The New York Clipper (May 1903)

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346 THE ISraiW YORK CLIPPER. May 30 The Great Adam Forepaugh and Sells Bros.' Circus PRESENTS FOR THE SEASON 1903 The Famous JACKSON FAMILY SEPTETTE AMERICA'S FOREMOST TROUPE OF 'CYCLISTS, In a Series of Marvelous, Artistic and Sensational Acts. For OPEN TIME in VaudevUlB. address JOE PAIBE SMITH, *""'gy°.vurB^L'S}i!.%"y."^- Represented in Europe by H. B, MABIHEUI, PARIH. FKAM e. • BEST ^Vllfil!^^' THE FAMOUS TROUBADOURS Ooiond Oomed7 Co., nodsr tbe mansnment B. W. DALE, lui proren to b« tbe nsl hit ot IMl-S. Ths oompanr preseDta • New MUBical Oomed;, bright, ipirkllng, reOned, unaalng and up to date, eoUUed tbe "EX.PRKSIDKNT O^ l-IBKrtlA." ?L£"a'V?SI' FINEST -^1^^'. FIFTEEN STYLES SPECIAL PAPER. Our Motto NOT QUANTITY, BUT QUALITY. amCE BOOKINO RAPIDLY. UPKCIAr IfOTfOa TO MARAUlDaB. R. W. Dale, of the FanioiiiiTroiil)adoiirH Co., wlnlicB to annouDce that In the future the atMve at- traclton will )>e lionked excluHlvelj by hlmRCIf, having severed all connection with Oharlen A. Burt, of the Metropolitan Theatrical Exchange, New York ulty, All conlracta contracted ti; E. W. Dale will pOBltlvelylic filled. Want ui near at once from IIiKh Olan Colored Perfonnera with clean, op to date SpeotalUM •nd NoTeltlea, alao Ohorna Olrla. Pull partlcalsn flnt letter. Klcketa laTe itamp*. AddreMallcommiiDlcaUonito E. W. DALE, M'gr., CapO MaV. N.J. RHlilABLR ADVARCB KAH 18 WARTSO. 'fl FOR IRV MORRIS' NIGRI ON DROADM! CO. JSojp<*an.o» lienor and Ba^irltone, OAPABIiK OF PI.AYIHO PRINCIPAL PARTS. ALSO WHO CAN SING AND DANCE. Huit bo between 18 andtii years nf aue, notlesathan 6 feet three Inches, nor more thans feet 0 IncliOH In liclRht, and from llJfi to Hn|h weight. fluilTS, HMPPEItS AND ALL OUORUB COSTUMES FURNISHEU FRER. MARRV IWIORRI8. CALL AT OFFICK FROH 11 A. H. to 3 P. I kOOM 16, SHERIDAN BLDa., I 1368 firoadwa;, N. Y. City. NERBENHAN'S MIDLAND DEACH THEATRE, MIDLAND BEACH, 8TATEN ISLAND, N. Y., A. MKROKNI-IAN, Prop, and MlanaiBvr. GRAND OPENING, SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 1903 WAKTRD, High ClaHs Acta of all kinds. Preference given thnvo who never pliiyed Slalen lelanrt. For open time adorew an aliove. WH. A. STAN LEY, UutlneBB MaDager, WHO CAN BIMO AND DANCB. Call or addreai, witb stage photograph, te *°?,a^V.^r RENTZ-SANTLEY CO., Care Horrls* V»u««vlll« Bxchange,4a West aSlh ■(., NBW TORK, Th^^ OIRIs. IN RED, will be a Htrong vaudeville feature nextaeanon, with t'2,000 worth nf now wardrol>e. WlUi TAKE PAIITNEU With niuiioj to put out three night Htjind pliow, uHlngin; three plajs, "Little FIrolly," "A Wife's Bin" and "The Mine K1dj(^" Vi peopl*, Inolndlng V.udevlile Artlslii, Agent, lioader. Manager, etc. UIIAS. MELVILLE, m N. DIv. Btreol, Grand Rapldu, Mich. The First in the Field. Loulilin> PurohtM ExpoiHIon Storoopiioon SIfda*. Wo have a large aaiortment, showing the grand boiid- Ingt now bolng er««t«d; all made from official plans. 8BND FOB LIBT8. 0_ar «BRKO>i 1.ANTBRN, for Bong Illuttrators, Foses PlnstlQuea Bildei, Bdiion's Latest ProductloDS, Btc ERKER ROS. OPTICAL CO., 2S? *'"^" " LOniO, MO. TOM PEOPLE WANTED, For BEECHER'S U. T C. CO., Two Cornets, one to double violin; Clarionet for band and orclieatrs. Property Man to double band. Woman for Tupsy and Child for Eva, Man for Haras to double baud. Candy Stand to let. Will pay cash forTomdogH and small Pony. Opening for good Working Men. All must join at once. Two car show. Uestuf aocommodailons. Addroaa UUH SUN, Ugr., Decohcr'B U. T. 0. Co., nidgewood, N. J., May tO to June 3. EMPIRE rsnkElIn Sc|ua CITY JOB York PRINT FIRST CLASS BI.OOK WORK. NSW AND lATEST STYI.E TYPE. Beiid ft>r Billiuatea. Booking Sheat l(H>3-4 now readjr. CIrcut Printing, Nknldi, DiUi, etc., ot Spiclal PrIoM. GEO. J. PHILLIPS, Mtniger CARRIE JOSETTE AND Presenting A NEW COMEDY SINeiNQ ACT. PMtoi'«, Now York, Miy 18; Howard Athonaum, Boston, 26. OFFERS INVITE D. aiTEAT BARflfllMS in MAQI G UHTERHS AND SLIDES. Send for our great Spring bargain llRt, Latent Roods at half price. Alxu the Great Uright White Light, Electrio and Calcium Outllla, Moving Picture Machines and Films. We buy second band outfits indfllms. Vbat haveyoutoBeiir WILI.1AMB, IIHOWW St BARIiB, Dept. B, No. BI B Oheitnat Street, Phil adelphla OBIGIIVAL OTTO RIO, Manager. NOW TODRINO WITH RINOLINQ BROTIIBIIS' WORLD'S ORBATDBT BBOW& 81'ttlNQKIELl), 0., MAY H; COLUMBUS, O., 16; ZANESVILLB, 0., H. NK^A/ OATiBkU.OOUl .ICI8*r OUT. EVERYTIIINO YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT Sjtecial Engraved and Scnil-Stook Block Work. Cheapest and Best. Discount If von order now for Summer Uellvory. MA88ILLOS 8U0W PRINT. M asalllon, 0. GENERAL CATERERS to the THEATRICAL PROFESSION We write Bketohos, Parodies, Monologues, Mnalo to Word* and Words to Huslo, Publlab and Popolarlie Bongs; we pay royalty. PIONEER PUBLISHING COMPANY, Baltimore Bldg., Chlcafio, III. Money Makers OUR PUNCHINO and LIFTIN6 MACHINES An the BEST and HANDSOMEST EVER MADE. Thoy Got tha Monoy and ALWAYS WORK WELL Grip T»tB, Pietnn and Tending laehines ARE OUR SPECIALTY. Wrtto for Oauiog THE CAILLE BROTHERS COMPANY, IMT-liST -Woodward ATonno, DKTHOIT, UICH. Onr Color Dial and Card Machines are the Leaders. This It What You Havt B««n Looking For. No more dsngsr ot breaking jour bones In the dark psBsages of the town "opery house." Tou need no match) luat presH a button and there Is a urilliant and powerful white light. Yon can put It Id a keg of gunpowder without danger. It will not burn anyihlng. It Just lights up the dark filaces. Can be placed In pocket or trunk. losts, complete, fi. Gives 4,ooo to fi.oto lights before baiterj requires renewal. Extra bat- teries, 80 ctntd. Bend tor catalogue of other electri- cal novelties. You will be Interested. AHERICAN ELKCTRICAL NOVELTY ANO MANUFACTURING CO.. Hudson and Spring Streeta, N.Y. Novvlt; Dcpt. SPECIAL SALE ON SECOND HAin> Sliow Tents. MOtt RODND TOP, WITH 8 or MORE tOtt. MID- DLBS; laott. ROUND TOP, WITH 8 60ft. and 1 80ft. MIDDLES: 100ft. ROUND TOP, WITH 3 MfU MID- DLES: 80ft. ROUND TOP, WITH 1 Wtt. MIDDLE; ton. BOUND TOP. WITH 1 80ft. MIDDLE. AlJIi FIRST OI.A8B flHAPD. WRITE FOR PRICES. BAKIBB * LOOKWOOD HFO. CO., Kansas 019, Mo. J. 'PHYTU PFPV Cilnini u' (k IWlRUlISiirioiikiiGo I 720ll«MpyiAn,iHn|ielii,lni J' If Largest Stock ot Slides, Films and ^"W Supplies In the Norttwest Cata- logue and Bargain Lists. GAB OHOBRB FIIikBD PROMPTLY. M.R. ■Ukollns TtahU, tii.BOi Wonted {I.7O1 MlkTl9hts,ftonk«a.eBnp; ■■>irta Ui maleb aU same prlea -J'i? ^' eataloaaie and samples ef tljghU ftaa. >osltlTelT a d*> posirrsqairad. SatUtaotlon gnaran- (JMd or money retnnded. SPIOER BROS., .«,^ MWwxlblne St, Brooklyn, S.T. (Old stand bat new addnas.) SHOW PRINTING f ----_, ^^Bniraved Stands, 1 3^. per sheet. IntsTchaacei able Stands, 3 colors, for BtMk Compaaica, a Lao. per sheet. Oauiogue Proe. Stock Street Fair Paper MORRISON SHOW PRINT Dstrolt. MIeh. PHOTOGRAPHS Cabinet Photos of yourself for selling, SIS per 1000 Send photo or neg. and 200. for samples. HUSBAND OR WIPE PHOTOS, ta.OO -If 1,000. FORTUNES. 50«.; Samp. lOo. • ■'■—■^ For L. Letton aid Pntnws! BDENA 8TUDI0,Phlla.,Pa. CIITllDC HUSBAND I cntcirs CANVAS AND TENTS OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. BMOnd Hand Tenti in stock. Write for esUmates. ^"^ THE T. W. NOBLE CO., »to 18 Woodward Ave.. Detroit, lilch. For Stock and Repertoire Companies and Amatenr Oinbs. Oar new MS^pam _. __ Catalogue will be sontfreeon reqoest. lU Dearbon. Htr^t 1 « W&t agUl Stmt, PLAYS m Dearborn BtrMt, Ohlosgo. FOR STREET FAIR AND CARNIVAL ATTRACTIONS, FROM JVLY 0 TO 17. ' Only New and First Class Novelties and Attractions. Both Percentage and Cash Basis. No Worn Oat Fakes Wanlni. VOki IVIiJS-r HAVE -THK OOODS. We have a 110,000 Town, and sold at our last year's Show 05,000 gate tickets tin. last three days. Also Concessions For Bale. Have four States to draw our crowds from. AOilreai F. A^BKRT ^A^KY, Ssor«-tary, St. Joseph Antics Association, St. Joseph. Mo. KLIEOL BROS., Proprietors, ~~ 1393.5 BBOADWAT and 129 W. SStk STBEST, RW TOBK. Everytliing Electrical for Tlieafres. Bwlteh Boards, Dimmers, Border Ll>hts, Proscenlnas Llshti Stags Poekets, Baaela Ughts, Signs. ' EUEXmUO STAGE UOHTIWO APPARATUS AND EFFECTS OF EVERT SESORIPTION. BEN HUR. RECENT PRODUOnoNS ^^ BARRY, WIZARD OF OZ, SUPPLIED AND OPERATED: DARLING OF THE 00D8. "A WOULD WIDE dBCDLATION." THE OLDEST AMD HOST INFLUBNTIAL THEATRICAL ABD VAUDEVILLE JOURNAL. THE ERA. EBTABU8HED 18ST. 40 WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, LONDON, W. C. FORBION 8UB80RIPTION8, Sfls. per sannnna. PROFESSIONAL ADVBRTISMIIDBIITB, Od. par Una. AHBHIOAR ABTUTBg TISITDia THE HBTB0P0LI8 UBB THE BU OFHOES U THBIB PEBIAHEHT LOHDON ADDBB88. 2,000 ARTISTES ADVERTISE IN ITS COLUMNS WEEKLY ^50.000 worth of ZOBO Musical Inst rumanfa ao ld last year. " It has got to be a very bad night when I do not get my $20 "rake oil." I am using lour nl your ZOBO Cornets In my show and they are dandles." P ROP. DIBBLE. 3 Uts Uae MlIU, Pa. All you fellows who think that Zobo is any old thinf; or a kind of toy—why you're making n big mistake. Semi for catalogue to-day and get the duck meat out of your eyes. STRAUSS MFO. CO., 138 W. t4th St.. Dept. 37. New Vork. LYCEUM THEATRE CEDABTOWN, GA. Now booking season 190J-<. House entirely new. New Scenery, Electric Lights. Pop., 7,000. Modern and up to date la every respect. On Seaboard Air Llae, Atlanta to Blrmlngliam. ^ Address J. C. WALKER, Mana ger. SOSIVIAIM A L..ANd1s OR EAT IIMTINO STUDIO, OHIOAQO, ILL., *NVTmL'?MTS?-.^vi°nA^.?»52l?J.,S'^"''''" WORK THAN EVER. WHEN IN NEED OF ANYTHINO IN THIS LINE DON'T FORQET THE OLD RELIABLE FIRM, B08MAN A LANUH, 236 So. Clinton Street, ClilcuKn. ITTENTIONI D0CT0B8, MEDICINE PEOPLE AM) SHOWMEN. Why handle rooky goodi when yon oao handio goods that will sell them- Mlvtaf Eleotrlo Belto from |i.oo per dos.U> 148.00* Large variety to leieot Don. We also make other atylea ot AppUanoes and Hedleal Batteries. One !. .'?'^j;?.'''''"*'-_5°' Bpnngs SnIphnr Soap, wrapped, |X10 per grots, ■qnal to Williams. Trial order wlU ocnTtnce. Largest Mannlaotnrers of Bsotlo Bella and AppUanoee In U. S. A. EatahUsbed 1878. Oatalogne tree. THE ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO., BnrMiuctoii, Kan. THE GREAT ENGLISH VAUDEVILLE PAPIr, THE New York. *>"> ^H^A'TRii© RB'VIR'W, 40 ]. S»t]rci.rLcl.« X«oxi.<].on..'Vir FORBION SUBSCRIPTION. - . PROFESSIONAL, ADVERT! BBBIBNTS. - - 8s 8d. PER VEA" Si. fld.. Single Colamn H"» CENTRAL TRUNKS •. w ?«™ • °^^"^ TRUNK PAOTOBT, Estab. ie«, JWa North Ttb St.. PWladelpbls. N. Y. ABEWCY, Ccf. 8Wh 8t. It BroadwBy. PrIcM 76cta. mors thin (t Phlta. Faclory. National Theatrical Exchange Par»"ri^\VMU|JgcrS!^- ^ OHAS. J. OARTBR, Prest and Treaa.. Ohioago Opera House Bldg., OHIOAQO.^ bBSDPPi OUNS, ROLLDJO BOO!;;'. AXES. Anytblng In III* . ^ ^ " JofBllngUne. Beat Ooods. Lowest Prlf|J A itamp tor a loot OATALOOaId NEW JUOOLEBS' BOOK. Address BOW. VAN WTOK, igt6-«i FoHan Ave., OlnolnDstt, 0., C. 8. A' GTTT5BT Tf 0 otoBs, batons. aUff I.IH.S GLOBES, BOHAS TT ■ "' JnggUng Une. B«