The New York Clipper (November 1903)

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880 wTHBJ NEW YORK CLIPPER. November 7. ■■■ m sowned ladles In Intrlcnte marches. The limine whh crowded At lwtli tlnJIy isTforro- iin'rcs. TliIn week's hill In Quintan oud How- iiI'd, Ihe Hellbanks, the Beanos, Cunningham una Covcney, Knrnia K rouse, nnd Margaret Uiisr'b Ilurlesntier*. MMMU log "An Evening ill the Tuxedo Club. ■ '.'■ Note. —Shecdy's New Pnrthiise Street Tho- Mre Is hooked to open Nov. II—vnudevlllo will rule. . SjirlnKtirlil,—Al Uie Court: H<|unre Theatre iW. C. Lo Nolr, manager).—Aidirey llnticicniilt opened Mb mimon ()<A. 'Jin, ben-, in n new play, "CnptaJn nbar-He." «iiid win greeted by u- fair sized house. The piny re- ceived Ids first production on that date. Mr. Itouolcault iiwfe n rollicking Irish officer, while Beatrice Minynn played Iut role wel'. ••The Virginian," 27, hail a comfortably filled hoi's". Inistln Ho run in, 111 'he title role, lud ii I'homctnr which titled him well, and Jim made ihe most of It. Nanette Corastock put. spirit Into he* role, wlille Frnnk Cnrupenn iiHfl .ln»'|ili I'nllnunn were wotGiV of vpnnlnl tiiontlon. Al. J-eceJi and the 'flirco Rom.-!- IiiwIs, in- "Olrls VIII He (lIris," furnished llni! entertainment, to h giwd idzed audience. .Mr. I/WcU'h dry hotnor, barken by (lie-Rood wnirk of the principals nnd. large chorus, was ■ill that won needed. The vocal numbers of Vein, Rlol nnd Hcrt Young were well »•«■• reived. "The Rod FeaUier" Nov. 2, .!. Joseph Mnrnhy, In "The Kerry (low," 0; Paula Edwards, In "Winsome Wliuae," «i; '.Madeline P-esley, In "The LVookluc Bird," 7: Isabel Irving, In "The Crista," JO: James O'Neill, with "The Adventures of Gerard," 11. 'WheiPR," with Wilton, I««kaye, fulluws. New Gli.MOtiM Theatre ii. F. itorke, man- ager).—The Aubrey',f*tock Co. put In n pro- ongagsment hero hurt week, piui latins at good repertory of plays, w. H. Rock- with nnd Dtlrcl CHCton (node favorable lui- jipe.odons Ja nhe many aitd raided,roles ns- Mtmed. Rpcbialrias were Introduced by the \tt TYsir -Sisters, Leah Rttrr, Jlllly Mat find Frank J. Carroll. "The Road to 'Frisco" .Nov. 2-4. Joe Sullivan, In "The Black- thorn," fc.7: "IDello, Hill," 0-11. Grand OPERA House (Chas. W. Fonda, rnnmiger).—The Merry Maidens, Oct. 20-28, drew well tilled, houses. Sam Bice and Nellie Jlnnley made decided successes. In the olio: Tlje BaaVMavaVagi Trou|>e and einta Rice, nnd Hheppiird Camp Hie prime favorites. "The Child Wife," 2«-ai, drew laree bouses ni every performance .Saturday. 'Ihe house was |)iirk<il at both performnnces. Muriel Stnrr, who 1ms been seen here once before this senson, Incrensed her popularity, (,'lius. II. Booth, ns the hem, and Cbas. B, Wnlte hoth did well. Hue: The Trocndero Bur- i <oiitTs .Vov. '2-1, Transoceanic Otoreil Troii[>o !t Jl, City l.'lul) Burlesniiers 12-14. ..S'hlhoh Tiikatiik {,'/.. 'I'. DnnKiD, manager). —The best vniidevllle hill of the Reason wns reein last week, to the tuwally hie business of i ln> Marie Ur.DwIer wns 'the .mlur, nnd the enrsires she received \v»r« fully deserved. Lewis tMii'ord and company also put. on mi • xi'ellent mil, which was blR>lily spoken of. The Maria* Utock It). 2-T. .. OVKMHMRli.—Mr. Anthoney, innuoKi-r of .Morsim & lloyt's Movliur. JJIteum i.'o., was Ii resell ted wilh n Imndsiiiiut loving cup liy ihe members of the company durlnK their ■iixngement. at SuniWuni, ,N. y Joseph 'Juthrle, of lids city, juteevl VJoln All.-n's C* ■when H oimned lions (kit. Ill Dnvls nnd WnlliiT. colored enterulners, are late re- cruits to the vaudeville stare. In a soiik nnd iliuiee :ie). They iipiieiirctl at the Nelson Theatre last week A> Vlddlnb company Ktnrled out from Hartford, l.'L, the past week to make a tour of New RnKlnod, pre- senting "The Polish Boy." The lending lady Is Miss flnlile, Mid Hie lctidlnif man Is Samuel .Ulnai The others are: Abe Awklnssy, Jsn- ilor fircenblnt, Samuel Lawiiflelil, Humuel lleiison nnd I.. Wiener Julia Bnckett, of this city, who hns been a member of the 1'orepanjrn. Theatre Stock «>, of I'hllndel- jdiln, for the past year, Is to join the "Winsome Winnie" Co Prof. Lockbnrt's trained elephants reached till* city ou Wednesday. During the Winter they are lo hnve large, spacious quartern nt lhimpden Park, and be under tho watch- ful eye.of P. J. Caftey Kdoa Tur- tun, a member of "The Yankee Consul" Co., silent n short time last week with friends lu this city.;..Rose Doyle (a Springfield girl), who has been ploying a minor part, with tirace George, In ''Pretty Peggy," la to be entrusted with the mom Important role of charlotte Notice of the death of JomcH McQIbney Jr., Oct. 24. .at Cleveland, O., where he baa been playing in n theatre or- chestra, was received at Orange, his former home, l<u»t .week. Ho won n number of the l'nmous McGIbncy family, all of whom were inualclana. He leavea a widow and child, lather, mother and brothers* nnd sisters.... Florence Ackerly, who has been prima donna of the Mountain Park Opera Co. for a inim- iier of seasons, recently underwent n surgi- cal operation nt Scranton, Pa,, and Is doing ns well nsinlght 1s> exiicebxl... I/ouls.Croxon and Frederick Claire, of Denutin Thompson's "Old Homestead" (Jo., were entertained by friends over last Sunday, In this city Stephen Bogrctt, of Manchester, N. II., formerly manager of the Jefferson Theatre, Portland, Me.. Is to be In charge of t lie Academy of Music, Plttstkdd, ufrer Dec U>, when W. A.- Wesley, too prcwirt tu:iiuu,i'r, will start on the rood wllh his play, "The operator's Daughter," which Is booked solid unbll Spring P. }■'. Slioa iuuI family. who have liceu spending the Hummer nt their homo In tills city, lmve returned to -New York, where Mr. Shea will look out for tlie Intercuts of his Worcester nnd rlpriug- Held houses... .Mile. Pallia, Juggler; Bourne, Die ivelanrd, nnd the C'arllns. :;,rinnasls, arc with the American Carnival Conmany. which recently ftppenrodat WJnrtsor IkkKs. CI Dunbar, mnglchui, Is giving cxlilbltlous lu Hie surrounding towns, and meeting with >'iic<-ess Tho til Tour Risters, Jcmle and Krancea, who \vero special features with tho King Dramatic Co.,Inst season, are now with the Aubrey Htock Co. , business. 'The King of DetectlTcs " 28, to goisl buslneaa. "A Mepjaago from Mam" .10, •Hello, Bill," .'II: Pajlln Hdwardea, In "Win- some Winnie," N'ov. 2; Charles Richmond. In "C'npt. Bnrriugtnn," !!, cnuceled : "The Mock- ing Bird" 4, Joe Murphy «, Isnbelle Irving, In "The Crisis." 7; .Ir.mcs O'Nell. In "Briga- dier Gerard," 10: ''Toll Gale Inn" 11; Ornee ileorge. In "Pretty Peggy," 1.2. Kwrim; Tiieatiib "(T. Y. Murray, mnnn- mrf.—Barney .Glltnorr-, In "Kidnapped lu New York," 22-24. packed tbe bouse nt every performance. "Tbe Buffalo Tragedy" 2(1-28, ."A Homespun Heart" 29-31, "Alaska" Nov, 2-4, "Tho Hlgn of tho Cross," bonked for B-7. canceled, nnd In Its place "The Heart of a Hero:" Joe Sullivan., in "Black Thorn,'' D- 11 : "Heart of Chicago" 12-14... Kooti.iohtb'. —"The Buffalo.Tragedy" Com- pany closed here.28, and the company re- turned la New York. l.iiwrence.—At tbe Opera House fOrant & ndn, managers). — Joseph Murpny, In "Kerry Gorj" played, to a good house, Oct. 2<t, nnd Kellar came, io fait 1 business, 27. Dennian Thompson, In "The Old Homestead," pleased a largA audience ".*". Jerome. Sykes, In "The Billionaire," drew a very good houao 2». "Tho Aristocrat" had a comfortably tilled bouse 80, "A Hot Old Time" 81. Com- ing: Kenberg Block Co. week of Nov. 2, 1'nyton Comedy Co. week of 0. Cahto Theatre (Al. Haynes, manager).— Business last'-week averaged big. Booked for week of 2: Lydla Yeanmns Tltua, Hardy Dangdon, John E. Drew, tbe Musical Gonl- miins, Dalto and Zella, ISmereon and Omega, Gnlnes and Hazard, Hubert Deveau. (Jasixo Theatbk (W. It. Gnllagher, man- ager).—Business Is good. Bonked for week of 2: Hugh Flaherty, liny Rills, Jas. Burke, Andrews mid Rlchardnon, Geo. Benolt, Cnf- rerty aud (;rant, May Mlnat, Kate Mackey. Burlesque, "Tbo Blaelc Statue." a • Taunton. — At the Taunton Theatre CCnhn k Cross, manager*). — "An Aristo- crat," Oct. 27 j "Tho Village Fool," 28: "A Hot Old Time" 20, and Creatore and his band, no, nil did well. For week of Nov. 2, May I'Tske Comedy Co.. Notk. —RuHscIl Davis, formerly of the the- atre staff ns hill poster, Ih home, nfter a Htirccssful season with the Barnum & llolley Hhow. , «»» CAKADA. Trio, Bertha Dorian, the Gardiner Trio, and t he. kliictoscopc. Quebec — Auditorium Theatre (A. J. Small, manager);—"Tbe Real Widow Brown" <ame, for two nights, Oct. 2b\ with matinee, to great business. Bflwln Holt, 28, for fonr nights, presented "Tbe Cardinal." Big busi- ness prevailed. X J. Small presents Sum- mer's Stock Co., for two weeks, beginning NOV. 2. .... UaCWBK. C.mitieu, lLoiils Bertln, manager),—The stock company, In "La Pafrle," drew fair bouse* Inac week. ■ . St. John.—At the Opera House (A. 0. Skin- ner, manager).—"Thelma," Oct. 23, 24, drew blghuslneas. (let. 23 many Were turned away. Ktliel Brandon, in the title fnle, gave a fine Interpretation of the character. Others de- ■ serving mention were: Harry Dickenson, W. G. Slider, Frank Range, Margaret Ralph and Miss Clifton. Coming: Scotch Concert Co. Nov. r>, i;. George Nell, tenor; Mackenzie Mnrdock, violinist; llnrry Monroe, character comedian; Flora Mclvor Craig, soprano; .Alfred Lawrence Murcloek, pianist. At. C'atharlneai,—Grand Opera House (Chan. 11. Wilson, manager).—"Over M- 3>carn Falls" lotil good business Get. 2d. "That Imprudent 1'oung; Couple" followed 2ft. Hooked: Grau Opera Co., in "The Wizard of the Nile," mlttnee, and "Tbe Isle of Oliampa£ne" ot irlghr, 81: Clayton Mac- kenzie Degge, In "Robert Bnrn», Nov. 5: Edward MaiiMon, In. "Tlie Pride of Jennlco," 7. (iiielpli, —At Roynl Opera House (G. L. Illgglns. manager).—May Sargent, In "That linpriulcn't Younu Couple," Oct. 24. Grau Co., In "The Isle of Champagne," to fair badness, 28. Local 30, "Ovtr SEW YORK STATE. Opera Co., In "The Isle of Champagne," ployed, to fair badness, 28. Local 30, "Ovtr Niagara Falls" Nov. 2, "The Pride of Jen- nlco*' 5. "Beyond Pardon" 12, Creatore and his band 14. Berlin.—Opera House (C. E. Mayer, manager).—"Robert Burns,'' Oct. ,36, to flood business. "Over Niagara Falls,'/ 30, drew n good house. 4 »♦ MARYLAND. Montreal.—At the Academy of Music (w. A Edward, manager).—"Tlie Fortune Murders" en mo, to fair business. Oct. 20-."ll. "A OMiicw! Honeymoon," N* 1 Co., Nov. 2-7. "The Prince of I'llsea" 0-14. PmcimTh (H. C. 'llgerton, nrnnfiger).— "Tlie 4/lttle Cluirnh Aroiuid the Corner" did jtood bitslnewi Oct. 2fl-.11. Coming: Al. II. Wilson, la "A l'rlmsj of Tatter*," Nov. 2-7; "in .the I'aiiu-n of tlie King" tl-14. Tiieatui: Filvncais (F. Howorbh, mana- ger).—"Beyond Pardon" drew good housnsj ■ Ml. 20-31. Coming: "Ifenrls ocOuk" Nov. 2-7. "Over Niagara rails" !M4. Tiikatub l!ov.\i, (K. W. Ix> Olalr, mana- ger).—TriH'ndero Biirlnsntie Co^ to gotal houses. Oct. 2(I-.'I1. Coming: The Blue Bill- bon Ulrla Nov. 2-7. Irwin's .Majesties 11-14. Thkathi: iiks Nouv*:.xt"rr.s.—The fierman- niL sloi* co„ in "Feiloru," In Frendi, lo hit; busliieM.1, Oct. 'Jrt-.11. 'I.a Sonils" Nov. 2-f. 1'iikatri: National Fuani'aim (Geo. tiauv- reiui, manager).—-The nermanent stock cn„ in "Jo's Montfoenind,' In French, to' big buHlnmK, Oct. 211-31. "la DoH«ht de Dlctr Nov. 2-7. Arena (F. NOrlhy, nuuutgor).—Pattl nnd concert coinpany 12.. ■ Toronto,—At the Prlnc«-88 Theatre (0. B. Sheppnrd. ninnnger),—Jessie Mlllward, In "A Clean Slnte," played, to fair btislneHg. Oct. 20-31. "The Fortune Hunters," booked for Nov. 2-7, closed in Montreal. . Dun Oi>j>RA Horsi: (A. J. Small, man- ager).—Edward R. Mnwson, In "The Pride of Jennlco," played teblg business. "The Die of Champagne" Nor. 2-7. Shea's TheAtiik (J. Shon, manager).— A gooil show nnd big buslneaa last week with- Waliuo and Marinette, Edwin Latell, Pauline Mornn, (ilrird and Gardner, Zlska nnd King, the I.ovltts, the klnctograph, Yorke and AdnmB. The bill for Nov. 2-7: Fanny Rice, Chas. T. Aldrlch, Mr. and Mrs. IVrklns Fisher, Adonis Trio, Arthur Wbltc- lnw, Miikiiz and Musette, Sailor and Barbetto. Stau TitEATnR (F. .W. Stair, manager).— The Eagle "Hurlesquers played, to the ca- pui'ity or Hie house, last week. Tho olio In- cluded : Anule Hart, Dave Conroy and Phil McFnrland, Ralph Post and Essie Clinton, Benny Welch, and the Busch-De Vera Trio. The World Heaters 2-T. Note. —Under the management of A. J. Small, the new Mnjesttc Theatre will open on Monday, Nov. 1, with Mrs. Flake, In "Mary of MaMala.' 1 This theatre U built on the site or the old Toronto Opera House, which wns recently destroyed by Are. Ottnwn.—At the I tassel 1 Theatre (P. Qor- man, manager).—Sadie Mnrtluut, In "The Second .Mrs. Tanquei-fly," came Oct. 0, 10, to big business. Mrs. Lnngtry, In "Mrs. Deorlng's Dlvurce," packed tho hbuac 12. Jules Gran Opera Co. 13-16, Isabel Irving, in "The Crisis." 10. IT; Jessie Mlllward, In "A Clean Slate," II), 20; "Tho Cardinal" (lid. Holt) 21. 22. "When Wo Were Twenty- one" 1 23. 24. Mrs. Flnke, In "Mary of Mag- dala," 2(1, 27. Colnlug: "A. Chinese Honey- moon" 3d, 31, May Sargent Nov. 2, 3, "Tho Prince of Pllsen" », 7. (Iiiami ui'KRA Hin-si: (It. J. Blrdwhlstlc, iiiaimgcr).—Howard Hall, In "The Man Who Dnrod," drew Iurgc bouses Oct. 8-10. "From lings to Riches" Intel good business 1B-17. "Beyond Purdou" 111-21, "The Little Church Baltimore.—Ford's Opera House (Charles E. Ford, manager).—"Twelfth Night." will lie the hill Nov. 2-7, with viola Allen as Vliiin. "Ttoe Silver Slipper" repented Us suc- cess of last season week ending Oct. 31. "The Princess of Kensington" Is announced for Nov. 9 nod week. Acapemi- ov Music (Nixon & Zimmerman, . managers).—"Saratoga" will hold tbe boards 1 and week. Mrs. Leslie Carter drew good sized audiences, with "Dn Barry" Oct. 2(1- ,31. "Tlie Girl from Dixie" Is due Nov. 0. Maryland Tukatbh (James I,. Kernan, manager).—A week of vaudeville will tie in- augurated Nov. 2, when a first class hill, headed by Mabel McKlnley, will he offered. Nat Wills packed ihe house all last week with "A Son of llest." Hnnlons' "Superba" comes P. .Chare's Tnr..unn (P. tR. Chose, mana- ger).—-MM stock company will present "I'l'ini 4-.DH" Nov. I and week, with Percy •Haswoll In the title role. '-The «>nlok«t ou the Henrlli" closed a week of ,'alr biudness G<it. 31. "The Ooiuury illrl" Is underlined. Ifot.LiDAY Street Theatre (Ke.rn«in, Rlfo fc Ilomk. mnmigiT.i).—"Har Her Children's Sake" .will be seen during the current week. Business wi.s htrg^'all week eruilng Oct. 31, with "The Fnctoty G1rl." Next week, "Too Pnond lo Beg." Tabic (Bernard Ullrich, manager).—Tho • Boston Symphony Oivliesitra will give It* first concert of the season Nov. 3. The D, H. Manioc Band will be heard in concert 10. A series of lecture* by Barren Holmes Is an- nounced for Wednesdays in November and Decotnber. Bt.ior Tiieatri! (Fred Wlllson, manager). —"A Great Temptation" Is to be seen Nov. 2 and. week. Well filled.bouses were tho inilc week of Oct. 20-31, with "The Johns- town Floon." Next week, "Escaped from Sing Sing," . Monumental TiiEATttE (James Ju Kernan, manager).—The Vanity Fair Kxtravagaazn Co. Is the attraction Nov. 2-7. The Cracker Jacks drew crowded houses, closing Oct. 31. The Imperial Burlesquers next. ohf.o.n Theatre (James Madison, mana- ger).—New faces this week nre: Martin and Qulgg, Madeline Durdette nud Freda - caster. "Zellnda'a Seminary" will furnish a strong close. The good business shows no diminution. Notes. —Fred Wlllson, former manager of the Empire Theatre, Washington, D. C, has been appointed resident manager of tbe Bllou, in this city. Mr. WHJsou succeeds John A. Toole, who' has returned to the geueral offices of Stair 4 Havlln, In New York........Manager George Fawcett will change the name of the Empire Theatre, which ho has leased, aud which he will open i Nov. 0, to the Oriole Theatre. The new hottee will be devoted to the better class of melodramas, nt popular prices, and the com- pany, to be known as the Oriole Stock Coin- pany, will bo nuiilo ill) largely of people now under contract with Mr. Fawcett. « i» DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA... Fall niver.—At the ' Academy ..f Music (Will. J. \V4lcy, nuuuigvrl.—-i.\ ]|«>t Old ritue," Oct. 20, dnw a. fair at tendance. Crea- lore was cnloywl by a fnlc audleuce 28. "A Wlorltlng Girl a WniUKM," 2H-31, playnd to ralr rctiii'iis. - Clara ■ TMMr, In repertory. \4v. Ji-7: Dennian Thompson. Ill "The Old llomoMtond," 11; "An Ar'MocraC' 12, "Cnclu .bisli SpruccJiy" 11. Hijiiii O'ueatiiu (Henry Midi's, tmihtlgcr). ,"I'i-oin Unus -to niches." ;'f,-Js. linil gwiil sited hoiiNtN, and guvo sa'Uuuini. "The l^nlde of J\eiv*|»t>ei' Row." 21)-SI, played, to Mv)r TPttiriiN, and ifr^nl ly iileasnl. 1 hie: "The Greol Wlt-Ue Dliurumd" X«V. 2-4, "Alnaku" -•-7, "The ItulTalo 'iT^Riily" Ml, "SUerliKk llolmtw" 12-14. ■« Cahto Tiieaiiii: (Al. H.iyins. ninnngvr).— Itilfllness wns good the past^veck. with Lydlu Viuiuiaiis-Tltiis ns the. feature'.* AVeek ot Nov. 2: Lewis McCord nud Co., In '.'Her Last Re- lionrnal;" the Mngluloyx. ArtUur Buckner. Miidgo and Morton. Farron aud Fny, Ida Itussell, I41 Petite Gmce, anil Brnndow nud Wiley. Ricit'n Tiieatiih (A. E. lllch, nianoRvrl. -The IVillcy Players, Oct. 2U-20, gave n eery good show. Booked: The Blue Ribbon i Hi-Is Nov. l»-ll, Utoplau HurlcMiiiero 12-14, Majestic Bilrlesquers 111-21. Siiekdt's Theatre (M. F. O'Brien, man- hmM, —Business Inst work was exceedingly goM Week of Nov. 2: Delmor* aud Dar- ii*ll. "Hall and Hughes. Tom Casey, fltiyes nud Juniper, Jennie Pearl, and Edison's l.lnetoseonca Loudon—At the Grand (F. X. Korniauii, niniingvr).—Jessie MJIIwuvd, lu "A Clean ' Slate," Oct. 23,' gave one of tho most de- lightful pei forma uces of the season. Sadlo Mnrtinoi, 24, hi "The Socond Mrs. Tun- iiuerny," gave an enjoyable performance. All the scenery connectvd with the play was left at Buffalo, house settings being used entirely for tlie Ciiimdlut! lour. -"A Chinese Houey- moon" has the reiiird fur the new bouse, Sliindlng room could hardly In; purchased 20. A return date will be played. May Sargent, lu "That Imprudent Young Couple," 27. An ixrelleau <iuui>niiv nqtMitod Win star. "Over Niagara Fulls." 2S, hud fair business. "Hub- ert Burns." 20, proved lo he well coustruclcd, milt the I in-blent s of tlie life of Uiinis up- ih-iiKhI piirtlciilarlv lo the lovers of the poet. Duo: Mrs, Flsku !U, "The Pride of Jennlco" Nov. 3. Lonihix Oi'KUA HoL'SH (Alex Harvey, man- agr-i'i.Hitrr) 1 l.ludlcv Co. 'Nov. 2-5. if! llotyoke.—At the Qpera House (11. L. Pot- ter,, "aflngrt:*; ■-~9aar-4hHto*g~ Oct. H,, idilynt toHatlsfactory btialnewi/-Anbrey Bnu- I'h-nidt, lu "Captain Charlie," 27, to fair Hamilton,—At tbe Grand Opera House (A. It. Loudon, malinger).—"Robert Burns," (let. 21, pleased good slied houses. Local A. ll. I', w. eoueert 2(1. "A Chinese nonev- moon." 27. 28, hail Immense and delighted houses. Mm. Flake, lu "Mary of Magdala," 2I>, 30, made n splcuilld Impression on large audiences. "When We Were Twentv-one" 3V. "The Pride of Jennlco" Nov. 2, "Over Niagara Falls" it, 4, "Teranco" tl, 7, Grau Opera Co. II. "When the Bell Tolla" 10, "Tho Fortune Haulers" 12, "Beyond Pardon" 13, Star Theatre (J. (1. Appleton, manager). —Big business was done week of Oct. 20. with un excellent company, headed by Patois sheep nnd 'iocs. , Week of Nov. 2: The Humphreys, i.enh Dnhconrt, Melville and Azelle Fowler, tho Buckeye Trio, Brobgt Washington.—Business intis only 'fair, token ns a ivhole. last week. WJale one or Iwo hjousea fared well the rcnuiilnliig ones did poorly. -National' Theatbe- (W. H. Rapley, man- ager).—Vlom AHe-n, In ''Tweirth Mght,'" bad MiiiKllr.g room bouses All last week, at jd- vauccd prices; tlia i-arlsfacUoii was conj- jilete. This weeki "The Sliver Slipper." lAtltze Sdieff, la 'Ttnbette," ou initial per- foininnce, Nov. 0-14. . Colu Mm a 'i'linmi'; (Luckett & Dwycr, mnnnirere).— Iax week Irene BenMcy, in "A (ilii rrcun Dixie." played to fair business only. This avet-k, Nat SI. Wills, In "A Sou of Rest" Jane Kctinork, in "Under Two Hags,'' Nov. !l-14. •L.vrArnr.Tn Squuie Opera- Hocrb (Ira J. 1ji Muttc, uiauiiRei'). — Last week Charley ilrapewln, In "ill - , l'lpp," played to moder- ate slxetl houses. This.week, "Tho Sign of the Four." Bllou Musical' Comedy Co., in "The Black Sheep," Nov. • 11-14. ■ Chase's tiiu vi-i.k (Miss II. Wlnnlfred De Witt, mnnngcr).-^:Laat week's business was limited only by the capacity. This week: G; II. l'rinrrose, I.» JlelleiDoxle, /ehim Itnwis- ton, Nlrvlim, Cushman, Holcomb and Curtis, Harry I.e Clair, mid tbe vltugraph. . Johnnlo Kay and others Nov. 0-14. AcuuiMi ok Mt'siu (John W. Lyons, man- ngi-r).— laat wvek "For Her Children's Sake," 11, hnd fair busluoKs. This week, "Too Proud te Beg." "Deserted at the Altar" Nov. 0-14. BMi'iun Tiikatiih (E. J. Buckley, maaa- ger).—ijiBt week "Tho Night Before Christ- inas" hnd good sited iiudlelieea. This week, "llsciiped from Slug Slug," "The James Boys In Missouri" Nov. 0-14. l.vcKtM TiiE.vriiH (Engeni; Kerunn. iiinnn- cer).—Last, week; the. Brigadiers had excel- lent business. This week, the Crackcrtacks. Vanity Fair Nov. tl-14. ■Note. —Kddle Newman, the popular young assistant treasurer at Chase's, has been pro- moted to treasurer, to till the place made vacant by the death of Wm. Reeves. 4» » NORTH CAROLINA. Albany.—Tlie EaMdrc 'Theatre ill. R. Jacobs, manager).—"Saratoga" wns pti;- ceated here, /or nwo nights, Oct. 27, 28, .t« fndr business. Tbe Yankee CrnMnl," with Itavmoml IDtcb-oick. dW well .'», 31. unit MICIIIU.VN. Detroit.—\t the Detroit Opera House (B. C. Whitney, manager).—Clara Blood- good. In "The Girl with the Green 1:v£T" met with an enthusiastic reception week nr I t, >t- *<•( im/l t lin nl l/inrla n nn •>-».. S.~ I _ *-** tlet. 2«, nnd the attendance was fair. Chaun- gave a very enjoyable performance. (Jraco i-ey Olcott; In "Teranre," Nov. 2-4; Joseph George, In "Prrtfy ■ Peggy," Nev.-''S; "The Jefferson 5-7, Blanche Walsh, In "lienor- I'avnller" 4, "ITncle Toms CaWn" ff-7, Prof, recllon," 0-11; (he Bostonlans 12-14. Knllnr Ii. IIarmaxes Ilr.ErcKF.R Hall (II. R. Jacobs, manager).—"Tbe Prince- of l'Hsen" was given, for one. performance, Monday, Oct. 2(1, to a record breaking bouse, at advanced prices. "The Obartty >'m-sc," 27, 2S, and ."The Fatal WedkHiur," 211-31, drew the usual tiopular aodlenecs, all pleased with-the show. "Tlie Little Church Around the Corner" Nov. 2-4, "A Wiirkltrs Girl's Wrongs" ft.-il, "The Wizard of Oi," 7, with Moat^onierj' and Stone. Puoctor's rnBATRE (Howard "Graham, resident manater).—Last week.another fine programme, which the public generally pat- ronized. The bill Included: CTlnrnilns and Gore, -Wagner and Arnlm, Mark Sullivan, Ada Arnoldson, Murpny and WHIflrd, Prof. WRlhertl and performing horse, and the kala- technoscope, with new vlewa. Nov. 2 and week: Dolan and Lenharr, inr-"Taking Chances;" Gannard Bros.,-Frank Mayne and company, hi "The Tipster:" Hill and Hill, Pauline Saxon, tbe Merrills, Musical Thor, aud the picture machine. Oaiett Thkatbr (H. B. Nichols, mana- ger).—Tbe Blue Ribbon Girls Oft, 26-28. In the company were: Jrey and Fields, Glen- rnv and Russell, Ortfa and Fern, tbe Folly Trio, Ira Ressner and J. Bernard Dyliyn. A very creditable show was given, which drew well. The High Boilers held, forth 20- 31, to delight ot bis; audiences. Tbe bur- lesques, "A Trip to Paris" and .VFInnegan's Jamboree," were both well presented and amusing. Tbe olio contained: Curtis and Adams, the Croat Irwin, Carrie and Belle Franklin, tbe Three Lelllotts, Abbfe, Carlton, and the Armstrongs. Good business con- tinued throughout the engagement, Fred Ir- win's Majesties Nov. 2-4, and Rose Sydell's I,ondon Bells 5-7. I i ' Rochester,—At the Lyceum Theatre (M. E. Wolff, manager).—"Everyman"-was pre- sented Oct. 26. 27, to' good sized audiences, "Twelfth Night" was given by the same com- pany 28. drawing a fairly well .tilled bouse, lierthn Cslland. In "Dorothy Vernon, of Had- don Hall," a delightful play, superbly mount- ed, and with a strong company of players, drew crowded houses 20-31. Itaymnna Hitch- «ock, I« "The Yankee Consul," Nov. 2, 3; "The Sleepy King" fl, 7. .... National Theat«b.'(f. R. Luescher, man- ager).—"Happy Hooligan." bright, funny and resplendent 111 an entirely new. dress, drew crowded housesj Oct. 20-28. Al. 11. Wilson, In "A Prince of Talters," 29-31,- pleased large audiences; "Paul Revere." with - Richard Un tiler, Nov. :»-4 : Selmn Herman, In "The Chnrlty Nurse," ii-7. Bakeic Theatre (John E. Boyle, mana- ger).—"Tbe lumd to 'Frisco." .with Kllxa- lieih Breyer, packed the hoiiBe during the entire engagement. Oct. 28-28. The Kllnore Sisters, In "Mrs. Delaney, ot Newport," pro- vided a first class musical comedy, which drew crowded houses, Oct. 20-31. "Zla Zag Alley" Xov. 2-4, tbe Four Browns, .In "The President's Daughter," ",-7; Creature's Band Cook Opera Hoesb (J. H. Moore, mana- ger).—An exceptionally strong bill drew packed houses last week. For week, of Nov. 2: Dolph. nnd Susie Levlno, Werner-Amorns Troupe, Stelllng and Rcvelle, Walno and Marinette. Cbas. Mllolare, Colbv Famllv, Howard Bros,, Avery Strakosch, ', Empire Tiieatrb (H. C. Jacobs, mana- ger).—Fred Irwin's Majesties entertained imckcd housed week "of Oct. "2fi; with a One show. The opening and closing burlesques were laughable sketches. The olio included: Taxton's living pictures, Clifford nnd Har- vey, Musical ('rules, Bulln and Ravmond, American Macks, and Lillian Perry: Week of Nov. 2, Eagle Burlesquers. Troy—At the Lyceum Theatre, (R. H. Ke"!cr, manager).—Henrlettn Crewman, lu "As You IJke it," packed the house Oct. 20. 'The Pride of Newsjiaper Ilniw" did well 27, 28. "The. Charity Nurse" hnd full houses 29-31. "The Factory Girl" U booked for Nov. 2-4. Raymond Hitchcock, la "The Yankee Consnl," comes S, 4k>r benefit Troy Ijoclge, No. 141, B. P. O. Elks' chaclty fund. "Saved from the Sea" 6, 7. ,:.;. Gmswoi.i) OrBRA Hotlse (M. Rels, mana- ger).—"Sag ifcrbor" <Hd good business Oct. 28-28. "TJie Guiie Keeper'' drew hie houses 29-31. "The. Fartal Weddtng" 1* billed for Nov. 2-4; Edward Esmonde, in "A* Duty's Call." 5-7. , •., lUXD'fi Opkha Hotst! (M. Rels. manager). —Lafayette, In bis mystic offering,,j'Kirsbna the Divine," drew well Oct. 20-28; '.'Sarato- ga" had big houses 29. 30. "Girls ,wlll be • ilrls" did well 31. "The Cavalier" is due Nov. 2, Aubrey Bouclcault, In "-Captain Cbnr- lle," 3; Grace (leorge. In "Prettv Peggy," 7. TnE Boyal Theatre (R. H. Fuller, man- ager).—High Hollers Extravaganza Co. iRil gooil business Oct. 2G-2S. The,Blue* Ribbon Girls packed the house 20-31. Rose Sydell's London Belles due Nov. .2-4, Fred Jrwln'a Majesties 0-7. « . Syracuse.—At Welting Opera Hoose (John L. Kerr, manager).—"The Fortune Hunters" bad fair ntcemlance Oct. 21. '-"TBe Little l'rincess" did good business 22. Mrs:-Longtrv, in "Mrs. Deerlng's Divorce," drew well 23. "The Virginian," Nov. 2. 3 : Grace George,»iu Pretty Peggy," 4; Wm. Gillette 6, 7. Bartabi.u TnEATKB (Hurtlg, Seamon & Lciischcr, manager? 1.—"Sky Farm" bad very large attendance Oct. 22-24. "Prince of Tatters" 2U-1J8. "Happy Hooligan" 20-31, "The Charity Nurse" i Nov. 2-4, "Paul Re- vere" 6-7. -- - ■ •"■• •Grand Ocexa IIocsr (Chas.. H. Plum- nxer, manager).—"The Eleventh Hour" did well Oct. 22-24. "Mrs. DelKuey, of Newport," bad 8. B. O 20-28. "The Boad to 'Frisco" 29-31, "7,1s Zag Alley" Nov. 0-7. "Hoosler Circus" 9-11, "VYedded'and Parted" 12-14. 'Charlotte,—At the Academy of Music (Jho. S. Klburg, manager).—Ada Rehan and Otis Skinner had big business Oct. 23. "The Manxman" bad fair bualnefi 24. "The Sil- ver Slipper" drew splendid business 28. Perry Haswell canceled 20. Richards A Frlbgte'a Minstrels 30, "When Johnny Comes . Marching Home" .11,' rani fillmore Nov. 2, 7, --"The Two lolasC-V'The Pa*a4-We<!<W«*:' -S ■!i,'Amelia ; Blngham 11, Nat Wills 12, Ger- trude Cogblan 13, Faiist's Minstrels 14. Klnilra.—At tbe Lyceum Theatre (M. Rels, manager).—Lewis Morrison presented "Fnust" Oct. 27, being followed 28 by "Tbe Eleventh HonT." The Four Browns,, in "The President's Daughter," 29; "Everyman" 30, •"•I. Comlnx: ^'Sug narbor" Nov. 2. "The Sleepy Klug" 4, Miss New York Jr. 0, Vogel'a Minstrels il. « > . BtM'Tol'nwTiin (F. W. McCpnnell, man- nger).—This week's bill: Vcrnou and Ken- nedy, Ely and Harvey, the Rapiers, Edith Melrose, Gertie'AVoods. Gloria. Fuller, Mil- dred Wnnewrlxlit and Trlxlc Bennett. Busi- ness continues good. ' ' Blnixnniatsai.—BIJou Theatre (J. P. E. Clarke, manager). —Lewis Morrison, in ••tnust," huil 8. It O. Oct. 28. Morgan and Iloyt's Moving Picture Co. ■ drew a packiil house 28. "Skr Fnrm" pleased a good sized audience 20. Eleanor Rohson had 8. R. O. 30. "The Kleventh Hour" 31, Maude Hlll- nian Co., in repertory, Nov. 2-7. ♦»» FLORIDA. Lvcr.t.'M Tiirathb (K. D. Stair, manaeer, —"The Sign of the. Cross" drew packed hounes last week. George Flood, In the lead Ing role, wns nil that could be desired and the supporting■ company was good. Vera Mlchelenn, In 'The Princess Chic," J-7- David Ulgrins and Georgia Wnldron, In "111* Last Dollor," 8-14. ' "" Wiut.NEr Tueatrb (E. D.- Stair, mana ger>.—"Tbe Llgbtliniise By the Sea" scored one of' tbe bits of the season last week and packed houses were tbe rule.' "The Wav of the Transgreesor", 1-7, "A Little Out- cast" 8-14. AVTKtCE Theatre- (W: B.; Lawrence, man- ager).—Last week'a leading hit was the vocal performance of Sophia Burnham, who was greeted with liberal applause. The f.iii as a whole was well balanced," and gav feneral satisfaction. For week ot 2: Marv lupont and Co., Louis Simon and Gram Oardner, Jtadge Fox, Stuart Barnes. Bonner the Randells, Lutz Brothers, McNulty Sis- ters, and the American vltascope. Tempi*Treatre (J. II. Moore, manager) —^Tbe big Orpheum show, Including: Mrln- tyre and, Moore nnd Lkctlefleld. KHzr.- beth Murray, the Melanl Trio, Stilling are' Revell, Ed. F. Reynard, Albertus and Millar scored a big success last week. Kor week al 2: Mllly CapeU, 'XfcMahon'*, Watermelon Girls. Gallagher and Barrett, Ramza and \r- no, Wiills Family, Christina's trained ani- malf, Hal Merrttt, Pau' Barnes, and the American blogra-oh. •Empire .Tiibateh (Dr. Campbell, mana- ger) —The Bowery Burlesquers gave a n-'r- formance fbat pleased large ourBcnecs hist week. The American Burlesquers 1-7, Carr's Thoroiurhibrcd Burlesquers S-14. IIakmomf. Hale. —"Everyman." drew good (•Ized bouses .week of 26. a Grand Rapid*.—At the New Powers' (Harry O. Sommers & Co., managers).— "Near the Throne," Oct. 23, drew only n small house. Maude Adams, 24, player) to S. II. O. Chauncey Olcott, 27. drew well. Coming: "A Chinese Honeymoon" 30. 31, "A Montana 'Outlaw" Nov. 1, "King of the Desert" 3, "Everyman" 4. 0, Rose Coghlan 7. 8, Joseph Jefferson 10, Bostonlans II. Roht. Downing 13. 14. Grand Oi'eka (Orin Slair, mana- ger).—The Wilbur Opera Co., week of Ocr. 23, played to S. It. O. Coming: "A Utile Outcast" Nov. 1-4, nnd "Through Fire nnd Water" 5-7. Sit tin's Opera House (Mrs. W. B. Smith, mannger).—Fads and Follies Co., week of Oct. 23, bad a splendid week. The Ramhlers week of Xov. 1. I Sasrlnaw.—Academy of Music (John II. ■ Davidson, manager).—"Tho Sign of ihe Cross," 4>rt. 23, had fair business. "The Darkest Hour," 24, played in good audiences "l/ist River," 2(1. drew fair, nod gave a flue performance. "Near ihe Throne." 27, liad a fair ihouse and good company. "King of ihe Desert." 20. drew ■ good bouse. Sadie Mar- tinot 30, «.'nauncey Olcott 31, "A Chlnesn lloneymooa" Nov. 2, 'The Poover Befclurl Ihe Throne" 3. Jefekrs Tiieatrb (T. D. Bamford & Sam Marks, managers).—Last week, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robyns, la "Tho Counsel for the De- : fence," made a decided bit. Tbe piece Is a gem. The Fadette Lady. Orchestra was en- gaged for another week, with growing popu- larity, the boaise being filled at each perform- ance. Bill for week of 2: Vera King (re- turn engagement), Jane Conrtbope £ Co.. Sheridan and Augor. Flood Brothers. Ander- son and Wallace, Mllnn Chnpln, Harry C. Nicholls, Solora. i Battle Creek.—At tbe Post Theatre (E R. Smith, manager).—"Qulncy Adams Saw- yer" drew well Oct 23. "The .Stalu of Guilt" 24. Katherlne Wlllard. 28, and "King of the Desert," 27, hoth had fair sized au- diences. "Lost River" 28, Chauncey Ol- cott, In "Terance," delighted a big house 29. Booked: "Human Hearts" Nov. 4, "A Chinese Honeymoon" 0, "Near the Throne." 7, Joseph Jefferson 0. Hambux Opera House (N. II. Wldger. manager).—Sam T. Jack's Burlesque Co. packed the house Oct. 30. Booked: Rodney Stock Co. Nov. 2-7. ' » Kalninasoo.—At the Academy of Music (B. A. Bush, manager).—Eugenie Blair, hi "Zaza," delighted a large house Oct. 23. "Qulncy Adams Sawyer" had good houses, matinee nnd night, 24, and thoroughly pleased. Chauncey Olcott. In "Ternnoe," drew well 28. Katherlne Wlllard, in "The Power Behind the Throne," pleased n large audience :!", as did "Arizona 29. The an- nouncement of Al. -Field's Minstrels for 20 was an error. "A Montana Outlaw" comes Nov. 2, "Human HeartB" 7, and the Wilbur Opera Co.: week of 0. Bay City,—At Washington Theatre (W. J.- Daunt, manager).—"The Sign of the Cross" had splendid business Oct. 22. "The Darkest Hour" had top heavy house 23. "LoBt River," 27, nnd "Near the Throne," 28, both drew fair sized audiences. Due: Katherlne Wlllnrd, In- "The Power Behind the Throne,"- Nov. 2; "A Chinese Honey- ■ moon" 3, Banda Rossa (Y. M. C. A. course! 7, "Arizona" 0. Lnnaing—At Balrd's Opera House (Fred J. Williams, manager).—Hlmmeleln's Im- perial Stock Co. filled tbe house each night. Oct. 28 and week. Rose Coghlan Is due Nov. ' 2. "Arizona" 3, "A Chinese Honeymoon" 4, "King of the Desert" 0. «»♦ ! KENTUCKY. Loalsville,—At Macauley's Thcatro(John T. Mncauley, manager).—Mary Mannerlng presented "The Stubbornness of Geraldlue," Oct. 20-28, before large audiences. "The Bounle Brier Bush." 20-31, drew good houses. Blanche Walsh Nov. 2, Joseph Jef- ferson 3, "The Little Princess" 4-7. Masonic Theatre (Chas. A. Shaw, man- nger).—George Sidney,. In "Busy Izzy,' caused largo audleuces a great deal of merri- ment last week. The play was replete with catchy songs.nnd witticisms. "Funny Mr. Dooley" current week. Avexib Theatiib (Chas. A. Shaw, mana- ger).—"In the Shadow of tbe Gallows" last week. The company was a good one, aud attendance was big at every perform- mice. "The Child Slaves of Now York" Nov. 2-7. HccKlxartAW TnE.vrne (Whallen Broa.. managers). — Harry Bryant's Burlesquers played, to big business, Inst week. Hcilly & Wood's Co. this week. Hopkins' Theatre (J. D. Hopkins, mana- ger).—Capt. Webb's seals and sea lions. Snona, Wrnne Wlnslow, nnd five other good nets pleased largo audiences during week of 20. People for current week are: Lnvlne Cameroa Trio, Howard nnd Bland, Lizzie 11. Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. Waterous, ("as- tallet aid Hall, Frank O'Brle'p, Geo. Schlml- ler, nnd the blograph. Jacksonville—"When, Johnny Comes Marching Home" did big business, nt ad- vanced prices, evenings of Oct.,-23, 24, and matinee 21. Blark Pattl Troubadours did fair business 2ft. "Why Smith.Left Home.' 27. and "The Wrong Mr.- Wright." 28, had fair bouses. Marki Wnlhwrlght, lo "Twelfth •sight." .vt",Tmal price*. ,VA goM.lrirslness. / . ,,1, ,°f l \, 1 . fl: „ A . ^'£°*^. Kln f .'.' "S"* Coming: Mrs. 1* Mnyne,' In "Lady -Berlii- r o)-lll« ShM-J»^»irlJ^ LlkeTT" II, "R<L_. thla's Secret," 31. manre 6f Coon Qollow" 14. Padaoab.—At the Kentucky (James E. English, manager).—"The Devil's Auction." Oet. 28, and Ihe Four Cohans. 29. played to good business. Coming: "A Moonshiner's lmtighter"' Nov. 4, Alberta Gallatin. In