New York Clipper (Jan 1896)

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Copjrlflhted, Wl, by Tbt Fnsk ()ttwn PnblUhlig Compuf (Llralt«d). Foundtd by I FRANK QUEEN, IB33. t NKW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 1896. J VOLUME XLIIk-No. 49. I PriM 10 Cmtt. WHEN CUPID PLAYS HIS PART. VRimS n» TBI HIT TOM oiimi, BT T O. BARBIUQU. Heton the foatltuhinavery nlgbt An tcior, ill aniKen, Recelrei Ills cKt froin rofnlBt eye. And iil«7« bis role, I we«D; Re'a buij. too lietwecn th« aci« Wbene'cr be flnds t bean, Amlllfe'becomes sdttmskceE Wlien Capid pisjs bis ptrt. lie Deeds no prompter. I tin eare. Tbe inanmnr can ro, Acrora ibe state anenlngnr Tbe aiTows from bis boir; Tbe drama's all tbt people see. Tber walcb It from ibe sian. And neyer catob tbe look whlcb tells How Capid pltjs blapait. No natter vbst !■ on tbe bosids, Be'salvaralntbe play, So many are bis cosnlnRarlB, He will not keep awaj; And It percbance be spoil* a scene De takes It ne'er lo beatt, Bnt beats Ibe wotuds the critics giv*, For tbat, too, la bis part. Tbe world applanos tbe Islest Hlir, And htauns berto greet; II seldom sees Ibe trlbnte wblcb Sbe lajB at Oapld's feet. Aje, anerBll,tben's noiblnglike the conqnest of a bean, And life's long dnma nerer lam When Oopld pta;s bis part. THE ROMANCE OFAN ACTRESS waiTTBX TOR THK VKW TOSK cLirran. BT HUBERT B. BOBRTOX. (OOKTDIDZD.) "Thei«'s tbe makings of a fine actress gone all lo wreck and rnin—til to nm, tlr."Baldbe; "and all on account of careless etrlr tnlnlng—an Insecnie fooling In her art. Kow. If sbe bad lakeo her earlr tpprenilcestilp In tbo btrd work toil good solid tebool of tbls sort of tbeatrc we btTe het«, ebe would bare bad someihlsg sQbsianilal lo fall back on when ber elmpettand gaspa tnd line Utile tricks would no longer pay. Well, well-It can't be helped, hut It's too bad—too bad." Aud that was the ludgmcnl csKtafter thefamous Vera ZapponI as she left Ihe stage, nenr lo return again. The appolnied Mouday nlgbt tfter Vem's engage, ment had closed found ihe American Irae lo hia bargain. Hewasou hand at the llillecoiltRc. pre- pared, apparentl;, to carry out bis comrade's scheme. "How yon shall hctr," sild ibe Iialltn. gleefully mbblDg his bands; "Ton shall hear all, for my power Is great toulgbt tnd ber will Is conquered completely. Bhe shall tell all-she sbsll slug It like a Mrd. and you shall lell me It Is tbe most wondep fnlyoneTerdM hear." Od this he drew bick tbo cnrtalni that shui oir ibo adjoining apartment, and revealed a Inxnil. onrlytunilsbed boudoir, lighted by a shaded lamp which stood on a small gilded table In tbe middle . of Ihe room, ou a silken lounge lecKned Vera. She ball arose at tbe drawing aside ol the oonalue, but fell back with a slgb at tbe command of An- loDl. lie nsbercd In the lall American, who bad not lemoTed bis long nialer, tllbongh 11 was drip- ping from Ihe driizle of the ilormy night, and be sMll earned In bis hand a broad sloncb hat of fell. He seated blmaelt gravely In a comer of Ihe room where the sbadowa were darkest snd seemed to cloak bim completely from ohserrallon. Tbe wo- man looked at bIm wlib a flied itare, but did not seem to ncognlie him. It would have been sppareut to tne most easual ohserrerlbat ahe was In a deep trance, and that ber win, steel chained snd fcllered, was struggling In Ttin to nee itself. As Ibe lltllsn approached and laid bis band npon ber head. ai| resistance seemed to cease, and, Ihongb the wild.Ilzed stare did not leaTOher eyes, her muscles relaxed, and a smile brake Ibrongh btr look of pain. Shoecllled l>tck Intoaposillon of ease, snd took on an air ot comfort. "You an well and airong," ssid ihe Italian, slemly. She smiled in answer, and he weot on; "I hsTe hronghl a friend who shall bear your siorT. Ton shall lell bIm and he shall be eoierialued. Go on—tell all, for be bis cone lo bear and will noi grow weary. It was tre years ago, yon say— Thus commanding, snd eveajbegloniug her story, AnIonI settled blneellctslly in bis chair, and, dis- tant only a few feet from Ibe lounge on which shs lay, flxed bia glowing eyes on here, and walled, Bhe arose to a halt itclinlDg poslnre, and, leaning on her elbow, began os ir ibe were delsliing a story to a merry company instead of l>^traylDg a long treaanred arcr:i In tbe presence of Ibese two mys- terious men: "Tea, It Is aomeibing over Hts years ago lhal I WIS 'starring' In America, aud the msugest of ad- Tentutes befell me. When 1 anived In Kew Turk my maid grew III, and. ncclTing some oopleataut news from taome. Insisted on retomiuK; so I was obliged lo adTertise for a young woman lo replace her. There came to me a neat looking, dark eyed young girl, wllh a lo-elT face and girlish flgnre. She spoke wllh a decided Bpsulsh accent, and I was not sorpnaed wbon sbe lold me tht was ibe daugh- ter of a Hoitcan, arlch ranchero, fnm whose home she bed fled to meet a lover, an American, who bad been aojonming In ber roaniry. 8be was awaiting bis coming lu New York, bet be bed been delayed, and sbe bad fonud It necessary in seek some work that might sapport ber while she waited. "I took an inirrcM In Ibe girl, sithongb sbe be- trayed, bya certain occasional cosnenen of man- ner, that her sainre had not been ss gentle, nor ber edocailon a<ihorongh,a>amlillonilre faihermlght be supposed lo secnre for an only child. Sbe seemed pre-occoplcd, loo. most of the lime, and made many hinnden dorlng Ibe month shewaa Id ny seme*. I bora with her, hn verer. for, aa I aaM before, I syniialMiad with ber. and altboatb' I knew she was decelrlng me to her slory of her life. I was quite willing to allow ber lo irtasnre her own secret, without adding aiolber panv hy prying Into Ibe real caoaes of ber woe. Anoiberpecnliarl- ty ol hen wblcb I bon wllh was herrcfnsal lo live at the hotel with me. She pieferred ber old lodg- Ingalnaome ohicnre qusnerof the city, and, rciir- iDg Ihilber every night ai s late honr, relumed each morning very early; so she waa ensh'ed to give rae all Ihe ttienllon I cnold demand. Her ex- planation was, she feared ibii. Ilring at the hotel, sbe might be traced more easily by ber Inte father's agents, who were scorning tbe couniry for hor. "The New York engsgeneni of one month had been luiended aa the close ol our American tour. covered Ibal wlib ber bad disappeared a roll ot American bank uoles amouutlBi to something like a hundred pounds. Bhe might have lakon mnch more, for all my money and jewehi were at her band, but ahe seemed lo bare selected exacily Ibis som.aaltliweretbs amount she needed for a special purpose. I iraa very angry at ber dishoneaty, and, alibough It was wlihin a tcwbouniof ibetlmewhca Ihe train dnwiug my special car waa to start, I fell Inclined to sommon to offlccr aud bare the ihlet mn down. Tbla Idea was speedily abandoned, ibougb, OQ Ihe refleciion lhat 1 should he delayed and lose the fmlis ot ny engigemcnl. I locked Ihe Issiof my boxes,and summoned the porter lo lake ihcm away. When that Hiinly person bad There waa aomeiblns so human and reassnilnRln hia sturdy llgora and manly voice that I lelt safe under bit guidance, snd all my teare fled. The bouas, what I could see oflt in the faint lightof the street Umpa, was adlngy lencroont wllh Rrimy ap- proaebet, Tbe single atone step by which Its hail- way was enleied was obstmeled by a duster ol noisy, hair clad childran, snd frowsy molhen with squalllUR Infants In their arms. Twenty shrill voloea TolnnlceiTd Ihe Infoimallon lhat Ihe foreign aclrtas (that's what they called Jnanlla) lived lu a back loom ihreo fligbls op; so I bravely made my way along a narrow hall, dark and slimy, and up muddy stalrcaus to tbo Ihird floor. There I paused at Ibo door of iho Rarapartmoni and lapped lightly. bnt a llnecontimci heiDg urged on us by a San Frsuclsco mtntger, luy bneband was terapied to sign forino,alihoagh be was 111 and anxious lo re- turn lo England, for II wss the faul atrnka of con- sumption that bad come upon bini. Hnthe was de- voted In ne and to oar child, whom wo had left at borne, and was willing to make any stcrtBco tbat my prorcsslonil sisndlog tnd wctllh might In- crease, tnd ihst tbe little one's comfort might be aasnied. So we were iMobcd for the long itip across Ihe conllueoi. The comfian; was packed off by tail a week ahead, I deisylng that I might secure luxnrl ous accommodtllonr for my ioralld. nut a ieiler from home givlDg the news ot a trifling Illness of our child, though with Ibe rcaatotlng Inteillgeuce that it was convalescent, eeentd to break down all his resoinilou. He became poeaeascd hy a (ear tbat be might die lu a foreign cooniiy and never see the liiile one again; so, si ibe last moment, after Ihe special railway coach bad been secnred and paid for. Indeed, tbe very day before weweretotltit, he delermloed to relum homo lu Ibe ctre of his valet, leaving me In return by myself after the engage- ment. I should gel along heller wllbontaslckman on my bands, he said, wblcb. Indeed,waa verylme, and It was tolly to dng him, witb bospiUI snr- raundlngs. across a vssi, bait setiled couniry. For ail ihia though, I stood out a Iour lime for reiom- luR wlib bim, sbandoniOR Ibe engagement allo- gelher. and would haredone ll.detpllc his proletu. bad he not convinced ms tbat locb a course would ruin me lo my profession,tMthabroadandatborne, and hllghl ail my fntore prospects. I wtsamhillous then, and could not coniemplaie complsceully a sudden fall from my high poalllon of popniarilr; so allowed myself 10 be peraoaded, Tbe next day he Mlled, htrlug ttcuRd passage at the last moment on a crowded steamer, and. poor fellow, I never him again, nor did he see onr child, for be died on tbe way from Uvrtpool lo London, But, 10 make matieisworM, the very day I wta to start OD my wtstwtrd Journey my mtid, Jotnlla, dUapptand. I made a baaty >«amlnttl«n and dls- dregged the Iruuk from my room and, sbodlderlng II. had lumbered besrliyawiy, I nnliced a crumpled soiled envelope Irlngon the noor where it bad fallen and lain concealed behind tbe IMX, I picked It up aud tctd tbe tddrcss, 'Juanita Meodcz, No. — But- folk Htrect.' I opened It and found enclosed, a acrap or paper, apptraniiy blank, tnd was tboui to Ibnw 11 away when, by cbsuce holding.ll np agalnat Ihe gatllgbi, I delected t few trorda evidently picked out wllh pin peiforalions through the piper. Look- lug carcfnliy, I easily read: "Thursday night I make lbs aliempi, I must have money ror immedlale use—live hundred at lesBi, tor ibey will IM after me hot foot, and I must Rive them a long chaae. I throw this Into the street at the Unt opportnniiy, on the chanco lhat some passer i>y may mall llloyon.' "Tbls was til. Tberawasnoslsnalore even; but, little aa It was. It cleared ap a mystery to me. I be- gan to see lbs canao ol Juaniu's worry, and the allusion to Ibo exsct son I had lost betrayed whence bad come ibe lempitllou thtt had made Ihe poor gin disbonesl. I fell convinced ebe waa the victim or some hetitieas acoundrel who was diaggingher down to bit criminal level. My old syropalby for Ibe poor ccealure was reawakened wllh twofold loieusliy.and the mad desire lo aee and advise ber, 10 draw herfrom herevit aasocia- tlona, posseswd me, I bad her address, why could loot visit ber on my wsy 10 Ihe station) It was a mad Idea, bull waa tirtya acrealnre or impulse, and always deicimioed lo poraoing mywblosto the end, I siaried at once, lbs hsckman readily agreeing lo tind nj maid's home and yet carry me to Ibe station lo lime locslch my mm. "llurTled as wta our irsnsll, the Journey tbrongh daik hy ways aud aqutild quariers seemed long and hcinidenng to me, and more than once I grew afmid and regretted my tssb undrnablng. Before I could give Ihe order to mm hack, however, ihe carriage stopped In a dirk, ntrrow, noiiome at reel, an.l, opeoloi tbe door, tbe nhlcsnd charioteer, a good natored Iilabmag, announced cheerily In bta itob bngne ibal we bad inlred at my gin'a bone. "Instanlly there wsa t great commotion wlibin, tnd tbe door waa thrown open wllh a pnmpllluds and a vigor ibtt atartied me. The llgbtot a lamp streamed into m; eyea snd daxzled mo ai llrat; hat Ibo liearar gave a cry of surprise, and I rocogniced Juaniia berteir. Bhe reirtaied lo roafualon, and I stepped In. Tbe girl relired betore me in a dazed mioner, snd wllh t look of terror on her ftce. There was another penon present, a sallow faced, slallenly old woman, who sianed np from a comer where she had been crouched on a low chsir, ono of Ibelbreeor four wretched articles which, wlib the common pine table and a cot, constltniM the farollnre of tbe den. When ahe aaw me, and bad time to get It Ihronih her muddled old brain that Jnanlla feared mo, she concluded al once that I mutt liethemialrew whom she htd robbed. Ike oldcreatnra (ana derce eiclsmilloninBpantib, and, holibiing to tbe door, turned the key In the lock and steed wlib Iter hack against the only extl by which I codM make my escape. " 'Frar not, Juaniu,* said ahe, u ahe gltrod savagely al me; 'aheeomea tor ;onr money, hnl she stall not have It. Never, never shall she leave here. Hbe Is In lbs trap.' "A sick feeling of terror came over me. Wby had I cone on tbls mad euletprlset Joanita. hair, ever, pais and with close pinched lips, aa If nerved bv an overpowering resoinilou. ctlned Ibe old creators with • few words of command. " 'Dolock Iho door, mother. The lady does g«i come la rah oa, (lo back toihe dre and leave this to DC' ■The mutdemua look vanished from the old crone's face. Toliering hack to ber plaoe Id lbs corner, she aat Ihete eyeing me tnsplclontly. Juauiia Inmed lo me. '"Tonr mother f aald I, picking np her words. 'Tea,' aha replitd defUolly; "She la my mother; Ibis Ui my borne; I took yoor money, and I refuse to re- Inro it I It Is beyond yoor reach, devoted lo a good pnrpoae. Hot yon Bor Ihe offlcem whom yoo, no denbi, have wilUng year call can take II from ne.' "nt/ytett ara bmraly, wttb Ihe tirof a benlM Tathor than ibtt ot a iblof. and I fell Intimidated, Hy pity for tko poor erettan grew aa I aaw the pitch otdetpenthin to which abo had boon worked, Sbewoaton nervonsly: 'Oime-calllhem-lellhen lake rae to prinn. not the money, no f "I replied soothingly: -l-oor child i I havo do omoera airalting my ilgnal. I have come hen slooo, tH ynnr trioua, not to ilemaud Iho stolen money nor lo punish yon for your art. t oomo to drag jou Irom dangrr, lo aak yon lo return lo my <ctvlre-io go this moment from these snminndinga of aqnalorandoilmn,' "She looked at me Incredulously tor a moment, snil learn gilatent<l In htreyoH. She seemed on the polntol ctsling bcnelf intomr ouislraicbedarms, wbon some omnrbolming ihonghl seemed lo pw- seis her and nerve her up ngaln lo her former Halo, Abo dashed the tears away and boldly n. lamed my gue- Tbo team seemed to have washed from her eyes ihe derco tigress gleam ikat had shone la them betr.n, and Ihoy now leaked aoniy Inin mine as she said: 'Mndame, yon an good, alwaya good-so kind to ne, r am ooveredwlili ahamahelornyno, Ilul I may not lell you ail, I may not avail of your kindness. I may not give yoa back whit I havo rolihed you of. Rome day I will restore It to yon, alibough I labor a iirellmo lo do it. Now go-leave nolo my desllny, and think ol me nomnre.'i "She pointed to the door, and I was meohanlcaliy obeying, oronlng lM>rora her In reaoh the exit, glad. Indeed, to And a rreotscape nHhred nit Item Ibis trap, irhen a chtngo came over hor countenance— ■a eagor, strained look. She put out her arm and poaboil no iHct. Tbo old crone sprang to her feet, and iMlh women iUilrnoil Inlenlly, •There wsa t soiinil of heavy rootralls on Ibt sUliK-a claliPiing, hnrrinl slop. In a moment ihe door waa Iniml npon and a man ilasbcd In, oioalng and barring it behind him. Ills hair waaoroppod close, t>nl hli llfht hloo oye» ar.d fair complexioa showed bin of lbs ttnoA of the cold norih ennn- Irirs. IIIH rgiiro waa tali and appeared shapely wllh miia<Milirdevelnpnioni. although he was clad In mogh, ill fllilng (trmcnia. lis won a sinueh hat dtmwn down nnrthow ploroing eyes ol his. ai 'I In conceal Ibeir wild, hunleil took, lis sinod In Iho niddin or the room tor a raw Hoennds, panling, gasping rnr lirealh, aa one who hadjiiil gniaheda leal or physicil cniiitianco. Ills htck wta InwtrA mo, trd In hit prerlpltsto rniranro bo htd not anted my ptesenoo, '"Well, I im here. Ynnr ignnis wore Irae, Tbey silowod me to work my way nnt,' said he, aliii panting rrom his nllhrls. Jnanlla said nothlni: >hn stood at him In mule horrnr, her Ilpa parted wide, her oyca staring vaoanlly al him. "'irbal,'aald he, in evident surprise,'have you nnlhing in say in mo, now I am hero I Are yon not pleawd at my escape, or havo yon changed jonr mind and vonr Invo in my ahaoncot' "Tbo girl's lam niuhedacarlol.and abn round her voice under the atinii or hia rchnko, 'We are not alone.'ssiil ahe, polaiing over hia shoulder alms. He toned rnlinlmiit.wltb tho Itnnnd otatigsr,ai|d raced aie, wlib a doico gllltor in his eye. In bis hand he hold a rovnlvor,and his desponle air Itrri. nod me m that I gave a hoann cry that waa neither t acrcsm nor t groan, " 'A wnnitn I A apy I' eried ho, solaing my Mm anddrsgglogmo oullntn ibn llghi, Jnanlla came rorward, pgllrri hia hand trem my wriHl, and stood iiotwoen us. 'l)on*i forgfli yon are a geollonaa,' sold she, 'oron IP 'If I havo only Jnslosoaped fron priMon,' hn Intormplcd. She nodded her head, tccitpling hia Interpretation of her Ihonght, '"Bipiain ihlH.' he resumed. 'Ilo you Intend In give a rocnplion fo yonr palrons and frlenda lo relrlitsie mveacaper Perhaps you have a police. man or two amnogynnr Invlird gnosia.' He looked around amphloiMl;. drawing up tia tip and saut- ing like t wild lictid tirougbl lo liar. '"Biionce I' commanded Ihe girl. There arano guests, no police, no ono bnt ns. This Isdy la bere iiy aceideni. II wai she who furaUhed Iho money lo pay my agenin, and In provide ynu the tnndslo continue your flight.' He put aside his weapon on hearing Ihla. tnd resnmed his former unetsy mtn- ner, liul eyed me, ai I saw, wllh a aim lurking ana. picion, Tbon yna have aecurM passage for mo en Iba aohonnrrt' be Inquired, iiilcoing Inlenlly to Ihe snunda intde liv cblldron claliering np and down Ibe nrar.r alalra or iho houae, aa ir he wen liying to dcien some note otdangcr from the mldsloribelr riotous rlamore. Tho schonnor salind Ibis moming rari v: the msaier would not wall, Ibougb I begtad bin. snd hid paid the money.' replied Jnanlla. Torse hill I' broke out tho man. In a fury, 'I hive had all ny Irnniils and aniroring tor nothing, I shill ho reisken bernre miming if I alayhrre, I maat leave s> nnco. for (her will he sore to look tor me where you are. My only sttnly la In sopamlion rrom roll.' 'The girl Hghed. and a sharp pain seemed lo have passed through ber hesrt, 'Tea,' she agreed. 'Ynnr aarety depends nn roiir sopamtton fromms, snd I prorn my Idelliy br agveriog to the aaerilea —Iiv >nircr1ng myaelf, that yon may not,' " This iBsli verr well.'ho broke In, bro<"naly, 'tor aenllnenl. h'li action Is what 1 want. Where sbsll I go Ihs) I abill nnt ho tracked and tripped la twenly.fonrhonrar 'Joanlia lum'dio me. hesitating ■ mnmenlaalt dreadlngfnicil Ibt ihnughta lhal wen In hernlDd; then, selilnrmT two hands, ahe knelt al my feat and looked ap at me Imploringly. Teanslreamed Iran ber dark eyes, and soba choked her voice Di aha apnket * "Oh, madame. yon who are so kind, so good, a rortlving—yon wbo have won ny adonlloD-wtll yon add one angel tileasing to ail your kindness—a crowning Messlnilo me, your slave f 'Knrptla'd beyond meafure, ullerly bewlldived, Istsmmered a demand for an eiplanalion ol this sudden change In ber manner, and of Ibe aaloand. logqueiilon ibalaccompabled it. ■"Whit favor, what bleating can I glTcf I uked, "■Save himi' ibe replied, almost bysteHc 7, cilaglni lo mv hinda wllh a desperate eioltb, '"tinr can Ifivehlml' I ventured oeeliuical.'y. bring imlytno much horrllled by Ihe prepotHlea lhal I ibould Involve myteir In Ihe pfoteotatftD (•eapkd oonvlet lo oomuad ay ton inneaa,"