The New York Clipper (August 1903)

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AUGUST 29. __ THE NEW YORK CLIPPER., 637 If J J flit!! 1 " ■OUR LATEST CAfALOQUE rnnt.ins tbe BIGGEST and BEST VARIETY Jffi the NEW THINGS and NOVELTIES at the LOWEST PRICES for STREET; MEN, FAIR AND CARNIV AL WO RKERS. SEND FOB IT Q UICK. it narnlvsl. Fair or Convention there's coin ro be nnidlr made. if you give this small art. your at- [JJilou.yoii'll.sure to be amply repaid. • PISEB GUTKOWSKY & CO., |3Q.lft» Pin ii Ave., C hicago. At liberty, Dorothy Horr. BOYS, SOUBBETTES and INQENUES. Experience, ability and wardrobe. One plere preferred.' R e 'P OM ' l,le „ I P*?,*!5SI*'.?i 1 2 re , g ,?, ar.ASTOMbimy. conn. SCENERY Five Kinds of Trunk Scenery; Three Kinds of Water-color Scenery. « GUARANTEE Olid SCENERY TO PAY FOB ITBKLF TF.N TIMES DURINO A SEASON. a-k 119about "Tltzel" frames and "Sllko." DANIELS 8CESIC STUDIOS, jjjj Wabash Avenue, Chicago. Pictorial Paper FOR REPERTOIRE. WRITE FOR SAMPLES. THE DONALDSON LITHO. CO., Newport, Ken tucky. WANTED QUICK, FOR THE HOWARD STOCK CO., TALL HEAVY MAN, Must be A l; capable of playing one or two leads. Address A. 0. HOWARD, .Mgr. Kmplre Theatre, Write or wire. Glens Falls. N. Y. WANTED QUICK, FOR UNCLE TOM'6 CAfitN Muilclans, who double B. & O. or stage preferred: '•Kva"wlui specialty, an Agent who Isn't arruid in hustle, a First Clans Boss Canvas Van, who can and will attend to bin work. Co. travels by rail; stop at hotels. Other people wrlte-or wire as per route. Permanent address 6344 Penn Ave., East End, Pittsburg, Pa. CHAS. W. LANOSTAFF. WANTED, Fires Cimedy People.—An A No, I Stage Manager, Juvenile Man. Character Old Mmi for a Swell Parmer Part, Character Woman and other people, one night stands. State salary. I pay expenses. Those doing specialties given pre- ference.- I will not advance tickets under anvclr- I pay salaries. CHAS. E. ROSS, Fourth and Brady Streets, Davenport, town. AT LIBERTY, Musical Director. PIANIST AND ARRANOKR. Add. ALBERT I.. SANIIBHS, liiiO Covington St., Voungstown, Ohio . WANTED, HEAVY MAN AND A GOOD CHARACTER MAN. LONG SEASON, SURE SALARY. (10RMANI) A FORD. Newton Falls, N. Y. AST WBBRTY, BABY VERNA, A Chlirt Artist. Does line Song and Dance Specially; also takes child's part. Address 148 B. ELIZABETH ST., Dclrot, Mich. PERFORMERS FOR SUNDAY. SohmerPark ARTISTS OF .ALL KINDS WRITK FOR SUNDAY DATE. MONTREAL. Shooting Gallery Supplies LATEST NOVELTIES. Write for Illustrated Cata- logue. WM. WtIIPKLK1N, Hajr., 208 N. Second St., Philadelphia, ra. Rowers Maine Plates ^IS^S&S iium, suets, pound. New Gum Machines, each. Other machines at a sacrlilce, to clone au estate a snap for buyers while it'lasts. Rlggs' A miisftmnnt On.. 41 and: 43 Universltv Place. N.Y.o. ■ ' < FOR LEASE, Combined Sleeping and Dining Oar, Suitable tor traveling companies. Also UAGOAUE CAR. MEW JBRSEY CAR WORKS, . r ! i: LAKE VIEW, N. J. ESTABLISHED 1877. PREPARED CORK mp Uciin Per l'onnd. References: All l he leading Mln- atreln.Orderfroro Mrs.Kd Mills. LonilouTliealre.X.y Wanted, Experienced lecturer FORMED. CO. OPEN UNION TOWN. PA. ELKUTHO-GIIEMIC CO., Fairmont, W. Vs. WlnNI BYRON, ECCENTRIC DANCER and COMEDIAN, Open for Minstrels, Comedy or Vandevllle. No. Mi Shipley Street, Wilmington. Del. THE BI6S0N6 HIT, "YOU HAVE 60T TO BE ONE, TOO," now featured by live hundred prorcstonal singers. Mulled lo PrnL and Music Trade for luc. Introductory. Address J. IIICIII ■SfAUFFER. Publisher, Mansfield, Ohio. Attraction Wanted AT UNEVILLR, IA., M. W. A. OPERA HOUSE (FAIR WEEK), COMMENCING BEIT. 14 10 -1>. FULLBK A ALCOBN, Mgrs.. Llnevllle. la. SKETCHES I Cm Yob Afford Any But wn,*„ to ord"r. A F1K8T CLASS SKETCH? I write Snch and only snob. J. W. SCHWARTZ, 78 K. 82d Street, N. Y. No stamp, no reply. WANTED, for MARKS MILLER'S Juvenile Lady Minstrels, Band and Chorus; One to ffi 'Piano. VO0ALI8TS w - V».. we will have the wSEj&tSvftiS* WANTED, ffl«.T n !SW S C ^ nt ' to S*« Violinist OM bom en Tour to Hacinc Cousl Must read music raMarTlT ! £* K °'" S "H""""- Modi" ■MB salary, but sure every week. All Winter's ftr*"?," •5 e, ,", l0 " lanj ' »'*»"™nt. Join SSutZ wSSLJ" t,gl " WrlJ. m ' e «» In Brst letter BoozerM save stamps. Address PROF. n. 0. HANSEN, fillinore Hotel, Deadwood, S. D. A.t Liberty, fl AGENT, Harry G.Allen, ADDRESS 104 WEST 88th ST., NEW YORK. KREBS OPERA HOUSE KREBS, IND. TER. Now In course of construction; will he completed Oct. 18; cost $9,000: stage, 4«ft, x !»ft; neixiit u >ove Istage, Sift,; S. C,4M. Population, a.m. Mlulugtown. Semi-monthlypny. Three tululug camps adjacent, connected by elec car line, to draw from. Time all open. E. W. FI/VNN, Mgr. Young Men of Good Character to . Sing Illustrated Songs. Must play own accompaniments. Sure pay. Good chance to develop voice. IDEAL ENTERTAINERS, Saginaw, Mich. C O 3STTI3-A-CTS Sharing, Engagement, combination. Baggage and Hotel Contracts, Calls, Statements, etc, LETTER HEADS Send program, card or letter head, with »•. stamp, for samples. McNEIL PRINTING COMPANY, Carey, Ohio. WANTED QUICK, FOR REPERTOIRE, Dramatic People in all lines, Young landing Man and Soubrette. Make sularv low, as I pay In li, S. money. I pay expenses. R.R. fare advanced if I knew vim. R. A. CHAPMAN, Wolverine Theatre Co., Week of Aug. 24, Forest Hill. Mich.; week of Aug. 31, Shepherd, Mich- AT I.IIJF.K'i'Y. F* it* 111 c Raymond, B. & 0. Leader, Violin, Cornet, Piano. Kitty Raymond, Small Soubretie, Specialties. BABY RAYMOND, Child Parts, Specialties. Address FRANK RAYMOND, Gen. Del., Dallas.Texas. WANTED, AI REPERTOIRE PEOPLE IN ALL LINES, Including MAN Tor LEADS and HEAVIES, i'eople with specialties preferred. Join on wire. We pay board. Stale all. Max HOSKNHAUM, Hlanehester, Ohio, Aug. 27, 28,!!«; Lebanon, Ohio. Aug. ai-Hept. 6. VITamLtea, Oot. 1. 12 CONCERT PEOPLE, COMEDIANS, HEAVY MAN, MUSICIANS, Etc. TwoMeu with Wives that are nood Actors and Singers. Getting drunk will forfeit salary. We must have sober people. One to three week stands. Travel lint eight months In So. Dak. We pay transportation only. State everything, what experience you have had, salary you want and send photo. People who double brass preferred. SOUTH DAKOTA SANITARIUM, Aberdeen, 8. D. IVIecl. Show Mgrs. Send stamp for our "GATLINO OUN." MED. OFFER—A snre "Coin (letter" anywhere. Makes WORN OUT territory good as new. This Is Hie "Coming Wagon." CLIMB ON. Anything you want for "Olllce Orsft." WE PROTECT YOU. Address EMMA SUPPLY CO., Rock Island, 111. ROOVetS Name PlateS model, $2* each. Alumi- num, 80cts. pound. New Qum machines, $2.80 each. Other machines at a sacrifice to close an estate. A snap for buyers while. It lasts. Rlggs' Amusement Co., 41 and 43 University Place.N.Y.c. ATTRACTIONS WANTED By the OPERA HOUSE at GAINESVILLE, Florida, for thccomingseuson. Under NEW management. Population 8,000. Address C. R. LAYTON, Gainesville, Florida. Rowers Name Plates W'SfSKT'SJffi num, soots, pound. New Gum Maohlues. $2.w each. Other machines ut a sacrlilce, to close an estate. A snap for buyers while It lasts. Rlggs' Amusement Co.. 41 and *8 University Place. N. Y. 0. QUICK, PEOPLE IFOR EAST LYNNE. Low. sure salary. Those doing specialties pre- ferredBeni Stone, write. Address BAST LYNNE CO., A. DEAN, Mgr., Pen. Del., Detroit. Mloh. LADY WANTS First Class Partner FOR SKETCH. Must do tramp specialty.'Address MLLE. VANITA, Western Burea^N. Y. OUPFhB, CARLIN «BOTTO Are seen In their extremely funny Dutch net which never falls to throw an auoieoce Into tits of luugh- ter.-BOSTON HERALD, Aug. 18. WANTED, PARTNER, Manager er Performer, To Join myself aud wife; one night stand, live peo- ple farce comedy, sure winner. Small capital, dol- Kir for dollar. Wirt's Novelty Co., Burllngame. Kan 'o loinmyBeir auu wpie; one ni»>n- ■>,->■«, ■■»v v ™- nle force comedy, sure winner. Small capital, dol- l arfor dollar. Wirt's Novelty Co., Burllngame. Kan. Wanted, for Aippil.Wigoo Stow, Sketch Team, Magician, Vcotrllooulst, Black Face Comedian, Jiurgfer. RIPPBL SHOW. Veedersborg, Hid.. Aug 29; Kingman. Ind „ 8ept. 8: Jndson. lnd,. Sept. 10 . WANTED, Petite Single Woman (Blonde Pre- ferred), not over thirty-live years. Must have high soprano voice, be good dancer, and fair piano p aver. Address Oha»."Dorado» Perry.Oneonta.N.V WANTED, QUICK 0R6AN PLAYER, Also Olher Peoole who play organ, for balance of Summer Mason and Winter. State your lowest first letter Address Ed. Henderson, Piedmont. Harrison Co., 0. WANTEDrPEOPLE for MELODRAMA Elizabeth, N. Z, ! Aug. 24-2», » to U A. M. Intro Fox -AND HIS BI6 CO, -OF- American and European NOVELTIES. The Comic Conjurer, IMRO FOX, In His Latest Illusions, Presenting the Spectacular Rrrecls, Entitled Doctor Faust AND THE A LCHEMIST 'S POWER. GANFIELD and GARLETON SHERMAN and DE FOREST COLBY and WAY LEQNA THURBER hohky'Soyb WILLIAM CAHILL FRED ZOBEDIE AND EICCOSONO'S FAMOUS HORSES INCLUDING THE CELEBRATED "Good Night Horse." SEASON COMMENCES SEPT. 21, AT ( lilt LE TIIKATHE, Hroailway uml OOlh St., N. V. City. J. C. MATTHEWS, Onager. 43 W.28th St., N.Y. City, care of WM. MORRIS For Western Stock Co. WOMEN FOR LEADS, SMJBRETTE AND OEN. BUSINESS. Others write. Full pnvtleulnrs llrsl- letter. Snlnrv low but sure. KDWIX fiAllV. .Mgr., Sngliiiiw, I-:. S.. Midi. Por the Whit* Hay- raoad Comedy Co. Al Lending Ainu mid Women. Heavy Mun. Man i'honicters mid (ieneral Ills. Any (iuiul ilep. I'eople. write. Preference given to IIiosh duiiliHng bniss. t'nn use Tubit, Slide i'l-om bone. 'I'l-up Drummer and I'lanii rie.vee. All letters answered, (live full luirttfuhtrs ami stnte lowest snlnrv In llrsl letter. Address WHIT & RAVMONI) 003IBDT ('*».. llonnkor, Vu. P. S.—Horace Murphy nnd Oni. Tllden, write. Wanted ijiiitk, CHEYENNE, WYOMING. TURNER HALL THEATRE. UM.V HOI SK IN TUB Cir V. Senllnp CanaeHy. l.nuo. Opera Clinlrs. Klei-rrb- mid Huh Lights. Enlnrgeil mid Im- proved lii-CKHlng Rooms nntl Stage. Open for Hates. Rent or Per Cent. STKI'IIIIX HON, Mnnnger. Cheyenne, Wyoming. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Owing lii'chnnglng of lime I have Kcptcinbei' 14 to Tl (Imiiislve) open for 1,'nod, Cleiin Attractions only. Milt, W. TAN'NRHIIJ,, Mgr. . Clieslnul St. Opera House, LiuieSHler, Ohio. Population. 14.0110. TIME WANTED In EASTERN I'K.VX.. NEW JEIISIIV mid MAIIYI.ANI* nfler October 17. I linve the K»o<ls, now come on with your »peu time. Wm+m uml three nights. I'REHKUK'K II. WILSON. Xewburg. N. Y. AT LIBERTY AFfEB SEPT. 7, MLLE. ZHARDNA. Umbrella Dance, l'lsli nmi Iliitlerfly, Color nnd I'leture, Klre Dunce. Siieclueiilur scen- ery, llluck drops, eleclrlcnl effects, elc. Ad- dif'sn care (1121 Mudlsoii Ave,. I'lilengu, 111. A First Class Glass Blower Immediately. Permanent position. Musi Is- good net worker. Apply or write PAT UetlUNCHY, llradenliiirgli's' .Museum, Pilllndelplilu, P a. Ktla Lurnw. wri te, AGENT WANTED FOR MY WEEK STAND CO. Prefer a young man who enn hang paper. Open Sept. 7. Lowesr salary first letter. J. P, OAI.LAfillER, Per, add.. Medina. X. Y. WANTED, A FEW REPERTOIRE PEOPLE AND PIANO PLAYER. Small company. Long aod pleasant engagement. Can use two good Amateur,* Address MANAGE H, DIllOBVale. Ohio. WANTED, VAUDEVILLE PEOPLE, PIANO PLATER and Han with Moving Plotnn- Machine; also Agent. Addreis LARKAURI A IN- flKRSOLI,. Barrel of Fun Co.. Ho. Norwalk. Conn. TUEO. KEES LMIiHTa, CLOWN AND MULE HURDLE RIIIKR, Per. addresa 121VIR. AVE., lodianapolls. WARNING!! Managers of BURlyESQUE, PARCR COMEDY, MUSICAL COMEDY, EXTRAVAGANZA AND MINHTRKLSY, ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ALD THE SCENES, INCIDENTS, . DIALOGUE, LYRICS AND MUSIC OK Ar« Original, and the EXCLUSIVE Property of FRED R. HAMLIN. The Scarecrow, The Tin Woodman, The Poppy Field, AND ALL THE SITUATIONS, EFFECTS AND SCENERY OF THIS SPECTACLE, HAVE BEEN ESPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR THE WIZARD OF OZ AND ARE DULY PROTECTED BY LAW. Any* iiifrinf-iiiuctits sr colorrtblo imitation will bo summarily proaecnteii, ami tli« offender jmiiisned. HOWE & HUMMEL, ■ Connselora at Law, New York City. BUY FROM US BY MAIL, and Save SO Ol II hll.K.K f'OOIIH IIAVK TIIK API'KARANCK OF SH.K AND WRAR MUCH BKTTKR. sil.K-K. KTOCKINUN. Plslllund openwork for IiiiIIch 1 mi.l fonllemen. Colors: Dlaek, while, blue, red, gray ami brown. rice. 'lor. tsar pair: 1t.7o per hair do/, pairs, postpabl. I.AlllXH' MlbK-tt lllUIIKD VhHTN, Willi low lienV. sleeveless. Colors: While or blue. Price, 711c. eneli; •.'(.(Ml per half daft, pun puId, s l i.K -K (INDBUNKIHTM. Made with three rows of nif- ties ami oue row of niching, colors: mack, blue, roil, rose, green, heliotrope. Price, *'4.Vi, express paid. HiiAii) iikl'in. Made of llegant black silk braid, with liiiudsome oxbii/eii buckles In front and baok. SOU,, postpaid. l, a « k col.), a It s. Our own im|>oriatlous, extremely band- some designs, are offered at greatly reilutied prices, ranging from Si.oi) lo •irv.on. Uoods sent U.Q.D., with privilege or •xamlim tlnu lr tl.uo deposit accompanies the order. Hiitlsfactlnn giiur- unteril. New Illustrated cataloirue mailed f i -e. lientlnu SILK-E MF6. CO., 31 ■ OLPITZ ft OmUBTLAW. Propa. Square, Niw York. Wanted, for STETSON'S U. T, C. CO., Woman lor Topar, Ian for Harris and St. Clair, Trombone and Cornet for B. aid 0., Tenor Singer for Colored Quartet. .state salary. WINTP.R SKAHIIN OPP.NS SKIT. 11 IN OHIO. AdJreis WM. KIBBLK, -114 West 42d St., Now fork. N, Y. wanted at si g . SasteUe's Jew, Big Railroad Cirens, Once, for Kxperlenced Night. Watchman, prefereni'e given one who can pole. Ing Boss and several HUSTLING BILL PObTKRS. Also Want Animal Men, Includ- Long season, good treatment and best of accommodations. Bill Posters, Al) must lie temperate, address A. C. FOBTKK, Agent Saulelle's Shows, Jersey (jiiy, ft. j, All titlinra write or wlrit sib. NAl'TKl.l.K, *. per rout* in C'LlPPKIt 1VICJRRY BOB ROSAIRE LATK OF ROSAIRK and XLLIOTr. ciiMKDY. ACKtm ATlc. An act full of miri li and ability. We do 14 lulnnies, nnd the people are with us Address UOIIIIONAIHK, J4.iM 1st A V..., ami All A«ent.. 1 TAPT, LATK OPTIIRKF RIXFORII BROS. ' FOR SEIBEL BROS.' PR03RESSIVE MINSTRELS, (INK 70 FOOT OR LONCKK COMBINATION CAR. Slnln lowest prlcn and rail particulars; or will lease a good ear: 4 First Clu«s Kud Men, must lie up b> dulo; Comedians Hint can do several turns In show: also » Vocal Quartet, soveral (Iriml Hand People that mo Double ou Uuslcal Team, Cood, Live, Sober, Uiisillug Ageut: Acrotmis, Contortlonlsti, etc. duly Out best talent need apply for positions. i)oo/h1h ami kuoi'kers, please saveslamiis. state lowest Miliary In Hist loiter and make evervililng plain. Permuiieiit address, WA'I'iCllTOWY, WU. ' II. 9RR Baritone, double viola; Man for Harris and St. Clare. Other Musicians, write. Address AL. W. MARTIN, vm Tribune Bldg., Chicago, III. WANTBD, in in IB i SSTEB mi For one week, Hherbrook. Ciitmila, Fair date, Aug. .1110Sept.a. Wlte. HAIlltlKSA MKYF.R, dratiby, Can., Aug. S4-SH; Sherbrook, Attg.SL- 8*|it. I, ■ WANTED QUICK, Medicine Performers In all lines who can change. Sketch Team, Mu- sical Act, Whit* Pace Comedian. The lntst are not too good for this show. Salary sure. I pay all, or »« you like. Miles and wife, write. Halarv ac- cording to goods delivered. DR. L. C. MANPOKO, Modern Remedy Co., Winchester, Ky. WANTED, A GOOD BOY OR GIRL That can do acrobatle work. A flood turnider pre- ferred. Two years' work funked. Address ACROBATIC, V. Y. CLIPPKK. WANTJBD, Good Singing Trio, TWO MKN AND ONK WOMAN-MKN TO PLAY PARTS. Good, Long, Resiiuiislhle Kiigagemnnf. Address fROVIHKNCKDHAM. KXUIIANIIK, Priivliieaue, K. i. WANTED AT ONCE, A NO. 1 ( OHMCT I'UVKIt, lo Ooul.l* Piano. Mn.i li« up so date and tight reader. Slut* oil In flrst letlnr. Hilanct. ■ polite ■•KMlv*. Atliirnn M. A. III'MT, Hunt Stock Co., per Houi.-. WANTED Attraetlnns of all kinds for I ho Seventh Annual Carnival. Sept. iio-woct. I and !! High Divers, Tru|ieze, Balloon and all New Novelties. For Priv- ileges, Urants, address JUDSON FIT/PATRICK, Sei 'y„ FKASK KSVIM.K, ISiU. At Liberty, for Gen. Business ill Stlgi MANACF.II. Specialties If re<|Ulred. One night or responsible repertoire. RD. L. HKNN; ticket to loin. Week Aug. M. New Paris, Ohio.