The New York Clipper (May 1903)

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342 THE NW^ YORK GLiIPPEB. May 30. ■j.'■ i-.-r f,.i £EX^r n* GHI311. HAftRlS' BsaulHfiil Love Song, «'V^ i'-Slf f. a: :!.,.i c I The Grandest Colored Slides ever flashed upon a canvas, now ready, Regular Price, $12.00. For the Summer MR. HARRIS will sell this set for $C.OO. Also any set on his catalogue. On Hccount of a fire, were somewhat delayed, but arc now ready to fill all orders. Full and complete copies and orchestrations in any key, to any singer, Free. Published by the most Popular Publisher in the World, CHAS. K. HARRIS, now at home at 31 W. 31st St., in the coolest and finest offices in New York. Come up and see for yourselt Competent pianists always ready to run over any of the many new song surprises for next season. Don't forget the fact that the most popular manager in New York, MEYER COHEN, is still with HARRIS, and will be pleased to see you at all times. Two doors below the Imperial Hotel. Take the Electric Elevator. GHI0A60 OFFICE, OOB. OLABK AID LAEE 8T8., JOE I. HABBI8. lanflier. SAI FBAH0I80O OFFICE, Ho. 13 EIPIBE THIATBE BID., OAHBOLD & QPIII. M anagers. |i„ . . , ,, ,. . .., 1 11 — - — ' tB Boss! WILL He?s In Again. H. FOX THE FIR8T-THE REAL--THE ORIGINAL COMEDIAN- PIANIST. THE STARTER AND FINISHER OF ALL COMEDY PIANO ACTS. WILL N. FOX <«■ First Performed An -Entire Comedy Piano Specialty "in Pull Evening Dress" at the Star Garden Theatre, Bridge- port, Conn., In 1888. WILL H. FOX Performed His Original Goniedy Piano Specialty in the Leading; Vaude- ville Houaesof. America, in 1801. No Other Comedy Piano Act Had Ever Seen the Footlights Until WILL H. FOX Presented His Novelty, '^PADDYWHISKI." REAL M^NACERS-^SUPH |LS yfmfiiirAi, Esq. (of Bicb & Harris), llessrs. Webef & FienIK; B. F. Keith, Esq.; Hessrs. Hyde & Behman. Korris Heyerfeld, Esq.; W. J. Qilmore, Esq.; Oessr^. Castle, Kohl & niddletoa; ffl. C. Anderson, Esq. (ind last, bnt-by no means least), Tosy Pastor, Esq., and Ool. I. B. Hopkins Knoiw that I was the first to perform an entire oomedy miHiioal fpeolalty confined ezolnsiyely to a- piano in th eir t heatres. , WXIX H. FOX was the hit of the Howard AthenBenm Oo.\0i(i,to,nrinl892. . . THEN* One by One there cropped up a number of Comedy Pfano Turn8-«N0NE of whom was, EVER HEARD OF ON THE STAGE, EITHER IN AMERICA OR EUROPE-UNTIL -l-W<LL H. FOX, Had Been Weil Established. IN EUROPE Sncli Btoogniied HanagerB as CliBrleB llorton. Esq;; B; E. Iosb, Esq.; Oswald StoU, EiQ.;B.AdBe; Payne, Esq.; and Frank Allen, Esq,; i : , Eliow That I Was line First to Perform an Entire Oomody Piano Specialty in Their tillls. And Ev;ery Trick Perlormed on the Piano by leWas First Performed on Anv StflSfi bv Mo I Per|orpii Alone. I Was tho First and I Am Slill the First. Becopllohs at Every Show—30 Hinntes of Novelty, Vlt and Busic. AND I DO NOT DEPEND ON Iisdy or OentlOnilui Partners In My OrlgiuBl Bpeolalty. • I Do Not DBPSND On a Toy Piano With Attaohmenta Inalde (On Whioh a QbUd Can Produos Slot Machines All Kinds of Second Hand SLOT MACHINES, Esp8clillyNanePlates,LongTesfirs,Rosiitfleld Plctors Maohlnes and Rtsenfleld Punchers. Address "CROSS," care ot OLIPPEB. < MURRAY THEA., Lexln^on At. i A Ud St. ETDga 8.15. Mats. 2. WANTED AT ONCE, FOR m MM K m m, Oiic cir Two Jsp PerronrMn, Bur Act, I'lmiblers, CoiitortlODl^<l, Bkctcli Temn (wlin cnii aing and dHiicc), Bnittll Troupe of J)o»n, A'lollnlst (to pl»j Rncclaltlei). MuHlclanit for B. and ()., Ilass Canvas Man. PrlvllegcK to tet (money makers). Show otietm Juno i. No tinie tn dicker. Salary lor but positively .Sl'RE. Adrtrem U. I.OTR SILVKR. Acme, Uicb. TO LEI JtrLY2, 3, 4. FcrrlH Wheel, (ilAiiH IHoiver, UUick Tcnij, UiD. Kjr., l»og and rony Sho»-. Pop Com, Etc. Sale or per^ ceoiHgc. Top. SO.OOO. Address OTTO TltONlEB. UcAllnler. I. T. MATINEE 25c. EVERY DAY. THE PRimi SECRFTARY. nEKRY V. DONXKLLT uh MR. CATTER MOLE. Se.xt ireck—"Our BoyB" and "A Moment of Terror.'' 9B-3B-50 FIFTH YEAR Beoty V. DnnsUly Stock Oo. TOlrilGHf, • The Runavsrays. "THE RUNAWAYS IS A'$OCcBlf|/V' ■■ -IIERAM). THB DEWEY, B. l«th St. Matinee Today BOWERY BDRLESQilERS "Sltioiniiln»"-a-VkodOTme, L.I w, FOR PABKS and STBEET FAIRS. Hinhi^er and Rosonberger, .siiiRle HDd Dniiblu Aerlalisis aa(l'A<^«)lMUvcinwn- Inir. Managcrn dcnlrUiK » high claiH novelty act will do won tn look im np. Aildrcis.>< OKORUKIIINIXOEI;, Pen. Del.. York, I'lt. WANTED, Amusement Devices, - Antbmatics, ininsioiis. ANo wllllujc U) ireat tor pAleiit TlKlitH of m-ir and Httlaclive rcatiirca. AddreBH, KlvioK full Infur- inallnuaiid icrins. COLUMBOS, carcofCLIPrER. PACTHD'G ooHTiHnoDa FRANK OABDimiill and LOTTIK VIMCKIfT, SIR. and MRS. JliamR SARRY, ASCOTT ana BpiUE, JAMK8 BICIUIOMpOIiBNROr, , PRSD and DOT WBtT, ' McROK and WVATT. WEST and WILLIAMS, I EI.VKRA and OLAIIK, ' MfLKB rttil NITRAM, I WIM. T. DAAMS, LKIOHTON Biid 1,EICUT0N. UAKRV BELL, A,MERICAN VlTAOIlArH. and in I Extra Added Altracllon, THE HlJOrClRurs. S. 7. EBZTB'S International Clri'ull. Tboatrlcal Enterprise*.' E. F. AI,HEE, OeiicrHl MHiiiiKcr. HIOII CI.A8.S VADDKVILLE. S. K. HODODOX, lionkluff Manager, AssoclaUon of VandevlUc Uanasers, St. Jainea Bide., Broad- way and 28ih St.. N.Y. ST. OBO. H. ilUBGR, Propr. IVANTBD AT ALL TIMES, Living OiirloilllM, Freaks of Nature, also Kli-Ht CIiihh Vaudovllle Acts torTlieatrc. Addicaii J. II. ANUEllSON,Manager. Huber's '%^\ Museum Would Not Depend On a Dwarf Comedian or Turkey Material (The Idea of Flaytn'g a Soog In Different Temp6s la NOT OBIQUTAIi With Any of the Hatiy Alleged Comedy :planl8ta On the Stasre To-day. AS AN? MUSICIAN Ol* lUiFnTB WILL TBLL YOTT IT WAS DONE MANY YEARS AGO). READ THE FOLLOWING: Tho ENCORE (one of London's Leading Music Hall Jour- nals) of April 23,18i03, says: WILL H. POX writes us we shall see him over hefe shortly. We want him badly, considering some of the awful samples America has been sending us lately. When we get FOX back he will redeem his country's reputation, whioh is just now, however, being well upholden by Golden. A PROVERB: A Man That Has Sailed in Clean Waters All His Life Keed Never Fear the Microbes of Other Waters. (OhI How m^ Left Ear Bnrns.) IND HERE'S THE ANSWER: WILL H. FOX Bookoil Up Solid Until May 22,1905. FOR NEXT SEASON, I DES-ROCHER, Union Carpenter* A ddrcws 12 MECIIAM C AVi;., WooiiHockct, II. I. AT I.IBERT1' FOK BKASON i«03^1, " Ivittle E^A'eclti <Sf>eeir, I'lio I'Uaniplun Buck Wiug Fancy LMiiiccr and Coon Shoiiter on the American Singe. KIne war<I- riilie; fine appoaraiii'.c; liaa exiierieiicc plavhig parts. Molhcr travels with licras wardrobe lady, ">r piay« heavifs, Respouslbir niirs. only, addreas Mlt.S.K. It. .SI'KElt. I2!i UoelirHH St.. Ilaiiatt, Tex. iThe Bickett Family, i (iRJiATEST OF ALL AERIAL GYMNASTS ANI> ' ACROBATS, HAVE A FEW OPEN DATES. Addretij GRAND RAPIDS.Mich. A NOVELTY. NEWTON BROS. In their original comedy, entitled "UIXTDRE." • June 15, J. W. Cornian'H Park CIrcnIt. BurrowB and Travis. ;; Uliinic Hu«lc- Mai-.hlnes, wllh Nlckel-ln,thoSlot altiK'.liMient, ivlih -M Itolia or Mu»<lc (dO runes), all Com pi etc, for $850.00 for bolii, ul«> rd Punch Mh- ohlties. »ll Iron and Hie l>cst over made, at $30.oo oaoli, for lo operate wlili a penny or a nickel. Theao lire liiirgainN und aliiiosi new; dix-n not al)ow they have been iikoiI at all. Slot Machlncx used oidy a mile at very low prico.«. U. 8. NOVELTY CO., ; 1.1 Main St., Kansas City. Mo. Mnt 'WEEK IN THB SOUTH, HELEN MAY BUTLER . And iter Ladles' .Military Brnss Hand. TROeiDERO (illRTmE, JOE BIRNE S, - - Rep. JIM and KITTY. With tlielllgh Flyers BurlcsnueOo. Show cloHC-H thIawcek.Si. Paul, Minn. THE 'WORLD RRNUWNKD JHusical Holbrooki^. OPEN TIME FROM JULY-«.- Cai-e of M. IIOOM. 31 W.siKt 81., N. Y. City. Frank and Sadie llarrim OPEN FOR PARKS AFTER JUNE 8. Per. Address VISITING CABDS ITd ^ ,\ UVIUK TO VAIIIIKV11.I.B SUCCBSS-WIIOJ l>K\niATIC ANI> MrSICAl. AVTIIOHS. •'SKUl'UHKS, sONliS, MdXULIKil'ES, wrlllenlo order. ~ ' now 'Itl W:('t^EEll.—InKlrnclloilB by iiihII FREE. "SkPleUyuM wriilefiiriiie iHtl K. Voii roiibliiol have Ml mo boiler bad you known nic all your ll>e." -liEO. L. ll'KEEFE, "The wkcleh and songti are Rieat. Wo think Ihcv could nol be boiler."— .sn'vkEII .V CI'TBERLI'.T. "Malerlal received. Ills all 0 K, and I Hill making big with ll."-AltT HUFFMAN, MlKENNVimilS.'MINSTItKLH, ..„.,.. . . ^ I Adilreaa NPARUNf) it BVRK, UammoBd, Uiri. Continental Carnival Co., Will buv .Tnilnert Wild Aujuials aitd Canvii.i \yaiil CMean rfldwav BhnwilrlsH IK. ^V^»hl UiizxIelMiizle. I'rlvlleg<>!« lo lei. AddrenH \VM. K. UllBBINS, Mgr,' Bed Uou'u Carntvul, Ku. AdaiUD, MHii«,, May -.Kl-ui; Waterbury, Voiui., June 1-13; Uaritord, Coua., 16-21. Wanted, Atlinial acip, Ifrittrnit'rsliiul MUKlehinK, !!<*.'» Fourlli Ave,, I»e»v York. W A WTPT) ''"f •*'""''""' OrclieHtra, Leader, " "■" 1KIA», Vlulln, i;oincl, Djiss and Tuba" Troniboiie and otiicn. I.i)Woki salary, all In tlrsl lellor; Jmiic I lo Oct. I. Money sure. We pay all Cm Use High Diver or Good Outtlde Attraction, J. B. OV ERO UKER. Melrusc, N. Y. STJEUXT MEN, TRAIN AGENTS And DEALERS. Send Btamn for our complete M. 0. cHtaloguo with wholeaalc price list. UNIVERSAL SUPPl.Y CO., \il La Salle St., Omaha Building, CHICAGO. WE ALWAYS HAVE THE LATEST NOVELTIES It'lii Getting;: Warmer. OauvaH Seat Folding Ik'iulies, Folding Chain, Baker l.liilils, Maiumnlh Oasnlcne Torches, a Fold- Ink' Organ tor fM, one for t'.^, one for $:<h. Street Piano i'\ lliuid Organ $.'>o. I'arudo Orgau, verr loud, fil'i: one \VeNi'Hi:k out or indoor (luaoirn'c Laiiipfll. SKMI K(IK FRKK DAKOAIN liOOK- I.E T. It. H. ARM BRiaT KH. bprliiKllc Id, Illinois. MUSICIANS WANTED AT ONCE. VIOLIN, CLARIONET, CORNET. ALLAN LAW HENCE, No. -JW Wjoming Ave., Scrainon. Pa. WANTED, A MANAGER OF RESPONSIBILITY Willi HomBHionff-lo lour Mra;Annie Edtou Taylor,' I lip liph^lne of Nlainra FiiIlB. Addrea.^ iuimedl- alely 4.H_Lorllbiid Pi.-xi-e (Hionx). New York. AT LIBERTY, fTrST CLASS TENOR SIN6ER. TliorongWyExiwrleneed. Ill) ESS >VHO-IT I* Furnish all klmUof ■tnng «Udci It desired. Addrcaa TKKOK, 4TD8 Voll«tv Ave., St. LoulS, Uv. : Eighth Avenue, N. Y, Ctly. IGNORANCE AND CONCEIT ARE TWINS. K O P P B P. S—Phil. Staats, Your aong' "Why Did We Drift Apart," Is very pretty. Say, "Dan," I lliauk you. J. l^K. WARNING TO MANAGERS. THE FREEZE BROS. Are Uie Orlginatorg of Splublngand Juggling Tam- bourines on IlaiidD, Kneen, Head and Feet elmnl- tanenus. Act copyrlghiedand patented. This week. Lion Palace, New York. CheaUiut drove Ttiealrc. Providence, Ma y 30-June 8. lK.MUYllEDElliUlIi WANT Comedian (witli spcclallles) and PlunlBt. Oilier Itepertoiro People, write. Tell EVERY- THING In driit leller. No lime lo correspond. Sum- mer and regular Bcaaon. STANLEY .1 WRIGHT, MorrlK, Minn., care of Opera House. BERTRAM MILLAR, •THE PEDDLER'S CLAIH," WHITNEY THEATRE. DETROIT, AT LIBERTY JOKKR. FOU IlLAMES. For I he Wlxoin Bros'. Wagon Show. Acrobata,'yni- nast. Trapeze, Bar, Ring and Wire Porfonueis. Addretu WlXdil linos., Bani:nift, Mich. WANTED. POSITION AS AERONAUT, WITH A RELIABLE COMPAKV. Address Miss MAlKiARET SHOFKNER, Wornilcyiibiirg. Cumberland Co., Pa FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, A RESTAURANT doing « nice riu'h. bmlneiui. can itge « or,401t. II. T., Fl.\-lnr«a, Seal*, ete... or oUier show outilt. J. w. ai'ltonu ti hrlchsviilc, (>. MANOSCRIPTEril t «■' - ■ lluren,,ciilc«go. lETAILED AT WHOLESALE PBIGES AVo Iccep conBtanlly In »tiwk from l,.'ioo lo s.nwi assorted Wlgawlileli are well made and guarantrnl to fit. Tlieao Wigs can l>c bought in all rolnm a: tho above prices; but, not in Grat nor in Wlilir. The same lu Cray ur while cost froui |3.M to t«.V} each. SPECIAL ATTENTION given lo mail ordcr=. Roods Bcnt C. 0.1), anvwiiorc on receipt of fl^ which will 1)0 dodnctwlfrotn llie bill. Esllnmlca furnished tor higher grade gtaab, made tn order. NECRESCOU HAIR CO., 162 Stite' St., 6th Floor, CHICAGO, III. THE CYCLONE... ROTARY HAND FAN. k HOTSKllf B for A»cnU. Rtl!« CBT- where and loftver/lKMly. Abonaautor Pknlo. h'alr. 8how and BlreolsaletmM. Its a BUinmer cooler ond a«»f>r«t«s a'ltnnK draft or air «IIHB|-r MIMIII, and with KO KXCHTIO:! rirtpt 1 .IIJU ■•WKil tl Iko Ibunb. It but a tbm.. Waded pollihed Aluminum Fan. PnliiliM Wood Handle, few purts. Is eitreimlt simple, aol.elc«8. llglil and artUtlc. 0»ef 9,000,000 Bat.r7 Fan* ulj la.t jtir. 79t coraparatlTely few penpirhavs R«.nooe. Catera to (VHT ■«!(, HCII1!« knO CIIIW, Prle<,p<>>ta(i>|Hili. 86 emli. Acorts inl dwalera wanted everywhere. aifdUeett.^ Write for parllcular!". JiNTKRPRISE MFG. OOi -e. —■• 156 LAKE STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. SUillHER AND NEXT 8EASO\, ALICE GOLLISSON, HEAVIES AND CHABACTEBS, STOCK OR REPERTOIRE. LYNUIlUn&T H OTEL. Newport NciTH, Va. FOR ACTORS AND MGRS. DATE BOOKS. Riina live ycai«, and ha.s good Inrormatiun. Send stamped envelope, addressnd. Including leu w. stamps. W. B, WATSON. 46 Johnson St., Brooklyn. K. Y._ WANTED QUICK, FIRST CLASS OUCllESTliA I.EADKK. (;^ll^^^f^ IN HAND, SLIDK, TROMUO.NE, BAM) AND Hj.- Clll-STRA; E CLARIONET I'Dit HAND: also ACT- ING PEOPLE TII.VT DOl'IiLK HAM). Miijil liCine liest or save slauips. Stale all first lelier. Wu~l Join by wire. No boozers. Addreas, as per rouie or lo Lexington, .Mo.. „ . GKYEK .V (IKISWOLII'S lUlt. "U.T. C.'lt-".^ WANTED QUICK, Al MED. PERFORMERS. ••iKCTClI TEAMS and SINCLE PERI1>RMKRS. Must change for one week. Stop al holch. AURORA miUli CO., It:: La Salle SI., AunmOi;^- AVANTED, fOMFUllAN.'do Dutch. fSike Organ, Cininge f'"" week; no time to dlrker; wire qidck; no llckcH, we pay cvery.Siinday. I.OI IS Di:KR, Trave.'.kyn. Allegheny t ;o.. Pa.^ WANTED-TDBA, TBOOTOWE, Clarionet, lo double -Uto in Hand. Wire IovtcbI. Three days' atandst. WR1011T.t FILLMORE. D over. NewJersi-y. For Sale, Beautiful Palace A'rcli Set, 3 Pieces. •-' U'ltsiiud lUckiDg; Dliimund Dyc;Cood a» .^cif, UIg Bargain. . ..... TROUBDAI^E BRO S.. Eatli frvillr , »»:^ AT iiamtr. OABLIRQ'S D06S AM) PONT SHOW. Mi(i. baggage car. Houte; UUca 2f. ^. '!'?"„''^' Liiile Fills 30. FRED. 1>ARLIM"_ nflDT r PR09PKRT, 6 OailupSt., m''- m An I L. deuce. R. I., Writes SIfetohM, Mono- logaea, Parodies, Etc Al RKFKRBl'*'*"' 8pnd ntamp. tFru^rvieir ?ii/ rtpiwynrtrt/f»/l. ff^l ik\M^ Kccllaltous ^ml Readings. MIJA Y a. CaUloguea Free. AU dra- ■ ."^■f ■• 'w J matin papers for sale. ■■ •' <«^a'^^n^?^c?g'o.