The New York Clipper (August 1903)

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03G THE NEW YORK. ClilBPER. August 2D, THE $1,000 PRIZE WINJWE** 000 Of tiii- hi* Song-selected from the Thousands of MnntmerlpH auhmlltcil hi the I'amons *ua» PRIZE CONTEST, which closed Aiijt. It, Hie one to win tli* float decision was an absolute noveliy, by HARRY J. HHF.KIV, entitled We wish In predlc.1 Hint "MONEY" will prove the HIT of lliesenion. It Is a Song that every Man, Woman and Child can and will sing. II wilt Mill any kind of net. Hlaclc or White Pace, ask production number,with or without light, or stage eirects, It Him Ij* excelled. We claim It to be the best Song nf ii» kind mt published, it la not, nor will not lie, restricted for auv one show. .Proof copies now ready; get It and slag It at once. IN THE PATHWAY OF ROSES AND THORNS. A Nong (hut willtonrh Hie lender anal of nil hover* ofNatnre. THEN AND NOW. A High flam Ballad that will ndil a lliarm to any Program. CLOSE YOUR EYES MY BABE AND SLEEP. A Qnalaf Mule f.nllaby told laa qnaiut Illtle way, and lionnd to meet n-Itb anrreia. '.'■■ VIOLETS, SWEET VIOLETS. A tloiireit Niitoilier 1 liai la bni.ud to meet with the approval of all Lorera of Goad Naide, SWEET NELLIE WOOD. MARIE I'AIIII.I.'S l'li.nnniemil Surreal, oh InlrodiM ed by her In "Van. 3' Brow n" ( o. HITS I'lif Illg Wain long lilt. Ming by II AM IKI. ROMAINE, In LEW" IKIt KSTAliF.Hs Ml NNTII l.I.N, YOU KNOW WHO I LOVE. Now la Pre... Have a few advance coplea foroiir friend.. Write at ntiee. A Little l-iivn Ditty. A llarmonlona Blending of .Sentiment and Moalc I LOVE YOU LADY, INDEED I DO. Jini tile aong for a production number, Oar l.ateat illarrh ( 01m aong la a Womler, entitled THE MILITARY COON. dp.i the Mong to Opeu V our Art With. Fall of Idle. Orent for Bnrlenqnera, Kir. A Ilea m High Glaaa Ballad, entitled THERE'S NO LOVE LIKE THE OLD LOVE, AFTER ALL. Sure encon- winner. The title tellii the atery and a great melody. Another aweet. sixteen. JUST AN OLD SWEETHEART of MINE If yon want a mirliy wnltz long that everyone will hum with you, alng JEZ33SE. OUR TXA/O REIONINO HITS ARE: The Orealeat March Snng of the Season, YOUR DAD GAVE HIS LIFE FOR HIS COUNTRY I'aalilve lilt Wherever flnug. Ilea 11 Ufa I slide Now In Preparation. A Coon'a Anawar to Violets, with a I.ntigh In Every Line. MORN I BRING HER CHICKEN. A Knockout Everywhere. The Fnnnleat. and Beat Slide* Kver Pat to a Coon Hong Are Wow Being Prepared for thla Bong. ■ - \ I'rofeanionnl ('oplex and Wrrheatratlona of above now ready, and will be aent 01. receipt of program (no rarda). If In \. V. roll ami have them taught to yon. Pianlata alwaya In attendance. Over■ Uptown JOURNAL Office. 1370 BROADWAY P.H.-BAlVn A\I» urn Ill'.S TIIA 1.1. A 1)1 'Hi, ATTENTION I Write, and let ua tell yon all nhnitt oar U. und O. I lull. R OA DWAY (Cor. 37th 8T.) f NEW YORK, It. Y. •• FRANKIE CARPENTER CO. COMEOIAN WITH STRONG SPECIALTIES. A GOOD CHARACTER ACTOR. MUST I'l.AY SOME I,Hi JIT IOJIKUV, II,SI> JUVENILE WOMAN. Wlr* JSRE GRADY, WmIc Aug. 24, Olouee.t.r, Man.i Wo.k of Ang. 31, L>aa, Mm I'rlvnte lessons given on all the latest Hinge dancing; aklrt dances, buck and wing. Hand jig, genteel Bong nnd dance, acrobatic song nnd dance, banjo song and dance, hrotlier acts, mnalc nets, bending and tumb- ling taught Individually by the greatest and only professional dancing teachers In Chi- cago, I'rof. Roach and Wife, 101 W. Madison. NEW THEATRE - AU. OPED' TIME: DOBBINS' THEATRE SCHENECTADY, N. Y. . NllTE.—Mr., Duiiiiiii* will open limine Thanksgiving week. Sealing capaoiiy, 1 1,000, Location the bent, on State Ml., opposite Armory. Otters are invited from Managers and | Agents of First Class Attractions for week stands, or otherwise, of Burlesque, Dramatic, Musical i and Variety Shows, Best slum- ellv In thu world. Address , Hit. E. 1)1)11111 VS, IIOX .11)1, Sclienrctnily, N. V. RARE ANIMALS FOR SALE. I'OB 8AI.K—Two collections of Hiiro Aiilomla Hiul wire selected by me for rugged constitutions Inst Aprlng and have lieen eionstaiillv out of doors all Summer, and Include a number or Mnuke.vs and Baboons'that have' been kept hero lliroo seasons without tire during ft inter. Baby Bears, Lemurs, Wolves, Ant Esters, Poucarlas, Civets, lluila, Ucclot, Fo.\es, Monkeys from Java, Philippine jlsiands, Borneo, Africa and India; Spider, Sooit Manpuchy, Bed lleail Mangiit'tiy. Bounett, Itesns, Pig Tail, Diana, Vervei, Ringtail, (ireeti and African, Bsi.oons of Oolden, tlieen, Ohacuia, Mandrills, Dogiira, Olive and Drill. These milnials uro all sound ami mine uiul (In not light each oilier and are now all in together In two rage* In lots of slxtv lucacli cage. Thoy comnriso two big Happy Fauillles, one at lloagl.ake, Wponsookat, It. I., und one here. NOT a sick Monk In the bunch. Many of them am RATINGr! Notice is hereby given that all the mnsienl numbers contained in the Shnbert Br™., Nixon & Zimmerman's $74,000 production of "THE RUNAWAYS," \ Barkhnrt & Hubhell, now playing ot the Casino Theatre, N. Y., are reserved for this Company exclusively. Wnrning it hereby given that anyvoeal numbers of this produc- tion used without the written consent of Messrs. Hhubert Bros., Nixon & Zimmeiman; or Unw. K. Harris, pnlilisber of same, will be proseonted under the copyrioht lawn of the United States of America, Canada and England Si « ned BONDHEIM A 80NDHEIM, 35 Nassau St., New York, u Attorneys at Law for Cbaa. K. Harris, Pnbhsher, - 31 W. 31st St., New York. WARDROBE. Wardrobe for Sale Cheap, six trunks, full of Alt Rnlia Company's 75 Ladles' Bpau- pled Tights; SO Ladles' Woolen Tights nnd line garments. A great snap for a Diir- Icsqiic Co. All Ladies' Wardrobe. Over HO of the lluest S. S. Stewart BanJOB, and J. II. Schnll Rnnjos, and others, for solo at n great Hiierlllce. NOTICE—One Itoynl' I'holoOptlciiii double lens: finest lantern made, with trunk, canvas, nil complete, with BO to 80 views, at a bargain. CIIICAOO. (101 W. Mndlsou St.) CniCAOO. Ilnyninrket Theatre Building. CUT THIS OUT. Have Monks In till? .o. tliatwlll snitcatlcitl, Naciirr parfepl now for iralulug, snino iralmul and uli nets Have 1 B|.iliop. Maitlli—von can Itnvn llaslun now. write for list, or would UmmI whole Inincli with keeper tor Winter. Also troupe or eight lino Performing Hogs for sale and two odd Trained lings, one duliig inentvtwoirji'ki. . Auoiliio llljr ttimkn unit imImu* Mulaiwr Siiulrrcbi. Call or addreta ' J.I..!BTJCK. Point of Pines, Revere, Mass. WANTED, FOR VIRGINIA GIRL CO., FULL ACTING COMPANr DOtlBMNO HHASS, Boabrette with Specialty, Piano Mayor UoAbllng Brass. Open Sepl. V. ■ V1HU1NIA OIBL CO., Warahall, III. VAOBEVILLE MR THAT Ml 1 BIT FBI TOS M. Also for our Fairs, Troupe of Japs, lllg Sensational Acts mid Features : ran use n Hood High Diving Act. Untieing lilrls write for our Free Midway Aitrnciioiis. Mi:A|i AXI'SMMI'N'T til., Tlieutrlcnl Agenls, KM A Tremnnt HI., Huston, Mas*. ~~~~~ AT LIBERTY, Sam CiRrk—La Blanoh Sunoan Beavles, Characters A Old men. Singing Soubretn> - specialties, Fill All Reqiiireraenla.' rteaponalble oue piece atiructioua, Address 317 K, nib St., New Vork, N. I. Leading Lady, Juvenile Man, CHARACTER WOMAN and COMEDIAN for REPERTOIRE, AMATEUR LADY for SMALL PARTS. Skeich Teams, Useful People, write. This show never closes. Send programmes, photos. If pos- sible, and state all first leitnr. Join on wire. TOM FRANKLYN NYE, llolstelll, Iowa. Ala W. Martini JEnterprl^ei.. THE BIG WESTERN PRODDCTIO!?. UNCLE TOMS CABIN, Packs ihem In at Ilnmmnnil, Jams them In at Nllos, turns tlianiawav In .!.M?f}?»bSw 1 Vf'w t ii e J , i.',!PJ I \. BBtl i. e Creek ' y,bm ll wnws-to UNCI,!) OM'SCABlN, A I. W. MARTIN has them all backed clean off the Itoartls. l his season's cast Is composed of actors who are artiste: " The scenery Is Hiiport). . jn> TKN NIOHT8 IN A BAR ROOM opens season. Joliet III Sent. o. IEA8TERN UNULK TOM'S CABIN CO., Mckee sport" Pa., Sept W' ' . At— \tV. IVIiaVPiTHM, gole Prop, and .ifjr. Stetson's Uncle' Tom's Cabin Co, vi? i !l^"'.?JL for mwl "JJ' 1 O^hestra, Double Baas, Trombone, Cornet, Clarionet, " violin, rrap brumH. Man for Phlneas und Irfgree. CEO. CRABl'REE, Mgr.: I , Kldon, lowu, Aug. »; Monroe, Iowa, Ang. a; Earlham, iown, Sept. l. Baritone, to .IloublaW Farmingion.Iowii, Aug. WANT Dramatic People FOB "MY FRIEND FROM ARKANSAW.'' Address ROBERT 8HERMAN, WATSRKA, U&i The Famous Welsh Bros.' Shows .._. Note.-OAN PI.AI.'K l'i;<V MORE 4 AND 11 HORSE DRIVERS. Apply to R ' ,r ^ ' W ' J0«. MtOLOSKKV, Boss Ihlati8r.' THE AX LIBERTY, LEADING COMEDIAN, SOUBRETTE—Specialties tJiat am Future. Addreeaa IEK HH'KMAN, St. Charle. Hotel, ( hlca B o, t||.' A FIRST CLASS LEADER Who Can Play Strong B-Flat Cornet, OSti a i,-, , ?i n " t i rrt, '. , " >, ,1l 2 5 '' >, ' nmI . a ,,Klnt Clarionet player. Wire ns ner roiite-'MlR- Mourl Viilley. la.. Ang. 3Bi Council muffs. |„., ^J^&t^SJ,*^Z^\^Z !■■ H. ORNTnY. Uenwnl Manager. - Aililre.MH . . ,.' \ . Attg.eU-JW, Biuniivlfikj-Mil. | ,j t ^