The New York Clipper (August 1903)

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628 TTLE NEW YORK CLIPPER. August 29. WEANY and ANDERSON Two Vewatile People (Comedian and Soubrette) in Their Clever C omedy S ketch, John C. May WILL ARRIVK IN NRW YORK THU WEEK. OFFERS INVITED. < Addre.. WM. MQRRlg. MOVING PICTURE MACHINKM, Films, Slides ind Accessories New* Second Usnd, Manu- factured, Bonght, Sold, Remodeled and Repaired. Entertainments furnished. German-Am. Clnemat. A Film CO., 176 B. Doth Bt„ H. Y. Tel. 41* J 78. PAKHOTH, Mnnkejs, Dogs, Squirrels, Calta- Tit*. Pl»h. The largest variety of live mock In the wSld Swwi OB hand. TUB ATLANTIC AND; PA- CIFIO BIRD CO., 244 K. Madison St., Chicago, 111. OL.ABB BLOWERS» BUPPMEB-We mtke best line ot goods for least money. Ship*, pipes, wlnea, silvers, pens, baby bottles, tubing and cane. Fakirs' sapplles. write (or prices. Chicago Vial * Mfg. Co., IMS Weit Lake Street, Chicago, III MUSICIANS! Bend for descriptive circular and prices of tho Holton Cornets and Slide Trombone*. They are generally conceded to be tbe beat for professional*. Address FRA NK nor, T ON, 70 M adi son Bt„ Chicago POR BALK or Kent, Hechsnlcsl Wax Figure*, Illation*. Pine Snaked, Marionette*, Palming*, Stuffed Animals, Show Btuff. Bend stamp. 1 buy Show Btuff. J. P. BWKCT, Atlantic Oily, N.J. RUIIC COMPOSED AND ARRANGED for any Instrument or number or Instrument*. Songs, word§ andmuile, aietche*. eU. Send ilamp. CHAS. L. LEWIS,4M Richmond St.. OlnclnnaU, 0. ■WANTED, for U. 8. Army, competent Band Mu- llclann, able bodied, unmarried men, between agea of •JlsndsS.cltliensof United States, of good char- acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to Re- cruiting Officer, 73 Hanover 81., Boston, Mans.; 'i6 Third Ave., New York Oily; aas Pulton St., Brook- lyn, K Y.i 613 Broadway, Albany, N.Y.s Main and SenecaSt*., Bnffalo.N. Y.; Beatable BotMIng, Syra- cuie. N. Y.; ISlfl Filbert 8t„ Philadelphia, Pa.; 204 Went Fayette St., Baltimore. Md.; sou West Fourth St.,OlnclnnaU,Ohio: 82 West Madison St., Ohloago, III., or Third and Olive St*., St. Louis, Mo. A. GOODRICH, LAWYER, 641 West MadltOQ Bt, Chicago; esUbllibed 1U4. Business legal and qnlet. Branohe* and facilities In other States. • ACME EXCHANGE, 49 *md SI W. OJ«tb Hfrr.t, If. V. DlIlOllllP Btereoptlcon*,,Song, Posing and DwnUrilllu. Effect Slide*. Lint for *T*mp. LITHOGRAPHS 1 CENT EACH, un- lettered cross-lining ipace: Vaudeville, Reper- toire, Burlesque, Dramatic, Opera. Send »l for 100 samples. Opera House contract* 60c. per 100. H. DAVENPORT, » 8 W. Van Buren SUChlcago. FOR BAUD OR KENT.—My Elegant rrlvnlo Car; especially suited to a traveling specialist or a star who can afford luxury. Haalarge compart- ment for baggage, three staterooms, parlor, din- ing room, buffet and kitchen. Delivery can be made Sept. II. For sate—Two oftlce tenlt, two hundred folding chairs, stage, (Isle, beacon and pan light*, picture machine, for triple Htereoptlcan: three thousand slides nud live thousand rent or mma. J. T. R. CLARK, 1001 K. 33d St., Kausas City, Mo. THY ONUS OP HY COMRDT SKBTCUKB. Artlstlo Dramatic Sketch Of N. Y.'a Chinatown. Alio refined Comedy Skit, for 1 male. 3 femalex. Write, dating requirements, to FINLEY PAULEY, care N. Y. Evening Journal. N. V. _ WANTED, FOR C1T1ZERB' BAN)) CARNIVAL, » Complete Line of Adiulaalnn Show*. None but tbe best need apply. Bent Show Town on Karth. Thirty miles of Territory to draw from. It la our Fourth Carnival, and will be a hummer. Also want three or four acta for free allow. Must be good and strong features. Date for the Carnival third ur fourth week of September. Address g. V. QOIHIAH, Otterhcln, Ind. WANTED. Leading Juvenile Comedian and Soubrette, for No. i Heart of Woman Co. Those with Specialty preferred. Slrlutly business, with lowest wages, first letter. We pay expense* after joining 1 . Season 40 woeks south and West. Ad- ilre** Arthurrrtoe, Ashovllle, N. 0. BHOW PRINTING.—Type, Block and En- graved—quality belter than seems neoeeiary; MM lower than seoma poaalble. Oatnlngiio free. Motor Printing Co., Mllo, Iowa. WANTED, for 0.11. Knight'sMamuioih Show, (lood Circus Acta or any kind, Acrobats, Aerial Teami Bar Team, Concert People, Trombone, Tuba, Alto. Must bo able to Join at oifbc. State lowest In Orat letter; answer aa per route, or Permanent address, Dunkirk, O. WANTED—8. * 1). Com. and BanJolHt, "Bllent Act," to take organ, and "Straight." S. A D. Sou- brette double organ. 10 anil Ex. after Joining here; year'* "job." Pru-Rl-Ta Drug Co., Rock island, in. WANTED, for Colo. Qraut It. R. Show, quick, Coruet, Alto and Doable Drummer, Performer* for big show. Comedy Acrobats, Aortal and Orounil Ants, alio two Billposter*. Write or wire quirk to Colo. Oram, Fayettavllle, Ark., Aug. at; Spring- dale, Ark.,Sepui; Rodger*, Ark., Sept.3. _ CtBCTJfl BKATH MADE TO ORDER. Have on band im lengths 8 tier blue*, 8 Jacks each stringer; fl lengths reiervui, back* bolted; pole*, all sues; also nsrt. round top, SOfl. middle good condition; polo*, bale rings, block* and ropes' new; 24x82 now dressing tent, push pole; dining tent, 20x80; complete cooking muni;4 horse troughs, 8-borte eaob; marque, cram bars, ticket and baggage wagons, strong man's banner, 12x20. A complete circus or medicine show. iQAPT. CIIAB. CLAYTON, Wyoiiilug, R. 1. WANTED—Two Versatile Performers: mil- •leal oomodlsni preferred. Week stands. tl'Jaiid transportation. Dr.J as. O.Wernir.. Cedar ibipbis, la. ATTRACTIONS WANTBD—Neal'S OJftora lloune. Talbotton, Georgia. Population l,3Mi. Rail- road Terminal, New Soenory, flood Show Town. FOR BALK, "0ALATKA" ILLUSIONS, com- plete. Address F. WORTHING, 49K IJtfavntto St., tiles, jt, Y. PERFORMERS, ATTENTION I We are fHitting out 16 new companies to operate In II- lliola, Missouri, Kansas and Iowa. We can place a few flood Medicine Forformers that thoroughly understand the limdiins*. Dutch, Irish and Biaok Contedlsn*. Contortionists, Annalists, Jugglers, or anv good allent nets {no sketch teams). Prefer- ence given to those who tako organ. To the right people we can oner Nrst class engagement*, long season and itire monoy. Can us* three pharma- cist* at the laboratory. Ph. g. preferred. Write or wire. UMFTON UF.MKUY CO.. Olranl. HI. RICE'S FAMOUS DOGS, PONIES AND MONKEYS Have weeks Sept. 4.14 and 21 open; 12 Shetlands, block and half parade,'! Mules. irrDogs. Address PROF. C1IA8. E. RICE, New Albany, Ind. WANTED, FOR SEIBEL BROS.' DOG AND PONY SHOW, AT ONCE, First Cleat Young and Sober Ring Mus- ter. Must understand ponies and dogs. Flrat class Boss Hostler and Boss Canvas Man. Must be utile to Join by wire. Only sober and reliable people need apply. Boozers and knockers, aave NUmiM. State lowest salary In Brat letter. Per- manent address, \YATERTOWN, Wis. JUST LOOK HERE POR ONE MOMENT I have following Machines For Sale: 'JSapho Picture Machines, $20 each; 3 Antortmns, »10 each; 2 Roaenfleld's Manhattans, glOeaoh; 1 Vic- toria, 816:1 Iron Puncher, gift: 1 Wood Puncher, *10; l Oypty Fortune Teller,|6.6o;l Water Blower, fs.rsj; 1 Edison Orand Concert. Phonograph, H Inch Bras* Horn, 3D Records, In a case, all com- plete, $76; 184) Rets of Up-to-Datc Views, for Ma- chines. 6A0U.; a Set of Automatic Electric Slot Banjos At a bargain; also 1 Creator Steam Hundred Dollar Peanut Machine; 1 Sclngery Popcorn Wagon. Wanted, Big Top, Seats, Wugmis, snd evcrthing to complete Wagon Show. Also Want Moving Picture Machine Outfit. All must he cheap for cash. OKI). W. RIPLEY, Homer, N. Y. The El Dorado Fair Co., PERFORMERS IN ALL LINES, FREAKS. CDRI081TIES AND NOVELTIES, Man with Picture Machine and Stcrcoptlceu Song Illustrators, Piano Players. Scenic Artist. Long Season, A boiue lot the Winter. Privileges for rent. Shows wii'i their own tents or without. Musicians for B. and 0. Address ■' JAs, H.illBSOS, '/.sncsvllle, Ohio. HARRY OVERTON, AGENT. Can he addressed In care of the CLIPPER Olllce by mall or telegraph. CARL ANDERSON IT LIBERTY. Address !»!*0 W. 114TII BT., New York MANAGERS, PLEASE NOTICE. Any traveling Agent or Manager claiming to be a ini'Dlier of The National Theatrical Protective Association Mint show credentials properly signed under the seal of the order. Fraternity and Brotherly Love. ARTHUR G. THOMAS, SOL BRAUIfl, President. Secretary. Headq uarters MARLOWE THEATRE, Chicago, 111, BROWN'S COMEDY CO. Wants Quick, Full Acting Company For three night Rep.; also Lady Pianist and Man with up to date Song Machine: must furnish slides and machine: tell all- (live full description with photo, We pay board. Join on wire. Ad- dress OILLETT, Oconto County, Wisconsin. Full season opens Sept. 14. WANTED, To Correspond with Some Good Carnival Company, Regarding dates, also with view of making con- tract for holding Street Fair In goud county sent, towu of 2,0<si Inhabitants; electric lights, water works, etc. Address W. L. THOMASON, Louisville, III. ifi A Gil jajsTt Broadway and sflth Street. OABIiHV Eves., 8.16. MaL Sat., 2.16. THE STJCCK8B OK SUCCESSES, THE RUNAWAYS Ind MISS FAT TEMPUTTON. PASTOR'S 143 E. Mth St., New York City. CONTIBUOITS PEHFOKMAHCB. McWalttrt and Tyson Co., lant Corhlhope and Co., Mile. Olive, Nelson and Mllledge and Others. KXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION, HARDING and AH S ID. THE Dewey E- 14th St. JHATMEE TODAY. "THE UTOPIANS." 'THE RED LION." „„„,„„ , "HOTEL CP8 AND DOWNS.' B. F. KEITH'S International Circuit. Theatrical Enterprises. E. F. ALBEK, General Manager. HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE. 8. K. HOBGDON, Booking Manager, Association Ot Vaudeville Managers, St. James Bldg., Broad- way and 2(th St.. N. Y. Huber's "% Museum GEO. H. IIOBEH, Propr. ■WANTED AT ALL TIMES, Living CurlOlltlet, Freaks of Nature, also Flrat Class Vaudeville Acta tor Theatre. Address J. H. ANDERSON, Manager. WANTED AT ONCE, MI JDSH SPRBCEBY, Man for "Josh," with specialty; Soubrette thai sings nnd dances, character Old Woman. Uenuvi Heavy, doubling brass; Clarlonettlsi. Baiitoiie anil Violin, Trap Drummer, Buss and Tuba. Pay own hotel. Must Join nn wire. Address II. B. LEVIS, T6 Plymouth Place, Chicago, in. A-t Liberty, BESSE KHTGD0IT, IB6ENCE and JUVENILES ) Ability and wardrobe. Responsible managers only. Prefer one or three night stands. Address 21« LOHIMER, Cape fllrardeau, Mu. FOR ®ATvB>, MOVING PICTURE MACHINE AND FILMS, Very eheap; nearly new Clnemntotcope whli Hlereoptlcon, 2,ooort. of Films, many colored, all good as new; Arnold (iaH making omllt. Can use Calcium or Electric Light. Address KEMIT0N KOMEDY K0., Oskaloosa, Kansas. For the IliHtleGUl CO., HEAVY MAN.irt.81n.. I40m; .CHARACTER MAN and WOMAN, STRONd JUVKNILK MAN. capable of pltvlng some genteel heavies, and Al ACENT. State lowest salary; pay own; tickets to right parties. Other Rep. People, write. REHEARSALS A 10. al. AUDITORIUM. 8CRANTON, Pa. WM. FRANCIS BURKE, ' '■ 1015 Jones St., Scranton, Pa. AT LIBERTY, Harry W. Ball, MANAGER, A8EHT or TREASURER, House or Road. Ail.ire.. H. w. BALL, t'rovrn Hotol, Providence, R. I. Fourth H. mkiiii - Fourth Sewsoit F-laSld StOCl* CO. FRANK SYLVESTER, Manageri WANTKD—A Versatile Leading Man, a Soug'und Dance Comedian to play a good line of parts, Character Man to do specialties, Skotch Team to change for a week. Other naerul Repertoire Peo- ple, write. Opera House Managers lu Tciaa, Ark., Ind. Tcr., send In their open time. FRANK SVI.VKSTBR, Mgr., Sulphur, Ind. Ter. Repertoire Company for Week Sept. 28. Seventh Annual Carnival (lood company can do big business. Address H. U. KOI'KA, Mgr., Opera House, Franoesvlile, Ind. WANTED—Flint class Clarionet Player, loca- tion In a citv of i\ooo, to pluy Iheatrv and dance, etc., etc. Right month* 1 engagement. *W per liuuith and guarantee the chanooa to make a good deal more, or tMi per iiintil h sure and steady salary. No time to correspond, but wire at once. Dim 1 ! tnltrepressni. Must bo toiwr and reliable. Tickets nor advanced. PROF. J. LEVIN, Rultlgh. N. C, F. 0. BOX i47. Rewlilonce. 411 West Hargetl 81. Fir Sill it i Birgiln, Fine Trumpet OROAN. like new, $4u; aim four new Merry-go- WANTED, AGENT for UNCLE TERRY. Write or wire. 0LA88FORD and NELSON, Wlnlhrop. Maine, Aug. HI; Rcadfleld, Maine, 2H; Oakland, Maine, i8; Skowhegan, Maine. 31. At Iilberty. OWING TO DISAPPOINTMENT, CHAS. P. PRICE, Characters and 6en'l Bus. JOSIE PRICE, Characters. Addreaa fins EAST AVE., Jackson, Mich. a Manager* who wrote before, please vrrlte again. WANTED, PUTNAM'S THEATRE, RICHMOND, VA. Open Sop!. 7, llMM; Specialties, Slater Team*, Serlo Comics, ete,: also PIANO PLAYER. Address F. W. PUTNAM. TIB OARD FRNWICK CO. WANTED, Tuba to Double String Bass or Piano, Strung Clarionet Man; other* write. Also want to huar from Actors who can play Rome Horn In Band. Address OARD A FENWICK, Montevideo, Minn., Aug. al, tit. an, Appieton M to Sept. a. Hound Hones cheap. NEILMAHANV, 34* Niagara Ave., Luekport, N. Y Boug and Dance. Buck, Bklrt. Jig; elss* or private. Kngageroent* fumlihed. MtCARTHY A UEN- .nk1t,;4S8, 26 Van Bureo St.. Chicago, III. WANTED QUICK, Long season. Sure money. M. L. KIN8EY, Ohio City, Ohio. WANTED/MUSICIANS OF ALL KINDS FOR Mile* ortoti't Show. Ail Winter's work. Route: Co- lumbia, Pa., Aug. 37, -'s. -it; Port Deposit, Pa.,Aug. .11; Perryvllie, Fa., Sept. 1; Newark, Del., Sept. a. WANTED, PARTNER, With One Thousand Dollars, For an eicellcutlv equipped and well booked musical production. Close Investigation will prove this a rare opportunity. Those meaning business only need reply to arrange for personal Interview at once. Address II. 8. STONE, tii WEST 37tll ST.. N. Y. SHOW PRINTING. Everything In Posters, Block or Type, Cloth Ban- ners,' Heralds. The Blocks furnished and engraved at $1 per block any size stunds. Our 4 sheet Dates in two colon. Try our Flag Banners. Write fur catalogue ami prices. Ruah orders receive prompt attention. STAR SHOW PRINT, Mason City, lnwa. WANTED, A NO. 1 8I8TER ACT, SINGERS AND DANCERS. Smion 40 weeks. State lotvent salary In flrat letter, no it to correspond. FERN 4i WASHERMAN, Proprlotor* and Manager* "lio»lliile'» MUhaua." Ad- dress OIIVERNATOR'S THEATRE, Atlantic tlty, N..T. Who Wants A CARPENTER. ALSO SCENIC ARTIST AND DECORATIVE SltiN PAINTER (ALL IN ONE). Strictly reliable. Best of reference. None but Reliable Managers write. Address • "> "HUSTLER," cure CLIPPER. WANTED, DRAMATIC PEOPLE The Bickett Faitilly. GREATEST OF ALL AERIAL OYMNASTS AND ACROBATS, HAVE A FEW OPEN DATES. Address ORAND RAPIDS, MlOh. FLYING BANVARDS OABTINO ACT. 1 Ladles snd a cents. Permanent address, 0HA8. BANVARD, 934 Montlcello Ave.,CIilcago.Ill. A HOVELTY. NEWTON BROS. In their original comedy, entitled "MIXTURE." En route J. W. Gorman's Parks. TR0C1DERO pRTETTE, JOE BIRNES, • • Rep. CARLIN and OTTO Extremely Fanny Dnteli C'onmdlan*. DON'T W4»RRY, Oaffff Boundinp EDDY MARTYNE, SOMERSAULT TIGHT ROPE ARTIST, Atlantic Casino, Ocean City, Md., This Week. Home address, lMt Benlium Ave., Bridgeport. Conn. ORVILLE «r FRANK Are Having in KEITH'S NEW THEATRE, Huston, Mas*., this week. S. & D. COMEDIAN WANTED FOR MEDICINE COMPANY. All 'round man who can also put on acts unit change for a week; one who plays organ pre- ferred. Long engagement; we never close. Ka»v lump front Ottawa. HARRY LA BELLE, m Slater St., Ottawa, Can. WlVPFn JOINT ATTRACTIONS, /l,i. Trail Ibis, KINDS. Man to handle Privilege* with RIO08' WtaWAM; Mimical Family that can giveelrnng entertainment, In side show: Manwlili Moving Picture Machine; Privilege* To Let- Candy, little Gallery, Cane Rack, Knife Bnanl, Dart (lallery, Japanese Ball, and all legitimate privileges. Rlggs 1 Enterprises have proven side winners. Address KIWIS' AMUSEMENT CO., 41-4:i University Place, Now York City, N. V. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, f Also Organ Player wfto can do Specialties. 'Long season to right people. No fares or tickets ail vaneed. state lowest salary, which is absolutely sure. HARRY WOODWARD, Hartland.Me. BANKS' IDEAS * Is tho latest. The finest work for Vaude- ville performers ever Issued. Mouo- gues, Parodies, Kiul digs, etc. Semi stamp fur llstof contents. PRICE, We. Noh. 6 and 0, two. GUN BANKS,HI LockwoodSt., Provldeuee, it. 1. No. 6 lugues, ra *A" BANKS' IDEAS ft A.1VTED, FOR SHAKER MM CO., AI ALL AROUND SKETCH TEAM. Not necessarily dancers. Those who lutvc written, write again. DR. J. F. HOVEY, Mgr., Decatur, III A BLIND MaBter and DEAF Servant Mako an IDEAL Combination. Oct. fi and later open. Special Attraction Allsmont, N. Y., Fair. 3ijou Circus. OCT. 12 AND LATER OPEN. STARRING AT PASTOR'S THIS WEEK, Harry Thomson, "THE MAN WITH THE GOODS." SI For illustrated Songs and Moving Pictures touring West. Expenses paid by management; season's engagement. Those with other specialties pre- ferred. State salary and full particulars Ural letter. 0. II. IRELAND, 112 East 20th St..New York. FOR STOCK. JOHN B. BURKE, Huber's Museum. New York City. Wants two more Musicians, Cornet ami Double Bass and Tuliu; also Musical Team or Novelty Team, to till two disappointments. Lowest salary utid all tlt-si letter. Positively no fares. Must Join On wire. R. C. woods. Manager, Lawrenceburg, Ind. Repertulre People or merit: must have good ward- robe. Comedian and Soubrette that do strong laity. Scasou opens Oct. ft. Address RICH. D LITTLETON, 473 3d Ave., X. Y. City specialty. THE ORIENTAL PUZZLE RIN6.—Han Yin Seen It f The most amusing anger ring nnd puzzle combined. You can have any amount of fun with it. Send for circular and ring measure. Mailed free. WM. KAL'FFMAN, T4 Walts St., New York. Wanted, Sketch Tuns and Single Performers For Med. HI/.. Unit change for week and make good. Lowest salarr first letter. Your money sure. Address BERT HAMPTON, Sheldon, Minn. Wanted, 6iod Sketch Team That Gin Fake Organ. Good salary to good people A II Med. Performers, write. " No tickets. Indian Herbs of Lite M ed.Co., Flat River, Mo. Oliosl walkaevery Sunday. J. W. HARPSTRITE Wrtie at otic* to H1U&RRS A ELY. Ready to troop. FAYETTE, Ohm. WANTED, FOR L. W. WASH5VS "ONTHE TRAIL CO.." CLEVER SOUBRETTE WITH SPECIALTY, DOUBLE BASS AND TtlllA, TRAP DRUMMER AND INDIANS. Ans,. GEO; l'BCK, Manager, Passaic, N. J. WANTED QUICK, PERFORMERS FOR MEDICINE CO. Must play organ and Join on receipt of wire. Tickets If I know yon. Tell all In nrst letter, and whether tickets aro required, at once. Addreis J. O. YAGHR, HiiHsellvllle, Cole Co., Mo. -WANTED QUICK, A Good Heavy Man, JUVENILE LEADING LADY and two strong Vaudeville Acts. Bute lowest salary. I pay all. ION CARROLL, Weston, W. Vs. jg<Q^ar^TfSTfe CAN GIVE VAUDEVILLE PEOPLE From Two to Four Weeks IN MILWAUKEE. Must do Two or More Aots> Singing seta pre- ferred. Will answer by mall. CHAS. E WITT, Manager, Sans Soucl Music Hull, Milwaukee, Wis. WANTED AT ONCE, Good Repertoire and Specialty People; also Musicians: preference to Performers Doubling BRASB. Stale salary nnd full particulars. We pay expenses. NO FARES ADVANCED. STEINLE1N A MeCONNELL, ■ 4TQ Commerce St., Dalits, Texts. WANTED, Al Lecturer AND OFFICE WORKER, Muslcnl Man, Good Sing- ers and Silent Performers. Good, long season to good people; your money Is sure every week. People who have written before, write again, Address BILLY SBNRAB, Mgr. Mlnnetonka Med. Co., Marathon, Iowa. WANTED, TWO LADT PURISTS. One to play Trombone, one to play Tuba, Long engagement. Addrcat MARY BAKER, Box94, Chlllleothe, Mo, SKETCHES AND HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE MATERIAL WRITTEN TO ORDER. SPARLING A Ut'llK, Play wrights, Hammond,'Ind. (Hulrurli nbChicjfo.) Wan tod at Onoo, For a pleasant engagement and sure salary-,' LADY for JUVENILES and QENEBAL BIS. Other imefui Dramatic People who can do special- ties. Salary every week. Long and pleasant en- gagement to people who are good. Address quick, IRENE JEAVONS, Economoy. Pa. RICHARD A. OBENAUS. "AH AMERICAN TRAMP." WARDROBE ON THE BDM. 1903-AT UBERTY-'04 For blt.i, props, or dressers, Giddy, Eccentric Old Maid. JEAN FOXCROFT, Herkimer, N. Y. Address GII8 SUN, 68a Nebraska Avenue, Toledo, 0. WANTED QUICK, Al MED. PERFORMERS IN ALL LINES; JOIN AT ONCE. Write or wire, GARDNER A DANFORD, Mgffl., Clifton Remedy Co., No. a, Emden, III. GET A NEW FRONT. High Grade Paintings, at low Summer prices. CLARENCE FAC1G, 40 Bond Street, Now York. Wanted,PerIormer8.™ZK5 7 "" r R < !r r .i;',g .silent Turn, Musical Man. Those who wrote before write again. Long season. Change for week, 'lick eta to those I know. Jack 0. Reede, Stucyvllle,Ia. At Liberty After Sept. 14, A No. I 'Ceileist, Double Slide Trombone. Add. ED. WKNGSTROM White Sulphur Springs, w. Va. Arter Sept. 14, 4616 Paschall Ave. Philadelphia, Pa. CLARIONET PUYERS—Upon Receipt if •it cents In stamps will mall to you large package of line "UOLRI'al!" for dressing reeds. KAHKl, * COOPER, 1115 N. Franklin St., Danville, III.