The New York Clipper (August 1903)

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— ~- ttk& nSw yo&k* idil .'< * .A ly* ak for Themselves; NAME SEEIN'I AUGUST 29 BABY l*»*;€' k .2'*' ' V •* t'ocoltt Lifllnby. One. fW*v#» Singer aftd (Juflrtiet Wants', | ' rsr5 T :r j,.! KEEP YOUR EYES ON HANNAH A Conn March Song that Swings You Around In an Irresistible Manner. ■■*■ to our forces, ami will he pleim-d USMMMM (Mm and Orchestrations F>HKK if Programme l| Sent 1AHH A HOrSIflH '• •>"«'added to our Forces, anil will lie pleased A Kcon Kick that tmst'arrtedEvciTthlog Before lt. ; A Perfect RNKMj if" Booming! "EVIIH' Elf ISLE D , A 8 V SUNDAY D A r I fc'IrariniDg Walti Song that is"the Rape. : T/he Chorus la 'Taken' Cp at Once. DOWM CURTAIN .tR^SR. SI XA/'- ZBth Street*. .: Nftw York. DIIA'rim IN TUB PROFESSION. A J611V A.' Exr.fll.Kn.'the veteran 'nrtnr-mnn'- i agcr, died Aug. til at hla bourn In this city, from heart disease, after tin Illness of two days, tie won born. In l'hlladelpliln on Sept. SO,. ISL'L', and entered Ihe theatrical arena . our, Aug, JiO. ,lH4if. iih ufllii- aHWstant In Pealea Museum, Philadelphia, , which was ' operated .as u theatre. The minieuni. which waa In the MiinohIc Hall building Id t.'hcst- nut Street, afterward- waa converted )by Colonel Hlugoilv Into tbe Temple Theatre, which ultlrofrMy W*> burned. 'Mr. Hllller drifted fromwtty fro>bf of.the ho|i4>- la the ■iirage, beconJok'tat iiinKtii.tiie aiialHtiiit prop- erty mtuu JJpfore long, Hbjuilliailenkhig parts wlfu a VefPrewr line* camefifl» r way:«<lhd he ,jyn« ffist,ollcd fix a member of the stock conVpanyif, Wlilch .lur-luilcd, '".nmuiig otter*,: Jflifiiii, Jefferson,;. Mr« 0t>q . WfaT UbufhiH Hiirke.'Mrs. (Jniluon, uiid'Mrs. Jdhn'Ho*y. Remaining a season aa-a. player *t Peale'e, be than Joined W. 1!. Ilurton'a company at tbe i ■ Arch. street Theatre, where he stayed for Heverul yearn, commencing to:. play, heavy roles and first old men. At tliIn bonne be played for tares seasons, routing thence to the Chatham Theatre, lu New York, where iih wife played lending rolea, especially Juvenile lends, and be par- truved ilrni old .men and character purta. Joseph., Jefferson wna Uien at tne Chathain, and 1i|h . half brother,. Charles Hin-ke. wax stage malinger. Mr, Kllsler and IiIh wife left thl« theatre, after Unptnln.. l'unly nssuilu-d the- tuauagemniit, and Went to Churleslou, H. <:,, with Mr. nud Mm. Jefferson, who were tigu In, engaged for tbe name company. Tbey were luuuitged hy a Mr. Adams, with whom'v disagreed, und cunceling their contrnct Mr. Jefferson, William Hearing and Mr. Blls- ier took the company nud made their Drat Htarl In. tin- innwigerhil Held., Opening mm plclously at .Savannah, they plniod at Ma-, cop. Augustu, . Charleston una 'Wilming- ton. Mllng the seaftbu with prollt.' ,'J'he next year Mr, JenVrwti mill Mr. Kllsler took u company ovur the sutuv circuit, making Sa- vannah and Charleston central |HiInta, nud playing lu Hu'pimrt oT auch stars aa then ivnv popular. After eight or nine uonlha Mi Jefferson Joined Laura Kcenu's New York company, and. Mr. GIlBlcr wandered lu no other dlrectloil, hei'onilug' eonilecled with ,a ■lock company at Hnltjmorc. Thlu coneeru tailed utter a few atruggllug inuulba, and tbe, playera were thrown out of work, At their, hoik Uiitlim, , Mr. nibdcr qndertook to manage them over the Southern circuit fa miliar to Mr. JclterBon und hlmnelf. At Cumbtfrtdnd, Mil., ninny iueiiiliern fell III of typhoid •fever,. Buffering for twelve or thir- teen weeke. .No( untlcf/patlng tho loug dura- tion of thu Jilneau Mr. Kllider kept and paid the eutlre compuhy, and, when they had con- valesced, moved till to uiicu, x. Y„ where he became nnsocluloil In the matnigeuient Of the Ctlca Muaellin. l'or two hwimiiiim he and h « wltu ployed there, with occaalonal vlalta to Rocbeilter, Syracnan, Watertowit, Ohwcro, and other uenrliy cltlea. t'tmlitig this cir- cuit unpvolllnlile. he v.-ntunit, III IH.'po, to Oluvelahd.'O.. taking the Iiouho thou known eWorld VIlrlctlCH, which nfterwarda wuh chrlHteued the Acittlcmy of Music, which he manngciJ tiotll lSuD. playing all the promi- nent, Htara then traveling with bin regular stork company. Still itctiug himself, he wuh mauager, ptean ngeut. uud atage tnnnn- ?er. The acaRona were divided between loveland and Columbus—for. the aep- alon , of the leglahituro In midwinter— and (anted from September .until July, when be went for the Summer to the email towns, Alteon, Canton, Mnnalteld nud New. I'Ulln- (lelplilit, until a row weeks before reopen- ing, when, a fortnlght'a reat waa taken from aliecr neceaalty. from that cantnuny grew Jumen I.ewla, Mm. (I. II. tlllhert. II. I). <lrn- hum, W. I'l. Oweua, Joauph Whiting, .loHctili Haworth, Cliuu Morris and others who bave rleen alnoe to the top of the ladder. In 1«69 Mr, Bltoler look, charge of Wood'a The- axi-e, Clik-luiuill, 0„ which had becu under tM mauageinerit.of (leorgo Wood, where he eouiluiied until tlic war hrgau, when be iiloaea out IiIh interest und returned to Ihe Cleveland Aoudeniy of Music. In 1871 he obtained control of the new Onern House at Pittsburg. Oy thin time combinations liail begun to travel, and lie uiude one Htork com- pany play nt both houses, switching back und forth so an to admit comblmiMolis at either eJiv. At riltsburg lie added to his elites the 'Lvctmin nud Library Hall, but aur- rendered the latter as aoon na Ida Icaau cg- iiiwd. continuing 1" control of the Cleveland Academy of Music, the lMUshurg tljwra House and Lyceum until 1HT8, he then commenced to build the Kuclld Avenue Opera House, at Cleveland, putting Into this structure all tho money, nccumulatcd In hla mony years, und losing every dollar of It. 'Ihe Plttiburg houses leumitied under the direc- tion of hla-wife, and himself until inhi), when they, retired to New York, where I hey rtthud ever since. His daughter. KMm HIIb- ler Weston, wna the orlglunl llnsel Klrko, In the play ot.lhat uhme. Thla daughter, .his wife, aunt her daughter, Annie May Kl Islet, and two sons. John J. and Win. I!., survive hlw. - The rtunalini were taken to Cleveland, <)., for Interment, on Sunday, Aug. 2,'l. i 11 hack llohUHN, the well known opera sing- er, died unexpectedly ut her home In New Harmony, 1ml., on Xug. 1-1. .. Mlsn (loldnu Slittle her must emphatic succeas ns a prima itttna pf.ljw Castlu.Hqqara Opera Co. dur- ing the career of that orgunWutlon At the Auierlcnti 'I'helitre, NeV. Yurk City. She was Iwru nbuitt .thirty, yeara ago, In New Hnr- inoiiv, inul was carried on the Stage an.n stugo baby, later playing chlldrou'B roles. Her Drat uppearnucn In. graud opera,, and her debut lu Now York City, were made si- multimeotiHly at the Mctro|Hilltan opera House, lu 1H.S0, lu the role of the Maid of Honor, lu ,''l*ea iHitgueuuts," As ..Cerise, luVKriiilulc," she upiK'iireil nt the Cuslno during thu snme hcosou, feinnlnlng there for several years. She played her regular roles, nud understudied the prima donnas, fre- oii.'iilly nppcurlng In place of l'uuliuo Hull, l.illlnii lliiKsell and Marie Tempeat. After leaving lliy t.'nsltio Company MIhs Quldeti supported Ue Wolf Hopper, nnd during the Summer of 'iNDi! she was prima douna of the iilrrny ft David .Opera Co., at ltaltlmote and Uuffalo. She hci nine a member of the Cantle Square Opera Co. In 1807, nnd sang leading soprano roles with that compnuy nt the,American Theatre, this city. The fdl- " - •" NATIONAL LEAGUE, ' ' HE* YOBK BASEBALL CLUB, t AT POLO GROUNDS, NEW YORK, I'lillailxlpUlii, Aug, -4U, 111, -i ' ' ' '• llinohly n, Sept. 'A, », 7,S, , WANTKIl, KOUKAIIC, lecturer uii Mum my; Blilo tirluder.. Haiti to be willing toutkc up and take ilown upriiihiej platform, lSxaurt., covered with cnnvaii,- Mast be rtble to make good Brstclass. Kit AN K l,A WK,4.'ili Fulto n St.. brooklvn. N. Y. ; rWA«T-jEP,-A1! «NPK Z Hue, Kxperienceil Violinist /or Hotel engngemetit; all Odncert Music. line liidueeiiue nia and steady engagement to a man desiring to locale. Also Piano, Flute, Baas, Ulariniict and 'Ocllo. Must, belong to A. V. of M. Address HBNBY./. RKES, Mimical Director,M Monroe St., care Of Klks. Memphis, Tenn. Bute full parlleulars and salary. - - , AT MUBHTY. FKKD'K B. llAWLKYTadd MAKY KHAN0K8 1T1AJ01IT, Lends, Heavies, Lt. (loinedy, Juvenile l^afls and Ingenues. Height, Mt; Sin.;, wt.. 1W. Height, flft. 4ln.; wt., m. KkiHirleace, 1ft yrs.; wardrobe first class. Kx- perlencc.-v.! yrs. Last, season Kl.sii: RYAIN, In "NKVAUA.". I'laylng the ttrcaser and secoud biislliess. 'AddreSH PRKD'K B. HAWI.KY, 10 8o. sin St.. Minneapolis. Minn. N.».—Hep. and l.oug (irassOtieNlgliterH, savestumiM. We found our experience years ago. (I'lmnVs for past favors) . WtSSB, 8TBADY MAN. W1T& MOYINO PIUTDftE MACHINE and outut. Send list of films, age, If married or single, and lowest salary tor long season: also maker of machine. M AHAOEU K0MP8E CO., Portland, Maine.: WANTED, PBltFOBJIElts, for Street Work und tmii-<; most be good; money as good as your work. Must he IIrst class entertainers, will- ing to work for common Interests. Rag chew*rs, keep on the side walk, Milwaukee 'anions agita- tors not doslred. Write quick. No fares. Position paruianeot to right people. t'KKH bl.ANK.NKlt, M. 1)„ Jefferson, Jefferson Co., Wis. All who wrote to St. houghton, wis., write again, as the address wa* wrong! l '.. , WANTED, for "ALONG THE KENNEBEC" Co. orchestra Loader (Piano Player preferred), comedian with specialty for Country Kid, Man fur Ue n »r»i Business, to- handle props. AddrcBH C. R. RENO, 280 West 39th St., or call this'wee* between Uau 12 o'clock. ;Walter Stetson, call. • . ,...., MIDUMMOW AND MKN.- I'lie greatem fair ground attraction ever known Is tbe Two-Head Ohlnese llockadola. Price, with 8X10 painting, »4<i; $10with order; list free. WM. NELSON. 8 Van Korden St., No'.'Cambridge, Mais. VVAtVTKI), F1L0I « OI.OllKlt. Bend sam- ples uud price; piece work or nr the,week. Ad- dress v CHAH. RAV, Cnmlmlland.Md. LITHOB, ONE CENT EACH. ANY STYLE. Send 20 cents for samples. JOHN GORDON, N. K. Cor. «th and Walnut Sta.. Phlla., Pa. IPIBOK AND JOINT ONLY. ago. 101N' .'jMblBON KINKTUNCtll'K, Films, Curtain, Slides, Calcium and Electric; aim tidily Dissolving Lantern; blghargultiH. MAOKEY, 200 Orange St., . N. J, •'■■-»•■«: ». . ; Newark PARKKH NIItlOTINd tJALUKHV No. D, wna iriiHoilmi engine, »20O; 10Tone Street Plane, $lfjO;- Hist Hahlc*, |20j fl guns, $f«; f Tisut, 26x36, goo. omiit . complete, and aa good as new. Cost over, »»oo. Itargu ln. C, P. I'ltKSOO'tT, Lubec , Me. aKHTCIIKH, Travesties and every form of Stage Novelty written to order; high grade work. Joseph Kershaw, >2«BiittonwooflSt,, Philadelphia- ' WANTBU AT ONCB, a l Lecturer, who can Slog or do .Specialties; Piano Player, Performers who change for week; preference given Hume who play piano; chasers uud boozers save sdaiup: join oni wire;, limit !M| transportation. OEHMAN MHit. on, utrnvllle, Minn. HAHBL VIWCKHT, Contortionist. Skirt Dance und Buck and Serpentine. Work in Acta. Managers that pay salary, and will wire ticket, Alls, quick. No. 2130 Olive St.. St. Louis, Mo. Phil na l.K, Dhow Properly, good oh new, ouly used six weeks, consisting: lS.vioft. inaniue; woft. hlglop, with60ft.middle, toft, walls; iwix-tofI. dress- ing room, poles, rones, stakes, complete; carved hand wagon, seals 12 musician*; also ticket, bug J age, cook house, chandelier wagons; an Irish stinting Our, photographs if desired; car runs; 12 band uniforms,diem paper,stationery,nnme.tltle. Ohhs. Lee's (Heat London Shows, Wilkcsbsrre, Pa. tU 1IB Ul, S AddretM ' ■ '' * '• • .:! . ,i C. J. I. DAE, Ml CAMPBELL STIITTII, Aug. 2l-2H,.llarrlsburg, Pa.; Aug. 29 to Sept, 6, Orange, N. J. '■■ MmW^m% B AT MiiKttTV, Alfred O.Caproni, Baritone Singer, and can play small parts. Would like to hear from 0001) Managers. Address 238 UNION ST., Lynn, Mass .Oft, tall : weight, ;]r,o. Do not smoke, chew or drink. Dress good on and off. ; WANTED, Man for Juvenile with specially. Kail and Winter engagement. Tell all lu letter. Jain on wire. Stevens & Mossmntr, Roscmond, III. WAM'KllllIKK.MItDIIllKI'Kdl',, Change often. Preference to plann or brass play- ers. - state all first. Join on wire; pay own. Splendid Co. Stale lowest. Make good. Ladles and gents. MO It. WONDER WORKER CO., Opera House. Plltsfleld, N. H. H ■ HKBTCliBB, 1M.AVH, 111 IU.I.SIH Ks Written to Order., prlglnai guaranteed work. Itenuonalile prices. Menu stamp for list of »1 type- written Hketches. Address BERNARD KLINu, " P laywright, 134 West 2SHi Br,iN.Y. city. 1 THE wfia,iT»M TOUT FAMOUS SHOW Wants Musicians that can loin on receipt of wire. Long season South. Wire, us per route, 0.- E. VALENTINE, Ihindmasier. P.H.-Also Want Two Useful Performers, Agent and-Two Sober BUI Pouters. . • WM. TODT. WAMTJHD-PERPOIIMKK8 FOR MEDICINE BflOW. Must lie ai. .sketch Teams, Musical Mokos, Cortortlonlsu, Magicians, ete.; Join at once. ' Want singing unit Dancing souhreite; Organ or Piano playera given preference; also 1 L<- " want for No, 2 Company, A No. cent An * ■"* "*'■**'' i ai t ■■ 11 fli-iii i. j. w" Lecturer on per- ccntage or salary. 1'ciliili first letter. Addrefls'Dk, ..hi:, Mediciiie Show, Mlnot, North Dakota. FOR HAUB-.'tlaod Roulc, openinguliout Oct. 1. Jml tbe thing far smull Co. Hiuudnrd uitraclluns hooked; l jo contract son liand: t loti cash. Will con- sldur ruriuer.uiul retain ), Interest. Sickness pre- ventsJfomgjivltlHa^JjJHJ^DE^ WANTBD— Good ail 'round Medicine Perform- ers; Organ Fakers preferred; no tickets; no dick- er; ail Itrst letter; work In halls; long engagement to good people; pay etery night If wanted. "DOO" 0. E. NRL80N. deorgetown, Conn., R. D. 41. Studio, 49 AND 51 WEST 28TH *T„ ,N. Y., Art Photoj^raphers. SPECIAL RATES TO THE PROFESSION. Dp to date »ud novel effect* In Lobby display photos, ALL MAHA6ERS AND ACTORS SAY 18 THE The only ofilcein America enntractlng to plul-e aspirants on the stage and direct their carcera. Plaoe more people than all the schools com- bined. CIRCULARS. j. i. u Character Leads, Char- acters or Heavies. Also Competent Stage Direc- tor. 8ft., 2001 bs. i m. (SAWTELLE), Juveniles, Ingenues or Light Leads. 6ft. tiin., 12511)8. AMKKTl'A'M B*c«T AND URBATBST Circulars. Indorsed by T-resa jrttd, Pnbllc. (Up-to-date In every detal Bnoi, Jig, Skirt, Novel Oata Walk, Eloontlou, Singing m Rag-Time Songs, \\Am Acta, Ktc. ' ENQAOEMENTS SKCDKF.ll 80H00L ALWAYS OPK.N PROF. P. J. KIDGk" MIsm Annie O'Day aud oUifn (Open all Summer.) Excellent appearance. Long experience. Elegant wardrobe. Address it.-. AlVJO. HIS American lM | WEST40t,lt St.^ N ew York Clly . Vilegraph, Presenting the very latest in animated pho- tography. Changed weekly. Now fulfilling 17 week contract with Jule Delinar at Oelo- von-oa-Chautauqua, N. Y. Open for engage- ments After Sept. 13. Address OELORON ^ATKE, Celoron, N. Y. Perm. Add., 268 tW.lh.Si., New York City. i., •inn ' GRAND OPERA HOUSE. I indorse PROF. RIDOE as the only Performer and Professional Dancing Teacher In Chicago. FRED 1. WILDHAN, Theatrical Agent, ;igTl,a jfellastp'nel tf Madison, Chicago, in WANTED QUICK LEADING jLADy, SOUBRETTE. COMEDIAN, • : PIANIST AHDOTnEBu8BrOLPEOPLE PERUCHI-BELblNrATTRACTIONS KNOXY IIjLF., TKNV. AHOIIKlt ANDUKI.IAUt.K YOONU MAN, ■uuslcally Inclined, a Jolt ou tho stage he's trying to find. He would like to go on near home, as tils shoes pinch his feet, und a very Inug walk would do him complete. He's had no experience, and la a few shades gre»u, so if you answer this add, write Just what you mean. (I Mug and whistle with the nlito-hurp, with vlollu ohlig«tu or with the piano. Play the barmonloa und hones und first cornet some). Arthur V. Blood, 1 R, V. 1)., Hudson, N.H. : WANTBD-Shiglug nud DuUelug Soubretlo that will Invest some money, to appear with me hi vaudeville. A chauco to make u quick repututlun and get to the top or the hill. Address BERNARD K LINO, Playwright, 1S4 West 28th St., N. V. Ill PBOrESSIOBiL WOBAN'8 LG&ODE, tOS W«Bt 46111 St.; 1. Y. City. Wontod cat: Orico, I BLACK FACE COMEDIAN That docs strong t-omedy and changes often. Sketcln Team (Man and wife) that play organ. Man must do good black fuce work aud be well up lu medicine business, State salary and all particulars. Other lieoplo, write. H NATURE'S RKMKUY CO.. Phlla., 1'u. FOII S A l.i: CHI! A I'- s.'illll takes a floe linn, nearly new Merry Go 'Hound, HI Horses, 2 Charluts, with' organ nnd !l 'd 11. 1'. Uaao- line Kiiglne, now running. One lift. Man Eater Shark and Uniiuer, $2." ; one lu time Street l'liiiio or llurdy Uurdy, $r>U; a good chance for ready buyer: all In good nhfipe. , . ). RCAIIILL, Htidlersvllle, Md. losvlng year ahe went abroad, nnd studied, biit returned, to .the Castle Suur 18011-KHlt). nnd the followlui uuare Opera Co. lu lug season wna one of tbe prima donnas wllh the 'Metropolitan English Orand OpeW Co.,"«t 'he Metropoli- tan Opera Uouse, > Her Rubaeo.ucqt engage- menu, wfoto ■ wH1i, Henry^ ,W. 8a.vnges grand opera compnules, outside- of Nety-York, 11. B. i'ANNKu, better kuowu us Harry Ta- tar, died recently at Fmenlx, Arls, Kiia.^k It. MmmiA, the well known malin- ger, died at his Jiome In New York I'lly on Aug.' Hi, ifrdtu Bioiiiueii trouble, lie was burn In Ireland, In 1841, nud came to this country when three years of nge. He man- aged . a minstrel company iih IiIb Unit the- atrical venture, and Inter, aa a New York liiauuger of theatres, he wns particularly well Ruowu. At different times he muhuged the old Coinliiue, the IJ lobe, Nlplo'a Cnrdeii, lhe Windsor, ou the Uowery, und during lato years thu . Murray Hill Theatre, which lie munnged during lis early career. This home wua especially built for him, uud he retained Ms iiiaimgement until the Winter of isns. when he. retired from active participation In buslucsB life. Koiir suns, Frank. Kilgnr, Arthur und Walter, aud two daughters sur- vive III lu. ,, . ItoHiNA; a cclehi-ntca French singer, died lust week In 1'arls, nged uluety years. The opera, "La Vavurlla," wns written' for her. alio sang .lu concerts and outside of Purls until 1S;U, al which time she appeared nt tho Opera, that clly, where ahe made a freat auccesB,.aud after w-lunlug n marked rluiupb. lu "I.a Favorltn," some time later, she Btood 16 tho front rnuk of Blngers of her day for some years. She sang for thu lust time lu lNnfl, uud than retired. Tout llosco, n vaudeville performer, jug- gler and tight rope walker, was killed hy a train ou the Now.York Central tracks near (ircenwny, N. Y., on Aug, 12-, He WBB about thirty-two yenra of age. Ills Inst engage- ment was wllh a Herman Medlclue Co. The body was sent to Wiggins' uudertaklng rooms, Rome, N. Y. , • . „ Hesuy A. Dunn, nn actor, died at hla liouie .iu Cu.elien, Miibs.,, on .Aug. 11, from t-heumatlsm. aged twetity-ave years. Ills, List wkn«raen,t Was with "The Ivatseniom- mor Kids" Co. Interruent was on 13. Ills wife and one child survive him. I'LAYINtl SOUBRETTES, JUVENILE, SECOND BU8INESS, WITH TWO OLKVEK Ullll.HKKN. PARTS, BPKC1AI.TIIRB. Repertoire experience. - Care of clipper. NBW AMI UK. VI Till) L, THE GRAND GARDEN, SYRACUNB, N. Y., OPENS MONDAY, AUfi. 31. Vaudeville Artists write lu. Admission House. No wine rooms. Would be pleased to hear from Hungarian Orchestra for permanent position. ■'■.'■• 'JOSEPH DON FEE. WANTED, WANTED, .is. it- ■> ■ ' * MUST BE A OOOD ORQHND TUMBLER. Two week9 hooked. Will consider Good Amateur. AllDltKSS ' ' " J r C. JACOBS, Meier's kiosttcbj, Box IW3, Onset, Mass. WANTED, FIRST CLASS SINGER FOR OPEN AIR WORK. Must play good an ompunli t on Uunlo or Oultar. Must loin at onee. wire answer. '■• 1)K.T. J. OUMMINCS, Wabash, Ind. -^1 WANTED TO BUY, •,:• i •!,: _ W-'\: •■!.■ . ,i; ?.-i Hippie, Clouds, Fulls. Hist, Rainbow, Snow, Lightning aud other etfects, second hand. Carpenter and Props. Write . MELODRAMA, care of OIJPPER. , lldMin, Sulck. Also Unsco Snake Eater, good Man with arlonettes, Illusions of ml kinds. Apply or wrlto qulokly. OALVIN'S PARK, . We.Hllleld, N.J..J.0. It. R. If you have the real thing, come on WANTED FOR Edison Machine and Properties. One who does specialty or parts preferred. Join on wire. MQR. JOLLY DELL A PRINOLE CO., 2 :'- f .""*■ , , : ' ": Ohhriwn,lows. WANTED Seavy Man, CLaratiler Man, Juvenile Man, eavy Womau,. Character Woman and Chllil, also Hustling Advance Agent and Treasurer. Reliable Company. One play. State fall particulars ana Lowest Salary, Address PIflST CLASS. .'■V ■■■ «..: ..;{.■ m C«roolOLIPPBB. Wanted Quick, Up In "Two Orphans" and other standard playa. Must have Bquaru outs. State age, height, weight and lowest salary very drat letter. Solid engage ment. Join on wire. Address JAMES F, KEITH, Stage Mgr., . Waahloglouvllle, N. Y. P. 8.-Want Stage Carpenter (bul|der), play blu. PICTURE MACHINES. New and Second Hand Stereoptloona, Films, Song siidua aud Supplies. Picture machines re- built with all improvements. RheoBtuts any volt- age. Mechanical cU'ccis for aula made. Expert repairing done. NEW YORK FILM EXOHANOE. N. POWER. Mgr., Ul Nassau SL, New York. Phone 3300Cortland., ,* • • JUVENILE MEN, Quick, at Valley Forge. Tell m james w. Evans, it E. run Su, su Paid,Mitin. WANTED, MUSICIANS, for HUNT'S VAUDEVILLE CIRCUS. Trombone and Tuliii, and Alto to Dodhle Violin. Sober, reliable people watitluga sure salary, write. Kouic: lllooiulnghurg ti. Pine Dusli 2s, Waiden in, (iurducr 31, Marlboro 1, Milluii 'J. Hlghlutid 8, New l'alu 4. c. K. Wbaples, I sent the ticket. Can also use Singing Clown to Doutiie Concert. ■ ' ■ : "" ; %AMii»7T"r '■■■.[ ONE TURKISH MUSETTE PLAYER, One Tom Tom Drummer and Oriental Dancers. Wire salary, nnd be able to loin by wire. J. LESLIE FRY, as; MaTket St., Wllllainspnri Pa . ". ■; WANTED, , : Pe.ple for Repertoln, Stock and Combloitltn. ' R AY'S EXOHANQR, 1» Wes t j M Street , N. Y, Wanted, Several ?erfdrme».' Preterenco one play organ/ Also Want to Buy a Uomblnatlon Car. Jr. C, O, SPANQLGR, " .' Wayneaburg, Qreen Co., Pa, MAN, LEADING WOMAN, Scenic Artist. AddrcBH or call Fi T. M„ 2M> IV. JOliiSJ., New York. SERPENTINE DRESS. Miibj be lu first class condition und cheap for cash. TUK VANOS, "DARKNESS AND ]»AWN,'' ;'ii, . , • Coney island, UrooklyD,N. Y. Wanted at All Times, Sketch Teams, Slstor Teams, Musical Acts ami Novelty Aots. Two (2) weeks' engagement. Noth- ing too good for this house. Also Bnrlesiiua unil Stock atrls. Steady work. Write A. WjDINHOLZBB, Manager Tivoii and Umpire Theatres, St. Paul, ■u-m i "i y\'y .»mn. .... . ..,,. ,, STETSON TOM CO. LEADER Fw MCHESTFs WM.'KIBIII.H„2I4 Wiiat 4!!d ST., New York. HP! ' ! »■ ■( ! • — yt— *--,■•'•• — .i T —r-» — • . . . SISTERS PROF. WALSH, Magician and Ventrllo- l}UI8r, cau be Engaged afler Sept. a. Reliable managora only. First oiass Medlclue Co., or wonld work for good magician as Assistant. 5?L'VL, u V, l, . t '«>«•« every week. PROF. E. WALBH.iPrince Buy, Htaien Island, N. Y. At Liberty, Several imatenrs, Qualltled by stage Munagorof Ileputailon. Oom- betehcy, Looks uttd Coal umes (innranteed. .... V, "STAQBHANA(lElt."cnre'of 0L1PPEK. NEWPOBT, B.I, People's Theatre, J. II, ROBINSON, Mgr. Business last week was tS2% T u h( S'SP Si" [ \ SMHOtt anu "«man, »Dhle Burke, Ths l Monelys, Ounnlngham and Ooveniy. Vandnvllle performerB.wrlte In. WAITED QUIDS, PEBP01UB DOII0 StBONO SPEOlAlTlKS, also Man with Moving Picture Machine. One night stands, tiotogood man. Add. • • HOBT. UAYIS, Niobrara, Neb. A-t Liberty For coming scnsoii, Address Agents or ■. : .VAN NKbT,.N..Y.Clly. ^aVA initio. Of all kinds; thoseiihiylng Brass preferred. Mu*' Join upon recolotof.wfre. Addroas A. BAILEY, Egg Harbor, Atlantic Co., N. J. WANTED, LEADING MAN, souhreite and Uscfbl Repertoire People. Also strong Vaudeville Aols. Address H. A. STRiilKJFP, Berlin .Heights, Ohio. Mgr. Olaifb Tntile Comedy Co. COMEDIAN, AMATEbR (11), six feet tall, good baritone voice. Wishes engagement. OLIVER LANBFOKD, S5i East 72d St., New York.