The New York Clipper (May 1903)

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338 TJapS ISTEW YOBg GlilPPER ■r <• iJltt?**' VHtoforlMMaiudSraplMof Fi«nohFU3tot>iWOT^^ Engraved Block Work. Mew Frwww PMtol Wotk. WUtSiv* Yon Bit Mo>i«>f on yom- UthoEwpk BlUlng. -"- -"- -*- ">« : ;i^ i i ;iiS Aiii'i;«V « ^ • ;.«^ -i._ SOtVtlfI||.PHOXM^iliB;to Alto lafiO P£kt XHOUBANB. fPBOIAL PRICES Oir OOMPX^tB LINES O'f PAPER FOCtl BSA^ON'S COITrRACT. liiST VtOtOL PRDHPT SBRVlbE. LOW PRIOH, Jusl closed Successful Engaeenient with tlmt Clever Comedienne, MARIE CAHILL, in "NANCY BROWN, the Eminent Actor, EDWIN STEVENS, in the Leading Comedy Role, THE BEY OF BALLAHOO. Booked Comic Opera, "OTOYO.", at LlHrty for Mtxt StJison, WilJlCAL COMEDY or CO|IIC OI^EftA, "at the BIJOU THEATRE, N. Y. CITY, being especially enjraccU to renb, at the MADISON SQUARE kOOF GARDEN for the Summer, in the J . kiifm 20a East Uth Stfeet. Hew York Clh. BASBSALL HATIONAX. ZXAOiJE, RE# TOBK BASEllALL CLUB. AT PilLO BRdli^DS, NEW YORK. CHICAGO MAY »••. B08T0M M<k¥ W,- 80, Ar M. « P. M. DUATHS IN THB FnOPiSI^SIOlV. AiiA tliiXMAN Wii.LiAMH. na actress, died III Ht. Vlnvcnt'M llmplUI, Worceotn, MaHii., MHy 11, ftuDi IlriKlit K dlHOasc, agod twenty- flvc yearn. Hbc entered tbo tlieutrlual itrrt- frwiluri nliout tiino yearn ngn, aud aiiiieiired with Clliirlei! II. Ilo.vl'i4 cnm|)iialo.i In tNIHI, J8U7. OliHui; llio itHtit three Nrnuonit hIic pinypil vuudcville und burlcmiitc lioUHnu, working in on iirt wltli her connlni Bcitha Wdj-rtt, undi*!- the teuin iiiimo of Wiiyno niid WiiiiHtim, llcr tnutlicr anil father survlvo lii-r. Interment wiiu at Nortb Addins, Muaa., Mffy i:i. Catiiuhinb r}r;i(MAiNK (Mts. Cliurles 11. Iiiinn)i formerly nell known on the coinlv oprrii Hlivgc; committed Hiilcldo in her uimrt- mentH ;it tbu DatrlDKlon Hotel, Ncnr Vurk <"lly; eveiilnB of May ID, by drIukluK oynitlilo of Nliver. It wan Bald IJiat Hlie lind a qu&rrat Willi her lliiHliflhd. And tliU n'OK nnnouncrd HH (he eatiHc of her BUleldc. Her laAt iiit- lienriinen on tlio nIukc wrh with TliamiiH (j. Mpiibrofikc, 111 "Tbi! ImIc <»f IMmmpiiEne" «!o., Bomc yearn tLgo., Her taUHbnnd Hurvlves her. Ahiiauam l«"i.KiNciiMAN, who woB connoft- nl with the Wnlniit Htro!t Thpntie. I'hllii- <lnl|iblii, In viU'lnnx enimnltlcH tor ninny yeara, died Ht IiIh bnmo la tlmt city un Miiy IT, nfjed Hfly-Hli years. During recent yeiirs ho liHd lendert Iho fiillery door and acted an night wuti.'binnii nt the iiUmvo honm. I'mii'i riiAiii.KM J. Nhwman, well known In DiiiNlcul elrclOK, died ut the I'onDHylvnnla lloHiillitJ, I'blludelplili), from lypbold fever, Mh.V' 17. Il« vfUH born'In lllehmand, Vuf, A|iHI 2^, IKOd. llo coiniinHail u numlier of InNlriinieiiliil and vocal iileceH^-iiiid wruto n Work on the H.VNicm-Hnd tcchnlniio qf niUHlc. IIIn wife and ilvo vhlldron Hnrvivo him. MnN. lOi.i.A K. l.iKis<iii, who watt forinerljr an aiii'cMH, i1I>hI at. SI. .JuKuidi'K llnxiillal, Dejiver, Col., May 0. Hlio retlrc<l from tlio KlHRC nlimit h)x yrnrH rro. Mra I.cccli wiir hora III llllnolH, and won forty-six years of •gn. M.^KOiiKiiiTii OiiAVTo.v, a singer, Iho wifo of II. ,1. HIeKfrled, a well known clioniH Kinirer, died Kuddcnly ou. Mar IN, nt Onl(- l«nd, I'lL., from acuta Kiuttrltls, Hho nii- peared recently In '"I'ho Ilclln ot New V<ii-|c.'' TiiBi'iiNBiiAt. fcunvicKH over the body or HIbyl Hundei'Noii ivern held May J8, In tlit< t'hiirdi of M. lloiiore d'Kylaii, IMrls, and thoremnlna worn cremated. CiiAiii.KN I>A('i.i.iii:, of the Lnclwlo Itrolli- rrH. died at tho homo of K. A. Ulmllx, In Ht. l<<iiilH, on May ID. TiiKoiHiii ItKiciiMAN, llm well known barl- timoof ihedpei'AllonHe. Vienna, died III that i-lly Inst week, rmia aiuiiilexy. lie Hrxt hinie lb AinenleK iln 181)0, when lie apiieaii'd hero KiieeeKKriilly nt the Metro|iolMan Oix'ra lloiiHd, New Vnrk (!ll3', hut he made his svoaleKt Irliinipli In "Tlio KIvIiik IMitebman." lu INIHi. and Hftenvitrd nmile a lour of the United KIHleH. -Ite sniiidibroKd In (he heavier roleh of >Vii|;nei''i( ripernx and also la Ilnllati and Uernian imidtictltinH. ' IdMiiH W'Ai.nslANN, a nephewr of the elder l-'fi'd W'Hldmaiin, who Iinh lieiMi roiineeled wllb Hie IheatreN 111 Newark, N. .1., for Nome .veHl'K, died In that I'lty on May 'JL', front Nioinacb trouble, llu vt'uu forty-six yvui't of nisi'. llANiKr. Ouii.i' (Hcorife W. Norton), pro- prielnr nf Ihe Andltnrliini, I^oiiiKvllle, Ky., illi'd lit Coronadii lleacli, I'al., May ITi, uued iiriy-runr ynaru. 'JllO'body wait sent lu Iaiii Aufolbi) to b» crninnttid. 4»» TUNNlCgHiaB. ' - M«>iii|tlil«.—At the New I.vceiiiii 'rbenlra (Kriink tiiiiy, niaiiaKcr).—"Tiio llmiiic that .lack Unlit," the liili preaculeil by llio lllloil MliHleal Ooiiiedy Co. week oC May IB, |iui:Ke<l tho liiiiiKu'each performrtiicte. The coiniuiny Ik KrowliiK more impalar wllli every pntdiic- tion. Otis ll;irhin, cist la tlin princi|iul t'oleii, was a ronrlnK niiccohm, I<ltUi< ('lil|il In llie |>art of IVrcy llnnlintilon, HiiHtnlned Ilia prevloiiM rvrord. MIkm Miirblo tippcareii 111 !i lotilcal HouK that neorcd a lilt. Tlid costiimra of llie irhonis slrls were gorRcoiiH, Week ot U'l, "Tuxedo." UiiI'ICI.NM' (illAMI Ol'IMIA IIUUSH (A. it. MorrlKoii, mniuiRer).—"Inrojt" wmh iiiidur- lined tor wtek of tH, and drew htmhI houses; All of the menibei'H of Ihe rinhpany nppeai'ed to advanlMKe, und the audience wan ki'i>t in utHiil hiiiitor diirliu Ihe eniire perform' ance. Nera IIohu, r.ucia Moore, Itohl. \yaynil and Then, (iamlile deserve mention, Iletween ai'lM Ihe vaudevlllo was fnriilsliert hy .lose|il| Makwell and Co, >ManHRer iMorrlKoii' waij lendertHl a lieuellt 'JZ ThiH clones IlieHeamin, Ni w. Ai.'L>iTUUlt'M (lloiiji M. Ktnlubaeki iiinniiifr),—".iinorica," by local lalnnt, ]r>, , 111, had i;ood pntrounK'i, Hob 'fiiyior de- livered ills led'ire, "The Kiddle and Ihe How.' to n l«rs<i aiidlencei lit. This was- a beuetit tendered Manaj^er Mlalnhnek and elosed llw Kpasoii, The houso will be renovated for tlid I'ail KeAsoii. I'KllSIOA'S flAIUIMX 'rnuATUB (John I'orslCB) iiiansKur),— TIk- luiiiHe is crowded qverjl iil|{ht. The pinitramme for week of 18 lU' I'lildi'd : MMy Nelson; Li-o Klorenre.'Idlllnti May, riiil .lan°o.v, Maliel WriKbi, Clark and Kinin'ons, NlnaOU\er, Myrtle Venllcr, CIihk, II. Clark, Clara Harllnir. Itculnh Uemoni Jack t'oniey, t'hapiile Hlouii. KanliTlllr.—At fllciidnle I'ark (V. (^i Alie.v,. luunaser).—The Muniiner HPanun nl the imrk liaif li inolit nuKpicloiig beclnninKl aa Ihe altendnuc -• -- waa over liiftb divliu thi-llllnir iwrformnnee and nmllniied to nlj Irnet Ihniiiiflioiit the week. TllK «.'AHiso.'-Tills liiipiilar llllle uniiiite- laehl bouse Ihivw o|h'u lis diHirs lil lo a ver.V larRe Hiulieiict*. In tan, llfly iM'reetil. iiioihI than iimt NeaKon'n o|M'iiinK. The |ir<>Rrnminil was eockI and clean, and the iierfurnierii ronlrlliiitliiB were well worth the favor liiid II inoRi nuspicioiig beBinniiiKi tendniico May 17, by netuul eountj r lUMW. <*a)il. Klauloy did bij nic net on the lawn, wlilrli was n ond JuKgllnR; Cbrlstuiiber, mnKlciaii; titan- ley and Cainmctin, comedy duo; Vino and Koarle, JuKKlIng and sonK: Laiedo and Blake, acrobnts, and Kntheilnc tiiivarl, electrical novelty hour, made up the bill. Tbo lost mentioned la well known In this city as Kitty Wilson, and her many frlcnda have shown warm liiipreclntlon of her splendid voice. A lienutlful setting hna been arranged for her act. lilll for week of LTi offers: I'has- and Jenntn Walsh. Knntelle and Iladellire, Ueach anil tiago, Wuldron llros., Klhcl Carter, Koppc. I I * ■» ILLINOIS. I'eorln.—At tho Grand (Clinrob<>rlln, Itarrlneton k Co., mnnigcrs).—"My Uncle Krom New York" wan booked for May 'i4, us sunplcmenlai to tho regular Bcilflon, but no other attnictlons will bo seen thin scnnnn. I'noai'KCT lIi.miiTH Park (Will Nash, manuifer).—Tho season here opened 20, with the tollowing: Bullry aiid Hplllcr, Loin Kawn, Ollvlo and I,eflter Knirmun. Wkaht'h Thkatbh (I'. A. Weast, proprle- toi').—llusliicsH continues gwd, (leNplln un- seasonably hot weather. Week of L'.'>: Dii- bee's dogs and iiionkeyH, Itosiir Trio, Wheeler and Wilson und Ilalvv Uladyu, McCoy and Knight. Lealer and Mildred. Jacohs' TiiBAiuM' <A. I''. Jacobs, proprie- tor).—The extravaganza company will pre- sent "Island ot .ICwela" week of^ '2'i. NiiTKs.—The Kagles Initialed eight new birds 20 Gentry's Dog and Tony Show, No. 4, iNlrked the tents two days, ID, 20. ......Theoilorc Thomas' Urcliestra, at tlic CollNuiimi 2<i, '_'1. gave two matinees and two evening performances, to crowded houses. In connection with a lo<'iil clioriiB. ' » QuIiK'j-.—The Hells-Downfi Sliowa were hero May 18, and iilayed to two good houses. 'I'lin afternoon perforinKiice was broken up by a iryelone which came over the city almiit 4 o'clock. The lent waa ciearwl, and iin ac- cidents occurred. The HlidWH have a iiniu- ber u( good people, nnd gave good sutliifac- tlun, 4«» RHODIfi IMLAND. I*r«»vl«Ieiic«.—/nio regular season of the I'rovlrienM t>iM!ra House (t'elli It. Wcndei- sehaofer, manager) comes to an end with Itldiard ..UuiwtMd's, puidiictlon ot "Julius Ciosur," Miiy 25, 2«. Krancls Wilson, in "Tbo Toreador," tilled the bouse during the week of 17, with Saturday miitlnec. On Juno 8 «n eight weeks' season of opei-a opens. I'i.MriKK TiiKATiiH (Stilt/. & Nattmnsoii, managers).—'Tho Katherliio Holier Uuinmer Htock Co. iirodiiccd "Under Two li'lags" week of May 17, to good business. "Queena" la the bill for 24. KuiTii'H t^^hariea Ixivenberg, resident inaiuiger).—The prize of (I2.'i0 for the best (liay liy u Kliodo Ulaiid writer, olTered liv the nuinagenient of this tlientVe. waa award- ed, 21, to I'Ulward Kiiller, of The I'rOKldcnoo Juiirimt, tor a play, entitled "t'ellcrs." which will be produ(-ed Iho week of Juno t. "Aia- Imnm" wos given Jlay 17, "A Iloyai Family" WnsTJitNSTKU TliKATaK (Oeorge II. Hnt- chelier, munager).—The lonoei-nt IleiuillrH put III (he week of 17 here. On 24 comes Iho liigb l''lyer« HuileMi|ue' C». OUTDOOR EXERCISE la an economy of lire, and tlio Bluyclo Is the most siilislanllMl factor in the groaMiiovemciit toward physical dovclopnionl, The IDEAL WHEEL Kor lioalth, ploasura or buslucss Is tho i9Mm ftEVEL QEAR CHIIIILESSi P'lo*' (^ooo- COLUMBU OMAIN MODELS, HSO.0O and •40.00. HARTFORD and VEDETTE, •36.00 and «2&.00. Tho Two-Piiocd Ooiir couiiiluod with Coistor Brake on Onainlosa llluyole:^ only 116. Hub Uoasler llrakos, $(>. SKN'l) fOR CATALOGUK. American 'Cycle Mfg. Co., Baaterh Snlvi D«|iur(n«en(, -IIAnTPOllD, COKN^. _ _ " WANT«D AT o'NrK-Oiie Oood Hsilad Singer, one good Oooii Slioiiler, one good Nigger Hlniior, one good Irlkh C'oioeillnii, whoxlngs IiThIi songs; Han wiili llluHiraiudSaiig Machine. Salary sure, (thow novertlortei. week stands uiidur can- vas tnHnniiner; oiieia houses In Winter, stale lowest salarj. Will wire ticket. nil. LKON III.ACKIIURM. DlankhiirD Appliance Co., Nownmn's Orovo, Neb.. .May 34-80; I'ctoraburg, Nell., June l-x; Kigin, Neb., Juno l<-l». N. B.—All paiHeH stale wbal songayon slug. Musi oliango for ooo week. '"•'ttBrniRlVBC'TION"' for" Rcii. "^inil Slooic] Tlio only guueessrul chose vetvlon with rights to printing. Thooiilyvetwiou that played all the big elites to paoXed lioiisos. T. n. WINNBTT, Agt., WW Broadway, New York. PALACB TIIBATRB, Valloylleld, P. O.- Good attrsclions, Mliislrcl, llop, Hiid Co. Can lilav goml Rop. (or a wecKs' sisiirt. Very gOod town, M ttlileii from Moulroal; |iop., Ii.ixw. $i.'i,OUI)paid out every iiioiuh. Mansgeranrlle (or date. JiJ?li"*!L''"i'£t" Manager. LaHUK OKCHiDBTRioN. v]xV^Kr.,tt., m Pil'K.< AMI nKtrM, 4 I.AItCK Uyllndcrs of iniHic, ruiiB by welghi power, fieftant WHInut oa^o, 'J large glass doors; cost |;1,600, flue con- dIUou and loiu'; a iwimn/.a for imrk or conoerl hall; welghi l.OOfllli.; prii'o HHHi, V.ih It. luTiine hsnd orguu, Un |il|ii's, tTU; II liiDe. .HA pl|ier<. fllHi; line eoudlMoH, loud loiie. W. 1. t.'OOK, WcHLon's MIHs.Calt. Co.. .>«ew Vork. MbvifTo pic'rvBB maciiinkijV Kii.Mti, Kto.; SiereopliuouA, Song Slides. Hargulun always uiiJiand. ouinta bonglil and sold. Films iranKri. iVliUH'AN KXCUAMUK, m Ual9«7 at.,BrooU7U. We'll never make clothes that won't make patron.s. We are not at all keen for one lime orders. This tailory couldn't have jjrown seven stories high if we had the "disappoint" habit. Tlie Arnheim standard is the highest in America. It rei)rcsents self-re- specting craftsmanship. Every gar- nientthat bears our name must be the particular garment lit to champion our reputation. Sack suits tnade to- your-measure out of more than one hundred different sorts of summer woolens for $20. More value than the price ever had the honor of owning. Samples, measuring outfit and eight fashion cards sent free upon reipiest. Broadw ay i 9th k , U. WANTBD—First dsfs Violin, Cnruet, Piano, Kluic, BaHh and cittiiouel for tjammor linlel, throe inonins, tour hours per day. Full panlculars and lowest Hillary, Including board. No transporla- llnn. Must )i(!long to A. F. M. Hoiiry /,. llcos, care of Elki<, 64 Monroe St,, Uoniphlg, Tena. YUUHU MAN WANTBD lo work In big .Vcrliil All. One wilb iirei'loiH exiii'Mi-iicc pie- fcrrcd. No oliJeclUms to a good aiiiuleur. Slate (iveryllilng llrsi teller. Additsii lo J. H. W., I'sie Show, llrldgclon, N. J. WANTBD, CHARACTER OLD MAN, Ncal Comedy Uld Man, Uglil Comedian, In- genue, Javuliilc Woiiiun, Cliaracler Old Woman and I'laiio Plsycr. Those doing spoclaliles pre- ferred. Olio play. Week Htnii'ds In Parks. Address "X 7," care of OLIPPKR. LITHOS, due Cent Kucli, any slyle. Send SO conl!< for siliiiple». JOHN cokIion, N. W. Cor. Klghth anil Walnut Hircels, r iilhifl elplilu. Pa. WANTBD, FIRST CLAH8 TRAP UKUMMBR. Sal. til per week. No fakin or Ituozeni. F. lUl.L, Box ;2i. Lead, 8. Dak. MRAND VIKW OPBRA HALL. Best .Salimlny nlghlsliow town. ThreelulllMjiayoir. Also groanilM for u^iii show. J.W. Sioll, lllnnowiiler. N'.V. FOR SALE OR RBNT, 80fl. R. T. Tent, fair comllllon; soats (or soo people;'.'00 reserved;Stage, Sooriory and everything conipletc rcartv to sel lip. Address K. U. UURKK, 4'iii',. drove St., Jersey Oily, N. J. P. H.-Dap O'Brlon, write. TBNTBVOR8ALB, (.Sft. It. T., 4Qft.M. I'.; soft. R. T., IKlfl. M. I'.; Mft. R. T., •-• -.W. M. P.; J6. v40ft. PKARI. VAN, N orthvllle. N. Y. NUDICINB PURVOHMBRM KOtld $1 for ruccl|its (ur making VhscIIiic tircaso Paint (all colors), lip Rouge ilnd Oold Ureum. First claps and uomlnsi cost. Ingredteiii; ohtslnalile at any drug Htore. B0.\ dJ?, Criiiid Itaplds, Wis. WANTBD-MKUICINE PKHFOHMERS In all llDca; must tie A1 and up to datu. Wire i|u|ck. No timo (orcorrespondoiice. FOR 8ALF—Round Top with aofl.M. P. in Al eondtilou. Wagon that oiHinK for stage, Scenery, Lights, Acoleyllne Gas Plant, Boats, Jacks, StrlDgcrs, Sledges, Stakes, C^k Tent aud everything to make up a llrst class medicine show. A liitrgalii If llkkeu al once. Thanks Klldo. WAU'KRWILBDR, Mt'Morrls.Mlch. WANTKD, FUR ILLINUIH CONBDV CO., Magician. Juggling or Contortion act. Must change for week. Also Piano Player; prcfor one who dnuldes hniss. Must lie willing to Ilvo on lot. Uoud, siiro salary. Show never ulosca. Ad- dress SMITH i Ul.ARK. BIggsvllle, 111. a'dVANCB AGRIVTat LIhcrty. Would like to hear froiu Wagon Htiinvs. Ailiwer iiiitck. Foster (ilasscock, (IISHScock's Ooiiih. Shows, l(arrlsoii,Ark. W.tNTKD, for ranania Mcdicinu Co., several good (iullarur llanjo Cflinedtaiis lor street work: oaeltiul iwo ulghMiauds. No oUjcclloii to good alugliig Amateurs, lilvo your lowest salary In Aral teller. Address OR. Z, M. CONDON, Wellington, III.; p ermaucut nddrcas, SI. I.udls, Mo. \VANTBD HUK'K, Boubretle for smalt vaude- ville show under canvas. Prefer one who can play organ and work lu acts. Please send photo or cut aiidsuiie Just wliiii voii du lu tih^l leller. iil'A.- IIOSF. SHOW, FarnilngKiM, Marion Co.. W. Va. . WANTBD—All'Round Uomedlan; foraeasoii,' If anUsfaclori. Slate snlsrv tlhit letter. Address m. K. WEKNTX, Valiaar, Iowa. When-Ton Are Is Ne«d of Honey OALL AT LAWl^EtrO£'S 1,0AM OmOE, »MI Vint Avenne, Bet. UUi and ijtii 8t«., N. Y. It Makes No DIOcrcnce How Large or Small the Amount Required, or What the Article You Wish to Pledge, You Can Do Bolter, Hero Than Klsewhcrc. Exceptionally f/l)ict-al hoiiiB to the Prufculnn. Goods Forwarded lo AU Parts uf the UtUted States and Oanadg. AH,Pl«il yci Kept One If ear. Established 1880. MOVINO PICTVBK MACHINBS, Fling, Slldea and Accessories; New and Second Hand, Mannfaotnred, Bought, Sold, Remodeled and Ke- palre^l. Entertalnnlents furnished. (lerman-Amerl- can Olnomatograph A Film Co.. 176 E. geth St., N. Y, nVBIO C09IP0SED AND ARBANOBD tor any Instrument or uumber of Instrnmenta, Songs, words and music, sketches, etc. Send stamp. OtUB. L. LEWIS. 4 2» lUc hmonfl St., Cincinnati. 0, WANTBD, RAND MUSICIANS FOR 12m P. S. CAVALRY; Solo Cornel, COmet, E-ilat Clarionet, Baritone, Saxophone, Clarionet, Flute and Piccolo. Applloaiita mUst be iinmnrrlcd, be- tween a^cs of 21 and 3''i, ot good uliaracter and temperate hahtts. Men who can double on string especially desired. Applyln person or liy letter lo RECRUII'INa OFFICER, 8;.! West Miidlson St., Chi- cago; •:ff! N. TreDiont St., Kewance, III.; 'ib Third Ave.. N. Y. city; 1318 Filbert St., Phliailelphla. Pa.; 809 W. Fourth St., Olnclnnatl, Ohio, or Third and Ollvo Stfl., St. I.onls. Mo. WANTBD, SKETCH TEAMS, SISTKR TKA)MS,Soulirette'>,young ladles losing Illustrated songs, also Irish, Iliitcli and II. F. Comedians, ver- satile and change for week. The Hermans please write. Name very lowent, satsrv. Join or wire. Nollekulf. W, J.MAX8FIKLI), I'idloutc, fennu. AMATBTIR^. AMATBlfRS. HOW TO GET ON TUB STAGE. Valuable Inforniallon to lienlniiers In all Ijranohos. Dj-Hniallc, Vaudeville and Clrcnn. Where and how to write for eiigageiucuM. .Send '.(Sets, for full In- striiciloiis to JOE I'KYTON, IB West 2Ttll St., N. Y. DIAUICIANH and .inU(jLEllS-Send 60 cenu for great new egg and hiiiidkcrchlef trick. You gel ono line, large liandkorclilcf, 2 mechanical eggs, 2 small handkerchiefs and full liiHtructlous. Complcic unri ready to work. Easy to pcrroiin. Donu anywhere. All you need Is up|>«ratu» and secret. Address PROF. SYLVESTER, 2018 So. 12th St., 81, Ixiuls, Mo. P. S.—Send stamp for new Hat of greatest bar- ga|ng ever offered lu niagli^ and Juggling goods. IN CRCBL HlfHSIA, OK TiYk If BHOOF KK8IIINEFF. JUST COMPLKTKI). By Win. W. LupoInt, author of For Lovo and Honor, Etc. A beautiful love story. Man or woman lead (Hironp). Based upon the recent Russian .lewt.sli MsHsacro. From an Interview with an eyewitness and sur- vivor. The strongest, beat and most scnBRtlonBl RuBsiiin moloilrama ever written. Small ossl. Can lie produced wllhor wllnoiit special scenery. To responsible parties on royalty only, WM, AV. IAPOINT, Barre, Vt. NOTE-Wanted, Summer altraetlons at Harro Opera Honse, ^ 10,000 LITHOGRAPHS, 1 coQi each. Any style, iiulettei'ed cross lining sjiuco, drania, vaiido- vtllc, repertoire, burlcsiiue, Scud $1 fur IM gam- pies. H. DAVKNPORT, 293 W. Van Huron St., Chlcngo, 111. PARROTS, Monkeys, Dogs, 8i|ulrrcls, Cana- ries, Fish. Tho largest varlotr of live Block in Iho world always on hand. tllBATLANTlO AND PA- CIFIC mni> C O.,244 E. Madlpon St., Chica go, HI. W^ANTED-Med. People for 2 more Co's. All lines'. BanJolslH, CullariHts, 8. and 1). Corns., W. and B. F. Coma,, .Musical Mokes, etc. Fred Iturlo,' Amiii Lewis, l)e Voios, write. MIJ.ST JOIN ON WIRE. Reg. M. D.. write. Open hoio Jiine«. Sal. sure, tie and o.\. aftei'lolQlilg. 'I'eanig $10 aud ex. Must mnku good. Tlckcl!^!' NO. PKU-UI-TA DRUO CO., Hock Uland, III. FOR SALU-ft Optigrapha, Storeoptlcong, Mc- (ilnley Uas Oultlts, from $10 to t'M. 8end 10c. for slide catuloguo. Slorcoptlcon E.xohange, Bloom- lii glon, HI. WA NTED-Prof. J. Ely's Loudon OlasH Blowers. (ilasH Blowers wllli Fires, Man for Magic, Punch and Judy Talking Figures, Musicians for Hand of 6, Properly Mali—nlay buss drum and cymbalB, 4 Lsdles for Illusions. Write ((uick; make salary right In llist; three day and week standi. Stop at Ely's lloiel Tent Show. Address, PROF. J. ELY. Pen. Del., Unirslo, N. Y. BAItGAlNa_>ive lengths, .'i Her CircuH Seats, $20; Amel'sMagnlscopo Moving Picture Machine, 30 slides, 12 lllma, tii; no stamp, no list, hong slides 3llc. each. Address 0. P. BARKLEY, Mt. Pleasant, Ph. AVANTBD-CANVA8 THEATRE OliTI-Tr! IIU foot Round Top, »0 fool Middle Piece; must ho III good condition; slule pnrtkuhirs uml lowesi casli price: also Mustciiiiis thai diiulilu II. li 0. write. All., W, 1). ( luiilil, 81 Athmllc St., Hrldgeporl, Conn. PARTNER WANTBD WITH •IIIIO for an CsijibllBlied allrscllon. Extensively patronized. Large protlls. Extraordinary opiiorluiilly lor amblilniis parly. Exp<'rlencc uiuieceasaiy. No particulars given. Personal Interview only. Address BO.X iiH, Newliurg, N. Y, WANTBD-Skotch Toam, 8. and 1). Soubretic and Single Acts of all kinds for Medicine Show. Address L. C. HAVI8ER, Jmnesiown, I'a, Walter A. Robinson Shows WANT CIRCUS ACTS, STRONG KNOCKABOUT TEAM, MUSICIANS. Doul^lo B. and O. JOiM AT OMOE, Watervllet, N. V., May 2«-4iu, Sobeneoiadv June 1-8. W. A, RO^JENggit^ NiNSilalM Statue.SIS; Inilin FOrtdneTMIer Uo»d,|16;0rgan. $40; Tents. Palntlng-i. Money with order, LUtsforatainii. W.U, j,au«w,Vli;lurlii,Mo. X2<rAi?jra:^E>i>, , FOR . Sherman Comedy Co, Sherman Slock Co. FIRST CLASS UEl'ERTOIRE PEOPLE l\ *i r I.I.N'ES. State lowest salary ami Just what von".; do In llrst letter. Olve Hge, sUe, elc. I psV 1 ' I'rcferciiec given to people tlmi du spcclsiilos' ' AQUrCnS UUDT. SHBRHAN, 254.'> I'olk St., „ „ - Mbmeaiiolls, Mioii P. S.-Pay yonr tclegianiH ' "' WANTED, MUSrCJiTS BUSBY BROS.' RJlllROAD SHOWS Clarionet, Trombone,Tuba, ilsriluiic snd oHurs Address BITStlY BROS., Caiiii, Illln.iK ' KorWK.ST EMI \VONI)ERI,A.NO, In New Orion Freaks of all descrlplions, Animals irnlnednr lis trained; also large Snakes, aud good UTiurTon porccntago or salary.• Dick Fulton and wife, iviiir. Address 11. ARUANU, ^Bl(),.lulls St., Sow Orlcan*. U. For Hackney's Polite Vaudeville, S. unit D. Soiilirede that Ckii Cliung* fiir one week. Also Want Uoort Plang Flayer. CLEM HACKNEY. Mar., ,, . fl Al)iSON| liA. WANTBD FOR LADY ORCNESTRA. Also Second Violins. All Sniuuicr in New V<irl(. HE^ ' RY riNBC S, i:n filli Ave.. .V. V. EDISON'S SLOT PHONOGRAPH, COMPLEIE with cabinet and pedoslal, tl2.r>o. I'osl doiilile In make. Ilasto liesoen to bcapiireclalcd. Will wnil. privilege of examination, ut>nn rcci'l|il uf i'.f nreiu coinimnv's Kiiarautee of charges. Addresn M.VS- llArt'.yN I'llONOHItAI'H CO., 20 Harrison SI., N'.V. Property « tlio late Ooo. W. Fiirsmaii. Srenerj, Side Show Palnllngs, Lights, CaiidT Stand (iul> til. lOff E. 26TII ST., N. V. PEOPLE FOR "TEN' NlfJIITS IN A BAR ROOM." Men must doQblo lu band. JAMES HILVEIl, Montgiuiiery,JV; V. AT iiBfiHTY kinrimi TWO OADIIAN BROS., l>olng a Strong ArrolisU' Act, woUld llko to lici^r frotii Mgrs. of Park. BOX f.87,_Turners Falls, H«s';, AA/AINITJEO, LADY^A^MlSTS. ROVlNOFRANK'.StiVPtiv (MWAJjiniU: I'll.t.N.l. WANTED, EXPERIENCED 6IRLS FOR BASE- BALL and VAUIIBVILLB SHOW. $10-$I'H «"•* aud e.vpeiiBCB. Call at ROOM r,, MS SIxlli Avr., New York., between 8 and 10 A. M. SLOf PUNCH[N6 MACHINES WILL EARM YOU fin to $40 WHBKLV. PRIOR »2/p. ROUURM MK'U CO., 174 Lincoln Street, Hnslon, Mh»?._ WANTED QUICK-A No. I Stng and Dance Ooiuedlun,Skeicli Team; all mustclo'iigi'fi'i'i'''", StatottllyoudottudsBlniy, llrsl lelier; piefcifucu to Piano Pl ayer.i. Harold Film. Msililas, Miilnc . piiiiiiiiBtsiil E.\perlonced and ebmpcicnt. Address , ,, „. TIIOS. A. MCALLISTER, Now BlooiiiHcin^.'J'!^ Wanted Qnicb, Useful led. Performeri. nii._. . . ... ..... f ai>j*tin nrR' silent Acts and those fcrrod. Salary sure. that play or vamp Organ pre- MOB. (1ER«AN Mi:!)' <■•'•. EddyvBle, Ulster Co., N.'• AT LIBERTY, AlSENT. , Refcronccs; hard worker; sirlcily sober; ran J''" at once. P. L. WIIEKLEK, General Hellverj, »>!"■ l.lverpocd, Ohio. GOOD MEDICINE PERFORMERSi SIN6US OK tI';ams songs preferred ; that fake organ and sing i "Bifi'l"' trcd. Address FRANK COLLI<"*r>,' Kichmoiui IIIH, I.. ':l^J:- Ry« WANTED, FOR , ^ koH Park, To IM Privileges for May uo. Anyltilug "I'!;.'" legltliiuile. OIIAUNCEY A C<l.JlVO^i-_Lu EtOW TO GET 01^ THE STAIlE. AlKHikof lOBtructlon (all liraticbcs), valiial'lel"' fomiatlon for beginnerp*. PrKe 2."ic. . II. BROMAN. Bo.\ 411, Fair llaj;^Pii..>-j':^ Wolfe's WTevr Casino. Tho ()NLY tHEATRK now. In Ihe entire 11'.> JauksonvBle, Flu. Po|iulailont."i,ooi;. , Aildross J. H .WOLFE . MsnsKCf-. WANTEO-CANVAS and SEAT MEN, flUIBJ, Come right on, and Vaudeville Pw.'U'r.,"' all times, week atunda. KH.ANI\'•'".''.viii. ritj Oiiureu St.yi'orrlugiou. t.'''!!!: WANreFifFranlrfflrt Opera Hiose. Stw For u week in June, time open, except -■' •:4. School show; rent client!. J." t'AIlTXBV, Mftuoiicr, I'luukfurl, N null Uc- V.