New York Clipper (Jan 1896)

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Janttary 11. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 713 Mwfc WoiUt. In OmnM iketehM: D« iTUt flUiir*, hi- itnnUDttl moslcUaK; LtiII* Dffim^ » cltTtrTtotrilo- Qola; Mia Hurler, lUaO BrlMUd NvtiN (\iUlBt, |p« roatdr: M«lo Utell.inaMni comcdlao; PorbM anl (* jUul raeiloaiid oincinv.KD(l LoUftir* Broibon. aero uu. llr*Ift'*0oai«4l«iuoDmtliir«DMi««cV. AHPninx.—Ctitaootr Oleoitli«nn ftntniiiRrinMlhtm A la J»«iop ud Plioo'* dnitiV '*Tbs Irlab ArtlNt** Tho oMnlQi[bonM«tsUrs«. lilRbunlaeMtftHWMk. 0>1 UooMtMit" comM i.v;tf. BMriU—'Til* While lUL" «hl*h won poruUrnieava latli*W«*Ura DItiridt, It htra ror« vMk*«iUT. Th» opwloi boaw vw lim. Oood boiUDM lui w«ak. ' Downm thaSawuMRlTar'l« the ittnotloa boakwl rorwMkoria ^ • ^. ai.T>TT.-Achuf* iHthUwMk tnidi rrom ibe ronn«r pollflr of Uw booM. illuitrtitlM BwupntDihii cob- niwd lu kitnollMM tt wt uMl oat tmUit itioaii anil riroieuiMdiM TbiivMk ih»hoii»*offen lu purooi a fllfftlftat tere* la ■*nb«rky'i Aant,'' which.« tTtrTbodr koowi, IJ foil nf lira' tsd dwh, bai d*T»ld of loin ud iluoaa. Tlio ilm of th» bouieS vuuM lodlcat* Uiat ibe iiuiUR«iDtotbiiDQtintf1»amUrtk«lo Um eiMimsnt. Vudof ll)« wlU b« b«r« vwk of 13, — Lvcni.-Tb« nco*n iiuntlui uron N A. WooA't rMMt tpMtruo* tMTA.ktthvbMd «| the Bod: eom- nur. bu lodaoad hln lo plar * r«ion •nnir«ni«Dt. fu fi Mva ihU w**k In tba litroic chancur la **ni« Boj fl«baL" AblvhoBMwupreAaatl. Tke audlfawii Uat waak v»r6 biK aod •othutiftUlo. "Walln of Vmm Tork' win b« prMMtad wa«k of IS. UffIQUI-^atUu*' Hirluqas Co. omotd C, la a bis iMtua*. A noideal Mtira, eatlUad "Iba Ualtt; Haca^ ilon."HrTaauaTahlcl» to loirodaca tbtpaopla. Iba AltoUHladti Marpbraod (lllbart, rantl; Bnlaeca. tba OI*ft««*>Bba(raraDd BlAkolr, Lunontud Lov«.8alUi Md Rann. BUalar tod SehoinM, aoi ihalllnlo Poir. <lood boilowi lut VMk. Blaabtud BariaxitaCo. ia dua IS-18. NOTB.—"Fi»a4t" WW tba pieee ret»ct«l by Haian. AU- bar A Ona for Jaiur. ai tha Acadamr of Uatlo ProBk lA Eotaand J. T. Oarrlar, boritootal bar parfonii' an. loat tbair aoUra appmiuabj tbabumlai ofthaNa- Uoaal Athlallo Olab, u Brooklro, N Y, oo D«c. S. Tbar «i« 10 ba laodarad a uiUoioahl banaat Jan.a,toba ■Iran oiHler tha aoqtlm of tha da><. Baffnlo.—At the Stftr Tbwtn "A Uldumner Nlghl'i DroUB" occDpIai attaotioo Jan. 6-9s "A Tatai 8Mr"9-II.R.I'.ftiid Jowpli IIoUtiHl le-IS. AoalaWlo- tarmatv1tboooiIdarmblaaDc«angfniaoi In linrvaDlura ban Uit weak, bATlog appa&nd In "Pypnalloo and QaUlaa,*' "lofonit" ftod Bhakeapatrwofrolaa, lupportod byBban PUmptoo. Oar yoang aclraai* work befpaaka aaraaitatadvaiu proffram. OoJKiBT tULL—ftia CoraaU 0I«« Clab bad a brilllaDt aiMnbla«a^aiKlwar«eiealI«Bt. Hmio Hall— Tba Be LooU nnmttla RlrcU, of tlili eltr^maot "Tba 8Ign«r' T. "lb* Ifwiltli" van pivao 6. CMln>,t)iapftlatUt, la booked bar* aulvtblamooih. llabaabaaohoMlov reeaptlooaat oar bighotaUi, aod la Iba lon-a talk. Tba HaUvpoUlu Optra Co. coma (o March. Ltcidm Thbathi.— Lla(« ETua. ln'"Coon Hollow. Ihlavaak. '-OaihaBowarj"r«torei mctwaak. Fnak lUulibMlaaiMtDitaitainaot. - OooRTttratn'THtATU.—Irwia Bio^. ibla v«ek. Bora IIIU Pollr Co. foUowa U and weak. Ban T. Jack'i "Bull Plablara'Mraw DlcalT. ^ , euu'8 Mutio U&iL.-lCarle Btnart, tba Ctrl**, Val Vlao, Banaid 8iareT», Frad MeOllalUa, iha 6L Elmor, B*al* Baarie, tba nairloKtona. BearHoa and ValeoUoa. BiJOtr Tuuntc—Jamaa A. RaUly, la "a Oannao Sol- diar," Ibla waa k. AlbaBF'^Tbe holiday seaaoa broofftit out all oar ibaaii* foara the pait waek. At the L«lud Opara Moaaa "Yba WbUa Sqaadron" oame 30^ t» a blm hnuaa. "A MldtuBoar MgUi's Dnam" waa iireiaDtail 3^aa. I. Baraaj Parvaioa and Bi. Oaonre iloMar apMartd la "McOanbr'aMUbapa" t, and oommanlad a lood altail boon. *lbe Fa*t Mail." 3, lj>Ured to an avcruo attentl- ucf. Dan McCarthy. In "Tli« CruMkaeo Lawn," cemai M, *^ba Two Joboa'* B. 10. *'A Trip to Chinatowo'* II, Ward and Vokaa, la "A Run oo tha Bank," Id. Haruimcs Blbkckir HALi.M}al«r anuiud a iniall audlaoce Dm- 91. .Tohn Draw appeared for two parfom- aocaa Jan. 1, Id "Cliriitopbar Jr.," and mat with vraal rarorbafora tbaltrRoit niatla»eaa(laT«olo«audUacaa of the aeiMa. Claay Plttitftrald. In The PoaadllDi comaa fbraratam aofaKaoiaat 7:Rouiia'a Band IS, I WllburOparaOompaoytOaod aeak. OiirrrTHurai bod oaaof theMnaatwaakmf iha Raaaoo. The Fnoeh Follp Company praaanted a bill tliat Slaaaada Urc« andlaDoeaieaeh Mrfonninc*. Sam T. ack'a HitraraiauaOo. oonMe-11. Bocliuler*—At the Iiyceam "Ttiillliv" the altractloa Jan. dfor two niffhta. Jamea j.Coibatt,lo "HiaNanlCailet," eonitaS. tf.aad Oliar Pltijrar»'d. la *'rbaP«aodllnp."10L II. "Mlocamner NItbra Draua" laflftdrawlof Calr ooaMi. E-M.and Joseph UoUaad comaa li. 15. waaa'i Bud 10,19. COOK Orma not»i.—"McCarthy's Hlibapt" baiaa a ibftenlRtata'itay, ThffO folk>wiOa« DIU'a Moralilaafor tba latter half of tba weak. *Tbe CniUkaan lAwn" played ID Galrtnialnaaa, lea Tint 4. "Whlta B(|Qadnn"t< daa 13-U. nba«. T. Bllla Ifl-IS. Aoi6nrr or Mour.—**Oae of the BfiTosi'* oam* 0, mafcioi awaak'aaiay, *'Uocle Tom'a Cabin" played to ^mA patroaafe laft weak. "A Craekar Jack" conaa WoKDiiUHD TnuniB baathe lolkiwint BanetOQ lu prommmarortbU vaek:Jn]aa aadBHaQirrlaoo. Jor danand Wllllanraa, Gandald and t^atrolion, and Praok Hall aad Lany Tooley. TroF.—At tbe Orlflvold Open noun "UcCftr- tbyaMUbapa" bad Ulr booata Dac.30.SI. "TbeWhlte Bqnadroa" packed the booM Jan. 1. *>A Blank Rhaap" draw bis houaea & «, Marmy aod Hack, la '-FloolRao'a Ball"eama 4-8: "IbeTornado 10, Oarrick Borlaaooa Co., ln'HiHli»."ll. RiRD's OrttA EOPU.—ARQaa nerndon. la "OapUla Eata, or a Mlibt'a Fnllo," Moked tha hoa«e Deo. SI, Jan. 1. JofaaDravplayad to toe larRaathouaeoTlbeaeaaoa atadraaaed '*Ohrlalopb«r Jr." aiTeu«'i 00. eon* la U. 8iltinb« and byOimi^dnv ir«ll all lait VMk. Tb» Nev Tork Run cuee,(arwMk. 8yTaeiiu_At WItllagOpen Hooee "Tbrllbj" otaMloUnnatModum DaaSI, Ju. 1. "AHIdnmtn.r Niibl*.Bmiil"tfldw.U9. Sttwart BobiMi. la *'Porbli]- Oh Pnlt)'*dr«v velia.4. **ATrlp loCblnatova" cofflW 7, "Tbt roiodlinc' 8ud L "x NiralOvtat" laII. BmABU Tfiunii —BurtlAT" )i«d rarr utlAfoe. UIT uuiidwa 1. "Th.WldowBwloU" llditKMI, "A BmUI nllbnjmui" 13. , n. B. J100B8* TniATVL—1ti» WuDbnrn SllUni bul lufa bdiloNi Dm. SlMu I. 'Thfl TAfwdo" did veil 3-1 To oomt; "IlM WbIu fldiudroD" "A HUD oo Uie Buk'Ml. BiBgtaSBtoa.—At3toaaOpeim HouaaUiellto Hftf Opm Co., In rvMrurr, cmmt Dtc. aWaa. 4, ui Urao ud wollplMiOd audlMKVL Tocomo:'*nilrlbr*0. BUOirTUUTU.—"loOld MaIu.'* MIDO Dm.SiMm. 1, lA nod utmduc*. Honee Birtaf, la "Hia Widow Bodou"bt4blrlrioodbaitlDoat2>L Dao; Tbo Wwh- Vllea_it <lie UUck Opera Boom Rlsl«<Idroi) dotal), Dm. 91 and Jao. 1, draw wall KMa Olailoo. lo "IbaTwoOrpbaiM,*' waa wall raealrad SU. *H3ooa Hoi. low"carnal "neWblUBaoadroa" elooad tba waak, 4. to Kood banaaaa. Ooalot: 'Tbrllbi" 8, "ATrIp toCblna- towD" IQ, Janaa J. Corbalt li UflOi PakiLT TBUTCl.—Laatwaak'a attimatlooa draw wan. rulalan Pall; Co. conaa e-11. Rawbarg.—At tba Acsilenj at Hulo tho Kaoda OllUaaa Coaladj Oo. pot ao an aitraanlloarr rtd nhow bam lait waalctbareaaltorwblcliwaBB. If. baaloaaa at erarr parroraiasca. Naw Vaar'it olibt bnka iba lacoid or Iha Imovi for laiwaaltandaoca at ~" ' : prieai. "A Trip lo ChlnalowB'* comaa 14 Dopolar 1 Tba Barton Oomadr Co. wlo oceupr Colunboa Uall Ibla waak and cait, Jaa. e-U, with pmllagw of tha mo ' abooMbaaloaaa warTMtIt, plarloff raiianoiTat popi prioaa. Tbar opaaad to aieallaot baalnaa* 6. In '-ki aboald baaloaaa warmot llagw of tha moolb . —nolar , . _ , [alh- Imb MaTOFrDoao,'* Manaiiar Taylor, of Iha Acad- anr or Moilr, waa tba laalplaat New raar*a Daforan amtimld and dlanond atnadad acarl pin from tba at. tackaaoltbaboaaa. ■laalrm,—At tt» Ljcaoin ThMtre "Tlia F«d. clna ItaAar" waatbaaltfictloB DacSI. toR R 0. ntn* art Robaon. la *Torbldd«a rmlt," patkad tba bouaa Jan. I. "Tba CM Domantaad" caiaa t,-lo food boalnoaa ■acnay'R OparaOa, oommancad awaak'aaoiajianiantc. TEXAS. OalTMtea,—At tba Onnd Open Bonae lUcta- aida A Prlnilt'a QaorBli Mlaaliala kiil good aliad bOBiaa Daa. S, at nutlaoa nod olitbL Da 7oir Iloppar. ln*'Dr.ajolaB,>*atadraaoad prlcra, waaaothnalullcallr racalrad bj tha blgfaat houaa of iha Mnaon 77, and a Rood altad aadlaoca at natloaa S. Dooaallr aad lllr aid, In **Tka Balonakara/*plaarcd good tlrad hoowXt. ai. Booklan:'•nararTnla-Jan.ll, BlaalaKaddam' f laka U, li,^tba aIrt I Ua Bahlod Ma'* ir, U. V«t Wmrtli.—At Oreeoirill'a Optn Uoiiu Ibe Oraa Oeaim Co. hoTO occoplad Iba boarda to aicollaot baataaalorlbiwaaborDM. S>. Adalalda Bandall and Bobu Dnnbar aaltalnad tha good rapulatlon mada br Ibla eoDpaar oo ibair orwrloua vlalt to ihia placa. Alas. BalTlnl conaa IX 14, 'lb* rai Train" SL llania Maddam. riika tl, H, "Iba Paat ICnir'14, Rkhaiil Hnnalald S. AaatlB.—AtHUIeU'i Op«n Boon "THo Dorbj Wlnaai" eama DM.S7, to fair aiied boaea. "Tba Old Hoaaalaad"nTatwopanbnnaneae to good bneloaaa30. Tba Oaorgln Hlnjtrala eama to tco baoTf hooaa SI. "A Bob 01 ■onban" Iboma tnlaet) bad wood alaod hooaa Jan. I. Coming: lalflal U, "tliaaiil fUn Babiod Xa" II, Oran'aOpanOa.11-111. -"Wp in Ibe Orcun" Xole.»: THe arm of AI. 0. KMrnardt ,V Col. UhriIIiod, loimer owocri, lij DiiiloBl coDsmt, was dlndrcd aid the <»mp*iir dliUiHlNl All rropttilea, nceinry, dr., were iniuTemil lo rredliora, nuking * miUfactoiT ael- Ueuieoi, and ibe membera of ibe compiDj all r«. lunied 10 ibeir teii|ieoilra boniea. 0>l,Banillb)D Imoedlateir onmnlad an rnilie new ahotr, reialn- Itif all prlDclpal feaiares and addInK new oiemheni to Uw componr. Netr and elabnrata acencrj waa ninled bj SoaiDsn A Ucdlf, and will be bunn Ibla treeV. t,m ppecUl paper liae been added to Ibe adnrilaing mailer (ui ibe plaj, "A Trin lo ibe piroiia." An entire new rooio It now being booked bj Amnls Uownrd and Uojlr. Theitsier: Tom Miigao, leader band and orrheilrn; I JUloa ItemiloD. deacrlpllTO TocaiM; Chan. NIobnIa, wire ling; Otrt Thompeon, Ibe norelir worker; A, J. Ooeeilf, RUie director; B. A. Dram and Joo.Ma)llb, miulcal team- \\. U.Cbrlule, Irinh corned;: Wm.UIII. conionlOL' lal; J. Itoe, h. Ode, T. Uoiiialoe, S. Cbaoiicr. lain, II. UTingHton, W. McAdamt, W. J. Tiir. ner, W. J. Coeper, II, R Urowii, hear; waliibi lirier: Aueiem Sluera. ueo, and AHIe lleiroAa, aetlallna: lllder and May, clowne; ytrllo Owen, lyonlie Kdnunds, Hlle Fuj, Ulle. Cerelo, t;ol. liani. ',',','.■!! "1* proprietor: Jainee UcKoowd, mAnakcr; UI Ward, reiireMnlailva; Bnrt Cole, the Irap drum' mer, and rour apodal aiago Mtilnia are rairled. — .Sottii from Ooonej A Uordoo'e "Koul riai" O).: Oonalderlng Ibat wo bnTe been liaveling through ihc bop growing aeciion or tbe Stale wo have had en nnunuallr properoiii leaeon, and the man In while neeu ibe nwinberi ur ibe companT erciT WedoeidaT, In reorganizing the company UosuB. Uocnej and (lorrton have greatir streogtb. cned the cast ns a whole, and relura dntea hare been booked all along Ihe line. The following com. priM tho company: Thoinae J.Cooney, fleorge llor don, Harry Wheeler, Will J. Jeraon, M. Balney, Bessie Uarle Cordon, Annie Aehley, Uairsle Hlce Ualiyllena, K. Killey, pisnbil, audJ.i;. Hanks In advance. — Notee from Utrka Bros.' Dramallc Co.: Ura. T. H. Uarka entertained the members ol the company arier the perforoiance on ObrlBUnite sight. Toero wuahirgaeupplyof goodtblDgB lo eat, and Un. Harks made a larie pot of colTee, which was bian- lly enloytd by nil. After mo good iblnga were setred the company took port hi aooga, specchea, etc, and ihe fan was kept np uuui a late honr. Tne preaentp from ibe diiuent members were hand, tome and cosily. WeplajedonrChrtetoaaniaUnee lo S. IL U. The company nnmbera eleven people, ai tollowa: T. If. Harks, It. ir.UarkL Alex. Marks,l« J. Kellom, Will T, llodie, J. Hoy Bennett, Ujra Co|. lint, Klla Uarke, EUa Unrion, tlay A. Ikll and UtUe Oracle, elso Ko Ko, the acUng dog, W» ore pUying Ibrougo Canada lo good bualneat. Company an well and happy. — Better of "Tho Uldnlgbl Special:" Oonnid 0»nl;en, Thomoe Ue I'ew, Edgar Ulxler,Jan)eB Jack, son, Henry TrogQetcr, Kd. WlUe, Vtatrlea Barnea, Uanr Bernard, Florence French, Lillian Ungmore and Uany a. Uealey. Harry S. Uealcy and bit wife, FkHence Kronen, recelTed tone very handtome presenta from ibelr mends during Ibe bolldays, at Uaylon, U. Mr. Morton, Ibe proprietor, It visiting ia8fanillvatNev™rk,N.j. —"A Ilonaway Cull" wui ceaae lo gallop on Jan,11. -Dave Wbltley la vtllb Joe J.SolllTnn'a "Ua. luney's HIsbapa" Co., playing the Ditch comedy part. — cam llalley, singing and dancing comedian, who baa been iiulie III for sevcivl ween, hat fully recovered. — Hosier of AlLert Ttylor'a Co.: Albert Ttjlor, Tbelma Auburgoc, UllUn llonlrote, Jennie Rimer, Annie Stanley, Harry Scon, W.U. Stanley, Harry K'mer, Utxey Bonbam, T. J. llorke and Lon U. WlllUmt, — J. U, Southntyd, manager of me HcDonongb Theatre, in Ulddleiown, CL, requeeis as lo deny the recent euument ibat ibe Joe J, ,SulUvan Co. hod been atucbcd lo that clly. Manager Boulhmayd states that Ibe company played bis hoote to good butlneai and left tne city on time to make ibelr next eland In New Britain. — Frnnk PoiTer bta Iea8e<l Ibe Bljon Theatre, Lowell, U-Aas. Ue la not In Ibe show builness, ana does not Intend to mn the ibeatie hlmtelf, but UnegoUtUng wlib aeveral paniea who are anxloiii to open the place. — Noiet from the now "Uuldoon'a Picnic Co., under the minigament ot a. 0. LItl: Wo an play- ing to uig bnsloeaa througb Indiana, Ohio and Michigan. Althongli Ihe company It a strong one, yet we bave aignetf Edwin '/.eta, conloruonltt and Signer Uonnla, Juggler. At Napoleon and Wau. teen the S. R.O. iign wag dliplayed at elglito'cloek. We have two weeks yet of one nigbt ebindt, then week uandt Id clUei. —John Vanoll.K well knom Weaietn tbealrlcal manager, comnilfed suicide Dec, 20, at ibe home of a friend In Oakland, Cal, Mr, Vanoll waa tnffer lugftomcontnmpiloD,tndaffiouiliago betook a Ulp to Souihen uillfomla for bit health, bot failed to get relief. Ha spent Ubrlatmas wlib rrienda and the tollowlngdar was taken to 111 that he was con. Ined to bhi bed, A pbyeldaa wot called, bnt he wat unable to give tbesick man relief. Mr. Vanoll then annonnced his Iouoiiod of making hlawliL and while hit filend his out of the roomMr. Vanoll shot himself. — "The Sparrow," a comic opera, by Otio £lcks, ma piodac.fd for the Orat time ou au; aiage Jan, e, at Ibe Grand Opera House, fblladelpuls, P«, —Tha wife of Henry H, l.ynion, we are Informed by Dr. K. IL Smith, lleadsiigeroutly 111 and deaUlute In Itochesler, N. Y. Any iBrormatlon can be tent lo in^pl^filclan't address, 4O0 Bast Mah> SIreel, noch- — Charles UoKloley, who waa held for the mnr deroCWilliam UryKuu,at I'ort Clinton, 0., tele- paphi nt that he was acqniiled of tho chatige on CONNECTICUT. MISSOURI. KanaaaCHy,—Theeveelof the lul treekmui thaan^riocoof tha I>inir.-irh nannan Qrand Oi>*n Compwif at III* Auditorium, Jan ^ I. "Tho Ualater, alaiior," "The tralkiira" and at Iha nallnM **fAh.i|. aria" wen> lb. Vtlltprw.ntatl. tod iho bunnaM waa ile- cMtill; aiicnaalol. Pntf. t gmaUera, tho Nieal man, ■gar. cannot bo glrciiioo iniicli |trmlao for hii eg,<rla lo a«cur« tbia allnctloa, anil II ■■ da* In hU porvonal lalwr that tho .ogtgvoiaot proTfd audi a tlnandal aurcaaj. CoiTBaOrsai Hoi'.a—Uai wtot Ancn Bn Far plarad a Ihrao nlghu* and New Year** mallooa lamm togotp- nicot,al popular prlc\ to cnod bo^la.t*- Tlila waak Frank Majro'a '-PuJd'oliaad tvll.oo." will niaka II. Itrtt aprearaoro. I'anoir navnpnri, in -1: tMiwoda," rolliiwii. QHANr " ~ - ' " Nil OrsHi llui-aa- madTickei" liad a big wiwk. Now Vaar'abaalnaaabolai; Imrneoaa. The ihov It botlrr llila WMk lliao av.r. BuBOOf. CaoeaM baliiB an eapoclallr aimoB rratute. TliU wrah. llanlon'a '>'aaut9a,'" aad o.vl Bceh, Jelia E.niaP, In "Iho Iriah AMtman." NIXTH STR<.1iT TllBATilB. N»w Ilavta.—At tho Hyperion the Undaay Opera Co. come Doo at, lo £ilr rolumi^ aod "Obarlor'a Auot" (ratum eogigamaol), Jao, 1, plarod to the capaellrofihe kouae. Ifanloo'a 'Huperba" leduet, 7, and Mile. Jane War (raure aoguomeol) in, II, 0iu,vii OfSRA nords —WhalloD ,t Marlell'a *'6onlh Before tho War" waa prfaoelod lo pnclted hooaea Dec, SMao. 1. Lillian Koanrdr canie lo "fine couldn't tfarrr ThrM " to big boalneaa, f-t. Tony Panell comu 1-a, and Willlaai Moiria, In "Iha Loat fandlao." >-ll, Pot.i'B Wo.'toiEBu.YD THBaraa—Orovded lioaiea coo- thine the rule bero. ThlawMk: WallorBunloaudTloa t^orrl Kayo aod llMrr, llaoir and Harba, llarOlna aod Ah Bid. (tarry B Manon. iha RIoehatdt Familr, and Lrndi, HIM. Ollre, Uiawa Beaulee nnd (loUle, BrMgeporl.—AI the Park CUT Thealre Ink Ihe >Vlod" came Jaii, 1 flow- . 10 Bood l>ualne*a,aa did miora Aerea" la booked fort,7. ARKANBAa Hat IprlBfa.—AI lite Opeia Donte, Dec. tl, Oorfaaawaa greeted bj a large and aetbutaitJoandl- anea, Cnatoa Clarka, SDl pnaaatad "Bamlat" to a fair alaad hoaaa. Booked: ma IcMt-Jna, < "Tbaaltl I Left Beklad He"7.OonowUy aad Olinid U, Tala'aTwilve nmplatUaa" I*, lolrlal tl. IdUle Baefe.-At Oipltol Ttaeain Creeton OUrke eaBieI>ac(lWa>.LIo lUr baalMat. Daa: "TbeUIr: I UR Babiad Ha" A Oesaeny aod Oliaid 11, Tala'a Iwa.fa '<ll.MtBklBBarl& tjliarler'a Auol' Jana Mar 8. Al'nlToaiCH.—FieUN A llaoaon'a "Dnwlog had lairboRlnaaa Uee. 31. 'Sjiaclal DallraiT,"3l-ian. 1. bad BPdaraM ratunjo. "dd OlorT,"!, hid large hooaa, "Blue BMid."a,4, did ralily woll. Tba London Oa'ely Otria wbl be the altradloo M Bianaavn Mcuio Uall— Aanle Aablar. Nellie King, Floraooe Da Vera, J«nole D'Are. flamuefMannor, Rojml Iluogarlan Band. Badneaa vaiT large Ian week. Nooan'a Cial.fO.—Oolela Durant, Hay Alplua, Radio Loaadalo, Efnararn aad Umy, OMrge Moore, Bualneaa ''^ILUB MnHiaoilL fdrmer manager of the Caaloo, will open Um ImperialTbaatra, at Palanwa, N. J., II Tha aeallOB capacltr of Blebeaa'a Moalc Hall will bo la, laaaod, Ilartftird,—AI Froctor't Open Uonae Ralambo aod Cllietu'aNewWoodera are booked turjan C7,'The .■law Bni" ^ Bllo, Jane Mar, h "Mile. Praniallon," •: W. n. Clevolind'a Hlnalnl'aTu, Tony Parrell II. Flel'la A Uaniou'aDrailoRCanladlago/'d ImiloaajiDec,SI- "OI<l Uloiy drew packed honaaa Jao, 1. Over alx liua<lnd newa liofaaAdRlrlawcraRlTeulbolrliolldartreal in wlietaaleg Uilo perrurmtnco, Coira Bead eaoonlng Ibeni U) Ibe Open Hooaa, aoj Tit Hanjtnl TlmrM paylog all blllj. "TbaLoctPafadlae" did their naual good liniloaaa 9,4, 100 Much Johnaoa" comu U-lt. AuoiToBioB^M J.Holllvao, ln"galooey'a Mlahap'a," la booked rorU, Rpdell a London Bailee S-ll. Borka'a London Oalely Ulria epaoad 1, opened lo Iramaoaa baal, neaa, wblcb ceotlnnad tbrougo ilie waak, WASHINGTON. >Lt«t noflk raitnan'a Rarn- p^D vauuaTiiif* gare a |wH>rahfav. m fair atieodann*. Thlavaak.for itia nm tino hara. llobbrOtylnr, la ' In A RltCiiy." n»l aril naak Uao. Munroi\ la "A llap|>y LIlUa Ilooia." (liLLlriOl'llu I1oraK.~Ual «eak ihaCrow CotnaOyrn. llQlphed Iba atcmJ aadUai vfekitf tb«lraniai»»oiaot« tn ntetiira aiUDdaiM. Tlia WIeklow pAaimaa," wlih John L.Bulllraa aad Tarw nATl»ii,runa« V-ll, and noxt wrek Hlc«'«He«loo "IT. T.t:." CoairMny. CnLi9ittH —Boida V«moa, Tom Kay, Ltule Parkar, Harry RKklav. Joba PUharlr, Lace MilHicaa, Bol>by ConanraantKIolio A.Xanur. nuilofm U Rood. CUl'l'liilxna—Doc Kreanao, nt*'A Railroad Ticket." huMild hia iniarMt In PieonuD'i Tboaire, iMuolooail. Vm. Ahani.orAheTnaQ<l falrlok. toft here 1 aad ralnlard ' A Tarklth Bath*' at Piao BlulTa. Ark ChaF. Bbuaoheckhaiaccceadtd Wni. Ltndacbar aa rute car- p*atarai iha Collatum All tba Kaaary and aUfia aiTftcuortha MnToltyTheiira ara baloRtlilppail toCtip. |>lfi Oreak, Cv\ The UImoiitI Sum raivarallr Olro (!lub vara a caacart at tha Aodliortini Dmx ai 'Tean" wu rmwitcd byanahura at tli* PrnpraAn tluU 91 HioaKtr Waltar DamroKcbitaro alatinre nn' Tlio \Valhura"and ^Tiie HeliiaTmlDiiar" ni Lyraum Hall oo the aftanKtoool Jan. S Hanaxar Doe Proftraq. ot "A Railroad Tlckil,"enlari4laad Rjuh Kl*lcbar. nfih* "Pan- U«nia" Co, and RMlc Conk, of "la a Biff Oily" at a Keff Yaar'a (liooor at tba H'dUntI Nni waak OioA. Uoojt. tugp nunBirar oi ilia NIaih Btta«l Tbaatrr, wbn wai lojurnl. In a radrDad accfalaoc wblh coafaylni ih« remaloa of hia brother lo Bt. JoMph, U once nwre back In lik old poailloo, and allhoach oa cnilchea la rapld'y ImpioT- Variety and Miiistfclsy In^. Ha haalaM biotifflit to llffhi a Tary scoaraua (oHeo- lion or wkldi wa4 utta ap fur hlra br Walur Hor ton. of lite "llataao llaartA" t^tm^r, durlag ihalr aiay liera TbaLsoyal Pamlly. of iha uainta Kiirai«an Nnrelllap. win U uan bare, at IfaahlnKtnn I'ark, ibla KitmiDar V*aad#rblll ralrer*llr Gtao Club garo a vary auccaaafgl coneart at LTcourn Mall Dec. :il Tua K. 0. Urclia«ir»l8oclacp win qUa ihalr na!<i cmicart at iheCoaioA Jan. 10 Tlia UanroKli ilrand (iperaCo arrlrati )iar« on a apedal from Dentpr. (^1 /.olla Ni^olaoa Joined Caieiuia'a Vaudanllta at the Nioib Siraai Iwt w<«h, Rolas oo lo Die afterittree. St. Loale.—The week** hosloeaa lite indlcAteda new era or ibaatrical pmai»ariiy. Tie Naw Taara bu-|. iiaAa,holh alltnoon and iitiht. waa alora Ihenvaraea. 'The Paaalog Rww," ai iha Olymiile, dolnir, peiliap^ tlia bail buvlneia. Julia Uie Orand. lua packed iliat hotuo mrTperfonnaQca. OLTMrio TMurar—"Rub Roy" li thaattnciinn t)iU week aad pnmlwa to l>a a wloarr. Delia Poi will rulluv. "TnaFaviDitH^ftn" did aa axcallant liutooM. tliiAHDOpnuHot'aK.-JullaHarlowa-Tabaranil Robfrt Tabar paeied liiia hiHiaa at erery |>erfomtaiice Laat vet I, atadraacadprlMA. Tlitlrcompanyinidaa iuo«i ravor' able ItopraaawB, and wa« wall cominaiitled. Tlila wa#k Robert UUIIarJ «lll be the aiiracilon, Id "Lrk4-34 Hours.'* HoL Bmlth Roaa^ll will then nlra "An Brcry Dav Man" aail The RInh" lor a wMk IlA(u:(OriRilloraE.-BobbyOaTlordlda Hoa waek'a baalaeaa hern la "In a Big City." Oeonce Monn« la lure ofa aaccaAnfulangataMBt, and tlieo comaa Juwidi Hart, ln'*AOayOU Boy." BTAKDihD TMUTRa.-llarry NorrU' Twaatlaih Can tury Mai<Ja Da4a auch a hit here two waaka affo t)iai they play a ratum dale thli weak. Ilairy Villlaroa'U«nCn. will foiinw. Helllr A Wood'a Co. playad lo an ImmeoAa baaloeu laat waak. UAVLtKs TuuTHB.-'Tlia lluatUr ''a iHiokM ror Ihla week. Aanta icallaee villa veak of Jan. li. 'Ttia tllrl I I/triHalilodXIa" flayed to rair bualnau laat week. UAHUI5 T)lUTR>,—Bliina ami Nloa, Wllda aad lltr riPOD. DaViti and Vioe, DaVare aod Bharvlty, Addle Mnureaad LedaTemple. New Casino— Pnoklyn flinrar^OfforalaPdhnfr, Flo- •la Kllavorib. KslllaDarliL LoretU Del.l|»,Ootdlo I.av*n, Cora Frantllo, Dollla DaUniay, Carrie Koinar, Ida Warner. BltDua, Wllllaraa. K«nutdy and Marino. Had' flpeksBte^lt Ibe Aadltorlam "The Oefaalier" cane to a packed hooie Dee. O. Ilanrr E. Dliey played to good baaloaaa 19, 30. Coming: Bfllo ElUUr Jan. II, Tboi. W. ICoao4 IS-U^ JoeCaethoma 17. PaoPLre—Kaw faoaa wa^k of Dee. 30: Rath llMtlBin, PUorandTorroa, AmoUufJoarro, Chandler and Lome, and Habf I LlrlnptM. Nora.—Tba Bpokaae Lodfi, B.P. 0. Elka, ffara lla aaaual baotflt entartalDoMt at ibe Aadlunam Kew Year'e Bra, to a pec had booaa. T«€omn.—At Tacoou Tliealre Bchiniog'aUln- Bii»la,Dee. a,cainatoapaebedhoaie. JoeCawthome. iM7,bad good boaioaa*. 'Tbe Oraallar/'Sl. had fall boaae. Thoa V. Kaane oeeiea Jan 17, li, Bflle K.llalar n, a KaUe Patnamn, Ibe rrmaley I loci Ooa Jan SI and week. mood and Qray.J.O. Bfanl. Fnd lAoiley aud Ihealnrk BRTi!fT'!i TfiKATRL-ScliaalTtfr and 0« Vara. Krlly BroR. BillyLaelcda, M.Povull, Haltia Uortlon and Bella Paiurfon- Nnr CoMKici-—KItUa Aahtey, Naitar and Moon. Eraaia Barrett, Iba Olementa,LoaUe and 8indald,lha Paynaa and TaonPT Drot. Eduan'a'AutAMiiaA Pauci Turatrb,— Tha Irrlna, Da Vera and Aanley. Waiana aod Thompaon. Rjaiara B^liar, thaKahania. Mlka Hifglna, Lottie Thora.TllHa Oollloi^ Prank L. Oay ana atodt. Uoesip—.He* Year'atiiailneaa ware cood, aapaolally al the Olympfo and Uaian'a Daa Keaoady liaa aoo- eeedca Cbarlla QraJr aa aiaia minaRar at Uia Kaw Caaloo Max Lui'beit and Pml NoUwraai'ad for a puraa Jao. 4, at the (laiden Thtatra, drawlag a great crowd. 81. Jotephe—At Tootle'd TUcalre FmokMaTO, In "Piiild'ahaad Wlliao," cama Dec 91. Jao. 1, tnbig bualoaai, aod lumad aiany a«ay at Ke«r Voar'a niatloao. Tba houaewlUI>a dark naai w^ek. UAO'IHully comaa Id^ Uiipkini' Traaa-o aaolea II *1tf2" 33. CfuwroaD'di TiiuTaB—'^Trtltiy" vaa tba atiraciloo Dec. SI. Jan. I, wltb Kaw Year'a mallnao. Bualnaaa aaa very ttooit, tralnolwhat liabould bare beao. EDLt HCHii-—Buataeaa tba pait nek waa sood. Tha people for waak ol 6: JacobaKantllyBand, IJIm ClllT-inl, llui(K*i>*' losing kanirarao. F. It. lulii and wlia, and Uilnil Thumpaos, wlUt Burton'a'*Llio lo Jollat Priana" lu Die audliorluiD, aod Poaiirand WlUlaniaoa the oiarlooatia ■taga. BprlnBfl»]d.i->T()e VandeiliUt UnlTentlljr Otco. BaoloanaAliudolloCluba played to lair hua|nw<a at tha Bahiwlo Uer. IB. The boma talent mloairela made a cr»JlUM«an»BraacatoalliiihriUMiiniallnea and nlilit or S) (kirlnae played "llaodrlok liodaon Jr.," Ut |t«chMl hnaaaa, aftamooo aad night of Jao. 1 AI. tl. Flahra "Darkaat Aoiarica" did good iiualneMoa 9. TiiK Uu» baa baan dark paat *a«k. hut will )iraaeai "Oharlay'A Annt"S. FAiiTiiV>iiiBrYcoiiiln«eawhhihaaam« fAcea aa lait weak. Bcaiaa wa lair MINNESOTA. BI. Pa«I— At (be UotropotltAD OporA llotuo btialna&B baa b««n anly fair wltb "Tha HiJah" weak ol Deo. SO, tbe play not dravlnv no woll aa on Ita foroiar Tialt ban. Tha Danmicb Opara Oo. 0-11. "Waoi" cornea IJaad waak. ORA-tDi^ua Heeia. In "A Vaaolna Venlleman." liaa drawn bifc booaaa veakof DacSX "Tho* Black Cronk" cumai JiD.6 for oae week, foltovad week ot lib/ 'A lull road TKkeL" OLTMrtc-Tkla Iwuae changwl handa Dec. 30, Bam Yager, lata maoagvr of the badita. porcliaalng from Lawlar. Burke A B dial. Bdilnaaa liaa bean uoir rair for wa*kor30. For weak ol Jao. e: The MolMIly Trin, Mor- rill and forriAier. B)lTaat«r. QardiHr and Jamiaen, Mol- lla Unata. .Xallle Tuaon and Ibe atock. BoD»ii.-Naw i^ple for week or 6: Joyce and Car- mil, BtieaiMMi aod lAliaka, Rmlth aad EIIU Tlimiaa ami Wtlc^ Bertha Buad,()ao.B.*iajOoer. U. T- aod P. M. Plonda. Baaloaaa la good. Pate Hoilth aiatiofa the rule of maaagerlnrlaeaol Mr. Vagtr. MlnB«apolla.*At tlio Meifopoliun Tbeaire Damivwli'i tlaroiannpara no.apMaralii''TaanliaoBar," Jao. Cl TrliUa and I*o1da" 7. "BlaRlried" at mtllnea. and "Lcheegrin" at nlihtS. Notelihaundlag tha fact Ihe prlca ofilekataia greatly adraaceJ. the advance aafa la varr larga Hoti'a "A Buna«ay wh" la dua 0-11. "ffang" It *Hlabad" dU a fair hualoaaa Dec. 9 to Jan.4* biJOU OriiA HoniB.-4Ba Ueace npanid (n "A Yen- uloe TaotlaiBan" A. Tompklna' "Buck Orook" la tMMikad for week or ll Vala'a "Mawrat Davll'a AucUou" reoalred ilna patmaaaa Dec. SO-Jan. 4. Kniit A llii>oLKTO.<<'H pAurn HntRcii.—Botartalnmeot will tre rumipliad 6-11 br Rll Ho««e, B^lla Oartar. daman Kuae. t:apt Fraor.H B. Woodvanl. I'rattKaed, B.J.(ni- mora. Hie Plnka, llolmea aad Waidroo. and tho M. K. Uanlay Dramallc Co t'ery aailarieiorr auaodauce. NoTRl.—The BharJiriarlad *m *-nol>vra" acanarr iindar a Witt bT allacbBiaot lainad at *ha Inauoc* of William J. A. P*aaloB, on a claim rur $UU fur aorrlcaa a* aoad> vaoee awaoL Tha cunt|iany allaia tliat Mr H-.anloul« not anilildl to tbIa aransot. Hat U laoutln floaqelal Irouhia, and Ibat (he fcenarr «lll be ralModiH end Ukan to Ihe nrit aund It la reiArlrd that Manavsr Llll will bring eat a new m»l-.4lrBma. •aililad "Tbe L>ut Biroka" In Fabrmrr Tlie oav Apolhi i:lab will alva lla drat ceocert ihe laltar (tait ol iMa tmmth Maud Ulraar, wkohaa baea dllloiaoniactiacarteDnagamaolii, while ubioga ratailoo ■tharhaaieln thUclty, ratomwl In New York laat aeak, wbare aha will join an opara euoi- pany. liar alaur Orace, a iinialalai aioger, want wlUi haraac4 vlllataoy voloecuIiarwaniirBamtnar. ...Waiur Damnackwill dallvar a lectera totbeladlaa'Thoridky uualcatoat Iha UBltarlaatAarcb7.oa "Btagrrled." Dalalli.—FttoIlM lUU 3D, 31, "Bbore Acret" 24, S Craatoa Clarke f7,n./....Atiba Parlor fbotra ihia weak: Pollr aKaliL Baatte Kbg. Prank Hwalo. Jack Ma- gee, Tboi Wbele and the itock. COLORADO. I.«sdrlll».»Tliel)OOklDgiBt OoliltiDlU'a Ua^ eot: Tba Ooklraan*. Jamea CBnanoo. Mlnala Mey Uwli, Blaaeba Blbbe. Bva Dakln, Dot RoMaU. Alice Onntef.&llca Oarnala, Ploaafa*aaulle, MlUle HBihai, DolliaCola.Ua«ileHayea.Win Rogara and AllleWreoi. BaalBaai ffood. nmw CLTTUteTntAraa—Tblab«i]aai,ronnerly Vaacot, wlU »« opeeed by Doyle g (Jill aaaoon aaBecea/aryalUr atl«aaara nada Lrnn THtAna.—"PaAaloD'afnava" week of Daa.aD. lea PitoAca—Tba Cow Boy Band will remain three waehi. TkePalmopwaed/uftaUtoimmiaaebBalam. Kona piOM Vlxkh A anatiPAMla Bid SbiIbation Ol).— Uail J, Fijiio rtporte (he urfeitt buafneMbrer tho Wosiem circuit of eoj raadevlllo eotnpenji bieaklDff itcorde at LouUnile. ladlaupolli^ Cla clattaU, Ualitmoro tad FhtlAitelphlA. Un New YcarM Da; ho londered tbo oalira ooDptoy ot iblny iteopto a benquet. wblok waa, wllfaout doubt, uoo of tbe DiMl pleiM»ni ttneg any ooinpaoj iivur Dad. t>a Cbrtetmae nuaj ooeilj preeenla wore e.\abnD(|ed bj all ihe Ditnibcra. Maiu J, Flf DD, bjr blacouiiktDjr, belDB pmeiited tviib a bcautirul ctla- raooil atudued waicti. J«ck Paul, from Hatl. 4- Kiyoii, a aoiimtn elud and bandeome urobreiu, iiophte Tnoree waa a guttt of Manager FIjdq and Ilia wife <jiir(ttDiaB tr««k, and waa royalty eotcr- taloed. Kverjbody liiwellaudbappj,and all Join iQ icudoilDg riiBi;t.irraK a ttap|i; nad ptoiitorotu New Ymr. Jog WAiTgRs, Of Uowea and Walten, bad to clone at iiiibcr'a Hiiiodoi, ihU oliy.oa accooDt of tho (leatbor blafatbera UK/i>, roDiurtloDUL la joit oloalog a four wecke' rngatffuieatatibe UaMeuiD, CnUimbua»'>0„ and will assuuto Ihe niAnagomoDi ot tlie bonae JaOa 13. J. HowanI ultianD will imi aa»Utant BiaDager. UairrUAKnNU not going lo open m ibealra la Kauag Ciij, Mo. Jamks If BBRNARD Will work aKhio b«mft«r, and bait aiKucil to plajroror lb« Mwre circuit in Keb ruarja Un.i.v QujoN and lUlly Tundaoa liafo Juloed bands. DauuNiD AND l4)RRAi»R, bnrloique aerial Utient, aro ni tbo Union Utiuaro Taeaire, thla cltj, ihia week. 'niK CgKTAAt llurgi. to AIUkmb, rua, bnmetl to tho gmuiid uu Uumlajr niumlDg, Jab, 6. halay QolOcii niut lh)llj ilowo were rvocucd In lime b; Ulil; Uolilcn, who waa plajiDg rarda at tho llmo duwn BtaliK, llu iiuelled munke, and oakcd hU partner, Dlok UnAlfaiii. lo louk ami ac«. Mr. Cbal raiit looked out o( ibe door iiuil dlactivared ibe nre. Ur. (luldun, thlnklog or bu daughter and Mliia Uuwo, rau ihruugh io« btaxe to ibelr room, biuko (•IKn the door and rtuuued tnem lo ibelr nlghirolHW. Misa Uulduii, lu denccotUOg tbo atalni, allupcil and fi^l all ilio way ilowu, aud bart beneir, but nut acfteiialjr. Utau Uoldon land U\m Uowe loat all their penuuai eirecla, and aoine blurt people gave them ulniiiea to put nu iinUl tUo; got tu Ibelr hornet. Tub LiviMitrrom dniitil a Hucccaariii weeVa en* gAKriiioiii at the Mld Wlnter IMrnin, at DeUoli, Mich.,K)veo bv (Uo Duiroli whevlmoD. JuiiH Inch, Uumjr Wooda and KlIUo Uolemao bavo boon onKagetl fur KellbSi Tuoalre, Buaioo, Ma»t., to play in rarcei waJ llgnt diacnado playi. UiLPHgi) llotiTAHb'rt tinhiue "Tillt)7<*Rctlaaeeo for lUo flntilueuttbu Howard Atbeniinm,Boalon, Mah, bitiKOR AituARis, of tbe ArcarlaKnUeThroweTa, baa recovered fruoi bla rcceut Ulooaa, and bi now worklug uTor Kulil A Hlddleion>a ciroulu Tboj open OQ UooreM circuit nt Uulntt, Mlub., Jan. 13. UOLI.IK AHD llAHHY ItUtWlLL aOOD OpOtt OD the llnitkloa cIruulL llAtHlIB AND AUNgH ALIBN BOd PfOf. Al. KUOr aoDd ua ine aoAaoa'a compllmenta tbrougb the nitniluni of a pretiy carda iJcwiB KiBK.a iiaitCKe performer and cuntoriloD' let, uioi wlib a aerluua accldeul at tbe hMeu TUoatre, rateison, N. J., l>«Ca 'JB. lie wai doiug an aotoii Uiu irapeM, when be uiariod bb calouiailon nnd fell boadluDg in tbe Blago. II waa found Ibat he bad aUBialnrd a oevore voniitalon oo tbe bead, a lacor ated tbigb.and tlut his kuee oap waa liadiy bniliiod and awollon. Ilia left arm wojt alao apraUiod. After hb) liijurlea were atlondod b> Koun wan aa* lUtlcd 10 bla uoardlog place, wbere he U umOned lu bod nod BUiTerlDg tuuub palu. ]l U eipeulod Uut bo will iHJ laid Up for lervntl weeka. Ubu. 1). Lauiiiwn, wbo cloeed wltb lleaob A Uow- cn' MlnsireiM aome weeka ago, 1b laid up at hU homo Itt Uardoor, Maaa., with a acrtouH Injury to ouo of hUi iLDoea, wblcb conOuea blm to bla bud. lie would bapieoacd to bear from old frleada. Hilly McViaih, of "On the Huwanee Hirer" Oo., wan banquoted by the Oorry I/xlge of MyiUo BbrlaerB and tbo Uradford bodge, of tbe aaine order, un New Year'i olgbt, In honor ot being the ilrrit colored man lo becoiiiu a Kyailo tthrloera Manaiior JotiBra urrBNiiBiMBB Icfonna ua ibal "/eru"liaabceuuDoof ibo i>lg hliaof iblaaeaaDn, and bufluojiB baa l»een very big. Tbey played at l^rovldenre, lu I„ UbrlMtmaa week, to rery large re* celpu, utid tho Hiiow waa auob a auccewi thai Man* agcr Uitchollor lookcdit for ■ return In tbreewooka. Fu:iter and l.ewla cloiwS In Brooklyn, and Kmua KmnH, Ihe sopranu, b now aluglng the leading rolo. A uiorry time waa had Ubrlattnaa, a banquoi ixlug given tne nieaibera of tbe company by lUaa< gcr uppeiihelmcr, wUen varloua gliu wero later cbanuvd. Uatugor OppeuUelmer la now booking tne lour of "'/eru<* for boe, W and 'w, Jaubu Ua 1M».'40VAH ipralooil bla ankle In Waab- logtim on Ubrlsitoaii Kre, while aparrlDg wltb KriihkT. Ward, of Wardaud Uurron, and waa un- able to appenr id hla net ur af(«rpleoo. Joe Frico, of Prloe and Bl«elu, kindly oiTared hti aervlcea and played Mr. l>uiiovaD'ii cbamoler, "Toe lUddy," lo gotm adranugo. Ulavtun and (iHAKTnro moat favorably recelred In their muaicAlact, vaHilod "lle'AUp'l'Jiere Vol," playlbu Um F.abl«ructrculia. liiM Mvkiu, Will aoil lraDe,are JiiUcloalngafruC' cetuTni Blx weeka' togageoient orer tbe Uavla druultw KfcMHO' AND Wmlou, tbo popular hurleaijuo per- fortuera, wereoom(Kll«d luuucel a ten wt:ekB'en- gagenieDt^aDd OHvealaiicd wllhAa Ja Uugbei'llow- Hni AibBbwum Tiiijlr avt waa a *'gu" al Tbny raatur'HTni-atre. Tnry claim to bo thuorlglnaUfti uf biirleafiiiu iH^xlug during abnrleariUB trapc7.e aou Jauu f. J.aoNAHU, late ut f^oouaitl and Morait, li duliig a lalkluiiact wliu Aguaa llemsrd. MatroB WBtfrBHN,» litun ailaiof diteen yean of age, la Mid tubo acortug aurtMB lo local uiualcal ciruleHaaaplanoauloUt. Aluiuugb young Id yeant Bhe la apiatreuily n ibiiruugb bom muiuclan.aua alnady nuuwH uuny uvvuiapUabmenta, wblun, by carerul Hiudy,uayyet enabfe bertortraliioueof our expert pUjorK. UUUA BCHA^'gHAND M^IBTUOMMOH, tWOyOODg AMpliabta lor raudorlllo uodoin, linvu hitely been doing well !□ luoal railoiyclrolea. Tliuy wereihe hit Of tbo evening at tbeaovlal laiel/ bold by the Weit Kod Club. Ji. LAVitgKCB Wbdbh IganaDglogtouketbe road wltb a now urgaotxatlon. under ibe caption of Wvber'a oiyiopia, wblcb prtHnlaaa to coinaaand mure tban paaalugooiice, both from nanagoraand the ibeatru going puullc. Tke amuaeuieni furcea of Ibe new voiitura hIH i>e headed by that liandaouio ami Uleuied burlMi|Uer. Letta Meredith, wbo will auiitnti tbe cblef HuUon In tbo operetta, "The .Naughty Uticbeas," wblcb will l>e a feature of the bill, tne niio callUig for aucb well known enienaln- era oa llairj Le tnaJr and Ifddle l<aalle, TboBaa and tjuloD, Uabel nuaaell and Harry llaaUnga. ArthurT. tJofnian will do ihe adnnce, end ilarry llaailnin wiu bo auuns manager, ibe aeaiiOD open- ing lo Uruoklyo, N. Ya, Jan. 27. In addlUon to Olyoipla, Manager VTeber li laying Ua plpea lo take iiuta alralgbi vartei; company, at ibe neglDDlog of next BOAAOD, wblub wui be boowo aa Weber*a VaiiderllieM. OBOa W. 0AUAfiti br, agent of Uyde'a Comedlana. reporta big bualooai for bbi company, bo far, tbbi and ■0/ Makib Utt Lbon wTliaeibat alie ta racelTlog fouriir fire eocorea nightly.wltb roceiTiDg luuror bid oueurea Bigniiy.wiui rnu/ OauDt'a "Ulrl Up to Date end Beyond," and "tm I<ooktugf^ra Iluaband,'* byWbliefcm, botb pub- imbed by IbtmlltoQ H. Uordon. iUntB FfiOM MlOIARD'e IlKIH OfaiBB RPICIAITV Co.—UuaiDeiaUfalr. Ttie ahow li giving good aal- IkfacUun, and the gboat tun not rorgolieo bla duty, laeie addlilona w. Uodk lllijbarda, atrong man, and Hiancbellalley, reader. Prof. Al. Hawyeradoga are aitlt Kr(«tcam& All taaodi are well. JouN flaHiigPUKV. wbo rellred from ibeatagetwn yean ago. will, wltb bla wife (N'eula Kheptof). open at Ihe Don Ton Theatre, Jcraey Clly, N. Ja, l^b. (J. .MrrtH FROM ALUHUN'a Hiu HrgciAi/nrtX>.~Una Alllaon.oole owaer; W. U, Ueniy, bualneia nun- ager; V, w. Jlenri. atoge manager; i. iC. AlUaoo, ffleolcal dlreolor; lieoTT Broa., ecroliata; i. K. AUI- aoD, black face pertoruMr: frank Ueory, gun Jug- gUog; WlU U. UeniT. balancing acU AH ore To good bealtb. Ooa Alllaoo waa preaeotad wlib a allk bat and a gold beaded cane on New Yeor'aDay by Ibe performert. lig lUHB. batoo twlr1«r and club gwlnger, boa Joined bauda wlih Benton, tbe bnok dancer. BoniiRuH -At dieOem Thaaue. Hoapeoaloq Bridge, V. T.: ArthurLt)»rd, BobieMtchlo, Vic UCUlriodlren* uracia At iba High Hiteai Thaatn. Monele, lod.: Oaorge Hauhloaon, Tom tMray. ReUla Zaiella, flulla Thompieo, Uracia Raeda Mlanir Lea, J.O.Mnrphy. Dura Millar aad Jeule Morton At tbe Cranorae,MUaoola, Moo.: NKiy fylioouda. Plo, raitlaoo, Ada Warran. BeaaTe CroBlo.Aoole Kawl.Uiile Ualoea,Aadla FalrtaUTMar Ullbn. tarr; Brand.<lao, Caiaraod Millar and noaaalfa Atihefraialck Thaalie, Rawport Na*a, Va : Flan aad Ma<!k. Juala Da Bow, Weat Ltoid, ilia Hega'bertan Three (Madd*n. Adama and Mooulla), Ranha Johaaoo, Mar y»aDg, ei*la Mooreva, Kliila Miliar, Nellie Monrve aod Jolm " - - el aOlnlera aad erocrnlltea: Uln, Jaggter; FranbUu, airooff Doy; a aanber oryoong alria, In a rab>>ir* rare; Davla, t»e bnoiaa rralam and Aieiandtr ar»l . . Mack. . In Ihe curio At Iha Hub Mnafum. Roa«on, nana—Bloaoa'a oounra Jnhllee bla tew l*iineh Bgaiaa. On the aUge: Mne. La Oraage and har groop of lUlng Heterai; llarfy Maek,JaBiaa nildav. NAlle Wlllkma. BarKa RkldaH Burmn Biaian^ llall and Mct^nliy, aad Mne Ran»r*B raoale Minairtla. ILUNOir. ClaUaf o.—t;bangea ot blil occur at nearly all of thedowQ Iowa hooaaa thla wavk, tha playN Icihold nvrr balog''fbe Prlaoaar or 74nda,"al Houlay**, and *'Rury or the IIIU," at MoVloker'a At iha nnnd lol Rmlth Ruaaell, after prodaclogaa eitellent liitpiaaalou aa Bob Acre^ win eaaar Iwd cbiraoien naw t» Ohlcagn In a double hill ihat Utorue thronib ihe week- Ttiacaruin raiaaralll tie "Mr. Vaiantlna'a tlrUiwiaa," inllitvfd hy "An Mary Day Maa." Thawaeb illl mark tha bailnalnu ni Iha Anifr<raa ektraTaganu'fl hiMillilfailitn wlih ihe Bchlllar. For ten yearm Mr. Ilanilar*«in'a prudaoilona havel^en ao cktHlv awArlalad *Ith lhaChrcaait Opern lloiiaoihatll aavmna radical okanga to Ami ihamprn. ducwd at the Rchiiter, tkrfral tba Lincnhi Iha FtDhuan compaty.ntanagaO hy John SiaaktoiL hu given Nnrlh* aM»raa itrttclaaapriMlaeiloQ of^The Wlia," and will ta* oialn tbiH weak, iilaylng "Aniarlrana Abroad" and' Harot t Lavender." KBraamuiaiiracilnaa have drawn Inm tho patroiuR* of Ihe playhoaaea dorln< ilia paai waak, and aavaiwl a e aicbealalnl lor iho Hiiure. Tha moat fonald- K)ti*<sMiii'ratlra(llnaihla vwk wl<l l»«ilia 'i'yc:* BIiow atVkttemU'a tuLvaau niairan —FAony DaTfnpnrt l>atlnaanen- gaiatit^oi or ooa week Jait.d Kha will piMaat "Oin- luomla," and oa Mon-Ujr anj Hatuiday atanlnpi aouffninwlllbailrea, "RiibK>iy" cli<«ail an aagaga* ntantthat w«a ooly fairly anci^ufitl a, and llorrmann will follow Fanny l>av»nrurt, URAMO OrBRA HorHa-Hol Sailllt Kuaaall, In "Tha Rlvala," packed Ihia bouie each parlnrtnanca lul weak. A large malnrliy of tha people «bn aawMni In ihe rule were uallglilml, and ragnnl ilia produelinn aa aiiramalr oradliahia. Tha aogimtiaaat laiu aooihur week, aod In- ElaalawB Mr. Haanalfwlll beaoao la twuaaw ulaya, "An very l>ay Mao," with "Mr. Vabntlaa'a (:iirlalraaa''an a ourtain ralaar. Rutand Read ruoiaa U. HruiLUH Thbatrb.— Ilaiitlaraan'a exlravaganua will iiiakeiliatrdehuiin ihelt naw boma with tha advaotof "RInbal," ror a uo waeU' ennfamani, whicli bagina B. The Hat Inclndea Igoulaa Rfaalng, Frankla fUynnnd, Jaaale Villarc William Hrodfrlok. Anna Hulta, Phrn Kvana, Mile. Hariho. M. Farem. nicar tilranl, Ilarry Hlanar, Jaa. KImaan, Marphy aad Taraar, Ja (lallaietie aad olh*ra. i-iiirAiio Oriiu Hoi'Ht—ARer a none tno aaxaaafbl anganDani "t^ttila KiiMnMin (Iniaae" olnaad 4.and Ibn "PaaalniHhow" opened I. It lallkaly tndo big buMnnv, ffirlt laihearatilnteUiBi there haa iiaeti a ohaaoe lo ave U at ftopular prIcaM, Bailly Baucker comaa 19, In "Uur IliHiLkT'H TiiEiTHH.—Ur. Hnihem oonilnuaa to draw Tart kraa boa* aa u tee "Tha I'llaaner of /.aoda." Tbt4 la hlBlau weak.and. heilnnlnii 13l Nat ilotvlain will play altrlaf eoRauftuaol, la "Ambition." Mi:riiHRaVTiiaATRa.-TiiU will be the laat waak nf Harr Di lae IMI." which will lie rolloeed 13 by Prank Mayo, Ib "Fttdd'obaaU Wllaua." Tlie engagaiuont uf "ltorf"haabwanRuoca«unil, aod Mr. Itoath la lo be coa- gralulaird IkmIi aa an aaihnr ant aoior. LiircutJf TnaiTHN.—The Fnibman aoni|«nr, umlar tha maeiganteat nf John Hiajitatm, plara<l "Tliii Wire" laat weak, to good bualaeM, For thla, die aecoitd ami laat weak of tha eniag«ni«at, "Aiaerlcana AbroMl" will Iw preaaolad eraalnga aa«t "Haeet Laieadar" al ihe ^ - wl||lMpUya<l tlilawwak by Joaepn Hart anil a eumpeiant ouinpaoy, lo- oludlag Cantw l>«Har, Al. Itaeflli and Ilarry M.Monra HAViani(vrTnaaTHa~"A Oay Old Boy' ■ - ■ iphllart a " .taMar, Al. Neil waak, Lowla MorrUuo. In "FauaL' llofRM^ TiiUTHL—The alodk coinrany will | „ , , _ _ iwolal fiaturiiwlll lie Iba l,. Alice of the (7btcaga Udiaa' Ufch^>tm,coRtpoaeil of Di- teen yoang women of iiila eiiy witohava more nr laaa mualoal abllltv. Tha vaudetllle will Im lumlaliail by Walton and llatrlihia. tho Allluii*, Hniat aad Hlvlaro, Uarrull Johnaoo, Ida lluuell, Uio MoAvoya, ihe TylnlU ami nlhara lloi'ai.NM' TlllATHK (Waal IIMr).-*T1ia llalley Rlara" III be played thla weak Uf Uie alni-fc cnnitany. Thn vandadlle programme will lochido iinrmll Jolmawn and nihara ^r* uio aogtged al Iho Hatuih HMa houae and aome addition ukVariu iiiuTRL—for tlila weak Uia <llya|tlo orturM Moeorihe baatbllia In tha liUtitrynflhalHiuaa, aiHl llin i>Mi vaudeville proRranima t>r ina waak. It lacludan MrKAlicfl Khar, the Nalaoo Kamlly. Unthan. F<Hir Laa- aarda. the Kllyatrlcka Man-I Bolalyr*. Foy aa<l ViHldar, Fray aod Lo Malrn. Marry Paubin, iiarniloolll aihl l.u- cllle, ArrnalruBB and Poior. Manila Kllna^ Laainer Hla- lara, Vrtiatlaa Harenadara, Oookay, aod Al. and Mamie Andariun. ArAttBHV 0¥ H Uiilit.-*1llilawalka of Kaw York" wMI lie Brea^BteO thla weak with apecUl aoanio eiTaola. Plorencn lodlay fflva* 'TbenapUln'aMala" 11 IUvLii«'HTlllATHH.-*^a Light on Iba Point" will be tho attraction ihla waak, wltb A. illaaarnnl Jr. and Jcuie Wait In Uia kadlns rt>l««L Nail Hunday, "Moi^ariliy'a Mlahapa." '-The (Iraki Brooklya llandloip" played to fair baalnaaa, doalng L ALHtHiaA TiiMaTai.—Tlianha luiha free advarllalog wlilcb fuliowad a airuggia Inr the aiage br rival "HLaok Crook" campajulaa, iliarewaaa larxnaXtanilanoM all laat weak. 'The WarorWBaliri"openeil wlihinailneefi. In ihecompany_ara: I^wrence Mauley, Joaapli t. Kilguur, Tlioiiiu A. wlie, JelioR. Mayar, Ren Ouium, Fauny B* loiyra, Balle Buehlyo, Marion A. Karl, Laura Boutli a Ouiioo, Fauny Mo- ,-. , Laura Boutiiaml niliariL LriiUH TliRATM.~AI. Ilaavaa* Vaadavllle HUra will beitiaoitlefailraoiliiBUitawfah. l.'baroiit, toaliipnoilai, will bain thn rnigrainme, ^mated h^ Faarl Hlorer. Olliera ... ... ..UHlal.^ that will ajipaar are: flnilth aod Oampbali, lUnn and HediMa.0. W ffilllani^ Dehnoreand Lae, the lllatta, Man- ning aod Huotle/.and otliara. Till i!iniKi».—Fur Ihla week the mualo wlUba ftinilaliad hyttiaWliita Lwly (irchaatra, and tha vauiavllla pro. gnmma by ibe folloFlng: The Marilaelll Family, tha ftkub and Wriglil. (laurga Davla. tUilby aad e. AlbMrtA, Rally and Dnwiiay, Fnatl Boni Rrua, Oorl Hiatern, Khama and (inia, and tha (toyne Hroa. Frioaa have wan rwlaced tolii. SaudSOceota. liariHiAL MiriiK; llai.u—A saw detanuta will be lolro* dnoeJ Ihla weak In the rnnaof foer l«lleia. The apacul* Ilea will b* rnrnlabad by May Italella. Rabnont, lilk llowalla^Dava Marine. K«a BwlnlKiraa, tirlvaa aod Our- III, anil waltianil Maaroa. HaaT. JAcxnUrnaa Houu.—IbeLHyrnayrtt. will be tba aitraoiluo Ihla weak. Aapecial raatore wlU lie Han Mel40d, wraallar, iuioag the vaudavllla aUra will ba Binha WlBtar. WlnOakl BUbaand Ilarry ArmatnHijr, (inniiiM Muain Hai.t—"Pnr. Hbliilaa' leOie Hbiry" will be coniiBuad for anuther week. T<ta nonoart ami rarlaiy proHramina will be famlalied iiy HrnlUi awl (Ihea. ter. Prmoeea WaetuaiJavrn Ifwiary. tiiirilaaTM Oordnu, Taaale liea, Jaonla UuDanl. Billy Roblnaoo liu mada a daeldad hit a« Prof, llailtlaalo the Itarlaaeiua KoUL A MiiioLVTDH'a HUNK HTRkar Munutf.—**%lp'• the'what ta itt ' wlU be laou In the carlo halla, ala<i lAiinmfjdnraBpacfc.wlih blaailueatadgoata. Davkl Han- hiaa,ilie Yaahee whiltler, and llonney, the Reoinli haic- pip*r, will alao h* attracttona. Tiie uaaal aiage pni- gramma wl]ll»a glwaoa KbuiaAHinoLRTria'aOuiii MuakUH.-'ABtoBg the at. tradiona aalu be tbe iiairlBed wniaan, Oalluwny'a an- gina*, Paarlle, tha midgai Tocalbt; RfMlner. amnke. artlit: Uia (lypay faend: Mme. Leroy, tlia kfOR halre^l woBian, aod ma uaual MUway dancarw. Wmraa LfDmoM UiMnMraRH-Fried lead the i>neaiAl duoax ibla waak ada will coollnuetii : with an uQuaoalty BtrOBR aupimrt. Park TiiitTRL—Thia Iioum eoallauai Ita cuttontary ekf^llentiilllor rarlely. TreiteUatl>arl will tlogatCentral Hoalo Hall 31-tl. npdorUie Biaoagemaot of Tail Marka Fade- rewakllaiaiive iworeellabattba Awliiorluianeit week. Prior* r.ui - .lUinrd, racanily ancaiad at local muaeurna, died Chrlatiaaa My al Kdgawmid. til. Ha waa one of tlia amalleitbtUgeta erar aihlbluil, waa a|i yoara old aod b «Ii| to hire walfliad but fourand a hairpnanda "emnanii vaa Ut bave appeared at tha Chicago, hul .langadUfUieifalBmhlaoalog b> Ihe clianga ur mau* agaaiant aad policy at tha rormar houae Manager Ilarry Powara. of llboley'a, haa returned rruin a bualnaaa tripLoimppie iJreak Katunlar night. Im, will be Rik nliht al UiaHcliillar, a lanani bavlng Immh t«odara«l Uia rganliAllva The "Lllllo Rnhlnaoa Craaoe" Uo. la dlai«ndad,ihalrtvo weaki'oogagaoieatai tho Chlcagn l«lait prutubly Uie laat tlnta thai thaplacawlMbeaeen.... AdaleFarnagltKi liU tudiy for Philadelphia Chaf. r. Daxay hu rawrlitan aareral acanaa In "The War oi llwUe|rt«Al the Rronlre "FAoUgma" drew largelioaoaa Jan. 14. "Tae itouaijy CIreua" played to /alrbaalDeaa Dao. 11. Kara Beedal cornea R. Juhn Ror- neli U, auarwo'a] <:aoeeii Co. 11, Predarlok Waide lA Juhn TuiuiH Hall.— Prof. Illachai'altmpire Ordiailra eoa* tlauea to draw large crowda Buriay arenlan. Kui.wHi«H.-ror week of Jan. «: J. li. WpodaRd. llallowar.Namlatforrla, Jim (laotrr.At Murrra,Wooil aod Wood, Utile M laa May aad tha Preaia Brothara, _ lwgt««.*Ai tbe Orand Opera Homo ■aban HUlUrd |.Layad lo good bualaaai Jan.lwhkia wu lto*-«alr night the huuaa baa iiean open thla week. RAohlOfa: Twee tia til (9aaUiryOomedlaaaA''TI»eUoaatrT clrciia*'^H. Predorlck Waide U, Hopkbia'TnnaAllaatlce ll,'-glMraAcree"l7. M ill INDIANA. If Arl«B.W. K. Rmmel, In "Frllg," drew a good aodlaoca In thaiaca ofabear/nowatormDaOaSO. An eilravajuaueo.iavaaMorahowtoaUrga hooaa New ' ear'a Oay. Keepler'B ^Maliaiaia," booked for Jan. X i , caoMM. Uodarliaid: ifblcago Led ea* MIHutt ^^,4. Jno. tJrirDih. la -Faoai?' 7; -Tba Brooklyn Handicap" II. ,BoLoiNar lfoat.-.Bany Banehar, In "Our FUt," flilad thebooaa. matinee and aranlng. Decta Houae vaa dar k we ak of o. Nona.—The Browa Mloatrel Troupe, coaiiitloR ol ■area racaaUfl and fear nalee, atruded al Roillab. lad., New Taar'o Day. They arepeonlleaa Anerthepar* lonaaaeaalLa«m. Ill.Jan fl. the eifacu ol tbe tlllch OomadrUo weraattaefiid toaatWr a claim of a hotel Eipneter of Eoflewood, III Tlia aoobrttu, BUaabe llrina,Bafiacodtoaatet«ocoataaieaby palling tbem berperooo. nie company diabaodad. etDiar* and born dancan, twelve In namber; b|u aod 0«tchel. lUoelraa; Hiule Palaaa, wltb baf df BwaMewllte.i»Attbe (ImodJaioeii O'Neill gaye Boala Urlato"to a Mg booae Jaa. I. lb* VanderbUl olrarwIi/aieaUlabaapearad to raiypoer bnalBaM ft. Tvelrefempuiiooa" la uodarllaed fbrT, 'Bbora AeiM" \ "TTia Whiu Mahauoaa" iB-irUefo HoriteDna fkaat,"a: OUaBklomr.ln "Villon tha Vagaboad,*'m rMpLfa-Jue (Jtt, la "Th* Bur Uaur,*^ oitraetad a &r .¥S.^"i:"-}llL' H".»'5ai.^,?al?S',tt. trnnnn «■ raaa lU,