The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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AfRIL 4. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 141 TABLE OF CONTEXTS. ' •■■..■•. ■ ~i Page. MIhs Clipper's Anecdotes, rcrsonalltles . and Comments Concerning stage Folk. 103 Louis' X. Scott—Sketch.... .• 134 Music mid M°ng | ;u World of Players'. 134,135, ISO Irene Ackorman—Sketch 18," Miscellaneous '• • ■ •. '28 Vaudeville and 1 Minstrel 1311,1.17 Mnrthtttl. the Mystic—Sketch... ;. 1.111 M vrt In ■ Vinson—Sketch 138 Our.,London,.Letter ,, 138 Our' Chicago Letter -.... 138 one i In' Il'xul 141,142 Vaudeville Itoute List ...142,143 Chess and Checkers 134 Oirerles Answered ION Stage Mechanics 14,1 Now York. City—Itovlow nnd Comment.. Ill clipper rout Office 14.1 Heaths In 'Hie Profession 145, Mil With the Illll Posters. ;... 147 . THEATRICAL COIIBESPONDENCE. Indiana'. 137 Maine..'.- 137 i 'iiiinilii 137 Maryland. 187 Ithodc Islsiid 137 District of Columbia 137 l'cnhsvlvuhlii I'M Massachusetts 130,140 New Hampshire 140 Colorado .. i 140 Ohio 140 Kchtiicky 140 Missouri... 140,140 Virginia 140 NW r Y»rk 143,140 LohIsIiiiiii 140 Aliihiunii .' Mil West Virginia.. 140 Washington 140 Iowa'.... HO KanKus 140 Tennessee 1411 Georgia -.' 149 Texas 150 Michigan 150 Wisconsin, Oregon, Connecticut 143 Illinois 140 Minnesota 145 New Jersey 147 LATEST BY TEL EGRAPH. .Monday Night's Openings lu All the BIB Show Towns. GOLDEN GATB GLEANINGS. Tlie Current Offerings all Opened Strong. SpSotal Dispatch to Tiik New Yobs Cmitbii. San Francisco, March 81.—At tho Co- lumbia Theatre KMe Ellsler begun last night Iter Becond and last week In "when Knight- hood Was In Flower." Mrs. Campbell fol- Ww»" . . Alcazar Tihuthk. —"Ludy Iluntworth s Experiment" opened March 30, on which date Urncst Hastings returned us leading man, nnd llertha Crclghton liiude her Urst nppeur- iiuce as leading woman. ■ Central Tiilatiii:. —"Tho Smugglers" Is the .current bill. Uiianu Ofkua Houhb. —Last night liegun thu third and hint week of Muude Odell and Lnfuiett Corrlgau os stars, wlih "More Thau (Juecn" ua the bill. Tivoli Ol-KltA Houhk.— 8. It. O. greeted Hellc. de Lusaau In "Uajuieu" Inst night. ••PJuaforo" will bo given on alternate nights. • Fihciikr'm Tiikatku. —The seventh week of "Holty Tolty" opened Inst night. After- Moons of March 31 and April 1, Mark Ham- iKjurg, pianist, lu recltuls. Business hero hus been very large. . i.'Ai.ii'ouNi.v Tiikatkk. —Hose Coghlnu bo- guji Sunday, 20. In "Forget. Mo Nut," with "Tin' Second Mrs. Tanqueray" as tbe bill for tho balance of tho week. ltia-<iii.ii- Tm:.vnn:.—Tim third week of thu:minstrel company opened Sunday, 20. oiii'iiDUM 'I'Hi.Miii:. —Opening 20 the new peof h-.iiiv : Beaux and Belles, - Krouan Trio, iiiidUurducr and Vincent. «Tiii;ti:m. —Travelll. nud Mac Tuulson aro iiewtHiiniTH tills week. Ouaumass's Tir i:\tiik. —Tho current hill names: Chun. 'Morrell, Itoxlo and Wayne, Mile. Br'ochard, Davis Dclicnrd, Mr. and Mrp. • Mat 'Prayers. Mario Iiosslug, Clinton Montgomery, and tho olograph. ' (: ••• .■ —• . . • FKO.1I ■ nil i: It POINTS. • The Glllls presented "A Montana Out- law, ' to packed and demonstrative nfternonn and night houses The stock company gave "My Partuer" at the Century, to ■ mod house Win. II. Crane cornea, to tho Willis Wood on Thursday. Washington, March 81.—"The Silver Slipper" had a packet! house at the National. "The Burgomaster" flltttl every sent at tho Columbia..'... .[.miIs Mnnn, In "All on Account of Kllita." Iind an 'overflowing house at the Lafayette Marie'Dress- ier, John 'P. Sullivan anil others drew two full houses -at Chase's. .... ."A Iphnnsc nod Oiuiton" Hwm-'ii to pleas*' the patrons at tho Academy, the house being crowded Al: Beeves' Co. had Its usual' overcrowded reception at the Lyceum twice yesterday. • ••' Tho HIJou Stock, sn|i[»li'm.'jiti a by Martlnettl and (irossl, Annie Whitney, Charles Duncan nnd others, turned people uwny nt tho Umpire. St., March .11—Perfect weather prevailed Suiiilay. and tho opeulngs went uniformly well attended K. S. Wlllard opened Monday night, In "The Optimist." to very b<mk1 nttendnncc Andrew Mack, lu "The Hold Soger Boy," opened 20, to a big house: Monthly found lighter business.,.. The Grand has Itlcliurtl Golden, In "Foxy Qulller," and prospects are for u good week. At IlavlIn's "Tho Stain of Guilt" hail Its Initial perforninnco on nay stage 20, mill had big attendance The Columbia's new bill for Monday matinee was very satis factory; evening attendance almost to ca- pacity ltebecca Wurren, In "East Lyune," nt the Imperial, opened to big audiences I'll; prospects for the week fulr Hose Hill's English Folly Co. is nt tbe Standard. . riiii,Ai»i;u'iii.v, March 31 Wretched weather ruined the openings, exceedingly light aggregate business resulting. "A Chinese l loncyinoon," nt the Opera House, mid "Tho Eternal City," at the oarrtcki Ml cordially greeted ou their. return visits, whilu "Iris," ut the Hroad; "When Johnny Comes Marching Home," at the Chestnut. und "The Auctioneer," at tbe 'Walnut,' all continued well under adverse conditions.... Huverly's Minstrels had a gratifying open- ing ut the Auditorium, and "Foxy Grand- pa," ut thu Park, and other combination of- ferings did as well as could be expected.... Stock offerings were uniformly meritorious. Keith's presented u very entertaining bill, the Eleventh delighted wltb new skits, und tho burlesque houses and Mvicuni had it full share of patronage. . Mti.wAUKi'i:. March 31.—The' mathp'o at- tendance at this week's openings was. materi- ally affected by an Ideal Spring day.', but evening found the crowds out as usual.... Mayino Gehrue nnd John Ford scored the biggest hit In "When ltubcn Comes to Town," ut -the Alnanibra The Qordou-Shny Opera Co., at the Davidson; "The Banker's Daughter," at the Academy; ."Das Grossc Lyche," nt the Pubst. und "For Her Chil- dren's Sake," at the HIJou, wore equally suc- cessful The Knickerbocker Burlesqiiers had standing room at the Star. ; . • Cincinnati, March 31.—"Under Southern Skies" opened at. the Walnut Sunday, to a packed house The bill at tho: Columbia Is tine of the best offered for some time, and tested the cupnclty of the house ...... A largo crowd greeted "The Little Church Around tho Corner," at Heuck's....-. .?'Two Lltllti Wolfs" opened, to big business, at the'Ly-, Harry, In "The Wrong Mr. Wright" (J. J. Coleman, mgr.)—Memphis, Tenn., Apr 8, 4. Dennett * Mounts* (T. C. Twltchcll, mgr.)— Banbury, Conn., 'Men 30-Apr 4, Hrlstol U- llenu'ett ft iMoullmi (J. M. Torr. mgr.)— Heaver Falls, Pn., Mch 30-Apr 4, Oil City 0-11. llennett * Moultoii (George K. Uohlnsuii, i/rni'. i—Platfaburg. N. Y„ Mch 30-Apr -I, St. Albans, Vt „ 11:11, llennett ft Monlton i Ira Newlmll. mgr.)— Chun ester, MiiHs.. Mch ,'itl-Apr 4. llennett vV M011II1111 (A. 1*. Hoed, nigr.j.-Pna. sale. N. Jj, Apr Oil. i:nldn In Melville. Heparin!? 1 Waller S. Bald- wln, mgr.)—Duffs,... N. Y„ Mch 30, In- tlellnlte. linker, Pete, In "Chris nnd Lena"—Tocdo, <>.. Apr 2-4, ('hlcngri, 111., fi-11. Ilrynn Slock (llryiili K Martin, nigra.)— I'unoiishurg, l'n., Mch ■'■>< Apr 4, Johns- town 0-11. Hrlggs Kcpertory (Wood & llrlggs, ragrs.)— liel„li, Kail., Mch 30-Apr 1, Cnwker City 2-4. "Ihin Hnr" (Klnw It Krlangcr, mgrs.)—To- ledo, i)., Mch 30-Apr 4. "ItlHhop's Move." W, II. Thumpsou (Janiefi K. llackeit. mgr.)— N. Y. Cltv Mch 30- Alir 4; "ItumJIt King" and "Cnttlo King," J. II. Far rell (James II. Walllck's; W. II. Ovlatt, u-gr.)—Chiciigo, 111., Mch 20.Apr 4, Mil- waukee, wis., r.-ii. "Hunch of Keys" ((ilia Bethner, mgr.) — Uobokeu, N J., Mch 20-Apr 1, Albany, N. "Burglar," (A. Q. Scaiutnou, mgr.)—Kxetcr, N. 11.. Apr 1. Sniifortl, Me.. 2, Berlin. N. II., 4, Littleton (1, Lancaster 7, ICnosburg Falls, Vt., 8, Newpurt 0, Sherbrooke, P. 0., 10. "Bolivar's Busy Day," Billy II. Van nud Nel- lie 11'. Sell 1 Mil', ne WtillliiKton, mgr.)— St. Paul, -Minn., Mch 20-Apr 4, MJuneupolls 5-11. "Bi-ccisy Time," Knstoru (Merle II. Norton, prop nnd mgr.)—MiirtluV Ferry, O., Apr ), New Murtlnsvllle. W. Va., 2, St. Morv's 3. Pnrkcrsburg 4, Mlddleport, O., 0, Point t'leusant. W. Va., 7, Ashland. Ky., 8, Iron- ton, O.. 0, Portsmouth 10. Chllllcothc 1. "Breexy Time," Western (Merle II. Norton, lu-op. und nigr.l—Decoruh, In., Apr 1, VViiiikiui 2, Prairie du Clileii, Wis., 3. Da- veiip.irt. In., .".. Clinton 7, Morrison, III., s, Dixon 11, Sterling 10, Mollne 11. "Boy of tlie Streets." Joseph Santry—Syra- cuse, N. V., Mch 30 Apr 1, Itochesler 2-4. C Crane, W. II., In ."David ll.'ti-iini" (Charles Krohninu, mgr.)—'I'opeka, Kan., Apr. 1, Kan. miis City, Mo., 2-1, Omaha, Neb., 0-8. Carter, Mrs. Leslie, In "Du Barry" (David Helnseo, mgr.)—Chicago, III., Mch 30- Muy 1«. Crohinnii, Hcnrlettn, In "The Sword of tho King" (Maurice Campbell, mgr.)—I.a CrosBC. Wis,. Apr 1, Milwaukee 2-4, Clin- ton, la., 0. Campbell, Mrs. Patrick, Repertory (Charles ceum....". .Tlui Nelll Stock Co. was warmly applauded, lu "The Starbucks," at ltobln- hoii's. ... ...The Trocudero Burlesquers drew it large crowd to the People's...... William Favershom opened at tho Grand Monday night, In "Iudependeucc." ■ ,' r.iiuisviM.i:. March 31.—"Over Niagara Falls". opened at tho Avenue Suniluy, to Mg houses Thu Buckingham was packed Sunday to sihj thii City Club Burh'squers. Vaudeville, ill thu : Temple, drew crowded houses Suudoy. • ■ ; On tbe Road, All HiMitCH Must Bench Cs Not Inter Than MoiuIhj. Weather Conditions Prove too Clrcnt ■ n. Detrlnieut to, Which MverilKi'il Only I' HlitotulUliimMtca foTllK NinvYomt CfiTrTBB ' Cini'Auo. Mawh 31.-r-"8ally In Our Al- ley" tills In next week, at McVlcker's, and "Tho'Stalli of (Jnllt" twines lo the Albnnibrii. ;•,,....Mrs. Carter's "Du Barry," at tho Illinois ;.'"Peggv from Purls," nt Stude- hukei-'s; Hlehai'd MuiihiIcIiI, at the Gmiid, nnf Mnry-Mnpiierlng, nt Powers',■ were poph- ui- attra'ctlnns which cuntluuml their en- giinemonlH Monday night. The week begun with beautiful weather Suniluy nnd so con- tinues;.. il'nckcd hnnses ruleii wBh Uageii- buck's animals nt the Columbus, "YouYoli- sonV-aftho Alhumbra. "The White Slave" at the BIJou. "The Bandit King" at tho Criterion, and At Mnrtln's "Ten NlghlB In 11. liar Boom." The last iiutned nt- inu-tlnii niicii the Aciulntny to suffocation. .'.'..'..'The Deurborn stock begun. Its.Ilnal week with an attractive triple bill, and, with Mia..other stock company resorts, prospered greatly Kohl'& Castle's throe vuiide- vl 1U. - houses were -packed to cupnclty, "Thu Tempest" curried Ward ami James Into their Issp week nt McVlcker's, with great "trows* In attendance, and "Peck and His Mother In- l.nw" received 11 jammed house nt the Great Not'tlierp-, .... .Popular burlesque, offerings ut Sqqi T. lack's and Hopkins' drew to the cuuaclty of-those resorts, and the house com- panies at the Trocadoro and La Salle cop- tu hied, capacity audiences. . .'litlBTON, March 31.—Full houses worn ut- iracted'by the numerous novelties lu town. The- enthusiasm nnd size of tho patronage at tho-TrcmOnt nssured Mm. Flsko of a bucccss- ful'engagemcnt with her "Mary of Mugdaln." • i/.OiaraBloodgood, lu "The Girl With tho Green'Byes,"'at the Park, was cordially re- ceived by n full house A good Impres- sion-was made by Otis Skinner, In "Luzarre," at ithe Majestic; buslncas good .. .Ezra Kegdall's local debut ns n star lu "Tho Vinegar Buyer," at tho Museum, was a suc- eesi. .•...-. John Drew, at the Hollls, and "Tko Beality and tho Beast," at the Colonial, w«r» strong continued cards "Don Olo- miujiI" was the grand opera hill at the Bos- ton.,, to. a- large and fushlonuhle gathering. ... ."Tho Convict's Daughter," at tho Graod Opera, and "The Night Before Christ- mas." at Music Hall, opened to large uttetid- nncc..,... .Sondow headed It strong helth hill,: rapacity ut afternoon nnd evening per- formances. .. i. .As usuul,' the business at ihe^ stock, vuudet'lllc und burlesque houses, uuu nluseums wits up to a high standard. ......The wenthor was n. little chilly, but not detrimental to theatregolug. KxRDAB Cm, March 31.—Francis Wilson opeTicd-a three nights' engagement at Inn Willis Wood Theatre Inst night, presenting "Tha Toreador." to a larso and cuthuslutlc .'ludlencsi -Mr. Wllrou was cordially received, and Jos. Coyuc scored n hit At the Grind* a.big Sunday matlneo and a S. K. O. night house greeted Murray tt Mack, In "A "sight on Urosdwny." which was laughingly ipjoyai!..'.*.. .At the Orphoum two packed Sunday houses appreciated the new bill, In whlcii'p^la Yhnrry was the heftdllner Tim fa.| r iiniiHes areelwl Obas. D. Herman, in •p'ho'Linn's Mouth," at tho Auditorium. burg, Kan., Mch 30 Apr 4, Noviuln, Mo., 0-11. . "Karl of Pawlucke4" (Klrke I* Shello, mgr.) —N. Y. City Mch !iu, ludrilnlte. "l-'verynmn" (Oharies Frohtnati, mgr.)— N. V. tlty Melt SOy indellulte. "Kvll K»" (Chas. If. Vale & Sidney II. Ki- lls, uigrs,)-- lliillfax. N. »., McU 30-Apr I. SI. Joint. N. II,. 3. 4. "Kust l,\iini-," lb'lH'.-cn Wnrnm (Frank Hurt, ingr.l—Si. Louis. Mo.. Mch 'JO-Apr 4. "Kleventh Hour," Kastern, Llueoln J. Car- ter'»— I'rovlileiu-e. B. 1.. Mch .10-Apr 4. "I'lght. Hells," .Byrne Jl«»s.'—l.'olunibns, O., >lcu ilii-Apr 1, liidlnnnpolls, I nil, *M. Flske, Mrs., in "Mary of Mamlnia" (Harri- son ilrey Flske, mgr.)—Hoston, Msss., Mch : in-A in- is. I'rohmnn, mgr.)—Denver, Col., Mch ,'10- Apr 4, San vu Coghtnii, ' Hose, •• URAMATIC. A '•'■'',- Allen. Viola, in "Tho Eternal City" (Ltcblcr & Co.. mgrs.)—Philadelphia,.Pa., Mch 30- Apr 11. . , , . '. 1 1 .' . Aubrey 8ti>ck, Western, Mlttcnthnl • Bros.' (W. D. Uttgernld, mg:'.)—Ncwbiirgh,■ N. Y„ Mch 30-Apr 4. . • ■'. • Aubrey Stock, Kastern. Mlttcuthal ■ Hmn. (W. It. Hill, mgr.)— H.ilyoke, Miiss.,'Mch 30-Apr 4, Sulem till.. •.'.-• •.•''.. Arnold Stock; (J. IV Arnold,, mgr.)—WIN, N. C, Mch 30-Apr 'l,.Ctiliiui|.in, s..c. u-iji .■•' > •• 'i *. 1 : • Auslel-Shrewsburv Stock : (Juck Aunlet, . mgr.)— Little, Ark., Apr tl-lii. "Auilrey." F.letiuoi: BpliliiMon (f.lch't'r &-Co., mgrs.)— Helma, Alu., Apr.2, New.Qrleflns, M„ o-il. • . . ,. ■ • "Am You a Mnaon':" (Jules Cnhu, Mm — Kalamiuoo, 'Mich., Apr 1, Fort Wuync, . I oil., 2, Paulding. 0.. 3, Hlcksv|He .4, . "Arc You a MasonV" (Itlch & Ilorrln.'iugrs.) —Austin. Tex., Apr 1, San Antriulo, 2, 3, ftl Puso 4. .; . . :... ' 1, "An. Amcrlcup Gcntlcnaan" (Carl Zftellncr, nigr.)—Wlnsted, Cobu.. Apr 1. I'lttslleld. Mass., 2, Adauis 3. Wlllliiiiintlc, Conn., 4, Provlileuco. 11. L, fl-11. ."Arizona"- (James II. Palser, mgr.)—Bpo- knne. Wash.. Apr 1. '.', llutte, Mulil.. 3, 4. "Arizona" (John Tlmoney, mgr.)—Toronto, Can,, Mch 30-Apr 4, Giielph'ti,.Hamilton 10. \ .' ' ■' "AlUHkn," Lincoln. J. Carter's—*Bnytoii.,n., Apr .1, Marysville 2, Ashland,3, MnHslilon 4, Akron 0-8. ..'. ■• '• , ■ "At Crlppio Creek" (Willtaker &. Nash, mgrs.)—St. Paul, Minn., AprGJl. "American Hustler." Ueorgc V. Hull (Gus Bui liner, mgr.) —Morgantowti. tW.- Vs„' Apr 1. Mount Plciisiitit, Ph.. 2. Meyersdnle if, Cumberland, Md.. -I, Annuiwlls II,. Havre dc Grace 7. Chester, Pa., 8,.'Now-Haven, Conn.' OU. .' ' ' -- ' .- - "At A'tilley Forge" (James \\. Lvous. mgr.l —Hudson, N; Y.. Apr 1. Poughkeiipslo. 2, Flshsklllon-theiludson 3. .' ' "At the Old Cross Boads" (Arthur 0. AJiiton, mgr.)—Provldcuce, 11. L, Mch. 30;Apr. 4, Jersey Cltv. ,N. ,L, Ml. ■ 1 • "Across llio'T'aclllc" (Harry Clay Bluney, mgr.l—Bridgeport,. Conn., Anr 1, .; "At Pliiey Uldge"—Marlon, I»d.,,'.Apr 1, Chicago, ill. r.-ll. •■!• • •-. "Alnhnntir und fiaston." Gus Hill's (Joseph FT Vliin. mgr.)—Wushlngton, D, :C„ Meh 30-Apr 4. Bilthuore. Md . «C. • r "An- You a Buffalo;"—ttaablnftpib ,D. -,C, "AH |,r .Vlioard" (Kdwlu C. Le CUJr'a—AJ- i-lra. Pa.. Apr 2, LflWlBUurg-J.-SolcDj 4, Mlddleburg 0. ■ : ■ Bingham. Amellu. In "The Frisky Mrs. John, son" (Frank McKce, mgr.)—N. .V City Mch 30. IndeBnltc. _ „. • „•, Iluro'more, Ktbel. In "Carrots" ond "-Thn Country Mouse" (Charlen Krohmun.mgr.) -^■Pittsburg.- 1M.. Mch 30-Apr 4. • 1' ,. Pates, Blanche, la "The Darling of thn Gods' (David Belasco, mgr.)—N.' 1. City Mch 30, Indefinite. J • •■•' • , ' „ Ihdlew. Kyrle, In "A Gentleman at -Kranin (Llcbler & Co.. l»g«. Wr«Pfi ,' h. V. Apr 1, Oinghamtou 3, Biiltlraoru, Mil.. <■• Brune. Mrs.,-In "Ijiiorna" f Walla/c'M6nro. mgr.)—Helena, Mout.. Apr 1,'Mlsionio 2, Wallace. Ida.. 3. Wnrdner 4, HpOkane. Wash., 0, 7, North Yakluia S, HltwpMt lllugnr, Lanro. In "Bast nynrto" T -Ner»rk, STX. Mch 30-Apr 4. Brooklyn, N.T,/W1. Blair, Bucenle, In "Zaza" i fTIstir) Off;«»lt, "" m ^.,i_Wbeellng. W. Vn., Apr 1..2, Akron, 0., 3,:Samlusky i --• nclseo, Cut., (1-18. lleiicrtory (Jules Murry, mgr.) —Suit 1"niin■ I m -ii, ('ill., Mch 20-Apr Coliuns, Four, In 'The . Governor's Son" (Fred Niblo, mgr.)—Detroit, Mich., Mch 20-Ajir 4. I'hnse r.iHier Theatre, Northern (Glenn V. Chase, mgr.)—Wlnterset, la., Apr 1, 2, Indinnola 3-0, .Marshalltowu 0-10. * Cook-Church Iteportory (W. II. Taylor, mgr.) —Mnnsllehl, U., Mch 30-Apr 4, Newcastle, Pa., 0-11. Curt* Dramatic (M. II. Carts, mgr.)—Sid- ney, N'cl.r.. Mch 30-Apr 1, Lodgo Pole 2-4. Carpenter, Frunklo (Jero (Irudy, mgr.)— Lawrence, Mass., Mch 30-Apr 4. Chester, Alma (P.dward L. Bloom, mgr.)— Chester, Pa., Mch 30-Apr 4, Hurrlsburg 0-12. Conroy & Mack's Comedians (1*. P. Craft, mgr.)—Scuttdnlc,. Ph., Mch 30-Apr 1, Con- ncllHVlllc 2-4, Qrcenuburg 0-11. Curroll Comedy (Ion Carroll, mgr.)—Hor- ton, W. Vn„ Mdi 30-Apr 1, Davis 2-4, llcllngtou S-7. "t'lrciioistnntlnl Krldonca"' (Fred D; Fow- lav. mgr.)—Charlottesville, Vn., Apr 1, Ftcderlcksburir 2, Culpcpimr 3, Orange 4, llnrrlsbtirg 11, lilntou, W. Va., 7, Olun Jean H, Point PleHsnnt :i. Pcnnsbnro 11. "Convict's Daugliter,"-Eastern, Uco. Sonuiels' (Wesley II. Jtchraiii, mgr.)—Boston, Mass., Mcb 30-Apr 4, Newark, N. J„ U-ll. "Convict's fin lighter," Southern, Geo. Sam- uels' . (J. It. Newman, mgr.)—Ashland, Ky., Apr 4,1 Huntington. W. Vs.. 0, Charles- ton 7, Poiiiei'oy, ().; 8, Pnrkersliurg, W. Vn., "CouVlet'a Daughter." Western, Oeo. Samuels' (Itolnnd 0. Pray, mgr.)—Hurrlsburg, Pa., Apr 4. "Cowboy nnil the Ijidy," S. Miller, Kent— Crookston, .Minn.. Apr 1, Wliuilpng. Man., 2. (ii'aiul l-'orku, No. I ink., 3, Ilrulniiril, Minn., 4. Duluth fl. "<'hrlstlnii"—i.\f>nleton. Wis.. Apr 1, Mnrl- ilttil 2, ..Meiioiiilneo. Mh'Ii., 3, HiiiieiM-k I, "Chnrltv Nlirse"—Ht. UmiIs, Mo., Mch 20- '.Mny 2. 1 , !»'''' Drew; John, lu "Tile Mummy ami the Hum- ming . Bird" (ChurlcK Fmhiuuii, mgr.)— Boslou. Mass., McU 30-Apr 4, Provldcuce, tt. I.. OH. Dc. Wolfe, Elsie. In "Cynthia" (Nathaniel Kofi), wgrT)—NJ Y. City Mch 30-Aiir I. Doty.'Karlu, In "The Iron Mask".(J. II.Mrtc. Klroy,' nlgr.) : —MJclilgiunme, 3111-11., Apr 1, Marquette 2, 3, Ishpuinlng 4, Sutilt Sle. Marie 0-13: ' Iiyffryn, Kthel. Iteum-lory (Kns DyrlTryn, mgr.)—Unlyoke, Muss., Mch 30-Apr 4, Naahilii, .v.' ll„ tl-11. .'Je. Vondu, -Chester (Phil Levy, mgr.)—But- ler,' l'n., Mch'29-Apr 11. Jillger-Cornoll, Heiiertory—Osslnlng. N. Y., Mch 30-Apr 4, Ilooiiton. N. J., (ill. Do. Voss, Flora—Iowa City, la., Mch 30- Apr 1. Davidson Stock (A. K. Duvldtoii. mgr.) — Iteudlng, l'u., Mch 30-Apr 4, Coutesvllle OIL lie l.ncoiii- Twin Sisters Drmnatle(De Iju^our ft Fields, mgrs.)—Alcxaudrln, Ind., Mch DO Apr 4. Montri-llir tl-S. Van Iliirea ll-ll. "Down-Mobile," Miit-oln J.'Carter's—Llmu, 0„ Ayr I, Marlon, Ind.. 2-4. Hartford City 0. Miim'le' 7, Aexandrla 8, Anderson 0, Noblosvllle- 10, Kokonio .11 "Dhrkest Hour." Mm:oln J. Corter'u—Scuttle, Wash.. Mrli 30-Apr 1. "David Hnrum" (.lifllds Cilhn, mgr.)--Akron, 0., Apr 1, Mlsslllou 2,'Mslion 3. Warren 4. "Dhvll's Auction" (Charles II.' Yule, mgr.)— c'anlon, }»'., Apr 1, Pcorln 2, Streator 3, Clkharl, Ind., 4. •nespernto Chance" (I. M. Mlfti-nthnl. mgr.) —Albany. N. V., Meh 30-Apr 1, Hchener- tady 2, Hudson 3, Kllzabcth, N. J., 4, N. Y. City 0-11. "Iiesperate Clmiii-e (Forester k Mlttcnthnl, ' mgrs.)—Zuucsvlllp, 0., Apr 1. "lievll's I.uim" (James I'. Mreene, mgr.) — Keokuk, In., Apr 1, Fort Madison 8, Fair- Held 4, Des Mollies 0-8, "Down by tbe Sou" (Phil Unut, mgr.)—Can- iiiiilulgiiii, N. Y.. Apr 1, Palmyra 2, Btlca 3. Cohoisi I, llrldgcporl. Conn,, (18, Now Britain P. H Kdeson, Ilnlmrt, lu "The Soldiers or for- tabor (Henry II.' Harris, mgr.)—Wuier- bury, Conn., Apr 1, Merlden 2, Mlddletown 3. Springfield, Mass., 4, Brooklyn, N. Y., Oil. i Kfllo 1'llslcr. in 'When Knighthood Wag In Flower" (Frank L. Perley, mgr.)—San Francisco. Cnl„ Mch SO-Ajir 4. Ktnplre Thentro Stock, iu "The Uoforeteon" (Charles Frohman, mgr.)—N. Y. City .Mch 30, Indefinite. L'wlng-Toylor (Albort Taylor, mgr.)—Pitts- l'uversliitm, Win., hi "Imprudence" (Charles Frohman. mgr.)—Cincinnati, O., Mch 30- Apr 4, Cleveland 0-11, Fisher, Alice. In "Mrs. Jack" (Henry B. Harris, mgr.)—Fall Hirer, Mass.. Apr I, llrldgciKirt, Conn., 2, Derby il, South Nor- walk i. Flske, May (J. V. Cosgrove, mgr.)—Syra- cuse, N. Y.. Meli 30-Apr 4. Fleming, Maude, Itepertory (W. U. Omcey, mgr.)—llarro, Vt.. Melt 30-Apr 4, Clure- mont, N. H„ 0-11. Fenlierg Stock (Ocorge M. Fenberg, mgr.)— Burlington. Vt.. Mch 30-Aur 4. Ferris Comedians (Harry Buoli. mgr.)—Du- luth, Minn.. Mch 30, Indefinite. French, Irving, Itepertory (Don Mncmlllou, mur.)—Onehhi, N. Y., Jdch BOApr 1. FlfCvla Stock (Thud Stevens, mgr.)—Dcnl- » hi, Tex., Mch 30,Apr 4.. "Fast Mall." Lincoln J. Carter's—Palmyra, Mo.. Apr 1, Carthago '2, Bushnoll, HI., 3, Spring Valley 5. "Flnniliig Arrow," lio-\Vou-(Jo-Mobawk, Lln- i-oln .1. Carter'**—Buffalo, K. Y., Mch 30- Apr 4, SMudusky, ii., 0. . "For Her Cldl.lrcn'a Sake," Sullivan, Hnrrls ft Wdods' (Bernard Thornton, mgr.)—Mil- waukee, Wis., Mch 20-Apr 4, Chicago, III., "I.'niist." Morrison's (Jules Murry, mgr.)— r.u ilriuul, Ore, Apr 2, Bolur City 3, Welscr, Ida., 4. "i'ox.v (irandpu." Joseph Hart and Cnrrlo De Mar rWiu. A. Brady, mgr.)—Philadel- phia. Pa.. Mch KP-Ali:.«.'. "]4ust's," Porter it >VTiito's—Tnwonda, Pn„ Apr t, t'afifon ■_'. LewlHhiirg 3, Wllllnuis- ikirt 4, Miiti'silcld (1, Lock Haven 7, Altoona "I'ltiiilgnn'M null" (Olllo Muck, mgr.)—Suit Uiku City, ,1,'., Mch ,'tO-Apr 4. Lngun 0, Pocatello, Ida.. 7, Bolso ». Baker City. Ore., II, Pendleton 10, Walln Wnlln, Wash., 11. "For Her Sake," Baatnrr., 10. J. Carpenter's fJoscph Pllgrliii, Mgr.l—IWfllle, Ind., Apr 1. Wheeling. W. Vu.,.2-1. "l-'Alnl Wedillng," HuIIIviiii. Harris & WuoAV —Philadelphia, Pa„ Mch 30-Apr I, N. Y. City Oil.. o Uoodwin, N. C, und Maxlue Llllott, In "Tho Altar of. Friendship" (Ocorgo J. Appluton, mur.)—Detroit. Mich., Mcll Bo-Apr 4, .li.llei. III., il, (iiilenlmrg 7, I'eorlll K lllnom- ijiKion 0, Murlon, Ind., 10, Lafayette II. Ulllette. Wm., lu "Sherlock Holmes" (Chas. Krohmnii, mgr.)— Iais Angeles, Oil., Apr 1-4. Orscu Ocorge. in "Prelty Peggy" (Win. A. Brady, mgr.)—N. Y. City itch 30, lu- dcllnlte. -" " Ulltuore, Paul. In "Tjruuay of Tonrs" (Jules .Murry,. mgr.l—Uruoosburg, Pa., Apr 1, Scnttdule 2, tlnloutuwu 3, Coiinillsvllle 1. Uranger. WllUn,. lO-./JHypsy Jock" (Cleft Stundlsh; jugr.l—Philadelphia, Pn., Mch 30-Apr 4, Brooklyn, N. Y., 0-11. Onrslde. Coudlt ft Mnck Big Slock (J. S. (ini'sidc, mgr.)—Philadelphia, l'u., Mch 30- Oo'rninii kp IfOrtl, Ilcpertory—Hcliohurle, N. Y., Mch Ul>-Apr 4. Cossacklo 11-11. Gurrlck TUentro tWIUIiun P. Taylor, mgr.) —Ilennlligloii, Vt., Mch UO-Apr 4, Jlrattlo- butn o-ll. Our Stock fB'P- Cusnd, mgr.)—Macon, Mo., Mcll .UIKrThr 4. Chllllc.itho OIL Oasklll Slock—Clinton, la., Mch 31-Apr 4. Oluhgow Stock—Jtickhon, Mich., Mch 30-Apr Greene, Francis. Ilepcrtory—Bujierlor, Wis,, m<1i 30-Apr •«..'.. Gratnr Stock Oionlry ft <!offey, mgrs.)— Nohtesvllle. Ind., Midi IIO-Apr 4. Ooiidliig 'Comedy (0, M. Cat ten. mgr.)—Katon HnphiH, Mich.. Mch :n>, Inilelliiltn, Click Slock (II. Thayer Ollck, mgr.)— Bor- llii. Cull.. Mch 30-Apr fl. "i.'lrl. With Oroen Ryes," Clam Blooilg'Nid (Charles Frohman, mgr.)—Huston, Mass., Mch IJQIAjlr, 11. •'(huiil.ler's-Mniiglitiir," I'liHiern (It. K Ores- ey, ingr.)—N. Y. City Mch IIO-Apr 4, Olov- iisvllhi, Ni \\, «, Htlc* T, 8, Ottawa, Can., 30-Apr 1, Orauvlllo 2-4, Sprltigllcld, Vt., "Heart of Maryland' (David Belasco, mgr. —Huntington. W. Vn., Apr 1, Pnrkcrsburg 2, Mnrlotin. II., 8, Wheeling, W. Vn.. 4. "Heart of t'hli-ngo," Lincoln J. Carter's— Hancock, Mich.. Apr I, Houghton 2, Iron- wood 3, Ashland. Wis., I. West Superioi- tl, Duluth, Minn., 7, Chlppcwu Fulls, Wis,. N. "lioosler Daisy." Hefsje Clifford (li. H. Ill- ton, ingr.i—Baltimore, Md.. Mch 30-Apr-4. "Hearts of link," llcrii.-'rt (William B. Urines. mgr.l—Miiiikuio, Mini., Apr 1, Ownlomin 2. BiK-hOHier 3. > "Happy lliu.llui.ii,'- lids Hill's — Itnltlnioi-e, Mil., Mcli 30-Apr 4, Wimhlngtoii, 0. O, II-It "Her Marriage Vow" (Vsuce ft Sullivan, mgrs.)—Brooklyn. N. Y., Mch SO-Apr 4, I'lilhiileltililn, I'll.. 0-11. "Hnoslcr Olrl, Knto Watson nnd fins Cohen "Gambler'*-Daughter."'Western (II. L. Cron- <y, mur.)—Iiuuvlile, 111., Alir 1, Deeutiir 2. I'lltstluld 3, Lexington, Mo,, 4, Kansas plly 5-11.. • ■ .. "(Innio Keeper," Kuslorn, Hmltli O'Brien I'ltovyhinii ft Clltfoni; props.; Walter F. Wosli mgr.)—Itoekvllle, Ind., Apr 1, llrn- zll \i. Danville, 111., ;i; Kunkiikoo 4, llmu- UlDllll, Illll.. ">. ■ ' ' I "(faux Keeper," Weslorn, ThoindH J. Smith i Itowliiiiii'ft Clifford, props.; Fred Walton, 'iigr. i--Ii.ii io. ' Mr.nt.. Apr Ti-8, Living- Moti 0. Uhr Timber 10, Ullllngs II. "(instil'lived Mdusler" (K. i. Is-vlue, mgr.) --i'lissali:, N", .1., Apr 1, l'lemlngton 3, Cllnioii 1, Dover it, I loom on 7, Montlcello, N. Y;, H. KlleiivllloO, Liberty 10, Cntsklll "(Irlincs' Cellar Door"—Zuncsyllle, 0., Apr H llaiikelt. James h'„ hi "Tho Crisis"—Phil- nilclpliln. !'«., Meli .It-Apr 4, lliirnnl,. Virginia. In "Iris"- (Charles Froh- iiiim, nigr. I— I'lilloili'lphla, . Pa., Mcll 30* Apr 11. lliLWtrey. Charles, In "A Messngn from Mars" (i'hiir)cs Fiobniuu, n|gr.)—rN. Y, City Mch 30, llllielllllte. Howard llalli In "The Man Who Dared" (Ilniry Plerson, mgr.)—Troy, N. Y., Mcll JtO-Apr 1, Fnll Itlver, Mass., 2-1. Hujiford, t'lpirles il. fF. Ijtwrcnce Walker, nigr.)—Suit.Diego..(.'al., Apr 1, ttainn Ana ., I'asndenn 3, Hunlti lturhuru I. Ilulford, Olllv,- rtloek (Carl tirehm, mgr.) — Wlikesbarre, Pa.. Mch DO-Aur 4. Illmmelelti's Ideals (John, A. Hlmiuelulu, logr.)—Waterlown, N, Y„ Mch j',0-Aiir 4, lllmmcleln's Imperial 8liH;k (Ikivo H. Woods, ipgr.)—|fc*ort Wayne.: Ind., Mch 30-Apr 4. Herrmann. Leon (Tlmruaur ft Onrinnti, ijigr.)— Hunilltoii. Can.-, Apr 0, (Jiiclph 11. Uajrwuo, tirnire (Dick Ferris, mgr.)—Mill- ncniKiHs. Minn,. Mill 30, Indefinite, lllllniaii. Muud, Slock—York, l'u., Mch 30- .)pr .1. , . Howord-Dorslf, lleperlory (Oliver Mnrtel, mgr.)—Terr* Hsutc, lud., Mch .10-Anr 4. Hurcoiirl Comedy, Charles K. Harris (W. (.'. MoKny, mgr.';—Yonkers, N. Y., Mch 30- )pr l. Lynn, Mass.. U-l I.'s Comedy (II. «;. Allen, mgr.)—Fort Worth, Tet.. Mch 30-Apr 4, Hot Springs, irk., u-ll. Hunt Stock ill. A. Hunt, mgr.)—Hastings. Mich., Mch 30-Apr I. Hnrrls ft Parkinson, lloiiert It. Harris f N. C. Uoyt. mgr.)—Cbsttauooga, Touo., Mch 30-Apr i;, Miiu.I—Archlsild, O., Mcll 30- Aur4.. . , l!lekmnn.Uo«*py. Kopertorr IF! P. Parknr, mgr.)—Hlgoiirney, la., Mch 30-Apr 4, Ot- funiH-u D-ll. H.'Pderw.n Stock (W, J. ft It. II. Ilendorson, mgrs.)—Montlcello. la., Mch 30-Apr 4, Ho|mmi Comedy (Ilnrry Ilolmati, mgr.)— 'Mollne, III. Mch 30-Apr 1, Monmouth 2- i, Cnjiton 0-8. 5 ILnntley-Moore Stock—Monlgotuory, Ala,, Mch 30 Apr 4. 11 ndfleld Stock— Fort BdwardJi N, Y., Mch (David IL Levis, mgr.)—Mount. Ciirtnel, Pn., Apr 2, Ashland 3, Imiivlllo 4. "Hot Old Time," (Ins Hill's (Oeo. A. Chcnet, mgr.)—Toronto, Call., Mch 30-Apr 4, .Mon- treal U-ll. "Hearts of, Hold" (It. A. Johnson, mgr.)— I'uniil Dorer, O.. Apr 1, Coshocton 2, Znnesvlllr 3. Lonilon 4, Xcllla II, WuHhlug- lou Court House 7, Orcenvlllo S, Clrcle- vlllo 0. Chllllcuthe to. Portsmouth 11. "Homespun llvni-t" (L.sjn Wllllums, mgr.)— Poutluc, Mich., Apr 1, Mouruo 2, TecuniseU 3, Wurren, O., tl. "Hello, Illll* (tioodlino ft Kellogg, mgrs.) — Peorln. III., Apr 3. "Human Heiirls." Hastern (Jesse Illnncliiirtl, mgr.)—Manchester. N. li., Mch no-Apr li Boslou, Mass., U-ll. "Hidden Crluio" (Eugene Hnolford, mgr.)—- Worcester, Mnss., Mch 30-Apr 4, WllllnmH- tKjrt. l'n., f>. "Iluiitlng for Hawkins," Knstern (!•'. it. Stevens, mgr.)—Otliiwa, Out.. Mch 30- Apr ], Kingston 2, Bellvvillo 3, Hamlltnu I lt-nbol Irving. In "The Crisis" (James K. aigr.)— ileiinliigtoii, Vt., Apr 1, North Adams, Muss., 2, Hudson, N. V., 3, Pouglikei-psle 4. "In Old Kentucky," Jucob Lltt's—Lynu, Mums., Apr 4. "Irish Pawnbroker" (Joseph W. Hponrs, mgr.)—New Orleans, Lu., Mch 2!I-Apr 11. "lu Convict's St tines" (Burt St. John, mgr.l ■•■•Camden, N. J., Mch 30-Apr 1. Boston, Mas., OIL •I James, Lot.Is. nnd Frederick Worde, Ilcper- tory (Wagenlial ft Kemper, mgrs.)— Chi- cago, ill., Mch 3(1-Apr 4, luiltnmipollii, Did, S. Murlon 9. Ji'ifei'sou. Joseph Jr., and William W„ lu "The Itlv.ils' 1 (Henry F. (Irrnne, mgr.)— Brlilgcton, N. J., Apr 1, Winchester, Pn„ 2, Atlantic City, N. J., 3. Ji'iivm-H, Irene, Stock (T. J. Hoffmun, mgr.) Clilcoru, l'n., Mch 30-Apr 4, Nutronu tl 1J. ■Miinlm Meredith," Wllllum fintinelll ft Ituss Sfahl—Cincinnati, 0„ Apr fl-11. "JiiniCH Iloysj In Mlsoui'l,'' lCnstern (Frank Huxzoio, mgr.)— Heiievlllc, Cun., Apr 1, Lindsay 2, llurrle 3, Ilaiullton 4, Toronto "Jiiiuc'm Iloysj In Missouri," Kastern (Frank • Inn-solo, mgr).—Dciuupulls, Ala., Apr I, Meridian, Miss., 2, Mobile, Ala., li, I'eusn- cdii. Fin., I, New Orleans, La., u-ll. "Jolly Amerlcnii Tramp"—Newark, N. J., Mch in Apr 4. Fall Itlver. Mass.. 10, It. "Josh HlnipkliiH"—Battlo Cruek, Mich., Apr Kalhrvn Klchlor, In "An Kye for au Eye" (Jules -Murry. mgr.)—Pnrkcraburg, W, >a„ Apr 1. Cambrlilge, O,, 2, Zauosvllio 3, Akron 4, Sharon, Pit, (I, Kelcey, Hurbort, mid 1-lfllo Shannon, In "Hhor- lock Holmes" (Diinlei V. Arthur, mgr.) — t'ntorson, N. J,, .Mch 30-Apr 1, Alluutfo I'lly 2, Wilmington, liel., 3, llothlahem. Ph., 4, Jersey City, N. J., till. Kendall, Kzru, iu "Tho Vlnegur llnysr" (Llnbler ft Co., mgrs.)—JJoston, Mass,, Meh 30-Ajir 11. Keihir, iiiiikIcIiih (Dudley McAdnw, mgr.)— Jersey (Ity, N. J., Mch 30-Apr 4, Bprltig- llohl, Mess., 7, Provldoiics. II. I., u-ll. Klnsey Koiio'ily Ko. (M. L. Klnsny, mgr.)— I'onier.iy, il., Mch 30-Apr 4, MuCouuells- vllUi tl-11. Klork-Urlillil 1 (If. II. Klnrk. mgr.)—Shcr- brook, P. Q., Mch 30-Apr 4, Knrrnll, Dot 1.1. C. Welsh, mgr.)—Olyphant, l'n., M.-h 30-Apr 1, Cnrboiidum 2-4, llur- wlck tl-H. ■ Keystoliu Driunallc, Western, Mrflill ft Ship- mun'M (Will i.M. Curroll, mgr.)—llellnlrc, O.', Mch ail-Apr 4, Wiishliigli.ii, Pa., O-ll. "King of D..'lectlvi'H," Sullivan, llaiils ft Woods'— Miintrcnl, Can., Mcli 30-Apr 4, "Kentucky Fet.d"—Detrolt, Mich., Mch 20- Apr 4. "Kidnapped In New York," Harney Olliaoru (llul'ry .Moiiinoiiiery, mgr.)—Kowumxt, HI.. Apr 1. Ottawa 2, La Sullu 3, Streator 4, Juliet ri. li Ijingtry, 'Mrs. Lily, "Mitdnmolsello Mars" (Charles Froluniin, mgr.)—Hurrlsburg, Pa.,' Apr 1. Wllk. -sharre 2. Scranlon 11, Trmilon, N. J., 4, Sprlngltcld, Mass., h, Portland. Me., II. mini, mgr.)-—Hurrlsburg, l'u., .Apr I, Wllk.'sharre 2, Soriiuloii .1, Trenton, N. J., ■I, Hiirlngilclil, Muss., H, Portland, Mil., 11. f.n Molno, Mrs.. In "Among Thoso Presold" (lieorgu 11. Briuinnii, mgr.)—tlaiichvster, 5, II,, Apr 1. * Lllllnu Lyons Stock (IS'iiuft Kfltchiiin. mgrs.) -Hurl, Mich., Mch IIO-Apr 4, Pmitwiilnr III I. Lyceum Comedy. Al. S. Uvuns—Winchester, 111.. Mch .'lb-Apr 4. Lb Fayette Driunallc—Huntsvllle, Tex., Mcli 30-Apr. 4j M'lllls UN, (', (I II. l.orrulne, Hhc, Kepurtory (J. I?. Matlhnws, bus, nigr.)- Plymoiilh, Mass., Mch 30- Apr 4. !w«!*Hleld 0 in. Ijiwrcnco Hlock (Clmrli<s P. Lawrence, mgr.,' -Liiiicont.'i Wis., Apr 2-4, Hoscohol "l-H, Mitaroun- Oil. 7 "Llltln Prim-ess," Millie James IC. II. IHI- llnghaiii. nigr.)—Provlileuco, It. I., Midi :n.-Apr t, Sprlngileld, Mass.. 2, II, North- riiupton 4, Baltimore, Mil., 41-11. • "Lost lllvfir" (Jules Murry, mgr.)—Tei- iirkans, Ark., Apr i, (lot Springs 2, Mttlo nock .1, Fort Smith I. "Little Outcast," Bus tern (Oeo. H. Oil! ft K. II, Fltzliugli, mgrs.)—HprliigdehLMnss., Mch .'lii-Apr 1, New Britain, Conn., 2, llrldgeporf. 3, 4, N. Y. Lily Oil. "Llitlu Oiitcnst," M'citoni, ft. J. Carpenter'ai (Oscar Could, mgr.)—Lincoln, Nebr., Apr 3, 4. "l/ivers" Lane," . Kuslern (Win. A. Brady, mgr. I— Indluuupolls, Ind., Mel) 30-Apr 1. "Livers' Lime," Western (Win. A. Brady, mgr.)—Denver, (.'olo., Mcb 2!>-Apr 4. "Little Church Around the Corner' (Vance ft 'Sullivan, mgrs.)—Cincinnati, O.. Mcb 20-Apr 4. Chicago. III., "Looping tho I,nuu T ' (Alfred 'f. Wilton, mgr. i --Wheeling. W. Vn.. Mch 30-Anr 1, .Vow- ensile, Pa.. 2, Ashtabula, 0., 3. lirle, l'n., 4, Myruciiso, N. Y„ n-H. Ituchester 0-11. "Little Mother," W. li. NaiikiivUle's (J. J. lirnphy, nigr.)—Orniid lluplils, Ml.-h., M«h J'JApr 1, Toledo, i >., 2-4. Samlusky U. i'hn Cavalier" IC. IL Cleveland, 0„ 30-Apr Marlowe, Jullii, In Dllllnghnni, mgr,) 4. Defroll. Mich OIL Mansfield, Itlchard, lleptirlory I Lyman II. mgr.)—Chicago, III., Mch 30-Apr Mary Mannsritig, hi "The Stubbornness of lieraldliis" (f/rnnk McKee, mgr,)—Chica- go. HI.. Mch flu-Apr 4. Mack, Andrew., lu ,r Tho Bold Soger Boy" (Itlch ft Harris, mgrs.)—St. Louis, Mo., Meh 30-Apr 4. Indianapolis, lud, tl. 7. Miller, Henry, In "Tho Taming of Helen" (0. H. Dillingham, mgr.)— S.lC. City Mch 30, lnil«0n|tij. ' . _ .,-.... ii