New York Clipper (Feb 1896)

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THE NEW yORK OLIPPEB. Febbuary 22. Kui'ini TuKATilt.—A pnrllnD ot VifUoet enm- jtnjut ihln honiu Rare OD IT itae Orat Ainer- Icon pristntnUOD or'-Minlife,"* conKilr.ln ibiM ncUi, lij llmmloo Thomaa •ml lleo: j K««IIb(. thli lilny IwH Iieen a kiOR wbllo lu nachtDg thUcosBliT, for II wan otlglDtUr iwodDctd at Ibo Court Tliealn, London, Knit., im Jnno;, it It noiia tl» lea wolconic, lioirnvcr, and piolialrir no boiler tlBM cuiilil liavn ixcn Kiccltd for Iih |im«nlaU0D Iiert, ■alia hrlnlii, cititiilj and good naiurcdwlt proted Tcrj rrricaMDg oiler panakluii ot lome of llu nainny rcpaMs rtccDliy i>rovldcd. The aiorr lalli «l iloniulii' dlillr.olllea artilPR fram a womaol J>^a:oui'y. Tiio ittlnclpala are HIr Jobii llelloD, a wullhjr coiiiilr; genlleuuiD, and bij «ire. Tlio lalliT linn XxKoma Udy lleliOD prln- rlpallr 10 iiniTent one or licr former acbool- malm from lllllDr Ibat pohIIIod. The olber ltdj In Ilia caM la H Kit poaataied woman, wlin, dlallked by Imr own wx, li an adept la thu art III pleaalni men, Eir Jobn Invra bla nlfe, nlibiiiigb hehaakioneilniehccn allentlvo to btr deicaicd ilval, Mllon, bavliiR manled vlib- imt being proinpied Uiorolo li; love, fceli Ibat abe liaa no right lu live wlUilierhuiliand.aiidlhire- lore leavca hhii almoai at ihH cburcli door. Mve liir lierbiiHliaiidHutinivimca, liowever.biit ullti It i-uDiea renewed Ji^alniiaj or Ibo lady wncim ibe con- rlMcniberilval. ilKingb ibDlal'er liaa by Ibh Hint innrrlcd a Miilld Hrlnlocral, Ibo lion. Iladlay itnuiiililrlgli. HIr Jubn, baving fulled lo per Miailo Ida wlla lo IIto wlia him, bcconei ('KHH|teraic<l ttnil rui^npH orr to Htr Cbarli^ Jenka, » great tolUllor, lo gel a MtcKt, iind lliore nieela Ixdy llelioD, who baa «-ome upon tho aaim errand. Tno decree of divorce II gninied, ilioiigli nut made aiwdiiie, but mat'en itro not greaily Imprnved. Ilia Hon, Padloy baa gono 10 Africa lo Join bla elder brolber, Izird I'owjMi roft, In a ihunilng expedlllon, and nem ■nineHOf hia death. HIr Jubn.noir wparaltd from bla wile liy legal liirrlcra, falia uader Ibo apell nl Ibo cbamilog widna, Urp. Chuinblelgh, but allll bai Hllniprlngaireidlon fur the woman ho had martled. He, In fact, welii h reunion witb her, andaendiber « nrliicn pmpohni of inartiage, but bla letter paiaei im lln way itno froin l^ily llelion, wlilcli la auillclent* ly hitler hi lone lo niako bini propuis marriage 10 the cuarining widow, who accepu bU (iircr. Willi iho wrillun propoMil In ber poa- Hcaalng l.idy IteUon Iniilliutca prncredlnga agaui»t Ijorforniorliiiiilmiidror lirtaoliof protniae. and HIr Jobn nuda hlmiiclf In n vurr emliarrHiilog aud fiiuiillj ridk-iilniu dtlenima, Tbcre hai lieen a mla- laao, unwovcr, In ihe newa from Afiica, for It waa tlie older of ido brolhctn wtau luot bla dealb, and tbo lion, Dudley, duw l,onl Powyucroft, roiunu to tUigland wearlug a licard which nwkca blmUie luiiiiiltrpart or hIa doceaiod broihor. and wblcb lircveniH bim rmoi inslug rpcogidztd oren bylil« \rire. The marrlaffe of BlrJobu and thoauppoaed widow iH alKiut lo lake place, and Sir John la Id a rair way lu conlraci ii bliramoua ailUDce. when hli lepeniant wilo ugitbi wina Idiii ii> bfralde. and Ura, i^liuinljIeluU li "oniolcd by dudlog hcrielf the wife uf a peer. While Iho compllcallona uf Ibia nlnry are vuiy Imprfdmhle, ihoy are by no meana Impjullile, nud, skillfully woven aa IbM are, they inako a very divmlng narrailve. Tlio play la I'barinlngly lu'lrU'Hi.uuo birrplole with wltof tht imohorr, which. II ko Mil, la lull or Mvor, but dO' vnid of IdileniPM. Tho Kury li admlralilT ceii' rolved. llii<dlalngiiolaicraa aud excuedlugly well vrnileD, Ibo chaiacleia aro iikllllully drawn and ibe Hconva are olcvcrly arrHiigvd, It U dlilli^ult lo iirodleaie Ihe faio of a pbty ol llila Hort, for, IlkeUcurRo lltniardHliau'a-'Aniunnd Hio Haii," It la » aalire for lliu cicul, and It may be found hy nitny lu lack draniallo lotercal. 11 riohly ileacrvca rncrraa, however, and a general upprccliiiluii of liA uuTlia would lu lull uf pronilae fur Iho future of ilio local Mago. It vtaa falily well playud, nItlK'Uuh buih Ur. Kaveiabam and .Mlaa Allen wuro t<crltiita vKuuutihe accmloif ofalocorlty. N ) niai III real lICo ever Iwbavea like Ur. Favtr Hlinni oxi-opt IliiiKtiiilcuicn hlnwlf.anil It la un- wise In hliii to make hia cbamcter Mudlea within Ibo lliulK <if HO fciuall II I'Uw, Mr. li.nlMii and KUIe lie Wuir nrre, liuvuvcr, pimply perreoi In tbeir reapeullvo roliH, iind Itolien KJcmou won an iibaoluiD irlunipli, In nddllinn lo bla really excel lent iigrfurninnco ho la entllled hi an eaMi-lal word ■if nraliie fur bin careful and ihorougnly anldlc niakuup. Thn mlea woM Ibiia avigned: Sir. Jobn lleUon, ivni. FavciHham: Hon. Dudley Vuuiiibh'lih, lloberi K-lrsoii: tilr cnariea Jrnka, J. K. Uid wui: Udy Ih'Uiiu, Viula Alien: lion, Uia. limllDy uuiiinhiclnli, Klhio Ho U'olf: ijiuyle, J,ii. liiioipliri'yi; Wolior, \V, 8. Wuiinun. "Uani'r \'an,<iii (ino act play, by KuimaKoeildan Kiye nnd Ura. K. (I. .Hullii riand, waa employed ai ii ■curtain lalaer, II vaaulnudy favuribly kiiowu In ihlHclly, Hiid waa once liu^ro keenly cnjiiyed, tho clever wurk uf Uiy IVilimn having cublrlhiiled biiKAly Uitbiaicruli. It wai Ihuacaai: MeuL Van- ilniMi riri'i, II. 8. .v., ItulH-rlKlcaou; lUek Kstitr, K, V. llickiii; llirliira Urece. 1 Ja Ouiupieal; llel- ana Itoecc. (loncvlevo Itojnohbi; tUcbailMO, Uay Ibdifon. It may bo wall to mnnllun In Ihia nonneo- Ilou that a pbiy ontllled "U-trrltge," wriuealiy iHon liondcHuli, waa pretemed at WalUcK'a (now raliiior'r) Tlitaira, In Ibo Fall ot Ia;' Koniii .4 Diti.'a.—The bill iireaonted atitaUbous week of Fob. i; waa tuny np to im many excellent prcdoccaaoni, and foiud favor with t fair al/ed andlonco on Uonilay nlgbl. (;harl(R Wayne, niever comedian, n-hose wurk U well known here, apiieored auil luuud lilniicir among frlonda, wbo gavii full evhienoo of tbulr appreciation of bla ■■ " ■ ■ log*. 1 lull Kirra'a r.iiOii i-gi-iuTaitni.-Iniplteot ad- wtittatr cundlllona another week naa In- •lifantcd wItb • aiasdlng room bouM In atttim- •nc« on Hoaday, Feb. i;, and lliom wbo braved ihllllniwlnda lonnd a ehtertui houie and a xplen- m bUl awalllag Ibciii. Uw Uocki'ader, In n new inonolOHne,wlib new longa. It ibo bright feainiaot tbe new tacea here Ibia week, aliboiigb be waa rempellad to tbara ibe bonora with tlr. nod Urn. Tosr PAnroa'a Tug*Tgi.-Uaoager IMior b«« MleclcdanoUipraplendld bill for Ihe enirent d«j», ■ndu tbe homo waa p«>ked to replellon on Mon- day, Feb. IT,» conUonallon of pioaperilyto inore than likely to remit from ihli week'-neinni. wiu 11, Foi, Ibo clever manlpnlator ot tho piano, »od truly BonioroiuBonologiiUi,UtbefeainreotlheWll, and he rtndlly iiiaulled himielf In tbe good graeca ot hla old frlcnda and capllvnied new comeia. ra'Si's:i';m*s EiroarAr'^aN-;; I .;o:~Bva«^ pi5s.M.r.vTn»"ii'!,^dra'n*s I ?.i^if^.ii^"jr-A"^'K.^:.u^s'cd« m Rudd, and mil and Hull found frlcnda a>|d(niy In Ihe audience. Flora Flobiyron, well koowu In opera, made ber Ural apiiearance on thin aiigo, and gained an abundance of applaiiee fur her aweel aloglny. Hen. H. Harney, auoiher alranger at tbii bonae, Jamned Inbi Immedlaie favor through the raedlnm of hla genuinely r.lever planiailon negro Iniltalloaa and excellent piano plulog, and lliirwllz and Dowera relumed lo old Irlendaand fonnil a cordial welcome for Ibeir clever work. In tbe Idll alao are l« nor and Chiylon, comedy duo; Ike Two Oittt. vocalMa: \r, K. Whiiile, venlrllo- nolit: Kmcat WIlioD, cbaracler alnger, and ijoinn and Foibea. expert danceta. There were few dull momania dorleg tbe evening, and ilie prognnma alrtkea a gooilaveiago wlih lillii wblob bare gone befoi*. -Kexl week brlnga'Tbat Hmari l.llilellli of a Han," Mark Hurpby, aa a fcatore. FaiMtoR'n I'LHanni PiLjii'i:.-l>eapllo ilio ex iremeeiTonaotJack Fumt to freeze the mercury lo Ibo tbennomelera Ihia hniiae waa weh uUcndcd afienoon ot Feb. IT, and In tbe evoolng few ciiipiy ptata could be found, wblie Ihe boxca wen lUled aid Ibe alandlng room well occupied. The pre- gmmme waa nade up of nn exrelient houic bill, augmented by tbe Ituiaell Uruihcia' CoiiitdUna. Tbe HarlO-Unubam THo, necood week, horlMiolal ber performer^ cnnilnued to lie prime fAvorliea. \M Bengolli, midget coraedlane. began their third week and were aim popular. Theae little people bare proved tbemielvea to be thor- oogb comedUfia and enteitiloere, and winroonds of applaoie. Hone. La llocbe, la Iho myaiermue globe, made hleflnt appearance at ibla houie, end waa given a good reception. Uay Howard, come- dienne and roaklhit,waa raucb applaiiao for her work. Tbe nuiaell Brolhen, aa "Tbe Irlib Servant Obia," were given tbe beany reception usaally ac- ffi?ir\:on;-7«rkmdcSy«-^^^^^ nrni favor, filuni and Ulona made iht'L^JSlS; St-i aa entertaining aoberelofpre, and Uw Uloom waa warmly welcomed for bla jm »'"J »!«'=';"^ and wlUT dialogue. Sbeder nnd lllakely, la their rehlcSng' rckT'ce •!««'»''';,^jM"!"?* "S^^ clever enietialnera, and tbe 2?,w)?e5 llvelv coniilboilon,a l came In for well deaerjea ynr'SwgeS vrra. and Kittle U«beck^ntor. Uoulau and alack wire perroraen «•"••; melodlooe aloger, and the Burt ««^rL'r.^i°Jlin; dance, wero all claased among tbo» H »lBJf"" deniHUd, while am llouii, oerio ""l,™: warJ nnd Joale alao conltlbuied their wb"o to Iba bill. Nearly all Uioee employed are too well known In the realm of vaude- vlllo to waiiunt a more extended comnent upon Ihclr acconipllibmcnu, and It may be aald ttal all hande gained the recognlllon they deserved, and formed a blU wblcb, Joaging by <>' applauao,fainiled Iba expeciailoua or tboae In at- tendance, and malnialned Uanoger I'aaior'a repu. latlnn rorpreaenlliig vandevlllo progianuu>« ot tbe ■^HrJJaTpAiJicklliflkoii.-Tbe weekly ijift In aUmrUon al I hla boune on Monday, Feb. 1. . brought to cuilo hall Jna. 0, Ullcbell. eoap eater; Herman, auongman; Fanny Burdolt, midget; Pilnco. vireeir ling lion; O. B. Perkena' performing aaeH; «»l'«'«. blno aklnned nan. and i;apl. Vlirto, who clalraa lo devoor nolaoo. On tho aiage tbli week ore ine lywleya. Iho Olndln Hleier*, J. 1. Fenton, Ada Jpnea, llernerr, the lljatia, and Rogera and Uevetond. The attendance waa brlak day and nigbt, and tbe oir*rlngaeemedlo pleaaclmnicnjelir. lOHDO.s Tiii*T«i--UaiTr»lorr1a'Twenlleih cen- tury Halda opened ibeir ibird engagement tbia ata- aon at thla lionBO Uondav, IT, to crowded boueea. rne programme rem<loed unchanged. Owing lo Uarry Bliereon'a Inability lo appear Hairy Monia took hli pbice lu ibe akelcb witn Annie Urier, and ., , ■ .^1. ihi ba>t I Ula», or Iba "agio Itlu." H: 'ITia DaoKr" >^ Bui B,„i,i, Uadoobtadiy uie o*v Rai^n •.TownToploa**2J. SiZS MHii let a«»ni»l Xf U» "W" "SJ^Jt huM Taaivaa.-jT E, Toole, ia^j^g lluaey ud tb. S.i^l^itolSM«tiolaf,Ko'«a»a'TMXPyIISr luTlB»,"dld poorif lO-ll. iS^^iSlHwlttoi iBoU Nuoq ud J«,»» "•S!; S.0 ^tavaryparromine , — , „ the SS'T.illKrf'MwiUnffioU MMoo t»l ■'•","ii51i I K'o'ievIrypaAiSineoU-ll Tbjaollr. fUetSA^t and laeloevd ■anw wuvw gkaleli called *'Crlu friyj^tl luadoaatid by Uinagvr Fanevwr u> Uiti*. .bo apisaiad to.a.el.«rJiUi»^i'«;rt,.o«>ii» I jT'i'^.'SfTdTla oltyT*Tii. Prodiii yilUr ranal 17-I9l^0 Old TaoBpeaaa" S>-2L Biuetoa 0. DaiAvai, or tba Bioaa Opera nouie, >u lo Kai Voia Ih a paai»eeko«bnalDtat. Baarala.-At the Star Theatre "A lUlk While ria«"coo>aarab. "-Uj "X'tl'l" "If"!* "WJeia ^rm^^E^ ""-'^" KSiSTid Imlialbn: yelao "d OBrtea. 'l^Jtii" niinllu. Id a biojo dlfondon- praHotat the «P«'"»,l»''''™ffi^.°JB'iS; ,i,JSiiK bs.'jrir.i:r.?.sf:.ib«Mi4«~ »T.i.'?n??»oV^«9X^^^ moti vlDioiiie naaner, ahlle Wllil« »lllrt.ajunt~;;. iri£:ibri.,i-.i,>_«sk^^^ t-;^SVll.n aed ir.?frMcp« aj. a. allcoDlrllnilal 10 Uia amiuJoiandliJJbiT IntJwtlM tafUlamaDt. Tbaolbir prlocipau are VoltMa waiwca, uSryCeoa ibdrtnlla.Tnlo,"bo,e,",'"i«"iiSi SSk'th. FaMloa(lli«»"pla>eJtol.lgbM«»- Oeojl? n. Blbiwlltbaaloiilwo weeU- aaiaiamtot la K«"«* llou ihU Ktbk -Wala Dlilt,"aad a bla ••^"""k'^i pre-eDtalibei>p«oln«p<iniitBane»,l;- fil'fK; nlani whWi l« laid out In ibi Baony 8«"'h."?"1 £r Uia colored i*o|>le U portrayed lo aw >»fl Wl' oar. Tlioia It much la tbe pleea lo plewe aa aodleBoij and kUpktaieiiooa from Iba riie 7''J* ,«r,HV.'i!2 tba ck>ie of the W act Amoag tbe ftatnna aad »pj- ^anlwara a pictaalany bind, a nbirtd ipurutani n .r 7o!i:lr^Hl daacloi U>t wk die Oanlck nStxT Braaiv Tu«iTr».-"lly Uncle from Kew v«i" Ibb wMbVto be taeeaadel It aadae«kby"lh.Nitl,i ''anw'a Mcsic lUu-Bui'neH contlnuea mm uiuin Ibe MW maaagtmeal, aad meet of latl aeek'e |.<0|.|e bold orar. Tier—Tbe only atlnellon at ibe Otliwold Ooua UoniaU«t week wt« Boyfi "A Milk Wlilla nin." rXli 14 iLaBdltQIladlbAbonMlolbadoora "OaErtn'a Bbnw''coSa 17. in, "Rob B«>" 31, Mri. roller tod Xi. Halle*, In "OharloluCorday,"IJ. BAXD aOraaaBoraa-'-Ibe Fatal Card" laekid \u honaalS Tilt hoBM la dirk Ihia week, ifrriTt T«i!iTai.--1be White Crwk-diyw big ho.,.. Ill but week. Iba Orlinul EiUaTagioa Co. axk ol It Hawbwrw.—At tbe Academy of Maalc Wiiiiani nillaue lo'-1tioUnebJoliuon,"F«b.iaooduliti Ntili- " ' - • >toy«d to line ludintr.. aitmet a big nadlearo i;. ^r •;i';nW.!nf^i"pi.«rt°!;^^^^ I ^.K-r r«w .f Hud.n- H„.,-.i.-,: maodin.No. SO. Kol«hu TrmrUr. ul llili cliv. aad ih. bonaa wiS peeked from pit to dome. Jaw a f fiiy. an .v I pit to , can Dlaoo Boloirt. will aire a taclul 31, aad Wilte',, Om. •dttlo. UunderUnidr,irtwo weeka,brilnBlag ;i. TKe Boetoolaai come March 9. Vtlea.—At Ihe U:lea Opera Uonie "Uol, ihe moert Diuihler," hml, Feb. U'. did aell. I'biilM «. Oajdaer.lB -Tip priia WiDBer," II. wu well la^•lt^l. iBd ueUlleaTuniVvralDfaveiDallilei'c etblbllloBln Iba TocB Fait icaaa-.-Tba Fatal Cinl," U end •'n, Diiakr," U. draw filr hooiea.,. -Flnilore," by 1ml ulioL 17. M. ud Floianre Bindley, lo 'Toe Capuli'ii Mala,'' 33,«111 be Ibe only attracUooi Ibu week. I,elin THraole, Ibe living piciorea, lectured iipon by Toddy I"a»iiuelena; Nettle lie Coumey and OMkler and Uennro have all been reulnml. "Too Uucb Trilby" Res made lunny by Mr. MnrrH'Slatg \ al- ley, and Ihe lively llnlib prorcd aa eirecilre na ever, klanageni Hiinlj and Wondhnll re|»rt eitmor- dlnarlir big liiiilneea all al«ng their loolc. Neil week, Itlce A Dirion'a Immeuea Co- HaNi-uHD'eTngiTii«--Jovph Unrpby will present Kerry Cow" and "Bliaun llhoe" during Ibe cor rent week, which wueocouragloily begun on Feb. tbe aame people wbo seconded iile eifui la dunog au I ^^^^ whom ther cuoot throw la ditaaa mlaaiea u -■ - —— Next week'a tilll will be .. corded them. FleMi and Lowla, comedlana, made M^nnnr A-II-Wnodhull played the role of Fred nn excellent Inprealon, and Kwie Adair, In her iiot in <-Teeaiila< Bachelor Stag." JohnT. Ilanaon, Partilan and Oilenul dancing novelilc, biado her ' - • -— •-- iimial tuccein. otbera ou ihn lilll were: l/!a Andon, chancier obango perfornioN; the Dnnaioa, one-legged cluwna; Prof, (leo. l/ickhatt'< iralneil rlepbaniH (twenty-Otlh week); liar, llurke end lUndall, ec<:eolrlc comedy Iriu; llie Uorrlloi, Will- iam, Ida asd llnbert, actohallc comciUane; O'Brien and Havel. In a rijoedf akeicb; Johnnie (Carroll, vocullataudcomedian: FaulSlulor, mlnlc; Falke and denion, miialcal cooiedlaoH, mid Kva Hdnbume, character ringer. A burieaiiue, entllled The Two Onr-Una," wan preacnled and proved a laagb maker. 'HOC-roa'H TDgiTRR —Managor Prjclor pieeenta an aUmcilve bill al hli coty bouie llihi week, open- ing Fell. IT, to good attendance, IMplnia, mirror and aerpenilne darn er, hcada Ibn Hat uf people, and abe made na emphatic bit nn her Omt appearanco on Uonday. The mirror eiTeuls which ilio usee add much lo Hie atirHrilveneaaof her dancra,and ber gnce and beauty alwaya clilm the adinlrailon or her audience. Ilranio and Maud, cmieniiie wire act, appeared end won applanen fur llieirwork. Luckle Tburloar proved heraelf lu lie a clever rlinr- actor change performer, and won full recognlllon for ber act. Tho Four Uwtr*. acnilmia and luggleia, oiully won ibo favor or ilieir an- dieuce, and John W. Itanaonu rendered a now long and wih a conilnued lavoriie. Uasco and ftolierta, acrobatic comedlanii, wero aniu.ilng, aud Oerlmda KanaDeld, comedienne, waa a pupiilar liMdorer. Uibcia on tbe bill wbolonnil favor were: TheUlmlo Four, Walton aud Uiyon, coinedbmi; UalnUn'* Amitiiir Mloktrclfi, 13, «w & dteldid miccw. HarrrCurUi, of UiU*clMeO with Ibo tfldauo Co, tnC UTUIUnKlDfiloithunuD. Oe&eTft.—Emilj Diaoker, Id "OnrFlAfctDieto WrbtnlowFiU 13. K<n»rp}tti*l aUrrttodlMicell. Bookid: **tt» DaTzltr" 17, *Tb« hIItoi Klo«"ai, Robi. a. loniwU U, FloitDW Biwllsr* Id *Tbo Capuio'i Maiei"**. niroTiH. I'mr. lUmploii. with liU perfonDloff (logs, ritla MiHl iiionkojn, TunrtpvHmt nnd ntldnl dIp> full »}\%rci III Die ovriiliig*« cniuriAlmiiKnu Mtrlbc lltiilir. I'tiHiUeiiM cjnilqup, Itf Rnii tier (oitrlh week H ouiiilitiicil Trtvo'lio. Tiiul LMnquo^^llIt king of jriK* Rlen, viw killl popiiUr in ihiH liiMHrvoiiih week. TTio AllliuD:!, (liioilhbiKUil lUncrn, cotensd lliclr •eccnd we«k HDrt tffro rtiritrtlo taulJnvoiH. Tbo CngRA. Hcriibniii, iilntb week, wero roiiilnucd lo f*vor, wirt 110410 Huiiiltil, irHUhTuniinllou tlAiu vr, tlxib voek. WM Hilli luMMiUr. l*Hiil klurilDtiiir^ IMntomloie 'rr.)ti|>o uitntliiui'il lu (trcunt "Hobrrt Muc-iUro,** wblDli liiiH pniveil o iiltint'lnR Rimciloo. Tbo lilU wincoiiciiiilcil mill Ilio UviDKPloiuru. Mlol-'utler IriiiDUouiicri) ror Kvli. '.'4. lUuu8KKrKiN'rti)i.YuruTiiR&THi(.-Tlio onchuD' ilrodaml iKiktli itorformtiuco of "KxceUlorJr." wmi cf<:ui)rHici\ Feb. IT, MUtl ihoucciuloDiTAsotaikti] bj Ilio pmwiiiKil.m of n i>reiiy Mouvcnlr itorceUtn dock (ncikrh iMilj halclln^n coupon fur iv reMtTod Mut. lliA liniuo TMH piickcil, Iind llio nuppljor olot>ki vitHuxlmiutctl luiiii bifroro th<t cunwawiii ruun Mit, niul onti'M rcro ilien Kivon for itioni.vbtob nro nMleciiiAblo nl itio Ihin niliro tlnrtHK llio ireek. Canr'.c:* L'oi>;o HtU'i'coileO Unnrirn likulnv in ibo cnmpHny. Mii lnirtilo \\ vurrfiu, uml Ka? Tompl^tnu rtiuiK n new riiioi;, i>niltleil "Mr "nileMi itrif," whloli WHB n^nciiieiliy cncorc'i. .ViwiV llaH— "Unrjiapiliu'* Im^ pntvtm lo in h H*r«)nR I'Aril Hi Uili liitiiv*, mil) (Inw n lar>r« ludl* om>o Kou, i;. laiiiM U(Mire Ktnif ino ilile nile nil llt^i Umo for ilio IIimi llnio Hod iiiAilo n iiliiliKMlvo hit. tiho will AiKnmie tlie nile Willi Al*i:u lt<><i', ultn Miif It UhI week. Kltmo Alton idpliirril ,\tit)||ili Ddiit l'olrr*u)ii in tlio rolcof UaptiWtti nuti iTtiAUtl Ik rrtVomUo ImiirtHilnn. Tbe lienuurnlliiiliviH or Ur, llHiiimvraielu'H HpeciaouUr opora r'^iiitniio ii>\vlii Hiliulnnloii.nuil ilio pnKtuc- lion fili'c<i I'vvry inilK'rtilnn of u InnR i nn. Tlio ex t'cllriii <iMii \c:\n rimilatieil Uy Kadut Weulworili, niunoloviiUI; Viritloiit AntRon,hlRhwlroiMtrromifr; Moiu. u'C'iiii, niiiitli'. Ililnl wtek; Curl UerlK, iiUt^a by klliv irAliiiii. nnit week; Sndl AKiirAbl, (•(|nlili>, iinii work, MUtl \\ Cuior Wftlt, In cti«r< Hi'icr obrtngc-L UlNIH'rt UUWKRVTllRATHK.-l.ClUr .1 Wllll»m»' "Ho ATiH jAck" Co. plrt>etl lo ilRbi huflnon Hominy nrtrriuHMi nnd ovcRliiir, Kob. IT. '>Uoftad Jick,* ilio well kimwii iiiiilMi)iie, tiH« been flticd up «riIo III tlooJ mtviiiiiiiiic, l.usior nnd WIlllAma m Uo wtd Jnrk nntvldlnsiliD wino^ly vork. Kllly KurMlo,an \vlidrivM>, wiis wril m-vlvird. I'kn, Ibo iilli |ier romior. o|u*iiol tlK> oIId: Mugoo nnd Orlinnilns nn- ItrftK'd In Ibolrl.iQUbHbii* ituMutt net, Klitf Kunulo HAnff mtd(1niicril,ctinH. V.Seniiitin |inv« liU Inill*' imitx ROod rir^vi, llnntiinn. lhi> irumii JupRlvr, ItTvocnini Mi nm\n\ it|torli(li.\: KaiiuIo l.u«lle, ■ roiimik^i If HU|i;tlit citu(itr<loulrtr, ifflHird Iter boily III v.«riMiii( (unnM: iiio l.*lgti suivrd dHOccil l«re- loototl, I. Aii'rnuit WllllitiiuoircrotI iboir pAnHllea nti'l E^K--, nnl tbo liitT Knur (Siuiih, ll*rila, iiKli>v Alia St'ilR vli*lt kiitu'krd nmmi. "A Uoniloir W'lib JuMMV SuliffHb'* I'liiml Ibo sboir, liUiuinlbiK itiiiiy i4ii|. li<ti>le i-««uri Incl'tciil'*. I'Uiih. V. seniuon, HN JiiMiU'.' ScbtTAb: .M. c- l.vnirr, tbo Uimilct At- (o'-m r, ».iiii J. uiiiiHni«, lAffjrr Jeirjr Ml\. nod Kllly KiiiK»li\ iH Uc>^c \V|iii(>. Hiid Olfni. Maare nittl 'I'noinn^Sti^iiw.i'k ii|i)*i'iii^l In 1'. (:a>. M. lU'tUj I* iiiiM»i'Piii uriif lln niinpAnjr; I.. A.llnvenii,liuil' VX9* tiitiiKit i-r: 'nMinirts .^dsnli-k,ringe iiiiiDaiicr. Ni-M w,Mk. lao l>Muii llutrrtrU Albcu;i'uni Sinr >l«vln|iy Ol. llKiurn.^gt'AKic TiiKiTHK.- *-Tho lleartof Unry- lAUd 'iK'itni. on 1V'<. IT llio cUttitmilh vtrkndit ran. villi iinwdi-il hiu.acn coiutnnil.v nllciilUKlbo piiiiu'.AiKy uf tlili pUy. DjUht lUyer Bud ber ricknolaniu, In itlntiiiiilun paiifmcn; l>olftBand Lonlinrr.imvotiy duo;Kllmy nnd fUwaoD, coninllnnn; tboTbtve UoDiUdlprd, In KonffH nod dnacM; Kredonnd nriniu. inudlcnl rntnO' dUnn; Jennie Itoblo, nerlo-coinlc tocaIUi; Harry Peniou, rquUllirtM: Jenale wiiHiicck, In oesro melodloB, uid lot'/. r*loier, Mrong woi^no. rt0PLB*8TnBiTBii.—AlklOBon nod Oililor^d intost meloilmnuiilc prodiicUoD, "Sived From tlie.'^ak,** iTM preionted toA ROod bouse Uondny, Kew. i: TliomnoyitrODi altnntloiu, cnlcnlmed to eoRrora Ihe HtieoUon of ibe RTemRo andleuco. wero doacly vnrked lip r>y Hiyd rmnnni, «■ liui KilORloti, and ller.rlciu lAOdtr. u Nnorr. bli wire, mipprtried wfll by n conipAiiy laohidniR KonnioU c •irlRno. Knnk Dnimelr. lUTtd It Ynuop. Geo. \V. lAn*D. JobD Daly Hurpby, Uiile Kredn Citlbonn. f^iikiyn Koborm. Wm. 'nubeits, \v. lurrett, A. K. Ad^nH. (i*orgo KIwetl, Kmmn Hooker nua <i<-rilfl iVnier. TbmwHilonrniDgeuMniUen'iKUve. J. biulnWtiUe inndTftDCo reprtMDinllve f t Atkinson nini Otidcr; 0. B. BrookD, litulnen innnAger; Kranklyn lliliortn. itnffonwDnger. N'ext week, "Tbe Ann or tue Iat." Hunger A, 11. bbeldoo** benoat.BuiiiUyovanlDR. 33, pronileen to lieuoine n dnnncUl and nrtlailc wc* C4ta. HrHbeldoowlimppeHrtaa tkeiclt wiib bU ■on, A. n. Sheldon Jr. UORIB* Oaictt Tuiatrb.—T1i3 Becond wo^k nt Hnnnger Doris' new venture opened nuBpldotiely Feb. IT, with fto ■urtleocoof oxcpilentproporHonn III n(lendnnc«. "Otilldren'H luy" wna linugurated nttho Qnloty F^b. IT. Kvery Uondny, betweca itie honnotDOonftDd ruiir o'ulork, HnnnRer Dorlii will hnre tbe prpgramtne su amoRod m in uuke it pir- Uouiarly mirMilTe nnd nmiulDu to tbe yonniirttcr<<, navellu to the motberA nnd rontdii irho may no coiDpnnr then. Tboio Unodny nftarnnnii perform nncfMwfll bo knowa hereaHer nn "Cnlldren'd On) .** K'or tbU week only one it la«t week'a nnnibcnlfi rotaliMd, na II la tbe IniCDUun of ibe inanagenient (o nnke comnlele clinogoa each wcfl:,exaipt In tbe event nt uiiominl incccM ot nny ncc. In the cft« of Ully tlreen, who renilfra the eoDga of the dny e.xceUonily. UIm tirccii re* nialna another week nnd poulbiy longer, otherwise Qveryiblnir U new. In tbe list »n ibo (toidlnn, cba^oteriketobes: Fin Bankii.Rpno comic; SiRiiinn nud Iteddlnff, dmiuntlu »klta; lliicsted nndii iyer, Ihe two JaaVers: I'aQiKer lioo,cnntiiriliiolBta: willa nnd Bmttiw. cccmtilo ekotcbfi; t^twanW nnil Ker< nell, Jar. Oardaer, Ward nnd latncb, Jah. (Allien, Campltell nnd Utni^, llogerv Kod Cooper, the Strain HUtennnd oibtm. Tne luiial con'tuunnASl-jndriy concert, trtglnnlDg nt a.iml ending at to a) o'clock, will be uniKually nttraoilfo, aa iho regniHTweek day lilll will lie augmented t>y nvemt adJIllooal numiim. UiNiH'aKitiiini AviNVi ThL^TAB-Tlte return ongagement bere for ihia week of tho Wii^hltum Blitem' but Senwtlitn la sore to lic aiteoded wiib excellent nnsncUl reauliii to MiiiAsor I.ini4 It iblo. \rbn cnnlroli the nrganlxntlnn. T<iclr prcvUuH rn- MgenirnlaheruililH»eaA)n luvo Itrcu rvimuktiblo rorthobiulncafl done, nnd Ur. Ilotdo ri'|iort«i)iotr toar of itie conntry aa havtOR neon mitst Mircciisfiil. Tbeqpomilo exiravnganzik, "FnrUiiM, or Uieniii' ie«'^^uab,*'ooailniicaiol)0 tho principal vohtelr rortheeveolng'i ainuaeinrDi, kitll a i-apiial ullovf »i)OClnlllciibi rnnlabed by Nelllo WiitiTD, K-aoty anil M^rtow. Ihe Wahbimm SlAifrn. vvbltcUv nnd llran. (I'Orlen, Jennlnga and UMlrlen.nnd IIhIiivk nud IVUloRlll. T(ie pneolAltleA wcru vrll rcn Ive lL nnd **FonuDn,^WIth un cntrby muxlc, pretty ms tuuei, Rorgcuui acencry noil iiii^ r/i'V tnioeraoni- tliHiaot iheprlnolpil mlea tty iiuiioho aud Waibbum, oablly ifpeate<l Te ronner AUi-co«i at tlitahouav. Uneoflhe larvovandlonconwA^pioR- enlon Hoiidny night, Feb. i;, .Sc.\t week, ^Vllllaaid' Htteon. lliiuiH*fl Ki(;nTa Atbkiii Utasiu. — Ctnnptdc chingee IB tbe curio hall atuitctluna ror tbliwc^'k will |K»liably lead to ailll rnribcrlocnuiie itie pat- ronage here, whirh hnn lieene.Ti*clh:ut sine** ttie wa- loabjgan under the new iuin*genient. The tnu elect featuroa for tho week arc: Henry Htvaosler, itrxiug hoy; Ulte. MAntlln and ber t rtiiiita nt iraVucd dtige; KlUiowrn. tbe h«lf nun; U Ino Frlir.,iworO awallower, nnd 9niith Sen bUnd Joo and wifo, wlib Ibeir exbtbltaor life In thcnelNiaiidH auddui Hptive leoiuro*. Tbe atcond week of Ciulliio' CunKtlUna bcnn IT. when ibeconipauy prodnceil -I.ViliTod- dieilnV* preceded by Allen nnil Dclniahi, Fauole U-Mdiivn and otbora in entenntiilnp pprrlaliln. HANiiiRRliOt-iii ROBiR'a touliimaUl tienent at Uiarr'a KiRhih Avenue TheAiro on Hnoday night, Feb. iri nerved to UIoh out tnta p^puUr nuuiger a leglou of trtendP, who packed the bouno upuu Ibe ooca»|itD, A iiioat enjoyable prveraiiiaie «itiirrn> derrd by Imotrne Uouer, Annio Hart. Saillc llata. I.eiUr and Hllllanw, Jail HrAviiy. ULtfr^U and l»lmp»>n, llowArd and aSu Cl^lr, ihe Tiicfidtn Foar, l4ir H4Wkln9.(\)urUinlGcrUnt$..lViniio l.*>UAck. A), arani, llotnllr. Itryant and (leaver and otbcrt tUBDRN TUEATHR.--Cbl:lititli) Fdlddcn" VBIeiCd on Feb, it upda the fl\ib and dml wcfk of lia mtiatChlibiiUTic. Ii win not kavo thla i:itv, bow* over, but win t^lrAnitrrred i<t amMbrr hoi'ife. it will he Tiilovrd bore, '.:4, tty sylney llottufeld'a "The Two Kfcutcbeooa." recent alay at ihe SUr. Unnnelly and Olrard, in "Tne lbilniKaker»" Tiiit T\vasT\*-»iimfti AHSivBKSiRy tf Sow Yofk lMtt'\ No. 2, If. r. U. Kikn. «ui cclebmied ou iho nrrerouon of Feb. in. Ht the New UiohattHO Atbleitc Oluii lluiiito. miORrtilonnworepri^Bent rmm PUIU- delnhln. UofUno.llrooktyn, Hartford, ncmn'on, lUcti- nioiid, Vs., New Bntosfflck, N. J., and Tarrytown, N. V. Aionng the giienia wero William Q. Uyera. U. K. It., of I'&lladclphU, and John (inAhnn), K. K. nod Fred ClArk. V. It., of lloftlon. E.NUDdilona ot HVlmmlng were Riven In the Nataiorlani, nnd n vandevllip ontcrialumcnt waa given In tho theatre of the cIhU. Tbo aiTdlr waa uinnnged Ity Exalted Itiiler Ilrofcan, Jnuca J. ArmmroiiR. 1*. K. H, Tonr Pnator. NIc. Kiigel, SauinelTuck, Iticbard D.Sche), John 0. Mart and KoOfrt 8. laiiqnetr. Tbevletllog lirflihrrawcreenterialQcd by a reception committee, or which Kdward l.<HCh waa chairman. Uaor membeinor itae profetalon were nrecent. and Lo nil aeveral thoonnd people attended. I'AUiKK'A TilBATRB.—Kdward Vroom'B prodn& Hon of Coppee'a "For tho Crown," though not n RUCcCAs, did not tack pnironage during its fint week, which bnajnst closed, for attendance upon ita perforuuiBcea aeeiiia to have been deemed a clAldnty. Ca£Is'u.— "Tho la^y Slavey," which began on Fob. IT tbo iblrd week ot Ita run, has proven n HIICCOAd. FihTii Avb.'!ubTiie\tbb.— Wm. II. Cmne. In "The Qovernur or Keulncky," began on Feb. i: the fiftli and Unal week of hla engage moot. Elrooora IVuM conieB24, and wid be aeen lu a reitortory or plaja, heahmliiR wiib "Camllie.'* LvcRou TiiRATRB—"Tho TrlBOQer ot /enda." aa preai«iited br thn atock rumpany of tbe bouse, tered on Feb. IT upon Ita aocond week. Tbe per- ronuance baa been atroogly ooduracd.and tho re vlvat gtvea promlM uf good Onnnclal roiiiraa. HovT'e Tiisatrb.— "A lllaok 8beep*' started on Feb. i; iipuu the aevrnin week ot Hh run. li la an- nounced ituioo'JJ, tbeoccHilon of ihe fltlleih ptr- tormance hero, aouveolra will bo given. Tbe bud* neaa reDialnaat high wiitor nark. Uroaowav Tubatrb.— Tho Uietonlnns, In their ever wetcuiiio opera, "Itnitln Hood," entered oo Fob. iTnnoDthoaecond week of their eURAgenienL Their nudlcncoa Inbt week wero largo nnd thorough- ly npprecUtlTo. (lAHHicKTnRtTRB.—K. kf.and Joseph Ilnlland, Ip A SoclMl IllRtiwaymau,'' began ou Feb. it the third and Imai week ot ihctr duy. Tliey nilRbt prolltably have rematoed much longer, but they am obliged to Rlre place lo John Drew, wbo i«gina nn coffngcnient24. In "The Si|Ulre or Damea." CimvALiRH VauuKCK, a luaglrtan, Ugan on Feb. IT a aerleaordativ peirormancea nt the CaiIuo. Ho wai ivtAlHted by Ulle. lU <^iay. AuRHtCAN TltBATHK.—' Uiirtnab*' hegan Fe1>. W ira ruiirth week. Amy liu»bv replnceil lleorletia Cmavnuin In tbe caati:!, and won great praliie tor horporirajutor Vorah llaDlan. Ai ADBuv or UiHtr.—"The Bponin; Diicheas*' en- tcrvd Feb. i: upon tbe twenty alith w<<«k noil lait ronulRhi ut \\i etay at thla hoiiio. OoraTMner was unable to appear M. and hf r role waa aaxtimcd by Afpioa Booth, while AgueH rrvctur replaced Hn. booth hi the title rolo. StirTiikatiik.— '*The Warof Wenllli" began Feb, IT liH aocond week, to good butlooat. Uu iti pro- duction U4t week It Jumped at once Into public favor, and la Itke'y to bavo a lengthy etay ntthia house. Dnrtog ibo llmt actor the play on Uonday nlRhlll was apparent that lAwrence llnnlej, who Una been plajliiR the mio ot John Wardeld, waa un- able roilolah tbe pcrTormancf, and JoUoT. Burko waa Rlvf u liU rule. Ur. iUnley ban ceased to bo a member of tbe company, Forreai lioblnaon havlnt; liren cngnged In bin plaro. KorirTNBNTif Strbbt TOBATHR.-Obnnncry Olcoti itegan Fob. IT hla ilfUi wc«k In "Uavoiiroeen,'' NVxt wcok ho will prvitenfTho lil*b Artlii," AiiuKV'8 TiiRATHK.—SirAb Bernhardt began on Feb. IT the llfih and final weokot her ODgRBemenl, rctaluinR -'OUmonda" aa her oiTiirtuR tor ihat date. l.tiilMn Uuaflelt will follow 20,1u "Tho Uoddess ot Truth." ftrftaak Kiblbolt preww to bin J^^"'ttr h* plee* waa ma wlUr Id lb* mamii al iha Oolomb^ «b»n II attncwd iwd^w^laafos U promlw ^ well ihti eoBafaiooot, (f Monday "iBbt'i aodUoeo any I chtarloQ lO Roby.ibebooiebeloii iuimI la lu M*unB Mpiclir. iMt «t»k -Shilt No. T- ia« rrtMDied to ' rronlsd faotuea at *adi p«rforiDAD<6 NtKlwMk, Wll- llnm Barry, in 'TTie BI»iofninar*iI«D." Mo.xTiVit.-Hoyi t "A Trip to Cliloalown" U ibe at- , ..arilun pr«»aDt«<l hrr«lM«T« «n«pro*«BtattbeomlO0p«TronnaBc«l7. \— ^^-- -.^ , ' too veil hio«a and lima bMQMaaioo freiiaeoUy br tho- i ■utRoera lo rtnn ra a itry lengihy ""J^*!* .JB"; ■ U«raJoD. Id 111* tiderolr, la eicMdioaly co«d, boib aaa willow iDd n doBhlng biiMnr. LouKa Oallowav. Oanl WilMrtod oUiemlo tbocvt didweiL Fraak DADtel*. In 'Tlio WbanJof tba Nne."di»w Urve audlaocM ta« w««b. Tb«Doil aitracUoB bm wlU i« OtlaBBInDtr, la "SIn-A T»riev bill Ii praianiod hora thU w«k lo (la> HHI'i NoTohka. Two pArromuocaRwen fllfao ba- Inr* lATKa kiidloBcea ir. A mfteialiWDieoT the bill hi HcI.«otl and .Mlimon. wrotUrra. wbo oir«r $M) 11 aay miDwhom tbty cuDot throw la Hiimd mlamaflU any | pcrformtnM. csidi ai utrb can. ud gtOOuianrinaQ ttbo cu throw *li)irr of ihun. Tba oiiitr pMpunrt: Low lliwklDa. niio&usl; IUomb aod Wen. tnoRlcat coiBKlliDiLFnd UaJie, wItb biiip«rleiiofn«doRi; Mc- WISCONSIN. Ullwaakce.—At tbe Davldaon Theatre William Uoay pr«MDi«d "Tba Olobe TtoUer'* Pab. 10-10, die r«r. foiDiaDca ol 17 bBlog for the beoaQt of tbe (*iiirtty Fund or Ultwaukeo Looro, No. 16, B. P. u. a rahnar Cox'* *BfDntaa'* drew bat fair booaaa but week. "A Milk VbtcePtafrMncDrreor. . „ BiJOD oraaA Uucsa.—"A Uappy LlitU Ifuma' betogthowD tbli weak by Oao. W. Monioa aoil coiiipaDr. lluloa Brothan* 'T^ntaiuna" played a blgbly pronubl<i jBagamoDtat thla Imuaa lant weofe. "Tbe AlMdaa," 0 axd weak. r. EUK lu OtU and banliK Triah louriMa; Qmr and Coonj, cflitilo ^kMirli iBan: hoodIa TutiUe. dancer: Daly an Uer*re.aa Irlali team; (lQ>Illll,ritainpl<iQeliib««loBer; LiiUa bidf. a boy JucB:ir, and a aWldi tailed "The Tfranikili nenuirr B«rber." . . UvoK A BRiiMAX'a -A moat oicellaoi bm b preMDiad here ihla week bj ibo Boatoo llowani Aitaina uto Co. Twn performaocaa warealren IT. beroia two crdwda thai packe;! iha houw., Th« bill ij headed br MadilJaa HMi^ Tcntrilniiubt: Dplpb alhl Bu>le Lafloo, Id a cooedr iikit;Fr*«aEtilrldKa.1liaMawDP,lD Iri*h >keich; Aonla IIaiLlneooRi;Lia[allulT*yaiKlKt>arI lo^ao, oovelty daDCiDc; JonaOiaw^IrUhcniDedtaQ: KaDmtand Welch, ■rmbeUc perrormtra; lloRliea, Morino. UeHrlde aad walton.ln "Tba Arrlral of UcaulD&aM." Nestwaeb, Capuln SAmm'B M •lettioa will ba the ailractloii. Aai'iiio.N.—no Hogllah bartuuue, *^ia Shop (tirl, twnn a treek'a aotuaiDaDt Iwre IT, ondar tbe moat aua- ptclouaclrcumainDcei. Itta andl»De« wu laita and un< •tinted In lunn>laaae. Rhea tn booked for otxl weak. EuHtRB.—The bouae wai crowded 17. oo tbe opeolni eDfnsanaai o( "The Cotton KIob." "UotnaB Uaarta" In the uwlerlloe Tor oaxt whB. Laa AviMfaAcADiHV.—Tbeeir>rtaoriltemanacaincnt lierehave Boimet whb the aaccau tluydaaarre. Ana rewU lb* bouM la dark ilila week. Tliey will make an- oili«r try neaiwMk. wbeo they «III ptaaent coralo open. AnaniCAM —"Laod of tbe Htdalibi Sao," Uila «»rk'a aitfaettoD,waBwluieaiied 17 by a ralrly good a'Md aodl- •no*. ' The Oalloy PlaTa" la booked for week oru. Brooklyn Mraio Uall— Tata bnue wuUonchad 17 wltlitheroaicnorproapeoia. Tkopa«i>l«»rorlbaopealoR week are: The Qnaker Ulty Q larut,Ue lAuraaod Da brloiont, the Da Poreau, Leavitt and NoTtlla Dahoralll and uilaaDdo. Wi*rtli and Harabali. Adaltna RoatUao^ lle.Ma PaToolL Mabel Rtaoley and Mabel RuaaalL A tiAoof a ot bill will ba RUan otit weak. Tbe n«w reniure [a ma Uj C P. Qebhaidr, wbo haa aecured Lauraul How- ud aa bofdoeas maoager. LvcBUM -M. B. Wood vaara Ihe lltin part In "Jaok aiieppard" thla veik. He la aliiy nipftiriMl by the home company. A cmwUed bouie wit-* pr«J»ni I J. 'The tJpper Hand" will ba ihe aitraolloa wo»b oril. Uavbtt.— "Tbe RalQtnakfr^" made popular by Don- nelly and Ulran],la bare tlila week. Both of Ibe prlo cipaia Itafe nany wam rrienda amoag ibe lioaaa'a ACAbBav OP Mmio.— TbadramarorthlawMk.opMilBK 16, bi -Tbe Oanltaa." The apaclalty unuaro: Tli« Horn Japanaaa Tioopa, the ^emailte Trio, Barilatlaad Mar, and norance Baralce Wrlabt. "E^at l.ynoa," pn- aapi«d br Iba Block last week, found many adoilro.nior tlib uU druDL ... pAttfTTuiCATRR.—Tlia Dualcal oDtnedybyB Jacoituu and Ji. Ely, "Adam and Ere." waa glren l>y the aiock company it. Tbe Arlon UuBlcal Clu^ asated ibe capaclir attbaircoooanil. Tbeprodnaloa by tbe atock, I'J. u *DBrBtbfb»ratar,"wu alao woU aitenJcd. aa la diom everypreneotaUon by UiU good ootnpany. Anacart all be ciTenactlilalinoae il.b/ rrau Ueiaraa, ilio Wauiitr ioca11it.and l^ranz Oidrleok. violloiit. WusoKHLAynHi'HVCU.-Hlll for week or 17 la: Cuil* hall—UoirborM) and Itair man, llngu, magiclao; Uapi 11- B. llicka, Moat: Poncb RIiom. Klem Jobnaon. bBii]oUr. Nc-Ne^Tab, Indian priDceu: Wolf aud Bttnitt'fi fclcclric Urchuira. Tboatra—Uen, 11. MoCormick, Coonnn acil Garwood. Eva Brmodt, RIckwood aod Morley, Rfitl Vrn- unta, aod Conoaia aad Buley. UKSTio.^.—Tbe Mawiueiade given by tlia Tlieatrlril Tiwaaarora'and Uaherk'Aaaoclailoo or the Bijou. Acad amy aod l^bai, waa a auceeu Id every way Tti« old Buodaid ThaAtra balldtoB.on the tbutii Bide, hi* t««& leaaed ai an armory by a local icIlliAn orcanlu- tloo A II. Unll.or UaU'B Nortbweatera Olrcint, baa patnuoantly tocatvl lo tbe Academy bulhllDg. Bonirol tba faoobbiita over hUclronltarw: ^'Bni«re Acraa," "Tbo D«TU*a Auctloo." **A Texaa Htaer." **Alrln JoAllo." Julio Dllton and the Jolin Buptotoo Oi> Manager t:baa. P. Ballaburr, ol Praeman'a 11ifaU«L CInolooati, U,, we*here on a Tlalt 14 Manajcer Banoln and the Uanlon lin>Ui- er^lDTlted rA< KraUttg vrt$amttn newaboya lo tbe BIJxu 14 LaopoM aodoaaby.a Pollah plaabc, idvea a rr- cltal At toe AUiaoirum 31, aod the aaventh ereolDR re- dul or tba UoDday Mnaiol Ulob will ube placa ibero ». Secraury 0. K Honey, uf ibe loterHtate Dill Poaiefi* FrotacUTo AmmUiIuo, w«a here laat weak. Bai« Glalr«.*lIaulODh* "Faobiama," Feb. c, waifciaatad by a larae aodl^nce. Attand^oce nt'Too Land of tba LItIor," ll, waa llibt, owIor to ba l weaihar Conlog: "HlaaiifrandCrAther and "BohertMacalr'17 — .. .. „ woiU" ai, Momy an.! By local talent), f pauooR,aod they werepreaeni In birgo numbvfal7. Tba fbltflwlDff atincitoB la **Bu«li City." t.'.tiMi'K —Tbeliooae waa crowded IT, »'ban tbe French CANADA. folly Cu l»no n week'a eoRagemBQt. Tne olio: Carter I ■Hi OUrk,wari aod Hradtinm, tba llarberl Brotheia. Oeorie F. Morpby Jr.. Tt>m RIplay. Thi Twentieth Ceo- iuryHaldaCo.34. next Buaday night loauBonte the alra>wy popular con- eana at. tba Unod Opeim llouae. Ha baa orraDgad an atotllant UJl. tieadeirby Maaale Oltoe. Her aaaoelataa will ba Will H. KoCTFIIaoo and Brrol, Al Orant, Vaanle Hoia. Ullle Waaiem, uoUtam Oity QiiarUt and Brown and ban I «o. Prol.atarer'aOrdiBHUawlU ba piaaanL I'tt^Urpriceawlu ptaTalL AlbaRi)r.*>Tluatregoenbad a great variety or atinctloDk to cliooao Aum lait wtvb. LiLaaDOraaa llot*aB—"Uaoda Acnaa ibeBaa,' jn Qi«&lBg. to Ytry gwd boalDCAA. yeb. II, U. 'The Prodigal FAliar** naTO one patroimanca to agood alxed honas IX The Uowaid BubIad AtbenHron BpKlally Dabbed the Weak, wlib a big aodleooe al rach p«ruirm< anoe 14, l(L Manager F. F. Proctor haa angaBad tbe rwliovlnw tparTaliyiaople for tbui week. Julaa Lavy« Rooole TboratoD. waiMw and Uutcbtaaa, Ciadoe, the Roman aitmaa: Lorlog aod Ii«all«. Uao. Tbatober, Blaiera Beaiinont. Phaimaa and Uoriaar. Carroll aod Ulodaa.and Hmj Vemoo. . . UAHJiAMrii Ulhiukbr Uali. —**Tlie Fatal Oard * bad ralraittttUaocoKtb. lau. "A Milk\TIdle nas"waTed brrvreatidiencaaefllitlitpmporuooa It, 13. Llhlao Uua- ■ellU^raCo. euR'*lheUtaad Docbea*. * to aa loimenaa Toroakto,—At the Qrand OperB Hons^, Feb. 10-!S, Rob Roy" had very large oualoeaa. FlaU'a Hloatreta ll, U. -Trilby'eoDiea 17-19. TonON'iu Oi*aiu Ilopaa.—"Darkeat Hoaala"opcDad to UfMnhiBfi Kknii^^p)! cornea t>>ncert, II, good bnalncaa. Lactvie Hall: Oapi. & Bloman, HIbi V. Koapp, nnd Prof. Bdmoeda. Ttaoarra: The Dempearn, Eekert and Hack, ALL.awr*nc«,Mlllaid, McOoTere, nail and O'Lynn. Olt»w*«—At tbe Qrand Oners Uonte, Feb. T, ft, Emity Baacher. In "Oor Flat," had good boaloeaa. Od HI riaU*a Mlo»tf«Ia paahad the bonaa. Albaol eomaa IS. and ateiy aaat la bom at big pricaa. Jom|^ Ilait, la "A ^' I Oat OM Boy," eomaa la, 3D. rar tJRiNVe Hall.— Ihe Harry Llodloy Co. rwteil 10-1 J. ri,l I theball nalOR ranted. The companyopeoo I4.and«lll ^ I lemala until S. Marka Broa. eome wfek or Utrcb i. HamlUow^At the Grand "Sowing tbe Wind.'' iMkedmrPeb. IS.WU caocaled. AL Fletd'a Hlnitrvla cone IT. 'Trilby" pliya a return ODgagaiBent tS, Biowe'a "U. T.O."caraoa39. araaTnBATRB.—rorlTand weak: The Wbllaa, La Roy Mll'wtd, Uia Deagona, tuballa Bouaaaati, aad Hooter and Ptfrtat. . tpmponlo jR"lheUtand Do_ _ . bouae, ll. ' The haw Boy" Bate two perrotouacee to AwDciATiox Ball -Caailn Jack Crawrord dallghtail a fair Acdl»ne«^ U. with bU lactora, eotiiled The Camp FIra aad the Trad," ordloary boBloMi .a. Comtog: DamioaobOermaonpeiK Co., In "Lobontrio," 18; Fotur BellawCo. lo*t;harlott« Ootdar." ti; Whliaar upem Co., Id "Bob Roy," U; "The Wluruorilia»ille"M. Oainv Til BATRR.—Thla lion>e had big boalnaaa all last week with Uarry BonU'TwcoileibCaniary Halda Tba B. aO. alia w-a ihcwo a'tooki every Blabt l^omlog: Tbe AtuntTcan A'audaTille Co. IT and week, Mlaoo City club Burleiiiue Co. II and weak. llarlru.'At Ihe lluricni Upem llouae "Sbom Aciph" fta< eatl r(««lT(il dunni t1i« |mbi «cok. Tba Frank DuilcU' I'oialc Upara Cm., In *Tlia VVtitrri ol iliDMlf,"fii>#nedtuai1r«tcLtB« lwu«« Frb. IT. citoahUr luB thenaa'har, and wllidoallK ««i*^'a buBlotBA Noit week. "IlieKhMtillrl" >'<iLt'Btil*a-11u»iorMwaiROAd during tbo ptal week. **1lip \Vli<(«KUv«" ('|•«n^l loarrowdcd liuu>*aod made a )i«<oJ ln)pr*r»li>n. awl «IIL wllhuut donbr. Ii>i|ij linoao iliiriUR ilie •kgacritieuL Ktxi acck, Nell guricuLla •11)ii«AMDly l'4lr" OLV)irio~ibe"K*n>" Co. br,-ke aU record! for iliU HAMiu, patklag the bou*e thebrM pariorilie week and itiniinKi>M[il* itwny it ilie closing perroimanca. The IliiM lilll Kaallah Full/ C«ni|>anr made lhair Hibi llarleu aii>ranocr a cinndeO iiniiko. If llbo ('ima anJ )>r«il>- ucei kkv« nni l»«t tUtr drawloa r^aarw ihU company will Bliucut br»ak tlio raontd. Tlio companr varp Htibrarilon from the rlMi In tbe fall or lb* cerlilo. 4li<ta|ni lUi lh»r v*r< apprccUitd. Vanac«r J. Her- l>rrt Mack retvruihai bualOHihav Ut«d «>ribs biiit dur- initilia Dill itl I'tan eugaKaiuBOlt. Keat weik, Uarrr wniUiiiK'UwnCn. IIahlih MraiH.—From IhUlioofecomaBtbaimialrt- , port ul cn)Kdr<l hou««f, ind lltualiUtnukl ba,ailhUUthe only |>m>ular pilce place uf aninMaieDl In Harlem. ThI* we#k; KfMl ilayfltt etid NeKU MeTlll*, Krsuk rbrlati*. A. W. HiaoUr aud Mamie »:abk»o. Harry Fcnion. I^itla lully. Jy*. W. Thompaon, ihe H'«iaOBl>4-a. E'aex. wild Bun aod Lhila tlura Bbou a W. Mack, and K Jdle Thon. NEW YORK ST ATE. nrookl>-a.*<UurlcG<)UO and comedy predoml* iikieaiihalml thaAiitathlB «f»k. Only onanuTeltr la iHHiked for the wrek, and Ibat I* (Mga .Veihrraola, In '*Car- in^n." It tba Colbiutila. Utoro Faollnl. a ulteied y<^una liatiau leior, who la a caj^Meand riUclenipapli i>r itie fnilooBt Iraqrdlan, TimBao (UlTtnl. aiMar«J it III* Alhfi r-diiinn TurMay nlnht, Feb. ILaa llaralet, h« lorv ■ luB* au-1 apirtclalive audlencw ol l-H rellow coua- irjman. Mr. 1*801101'! rerditloo of the charaeterof t&a niiiidr Dan* vaa vxctcdiniiy nind.t)ai Ida work wm , iiiBdi« moredlrarult ihan It wnitM bBr«b*«ii had l>a been iupr«>ilcd by a ^1ml »leBt tuL Mrm. A. Iloi, who took ihr l«ri ol ut^lia. wia very goal The Hdkdar nicbt rvri->nuBnrf« l>aT« it»coiiie ao pc|.ukr ib%i ihf y are gUeo BuwlaUireablUtetheaire*,ud»eiaraloihtrauaeApKei* Bfracaae^AtWIellngOpoim Uotiae Dan Da^ lelgh aod a ooupasy oraoiaieurapieaenied Mr. DatlelBb'a pieca,J*lD Old Halnr," to loud baBlnff«^ Feb. IS. Mr. and Ura. Darlelab and Ur. Bamea making aapeclal hiu. " illy Bucker, In'-OurPtaL^canaito big Week or Feb. 17. Krot John Heyoolda, ni K:ia Blnaaa li, nowneriAt. My wire'a Pneod" did lalrly 10, " * ~Uai Euill] 16. < BiarjIULB TllBATHB _, . It. Ltllao RoauU t>i>era Co. bad B. R 0. II Jobn tn "Comedy aad Tragedy" nad "A Fair or fi^otaclea,' delightMl a large audieoce 13. Dr. Loyd Cook, ai<liluial- tat, iS; Hra. Poiitr and Mr. Bellew, (n 'VhatloitaCoiday" ' *Whlioey Opera llio, lo "Made- and "Ulle Stoopa to (?noiiUBr," cooie 17. Ift; Whiioey Opera Co, lo "Rob Ror." 19. SO; uamllle D'Arv'-* lelnr, or the Magic Kiaa." tl, tt. 11. R. Jacok^ TiikiTRB—The Boatoo Howard Atha- oft'ain Co. came lo biw bualoeia lO-lL iTim. A. Uardoar, lo 'The Prbw WiDnet"'aod "ratbarlaBd,*' had large at- uodinee 13-16. To coinr: rioienca Biodley. In "Tbt Oapuln'a l(a(a."lT-IO; "Darkwt Buula' 1^ horaa—Manager A. A. OralT toieoda to make jBcobtf Thaatraa anion bouae ooxtaaaaim Batold MeOraih. fur many laaraldfnilfieuwiib ibe local pnaa, haabvaa ";poini«d prwu agent uf tbo WIrUor.. Chaa. Daolela lllr • - ... I - wll "tindaS raoiwaolieaoonipanTioplajblapL , TbecoronanvwIllopentoMarcii. UaaUarUlghaadwUi, and Bd. WvlcQ-.i^ 01B) raeuaa. haToatgned wfib htoL Roehcater.—Tbe \7btiDey Opera Co., In ''Rob S^^V.^P" olBhU'aiayai iboLjoaumTbaaira ^•b.17.. Mra Foiur and Eyrlo Ballew are annoooead Lllllao RoaMll tail It. doing wall. Jobn Han let le^dobg oolyratr. The Damroacb Overa r>>. will glTB ooe MTrorTOBoea S4.'and Mlaole Ma^dem PUka'ia annonne^ ror 17-41 Cook OraaA UofBa.-*'DAtkaU Rnaala'* wai e« ir. ror Ihree l>e loitoard by Joe Ult, lo "Tlie Star iiarer," lor the laat hair or ib« weak. Lut week-Oor Flat" and "Tba Qraai Brooklyn Handicap** dM wolL *Tbe Bllvar Klog"GoaKa U-al^"Mlaa llarum Baamm" I f7-W. ArADUiTor Mrairhad Edwin Fi.i»Wtb, In "Formiroa," ll, ^Bjtni tor Ibe eoilre week. laat w»ek Floiuca bjndloy plaied lo nod i>aiiDeBa. Uodarlbitd for weak oril, *'wt,tif Crook^ BauaTagioiaCo. WitvtiiHuiiDTnuTNB.-Theroilowlng.Moala are oe Ihe protTamme for tbe week begtontoi 1T! II •Ma Thomaa, Frank Bany, Matbella Bekert, Vlclorta Baulla. Two Qrarea. Utienae. FKutraW and Kelly aad Frank BUay. noRinr IkuBHAOLLWrtaiaa at the Lyeanm H. 0«el|ik.—At the Roynl Opera Uonae Blowr'a ''Uaela Tom*a Cabin"Oa played to raIr hooao Feb. ll. Ella Cameron, 10 rtpertory, coma* IT and week. TLm. MoVaiRh Jr.jOf Detroit,In llluatntad leetnre. '*A 'Cr- ellOK Tour Tfarooah Qreat BriUln." li doe Marcli a; ''Handa Acrou the Uaa"7 MaoagarTavamterban Joload tha Ida Van Conlaadt Co. In Iowa lo rahearaa tau paw ahue, *'Dorl«*> and "A Wonaa'a Power," which ho baa oMaload for her. IioadoB,*Al the Grand, Feb, U,theTroeadero Tuderlllea plaaaad a large bonaa up ualra. Booked: Flakll MloatreU IB. Biowe A Co.*a *>U. T. 0." t2. W ASHINGTO N, |iBatUe.-At Cordray'a Theatre "The Uald ot MHan,*' a ihraa act ccmto opera, by F. OlloCcllloga aud Pror. 0. E. Bny« waa gtven lu flrtt productloo on any auge Feb.B-a,to uoa'dcd bouaaa, at advanced pritaa. 1li« Uattla Bamard-Cbiaa Co. ralnmed 0, lor (mr weak^ and piaaaoiod "Fawn Ticket llU"aa ibairopeolDgoiTfr InictoaR O. *TheTtmputJonor Money"wlUbeIbtir neat odarloR. BBATriJiTiHAvnB.-BonBa*a Band cmn«R to ihia bouae, under tha direction of ei-Manager John W.Uaooa.13; and wilt play a reinm eogagement W. "lo Old Rentuckr 11 aod li, Maria WalBwrigbt 17-19, and S3. T|vou TnurnR coollonaa to have OTorflowlDR how*- aoph 16: O. B. Baker, Nellie Uowaid, Daa OoUd. Mar a RaaaL MIok WlllUma. Pyne Blatera, Hlckay Valcb, Lamoat Bialon, and Jea OaitwrlgbL PACTa~Joho B.(jalBn, of tbo Auditorium, Bpokaor, cana to thla diy w Ui lia Initiated with Poact Ronod Lodge. SB. T. M. A John F. Cordiay haa bein aiieod- Ing toboaloeaa la thla city 7-11. Taebma,—At Taooma Tlieatn Ibe Oarieton Opera Co. bad ralrbualneaa Feb. I. Marie Walnwriaht csMiogoodlHialneulO^ 11. Bodb&'b Baod. II, had bla aiteodanca; retom eogagameBtu **lnOH kaatuekf IS, **Jortitta Bpncaby''^ W. Mellla UeHaory m Oorione Opera Co. 11. Prowler flioeh t>>. 34-SH. LooU Jaow Marena and 4, *'a BallroadTIchet" 14. Kiimi evBBRTuBATU.—Tiie Bffilih-Llab Co. played to poor boBloaaaweakaadlogfiunday,B. ARKANSAa UlBBtaamlDa^At ihetttcneopera'tlonaeOorBe l'a)ioo,raMoried by Bua R*«d. lo raoettory. had B R. O. »«h. Ii>-ll aod Ihe auditoeaa ware waU ykaaed Wlie'a Trlaad" couaa 17, CnaaUle D'ArviUa, la Hot flprlBKB.—At the nper* Hons^, Feb. 10, Roben Maolall piVfaotM 'The Unabaad." borera an andiaaco that packed iha bouae to ataadtng room. ''Tlie Tonado," with lufloe mechanical effeeu aad wealth of aceaerr.drwwafalrhenacll. "ATeiaaBt««r"conaaai. Boht. AownlBg 11, *'Frl*oda" 14. Lliila Rack.«-At Ibe Onnllnl ItieBln Iloberi Maaun came Feb. II, 11 to fUr bnalaeaa. *Tomado," U, bad a Bmail honae. **lha Oetton MIbr" cornea 14, Tun Moroky. la >*A Teiaa Blear," 19, BoM. Dowolag W. **Pilaada"&