The New York Clipper (November 1903)

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November 7. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 881 TABLE OK CONTENTS. rage. Ml*! Clipper's Anecdotes, Personam lea null Comments Concerning Stage 1 oik. 873 Our London Letter It... 874 .Mar HtebblDS—Sketch 874 Vaudeville and Minstrel... 873, 877,880, 887 Murphy and Wlllard—Sketch 87B World of Players 876,887 Clipper Post Office 877 With the Bill Posters 877 Music and Song 8T7 Our Chicago Letter 878 Latest by Telegraph 881 On the Road 881,882,883 Vaudeville Route List 883,884 New York City—Review and Comment.. 884 Chess and Checkers 874 yucrles Answered 878 Deaths In the Profession 884 Under the Tents 880 Miscellaneous 880 Stage Mechanics 887 THEATRICAL CORRESPONDENCE. New Jersey ... 874,887 Teiaa 875 Iowa 875 Virginia 870, 887 Wisconsin 875 Ohio 875, 877 Missouri 877, 880 Colorado 878 Pennsylvania .' 879 Massachusetts 870, 880 Canada 880,880 Maryland 880 District of Columbia 880 North Carolina 880 New York State 880,881 Florida 880 Michigan 880 Keuturky 880 California. Louisiana 880 Oregon, Maine, New Hampshire 880 Kansas 885,880 Washington 886,880 1 lllnols 880 Indiana, Alabama, Utah 880 Georgia 881 Rhode Island 885 Mlpnesota 888 Wast Virginia, South Carolina 880 Nebraska, Connecticut 887 Tennessee 887,880 latest BY S am Monday Night'* Openings In All (be ' Bin; Show Towns. GOLDEN GATE GLEAMXGS. Bustox, Nov. n.—liood weather nud ex- *2Z& .T'lr" 1- ', 10 ." 8 n,8d " >5 SMI • • Bertha a land, in "Dorothy Vernon, of Had- Predion * fl™"" 2~LH? a *»& EI?"?.. J!:..iiJI??"?.. w«»„croTc-cletl. ..... A cn- "Ui-u Hnr" Open* Auspiciously at the Grand—Business Hanged From Fair jo Bin at the Other lloutei. Hpeciul Dispatches to 'tut NSW Youk CHm Sin Francisco, Nov. 3.— At the Columbia 'I'hiiatre "The Storks" began last night a fortnight's engagement. Opening was to a fair house. Cai.isobnia TiiEATiu:.—Haverly's MlnHlrela opened Sunday, for one week. An S. It. 0. liouso greeted the company. ALC17AU Tilkatiib, —Last night marked the Inauguration of a month of comedies, be- ginning with "Too Much Johnson," by the slock company. i.'tfNTKAL Tiikatue. —"Valley Forge" Is the ctirrcpt bill. MBANO Opcka IIousk. —"Ben Hur" opened last.night for four weeks (the first time in Ibljclty), under the management of (Jott- lob; Marx ft Co., of the Columbia Tlieatre, at advanced prices. Special excursions are to If nin from all points on the coast, at re- duced rates. The house was sold out before the ppenlug, and the advance sale Is large. Tivoi.1 Opbba House. —This is the tenth wcelf of grand Italian opera. The alter- nating bills for the week are: "La Favorlta" .mil. "Cavallerla Rustlcana" and "I Pagll- nccl." ri.-iuiitn'H Tiieatke. —"Rubes and Roses" was given Its first presentation, to a packed 1ioub,c. It was the first appearance of Georgia O'llemey and Ben T. Dillon. Harry Ilerm- sen left the company Nov. I. Uiii'iiccii. —Bill fur current week: Max Wa|dou, Two Roses. CIlTCtte, the Vlllago l'hq(r, the Three Richards. Wenona nnd Frank, Mt-Watters and Tyson, Golcman's dogs, and Crawford and Manning. niUTKH.—Current bill: The Grotcsnues Murrlseys. Wlnstuulcy and Sullivan. Allen Sisters, Lew Wells, Mathews and Uoff, May Mnrson, and the unlinatlscope. (Al-eiih. —Current bill: World and Kings- ton. Marsh and Sartellu. the Yeries. Georgia • irodorf, Queen, Stowc and Feely, Allen W'ightman, John Tlerney, Clinton Mont- gomery, and the bioscope. Ai.hamhiia Theatbk. — Kllery's Royal Ital- ian Hand began Sunday nn engagement which Hugos Sunday. 8. No performance was given >>y Hie band Monday night, 2, but It will be •fnij night thereafter for the week. 1 IKIM OTHER POINTS. Good Weather and Good Business Reported Alona- the Line. Chicago, Nov. 3.—Eleanor Kobson, In -Merely Mary Ann," at the Garrlck, was the only, novelty Monday night. Business with her was fine Julia Marlowe, at Pow- ers' ; Maude Adams, at the Illinois, and "The County Chairman," at the Studebaker, con- 1 Iniicd their engagements, with good results. Cleveland's New Theatre was opened iiusuMously Saturday night, by Nance •I .Vein,, in "Magda." '"rbc Show Girl." "J the Great Northern, was Sunday's nov- •■(ly.. packing the house to capacity "Ihe Isle of Spice" contluued Into the eighth ;veel(, with the La Salle packed Popu- lar priced Sunday openings were: "When "unleu Love," at Hopkins'; "Her First False •yep," at the Criterion;" "The Sign of the < ross," at the Academy; "A Desperate < Imnco.*! at the BIJon: "Queen of the High- way:' st the Alhambra: "Sharaus O'Brien," si the Columbia, and "The Stain of Gult," •it the Marlowe.. ..The customary big Sun- day .business was recorded. Combination lmrlesuu.0 at Sam T. Jack's and the I rocutfero, and continuous vaudeville at the three Kohl & Castle houses, attracted Jliropgs May Hosmcr, In "Blue Jeans," eg the popular priced stock company offer- ings, with the People's packed Mel- bourne McDowell did not appear at either performance of "Theodore." at the Tblrty- Jlrst. Street,. Saturday. The Elliott Stock Jo. took up "Secret Service" Sunday Lara' Kendall filled the Grand Opera House to standing room, with "The Vinegar Buyer," nniiday night Mayor Harrison has the I'Ulli log. department Investigating theatre "inn ruction. He states that nearly every tlieatre In town Is cither constructed or seHliid contrary to the cltv ordinance, nnd he ■nay revoke the licenses of some If conditions "re .not changed. The city council may umeqi) the ordinance tonight. Philadelphia. Nov. 3. — A rousing big estlierlng at the Garrlck welcomed Cnhlll's de- lightful comedy. "Nancy Brown." the enter- tainment proving worthy of theutraost praise. • • -Mrs. Leslie Carter appeared In "Du Barry," "t the Broad, drawing an audience that tilled •he house "Mile. N8poleon." at the U|)«ra House, and "The Princess of Kensing- ton, » at tho Chestnut, continued to excellent btislpess...-., ."The Auctioneer," at the Wal. mil. ond "Girls Will be Girls." at the Audi- torlins, opened splendidly, and large aggre- gate- attendance was equitably distributed nnwag the other combination housm "" £YlU° ,in(1 "* '"" quota of patronage nt (tilth's two houses: stock productions Merited,gn.d received liberal attention, and "■her houses shared generally prosperous good lm paclty audleoccnt inTllolTls Uni Fay' Darts Dd SS53SS/- ln " L,,a - T »»»<!'« Haughlcr." .... Othello wns suns for the first time In "SftJ" Eugllsh. at the Trem.mV. bv Sa " ages Grand Opera Co., to a S. It. "O. as- semblage Andrew Mack was cordially welcomed at the Boston In bis revival if Arrahnn-Pogue:' big house "Captain ■o7i2 g nV K 'heGTobc ; "The Runaways." i.«rt e n^i "i"." 1 ! 5 i lce 8nd Men " « the M.i«fi! nd ' '•"!: 1 ,, of Pawtucket." at the SSff'IS WCTC h"l<lovers doing well •tE2 i .i nl ?f "and." nt the Grand Opero: the Pride of Newspaper Row" were popu- lar priced shows. Airopcucd blg....V... Stock, burlesque and vaudevlllle attractions met with usual big patronage. Kansas Citt, Nov. 3.—Virginia Harned, wiiii iv m . ad ^ oe ' - flrat »FP«aranee at the JMIIls Wood Theatre last night, to a big house.......A big Sunday matinee and an S. II. Q. night house greeted I/>w t>ockstii(ler's Minstrels nt the Grand. The ihow was a big hit from start to finish At the Orpneum two capacity houses were on hnnd ■ "^ ne , w v «tidevllle acts. In wlilch Fred- eric Bond and company were the headlines. ........The Glllls had a big matinee and turned them away at night, with "Across the Pacific." At the Auditorium "A leins Steer was given In fine style, to two pig houses The Moonlight MaldB filled th e Ceptury twice, and pleased Immensely. .. 'The American Gentleman" Compnnv closed Its season at the Auditorium on Sat- urday night, on account of financial troubles. St. Louis, Nov. 3.—"Mr. Bluebeard" opened 1, at the Century, to very good business At the Olympic "A Country Girl also opened 1. and bad a big Initial uudlence. The performance made a big hit. Melba, at the Odeoo, evening of 1, drew to capacity, and exclusively roeletv people At the Grand "Robert Emmet'' had two large Sunday audiences, and gave satisfaction.... Nellie McIIenry, In "M'llss." Is at the Imperial for a week, and the public welcomed the piece as though It was new, The Crawford offered "The Midnight Express," nnd It proved to be a very clover melodrama "McFadden's Row or Flats" Is Havlln's offering, and indications arc that It will draw well Sam Deverc nnd his luirleBquers are at the Standard... .The new hill, headed by Tom Nawn, went on at the Columbia Monday matinee. Cincinnati, Nov. 3.—"The Bonnie Brier Bush," presented by a strong cost, opened Sunday, at the Walnut, to nn overflow.... At Heuck's, "Why Women Sin," and "Two Little Waifs," at the Lyceum, packed those houses The vaudeville bill at the Co- lumbia drew a large crowd Robinson's, after two weeks' darkness, opened under new management Sunday, with "The Vlllago Par- son." Webster's Dainty Duchess Co. tested the capacity of the People's... .Clara Bloodgood opened Monday night, at the Grand, In '"ilia Girl With the Green Eyes," und business was good. Milwaukee, Nov. 3.—Lulu Glascr. ap- pearing in "Dolly Vnrden." at the Davidson, is the only novelty offered at the local the- atres this week "Lost River" returned to the city 1. and opened big at the Alham- bra The White Slave." nt Ilia BIJon, drew an audience that crowded the orches- tra under the stage... .At the Academy the Thunliouser Players scored another hit In "Janice Meredith." The Wacbsner Com- pany put on "Die Schlankc Una." with good results, at the Pabst The Cherry Blos- soms made good, to S. It. O., at the Star, twice Sunday, and Monday not far behind. Wilminoton, DBt.'., Nov. 3.—The produc- tion of "The Minister's Daughters," which wns entirely destroyed by fire last Wednes- day, at the Glrard Avenue Theatre, Philadel- phia, reopened Its season this afternoon here, with complete new scenery, costumes and me- chanical effects. The performance made a big hit, before a crowded und enthusiastic au- dience. This establishes a record for re- building a play, and was accomplished by the aid of an army of carpenters uud scene painters. Louisvii.i.k, Nov. 3.—Blanche Walsh, In "Resurrection," opened at Jiaeauloy's last night, lo a good house "Mr. Dooley, at. the Masonic Tlieatre, attracted a big mi- dlencc "The'Child Slaves of New >ork opened Sunday, at the Avenue, to splendid huiises Hellly 4 Wood, at the Buck- ingham, opened Sunday, tu packed houses. ..... .Vaudeville, at Hopkins', attracted big attendance. « i » NEW YORK STATE. •i tu m«. All Hoati-s Mnst Keach Is Not Later Than Monday. Buffalo At the Star Theatre (J- H. Stirling, manager).—Mrs. Laugtry. In ' Sirs. Deerlng's Divorce," is the attraction for week of Nov. '1. John C. Itlco and Thomas A. Wise. In "Vivian's Papas," the cast In- eluding Elizabeth Tyree. come 8-11. Mill e James, In "The Little rrlncess," drew fair sized crowds. Convention Hall (II. L. Meech, maau- KC1 .).—Crentore's Bsnd retuTOB 9, 10, and will do nicely, becuusc It became a m«f*e<l favorite on its recent visit bare. Melba comes Thanksgiving night, and Pott 30. Sac Theatre (Stirling & Cornell, man- agers).—"Qulncy Adams Sawyer," a drama that won favor here last Winter, week of .; ; "Checkers" next week. "The Sleepy King made a good Impression, and the pig theatre was weir filled. _ „ Academy Tiibathb (Dr. P. C. Cornell, business manager).— Sullivan. Harris ft Woods present this week "Wedded and Part- ed." '*rhe Charity Nurse" follows 0 and week. "Nobody's Claim" did well. Shea's Gakbsx Theatre.— This weeks bill- Caroline II. Nichols' Kndetle Woman Orchestra, Kverbart, Josephine Haliol, Cmrlio nnd into, Charles Kennu, Duffy, aawtelle nnd Hnffv. Tony Wilson null Ilololsc, Mlra Amoros, 'Cook sud Miss Rolliert. hxatOM Tntn (J. Laugalln. manager). "'i'lic Village Postmaster 1 ' returns this week. "The Price of Honor" next week. "Through Fire and Water" proved an In- tensely vivid melodrama. The cast met an requirements and Included Darrell VliUon. Rcta Vllllers, Viola Raymond and Msmle Plxlcy Lakaybtte Tiibatbe (Charles M, llugg. manager).—Fulton's Jolly Crass Widows tatt week, the..Bowery Ilurlesqucrs week of ». Itoble £ Mack's World Beaters pleased them markedly last week. a»» • GEORGIA. Atlanta.—At the Grand.—"flolty Tolly Oct. i'», Rehan and Skinner 30, 111, Mario Wslnwrlght Nov. L*. 3. "Busy I«y" 4. 15. Bijou.— "Her Marriage Vow." week of Oct. 20. had good business. "Only a Shop Girl" week of Nov. 2. „ Huinum ft Bailey's Cibcus did capacity business Oct. 20,. 27. . a Augnsta.—We have had a busy week In the way of amusements, as follows: Marie Walnwrlght, In "Twelfth Night," night of Oct 24, good attendance. Ada Rehan and (ills Sklnuer. In "Taming of the Sli/cw. M fine house.' "When Johnny Comas March; lug Home," 27, good house. "Holty Tolty, 28? big house. Jno. Wills Comedy Co.. mati- nee and night of 20. played ogalnat the cir- cus, with usual results. Barnnm ft Bailey a Greatest Show on Harlh eertnlul.r caught the crowd' 21). day ami night, good atleu dance. Weather was Ideal and nur country cousins enme from far snil.near. ,Con|n>: "The Silver Slipper." night of Not, 2, fol- lowed by "The Manimao," 3. DRAMATIC. A Adauis, Mamie. In "The Pretty Sister of June" (Charles Frohmnn, mgr.)—Chicago, 111., Nov. 2-7, X. Y. City il-Jan. 2. Allen, V.'ola. In "Twelfth Nisht" lUhnrle* W. Allen, mgr.)—Jlaltlmniv. Md., Nov. 2-f. Norfolk, Va.. 13. llilladelnulti P«.. 10-21. Alexander. TIkiiiilis II., In ".Near Ihe Throne" (J. Robertson Smlly, mgr.l—Rattle Creek, Mich., Nov. 7. Ar'uitr, John (J. S. Reynolds, ingr.)—IWSM, la., Nov. 4. Hello Plalne \ Antes 0. Grand Junction 7. State Center », Madrid 10, relic. 11, Stuart 12, Andtn 13. Shelby 14. Aubrey Stock. 1 .lutein. MirtteiMhal Brothers' (Carl Rrehni, mgr.)—Haverhill, Mass., Nov. 2-7, PlttsflcliT il-l-l. Aubrey Stock. Western. MJttonthnl Rrothers' —Johnstown. l*n.. Nov. 2-7, Cumberland, Md.. IMS. I/mnrnnliv 14. Adair, Gregg & Adadr—Lancaster, Pa., Nov. fi-7. "Arc You r. Mason?" (Julius Cahn, mgr.) — I.e.iilvllle. Col., Nov. 4. Grand Junction S, Salt Lake City, t\, 0, 7. "Alaska," Lincoln I. Carter's — Holyokc, Mass., Nor. 2-4, Fall River 0-7. "Arizona." M. II. Rnymond's—Fort Worth, Tex., Nov. 0. "Arlxona," Jl. B. Raymond's — Bay City, ■ Mich., Nov. 9. "As You Like it." with Camllle Reynolds (Krncst Shlpmnn, mgr.)—Frankfort, Ky., Nov. 4, Illoomlngton. Ind., 0, Bedford 7. Olncv. III.. 1), Effingham 10, Champaign 11, Princeton 13, Burlington 14. "An American Gentleman"—Topeka, Kan., Nov. 8. "Across the Pacific" (Hnrry Clay Rlaiiey, mgr.)—Kansas City, Mo.. Nov. 1-7, Bt. Louis 8-14. "At Ihe Old Cross Roads" (Arthur C. Alston, mgr.)—Cortland, Ore., Nov. 1-14. "At Pike's Peak." G. H. Kldon's (Claude Boardman. manager).—Washington, III., Nov. 4, Mlnok 5, Pontine 0, Marseilles 7, Peru 8, Mendotn 0. Kewance 10. Gnlva 11, La Harpe 13, Dallas City 14, Fort Madi- son, la.. IS, "At Duty's Call," with Edward Esmonde (Harry Marten, mgr.)—Troy, N. Y., Nov. 5-7. "An Aristocrat." with Wm. Bond 11 and Rose SUhl—Fall River, Mass.. Nov. 12. "Across the Rockies," with Garland Gnden (Rush ft Weber, mgrs.)—Troy, N. Y., Nov. 2-4. Holyokc, Mass.. fi-7. "An Aristocratic Tramp," Kllroy ft Brltton's (Will Kllroy, mgr.)—llantoul, III., Nov. 4. Attica, Ind., .*, Lebanon 0, Kokomo 7, Dunkirk 0, Marlon 10, Knlghtstown 11, Mlddlvtowu 12, Alexandria HI, Andcrsou 14. "Alphonse and Gaston," Ous Hill's—Wor- . cestcr, Mass., Nov. 2-7. ■ Bingham, Amelia, In "The Frisky Mrs. John- son" (Frank McKee, mgr.)—Richmond, Va.. Nov. 2, 3. Newport News 4. Norfolk . r >, ltnlclgh, N. C, 0, Ilurham 7. Greensboro ». Wlnston-Halem 10, Charlotte 11. Co- lumbia. S. C, 12. Savannah, (in.. 14. Blanche Bates,, in "The Darling of the Gods" (David Bclasco, mgr.)—N. Y. City Nov. 2- 14. Bairymore, Ethel, In "Cousin Kate" (Charles Frohmnn, mgr.)—K. Y. City Nov. 2-28. Bloodgood. Clara, In "The Girl With Green Eyes" (Charles Frobman, mgr.)—Cincin- nati, 0., Nov. 2-7, Dayton 0. Columbus 10, Toledo 11, Indianapolis, Ind., 12, Fort Wayne 13, Springfield 14. Bellew, Kyrlc, as "Radius," "An Amateur Cracksman" (Llcblcr ft Co., mgrs.)—N. Y. City Nov. 2, Indefinite. Byron, Arthur, In "Major Andre" (Frank Mc- Kee, mgr.)—N. Y. City Nov. II, Indefinite. Bubler, Richard, in "Paul Revere" (Henry B. Marks, mgr.)—Rochester. N. Y., Nov. 2-4, Syracuse 0-7, Brooklyn 0-14. Blair, Kugenlc. In "Zaza" (Henri Grasslt. mgr.)—Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 1-7, .Mil- waukee, Wis., 8-14. Beresford, Harry, in "The Professor's I.ovc Story" (J. J. Coleman, mgr.)—Baton Rouge. Iji., Nov. 4. Natchez, Miss., 0, Vlcksburg 0, Yazoo Clly 7. Biiffhsiu. lOlmer. In "The Merchant of Venice" (Fletcher ft Stronaeb, mgrs.)— Walkerton. Can., Nov. 5, I'ulmcrutoa 0, Llsiowel 7. Bloadells. In "Through the Center of tho F.artk," Hlondell ft Fcnnessv's (Hurry Clark, mgr.)—West Brook. Me., Nov. 0, I^wlslon 0, 7, Augusta 0. Togas 10, Gar- diner 11, Watervlllc 12. Hanger 13. 14. Dennett ft Moulton. Repcrctory (F. *'. Twlt- chcll. ingr.)—Concord. N. II., Nov. 2-7, N'ewburyiKirt. Mass., 0-14. Bennett A- Moulton, Repertory (A. P. Reed, mgr.)—Dunkirk, N. V., Nov. 0-14. Bennett & .Moulton, Repertory (J. SI. Torr, mgr.)—Allenlown, Pa., Nov. 2-7, Lancas- ter 0-14. Bennett ft Moulton, Repertory (Ira E. New- hall, mgr.)—Portland, Me.. Nov. 2-7. Bennett ft Moulton, Repertory (W. A. Par- tcllo, mgr.)—Soiithbrldge, Mass., Nov. 2-7, Boldwln-Melvlllc. Repertory (Walter 8. Bald- win, mgr.)—New Orleans, La., Nov. 2, In- definite. Bunting, Kmma. Repertory, Earl Burgess' (Tbeo. Johnston, mgr.)—Wllllamsport, Pa., Nov. 2-7, PlttBtnn 0-14. Bret-ken ridge Stock, with Charles Brecken- rldgc and Margaret Wlnton (Boyd P. Joy, mgr.)—Weir, Kan., Nov. 2-4, Scammon 5- 7. loin 0-14. Baker Thenlro Stock—Portland, Ore., Nov. 8-14. Burkc-McCr.nn, Repertory (Burke ft Mc- Ctinn. mgrs.)—Glovcrsvllle. N. Y., Nov. 2-7. "Best of Friends" (Charles Frohmnn, mgr.) —X. Y. CRv Nov. 2, Indefinite. "Ben Hur" (K-law ft Krlanger, mgrs.)—N. Y. City Nov. 2, Indefinite. "Ben Hur" (Ktaiw ft Erlangcr, nigra.)—Sao Fran'teco, Cat, Nov. 2-7. "Bunch of Keys" (Gus Rothncr. mgr.)— Pnola. -Kan.. Nov. 4. lola fi, C'liaimlt! II, 'Pittsburg 7. Joplln, Mo., 8, Cnltimbiis, Kail., ft, Oiffeyvllle 10, Parsons 11, Miwtt,gee, Intl. Tcr., 12, South Slx^Jester 13, Shuw- nee, Okla., 14. "Jliiffalo Mvstery," Jule ft Elmer Vlnlters' (W. A. Lane, mgr.'i—Somcrvllle, N. J., Nov. 4. EHxatafch 0-7, N. Y. City 0-14. "Breczv 'lime" (Mierlc II. Norton, mgr.)— flinn Ia„ Nov. 3. (.'rcston 4, Red itak ... Shenandoah «. Olarlmla 7. GravMy tt. Le- nox 10, Bedford 11, Clearfield 12. Tingley "BeVond IMrdon"—Belleville. Can., Nov. 4, G'uclph 12. Hamilton 13. 14, •■Burglar." A. Q. Scammon s (Frederick E. Mortimer, mgr.I— HWwwiiurg, l»a.. Nov. 2. Wwtncld 3. Ctjuderspor-t 4. Austin 5, Em- porium 0, Mount Jewett 7. "Burglar" (Wrlplit ft llalght, mgrs.)—Hen- ton. Wis., Nov. 4. Lancaster 0. Rlchlaad Center <i, Spring Green T. "Beuutv Doctor." with the lour Browns (Fred K Wright. 4ugr.i—To|ieka. Kan., Nov- 4. St. Joseph, Ma* ft, Omaha, Nell., 8- "Boy of tlw Strw-'ts" (Graluiiiie ft Vlncear, mgrs. I— lloboken. N. .J. Nov. 1-4. Wllming- 4oii, Del., 3-7, Albany. N. Y„ Oil, Troy 13. I4L "Burled nf Sea"—lown Falls, la.. Nov. 4, Marsl-.slltown 0, Ottutawa 0, Keokuk 7, Pe "Bubble <>' Trouble" (Richardson ft Schuster, „>ur*. i—Weiinlierfonl. Tex., N'"V. 4. iMiltili 0, Kinds I!, Hlierauiu 7, f Minnie II, Waka- bsclile III. Crnne. Wm. H., Ill "The Spenders" (Clinrles Frohmau, mgr.)—N. V. Clly Nov. 2-7. Carter, Mrs. I.rslle. In "Oil Harry" (Dnv'd Hdnsco, mgr.)—rblludelphlu, !'«., Nov. -'■M- Collier. Willie. In "A Fool and his Money" (Weber ft Fields, nigra.)—N. Y. City Nov. '-'. Indefinite Cngblaa. Gerlrude (J. A. Kewl, mgr.)—Nor- folk. Va., Nov. 4, ttlt'hmcnd «, 7, Staun- ton 0, Charlotte. N. C., 13. Cohans. Four, In "Runulng for Office" (Fre«l Nlblo, mgr.)—Illnghnmton, N. Y., Nov. 4, Sernnlnn. Ph.. 0. Wllkrsbnrre 0, Ithaca, N. Y„ 7, N, Y. Clly Mi Clark. Harry Corson, In "Ills Absent Sun" —Kvnnsvllle. (nil., Nov. ». Alton. III. 10, Jefferson City, Mo.. 12. Sedollu 13. Otlu- wn, Kan., 14. Clay. Clement. In "The New Dominion" iJoseph C. Lognu, mgr.)—Lincoln, Neb., Nov. a, Omnhn 0*. Council Bluffs, In., 0, Dcs Moines 11, 12. Chase-Lister Theatre. Northern (Joseph Far- rell, mgr.)—Huron, So. Dak., Nov. 2-7, Pierre 0-14. Chlcngo Stock (Charles If. Rosskam, mgr.I —Toledo. O.. Nov. 1-14. Cook-Church, Hcpertory (W. It. Taylor, mgr.) —Norwich, Conn.. Nov. 2-7, Salem, Mnss., 11-14. Carpenter, Frnnkle, Repertory (Jere Grnily, ■ mgr.)—Chelsea, Mass., Nov. 2-7, Lowell 0-14. Conroy ft Mack's Cometllnns (P. P. Cnift. mgr.)—IliigerstoMTi. Md., Nov. 2-7, An- napolis 0-14. Carroll Comedy (Ion Carrol, mgr.)—Han- cock, Md.. Nov. 2-4. Frederick 0-7, Mur- tlosburg, W. Vs.. 0-14. Castle Stiuare Stock, No. 1 (1* L. Greene ft John Veager, mgrs.)—L'tilou City, Pa.. Nov. 2-4. Cutler ft Williams' Stock (W. R. Cutter ft J. N. Williams, mgrs.)—Lafayette, Ind., Nov. 2-7. Chnmplln, Chas. K.. Repertory.—Pccksklll, N. T.. Nov. 2-7, New Rrtinswlck, N. J.. 0-14. "Cavalier" (Wallace Monro, mgr.)—Albany, N. Y., Nov. 4. Binglianiton 0, Ithura (i, Plttston. Pa.. 7. "Checkers, with Thomas W. Ross^—Klrke La Shello's (Cornelius Gardiner, mgr.l — N.. Y. City Nov. 2-7. Buffalo. N. Y.. 0-14. "Chtlstlan,." Eastern, Davis ft Durcy's (Clins. L. Young, mgr.)—Newark. N. J., Nov. 2-7, Pceksklll. N. Y.. l>, Hudson 10, Cobocs 11, Albany 12-14. "Circumstantial Evidence" (Fred D. Fowler, mgr.)— Mitchell. Mo. Dnk., Nov. 4, Colum- bus, Neb., 11, (iraud Island 13, Kearney 14. "Child Wife" (W. T. Keogh, mgr.)—Hart- ford, Conn., Nov. 3-7, Elizabeth, N. J., 12- 14. "Charity Nurse." Selmn Herman—Heuck ft Finmcssy'B (John M. <;ook, gen mgr.)— Syracuse. N. Y., Nov. 2-4, Rochester r>-7, Ituffulo 0-14. "Convict's Daughter," ICaslern. Geo. Samuels' —Franklin, l'ii„ Nov. 2. New Bethlehem 3, YoungHtmvn. ()., 4. Akron 0-7. "Convict's Hiiugliter," Western, George Sum- nets' (Francis II. Iiislei-, mgr.)—Toiiuili, Wis.. Nov. 4, Hpurtii 0. Wlnoiiu. Minn., 0. "Coirwlol's Daughter." Southern, Geo. Ma> . iioUT (Roland CI. Pruy. mgr.)—Clnrksdiile, Mian., Nov. 1, Mnni|ilils, Teini., 0, 0, Biwwns- wood 1. "Ohlltl Slaves of New York" (Juke Isiui.-. mgr.)—Louisville, Ky., Nov. 1-7. Dayton, O., 0-11, GkuhI Jlaiilils, Mich., 12-14. II Drew, Johp, lit "(.'illilnlli Dieppe" (C'harles Frohmpn, mgr.)—N. Y. Clly Nov. 2-7. D'Orsuy, 'JjOiwreiue, In "Tho Fjirl of IM-w- itiicket" (Klrke X* Shelle, mgr.)—Jimtiuii, Mass., Nov. 2, Indefinite. Dlxcy, Henry E.. In "Over a Welsh Kiin-hlt ' nnd "Facing the Music" (Nathaniel Roth, ingr.)—-d>iinvlllc. Va., Nov. 4. Dodge, BRiiford—Benililjl, Mlnu., Nov. 4, Ada 0. ■lUrtuiHVllle II, Clly 7. Rill IJikn Falls 12, Warren 14, Grafton, No. Dak., Hi. Dowllng, Hobei't. in "Jlon. John Noi-Hi" (Juntos K. Collier, bus. mgr.)—Wapakiini-- ta, O., Nov. 2, Kenton 3, North Boltlmoro 4. Paulding R, Warsaw, Ind., 0, Gosheii 7, li'mlon Harbor, Mlc-h., 0. South Bond, Intl., 10". Hammond 11, Ionising, Mich., 12, <Jr«ud JIaplds l.'l, 14. Dvffryn, Kthel dim Dyffryn. mgr.)—Wind- sor T«cks, Conn., Nov, 2-4, South Mitn- clieutor 0-7. De Voss. Flora, Nn. 1 (J. It. Holnoiir, mgr.) —Burlington, AVIs., Nov. 1-7. De Voss, Mora. No. 2 (J. It. llotiinnr, mgr.) —•Atkinson, ill.. Nov. 2-4, Erie 0-7, Savan- na.II-14. Davidson Slock (A. II. Dnvlilson, mgr.) — Fort Wayne, Intl., Nov. 2-7, New Cuslle Dllgtr-'Cuniell. INiHtrtory — SnMlievllle, O., • Nov. 2-4, Bridgeport 0-7, Wcllslmrg, W. Va.', 0-14. Davidson Druinnllc (Frank Diivldsnn. mgr.) —C'onvarse, Intl., Nov. 2-4. Mtuitlcellu 0-7, • Mnuoii 0-11, Heiisellear 12-14. De Vonde, Chester. Reiiertory (Phil Levy, ingr.)—-Chester, I'll., Nov. 2-7. York 0-14. Dulc Murlc, Reacrtory (Harry Kiting, mgr.) Duriinl. Ind. Tcr., Nov. 0-11, Sbcrmnii, Tex., 12-14. Ulison Stock (Harry L. Dlison, mgr.)— Ottumwa, In., Nov. 4, Segourncy 0, What Cheer 7,'0rlnuall 0. "Dnvld Hurum" (Julius Calm, mgr.)—X. Y. City Nov. 2-7. Boston, Mass., 0-14. "David Harum. Hiwclul (Julius Calm, mgr.) —Niagara Falls, N. Y., Nov. 4, Jamestown -0, Jobnsonhurg U, Dubois, Pa,, 7. "Down Moblle,' r Lincoln J. Carter's—Itoek Springs, Wyo., Nov. 4, Laromlo 0, Boulder, l.'olo., 7, Denver 8-14. "Dovll In Skirls" (Charles L. Young, mgr.) —Camden, N. J.. Nov. 10-18. "Dora Thorne," Crmcy Amusement ('u.. «ll- rnt'tor* (Arthur L. Thomas, mgr.)—Mur- slmll, .Tex., Nov. 2. ShreveporL La_ a, Texarkaua, Ark., 4. Pino Bluff 0, Hot Springs 0, Little Rock 7, Fort Smith 0, Fiiyctlnvlllo 10, Monctte, Mo., 11, Hediillu •12, Mexico 111. Alton, III., 14. "Desnoratfl Chance," lOnslern, Fnrresler ft •Mlttanlliul's III. W. I'lilllpps, mgr.>—llut- let! Pa'., Nov. 4, Grecnsliurg 0, South -Fork II, 1'u leiitn wn 7. "IIOHUoraio Clianee," Western, Fnrresler ft Mlllenthul's IK. J. Dunne, mgr.)—Chica- go; HI., Nov. 11-.7 "Deserted at tin: Altar" (Percy G. Williams, -mgr,)—Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 2, Wash- ington, D. <-'.. 11-14. "Down by Hie Ken." (Phil limit, mgr.)—Mt- -nominee, Midi.. Nov. 4. Marietta, Wis, 0, Apiileton o, Milwaukee 7. "Daolon und I'ylhlss" (James McWilliams, .mur.)—St. Marys, 0., Nov. 4, Cellna r», rwifhRH 0, (Ireiinvllle 7. Helhnice l», Lima 10, North Manchester. Intl., 11, Kutou, O., 12, Itlehimifld. Intl.. 14. "Dints Dovll Dorothy" (Burger ft O'Neill, mgr.)—Akron, O.. Nov. 2-4. Mmisfleld r,. "Darkness, and-Duyllgbl" (Hurry Sedley, mar.)—Pfltiitou, i'u„ Nov. 4, Ttiwiintlu B, ■Efbllril. N. Y-. '», Corning 7. "Down nod 1'p," with the Hickman lima. , (Ji II. Arthur, mgr.)—Phlllpsburg, Ph., Nuv. 4, Luwlstown S, Hellefonte fl, l.ix-k Haven 7. Jersey Shore 0, West field 10, WellHVllle, N. Y.. II. "Denver Jack" (Joseph W. Leigh, mgr.) — Brooklyn. Is-. Nov. 4. Malcolm 0, Grin- unit fl, Kelltigg 7, Newloli St. t'olfax 10. Van Meter 11, Kiirlluitii 12, Dexter 13, Htiinrt Klllott. Maxim?, in "Her Own Way" (C. II. Dillingham, mgr.)-—N. Y. City Nov. B-8S. IiddRon, Riioert. In "Soldier of Fortune" IHarry II.- Harris, mgr.)—San Jose, fa I., Nov. 4. Stockton 0. Sacramento 0, 7. Rfllp "KIlRler. In "When Knighthood Was la Flnwsr" (Frnn« L. I'erley, mgr.)— Imliiih, Mlu7i„ Nov. i. I'.inini'lt. Kiltie, In "The Wnlfs of New York" '(Waller al> Lester, mgr.) — Yiiio.i t.'lly. Miss., Nor. 4. MeCoinli City B, llrtsikliiiveii 0, Ilatou llouge, La., 7, Vlcksburg, Miss,, 0, ShreveiHiri, l.n„ 11. Texiiikiuui, Ark., 12. Hoi Springs 13. Emus, l.lzxie. In "At Cu*y Corners" (Clin Inn Wllstucli, mgr.) — Yvungstown , O., Nov. R. Ellnore Sisters, In "Mrs. Delniiey of New- iHirt," Jsiih's llvde's—N. Y. Lily Nov. 2-7, Philadelphia V II. Evntis, George, In "The GihhI Old Slimmer Time" (Shen Amusement Co., mgrs.) — Cleveland, IX, Nov, 2-7. Ewlug-Tnvltir (Albert Taylor, mgr.)—Wnxii- luiiclile. Tex., Nov. 2-S, Denton till, Galtiexvllle 1211. Edwards Stuck (Charles F. Etlwartls, mgr. i —St. Nana, W. Va., Nov. 2-7, West l'lilmi II-1 i. L'ilsiill-W)nlhi'»iie stuck (.Itilin (Ismail, mgr.) — (lastmiln, N. C, Nov. 2-7. Gnffncy, S. C, II-14. Erwnntl lllg Stock (II. J. Krwotnl, mgr.) — .Mcchutilcshtirg. Pa., Nov. 2-4, Waynesboro B-T, Carlisle It II. Empire Theatre Slock, with Fny Davis. In "l.ntly Hoses Daughter" (Charles Frob- man, mgr.)—Huston, Mass., Nov. 2-11. "Everyman" Charles Frulimiin, mgr.)— It linen, N. Y., Nov. 4, 0. Syracuse il, 7. "Everyman" (Charles Frohmnn, mgr.)— Granil Kiiplds. Mich.. Nuv. 4, 0, South Bend, Intl.. II, Ann Arbor, Mich., 7. "Eternal City," with Edwin Morgan 11,led- ler & Co., mgrs.)—Mlnucnpflfls, .Minn. Nov. 2-7, Kansas City. Mo., 014. "Eleventh Hour." Lincoln J. Carter's,—Cn- hoes, N. Y„ Nov. 4, Schenectiiily 0, Fort Plain (I, Glovcrsvllle 7, Troy 0-11, Gran- ville 12, Fnlr Haven. Vt., HI, Rcmiliig- Itui 14. "Kbeii Ilolilen"--Austin, TVx„ Nov. IL "Eight Hells," llyrne Hros.'—Newark, N. J., Nov. 2-7, Philadelphia. I'll-. 11-14. "Evil Mtn Do." with Nlim Morris—Sullivan, Harris & Woods'—Boston, Muss., Nov. 2-7, Worcester 0-14. "Escaped from Slug Sing" iJames II. Parker, mgr.l—PhilHdolpbhl. I'll., Nuv. 2-7, Haiti- more, SId., 0-14. Flske, Mm, In "Mary of Mngdula" (Hurrl- son i.'rey Klske, mgr.)—fmnnan, Una., Nov. <2.7. Fjivei-shaiii, Wm„ In "Imprudence" (Cluirtes Fit 1111111111, ingr. i —'Sdhiui, Aln., Nov. 4, lltr- inliigliaiii 0, Kuoxvlllc, Tt'lin, 0, t'hiLltii- imogn 7. Fmwley. Daniel, Bepentory, James Nelll ft Daniel I-'i-nwIey's (li'lgli D. llriitrkarl, mgr.)— Wellliigfoii, N. K-, Nov. 2-1U. Fleming, .Minute, Jlepr-riury (W. II. (Iriit-ey, mgr.)—l't)iiglikoti|iidt!, N. Y., Nov. 2-7, 'Dir- rliigttin. Conn., 0-14. Francis, 'Marlon, Repertory (Gem-ge K. Rnli- liiKon, mgr.)—Anvstnrthiui, N. Y.. Nov. 2-7. Vlake, May (I. V. IJosumve, ingr.)—'hiuii- Ion, Mass., Nov. 2-7, Itiingor. 'Me., 11-14. FcnlH-i-g Stock (George XL I'eiiberg, mgr.)— Lawrence, Muss., Nov. 2-7, NnW Lontlon, ■ Cunii 0-14. Ferris Coimiillonja (Harry Hubb, iu»i-. i Al- Ion, III.. Nov. 2-7, tlwelisbom. Ky., fa-Ilk. Flske-Slnck, Heperlory—Fllchliiirg, Musk., Niiv. 2-7. Gloucester 0-14. "Kesy lii'iindpit." with Joseph Hurl mill Carrie De Mar Win. A. Ilrmly's (O. II. Butler, mur.)—Heatings, Neb, Nov. 4, Colorado springs. Col., 0, Pueblo II. "Fust Mall," Lincoln J. Carter's -Yankton, So Dak., Nov. (I, Sioux Clly, la., 7, To le'ku, Kan., 14. "Miimliig Arrow," Lincoln J. Carter's—Mc Keespnrl, I'll., Nov, 4, Iliiltnilnwn 0, Cole uellsvlllu 11, Greenbitrg 7. Liilriihe 0, Soulk Fork 10, Juhnslnwn II, Altotiua 12, lsiwls- inwii El, Sniibnry 14. "Fin- lit r dill,hen's Hake," A. Sullivan, Hur- l-In ft Woods'—Bliltlinin-e, Mil., Nov. 27, N. Y. City 0-14. "Fur Hi p Cnllilrun'H Sake" B. Sullivan, llnr- rls ft Wooda' (Eif. II. Lester, mgr.l—Hud- son. N. Y„ Nov. 4, Nuwburgli 6, Glenn Fulls t), Sarulugtl 7, Cohoes 0, 10, Mcchuu- lesvllle 11, Schonocludy 14. "Knlal Wedding," A, Sullivan, Harris ft Woods'—Jersoy Clly, N. J., Nov. 2-7, Phll- atlelplila, I'a„ 014. "Fatal Wedding," II. Sullivan, Karris ft WiMxls'—Troy. N. Y., Nov. 2-4, Mechanics- villa n, Cohnns II, 7, Hui'iilngii 0, Amster- dam 10, Hchencctiiiiv II, JiihuHtowii 12, Fort Plain III, lluiklliier 11. "Fill Ml Wetltllng," C, SiiIIIviiii, Harris ft W.kiiIm' --1'Hlin, III,, Nov. 4. Lltclillebl B, Jackson 0, Deeiitur 7, SiiIIIviiii It, Tuylnr- villi- 10, I'lliiinii 11. Pontine 12, Gibson Clly HI. llleumlu.jilale 14. "Fnliil Weiltlltig," D, Sullivan, Harris A Wtintls'—Hnlolgll, N. •'., Nov. 4. Durham B, Hi-eniiKliiiro II, Salisbury 7, Cliurlnlle It, Cultimlila, S. V., 10, Chiirleslim II, Au- guslu, (iu., 12, Huvunnah 111, Jacksonville, Fin.. 14, "Fur Her Hake," liuslem. E. J. Ciiriituitcr's (Joseph Pilgrim, mgr.)—lluruesvllli:, <>., Nov. 4. Iiorutu ri. Nnrwnlk II, Medina 7, Sandusky II, Ilr-llulre 10, Hiieyrus 11, Shel- by l.'l. Meiini. Venimi 14. "From Unas lo Ulelirs," with Joseph Saul- ley (Well ft WML nigra.)—-N. Y. Clly Nov. 2-7. Hruokfyn, N. Y.. 0-14. "For Mother's Hake," Ruseo ft llnllutiii's f William I'litihi Jr., mgr.) —lliitehlusnn, Kan.. Nov. 4, Doilgo Clly C, Gurduur City M, Trlnldnd. Col,, f. "Factory Girl" (Charles II. Wiii-rn, mgr.)— 'I'roy. N. Y.. Nov. 2-4, Albauy 0, 0, Hud- son 7, Hrouklyii il-14, "Fight for Million. " (Mulenin Dmiglnsa, mgr.l—Ilillailelphlii. Pu., Nov. 2-7. "I'reiit-li Hpy," llnliulck ft Smith's (llnrry Stetson, mgr;l—frarkvllle, Pn„ Nov. •), Mount Cnriucl B, I.ansford 11. Miihunny Clly 7, Glrnrdvlllo (I, Aslilnml 10. "Funny Mr.- Dooloy 1 ' (Frank l>. Ilryiuil, mgr.)—I/>ulsvl|lCi, Ky., Nov. 2-7, Cleve- land, a, oh. ' "Friend of llje Famllv" (W. G. Gorinuii, mgr.)—Winnipeg, Man., Nov. 4, 6. "Foxy Tramp," Charles Curtsy's (II. Sliinley Lcwlf, mgr.)—llroekwayvlllc, Fit., Nov. 2, Hastings II, Hanieslmro 4, Glen Ciitnp. hell B, riilllpslimg 7. Eheiislnirg II. "Forgiveness" (Hijwnril P. Carrlgun, niiir.i •NcwRrk, N. J.. Oct. 2.4. Mlllvlilii B, fW- hold I), laikawood 7, llclievlllu It, Dnvei- Hi. Ilnckelstown II U Gniidwln, N. C, In "A Mlilsiiiniiier Night's Dreuin" (Kluw ft Krlanger, mgrs.)—N, Y. Clly Nov. 214. Gillette, William, III "The Admirable Crldi- idii" (I'liiirles Frnliumii, nigt.)—N. Y. Clly Nov. in, Inilednlto. Grnee GliflriM« ID "I'relly Peggy" (Win. A. Hrady, ftlgr:)- Troy, N. Y., Nov. 7, Hol- yokc, Mass., 12. Gray. Julia, In "Hur Only Kin," Lincoln ,l. Curler's—Hope, Ark., Nov. 4, Washington B, Purls, Tnx., II; Mi.-Klmioy 7, Corslcsnii It, Fort W/.rlli JO, Itqltoti 11, Tcmplu 12, Sun Antonio 18, Cuero 14, Gardner, Clinrles A, (Kuril. Ill "Tho Ihirkest. Hour," Lincoln J. Carter's—Portlund, Ind.. Nov, 4, Winchester B, Troy, O., 0, llipm 7. i'rbiinu it, Kenton 11, Ijpper Suuilusky 12, Marlon ill, Mausfleid 14. Gallatin, Alhi;rl)i,ln "Ghosts" (George 11. Ilrenuun, mgr.)—Nashville, Tkiiu., Nov. 4, I'mliiculi. Ity., il. Gullaiid, Hertliu, In "Dorothy Vernon, of Ilutldon Hull I.I, V. Zliiiiiieriiiiin Jr., mgr. i - -Iliistnti, Mass., Nov. 2-14. Giirvle, Ldwni-il, in "Mr. Jolly, of Jnllet." HroHdliursl ft Carrie's III. A. Wleklinm. mgr.)— Haalllii. Wiisli., Nov. 1-7, Turniiiii. K, II, Everett JO, North Ydkliuu II, Kpn- kune 12-14. (Jllliion-, I'tiul, In "TJic tMouuiiy and (he llillu inlng Bird"' (Jules Mtirry. uigr.i— Colum- bia, S.C.. Nov. I, Ctmrleaton B, Haviinuuli, (la., 0, Brunswick 7, Jacksonville, Flu., '.', Tampa JO. Wnyeroas, On., 11, Macon 12, Augusta L'i, Atinena 14. Cnimtili, .Itilin, In ''Maebutlli" (John CM. Hick ey, ingr.) —A'ditalilitil, 0„ Nov. 4, Hollo. liiiitiilne-R, -Wnpnknnota 0, Prlinnu 7. Tif- fin It. Cliiuigo Jimollon 1(1. Xeulu 11, i'ltnia 12, JJcAnoou IU, iMlphos 14.