New York Clipper (Jan 1896)

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JAOTARY 11. THE ISTEIW YORK CLIPPER. 715 PROFHaSIORAI. ARSOCI&TIOIfS. IfatloDAlt Amerloaa, raloBi Plmyen sad Other Otk**I*»Io'* Tt: iDdlcttlooa all point lowird ibis » bclOK Ihu DiOTt prDBtsble year Is itae blMoij ot ibe oailoDol Rime. Tti« past jur «■■ a (ood one In evetr Bcnw o( tlie word, bnt ibe prneot will piobabl; sorpus It flnAncUlly, is well as to the Dumber or dioertnt orgsnlEsUons. New leagues and issocli- tlonii art bclnn foimod all over Ibe coiiuir;, while most oC llic old ones of last ] etr bsve beco rcoritn- Iztd. It IS In Ibe minor leagn«i ibst ibe ;ounii plajets take Ibelr preparaior; Icsaon, before cnicr- Ian Ibe major league, Lou Kison provtd a good one tor ibo amMUous jouig pla;cr. Haoy o( ibem fonnd tbeir waj into ibe ptmnt oigtuizeiion at ibc clone of tbe past obomploosblp rimd. Some or tbem bad onii od': staann'spncilce, wblcb ceiialnlr speaks well (or ibe tralnlDg tber recelred. It Is not olun Ibst we bear ol joang plajent being stole to bold tbetr own arter one sesjioD Id a tnlnor league, but sucb was Uio esse la several Inaiances last jear. or conrae, nanjr or ibe jonog pla/ers wbo bave been drblled (lom tbe minor leagues by tbe einbs or tbe major league will sot be retained alter ibe Spring praoilee seiwii, nnltai ibey ibovr worib Iben, ir tbe dob wblcb bas dtsTtcd tben haa an auxlllaiy In one or ibemlnorleagues, tbo plaj' era will be iranslerred tbere to be developed rur iGluTOUserorlbeclubdmningUiem, Agceatiiany olibese )0uDgsiers cane Irom tbe clubior ibe Vir ginia League, wblcb cerulnly speaks well ror Ibal organlulloD, but it la dcI hclleved at ibia early date ibat many or itaem will be (ouDd to be fast enoagb (or Ibu major Itsgae alter being ilrcn a trial, aliboDgb moat oC inoae from tbe Edjiero, Weatrrn and Sonibcm Leafton will do better IbauIboscfromtiieVitalDlaLestnc, IbcreuMUor ibiB Is Ibat Ibe men ut luoa: letipieB, as a rule, bave bad more expctlenco ibsa rcouc In Ibc liiier. Players or leaxucs like tbe Virginia aod omtni or Ibst class are generally picked up irom city teajtues, or seml-proresslonal or country leaim, and ibere- fors come to tbe rroDC sooner In s league ol ibc class or Ibo Virginia ibsn ibcj do Id one like the Kasicrn or Weaiern, Last year tbere wen KtecD or more prominent minor leagues. Some or ibem went ibrougb tbe entire season wlihoui ibe kisi ot h club, wblie otbcra went ibrougb wlib only a lew et ilie original clubs, and oibera rell by ibe road eiile belore tbe season was bardly bsK flDivbed. Un- duabiedly tbere will be more leaguct in tbe Held ibbi year ibao ever before, iievcral ol iboav e( last lear will not be itorgaolzed ibis year, but new ones will take tbeir places, and ganim will be played la every city la tie connur or any eizc, or, for Ibat matter, every Iowa and Tillage i bit can Bopport a team. Flrel comes tbe National League and Ameilcan Assoclsilon, wblcb cane IntoexTst- ance durlDg the W'lster ot 1691.03, at axnceiing Held at Indianapolis, iDd., by me couiolldailou o( tbo men two leadbii orgaDlxitlon, tbe Niilooal League and ibe Amenesn Associailtia.ibeNiilonal League being Ibeolder ottbetwo. Ii was oruaalzcd ala meetlug beld Veb. 1, lS7t, In Ibis city, by dele gates (roDi tbe tollowlDg profcsalonti clulij:Aili icilc, ot Palladelpbia; UostOD, llarlfoid, Mutual, ut New York, lu ibe l^tal, and L'blcsgo. Cincinnati, LoulavUleaudSLLoulsmibe iVesL Tbe Nilional League daring Us ant cbnmploniblp season bod no rival orgaalzailoa to dlnde Ibe Iniereil In luseliill wlib, OS was tbo caselaicr on. Tbe cbaiupionsbip Ibat year waa won \jy tbe t'blcsgo Club, wblcb pre- seuledllietollowlDeieamiJaDicaL. Wbite,c<icber; A. u. Spaldlag, plichtr; McVcj, Uamcs and Ansou, on ine bates; Peters, abort stop, and uicno. HlnLS aud Addy, In Ibe outleld, wiib Ulclisklsnd Andrus aubsiiiutei). Tbe league had its circuit txduced to Arc clubs tor Ibe seaioiioi mi, tue Atmeilciluiual and CInclrnati Clubs wero iku oues ibat dropped oui. leaving Uosion and Uariford as tbe Kaiiicrn represeniallves, and Cbleago, Louisville and St. Luulsaa Ibe VVeeiem clubs. Tbe UBitroms were iransterred to Brooklin and played their games that acaiion on tbe old Union Orouad#, then located In tbe Basteta Ulsirlci. The Uosions won tbe cbamplooablp with tbelolloirlngicau: Lewumwn, caicher; Ybomaa Bond, uiictii:r; James L. White, Oeorge Wright and John Uomll un tbe bsaes: Ezra Suuou, abort stop; Andy Lcooard, J. H. O Ituutke and U. Bcnafer, in ibe ouilleld. with T. U. JIurnane and W. \rblic, Babstliutcs. That year the league bada rival lu tbe ileld In Ibo Intemaiioual Associu- lion, wblcb was orgaDlted at a neeilngbeld Feb. '.10, that year, at Pliubarg, Pa., by delegates repre' eenilog ptolessional clubs located In tuo Untied filalej and Canada 'He coutcsilog leams were the AUcgbenya, of Piiisburg, Pi.; UuckcyiH. o( Co- lumbus, 0.; Live Oaks, ot Lyjn. Uses.; ibe Ito. cbesiers and Mancicstcre, sad Ibo Tecunuebu. of London, and Ibe Maple Lesi.oltiuelpb, Oal. The Tecumeebs wun the cbsmplooablp of tbelrassocia* uou wilb tbe toUowlog team: Poireni, catcber; Uoldsnilib, pllcbcr; BiuJley, Ulaain sod uocs- cber. on tbe bases; Somervllle, abort slop, aud Hornnng, tbe ouicejd, with Held and'gneuce. SDbtUiuica. Tbo Leaiuo Alll^ince waafoimedtliat year, and Included mauy prolus- slonol and soml-proteaiioiiai cinbs u diiTun nt aec- tlonsotlhe couuiiy. TtaoSt.l'aul Red Caps were credited with winning tbo cbampioushlp vlib tbe following team: Qtoaa, catcber; ilallsbury. pllcbcr; (lanli, Uiller aud liillck,ua the bases; UcClellau. short stop, and Ely, A. Allison and iicoit In the onoield. In MIS tbe Natlooal Leagueclroult was locreoaed to six clubs. The Uaiiturd, Luulaviile anil SL Louis clubs retired, Providence taking ibe place ol llari- furd. Hiving Ibe Kasi silll two duii:', Uueloo and Providence, against tonr tor tbe West, ciuclnnaii mado her reappearance, after being out tor a year, while Indianapolis and Alllwaukei were reiir<uenied tor the mt time in ibo leagec, which wlib Chicago completed ihe Western circuit or lourcliibs. Tue • Bvatoui again wou tbe cbinploDsblp win thetol- lowbigteam: Snyder, catcber; Bond, pllcbcr; Uor- rui, Bnrdock andSnii( ibo bises; (leo. WrlgbL ebon stop; Leonard, J. U. O'ltourke and John Uiiu- nlog, In tbe ouuieid, wiib Scbafcr, lUiKitiiule. The make up ot tbe Ibtemational Assoelailon was ebnngcd tor iho season ot iS7>. tbo Allcgbcny, Aocbeaier, MaoaOeld sud Tccumseb Clubs remalu- ing, while Iho Uaple Leafs, Uackeyrsaod Live Oaka retired. Clubs were admitted Irom SuHilo, Ulng- hamtoo, llomcllSTille, Bjraouso and Uilca, V. Y.; Sprlniioeld and Lowell, Uaet.and llariroiu, creasTng the eircnlt (o tirclve clubs. Tbe Uufllilo Clnb won the cbamplobsbip with tbe loUuwing team: Uobin. catcher; Oalvln, pitcher: LIbuy, PuT- mer and Allen, on the baxs; Dary force, shun Slop; Crowley, Egglerand HcUunolgle, la the out- Held with MackaadUcSorley, eubtiiiuiei. In isn (he Nailonal League circuit was Incrcssed to eigbi oinbs, four In ihe Kost and four In the West, l ue Gastem representatlres were Huston, Providence, oyrtsase and Trur, while Ibu Wetlern clubs were UuOUo, Chicago, ClevelaDdsndClaclnnoll, Indlan- apolbi and Milwaukee dropolog out. Providence won the pennant wlib tbe follo»lng tcitm: Drown, Richer; tVard am] Uaibcws, pllchens; Stan, lie- ueary and Uague, on the bties; Oeu. Wright, abort Slop; Torlc, Uines and t. II. U'Ho'urko, In tbe oui- aeld SLd dross and Fairell. Hobstltuics. The Kational AasocUlloD succeeded the International, anil was organized ala mceUni beld Feu. ig, 1870. and Included olubs located at Albany and Uilca. N. r.; Uolyoke.tlaDcbesler, Kew Oedford, aprlngllt'ld and Worcester, Mass., aod WasblDgton. 1). C. The Albany club won the cbamploniblp wlib tbo ful- lowing team: Keeoan, catcher; Crlicbley. pitcher: Tobln.Uunlapind Uurui. on the bases; tfny, Hborl slop; Uaolon, Thomasand Ilocap. In tin outUeld. D. Sullivan, Thoous Banicll and A. Clapp alao played during pan of tbe season. Another new league was In the fltid Ibalyear. It was ibo Norib- western League, which was organized at a uiecllUR held Jan. 2, ino. at Roohlotd, III., and Included einba located at Davenport and Dubuque, la.. Omaha, Neb., and Itockiord. The chamMoneblp was won by Ihe IMihnque Ulub wllh tbetollowiug team: T. Sulllvaa, cilcher; Rets, pitcher; Lipham, Loftuiand J. Uleason, on tbe bases; W. Ulesson, abort stop.ind Alvsrcils, Comlikeyand Itadbourn. In the uutncld, wlib Tkylor, subslliule. In two another ebsnge was made In the Eastein circuit uf the Kational Leiaoe, altbongb no redscilon was niade In tbe nunoer ot dabs. Syracuse dropped -out, and Worcester, Mass., was admllted to Oil ibe vacancy. Boaion, rrovldeoce, WorcesKr and Troy were the Eastemulubs. sod DuiUbIo, Chicago, Clevc- -land snd Cincinnati In the West. Chicago won the champlonsbip wlih- ibe following team: Flint, -calcber; (;orcofaii and floidBDltb,pltcberB; Auson. ■Qneat and Willlanuon, on tbe Imkb; Darns, abort sup; Dairymple, Core and Kelly, in the anideld. The nationals, ol Washington, were iho wlonera of tbe National AiaocUtlon pennsnt that year. They presented the foiiowtoB team: Troti, calcber: 'Lynch, pllcbcr; Meyerle. Booth aad Kllick, on Iho tiaaes: llcClellaD, sbortat<ip,and Uoily, Uakerand 'Derby, In Uie oatlcld. Hemey, Mack and Ulenn «lao played dnrlnc pan ot Ibe leaaon. In IWI a change was made In ibe WeMera clr- coli of the hatlunal League. CInclDnall retired aad Do'roli was selected to illlhi place. Tbeleagne included Boslon, Providence. Worcester aad Troy In ICO East, and Uuniio. Chicago. Cleveland and Uelioli In me We»t Chicago agiln won the pen nai.I with tbe same team as II had doling Ibo pre- ceding .vear. The Katicrn AtsocUtlouwaioraan- IzcdAiili 11, 1881. by the Hcirupolliau,'Now York and guickitrp Clubs, of ibis cliy; Atlauilc, of Brooklyn; Athtcilc. of I'bllideipbia.iud Niilonala. of Wisblcglon. The UeirnpolltaDs. who bad the best record, preseoud the rollon bigteam: Uayes: liorgaD, 0. dnillvan and i'ovcre, cstchen: Daly, Foorman. iieagle and Doyle, pltcbeis: liaiiibrook, urjdf and Mtildooo.on too bas<»; tiay. short stop, and Kennedy. Clinton snd Hoicinsu to tbe oonield. Nelson and Tbos. Usnsell alio played ahnnslop and centre Held respccilvely. Tbe Amerlcsn Assn. elation, tbe moit loimldauie rlrul ihe Kailonsi League ever had. was organised it a meeting hciil Nov. -i, 181)1, at Cinclanail. 0.. with the fonowlng clubs represented: Aibleilr, or Philadelphia and Dalllmore, In the Bast, and Allegheny,or Plllsburg: Cincinnati, Eclipse, ot Loulatllle, and St. Lonis In Ihe West. The make up ol Ihe National Lcaauo circuit foriS8:!waa ibe same as lo the preceding year. Chicago won ibe pennant otalnwiib about Ibe same team thai had won It during the preced- ing two years, except that NIcol was the enbslttuie, playlngpariofibe season at right beld. TheCln- clnuaitClob won the cbatnpluniblp ihst Reason of Ibe American Arsoclsilou with the followiag team Snyder, catcher: W. White nod llvory McC-.nuIek iiiicbcrs; Luir. Ucl'bee and carpeuler.on the baaes. Fulmer, iborl slop, and Souiner, Mscullar and Wheeler, In Ibe ouiOeld. I'owtr^ and Kcinniler alicrnaied In a few games ai cbsngc catcher. Tbe MclropolliHU aud rhiladclphls Club funned a League Alliance. Only ibcee two clubn competed for the championship ibo former vIuuIdk with ibe followiug team: Uiappand Keipichlnger. i-au-hcm; Lynch and O'Kcll, plichL-n: Hellly. Larklu and llanklnsou on the bases: .Vclson. ebon siup. and Kennedy, T. Mauull and Uiaily id ibc oiil Uo;d. Auoihcr Nonhwcstern Lcugoo wis orgao' l-^cd Oct. 21. issi at cbicagu. III., aud nan made up ol cluti.i loc^i d at I'corla, t{ulucy ami SprlngHeld. III.; UayCliy. Uruud Haplils and East Saginaw. Midi,; I'on Wayne, led., aud Tulcdu, 0. The luteMlato Association was forraed at s meeting beld Nov. 9.18!», at Reading. I'a.. and Incluiled the following clubs: Acilves, of lleadlug: Antbniclie. of Pniiavlllc. abd llarilsburg, or llHrrbbiirc I'a.; Merrill,ot Camden,N. J.; Iirouklyo. of llruukiyu. N. Y., and Quicksteps, of Wilmington. Del., wnicb made the profeselonsl tesson of 1883 look very en cuuniging. Several changes wcie made In the NS' iional League s circuit for ISSl. Troy aud Wor- ceaier dropped eui, and New rork and rhlla- phlawerc adnililcd In their pkceo. The League circuit then Included Uotion. Itovldence, New York snd Philadelphia, in the Eui, and Uuir.ilo, Detroit, Cleveland and Chicago, In ihe West, bus- ton won Ibc champlonsbip with tbe roliowing iiam: liackett :nd lllDea. catchers; Uuninion and Wullncy. pitchers: Horrid, Uurdoek and Sutton, un ilie bases; Wise, short slut), asd liomung. Sinlih and Hadford, In the ouideid. The Auicncun Asso- clailoa's circuit was Incrtaecd lo 1883. by the ad- mittance of the Columbus (0.) Ulub and the Uel- ropolibio, or this citr. Thu Alhlcilc wun the tiunnsut wllh tbe rolluwing leam: U'Urlen and towen, catchers; UstbeirB and Corey, plicberr; Siovcy. Strieker and Bradley, on iLe Lasts; Muroa ban. shortstop, HUd lllrctiall, Ulikisiou and Knight. In the outdeld. Crowley played In Ihe outOcId during part of the snsaon.snd Ilakeley and Jouea also look part lu svreralKHUes, lining the pltoiier's position. Tne Urooklyii wou the cbsmptonsblp Ibat ficbsun ol the luli ratine Asiioctatloo. triih tbe roliowing leam: Farruw snd i;orcan>ii. caicbers Terry ao'l Kimkrr. plicbcie; Householder, Ur«-n- wuod and Funnelly, ou tue bascH; (Jeer, sliorl stop, and Smitli. Walker and tloylu. In thu outUeld. Egon, Uanulng, Schciick. Mcrgin, Liiir and wii- lloms. also look psri In tbe games durihiribe sea BOIL The championship of Ihc Nonuwctteni League fv-r 1868 wns wou by ttio Toledo Club, wMi Ibo lollowlog team: Walker aud Luckuuod. catcheis; Uuillt. O'Day and Cu.ibman. |>llcliers. Lane. Ilarklcy sud Uorion, on ilio bisce: Millir, short Htop, auri TiUey, Welch sud I'oorniHii, In the outdeld. The season of IR5I proved a memorable one In ibc historyottbe nailouatgaiiie.lnauuiiicb as ibu Union Asifucisllr'n was orgsnlztd la oppusiilun to the Nailonal Agrcemeot vblch coutrolled ihe clubs uf Ihe Nailonal l,eaguo, Aniertcan ABSoclailon, East ern League. Sortbwesteiu League, Ohio state League anu tlio Iron aud Ull Lesiue. The Nailoaul Lcagur circuit vha the euuiu at ibc preceding year. Providence won the chaiiijiluiMhlp with the follow- ing team: llilllgnn and Nava, caulien: Itualnuru and Sweeney, pitchers; start, llrrcll aud Denny, on the bases; Irwiu. slion atop; Carroll, Mines sou Iladford. In Ihc ouideld. Bveeuey dcuertcil Ibe club during Ihe seasou, and Radbourn did nil Ihe pItohiiiK ufter bo lull. Tbo American Association circuit had htcn Increased lo turelve clubs, taking In Urooklyn aud Washluiitou, lo the Kiel, aod In dianapullsand Toledo.lnihe west. The Uuiropoll- tans wun tbe charoiMOLshlp with the following team: llolben aud ItclpiCbliger. catcheis; Kecfe and Lynch plicbera; Orr, Troy aud EHcibouk. on tbo banes: Nelson, shoit stup, abd Keouedy. Hose man snd llrady. In the ooitleld. Urace Pierce bIm> played In a tew gsuiea. The Trenton Cluii won the caauplonship of inc Eartcro League. Tbe Nonb- western League, which was compoaed ot tweive clubs, seemed lu piosper uatll more than bait or Ibe sesuon bsd been played. Then beiau a slam- pede and club atier club disbanded Uhlll only four remained. Flnully two or ibese tour quit and tbe two remalnlngoueB.MUwaukee aud SL Paul, Joined Ihe Union Assoelailon.' The Ohio Stale Uague gnlibed tbe sesson. but only three oftboslxurlg- Inal clubs remained. These were lisytoD. Hamilton and SprlngUeld. Tbe Iron and Oil I^caguc dis- banded beiure mid season anivcd. The Union Association had clubs located at Alioona, llalllmure, Uosion, Pblbidclpbia and Wsshlnglon, In the East, and Chicago. Cincinnati and SL Louis, In Ihc WesL Only Ove of Ihe original clubs Onlshed tbe hcaauu. Alioona disbanded early In the ataion and the Kansas City Club took lis place, Later on Mil- waukee and St. Paul helped to flulsh out Ibe scbc. dulo of games. St. Louts woa 'be ebamplonsliln wllh the following Icuui: Dikrr, llrennjn nnd Dolan, culchcra: Boylo, Sweeney, llodoel and Wer- den, pitchers: ((ulnn. Uunlip anil J. Oleaaon. on the bases; Wbllcaeid,short stop: Hoylc, Itowo and SbalTcr. in the outilcld. Tlie bext cbaiiae In ihe National League occurred In liSi. when the Cleec- tand Club retired and ibe SI. lyiiiia Maroons, ut Ihe detuuci Union Association, wero adiultled lo dll thetacancT. Tho Chicago lesm won the pennant, wllh Ihc following players: Flint and Kcl.y, catch- ers; Clarkson and UcCurnlck, pllchcrK; Ansou. IfiOir aud WllUaiiison un tne liases: Burns, sliori stop, and D-ilryiaplc. iJora, Kelly or Sunday In the outUeld. Tbo Auerluan Associailoa circuit was reduced lo eight dubs. Columbus, Indlabapolls, Toledo and Itlchmoud. the la>t named taking WashlngloD's place during tbo latter part ot Ihe seasonof 1884. wercdroiiped. The St. Louis Uroniis won Ihe pennant wlib the following leaui; Ilusli- ong, caicner: Fouiz and Caruibers, pitchers; (kim- Isiey, Robinson and f.alban on the imcb, W. Olra- Hoii. ahon slop, and O'.Sell, Welch and NIcol lo tbe outilcld. Sullinn snd Dulnn caught, McUlonls pitched and Ilarklcy played second base lu gsinen durinz the season. The Southern, the Ksstern and two New Eoglsud Lesgues began Ibo season of 188&. or Ibese Ibe Southero, Eastern aud Kastem New ftnglaod dnlshcd tlie lenson. the Souihern New England League disbanding alter a mouth's play. Tbe Atlanta Club won Hie champlonsbip of the Southern League. The Nationals, ot WasLlng- ton, won tbo cbamplODShIp of the Eastero League aod the Uwrence Club von tho pennant of tbe EsBlern New England League. Two cbannesoccurred Intbo Nailonal League In 1S8S. the Uutrslo and Providence Cluba disbanded. The former aold Its francblio sud plsyers u> the De- trolls. Kansas cliy aod Wosblogtou were admit- ted lo Oil the vacancies. The Chicago again won the pennant. Film and Kelly, catchers: clarkson. McCormlck and I'lynn. plicbera; Auson. I'lelfcr and Bums, on tbe biies; Williamson, shortstop, and Ualryiuple, (lore and Ilyan, In tue outOeld. There was no change In Itae incinbersblp of the Aiuerlcan Ausoclailoo for 1884. Si. I,culs Urnwna again won ihe peniianL The Kaaiero. Weitcm. southern. New England and Inleisbite NationsI Usgots. sll began ibo season uf itse. The Newark won Ihc peonaut uf the Eastern, tbe Denver woo the Wrsiem, Atlanta ihe Souihern. Haverhill the New Knrlaod. ind Uilca the Interna- tional. In 18^7 two nure chiogea occurred la ihe Natloual League, TbeSi. Louis Maroons and Kan- US Cliy wlih'Irew, and tbe Pliiabnii Club, wbleh left tbo American Association, and Ibe Indianapolis Club, were admitted to 111 the vacancies. The Deiroli Ciob won the champloosblpwith tbe follow- ing tram: Bconeit, Oanbl snd Uiludy. eaicliers: Baldwin. Ueizein and Couwsy. pitcheia; Uruutbers, UuolapandJ.L. While, on ibe bases: J. C. Howe, short stop, aod lllcbardsoo, llanlon snd Tbomniun, to tbe ontgeld. Twiiehelland Sblndle also played during tbe sesion. The Aaerlcan Association In 1187 aoffllticd to membership tho Clevelasd Club to William Edward Ksgey.a left banded pitcher, who was receaily dtafted from the Lynchburg Club, of tho Virginia I.c«gue. by the New York Club, of the National League and Aincrtcah Association, wss Iwm Aug. U, 1813. at Auburn, lud., but learned 10 play bill wllh an amateur team at Ligonler. ilial Blaic. Ills nist protcMlonat engagement was with tbo FIndlar lO.JCIuii. In IH9I. ns s pitcher. He made a very One showing Ibat season, also making several excellent pitching records for hlmselL The most Duiewuiihy of ibese was lu a gaino with the Uiniiin(0.)ieani, when be held Ihe latter down to une safe bit and rcilicd eleven of ibem on strikes. In ISOj he was engaged by Ibe mauagcmcnl ot the Lynchburg truui. ot Ihe Virginia League, and dur- ing the past warnn piteliud lu Ihtrly-iwo cliiiiiploo- ship games, Ifieeii or wlilrli reaulicd In vlcliuiei and nevenieen In defeal«. I le wa^ inurl succes'fiil durini: Ihc earlier pan ol ilie seainn, wlisn he won seven out of tbe fltst nine goiuea be pitched, fix or which were eonsecullve vlclaile<. Ills licsi per foriiiaacu was accenii-IUhcd on July 17, al Lynch- burg, when lio preventeil the rorisiuniilh Ituiit from making iiioro than Iwo safe IiIih, ilia l.ynrh burgs u Inning by 6 to 0. sud Ills worst ilervai hap pcned ou July'."u, al Nurfulk. when ihe liuiiin team mado Iweniy-Ovo Mfc blis otf hl'ii, and wiiii by r too. Araoiigstiine uf ibonibcr uoteworlhy plleh Ing feats mailo liy K goy iliirleg tbo past Hesiuiii was that In prevcuilug the llouiiol.o leam fnini tiiahing iiioto ihnn four aafe UUnoir hlin on April 2U. nt Lviiclibiirir. ou May 0. it Nurrulk. bu i>re- veuicd Ibu homo tciiii friuii nukingmurvthsiiilin-o sure hits, the l.yiichtiurgi wluulng liy:iloo. iiii Juiiu 10. SI I'oriituioiiili. lie hrlil tliu rorisiiiniiiii iiluo down to ruur sstn hits, snil iin Aug. rj. at Lynchburg.the rcieisliurg leuiii made only t'lur |.afe bliaotfbliii, thu Lyncbbiirgs wluolog hy I ton. Ilu Isu Hiocklly liullt yuiiiig iiuti, wolgbliig nbuiir 1700). Oil Iho vacuucy caused by the Flilaliurg's with- drawal- At the close or the season the Urooklyn Club iiurcbaBed tne Uctroiiolltiiu franchise and plaiem and coiiB illdalcd Ibo two teams. The Si. Luula Uruwns agalu won the pennant. Tho ullier leagues were tue luicrnailoual, Western. North- western. .Soutbrrn. New Kngtabd. Ohio Htme. I'snn- sylvania. Conlral and Calilornla. ThoToronto won the Inieronilooal I.eiguo iwnnanl; Topeka the Weaiern I.cauuo. Oshkosh Ihc Nonhweatcm. New Orleans tbo Suuihern. I'orltsnd tho New Knglanil, Kalumuzoo Ibo Uliio Slate. Sbnniuklii the I'eiiuayl- vanla, Newark Ihe (^eniral iin,1 the ilreenboodand Morans Ibe Cslirornli- Tbere wsi no change lu tbo clubs orthc .V'atliinal League fur Ihe senana ut I8!)8. Tbe Now Y'ork won Ibu obaiiiplonsblp wllh Hie following team: Kwliig, W. Blown and Murphy, ea'cben: Keefe. Welch, Crane. H:- comii and Ueorge. pliehen; Connor. U. Itlchanlsoo, and Whiting, on Ibe biBex: Ward, abort nop, anil O'Hourke.Core and Tternan In Ihc ouilleld: llai- Oeld. BlBllery and K Foster, HubtUiutes. In Iho American Asooclailunrnr issa the KauBaaCltr Club wae odniliicd to nil the vueuocy cauoed by ton re- tirement or the Hetropollians. 'the St. lx>ulB llrowii liir tho rourth eunsecHllvc lime ivon Iho chamidon- ship. Tbo minor orgaiilzailohs were :boInterna. iluoal and Western Aesoclaltons. New England, CeulrsI Trl-Siate. Souibcroand Calirorola Leagues. Tbe Syiaeuae Club won Ihe Inlcrnatlonal pennsnt, Des MolDes tho Western, Lowell Ihe New England, Newark the centml. Lima tho 1tl-auie,lllnnlig. ham Ihe Southern aud the Sioeklon Ibe (,'sliromla. In issaonlyone change was mode In the mem. bersblp ot the Natloual League. Tho Cleveland Club withdrew froio tbe American Assoelailon lo nil the vacsney canoed br tho disbandmoal ol Ibe lleiroit club. Tbe New Turk for the second tlise won Ibe pennsut with the following team: Kwlag, W. Brown and Murphy, catcben; Keefo, Welch, Crane, O'Uar and llaiileld. plichers; Cunnor, U. Richardson and Wbllocy, on the liiaea; Ward, abort slop, and O'ltourke, Uou-aod TIeman In tho oot- Qetd: Slaltcry. aubstllule. Tbo American AasMla- llon had a vacancy lo lis circuit lo Dll caused by Ihe wlibdnwal of tho Cleveland Club, and Colun- bue, 0.. was admitted. Tbe Urooklyn Club won Ihe championship wllh the following team: llushong. Clark. VIsner and lleynolds. catchers; Terry. Ca> rutheis. Ilughee and Lovoil. pliehera; Foutz, Col- lins and Plokney. on the bases; Smith, short atop, and O'Brien. Curkbill and lliirns. In the oulllsld. The other orgsnlzstluns were Ihe Intoruatlonal League. Weaiern Amuclailm. Atlsnllc Association, TrI State League. New YoikStato Uague, Callfonila League. Central Inter-Stale League. Michigan State League, Middle Slates Lrague and Hoiiihurol.«ague, The latter disbanded during the Summer. Tho De- troit Club won the ioieroBlliinal League champlon- Bhlji. Omaha iho Western Association, Worcetter the AtlanUe Asaoclailun, Cauloo the TrI-siate I,eagiie, Auburn Ibe New York Slate Uague, Oak- land ilioOsllfomla Uague. Davchporl Ihe Central loler-state 1 eague, suit Jaeksun the Michigan State I.eaguo. The oeasoo ot 18W will probably be Ibo moat meinorable cue In the hutory ot Ibe game. It cer- tainly has lieen so tar, snd It will not aoon lie forgoiten by tho clubs chleoy Inieresled tor iiiiny years lo come. Uodouliiedly It was the biggest Oght the Nsilonal Uague bail ever faced since It eaiiie Into exwtencc. Tnemsjortiyof tbo ulavers, wbo bad been reserved by the cIuLb of Ihc National ■.caaue for tue season of irse, held meetings during Ibo Winler of Wt and isvo. nnd with a nutntier <i( caplialiats foimed iho riiiera' League. Thu Na- tional Lcagoe was not tho only aufterer by llio move, hat seveni ot the clubs or the American As- soclatlnuaud a tow of ibuae of Ibe minor luaiuei were eltected aa well by Ibo loss ot soinu ot their best playen. II wis aliiiterand uurvlentlngwar that was rarrled on by Ibe Naikinal and Players' l/f agues all Hea>on and proved a I' slnglliiaoelsl venture. The Natloual Uigue, to atrengilien llwlf, admitted Ibe Brooklyn and CluclnnatI ClutiSlutbc Pisces ot tbB WsHbliigtoo and lodlanapulls. The majurliy of tbo Indianapolis plsyers were trsni- rened to ibe New York leam- Tue National Uague's circuit Included cIuIm at Hoatoo, llruuklyn, New York and Philadelphia lu Ibc East, and cblcsgo. Cleveland. ClncinnaH and Plitsburg In tho Wesl. Tbe Urooklyn Club wen the cbimplonship ot the National League with Ibe following team: llaly. Clark and liushung. culcbers: Terry, Ixivelt and Caruihers, pitchers; Fuule, Collins and Plnkoey on the bases. Sinllb short stop, aod O'Brien, Curkbill, Donovan and liurna as ontOeldeni. The Players' Uagnc niac'.-il clubs at lloston. Hrooklyn. New York and phlladiliibia In the Ka<t. and lluinlu. Chicago. Cleveland at,d I'lUsburv in i be 1%'ehtTbe lloslooCluli won tho chsinploBshtp of Ihe I'lsyera' Uugue wllh Ihef llnwin.; tram: Kelly. Murphy and Swell, calch. era: Itadbourn. rinmlien. Kilrov. Daly and Madden, ■luairra: Urouihen. Ituion aiiilKash, on Ihe bsaea: rwin. short atop, and II. Illcbardaon, T. Bruwnanil Slovey, lo the oulOekl. Kelly. llaUeld and Morrell phjed a few games at slinrt Hop during Irsia a et.ipiiraryabsence IhiDugb •Ickneaa. TncAmcn- caa Associailoa was left In a had way by tbe wlih- dmwol ot tbe Hmoklyo and CInclnoail Cluiia to Join the National League, and the BalUuorc Club, which iKicame a memMr ot tbs AlUnilc Assocla- llnD.anil tbe loss ot many ot IIh befl players, luii alter Botno hard work iiiccecili'il in fumilng s new r.irrult. which liiclitilril ihe Mlili tlra. ut I'liilailel- plila:a eliiii iii llldgewooil i'nru. Ilnioblyntuiieeai'li at Koohtster and i«ynicii« lii thu Kshi. and Cnliiin bus. Uuisvlllo. 81. 1,0I||R and Toledo III thu tVest. The Urooklyn Club diabaiidcd diirtng Iho Hiiiiimer andllalilmors reflgiied liuni tlio Allanilo Assoela Hon and was aduittted lu Ibe Aiiicrlcaii AssocIh. Hon 10 till tbo viraliey. The Uiillavlllu won thu pennuiii with Ihe followlog teuiii: ityau, tVeck- lierker aud llllgh. catchers; Himtiiin, Datley, Klirel Ooodsll and Meuklii. pitchers; Tayliir, .ililnnlck Hint Ksymond, ou the liiseH; Tnnioev. sliui t stop, uinl llambuiH, Weaver and Wuir. In the iminclil, Tim other organt/ailona were thii Western AsNH-htiluii, Allai.ilo AsHoclalloii, Kuw York and l'uiina>ivanla Uagiio, luieriiallniiMl U'sgiie. rHi:inr-Norihweiti liuaguu, TrI-H'ates Lusgm*. Now Vurkriluta Uague, Eastern Inlrrsisio U'lgiir, I'alituriilu Ingiiu. Interstate Uiguo (West), lllinuls and Iowa l,caguo aud Indiana l/.ugiio. Thu Kaiisas Cliy won Iho chimiilousblp uf ilio Weslrin Assiicla- Hon. llalllmure the AHanllc AHiuclnllon. Jaiiiesiown the Now York and rrnnnylvaoin Ixiiroti thu luier- stnte Uaguo, ripokane thu t'aclOu Niirthwest.UiiiiM- Ilcld tho Tilstalu.Troi the New YiirkHialu. Yurkiliu Eastern hiteralair, San FrniiclHco the (^sllfurnla, Otiutuwa Ibu IHInolH and Iowa, Tuire lluiilu Iho lnter<tsie(WeBI)sud Amlcraun Ibo Imllana The dlrfercuccrilictwcrn lhucliili<4 of tho NatloosI and Players* U'sguea wero snilsfaciorll) nujiisied duHngineWlnlerutlWU and ISOI. by the coiisoll dailou or a nuniticr of the cluiis, hut In tbe ilisirtiiu lion of thu plujern the Aiuerlcnu Assoclsilon s claim to seveni of them was Ignored br a coinnill lee appolDlcd lo decldo Hist nnatter, anil thu Aiiicil can AsHoelsHoii declired war. Tho Nillunul Uaguo's cirouli rcraMlued Ibe same as In thu pre. cedlngyesr. The lk>Hlon t'Inb won iliu etiainiiluii- ahlp whhiho roHuwIngiesiii: llenneli and ilaiizel, caichcrs; Nichols, Clarkaun aud Htsley. iilicliers; Tucker, ijjinn and Naali.uii thu buaes; Ixiiig, ahnrt stop, aod llrodic, Uvo, Sullivan. Sinvry aiitl Kelly, oulllrldeni. Tbo Anncrieun Aisoclsllnn. untMitered by the treatmcDt It reculveil al liio hands of ibn Nailuual l.cagut, lu naklnic up Its circuit placed oluba In Ikistoii and Olnelnnatl, which was Natlutml Uauue territory, 'lliu Uinclunatl Club disiianded during tho Siiniiner.and Milwaukce.of Hin Weidcrii Assruiatloo, wasadmilied to Oil ibu vacancy. Tlin Uosion Club wnn ihuchiiiiplfiiishlp'if iliu American AssoclallDii with the foll'twiiig team: Murphv and Farrell, catchers; O'llHen. Iislry. Hiiddeii. llsiMock and Bunintuii. pltchcm; Druiiihers. Hirli:kur uinl J'lyce.un Hie bases; Irwliiaiid Itadfurd, siiuri slop, and II. lllebanlion, Isuify, lliuwii, Ihiwiland Hiilll- van, ouiOel'lerH. The tnlunrurgan1/.ailuiu Inelmieil Ihe Kasturii I.iesgiie, U'estfru Assueluiluu, New Kngland Uagiie. Ililiiolaanil Iowa Uague, raeine Nortliwufteru Uague. t.'alltorula, Wiscnnsin, New York anil I'ennsylviiila Uagiiu, N»ribwi;siorii Uaguo oud Ills Obui Valley Uague. Liiffslii won Ihe KsHlern Lusgueulianiplnnahlli; Hliiiix City Ihe Western Assucliilon; I'urUaud. Ilu,, ihu New Kng- land Uigiie; (Jolnuy- Ihc llllnula and Iowa UiagiK-; Purlland. Ore., the I'sclOc .ViirUiweslern U'sgiie; Ran Jose, Ihe Ullfornla Uague audHaHnclte, Hie WlBcousin Uague. Thu New York ami I'eiinHyl- ranla l,eagur had only rniir clubs In Aiigiist, wlii-n a new schedule was ilmluil fur them. The Norili- wcsium and Ohio Valley f,eagues disbanded during tbo season. At IhecloHO of Hie cliuinplonslilu season of Isvl Iho National l/eague and thu American Assuclatliin appointed ruiuoiltieestiicutiferand aciilu Ihe dir- fereiices lictween them. Thu Uauuu was r^-prc. senli-d liy JohnT.Briuh,Jaines A. llsrianilCliailis II. Ilyrne and Ibe Ass/iclslluii by c. Von der Abe. '/jiek rhilps anil Prtililent Uuls Kram'.-r. Alter several cuuferenccs Ihey wero as tar apan an lie- foro they iiiei. tho American Assoelailon on Oct. 'tl met si Cliinsgx. III. furnicil Its circuit and elect- ed Its oltlceri. The Nilional Uague held lis anniial meeting Nov. II. U 11. In thia city. At Ibis meet- lug a new conference coinniltieo waa appointed, composed of Kodeti, Rruab and llolilsoii, but Ho- den's business prevchied bim from attending, and Ilyrne reiHacvd him. F. 0. HIcliler and il, W, and J. K. Wagner Imked after Iho Amrrliran A'socla- Hun end of Hie inalter. After aeveral weeks »t quiet work tho eoiiiuiltlee gave noilceor Its sue- ceM. Then Ibo Nailonal Usgun and the American Asioelalino met oepiraiely at Indianapolis. Ind.. Dec. I(. wri, aod worked away until they noaliy agreed lo a r.tlleaieiil. When everything was m HilUfaciury slispe Ibe Amerlcsn Asiofliatlou held IIS Duel icssksn on IJec. 17, and the Athleiic. Ilostun, Chicago, rolomtnis aad Mllwaukeo cluisi resigned ibelrmeraljersblp. Theu Ibe rourremaln- ing clulfS adjourned afnedle, and thus ended thu Amerlcsn Awsoclaiion atiera ten years'oxUieni'e, Tbe four reinolnlug cIuIhi wero adinllted to iho Na- tional Uaguemeeiingand Ihe present major lesgiio WIS formed wllh a twelve clnb circuit as fullowa: Kaitimore. Hostou, Urooklyn. New York, I'hllsdel- phiaund Wa^hlngion In ll>o|. and Cnicsgo, l.'ln- elnnail.ClerelindUiuUivlII',l'lltatiurgandS1.idiils In Ibe Weal. A duiible scbcdnie uf chamntonsbhi gsmeawasodopled rurtheseaiionotim. The Ikis- lou Club won Ihe championship ot the first seaaou with Ibo foiu>«log (earn: Benneil.UaoitlBiid Kelly, caieberai Nlchoh^ Sllvella, J.Cterksoo and Malsy pliehen; Tucker, Qiiloii and Nash, on tho hases; Long, short stop, and Uwe, Unify and McCSr- ihv In Ihe outlleiil. The Cleveland Club wnn the championship of iho second seonon wllh the lol- lowing tram: /.Immer nnd U'Connor, calchem; Vuuiig. t'uppy ami J. Clarkaun. |>ltchen>; Vlriup, Chiida and O. Teln>HU, on iho bases; UeKcin, short stup. and McAlror. II. Davis and RurkstI, ID Ibe oul held. In ihn flnat airugdo tho Itnsioos won. Among Iho minor organlzuiluns wero the Western l.'HBiie, Eastern Lvsaiie. s<.iiii:orn Uague. New England Uagno. Illli'.nis aud Ivwa Li'sgiie, I'sclllo Nntlhwestern Usgiie, Caiirunila Uagi:o. Pennsyl- vania Stale Usgiis*, Mli'hlgah-Wivcunsln Usguo and Texas Uague. ' I'hero Wi'ro no ^^A^Hes in tho NnilnnnI T/ngno aiiil Ameilean AnsicIsiIoii rlrcsli for tsiKi, A slnglo srhedule of cbuiuploiishl|t games was ailopled; The lloston Club won the chtinidonshlp wRli Ihc tullowingloam: lleiinrli IliinkrI nnd Hrirlii.calrh. era: Nichols. Silvrlis.Slaloy and Oaslrlghi. pitchers: Tucker. I.owo and Nosh, on the liases; Ung, abort slop, and Met'arlhv. Dutrvrtoil Carroll. In tho ont- Orbl. Tlie luluurorgiiilulloiia Ini'linleil IheKiot- em Uigiio. Wi-sicrn Assucliiluu. New Knglsttil Uague. I'ennsylvaiiM .itaio I.raguo. Kouibern Uague. l^lltoniU I.I aune nnd Ihn Ohio and Ulchl- gan Uugup- I'ho Krie I'liib wun the Easlom l-i-agne pennsiil Fall illver ilin New Kngland Uague. Tho Htale Uaguo had a iNmblu season. Joliiisinivii wun iho eliantplunsblp III Iho Oral seuFon aiul I^iihioii Hint or the second aosson. In Ibu play luf Julinsiowii won tho ntn- liirltv uf Hie gainiH mill was itwiinli'il the pi'Onant. The 8ouih'*rn i.eiiaue bail a ilniililo season, Alt' giisbi tii'Ailod thu liHi in thu nrsi sesson and Macon cniiio In lirai In iliu siTond seiison. They dill mil lun'i that htil lur ih« ebaniplnn- shlp. The t'slHnriila League iiUo bud n douttio scssnn. I.i>s Ang< lea winning In tho llrsi scsoon and Diklsml the set nnil luili. 1 he Weslrin Asio- elailnii ami Hie illiln mil .Mlrblgiin Uigurs dls- iHiniletl rnny lo iliu mmihi-ii. When ilio NiHonid U-sgiie HUil Aincrlcuii ,\s-iii-lailnn Intinclird forth un IIH rhstiipinDphlp srsyuii i-t wasuicely rreov^rtug from 'he aliiiii-t fuial bl,>ws tecelvcij iliirliig Isisi and l-'tul.siiil ihat wsri ronllylis drat prnjilHTiiiis rrtiii|i>ii;in. Tlir irlrnr Irsgiie as u rule also did well OiiiiicisliT. Then sjur league sdopieil Ihn single rbsni|ilonsiii(t^eaM>n nini the Ibililntoro Club wun Ihe pi-iniaiii witli ibu fullowlnir tram: Kutiliisini iiiiil t:iiirk,'. ■-nirhris; .Mi'iiniiun.lfnwko. K-iwr. .VuHsne, Inks. Ili iiinilng and IHeasoD, plleh- ris; linttiihrrs. Iteiia anil Mrflrnw, on tho bisca; Jennings, sb'-rt siup. and Kelley. Iln tllo attn Ketiler. In Ilio iiiiitb-ld. llosnrr nlsii played wllh tho trnni. The New York tliiislied srniiiii lud lilsrcd Ihn Ihil'liiinra foi tho Temple Cup. which lite fftriner won iiy four simlghl vlEf- inrli'H. Tho New York prrss nted the followinli lenm: FStrell.rstehrr: lliialsnnil llcekln.nltchrra; Diiyle, Wiinlnnd Davis, on ibe liaM's: Fiillrrshnri s op. and liiirke Van llsliivn and I'lernan In thu niiiiteld. Tbo other >ew Viiik playeiHwetuWIIsoh. I'lark. ilenimn, Weolcrvilt. Htninuil nnd Uiirnhy, AiniiDg Ihe iiiliiDr leuBiii's thnlyeiir were ihu Kast- em slid Western LMgiiex. Wesiorii Assenlatluo, Now England la'nfi'e, I'ennsylvanbi statu Uague, Hfliiihrrn Assoeliiilon nnil \ Iruliiln I.eoHue. Thti I'ruvlili'nro I'lub won tho elMiiiitbiiishlp nt the Fast, ern U<«iiie. MIniixi.'ily thnWes'eru League, lloiili IslDisl-Miiliiie Ihc Winierii A-Mii'lnlliui. Fall RlVf r Ihn .Now Kpgliinil, Hcnihiiiii the I'eiiesylvnnla SInle U'agiie, UenijililM the Suiillierii Aaroeialinn, anil relurHliiirg lliu Virginia li'sgiie. The Nailuual Lragiio uliil Aliirrlran Assorlallnii had a vriy inecessliiisiauii in iku9. tneverraensn or the word. All or the twelve rlulis made money, wnno or Ilium iiiiite ibnn eilieis. Even tho tna- Jurlt; III Ibu liiliiiir Icagiin cIiiIhs did well. A giiiid si'hediile iirciiiiiiplnni'liip ginies wasariangeil tor the iiiiijnr Iragite, nnd Hie llaliiiniire I'lub Hgsin won the |s-iiiuinl Willi Ihn liilriiiving iraiu; llnliln- >oM siHlirinrkr. cntohirx; Ui'Unlinu. Illll^r, llrin- nilng. A. t.'lsrk^u siul Ksia-r, pituhi'is; Carey, flli'tisoii and Mrflrmw, un lli'r l'ii»r»; Jennhigs. short stiip. Slid Kelley. liririlio itiil Keiirr, In ibuunl- deld. Ili'lir. iiiuyeil micoiuI unit iblnl tuara In n iiiiinlirr of gsinrs. snd lilinMiii pltrhiil In seme genu's liefiile going to Mi:rond I>US4*. ITio t'lnve- Iniiil ratlin III aiTiind In tlie I'lisiiijilonsblp race, aud|ila>eil tlin Ibllllliicre fur Hie TeliililnCop, tll'i rorinunvlniiliigby ilrfeuUng Hie Ibilliniuro In fnar lint of ilvu guiiirs. Tliu Cliivrlaiiil lejtiii were:/.iiu- iiier, O'I'iinniir and li'Mesiu, roirlu rs: Vniing i.'uppr, Wailsie. Knell and Wilson, iilicliera: O, TeUaii. I'liihin iiiiil MiMiurr. un Hie bases; MeKean, sboM slop; iiiirhiit. >lrAlurr ami Illake, In Iho iiuiOilil. HiiiirgD Tilnuii nisu plainil wllh thu teiiii. Aiiioutf Hie ii.iiiur urganlis- HuiiH were Ihe Kusii rii iini Wi'^-u-rii l,oagiies New l.'nglnlid Leaguii uliil .\eiv Kllghiiul Aosuela- tloti, IVeslerii Aa,.iii'liii|iiii. .Siiiiiiiuin AsMicIailiiti, I'eiinFylviiiihi Hiiiiu Li iigiie. MIrlilgaii Ijuiue, Iowa Uiigiie, Ti'Xaa HNiiibiru Uague, Virginia Uague. Iiilvrslnie 1,1'agiie, Inm aiid till l.'-ngue, Nuiv York Stallt I.eMUUeallil Cullllaii Ullil Vulluy l,iiMgui'.. Ibl- sIdCHllieru were u lminla.'ruf aninll Iraguia and Ul- ilo|ii'tiilriii clutiH. This yi'ir ibi rn will laiatiil mure leagues ntiil sHmrisiluns ilniii ever lieforu. It nil the leagues nlremly iiatniiiMnd ninl tliusu nroposed rjn IH) put lurliaiieiii take the ni'bl nexISuinniur, • hi rn will be neatly a iiuiiiter ur u reiiiiiry ur ijliri'r- I'lilorrfiiiikaiioiis, uDil iiinsi iil thetii will bo ittidi r Ihu |irulei;lli)ii ut ilic Nallniiiil AHrreini'lil. UlAMSINIt ■'■Kt.ll UONMIP. f.alMl iKylBga mtit Uulnga of lha Baia- liall Pralxmilp. A apoi'lal raeeHiigiir Ibu Wi alum Uague waa hold Hoc.», nt Milwaukee, Wis., tiir ihuputpuHiot lu- lenllng the eighth uliy tu oiiuplutn thu i lreiill. Tho iiieutlog was onlind tuurdiir by I'rvBlitrnt Ban. II. Jiiliiiinn. TIiii fuilowlng ilelcualua wero jireseni: TliuinsH Uifiiis, tldluiiibiii; Hnirgo o. Vsiiilerlierb, D Iruli: W. II. WatkhiH, IndlHiiauulls; Jsiiiea II. Hiiiialiig, KanaaaUlty; Maiiliuw Klinieuaml lilruclur lltnaa, <it Ullwaukro. Tlsi iiiseiing Imd au Inbar- iiiuiihaiHunenlngHnil Miniitllvuly HltsiHTiirred lin- IweenlheUlniiuipuIbi ddrgsinaiid Mr. Kllllica, ut Mllwaukeo. Mr.(luuilniiw.nTMliinoa|Hills,lindsent word Hist ho taviired tiiiisliii, Imt that city was not given a thniighi. Ai^r parleying for a lime, and wnltlug fur IJiKHlnow ami Uunbdiy to arrive, Hie meelliigailJ'iiirueUlii'J.Wu'clucb. lutheaftemoi'n, Ibrwi two having airlvciLllnind llsplilawasaelcct- eil aa the elghlli (diy In Ibe irlri ult fur moo, aod W. II. Kills, who lua iiwhud that cllili for His pgst two years, waa given the frnnelilM. II waa giviin III liliii tor uue yi iir, ns II aiis tiiuiiubt liesi nut tu i:e up to nrand IbsplilsrurOvo yoar/, lliii leKglli ut tid e lur which all the uilirr Wenti m lii aguo rmnchlars aro granted. Hi. l^ul wiaielectrd aa tbe niaoo uf the Spring iiiceiliig, Fsh.ll. Tim rolluwing com- mlllee was appolnieil tuairaiigu Ibescliedula: I'les- Idtiit Jiihiisiin, Jaines II. Manning ami J.A, Uault, I'reolilenl JiihtiHiiiisiiiiunMred tbsi be bad appointed Hid followlug iiiiiplrra rur tbn unirlal (taiTor Hie Weateni Usune: HelMrmiiit, W. II. Murphy, form- erij ur Ibe Dlilo HtsUi Ungur, and Cbarles Moyder,; Thu I'ltisiiiirgUluii linHiitibtlnril Hhurt Slop Ely's rrleaso fruui tho SI. Uiila team, In exchange {ur players llaii nnil Cruas hiiiI u moneyed anitldara- ilun. Ilumnr bs< It Hint lha Wngnur'a will sell Iho Wash- Ingbih Club's fniirltiM] lauvldliig they ran get Ihilr price. . . At a iiiiieting ut Ilio dlreetuia ur tbo Isanoasler t^nb, or Ills I'ennsylvAhIa Htiiiu U-aguu, held Jan. 4, lu Hint i:lly, Frank P. HInii wss aelecied to man- agetbe traui nsxiMiiMdi. Tho Cleveland and llliiiiiirg Lliilis liavo arrungeil iiutlrrs BO tliai l>,ili teiiiM will meat while at Ihe Mill Springs, Ark., dnrliif tliu prellndiiary oeoaon, Thnraos J, Foley, who died suddenly ot apoplOJiy Jan. 4, at UlilMgu, III,, waa si oiio time a uroni- loent local plsyrr. In Ism Fnley iirit played, guarding llilril hasa for His Kxcelslor Club, the jiloooer loam »r<3iIrago,and alone lima Ilio chain. Iilou team of lbs West. Foley cantaliied Hie Kx- •«Isliir team unth lasv, when he played third lauo tor lha Fureat utf Uliili, ot Ibiubriinl, ML, which then Included In lui rsiika A. II. g|alillng, Koss Barnes and It. Addy, whu woru afterwards ratnuiis prnfcaslonala. Fuley tlgurad for sevonl auucesding aeasoiia with Chicago aoiaiaiir teama, retualng flat- tering ngera bi play pnifenaliinally, and then letlird from the lull field, Ho waa alsmt llfly yean olil,. Presldeiil I*. T. I'uwors atinoiinees Ihu tollowliig FjMiem litsgiie iwnlra<:la an having lieen approved furaeasuiiof Iwi; Willi H<:ntiiuo, James McHul're, Jubn Cnmln, K. L llndh:y, Kdward lUffcriy: Syra- cuse, Jsinc* Harry, Thomas I'uwrr, Daniel J. Hln- oeban, Michael Lynch. Vlclnr II. Willis, Wlllbini F,sgan, Nsce Masiiii, (Iciirgo Itrlat>,n; Siiilnaasld, Jos. H<:liaebrm. TiHl llaaeall; Tkiroiiin, Prank Me- liarllln, Jamea Iican, Jsiiiea Oiwy, Wlilanl A. Hol- land, Hiswait Hanfunl.llenrge K. limy, l arry Kin. sella, Julin Freeisaii, John lioltneh; Ibichestsr, Wu- Ham Joborm, Jrsi Mulvey. Itelensedi My HcrODI/io, John P. Ijiby. Tpriiis accepted I liyS)racuse, II, J. Jordan, Alex. U'bliehlll; by HpifiigOeld, Uto. 0. Uldy. There are a numUr or leis-ran plsyers In Uils rlelnlty who would make gorsl umpires fur tnlnor lagues. The/ Id Jiude IJavy Force, VbarlOT JoiMa, lack NclJOD, Jliamy Ullolou and oibtn.