The New York Clipper (August 1903)

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538 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Avm n ON AND IFTfeR AN.I OUB NEW 3 OFFICES WILL fcE LOCATED IT No. 40 WEST 28th STREET. ELfcMTO* IT YOUR~SERVJCE. LfiW DOCKSTADZRS GREATEST SONG SUCCESS* by BRYAN and MULLEN. Frmi. Till HIW YORK WORLD, July 14.—"It wm not ant ng, "Irtilrn," that the ]irrfnrniunc«- (Mkoirml life. Tilts was : . until Mr. IHckntadar appeared In kit ■ ong. "Utile*," (hit the iirrfnrmiince toe a on real life. Tlil« itm not rip» down on tin- programme, bat It made one or the ifanMt hit* of Hie H*ian, anil bid* fair to rival the "Jonah" ning In "In U«- homer." Kvrn the two baa* drum* mcil by the band could not drown out the ilith encore, and Mr. Unckilndt-r might be singing yet had he sot fled from the .tage." > nndience aui ne kiiow. *i a*. .. —> — - ■ _- .or every on..' la It necessary for us lo say anvihitiK more about it r Don't waste your time trying to get something an good, aa It has never been written. Hear it and judge for yourself. A synopsis In writing of the following gongs will not be of any bencm to you. only ask that you allow us a small part 01 your time In our oillce to f urtner your Interests, and to (how you an assortment of gems, any one of which win please you ) * and MULLEN S LATEST: Grass Is Always Orssn Where th. Under m F What Would tha Nalghbi Sunbeam and tha Rose Just Enough For Two .ay? ODE A and ADAMS' Where the Palm Anna, IVIy Dixie > Betsy Bright Eye She Cornes F"r« I Wants a LVIan Somebody's Somebody NEW ONES: »s Oently Sway r Old Q< ■orgl. "That's Mow I Love You, Mame MY HEART BREAKER RAGS* By CHA8. DANIELS (Nell Mrs*), who wrote "HUwitha." A 6rut lon| by i8HU Critter Writer. "TAXN'T NO DISGRACE TO RUN WHEN YOU'RE SKEERED. EMEST HOGAN'8 Greatest Laugh Getttr, Shad. Alone and has No Competitors. "TO-NIGHT," "LENORE/" CYMBELINE. "I'M GOING TO LEAVE," "MONA," •"? mn ,htn on " or »•• 0,her » >«" unlimited «*. RBW YORK STAPFi Dol. Adam*, James O'Dea, Vincent Bryan, James tHUlea, Wm, Reduelil, Hike Bernard, Carl Frollch. HOMER HOWARD, New Tork Representative Andres* all communications to Dotrolt Oillce. ■ • ■ ._»■■»,.■—.■naaaaWanv jj _ i_ anaraw «*_ „_ ^"fo^.^eTCfe'et. ■VinKXTlS'E. Y'-"W AttmiElR FUB. CO., iffS KS, muceluiteotiSe . 4NOTE8 FROM OBIIECItI'8 JUVENILE CoN- cbiit Co.—We have Just closed a successful engagement of ten weeks, under canvas. The company Is taking a rest at Mnunger Ob- Trent's Bummer home, Qt Minneapolis, pre- paring for the Full dates. We still have a few open dates during August and Septem- ber. The Wilcox Uroa. have Joined us. The company now Includes: The Obrecht Juve- nile Hand ; Mile. Julia, serpentine dancer and illustrated songs; Master Christie, magician; Baby rJarnli, songs and dances; Nellie Ob- recht. nge eight years, cornet soloist, and the Wilcox Bros., Frank and Charles, slack wire and globe act. We have some of the best fairs in Michigan, Iowa and .Minnesota, 'booked. - r • . KUTKB FROM Kt HWHl' e l'AVJLIOS T/HE- ;ritB.—After Jive weeks In Winnipeg wo are once more back In Wic States. A yery pleas- ant ssrprlsc with the show was the marriage of A. Stuart L*wls and Mlnnl* Thurman, on Tuesday nfternoou, during our engagement at (irand Forks, N. D. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis . were the recipients of many pretty and useful presents from the different members of the company. J. JV. and Pauline Hlghta are with the show. Tills is their fourth Bummer with the llennctt Show, Mrs. Sights as lending woman, and Mr. sights In the capacity of manager. Mr. Sights reports business ns being very good through Northern Minnesota, North Dnkotu and Manitoba during tho months of May and June, but snyB the show Is moving out of the wheat belt as rapidly as possible now, as the wheat crop in North Hnknta is reported-to" be;the poorest in tin yearn, and business is beginning to fall oil on that account. Mr. Sight* Is now busily engaged booking the sixth annual tour of tlje radtae Bights Co.. which will open In September, when Southern Minnesota nnd South Dakota will be toured on three night BtnndH, 'with special paper and special scen- ery for each production. '■ notes FJtoH ihk ijAMnmnoER Zoo.—Hver since our arrival In Michigan we have done a phenomenal business, and, barring a few • escapades of the ape, Mandy, which escaped at Mason, Mich., July 0, we have had no unusual happenings. Mandy escaped from her cage nud took refuge In h lotty tree, and ail efforts to dislodge her proved futile until the local lire department got a hose, and, ' moltntlng their tall ladders, flooded her with water for two hours. After standing the terrific' wetting that length of time, Bbe loosened licr hold nnd fell seventy-live feet into n tarpaulin. Half the people in the town lost tbclr dinners in order to participate In her capture. C. V. Lambrlgf cr Is now engaged on the education of Oley, the blue faced inandrllln. Wo had Wm. Main for a visitor ut Onvosso. llo has retired from active show liusliH'SH. and is engaged In the livery busi- ness. -Job. Ferrari visited US nt Knglnnw, nod pronounced our collection of giant npes very line. Mr. Lambrlgger Is negotiating tor sonto rare animals, which. If secured, will make this eoo one of the most complete on (no road. ■ . IiKurck Julias IIoutain has withdrawn enlrclv from the MacCartan-lIoutnln Amuse- -ment Co., in which he acted as president Rnd general mnnngcr. and Is now identified with IIoutain & Scbwerln, vaudeville agents and managers. . _„. . „ Pa. II. F. Parker, late with Wilton's Com- bined Shows, was, on July 18, taken to St. Anthony's Hospital, ltockford, III., to under- go an- operation. ' ...,,. W. K. Mabklk, of Swallow 4 Murkle s Floating Palace, while out In a launch on Hie Mississippi Itlvcr below St, Louis, fell overboard Into the river and was rescued hftor much difficulty by William Iteno, of the Three ltenos, who was with him st tho time. ... Notes fbom Ban Inmax Remedy Co.— Wo have not seen n railroad track or a eteani trolley car for seven weeks, as we are traveling by team 'inland. At Kast Middle- burg. Vt., we gave up the hall to Al. Mnrtz & Co., -and, for the llrst time In thirty-two weeks, bad the satisfaction of sitting In front nnd viewing nnothcr show, and we .thoroughly enjoyed the sensation. We put tho MertBO show on how to get their Cwr- I'kb every week on Thursday, ns we do. Al. Mnrtzo .gave us a fine announcement from tho stage, and we followed him In on Tuemhiv. night, to a big house, which kept up nil week. We arc aging n banner busi- ness ever slnco wc struck lnlaud. Doctor Wvllc, our manager, celebreated Ills blrlh- dn'v on Julv 4, txilnR sixty-three yearn old, and we hail a banquet at the Glen House after the show, to celebrate It. The com- pany gnve tho doctor sn alligator dress salt cam*. Th"rp have been no changes in the companv nnd tfre not likely to be. Wc are nil happy and glad we tiro with the East •Indian lt«medy Co. Wo play Middlesex, Vt., week of July 27. .The M'okhkri-\xi>. at Woodslde Park. Phil- KdelphlR, owned by Prof. Painuhiislkn, Is .now hi Its seventh week. From the begin- ning the Wonderland luis been a decided sue- wsB in every respect. Prof. 1'ainnhnslkn lias receidi.v purchased tlto fuuioun Onrretta troupe of licrfiirnilne birds. This addition to his own large rnllci'tloti makes a troupe of ncveuty-llve performing birds. In con- nect Inn with the birds n troupe of llfleen performing dogs, following Is the bill for last week: I«e lH'iit. clown Juggler: Mettle Jack, magic; Mordehno, puses: Maggie Col- IIuh. Illustrnted songs; the cluongrupli, .lay Paige, rlny modeler, nud Prof. Panahsslku's birds ajnd dogs. • Hhwitt, Illusionist, writes: "Myself and fnurilr recently returned from a llshlng trip in Wyoming, oue htiudred miles from the mllroad. ami are Hon' at lite Yellowstone \ntlonul Park. We |«i*sml throuuh the town hf ttnsln the day tioriuuu ami WaJtei-s were takcu from ttic ruu'Aty Jnll ami shot by a mob from the noted Hole lit the Wall country. We were three hours ahead of the Sheridan stage robbery on our trip by prlvnte conveyance. The robbers got $400 In cash and a new pair of shoes, taken from the driver. Had they stoped us instead they would have had a good clean up. 1 leave for Chicago Aug. 8, to prepare for our com- ing season. Our business has been good." NOTEB FROM THE GERMAX MEDICAL AND Novelty Co. —The roster is as follows: W. J. Mansfield, proprietor and manager, with moving pictures and illustrated songs, mario- nettes, and Topay, educated horse; Mrs. Lulu Mansfield, singing and dancing soubrettc; Frank Mansfield, Irish comedian; Bruce Clark, black face comedian, singer, and doing all styles of dancing; Prof. Chas. Kissinger, organist, also eccentric comedy banjo and guitar soloist, illustrated song singer and cornettlst: George Perento, hand balancer, sensational high dive, silence and fun, traps and sailor perch, and Dutch comedy; Mrs. Alice Smith, skirt, reel and buck dancer; ])r. R. M. Smith, expert dentist and lecturer. We opened at Titttsvllle under our new top, "Oft. round top, with 30ft. middle piece, fold- ing seats and chairs, 10x24 stage, four seta of scenery, sleeping and cook tent. Business fair, nnd the show la the talk of everybody who sees It. MINNESOTA. St. Paul.—At the Metropolitan Opera House JL. N. Scott, manager).—The Ferris Stock Company did big business, nnd enter- mined well pleased audiences, week of July ll>. with "Monte CrlBto." For week of 20 ■The Two Orphans" will be produced, fol- lowed week of Aug. 2 by "My Jim." KUPIBE (A. Welnholier, manager).—Busi- ness was big week Of July 20. New people for week of 27 are: Flora Ashley, Llille rerkins. D'ArvIIle Sisters, Millie Partle. Do Larvo Slaters, Upal.Vaughn, others. Those holding over arc: Mamie. Hoswlnk Norris, little Lavere, Polly O'NeiHj*. and Frank Krnest. Brkreks. —The new baseball park was dedicated 20, the Governor of the State, Mnyor Smith, and many other city and county officials being In attendance to see the fame between the locals and the Mlnnenpo- la team....'.. .The St. Paul Carnival, for tho benefit of the nubile baths, will be held on the new baseball grounds, July 27 to Aug. 8. All railroads will give reduced rates. Helen A. Marks has received the largest vote for Carnival Queen. Among other attractions will be Lockharfs trained ele- phants, the Piccolo troupe of midgets, Pot- ter's dog show, Jabour'H carnival and circus attractions. The Knights of Pythias nnd other fraternal organizations will participate. In the street parades. * Dnluth.—With the hot weather and street medicine shows, theatres are not doing very well. Lyceum Theatre (C. A. Marshall, man- nger).—Tho McDowell-Stone combination is In the second week of Its engagement nnd business Is growing. Tho bill for July 20- 21! and matinee was "La Tosca." For 2!1- 2B and matinee, "Under Two Flags," with Florence Stone ns Cigarette. For 27-20, "Under Two Flags" will be conHnued; "Ala- bama" 30-Aug. 1. Metropolitan Opera House (J. T. Con- don, manager).'—The stock company Is in its Bccond week: "Carmen" was the bill July 20-22 and matinee, and "The Fringe of Society" 2.1-25 and matinee. For 27-20, "The Little Minister;" "The Burglar" 30- Aus. 1. Parlor Theatre (W. J. Wells, manager). —Tills house Is in line with the others. The bill for 27 and week Includes: Ned nnd Lulu Clifford, Mnmlc Allen, Stetson and Nixon, Mons. Andrews, Nelson and Nelson, Sadie Murray, nnd the stuck. Tho new farce for tho week Is called "The Fly Catcher." TtiE Beatty Bros, have opened a vaude- ville nnd moving picture show under canvas on the large city lot, and will stay for the Summer. . i < H NEW JERSEY. Fenney, Goldsmith and Hoope. Thompson and Francis, Hall and Hughes, Madge Daytelle, the Harts, Dorothea Sisters, the Great Lyob. Lulu Thlest, Cammlllo and Fona, Daisy Lin- don, Sisters Clausen. Steel Pieb (J. Bothwell, manager).—Big business still cornea this way to greet the Iloya! Italian .Band, the Orchestra Verdi, and Murphy A Gibson's Minstrels. Inlet Hoof Garden (C. W. Grant, mana- ger).—Good houses are always drawa by Grant's Big London Gaiety Company. Rotish) Frank's Girst Camp < Frank B. Hubln, manager).—Crowds flock dally to the camp. ««» . DEATHS IN THE PROFESSION. Frank W. -WAdswostb, a musician,, died July 20,' at bis home'lh New York City. He was-hornln 1890, In- Macclesfield, Eng.. and at the age of seventeen tie was a member of the orchestra at the Theatre Royal, Man- chester. In 187°; accompanied by bis two brothers, he came to America, and soon was connected with a theatre orchestra in New York. Later be became flute add piccolo soloist with Levy's Band. He afterward held a similar: position with Gllmore's Band, and upon' the death of that famous leader Mr. Wadsworth Joined Sousa's Band, and continued as soloist with that organization for seven years. Her retired from that band a few years ago, and had since confined him- self exclusively to metropolitan engagements. He last played at Manhattan Beach Inst Summer, with Frank Daniels' "Miss Sim- plicity" Co. , ••Hilly" Aheabn, of Ahearn and Patrick, •died July 23, at his home in Kansas City, Mo., from consumption, aged thirty-three years. He had been on the stage for nearly fifteen years, nnd was well known in the profession. He had been 111 for about a year. The remains were Interred under the auspices of the Actors' Fund. George. W. Dickson, a well known West- frn_manager. died July 25, at bla home near Indianapolis', Tad., after a short Illness. He was manager of the Grand Opera House and the Park Theatre, In his home city, nnd the High Street'GRera House, Dayton, n., besides theatres in several smaller- In- diana cities. B. L. Farjeon, a novelist and- play- wright, died suddenly July 23, at his home in Hempstead, Eng. He was the son-in-law of Joseph Jefferson, having married Mar- garet Jefferson in 1877. ■*«» ALABAMA. No Mattejr if You JtXro FAR FROM BROADWAY We can make your clothes to border Jnat the same.' Our perfected Mail Order system Is siKh that we say "NO FIT, NO PAY." We don't want your money it you don't llko the clothes. We employ only high class Journeymen tailors and our cutters arc all experts. We prepay ex- Fress chsrges everywhere, t costs yon nothing extra, to buy by mall; and you can't hue because our guurantee protects you. Mobile.—At the Monroe Park Theatre (M. A. McDermott, manager).—Week of July 20 opened with "Pinafore," to good business. The same opera was repeated Tuesday and Wednesday nights, to large and delighted audiences. Wednesday night's performance, 21, was a benefit tendered the Young Men's Hebrew Association of this city by the Boston Ideal Opera Co., the house being sold before the doors opened for the performance. The opera, "Giroffc- Glrofla," was put on the rest of the week, to continued good business. Mascotte Theatre (Ducournau Bros., malingers).—Wonderful business for. the heated term prevailed at this bouse week of 20. Quite a number of new faces have been signed for the Fall opening, some time In September, and many novelties are looked for. Notes. —Messrs. Mosely k McKay, former- ly managers of the Boston Ideal Opera Co., playing at Monroe Park, have gone to Merid- ian., where they will put on opera, as formerly announced. After the Bummer en- gagement Is over, they will" take the road with the Meridian company Drey's Military Band, of this city, has disbanded, but there are prospects of a new band, to be organized ut once, for the convenience of all concerned. Atlantic City.—Ocean Pier Music Hall (Harrv D'Msta, representative).—"A Chinese Honev'moon" closed a most successful two weeks' engagement July 25. Coming: Lew Dockstader's Minstrels week of 27. "Miss Hub White" week of Aug. 3. Wllllnrds Juvenile "II. M. S. Pinafore" continues to draw big crowds nt the matinees. Ocean Push Theatre (Ilnrry D'Ests. representative).—"His Sister's Shame," week of 27. marks the lust week of a successful Montgomery.—At Wells' Casino, Pickett Springs (Ernest Looney, manager).—"A Turkish Texan" held the boards week of July 20. Mr. Parsons and Miss Urquhart made decided hits. The cast la well balanced. Note. —Jake Wells, of Richmond, Is In the city, and is negotiating with the owners of the Auditorium for a lease for the coming season. - e ■» VIRGINIA. Norfolk.—At Ocean Mew Casino (Jnko Wells, mannrer). — The continued warm weather Is beginning to make Itself felt, and business at this resort Is of a most satis- engngemenV of the Miller & Kaufman Play- JgS. «"& Vaudeville Is booked for "t -S?^"? "gtiUSte. \ "$ZJ*Z££. Auditorum Theatre (J. M Barton, mail- agor).—People for week of July 27 nre : Tho Bijou Theatre {Huntley * Moore, man- agers).—The Huntley-Moore Stock Company continues playing lo good houses. At'DiToniuM Pier (G. W. Clements, man- ager).—This house is meeting with big suc- cess. Announced for week of 27: Lottie tillson. Faustina. H ula,ll suad Wood, Adell, Three Famous Armstrongs, Miles nnd Nltrlm, De Wnltn Sisters, Works, comedy bicyclist, and the vltagmph. Doyle's Pavilion Theatre (Frank Goldle, manager).—The same business continues, lllllcdlo appear week of 27: Three Hounding Pattersons. Lawrence Crane, imperial Four. Herbert Bros.. Franklin Sisters, Copland and CopclHUd, Hie Three Londons. Sisters Sawlollc. Coililns nnd Collins. Nellie V. Nlrhols, Scott and Princeton. Carmen Sisters. Weston and De Veaux, (Minnie Warden, St. John and Le Fey re, the Zwllcrs, Adams and White, Freda Lancaster, the WoocUborp*, Miller and iMny. John Zimmer, Doll and Burden, llnrrv Courtlnml, nnd GolrMc. St. Clair ami Uoldle. Gt'VEUNAToa'a Theatre (Sydney Fern, lunimger).—lliiber, Prince' Albeue and May I.a llraut. Throe• Mrlvln HlTiMierH. A; "Van ciofitV'Ohlo.'" Tliorne nnd Holdsworlh, An- trim and Peters, Tom Ucfrvu, Uraddock aud Three Folre Sisters. Warde and Mndlson, the Three Hentzcs, Mell Grant, Mollle Barry, John P. Curran, and the moving picture ma- chine. Business Is good. Bijou Si'MUkr Garten (Abb Smith, man- ager).—People who open here for week of 21 are: Allle Dale. Kate Bond. Mack and Mhy. Hoey. and Gill, and Chas. M. West. Business Is good. * Peteraborgr.—At the Academy of Music (Wm. E. French, manager).—The Roselle Opera Co. rendered "Covsllerla Rustlcana" nnd the third act of "Martha" July 23. Tha attendance was small. Fernpale Park Casino (Jos E. Hurst. manager), reopened 21, with the Cummlngs' Stock/ Co., In repertory. s | ■ Stanntoa.—At Highland Park Casino- (V. J. Byrtl, mhnager).—People for week of July 20: Copeland and Copelnnd, Helen .Vance. Fred Miller. Minnie Wardell. E. Will Hen's- ley, and Helen Pelleller. People for week of'27—are: Uaiiy Doris, child performer: Foster Ball, Jenre- and- Henard/aud- Helen Vance. SAMPLES FREE. SUITS $15 to $35 Trousers $5 A postal card will bring our handsomely Illustrated Catalogue, a lull line of samples, and our im- 6roved Self-Measurement lanks. Wa lnYlte CLIPPER readers to call and see us when tn Sew York. Come and "LOOK CB OVER." It's the way to find us out. W. C. LOFTU8 & CO.. Custom Tailoring Only. 1190 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Next to Proctor's Fifth Ave, Theatre. When yon call at THE CLIPPER office for your mall, step arouad the corner on Broadway and see our srylee. ED.PINAUD'S CD. PINAVD'S Eau de Quinine Is. the best Hair Restorative known. It preserves the hair from parasitic attacks, cleanses the scalp and positively removes dandruff, it Is also a most excellent hair dressing. Thsswse!andrednedodorwhich 11 leaves In the hair makes It a toilet luxury. the HEATH Shirt Waist IMPROVER. A Welcome Addition to The Shirt Waist Suit. SIZES From 3S to 38 Bust. BY MAIL, 81.00. Thv Heath Corset Co. 114. Fifth Avenue, NEW YORK. (Mention CLIPPER.) Universal EdiSOIl Exhibition KINETOSCOPES, FILMS. NEW AND SECOND HAND. Song Illualratort, $12 up. Cloak Effect Slides, 2"i cents up. Song Slides (colored), 28 cents up. loo Plain Blldes, just the thing for advertising. $10 per loo. ~ Renting of Machines, Films and Bone glides a Specialty. ALFRED L. HARSTN & CO., Tel-8812 leih. 1»8 East 14tb St., N. T. WANTED AT ONCE, GOOD REPERTOIRE PEOPLE, Lsdy for General business. Must he llrst class. Long season. Salary sure. Write or wire. ' " 1RKNK JEAVONS, llrtdgcvllle, Pa. THIS TilIUMFHANT RUNAWAY* CA8IJVO "roadway anrt 39th Strcc* ^^■f"-*^*^^ V Eves., 8:16. anm.M aa TUB SUCCESS OF SUCCESSES THE RUNAWAYS and MISS FAY TEIMPIETON. PASTOR! 1*3-146 E. 14th St. near 3d Ate. Contlnuou* Performance! 13 to 11 P ■ MELVILLE and STETSON, THE TOURISTS TRIO, ORVLLLE and FRANK, J03IE and WILLIE BARROWS. RAYMOND TEAL AND AS EXTRA ATTRACTION, MAPDOX sad WAYNE, 5 B. F. KEITH'S International circuit. Theatrical EnterprUa. E. F. ALBEE. General Manager. HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE. 8. K. H0DGDON, Booking Manager, AsioclMoa of Vaudeville Managers, St,. James Bhlg., BroM- way and 26th St. N. Y. ■ Huber's "£ Museum GEO. H. HCBER, Propr. WANTED AT ALL TIMES, Living Curtoaltles, Freaks of Nature, also First Class Vaudeville Acu for Theatre. Address J. II. ANDERSON, Haospr. CARLIN and OTTO This week, Sacandago Park, GloTersviile, K.T. The Bickett Family, GREATEST OP ALL AERIAL GYMNASTS AND A0ROBATS, HAVE A FEW OPEN PATES. Address GRAND RAPIDS, Mica. FLYING BANVARDS CASTING ACT. 2 Ladles and 2 Gents. Permanent address, CHAS. BANVABD,935 Montlcello Ave.,Clilcago, III. A NOVELTY. NEWTON BROS, In their original comedy, entitled "MIXTURE." En route J. W. Gorman's Parka. TR0G1DERO QUARTE1TE, JOE BIRNE3, ■ ■ Bep. DONT WORRY GET, BURRO W S$TRA>IS WARNING TO MANAGERS. THE FREEZE BROS, Are the Originators of Spinning and Jagjlbuj Ttiy bourlnes on Hands, Knees, Head anil Feet Hut- taneous. Act copyrighted and patented. Flynn's Circuit tor 12 weeks. . The Musical Holbrooks Care if NEW YORK CLIPJEJL BROBST TRIO, GEO., MADGE and YOUNG "SKATES." "^J"* the balance." Grotesque, Buck and Fancy mc» Daaclng on Roller Skates. _ ,. Homo address. POTTSVILI.E. j^ _ COOK and HALL, HARMONIC HUMORISTS. This week, PASTOR'S THEATRE. New Tort C itv. CARLIN and OTTO ypwWY GERMAN COMEDIANS ; ILL." LAST SEASON; I .«>£J! A , Pn KOPPi I WAS IN . THEN. BUT I>H("JOLIEF>) J0LLY-1KT Por open time (or ''open" " " oysters), adr. pr. route or agents. FOR HELMICK AND 8MITH'8 BIG SCENIC PRODUCTION OF THE FRENCH SPY, SISTER TEAM and address of GOOD DRAM*TI PEOPLE In all lines. Scasou opens Aug- Address HARRY STETSON, Mgr.,Kavr Wi«^. Vt/ A tV TE & > Leaalns; Man to Direct niage-o'" » of playn; Wotunti not over ».1, f<" °' B ral Rnaine*.; Cornet, Doable Vloll", Lrsil Band anil Orelieatra. DR. H. D. nUCKEIJ. West Hotel, Mtnu»«H<i_» m Ji- NEW SLOT MACHINES, EI.ECTIUO LIGHT BLOWING MACHINE- • Now Resdy, »30.oo. Bead for C'rciijjr^ J. II. IIASSER. Weh'ie rJiE^. At Liberty, ALICE HILTOJ nonnrettb. Refltieil Patitomlnilat.. M?'£^„\v: Dancer, iniiilnlliilst Farcical Comedy •• Invalinti'lC •« "■: rr vx. Address care oi CUI"""