The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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14) THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Apbh 4 4 Reformed:" Rpnrrow, Harry M. Parker's comedy »nit leaping dugs, Hammond and II«Diciond, M usher, Houghton and Manlier, 1111(1 Others. _ . . , . . Passing) EvBXTd.—Crcatore and Ills band wore .warmly greeted by two packed houses at the City Hull 2b Tbe last dny of the linstock nnliiinl show, at tbe Academy of Music. l'HUlleUl, was quite exciting. After the afternoon show, Saturday, the quartet of lions were being returned to their cages, which all bod entered with tbe exception of "Vic," wbo seemed determined not to return. William II. Crawford, an attendant, under- took to prod her with n long pole to force a bone from ber mouth. Ilcfore he could reach a point of safety the lioness sprang upon blm, pinning him to tbe floor. lie quickly regained his feet and drove the nnlmal Into Its cage, and then went to n doc- tor and bnd his wounds dressed. He had n gash from the left cheek to the chin, which required seven stitches, nnd a part of bis back near the left shoulder blade had also heca ripped open. In the evening, nfter the show, (he cnge containing "Vic and "Snpho" was being lowered to the transfer vvngon, when the rope slipped, lell ng tbe iiigo drop several feet and breaking It open, freeing the lioness, wbo made at onco for the homes on the bnggngo truck, kill ng one by tearing the neck open nnd Injuring the other. Hie men on the truck nt oaea cleared out and notified the police, wbo, with the assistance of some of the citizens, shot "Vic," who was feiiHlIng on the dead horse, and the other •wns driven Into the Berk- shire automobile million, where t was wounded nnd returned lo the cage, although It is feared It will have to bo killed...... Harry V. llnrll, resident iiiniiugfr « Cnsto Theotre, Lowell, Is filling n few dnlcs In Ibe vaudeville lltpntroa as the Lowell bouse is closed during 1-ont. Ho will be at the Park Tlienlrc, Worcester, this week, with future dates tit tnc Hundoy concerts at the Music llnll and Mnjesllc Theatre, Itostnn. Mr. Barll Is to have charge of the manage- inent of Lnkesuls Pork, West Brookfleld, this Hummer, and will run a series of Sunday con- certs before the regular park season opens, In June The following onwera were elected by the Bprliigflold Lodge of Elks at Its meeting, 24: K. Hm 8. J. Collins i E.I,. K„ Dr. J. P. Mnitln: H. I,. IC, W. A. Robinson; 11. L. K., T. R. O'Brien: T.. C. M. Kelton; B., J. II. Hhen; T., K. V. IIulToy: representative to ■hum lodge, J. R. Nicholson; alternate, E. A. McCllntock. The retiring ulllccni wcro made o commltlcc to arrange for the annual banquet, which Is to be held April 14...... Arthur Wnllls Is to put on "A Cheerful l.lnr" nt Colrnln, April 8, for the bcnollt of the camp of Sons of Veterans........My Friend from India." which was to hove plnyed nt the (Jraiid Opera House the first linlf of the week, closed at Ilolynke 25, and the members relumed to New York...... Jennie G. Smith, houso manager of the New Gllmore Theatre, has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. 1'. t. Shcn, of New York, formerly of ill 1 * city George McKlssock, of "The iJiirgnninstcr" Co., spent Sunday, 22. with nn old friend, Thomna Ilo1*cr, of Northampton. * Lowell.—At the Lowell Opera House (Kiiy Bros 4; Hosford, ronnngers).—Busi- ness ban been very satisfactory the past week, with some of the best attractions of the bciiboii. Gertrudo Coghlnu, In "Alice of Old Vlncomics," pleased u small house; weather affected the attendance. The play and company deserved capacity. Mrs. Le Moyno, In "Among Those Present," plnyed, to well tilled house, March 24. The play was well received. "Human Hearts' had good business 25. "Liberty Belles" pleased n large niidlcnce 27. Hurry Ollfoll, J. C. Marlowe, Violet Dale, and Kntlo Haoney were the most prominent. Chniineoy Olcott, 28, in "Old Limerick Town," had H. It. O. business, matinee aud night. ■ Mr. Olcott re- ceived much well deserved nrnlsc. Due: Alice PlHchcr, In "Mrs. Jink," 80; "When We Were Twenty-one" 81, "Qillney Adnuis Sawyer" April 1. "'Way Down Kust" 2. Acaobmy ov Muhic (C. F. Liempsey, mun- nger).—Business has been good the past week, aornian'H Dramatic Co., with John J. Owens, III repertory, March 23-2B, nnd "8ldo Tracked," 20-28, belug the attraction, nnd being received with favor. Coming: Tho Blue Bloods and High Rollers 80-Aprll 1, tho Fny Poster ICxtrnviigauzn Co. 2-4. Boston Tiibatiib (J. II. Tebbells, mana- ger).—Holora was tho stcller iillriivllon lust week, and packed houses ruled. Kcoly and Keely also deserve special mention for ex- cellence. Mr. Keely's work as a bng puncher was the best ever secu nt this houso. Cur- rent: Tbe Great Rousclls will head tho bill. Others: Cunningham and Coveuey, Sam Joliuson, Bonnie Melville, Andrew* nnu Lu Dell, and Hanson nud Harris. The amateur uurlcsquo number will be "My Partner. 1'koi'I.k'm Thkathu (Hill Nelson, maunger). —Another big week and a good bill. The afterpiece was especially strong. Current: Klslo Carlton's Burlesque Co., and olio—the Dancing Pagans, Mniitle Thornton, Ida V ug- lier, Jessie Bonouso, Oertlc La Marr. Nelllo Curtis, and King and Bpcncer. Afterpiece, "llpsldo Down." „ ....... i, Mkntjon. —Tho first recital of tho Lowell rhllhnnuoiilc Orchestra, Enill C. Lavlgcur, condiiclor, will bo the attraction at Hunt- ington Hall April ti, Eva Kllcskl-llrndbiirv Hoprano; Hcrr Urlcti Loclller, violoncello, will bo the stare Jobu J. OwenB, re- cently hero with tbe Oormnn Dramatic Co., wns one of the popular members of the old Music Hall stock co. Mr. Owens was re- newing old acquaintances during his engage- ment Amy Panchoiiettl Joined the "Hldo Tracked" Co.. hero, to piny I he loubreita rule, nnd made u very favorablu Impression. "Gold Button" Bill's Museum of Ann- tomy opens nn engagement hero 28, nnd will stay for the current week Tho tilth re- cital of tho Lowell Orchestral Society, 22, was u big bucccss. t I, jiiii. —At tbe Lynn Theatre (Prank G. IIiiitIhou, innuager).—Tho spectacular pro- ngcr of the Lynn Theatre, treasurer Lcighton and Lclgbton, at the Gem Theatre, last week, will entertain society In New York next week. During their visit here they were entertained by Danny and Jack Cuthbert Manager Hlckey, of the New Mechanic Theatre, Salem, will, at the close of the season, transform his bouse Into a modern theatre by lowering tbe floor to tbe Mrcet level. He also anticipates adding several other theatres to his list next sea- son. s Fall Illver.—Everything has been un- usually quiet In theatrical circles tbe past week, with a general falling oft In business at all the houses, without any visible cause. Academy or Musm: i Wm. J, Wiley, man- ager).—"The Liberty Belles" pleased a fair audience March 23. "In Old Kentucky" plnyed, to light business, 24. Mildred Hol- land presented "Tbe Lily and tbe Prince," to a fair audience, 2fi, "Tbe Eleventh Hour" had fair business 20-28. Due: Alice Fischer, In "Mrs. Jack," April 1: "Qulncy Adams Sawyer 4, Y. M. C. A. course 0, "Jolly American Tramp" 10, 11. Bijou Tiieatub (Henry Myers, manager). —"Her Marriage Vow," March 23-25, played to light returns. "The Night Before Christ- mas, 20-28, played to fair business, al- though deserving tbe capacity. Booked: James K. Uackctt, In "Tbe Crisis," 30; "Tbe Man Who Dared 1 ' April 2-4. Cabto Tiieatub (Al. llaynes, manager).— Business last week, with J. K. Murray and Clara Lane beading the bill, was fair. Booked for 80 and week: Marian Chllders and company, Talbot and Rogers, Seymour nnd Duprce, Emllle Benner, Alfred Holt, the Custo Comedy Co., tbe travelogue, and "Christmas In Ye Olden Time" (moving pictures). Uicii'h TiiEATnt) (A. B. Rich, manager).— Tbe Broadway Burlcsquors played, to fair business, 23-25. Miss New York Jr. played ii return engagement 20-28, and gave a good show, to good business. Qypscne and Roma, Plcdora Sisters and Minnie Granville were most prominent. Coming: High nollers Burlcsquers April 2-4, Troy Athletic Club 0. Hhf.kiiv'h Tiibatiib (D. R. Bufflnton, man- ager).—Good business was the rule at this house last week. Week of Marcb 30: Tbe Hnrklns, Geo. Plnttc, Hylnnd and Grant, Maud K Bnrlow, Wells and Wells, and Edi- son's projectoseop e. Worcester.—At the Worcester Theatre (Pcllx It. Wendelscbocfcr. manager).—"Tho Lllmrty Belles" comes April 2. "^Way Down Knst" 3, 4. 'When Wo Were Twenty-one" plnyed, to fair returns, March 23. Ezra Ken- dall, In "Tbe Vinegar Buyer," had good bouses 25. Mary Shaw, la "Ghosts," was well received 28. I.oriuuii-'s Oi'BBA Houbb (Sben & Wilton, managers).—Week of 80: "A Hidden ('rime," headed by John P. Lockney and Pniillno Fletcher. "Tbe Minister's Daugh- ter," played, to excellent business, last week. Coming: "Resurrection." I'aiik Ti hiatus (Shea & Wilton, tnnnn- gcrs).—Week of 30: The Pour Otts appenr ns liendllners, In "Holntz In a Pickle," fol- lowed by Seymour nnd Duprce, Hntbawny's baboons and monkeys, Newell and Chlnquel- In, Frazlor and Peterson. Tbeo. and Ca- milla Lo Jess, Daniel J. Hnrrlngton, H. B. Unrll. ' Business Is excellent. Mechanics.' Ham. —Two concerts by Cre- atore nnd his band, assisted by Mine. Ilurlll, April 3. OHIO. Cincinnati—Tbe attendance at the local playhouses last week was all that could be expected In view of the Lenten season. New Gbano Opeua House (John Hayiin it Hnrry Raintorta. managers).— William l-'avcrsham will present "Imprudence March SO. K. 8. Wlllard put In a most profit able week at this house last week. Rogers Bros. rtoniNsoN'H Opera House (David H. nunt, manager).—The Nelll Stock Co. will be seen In "The Starbucks" March 20. Last week the compaoy scored a hit In 'The ilea Knight," the attendance being up to the Walnut Street Theatre (M. C. Ander- son, manager).—"Under Southern Skies Is booked for Mnrch 20. Last week the Klrke La Sholle Opera Co., In "Princess Chic, played to packed bouses at every perform- ance. "Janice Meredith" April 5. Coltjubia Theatre (M. C. Anderson, manager).—Wright Huntington and com- pany, and Edith Helena are headllners of the vaudeville hill March 20. Others on the bill are: Unlhan, May Duryea and John Kearucy, Ilnys and Hcaly, Jobonlo Carrol, Three Livingstons, and Fetching Bros. Busi- ness good. Heuck'b Oi'biia Houbb (Heuck, Fenncssy & Stair, managers).—"The Little Church Around the Corner" will be the attraction Mnrch 20. Bros. Byrne. In "Eight Bells, drew good crowds to this bouse last week. •■Volunteer Orgnnlst" April 0. Lyceum Theatre (lleuck, Fennessy & Stair, manngers).—Lincoln J. Carter's "Two Little Waifs 7 ' will come March 20. Rebecca Warren, In "East Lynnc," was well received PebB Lawrence.—At the Opera House (Grant & Calm, managers).—"Slilo Tracked" plnyed, to a fair houso, March 23. Uertrudc Cogli- Ian, In "Alice of Old Vlncenncs," hud fnlr business 24. "Liberty Itcllcs" drew a fair house 25, Cnauncey Olcott come, to a tip heavy house, 20. ''Human Hearts," 27, bnd fulr business. "In Old Kentucky" played, to good business, 28, Including matinee. Com- ing: Prankle Carpenter Co. week of 80, Kathcrlne Holier week of April 0. Casino Tiiratur <\V. L. Onllngbcr, man- ager).—Business Is very good. Week of March 30: Dainty Knlora, John Eurley, i.arcn Grimes, Will Vaselroan, Hurry New- man and Florence Corliln, Earley's Hurlcsqiio Co. i North Ailnnis.—At the Richmond The- atre (Win. P. Meade, manager).—"The Bur- gomaster" pleased a largo audience March 23. Creature and his band, 2(1, bad a large house. This organization Is the host that has visited this city In years. Coming: Mary Shaw, In "Ghosts." 80: "The Holy City" April 1. Empire Tiieathk (James Sulllvnn, mnna- ger).—Qulnlan & Wall's Minstrels wns well received 28. Herrmann drew a good house 27. Due: Morrison's Stock Co. week of 30, Isabel Irving, In "The Crisis," April 2. ■ Taunton.—At the Taunton Thentro (Ralph Anthony, manager).—Ethel Dyffryn Co. bad small returns week of March 23. "Tho Liberty Belles" comes April 3. Note.— Julius Calm will lie associated with Manager Cross, of Brockton, lu tho miiungemeut of the Taunton Theatre. The lease, for a term of llvo years, was signed Ilia past week, und goes Into effect June 1, IMS «■ > NKW HAMfSlllItE. iliHMlon o( "Slbiilln" drew large houses tho past week, It being put on by R, W. Avcrlll, nt New Bedford, with local talent, for tho benefit of n iocul tribe of the Improved Order of ltcd Men. Chnuneey Olcott presented "Old Limerick Town," to big business, 80. "Itcsurrecllon" comes April 1, "lu Old Ken- tucky" 4. Harconrt Comedy Co. 0-11. Ci:m Thkathh (C. W. Sliciife. innnnger). — I.iml week's business wns excellent. Tho current bill Includes: Antrim and Peters, Wlnstnnley nnd Sullivan, White and Smith, Charles Jackson. Roso Durand and draco BlnnelioMter,—At the Opera Houso (13. W. Harrington, manager).—"'Way Down Kenst," March 24, drew well, aud pleased ns lu days of yore. Chnuneey Olcott plnyed bis annual eugngvment 25, In "Old Limerick Town," and plensed an niidlcnce thnt tilled every sent, S, It. O. being displayed. Due: "The Liberty Belles" 27, "lit Old Kentucky" 111, Snrah Lc Moyue, lu "Among Those Pres- ent." April 1. Park Tiikatiib (John Stiles, manager).— (iood business Is always done here. The Itennctt-Moulton Co. (ten Ncwhnll, mana- ger) week of 23. Specialties were Intro- duced by Lo Itoy nnd La Vanlon, Ned Cur- tis, Ada Orccubnlgh. nnd C. S. O'Shanncssy. Coming: "Human Hearts" 30-Aprll 1. Palacb Tiikatiib (C. S. Miiwlen, mana- ger).—For week of 23: Rado and Bertram, the Randolphs, Maud Burton, Alice Curtis, Ooidlo Pcmbcrton, nnd tbe stock company. In "Strings and Springs.*' For week of 30: lClttlo Hoffman. Adorcl Sisters, Goldle Pcm- bcrton, nud Mnud Curtis. 0 I » COL Oil ADO. l.ogiiii. Jessie Stanley, and the bioscope. CuNi-Kiu iiai.i. (Major lilsiinp, mniinger).—This house was closet! 28 for two weeks, as Manager Bishop will innkc exten- sive repairs and nlteiTillnuH. Ho will open ivlili a big attraction. Tin: Wonder Woiii.h (Sam J. Howard. mniinger).—Lewis Harrison, the human os- trich, this week. Business continues good. New Mrchanio Tiieathk, Salem. Mass. (William II. Hlckey, inniinger).—Week of 23 brought good returns. The present week: Jtillii Kliigsfey and Nelson Lewis, the Great Kldonlii, Winona and Banks Winter, Mndge Pox, tmd Blssonnette nnd Newman. SAt.KM TiiKATUh, Sii.iist, Mass. (Harry K. Reed, manager).—Oerirude Coglilnti pre- sented "Alice of Old Vlnceiines." to fair luislness, 25. Chiiunrey Olcott came, to n big house, 27. "Liberty Relies" 28, "Qulncy Adnuis 8nwyer" 80. Alice Fischer, In "Mrs, Jack," 81, nnd "When Wo Were Twenty- oue" April 1. Grovkii's OAimr.v Thkatrb, Salem Mass. 10. II. Atwnod. mniinger).—The Pnrlslan Burlesque™ continues to be a good drawing card, and Is seen agnln this week. Notes. —At the meeting of Lynn Lodge of ftlks, 22, Francis Quliilnit was elected ex- alted ruler, and Frank G. Unrrlson, man- Denver.— At tbe Broadway Theatre (I'eter McCourt, mniinger).—Week of March 22, Florence Roberts, lu "Mngda," plnyed to good bouses. Mrs. Patrick Campbell 30 nnd week. Tahchi Orand (Peter McCourt, manager). —"Our New Minister." one of the best snows tills bouse lias bnd this senson, 22 and week. IliislncBB has been good. "Lovers' Lane" 20 nnd week. Curtis Tiiratur (A. R. I'elton, manager). —Week of 22, Leslie Morosco and Leila Shaw. In "Man from Mexico," played to good houses. "Davy Crockett" 20 and week. Em run; Theatre (Peter McCourt, mniin- ger).—"Our Old Kentucky Homo" Co. opened 22, but failed to please, and closed after the llrBt performance, tho house being dark for the rest of the week. "Iluumu Hearts" 20 nnd week. At.CAXAn Theatrf: (Frank Kllnfel, mana- ger).—Week of 23: Owen nnd Lamar, the Belays, Shndwlck nnd La Rota, Bessie Louise King. Bessie Holland, Gussle Nelson, the Hnmllns. Business Is Rood. Week of 30 : McCnll Sisters. Emily Temple and others. — Geo. K. Cole nnd Edith May Limey, both members of "Railroad Jack" Co., wcro "inrrled In Qulncy, III,, March 24. "Pickings from Pack" 20 ; Aprll 1, V linker In "Chris and Lens, i-h. Bmpim laSwa (Max Hurtlg, manager . --The Nominee" was, well given wceS of i" Good houses ruled. Week of 20 Ilar- "ARCA'p^VTrfMorrlsiHomansman. fleers) —A good bill attracted good crowds last week Tdlth Helena was the best feat- ure For week of 20: Mary Hampton and Co' Ada Arnoldson, Johnston, Davenport .nn" i^relln Ncwall and Nlblo, Wcnona and Frfnk. Ilaymond and Vack, Co'lumblan Trio. • n Bif«-/ l T , 3S&i (Frsnk Burt, manager) -"On the Stroke of Twelve" and "For Her Sake" made good 22 and week. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" Wprll 1, "The Little Moth- er" 2-4. . Akron.—At the Cotonlal Theatre (8. S. Vail, manager).-Tcn-lchl iWP»*U™ had small business March 23, 24. Zlg zng Alley" pleased a fair audience 25. Ttm. H. Crnne, In "David Harum," bad a big and delighted bouse 20. "Supevba', comes 30, 31, Eugenie Blair, la ^BtW .M&Jv Kathryn Kidder, m "An Eye: for an liye, 4. (JnAxn Opera Hol-sb (,T. K. Albaugh. mniinger).—"Down Mobile 1 ' pleased small a^idleSces March 23-26. "The Village Par- son." 26-28, did well. Coming: "On the Strike of Twelve" 30-Aprll 1, "For Her Sake" 2-4, "Alaska" 0-8. Missoum. Colnmbas At the Great Southern The ; aire (Lee M. Boda, manager).—"Ben IIur plnyed. to 8. It. 0.,' Mnrch 10-21. Adelaide Thurston, In "At Cozy Corners. 80, 31. IIiuii Street Theatrb (A. G. Ovens, »«^j""«. «-» —• ■i—'.rr manager).—"New ^ork pay byDay plnyed Inst week, and business was good. "A to good business, 20-28. Coming .l.lgt Woman's Sacrifice" April 5. Bells" and "On the Stroke of Twelve dl- *> _._i« m. . .,. „,„.» i I T i,kni.f II..n,.L- mnti. IILUUU ft UUtl III1L UUIII UI I'eoplb'b Theatre (Hubert lleuck, man ngcr).—The Trocndcro Burlcsquers Is booked March 20. Last week the City Club Burlesquers did a good business. Thor- oughbred Burlcsquers April 5. News NOTr.8.—Members of the Empire circuit of burlesque and vaudeville managers held a meeting at People's Tbaatre last week. The business transacted was of a private character and not of Interest to tbo pro- fession Selma Herman will begin her season as a stock Btnr at Heuck s May 3, under the rinnngement of Heuck & Fennessy. frank Marllneau arrived In advance of Kogers Brothers Manager David II. Hunt returned last week from New York. s ' ' Cleveland.—At tbe Opera House (A. F. vide week of 30. OitANU Opera Housb (A. 0. Ovens, mnn- BEel .\.—"Pickings from Puck" played, to fair business, 20-28. Due: Boone Yokl 30- iStna Theatre (II. Wiseman, manager). Big business ruled week of March 2.1. Booked week of 30: Klein, Ott Bros, and N'lckerson, the Three Mncartc Sisters, Sny- der and Buckley, Elsworth and Burt, Weston and Allen, and Lepage. i « Znnesviiic At 8chultz Opera House (II. W. Ross, manager).—Black I'attl's irou- liadours came, to fnlr sized audience, March 20. Paul Gllmore, In "The Tyranny of Tears," delighted a small audience 24. Com- ing: Adelaide Thurston, In "At Cozy Cor- Hartz, manager).—Julia Alaiiowe Is giving ners," 27: the Blondells 28. Mason and Ma- "1. TBthel son 30, Eugenie Blair 31, "A DeBpernte Chance" April 1, "Grimes' Cellar Door" 2. "The Cavalier" week of March 80. Bnrrymore. in "Carrots" and "A Country 1.1111 1 T lllUI V« *»* Villi V1V H»v — -——■ — - J ■Mouse," did splendidly week of 23. Com- ing, week of April 0, William Favcrsbam. Lyceum (J. K. Cookson, manager).—"The Princess Chic," a delightful comic opera. Is going well week of March 30. "Superbu," with many new and enterlnlnlng Innova- tions, held the boards week of 23. The Pike Theatre Stock Co., of Cincinnati, week of April 0. Cleveland (J. K. Cookson, manager).— "A Woman's Sacrifice," sufficiently full of plot and counterplot, Is plcnslng the pa- trons week of March SO. "Tbo Volunteer OrgnnlHt" played, to Inrge houses, nnd gave most satisfactory performances, week of 23. "Von Vonson" week of April 6. Cuake's EiiPiitH (Chus. J. Stevenson, manager).—The "Florodorn" Double Sextet Is making Its appearance week of Marcb 30. Another high class feature Is Will M. Cresay and Binoche Dnyne, In Mr. Crcssy's latest plnylet of rural life, "Bill BUnn's Baby." Others on tho bill are: Bobby Harris and Sam Stdmau, Mnud Uuth, John T. Baker and Louise Lynu, In "The Electric Boy;" iieorge W. Day. Anna Caldwell, and Agnes Mahcr, fancy dnncer. Marie Dressier, la song and recitation, was a headllner week of March 23. She proved most entertain- ing and received enthusiastic applause. An- other good feature was the Brothers Freydo, who did tbe best acrobatic work ever seen here. Colonial (A. F. Marsh, manager).—Ross nnd Penton. with their own company, are presenting their sketch, "After the Ball," week of March 80, in which they Introduce burlesques on "Fedora" and "Vlrglnlus." Among tbe performers are: Julian Rose, Johnson and Dean, tho Delmore Sisters, limey and Cnrolyn, nnd Tom Le Mont, In a sketch, eotltleu "The Bridegroom's Rev- erie ;" the Musical Johnstons, "The Skinner Hotel Rubes," nn Irish comedy presented by the Donovans, tbo Yomomote Brothers, and Uornnl nnd N'ovnro present "That's a cinch." If the Colonial continues giving the good bills It has presented the first two weeks, It will have no trouble keeping the large pntroungc accorded It so far. It Is an exceedingly pretty theatre, and perfect In Its appoint- ments. Frank Bcal, who, as manager, super- intended the construction of tho Colonial, re- tired from the management last week. He was succeeded by A. F. Marsh, of Detroit, nn able and experienced man In affairs the- atrical. Btaii (Drew & Campbell, managers).— Tbe ltcntz-Santlcy Co. Is tho drawing card week of 80. The opening burlesque Is a sntlro on "Tho Auctioneer," entitled "Ho Hocks In Here," which allows the Introduc- tion of the big acts, "The Bachelor Belles," •'Hit! Masque" and "Blooming Lite," from "Tbo Ckapcroua." The vaudeville part of the performance Includes: All, Hunter and All, the Lynotte Sisters, Kicbnrd Wild, John Lyons, James nnd Sadie Leonard, and Cbns. Robinson. The Rico & Barton Co. drew well week of 23. Coming, week of April 0, the Bon Tons. Note. —A. F. Hartz, who has leased the new theatre about to be built on Prospect Street, adjoining the Colonial Hotel, Is con- sidering the name of Marlowe for the new bouse. It Is a pretty well accepted rumor that this theatre will not only bear the name of the actress, but that Miss Murlowc will open tho house. » Canton.—At tbe Ornnd Opera House (M. C. Barber, malinger).—The Cook- Church Stock Co. had a fair week's business March 23-28, with the exception of 24. wben they vacated the house for Mrs. Flake's en- gagement, the stock company playing Mln- Kathryn Kidder 8, 'King Dodo" 7, "Pickings from Puck" 8. Note. —"When Johnny Comes Marching Home" opens the New Wllber Theatre April 27-20. s Snndiml.-y.—At the Nielsen Opera House (Geo. A. Itoeckllng, manager).—"David Har- um" gave a floe performance March 25. Jefferson Dc Angclls had a packed house 20. Mason and Mason gave two performances 27. Bookings: "Down In Mobile' 28, Pete Baker 31, Eugenie Blnlr, In "Zara," April 4: "Little Mother 1 ' 8, "The Flaming Arrow" 0, "Fln- ulgan's 400" 11. HOTS,—Work has been started on a new theatre at Cedar Point Pleasure Resort, which will, when completed, be one of tbe finest playhouses In the country. Other extensive improvements are In progress, In- cluding a targe addition to tbo hotel. Dayton—At the Victoria Theatre (C. 0. Miller, manager).—Wm. Favcrsbam, In "Im- prudence," played, to good business, March 25. The Teii-ichi Troupe of Japanese gave several pleasing performances 27, 28. Com- ing: N. ('. Goodwin and Mnxlno Elliott, In "The Altnr of Friendship," April 15. I'aiik Tiieatiib (Harry E. Felcbt, mana- ger).— Wlllard Slmms did n splendid busi- ness, In 'Tickings from I'uck, 23-25. "A Kentucky Feud" did fairly well 20-28. Com- ing: "Alaska" 30-Aprll 1. Soldieiis' Home Theatre. —Tho McKlnley Club Minstrels, March 2(1, to splendid busi- ness. Coming: "A Runaway Match" April8. s — —~-~ » Stcnfaenvlllc. — At the Grand Opera House (W. R. Llpps, manager).—"Looping ibe Loop" bad capacity Mnrch 28 nud gnvo a very pleasing performance. "The Village I'aisiin" had a very smnll house 25. Bonked: StctKon's "Uncle Tom" 81, l'orter J. White, lu "Frnnccsca da Rlinlnl," April 4. Notes. —T. 8. Mollston, manager of the Stunton Park Amusement Co., Is In tbe city, getting bis park ready to open early in May. Ho predicts a very prosperous season. St. Louis.—It was about average aft.*.. ance at local bouses last week. Francis w» son, perhaps, did the biggest business of i. week. In point of numbers attendant, i. "When lteuben Comes to Town" was wpu ' in the Hat, though probably second tarJfi vaudeville business at the Columbia u Centubv (P. Short, manager) —i... week's attraction was Walker Whiteside i Shakespearean repertory, ""llamlet." ••ii'iJ? nrd IIP' and "The • Merchant of!* TsaSft They were excellent productions, aliia,,,! save on Monday night, attendance was ratfil: light. The general effect was very snti.r. tory, and Mr. Whiteside deserved better E tronage than he received. This week K' drew Mack, In "The Bold 8oger Boy" ' An Olympic (P. Short, manager).—-p r . n .i. Wilson, In "The Toreador," did an exceiu., business last week. The advance sule w.l unusually heavy for a Lenten offering M, Wilson was at his best, and the other imiii.. characters did well. This week, a 2 engagement, In B. 8. Wlllard, In repertory' Grand (John G. Sheedy, mnnngcri "When Reuben Comes to Town" last »'ili proved to be a stage setting for some Vi cellent vaudeville acts, it was verv wcti patronized. Adlya Hall and Mayme Gthnu were two whose musical turns made bob? This week, Richard Golden, In "Foiy Ikffi ler." * '*""' IiiPBiiiAL (D, E. Russell, manager) Last week's offering was "Search Lights 'nf a Great City." it was a melodrama that seemed to give good satisfaction, to averan sized audiences. Tbe scenic effects matt good, especially tbe II re works explosion. Tb» cast was competent. Cordelia Roberts did a little singing that pleased everyone. TLIi week, Rebecca Warren, In "East Lyune" Havlin's (Wm. Unroii, mannger).~A.n- other melodrama—"A Montana Outlaw"— was at Havlin's, and also received fair patronage. David Hartford had tbe leadltu part, aud was pleasing In his work, cat? ertne Tabor had the female lead. The cur rent offering Is "Tbe Stain of Guilt," a new piny, owned by John Ilavlla und Wm. Oaten and receiving Its Initial production hen March 30. urn-UN.—Banda Rosea, under leadership of Sarrentlno, gave six concerts here that were enthusiastically received and—what Is more to the point—-quite well attended. Columbia (Middleton & Tate, managers) —Last week's bill was headed by I-'lo lrwli and Walter Hawley. Fisher and Carroll, Jules and Ella Garrison, the Osantos, anil the Juggllngs Jorduns were other fenturei that niude good. Tbe current bill includes: Clayton Wnlte-Marle Stuart company, Lew Hawkins, La Troupe Carmen, Lizzie Evana and company. Hal Stephens, Phil and Net tie Peters, Whitney Brothers, Jack Hoot, Brothers Martin, Harry Fitzgerald, Howie; and Leslie, tbe Bohmcs and the klnodame. Thb Zoo. —The Ferrarl-Bostock wild anl mal exhibition continues to make merry on a 10 cent admission basis. The place kai become quite popular. Stan ha ni> (Jim Butler, manager).— Clark's Royal Burlesquers last week. Tbe Rose Hill English Folly Co. Is tbe current offering. IIahiiagen's Auditorium. —The new South St. Louis vaudeville venture Is doing fairly well. Esinathllde, nnd Rilla Wlllard were last weeks leading turns. Notes. —The binelit to Treasurer Cove, at tbe Century, on evening Marcb 23, was exceedingly well attended Walker Whiteside, In "Richard III," was the attrac- tion, and the popular bouse treasurer found hosts of friends present when tire curtain went up. ii .Mr. Llpps, manager of tbo Grand, Is attending a few days wltb his family In his old liome, Mnsslllon, ()., where he was man- Inys with his family In his Ion, ()., where be was ma ngcr of tbe thentro for a number of years. s Snrlnirfleld—At the Ornnd Opera House (Ij, J. Dalle, manager).—"For Her Children's Sake" came, to fair business, Mnrch 14. "Rudolph and Adolph" had a well llllcd houso 18. "Tbe Princess Chic" had good business 10. Adelaide Thurston, In "At Cozy Corners," filled the house both nftcrnooii and evening 20. "Tracy, the Out- law," had good business matinee nnd night 21. Paul Gllmore. In "Tho Tyranny of Tears," bnd a well filled house 23. The iloiuaiiH Show, headed by Ten Ichl, drew only fair business 25. William Favershnm, In "Imprudence," nttrnctcd a fine audience 20. Coming: Pete Baker, In "Cbrls and Lena," 27: "Capinln .links of tbo Horse Marines" 28, the Century Vaudeville Show April 2-4. Marlon.—At the Grand Opera House (Cbas. E. Perry, munager).—Fuul Gllmore, In "A Tvmniiv nt Tnni-a *' ..)....,....i - t - eral City, Ohio, to good business, on that date. Mrs. I'lskc enmo 24, to capacity busi- ness, at advanced prices, presenting "Mary of Mngdnlu." The audience was drawn from a considerable radius of surrounding country. Coming: Joseph Murphy, In "Ker- ry Gow," 81; G. A. Bund (local) concert April 2, "Tracy, the Outlaw," 8; Gus Sun's Minstrels 4, Black Pattl 8, "King Dodo" 0. Gaudkn TiiKATnn (Frank P. Spellmnn, manager).—Tho bill for 23 and week con- sisted of: Maude Beal Trice, Eddy 8awyer, tho SlBtcrs Chatham, Harry liclno, and Emily Siivvycr. Business was fnlr. Notes. —Manager Spellmnn was called to Batnvla, N. Y.. 21, on account of the serious Illness of his mother, who died 22. He returned 20 Henry Woodruff, of Mrs. Flake's Co., missed his railroad connec- tion nt Orrvtllc, 0., and mnde the trip from there to Canton overland on a bicycle, a ride of some twenty-two miles. s Toledo.—At the Valentine Theatre (Otto Kllves, manager).—The only attraction last week was Jefferson De Angclls, In "The Em- erald Isle." The performance was well re- ceived by a good house. Due March 80, for two weeks, ''Ben Hur." The total receipts (or the opening sale of "Ben nur," 20, were $13,500, breaking all previous records to date. LvcRttxt TitRATnn (Frank Burr, manager). —Mason and Mason. In "Rudolph and Adolph." gave a pleasing performance, to good returns, 22-25. "The Little Church Around tho Corner," 20-28, to fair business. Baker 30, "Hottest Coon In Dixie 1, 81 "Tracy, the Outlaw," April 2. 4»». KENTUCKY. Louisville.—At Macauley's Theatre (Jno. T. Macauloy. monnger). —After a short period of dnrkness the management present- ed "Checkers" Mnrch 20-28. There was big attendance nt each performance. The nlnv was elaborately staged nnd well acted, and the scene of the Chlcngo Derby was verv realistic. Coming: Richard Mansfield April Avenue Tiieatub (Chns. A. Shaw, mnnn- ger).—"Two Little Wnlfs" appealed to lovers of tho sympathetic, who were out la forcu at every performance during week of March 22. For week of 20, "Over frlngnrn Palls." BrciciNOHAM Tiieatbe (Whallen Bros manngers).—The Transatlantic Burlesquers! vvcek of 22, drew crowded houses throughout the engagement. For week of 20, City Club Burlesquers. ' u • J,? ,PI #M T '," :ATnB . {3 \.P- Hopkins, man- nger).—This house Is still enjoying prosper- ous buBlncsB, tho result of the management m *«m "m J»K programmes. 8 The £3 ™S k of ~? w S.l no weptlon, as every net made gcod. The new people for week S - 9 ar i : „ rb0 Tcn WW Jap». Frederick Bros and Burns. O'ltourko, Burnett Trio Morris' Pony Circus. Collins and Hart, Rtta Curtis, John Healy. Freydo Bros" s I'ntlnenti—At the Kentucky (James E £,"&• manager).—"The Pnst Mali." March 23,^'The Prisoner of Zenda." 24, "Hello Bill ? ?£ii. RI< \ h . nrd ? i .V rlnBle ,'" Minstrels. 27, and" "Other People's Money, 2S. were the attrac- tions Inst week, and all hnd very fair bisl- ness. Comlog: "King Dodo" 30 Peruch Bcldcnl Stock Co. April 0-11. ' """N- St. At Tootle's Theatre <C. U. Pbllley, manager).—Mrs. Patrick Campbell wns greeted, by a big audience March 23, when she made ber first appearance here In "The Joy of Living." Every seat In the houso was sold at advanced prices, "T'Iif ChnperoliB" bad good business 20. Walter Jones and Eva Tanquay scored Immense bits. W. II. i rnac, In "David Unruui," Is due 31: J as. O'Neill, In "Tbe Munxmau," April 1: Francis Wilson, in "The Toreador," 2; "York State Folks" 3, 4. Lyceum Tiikatiib (C. V. Pbllley, mans- it). —Htater's Madison Square Co., at popu- ur prices and with change of bill nigliiiy, had fuir business March 24-28. "A Trip to Chinatown" comes 20, 30, wltb Sunday matl- nee. "Younger Brothers, Bank Itubhem," April 2-4- "Pennsylvania" 0, 0, Kennedy's Players 12-18. <■» VIRGINIA. Richmond.—At the Academy of Music (Tbos. 0. i.cnth, manager).—The Academy Mnsicul Comedy Co., under the direction of Maniiger uiffen, opens the Sprlug season March 30, In "The Lady Slavey," and will bold the boards for tbe week. "Richard Carvel,'' with Andrew Robson, was greeted wltb a fine house 24. The Bostonlans came, to crowded bouses, 27, 28. Iti.iou (Cbas. McKce, munager).—"On the Suvvunee Itlver" opened here 80, for the week. The Fawcctt Co. played, to crowded houses, week of 23. Putnam's Thi:atiiu (Fred W. Putnam, manager).—For 30 and week: Mile. Vldii, Gertie 1'nlterson, Annie Portland, Llllle Carter, lOllu Muynard. Business was good week of 23. Bostock's Animal Snow.—Crowded bouses greeted tbo performances week of 23, tho feuturc being Mile. Morrelll and ber leopards. m Norfolk.—At the Academy of Music (T. G. Leath, manager).—The Academy Musical Comedy Co. opened at this house March 2J, for a three nights' engagement. The com- pany Is an evenly balanced one, and pre- sented "The Lady Slavey" In a most accept- able manner. Business during the engage- ment was very flattering. Andrew ltouson, In "Richard Curvel," 20. Tbo Academy Mu- sical Comedy Co. will finish out the week, 27, 28, wltb "The Lady Slavoy." The same company is booked to present "Tbe Freucli Maid" for week of April 0. Giianuv Tiikatiib (Jake Wells, manager). —"On the Suwance Itlver," with Stella May- hew as Aunt Lluda, week of 23, drew well. Geo. Fawcett Stock Co., featuring Percy Hnswell, in "Mistress Nell," 80 nnd week. Huou Tiieatub (Abb. Smith, manned').-- People for week of 30 ore: Harry and Susie Howard, Mamie Wilson, Marlon Sisters, and Hie Shafcr, Pullman and West Trio. Busi- ness Is very good. Manhattan Tiieatiib (W. A. Inman, busi- ness mniinger).—Business for week of 2.1 was remarkably good. For week of 80, tlie new Henry Burlesquers, a special attraction. I'red r. Fleck, who Intends In the future to run this theatre as a burlesque house, has been In New York for some days, com- pleting such arrangements as are necessary. AuiiiToitiuM Tiikatiie (J. M. Barton, man- ager).—People for week of 30 are: Blnncy nnd Chapman, Stanley and Cammettn, the Three Renos, tbe Osmans, Bertha Dorian. Lottie Vernon, Irene Sullivan, Perkins ami Calvcttc, Mel) Grant, and Chas. E. Rent*. Business Is good. s .^^♦"■■Jarir.—At the Academy of Music (Wm. E. Prench, manager).—Andrew IJoli; son, In "Richard Cnrvel,' p pleased a falrslzeil house, at advanced prices, March 28. H>J Bostonlans, In "Robin Hood." proved one of the most delightful musical events of the season, and were well patronized, at ad- vanced prices, 26. »«» ,,_— The one thousandth performance of Ren Hur" was given at the Great Southern Theatre, Columbus, Ohio, evening of March 20. *'