New York Clipper (Jan 1896)

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712 THE NEW YORK CLIPPEB. Janitahy i]. LTcim TiiAiM.—TteK wu pmented M Uili houMoa Ju.o.forllie Snt «Ibm Iq ibli coudIit, "TIM Btnem of lb« Doabr," t earned/. In Uire« ■cU, It; Arthur W. piMro. nii pdjr w» ortgt- mil; pTtxIacod al the Comedy Tliektre, bondoo, os OOL in, Itv:,. II In BinUier ot Uiom peatlleotUI VDiki ot Ue i&tlmgo iille sort, witli wblcli tula h- Ibor luM nade ui Ut too rimlllir, cod wblch iboiild not btTe beeapmnltted toobtttn » footbold opoo ouritage. Wetn mme thanwearjolHr. Hiwio; be uoMtKi KDd dkamiis ui, ud we eater npen tbe conddenUon ol bli irofkii wiui ibe ebodder of oiM Kbo k aboal to encoiinm tbo iMlMoed ttmoe- pbere of » ptat boqillal. Wlui mucb or repaii- naoce, Uwrecore, we peg tbe fallowing uoepiu o( tbe iUiT of till lila;: Theopbna and Jimtlia. daniblen or Mm. Kniiiane, • worldly minded and •aUSli woman, bare txen allowed iinllmlietf free- dom of aolloD, and bare reiged daDKerwiiiir ■uar to dUaoliielKe. Then U no direct erl- deoce tbat ilur kare elDued, and eome tee- tlmony, not niainptacliable, bowever, tbat tbej bare loL The; liare, at leau, become coane, ■Una and uawominl;. Tbeopbtia, wbo li tbe b«n>laao(lbeatorr> otwbo, more properlj epeak- fat) afforda occhIod for It, lua manled Alexandtr FiMer, • Bcotobman, o( aoUer lialilia, wbo prtfen tbaqoletot blsnailre place to tbo dlaripaUoooC LondoQ eoclelf. or courje Un. Fraier maiea lane wllb liln npoa ttU polDt, and be Koea to Scotland, kanai ber In Undon. Tlint aialn left to rollow berlncllnatloD, Hm. Fraaer Mieka tiis companion' aUBof ber friend, or pel, Jobn Alllogliam, a mar Ilea man, wboae wife li exiremeljr Jealoiia, and evl- denu/ sol muoiit aumcltni caoM. lira. Fiaier ud Jack bave tong been cbuma; ebe baa gone to Urn witball bar troubica, and bo baa •oaihl ber adrlce concembg tbe meaiu to rjulot thelealoiu ngeol bbi wire. Tbeir InlorvlewH are prolo'nd ttaiDngb the niRblii and rar mm tbo moniTng taoura, wlib llgbu lurood low anil tbe Hre In aahet, >he amoklng clpiraiiea and drink Ing folitatii ol i'.liar'.|ii(nc. In coueiiuence of taatt frennonl liimvltwa Mm. Alllngliani brlon an action tor Jnillclal aeparailon rrom ber hoalsnil. Tbe etldisoe preaented In conn la not Bufllcleat, lioweror, ton^iiiWlUb her raiiae, and the lodge, alter aeiere y ee nnrlng Mm. Kr,iaer, tbe Inierrener, Rivca herii e iiaoellt of tbe donbt and dlambnca tlio caer. T. ni do airalre aland at tbe opening or ilieplajr, wliei wi aroiiahercd Into Xia, Bmiiiafe'a liflnae, lu tlic nelihiiorbood or lt«- genVa Fark, London. Iloro >be Kmp'age famliT aieawmltlng tbo outcome or ibi trial, and conater- naUoD lalla upon ihem wliaii jJra. Praaerentera bioken dowD wttli tbo alianio and dlefrraco or ber pgbnarebDko. Mr. Knucrliimhiiorrlilodanil be- wildered, ae weOlioinair bo, liavlng l>eea called from Ibe qolelot bia komt In Bcoiiaml to iwhold bli wire • coreapondent In a dirorce court, lie aaka for line to tkink, bat bli wire dvmandaan Inalaol de- cWoneoacenilni ibelr fnturo connie, Bbo carta naogbt tor bla oelulon connomlng ber gnlltor In- Dooeooeiall tbalahe doalree U mat be will pretend to bellere ber guUUeaa, iliat tbej majr cnatvl back Inio aocleir agalu. lie retuwe bla con. aeot lo tbit plan and aauta to take ber abroad, bat ibe epuma lila aiigieatlon ami deter- mlnea to deaort hlui and ilae to rarta, tbeie to drown iiem«r; la dislpatton. Bbe luuat bare inonej. boworer, and to abc writea to Jack, aeklog for aa Interrlew upon a matter or liuHlnraa. Jack lllnailllemoia,bul Mna. Alllofieam la innie Ibaa eqoal to tbe otcaelon. Hbelnalata that Jack aball (nut Un. Fiiaer Uie Interview while •be(llni- Al- unabam)llateoBtotlielrconv<raatlon from a place orooDCttilmeAtItinnnejolulnRlonin. Jackreraaee to be a partr lo audi a uaiinntlon, but hia wile dlploDailcallir ex|ilalui tbat lliiia ahe will lie able to prore tbe laiucoiivo of Ura. Knuur, ami mar aa* •lit bar \>r prouialnilng tela iitllcr to all ot ber (rienda. Mkeacad, Jaok ylolda bla couaeot,nnd Mti. Fraaer ooaiea. 8I10 wlabea to Iwirow Irom him eM>, and Having iiiado tho rciiucat, abo aloka, talnUog Id a cbalr. Jack rovltea her and otttni her ctaampaime. 8be toRaaa oir a brimming mrat- nie and U bur oM aoir again. She muKi drink more Ihoh and drhik ahe (I"i9i unill ahe la dnmken and Iwbavaa In a moat Unlecuroua uianiior, anallr tbrovlag beraa)l 011 Jaot'a cheat and bcaetohlDg blmteukebarawnr- Mra. Alllngbaui baa heard aU, and Mra. Krater, dlKuvarlnR lEe Mck tbat bae been plajed upon ber, falleaentekM In tbe door, a leault lo wblcb druokooneu and cbagilo have alike oontrtbnied. When aha awakena from bar dmnken tieep Mra. AlUnibam bcga bar pardon and l< lot- (Irea. Toen ceoiea Mm. Fniaerv aunt. Mm. Clojra, Vbote btubaad la a biabop, and propooee that ber Blece eball ooine and realdu vtith ber, and tbna get ber repulatloo repaind, exproielng at tba oaoe iKm tie obeMfil bopo mat the hmellneaa or her ll'o Mar M Uet reconcile bar to »reiniu to ber bueband at ue leaeer of two evila. Tlie pnpoalUon la ac- otpled, and aa Mr. and Mra. Alllngbain olaep bandi Ibe onrtoln folia, leaving ualndonbt oonoemlng tbe •lata «t nmtotllr. yiuaar, fortlr. Plnero baaluiraed Ibe kabllol forieiiloic ing exlaionreul good people. Vale pla7, like all ut Ur. Ilnero'a later worta, la ■Uerl; laoklng In ralue, and oiferano coropeneatlon wLaterer tor tbo aimln It lopoeea upon onr pa- tlenoe. Wa hare been lold tbat It la wondrrfnllir Xalibtnl In la drawlnga of oharacier, \Vei« tbIt Hue we mlgbt well prar to beoome barbarlaiia. furtnitttcl}, botertr, It la not true, tor bla dnaw- ini la nefcr oouipleie. In Ihia plaj, aa In maojr oiuentrotn bhi pen, he haa Intrunuced to na a con- liegatloa ot looa, and Inroal llfeli would be almoet rmpoailble to lirtug loioibcrao great a niimbrr ot peopla abowlog so aniall an averago of common aeme or redeening gracea of mind or ol lieart. NoieoTer, we lalienta tbo obarge tnat Mr. r.ntro ■lUolV endaaTo'e to put error and lalaehood In Ue place o( tnitb, lie la worae tbaa lilogl- oal, for be (Mlbcraul; eudeavore to mlilead ludgment b^ partial atateinenin and bj con- oeaDng anoenoe. He wouht bare ua be- llere uut Un. l-'raatr and J,iok had uerelj been ladleoreji In their dark leaucee, but be abowa pa tbat with very allgbt ludulgenoe In luioxloanta Mm. l^matr beoomoa In condlitnn tu putj tbe ma- loa,Md Indeeda'Humea iha role, and at tbe aame Uoehsprovee 10 uatuat JHoblaaconleuiptlbleoad, In wboaa hreait tben lould not dwell enitlclebt honor te toaun ber nfal/. But It bi ua<leaa to dwelt apon ibia plaa; It la tno emiHHiiineut of lalae- bood and m ipecui ploartinit. It may deceive Iboae who And ibloking tiw laiioiloua a buk; lu felie aenUmrntinay be iiaUtalile to tlhtae wbo Book tneonnagoment fur tbeIr aeiaah alna, but Itcaunot for » baaaient deoclvo tboao wbu are oapiblo uf right UUnklnf orwbd tnrllna to i-tglit iluhig. Wekoiiw Utlblac ot Mr. Pluei-ot aoclil lire apart ln>ni tho tact thai ba la vaalibjauit luxnrloua'r environed, bit Ihrongboa 1 all at bla munt |>U}a tnere la a 1:0 0 01 penoail dlaoooteut, and no uiatior hoir bigb bla Aoaon, how gnat bu auolal ilutluoilon, bla ut. laisacaa augittti tbataome graiwa are hanging at itasitltnde to (hlvb alone tao aeptiutlnua ot tbia OOdaiD lUDiancaiiratuh. 11 la iiaaleaa lunger to apeak ol blaikut, oicept to laiiioutii:! rolaaupllua- tiou, for we nitint Jiintaa well rofor lu couipllueni' a' ierna to the wutk ot one wbo doftlj opena uor e end purlolna lin conii-uiri. Wu may oren go fnctherthanibiaanil auiothat Ur. rinuiu'aokiuia At tba puralf leclinU<al uort, liir ho lundlea lua lhaoaa wllb a lack 01 <lrlluai-jr uf touch wblcb h eoaMtuUr irrltatiui. The pla; iraa bandanmelj attfed, but notlboMiiihljr wall aoiail. Tbe plajun •ogagiHl 111 lie Muaenttilou aaeiueil to be oppraaaed 11/ tne Inalttceiltl of the work. Tbo hunora ot tho aveaing were CHallf. won lijr Kllia Ptnutor OUa, wboae mpiil trauliluiia of luoal wen i-learlr dedned, and wboM work woa na- total and eonaUirul tbrougbout. Iiabel Irv- 1 .g waa olaarlf uriTwelgUicd \<y liar nie, and her woik in lae viudil loane la tbo aecoml act, being tnorougti]/out of bar lino and uoaultnl lu bar temperauiriit. ivaavi-r/uoaailifactor/, Biepban JQratun wax luudlcaiiputt 1>t a lulo drawn bi tho author In a<) alitvuuijf a mnniirr aa to enllat our atmpathf fur any M inr torrod to aaauiue If, but BavaribHem liii uiighi n-itdlty have iieeu leea Niagrj. Mr»*. Tqoiihh U'hiiron bad tho i-jrmiM. tbaila rr44 lii ilie |tia;,MiMti;tinrpi|Uuiiil| had all aa*j laak. Uut a^e lhv« lior riiio a rtiailiiciiuii wbkMi nuiBTiHlijr liiarMaiil tu value. Ilermrrt Kelvojr waa Boorl; out, bui na«<rtli<ileiM won bonoralile loun. lion, rtiHl tv. J. 1,-4 ii'.yiio wna iMUTiMlulng m m% II la the lort or ntl^ viii4:ii generally talla to bla lot.atd wiiicii inaVo bit work aoiuewnat luunolu. Iioui. Tne ulbtr niU'rt rail Ut iw apnvlal uieuilou. n* laaiaetof ino |il<y is in-)iupatalit.t dull, and lie conalrudlun wir>iil ut* illHTOtiitable to the veil- •4 Ifiu lu Orauiallu art. la tho oluao ut tba pnivkiuaact the nuih<ir bail u-it lit^tunaravlera In aueb unnaitiral and tl(i'nlrai4e >liuatloua thai a aiUiraabir/ adin-liuuui ut ivUiiuih vaa loipuaUlik. While wa eape<'lall/rvant a Mluo9lntlilab>>u«!,Ki oit lUa aoen«i of wvil tfariu-il iitumphr, we hope tnat iblariMult. wlilrh aoniH luoTltalue, uiay In the lu. .tereblailurihcpiuacnuiioiuilpiAjai'rilita^orf. Iba M.'trk waa llmaraAi: Jitim Allluglittttl, llerierl Kel- ce;i Mialiu. n'aiiur tt. ll.iiu; ivirr KipUIck, F. f9Jti.«4)a'b; A'eiauiUT tVa^er, siephuu Vlrait^u; It'. Hev. AninufliCiva, 1). II., Ilttli>ip<ir M. ■»pbrrl*, \V. Baok<an(l| lira. Iluiptagi-, Ui>. ciiifira WaUui; .Sir rictober I'oiiamMl, N. 1'., IV. J. l,e Hi</oc; birt. Alula, lira TIHa. tt iiiiToii; Uauda Koipiagr. Krlia tviiuaiu,; TaeoiihlU y'la-er. laalwl living: Juatlna i:mi.uga, tMailiMk Tfioe: Utlvo AtHughaD, KUI. (■nMi'>ruita;llr<.(liliiii>n T«rlTe>.arnittileltlvir<; ^ualln, lineal Taiigiiia: Uonon, lulwanl VViika. ntecma'a rt.ttfniHi raiacc-Tlio programme pMtnttd b/Hanafer I'nclor for weekot Jan. 6 Indodcd a atroif hooaa bill and llrdo'a u>mc. dliof, and II roond linmeillale favor with good ilMd audience* ot llondar. Tho I'liur UoKn, ^ceeolilc acioliabi, made Ibelr American debut and acortti a pronounced ancceaa. Qcore0 l/)ckbart*a tralntd alephauta (ninoteenib week) were cnoHniifd Cavotltea. Araoka, noezlka and Btnke, erpaj irlii, reuinied and were well recelred. Tho Kljinglill- loga. aerial Wo, conilnned to be popular. Cbarlra R. Ward, linger, waa given good applauae, and Elale Adalr.dancar,ooolUiiird 10bold herplacnaaa ravor- Ue. OeHrade ManaOeld, comedienne, wan given a good reception. J. Mgir Johnwn, at^reoptlcon Tieanaod boUada, waa cniertalning, end Bberman and Honlaer, ecccotfic comedUna, created iiiocb Mngbler. The mimot duo, trick bicjcllati, ronml tbanielrea atnooff Menda, and won much ebplonae tor their clever work, and George r. Murpnj and Kittle Koraale, lo • Orrman comedf akeicb,entitled '•Oa Ibe Farm," wete amiiilog. I'olllo llolniee, tbe IriBb Ducbean, waa gtren a botn/ welcomr. and Harrla and Watteraproved themaelvee lo beaclever OOfiudT duo, Kannle Hnia, coottalto elngrr, full; fieacftedtbaapplaoae bellowed upon ber,and the lldglejB, chanactar Jnrenllr team, wete well re eelred. Tbe Raja won nanjr laugbt for their com edr work, ami tbe Uaire (Unle and Vlnnlei, doacen, were Imnnedlate favorlter. LeaierandHr ATOrwon appnral tor their parody aliiglng. Tbe Hewiboja tjalntet. Is dancing and slnglngapeclal- nee,were well llktd, and n>; Vernon, aeilo conic alnmr, did well. "Juatlce S 'bimb," an amualng afterpiece, waa given. Tbe naoal Sunda/ concert waailvoo Jan. t, PaSLioi'a TuiEArai.—Tlila coe; liouao drew good alleadance Jan. t, when an excellent bill waa pre- leafed tor the week. Tbe programme included a boun blllcompoaeiinf clever perfoimenand Weber k FMdi< Vanderllla OInb. 8lg. Paraglnl aonn aauK blmaalf Into tba good gncca uf hla audlcncra. and tbe Fantzar Uroihera. bead lialanccra, were aa pop- ular aa ever. Tbe Two lloatona, rccentrtca, with their trick do|K, were nopolar holdov>r», and Fnaoo nod Kcrol, In Ineir aketch, "Hen va. Women," were pleaalng. Major Newell, akaie dancer; the l>oo Blatan, In aonga nnd dancca; OconHa Parker, comedienne: tbo Konr Angela BUtera, In maakal BOTeluta; Kmll Uulicr, mlmlo; llavena awl Andrewa. comedj dao, and Nick A da ma, comedian and danrer. all received toll credit for their work. Weber A Flelda' Vaude- TllleClnb includes: The Heeii Dmtben, wini per- romen; Bam Bernard, Qennan comedian; Win II. Fox, "P,(deablakla;" U/jle 8. Riymond, cnmedl enna; Uclni;re ana lleatb. iilack face comedian*; and the Fagiona. iketeb team, all ot wbon found great favor witb their andlencea. UKfDOU TUKAnii.—Weber A Plelda' Own Uo. ere pltjlngareinmdaic ibiB waek.and opened Uondaj, Joa. 0,10 foil boaaeH. Tbe popular rierman come' dltna and Ibelr boaquet of vaudeville bloaaoma wareraom heattll/wreeted. Ko cbange Hnoticed In tbe make up of the companj, but Ulllr emerao" wtnnnabla to appear, owing tn a accond aiiack or the Ulneaa wblcb nce<«liated bla Itilni oir aonie weeka ego. Joseph H. Weber la alao auiTerliig from toaallltlB, bol went tbmnth the laboilona act with out any apparent trouble, although ha felt vary vreak. Lavender end Tnouon In oh;raoler aketch, llninnionil Htaler and Uelle Berheok In their pleaa- lng nualcal and dancing apoclally, Jamea P. Ilney, tbo eoldler boy; VTeVrand KleldaIn ihelrlaughable "Sobaeir.enfeHt,'' l»ttle iillaon, wbo rendered ber uiiuBl"ali or aaven" In exoollent voice; the Acma Foiir In thair conlcallr acrohailo "Tubh'a Vl'li, and Harrteta and Beliool'a troupe of excellently mined oockatoea make up tbe enjoyable iiertorm- ance. Nest weak, tbe London Oaletyaiils. I'lOi'Li'H TuuTis.—"Tbe t^jltun Klng,"Su'lon Vant'a aucceaatol nielodtama, drew a welt tilled houie on Uondaj evening, Jan. 0, and tho attiring acenea, with Jack Oabomo, the coninl tiinre, cauaed miiob applauK. Kdwnril II. Uawaon, as ilie Cotton King, uotcd tbe part with eanicat exacil- lnil<, aod hla work wao wall liked. Koaello Knott irartan Ideal llettj llrayaon, tbo whole aoulcd, tnie woman, and her vMcn bad a moat tbrlUlog etrect In Ibe emotional aceora. aaude II. Umoke cootilii' utedantce ehanacto'lrnperaouatlooaa JameeBbll- llngkw, and J. W. UDl»nnell, aa the scheming ami ueacrupnloua HicbtrdSiotklny, waaaonnpuient vt|. lain. Iloie Beaodei, aa Ktily, the aihlatlo Mm. Tapper,and M.l. Heron,aa HenTiipper,fiimlahMl the conieily clement, and Hilton l.lpman, John W. Iteie, lliitu tkiUlna, Jtmea Seoord, K. II. Bender, Andrew llaya, IxhIi Ili-lchor, Jauiea Randall. 8. r. Rievani, LIule Morgan. Jean Uawann and Bertie Tuctmu coop'.eled tbo caat. Ttie acenic and in;- ohaoleal eiT;ct<, eapeclally In tbe elevator scouo, ware aillataclarit; realistic. Tbe pnxluctton la di- rected by W. A. Brady, with Peter lltce, as bualneaa tiMuager: Oeoige t^nway, aoUng manager, nnd Mwird Knott, H'age nanager. Next week, "A RonuuoaolOxn Hollow." SiNPuko'aTaiunii, located atTbiny-Bnt Htreel andTblrd Arenac, was thrown o|wn to the public Jan I. Tbla, tbe newest playhnuaa in Ibis city, Is conitruotnd of yellow pressed miok and wblto icrre cotta and mttbla, tbe name of "8anford'e Theaira" being cooaalauaualy placed la tbe cenin or tbo balMlng. Two box onices, placed un each tide or tbe avrance, aie atttaoUr', and the tnoealo lulahl noor Rivaa uvldance ot Uate and aiitai'antlalliy. Tbeobandel'eialanie both gaaand clocirlciir,and show conald'rabiegood tutc. Tbe general coiom or tbe deeorailooa an trira ratia and ird, which bsr- monlee with tne itch ilnta ot tbo pliiih covered obabKitbo cti Inge being painted In dealKnant imp- Ical tornoa, enlivened or plaiita and veallatio skv olTacts, and tba draperies of the private Itoxea are flotibed In the aame warm color. The ch«lia are ipactooa and are su placed as b> alow plenty or room for tie iniieae end egreia ol tne oeenptn'. In tbe ceniie or the liouie are a ncotlier of aota ciialra. Tbe chaira In tbe private b >xes are wblto and gold. Tbe dome, rrtrblnffcem tbo four corners of tho building. In Brtialo proporllnaa. Is rnclrclcd with nlMy or moio olecnio lights, aad brilliancy la od'toit liy tbo circle ofllBh'e Ihatautmund the balcony and decc rate Ibe line walla or tho theatre. The drop curtain la from the handa or Kmeat U. Oros; the anlijrrl b< nnaiealed hyibe celebiwed painting by Wagner or '•me ibill Hgbt lu tho Arena," The a<be«toa cur tain It anlwaiiilal lo iipnoaianco w;ii;« alniple in colnnng. Tbe sceoeiT Ix from tho euullo of Loula 0. Young. Uauaut-AT TitiiTaR-'-An Arilat'i Model wliioli began the third week or lu tlay at this bouao un Jan. 0, haa foaod great favor, whtob happily la well neilicd. Ifowdcd lioiisea have lioeu the roleilnoe the oiwntng niglit, and there la Itiilo rcaaon tn d>>abt tbat the engagement will ptuvo vary pmA'ablo. AtutVii TtiitTkb-Johii lUre anil hit (larrlok Tbeaiie Uonipiny began ihothltd iveok ot tbetren- ganmaat nu Jan. 0. piesenllng a chaugeil bill, wmcblnolnded"AlUtrur Bpectrtclna" nnd **Como. dy and Tmitdy.<* Knnber mention of the peifumi- aoce of lhe«e p a va uiU tie ni ide tn our next Iftiuo. OinsiCK TitxjiTaii.—riila huii'4 waa rloaed Jan. e. Muart lt>baflii la annouoocd to oiwu tbe rulluw. Ing cvdntng, prawnilag tor tho tnt time "Un. I'ondeihnry'a I'aet." UiHDlic TuiarHL—Tbli bnune li dark tbla veck. "Oblmnle i-'adden" la announred rur week or 10. ACAOiav OK Mt-atc—'Tlio H.vorilni Uiichrn" ellil hoUla the beanta at thla iiouae and conilnuoa to be popuhir, II iwfan Jan. e lie taronllelb week, SrtiTiiUTMt — -Tne l>>uuty l^ilr" la proving at this hnuaotliAtltlaaltllpi^puUriol^ilaciiy. lieu- lend inillth wfok Jan. t. STaNniHO TUKATUi ^'-The Stiaii;ta Adventurva of Ulaa Uruwo,'* which cnntliiusa at tlila hoiiae. tiegtoJan.O I'aelitb wt-ek. un that daio Itobert Umkaoi T«-planoil JiihiiT.:<ulllran Inihecaat. Aiiaiiic*« TiiKirHi.—'■Xiirtbcrn IJghla" li ailil retained at thli bouie. It entered Jan. Ulta thiol week. A uiMtKtr riHiunuan'S It announced fur tliu afivruuun of Jiii.-J3. at liiti*aTheaire. to aid tlin wtilttwttt ihu Uia ttrnr; Wiiliiier iiitialcaldiTvoiiT III that hnuM, whose auddeii and tcrrltiledeaib.BI a laoment ot tinanrlal ciu'Mr.a-aiaenl, lift lUa tUtiW without aaj meaoa ff aupporr. His. U'ld- mrr, whoso pror«Mbin-at naino waa Kate Mayhew, laameniti'rof iheVwellih Nliibi Ciiili and the l'o>- rra.«kinai \Vnniaa*a].wgue. ami critain mrmutr^iot thcaa aa-ovhi'|nna hare called lugcliier hwny ur tho Itiilof nilal wiiuicn ur her nan nnd her buabandV aciiaatntance. auda ctiumllt o bat been furnird ot s iuaatrenKiha^il wide a:upo tuaocuroatlntclhiua tor tbe baurllt that tbo bill otf;re,l ahoulO be a uute- w IIthy oim in the antiataor aucb attaira. Mixta'a KlUHTti AMb'l'i TuaaiaB.—Ilntadi tlma^' tJofuailUij^. under tho uiaiiageiuent of U'elicr A blclda.ataiicU tho wrekbeio In ciceliont abapr, wlih a large audlvace In attendant. Tlie Muveli lirvii. aiT, of coitrae, the head Itnea or tbe pro- gratime, ti«l ttiey are aim auatalncd by the luliuw- Ing Writ and ftvorably known aperlaliy people: The Uortliot, BKKkauni and ihina, Johnnie iMr<\>il, 'laillowaM, I^Ue and S^nion, t^pttola KotTvit and Wm. Haaaud. and Flelila and Lewis. Next week, y\)m A Shertdaa'a Uig BeniaUon. KitTii'al'NioMBqi-AlE Tagarag.—The conilnna- llonofatmngiilllaolairalght varletyaltbis booie ualnlaioi liutlness at a lilgb tundard In allklnda of wcatbtr, Ilie «o/cre cold of Monday, Jan. 6. Having no Dtattitul cliect on the standing room psirenage which seemi to be bereilliary with cacb week's chango of bill. Tbe ciirrenl oireilog U no exception to Ilie splendid Ulla ot atnuaemcnt gone before, and the applaniie conllngent npon each ot the tpeclaltlea Indicated a discriminating and thor- oughly appreclaUve ataerelihigo. Tbe /.aira Trio, lotheirexcellenthighwire act; Stgommer, whoee veotriloqniai act is par excellence; tbo Nswni, In their tme to life character sketch, and PrcK Eld- ridge, with a good line of fun, dellrereil from liebind a black face, are Ibe teatureaor tbo bill, aod met an abundance of applnaae. Charlotte I'arry gave a number ot creditable Imltailons, e«v of rdcntllcation without tbe Inlrodoclloni alio gave, wblcb Isaaylog mncb In berfavor.nnd iheandlenco seemed aell pleased with h< r work. Ueriba Wagner, a clever aoubratte; tbo O'llrleo lltotben, acmliaia; Mile. Lonnliorg, a clear voiced soprano, and Jobn K. Venlon. wbo dances mncb belter than be slugs an-l ulls stoiles, sll were accorded applnuBo in accrrd with their mortL John and Nellta llcaly w<re vlg- oronely applauded for their frtiiilllar hut alwava amnslng aketch, and Ibe Slaters Coulaon donred In a manner to win much praise. TnoAlmonia, wbo oiicred a good musical act; the twin lirotliera Qtoiu in a nbiinaiy act; Uruno Amlm, a good singer, and Uemooloand I,orralo, contorilonlais, completed tbo lilt. The Three Dmthera Mgtaton were billed to make their American debut, but arrived loo iuio and will api«ar hiter In tlie week. Next treck'.i ottering calls tor tbo Aiiiericmi debut uf the Cony llmibers, the appesranco of Tommy O'llrien and Vtara Havel, and the second week of the engage- ments or i'reas Rldridno. the '/atva Tiln, tbe Nawos. and the Three ll.-otbcra NIghtun, all headllnersof autllclcnl merit to wamini a lilt ot itnuaiial Interest. KiiTn AvitNux TiikATiit:.—"UcnilemAn Joe," a two act luuvlcal farce, by li^Bll Hood, the mnalc liy Walter Kuuibton, waa given lu Distlucal prescoia- llon ot tbla bouae Jan. 0. It was originally acted at the Prince ot Wales Theatre, I/>odnn, Rog., March 3, IKU, aud was introduced to Aoieiica ?.t Ulntr'a Theatre, Newark, N. J., at Ibe matinee Dec. ii last. For some time past tbe play has been the ol'Ject of mucb legal coniioveny, H. U. Curlii, who fathered tho present production, and tho Aronsons, wbo hod Inten'Ied to Dive it at Iho BIJou, laying claims 10 rtghu to tbe American production. Tbe Amnsoiu, however, bad no company to produce the play, and conseiiuently the llljuu Theatre was la darkness. They, however, secured an iDjunctlon rrom Judge Larombe reatmlnlog U. U. Curtis and hla wife, All^loa De Her, froiii acting in the Fltih Avenue company. Mlatakon Idonilty la lbs malupring ot tbe llsriesa farce In (jnesUon, and the bearer Is dniaged tliroagb long lioura of dla- logae, stopped abruptly by aumeroui musical uuni- bers siraoat devoid of melody, and at no time con* duclvo ot a sign ot humor worthy ot more than a faint preaentlment of a amlle. In tact, tbo Hoes ot the play convey no fun wonby ot tbe nume, and Iho altuiitlona bear no aemblauce tn anything hu- morous or even mildly funny. Of tba mualcal num. bers Annie Meiers rendered the onlytoog worth hearing, and made that ot more Ihun passing In. icreat by the happy method ot lis rendition. All that could be poailoly told of Ibe allm aud almoat polnlleas morr the plot btlnee out has alicady been puiillabcd In our columnn, and tlie aubject in hand wnrraiils no furiber dc. lalla. lia plot developca noibing more than doea the avenge American farce comedy, and lu lines are weighed down with murky and sodden allegii- lloouot Kngllsb mtrthwblch admit of no action and airip tlia aciois or any iMsalbllliy ot doing them, lelvea credit oreron Umplo Jaatk-e. An udded mls- fortiino la tbo ract that the nieTiibera ot Ibe preaeot- iDg company are aadly lacking In rocal aci'ompilab- nienla, and, although they bad poor musical material to build upon, tho result of their eiTorta was liy no means hsrmonloDS, or even oredlialile. The chief rdo In the bands of vrillard l,eo gained nothing through the eleventb honr auhatlintlon. and to others to tbe cast Is due no special pialae for their work. tiro. K. rorictcne, anactorof known ablllty, bad little to debut lie. cauH; or tho hsndluap the lines of the pisy meted out made poor headway, and It seemed evident that Annie Uyers and Laum Unoro were alllgcnily tryinx to force their taleiiu lbrou|b the deiialty of the gloom snrrounillng them, liut cr|ually to no |iur. noto. A tow ludltfennt apecbtltlee were brought fnrivard and aoiue biimdnini dancing was In. lorpolated when Ihe dolorul inudo pernitt- tcti. The Oral act scenery was crsditable. vvillard IM dliecled ihe produ'-tlon for Ur, nnrtls, and the ciat was as toUows: Ttii Eirt ol llonntbrook. Ilrnry Uallsm; Ur. Rsill Uar, Joseph U. Fay; Hr. Ilugnle Juckemeu, Aruiur I'acle; Ur. Pllkington-JoneB, (ieorge K. Foiteacue; William, Eugene It. Sanger; Uawoon. Cits Bruno; I'hotOKrapUer at Uargnte, A. W. Maitln; Iky, Loiile Hlller; Jamea. John W.Iawci; i'listman, Paul Dona; I'ollceman, Wealey Johnstone; Uomi. l>lonpIoii, Chariea K. Lang: Ulogta^ Harry Bmohi: Duke Mar- riotle, I,. II. Croxton; Tommy Alklns. Uergh Uor- ilaon; Cart to ItalllCan', Ulllyer Unrr; Uaker, William liaobar; the lion. Ulsa Uabel Oiv- aoaugb, lAUta Uoore; Urs. Ralll.b'an', Car- rix Homa: Hla loHage Poiu, Adelaide Worth; Hiss ll^klngton Jone*, Leonora Coiiaena; UIss Amy Ilikingtos-Jnnea, Ida II. Qodbold; Mies Lucy I'llklngion Jones, Marina Qodoy; Ulsa Ada lllklngion-Jones, Viola Foncecue; Iilcklo Stock, Pblla Hay: Dan Uludees, Camllle llagmar; Hal Franka.MinnieOarieum: Adoipiins Uiin, loneKaw- hall; Harld Illlt, Lillian Knonlea; Nannetie, Kna Welsh: Irene, llerilia King; Tlie Slavey, Qmce lleno- did; Tho Htiid N'unse. Albene Tme; The Chamber, maid, UvretiH Waltc;Tbn(lovemea9,UllaWllllHina; Kiiima. Aoulo Uyen; nentlemao Joe, Wlllani Lee. S&KKORD'fl TiiEantB —The opcolug of ihU bon.ce, wblch waa annouucf d to laic place on Jan. 0, was noaiponed until tlio t"llowliig night, as alterallnns had not yet t>eeii entirely completed, and ilie lirat- Ing nmngenirnts were not considered ciiiiel to ilio demanda wblch would lie made upon mam. An. nounrcineot or tho event will conrioqiienilv lie deferred iiuUI our next baue. Hi.wgB'ri lloivBuv TiiXATRB.—Mynn .<! Shcildan'a lllg tlenkktion, tbo doulilo ehtw, which created a faTOmlile and latling Impression during lis nnl eugagcmeiil In New York, at tuc beginning of the lenson, wji greeted by largo gntheringa of Iho rallhful on Honday alloraoon and evening, Jan. c. Uciietlilon nnd praolho lita worked tbo porlorm- anco down to an even gall, and, with whatever Iniprovenients aa have beeu aditeil as Uiuy anggt atrd theinielvcs to tho onterpriilng nianagtrs, the programnie Is an exceedingly Intereallng one. The conaollilatlon ot the Mack forcca with tbe white li a happy Idea, and a prodiablo one Klynn ,V 8beridan have fouud It 10 110 tliiii far Ihlj aea- aon. Mile. Xmella the reiilral tlgore ot tho nrst pari and the butli^anue, "tlu tbe iuand," Bang and actod with h,.-r uanai dash and vigor, ilcr costumes are admirably wall aelcoted, as well as lbo<o ot the entire coinpiny, some delluate ootor of. lecia being ntost aniklogly Introduced, Tno ape. dallies Include Oirio Imnn and Ma Nloolal, I'rhice Flatow, Snyder and Biichlev, tho deror nuulcal comedy duo, an atiracllre dsnclnir act, by eight lodlcii: Billy Farrell, in a "caku walk," vrblob li one ot the beat In that line and was rcdemanded; l^ton and Wratbora, colored conic* dlana and dauceisot merit, and Juliette Kolaon, an ex|icttp?rrorin<rupon tbo tight wire, introducing many new tricka, peifurmed with graceful oane. "Un the island" rloaea tbe show with tlio unial ktleldouopo ot tiurlr>(|iie. Uanager Ma't Funn and Hoprcsenlaiive Jack Fain I report oxuollent buslneia a>. alt ilie aiauda plated thli aensnu. Next week. iUui T. Jack's "bull Fighter" O. Sili naH'a Rtiiurit Avmi i UtHBt u.-llualniM con- llnnes ip i>e eiaplleoi hero. Fur tbla week tho curio hall aitrutlonaaiTi Sampson, simng man: Ho and iitm. In a tiurlraqne boxing bont, reiolned mm last «cek( Kti Duo, lack djncer; Ub, long hatred wouiani uancho Frank and partner, Mexjcan lariat experui.and Pror. I'linr'a Punch and j'ldy. The ■lage people aie: UcPariaud and Rtyniond, l^slle end liaiding, Kale Ctlftou, J. J. Sheeban, Yonug AnieilruB and Fnank Furcat. (iMNOiii'XM llorac-An audience ot excellent pnipoitMirasjembled hereon Honday nlab', Jan. I, to wlinraathe drat production in itil< theatre of Henry Aribur Jont a' "tbo MaHineiuilen." Forreat Mlnsiin, HI tiavlil Ilemon; Uabel Uert, as Dnicle litmndle; Cecil U. York, >a sir llrtce &kene, tr.d Ufsis Uechelie. aa Helen i.avundle, gave caretui and dniibed purirayals ot Ihrte roles. Next week, "AUilkWhliBFIsj." CAttiii).-Frank Ti.tilela, lu "Tbe VTIiard ut t||< Ntlr," rntered on Jan. a upon tbe tenth week vt hla engageinenL Tba bualneva baa been unltormly flood, and aa yet there aecius to be no algoa of wan* ng popolariiy. It may bo ralriy claimed that tbe work haa won npon its mortta, auppleniented by tbe good work ot lu aur and hu support. Toxr l'*3iOR'H TniuTBi-Thls resort tor k>veni or me teOncd and bIgb class In the vandevlUcs wai well nilcd on Honday evening, Jan. 0, when tbe uuualbillot genuine e.xcellcnce was pi^esented for coneldeiallon. Allbougli It was m'gliiy cold out of doore, tho audience mado Itwann tor all those w bo appeared upon ibe suge, and a night ol gen- uine amusement was Ihe result. The nostlmport- BUi happening was Ihe Intioduotlon ot the sisre- onUcon 10 add to ihe egeciivenees of some of me new lonee Tony I'asior Introduced Into, hw ,r»; penoiy, and tho ciTect was so good that Ibo genial host advanced at one «rlde from Ibe tanks of the comic tlugers 10 tnat ot a dCK'riptlve vocsiUl ot tbo mojt prononnced type, and his reward waa a most Itbera^ ntnnunt rf sppreclatire applause. John F,. Brew wa» next in favor, hlmlmuic toolednea conoling aaraacbnpou IhU occasion as It ban at any lljie lierore. Hewastorced 10 dance blmiell tired be- fore the ii idlonce wcu'd permit bl n to dcalst Joaephlna Sable, a vocalist ol uncommon power and evidence otcuiilvailon, was sccordcd a monl hearty welcome, and sang a number of prellyaelec- ilouB In excellent voice and with splendid eirect Beasia Bellwood entered upon ber last week In re- newed favor, nnd was called on to elng a majority oftbosooga she has mtdc popular with devotees ot tbla teaon. Kenno nod Welch ogared a jro- lecnue ncrobatlo act. which wu In bIgb favor on all (Idea, and tbry were uousnally auccraiTuI In stirring the hooae to evidences ot appredailoo. Janiei Dilks nnd lltrty Wade opened the show witu their murlcal act and won favor. T. W. Kew- ton made bit lirn local appraninco and gained ap- ulauie tor his veolrilo<iulal act. Dean and Joee gave a clever ancleiy traveaiy with more than lunal aucceas. Ceo. I'owers and Dan Waldron gave an amailng negro sketch, and the tborongblyee|ay- ablcahoa came toau end with the aciolMilc work ot tbo three Uutroni. Next weekM bill aillbemade Iniportanl by the .Mnericau debut of Uarlaid aud Roltlnaon, end the return to thU honae ot the popu- lar favorites, J.ia. U. and Fannla Iioikivau, who will be accompanied by Uaurico nnd Kittle Kodac, "l.ydlK Dreams," J. C. llarrlnglon and otberst qnal- ly conipelcnt. I'oi'imKKni SnscT Toiatib.— Tbo Unt ni!tr.'- polltsu proiliicllonot it. N. Stephens' farco comiily, "(ilri Wonted," occarred at this house Jan. 0, and a good el/ed nudleoco brareJ the cold to welcome Ibo ddluvoritc, Frank IIuaIi, on tbeoccaelon of hla local Btellsr delmi. The play waa Orst acted up-n any tiago at the Tbcaire Rojal, Honlr ai, Can., Sept. 10, bkst, and lis itory has fonnd place In a pre. vious buiie oC Tub CLirrxs. Tbo farce 14 no worie and no belter than any 01 tbe nnntbetless ikiiB wbloh have preceded It on tbo Amorican BUgcand asiiis lo the hsodaof snoiiiiierofelever variety pertorniera what It lacks In plot Is amiil; sup- plied by Ibe interpolation ot apoclalili s galore. Tlie ontonaliiiKent tbui provided pruted 10 be enilirly accepiaUc lo those lu atuiidnuce, and Ihe applauae waa of the most generous sort tbrougboui. Mr. Uunh asnimes a varied list ot dlsgnUes, snd to bring himself thotoogbly In touch with bla audi- ence gara In tbe Orut act u portion ot tbo siieclslty whicli has brought bim Into allonllnn upon tbe vaiidorilio auge. lie then branched oiTlnto diverse cbaracterd.aiidfoqodmucb encouragement at all times. Tae supporting company la good eoongh. Jobn and ilatry Ulilon, Hajor Uurk, Bandtordaud Lee, and liable Ftoreiico dutlngolshlng themselves by their clevur apeclalilcs. For next week tba at- traction will be '•:ytved From the Sea," the Boillsb uiclodrama now running In Uariom. Uanagcre Davis ,v Ki»gh bavo cast ' tiiri Wanted" as rollows: Kdwlu Forreat Siiiltn, Ja'/.ob Run- yuu, BtUte Urlitlcs, Isaac Watselowakl, Fanllne Uanirr. Aody McUovera and Lllttan lllghnole, Frank Uuab; Jethra Larklo, Ed. Cbrlssle; Pairiclua McNabb, James iee; Ragged i!dgea,Jobn Dillon; Oottlob .schlos3,KI. Santord; Cholly I'lum, Harry DUIon; Jabci: Ilunynn, Cbas. Sindera; Omcer lloberly, Harry iuieldon; Dorothy DaL«y, Mabel FMreoce; liella Uulcahey, Isabel Ward; llepslbab Spruceliy, Jetslc Cbatrou; Cbira, Uaud Wiosioi; Idolly, Sidle Spencer. llAMUBRsrEiM's ULvxrtA.—r/ienfi-e—"Eicclslor Jr." continues to please good sized andlencea at tbla bouae. It began Its aeveuib week Jan. e. Tbe Oltleib pcrtorformnceot tbe metn piece wancele- bmied on the same date, and the occasion was marked by tho pteaeniatloa ot a sooveiib- clock lo every btdy occupjlnga reserved teat. The clock was a dainty timepiece In gilt and glass, bearing upon its face the date and occasion com nemonted, m irell as the uame ot tbo bouse. Jfiisfc Jlall— Yveite Ouilbtrteniered upon her tonrth week and loHt teu Dlgbta st this bouse. She won now tri- umphs by giving Imlullous ot Sarah BerohsrdL 10 sppeatsnce, voice and gesture aba waa the couuterpait ot tbo great French tcuesi, and she received round atur round of ap- plause tor her work. She also rendered ser- ciul new songi, which lliewlBe won the eniiro appnvalut the large audience ptesent,aud Blio waa compelled to respond to many recalls. O Iters on tbe bill were: Ulie. Fraseliy, acrotatlo Uaucer; liarTT lamore, grotesqne wire performer; tbe Avolce, triple horizontal pertormen: Lea Anders, In cnancicr cbsuges: the Johnson Tronpr, on the running globes; Obarles Nielsen Urdohl, h- male Impcraonator; the Kurachlns, on tbe perpen. dicular poles: tho Leamy Sisters, aerlallsis: Olo- cluta Delia Rocca, vlollnUte; My Fancy, tend dancer; tbo Donates, one legged elowna; Flo Banks, comedienne, and Hons. Uoweifs Marionettes, all of whom began tbelrseventb week popular bokloveis. Tbo sl.\tb Sunday concert tnu given Jan. r,, with Yvetto Oullbert, Alio Brandls, soprano; Ol^iolota Delia Ilocca, vlollolsbi, and Slg. Qannaro Yolpe, Diandollnlal, ossololtlfl. KOBTER A BtiL'a.—Tho lilll preaenled at Ibis pop iibir resort Jan. a, tor week, waa fully up to the high sundard ot lis prodocesion. Tint. Uonsetty, with Ills imlued foxeu, doga, cnla, gceae, docks, hem, pigeons and cockatoos, made his Ametlcsu di'tiutand gave a pK'atIng exhll'lilon. PaolCln- <iUovulll, king of Jiigglcn. iiutde his reappennnce In thUconoiryano was given a rousing reception, lie prcoenicd inmc new tricks and waa lecatled Hcvcml limea. Tao Cmgg^ acrobats, began Ibelr thint week prtiiw favoilteo. I'ri't. Woodaaard'a trained iicals and sea llous (third week) coniloued tn wlu loud uppIaiiBO tor their many cnnoua tricka. I'aul Hartlneiil'a piuiiomlmo troupe (ibird week) were popular holduven. Tne >iark>- Dunhani Trio, uililulr tripio borl^utal bar act, en'crcd tbcir second week and wete continued In favor, their act being sccorded s oims ot applanie. I'earl Audrows, dialect mimic (leconil week), was still also In favor, and Moos, llcrnlbo, muilcal rolulc, enured lili iblnl week. Ktlanyi'a Oilplo- ntma began lu last week. It will bo taken oiljan, 11, 10 make room ror nn elaborate pantomime, which. It la announced, tlie Paul Uar'lnetli Tconpe will prodace 10. UfUBB's rat.actt Ut'SBuu.—TbU week's curio lilt callstor iheprtseucoof the third week's carott- lug of the rambunctluua Ilun, Wallace; I'rol, King, a nniiian aritlineilo and rcody reckoner; Whale 011 Una and l,litlo Uondsy, I'rot, ttummau, a magl- dauot more thasordlna^aklll; Hllo. Delii'ar,wbo iuochcaou Ore; llany l(anin, an Albino, arid other curlotiB and onnimonnlace creatures, The stage show enllnU the riTirtil of l,llllan Horton, a ihanely ar.d pietiy good looking burlcsquer: Uanobt,wbo ■forks on a revolving globn; Unrrissey and Uanler, comedy aketcben; Kd. Rodgetv, who doea a mono- logue: llotlat iind Weldeu, l,ttvttnce and Eaatmao Charley Duncan, "The Hoarder" aqd oiheia. Uusl- ucea malntaloB a iplondbl average, and pstions ot this resort get adeijuate returna for Iholr visits. I'Ai.iiBR's TiiBAraE.—John Diew lirgan an en- Baceiiicht at tbiA bnuso Jan. u. presenilur "The I iiblo Shop" aa Ills am eitering. TiiK omcBRS ol l,odgo No. 1, Tbeattloal Heclian- Ical Association of tho rolled States and Oanads, won Installed Jan. ,1, by tiiand ITeaident jl, Fmnk Dodge. Tliey are as followsi Pretldeni, John Palmer: vice preUdcnl, Jolin O'Shea; psnl preat- deiii. vf. T. Ilutler; recording seereUry, K. II. Don- r*JI.?'¥''""' •etretarr, \Y. T. Haekey; tretsnr<r, J. b ljikiii<: niaritaal, ticorge TfatjUnann: tmalecs, William Vstl, F. Ilorrlngton and J.'hn Ksbni?. The •ssoolallop vlll bare lis annual ^liquet Jan. ID. ^ MABf iM 11. Ci.A«s, tbe blind Jonmallal, win be glrtn » teatlmonlo) bcniillt Feb. i, al Ibe IJMiIno Toe couinilitee lu cbarge Inclnilea well known men- •F"''.?'J"I"'*'' "I' pollllclaoe. A number ot well known pnifeMbinala hare Updercd their service*, and a good entertainment Is promised, T11B Btntii o( the actors In Ihe Adier Tbeatie.' on the Bowery, was dcdorcd oiT Jan. q,a aatUe- mem baijiig beeu roacbed by wblcb Manager Adler 1.1 to get dry per rcnu of the recelpta, while the olberiirty per cent, goes lo Iho plajera, i.ff'.!* {"••*Wi.-.UIga Netbenole begin on J in. e the aliiband Inal weekot ber tlay.t«itln. ing "1*10119" •» '■•r solo oiieriBB tor tbe areek. Theprodndlooot "Hicbael and Ills Lost Angel " by the itock company, aunouneed lo occnr Ibis week, haa been poalponed nnlU IJ. noTr> TnmiTBB.—"A BU«k Sheep." a farce comedF.lnUiite actSibjCbarletll.noyt.vrBMciino lla lint metropolitan prodncllon Jan. s, at ihia honae. It iraaoitglnallr prodncf d Sept. 10, inn ^^ the Acmdeny of Mule, Unmiln, N. Y,, and Iho sti.rr •ppeored In tbese colnmns at that time. The faice li Itested In Ur. Iloyl's well knoien happy si'yie, and la niied with bright, witty Unea and funny eliim. tlono. There Is ennngta plot to Ihe piece to cam the Inleieat to lha end, and while soma of the char actersHm carlcalores, they are all wen drawn and In keeping with ihelrBurronndlogo. Tbe companT with which O'ls Harian la tratnred. la a capatile uni'' Md lha pertonnanes was thornnghly erloinhi,,' Hr. ilarlsn. as lint Stntr. otbarwise Ooodnili Hndd, easily won Brat honors, liu nicllous im. mor and natunl wit were aliiays apparent, and hr fnlly earned tbe applauKO accoidoi him. Ills sine. Ing vraspurilcniarty well liked and tae wasencnn ,1 many times. Wm. lie A'ere, as Ooodtellow tiim. Blng, editor ot iho Tombstone, Ariz, "Insctlpilnn " was excellent, and added mncb to the eveulngv entarialninent. As Hiss Uda Sklddons, Qocen nt Rnrietriue, Ada Dsn did vary well. Agms ll'«e lano mde a pratiy Ada Steele. Tba nUieia did well. Beaile dayton executed some very clever tee dancing ud high kicking. Rose Soiberlaml also danced well. Giber speclaliles were iniro. duced by various memhera ot the cumiMuiy. Thr east: Hut Btntf, othirnloe Mr. doodrich Hndd, 0'i< Ilariati; Percy Ver«. Jop. PraDkaii; Ooodfellou flaunlog. Wm. De Vera; Jartis Field, Bairr Lurk, alone: Jack Aspen. Job. Natua: Mater, Wm. F. Haek: Under Dog, Steve Hater; H. T. Sells, Wm. Hatter: Onnnt Smniltork, SnHt Edwarde; Pbil Qhiaa. Jobn W. Hllebell: Wetherbet F'^wle. Cbap. Bmdfonl; Itiifrem Ryder. Jnbn Qllroi' Old Sahscilber, Chaa. DIebl: B'de Sinn. Herman Bbaldnn; Jimmy Work, T. Henry Ranger: Jobn L Fliz James. Wm. P. Hack: Wlllcut i,ncc. John w. Hltcliell; Ubai|JdaHkl4d'.i)a.Ada Dare; Ada Steele Aenea Hose Line; DaUv Sinter, Agnes raiil; Kti< Uellon. Ilatlln WelK; Uay Wing, Ktia f:ilroy: Cnr< Fay, Nellie Dotler: Nettle SJIn. Rose Sulheriand; Nora Markp, Frankle Bailey; Pnmlere Danseiiie, B*fale CUtytnn, UBTBorouTiN Opbra IIodsx.—TIm eighth weet of Ibe aenson nt grand opem began Jan, 0 with a pertonmnce ot "finnan." Furilier nnnonnce- ments for the week Include "1m Bngnenols" s. "Ills Walknre" 0, '-Fanst" 10. "I,fa Pccheura d« reries*' itnd "La Nivarralaa" matinee 11, and "Airta*'f vening of that date. Soi'ABB TngiTRg.—"Tlie Heart ot llary. land" entered on Jan. d upon the tweltiiweek ot In nin. It bas begun Ibe new year with Ibi record ol good alleodance unbroken, and there l> every rea. wn lo believe that Ha Bnccessfnl career will kini endure here. Tbe one-hnndredth pertoimsnce wli) be given 13, when souvenirs will be pttsenled. Harlem—At tbe Harlem Opeia House "The day FaiWIsaa" opeaeil to a Tslr ilwl awllaoca, oomtttar log Uie vealhir, and ai tbla la tbla compani'iflritt lliir. leoi appaaraoca they ihouM do a ralrwacl*Rlioilaea«. Kext r«sli. ratar nilley In "The Night Clerk." CoLUaacs.—Atkloioa t l^dat'a pndoelloo of fiblrlar aod LanSeck'a itrana, "divel Ffoin tlia Baa," waa Arm preheated to a h'aw Vnrkauillaoca at tbla bauia 6 Th* ■canary and roadianlaat elTacu are without doubt iln baataaeaaltills houaa tlita aeaion. The caoipioy n, note! tfca baau bat with aeraral ehan;faa coatlba inailf w-captsbletoacliraadlaoce. Tbap'aylaoa lha aeai« llooatorder, with aeveiml airoog a'tuattooa ami rliouU provaamoaar maker al popular priced hoaiea. Th* pUj pteaaal lhatoppartortha tiouae rrom brat to laM ud riioald do a fair weak'fl hu»lDa«a PoUowhig lalla laai; IbnEltlaatoo, Bold Futoam: Jim Weaver, En- melt CoirliaoiR'chard Faoion, Frank Bruonllr; Four Scalclier, David R. Yooox; Billy Soooka, Oaa W.«en; Jaaala'.Joho D. Murphy; LitUe Jook. PredaCalhoua: Uoremcr or Exiter(laot. FraQhtyo Robart*; tn'ptctar JeonlrkRi. Vai.Tibb«lt';CtiaplilQor tba Ooat. W. Bar- rett: Head f7ar]sr, A. K. Adaoii; Second Waivler, Ueoi W ElwNI; Km Blake. Emma lloober; Polly Balia. Mix Etna t> loiinore; Nancy Eltlottoa, llaDrlella t«aodir. ULTunc—TtaaOltyClnb drew crowdcl honaea all ot laat weak. Tha Blnatward Burlaaoua Co.. ondarlba maR- agement of tiao. V. Bhiridan. made thaIr Brtt otlv ap- SiraiiCaat thiabouieS, to a good UiruouL and, JauKloe Mn till oppUaea. the compaor oaTeaatiiricUon. Brlli llaot coftaineik prauy facea ao^ noefonoa waot a gotd waiatovanl tho luceen. Id tha nrit part all ot tba popular apo«4 of tha day vara iodb, and ear. ■rat niw Jokaa tniiodaced. Tha olio praaaoud Batolta Uino, a ivatt aloKar. who aana aerenl wofta to aaeoraa; Marlon aod PoarL la a elarer blacl: faced tare, aod Cal Stowart, to a Yaokaa turn, mat w Ith favor. Thu Hlilera La Vanlv, In a new act, aalltad '*Tfc« KlTalTi11bra"matwlUi a warm locapUtHt and reeelvad ihalr afaan of applauae. Edwarda ana Kaneira ace la m wall hDDwa tliat coumaot la ooaocaaaair, Cborlia B Lawar.deicnpilva vocallat, mat with tha nnoj watu roceptloo. Tba companv aboald do a good waak'a btu|. - ^<a. aa ibia bouae bu Inprorad greatly tbla aoisao. K -It wlab, Sam T. Jack'a Ciaolea. Haaxaw Husiox-Crowded honaa at all perfonnaocM la tha rata at tola popular ptiead hoow. Haw IScei ihu weak&ia Joa. P. Campltell and Hagata Kvaiu, &lw. II. Banter. Rill 0. Mocll and Billy 0^0*7, Jaanla Bobar, Prank La Bar, Edw. s. Oaakar and Baaeoa Seotoo, Dldc Alleo. Klnuia, tKtara, Edw. Tbarn and Baoch, the mu NE W YORK ST ATE. Braekly ■,—S'ew things ate plenllfnl Ihlsseaaoo at tbi pbyhouHs la tbil el'ty. TbU weak tliera an tbne eew ptaeea proiaotad to tbe tbeatta gooio, aod the vaadi. ftUebill! areoftlia beat. Acbaoge of bill raa modeil lha Colambia. Ttia eDgagemeat ot Olga Natbiiaola, aa. nooneed for tba ouneot week baa bean poilpoBad bf Uia Daaagamaot unUI later In tha aaaaoo. lo tba plan arMksXelbanole llis Empire Tbaati* a>, which pra- laatad -Llhartp HaU" hat weak, will lemaio hare aal appaarta "Jobo-aDraama," which la one of tbe new llifoga «Q ihta ilde of the big brldga. Anolblr la *Tte NIgbi Oark/' at tba Paik, vflla lbs olbernovaliy la "h BlBlitofbLPaal'a," preiantad U Ibe BUoa. Uorl'i "A Milk miia riaa" U Uia hoMovar at Um Mooiaak. ud -^A HodaraiMaphl«n"latli«aluaclloo at tha Unod Oo*ia tlooia. J. V. Kallr la tba dilaf raauire atUotoM' Biar, and Bam Lockbart'a tralntd alaphoou haal Uie blU al Uyda A Bahoao'a ArSSot wu •tartad a dayortwoaxoanDoooclogtbat Ualmea'Sur had ctuagidonara; that me iraoaTar flen John ». llolnieaio Hrda A Bahman had baea made anar Uiaitar. lormuKa oaBaloiday mght, Jan. 4, whao tlia raparabal boao a laoed Hie aoaoaacamant woa rather piamatur*. tvhila itlaafaclUiatforaoma weeka Mr. UohBaaand ltvda A Belinao ban tiaen aeBotlatiog tor tha iraauar of u< pU) bauM, tiotblus dtllolta tn tba malltrhaa baen dou. JuatrbatwtUbathaouleomeorUiadul la luni to ear at till preaant writing. There la a hitch la Uia mauer ■omoiraara, and nallbor patty It willing u aaplala wtui It la. Ilowaver, Mr. Uobnaa taya Uiat tha piabobllltlH are lhatha will aow keep tba hooaa blmralt uiniia It 11 popular prlcaa,c]iar8lDBC4o, tweutiaDd tbbtrcaotanil- mlti -a. Tlia Bur was built by Mr. Itolmea wbo paid U7.9d> far Uie aioand*. havlag on opuoo of bujlar al ihat pijee wlibl; the timt ton yeaiw 01 ■ twaolyrtart' laaaewblch heoblalaetl. Ililaaaaaonha taaaoarated tba cootloiMua parr,>nuaDC4a< but lha plan haa not bean u proniaMa u wu aotlctpMad. Cuii:iiit>.-1be Bmpiro Theatre Co. remaloa here aootbar week, aad will prodacw "Jotin aOreaxBa," a pitr la foir acta, by lladdea Obambaiw, aod iroa leao han for Ibo ntatilmanight of Jaii. 0, br a.laiiiaand faibtoaabla aodliaea. Thticompaay dhl wall laat waaklo "Llboilr Mall,- Tne noil attncUon will lie Jaaa Mar, In "MUau ryainalloD. FaaK.-ratar P. Dalliy opeaad a brlot aniagameet Jon. 1. la hit aiw play. "Tlia Nlsht Clerk," •bTdi wu laaoheie for tbe nral tlma,bja larxa audlioca Mr baiter, abo la vary tfmttr In ihia cllj. It glran an ot Mrtunllr to diiptar hlaabllby u a fua maker.orwhiS he ukei t\iU adrauuga. Thar* an a nombar or lotsreH. IpRscaaaa,laeladtoa Ua Hotel BUae, aMlln twlcu^la Ilia taDdarloia traatnctorNaw VorTaafma apKnSaol. orOaonMon^lba nigbl clerii.whlia thara Kptaalr ef ilnjIiR and diaclnx. Tkoniw U. llaabnK'te pUcad u loodhmaaa Utt aaot. "Baqadlct AnbM-wfit be tba Baitactimcllonban. BlMu-"la8ighlor IL ranlVa nakidraiaa. hyBul- lon W U Uia alinatlOD Manager llany ^aSZt ^ niS' Patwaa Uila weak It waa pri^nied tan for IlianmtttniajAD.e,wbtaalargaand aalbntiuUo andl- inca wit preatat It la haoilaomtly mnutad. na ip lairj a il wmdrowa boauty and or Uieaioal ataboralt aad eoallr tliataour. "A Wblta Bat" dM toad baalooH toofuSI'" Tbawm'ng altiaolioo will ba "Boonk .iV.Si.l'' *!rf"J'?!'.T:'f"*6'r HIblboti Haa rorbb lltranlMi ilila weak "A Uodara tlaphltto," which oproal J?J5'•!•''-.'?,• 'arga aadlaoea. Ilie play waaorlaiaaU)- 'K?.'?? " ''I'booietavarai ■aatoDa an bulMr Doa'. oelly, ibi aothor, boa nrtud U to auli tha poiivaaacr l''.'?,'"!?"?'^ J,'.'" a diamaltc comedy haiH zpon orliL nal Haal la whicti Uie InUiwat It niataula«raatll tbi laal._ Ilua Mora Impanonmtaa a new woman aod voaia •"taallUdumi coatomaa- DnilogUiaptrraimaacaata 5'°''K".?'"?,5f."'LP*J?J»'.»°°«^ flood bullaeaawu fX^'?' "'•„ ?!'.''«'''" ••♦b. Tba mat allra^ lion bera vlU bt -Hamao llaaru." MqiTli'ii -ijoifa - A Milk While FUb" tsgao lu aa« apdaadlvtwMk'aaopgameni ben jaa. S, wbaa ag- olbar large aodjaoca waa praiODL ~ - -. 'q3^' .^^'r*""?**' J*n"wVTioliaM'VM'^r. Si°^iif """^'s "id good ait«fl. incvwliaoiatdtliatwaroipiraiaiicaaonjui.a. 4oba W. Bike aauiUlnar, ba«da tba hill. Tha albin are '1 V^.. I**"!^ * •t'teb aniltled "A Bippr ..II . *if''''*.:'l''''!l,?,!Ii »aliaa»l B^l»^ lartmmM. lallitiaad voealla\a; WlUldna aod^rtoorii) black fkta r'?**'!i= S'"E'"I •T' "all. alotlng aaddasehia; Uol- I'd end (n. Cu|r, la a oooiaJr Aetcb; Somloii aal Wtlcb. omedy tnoman: Roawllat and IllllToe tbe hoil. 10 iial ban. and Moaco PeUi uiTbla Pooy ulreoa Braa A Banaara-A ■aaoleo novally U preaental h.nUiliwtokbyihanaaaianor Ibta booia. Two big aadlaecaa wltaniad tba two parfemaacaa aa Jan. £ •haa Oua Lockbart'a troupe of paiforalag alapbasia wan ieaa ban tar Um list Uma Ttiatrtilebawsn vsiy ■matlag,aad wiragraaUr aajojed by Um blgaadlaaoea Tba vaalavUla part or ae prafianme bauodad Mllf.