The New York Clipper (May 1903)

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344 THE l^TEW YORK OLIPPER. May 30. Will close m; Tentb SnccesBfnl Season oi Forty Weeks at tlie Lafayette Theatre, BnffalOi H. T., Week of Kay 25,1893, and will Reorganise and Open Next Season on or abont Aug. 17,1903. "Enongb Said." AL. REEVES' BIC BURLESQUE CO. WANTED, Strong Comedy Four Act that can Sing and Danoe, and all play parts; also One Big Feature Acrobatic Act, Good Looking Sister Act that can play parts and wear tights, One Handsome Leading Burlesque Lady, must be solo singer, "No Tights." Can also use strong Ba^^itone and Basso Solo Singers. Can also use Two Beautiful Chorus Girls that can sing and dance, with good flgores for tights. Forty solid weeks' work and I furnish all wardrobe. Address quick. Al- REEVES, ELKS' CLUB. BROOKLYN, N.Y. All Branches, Wbo Donble in Brass and Have Specialties. ALSO WANT LADY MUSICIANS FOR LADIES' BAND. NoHtri^l work, liiitniiisit work In clioriix niid haw Rood voice. 1 unn iii>e .V> gnoti Chorus Ladies, ticnd iittrllciilHrH utid loweat mitiiry llrnt Iclter. All photuu relumed IF you enclose potitSKC. BI^RT ST. JOHIV, Detroit, IMioti., Mgr. B. C. WIIITNKY-B ATTRACTIONS, CHrc of DETROIT OPEIU IIOUSK. NOTICE, MANAGERS. THE POTTER FAMILY Of Aeriel Gymnasts, AVIII arranKv tlioir act for iilngtt, and ran be uiigngeil coinmtinclBg Jan. 4, 1904. mrA'PI^V ^'" "" *■■" <»>ly l>nn|>1<> who do A noUKI.E CUTAWAY HALV iM^W M. IXjEif TWISTKU ANII CATCH, AND WB DO IT EVBUY DAY. AddroHB I'OTTKIl FAMILY, riirc N. V. CI.II'I'KR, or cjiru lU.VUMNU BROS.' SHOW an por ronle. Rouclere's CrottoPark O P Ea IT S WANTED, GOOD PALMISTRY PIltVILKCB TO LCT. '9 .KW* mMm, SEASON niAV 29. TAUDETILLE ACTS AND NOVELTIES. IIARKY UOUOLKRU, KlngHC, N. J. FOR SALE CHEAP ELECTRIC BASEBALL BOARB. This Is 11 lilR moiK']' liiiikr]'. IVir piinhMilHrH, mldrcxs 1. M. 'VVBIKGAItDKN, iodise MHiiiiSvr.TrocaaoroTtiealrv.OliliriiKo. III. Kl M' "AN ARISTOCRATIC TRAMP," OPJSN EARLY IN AUG. liiiiitli'Ml HpeclHll.r. I.liihl CiitiieillHii wtili HlDfiliiirand duiirliii; »i>U('hiUy, lunnio iiluv Iho trampwllh Rood siincliilly, Ciirpi'iilor, I'liinn Pliiyer, l.iicly or (Jciit. Add. WIM, KILROY, Rcvpre IjniiBo, t'lilmgo, III. SNAKES. SNAKES. Monkeys, Cockatoos S^ Macaws. NUW AUllIVAl.—I'VTIION.S, from ^lA.UU IIJ). IKISUI) IIKNS, »'.>0.00 up. J. HOPK.UTi N. NInlh Nlret-l, I'liilailt'lphtii, I's. HXJiN'r so'ock: col FOR SUMMER ENGAGEMENT, (iuuenil IIUHlnexfi Womiiii: iiiUHt hvyoiinKiiml Kond lniiklni:on aiidod' tlie Htiifce; (rood n-nrrtrolio snd Klilllly; iiuixi liu iil)lc' 111 do pood s|K'i'liillli'a: Itopertoiro IVopIo In nil Itiio'i, for iii>.\t season; Iliope doliia MiiutlulllcH aiiddoHlillMit In liraKH Klveuprffiri'iuP: MuslclMiis for liauil nnd orclioiilrtt. State lowest HNlary and idl lu llrnl lultcr. ROl^TC: Uuyne, Mlih., Miiy i^-'M: Maucolonii Jnuo 1.8, Knlkuka June sta. MANAGER. ACTOR. AGENT, AT I.IHKKTY TO NKtlOTI.XTR U'lTII AmYOTTK FOIl ANY KIND OK A NUDiniBH PllOPOSITION. SAl.AltY (lit I'KRCENTAIJK. Address NKXT SKASUN, "AT VAM.KV FORtlK" AOAIN. UN A I. A »IT A. \tls MOON BROS.' STOCK CO. WANTS First ClasB Repertoire People All Lines, Strong Fsatore Specialties, Knsiolans for Baud and Orohestra, or Small Orgaaized Baud and Orohestra. ' (IIVK IIM.I. TARTK!! I.AItS KIR.ST LK'ITKR, SAI.AHV SI ilK, \VK PAY HOTKI.. Addri>!iK MUDS' IlltOS,' STUCK C'U., IMiliilh, Mluii. ir MANAGER WANTED, ir liood iwylorlilil iiuny. Vou iiiusit l«c niipiod as Ihc aet. TUB UKUT OK ITS KINK IK VAUHK- YILI.K, OKU'INAI.. Mievciileeii luoDtliH itpeiit in coiiHinictlnn, nud lliourHnda Invested. Ready lo SMITH, 70d W»it Lake St., Chicago. ataite. SVBiniKH ADDllBSS OF ;w: tii,KNi»Ati: avk-wk, pkoiha, ii.i.. ♦ ♦ BIJOUX CIRCUS 3 FEOPLE-3 DOGS-2 PONIES Saminer Park vURes i^mall as l4xl4fL, Incladlng Trapeze, JurkIIok, Acra)>Btlc. Bareback WdlDg UogH, Triik Ponies, Etc. OFEI Tm H iniE AID IDLT FOB niUT GLASS PABKS, Etc. JOE BUHTO, War., Patter'* Theitre, N.Y. City. SPEND TOUB VACATION IN eiORIOUS COLORADO. I'll Qlvt You a Week's Engagement or More. WRITK (JIIICK. ALL SORTS OF BREEZT, UP-TO-DATE ACTS WANTED FOR THE BIGGEST AND MOST BEAUTIFUL GARDEN IN THE WEST. MANHATTAN BEACH, Denv«r, Colo. I'm DoliiK My Own Cooking. (!KT IN l.IXE. MONBETS Bhesus, Chacmas, Baboons, Mangabees, Drills, Mandrills, Lemurs, Black Makaks, Diana, Bingtails, MONSTER PYTHON SNAKES Cockatoos, Macaws, and other Show Birds. WANTED, First Class Trained Animal Act Handled by lady, also Aralis, Japs and other UrtcnUI Features for Streets of India. Can use good, reliable performers In all brunches of the Circus and Yauflevlllc buslneim. Tell it all In flist letter. Open June u. Address THE C. W. PARKER AMUSEMENT CO., Alillene, Kan. AT L.IEieRTY, PEARSON. Ttie World's (ireateat Fancy and Mnsliiil Bsr PuDclier; utso Comedy Sketch Wire and Fancy Rifle Sliot. Will slRn with Good Co. Can open aud close In one. Addreits, J. H. PEARSON, No. MuskecoD, Micli. WANTED. AT ALL TIMES. SPECIALTY ARTISTS AND BURLESQUE WOMEN. SUMMIT THEATRE, FRANK NEEDHAM, Mgr., Toledo. 0. ^ttf^ntioxiy Grlrls. \A/ A N T E D , Three Mliletic Young GIrte, to Complete "Chicago Stars" Young Ladles' Baw- ball Club, En Route. Uust throw and catcli well. Olve age, lielght, weight. J. II. OLSON JR., ManaKcr, -— - N.Y. S.'i East mill Street, . City. DANCING, A SVaiHER SCHOOL. NOIT SHOE, BUCK, CLOG, JKJ, SONU and DANCE. Hrofesalnnal coaching, witli engagements. Stamp for natllcularN. cishs and I'rlvatc I.esHons. McCAHTHY .<i BRMNKTT, M E. Tan llurcii St.,ChUsRo, ill. WANTED, For Clark's Big Uncle Tom's Cabin Co., Under Canvas, People in all brunches of Tom, to double brass. Show now on the roml. Address all mall to MCIt. CLARK'H UNCI.E TOM'S CABIN CU, No. 'Jiu North Ave- Medina. N. Y. KBIS BUBB WANTS REP. PEOPLE. SI'KCIALTIES I'BEFKRBED. Addrc-ss KRIS BURR, Mgr. <lreat Wcstern.Siock Co., Cauilirldge Springs, ra., week May 2&; (Jreciivllle, I'a., week Juno 1. Ull BEN HADFIELD, HEAVIES. Addrvni 80 VIIJ.AOE ST., EOSTON, MASS. $.>,000 ELECTUIC PAXCER. HER rOPl'LAItlTY IS SUBSI'ANTIAI.. MARVEIAtUS PAPER TEARERS. (.iladKtone, Mich., week May 25. "SHOW TALK' »» Booklet of -J Breezy Hebrew ,V Oermau MONOLOUUBB MAILKD TO PnOKKSSIONALB sending u« card or program and 20c. "The Up-to-date Writers or Yaiidevllle Material." Some valuable, uscfnl ihiuiKhls for Ihc best lu lliR profeMslon In the a "Booklet Monologncs.'" a04 CAHP RI.DU., Milwaukee. VENTRILOQUISM. 1 liave tlio only practical cour-fo, taught by luall. Easy (o Icani, you can do it. I'resa iiollces uml liarticiilars fur 2c. stamp and pennnnenl addn^tn. li. W. SMI TH. 616 Herkim er S t.. Joliet. HI. Columbia Garden, CortlanO^^, C. E. STKES, Prop. Waiilo<l Immediately, Vaudeville Performers In all branches. State Write lu WILUAM J;^Mi(inNN. Manager. WaDMJwoMBiUM^ For country routes for Terry's Uncle Toiu'srablii Co. W. 0. IHOKKY. O slwi roc, Kan aa-i. 3,0Q0fl. of Films for Sale, $2lp; also ¥e Amet'sOKo-Carbl Gas Making Outfits; new. cbeap. stamp for reply. (i. WHITTEN, ■HO East ea th Street, New York City. Wanted.forFRAUK HOLLOWIyTbIGToT, ni'BICIANB, PKRPOIUIBR8. W. B. YORK, please write. liarruo, Juuc 1, i, ii; Ulcv Lake I, i, (i. 2 48 GRAND STREET, NEW YOR K. THE MAGNETIC NAME THAT DRAwlf RICE & BARTON'S BIG GAIETY EXTRAVAGANZA CO AND THE ROSE HILL ENGLISH FOLLY CO., Clfli«duneor the biggest seasons they have had In 3.'> years. Whyr Hecanxe we the give riiiiiir, good, clean ilioiv at all ilnien and never cut the show. We have the best that Ig in tlic market and in always honest with the managers, aclori und the puiOlc. r. a —Wanted, for next season, Actors, Singers, Dancers, Comedl.iDS and Novelties. Two Qiurtells Strong (iyniniiallc Act. and Fifty Chorus Girls that can Sing and Dance. Musi 'ic young and goni lookioi;. Sendphotos, If possible. In cci^tunic. .state e.vpcricncc, size. weIgM, etc. W. -v. Adilreas. :m K. Iis«li St., !Se«r York City, N, v.. or Conntrx Adilrcu, Centrei>ort, Long Island, If. V., Ulce «< Ilarton Colo'iif N. B.—Some Choice Real Estate For Sale, In I.0U, Plots, Etc. '■ roR THE AL G. FIELD GREATER SONSTiaiLS, Three Experienoed Eleotrlolaiu, Stage Carpenter and two Asalatants. Cam Uie a Few More Tenor Vocalists and Dancer*. Preference given to all thoH who play hross. Alio Singer or Dancer who Readtj to Donble Bats Stna and Cjmhals, in Brass. Address all letters to HOME OFFICE, 60 BIlMAl) STREET, SPAHH BUILDING, MR. EDWARD CONRAD, COLUMBUS. OHIO. J^T For Sammer and Next Season, HUE C. i ELIZABETH TAYLOR, Chanu'ters and Ueavles. Thoroughly experienced and reliable, regular sca.soii. Address Leads, Seconds, Jnvenlles and Heavies. Cood dressers. I»reter Btock for Sammer. One price for No. 1226 UR0A1)\VAV,-KAN.SAS Cin, MO. NOW BOOKING SKASUIT ieO3-0«, 7—VAOOEVIUL.E AOHTS—7 Aad • One Act Farce, entitleil "A YANKEE IN NEIV YORK," iBtrodncIng «h« entire company. Flaying three day and week stands (matinee every day), at pop. alar prices, viz., 10, '40 aud 30 cents. Managers In Pa., IV. Va. and Oblo, .end open time and terms. ALBERT P. LOMBARD, Hannger, 1010 L.ocH.t St., Plttibarg, Pa. CABIN JOHN BRIDGE PARK, Washington, D. G. MILLIONAIRES' RESORT, OPENS DECORATION DAY. "WB ATVnPHin First Class Amusements, ConcessiooB nndUpen Air Attractions of evrry *■ J^^^ m.MUmw— desfrlplion. Mystic Maize, Crystal ralacc. Ijiughlng r;;lacc. Kem> Wheel, Imitation Railway, Aidmal S1iow>, Photograph Uillery. etc NO FAKES NEED APPLY. Gl«a[fM ii|K>iilnc im larth. Haley s Creat Hand has liecu engaged fur t ,- - . . -- „-„ the season formancc and FlIewo^lI^< every evening Address JOHN J. NOONAN, 10U8 Pciin. Ave 0|>en Air Tbeatix', Free Ptr- N. W., Wmhlngton, I). 0. njoa?xo For the past 4 teasoni featured In Tym^o IVI a rry ^Tr^TTk^u, will nextseaun be teen In a New Muiical Farce under management of W. C. CUNNINGHAM. Addresi ROOM 18, Broadway Theatre Building, W. Y. l/codlnft Man, I.eadiDg Woniaii. Heavy Man, IJght Comedian, must sing and dance; Characler Come- dian, with specially: Juvenile Man. with siwcialty: Specialty Man for props.. Good Specially Team for sinsll parts, ^ ouiig Woman for Secoud Business, some characters, with child for parts and sp'cish.f; SlngluirandDauclntr Soubretic. »omo JiiTeniieH: Clever Specialty Wuinan forsiuall \lart^', Al SUipr ilSi". *"° I'Isycr, Hustling .Vdvance Agent and stage Manager. All state full partkulnrs KIRST LETThR. Send photos HM(1 programs. No ilinc forcorrcsiioiidcnce. Summer season iicglus luneiS. Hcgu at- season Aug. Si. S|>ocl8lty people must change tor week. Can also place Uaiidcutr King, M»" for Blindfolded Drives, or I'niqueNovoliT for oilverilslng. Address " EIISTKK .V KdlQIlT, Mgi-s. (lem Coniedv Co., Richmond, Va. Care of Academy of Music MALL0R7BR0S. «& BROOSS Also IVIISS ORACIE IHAI.1.IDAY nave Just closed a very successful season of 37 weeks with the FENDERG STOCK CO. at Klupdon; l;r.?v!\iil«im''iI.''J'.?L-V',v.*';?''.9?2f ^ '"'='''' »' their home, Jacksonville, III., after which they»l' f!„L*5^^J?KL^^^*^?T'''",^^ VAUDEVILLE CIRCflT, opening Julv 19, at tvircst Parlt Highlands. «■ -iL.; ,;'>"' '?"*.,?°1."=' '^'*'''' "'I'l'Hto. lo follow. They have been re-engafed bv fieo. M. Fenhctg as one of tlw vaudevlUe features with the Fenborg stock Co. for next season. Address, until JuLv"' ■ JACKSONVILLE, III., care of MALLORY BROS.' COTTAGB. G^B>0. OXJHI^» COIWIEDIAN. l.fMi ?i'a K'' t^!"". "'' T"" ''>.^*'^:^^l'RV comedy t-OUn, and »iu at LIHERTY forneM for.llurlesrutc. Farce Comedy or Melodrama. Address 27« I.AWTON AVE., ST. LOUIS, 1 Season IWO-l, Fred Irwin's lllg show; '02, John F. Rvrnes' S Hell.* '03 Clark's Royals. Etc. |if««nS MO. Wanted, Vaudeville Acts For THEATRE ROYAL, MONTREAL, AUo in. fnl!Y.f^S,^?,f.«,'?*°,J' *; "»«« 13, 114. ao. SUMMER SALARY. _,. ••..■^r Si?.!.!"'/' ^""'L'=.*'^'J' ""'"I"* J"'J- no not write rorwork unless yoa have a Co*! Coliiedj or .Sovclly Ad. Dumb .Vets "0. K." Coinldcr ylicire a nDlllf ncgiUlvc. Address CLIKF. W. OllANT, Tlicatrc ftnyal, Montreal. Can»"<_ For the Metropolitan Minstrels' Summer Tour Musicians and uct;Tr<>iiiix>ue I'iE^i!lll.'i'iri!l'Pi*.*^.''l"'"J?'''* '" •"»*'• Lesderof Band and orchcitra. Clarionei, iw- !, Double U»»« and Tuba, Drums. Lowest Ifirras. .Salary sure. OpcnJunc6. Address iiu'e'- JACK W. STOKEti, auu S. Warren St., Trenton, N. «?•