The New York Clipper (May 1903)

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MAT St). Tfim iqiE^ YdRK dliit^PBte. '^39 THEY ARE ABbUT Uut FOR ANdTHER HIT AJ»i> wic GUESS THIS IS tx. itKi T*'"' NEW VOHK.CUSTOtll tJiiWRS' ...WITH A... PERFECT MAIL 9R0ER SYSTEM, • • "Nofll. rid piiy." ■riiftii''"t ol'itlifslti AmcriiK i«ri>mn(loli) N«n- Ynrk III" faoliluii i-eiiin^ "f Hie country. \v« ur(> loiiiifil. on Jlromlwuy, noar l*iili stiM'i iholM'urt (iriliolMealHvHl illsirli'l, ami 'iiitkKilie kinil or cloihvii iiurllciilui'drvsHent wmtl. ry'f .. . ', . ' Oiir prl«!H Brc low ciKiiigli to lunvo 110 i-.y <mHe.wh»levur for l)ii\(- I fig rc'aJy-in«iH( c-lolh- liig, imd oiik work In tliL'KliKl MinlRveii ilii' iniiitt rnfltUIioim llail plcanlofr. Weciitinjoiirmeiju- nreliicnlH iin<1 niiiKc to yoiiroiilc'i'. Kimioiiilicr ••('lotlien to tie smiirl, miiHt lie mil lie to orrtor." ' Our Fatiiou« Mfn'i SiiilH and Over coittf to IlicHS- lire III . . . In Koeiliili TwocilH, Sqoicli (;ii(:vlo^'<,Si;ute.» OAMI'mc re.vt;iiU 11 IitTi(;U WorsleHs, Clav IlliiK- I'lmlB, Tllilrctii, Virll- im^, O.xfiiril!!, priii'tlc- nlly nnyUiliii it iiiuii wunU—tiiiide 16 mpao- iin'for^lli. AllD(;|l||c of TroiispMiiitd at 10. ' Oiirlni|ii'ovuil !<y9ti>m of self - iiiiMifliti'Kniciil lifiiiirekp«rr<M:t lit prc- dsply us If yoil i-anic lieie lo he mcumii-ail. Wii uko all rcsponhllillllv—nalirti anythlliit iioiKiillsfiiptnrynndwcwlll refund I lie liKiiiov. OATAI.Udi:!-; AM) SAMI'I.KS KltKI) -' ,Tlll'.CalillUgU«HllQW»StVll'<ll bll!<llly.4^CllltnC'< atsif: also Cillu\y»y Suits, >rlii<c j\lliert.', Tu.xeilii iiiMl Kvi'iiliiit Dross Suits at various jirlct's up lo im. IlL'lwceii tliei'clwoextri'tnes wei'iiti surely satisfy any leusoiiulile tiisli'. "We puy I'xpress I'liaiRes e\erj where,'' . . W..C.,LOFVI<Hr4( CO.j ■ CnMom Jalloi'lDK only, Mill Briiutlwin, N*. Y.- Wlicu you visit Xdvir Vork, coiiie In hi'hI iiu'iiI Mr. l.nflus, Our store Is ucxi to l"McIor'» I'lrtli AveiiiioTliealrc. \ (s m'-u s (Uitb iOe Bill Posters. ArOuir']<o||r Is gradually enlttrkloK.aiKl Impiovlnir Ills pl*nt nt .Monroo «;ily. Mo. llf mm- liiiH twi'lvc twelve-Mlieof kIiiihIn, six iwMityfour (iliiHtK. ten el«lit eliwlii ntid tivi'ntv-llve two nnil tlin-e sheets, lie reeeiil- ly Juliieil.tlio ^AxMO^lHtion of i)lll VosIgih, nnil IntenilH.tu nuikii a. Hiwclnl effort for com- nirri'lul work. Jithies K. KuDiplircy, of M'lnnebaRO OII,t, Minn.. i« enlfli'sInK Ills plunt and inereiiMlnt,', , liU, eoiinti-y /oijI»h to.uecoinniiltlnte'llla* av' rtfiT) fur (Dinftiercliil dlpnliiyti. ■ He 1» n mein- Is-r of the AsMotlMted.ltlll I'oNtei-H nud tlm Mlnni-sota State Asxoelatlon. lifo. II. MeDnle la eonduetlnfr n busy little plnet at l»i>eutiir, Mkfli., IndudlaK tlllr<-e iiilintry Tdiltfrt'bt,nrtci^ri irillcB'caVir. ;lli» I|M.'iiliir pinirt pomprlneii'niil^i H*elv« »lic«t<>,. MX sIxt.H'ii sheets, twenty-four eight alieclH, iiiul sevonty-llve one Bluet iHiaidR. He ie- IHirls-lucreaaea oi'derii. (or comnierclnl dls- plny.i .... C. II. rirlebri Jr., uianuRci- of the Mnn- kiito. Minn., Tlicnliv, nlHo cyiiUojb the local iilll posrlhc plant.' He In ieitteudiflK lila couu- 'ry rimtcs. and rcportH eontriictH for a Ki"""y illsplay of coiunnriial paper for tlila Huin- uier. I ■ A. It. Wntermnn la nrarlnj; the end of Ills "rst year nt Me.\lco, Mo. Last .Inly lie dls- IKiwd of hiK lenKM of the theatre and hill l«mt UK Plant at Canton, 111., nnil moved to Mexico, whei-e ho Icnied the Oi-ilriil Oficm llouM', and cninplctely rebuilt lltn theatre am 111" hill iiostliiK plaut. ■ llo now ton- irom inure than live hundred loiatlonK, coni- yrlsna; over one thousand live hundred llniMil iM't of ten fool: IiIl-Ii new hoarda, all matrhed iinilief. aiurpart lit jtnlvuijlued atef-l. 'J'liiit Its enterprise. Ik uppreelated hy lait of door I'lvcr isfru Is ntlosfed l>y lone conttaeta for lllipval ponitnerehil dlaplava. I.J.'",', ''"Mllieaatetn SlateH,,ltlll Pogtera and latrlliiitora' <ouveutlou mii dt the Kimball . i"i?'''..'^"'""f'' *'"•. "" Mrty IS, rrealdent uai„, "'"•i»r''»R<',,,of JfteMonvllle, l.'Ia., pre- f llaif. After a liHiitT-a conteHt between "'™"">,n<l and Norfolk, Va., the Uoaiinke L»i '■•'■"' ifi'iini'lilaeH were awnrded to .Con- »«lv« A Cheahlre, of NoMoIk. On May 1)) iiie couyentloti adjourned, after selectlnB «i^untinb. On., as the next plaee of tneetluK, i"l eleetliiK 11. J. Rowe. of Athens, (in., lirealdem : J. j,. c.oe. of I'cnHaeoln. I'lii., I.,'.t',"■'■■'''*'"■! "• ^'- Klrkpfttrlek. of Atlanta, ».TrL"'*\'""' ••• •«• "n'n. ofUpartanbuvB, tV.f'Ini'.v-treoaurflr. , , In, . . '"itlana lllll Vdnte.n nnd Dlatrtlm- xi,.i .^.'""'''"tlon. In Hcsslon at liidluuanolls, ■i.i? -l- •'C'l'''' "in followhiK ollleers: Piesl- !5[',•)•*«• „ORtva|f,J.Anrter((oJl.; Vice presl- T.ii\, K'^'^p; i.'riiwfordavllle; UciiHilrer, i *,"."' "nHer, Wabash l necrotnry. W. II. ,1 iV '."• ln<JlnnapoIlH, Tlic /jxeciitlTO com- nniiu",'" ■'.""''« "P "f n. C. Camphell, Vul- naralso; n, a. llearaey, llrnnd Iflnplc, and M- '/.'"'.• P'<^"''"K'<»'- Mr, nnrbfannnnd fi',':,t''i"Pl)ell wm.Ce delegateii to tlie nii- 'I'inni ronventiuti. mil' iJ' ''""'nit wna eleeted prcstdont of the 1; '"Rti-t'H' Aasoelalloa of Indiana, nnil ui„ii,'^^'"'T!"^, """ H'l'e at tlie national inuellnK at Allnntlc. Olty. , r-*^-* ItANSAS. fnTt 'i ^"•~'^' the Crawford (Roy Craw- ••TiTA !'■'■'?[ '""U'Wci:),—JiimaH K. Hackctt, In Ij";'!;'"'».' put (iiitllc H. n. O. Mljjtn May vlll ,.tf- 'T.''''^^"- "'''•.'' f^'inw, In "flliostH,'' of iiL'^'i'" Ai'iirrnaifM. under the niiBplees Ihrei .,'"^"'.M"''"'' Thnmaa' Orchoatradrow IllIM v^V,''*"'. """"PN 1' uiKl !-• ""<< '" "'« I. n,li«i''"'''}•■"!' "''"'"o t'onrerl. Hcata about ID. the 4,000, wag "-4-i-fc — a In JiIh tweuty-flfth \vecl< "rapi&tle CD.. ,aa leadliiit eusaRed iiy MiinaBor »itli iV. t?.'" '"J? " Hummer aenRoa, and aiao ""I "'s KingiDtaamtlc-Co. for next B«a»oo, B.iii.W^'.?.-• lor n Hummer aenRoa, and alao WANTED^ OUTDOOR i,"li -til rr, For MYlLMiARDEti ATTRACTIONS, A rfiWfflOBlE OF ALL KINDS. .Send rniilonnil open lime immediately. AMVilKiUUNT CONTIIACTORS,' 17 and l<i Mli'hiKan AVetitre, OhlusKo. III. WANTED, ForMCDKiiNE Three-«:i)l'liiiioI'l8yci-s; Ihoi^u who have speelal- ties jircfiricd; imi^f lie able loplayiibow; aood silent uets .|iiii'k;TrrriiriiiiTs who I'un |iluy Via"" or ornaii or nilicr iiiusk- iin liiivc Iiiiik eii;.'air<.- ineni and uooil saliiilea. Address IION-IXIK-KU DKOr, (,'()., SSilUrltiiyAve.. llnioKlyn. NI.Y;^^; „iplloii plcluri's, bit; stock of ittm-i and atliles, eat (Igiii orclcrirl'' llj/liis. runifivcsaline li>; lioitrs' nbow. ohaii^ftir proirtliiiinic iilirhtly If leipilred. I'^OK SAiiK--IIJKKiiRe Cur. ulioul W livi lime, «|iilppcil for iias.seairer .service, in tlrstjujuss eoii- ilillou. t.'Mii) lakes It. 'I'woRUrlliihls and tin gallon tank, fiw:tin.\!io.ierit in good uoudlilinuKito. '. Address K. II. HAt<L, iMlumtifts, Itid. , H4rPBR •lid IIA'LIi, Windsor C'ltfioii Hotel, <!I1i ca(i<I, ii.l.. vWanied Ouickf For Sparks'U.TiG. lib. Ilaas, Trombone, orclientra bender |o dunlile U. and 0. Other :\IuslnlanH douMhiR ataitc write. Iloo/.crw and kiuivkera KavoHluni|i.s. Oiin iiao Al Boss Canvas Man. AddrAs I 4. N, SPAItKs. Mauager. nelavan. 111. kiUMi For Parks, Etc. I Med. Performers Wanted. A ..SWKM, liOti ACT, ii DOtiS: ay, runs H'l j SKKTril'TKAM, chanro for ono Week, salary lulnuivs. Alsii stereoiiUeaii trIiH or travel aiid life j MCi.iiO and cvpunaes after JulnlRK; Sltabla Mitn ■ ■ •• ■ ■ uolnK liap«, wire, i)imbllii(f, eoptorllon, JiiffKllnte or any iiovelt) acut lo featme, clianico for one week: salary ts.od; expenses afler Joining: eai and sleep on lot J I'ljiyHumll towns In (.o^a. All people help uD niovInK i^av. Tleketn sent If needed. Address (lAY jlll.blStltl, ' ' Bu lly, J asper Coun ty, Iowa. WASTED, I CLEVER miSllES Tor Siiuiiner Iteiiortolio. .Onera|M|ble of liooklnK, etc. Due who will lake interest iirefcrred, ' AddrgKH A NKA I.AAVUKSUK, aifi \V. ;t4lli St., IT. V. PLAYS. .I.ow Koraltles, Coniplctc line mper. KItli: MTIIO A l"l(i. CO., Kiie, I'a., N. Y. (Mtli'i;, lt(^oui 1, ViiH llroadway. > ""Wanx&d," Few Select Performers 'I'o.take eliaiico with rellaiilc iiiMuaKer to loiij' llic world. .Small company now beliiK otKUUlzed oii prmectlvc hauls. Adrtrfsa Hl'SINKSS.eareof K. V, t;i.U'l(i:n. V GOVERNATOR'S. PAVILION THEATRE A'l'LANTIO CITY. N. J. 'WANTKD. ALL KlKUS.tiF FEATUKB ACTS, "9iO FIRST PAUTii Oil AFTBR* PIECBB." ■ H. J. L&RKDIS, Proprietor. ' '''HID ITKKN. Sua. llanagcr. Medicine! Xeoturersj and' PerfSprmers i Who can elinntte iiroKi'aiu often. I'lAXO ri,AYi;ilS, ItAM.AI) Si.VtiKltS and HlM',.\r I ACTS. Address KR'K-Xl'Oll . IMHAX '.Ml'MilCIXIl'CO.'. Cllntoinllle. (Joiin. Kot DBo, luuincr cuKngeiacnt al (iUIIKKllIKIt, Willie .Sulpnur .Hprlnus. W. ,Va.. from July 1 lo S6pt,-I.'i, drstehfsHSoMi CorniStaiid sblo Clailonol, Klulc and I'leiolo, Horns, ■Cello to double. Barl- toiui or.'ri'omL)unt, anilAl Ushs>ii<I Tubu to com- ultle 15 piece band and orchestra. Lnii pitch. Address WlbMAU K. GllSEN, Director, .... • 1 1)32 1 Tlli.St., Wanhlnnton, i). C^ WANTED, '^or Huht^s Vaudeville Clrcu^ circus I'erforiilorri doliiB two acts^also Ajto to doulile Hta(f« or violin, Slroiiir Tuba Player, and a Loud Cornet Player. Wrilu nulck, siiil be ready to Jolu,on wire. Address KING,>*TON, .N. V. t'Qople who havf written licfore write again. Wan t 10 Hay a K .vUfL Mni'iine^ ~ WANTED, " I'OK KCbL CA.ST, ANI) UAM) AND OKCllKSTRA. Olllbll I''01l KVA. L'lidcr cativaa; lt»\el by WBRon; eat on lot: sleep at Hotels. I.owest sal- ary tirst letter. Address KKKI) HUKDKLL, X o. II Hartford lllnck. Toledo, liMo. WAJCntD, liaiMKUIATKif.Y, F<»R SiffSautelle'sR.R. Circus Seeinul and Third AsBlslnnt I1oh.s Canvaa .Men. Hoof.e llRhtei-s. iinrellahles nnd ncltatora will not last as long ns a .lline frosl In Hades. Good salary, heat of treatment and lont;season. Ad- dress aa per Clill'l'KIt route. ~ ~ WANTED, ■■ ^ YOUNfi LADY PIANO PLAYEtl That playa llau Time; bIko live pretty Chorus (llrls and three Soubieltes. All e.Mponsea while re- hearslnjt. KARL, Hotel Hilton, Hilton, N. .1. IftCems fare fiiint New York. Come over< will stand fares. WANTED, CANVAS MEN, For BTRON SPAUN'S TAUD. CO., No. 1. Week Hliinds. Address Cl-AUKNCIO BID- ^V1';I,^. M«r.,_Itl<Kim8lni£K,_l^n; CELEBBAmNS, STREET FAIRS, CARNIVALS, COflVENTloNS, Ktc , The most complelo and re- liable list, pitlillsht'd sudil-inonilily. Head TUB NKW YOHK INKORMANT, 10c. NcwBduatera or ai otllCC, 1(» JOHNHTIUiET, N. Y. WAN'FBD'KORTIlic 8Ai;TELI*KHHOW, OANDY BUTCHERS. Aditreiit as per rnnte , "• K. WIHIUR. MTaiid MRS.W.BUCKLEY (TheBuckleys), Ilellucrt Musical Artists, have all of .tunc and Aug. 10, IT, M Open for Parks, etc. 3iiK BUAHFOHD BT,. Brook lyn, N^>. WANTED, 8 ALL 'BflUNO PERFORMERS. Must change. ve«p>o Jl'lP^^'fi,.X'^ Xecsor,Krank Kmmoiis, write. 1)11. t- o. 81 AXCl- l.KU. Mi) <] ilo|ii»Co., Mldlttiiil, W itHhImtloii Co..j;a^ lilTlDrTOIIII PEOPLE That double In brass. Malary low and "jirc. PIIII.I.IPB' 1'. T. C . CO., SteMl^ienvllle^ililo^ ■ ' UbitTTtAir .il3iir.iT bKfH. " NOULIHAN and DOYLE comedy Acrobats. Contortlonlsli and Ibiiid Uaianclng. Ko. 16 Jlu Vernon St., Blddcford, He. JolAtx It. (Skotill^r^ UandniiiHier, Nail. Kolillersl Iloitie, Va. WANTIID AT ONCE, -First Glass Openers, IIAI.I.AIKMI, I.KOTIJtK AXU (lltlXDKIt. Wire ipilck. Uoosers, liKare'.te Ucnds, iniij4liurs ani| unredublca, dlin't write, Uoasoii four inontlis. liood salary, C. A. BKliL, Uceaii Ave. and Tllyou's WiR, Coney Istauil, N. V. BAlXOOlfS, AIRSHIPS, GAS GENERATORS, BALLOON MODELS. ^ ,, Hand stamp for prices. aKHONAI-T LBO STRVKNS. Ilox 181 Miidlsoii ^(piare. New Yoik. iJ^TnipFII ■''or l'''f>ti (''i^i*'* ""o ^*8'i* Bland IfaalbU, Attraction, Al Heavy Man. Man for Old ItubR, Tall I'otnedluii fur Country Hoy: OoihI bookluir Snnlireite, wltlii^pixlalty; Vouiig.Maii to take llckels und iiiiiko lilliiHi'lf useful. Also Al UiiWn Stam Curpeiiler, State lowcht salary. .Send photos. CHAH. II. IIO<iPKN, JOItDAN SHOW PItlKT CO., 76 Plymouth Place, Chlcairo, III. "FOR ANYTHIN6 IN THE MUSIC LINE Write Is." •lOO.OUOKOUAHOxii. This amount was realized on "After ilie Hull." Hongit make for- tunes. 1)0 you write? Perlinps a fortune awaits you. They never succeed who never try. If you arc short of words or mhsic we will readily Hiipnly Ihem. PIIIOKS I,(HV.(tlAMTV. Hitlll, Hendfor price Hat. Tlll'MIOWAUl) I'I'H.OO., Ilaltlmore, , Hd, wsrciANs With tradei wanteil f<ir pi'iaiaiieiii poslilons. cor- nets, clarliinelH, Irumboiies ami drums. Address BAXD.MAflTKU VANDAI.IA I'KNNA IIANI), I'nrrc! Haute. Iild. WANTED AT QKGE. AN OUTSIDE LECTURER FOIl A OIIAXI) AItT Dl.spi.AV. lo goon the road. .Mimt lio temperate and rellncd. Hood pay and sure money (or rtgliMiian. Actress- IIKSUY IIOMAXI), ain Uncoln hi . Alpcna, Mich. 930Xa IM" XS 3E<,-V AMD ALL TOKATKICA I. aoODH. Ruciiery paloted oheaDly and iiulckly. Amalcurs supplied. OlIAH. R. KII.I.H. 4aT Wi ilst HI.. Now Vork OII». I'urfornicrs that chniigo ri>r one week: good sTJent man: slsn Canvas and Advance Man, for small sn ow. JAILUKTT'S JOI.I.V JOKKIt». Har rel, Pa. '^HtTMAN BOHB" 850 OUTFITB ^60. AEROXACT I.KO STHVKNS. Ilox 1»1, Madison Bg,. N. Y, Hatd Spice, eeid Lifi^liiil, Boird Walk, Atlicilllo City. Will let on iiercentagir 16 pilrty bavlng good Autotnntlc Macliloe outllt. Oli'o bar- llculam. ATLAXTIU, care uf CLIPPKK. THt CAPTAIN AND THE KIDDER. It ■ ■;. (COPVftKIH^ NO. e.OtlO). L AH Agents^ or COOKE & DON. 208 E. 45th St., New M GIty. To M^h^^eiri (>r KAIlb; COljKPV,DHAM.Vnud lirni.DaijCK. wanting NBW GOODHaiid UOOI>«0(tnH fnt jf, ■:" nc'MscuiKin, caltanilHCe apiiekngalalieted MILES^NITRAM At PAATOH'S 'i'HKATKK, Tlll.s VVKEK. A Comedy Singing iilld llancliig Mil that rtTANOH AI.ONH. A COPY (IK NONR. Alt act thai will alwara DIAKK IKIOII. I.iiok lis over. . NttTKi-^liolb play parts, IrUh Comeily, illddy and K> cciitrh' iilil Maid. .Siolbrrlli', etc: ' l!vs|ioiislhle inaiiagcrs aitilrcss MIl.KS ami NITRAM, H'i Kasi Toulli St., N, Y, PLAYS READ, REVISED AND PLACED. H-1 ;« ENTI6.M.1SEN, cokitucrisd A General Theatrical Exchange, 5 coimNiEs < ROUTED, < THEATRES AlID \ PARKS I REPRBSEHTEO. MH 7th AVE., XKAR llllOADWAV and 4:!d 8T. TKl.l'.niONK, •JliIO.aHlli HT. Eicl|SiT8 Booing: fer St. NKIiola^ Sunnier 6ird6n, 66tli St. and CdtHnibus Ave. OPBNINO WKKK, JUKK 1, WITH TIIGl KOM.OWIIV« tlNPAUA I.LKIiBD BIliLi HI'KCIAI.J'.XUAOKMK.NT, I.A I^UIK FIIM.KU. JAMKH TlttlKX'l'ON, Klll'lt MIKKNS. TH.M l,i:WIH mid SA.M .1. IIVAX, KIIMCNII lIAYliB and CI).. MACJi HIITtl. POOR KlIflMIOUH iiK .MUSK', JUNKH, (IRANI' and JDNKrt, Ablt.'K HIIAW and KACdllTKIl.S. (HITIIAM CITV Ol Alll'KITK. ALaOj K\(iA(aNU ^'^^U MtH.I.IVAIV, IIARRIK Ji ,AV«MU)'M ATTJtACTIONN. We Tarr^cordially loUoit linaineis from VAUDEVILLE and DRAMATIC MANAOER8. 0»)l or land Opaa Time. Aluray* Waloome. iiAVj-: vouit MAiija aK^i* is. caJIk A|iQV|:,Ani;ini;sH.[i ; T^ OBIGtINAL iSHERMAN # DUGAN, , IN A NpW AND UP TO,DATE COMEDY ACROBATIC ACT, At Liberty Juiloland lulur, for Parks or Kalrs. Also iMvlfv ulTtini for seiiHbn~1uu,'l-ii4. ' R'ijtti»Hi)l1iIiS~ illftnanerHOiilVi address ^ . ^ , . pilKHMAW i DIJ.^AN, Ho^lllliK^yit. _ men Take Notice LANCASTER AElBIE, NO. 84,EAGLESr will hold their titst carnival al McUrann's Park, bniicnster, I'u., Motulay, June I to Juno n. SHOW BY HECK'S CARNIVAL CO. Uood town.. Dig iMmlucM. Want to hvar/romJ'rlvlleku Hen. ' WIrii or write. i • OKI). W. CARMAN, Aniorlcan House, I,«McaNlor, Pa ^^JViVivrKiD quick:, RUSSELI. STOCK bODIPAHT, lUVINUnAI.K PAIIK, WAIIUKN, PA., F-UL-L. ACnrilMO COlVII»iB^NV. Two billsII Heck: ono iluitlneo. Only capal)lo people iineil apply. Those doing spci'lattlna gli'un pref- criiice. A.ldrcss I.Otll.S J. UHMHKl.b, care uf Warren .street K. 11. i.'oiniainy, Warruji, I'j). eriiice. Aiiiircss i.uiii.i J. iiii«»Ki,i,, care or warren .iircci ii. ii. ijoiniainy, warren, I'li. DILLON PARK AND AMUSEMENT 6R0UNDS, NEW ROCHELIE AND MAMARONECK. NEW VOflK. Opco for season I iioa. WAS'TKII-llalloon AsconMnn, High Dive, 'dyclo Whirl, High Catile.'Aerobatl'i and other aensnttonal acts aiiltaliln for outdoor pcriurinanccs; also Vaudeville Act. To LKT—I'rivl- legoaof all kinds, II»/,%I(> na/.itle, Kerrla Wheel, .Swings, Hhooiliig Ijallery, (laiiu IliiokM. Especially good opening for Caroiissel. P. 8.—Pcrfornicrri writing give parllcutais and lowest salary. Kind regards to Jack Cnssoll, bolto, iind McCuifc and.(Irani.. I). ,1, WYMAN, Pen, Mgr.; M. .1. l.jyO.Nj^HI), Aiiiu)tuim;nt |lltcci<jr. PATEB80N 6GNERAL HOSPITAL OUT DOOB CABNIVAL, IDRE 8 to 20. ATTBACTION FOB OPEN AIB PEBFORiAiTCE In Kncloanre; a Perforinancos V.ur.h Might, cauh porformnnco to last {A or 40 minutes. Japanosii Troiipe-S People, Men, Women and Uuys, or Atilniar Mbow IiIk enoiign lodo the work. Will conililer Iklty good ktiriicllon which will ineel thu conditions. Wille al once, or i^all for pursmial Inlervlnw. W,'J). .IDIINHON, no Broadway. J'atcisoii, N.J. —^ I ■ Ii ' HiiTerlf's Hastodon Minstrels. W. E. NANKEVILLE, Director-General; WM. FRANKLtll RILEY, Manager. 'WANTKD, IIAIIITONI': loduiitile vinltii to complule band and onthi'slra; WANTKli, lias* Ringer to nlddlc; Island'Jd Tenor8li ' -'-' — "• - no npedlug now may iio later. do middle; Isl and M Tenor Hlngcrs. All nioHlclans and •liiKers sand nie your petmanunt address; It — — ■-— -■- WM. PllAXKUKUII.KY, Manager, Uomo (Xllco, Itii'^IIrondway, N, Y., Kuntiis2and8. WAlVrUO Al* OJVOJEPI Ml, S!I nnalnesM linnienHe, money sure: wire al once to Hard IIcon.' Iik i'a.,>tl<\y ■■^1, •■ik.; ;t»liiiniojiiii. j'li,, ;!ii, :w.; Mr,(,'annyt June i, 'j. iiiiipui'iibli' Shows. Ashland, lllooiiisliiirg, I'm.. ,liine -li 4. 200 LAfiTEHN SLIDES AunlvurHHry). 'J.bOO American and Poreign Views, 'KM Illustr irattiiif the iitiitii OP SKW _ YOKK. (now colcbratltiK Its ilMtli Illustriltcd HongH and Hllfles for every pur- pose. To introduce my new process Crystiil Hlldoti, I will furnish thoui, plain, lft>'.; colored, w.; mnil pepi. 1. . Ota J; Oafcl»THt>RPE; t36 W. g-jth gfc. Wew Yorli. ! .U ' -U ' ■An OPTlfAI. t'OtlKHB WITH 17x!l4 DIPLOMA, RKDIICKI) PHUU llll FOR BUMKSU HOKTUH only. ■ We put'-yoo In Ihehnslni'ss. iiiHiIIh and cverytlitiiir In glasses at ltwcs( vMh prkea. N. V. OPTICAL CO., ffifrs., Uoston. Mftaa.