The New York Clipper (May 1903)

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S48 THE lOrW YORK CTLIPPER. May 30. ROOVERS NAME PLATE MACHHIi The Only Name Plate lacUne Protected by 0. 8. Patents. Beware of hfrtagements; they may cost yon yonr Purchase loney. OPERATED THR0I70H0UT THE WORLD WITH HANDSOME PROFITS. COSTS $3.00 TO FILL, YIELDS V,l 'A^M'^^S^tlxl!"?." "X"?: Our Aluminum Has *ho F-ameua "Roo^iir«l*«r" S««lrt P"lr»l«h. THE "BOOTEBS" DOBS HOT 8IVB TBOUBLE, DOES HOT BBE&X DOWl, CAR BE ADJIFBTED TO MY HUIBEB OP LBTTEB8 BBQUIBED, BUY A "ROOVERS" AND iAKE HONEY THIS SUIMER. REDUCED TO $70 JKCLCDINO ALUMINUM ROLL CAN BE OPERATKI) ' For 5c. or for Ic. REDUCED TO $70 ALUMINUM ROLL, CAN BE OPERATED F«r k. or for It. THE ROOVERS MANUFA CTURING COMPANY. ^SL^^^ZlU'Sf^J^tr^ X FILM SUBJECT»S An tbe STANDARD of the World ForQUALITYtNDTECHNIQUE Constant New Prodnetions of TBICK and COMIC FILMS. Blonthly Llit af I(«tr iabj«eti HsIImI Fraa. BIOTINT FILMS IN NATURAL COLORS A number of SiibjecM In our Blotint FrooeuR Bnljt j. A J Bj>h CaaI of riiotographio Colors ftre now readjr. r|lvB| 9Ui rfll ■ OOIi RAILWAY RIDE IN THE ALPS. Wondorfal Scenery Id BloUnt, Oreen FollBte, Brown Rocks, Blae Sky, igsrt. Price, net, iEO 3i. Od. BIOTINT FILMS IN COLORS are the sensation in Europe. Wears the World's Largest Producera o( Film Snbjeobi of All Klnds-PANTOMIMES, PLAYS, C0UIC8, TRIUKS and NATURAL 8CENES-« Fence a foot, about lit cents. L. 6a(in)oot & C- OFFICES AND SHOWROOMS, 25 and 22 CECIL COURT (NEAR ALHAMBRA), CHARING CR088 ROAD, LONDON, W. C, ENC. atadlos and Open Air Thaatre, • Postage to Kngland la 5 centsi LOVOHBORO, B. K. (BMO.) and AT PARIS. Cable addreis-OBJEGIBTI, LONDUN. *»' IIAnUACII'B WAY TO K E E P C O O !«" AT LITTLE COST. NOW? USE HOT AIR. BRND FOR OATALOODK OP OUR NEW Caloric Fan Engine, 88. HARBACH'S QBAND ELK HEAD ELECTRIC SCARF PIN. BEAUTIFUL CARVED IVORY ELK HEAD OIVINO A SOINTILLATINQ FLOOD OK LIGHT Elk Head, $3; Skull, 2.50; Jeweled, $1.50, Eleclric Flash Light, $3. BY MAIL, OK RECEIPT OP AMOUNT. SEND FOR BLECTRIO OATALOOUE. RIP VAN WINKLE PRODUCED BT TBE ORIGINAL COHPANT AND JOSEPH JEFFERSON. A NEW AND MAONIFICEin FlUf, Depiotlas iha principal Soeaes In tlie Greatest of All American Play*. 1. RIP'S TOAST. 2. RIP SSFXTING THE DWA RF. 3. EXIT OF RIP AND THE DWARF. 4. RIP MEETING HUDSON AND CREW. 6. RIP'S TOAST TO HUDSON AND CREW. 6. RIP'S TWENTY TEAR'S SLEEP. T. RIP'S AWAKENING. 8. RIP PASSING OVER THE MOUNTAIN. This splendid proitnctlon was put on amid natural scenery, at Josepli JefTerBon's Sammer borne, Bozzard's Bay, and Is exceedingly Bne otographlcally. aoort. (approxlmmte), l»e. per foot. "RIP VAN WINKLE WAS A LUCKY MAN." Get Aboard tbe Lnek W^agon Wlthont Delay. CHIOAOO nUANCHi 1»H Clark St. A^fjy BIOORiVPH OO,, No. 11 K. 14tb Street, New York. REPRODUfJTION OF THE CORBETT-McGOYERN FIGHT In ELEVEN ROUNDS, about 1160feet long, from the First Round until the Finish, showing the KNOCKOUT and the dispute In the ring after the fight. The Greatest Fight between the Greatest Lightweight Pugilists In the World, clear, sharp and dls* tinot in every detail. Quicic. big money easily made with these Films. BE QUICK AND GET IN THE 8WIIM. THE GREATEST SET OF FIGHT FILIM8 EVER MADE. Over Two Hnndred New, Comic and ISiscellaneons Films, Send for List. The CINEOORAPH with STEREOPTIOON COMBINED. tti Electric* EA CVUIDITinil MnnCi Complete wltb Eleotrio Lamp and RtieoRUt, #7e R>ieoBtAt. 90Ui LAnlDlllUn nlUUEL, Oalclam Lamp, FUms and at Slldee. ffOt 21 S. Eighth St., Phllailelpliia, Pa. UNIVERSAL MODEL, "l^CnT" LAROBBT MANUFACTURER IN THE WORLD, Bend e oenia tor postage OD Oatalogne and Price Llat of onr latest deslont of Uwatrloal lamps, we also oart; in atook Horlne Olonda, UKhtnlnK and File pliotograplied from natore, wMob glvea per- spectlTe tbat can not be aooompllshed by the de- sign being painted on glass. Also bave Rain- Sow, Water RlpplSj Band Btorin, Rain and dnovi. Mew and novel eSeoti made to order, Estlmatea oheerfnlly given on everr- ttilng In the ELKOTRIOAL tbeatrlOBl line. Follow- ing 18 a partial list of NEW YORK CITY PRO- nUOTIOMS tbat 1 pot on "Bleepint Beantr utd the Baait" at Um Broadwu Tkeatie; •'Boidiere of Fortane" at the larey; "A Oentleman of France," at WaUaokl: Henrietta (Aoeinan, at the Kepabiic; Amelia Bing- han. at tbe BUoo; "A Ohlnsae Honeymoon," at tbe Oailno, "Fosy Orandna," at the Faart«enth Btieot; "Zrliona," at tbe Academy; K. H. Bothem, "It I Were King," at the Qaiden. DON'T raTBIT THI NUMBIR, I23T-I280 BROADWAY, - ■ - NEW YORK BEFORE CONSULTING D0F3T BUYo"^ ^PCONriotiii »n* - -'jjACHIII SLIDES AND - SUPPLIES . CATALOGUE FRtF. ^ 5TI.RF.0P,TIC0N AND FILM EXCHANGE, I. . FRANKLIN ST. ■ CHICAGO. ' W. B MOORE M C'R. — PROCTOR'S ENTERPRISES. F. F. PROCTOR, 8olt Proprietor and Manigir. I. AUSTIN FYNE8, Otniral Minigir. 7 BEAUTIFUL THEATRES 7 Devoted to ReBned Hntertalnment. Prootor'a Sth Ato. Tbeatra, Proetor'a 23d 8t. Theatre, Frootor'a S8th Bt. Thcsitre. Proetor'a laBth Bt. Theatre, Proetor'a Newark Theatre, Proetor'a Albanr Theatre, Proetor'a Montreal Theatre. PROOTOB'S STOCK CO. Presenting Best Plays. WANTED, BEST ACTS IN VAUDEVILLE. . II jM do not NoelT* a teply, It nai be becauae the time li filled; yon are therefore AdTlied to write a«aln In four weeka Do NOT endoM itamp for reply. INSTRUCTIONS TO ARTISTS BOOKED: ^n^ glots oC a«te; It can open and doea In one; XACT time of acts, and of "eloee In;'' bllllns (or Dewspapera and procnunmea: and CLBAN PH0T0QRAPH8 (or LDBBIBS Itwo WERKB In ADVANCD OF OPDNIKG DATS AT BACH H0D8B, addrcMlllc BB8IDBNT UANAOBR. FAILDRB TO COMPLZ wltb these inbtbuctions will SDBJBCV ARTISTS to the RISK OP CANCBLATION. VACDBTILLB BBBBAR8ALB UONDAYH. » to 11 o'clock A. H., BHABP. Playwrights. Authors and Play Acents, ad- dress •!. AD8TIN PYNSIS, GeneralTtfUBier. _ Vauderllle Artists and Players, address V. P. PROOTOR JR., Booking Department, FIFTH AVE. THEATRE, N. Y. CITT Schilling's Zoological Store. FOR BALE, AT LOW PRICES, one Hale Beanty Black Bnffalo, one Fine Hale Anox, one Hale Fallow and one Hale Ssmbar Deer, one Otnsmon, one HImalyan, and one Sloth Bear, two Htriped Hyenas, Ooypu Rats. Rhesim, Java, Rlngtalla, Bonnet and Plgtalled Monkeys; the Finest and LariteM Selection Japanese Spaniels. Also Bosco Snakes of All Kinds on band. Write for Prices. R. SCHILLING, 28 Cooper Square, N. Y. ORflANS AND ORCHESTRIONS, ilsi BAND INSTRUMENTS, VIOUNS, flUITARS, MANDOLINS, ETC. ^iLI^X '"'^°«" •* *"' " AViiiiSTFDUiiiiiii,".:r::' 8iiiinlSlllsA(lilf«rFflATI&C0., VlfAlVTKD, FOR ALKX. OLASSCOCK'S niOCOMllINKD SHOWS, Good Aerial Act; Oood People foTTrit|>s iiiiil D«ni; Ouoil Clowu; prorircnce iilvcnio llioaowlio do more tlian ono lurii. Will buy good elcpliiint »nd animals tor side show. All flnii Idler. ALKX. QLASSCOOK, IlarrUou, Ark. CAPSULES , TROUBLES CATARRH of the BLADDER. Cures all Discbarges In 48 Hours £lKfa ClMlllt ~~ j| Fins Haglcii Appintiis, ILLCSIONS, TRICKS, Etc. Grand End of Centnry, fnll* Illnstrated. BfMIK CATA- LOQUB, jjo., free by maiu Catalogaeof ParlorTrloufrae. KAHTIMKA A CO., MftS., sts etb Ave.. M. T. . 8TRA88MAN, ATTORNKT, US Broadway, H. T. Oltj. OPERA HOUSE OWNERS. I HAVR A OLIBNT WHO AVOULD BUY THBATRK8 IN CITIES OF OVER 80.000, PROVIDED SAME COU1.D BE BOUGHT AT SENSATIONAL BAHOAINB. If you have anything attractive In that line, write me fnlly. giving aocorato description of property and location; mortgage Indebtedness (it any), and complete information. Bank reference. Address BERT FEIBL BMAN, Grand Hotel, Indianapolis, Ind. "WANTED, AT ALL TIMES, Specialty Artists and Burlesque Women . . PALAOB THEATRE, f BOBTOFT, MASS. LAWYERS GonraltatloDB and Beliable Opinions, Free- PROMPT, CONFIDENTIAL. SIMII-TH A KNOKL.. 300 Broadwayr, . . New York. 1003 ENOAOED. 1004 With Harry M. Olork's "A GIRL FROM SWEDEN.*' TlUe Role and Indian Poet. Address Ooro of HARRY M. OLARK, 208 Knickerbocker BIdg., Broadway, N. Y. OLGA LORRAINE and THOS. MARSHALL. Siepan & Weil, I 10 AND 112 GREENE 8T. (Near Prinoe), Newr York. Theatrical Supplies, Greese Paints,... Tights, Wigs, ... THEATRICAL JEWELRY |o*t^' Gold I Silver Trimmings, Spangles, Etc., BINUtoia. FOB OATALOOUE Bo. *. IBend Mm. for Oataiogne Mo.f. Bend tola. tor Oatalogne So.S. We und goodi C. 0. D., lubjtet to'lnipicUon, but requlr* a Depoill on all Ordira, BABRIOS OIAHOimS. Equal to real diamonds lu looks and wear. On re- ceipt of ONE DOLLAR we wuT mall 10 any address a ring (ladles' or gentle- men's), pin or stud, sot wltb a brilltsot GENUINK BARRIOS DIAMOND (gui>- ranteed to retain Its lustre forever), In an extra qusl- lly gold fliled setting, war- ranted (or ten years. Send for fully lUuflt, ctttHlogue. BARHI08 DIAMOKD Co., WHAT 18 aOHAPIROORAPH? ^^^ THE DUPLICATOR tbat cleanly ^^^^L mnlUcoplos anything written with ^K 3^ pen and typewriter, also mnslo, draw- ^^ «V lnis,eto. One original gives 100 copies ^^W BLACK Ink In 16 minutes. ATofdsi YTy Blencll, washing, delays, andexpen- ^^ sWe supplies. Price, complete cap- size onUIt, $8.00. Durable for years. Suitable for press work. Sent onS days'free trial on saiii- laotory references. THBT.SCnAPIROORAPH CO., set Broadway. New York. INTERNATIONAL PLAY EXCHANGE ROYAnrPiAYS^'RfASONABltffllS ':■/ L.^;.Am.OI .CHICAGO.IIL