The New York Clipper (August 1903)

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AUGUST 29. T HE NEW YOl^-^GEnSl^ft. 635 PUB. 00,* OK NEW NerSongsf VINCW writers "wholly or in part," of "Down Where the Wdrzburger Flows;* "In," "In theSwe&t Bye 8lntt^B^ v ' '^sfty UttliOinah Jones, »ah for Baffin's layr^y jgfa Loo" ancl many otter sigs that have made good iriiK«! pist: ' :;: :J " W keue this arss'inEr onrxsai ARES THE XttSBTOT OMES: The "tougUl' Lov^BaUad.. ££L Totally unlike any other "tottph" song that fans over been penord doing so. A beautiful ballad melody, wedded to words " This M>, a little classic, and inaugurates the advent tHat Ihc're is no co'mhanson.' ■ ■ HOW I LOVE you, MAME in pcDMd. fho song of tho worliiio, boy, who "can't isc pretty IflURtiPgo like a port," hut who wmiIb to tell his ''sternly'' how much he loves iitniwoniti mnkeRood an a rcciloiion. Pathos and comedy arc cleverly nfakded in lliis hour, nijcHt has a "heart interest"'ibnUiringn It n oi mo American "Coster song. Evuy word of it can be understood by any nudioneo, and it is so far ntioa'd■of. tho "lough" aunga that have bow her, niul Anally succeeds in many encores wlicrovor sung. i handod to you in tbo pant, THE Comic Mook Bulla Totally iinlilto any mock ballad that hits ever bcAn penned. A mock Imllnd that clovrrly burlesques Iho maudlin soiitimont of llio rustic 6r pastonil ballad with whioli yon 1 nto all familiar. If aptly "lilts aft" tho (noon- BiRlenciesol stugulnnd whoro ho mm is produced by tho plumber and the snow by tho picture machine," aud the andioniie is light with the singor, when he "longs to lie there in an orchestra chair, whero fho grass I* always R rccn. A swent, nowing melody, one of the kind they II hum and whistle all the way homo. Extra verses for aingic acts who do character work. . Burlesque drama (or tontus, used botwoeh vewes. ,A song that will brighten up any net. ... . - . . ■■ ,,.-..; , ..-, ,. J ., ,,„., .;„,.. ,. , NEW IDEA, No. 3. ■ gjgji The Travesty "Jungle" T 9$'J nn "| ce "» olllor Coon Sofig; (hat has over been pennod.- 'Not a rough song, but a dainty, catohy coon molody hi J.' B lilULLEN'8'besl stylo; Vtmny' wdrds; the sttthry oraMntfcl laUy who c4j«f«ts In "living on love iu'tHe"j«ngle, and'WBO. whilo allowing that tho shado of tho bamboo may prove acceptable to the Zulus, thinks thnt tho shadoof a Panama hnt'is good enough for her, ami advtsHS her bo»M to gel UNDER A I'ANAMA as soon as possible, She "knows all about that muddy Congo, can't row no cheap ennor," and thinks that "a bright red auto thnl'B bltllt lor two," oft-Broadway, is much bettor tlian a 'anion on tho Congo, whoro yotf tnrnlsh yonr own molivo power,.. CABRQLL JOHNSON'S GIGA NTIC HIT in .LEVY PO CKSTADKR'S BIG MINSTREL CO. Good for single acts, teams or oflseinbles The Pretty Little Coon Song. Totally unliko anyother love song Ihat has ever been penned • J; B.' MULLEN is undoubtedly a -'piist master" in the art of writing ''coon" love simiis, arid in thiM song ho lias surpassed nil his former efforts. T,nve is not a new thcnio h.y.aiiy means, but I lie verses and obnrus of tins song haudlo tho subject in an entirely now way. It is the swocUst, catchiest, liltlo coon song in |irinl. Adam, (boy nay, discovered, lovo and marriage, and this sung will tlo.nioro to Jnnko love mid marriage popular than anything since the days of Adam and Eva. We confidently cxnoel that this nong will donrcuso the ratio of diviners in tlicso United HtrttCs folly CO per eont. in tho next thros months. Outsido of that we know it will mako good for any singer, no matter whoro it is anng on tho bill. Good for singlo acts, teams i>r mniqinblo, , i NEW IDEA, No., 5. The Comic Waltz Song. the NEIGHBORS SAY? ■ Totally unlike any comic of topical song tlmt Inm over besn penned. To begin with, IT IS FUNNY; that mnkos it different from a groat many otlmr "comic" and topical sbiitfs that you have noun advertised by other liooso*. .1. B. MULLEN has given tho song the bnnefli of his sovon year..' experience as leader in vaudeville theatres. He.Knows what belongs in a sung of this kind, and his music allows tbo sinner In imiplintiio evoiy "point." VINCENT i song tno tmneiu ot ins sovon year. BRYAN bns givon tho soug a big bunch of funny topical verses, aud is writing more all tho time. gives out. . . . ■ .,. .. . .. This is a song that is a "sure flro nit," You can follow any comic song over written with this one, aud tuku encores until your voice NEW IDEA, No. 6. The High Class Ballad* penned. ' An art ►onf? for arliHlie sinners, a bciiiuil'iil bit ol word painting, set to a surpassingly linn tone poem, with wondcroitH underlying harmonies, thafwill 10 individuality and clinrm ol this Kong Iban tho cninern can reproduce tho splendors of a minuet. \ Just one vitrso and refrain, (hut's all—a caressingly tender lovo TotallyunliVri any : other high class lallart that hiis over bcori'i show a good voice, to perfection. C'old type, can no more dcn-nlm tho i.... «oug,witn a melody that is music in (bo most poetic sense of Iho woid. If you havo a good voico, and wish to show youraudie wo tlmt. you have a good voice, this is the mmuj. NEW IDEA, No. 7. IT WAS The 'Comic SCREAM. .Tclallj unlike any oIIht comic song that hns cverbeon penned. hisBig-MtnstrplCo., at Manhattan Bca'oTi this Bummoi.' "('HIOO'., MR.,«!S8 DANDY, always.u clover perfoimir, is uow milking the bit of his career in the title rolo of "Tho Priiwo of.Pllsou,' at the Stiidnbakcr.Thefttre, Ohicuao ipina of .this song ju>t now, ih pur anything olss, but REAL floogs, Wo could" Say i lot about (his song, "but what's the nse of ''rtinnlng after a car when ■yon have naught it?" II. was lirst introduced by LEW DOCK8TADER, In 'CHICOT " u critic of nnlioiuil fame, said, alVr seeing the porforniance : "When lbclq>ladcr sang 'It Wan tho Dutch,' the applftuso thrnstetieii to spllt.tbe «wn|niis " tbo bit of hiN career in the title rolo of "Tho Driiioo of.Pllsou," nt the Ktudnbaker.TheWre, Ohii-iiRo.. -Ho is singing "It Wftu lbs Dutch," and the CHICAGO TRIHUNK mys; "MWHandy did e'xlremelv wolf,"nod m'adVii^decided Hit with tho song 'It Was the Dutch,' which bo substituted for bis predecessor'* greatoat bit." It Is a hard game for any man's nong to mako good In a 'show, )|k* "Tim Tiiuce of, Pilsen," where cvwy other individual number is a great big hit, but MR. DANDY is taking from sevon tonino encores every ni«ht with this soiik. Wo arc pnntinR no proreHsloniil copies of thli presses are kopt busy in supplying tho trnde. Wo tell you ot this song to show you how originality wins out. This, and all our other songs which Wo loll you of aboro, are hot unilalions of original and new in ovcry respect. __i___^.'.' i ' ' --- : ■ ' ' ! ' "" : '' ' ' ~~—-'-j—-'— ' Wo will bo Tjlonsod to havo vou call on us for tlio above soucsut. our offices, No 40 West 28th Sfreot, Now tdrk, or Not 10 Witherell-Streot, Detroit. If you can't call in penton, write, m^gZ^'S^m^nl will reply at oiico. VINCENT BRYAN, JAMES B. MULLEN, I30B ADAMS, JAS, O'DEA, MIKE BERNARD, W. R. NELHON, CARL FROLIOH and AVM. REDFlELDVaro always in to greet thoir friends at the Now York Onlce, of which HOMER HOWARD is the Manage^ j, ' „,„„',,„ , 17 . „„,„„ t „ ' ^ H B BLANKE CHAS DANIELS (NEIL MORET), ERED BELCHER, Gen. Manager of tlid firm,And J. H. REMICK, Proprietor of. tho WHITNEY WARNER 1'UB. CO., nre nlwayB in to welcome vou at tho Detroit Offices, where n corps of oxport rianists and Arrangers can be found at all times to attend toypur wants. If you bboukl forgot our mldres. in oithor city, ask anybody to direct you to the plncc wliero thny publish "HIAWATHA," and you'll find us without much delay, but wo want YOU to know where we aro, and would like to have you call on us .-..,*<- L _,:.^^^.,._ WAR|>IE|j , pu g. CO., ■o^.t^.^.^j^r^H. sii b i itb mimi •mnilCSTIJA'* f^lAPKt} to lloublo llinss, TIIAIV DUUMMlOn, llAKS'l'l.AyKU for It. 11114.u:. .wanted at.once fur.Tosliiia ttlhipklns ( oJ. !.Address " C «■ HKNO, Itnoni li i;tri8 Broadway,, , N'c\Y : V»>'k. THE CASINO, 102 li 106 River St.. Hobcken, I. J. (OfiRMAN C'ONCKRT HAM.). Wanted, all tho Hiae, SlnRte Ladlca, Toums artd Novetly ArllHts, etc.; alio good Piano riavc-r AT ONCE. . ... , WM. OKIOBK , Manager. DE BETIT THEWRE GO. Wants ftriiok. CJI4KitriBRWOMAN. PIANISX'. ' \y*x6w)ia anil a<Mlll.v.«>Foiilla|;ol.liar inipfiil people, write. Mel- r. »<•, Mniii, 27; -in; Miii|ii')kciu. Iowa,alandivock. Mvlntlj! s, in I,„..i,i! Mn.pll<Uy: •YOU'LL WISH ME BACK SOME DAY." A souk tliut niiiki-H (jouil Biirwlierc PrnfcsBloiuil cnplca fret- loHlnir^ra aciulliiir lute iimgram. Or- fla'Rlhitl.iirs, ion ueaiA TIIK I'AUI. I.K8I.IK PUH- USIIINM 0O ..uinalia, Neli. . FOR ;ME^(ifflicFArt Oulfft, /jotoljrrlclM, Fell Dresiooat, all In ssin. Clipper Trunk, »a»; or will sell aopsrsto; lino Wlilusdei- f»atinoD«iicc.nieH», W0..NO Htamp, no simwcr. «RB, tfll. CARL, 281 Court St., RocMstcr, N. Y, WMTED IMHEDUTELY, Al PIANO PLAYER. F : ^AN : AI.80 IWH A-l'liW WJOD REP. PEOPLE (.'mi (rlvo work year mound. Address WM. II. MIIHltMAN, Slnrmntrs fark^tmnlltow, CM, WANTED, Tor Stetson's Big Uncle Tom's Cabin Co., Dcuble Bass | ^J^^^^ ddrc '" i ■"\4 ■ \V. ' 42il Slrcct, New York City. iOTHlrllTLliN Wantalo licar finm t'f-1'.VRIl ItHPKn'roittt. ri nru' IN Al.l I'1NI«- ^ lNO '," n " ,c "; iu • -p.. lor I'rtpeny Man. Mutt pay srinie parts. No■ four llnsl.^i. *«.•»» dusky,.0., Hl-il: .luncMvll le. P.. «»-H"|H. •'• VTAJStsHPfiVlOK, t\'tr,. iiniil- Inn' •.VIII-IISl'S. (.SON. MrCook. Neli. iW CnlsOii HiiH-k ■<'<». MiihI liflVi- TR0Vi;B,Mgr..T«ctb Bros.' SUow, Wynne, Ark. MAUDE HILLMAN CO. l.f.AHINO MAN, WOMAN. HliAVV MAN. OKN, lll'H. lo Plroct -..Siiiki'. Al AUKNT, KTAUK l*AUI*n.NTKKnml I'ltOI'Klt'l'V MAS. Iiutli to 1111 : one Willi Mi.vIiik I'liliui. Uiillll pielcired; WOMAN Kl'WIAI/l'V for fea- ture. Hiiilci all and lowest salary llrst letter. , 1'liotea relurueil. Alw. waul , to hear from other (iO01> ltllPHIITDlllB PI50- l'l,|.;. 'Must liave good wardrobe 'on aurt off. Addross : ' 1. • 1 ERNEST SCHNABEL, Ilnslness Ilnprr'si-ntiitlyn, Itooncvllle, N. V. s CORNET, B. and O. .Iota at (Mire [Can use Wire I-'. J. I-ai.mkh 2(1; Bethel VI., U7 ; lloeheslcr. Vl„ t V. J. > I'A I,M Mil. other.Mlnlitlel People. Itiindolpli. VI., Antf. Mgr. AT LI BERT V, . PARK B. PRENTISS, Repertoire all lines. Trni'».'l. Cornell In! and Hand Lender, Al 11I Mnsle. lln.rouglily e\perleueeil In Prefer ilriheslru Work. U.euie or Address, WW or INMAN'H I'AHINO. , ... rimey Isliiinl. N. V. Ilecnrds to Mas in'lirosajlind all frJ^n^i FffifiaJrM chsiCicler Awtun, wlnhts 4rat<cbi»i __'. I i <„ I I ^>» aiMrna,, ■ ong * K uTofer1RE; r 5»'Weiit 2Jtf St., N. X. Cliy. , 1 Urns I For the Stevens Stock Co., K» prrl. inf (I A< tor roi LiiiaiU.TIini nunlil y K* |n»l lornnl Ail„>» for HmhukI ll.ail,, ■'ini 1 lii^K iiii, iii. ill. I'rnpi,, In All l.ln,.,« Plan I.I ArrniiK*.. lllMll.n.N, o., Week Aug. »i OF ■Mil Ik f.oinl <'linfin lei Woman, l"li»i i ihhk i>. ,, i,,,h I. i'n,pi„ In All l.lnn.i I'lunl.i who can Lead. Orrlsvdra aiiit AiTUiian, HAMILTON, o, Vmt!B>«WIC», Intl.. Wwk Am, 31, , WANTED, MANAGERS TO COME AND SEE THE 9 JV-O'V^l-rTV ACT IH Ai I'lisior's this week. WARNIRa—This act anil iiovcltMHcopyrluliUd and patented and any person 1 be provccnled to tluv lull extent.of the law ronnen • "pvilt-lif liifrlilKlDKllpon^Hliic will be presecnlcd to tin" full exfenl of'lhiVliiw I oielcrn i opyrtHllts MUBred .1 and Mept; 7 opao. Aitrfreiis Bn B. lOI'll Bl „ N. V., or Jo PSIge HpHlh, Atu'i) VaunovllieMaB»i;ers Aug. 4 BIO BIT AT PBOOTOB'S 23d ST. TBEATBE Tflia WEEB IS A »,*» UHAlll.r, COIIKDY, Two Khow» Pally. Aililtraw . . •TUB MVMTKRY OF TIIK. VOUl*/'' ir,0 K. M<t MT., KjfW Vorfc. AT WBBRTY, «w THE RAYMONDS »-* FOR RECOGNIZED ATTRACTIONS bWlY. C'OMKDY AMI IIIIAHAL'TBUB, HPE0IAI.TIK8. I.IUIIT LKALI9, INOKNUBS. BOVS, HI'KUIAI.TIKS. 5ft. Jin., hup,. —Mmi% OIIARAVTSJBB, 6ft, HA. Mlllh, Uen.'Dfl., DKTftOlT, MICH;