The New York Clipper (May 1903)

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MAY 30. THE IfTErW YORK OLIPPER. 345 THE ORE POSITIVE AND ABSOLUTE BIG HIT OF UNSTBELST DUBIHe THE SEASON lUST CLOSED' THE Dan IM QUINLAN 8e WALL -Jimmy MIIM ij.™*'J?il°' forty-two solid weekB. with tht followlag record: A night never lost, a pcrforinnnrp novtr inlsficd. rd adverse eriti cism never received. The verdict came like a solid pha.anx, not one dissenting voice. The c.tprefBlon of favorable opinion The performance next season will bt prodnced to sustain the verdict, to strengthen the voice of popular acclaim, to aeal for all time the bond of affection In which the public bold the EVERYTHING NEW. EVERYTHING SWELL. EVERYTHING ORIGINAL (lOINLAN ii WALL'S STVPEtlDOVS MILirAHV FIHST PART 8PECTAGLR, "An International Military Bivouac." ^VV.A.BEra?XSI>,to CO]!IiKX>X«ES"I?ZS €S€>T^I»JS^TXlSr, \^^^, MOM VOCALISTS ASID SIVSICIANS. Wonid llk« to he In conatant commonirittloa with saltable tkloat of all kinds Bt all times. Would like to hear from reanonillilc partF with glevplnK Car to leaie or mil. Addreu DAN QUINLAN, Sole Mgr. <lulnlan & Wall MInstreU. Per. add., Elmtra, New York. Cable add.i dVINWALL. KBUZEL — The firm that msdeROVGEf&inonB. KEN- ZEL —The firm ttiat knows HOW to make It, and the flrm that sells more Rouge tban all the other fellows put together. HEA80.\-It |3 the tjestand cheapest In the market. HO HANAOER KNOWS HOMT GOOD TOVR ACT IS CirnL HE SEES IT, AND yOV DONT KNOW HOW GOOD OUR ROVOE IS UNTIIi YOC TRT IT. Let's get acqnalnted. \W ALSO IHAKB KENZEL'S FACE POIVOBR, KEN. ZEL'S FACE BLEACH, KENZEL'S OlTCnMBBH BULK. AND KENZEL'S TOILET POWDER. Write for catalogne. OepU R, Kenzel Manificturiag Ci., LABORATORIES: 97 to 101 Read* St., H. T. THE LATEST and BEST -Sgfs.>='^Vi»--' Registers the NUMBER of BLOWS Exercised in a given lime. Draws biggest crowds and earns Big Monej. We have two styles — NOISY and SEUI-NOISY, oper- ated with Pennies or Nickels, ran be set to run from 10 to 20 sec- onds. Price, $85 F. O.B.Chicago, Liberal DIsconnt to Dealers. Ask for circular. illf PINCK MfflKE CO.. !lfl9 DEARBORN ST.. Room eie-ois. chi<:ago, ill.. CIRCUS CANVASES^, I rclM and Btakac BEATS, Btegi, Bta. ^^KIDO'S PATEIT CIKUS Utm, HDB SBOV PAnmNGS. FRONTS AND BAH- HERS TOR STREET FAIRS AND OARNITALS. BUCK TENTS FOB HOTINO PIOTUBB WORK. OUR NEW OFFICE »d SALESROOM, 273 MidlSH St., BSir HirM, CHICAGO. ILL. tcu^Emi^ItIRaTES. Copyrlgbtyoor sott,p]a78, tketobes and K>ng8.1twmPAYyon. HanyCopyrlgbts •nwortlilees, because Invalid. Ton can- not afford to take Bach cbances. We nuraolee a valid copyright at fmallcost. Opinions and legal advice. Patents and Tnd»>Marks. Send stamp for parthndora. Columbia Copyright and Patent Co., Inc. UfaaokH aua. waaMiNOTow. p. e. 8TEREOPTICON. $17, Ijli?, ^'f«t''c Arc, Calcium or Acetylene orEl inVl'J?,*™'*^ Song Slides, 25c., col- * I .i^Jb,"^ BOUGHT AND SOLD. _j^IIETZ, 302 E. 23d Street, New York Qty. L, GLEim, DRY SMOKE. ORiffl's ""KK;a""" pipi. No poisonous nicotine; no old pipe odor; no unnecessary knife scrspiug or broom straws. A Holf Tarn ot Blonth-piere Cloiea Draught In Bowl and a Blovr Cieana. Made of genuine KRENCU BRIAR. Kon-corrodllile GKKMAKSILVER tubing. Call and Examine or by mall... tl.OO Honey refunded If not satis- factory. ORTON'S "AlwaytClean" PIPE CO., Dept. C, 807 Broadway, N. Y. USE UVR SONG BOOKS PRICE, $7.50 perl 000 St.00 per 100 SAMPLES FREK WE HAVE THE LARGEST A.S- SOKTME.ST OK TITLES. BIG FLASH. I. WHITESON, PVB., 343 Fifth Ave., CHICAGO, ILL. The above Is a sample of onr 78c. Newspaper Hair Tone made for Posterx, Ncwapapers, Letter Heads, etc. SPECIAL PRICE ON LAK0ER8IZES. Cuts delivered when cash accompanies ihc order. Send "50. for a trial order and be convinced. We do the best work promptly and at the lowest price. KNOXVILLE BIfORAVING CO., tie Hay St.,KnoxvilIe, Tenn. FOR iALE — Second hand, good as new, 1 Set 27 Aluminum Chimes and 3 Pieces Uuslc, $76; 1 Set 18 Aluminum Chimes and Music, $60; 12 Straps Sleigh Uclls,$24; 3 Octaves Chromallc Rosewood Xy- lophone, $15; 20 Bar Steel Uarluibaphone, Hows and Mallets, $20: 8 Uallles,$20; 8 4 In Hand Bells, $12. 37 Bur Sled Marinibaphunc, BowB and Mxllels, $35. Sent C. 0. 1). on trial. All hits. All ble bargains. Our bells and novelties are used by leiidlni? artists llie world over. J.U. Ucagan, 3i8 Dearborn St., Chicago; loth floor; Qreproof. MADISON'S BUDGET, NO. 8. 20 great Parodies, Ave now Comedies and Afterpieces, two Original Ada for sketch teams, eight Grand Monologues, Including two for Tramp and Hebrew, new Hebrew Talking Act, besides hun- dreds of Original Gags, Comic Epitaphs, Doctors' Testimonials, etc., etc. ss pages, OiVE DOLLAR per copy. "CODtalDS many a dolhir's wortb." IVILL H. FOX. L. J. K. IIEIL, (agent for JAMES MADISON). 1404 Third Ave., New York City, TRICKS WINDOW CARDS IflTERHEADS CONTRACTS >',4 iMAHBORM .ST CHICAGO. CASEY'S Popular Priced Theatrical Trunks. None Better Made. Write for catalogue. n. 8. CASEY, 441 SUth Ave., N. y. Olty. Est 1867. Chestnut grove SUMMER THEATRE, PROVIDENCE, R. I. WANTED, VAUDEVILLE SPECIALTIES. If you have next week open, write. CHALK SAUNDERS, Do You WANT MILITARY 600DS? SiO" inflTORMU. ARMT or NAVT BCITS, 1>KS.VS',SJ™S »»<' EQUIPMENT OF EVERY V, V^JIIPTION. From Government AucUon. sii ,wt"f.' ",''»' To° 'fait In that line 1 can (•■.;Lil? "■ ^6* <"■ second hand. Send for "Wlogne. B.B.ABRAHAMS, _. 223 Booth St., Philadelphia, Pa. A.M.BUCH&CO..Wi?Makers 119 N.9TM St.. PHItADELPHl* GREASE PAINT. POWPERR, ROUGE SEND STAMP FOR C/TAL0(5UF HALT-TONE PROCESS CO. jSTRATE '"TOWH OPFIOI, 8T. JAHXS BUM. E iSohmer Park. Dt?n2J.t"a5!.n'SJr^?rLra«s from Jane 1 to Sept. 1. Montreal, Can. VAN FLEET, 4r WEST XSth STBBBT, NEW YORK and Trick Apparatus. YOST A COMPANY, 43 N.NInth St., (Established 1870.) Philadelphia. 43- Descriptive catalogue for stamp. TRUNKSp Clrtnia TmalDi Nov RmUIf. Bend (or Clrcai Leaf and CatAlogti*. C. A. TAYLOR Trunk Works. 88 and 41 B. Randolpb Bt, 180 W. Madlsoo Vt, CQICAGO, IBl W. 8etb St.. NEW YORK. Hie only pltce* Taylor Tmnka «■ b* boqgbt. ffihannoHiNtin OPEN FOR ENGAGEMENTS SUMMER MONTHS. HARLEM PARK, ROOKFORD, ILL. Largest audltorlam In the city. Sealing capacity t.OUU, with stutfu and scenery. Addreas ROUKFORl) A INTERDRUAN RY. CO.. Rockford, III. SCENERY or All KInda Built to Order, New Spectacnlar Stun and tiro complete Faust Beta on band THE TirriH SGEHIC CO., tiffh, ohm. PROFESSIONAL it ■ Vknfl lO" '"' '" Cents, ■ ■ II If IIV post paid. Engravers' limi.lill 8lrlc,BestCsrdStock, ^■•■•■rBr ^f(i, name, address and company, Kooklet and sample! free. Agents wsnted. RECORD CARD CO., DeptO., Watertowo, K.Y. Carnival of All Nations READ THIS QVIOKI WANTED, for an INDOOR CARNIVAL of ALL NATIONS, IN NEW YORK CITY, PEOPLE AND PROPS. OF EVERY REItUIRBD DBSORIPTION. WRITE AT ONCE. Tell wbiit yon have to offer. NAME LOWEST PKICE YOU WILL EXHUtlT AT. SEND PHOTOaiUPH, Printed Matter, otc ; will teturu Hanie if disired. We want to bear from people of every nntioualily. Addrogg CABIITAL MAWAflEB, care ot CLIPPER OHlce, Hew York. BENNETT'S ORAHATIC EXOHANOE, Suites 40 and 41 Urand Opera llouso Uullding, Chicago, 111. Oldest established exchange outside of New York City. Ileal artlsu for ticst insnagers. Splendid plays with printing for slock and reporlolro. "At the Cannon's Mouth," "When tho Hell Tolls," "The Old Plantation," "Younger Uroihers, llank Roliliurs;" "Sheridan Kcone, Deicclivoi" "ThePlunger," "Across iheConllnent," "Too Rich to Marry," "The Mmintain I'lnk," Norlhcrn Lights," The Ensign," "A Nutmeg Hatch," "May Ulossom," "Other People's Money," "Wicked London, "The mind lllrl," "The City of New York," "The Indian," "ArrtiSH the Ileserl," "A Man of Mystery," "A Sol- dier of the Empire," "A Midnight Flood," "The Unknown," "Passion's Slave," "Woman Against Woman," "O'Brien, the Contractor;" also, "Sins of a Father," "In Old Arkansaw," "A Kalr lleliel," "Jlra, the Westerner;" "Devil's Mine," "Caolaln Swift," "Michael Strogoir," "RolKisnlerro," "A King for a Day," "Heart and Sword," "A Wife's llunor," "An Innnoent Sinner," "The Kanlies," "Tho llrand of Cain," "As In a Looking Olsss." "The Pulse of Now York," "Reaping iho Whirlwind," "Man's Enemy," "A Woman's Redemption," "Wages of Sin," Send for spociai Hals. A. UILO DENNETT, Mgr MR. ^MRS. GEO. W. MILTON FIRST CLASS SPECIALTIES. Bolh play parts. Also produca Dramas, narle*i|ues flDCII CflD CIIPIPEUCIIT and Faroe Comeillea. Wardrobe tb» Finest. UrCIl lUll LlUlAUCmCHI. Uanagera address, unlit June 8, OEO. W. MILTON, Cryslai Hoof Gutden, JuckHonvllle, Kiu. DO YOV IVANT TO DUPLICATE THE SCORE OF AN OI'EKAOR A PLAY, OR HUHIO FOR THE ORCilKSTKAT If so, by using tlie LAWTON SIMPLEX PRINTER you ciin furnish each member of your orchoslrH wlili u copy uf Iho niii'<lc yiiu have prepared, In IB mluutcM llnic. Wo keep music jiapur ruled with our ink, and all you have to do is to write in iho notes and words, and you uiin at unc^ lake all the copies you want, and can alsudnpiluulu any other wrillug ut drawing In a few minutes. Send furclrnilars and sainploHof work. LAWTON A CO., 30 VcHey SI., New York; Ui Uearliurn St., Chicago. JUST THE THING TO SEND TO MANAGERS and AGENTS, YOUR PUOTOORAPII ON A POSTAL, CARD. Lot them see how you look. If you oannol oall for silting wo will make your Postjtl Photos from any picture you may send um, anil return same with tliu order lllled. ;uc. for Three Photos, fl a Dozen. POSTAL PHOTO OUTFIT FOR SALE. PARIHIAN PHOTO CO., itliil Sixth Ave., N. V. JO, nxYxuL AND bi7ST'e:r Onu or the Feature Aels. Keith's Boston, ihls week; Keith's new inllllou dollar llieatre, Fhila,, tufollow. TO HANAQEHH AND AGEKTS. irns-toln Trie niRDIE, MAC, y 11AIIY UUTH, Vaudeville's Itrlghtcst Juvenile Ariistsin Kedned Hinging and Danolng Siioclnlllos, liiive Home Open Time for Summer Parks and Tbealros, also invito uirurs from Fares Ciiineily or VnudevlHecoinnauies for next season. permanent address, xa WUUlil.ANIi AVE., Cluvuland, Ohio. MmiJiTURE Railroad Co. 407 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITV, N. Y. COLD MEDAL SPECIAL. For Parks, Summer Resorts, etc. Hauling Capacity, 3D Tons. Earning $ 1,000 In six days. With proper oare wil l last 2B yra. caoiKV's tocoMOTiwK wowm UHER 20TH CENTURY DAZZLERS Nd, B4, lAdlfi.' or UenlN* Uiild hhcll Itlns, Kit ollli twu20tii IWilury dlamund (III III llllniib lllie cut. Kncii 7Sobyinall.8«riil titr uttr l^.MluKuo of H.lfhfi,,. Sllr.rwar.. Sl>|. Rrlllli.l., a.dlrl.. •■< l.iri Hill,* U«>4>, ■•flrK.ip, rruf,'. UrnM r.lnli, Harpil C.rk, r.n, •!«. BaulUr*! Ha.| HiHik*. plar. I. h.,. Tli«OLI>nKLIA1II.E B. 0. LHBK A CO. )< Waliuk tn., tfckaf*. UL SCENERY. HOUSE AND ROAD STUFF OF ALL KINDS. SpactscDlar, Eztravagancs, Vandevllls, Burlesque and Minstrels. Uanagera and Performers write OS U Ton want anything. We've got It. uLOBtf SCENERY CO., Tiffln, 0. SONC Bia SELLERS 16 PaKCB, Sheet Music Size, atid Colored Cover, Neat and BOOKS Attractive. CONTAIN: BOUaa. JOKES, RIDDLES, COKUN- DRUMS, PAIlODrKH, niCCITATIONfl, FLIRTATIONS, FOIlTljaiE TELLING, OABD TBI0K8, rUNNYBBADINaS. 79 Centt per I00| 96.00 per 1000. Oaili with order. NoO. O. D. Bumples 10 0 WSB1CA2T SBOS., ma iPMRK ROW. NEW YORK. NATIONAL HOTEL, CHICAGO. WABABB AVK. and TAN BDREH BT. SiOfl* Boom, Mand np; Doable, Ij^Md up, wcKriUj. nEstdUbhallSK, J.WIENER GARMENTS FOR'"'STAGE aeasr'/^Ciiaf'MtirroiiH. . H*;! UIIWAUWAY, Ipj. Ilriiudwiiy Theatre Bid(f. Thomson & Vandiveer's Clreu, Manigerli ind Hlppodrina Tints Have a record or over forty yearn as being aaperlor In Haterlal, Finish, Workmanship, Style, UurabU. lly and Kconomy to all others manufactured. ■•• tlmates given on application. No. 2>0-23S E. THIRD ST., OlDClonaU, 0. exhibitions rurnlslicd, with Only real Torpedo Paracliiiio Kxplusluo Act. NoaKcnts. BAIXUO.SHFOItHAI.K. Prnf. UhHH. Kahrlch, 11 Centenary Bl, llliinlmuiton, N. Y. THE PinSBURO QRANO OPERA HOUSE STOCK llavlOK Closed, Wallace Dalton Is once again at his White Mountain Sununer Uome and. of course, ti happy.