrical, cnlclum and caleaihenic f ffetla. A SHOW FOR THE PEOPLE NOW ON EARTH. HftBa|.r.aada||.nU«relBVII«d lo m« thl. .up.rb »,tniclloii at llDlqa. Thutr*. araoklKa, Jan.a, w»Ii| Nvw York, Balllniorv, wa.hlnf tea anil Uo.loii lo Mlow. A raw icalUrlhg opan wmIu. For llm., addtou mm k RANDOLPH, 119 Foortli k, Kew York. Proprl.lor, h, ■ATTL.An, Pnxlarrr, HR. -Wlf. O. AUSTIN, i)lr.rllnB of OKO. H. BtlHUaiBuilnoMBoooi.r. MR. WIl.tARD BTANTItlll. Prrman.nt addniM nnVk' MONT i RANDOLPH, TkMtrlcal Klehaafa, IIU Voorth Am.. Nnw York. HOW IS THIS FOB HIGH? THE WONDERFUL SUCCESS, Broke every record of the house at WESTMINSTER THIA- TRE, Providence, R. I., Xmas. *9B. Read and guest again, A.M.. XMAH .... i!ii:i:)i.4io «.mp.M. *• iii».:is wp.M. " .... .tnii.em glayMl to Dior* L,4ilIICM tbaa bkvo ovar Mr. Oto. nalukollor claim, that "ZKI10< liMMln lil.llooB. la m w«.k*.*aBaB.Mi«al. uaaernani of onrartfat allow wa plav a r.lara dal. al MR. O. 11. BATOnillULOn'S WKtrMlNSTEir THBATRB wuk of Jaa.W, 'tM. FlaylaBbacfcla arlly willila Ihra. wMk.iinniuiiad, I.Ill 1 aiu Boir bnokliiK nijr n.w "ZERO" Ibr *VA, *U7 and *tW, Mananra of AI vlllehoaiat wkowanlthU blfl .acrvu addr.H JOB (IPPEnilKISIICR, fol* Owa.r and Proprlalor. W.ok Dm. io, VNmUIE TIIBATHB, Brooblya, If. V.| w..k Jaa. a, hVCKVU TIIBATHK.BoalOB, Mbh. "A STRAIGHT TIP" CO., A flood Dati-b Vou««II.B, whocBB .lag and danc«,agood Irl.h Coiu.dlaa, who cbm ■iBgaad «laBcr4a awlo-Comlc VocBlUt,a PlaBltl,jrlio can Irad _Or«bnlra. ^aad ^b yoaag man for prop..anil .mall part., llntl.U<'r. Addr - ' H.Hd Vail Panitulan aad lowral ialarr la W. ir. IIBieUBBHUJI, Haaag.r. Mprlngll.ld, Ohio. T. J. P1.IIIT. nXANTON 'IXTKBH (Dprclal), A. W. MILLArtO JR. QHOW PRINTINGIQ It'fJ HPRINO MT.. N. Y. NOTlrKTdflHOWaKN Ih.t IUD b!it "I i*i*b«.lnMM I. r.l.s. uatlihovrnwciuiMirr- Tuiin wi>«ciiullj' TiA rriurU circuliu.! Iir Mr.r.) litrjM |i.l|il.ri, ■lUiiipt ili, alinw f>4lnllaii. . f .01 fltnl III II, taa la III', d jUio uialilioir r.lnllni|. |.riK], In Atn'rlc. iItahtiin TiiimER ********************************************* ********d CALIFORNIA BARITONE, IB «TILL HAKinO A niO HIT WITH Ilia .1 Z WITH TUK BONTOI* IIOWABD ATHKRACUM CO., ^ i VMOBB TUB MANAUKHBIIT OK AROY IIUUIIR*. J THE KILPRTRICK8, THK mCYCLi: ACr OF AMERICA, ON IVER JOHNSON 'CYCLES. Keith'H Unlou Hiiuare thin week; Olympic, Chicago, next week. HANAUERII, IIBRK IB A VtUOnit NOVEIO'r. HBMD QPICM TIMB. TIIBBMINBKTTHAfiBDIA)'. uO bli b«o f;on)raor. lo ap*t*ctf<t roptrioir* ol niati«i|>MrUo and oUiarlilgb claj« tngedlti. Osar»al«4d to biBirletl/anieUisan<lM|Uil Id araiy vur to Buy hiih iinced auraciioain itta IforMi A |orifl«aa nD|'rl7olit«caol(>lctnrlBl briDtlogaoJ phuioc, mad apKlal^fotrji conily oil MloilBt* for lobndU* (•Uy, roitumfR ourofEaxteaili aa noi'rly ol I tacaol (tlctnrial brlatlog I itumfR liUtorlcslIfcoiract. will Har_ _ _ . ^ axlaadi, hUilDf Uwm olahiA awl «aab aiaods, aa I wUli to aln on mr mirlU. fepular prleii^ tat (UMlioaaH onlf. Vi*taanataau>*<lfirtJaa atrDa^sr Utin ■nr oihtrttlracllonon the rvM. loilijTflvft llm. lUiltriKtioit aail a ma'siloml Iwfra ai^orcl. Woibl liae to l»aar rroiii a (tw mnrt Movlawboar ' OlJi«Ua.''''NatU«ibr'-VlrilBUV'aaa 'lllibuU jlf/' Mail hara Ant dau narUrfffct, AddrtM moo of ivalfa «t«ka uolr (ai I im tnahfagpraparatia ' rUli to alnonmrmirlU. Popul - * ' I (trDB^sr UtiB ■nr oihtrttlracllonon the rvM. "ToiVr - - • - - . --rvrel*- Cflopia «bo art ap ta