The New York Clipper (November 1903)

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N©v-E$ipR''7, - THE NEf YOEK GiLIPPEB. 879 rHNNSlLVAMA. phlladeliibla.—A survey of last week's theatrical dfierluga shows one huge success i \nnn Held, In"Mam'selle Napoleon") while i he other snows In towtl did from good to fnlr business. There In no especial novelty for the current week.; though nearly all the muses change their bills. . Academ* of MUSIC. — The Philadelphia orchestra. Fritz Scheel, conductor, scored a distinct triumph last Saturday evening, when the first concert, Of the season was given. The orchestra work was thoroughly artistic and wns appreciated by a large sad en- thusiastic audience. Adele Alls Der Ohe was the soloist, and her.playing was exceed- ingly praiseworthy. On Wcduesuay afternoon nnd evening of last. week Henrietta Cros- man and company gave two performances of "As You Like It." Mils OruBinan was excellent and her supporting company wns good. This current week the Philadelphia orchestra will give one public rehearsal (6), unci symphony concert 7. Broad BttiCET Theatre (Nixon & Zim- merman, managers).—The second Week ,of 'Winsome Winnie" showed a change In the oast which has considerably Improved the comedy element of the piece. Richard Car- roll succeeded' George K. Fortcscue as Pr. PII- lett Tlerney, and made radical changes In the part, presenting the patent medicine man as ii low comedy Irishman, Introducing new comic situations. The rest of the cast Is uni'habged. This week, Mrs. Leslie Carter, In "Du Barry," unci next week In "Zata." Gsnmck TitEvruE (Frank Howe Jr., man- ager).—"Vivian's Papas." last week's bill, proved to be-anew version of the old farce situations. However, It amused good houses; the efforts of John C..Bice and Thos. A. Wise in this direction meeting with success. This week we have Made Cahlll, in ".Nancy Brown," a musical comedy, said to be writ- ten especially for. her. The engagement Is for two weeks. Nov. 10, Viola Allan, In •Twelfth Night." OjlEBTNUt Street Opera Housr, (Nixon & Zimmerman, man&gersl.—Last Wednesday evening occurred the Initial production of Jean ttlcliepln's "Mum'aelle Napoleon," under I be direction of Florence Zlegfeld Jr. The play waH elaborately mounted, the bait room scene especially arousing the enthusiasm of the audience. Anna Held.-as Mile. Mars, was the central' figure. The houses were packed for the remainder of. the week, aud thu. engagement, which continues during this week and next, will doubtless .be'a great success. NoV. 1(1, Henry Irving and com- pany, In "Dante." CUUSTN it Htiu.kt TliKATItn (Nixon & Zltn- JS,i? -— rTL'f 8 *i!L u l e . bnd .. ,a,r business all the week. UMs week's bill compMscs "Wledie Abteiwungen," "Moschlnenbauer," "Auf Stra- firrtaub, • "Kva" and "Registrator auf Kel- sen.' Keith's Xew Hum (H. T. Jordan, resident moMgcrL—Very good business all the week, Ned Wayburn s MJnmrei Misses imiklng a particular hit, while the other vaudeville offerings were generally pleasing. This week's announcements are: Ned Way- burn's Minstrel Misses, Cole and Johnson, Chas, Bradshaw and Co., In "Fix In a Fix r Haines and Vldocij, Qallottl's performing monkeys, Musical Dale, Josephine O. Wilkin- son, Trotonr, EMora, Alf. Holt, Cherry and Hates, Max ltlittcr. Bean anil Hamilton. Rooney Sisters, and Ihe olograph. Keith's Bijou Thbatbe (E. P. Lyons, resident manager).—This house was given excellent patronage during the week past. The present bill la an attractive one, and, by the way, this week marks the beginning of the fifteenth year of this theatre under the Academt or Music, Tyrone.—Stetson's "U. T. C." Co. came Oct. 27. "The Village Postmaster" 20, and "A Run on the Bank" 30. Howe J it, manager).—Last .week witnessed tho rinsing performances of Charles Warner, in "Drink." L'or the current week we have David Wartleld, In "The Auctioneer." Tho east. Is practically tho sunie as last season. "The Silver Slipper" is scheduled to follow. Aum-roiliusi (stair 4 Ilavllu, managers). —'.'Yorjc State Folks" closed a satisfactory neck's business on Saturday last. For the current week, Brudv's production of 11. Mell- viiic's musical comedy, "Girls Will Bo OlrlB," Is. the attraction. Next week, Hagcubcck's trained animals, which have Just been giving a week's performance at an uptown theatre. 1'abk liiKATHE (K. O. Nlxon-Nlrdllnger, manager) .—Popular support was given the production of "Under Two Flugs" mat week, with Jane Kennark as Cigarette. The same hill holds the boards this week, to be. fol- lowed next week by "Mrs. Delancy, of New- port." National Thi;atiii: (Joh. XI, Kelly, mana- ger).—The thrilling melodrama, "A Great Temptation," drewwell last week. The'cur- rent week's bill is, the play In which Mrs. Leslie Carter made such success—"The Heart of Maryland." Next week, "The Fatal Wed- ding," recently produced at another theatre, Is underlined. People's Theatre (T. G. Mxon-Nlrdllng- er, manager). — The Smart .Set .played, to lair business, last week. Monday sees the presentation of "A Fight for Millions," which wiis produced at a down town theiitre week before lust, while next week rings In tho new "Eight Bells." GbAXd Opera House (G. A. Wegefurtb, manager).—Hlg crowds lust week saw Ha- genlieck's trained unuriuls perform their won- derful feats. Fun and merriment ore antici- pated In' this week's bill, comprising the wells-DuunJJurlan Musical Co., In' "Lost, Strayed or Stolen." The engagement Is for one week only, ua Imro Fox and company Is the underline for Nov. 0. (i irahi. Avenue Theatre (Miller & Kauf- man, managers).-^A's'the : eiitTullii fell at the eu'd of the' lust act of "The iMUndBter's Duugh- ters," on Tuesday evening last, little did tho audience, players or management think It was the lUiat night of £he Glraird Avenue The- nore's lilabory as It then -stood. ISnrly Wed- nesday rtorning tho theatre was discovered to bo ou lire, end before the flames were ex- t higiklshed itfJiR struoluro "was practically burned oust. The properties, costumes, etc., belonging to the company playing 'Who Min- ister's Daughters" were destroyed In the flro. Tile -theii'tre was owned Iry GiiBtav 'Mueller, of tho Bergncr & Engcl Brewing Co., and was 'leuse-d. and managed by Messrs. • Miller k Kaufman, also lessens and nm nsigers of l''orepaugh's Theatre. Several firemen were hunt, but no deaths occurred In coameotlou with tba catastrophe. The loss to the pro- perty holder Is estimated at *00,000: to Hie leasees, about $10,000. The theatre was opened In 1888,: with Hoyt's "A Bunch of Keys." There Is talk of rebuilding the thea- tre «t once, and the lessees, who hold a re- newal of tdie lease for a period of five years ntber 'the cxnlralilon of the present year, hope to have performances Jn M before the season of lOOa-1004 has closed. An Interesting lu- tijttnt In .connection with the fire was that the only tliirig saved was a clarionet belong- ing to a member of the' Glrard Avenue Thea- tre orchestra.'(It was not yellow). Dunk's Star. The ATim (Fred Waldmnnn, manager).—"The Limited Mall" drew fairly good.houses last week. The exciting.drama, "A Human Slave," is the bill for the current weak, and wlli ba followed by "Treasuro iHlnnrt" ou Nov. 11. Km'iUH Thbatbe (J. Bard Worrell, mann- per),—-The two plays for Inst wcok s bill, "Saved from the.Sea" and "Too Prond to Beg.'' drew satisfactory audiences, 'lhe an- nouncements for tjils week lire "Wealth and Poverty's and "Shooting llio Chutes.' .Khnsinuton TukatIW (John Hart, man- uger).—Fair patronage was given the rend I tlou of "Tho Heart of a Hero," which was of' the- usual ■ melodramatic quality. Ibis week, "Tracy, the Bondlt r next weok, "Wealth and Poverty." . _. .Koubpacuh'8 Thbatrb [Miller fc Kau »; man.managers).—"The Belle of Richmond, a modern society play of the South, was Kiiecesafully rendered bv the stock organiza- tion last week. "Hetrlbutlon." In which George Learock will appear, holds the boards for the current week. The part essayed by Mr. Learock Is said to be an especially strong one. • '■ C'oi.uMniA TBkatiu; (Ignaelo Martlucttl, raunager).—Carrie Hudcllffe and her stock company found a worthy medium for their talents In "The Winding Wuy" Just week. They will essay "Man's Bights" during lb s week, and next week, "King 8olomon s Mines," founded on Rlijer Haggard|s novel of the same name. . . _. . •Stasdaud Tiikatrb (Darcy k Speck, man- agers).—A folrlv good nttrartlon was "Blhe JeatiR" in the week just past. P(»r the pres- ent week tlie atoek will IInd excellent op- portunities rorauMufi Jn "Fbe Silver King. "A Beautiful Fiend' 7 Is underlined to sue- 4-eey^aa—Nov. ?i—__ - ;,.^«~__ Alien■ Stiieex TiieatmI (Carl SauKrvnan- Kelth management List for lhe week- Thn Erie.—d'ark Opera House (J. L. ».; ?»•?.-■!*• S-5 «S* Paveiport &2&J&J8** WSL „; ' &S nnd Lorella. Morrlssey and Bleb, Avon Com- edy Four, Bates Musical Trio, Two Baileys. Keller, Loro and I'nyne, Shelly Due, and others. Eleventh Street IIoise (Frank Dumont, manager).—The usual fund of merriment was provided at this popular little house last week. The bill Is changed largely for the current week, a burlesque on Dowle, entitled "Dowle's Trip to New York, or, How He Fooled the Swindlers," the prin- cipal part of the programme. Lyceum Theatre (John G. Jermon, man- ager).—The Bohemian Beauty.Show Is su- perseded this. week by the Imperial Bur- lesquers. Nov. 9, Pbll Sheridan's City Sports. . Tsocadero Theatre (Floyd Lauman, man- ager).—The. usual patronage was meted to tho. Vanity Fair. Burlesquets last week. The current attraction Is the Fay. Foster Co., In "The Dancing-Missionary." Ninth and Arch. Street Museum (C. A. Biadenburgli, manager).—Mnny people visit- ed both the curio hall and theatre last week. The vaudeville offered for this week com- prises : Yorke-Herbert Trio, Jennie Curtis, Lane and Hatch, Joe Edmunds, Mnrtello nnd Lancaster. Eddie Emerson, Clark and Hilton, and the clneogranh. In the curio hall; Female walking match. Sober Sue, Prof. W..A. Barclay, hypnotist; Cant. Sid- ney Hlnman'a Marine Exposition, vlto Ba- hMc, the vegetable king. Buktol'k'h Animal-Arun'a (Frank C. Bos- toek, manager).—Many - new features have been added, and the exhibition Is one of grent Interest. Free rides on elephants, cttcels and ponies are very popular. Notes. —Madame Pattl, in concert, at the Academy of Music, Nov. 9. Madame Melbn and her concert company, under the direc- tion of C. A. Ellis, will give a concert at the Academy of Music Nov. 21, Delisted by Dhu Philadelphia Orchestra. ■ Uarrlsburir—A lively political campaign showed u slight effect on business at the close of the week. Lyceum Theatre (M. Bels, manager).— The- Imro Fox Co. had small audleuces Oct. -ti, 27. The largest audience of the season greeted "Tho Wlnard of Or." 20. George Monroe had good business 111. "York Stato Folks" Nov. 2, Mildred Holland 7. Opeba House (M. Bcls, manager).—The Innocent Maids did big business Oct. 27. "A Boy of the Streets" hada small house 28. "The Buffalo Mystery" had fair business 20, "A Human Slave" did fairly well 30, and the week closed to nice business for "Peck's Bad Boy," 31. Due: "Looping the Loop" Nov. 2, Indian Maidens Burlesquers 3, "Shooting the Chutes" 4, "Uncle Josh Spruce- by?' B, "The Limited Mall" li, and the Night Owls 7. Notes. —Victor Harmon, representing Mil- dred Holland, was here 20, and was warmly greeted by blB many- friends Manager H. C. Llndemuth, of "The Buffalo MyBtery" Co., a former' Harrisburger, was cordially welcomed by his frlendB here 20.. •.. .Mabel Morrow, who Is resting at her home here, will join an Eastern stock company The boy choir of St. Stephens Episcopal Church, this city, a prominent organization, will assist In the production of "York State Folks" Nov. 2 Manager Jess M. Fry- singer, of this seuson's II. A. C. ball team, has Joined MIttcnhnll Brothers' enterprises, and will assume the business management of the Western Aubrey Stock Co., at Cum- berland, Md., 0 Mattle Llndsey, of Car- lisle, Pa., who is with "The Wizard of Oz," was entertained by a number of friends after the performance bere 20 George B. Beckley, raunager of Car No. 2, with the Walter L. Main Circus, was here 30, 31. He reported that the show closed the moat suc- cessful season In Its history at Toy well, Vo., 31, and that next season ten more cars will be added... ...The Erwood Stock Co. did well at Middletowa, Pu., week of Oct. 20. The Indian Maidens are due Nov. 2. ■ 1'ltlnburK.—At the Alvln Theatre i Nixon & Zlunvcrioun. managers).—"The Girl from Dixie" arrived Nov. 2, for a week'* visit. "The Girl from Kay's" did big business last JiHOB Thbatrb (It. Gullck, manager).— "Shadows of d Great City" 2 und week. 'Su- perba" last week- ....„,,- ,_ Emi'irr TiuiATitK (13. J. McCullougb, man- nger).— Hugonbock's Trulned Animal 8ho\v Pus a big udvance iialo for the week begin- ning 2. ''Paul Ilevcro" retired Oct. 31, after a big week's business. Guanii Opera (Iliirry Day s, mnriii- cerff—"A Parisian Romanco" Is this weeks announcement. "The Moth and the Flame" drew'well last. week. DuQDKSNB Theatre (Harry W. Williams, manager).—The Imro Fox Vaudeville Co. ar- rived 2, for one week. The Behmnn Show stopped down, end out Oct. 31, wdth a good record of attendance. Avenue 'Theatre (Harry ' Davis, mana- ger).—Blfle Fay, Albana Musical Troupe, Martini and Maxmllllan, Velesca, John Healey and the cinematograph are Bpme new 'litrns beginning Nov. 2. J<aM week s busl- new-was all that the house could hold. HARRY WIM.IAM8' At'AUBMK OK MUBIC (Hairy W. Willlanis, inunuger).—lhe Briga- diers, u lively burlosquo vamvany, >eKlus -! for twelve performances. Tho Dainty Duch- ess Co. closed, to big attendance, Oct. 31. lhe Cracker Jacks for iwvek of 0. 'NotiI— Hugli Ward, for several years first low comedian of ",*« «'J inti X^Hi U r??*Z Stock Company, arrived here Oct. 27 for a three weeks' slay. Mr. Ward went to Aus- trana wTth the Hoyt & McKco Company se,veral yeR TB ago. Ilea il In v.—At tho New Temple Theatre (Charles B. Stevens, resident manager).— Chester Do Vpnde played, to crowded houses, %:aHt or Muhic (John ft, BfJihter. manager).—"The Wayward Son 30, A Hu- m GiUN0 V Opera House (OcnrgoM. Miller, manager).—Murray * Mackey s Comedy Co. hail good Imsltieas 2o-.'tl. «.—,„.,n HlJou Theathb (t'pdegi-iift & Browuell, managers).—Kanir-Sanlley Co- .•iiiuj>..lo well lillcd house. 4H1-2H. New Night Owls Co. drew well 2 11-31. Alt«vnu».—At (he Kleventii Avonue Opera rioime (I. C. Mlahler. manager).—Watson's Orlenta Burleanuers, Oct. 23. 24, and Ste • sonT'OIncle Tom's Cabin." 20. did big busi- ness 'The Village Poatmaster" had a good house 2S. "TleXltte Christian" 20. Louis jU. in "Dr. i«kfll«»',l»^K„ »l "tlnclo Josh Bnriiieliy" 31, Ulmnioleln* lflcal-4 NvM^-2 ah|(r*'vci. Lancaster.—Fulton Onera House (Yccker ft (Helm, managers i.—The Myrklc-IIarder stock Co., In re|>ertory, hud very good busi- ness Oct. 20-31, except 28. The Innocent Maids Burlesque -Co. drew a large house 28 "Peck's Bad Boy" Nov. 3, "The Wlxard of Ox" 4. Mildred Holland, In "The Lily and the Prince," 0. Hoof Garden (John B,-Peoples, manager). —The local operetta, - '.'Love Will Find a Wny," end vaudeville additions drew, crowd- ed /houses Oct. 20-31. After n benefit per- formance for the attaches. Nov. 2. this place of omusomcht will bo closed for the aeaaon, Opera House, Columbia, Pa.—"Peck's Dad Boy" had a good house Oct. 28. Night Owls Nov. 8, Adalr-Gregg-Adalr S-7. I' Sttaoa, , was _ Down K«sc" 31, matinee and evening, had largo reserve, at popular prices. Billed: Nov. 2, 1.0WJ8 Morrison, In "Faust;" 3, Walter Johcs' Comic Opera Co., In "The Sleepy King." Note. —The New Majestic Bnwtre, Tenth nnd Stone Streets, Is thoroughly Inclosed, all. I wdll be opened In the early port of Decem- ber. It Is a duplicate of the MtiJcsUc, New York City, and will seat 1,800 people. Win. 3. Sell will be the manager. . ., » Wllllaniaport.—At the Lycoming Opera House, (Flak & Beebcr, managers).—Mildred Holland, In "The Lily and the Prince," thoroughly pleased a good stood audience Oct. 28. "TheiWitard'of Oa," 30, attracted one of the largest audiences in the history of the house. The H. It. 0. sign was out the day before the performance. Porter'J. Whlto canceled 31. Coming": Emma Hunting Stock CO. week of Nov. 2, Vogel's Minstrels 0, Miss New York Jr. 11, "Paul Revere" 12, "Heart of Maryland" 14. —' ♦V** MASSACHUSETTS. Boston.—Business varied from fair to S.--K. 0. proportions last week, the big at- tendance referring to only about one-tblrd of the local houses. Weather was superb, so the attractions must be blamed for the lark of patronage. Thus far the current seuson has not been a record breaker for big houses. Thnrc arc two plays, new to Boston, glveu at the theatres this week. 'J'hey are : "Dorothy Vernon, of Hnddon Hall," at the Colonial, and "i.ady hose's Daughter," at the Hotlls. Andrew Mack, la "Arruh-na- I'ogue," at the Boston: a new repertory of lingl ton opera, at the Tremont; "The iwvll Men Do/' at Mush: Hull; "Tee Winning Hand," at the Grand Opera: "The Pride of Newspaper Row,'' at tho Hub: "Ueurtaease," at the Castle Square, and "llewarc of Men," at uho Bowdoin Square, art; other changes. Hnt.MK Strekt TukAinn (Isoac R. Rich, manager).—'^sy Davis, stippiorted by mem- bens of the Empire Theatre Stock «\>., hi .i dramatization of "Ludy Rose's Daughter," Is this week's offering. The Kraplre players who me supporting MIsk Davis In llio title rote are: Guy Standing, William (.'ourtlelgli, Louise Drow, W. .!£. Ooinplou, Ida Vernon, Miiggle dlolloway Plslior, Arthur Klllott, Ida Wurtei-mun, Lillian Tlmtgafe, Jnmes L. Cnr- liurt. Herbert McKenzIc, li. V. Backus, l'mnk Brownlee and others. I'orbcs Robertson and Gertrude, In "The Light that Failed," closed Saturday night a fortnight's engage- ment of light business. Play was a good one, and found considerable favor with those who saw It. Tho current attraction to bcru for two weeks. Colonial Tiieatue (Rich. Harris & Chas. Krohman, managers). — Frank Daniels, In "The Olllce Boy," had u phenomenal fort- night's stay, 8. R. O. prevailing at every performance. As stated last week, the show Is one of the best Mr. Daniels has ever ap- peared In, qud from the rise to the fall of the curtain there Is something doing. This week and next the patrons of this houso will have a chance to uee Bertha Galland, In "Dorothy Vernon, of Hnddon Hall," a play said to have won enthusiastic applause nnd lemurkiible patronage in other large cities, lit the supporting company arc: Prank Losec, William Lewers, Sheridan Block, Geo. l.e Solr, A. Law Glslko, Curl Anthony, Allen Nurnane, Ferrers Knybctt. May Robson, Isu li.l Richurds, Kate Dcrilu Wilson, May Bacon and Kmmn .Millard. TnEMONT Thbatrb (John B. Bchncffel, managerj.—Thto is the third week of tho Knglish imera season at this house, and the feature of the week Is the llrst English per- formance In Boston of Verdi's "Othello," which occurs on Monday, Nov. 2. The repcr- itwry and complet" casts for tiho weok buvo been arranged as follows: "Othello"—-Messrs. Sheehnn. Golf. Fulton, Pntton and Buanott, and Misses Itennyson, I veil and Newman. "Ijnlicngrln"—Messrs. Uheradl, Shcehau, Ben- nett, Boyle, Mursuno and Lawrence, nnd Misses Norelll, Rennyson, Newman and Fllnn. "Martha"—Measrs Ghcrudl, Shechan. Hovle and Bennett, nnd Misses Norelll and I veil. Business wan Idg Inst week, "Faust" und "Bohemian Girl" being-the best drawing cardd. The local musical critics took excep- tions lo lhe ina-fomumco of '"1 annhuuser," many claiming the singers were Inadequate to the roles assigned. The bill for tho fourth and llnai week includes: "Aldu," "11 Trovn- tore" and "Romeo and Juliet." Boston Tiieatru (I.awrenco McCarty, man- ager).—Andrew Mack, In a big revival of "Arroh-nn-l'oguc," lakes the place of "(Julncy Adams Sawyer.'.' which for live weeks lUled this nouse at most of the performances. In Mr. Muck's company arc: Luke Murlln, Daniel Gllfenther, Thomas McOrnne, John H. Robertson, Thomas K. Jackson, Edith Barker, Anne Leonard, Margaret Fielding nnd Ilea trice. Harris. The. engagement Is for two weeks, -Majestic Theatre (Stair & Wilbur, man- ngers).—"The Earl of Pnwtuckct," now In its second week nt ibis house, has made a decided hit with playgoers who know and appreciate a good show. Large sized houses ruled during the' opening week and every- thing points toward a 1 successful run for Ihp merry play. Lawrence D'Orsny Is simply great In tho title role and la one of those natural players who does not seem to bo netlng. The support Is fair, 'CoMtMfllA 'fiiEATiii: (Kain (i. k liee Still- born, nmnugqcs).—bay Toinploton «nd 'Tho Itonaways" are hWII going a lively clip at Ibis house, and, while business slacked up a llslle during the past week, big houses un- an- ticipated during this, the farewell weok. Bet- ter business and a longer ran should liavo been allotted to uW rutttlng gwsl show. Paula Bdwardes, In "Winsome Winnie," fo'- low« current attraullon. 'Park a'HBVrnH (Rich. Harrbi k Chna. Frohnuiu, managers).-—Annlo Bussi!ll, In "Mice and Mfln," en-tew, -Monday, Nov 2, upon Iter fourth week nt this house. Good busi- ness cotulnncg. . ...... IlLUW Thkatui; (Weber & Fields, maun- gdrs).—Three ITntRa »t big nttundanea Is tho recovd of Charles Hlcbmuh, In "(,'uptnln Har- rington." The plav Is the talk of the town, aud not a dlswntlug voice baa been heard re- garding the production, Original advertising inelliKils arp.boJMir used to spread the faino ol the play und plnyhoiisc. ■OaA.M)' Opera Ih-rHK (Geo. W. Ut/i**, manager I.—"The Wlnaliig Hand," said to be oiip "f th« meal expensively staged melo- dramas on the road today, Is the card for week of Nov. 2. The play tells tba ftory of a young mnn from among the Ipwb, who batlles featlrsrty .along.-the rough road of life until lie reaches lhe pinnacle of Influence nnd wealth. In tfte company, which l»«nd<r tha aiHiiugemcnt of Fred Mblo, are; Carlton Mncv, Maude flfilt. Arthur Sprague, M. J. Gallagher.'leonoro Gordon. Harry.('. c:nrenH. Haoh Berry. Tbeodnre Lylell, Arthur Klein, Gertrude rowers and others. Ben Hendricks, In "Die Meson." bad n good week. Next week, M li tuiiiis K. Hhm, In i-ciierrury. Mi:sic Hai.i, (Stair k Wilbur, uianagersl. —"Tho Kvll Men Ilu." a new Thcodoro Krrmer nieUulrniiiH. Is here this week. The company is beaded by Man Morris, and there Is a boy choir of forty voices. laabollcEves- aon, In "In tha Palace of the King," pleased good sited audiences last week. Mlaa Kves- aon waa cordially greeted at every perform- ance, many of her former admirers being present. "Dnvkl Harutn" la announced fur next week. Urn Theatre) (Stair & Havlln, managers). —"The Pride of Newspaper i Row," an at- traction bound lo win favor with the pa- trons of thto house, Is billed for this week. The title role Is played by Gcorglc Mack, a well known Boston boy. Business was sat- isfactory last week will) Barney Gllmore. In "Kidnapped In Now Vork." "Tho Great White Diamond" follows. Castu. Square Tueatrs (J. II. Emery. nrtruiger).—"Heartaesue" Is revived this week by the stork company and,tho cast In- clddes ski the principal mambcra uf tho com- pany. "The- Cora-boy and tile Lady" wns ex- cellently played Inert week, and greatly pleased Die patrons. "Canilllo" Is the next prbduHJon to be made. Bowdoin Squauh Theatre (G. E. U»th- rop, mnnager),—"Rciworcof Men," which was scon at a local cotuUnntlon bourn early In tho senson, la being done by the house atoc'< Tlie coat la headed by Wfliard tills week. Blflckntorc and Cliarlotte Hunt. Houses were largo and untiiuslawtlc toot week. "The Alley", pleasing the "Enemies for Life" Sunshine of Paradise followers Immensely, next wcok. Kedii's theatre (B. V. Kcltb, manager*. —This week's progruiiiiuc Includes (Ive acts new to Boston, nnd. many others that have not been seen here in some time. The bill: Henry Lee, May Edoltlu and Frml Edward*. Snyder asid Buckley, Geoigo II. Wood, Iloattliio and Slovens, Hovmr.l mh! Harris; Keianlo inumiucr Qdurtel. Rosie lleititel, Hoivley and Leslie, Naomi Ethardo, Buhcrtus slid Wllfrido, John it. llartv, and new motion pictures. Next week's special leuiturc Is nuiuum-oil lis Hie most Im- porianf of (lie season—the first anpearnnw |n ild to ' UPteinla of Doctor Ih> the Ptr|». sal. grcutest living pnlmlst und psychic, In his mnrielotiH net of rinding the hnnd from lhe stage, and other fents of psychic ami lelenetic work. Crowded houses viewed lakt week's excellent show. Huwaro Athenaeum (Wm. McAvoy, mnn- ngurj.— Charmlon Is the featured card of current week's aniiouiiccmeiit. Four Bnnl Brothers, Le Roy nnd Luvanlun. Zlska and King, Miixsinlth Duo. Dllka and Dllks. Al. Itayno's Huston terriers. Newton Brothers, Wells und Wells. Vondor aud Bellman, the Morrisons. Slddon Ilrotliers, Gcorgo F. Cur- roll, the clncograpli, nnd tho burlesquers. In "up and Dcdngi" Ddmuud lluyos nnd Co., nnd tbe Four Lukcss carried off lust week's honors. Palace Theatre (Clin*. II. Wnldrou, man- ager).—Harry Morris Is here again In his comedy, Naght on Broiiuway. Mr. Morris has an Meal iwnt. In .lint piny, nJid 4m suiiporled hy many capable jierroiriii- 1'i'K. Including: '1'. J. Dempsey, Muo Taylor, Tom Almond, .Mtugarct Baxter, Andrew it'Nnll. Nellie Fulton, Alice Porlcr, Andrew Barlow. William Voung. Gi«rge Yeoman, Aanle Lawrence. Jennie Ralston, and many others. Tim Bon Tons attracted big houses during their week's stay with us. Lyceum Theatre ((!. II. llatchellcr, man- oger).—Al. Reeves nnd his lilg «)iow hnld down lhe hoards of I his house for a week, oonvnonclng Monday, Nov, 2. Tho viwide- vllllnns are: Andy Lewis, the great Van Der ICoor, Dovlne nnd Williams, the Tossing Austins, and lam, but nut least, Al. Reeves. "A fhlnese Sunny Moon" and "A Merry- Go-'ltoiind'' nre the nem- skits. The isU-mns liked the performance given by Rose Sydnll's London Belles Co. Austin k Stone's Musijum (Slune& Stiaw, managers).—'lliourilnlHsv. a sscoad Oiing I.lng l''oo, who is said to ho equal so Hie rhlnaionn lu al! Uls myslenlnus -trickery, and wltli a repertovy of tricks-of his own, Is lhe big not lu Ilia curio-hall (his w«'k. Prince I.ukn's ItUKSIan CoKSUeks, Colonel Geurgo Met-c.'s cdlK-uted chnlnes, Slgimr Tomasso. the synchrroiuenil cntertaJner; Maiuttoua an) ls»r ladder i of wonders. Princess Brandon and her pythons are oGicr curio hull caj-ds. The stage hill Includes: GvnJc'liSMlle, May IHs Pnuta and her talking dog, "Dude:* Cora Evelyn, Pearl HlrToi-l. Tlicldii Vetton, I'lnrke and WolHs, West and Williams, Lent and HynU.. Kowler and Wnst. Rvciisoii nnd Bcrger, nnd Mr. and Mrs, Chuades P. Scldon. Nickei.oi.kon (It, B. Walker, nunuiger).— Week of Nov. 2, curio hull: Huinlier. uioiin- (tlgHml wonder: Kid Orr, comedy juggler; Mile. Novclll, Hie lire queen ; Hotmail, con- tortionist: Young WltnUen. bug puncher; AHia, heiivjivelghr lifter mid Jnckknlfo ex pert: Sum Furst. Rtsign bill: Oslioriio and Wailu'.-*'. G4?orgo I. Foiiter, Huitel Calmer, Co- rlnne liiurlngioii, Mando Hazeltluo, Maveruo and lliune, and olhera. .GoMsir ov Pi.av ano I'lavkk. — Grni-o George wHI soon be seen on the New l-'n- glnnd circuit. .... . Ilnnlons' "Snperun" will ho a ChrlRtmas nil reitlon In this city Wlllaril Holcomh Is In town with "IXirnlhv Vernon, Of Ha/ldon Hall." Himry W. Savage proposes hereafter lo publish the music of bis various nautical comedies...... Hnddon ('Jminber* v/aa In town the past week, consulting with Annie tlmmell regard- ing "The ltyiKitli," which Is the now play Hist he has written for her. Miss Riifsell is anxious U> present-It In Boston Henry \V. Suvr.gc bn* begun engaging llio cast l'or "I'lin Sim-Gun," which Is to have rt Korean atmosphere Sunday concert bills Nov. 1 1 Boston—Kilties Band, Clan Johnson Troupe. Chas. lA»nard Fletcher, lhe Mitchell Trio. CnrilK «. Morse, HistDTM Kstcey, and Hell and Oliver ; Music Hall—Gardner niul Muddcrn, Musical Johnstons. Woshoii, Wal- ters and wesson. Louis Mct.'ord nnd com- imnv. t.'has. Ix>onnnl Fleleiier, Mitchell nnd Mutton, Madeline Mursluill, aud "Uncle Tom's Cabin." by tbe KdlKnn ktaca^swafe; MdJcMtlc—Mncgle Cllue, Dunks and Winona. Wilder, Km'ftlcy and WBmn. ICeata Wlnlleid. Ilenlab Ltd, West and Williams, and Mat- tery Brnlher* nnd Brooks: Hub—Wes- son. Wulters and Wesson. Mitchell and Murron. Terror Cole and company, Crouch nad Hlfhards. Mndotlna Marshall, Ma- rlon and Dean. Dcavc's Miinulklna, and kllieloacope r Ilowdoln Knllitro— MmM Hayes and '.-ompliny. Be»nali mid Miller, Mile. Neletlii. Anderson and tlrlggs, Klein and Cllftnn, Whalley and Wbillley. Mamie lifly Calne. Tina Hurdle, Smith and Leslie, Mponcy nnd Holbein : Park—Boston Mnrliio Unnrt. Thomas K. Clifford, Everelt B. W*: cotl und K. II. AUdassni......After several ytntrs of friction growing out Of a misunder- standing between the Boston local union of the Intermittens! Alliance of Theatrical StHgo Employes, und managers of the Park. Boston, llollls. 1'oliinlnl and Trpmonl theatres, a seltleini-nl has been effected, and hereafter, for avn wars al Inst, tho local union. No. 1L will be rcorgiiDlzeii and heller imlurlcH mM Tho wliidup of the dIOIculty occurred lust week. wb«n M. Hart, general see- relury-treaaiirer of the Alliance of Theatrical Mechanics, niel Mr. McCnrty. of the Boston, and Mr. Rich, of the Park, Hollls and Colonial, ami put' In operation a five year contract. Tho two well known theatrical managers took » broad view of lhe ntuthir, mid received Mr. Hart as a mlMlonurr who bad come among th'oin lo do (Mat With very little delay lhe cioitrnct wns signed, much to the gratlflcn- tteu of the local iihlon, the members of which feci that .(bey will now be able to do just n bit bclller than what In required of them... Jniiicx T. Powers comes to the Colonial lu a fortnight. In "A Princess of Kensington." Col James P. Fanning, the proprietor of the Lcxlnginn lintel, gave a beefsteak sup- per Saturday night nt eleven-thirty, In com- pliment-to the members of "Tha Runaways" CO., now playing al the Columbia. Tho In- vitations wero unique affairs, printed on msnlla paper, and mailed In little paper bags. Those whe attended liad a good time. I Lowell. — At lhe Lowell Opera House (Fay'Ilro*. A Iiosford, managers).—A list oi excellent attractions last Week drew ex- cellent business. Keller - mystified a well tilled house Oct. 20. sifter nn - absence of live years. Ifcmuan Thompson, In "The Old Homestead," wns welcomed by an S. -it. n. house 37. Jerome Sykes, In "The Billion- aire," played, to 8. R, 0.. 38. Joseph Mur- phy, In "Kerry (low," had good business 2H, a* did "Why Women Sin" SO. 111." Corso Pnytoh's Comedy Co., headed by .1. Frank Burke and Floniaro Hamilton, In repertory, Nov. 2-7. Academt op Mvaic (B. F. Murphy, man- ager).—"A llomcshun Heart," Oct. 2tt-2«, ployed to good>tHM Al. ReeNcs' Allow did excellent business 20-tll. Tile olio in- cluded ! Van Der |)onr, Andy Lewi* and Co., Katherlue DalH and Co., Devlne nnd Wll- llilma, tho Tossing Austins, and Al. Reeves. "Tho Policy Players 1 ' Nov. MV. Castu ThKatri • (Al. llayhcs, manager). —The strongekt iilli'of the season wi*' of- fered last week, headed by Fnrrar, Cole and Co.,' in "His College Chum," Other* were: Thp Marvelous Merrills, Madeline Marshall, Helen Trlx. Frltak Kogarly, Rnsarlc ami Tnft. Crouch and ItlchariM, and the Three Big MliislrCls. lor Nov. 2 and week I Hoosler Zouaves, Melnlyre and llleo, AscoHo and l-:ddle, Cora Mlskell and lilckanlrlnles, Bel- tliiglll nmt lie forest, Lillian Shaw, Al. Cole- man, nnd While- Tscberkes Trio. Business Is of the capacity order, with 8. R. O. at some of tho matinees. Boston ' THEAtkr. (J. II. Tohbotrs, mana- ger). —Another excellent bill entertained Inst week, to big business. The amateur pro- ductions are receiving much attention here, with surrceas. and the bioscope Is also being made n pleiiMinjr feature. Lust week's list: Marlon and Deane, James A.-BnlsJcy, Lent Hyatt, the Dnston bioscope, ughcy KID- horty, ||. V. b'lisgnrald. Current week: Prof. Stanley > perfnrniliig goats, tlie'Bou- sells, Eddie Olgnsre, Billy Jackson, Mnrtello nnd Glrnson, the Boston bioscope. The ama- teur production for 5 will bo "Tho Whlto Slnve> I'Kori.E'H Tiimatoh (Hilly Nelson, mana- ger).—The bill for last week included: Lot tie Kelly's lluresi|iis Co. and olio, La Labile, the Elmos, Ponrl Fraaler, Reynolds and Pry- or. Clnrn Da lion, and Lottie Knlley. Ama- teur nights are always very entertaining to S. It. O. business, For Nov. 2 and week: Nellie Clinton's Burlesque Co. with MM* vllle iiiiinliers, Jlorgun and Phillips. Dllllnn Burden, May CIiIIiIk, Hamilton nnd West, Muttlo Floldinr, Hpelicer ntul Itomnrc, Afler- piece, "Oil, What a Night." Tun numfi Tmutw closed its doors uuexis'ctsMIy '.'«. .iS' Lynn.—-Lynn Theatre (Frank II. Harri- son, manager).—The Jere MeAullffe Stuck Co. nlnved, lo ii hlg IiuhIiicss, week of del. 20. 1Io.i1i.m1: i-:tiii.| May Sharpy's drama, "Him- Nlitnc of Mon: u nn," Nov. II, hv I ho Nnnncllo (Mali, a local organization: "Guy Mr. Oold- sleln" 4, "Die Olson" II, Deuman Thiinipsnn, In "SiinHhlne of Paradise Alley," 7! Diiiilef Ryan Co. OIL Gbm Thbatrb (C. W. Sheafe, munager).— The week of Oct. 211 saw hlg huslncs In this playhouse. Tills week's hill Is: Frcvoll. th» man with tlir* wonderful lingers: Hlgglim Bra*., Bnrlo und lailTerty, IIpshIc Rene, Will F. HcIh.-1'I, 'J'opack mid West, und tho bin- scone. MUM TiiKATiin, Salem. Maas. (Hurry IJ. Reed, mniinirr).—Thn Corse Piiytiin Co. played, in good returns, last week, and Jo- seph Murphy had a good house 2*. The ill- unci Ions for the current week are: Kllllcs Band Nov. 2, "Why Women Hln" 8. "Ole Ol- son" -I. MRCUAMIC Ham,, Hnli-in (JHMM K, M'ooi-, iiHinoger).—The busiiieas Is repumcd as very siU.lKfaclory for past wei*. Tlia nblrs'.'- (Ions on lit* hill for lbo current week an" Frank Keersirt, HejMrt und JMrd, Orvlllo and l.'uaiik, Allco I.owls, Howl's bull- -terriers, tho Three Mltrlislls, ami -llhfl lilossupe. NirrKs:— 'tlio annoiineoinent 'lias reuelied SoJum of *tho nmrrtaffo of Pauline Geary, a Salem girl, snd\V.III L. Wlue, of Now rvirk, the ceremony liolng l«rfomM>d hi'-Phrtudni- iilila by nn liislscopnl lilstiop. All km Gentry Iiiih Ixvn on lhe sKiigi' seven yeaiw. Mho met. Sir. While ihreo ytsirs ago, while limy wore In one of Hie Ilenrwnt k MuururMi cismpanlrs... . Kluka.HI. foniierly Of the Mousorr■ i'onily, In luaw Iravolliig oil the Now Knjrhiinl circuit. He played ,i n oiigagetnunt lu Hlls city re- con lly. Woreealeir. — Worcester Theatre (Felix R. Wendelsihnfer, mnuager).— IhsHhiIIo Eves- son heads ii company presenting "In tho Palace of tho King," Nov. Z, II, 4 and initl- nuc; For onn week, beginning n, under tho iiiunagemenl of dipt. t'. W. lOdily, "Marie Antolnctto's Fcto" and "Tho Pled- Piper of ilntnelln" will lie presented, for the venellt of the Worcester Coosuiunllvu's lloinc. Den- iiiim Thoin|isoii plnycd his "Old llninpstesd" Kr H. It. <). Oct. 2(1. Hiinlel Molly, III "The mil Mill Strentii," drew u very light house III. Lothiioi"* f»i>Kiis HouSn (Mhen k Wilton, Homagers).—Week of Nov, 2 Harry Bln'ck- lutirn will iiuike niorry in "Hello, Bill." Klci:- Hon returns will be given froui Ihii slugn yn Nov. Jt. ' Lniit wniK, "Across ilia Hockm*" proved a successful attraction. Coming: "The Pride of Newspaper How." Paiik Thkatui; (Klien k Wilton, in, u ■- gers).—Week of Nov. -2 Mnrl« Dressier" will appear wllh her company, others engnged arc: Klein aud Clifton, tho Four Roberts, Davis and Walker, Heli/iur and Sully, I'rnnl'- lln and - lluymnii, George Wilson; 'und tho liliicioscope, l.usi. iK"'k the! floyal - I.lll- putl.'ins plnisod liirgo nudluucos at each per- loruiiiHic. Coming: Mutiliews & Harris' Big Blmw. Muhic IIai.i, (Tlinmns Muiish, mauiiger). -Week of Nor. 2: Tim Three Hartford Sisters, AMlelle and Leslie, UV)nl Bryitiif, Jtoiisell Hlslnrs, Kmmn Stevetis anil -Major English. ... At Glnucestcr; Wood nnd Berry. L'MvIk and Dclinnr, Hlg. l-'.rnl, DyjteH and Dynes.- Aniili! MacDonuugb, Mao Tyler, and (inflick Sister*. 1 1 I ■ " gesv iivdforil.—New Bedford Thfiitro (Win. B. <!ross, munrtgnr).—^"Why Women filh" Oct. 21*. "A Hot Old Time*'27, "An Aristocrat"~2H, Creatiiro's Italian Band 2ft. "Tho Billionaire" pleased a goiid sized'a mil- enen .'HI. Jcre MeAullffe Repertory Co. Nov. 2-7, penman Tliompsoii JO. "Ole Olson" 11, lleiitiett and MoultOn 12, "Tlielmn" 11. Hiilkiiv'm Tiiiiatiik fti. R. Bufilngtoi), inu li- nger).—"My Uncle from Japan" was pre- sented In A miist mitiafnotory manner last weak, B[icilultles were given by ('hduncey Vervulln . mid Gilbert Hnrony. Buslncn» ruled IsrirH thronghout tin) wcok. "Shadow ufa Crlnm" Is current. ■FijiwHsm' J'ui;auii; (Flower* k Shannon. nuiiiiigersi. — Tim management Is keeping iiilih with its patrons by prc*eutiag a clean and lively show. Last Week the uew fuces Included: t'livuiiuugh and llaralllon. who kept lhe [istrun* In roars of laiiglitsr; La- roiix and Onvls, In a Dull h turn, pbnsed, while ilis mule member caught on heavily In a curl manipulating trick: lhe Heiilvyn prSsenlfdfl pleasing sketch, and Laura Hous- ton danced herself Into lhe good genre* of thu niidlence*' Margitrnt Roan, la iiperuHc bo|«c»Ioih. pleased the patron* Immeaasjly; "O'llollnn's Trip to I'nrls," wlfA calcium effects, Introduced much coined/ nod pxcltlly.