The New York Clipper (September 1903)

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SEPTEMBER 19. TH; E NEW YOEK CHIPPER. 700 Hrvle" R ttW YOIIK tTTV. and Comment.—The warm "."her of the past week militated against w „l w, business, although several nf Hie Lai Iioiikm enjoyed capacity attendance. n'hiw more Jl0 "* ea *"* 0,,en t * ,,,r doora ,or ,i/season, augmenting the list of amusement nurti for those returning from their Sum- mer vacation...... .(The Sa«>y Theatbe be- ' | t9 season Monday night, Sept. 7, with ,« r9 langtry, In -'Mrs. Deerlng'u Divorce." a nree act comedy, by Percy Kendall, which , that date, received Ita first New York City „ rf ,entation. The play found Immediate fn- Lr and the star wan praised for her work. .The KvJckmcbockbh Theatuk opened us doors for.the season on. the same date, villi the Rogers Brothers, In 'The Rogers Brothers In London," a musical farce, In three ners. book by John J. MoNally, lyric* . cimrg? V. flobart and Kd. Gardenler, and music by Mat Hoffmann and Melville Ellis. Die piece met With the usual good success ac- corded the pieces In which this popular Ger- man comedy duo appear Openings, af- ((.rnoon of T, were: Henrietta Crewman, In -As Von I'ike It," at the Manhattan Thr- »trf.. and Andre* Mack, In "Arrah-nn-Pogue," lit the K0URTKENTH STHBBT THKATBR. .. , . . ita Thursday night, 10, Wai.lack's com- menced the season's campaign with the first metropolitan production of "Peggy from I'nris," a musical comedy. In a prologue and two acts, book by George Ade, and music liy William Jjoralne. St. NtCHOwa Oar- win, at which "ptoyo" was presented 7, dosed ]2, with the annouacement that that ,lever Japanese opera will go on the road. Paradise Gahden s 'closed 13 The lontlnued attractions for the week ending .sept. U were: "The Little Maids" at Imi.v's, "The Earl of Pawtucket" at the Princess, William Collier at the Bijou, "A Princess.qf Kensington" at the Broad- way, ".My- Wife's Husbands" at the Madi- son 'squabe, "Vivian's Papas" at tbe Gab- kiok. "The Runaways" at the Casino, "The Wlwrd of Oz" at the Majestic, th* Rogers Kroibers at the Knickerbocker, Mrs. I,ang- iry at the Savoy, "Peggy from Paris" at Wam.ack's, the Bostonlnns at the Academy, nml "Tbe Karl of Pawtucket" at the Prin- ckss, the last two named closing on that date Dramas by the F. F. Proctor stork companies, with added vaudeville feat- ures, were presented at Proctor's Fikth Avknit. and One Hundred and Twenty- iifth Street. The one week stands dosing 12 were: Henrlettn Crosman at the Manhattan, "For Her Children's Sake" at ihe Grand Oteiia Hoi'sk, "A Great. Game" ni tbe THIRD AvKNi.K, "Tho Child Slaves of t \ew York" at Proctoii's Fifty-bioiitii Street, "Busy Izzy" at Webbb & Fif.ijis' West il.ND, "Jim Bludso" at the Metropo- lis, and "A Fight for Millions" at tbe Star. Variety entertainment was furnished H Proctor's Twenty-third Street, Tony Pastor's, Cibclb, Keith's Union Square, HcRTia & Seamon's, Lion Palace, Miner's llowBKY, the Dewey, Miner's Kmtmi Ave- me, the London, and the Ot.YMi'ic. Hibkk'h Ul-HHOH presented the usual list of curios and vaudeville..'.. .'.Summer vaudeville was nlso presented at Brighton Beach, Hendbr- .snx's Music .Hah, and Luna Park, Coney Island; Morrison's Music «aix, llocka.w«y Reach. Academy of Mnalc (Gllmore & Tomp- kins, managers).—Charles Warner, who has played Coupeau, In the melodrama, "Drink, more than ,'1,000 times In England and An- Mrulla, made his Brat appearance before a New York audience at this theatre night of »pt. 14. The melodrama Is Charles Uende s famous dramatic version of Zola's "L'Assom- tnolr." All tbe leading members of Mr. War- ner's company, and the production In lu entirety have been brought from the Adel- |>hl nod Princess Theatres, London, by Rlcb A Harris, the American managers. Tbe Academy engagement Is for six weeks, after which the play Is to tour the country. Tbe liin.v has beet seen before In this country, hut so many years ago that It Is new to thea iregoers of today. From Mr. Warner's first •■ai ranee It was evident tbat his welcome 10 America was to be n most cordial one; nor was tbe" welcome confined to the many American actors who filled the Iwxes, but the welcome came from every port of the bouse, and was spontaneous and lieariy. He won his bearers from the start with his cheery good nature as the simple minded working man In his working gar- ments, and from this time Mr. Warner runs 'he whole gamut of human emotions. Ab • 'miprauhe is a man of good Intentions, but « moral coward, but still attractive lu his stupidity and bis weakness. In the drunken scenes Mr. Warner showed bis great ability. Ills sudden changes from good nature to irritability were remarkably vivid, but his creates!, tliongh unpleasant work, was his portrayal of the drink-wrecked Coupeau, "i Hie fifth, act, who becomes a raving miinlur'. • There Is no gainsaying the ["••t, however, that while powerful, and Intensely realistic as well, It Is likely to bo considered repulsive by the average, theatregoer of this generation. The May is well staged. Lucy Wilson Bailey was excellent In her pathetic portrayal of .ervnlse, (he wife, while Zerllna Harring- ton, as Vlrglale, was a red haired vlllolness. [villi u vengeance that six acts of torture to ner victims failed to appease, The rest of V,"', company was not remarkable In any In- dividual WM it, yet It la a well balanced organization. The audience was of good size. Mr. Warner was applauded, cheered, 'tilled before the curtain many times, was presented whh two laurel wreaths, and made « neat little speech at the end of act Ave. The play. In the hands of Mr. Warner, will JJ attractive In this country by the power !'i his art In the character of Coupeau. Fol- lowing Is the cast In full: Coupeau, Charles Warner; Lantler, Gordon Bailey; Ooguet, Herbert Bunston: Polsson, Clement R. Mr- by : Mes Bottes, Alfred PhllllpB ; Btbl, Roliert '- Turner; Bee Bell, James W. Mullln; Jee- 'lne*. Charles Walters; Pierre Colotnbe. K. jontree: Pierre. Harry Seflon: Adolphe, Henry Martin; Vlrglnle, Zellna Harrington; utile Nana, Vivian Martin; Madame Rouge. Jennie Relfrerth: Phtabe Sage, Jennie Buckle; •Ittllctte, Edith Bowman; Delphlne. Jnnette u°, rtl " : Louise, Kate Hester : Gervalse. Lucy "ilson Bailey. Krecutlve staff for Rich It J 'nrris: Harry V. Krtheller. acting mina- Jfr: Rohert Mack, business manager; Rolit. ■ 1 nrner, stage manager. Madison Sqaare Theatre (Nathaniel "nth, manager).—"My Wife's Husbands, with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Milton Itoyle. Is 52? In Its foortli week. Oooil business Is "■nnrifd. Palest lr Theatre (George H. Menial, manager).—'The WItard of Or." entered on •Js thirty.fourtb week Sept, 14. Overflowing houses are still the rule. Moops to Conquer," Oliver (J, idsail IK Pleasing comedy, is the current oifer nc I' th, stock eonipany at ihl.s house, ,in I „ e opening performance. Sepr. n. Ji^ Jtr-Sd n spite of the warm weather. Hudson 1,<' on. Frank K. Camp, (Jernld OrlC Alice irale and Florence Reed did good work The cast In full: Sir Charles Sarlow, ilndiin Llston; Young Marlon-. Frank K i"„m Hardcastle, Gerald GrIIBn; Hastings "i'r Bryant: Tony Lumpkin, George Friend -hla gory, John Westley ; 1 oger. Victor limwn Dick. Lao Hawley•; , .UnSlnrd, Al Roherl" : Slang, V. Brown; Jeremy l flawleT■ \i,V .lllott; liollv, Loretta Healy; M*M Kit v Hardcastle, Florence Reed. la the vundevlll'e SfflllS*^ f g! to *J»B appeared, and" .h £*••««*; m , ak ' n 8„ on enjoyable entertain- pent. Llios. It. Crollns nml Adele Si. Alva In a sketch, called "A Silent Woman;" Mm! roe and Marsha , slngem and dancers; c|. day and l^x, Hebrew comedians; Um and Namon, comedy bicyclists and bag punch- ers; Reno and Smith, comedy acrobats, ami Marlon Garson, singer. The kaiiitcnhnosropc WalUek's (Mrs. Theo. Moss, manager). —The season at this house opened Thiirtduv ulght, Sept. 10, with the lirst New York pro- duction of "Peggy from Paris." n musical iwmedy, In a prologue and two act*, bv George Ade, music toy William Uiraine, anil presented by Henry W. Savage. The work was originally produced Jan. -.'4 (afternoon performance* of tliLs year, at the Auditori- um, South Bend, Ind. Tbe story baa princi- pally to do with Peggy Plummet', who, after studying In Paris for several veurs, returns to America under engagement to star In rhe leading role of a comic opera which is to have its original production In Clilcniro. She sends u lelegram to her father In Tllckorv t.'reek, telling him of her arrival, and he anil the rest of tbe family go to tbe "Wlndv City." Peggy has assumed the stage name o'f Mile. Fleurette Canunelle, and. while she ad- mits her Identity to her sweetheart and her sister, she refuses to acknowledge her father for the reason that she is believed to be a native of France, and it would Inter- fere with her professional career if It were known she was born in Hickory Creek, Ind. The old man fully believes Fleurette Is 1'eggy, and is mystified at her conduct. In the end she acknowledges her father anil her birthplace, nnd all ends happily. Just why the first scene of the work is culled n prologue is a mystery. It. Is nothing more than a short first act. In which Peggy's his- tory Is divulged nnd the announcement nf her arrival Is received. The so styled first act gives considerable promise, us It con- inlns bright lines nnd tuneful choruses, but Hie final act falls to fulfill the promise of its predecessor, being made up almost solely of specialties. In writing the book Mr. Ade has endeavored to nvold the conventional, and has succeeded, hut In this his success, so far as this work Is concerned, ends. He has given nothing in "PeRg.v from Paris" deserving of commendation, and nil the favor which has been won by lite work Is entirely due In rhe lavish way In which Mr. Savage has staged It. and the excellent company engaged to present It. Rut, "the play's the thing," nnd handsome staging goes for'naught If the piny Is unworthy uf It, nml good plavcrs can do little without the proper material. So It Is thai "Peggy" Is not likely lo pay New York a very lengthy visit. The two Frenchmen (M. Hommard nnd M. Foilea Uer- gerel portrayed by Han Buker and K. H. O'Con- nor, are decidedly clever creations. The same mav he said nf Reginald Mickey, imperson- ated bv Arthur Deagon. But this clever- ness it. due to the players und not In the author, as It Is the way they are acted which makes them wot'lhv of notice. Helen Hale, Josle Sadler, Georgia Culne and George A. Benne deserve mention for their work. The cast lu full: Cicero J. Grampls, Paul Nicholson; Captain Alonso Plnminer. George Richards: Montague Fish. George A. Benne: Alexan- der Xerveen. John P. Park; Reginald Hlckey, Arthur Deagon: M. llomard, Dan lluker: M. Folles-Bergere. K. II. O'Connor; Dickey Drexel. Geo. F. Bennett: Hon. Jaliez Flan- ders, (ioodwnl Dlckerman; Walt (juacken- busli, Dan Baker; Jim Peasley, K. II. O'Con- nor; Peggy Plummer, Georgia Caine; I.utle Pltimmer, Guelma L. linker: Sophie Blntz, Josle Sadler: Mrs. Montague Fish, Alice Hngemau ; Mly Ann Lynch, Helen Hale: Mrs. Tuft-Hunter, Blanche Gllson: Mrs. Homer Ketcham, Ksta Reed; Lem Harvey, Harry llcuhum: Tessle Hlgglns, Olivette Waynes. Miner's Eighth Avenue Theatre (Kdwln D. Miner, manager I.—Jacobs & Low- rv's Mcrrv Maidens Biirlesiiuers wan the offer- ing night* of Sept. 14, lo the usual big nn- ttlence. It was the second week this ad- mirable company had been seen In this city Oils season, having appeared at a Bowery house a few weeks ago, but the reception ac- corded the Individual members of tbe com- panv, and ihe approval which waR given tbe l.erformnnre. was evidence of the popularity of the organisation. Hose Sydcll's London Belles will lie next week's offering. Manhattan Theatre (Harrison Grey Flske. manager).—Mrs. Flake returned lo this house Monday night, Sept. 14, with n revival of "Mary of MngdalB," which was one of last season's pronounced successes, und, In spite of the warm weather, there was u good sized audience present. Jlrs. Hske miented her former excellent rendition of the Title role, nnd had no difficulty lu hold ng her audience throughout. Her supiiorilng company contains several new members, among whom Is Charles Kent, who acceptably lllled the role of Judas. Hobur.t Hosworth wus another prominent new recruit In tlte role of Anlus Flavlus. and gave a good per- formance. The cast In full: Calnphas, M. J. Jordan; Aulus Flavins. 'Hobart IVosworth; ||,. K | n n|« He Kovcn. The following. Is the Huran, Henry J. Carvll; Jptham, nllllatn B. ,. <18l; Miiandru, "The Jei "lack- Joan Kdwln C. Wilbur; Gnraalled, Svdnev fifth! Judas, of Kerloth. Charles Ken : Simon. W. B- Mack; Oulrilus, Henry lusltlns ; Marco, William I. Slevln ; a Torch I "are". James 'Morley: -Mary of Mngdulu, Mrs Flsk"; Rachel, Ilose Kytlnge: Miriam, P$J$2 "Theatre (Tony Pastor, mona- ger),—The sweltering weather of Monday, Sent 14. had aot the slightest effect upon the size «« the audience, nor Hie generous welcome extended to the popular numbers of th? programme.' whU'h was as spontane- ous and heartv ns it was wel deserved, leading tibc bill Ibis week are Ralley an Madison, a pair of eccentric comedians, who imve never™illed in capably entertaining ihe Pastor patrons, nnd they are prime fa- Vorltes here The extra attraction for the w^ek are Matthews and Harris, aao her sterling pair, who are always sure of a warm "ham."' Thev caused waves of nughter I ,f i, rressv's farcelet. "Adam .the ScconcL ' iitl era who helped to till out the programme mnst cat"nlil"'were: Smlrl and Kcssner. -rhe Acrobatic Bell Boy and the Dancing MnId " llabl th'"'" V^ tlusslnn singers and ?lance'rs' "larv Madden, comedienne tic trJSSSm TSo In "The Bogus Count:" the Slmrplles musical exports? the lie MiiHw. nove7?y Oncers: 'M^ncv and W^ !!«[ Dottn )ugier%nd the vltagraph. i-vov Theatre (Chas. Frohman, man- IS th"s work which has of Itself been warm- ly «r m n,i n o»ern flon.e (Join. H-Springer. week's bill. ProHnr'M Kill*.e» B lill, Mrcrt I'hi- nirc ,.i Ausiiii Fynm, griiurul iiuumgeri.-- i!v'Vm'! ; .'' v ,. ulflt ? , ™ lnu - " Wll - V Women Sin." ' .. ' J,- ^''fPny. '* the attraction at this lioitse thlx week, and ou the opening night. Monday. Sept. h. „ i,„„ r.iwded to the (limrs greeted the priHlueilmi nr the piece bv all excellent company, the complete cum being us follows: Dorothy Peraberton, Lil- ian lisle rfcnery: Philip Pemherlon, Fnink Holland ; .Charles Wndswonh. Mlron lining well: him Paillette, l-'lorance Aabbroake; H-ancols. Harry Burns: U. Bnrllnglon Dasli- •iway, George Bells; lleatrlce Revnolds. far EKLi«*Kn' S«J»L Moorelake. H'aller Parr; Mike l.llllciiddy. Mnitin It. Srevens: Glnuls. Huriy Welherlll: Sissle Twinkle. .Nonle Hey. iiolds : Sjil j'olin, Paul Burues ; .lames, Hnrrv learn: VVJIllnui, Artie Hall; Faiher r'ellcimi, Reggie lox: Ikh: Wilson, Richard Umg: Maxle, Utile Muriel. Little Muriel. In the character of .\laile, proved j., he n precocious child, and captivated Hie house Paul Humes, ns the Hebrew wlio needed the inmiev. was another favorite, his clever singing and dancing catching on In good shape. All the characters were handled cleverly liv the com- pnny. The many thrilling situations, and the sympathetic, heart touching climaxes brought down the house. The scenery was remarkably good, notably so that of llolv Trinity Church, at the close of act four. Next week "Shadows of n Great Cllv" Is underlined. The concerts Suiidnv, Sept. HI, attracted the usual large crowds, an excel- lent bill being offered. American Theatre (Klnw. Krinnger & Vtels, manager).—"Wedded and Parted." n drama, in four ucis, by Theodora Kremer, was given It first New York production at this theatre Monday evening, Sept. 14. lo a well lllled house. Irma La Pierre gave nil excellent performance of the wronged wife. Mary K. Ciiiiii rd was good us Marlon Cnmerou. Frank Gheen, as Herbert Dixon, and Geo. It. Miller, us Jerome Cameron, gn\'e n very good account of themselves, unit received their share of applause. The rest of the company were weL cast, and acquitted themselves with credit. The .-list was ns follows: Jerome Cameron. <ieo. It. M)ller: Herbert Dixon. Frank Gheen: Harry Snider, Alexander Leonard: John Kennedy, .las. V. Freeise; James, chas. F. McCnrly; W. II. Thompson, A. J. Roche; Officer Bonnell, II. L. .Norton : Officer Franks. Frank Jarvls; Coachman, It. S. Livery: Servant, James G. Williams; • 'has. Allen, F. 10. Bancroft; Marian Came- ron, Mary K. Cunard: .Miinuette Plniicon, Anna Barclay; Sally McNeil, Lizzie Mulvey; -Mrs. Kennedy. Mrs. Maud McCsily: Mrs. Liiptenhurg. Mrs. Parker; Mrs. Arlington, .Miss P.. Bunks; Little Kllle. Anna Johnston ; May Goodwin. Lottie Jniiitslun : Norn Fair- lelgh, Irina l,n Pierre. .Next week, "Jlin llludsn." Third Avenue Theatre (Martin .1. Dixon, manager).— Burney Gllmore and his company. In "Kidnapped In .New Vork," arc welcome visitors this week. Ah Jock Donley, Mr. Gllmore repeated his former success Mon- day, 14. The supporting company was cast as follows: Arthur llevlngway, Sherman Wade; Slgnor Mnsruttl, A. .1. Kdwnnls ; <;io- vnitiil. .Morris Weston: John Chirk. Holland Wallace: .lake. Major Laird; Park Police- man, Frank Wilson: Sch'ltzciiwursl mid Mr, Xewmar. Thomas West ; Mary .Muntoii, Ilegl- nla Donnelley: Hlrilie Dnlleiie. Mlnu Shlr- hy : Mrs. Clark, lime* KiiIch; CritllerM, l.ll linn Shirley: Baby Clark. Baby Marios. r-peclnlllcs were Introduced by Sh M riiiiin Wude. Weslon und DeVcniix, Lillian Slilr- ley nnd Tlinmas West, ami Mr. Gllmore sang several catchy songs. Business malt: Man- ager, Frank Dn t.'oln: treasurer. Harry Bfl \eaux; stage manager, A. .1. Kilwards: stage carpenter. Major Laird; musical director, William J. Hand; properly man, John Ho gnu. Next week, "The Grent While Dia- mond." Dewey Theatre (Sullivan & ICraus, managers I.—Miner's Bolieinlnus made their Initial how for litis season al the mntlnce of Sept. 14, and Ihe Dewey patrons turned mil In large numbers to give I hem u Jolly, mrdlal well nine. The weather was anything lint propitious for singe endeavor with Us lively action, rapid changes uf costumes, eic, bill It tvus pleasant to note Unit nothing lu the three hours of the musical extrava- ganza, by Geo. Toll en Smith, eutltled "A Bohemian Beauty," was slighted by either tbe principals or choruses. The piece Is prettily staged und richly costumed, the lenders are very competent in acting ai well as having singing voices that do full Justice to the tuneful numbers with which the piece abounds. There Is uo olio, ns the piece Is presented In two scenes, und there lire singing, dancing luid comedy special ties interspersed nil the way through. All In all, there Is much to commend In "A Bin liemlmi Beauty," und Hie piece and company tallied Ihe full approval nl the large Monday uudlmces. Next week, the Fay Foster Co. Circle Thentre I Percy G. \\ lllliuna. mnn- ngeri.—lJi Belle Trola, la Van Tassel Sill- plien's Japanese Idyl. "Cherry Blossoms," lops an excellent bill for the first time here Hits week. She was cordially welcomed on MondHv, Sept. 14. by a house full of people who enjoved her dainty offering, nnd the strong list of high clnss vaudeville as well, which Includes Wilt M. Cressy and Blanche Dnvue. In Mr. Cressy's comcdlcttn, "The Key of C:" Press Kldrcdge. In his budget, of entertaining stories and songs; A. O. Dun- can, tbe popular ventriloquist: Hurry C. Stanley nnd Doris Wilson, lu their cornedv skit, "After Hie Ball;" Stuart Barnes, inonvl- oglst: J. Warren Keane. one of the cleverest ball and curd manipulators seen here lu many u season; Grant uud Grunt, colored comedy duo: the Deonzo Bros., barrel Jump- ers, and Ihe vltagraph. Victoria Theatre (Oscar Hammerstcln, malinger).—As the opening attraction at Ibis house on Sept. 14 was given the first New York production of "The Jersey Lily, u musical comedy, by George V. Jlobart and '"lie following Is the rsey Lily." Blanche Ring: "I'tosio Bauer, Maude Raymond : Senor- 11it, Mnntulta, Rosa Bciiuiuonl ; Sara de Vrles. Aida Hamuli Kslelle de Vrles. Koine Dnvles; Flli dc Vrles, Mlgnou llnl'dt: Florlne de Vrles, Hnrrlet Burt: Gwendolyn. Bessie Lvelya vilbi.oii; Doctor Bolivar, Hilly B. >nn; Adam dn P.rle, II. L. Don ; Don Pedro de lu PlutMi, Louis Harrison: Lieutenant Kdgnr Jefferson. Illllee Taylor; Huron Bourgeois, Joe Kane- Mux Bennett. Win. Cameron; Offenbach Verlverdl, .lehan lledlnl : Paul, Wilfred Cerdcs; Pretty Polly, George All. The production Is under Ihe direction of George W. la-derrr. It was originally pre- sented Sept. 10 last, at. Rand's opera House. Troy, K. T. Keith's Theatre IB. P. Alhce, general miilingeri.—Considering Ihe extremely hot weather of Sept. ". there was the only reason of a very attractive programme offered lo account for the largo audiences present on I Inn date. It was passible, however, to en- Jov the excellent bill In nn atmosphere mnde endurable, by Ihe many motor fans In the auditorium and dome of the house. I he bill Is again headed toy Nirvana fsecoml week), in ii series of beautiful tableaux (sat- ing pictures with her trained horse, Lokl. The Werner-Amnros Troupe are also held over for this week In their lively sketch, "All Arllst's Ktudlo." George Wilson, lu his black face wllllclslras and songs. Is an Important feature this week, and Monroe, Mnek and Lawrence. In "How to Gel Rid of Your Mother-in-law." created roars or laugh- ter. Olher pleasing features of the bill are: Hlorksom and Burns, In their absurd eccen- tricities: the Toblns, refined musical experts: Cooper und Bailey, colored duo: Purcell and Brooks. In "A Bell Boy's Troubles;" Kdwln linker nnd company, In "A Japanese Court- ship'" SI Stehblns, rube enrd manipulator: Dnlie'rtv's pissfies. Senecal, foot Juggler; Mil- lie and Kdiih Ward, singing and dancing specialty, and the hlngrnpb, with new and Interesting pictures. I'l-iictiieN T»ve«t>-lhlr«l Street The* aire (J. Austin l'ynes, general manager).— Business here has taken a decided leap, and me two performances on Monday, Sept. 14, uere given In 1 he presence of crowded Ionises. Heading the current hill are the French Urol hers, who nre aptly doserlhcd as "unl- cycle marvels," for llinlr act contains many lenliires which entitle them lo front rank In their particular class, lsnhrlle I'rnuhart Mid coin pa ay presented "K!ven Stephen," :i playlet of much Intrinsic merit, which Is heightened by the manner lu which Miss L'i nnd her assistants carry the scenes. Swan und Bambard rendered their clever act with all the telling bits of playing for which l hey have become celeb rated, and their re ward was most hearty applause, while Chas. Leonard Fletcher, who Is well known mid ixlieinely popular ns « slngl,' etitci inluci. also scored n pronounced success. Werdi-n and Gluilillsh gave tin act which met In - slant favor, while Axiell nnd Sylvan were also warmly welcomed, und proved decided- ly clever. Hi hers on the interesting bill were: Carroll uud l'lslon, In n taking ncl : Trnsk and Glnddeu, In snugs nnd dunces; i.iiroy, lliiynes nnd Montg<miery, lu a sketch; Curruu aad Ryan, Irish coinodlona ; tile Slack Sisters, slngem and danceis, and Jlisaetl nnd Wilson, black face duo. The k'lliitechnnarnpc was continued. Murray Hill Theatre (Henry V. Don- nelly, inaiiagert. —if a house packed to Ihe doors Willi su audience tultnfnl of pent up enlhiislasiii. which broke on I at every op- portunity. Is any Indication at success, then F.dwnrd Harflgnn and Ills coinpuny, In "Pu- ller Cover," in the Miirruy Hill Theatre, «u Monday night, Sept. 14, scored a pronounced till. The appearance of each familiar fins' was the signal for an outburst of applause and cheers which niude the rafters shake. The welcome In tbe old t liners wus so hearty and sincere Hint many of them did not re- gain control of their nerves until well hi Ihe second net. The play has no plot, and is hiilll around n colored association endeavor- ing lo retain possession of a cemetery, while tlm iKilHlclans nnd men trackers are endeav- oring to secure If for u race Irnck. There Is considerable "horse Inlk," but scattered through H are many bright, topical witticisms which hold the Interest to the end. The six musical numbers nre nil gems, every one bus n tuneful melody of Ihe "catchy" variety, nnd thev were nil rendered creditably. Mr. llarrlgaii has preserved much of his aid llmo characteristics, ami bus associated a round til 111 all of Hie former meiuliers of his company Hint were obliilnable, ami, were It mil for the sad knowleilge Hint some of the fiintous ones of yore have gone in Ihe great lie- vonil. there was nothing In lend the llieativ- anrt of a ipmrler of a ceiilury ago lo be- lieve t tin t he was mil lu Ihe same a linos. plicre ns Hint which hovered uroiiml "The Mulligan Guards," "Sweet Ijivemler." eic. Mr. llnrrlgnn. ns Owney Glltniirllii, hnper- sonnted a ward politician with a pool room. Mrs. Annhi Yeaiimns was the proprietress or a Ling Island truck farm ; Dun Collycr, Joseph Sparks and Kd. .1. Muck headed the colored eon 11 n gen I. nml Jennie YeniiniiH gnve i. capital Impersonal ion of n reckess creiilure who has Indlllgeil lu till Hie excesses of a rapid life, and who is brought buck lo Hie "fringe of respectability" as she puts il • with the aid of iiwuey lilluiiii'llii. The cast Is a long one, embracing I lilrty-iilno charac- lers. all of which were creditably sustained. "I'nilcr Cover" has all the cur marks of suc- cess, aufclhc return In New York of .Mr. HuiTlguKnJk.n dramatic slur bids fnlr to renew liliS9u)o|iulai'lty. Tlm casl lu full: Llz/.le^Biiie Klloit : Minnie, Ida lira- hum ; PnullfJBllce Wild ; Toddy Tingle uud Choo Foo, Joseph Ha vis; "Iflny" Mullcr. Ai'lhiir O'Keefe: Peter Hoctiiuly. James Mr- Ciillough; Rovul Moflll. Maurice Drew; Plillo I'lnlihiim. Gelirge Merrill: Itorcns Mollll, Llllle Khlrldge: Myrtle I'lllkham, Addle Gib- bons ; Aloiizo Blleover, Dan Collyer: Kintiia Holdup. Joseph Sparks: First Waller, I hive Mcl'iill: Bob lllluker, George L. Slolit : ownev lilluiiiriln. Kdward Harrlgon; Nnucy lieliinev. Mrs. Annie Yeniniius; August Rliliieluirl, Harry Fischer: Dixie Mcrrynll. Maude Knowlton ; Second Walter, I 1 '. Ityiiu , 'i'blrd Walter, Will llerkes; Fourth Waller, Fred Johnson; Ai. Singleton, Jay Wilson; lielcne. Adelaide Miinola; llllzn Bliicnolni. G. L. Pierce: Beau Marshall, Hint G. t'lnrk: Mamie Dehiney, Kllznls't h King; Winnie Mcrrvall, Juines Fitzgerald; Syd. Slaughter. Will II. Bray: Michael Onlgley, Juines Cnr- hlev; Susie, .Jennie Yeninims; Bep|s>. tico. Lambert: Major Allison, K. Bond Burke; Soger Mike, Jtimen V. Corhlcy; Maggie Nu- gent, W. Watson: Belly Prig. Louie Wild; CJgnrelles, Georgle Snyder; Country Girl, Jennie Stewart: Mrs. Chuo Foo, Margaret Manning: Reporter, W. Petidor, The work was originally presented Aug. 'Ju liist at Smith's Theatre, Bridgeport. Conn. Mr. II nr- rlgiiii's lour Is under Hie inaitngi'iiient uf Llebler & Co. London Theatre (James II. Curtln, mumigcri.—The High Rollers Is Hie attrac- tion this week. "A Trip to Purls" Is Ihe tlllc of the first part, which entertained with lis good comedy work ami showy num- bers Ablihle Carlton, as Miss Brown, sang mid acted well. Ed, Murkey, John Morui', Gus Aduras, Jake Curtis and Arthur Let- llott ftirnlsli the comedy clmraclcrs. Hallle Pope, Minnie Irwin, Belle Franklin, Carrie Franklin. Alice Nolan, und .Misses Mason, Lelund. Hardy, Beiinelt, DiihiiIIi and Howell iiHslsled. The olio Incluilcd: Curtis and Adams, German comedluus : Carrie nnd Nellie Franklin, dancers; Ihe Three Lelllults, in a novel musical act ; Alible Carlton, In an enierliilulng singing and talking specially, and Piiriium and Nelson, comedy athletes, whose clever tricks view heartily encored, "Flnnegnn's Jamboree" proved to he a rol- licking biirlesiiue, In which Ihe company (luullucd further us amusing eiiterliiliiers. .Manager Woodhllll reports excellent busi- ness since Hie opening of the season. A. D. Cameron Is buslnss manager; Samuel Cooley, lender: Arthur Kelley, stage carpenter. Next week. Ilellly & Wood's Show. Iliilier'n Miiscuin (John II, Anderson, manager).—There dis's nrtl seem to be any variation In the sleudlly good business ac- corded to this popular resort, tiiul there Is surely no linproveineiit possible In the gen- eral management of every department in Hie vast hiiildlng. This week's transient feat- ures of Ihe museum hulls are: Mine. Yucca, In inurvelnus fenls of strength; Olga, nneen of snake charmers; Sober Sue, I lie HniiHierii sphinx: Bahbltl's Midget Wonders, the hu- man vol en no, und a host of other iitiii|iie ni- Iructions. The theatre shows continue to he well patronized. Knlekerboeker Theatre (Al. Ilnymaii A Co., proprietors).—-The Rogers Brothers, In "Tile Rogers Brothers In l^intlnii," urn now lu their second week. They ale doing their usual tremendous business. IHJou Theatre (H, B. Sir' 1 , manager).— William Collier, in "Personal," enhireil on his third week Sept. 14. Mr. Collier has scored mi Individual success, and the mem- bers of his company hnve also won com- mendation for excellent work. Broadway Theatre i A. W. Dingwall, manager).—.lames T. Powers, In "A Prince ft K'enslrotton." is now In Its third week. Business Is excellent, Mnrrlrk 'theatre (Chas, Frohman. man- ager).—"Vivian's 1'npas." with John C. Itlri mid Thomas A. Wise, entered on Its fifth week Sept. 14. This production Is iinniica llonnlily making n sitci-ess, as Ihe size of the audiences prove. Windsor Theatre*.— Antonio Mnlro". the Italian tragedian, is now in his third week. Mn. Fbancioi.i. who will direct the Metro- politan Opera House bullet, will reach New S'ork shortly. casino (Sam H. & Ise Shuhert. mnnn- gers).—"The Runaways," will) Fay Temple- ton, entered on Its nlnteenth week Hpt. 14, HuslDss still continues good, linnleii Ibinlre (Chili. Froliiiuili, ma li- nger). -Tlte opening of the season nt this bouse Monday evening, Sept. 14, was marked by the first American presentation of "lllysses," a poetic druma, In n prologue and Ihiis' acts, by Stephen Phillips. The work was originally produced Feb. 1. IMP-, at Her Majesty's Then ire. Isindon. Kng., with Beer, hohni Tree In the title role. Tlm dmnm re- quires seven scenes lo carry out the theme which has Its beginning when Pallas Athene Intercedes with Zeus for Ilia saving of IMvsses from the goddess Calypso, who has eiislavisl him with her charms. From this point Hie action follows the classic lore, and after his release from Calypso Ids Journey through Hades (guided by Hermes I, the ac- companying horrors nnd his llunl finding his wav lo thi) sunlight are depleted. From lhence Ids return lo his italnce nt Ithncn. where he lliuls his wife, who. though hosct wlih sailors, Iins remained faithful to him, The themi! udmlls of strong draiiinllc writ- ing, and Mr. Phillips bus done bis work well, nnd proved himself to lie among the few blank verse writers of ibe present dnv. lie line placed upon the singe Ihe 'mythical characters inaile lui mortal bv Homer 111 an Impressive man- ner, nnd 'while Ihe style of drnitui lo which this play belongs Units llllle favor with modern writers, Ihe absolute merit of Oils work eiui not he disputed, und the very fart Unit II so widely differs from oilier plnys of iiidav and gives fisid for thought should will for "flvsses" a periiiiinonl place lu nmdem dramatic history. There are those who mav ulijecl lo Ihe prominence nml strength'given lo Hie scene suipposed lo de- pict the realm of Salan, anil others who limy obleel lo Ihe piny us a whole on act nl of Its depressing effect. But lltcse points me inueli more In lis favor Hum against It. II. Is one of ihe few plays Hint have been pro- duced which, without any apparent effort, I inches n lesson. ll produces deeper I bought nnd Is more lasting to memory Hum anything si en for ninny u day on our alnge. and I here Is llllle doubt thai II will find public favor. As a production II Is one of Hie handsomest ever seen on the local boards. Several of (lie seven scenes used are a Irlnmph of the scene painter's nrl. the one representing Hades being pronouncedly fine. The cntnpnny has been carefully selecled, and each role Is capitally rendered, even lu Ihe minor diameters. In the title role Tyrone Power scored n success, nil hough he was not, til all times, equally strung, He was suffering from hoarseness, anil wus also nervous, nnd Ibis combination limy have In en responsible for Ills uneven porfiirmtince. However, lie made Ulysses mi Imposing fig- ure, and. In spile of Ills shortcomings, gnve ii performance which few uf his brother actors could equal, mid will, no doubt. Willi u few performances, show Improvement. Rose Coglilnil was convincing us Penelope, and fully deserved Ihe recognition bestowed upon her. The I'lillns Athene of Adelaide Prince wns lu every wny satisfactory, and the Calvpso ol olive Oliver would win her a prominent place mining our local favorites If she did not nlreiidy hold one. Ilitlpli Dclniorc nuule Ihe rule or Anil iioiih si ami out prominently, uiul Fuller Melllsh gave a fine lilt of eliiiriicler nelliig lu Ihe cole of KumaciiH. Lack of space prevents flirt her Individual mention, but sillllce II lo sny Hull every member of Ihe east leu I good aid III making up a splendid pec formniicc. The cnsl in full: Miirttil*: llvsscs. Tyrone Power: Telcmuclius, IM gar Selwv'u; Aiillnoiis, Ralph In-liiiore: Fiti'vmacliiis. II. ll. Crime; Cicslppus, Win'. Owi-iih: Pheinius, Hurry LucksUine; Linnaeus. Fuller Melllsh: I'elriieus, l.on VI giird: Pheld Louis Kgiin : Phoelotl, Harry Forbes; Klpenor, Wayne Gray: Me'iinlho. Kleclrn ltule; Clytle, Kllzillielh Churchill; Penelope, Ilose Ciighlaii. ImuHirtiil*. /ens ■ jiiplterl. Win. C. Balfour: Poseidon (.Sep tune I, ilerlrnin A. Marburg: llermes (Mer eiirvi, Oriae CnIdaru ; Pirilils THiciie (M 1 nerval. Aileinlde Prince: Arilinstlle ( Venusi, I ■■rands Jlllike; Nympli, l.eonorn Harris; Culvpso, Olive Oliver. I'hnnluum In Ittuli*; Agiimemnoii, Charles liiinu: Cbnrou. liar- vev llenson : Telri-slns, .lames Dallon : Phil' dril, Fvii Hiivls; Anllelelu. Kiilherlne Good win. The i.roduel -Ion Is miller Hie direction of Charles Frnhiniiii. Miner's Bowery Tliunlre (Fdwlli D. Miner, manager),—Hurry Bryunt and his liurlesuuei'H were well received Monday, Sent. 14. The opening skit was entitled "The Rise and Full of O'lleilly," asd lu It Malt Kennedy, as liuiblpli O'lleilly. ami Ihe com- pany furnished amusement. Fanny ICverell dashing and Impressive, WHS ll Hue captain of marines. 'Ihe choruses, especially a (Inely dressed nnd well drilled lulllliiry inarch. mnde a lilt. The ladles of Hie churns were plentiful mid shapely. Harmody was first In Ihe list of specialties, Willi Ills Juggling net ; I'asmore and Florence, In German dlnleel cotneilv; Hie Riickntts, In their musical act. finishing wllh a lively conn song by Miss Itacketl: Kennedy nml < 'aineroii, singing coin idliilis, anil Ihe linperlnl Jiipiincse Troupe uf acrobats, Including Hie mini who dues I lie slide for life, cuuipli'led the olio, "A False Alarm" furnished ti novel background fortheliiirlesiiiie. wlih the scene laid In nn engine house. The girls appear as lire laddies, next as semlnnry scholars. Hurry C. Ilryiuil, ns n fake lire enptiiln, made his usual lilt. The liurlesque on "Uncle Tom," wllh Mr. Rrynnl ns Kvil. wus us funnv as ever. I Ml t h Bryniit, an Auinii- da ; Clara Douglas, lis the foreman, uiul Miss 1'Ivcrell, ns Kit. were well casl. Louise Hlaiichiird, Hiizell llnrrelt. Harrielt JiicipieH. Louise Miiruii, Agnes Murray, Addle Jinnies. ,Mab»l Harper. Ilerthii Wlllhiins. Mlldreil .Fiedler, Margaret Harper, Fdllli Worlh. (ieneit Williams, May lllll and Lisle Dunn mudu up the chorus, f. II. Keiiyon Is luisl ness manager; (.'. H. Hiilllvmi, musical dl- rei-ior: J. I*. Boon, properly mnn Next, week, Rice a Ibirloii's Giilely Co. I'rlnoess Theatre (Sam H. Kliuherl, miitiagei'i. "The Furl of Pawtucket" Is now In lis seeond week. Business Is ns Mind here us It hits been nt any of tlm olluc bouses In which ibis play litis appeared. Aliunde <. union iiv. Kramer's Sons, miiiiagers).—Btisklrk mill Riett, musical comedians; .Manly nnd Hose, comedy clnir aetcr linpersoualors; Nichols uud Ci'iiIa, comedy sketch lentn; linwsou uiul Booth. In au acrobatic comedy ael : OIIil Hood n Iriillo voenllsl. mill ihe I'.llle Lady inches Ira tin- Ihe ultrncllons for this week. Hilly'* Theatre (liuuli-l Froluniin, unlit niter I.—"Three l/lllle Maids" Is now lu lis Iblril week. Business Is very big. mid on nil sides are heard most glowing praise for piny ii ml players. Will:* ILittik Wim.iamn leaves "Vivian's Papas," lo lake Ibe piirt for which she whs engaged In "The Girl from Kays." Kllznboili Tyres' will succeed her. Miss Tyree may appear at a lew performances before Ihe end of the New Vork engagement, and on Ihe road lour she will be featured wllh Messrs. Wise ami Rice. TIM I'HCAI, AUCTION HM.B' OK SKATS for the opening night of Hie season nl Welter ft Fields' occurred ulglil nf Sept. 111. when Un- boxes brought from *i-i:..ii(l to $"110.1111 each. The wilts sold nl prices ranging from *.",o,(ui each, down, Foilrleenth Nlrei-I Then! re fj. Wes- ley Itosenquest, ma linger I.- Andrew Mack. In "Arrah-nn-Pogue." entered on Its second week Kept. 14. Tills revival Is sllll drawing crowded bouses. Harlem.—Weber ft Fields' Wcsl Mini (George H. Hliimenfhnl. manager). The eii gngoment of Ktigimle lllalr, In "Znzn," ere- IM one of the largest advance soles In Ihe history of Ihe house. II opened lo the best Monday night nudleni-e Hits season, mid a week of big business Is assured, The slur gnve a clever portrayal of the rhnneter siie assumes, nnd the cast Is nlmre Ihe averug- of traveling companies. .Veil, week, "Tlm Uirl and the Judge."