The New York Clipper (August 1903)

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AUGUST. 20. THE KEW YOEK CLIPPER. 029 'I'AULII OK CONTMft'l S. ifiM Clipper'* Anecdotes, Personalities and Comments Concerning Stage Folk.. 021 a V s n»i»elB—Sketch 022 vv'nrl'cl'rf l'loyern 022, MS li 11 Hatrlfnan-sSketch ." 022 Jliudevlll* a* 1 «•»"•! 023, (124 he trtid* Haynes—Sketch 623 nnrflaMMXatttr 820 ?J*«490.'Utter o^7 chew aM Checkers 622 w5SOT*!KS2 020 ijitest tW Telegraph 029 in The Road'. 029, 630 vniidevllle Home Lint 030, 031 i re Fischer 629 i Upper Tost Office 631 Sew York City—Review aad Comment.. 032 stage Mechanics 033 Willi the Bill Posters 833 Tinier ihe TentB «:)3 Deaths in.the Profession 034 TH,KAfTBIOAL. COIWtKSPONDBNCH. Massachusetts ...,. 025 iiltlo ,/.'.:.;■... ■ • 025 Colorado ..... ■ UJ7 ■\,«r York State 027 jielnware 029 Wisconsin ,.'. 031 New Jersey. , 832 Michigan' 033 Tennessee ,..-...... 03a Missouri 033 J& '.':::. , . 1 . , : l : , j»:. ,,,M L« | ' i 'i«i't'' "« «i iim St »«'• b,iE- -=^>iV: ,u °u,V >e dnwn fown houses. Am »'." e .i. bU i. w £ nt on Bl the matinee 24... .. nif'?? H'tflMtia. Hopkins' opened another .... The Suburban did excellently 23, open- ing with Inneu- Band and vaudeville.. ... T.f,L mo £ ,°'"'<Jen opened to rapacity, with The Telephone Girl." It I, a Wv**£ ton... . Mannlons ban n new vaudeville H'iJKS 'V e ' """v™ At Koerner 1 * Lawrence Hanley nnd company offer "Kroii jjMM, and Hnshngen's tins n new vaudeville „JS AN ? A8 ,i C '!. TT '. Al * 23.—Business won good nt all the theatres yesterday, In spite . J, extremely warm weather The Auditorium opened Its regular season Willi the Sunday matinee. "The Volunteer" was Ihe Inaugural attraction, with Cora Van Tax. sell featured. At Ihe fJrand "Sweet (Movfr „ t rt "nltcated Its Inst season's success. ■••;,• ™, Olllls presented "The Village Par- son, which was well received Forest Park was pocked with Suodnv pleasure seekers; In Hopkins' Theatre the vaudeville, hill drew good attendance. Pnplnta re- mained over for n second week Elec- tric Pork hnd Its usual Immense throne to hear the Bnnda Rossn LATEST BY TELEGEAPE twas** /m Psr****** " ot jjja J.JJM.S,. jf*j*t*u«*»*u, jxi wett | Ucr interfered with the openings, nud Monday NlsjbtV Openings In All the II Ik Show Town.. GOLDEN GATE OM3ANINGS. All the Houses Prosper li> the O. A. ft, Hoeauipmeul—<Jood Attractions NpVclij! DIspatoUeR to The New York Ci.ipprr ■ MVSt'r'MAXcisoo, Aug. 25.—At the Colum- hia.Theatto the second week of Henry Miller, Margaret Anglln and company began last iilgtir, with "The Taming of Helen" as the OO.IWJBNtA TltEATRK.—The Nelll-Moroaco ' i'<i will retain "Shennndoob" this week. AMiAtfAH'TiiMTHK.—"The Dairy l''arm" la I h|a .week's* hill, Business Is big. •'(.'KOTiui. TiiEATur.—"Camilla' Is this week's offering. rtJKANW OPBAA Horsn.—"In Harvard" be- gab last'nlabt Its third week. <■ •ipera Hom.—"The Highway- man" continues to be offered tola week. Trie Italian opera season opens 81. Kihchrh'h TifRATRK.—The third week of "Quo -Vnss laa" and "The Big utile Prin- cess.'" .The .s. R. O. sign Is out nt nearly every performance. .Lyric Jiai.l. —Under the management of Will S. Urcenebnura, this bouse opens Wednesday, Sept. 2, with presentations of "BVeryman," under direction of Cbas. Froh- 'RiHAmno Bros.' Circus opens here Sept. 7, for:eight dnys, giving two performances •Hilly. Oiii'iirtut Thbatrr. —.Itlll opening Sunday, 2|{: Pleury Trio, Kcough and Ballard, Lnr- kihs and Patiersnn, Snm Kdwards nnd com- pany 1 , l<ew Hawkins, Kosle Itendle, lleely uii<( 'Meely, John LoClulr, and Kobertl nnd »lf|lloski|... . .CUiitrh. —Opening 'Monday, 24, the bill K: Hodges and Laiinehmerc, Harry linker, ' Frlwhrd Poulter, Handy nnd Wilson, the .Mai(ileiw, Jessie Dale, and the nnimntlscope. i: i< a ■' m a n \s TiiMA'rne. — llamphell Hros., Snauhtlng, I.eando BroM.. Lornlno nnd Howell, lielfe 1 Williams, Cllnl Montgomery, and Ihe bioscope. • '.tVOTKH.—Tile . second symphony concert under the auspices of ihe Hnn Francisco Mvmplipriy Society. Frllx Scheel, director, mkes. place nt ihe (Irand Opera House, nfrcrnobli of 25, The following and eon- cliutliir six of the llrst series occur Sept. i h I.VJ2-2U and Oct. 0 Kvery then lr« In'tnlscltylast week played to capacity, ir being the 0. A. It. annua) encampment, and ill houses gave extra matinees. This Is'unprecedented here, for heretofore on great events trAnspliIng In this city the crowds . in!ve kept out of ihe theatres, viewing decn- rnll.onM.and Illuminations, and attending itff receptions. ... "'./' * i»V FROM OTHBR POINTS. I lie Hot Wave Wat. General for lite . .i i||>rnlnnr of the Week, and Indoor . . . ftcs'orlii Naturally Suffered. '■f iijcaoo, Aug. 25.—General humidity took BiufiliMi command hereabout Sunday, and ihe |fe*t iwavt' washed the crowds away from theatre nnd Into park. Sans Soucl and tlte Wofer-Chutes were packed; Gllckman'H En- Kllsh Stock tympany's career opened fairly " well; ; wlth "Still Alarm:" the practically naiv-Howard Theatre opened, with "A Man <ir Mystery;" rhe Ohlcogo Opera House bad good -c/owds for Its continuous vaudeville, nnd Masonic Temple was thronged by those wito'hoped to avoid.the beat by going high. .,... .Trocadero opened as a "wheel" bouse, w|jh Fred Irwin'. Majesties Sam T. .lock's, had .crowded bouses with the Bon Tons.. 'The Tenderfoot" began Its lost weefc at the' Dearborn, nnd "Babes In Toy- la'ltij" continued at the Grand Opera House. ,;■>..';.Fair crowds witnessed "The Buffalo Mystery" at Hopkins' Rdchard Buhler, li*'"I»aiU Hevere," at the Columbus; "A ' Mitle Outcust," at the Alhnrabra; "Alaska, «t .lh« HIJou : "Too Proud to Beg," at the Atndemy, and "Over Niagara Falls." at the Criterion, were the other popular priced com- hlnatlops to open against the warm weather. A.'.....The bill at tie Thlrty-Oret Street was .(•panged to "Lean," Ellta Proctor Otis be- innnitrther lust week as stock star...... "The Princess Ohlc" delighted big crowds . ah*. Mie Oreat Northern, and "Sherlock llolnies'' continued to delight great crowds •it XldVlcker's iMonday afternoon the Itinrmarket, with Its greatly beautified In- , , »«lor r and the Olympic opened their season Willi 'splendid vaudeville bills "The I'elttee of Pllaon" entered Its last week at ihe fitudebaker. Jess Dandy la a hit. The iWgle s _»Jes eomenext week to the Trocadero, nAd AJ"Reeves' Show playB Sam T. Jacks. JBoHmw,.Aatf. 25.—Great weather Sunday J I yesterday brought out big crowds of In- r. arid' outdoor amusement seekers. An rtlent performance of "The Christian" In- nwitrnted the season at. the Boston, and n lafce. audience was assembled The 1 re- umnt was packed to the doors with admirers W ''Peggy from Paris," now In Its lost week. .'C......7:Tbe Smart Set" Is deserving of big hiisiheas'; ah'd a'good start was made last night at the Grand Opera .A large '(nBpmc •*■**< and enjoyed "York State ' I'flJlB,"' at the Majestic "Shadows of » "Hreat City"', was a potent Music Hall crtrd'.:■ .'..Hub patronage was large and a ■ i«0Od melodrarna was seen—"Slaves of the Mines."..,. u . Stock productions, "A Beau- iltul J'lehd/ at Ihe P.owdoln Square, and •tArUForracyV 'at the Castle Square, did idhiAI large business Same things noticed ■at.tKiiUh's; dondy bill and big bouse...... jMcIptyre hnd Henth headed a strong Howard offering'.ti> a full house. l.yreum opened wrong' '«|)b Irwin's Burlesnuers. while the . PMacf .fared more than well with 8am De- ■A'cYe nnd his associates. t. rrr.lJoiiiR, Aug. 25.—The week opens with nVliot'wayethnr means big money for the , n<\/ic«fo\houses, but the opposite for dowir lo\Va theatres The Grand opens with Wofyr*, Southern Bkles.".... At Crawford's ''SpoTlestf-Towii'' opened to fair business, 28, large audiences were not seen. Goodly audi-. ences, however, greeted "Only a Shop Girl." at the Auditorium; "Miss Bob White," nt the Pork; "For Her Children's Sake," at the National, and "Winning Hand," at the j'eople's, giving all a cordial reception Stock productions nt Fnrepnugh's, the BIJnu nnd Standnrd were up to par Itlrhard Carroll, at the Glrard, and "The Little church Around the Corner," at the Star, were excellently received vaudeville drew a good showing nt Keith's, and bur- lesque at the Lyceum and Trocadero were well patronized. I.oiiiBvii.i.E, Aug. 25.—The new Masonic Theatre, under the auspices of Weber Br6s., proprietors, of Chlcngo, opened for the first time 23, with "Iteuhen In New York," to a packed houee. The opening performance went without a hitch "Nobody's Claim" opened at. the Avenue Sunday, drawing largo attendance The Buckingham Theatre opened Its doors for the season Sunday. with Watson's American Burlcsquers, to crowded houses at both matinee nnd night performances. Cincinnati, Aug. 25.—With the mercury in the "90s," Ihe plnyliouses. suffered ma- terially at the openings Sunday The Co- lumbia, with a good vaudeville bill, and the Walnut, offering "Zig Zng Alley," opened the doors for the season, to fair houses... ."The Price of Honor," at Heuck's, did not open until Sunday night, owing to the late arrival of the scenery Frank ft Carr's yrhnr- nuglibreds. played, to fair business, at -the People's The hot weather drove the people to the Summer resorts in large num- bers. Warhinuton, Aug. 25.—"Arizona" opened the Lafayette season last night, to n crowd- ed house "A Hugged Ifero" packed the Academy of Music "Kidnapped In New Y'ork" opened the Umpire Theatre, season Inst night, to an overflowing house "The Kentucky Belles" hnd two crowded au- diences yesterday, at the Lyceum Su- burban resorts still continue well patronized. •■♦* ALICB FIBCHRR, Whose picture appears on the front page of this Issue, seems destined to occupy a unique place In theatrical history, for up to the pres- ent writing she is the only player ever ele- vated to the position of a stor In a night. The event took place at Wallack's Theatre on the second of last September, when she essayed'Ihe leading role In Grace Living- stone Furnlas' farcical comedy, ".Mrs. Jack.' Miss Furnlss wrote the play with Miss Fischer—a friend of many years—In mind for tbe title role. Miss Fischer then brought the play to the attention of Henry B. Har- ris. He accepted It immediately, and made the actress an offer to atar In the role of Mra. Jack. Miss Flicher declined. Mr. Harris tried to persuade her that "sbewas strong enough to carry the full weight of a production upon her shoulders." Miss Fischer asserted that all sb,e desired was the opportunity of creating the title role, ns sho thought It peculiarly suited to ber person- ality and methods. But whether she would have It or no, tbe first nlghters at Wallack's mnde her a star by unanimous verdict, nnd the following day Mr. Harris plnesrdMl New York with hastily prepared "three sheets,' heralding the advent of a new stellar lumin- ary. MlBB Fischer's triumph at Wallack s was repeated at tbe Victoria, the octreim plac- ing to her credit a run of over one hundred nlghti In New York City. Her success as a leading exponent of fun seems somewhat singular when It Is recalled that today an adventure*!' role Is almost InvarlRbly de- scribed by managers and dramatic agents as r,n "Alice Fischer part." Miss Flsbfer won this reputation as the preeminent vltullzer of designing females by her bit as sllnno, In "Little Lord Fauntleroy." It was during her second season on the stage, and was. the first opportunity to be afforded her. She scored so signally that thereafter she had the "call" on all similar ebnractors. Her more recent appearances In that line of nrtlstlc endeavor were made In "Quo Vadls, "The Sporting Duchess" and "The White Heather." MI«« Fischer soon tired of such Impersonations, and whenever posilhle se- cured the chance to create comedy roles, for which Bhe hod a strong predellctlon, Mr. Harris bad the good fortune to witness several of her comic characterisations, and became convinced that therela-lay'great possibilities, Ills Judgment has .bpen veri- fied, for few stars have succeeded so well, llniinelBlly nnd si'tlstlcnlly, as has Miss Fischer. «»» IlKbAWAIin. v, w ii in lute to ii. At Hie Grand Opera House <Jesse K. Iloylls, manager) .—"The Telephone Girl" drew a fair sized audience Ana "" Coming; Jere SIcAullffe Stock Co., In repertory, week of 24: Edword Wald- mnnn, In "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," Sept. 2; "A Fool nnd His Money' 5. Lycrum (Hurt & Nlcolal, managers).— "Slo\es of rhe Mlue" opeued the second rea- son of this house, under the present, success- ful management, Aug. 17-11), and had lar»;c audiences, as did also "A llomnuee of Conn Hollow," 20-22, Hooked; "Tbe Fanny Side of Life" 24-20, "McFudden's now of Flnts "7-29. "For Her Children's Bake" .Ml-Sept. 2, Joe Welch, In "Tbe Peddler," 3-5. — •* • * WEST VIRGINIA. Wheeling At the Court Theatre (E. B.' Franzhelm, manager).—Coming: King Dodo" Aug. 28. followed by Blanche-Walsh Sent 5, 'The Eternal City" 18. 10. ,. Tli and Opriia Honsi; (Chns A. Feinler. manaeer).—The house will open with Ihe Price of Honor" 20-22, followed by "Mr. Pooler" 24-20, "The Queen of the Highway" aSS«: "His Nibs, the Baron,' 81-Hent. 2. " Wam-ack's Bin Snow will appear here A '"' 2B ' ., .., There Are Rlffot of Them. New York to Chicago, eight splendidly (quipped trains a day oy th« New York Cen- tral This Is a sample of our lerylce.—Adv. Sept. 6-ll» ( On m Road. All Route* Mast Reach l» Nut Later Thau Mnndsy. DRAMATIC, Aubrey Stock, llnslern, Miltentbal Brothers' (Carl Urchin, mgr.i—1'oiighkeepsle, >', Y., , Aug. 24-20, Fall Hirer, Mass., 31-Sept. 1 Aubrey Stock, Western, Mlttenthal Brothers' —H llkesbarre, l*a., Aug. 24-20, Bingham- ton, N. Y„ ai-Sept. 4. Adair, (iregg * Adair Stock (John Adair, asst. mgr.)—Orafton, W. Va., Aug. 24• 20, Annapolis, Mil., :tl-Sept. 5. "Alaska." Lincoln J. Carter's—Chicago, 111., Aug. 2.1-2S. South Chicago Ml Knox, Hid., .11, Noblesvllle Sept. 1, Muncle 2, Marion 3, Rushvllle 4, Hartford City 5. "Arizona," M. B. Itnymond's (Charles F. Brown, mgr)—Washington, I). C, MB 24 21), Freeland, l'a., Sept. 2, llrlihreion, X- J., 3. Red Bank 4. Klltabeth 5. "As You Like It" (ICrnest Shlpmou. mgr.) — Mnchlas, Me., Aug. an, Fairrteld 28. Kkdw- began 20, (lardlner 51, Itockland- Sept. 1, Camden 2, Bath II, Portsmouth. N. H„ 4. "At the Old Cross Hoods" (Arthur C. Alston, mgr.)—Frle, l'a., Aug. 20, Cleveland, o„ :tl-Sept. 0. "At 1'lke's Penk," 0. H. Rdon'a (Claude Hcardmnn, mgr.)—Ceniervllle, la., Aug. 20, Leon 28, Osceola Sept. 1, Vlllsca 2, Bed Ook .'), Shenandoah 4, Olenwond ft. "Across the • l'nclllc," Harry Clny lllnney (K. W. Fuller, mgr.)—Cleveland, O., Aug. . . 24-211, Detroit. Mich., 30-Sept. 5. "An American licntlemnn"- —Olanthe, Kan., Aug. 24, Wnmego 25, Junction City 20, Abilene 27, Sallna 28, Mcl'herson 20, Hut- chinson 31, Wichita Sept. 1, Yates Cenler 2, Burlington 5, Chnnutc 4, Jopiin, Mo., .",. "An Aristocratic Trnmp," Klfrov & Hrltton's i Will Kllroy, mgr.i—Marseilles, HI., Aug. 24, Kanakee 25, Tiiscota 2(1, Shelhyvllle 27, Fningham 28. I'nna 20. Illnglinm, Amelia, Hepertory (Frank McKee, mgr.)—Helena, iMout., Aug. 27. Butte 28. Blair, F.ugonle, in "Zaza" (Henri (Iresslt, mgr.)—Washington. D. C. Aug. 51-Sept. 5. Hrnvham. Knthryn, In "The Village Grocer" |W| W. Lapolnt, mgr.)—F^ist Clreenwlch, It. I., Sept. a. Wlckford 4, Wakefield 5. Bennett-Miiulton, Hepertory (J. M. Torr, mgr.)—Saratoga, N. V., Aug. 24, Water- iown 31-Sept. 12. BnldwIn-MelviHe Stock (Walter S. Baldwin, mgr.)—Buffalo, N. Y.. Aug. 24-21). Hunting, Ummu, Repertory (Karl Ilitrgcss, mgr.)—Rending, l'a., Aug. 17-20, rottsvllle ai-Sept. 5. Bennett's Dig Show (J. W. Sights, mgr.)— rioqitet, Minn., Aug. 24-20, Cine City 27- 20, North Branch Hl-Sept. 2, tirnntsburg, Wis., 3-5. Burrill Comedy (Charles W. Burrlll, mgr.)— champaign, III.. Aug. 24-20. Burrlll Comedy (Itnlpu llnydcn, mgr.)—New Albany, lad., Aug. 24-Oct. 9. Burrlll Slock (Charles W. Burrlll, mgr.) — Springfield, 111., Aug. 24, Indefinite. "Breezy Time" (Merle II. Norton, mgr.) — i.iraoevllle, Minn., Aug. 20, Morris 27. Litchfield 28, Hranlte Falls 20, Marshall 31, Canny 1 Kent. I. Watertown, So. Dnk., 2, I'lpestone, Minn., .'I, Flnndreau, So. Dak., 4. Madison ft. "Bufl'nlo Mjstery," Jule & Klmer Walters' i Hubert llnlcotr, mgr.)—Chicago, 111,, Aug. 2H-20, Mllwankee. f»is., .10-Sept. 5. "Blacklown"—llllxabeth, N. J., Aug. 24-20. "Beware of Men"—Philadelphia, l'a., Aug. 31-Sept. 5. "Break for Liberty" (J. M. Jacobs, nigs.)— Kokoruo, lnd., Sept. 1, Alexandria 2, Kl- wood a, Noblesvllle 4, Anderson 5. Collier, Wllllsni, In "I'erscnnl"—Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 27-20. Cook-Church Stock (H. W. Taylor, mgr.)— Woonsockrt, II. L, Aug. 24-20, Brocklon, Mass.. 31-Sept. 5, Chase. Lister, Southern—Annmoss, In., Aug. 24-20, (Irlnnell 31-Sept. 5. Chase-Lister, Northern (Joseph Farrell, mgr.)—Iowa City, la., Aug. 24-20. Carpenter, Frankle, Repertory (Jrre Orndy, mgr.)—Gloucester, Mass., Aug. 24-20, Lynn 31-Sept. 5. Curls Dramatic (M. H. Curts, mgr.)—Sa- vnnna, HI., Aug. 24-20. Carrol Comedy (Ion Carroll, mgr.)—Clarks- burg, W. Vs., Aug. 24-20. Corliss Comedy (Harry Kiting, bus. mgr.)— Fort Worlh, Tex.. 24-Sept. 5. Curtlss Stock (8. M. l.'nrtlss, mgr.)—Fine- nix, Ariz., Aug. 24, Indefinite.. Calmer, liaison, S., Comedy—Frackvllle, Pn., Aug. 27-20, HI. Clair 31-Sept. 2, Tower City 3-5. Conrov & Mack's Comedlars (P. P. Craft, mgr.)—Snlem, N. J., Aug. 24-Sept. ft. Castle Square Stock. No. ( (L. L. tlreene, mgr.)— Mnsslllon, ()., Aug. 24-3(1. • 'astlc Square Stork, No. 2 (C. ('. Allison, liter, i -i;iaci. Bay, ('. B., Aug. 24-30. Champion. J. 0., Stock (M. B. Pogue, mgr.) 'lot Springs. Aik„ Aug. 241Srpl. 5. Cutter & Williams Stack—New Castle, lnd., Aug. 24-20, ltoonvllle 31-Sept. ,1. CunimliijjM Slock—Pelersburg, Vu., Aug. 21- 20. "County Fair"—Kllxobelli, N. J., Aug. 31- Sept. 2. "Christian" (Lelhler ft Co., mgrs.)—Boston, Mass., Aug. 24-20, Worcester 31. "Christian," Western (Geo. L. Baker, mgr.) —Walla Walla, Wash.. Aug. 31, Pendle- ton, Ore., Sept. 1, Baker City 2, Boise, Ida., 3, I'ocutelin 4, Deuver, Col., 0-12. "Country Kid" (Wblttaker & Hicks, nigra,) Greenville, Mich., Aug. 24, Grand Ledge 25, Portland 20. Clare 28, Reed City 20. Kwlng-T'oyhir Slis'k (Albert 'I'Mylur, mgr.) — Shreveport, La., Aug. 24-30. Kdwards Stock (Charles V. F.dwards, mgr.) —Klkton, Md., Aug. 24-20. F.cllp.«#> Stock (Lloyd & Oenter, mgrs.)— London, Ky., Aug. 20-28. F.vnns k Ward Comedy il'dwnrd R. Titus', mgr.)—Camden, N. J., Aug. 2N, 39, West l'hiladelphln 31-Sept. 2, Media 3, West Chester 4, 6. Karl c Martell's American Stock (Oliver Martell, mgr.i—Sioux City, la., Aug. 24, Indefinite. l".dsall & Wlnthrope Stoi'k—Lebanon, Ky., Aug. 24-20. "Karl of Pawtneket" (Klrke La Shelle, mgr.)— N. Y. City Aug. 24-Bept. 5. "Kleventh Hour," Lincoln J. Carter's—Kant Jot don, Mich.. Aug. 20,l*etosky 27, Cadil- lac 28, Ludlngton 211, Benton Harbor 31. Michigan City. lnd.. Sept. I, Nlkhnri 2, Nlles, Mich,, 3, Three .Rivers 4, Balllo Creek ft..- ' ■■' ^ --• "ICvll Men Do," Sullivan, Harris A Woods' —N. Y. City Aug. 20-Scpt. ft. I'rawley, Daniel, Repertory (Leigh D. Hrtick- art, mgr.)—Sydney, Auk., Aug. 24-Sept. Ferris Comedians (Harry Bubb. mgr.)—Osh- kosh, Wis., Aug. 23-20, Madison 31-Sept. 5. Ferris Stock—Omaha, Neb., Aug. 24, In- definite. Francis, Marion, Repertory (Oeorge K. Hob- Iniuin, fagrj^-lCastflP.' rn '- A, "( 24 20, New^ffinswlck, N.™. 31-Sept. 5. Fields Strs-k (Frank Sylvester, mgr.)—White Sulphur Springs, lnd. Tor., Aug. 24, In- definite. FIske, Mrs-.'Stock-.Kaarport, Me., Aug. 2420, Bangor 31-Sept. 5: "Fatnl Wedding," Sullivan, Harris « Woods' —Pnterson, N. J., Aug. 24-2(1, Boston, Mass., 31-Sept. .ft. . . "For Her .Chllfirtn^l^e" Eastern, Snlll- vnn, Harris ft woods'—Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 24-20, Brooklyn, N. Y., 31-Hupl. 5. "For Her Children's Sake," Western. Sul- livan, Harris & Woods' (Kd. II. Lester, mgr.)—HolMkeu. X. J., Aug. 22-20, Pnier- son 27-20, Wlrolngton, Del., 31-Sepl. 2, Camden, X. J., 3-5.' "Flnming Arrow," Lincoln.J. Carter's—fin- ton, la., Aug. 2(1, Rock Island, HI., 27, Mollne 28, Muscatine, la., 20, Cedar Rap- id*, 31, Tama Sept. 1, Marshtilllown 2, I'l- dorn 3, Boone 4, Ames 5. "Fnst Mall," Lincoln J. Carter's— Brnld- wood, III., Aug. 31, Chutiswood Sept. I, lloopeston 2, I'nxlnn 3, Knutoul 4, Furiner City ft. "For Mother's Sake," Rusco * Holland's i Wm. Pottle Jr., mgr.)—iudlanspolls. lnd., Aug. 24-2(1, Columbus 27, 28, Kl- wood 20, DnyiOn, CI., 31-Sept. 2, Colum- tius 3-o. "For Her Sake," K. J. Carpenter's (Joseph Pilgrim, mgr.)—I'lttslleld, III., Aug. 20, ijuincy 27, Ilniinlhnl, Mo., 28, Louisiana 20, Kast St. Louis, ill.. 30: "Factory tllrl" (Charles W. Wuerx, mgr.)— Hartford, Conn., Aug. 24-20, Full Ttlver, Mass.. 27-20, Hoboken, N. J., 3d-Sept. 2, New Haven, Conn., 3-3. "Funny Mr. Donley" (Frank D. Ilrynn, mgr.) —Wheeling, W. Va., Aug. 24-20, Dayl nn, (>., 27-20, Cincinnati ;ui sept. 5. "Friend of the Family" (W. 10. Conuiiii, mgr. i —Denver.. Col., Aug. 2.1-20. "Fight for a Million" (Malcolm Douglas, mgr.)—N. Y. Cliy Aug. 24-20. "From Hags to ICIchis"—Troy, N. Y., Aug. 24-20, N. Y. <Mty 31-Sept. 5. Granger. Willis, In "A Gentleman of France" i Martin J. Dixon, mgr.)—X. Y. city Aug. 24-20. Gnrvle, Kdward, In "Mr. Jolly from Juliet," Broadhurst & Cut lie's (II. A. Wlcktiaiii, mgr.)—Johnstown, Pa., Aug. 20, Wnsh- Ington 27, Sprlnat'.elil, 0., 28, Anderson, lnd., 20, Pndmnli, Ky., 31, Culru, III., Sept. |, Memphis, Tenn., 2, (Ircenvllle, Miss.. 3, Vlrkshnrg 4, Union Kongo 5. Goldstein, Rachel iHtflllvnn, llnrris ft Wood, mgrs.)—KlUubnth, N. J., Aug. 28, 20, Plilladelpltlu, I'll., 31-Sepl. 5. Godding Comedy (0. M. Cotton, mgr.)—Al- bion, Mich., Aug. 24-20, llnttlc Creek 31- Sept. 0. . G limey. Stock (Wm. Stanford, mgr.)— Charleston, HI,, Aug. 24-20, Champaign 31- Sept.' ft. • "Onine Keeper," Smith O'Brien (Rowland ft Clifford, mgrs.)—Marlon, lnd,, Aug, 27- 20, Aleinnarla 81, Klwood Sept. 1, Mid- dletown 2, Newcastle 3, Portland 4, Mun- cle ft. "(lame Keeper, Thomas J. Smith (llnwlnitd ft Clifford, mgrs.)—Hloomlngton, HI., Sept. 4, I'eorlR A. "Olrl from Sweden," Harry M. Clark's (II. J. Bernard, mgr.)—Ludlngton, Mich., Aug, 20, Mitnlslee 27, Port Huron 30, Ypsllnntl 31. Jnrkson Sept. 1. "Onme of Life" 'Frank T. Klni/.lug, rogr.) —Worcester, Mass., Aug. "4-2U, Huston 31-Sept. 5. "Good Will and Bad Bill" (J, F. Hlattner, mgr.)—Chicago, III., Aug. 23-20. "Gentleman from Uascony" (M., W. Hniiloy ft Son, mgrs.)—Johnston, I "a., Aug. 24, (Ireensbiiig 25, Fo''i Wayne, lnd,, 20, War- saw 27, Horkford, HI., 28, Davenport, la., 20. "Orent White Diamond" — Baltimore, Md., Aug. 24 29. "Olrl nnd the Judge," Elennor Muntell— Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 24-20, Holiuken, N. J., 2720. Harrlgnn, IMward, In "Under Cover" (Llebler ft Co., mgrs.)—lirldgeport, Conn,, Aug. 20, Boston, Mass,, ai-Scpt, ft. Howard Hull, In '"['he Man Who Dared" "Her Marriage Vow" (Vance ft Sullivan, ingrsj—Toledo, (>., Aug. 23-20, Akron 8«« 20, Buffalo, N. Y., 31-Sepl. 5. "Hoesicr Daisy," Resale Clifton (0. H.'Kl- ' don, mgr.)—Mortensvllle, lnd., Aug. 2tl, S|K>ncer 2i, Bloonilleld 28, Llniiui 20. Sey- mour 31, Aurora Sept. 2, (ireensl.urg .!, Monlhello 4. "liuppy Hooligan," Kr.stern, (Ins Hill's i Charles K, Barton, mgr.)—New Hochelle, N. Y.. Aug. 20, Stamford, Conn., 27, South Norwalk 28, Ntwburg, N. Y., 20, Abony 31-Sept. 2, Amsterdam 3, l-tlca 4, 5. "Hearts of ilold," No. 1 (ICdwnrd F. Kvntis, mgr.)—Harrington. Del., Aug. 27-20. Lew- Is 31, Mllford Sent. 1, (leorgetown 2, Havre de Grace, Md., 3, ('oinhla, Pa., 4, In "Hans HnnFon" (Jamen T. McAlpIn, muci —Marshlled, Wis. Aug. 20, 27. Grand Rapid* 2S, Plttsvllle 20. Wsrrens 31. "Hoi CM Time," tins Hill's—1!(left, N. X,, Aug. 28, 20, Newark, N. J., 31-Sept. 5. "Hello. Bill"—Montreal, Can.. Aug. 21-211. "In Old Kentucky," Jacob Lilt's—Si. Ilinl, Minn.. Aug. 23-20, Minneapolis .'Hl-St-pl. 5. "Irish Pawnbrokers" (Joseph W. Sparks, mgr.)—Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 24-20. James nnd Ward, In "Alexander the Orent" (Wagenh&ls ft ' Kemper, mgrs.)—Ornod Rapids, Mich., Aug. 31. "Jim Hludso," Sullivan, Harris ft Woods'— Newark, N. J„ Aug. 21-20. "Just Struck Town, T ' .luii. Wnlters' (12. II. Krnst, mgr.)—Chicago, HI., Aug. M Sept. "James Boys In Missouri" (Ciniik GiizjoIo. lllgr.) — lies Mollies, in.. Aug. 24-20, Mnr- sbtilltown 31, Cedar Rapids Sept. I. Mus- catine 2, Osknloosn 3, (iituiuiva 4, Con mil Bluffs ft. "Johnstown Flood" (Kdwnnl Hoitgbtpu. mgr.)—Hatnvla. N. Y„ Sept. 2, Salauulm-ti 3, Ureenvlile, Pn., 4, Shnroti 0. , Kelcev, Herbert, nnd KOle Shannon, In "Srler- luck Holmes" (Daniel V. Arthur, mgr.i-- Chlcago, III., Aug. 24-21), Kansas, Mo., :i|. Sejit. TS Keystone Stock, Mcdlll ft Sliipmun's— Phila- delphia, PH., Aug. 31-Sepl. ft. Klngsley-Uttssell—Troy, Mo., Aug. 24-20, Jer- svyvllle, III.. 31-Sepi. ft.' Kennedy, James, Repertory (O. R. Wiv, mgr.) ■sprlnglleld. 111., Aug. 23-20, Danville 31. Sept. 0. King Dramatic (Clacknor ft Dnvall, mgrs.) --- Wllllaiuspurt, l'a.. Aug. 24-20. Klngsleys, Hepertory (M. £. Klngsley, mgr.) —Ohio City. (),, Aug. 24-20. "Kidnapped In New York," Harney Gllroy — Washington, I>. C, Aug. 2420, Hiiltlniore, Md„ 31-Sept. 0: ■ ' Loder, Charles A., In "A Funny Side or Lire" i Buitei-iieid ft Briinliow. mgrs.)—Wilming- ton, Del., Aug. 24-20, West Chester, Pn,, 27, Potlstowu 28, Allcnlnwn 20, l.nsloit 3), Mauili Chunk Sept. I, Trenton, N. .1., 2. Ilurllngtnn 5, Nnrrlstnwn, Pn., 4, Rend- ing 5. Long, Nellie, Stock (Charles W. Iliirrell, mgr.)—Mnrlon, O., Aug. 24-20, Ada .11- Seiil. 0. I.nndnlc Theatre (Hill llarher, mgr.)—Den .Moines, In.. Aug. 24 20, Neola OlSopl. 5. "Little Church Around the Coiner" (vuncti ft Sullivan, mgrs i—Plillnilelpbln. Pit., Aug. 24 20. Brooklyn, N. Y.. 20 Sept. 5. "Lighthouse by the Sen" iVnnee, Sullivan ft Co., mgrs.)—Newark, N. J., Aug. 24-20, N. V. Cliy 3l-Hent. 5. "Limited .Mali" (Klnier £. Vnnre, mgr.) — .Montr -nl, Can., Aug. 24-20, SprlnglleUt, Mast.. 31-Sepl, 2. 'Lund ii" Colfnii," Junar.ft Corrornn'a (W. A. Junker, mgr.)—Clinton, la., Aug. I'll, Hockfinl 27, ll,ibui||ie 28, Mnrshullfnv.'rt 20, Waterloo 31, Oskaloona Sept. 1, otuttn- wn 2, Des Moines 3-5. "Little outcast." eastern, Gen. M. Ollls I l.iwrrni e 11. Mercer, mgr.)-- Chlcngo, III,, Aug. 24 Sept. r,. "Llllie Oiilcast," Northern, Geo. M, Olll's (Fdgnr II. I'llxhugli, uigr.)—Jltpon, Wis., Aug. 27. Plymouth 28, Nannith 20, Green liny 3(1, Sturgeon liny HI. "Little Church Around the Corner" (Vniicu ft Sullivan, nigra,)— Philadelphia, Pn., Aim. 24-20, Brooklyn. N. y., Hl-Sept. ft. miller, Henry, and Margaret Anglln, Heper- tory (c. n. lillilngtiam, mgr.)—Snn Fran- cisco, Cnl,, Aug. 17-Sent. 10, Morrison, Rosnts-i, In "A Deserted llrldo" — Altoona, Pn., Aug. 20, N. V. City Sept. 1-ft. Murray ft Mack, In "A Night on Brondwny" lOllle Muck, mgr,)— T'hlltidelphln, Pn., Aug. 31 Sept. 15. Myrkle-Harder Stn'.'k (Kugene J. Ilnll, mgr.) — i'unxioilnwnev. '.<«., Aug. 34-29. MucDowell Stone Slock— Iiuluth, Minn., Aug. 24, InileHnlle. Mack, Wllhur, Repertory—.Anderson. lnd., Aug. .Il-Scpl. 5. Monroe, Trlxle, Comedy (Harry C. Morton, mgr.)— Irvonn, Pn,, Aug. 2M, Wlndber 20, Ktiensbnrg 31, Kvahs Oily Sept. 1, Stoim- lion, 1', 3, Cleiirlleld 4, l'unxsulnwney ft. Mi culliini, Hartley, ■ Stock— Portland, Me., Aug. 24, IndCllillle. McAiillfi'e, Jure, • Slock—Wilmington, Del., Aug. 24-20. Mlllcr-llrynii Htncl: (A. L. Bryan, mgr.) — Bnlou ItniigH, La., Aug. 24, Ide/lnltc, Murcii llayi'M Stock (A. Gnrlleld, mgr.) — St. l/lllls. Mo,, Aug, 23-20, Mount Sterling, HI., Sept. 1-ft. Marks Brothers, May A. Ball Marks (it. W. Marks, mgr.)—Ogdensburg, N. Y., Aug. Myers, Irene, Repertory (Will II. Myers, mgr.)—Trenton, N. J., Aug. 24-20, lliuh- ton 31-Sept. ft. Mntlies, t'lnrit, Repertory—Otilorlo, Can., Aug. 21-3(1. "Child. Slaves of New York" (J, B. Isaacs, Xug._24-20, _ ...... Mtirrny * ■Mwkey!' lC^{oVy(Z,» jSLc- mgr.)—Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 24-20, Buffa- lo, N. Y„ 31-Sept. ft. 'amlllc," Georgia Harper (Harper ft Det- rlck. mgrs.)—Grass Vulley, Ore,, Sept. 8. "Camllle rick, nigen. ;— -nr "Convict's Daughter," Southern, (leorge Bam uela' (Roland G. Pray, mgr.)—New Ho- chelle, N. V., Aug. 20, Red llank, N. J., 31, Soniervllle Sept. 1, Klltabeth 2, Anbury Park 3, Freehold 4, Trenton 5. "Child Wife"—N. V. Clt.v Aug. 31-flent. 5. Dlxey, Henry, In "A Welsh Rarebit" and "Facing tbe Music (Nathaniel Roth, rogr.)—Peoria, 111,, Aug. 20. Dllger-Comell, Hepertory, No. 1—OH Cliy, IV, Aug. 24-20, Butler 31-Sept. 0. linger Cornell, Repertory, No. 2—Limn, O., Aug. 24-20, Clrclovllle 27-20. Dunuesne Dramatic (K. M. Greene, mgr.)— Granville. U., Aug. 24-20. Plain City 27-20. Davidson Stock (A. K. Davidson, mgr.)'— Battle Creek, Mich., Aug. 24-20, Port Ha- ven 31-Sept. ft. "Darkest Hour," Lincoln J. Carter's—Peru, lnd.. Aug. 20, Columbus. (),, 27-20, Kn- koino, lnd., 31, Hartford City Sept. I, Union Cliy 2, Muncle 3, Klwood 4, Alex- andria 5. "Down Mobile," Lincoln J. Carter's—Knu Claire, Wis., Aug. 20, Ashlnnd 27, West Superior 28, Huluih. Minn., 20, Bralnerd 31, Fargo, No. Dak., Sept. 1, Billings, Mont,, 3, Butte'4, ft. "Darkness and Daylight," Harry M. Clark's (K. T. Stetson, mgr.)—Fort Madison, In., Aug. 2ii, Monmouth. III.. 27, Davenport, Hi,, 28. Hock Island, III.. 20, Jollet 31, Bloomlngton Sept. 1, Jackson 2, Spring- Held 3, Peoria 4, Burlington, la., ft. "Driven from Home," Patrice, Mlttenthal Brothers' (W. D. Fitzgerald, mgr.i—Buf- falo, N. Y.. Aug. 24-20, Syracuse 31-Sept. '.'. Rocheater 11-5. "Desperate Chance"—Syracuse. N. Y., Aug. 24-20. St. Catherines, Can,, 28. "Dora Thorne" (It. L. Crescj, mgr.)—No- blesvllle, lnd., Aug. 20, Seymour 27, Wash- ington 28, Vincennes 20, Tell Cliy 30. ''Devil's Auction," Charles H, Yale's—Nor- folk, Va., Aug. 20, "Dawtler"—Cincinnati, O.. Aug. flO-Sent. ft. Kmmett, Katie, In "The Waifs of New York" (Waller Lester, bits, mgr.)—Chicago, ill., Aug. _ Ilnll, Don C, Repertory—St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 24-20, Atchison, Knn., 31-Sepl. 2, Topcka J-ft, Huntley.Moore Stock— Atlantic City. X. J., Aug. 24, Indefinite. Hnveourt Comedy—Augusta, Me., Aug. 24- 20. BtimfordFnlis ill-Sept. ft. Howard Stock (A. G. Howard, mgr.)— (ileus Falls, X. Y., Aug. 24-20, Uloversvllle .11- Sept. ft. Hlllinan, Maude, Hepertory—I/OWVille, N. V., Aug. 24-20, Boouvllle 31-Sepl. 3. Hulbert, Laura, Stock (Charles W. Burrlll, mgr.)—Kankakee, 111,, Aug. 24-Sept, 12. limn Stock—Cnssopolls, Mich., Aug. 31- Sept. ft. Howard-Dorset Stock (George B. Howard, mgr.)—Rushvllle, lnd., Aug. 24-20, Prince- ton, III., 31-Senl. 5. HoldenComedy, John A. Preston (Wm. 'hip lett, ingr.)—Hot Springs, Ark., Aug. 17 20, Dallas. Tex., 31-Sept. ft lett, mgr.)—Hot Springs, Ark., Aug. 20, Dallas, Tex., 31-Sept. 5 "Heart of Maryland" (David. Ocliisco, mgr.) —Boston, Mbsh., Sept. 7-12. '•Jlenil Of Chicago," Lincoln J. Carter's— Kingston, Ont., Aug. 20, Ottawa 27-20, Montreal 31-Sept. ft. •Iltr Only Sin," Lincoln J, Carter's— Hnult Htf.' Marie, Can., Aug. 20, Munlstlque, ' ■ Mich,. 27. Kscabsb'l .28, Green Bay, Wis., 21), Kenosha 30, Drlnvau ill, Hook ford, III., ' Sept. 1, Ottawa 2, Lasnlle 3, Oalva 4, Kewnnee 6. "Hirmaii Slnrea" (J. M. Ward, mgr.)—Col- •iihibds, (>.. Aug. 24-20, Plona 28, Lima 20, Toledo :io, 2, tirand Rapids, Mich.. 3-ft. "Homespun Heart" (I*on Williams, mgr.)— I'tltsileld, Mass., Aug. 20. Troy, N. v., 27- III, Wtlllngford, Conn., 31, Merlden Sept. I, Naugalurk 5, Duntuiry 4,' Bristol 5. "Ileffrls t.'nnrogeous," Orln Johnson—Grand Huplds,. .Mich., Aug. 20, 27, Chicago, III., 31-Sept. ft. "Holly Tolly" (Ollle Mnck ft Joseph M. Gniieit, mgrs.)—Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 2.".- 20. "Hottest Coon In Dixie" (Rngrne Spnffnril, mgr.)—Man I pel ler. lnd., Aug. 30, Fnrt Wayne 27, Peru 28, Logansport 20, Mnrlon 31, Noblesvllle Sept. 1, Franklin 2, Colum- bus 3, (Jreennald 4, Newcastle ft, ray, mgr.)—Warren, O., Aug. 31-Sept. ft. May. Verim, Hepertory (II. A. Du Hols, mgr.)— Ashland, Ky., Aug. 24-Sept. 12. Marks Stock (Thomas Murks, mgr.)—Ann Arbor, Mich., Aug. 24-Sept. ',. Mack ft Armour's Comedians (James F. Felti, mgr.) —Jollet, III., Aug. 24-20, lialesburg 27-20, iiiiiimwa, in., 30-Sept. 2, Knoxvliln 3-5. MellanRld Stock (G. W. MiDonalil. mgr.) -- Harrison, Ark., Aug. 24.20, Knreka Springs 31-Sept. 5. Madison Square Theatre, Sinter's—Dallas, Tex,, Aug. 22-20. "My Wife's," Mr. and Mrs. ICdwln .Milton Boyle (Nathaniel Roth, mgr.)--X. Y. City Aug. 24. Indclltilte, "Mlnlsler's Dnugliler" .((trover Brothers, mgrs.)—Brooklyn. N/'Y., Aug, 20-Sept. ft. "Man to Man" (IJitlierllelu ft Itrlaillow. mgrs.)—Bonneville, N. Y„ Aug, 2(t, mini 27, Oswego 28, Fulton 20, Clyde 31, Lynns Sept, -I,. Auburn 2, Geneva 3, Cillinildnlgiiii 4, Niagara Fulls ft. "McFadilen's Finis," Ous Hill's (Thomas It. Henry, mgr.)—l.'umden, N. .)„ Aug. 24-211, Wilmington. Del.. 2720, Richmond. Vu.. 31, Columbia, S. C. Sept. I, Charleston 2. "Missouri Olrl, 1 ' Kastern, Fred Bayaiond's— li'Hlrbury. 111., Aug. 20, > fowler, lnd., 27. Plymouth 28, Rocheater ' 21), Mishnwnkit 31. Buchanan, Mlcb., Sept. 1, Beaton Har- bor ft. "Missouri Olrl." Wcstern,.,Krart Raymond's — Merengo, III., Sepl. I), Woodstock 4, Howard ft, "Minister's Hon," W. H. Psttnn (J. M. Stout, mgr.)—St. Louis, M&„ Aug. 2.1-211. HI. Charles 30. Kdwiirdsrllle, 111.. ,'H, Carlln- vine Sept. 1, Charleston 2. Knilnnnl Mili- tary Home 3, "Mlllfoi (onnlrc Tramp," Kltner Wnllers' IB. K, Buchanan, mgr.)—Cnunell Bluffs, In., Sent. ft. "Mickey Finn"—Kllxiils'lh, N. J., Sept. .15. Nell-Morosco Stock — Han . Francisco, Cnl,, Aug. 2.1, Indefinite. "Nnw Jersey Folks" (II. L. Maxwell, mgr.) —Mount Vernnti, So. Dnk., Aug. 20, Bridg- water 27, Parker 28, < Lennox 20, Canton HI. Vermillion Sept. .1, Hawajdeu, la., 2-4, Ytnkton, Ho. Dak.', ft.