The New York Clipper (August 1903)

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AUGUST. 29. THE ISTBW YOBK ^LIPPEB. 633 OP MACK MMfl jk I j^ WkM ^\ I ^% AVI LI, MAKE (iOOI) WITH T1IK SEW BO.IO, i?.G*LJ™?WRi "When Yoii Are in 1-ove." heitratloas to Pmf...i.....„__...' ' . W.W..1 B^sTl-a ■ *aT«M- •"» ■ ^sT.. ■■■ , «SsaW ▼ W» Free Profession* Capl.saamd Orcne.tratlo.s to Prof,..!..,.!. Binding Up m Date Pra| „ Ma(l , gj frje Bill Posters. votes from the Barnum A Bailey Adver- n.inir Car No. 2.—Wo. Dupont went home EL? Toledo, 0.. to visit bis mother In De- "2$ Mich Alt Boshell will terminate his 'JSnectlon with the "groatest on . earth" ShJ finished billing Chicago. Duaty SSJMoTned this car In Vlttsburg for the iimslnder of the jseason. Ablc.Cohn severed m? connection, :to go ahead-of a minstrel "how We have twenty-two men on this car, 2mTevery one Is a staunch and true union man Mr. Lafever and N. Carter are con- riiCniattna: Dotting ont a one week stand Priory company* featuring Mr, Lafever'a «7ro specialty. Oliver Burr, the old time circus bill poster, joined this car In Buffalo, v y and everybody Is glad to see his smil- ing face again. P. Lamont entertained bla olS friends royally on this car when we were in Cleveland, 0.,' and everybody will remem- ber blm for a long time to come as a Jolly nod fellow. The members of the Terrible Eueball team, who so neatly defeated the Horribles two. weeks ago, challenge any base- hiil team In America whose members are bill posters. No. ,1 oar ("Gold Nugget") pre- ferred All cotnunliatjons .should be ad- dressed to Wm. Shea, captain. This has been a very good season to date. There have been very few changes In the roster since we called from New York.. We have been out since the first of'.March, and one exception- al^ good rblog Is nobody has been 111 as yet, and everybody proclaims Al. Rlel the beat car ■tent In the business, and this the most pros- Dtrous season In all their careen. Roster of car <No. 2: Al. Rlel, manager; Vic Cooke, secretary; Wm. Shea, boss bill poster: Peter Bahr N. Carter, D. Lafever, D. Rhodes, G. Bork H. White, E. Shaw, BY Church, Pet*r Dunn Cbas.' Guilds, Oliver Burr, W. Burrlll, A C'obn, Wm. Deep, Alt Boshell, W. Batter- eon. Tom Sharkey, porter, and we also carry a cook and waiter. . Roster of No 1 advertising car of the 4- Paw-Sells Bros' Show.—Chaa. H. Adklns, manager; Wm.- Richards, secretary; Thos. Morgan, boss bill, poster; R. L. Seymour, as- sistant boss bill poster; F. O. Roasman, ban- ner agent"; W. H. Hurst, board agent: W. McKlnney, assistant board agent; C. B. Dow. chief lithographer ;"Phll Btlnson, assistant lithographer: John Maloney. master of trans- Jortatlon; Wm. Martin, programmer; Jos. ohnsoD, Gordon' Calver, Dan Pneney, Cbas. Treager, A. B. Blller. Cbas. McCune, Bert Persooett,' Chas. Dufrane, R. Leles, Jos. Kaiser, Wm.. Burkbart and Robt. Hanson, bill posters. ' . . . ,_ R. D. McOlov, of Local No., 3, Pittsburg, Pa., Is the "man behind the brush" with Jef- ferson's "U..T.,C." Co. '....' . The bill .boards of-Daly's Theatre bear the announcement of the opening of that bouse Sept. 1, and the boys are all hustling. Toe advertising department la ably conduct- ed by Stanley yf. Sharp, with the following assistants, all members of Local No. 2, New York: John McCusker, Tom Mulcahey' and John F. Pettton. - - Thomas Lyons, of 'Local' No. 2, employed •t tbe Star Theatre, New York, met with an accident last week, while boarding a Third Avenue car, and was compelled to go to the hospital. ' ' ' ' " ■•■-"•■ ■ • Sam Cooper, of- Local No. 2, has resumed bla position as advertising agent of Miner's Klghth Avenue Tbeatre, New York. His as- sitants are:-Fred Bock, John Cablll -end Otto Betts. ■•'••■ - At Miner's Bowery Nat Golden Is advertis- ing agent, with Otto Woucbner and J. Rus- sell,. members' of Local No. 2, as assist- ■nts. The-boys are'bustling, and the boards on the street will testify, Joseph. Pine looks out for the advertis- ing of the Olympic Theatre, Harlem, N. Y. Wo. Slmmohrjs and Wm. Kelly are.his as- ilstants, all of whom are members of Local No. 1 .' •. -'■•■' At tbe 'London 'Theatre, New York, Joe Hennessey looks' after the Interests of tbe advertising department, and*. I* assisted by Wm. Cohen, Frank McDermott and Win. Kehoe. '-■ ' -'• - .... -Tbe American Bill Posting and Distribut- ing Co:, of Bowling Green, 0., under the management of c: -c Roberts, controls one of the most extensive plants In the middle West, outside of those located In the large cities. They control over 0,000 running feet of boards and 'walls, 'located In seventy-five towns, representing a population of 75,000. The boys are busy with the paper of Hurtlg A Seamou'a Music Hall, Harlem; N. V. l'ddie Amos Is advertising agent, with J Sllverthorn and J. Greenburg assistants, all are members of Local No. 2. 'Bro. R, B. Springer, recording secretary of Local-Noi- 8. N. A.'B. P. A.B. of A., Denver,' Colo., wns called suddenly to his home In this cltv by Illness In his family, thereby relinquishing his position on adver- tising car No. 2, of the Sells & Downs Cir- cus. Bro. Norrls, president of Local No. 6, who has been III, Is rapidly Improving. Bro. R.. B.. Springer, of Local No. 6, dc- wowledges a copy of Souvenir Review from President Charles Joseph.'. Bro. Abe Levy, of Local No. 18. Newark. \J., was In Pittsburg last week. He Is ahead of • "S he ChlW Slaves of New York." Bros. Charles Joseph and Lew Owens, of iflcal No.-3, have been elected to act as •Ids to the chief marshal In the Labor Day parade In I'lttBburg. Bro. John Varley, of Local No. 3, has re- signed his position as advertising agent of the Pittsburg-Uallway Co., to take his place on the advertising staff of the BIJou Thea- tre,Pittsburg.'. . Frank Whltbeck, of the Barnum & Bailey BW has. joined Local No. 3, making tbe oft* man of this Join the Pittsburg -Bob Huxen, the popular and bustling man- ner of Julius Garlfck's bill posting plant. «t New Orleans, - La., returned home Aug. -J, _after • a- pleasant vacation of several *eeks. The (iarlick plunt has been largely ncreased, and 'hi now one of the largest In the South, ••-..- ... V J. Kline, secretary of Local No. 13. Omaha. , >eb., sends the following: "Local No. 13 is ' D .s prosperous condition and all the boys are working night and day. The wooden '•"I boards are rapidly being replaced by iron ones and there Is work all 'round." The officers of Local No. 13, Omaha, Neb., ?• n as fol'ows :• Tom Magulre, president; <-• Melson, vice president; 0- Connelly, busl- !*•" agent and treasurer; I. Kline, secretary. i*i«gates to the C. L. U. are: Broa. Ma- ES& Connjlly. Kline. Nichols. Barrett abd "anther. Trustees: H. Conn, L. Keysor and '• Howard. . *l •. ■ ♦ , «■» ' — WBLL* PUB. CO.,3AT Dearborn St., Chicago. "In Convict's handlers, were featured Stripes" week of 30. _,* «n!; l! 0 TJ' E ^7 IU! (J - H - Moore . maoager). —■A fine atractlon greeted the resalar'n. trona week of IT. imong the leallng feat liiSfJK? 0e S rge W ' Monw. the we f Known comedian who scored one of the Mggest w„J" \ h i w ** 011, ^De'tnore and Lee, the rUJ^E. , °h n «< , n and Wells. Johnson and Dean, Foster and Foster, sad Bernard Lan- £4 Includes: The Nawns. In sketch "A 2I%S N * ,, l re; " WltS^He'en!. Adamln^ C i? ay J° r ; •* riD8tr<>,, 8 «nd Wright, the JosseHn Trfo .Leslie ifros., Al. H. Tyrell! Arnesen, and the American blograph. -A*""^ The «be (H. H. Lamfcln. mana- KV'T Tb i Programme for week of 17 opened and closed with acrobatic work that was ex- ceptionally good. Daito and zeii^ w , th T?s e i r r5°.!. el v tjr ^ bar ? 1 act ' "eated a sensation. Sit Dpdd-Judge family of three were decid- edly clever. Nellie Florede, a singing come- dienne, was generously applauded. Lew Bloom and Jane Cooper presented "A Picture from Life that pleased. William Tomklns, Peplta Ar8 rT? n ' J5 lce and Cady, and "Tbe Watermel- S"i t ta l t »? n . 8C0 ^ ed 0| B hits. Tbe bill for e l k , of J , 24 lg: O'Brien and Havel, Bailey and Madison. Harry Linton and Lawrence ?i 8 . t iIf , J 0 ™ Th . ree ^ f » Kind;" Werden and bladdlsb, w. J. Thompson. Slaters McCon- pell, the Musical Glees, Leonard Kane, and the vltascope. Empirb Thiatbc (Dr. Campbell, mana- ger).—The regular season at this popular Place of amusement will open 23, with tbe Transatlantic Bnrlesnuers. In "Two Hot Knights." Week of 30, the Bon Ton Bur- lesquers. Note.— Creatore's Italian Band met with anovatlon at the Detroit Opera House Sun- day evening, 16, every seat In the house be- ing taken. MICHIGAN. R ,P ,trolt '—'M fie Lyceum Th ntre (B. O. ■» manager):—The Wm.H. West Minstrels ■"! TP^P'the regular season week of Aug. -• I ' The Show Girl." one of B. C. Whit- gn numerouJ theatrical ventures, will fol- low week of 80. »rl , "?.1 BT TtiEATRB <E. D. Stair, mann- K- ';~ A Montana Outlaw," n- drains 'of 2., i" n . ">c, wba. greeted tty. packed houses SS °*. lfl - One of the features of the ,15 ■.*'■•* nere was the dally midday pa- A* • J?. wolcn the cowboy band, and Jim •nd Kia Gabriel, expert riders and lasso tinder tbe Cents, £ .9' ? A "K8 writes: "Slg. Saute lie bis recently Increased bis real estate holdings by the purchase of two Cortland'County, New York, farms. He now owns nine farms, each of which Is under excellent cultivation. At present tbe Sautelle railroad shows are in \ermont, and tbe circus, concert, side show and the Oriental theatre are doing ca- pacity bualness almost dally. The menagerie nursery Inmates were Increased In numbers In Koxbory, Vt,- when a large lioness gave birth to four cobs. The animal exhibits will be.added to during the next few days, as Mr. Sautelle has placed a large order. Dick Hoi- man Is breaking a bull .terrier for a hippo- drome act. A derailed locomotive In tbe freight yards it Barre prevented the placing of our train untll-late at night, with tbe re- sult that we were'not loaded until the wee ems' hours Saturday morning, and It was late In tbe forenoon ere we reached Morris- villa There Is considerable rivalry between the drivers' of the chariot teams, and sis a natural consequence the.horses are put to their topmost speed In each race. Tbe team* are well matched, and many a dollar Is wa- fered around tbe dressing room at each per- ormance. Seven, handsome and shapely women have been engaged for an all new feature act In our side show." Notes feom hvryxta Bill's Wild Wibt. —On Ji'n-e 7, at Birmingham, Eng.. a female cbUd was born to Mr. and Mrs. Chief Stand- ing Bear, and Manager of Privileges Lew Graham has the mother and child now on exhibition In tbe side show. On June 1ft Prof. Griffin, lecturer and stage manager In the annex, was presented with a gold medal by bis fellow employes, tbe occasion being his forty-fourth birthday. 'Col.- Cody's - Jewels were stolen on June 17, but were recovered 20, and the culprit sentenced to six months at hard labor. Jacob Pusoy passed his for- tieth'birthday June 27, Snd received a band- t-ume silver mounted cane from tbe grooms. We celebrated Independence Day at Aber- dare, South Wales, and our caterer, D, Bal- lard, gave us as tine a dinner as was ..ever servea under the white tents. The decora- tions were very profuse, the whole show being a mass of bunting. L. E. Decker left us July 4, to take charge of Col. Cody's ex- tensive Interests st Cody, Wyoming. At Brls- ■to!, Eng., July 23. lsadore Gonzales, a Mcxl can rough rider, was Instantly killed by his horse falling on trim.-' He wss burled at Bristol 25. We showed with tbe George Sanger aggregation at Taunton, Aug. 3. Your correspondent spent a very pleasant after- noon with the genial old veteran 2. One of the Cuban riders bad one of his legs broken at' Southampton, 7, and Is now In tbe hospital I here, pending recovery. Everything is run- ning smoothly, thanks'to General' ManSger Fred Hutchinson. Health of the company good, and business at tbe top notch, what more can we ask. '• Notes from the John Robinson Shows. —We experienced a "blow down" at Eldo- rado, III., Aug. 5, at G V.U., after a great audience had left tbe afternoon exhibition. The visit of this cyclonic tornado was short, but It carried'away acres of tents, blowing them Into ribbons, and tbe guy lines snapped like.twine. Everything went Into the air; horse stables, side shows, annexes, restaur- ants, the two cook tents, the twelve centre pole menagerie, also tbe three hundred and twenty foot big top, and dressing rooms. Fortunately, no one was injured.. We lost tbe night show, but gave two exhibitions next day, at our following stand. Just as If nothing unusual had happened, as-we carry a car load of canvas. The Ah'bml Abnolds, Cbas. and Wcltha, write that they canceled with Colored Jack's Wild West and Joined Glasscock's Combined Circus and Menagerie, en route through New Mexico. Notes from tub Original Whitnet Fam- ily Hino Cibcus. —We are In our fif- teenth week of good business. Very few changes have been made, and none for tbe worse. We have been In a number of bail storms, only one doing any damage, and that one took our horse tent with It; but our big top being down no damage was done to that. Mrs. Geo. L. Whitney, "mother of the show," has gone home to headquarters for a few weeks' rest, and then, upon ber return, her smiling face will be greeted by all. Mana- ger Whitney has added a new set of uniforms (red, trimmed with black), which make a grea< Improvement. Tbe "ghost" still walks, and The Old Reliable finds Its way to us every Friday. Roster: C A. Whitney, man- ger: A. V. Whitney, owner; L. P. Whitney, band master; Mrs. W. W. Walbourn, privi- leges ; W. W. Walbourn, general agent; Cbas. Kelfer. Frank Pemlsln. Jsck Phillips. Chas. Bowman, Cbas. Kline, Mack and Lester. Tbeo Feaslev, Dell Hlcker. Prof. Blackly and bis trained dogs. John S, Peack. bill .poster: R. D. Koons, lithographer; Frank Adams, boss canvas man, with six assistants; I* Roy, Walter Soyas, Fred Norton. Al. Gorman, Chas. Norton, Clarence Alfords. boss proper- ty man, and two assistants : John Oard, mas- ter of transportation; Bert Farmer and Shel- don Newberry. - ' Habnum * BAllJtr Notr^— Twr-nfy-flvii people pf the show pnld tribute to the mem- ory of "Doc" Colvln. at Geneva, N. 1., Aug. 18. They paid a visit to his grave and left three beautiful floral plecjs. George O. Starr left Aug. 15 for New York, whence he sails for London 22. MX. Starr Joined thai THEATRICAL HOTELS B0IRD1H6 NOUSES. PROFKSSUOJrALS, IAKB NOTIORI Leu than 3 minutes' walk of all the leading theatres. ..* wo'toomi. all convenience: licit hoard In the oily. Write ahead for room MRS. McORATU. 10 Dlx Place. Bostoi. Masi. «R < 5°J , .!L W,THOR WITHOUT BOARD, lTR 8 EWEW V foSI• CORNE,lOKTa,RTEE>,T,1 MHS. HAHDMAN. ^,Hfy*JO»*0»-Bl'« , A.Br HOTEL, Broadway and 7!th at., New York City. European PUn. 'Rooms £°S !. s \?* c *< "P- WlUlam b. Uott, Prop.; M. E. MoHnlty, Manager. ^^ TRAFALGAR HOTEL, lJJ-in BasHMUl St, New York, opposite Dewey Theatre. Rooms 6oi, 75c„ tl and tl.W a day; fi.60 to is a week. AUSTIN and STORE'S Annex, Boston, Mass. Rooms and tabic board. Adm. tickets to boarders who room elsewhere. ENQLKHART 4 ROSE. FIBBT 0LA88 HOIE HOTEL Last Fall's Imported Suitings $35 to $50 Kinds for $20, . i. ' . . . ■ . ■ • They're up on the second floor all by themselves. Take* the elevator and take a'trip to ^proflflatid." New woolens I They came very late in the season' last year. You know how it js, one cannot control importations! Any other tailory would have saved them till the new season was in full swing and placed'these patterns with the new stock. This jfn't t,lu Arnheim way. It |(B the Arnhcim way to offer these superb woolens—in the smartest effects—of the highest possible excellence and to make them up into'suits for you that you will be wanting within two weeks-^giving you the 'very' iateM'r'all' Cut—making them well enough to pledge the tailor- ing and the'tat and to ask you Instead of $35 to $50—$ao. SCHLEY fW THEATBIOAL PEOPLE A m «rlcan and .. . , iim European Pi»n. ^^^^^ 339-338 Broadway, ALBANY, .Bf. T. Fire Minnies Wulk from Depot or Theatre. Amtricin and Chinese Rtiliurant Attached. PAbAVR HOTKL, Chicago. U.B. Humphrey, Prop. Rates: European, ls.60 per week: with pn- vate bsth, IT. CLARK 8T. Oalile to all theatres. show in Scranton, Pa., on May 24, and has been with us since then, assisting Sir. RaJloy In the management. The Innovation, of two days In Rochester was quite successful, as good crowds attended the four performahccH, and on Saturday afternoon we turned them away. Buffalo also furnished four Immense crowds on Monday and Tuesday, Niagara Kails was the Mecca of the "Greatest on Bartb" people on Sunday. 16. Everybody went to the Falls, from Hugo,.tbe French Slant, to Paul Horran, the smallest of the tungarlan midgets. The former occasioned much excitement and Interest. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Bailey left for Michigan, where, it Is hoped, Mrs, Bailey's health will be bene- fitted.' Jos. B. Harper entertained ins father, Dr.-W. F. Harper, and brother. Bus- sell, of New York City, during our two days' stay in Rochester. Messrs. Brown and Me l'arland, of New York City, are guests, of the management and press department. They are correspondents -of ,a' Plmadelplilx paper. We had a slight wreck In the Buf- falo yards on Tuesday evening, and two of our flats were badly damaged. Notes- vhom Tut CJkkat luiu.ow Know.— Tbe show has done the best business In Its history. .Since the .discarding, of. the sup- posed "Jonah" business has been absolutely wonderful. Aug. 17, at Bherodsvllle,, O., the receipts were the biggest of. any season. Monkeys, dogs, ponies, goats and burses are being added each week for 1U04.' '-. ", . Qeo. W. Hi;.i«tv, ventriloquist and.come- dian, Is on hla sixteenth week with the Itlng- llng Bros.' Shows, which Is en route,to Cali- fornia. -. ■ NoTKS KIUIJI SlO. SAUTKLLti'S. SHOW.— Manager James A. Morrow, of the, sideshow, was presented with a beautiful gold watuh Aug. 15,. by the employes, ana token pf their esteem and bis good fellowship. - The pre- sentation speech was made by. Cbas. Hlllert. Mr. Morrow wss so overcome that It was fully ten minutes before he could' respond. He stated that he. tried to do Justice to bis enployers In acting for them, and mslntsln the respect of those under bis man- agement. , ' , ■ ; . Guu Kaihbanks, manager of Miles'Orton's Show, was: In New" York last 1 week,. He states that .the Orton Show baa had a con- tinuous, season since Dec. 4. 1001!, which has been very prosperous. Three new cars will be added. The show will be on the road Ihe year around, ' • ■ ■ ■♦ . «♦ TENMSSSBE. Nashville.—At Olendals Park Casino. (Y. C. Alley, manager).—Never before busUlen- dale Park appeared.more beautiful at night, nor has there ever been such an attendance after dark as there, was.Aug. 20, fully eight thousand being present to show their appre- ciation of tbe popular manager,' Y. C.'Alley, whose benefit It was, matinee and night. Toe place was packed to capacity, and many were turned from tbedoors. The Casino offered at- tractions greater than over before assembled upon Its stage. The setting was most-appro- priate to minstrel rJrwt part, and Mtuurs Alley and Atchison proved excellent leads tu the comedy work of Messrs. • Mack, C. Vf. Willing. Dick Brown, Harry WoodBll, Burt Marshall and Billy Beard. The s|ug|ng num- bers were especially good, and merited' the rounds of applause given Messrs. -Woodall, Willing, Marshall, Llilards, Mack, C. Willing, Hare, Beard, Hooper and Brown. The quartet singing of Messrs. Harris, .Llilards, Spain and.Hare was easily one of tbe evening's feature*. Ihe regular programme of: tlie week' followed, and each, performer received his share of the applause. Burt Marshall, Willing and Willing, Italclgh and Board, Eddie Mack, Brown and Bartolottl, l.aur-Ji Bradsbaw, and the Yale Duo. Week of 24: Bartlett and Collins, Burt Marshall; Raleigh and Beard, Herbert and Nolan, ThrecOraces, and Beverly and Dauvurs. The Ors.nd (Mrs. T. J. Uoyle, manager). —Tbe roster of the Boyle Stock Co. .will be: Utigene Moore and Minna Phillips, leads; Colin Campbell and Alma Bates, charac- ters; Rllev Chambcrlln, comedian;- Nelll't Callahan, ingenue I Miss Van Duser, second lends; Austin Webb, heavies; Misses Dure* and Atkinson, and Messrs. Gray, Costcllo and Tracy complete'the company, which opens at a near date, with "The Galley Mlnve.'V ' Notkm. — 'ilcn tlnle Casino closes Sent. Itf. Brown and Bartolottl, by special en- gagement, will return the clselng week. ■ s i • Memphis.—An event of considerable lp- terest to tbe patroua of the New Lyceum Theatre was the consummation of a three years' lease of the theatre, beginning Sept. 1, Frank Cray; termer manager, becoming lessee. This wss especially satisfactory to the, Ly- ceum's patrons, since Mr. Gray, who. baa been Identified with the theatrical buslnesH of this city-for.more than-a quarter of a century, Is entirely familiar with their taste«. Mr. GTiy en'or* uhukiMl popularity and the - confidence of tbe. entire' community. Success Is sure to follow his efforts. The regular season opens with Al, G. field's Minstrels, the latter part of September, with an unprecedented list of attractions to follow Besllee Merrill, who'has been prominent here in amnteur entertninmenta, gave n-farewfll snug nvltnl, amlatetl by John llergnn nod Ham Illrs.-h, nl tho Lyrnim Then- tre, Aug. 17. Miss Merrill tenves for New York, where she Is to enter .upon her pro- fessional career, baring secured an engage- is'ebt with the ''Bed ; Feather" company.... Mr. Morrison, uuiger oX the JJopkios Grscd "•t Broadway and 9th St., N. Y. Opera House, announces that the season's opening performance will occur Sept. 7. with "The Prisoner of Zcnda.'' as ft licailllnrr. Vaudeville features .will bo Introduced be- tween acts, and matinees dally, Tho roster of the new atocjc company Is: John J. 1'ur- rell, Arthur Mnckley,.Jos«|»h Woodhutn, Wil- liam Stuart, Louis Itrcscn, John Hons, De Witt Newlng. Misses .Idnalng Rowan, Anna Holllnger, lsubello Bowtnsn, Nera Rosa, Al- lison Robs. . ■.-. i -, , ■ ■■. n ..i-.i-.i ■ . ' Chat(annoK«k<—At the New Opera House (Paul It. Albert, manager).—'Arnold Stock Co. opened the season with s week stand Aug. 17. The company Is much above rb<> average popular price company, and had good nouses' nil week. Corning: ' Hermann, the magician, '.'.'.: "The i Devil's 'Auction" Sept. 3, "The Telephoho Girl" 4.- Stage mecbanics. ' The complimentary banquet tendered to the Grand Lodge. %< M,. A.,, ot..the United States and Canada, lietd at Toronto, Can., on July 30, was a most successful and en- joyable occasion. Union No. 70, I. A..T.-S. M.,.of San An tonlo, -Tex., installed' at Its last regular meeting officers for the ensuing year, who were as follows: Georgo Lonehard, president; Tony-Cosgrove, vice-president; L. W. Herts, secretary: Barney Michaels, treasurer; Ar tbur Diihig, business manageri,Georgo War- ren, guard Odr union Is now entering its fifth year, and wo are proud of the record we have made.- We'Suvj* two opera houies In our <ltv. tlie Kmplre and tbe Grand. Tim crew at the Kmplre consists of George Lone- Irard. L. W. Hcrtr., Tortjr Cosgrove,- L. K. i'oserb and Edlfer Statrtle. At the Orand : Chas. 10. Snsseen, Mon. Moke, CbrlsMullter, George Werren and" cunt lielesplne. We have as reserves: John-Sylvit, A.'K. Hv/ln- dells, Krank Hess, Hart McCormlck, and quite a number of men on the road. All report doing well, tiro. 'Cbas. V. De Sorlu was called home from Coney Island, where lie waa employed. . tils mother.-who was an- Invalid for' some, .time, died Aug. m. Bro, De Sofia bud been ut home one week when his mother died. Union No. 711 met and passed resolutions of respe«t/i and sent a beautiful floral offering, and a committee consisting of L. W. Herts. Tony. Cosgrove, Louis K Posert and-Chris Mttlller repre- sented the tinlon at the' funeral. L. W. Herts and Tony Coigrove acted "as pall bearers. Bro. De Horla will leave within n tnw days for Now York I'llj, where he Is iimler an engagement with, the Hbubert Bros. Bro. Sassecti, who hns been all Summer with the Olynipln Opera Co. In New Orleans, has returned nnrae anil will lie .found, as usual, at the .Grand.. President Lonrhard returned home from .the convention a short time ago, and reports that ho fell In ■ with a Jolly hunch. . The weather Is warm, but.the Um- plre ci>nttniif«. notwithstanding.. '• ' H.. W. Styles, of. Brooklyn, No. 4, bss signed with ■, Harris A Woods, .and toes - as carpenter with the. "Wedded and Parted" Co. He still-reUina his trausfor Imslness In.this city, hikI bis partner, Mr. Brush, will mftnsgo * tbe' business In - bis ab- sence. : > William Cooper wl(l continue- as property man nt the 'Taunton (JInss.) Tbeatre, udder the now management. - . - '. • Grace" Wlchsr. of Essex. Conn., has been busy the past month brightening - up tbu scenery of the' T'mmtdn (Mas*.) Theatre, as well us painting somb dew sets. ?! " i '. : « i.»', " ;' -.'■. , "'.MISSOURI. . .-.- ' SI. Louis.—Good weather, good offerings und good attendance were die salient feat- ures ut last week's local theatrical history. Grand <J.' O. Sheedy, mgr.)—"jlndt-r Hoatbern Skies" Is offcrad: vtcek of Aug. 23. Beginning 1|). the week's attraction Was "Tbe Irish Pawnbrokers," with MctlslHi.'Mack anil Masle Trumbull in the leading roles, It did u'very good business. '■'.'' ' ' *' ' CitAWK>iH/H Olr. Oawfard, mgr.)—Week of. 23 we-have'"Spotless Town." The offer- ing for week of I«J was "The Village Par. son." Wm. A. Norton-bad the' tllTe role, and divided honors with Harold Vosburg, low comedian. . Al tendance fair. '• ■ Hr.i.MiAiii. fJIm Butler, manager).—The Jolly Grass Widows' are here week of 23. Week of 16, the Boa Toft (lur|csqucre weru here. . ;. ■ ■ I ■ • '•'.-• " "' 1 iMi'tarAi. <D. B. llussell. mgr.)—Week of 23 "On tbe Bridge at Midnight'' Is offered. If Is presented by Geo. Kllmt and Alma Hsarn. Week of 10 "The Buffalo Mystery" ?iroved a rather mediocre melodrama. (Jus- ave SulMvan showed considerable anility, and Dot Halcott and Guy Dgrrell were well received.' The attendance was only fair. Havmn's (Wm. Garen, manager).—Week of 23 "The Minister's Son" Is offered. W. H Pstten has the title role: "Nobody's Claim" wss offered week of 10, and proved of con- siderable Interest. Hernlce-Howard did the most of tbe work, and in a way that satis- fled a fairly large attendance. . i Columbia f'Mlddletoa & Tate, managers). —The bill week of 28 Includes: De Kolta and company, Harriett Avery, Strakoseb. Wil- fred Clark and Theo. Carew, Senator Frank Bell, Mnllory nros. and Brooks. Marie Law- rence, Two !~im<>ntu. Brown and I.tnlgne. I'rcer Urns., Hill anil Ward, and Bnlley nml Hplller, . MVek of 16 the Montrose Troupe, nml Frank O'Brien lioflded one of.the clever- est bills of the year. Kven the press critics were satisfied, although they took occasion to demur at the rather tiiqut effects of M«y I Howard'! turn, Attendgace wm nctlleat. IIiiiHf,ANi>H (Col. Hopklps, munngcr).— Week of 2H the bill Includes: Pulk und Sen- man, Dblaus, Debrtmont Trio, t'llvettc. Hayes and llenlv, Ravmnnd Tea I, mid tlin Girl with the Auburn llnlr, The-bill offered week of Hi was, In point of ability, never surpassed in Ibis town. Among tlie featm-M that made the bill umisuut were: The mil with the Auburn Hair, five Noase*. Mnrgiinr- ite and Hnnley, Bailey and Mattlson, -Sny- der and Bncklvy, und the Trolley Car Tflu. Tbe attendance was lo capacity. ..Suburban (Bandmaster .Innes, manager), r—Besldti'the Innes concerts for week of 23, tbe ' following vamlevllla acts are offered : Mario Clover and John J, I'eenoy, In n akotch : I.uvine Bisters, and Ray Coxe, Week' of HI Drawee headed the vaudeville bill, wh'eh proved a good drawing card. Innes and ills bund wore the piece oc mittanct. ' -■ Iii'.i.iun (J. C. Jinnopojilo, mSnsger).—- "The Telephone Girl" Is offered Week of 23. Week of 10 Weber & Fields' melodrama, "Heifer Hkelter," wns on, and'It dm* Well, as It deserved to. It was'Well'cast,' and Sldpian and Harris proved geniuses In Vx- tntctlng fun from the atmusnherlc plot. The chorus wns excellent. Catherine IIIu- yarit Is the now prima donnii. KotiiNEit's (A. B. Bice, manager).—Kvou- Ing of 21 a big. benellt was extended Man- ager Julius Cii-snr, and s sketch, "Hweot- hearts," was offered. Mr. Hnnley and Miss lluteman both appeared and a big crowd at- tended. Mr. Hlce has became popular hero I tils Nunimer thrnugli bis work. 'Week of 10 "Monte Crlsto was offered, to aver- age attendance. It was very well put on fur a Hummer production. Mwmon'h I'.MiK (Mannlon Bros., ninii- agors).—'Vciv's of 23: . Leon Mownrd and Llnder, (tower Sisters, and Bondo are the leading figures In the bill. Week of'10 To.rcut made n hit T He wss ably backed by Warren and lllnncbnrd, and Paulino Moran. and the combination'drew the crowds. - . Hahhauen'h (llashsgen Bros,, managers). —Kor week of 23. Ibo following bill Is of- fered: ICsmatltllde, musical artist; WlllSrd and Wltlurd, slack wlro performers and con- tortionists; Miller and Hunimcrt, JiivcrJIlo entertainers; Wright Slaters, singers, and dancers; Beverly and Dsnvers; Australian sketch team: Iflnes and Klmliall, novelty ac- robatic specialists; Coney Island Ballet, in oiiisUihI scene; Cordelia Roberts, Illustrating tonic late ballads. ' Week of 10 Joe Haytnsn, Hurry Franklin and John Max. Trlckey Sis. ters, and the Cvriey Island Ballet were the best features. The bill was very satisfac- tory, and drew excellent pat runage, Li;mi''s 1'auk (J. L, Walroff, manoger).— With the bill week of to season closed here. 'Die attendance was up to die'average, mi- nima and Murray, Adams and Gaffoe*, and Williams and May wete the features. ' ' Wkst KNii HtstuiiTs (Ben J. ■ Willisnls, manager I.—The season hero Is also drawlug "II was Lorls to a «7unse.. Week of 10 a'very good bill was I'ffeieil. -ind It wi:s well putronlncil. LOrls and Altlnu were one of the heat feHtiires. I'milinc Slosson, Haywood and llaytvood, Cynroy and Pearl. Louise Henry, ind I,a Onto wore others wlw made good. ' , Ni'TKs.— Mciiilcp should be mads of. the death of Kdmond J. Nulllvan, for many sea- sons auditor of Ihe Stundnrp Theatre, tlin iMirlesiiuo house run by Jim llntter. Mr. Sul- livan has been confidential man for the But- lers for many years,' being Intimate with.all the affairs of Manager. Hunt's father. Col. ItS Duller, "tho 'millionaire blacksmith." ^ Kniisns Cltr, — Grand Opera, Hoinm (Hudson A Judsh, managers).—The annual weason opened ut this popular house Sunday nlgtit. Aug. III. with 'The Burgomaster. 1- The hotfse .ureseu'ts a bright ami fresh sic iM>arancu. Judging from the opening week's business, It Is In for a corking season, on the opening night the scuts, were all sold Mores the, doors opened, and 'the rest of (be week It was u case of capacity, at every iKTfornmnce, Including the matinees.' Is the earliest the house has ever opefai the business was really phenomenal. Burgomaster" Is well cast and - prod oirsr-L. man cimries Hliaru, Woi., Is the earliest the house has ever opened, so 1. "Tbe iroduced. Hatch/ lluth"Wl'to Snd : HeJen~lfe'xUr are tho principals. Proprietor Wm. IV Cullen 'ac- companies tho troupers. This week "Sweet clover" comes,' anuvnext week, 1 Kelccy and Shannon, in "Sherloi'liillolmes." " "Tru Tun mUM (B. S. Hrlghsm, manager).— I.iut week "The Millionaire Trump" had a tine week's business, snd gave vary good per- forhiancis. This week, "'1 lie Vlllags - Par- inn." and next week, "Human Hearts."- ' Thh Ai.niTOiin.'M (Woodward A Burgess Amtisenient Co., managers),—The season will open 2.'l, with Cera Van Tassoll, in' "The volunteer," and the following week "Hello, Bill," comes. Koiikst I'.iuk (Lloyd Brown, mauageri.— Builness Is still big at tho.park, tn Hop- kins' Thentro good houses saw the following vaudevlllo bill: I'aplnta, In her mirror effect ilanro; the Jossetln Trio, Lew Palmer, Marti- rcttl and Gronsl,■ Jessie Cniitboul, add the Morrises. This week the bill will be; I'a- pliitn, who holds over; tile Hood Bros., Shan- non and . Luclbr, Lew - Palmeri Annie Whit- ney,, snd Median's dogs. The outside acts. ftiji Plying Jordan,, and llerr Gninads and ■Un riodiira, were attractive features. . • I'Ii.kct/iic I'aiik (Sam . Benjamin, mana. ger).—Sorrcntlno's Banila Itossa Is still at- tracting Immense crowds, and hss been ea- fsged for another week, making four weeks, n Ihe German Village tlin Grmf Norlherti f/unrtet. nml the singing Of Win. ItiMterH, were the DtlrncUons. ♦ »♦ MUDPiir amd Anobbws write of their sue. cess at Lake? Hoag Park;' Woonsocket, H.' I., last week, and iTyotrtt they an booked V,.;.v »- .af 1 ?*^ .. , '* p %-,. ^» lsBSieK*iSi»S ■ " ft- - - .... ■<-,:•■ "r& U:-".i ; -''. '/ JLi ft'