The New York Clipper (May 1903)

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U^J^ THE -NISW YOBK OLIPPEB, 341 Wr Look out for EDDIE LEONARD'S New Hit with LEW DOCKSTADER*S Minstrels. "NEVER DO NUTHIN' FOR NO-BODY THAT DOES NUTHIN' FOR YOU." WBUSHEO BT JTOS. W. STERN & CO„ 34 EAST ZUt ST„ NEW YORK CITY. yg^yjte for ^^Utiaey the B»n:Ll3oo OTree" cmd all tlie f^eeil l^cte; ITlmxe Hlts^. P^^^"™=S«^! WANTED IMMEDIATELY, ;.M,llilon. stands, ,C8Be. Apparoiiiii, etc. Will : SmX Stereo Combination, In lino run- S aTcomplote. llnelenBes, $46 J {rood lllms, J* llave other lllnis. 1 doz. view slides, fl. 1 ^JVure Set Life oJ Christ, $10. Larue book on S' U«>. Stamp or no list. KRANK K. HABTLEV. Hii ffolt Oo..(ireenpolnt, L. I., i,.\. "wABTFO, All 'Round lllack Face Oomeillan JZ noeclalUeP. Must be good act worker and play !,Mii^tJers, wrlt«. side wall. Board Hi lioteI». 2i:t« all Id first letter. No amateurs. AddrePK ■ li uKostello. Mgr. EsKt India Med. Co.. Varna, 111. ~WANTBD <liriCK, 2 Med. Comedians, Diitcli, iriiili and B. F. Man for Organ and 8lrttlght«. All iioat tK np In acts. Your lowest. Geo. Wilnon, I'neeBe Chester, Uelmo, write. Dr. Ham L. BayllMH, iii S-ntown. lnd.,c»reot Hot Springs, Rem. Co. WANTED, Irish Comedian and Contortionist «nd Wire ArtlstB. Comedian mnstdohot slnnlntr iuid dancing specialties. All people niu»( cliaoge for week, ^ cents fare from Chicago. Uood work fJ, right people. Oeo. E. Lester, Homewood, ni. HKYBI 4( BONt, Limited, Liverpool, Eng- usd. Theatrical Beposltory and Csrtlntf Agents. L'verr de.<)crlptlon of goods stored In spccUliy con- Ktrncied premises. Largest In Britain. Scenery Glinted and ronovalcd. Estimates free. Wanted, ISH "The Olsdlators," "Mardo," "Shore Acres." an arrange for Pictorial Agency. Address ClURIiES WVnERT, Dramatic Agent, 2» SprlDg- rield Stre et, Liverpool England. .__ GLASS BLOWERS' SUPPLIES-Wc make IkM lliHt Of goods for least money. HhlpK, pipes, wines, (livers, len», bottles, tubing Hiid chubm. FikirH' supplies, Write for prices. Chicago Vial ,\ Hfg. Co., IMl West La ke Street ^ Chicago, 111. AToOODniCH, LAWYBR, Ml WCBt Madlsoii St., Ohlcago; eslubluhcd UM. i)u»lnens legal and qiileu BranchCH a nd tacllltlea lu oilier Stale s. ~CA STIiKTON OPE R A 'to. Wants nniilcdlalelY, tlesl Fonple In All Lines of Musical Conjedy uild I'uiulc Opera, A No. 1 voices, alilllty, wardrobe: I'HIM/l DONNA SOHllANO, Tenor, llurlloue, Con- imlio. Soubrette and Chorus; B ami O. (IS In iu |iIi'i:phI, Willi liandHome uulfurnis slid hrnt class iiiiislclHns. Have own Pallimiii cars, Special I'uper, best of «v«i7lhlng. Continuous ergage- went 10people wLci Hiili. Wire or will* parllcu- lar^i,age. weight, lielgbi, Hubiiy (plioto.oj. All ex- penses paid lifter Joining. No tickets. Have no piinner. Will sell half iuteresi. to avmr. iiclressor liiisllliig bu>in«iis inanaKer. K. lircxel Oiisileioii, Hgr.Castlclon Opera Conipaiiv Uenlson, Tex., ii- nu; Dallas, June 1-14, Private Car, "Dre . ^el." ~«iioB WaLI. AVANTED.— Between 200 and 400 feet of loft. Side Wall, In good coadlilon and very uhean. Immeillutu openlug for two good nil 'romia single , performcrj. THK ORKAT MORMON MKDICINK CO., .Spilngfleld, 111. IKSTANTANBOUa SUCCESS I The Sweet. CM UtUad,"! Ouurtcd Fame and Lost Love.'' luc. in profetislonaiR, illafnnno Bros.' Music Co., -1016 Milon Ave., 8t.;'Louls. Mo. WOVLD MKE TO BUY S^UAHK TOP TENT, about SOxHO. Iniiuire W. WHITTLE, 78 Market .St., New ark, N. .L_ WANTED IMMBDIATELY-RY TOJlllN- SON'8 DEAD SHOT AND QUICK KKLIKF OIL CO.: A .Vo. one Quartet, who play Mnndnlln, (iiiltnr, Banjo, Elf. You must lie strictly all ilglii ana able to pul on sketches and aflerpli-ces (open iilr work). Two Good Comedliins ilolni; IJulcli, Irish anil Black Face (colored talent nlways recignlzud). Sloin Edwards, write. DR. F. M. TOklMNSON, I'r«- prlelur, K.vcliange llolol, Blonx Chy , I owa. WANTED, two All •Round MEDICINE PER- FOKHERS (mule) that can fako organ. Join on wire. Sure money. Week and ten duv stands. TlukctH to rlglit parties. Address JO K. MH.LK Il, Mgr., Ca nitirldge, Ohio. JOIIN-HAWLKY and VaSS -VICTOR V. THE "JBW" and THE "AIR MEltmiANT," In wlliy uiii- vemallon. Open for Sniiimer and season 'oa-'W. IIAWLKY and VASS, care of Taylor's High ^jibOVestinlnater Th eatre, Provldencu, R. I. WA«T Lady or Oentleman willing to Invest *M0 In Concert Co. Itcjnitutlon made and straight liinlneiis No fake or ungcl gag. Want cuMlvalcd soprano, to rcnturo; others wrilfl. Open Hepi.l. "M^- TljU NER, ■■'6ltf Mar c us Ave,. St. Louis, Mo . WAN'TED, PKHFOUMEU8, FOR THKKK NIUIIT MKO. SHOW. Must play organ. Would like to hear from parlies having a good Sleeping C»r for Bale, resdy for use. Address ..jy-JjjTANLK Y, Eb ensburg, CanibrU Oo„ Pa. WANTED BiuiCK. ()00I> BKKTOli TEAM, mail and wife: good novelty man and other single iKirfermers. Week stands. Board and Bleep at miieU. will advance tickets. The Forekt riorl> Med.Co.,20S.letrcrsiin St..Siiiilh DesMolnus.Iown. KOH SALE-Soveral Palis Oas cylinders, Cal- chiiu Reneclops, Films. Hlereoptlcoim. Moving I'lc- lg-'!L\'-' "'l"°'"*- ""•■ R. II- "aker Co., T uiieks. Kan. WANTED, for W. II. 8. Vaudeville Show, I'er- rormers foi- ring and stage, Miislcliinfl tw band ami oroliesi rii. sni^ll band of fi or i) nioiil h pieces. Sum- lueruna Wlntoc in our own car. Rerieahniem staml ' j' rmi. fiiti Punnim Street. Fort Wayne. Iiid. Im/T"^ ,"**'''*-i»f'- Round Ton with two Wl. Middle Pieces; Mar<iue, 20n8O: all Poles, ■i.?:,""', ^°!>«*, Falls; ono IIO double Starllghl, -J siiiglo 00 Stttrllghts, one outside Bacon. 20 leugllis " uo Seats s Her high. Hardwood Jacks, Scat "iMks, tiasswood, boiled csoh end. All rcsd? lo i;,J15i .'" 1"<"* «hapo: »2M taken It It tikeu h'lltiedletcly. LiVWRENOE MURPHY, 84 Wbcons ln Bi.,Milwau kee, Wis, 11JD? ''•liTTBRHKADS t)y mail, 60c.; 600, $f; „i« o "*' "; Coupons, 180.; 82ris, Wc: leths. Me., MOM ^aamplcs, 2c. roe. Art Printer, Olivet. Mich. inJJ.'^?''"****''^ DRAMATIC C.-Ariaime- »»«,? 'or.paoplu now complete. Had so very S>J5.i,'®P"'^'' "> my recent ad, lh»t It Is Im- iwl'?,'"*"'^^'"'''"- ''lease accept this Intliiia- i!SS.^.r '!'.';■'? thanks to the appilcunls. Yours drwAiy*'' KBRKOFF.Mgr pcrmauent iid- ■^.lOlgN.ast St, Soolh Omahk, Neb. FOR Man With Speciaities, for Strong Juveniles and Some Old Men. Soubrette With Specialties and Some Ingenue Parts. Summer salaries. 1 pay expenses. All In first letter. Don't dare to nalsrepresent. Join on receipt of .wire. Reference—"Klrst National Bank," Ilock Rapids. Iowa. Address UAL BARBKH. Mnnager, Ro ck Hapld s, la. |il(»ru<;h Wardrobe Bureau Trunk Should recommend Itself to the Theatrical Profes- sion owing t4> Its ca- pacity, convonionce and durability. Oarnieu,ts hang us In stationary wardrobe. Enrli Oar- ment can be clausllled. Contains llsl llox, Dres- ser Tray, Drawers for Costumes. When closcMl Trunk looks like any other. No artist should fail III see ihls T'rank. Price toil. Special Dis- count of 16 per cent, la CLIITEH leailerH for 30 days. BARVCII TUUKK0O.,StW nrnadwny.N. Y. WANT BOSS CANVAS MAN. 'rrt.i.!o "'' ""lunirlons. Salary and references. J^diii'ss as por Hou'c. - COLDEN MASCOT WAGON S HOW. Wanted Immediately, TBAF DBDIHEB. wn'rv"'i?..''l"'''''" Carlonet or Flute. OrchCHtra •orx. .Mate lowest. Address CHAS.MiiKNIOlIT, ---__i;!:?SlAtl»ntlcJIotel, AtlatiHc City, N. J._ B08T0R FILH EXCHANGE". W vi,S?i3 '.'>'* B«oh»nged. SM waspinotoS :ii.^Jtoo m 4a. Ho8(on, Mass.. opd. Adams House , Ml'VT vvf'"'*' "OR SrMMERSTOCK KSOAdF-- •M. WIro, STOCK MANAOKR, Academy of Music, Fall lilver, Mass. «•» JACOBS &VANTYLEBonni. IN THE OLD HBLIABLE. Coiuptete Pavilion Theatre, For Siininier stock roninany, IncHicil iit best .Huiii- mcr reinrt In ilie Middle Stnie'. lllg inonev. WILL TAKE PARTNER WITH OI!TFIT. i»»U: all In llrsi. Also want VERSATILE ItEP. PEOPLE. Those doing speclalllca given prcrerenoe. Slate LOWEST SALARY, bosrd pnld: Ai;i;, PK00RAM8 AND PHOTOS. Also want Udles' Orcliesira of 8 or e pieces. I'cuplo sintn all ynu can and will do. Also waill SCENIC ARTIST for next season who can play small parts. Want PIJIVS anil PAPER. Want several vandovllle acts for Summer and next season. State all. Address BO X Ma. Cambridge Springs. Pa. MO PLACE X.IKE HOME. PALOS PARK IS A SUBURB OF CHICAGO. The scenery of wooded hills with creeks and springs makes It a ohorming place for home. It Is healthful and resirul. Fare i:io. Miiny lamllles have Incated, and among them quite a few families of actors who And it convenient lo their business snd a fine place for home. We sell large lots, (on Itoft.. on tinitiercit hills, at t!ur>; $10 cash and te monthly: send forlli«r»turc: names of iicIom given by reqiiesl. Monson ft Co.. 144 La Sitlle St., Chicago. SECOND TO NONE, Daly Jafe i Ronan Sensational Comedy Acrobats, fill svMsitn thia week with Irtvlii*s MuJ^ntlrs, Open for Mii ('Inif anrreHitfiil tiivll.- ulfff* for iift^t avnuoM. .11 f(•'■••• nil AK<'nls liirHnI Tli«<Mlri<, Urooklyi). N. Y. All roniprU'iit infiii. Atldrfisa nil N. V. .VK«ii4a iir Ipen for Mum morn ml Wrek Vtuy ■^^UuMy E. M. DALT, oare of N. Y. CLIPPER. I903 I904 KUUHf NBW YORK TO SAN PRANOiai-O, PRiNTINC TENT SHOWS SBNU FOR PKICB8-CATAMM1VK. HENNEGAN & CO., '^'iVl^riJ^i^X' NOTIOK. MigctvlrKsi Stoolc Co. "WILL NOT OPEN. People holding ciinlrscis. cnnsblcr snini' raiicclcil. '•Reasons" for not iipenlng*—have sold ••show'' aud lltle.nnd will open In 11104 in N. V. .siule. V. II. IIKIliISS, Cusilgiiii, Mo. MR. HARRY WEBBER, l.\ III.H WELL KNOWS CII.MKIIV HI)C(!F»'<S, 93 DON'T GET CRAY iSKETCH-bNE DOLLAR. Sunlight Hair 'I'lmii; rcstort's Uray f Inir to its im'tiiral rolor, .Moisti'ii the I'lnir wiiii tiie tonic; siinlialit will iii:il<c tlio hair iis- sume its ii;iturnT (.-oior in tiitewi niiniitos. One bottle will Keep your hair in proper order for a year. Alsoculors inoustiiclie luid whiskers. (Jiih linuid, no stickiness,no lea(l.iioi>iilpliiir,piitirelylianii- less. All shiidns of ('oior iiiiiy he prcKluced by followinicr directions. This is a new prppa- ratioiiifiirHUperiortoanylhing in tlic mar- ket, highly eoncoiitriitod, one bottle equals four bottles of old style goods. Pricfi iJI.OO. oximss prepaid. 15.00 will be refunded If it falls. SUNLIGHT HAIR TONIC CO., 3 831 l.acle<le Atc. ■ . Wf. I.Ot' IW. MO. WANTED, for Lambert's Comedians. A Full Acting Go. and Band and Orchestra. A leading Man cajiable of directing stage, a Oood Coincdluii, a S. and 1). i^onbrctlc, a Oood Musical Team who can do small parts. Other useful people wrlto. Prulercncc given tlioae doing gpeclalllcH and playing In band. Must be Indies and gcnlle- nien at nil times, and good dressers on and ml' slage. Iloo/.crs and dlsorgaiibiera save stamps. Season opens Aug. 16, nl Cherokee, la., with 120 people. HehearBals Aug. 8. All Ituyally Pieces. Uu. will be liookctl aoliu for 40 weeks. I'lay week and three nlghl ainuds. Suite lowest salary and what von inn and will do llrsl letter. Heud photo, wnleti will be relmned. Vgrs, In Nurili mid South Uak., Minn., Neb. and Kuiisas send open lline. AddreSR all ooinmunlcsllons lo W. R. Ullll-TIN, Lock l(o.\ lOOl, CherokfC, Iowa, Mgr. Lambert's Cimedlniis. John (i. Hae, Dave Htansbnry and Prank 8. Harden, write iinlck. For CiiiMCdIan and .Soiiliretle, or Juvenile Wniimii. i Idon'i ofivn do thissii gel busr. Mi»i laiigliiilili< [ ; skcleli I ever wime. Never nrodiiiejl. ' "THE ACTOR'S DREAM." A warm encmi', JAiis. Don'l ilelav. ; KKKUBUICK II. \VII,.SI).S', I -OH Con land Ave, Syrarnse. N. V. | AT MOKnTY 9tAV in, voKaiiuMm As'it' NBXT 8KAM0N. BERT-AL.OEN-MyRTLE COMRUIAN, with atliingiPIANI.ST (alghl or fake), i .SPKCIALTIKH. Can play|siniill piirts; singing spr- t anyiliing cant for. ielaltles:llliisii'aied songs, (lood wardrobe on and oir. Htrlcily responsible. Kellable inauagorsonly. One pleeo ur rep. going ! Kiist preferred. Add., lill June il, lllcklnson, K. II. I "Nip and Tuck. Thi> Ciinii'illiin and llii< Ciiineity lliat nmile (■neb other fainiiiis. lla lliolr iiierr.t wa.v .'irpl. I. Willi a hiisl •if fim milking feulnresi up lo'diiii- In iveri ilclnll. New and Klegiiiil I'rlnllng, 8|»'rliil Sronerv, I'alfhv .Mnsli', » <'»ri'r»llv .•Helerled t' AlliHrllmi l<> bring IIo.n lilllie l(»snllH. ruder ilie iK'rs.iiiiil dliw.ll f Jil.SKl'll II. IIA'/I.KTliN, l.'.d Wesi XM\ sirem, .New Voik i'llv. WBITK roll ilDlt 1iI'1:N riMK WHITE RATS. I'lilil riirlher iiiiliro While Kiita of Anieriru ai<- lionUy intlilh'il lo hi'ihI nil iIikw niiil i>iiiii. iniinirttiiiim lo .SiiiT«"'tiii'y .liw. H. Powi'is, I'J.'i.'i llrmiilway. Now YniK (llty, jir pny Ihfiii in lieitfon :it th<! rounlar tt«;('".;l¥ intti'tlnc, hclil rvi^ry Siitduy at :l I'. M., ((rimiMrrvLviTiiiii, Cth Ave. nnil 2:1a .-^l. • OI'XilUli: I'Hll.I.UU (JOLDKN, lliKt-'hinf. The John L Oladstoue Show Witnta B. nnil D. M«illt>ln« Sketch Touin, nun mid Win.. Mnsi sight read nnd lake. Kxlia money for Ics- soim In dancing and piiiiio. Week stands. I.lveon lol. Private Hleeplngand dining tenliiwllli llys; ae- inmmodallniis, pleiisnnt and prlvaie. Ti'll all and lowest. Tlcketsr "No." Open Juno 1. Join on wire. Folding Organ Warned. Hlbh MONKOK B'l'KBCT, Tope ka, K ansas. MOTION l'llTrUllE.s, completeomilt with operator for Parks, bavviis, Fairs, etc.: latest Iniporled lllms from Eiiroiii', 200 up-to-date siibjects. Films rented by the week or nmnlh, weekly change; also the Juvenile operas, MllpiitlauB aud Midgets. Write for special ciruiiliirs, lerms, etc. P. II. IIRCKBIt A CO., IMl FIfl h Ave., Mew York. inTliilble "onun •Jt.00 iTnen, |l.JI5p«r lOD.Tnntf'dFoT- tones, TSc. per 1,OOU. CJablnet Photos of yonr- aeir for aelling purpoMS, $il.»0 per 100 or aai) par 1.000. Send negative or photo to copy. Sonr" foraamplus. WB NPT.PIiotoJooiiton^W^. Shooting Gallery Supplies LATEST NOVELTIES. Write for IllDBtrated C»t»- lOBO*. Wn. 'WURFFLKin, Uir.. 208 N. Second St., Philadelphia, Fa. SLOT MACHINES, AVTOHATIO WBIGHISO SCAbKBl ALL IRON. BLECTRIO LVNO TSSTEBS. F. J. HOWARD, M WaohlDgtOB St., Opp. Adams House, Uoslon, Mass. Street Attractions First. Class. One IJa.v Each Week, (i. II. r.AUDNBR, • • • •'«".''• '"«■«• AT LIBERTY, SKETCH TEAM Change for one week. Onod Singers, Srroug Com- edy In AclB, Play Piano, Read or Fake. _CAMPto.LjUidJtEUja.U^>'FBl^^^^^ AtUtiertT, LILLUH BABB0W8, Pianist*, Summer Resort or Hold preferred. Aildre8.s IM CHEKIIY HT.. lliirlliigUJn, \ t. P. H.—INVITE 0FFKI1.S FOR I9(a-in. SHOW PAIIMfERS K. J. IIAYDBN 6i CO., 100 to 110 Broadway, , Jlroukiyo, N. X. \A/ A IM e: d . Miialclan* for B. and O., Vnuil^vlllc People, All liln«i. Preference to llioae doubling brass, stale tow- ; eat Summer aalary. Week stands, under canvas. Also waul Canvas Men. Must loin on receipt i>( . wire. Ai'.dresH II. A. UKUdMAN, Porlliinil. hid. I Floyd \\ llson, .Marlln Uiiddy, write. I Wanted Quiok,! FORTIIF, KOL'KWKLL DUAMATIC CO., AILKAU- INC LADY, 80.MK tjlirUKKrrKH and JIIVKNII.K ' LEAII8. Musi have wardrobe. Uon'l nilsrepiv- ! seiii. .Slaivyoiir salary llrsl leiler. Pay your imii 1 Hotel. Addrois J. U. ROCKWELL, Manager, Lriidonvlllc, VI. Miss Sadie Berger CORNET VIRTDOSO. " Open for Kngagoiueuls ultli llaiiJ or Drchi'slni. Pupil of W. I'aNN Chambers. Address, _ _ _ _ !M K. )4lll_HT., N. Y. MOVINO PiOTURE BUCHINE ASK FILMS, PAS.SION Pl.AY, Elc. .Must be In good condition auu cheap lor cash Adilrens IIU. S. J. KKMIARDSON, (Jari), Mich. WaQted ((ulek, SHOW CANVAS 'll'iljL™ BT THE J. C. OOHS CO., IIKI'KOIT, HIUU, ALSO FOR SALE 100 SPRUCE POLES IM TUB BARK OR DRKHHKI). TKo iVIolrosos, HIGH -WIRE BICYCLISTS. Have free attraction for Parks, Fairs, do. Konrlh of July open. Perm, nd., COLUMBUS, OHIO. JUST OUT, 124 PA6E ILLUSTRATED MA6IG (.'AlAUKU'i;, 2-,i: : Sl.'l'. (.'ATAIi., oe. None I'ree. <iiily N. I'}. Agent for .Mahntnm, Oh-. \V. I). LCItliV. 10:1 (.'nnrt St.. Itoston. .Muhn PRINTING- l>,UO0 I -10 MlieeiR, >iU wcrds or less, tl.90. Heud for sunipU's of all kinds of small Show Prmllng. CilKAPEST IN AMERICA. VOLUNTEER PRINTINU CO., Reynoldsvllle, Pa. WANTED, REP. PEOPLE (far Park Stock Co.), also Vaudeville Acts (pay your own board): photos and programs; stale all. JOE KIND, lllawnllia Park, MuVcninn, 0. BANDBIEN TO WORk'iIV FACTORT Clnrluuela,Saxnphoncs,Otioeaiid Uushouiih wanted Uhas.M.Swiri.saiPcnuAvc.Bla. II.. Plltslmrg. Pa. WIGS 6.SHINDHELMJIieatricalWlK UAKER. Oood work for low pricca. 118 West asth STREBT, Mow York. Wanted Ferl'oriiierN. .street and Lol Work,Organ, lliiiiKUnllar Players. Hlale salary. llR. JOHN K. KOYK, 'J-.'UO Salisbury .St., St. Lonla, Mil, TO MEDICINE MEN-TENT SHOWS--For Sale TlirSK (lllUAS, iiiiw, 2'; sets rocds and Sub lluHs, very powerful, solid nak case. Price Iso. II. (IRAIIAM. Wi) Ocorge Bt., Chlciwao. A LARGE HALL TO RENT FOR IIEHKARSAI.K, RKCKITIONS, WKUIIINdB f;T('. Terms reanonable. Hunks open for engage-' nienis. Coniury Lyceum, WAiim terdain Ave.. X. V. 6E0R6E CTWOOD, Ghiraclers and Heavlai; .MKH. (IKOllCE C. WOOK, Wardrobe Udy or llreds. er., Invite solid olfers for season. One plere pre- lerred. Addresn OKO.C, WOOD, Uiuiktrk, Ind. Balloons, N6w and Second Hand, Hobl under a iiiislilveuiiarnnieuln licas lepri'sciili'd. Wo have unc Miinker lliillnun and red, u-|)lii> and bluel'liiiie; fiv conipleie; |tO With order babincn <'.*>. Ii. .NOUTIIWKN'l'EUN BALLOON CO., ;i-;:i Fullertoii Ave,, Chicago, 111. THE BEUTIFUL ELECTRIC SCENIC THEATRE, "A Da; In the Alps n KxhlhM«iil in nnr oivn pitrtaliln liiillil- InK,olvgiiiill)' paliilMlatitl llli(iulnulp<l. A |>o>lllv.i novwliy. Now iiii<t>lln|( with iinoriiioiis Niiri'.>MM whh llh« Wrlglit Citriilviil i;oiii|iBny, SOSMAN & LANDIS, 236 So. Cllnion St., Chicago, III. WAitTlD TO Properties BoUable for Aqnatlo OarniTal, Hobby Horses, Water Bloyoles, Bnbber Salts, etc.; also Hen osed to work in same. Address BL B., care MJIUPPER. ' WAMtEOr Fi m BIIHI moil CI.,\H» VAl IIKVILI.K ANH SPKOIALTV I'KOPl.i: IN ALL LINES. Hkolch Teams doing I.') uilnulu inriis, wrile. Strung fealui'cs of all kinds wauieil: also Al Oiitdnur AiliHclloii. Ailvancu Man iind I'luulsl Wauled. Stale UtwiM Suininiir salary III llrsl. llossCiiiivMs.Man IVanied. I'llKUIlSTllN- lAN COMPANY. Uiid«r Canraa, Ulalrwvlllo, P«. VERSATILE SKETCHTEAM (Man and wife), that ean change nft«ui, waiiicd al once for ••lly. If you,pIu7 ortfnii pljuan^ note. USEFUL PERFORMERS In all lines, and piano player Hint can work on niiige, for riiad ■'iiliiiianlus. -Miisl-lio well up In medlvlni) business. HlaleHalarraudallpartli'drars. NATVIlK'it ItUMKnV CO., Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED. WANTED. For rjcnan Mldwav, )KJU feel oia In lliu ocean. Card Writer, Klec<rlc. Phubigrapher, OUhs ItlDwer, and all other firil clans money makers. Thla la lh« llnesi iieeiii plersoulh jif Atlantic Clly. N. J. SUili; all lu your llrsl letter, as I have no iline lo dicker. We open May :iO, lisi:i. J. II. LI VINOSTON, m CIIIxdiih' Haukjlulbllng, Norlolk, Vn. ]IHNmELC0STDHC8 WANTED. pint purl costumes, imradu coals and hats, trunks. Complete ilitsrlplloiiand lowisl price list letter. KIIANK IL SNYIIKII, __Mahamiy t^lij^^. Rifle Galiery Oiilfitrer! (JALliKKV NOVKLTIKS. Largest money mnkora; least Inveatiueut. . ^ , K. Jf. lUPPLFL rM Vihe At.,' PnllHdnlnhla. Pa. FIVE GREAT/PLAYS, rOlKS UP WILLOW OBEEK, DATS or '98, OLD PARREB HOPKINS. FALSE WITHES8, B0BII8OR CRUSOE 1:1 AI^T VHIMIUMi, All Ihr sole piupurly of the unilcrHlgnod. Purlins priHliiclngany (if the abovu will ho pniseciiled In the iiKieni of Iho law. PllANK li.VVIIIHiiN, W llulhaway St., liluvnlaiiil, 11. Have vaeaiiolos fur a few Clover Voiiiig lira- ninth! People for ue\l neasno. Wilie In full, si-ud lug iiroKrainmes and phuins, which will bn re- in niurt. WANTEb, FOR The Monarch Rep., Yoiiiig Leading Lady, Heavy Msn. clmrui-lci htuii, S. and II. SoubrellH, Msn wllh .Uuchliie. rscfiil Peiiplii, iileKHo wrile, Salarv sure but biw, Hlali> all llrsl lelicr. Lung suiisiin'. Address MONilU.'im OK l(KI'P.R'l'OIHK, iiock llox ,N'o. 1, IHieman, Iowa. Howard Dorset Co. iWAMTB nAR FOR IUVERILE8, OEREBAL BUSINESS AND OOIEOT. nm. H,1I0WAIII), SlonxOliyJnwH, Musician Wanted. BAND LEADER, CLARIONET, TUBA. UuHl Join Immedlntnlv. KLAIlK HCOVlLLK CO., Wesllleld, N. V, WANTED, ILLUSTRATED SONB MAN, TO SlNasO.VCS AND PI.AV H.MAI.I. I'All'lM, wllh or wllliuulmuohlhu. Salary low but giiaranliitd. Hun long leasun of Hiiiniiicr Hicck, lilvcislde Casino. Addreas .1. W. HKISMAN, Mgr., Asbeville, N. (', WANTED, ON PERGENTA6E, ALL KINDS OF HI.OT MACIIINKH FOR THK PINKS I' PAVILION iin Iho Ooeaii ProuL ^Jj^WIII'WN, Norfolk, Vu. the Yodler and the Cion, Jairns aRYoTvIs, JIST CLOHUI) ON KOHL .V CAS'I'LK ClllCiri- IIKAIlLINKHS LI.VLKV I'AHK, _ OIIKKNSIIOIIO, N.C, WKKK MAY 'A'., IB. R/ooivniCDIAN tliisiplay llanjo and Loud Singer, for open ulr; I'hiingv nlghlly; no bim/.e tiiteraied. rttille Idwcsi. Address II. W. K. M., ore of N. Y. (ILIPPRII. HKOliuANIKIiVOiANn DONKINlT'l'IlK 'WARNER OOBKEDY CO., Pur season li»u:)-4. IIBN R. WAUNKII. Mclli'Hgor. Iowa. trap Drummer At Liberty wire or write. Addreas OP.o. ,1. iM'KLi-'V. llrocklon, Mush. WANTED, LKAl»,4UVKNILi;,CTILnY MAS' amr HTAIIR UANA- lIKIt. Call 10 toll.i.A. H., and frio II P. U., ThnrMday, Kriilny and Ssturdav. IHIINK AVIUIRMAN, W WmI iiiUt UU, N. V. I've Just the SKETCH for YOU. If not, I'll WRITK one. J. W. SI.'HWAIII/, IfJd St and Park Avu., N. Y. N» ^lalll|lS, no rrjily. WAN'rfCO, REFINED YOUNO MAN AS PARTNER, ■ro WIII'IR UrSK; ANH W^lfH. Answer by uiall, to DAVE JOUNSON.earuof U'LIPPf^K, Now York,