The New York Clipper (November 1903)

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NpVEMBEE;.28. THE^JSTE^T ^YQKP vCjLII?P^^. 903 One of ^ HARRY-K L E Best Dressed |\J AND in VauHeville! N MURRAY. As Leg Iinpirover PATBNTKIV, For men Willi Hawed. Crooked or Hollow !.<?«•*. Make puns linugiwif.Tiij straight, no met- tur now hnwcfl or- cronkeilfuie leg. Mmir of aluminum: easily adjusted witli ordinary garter (see cut); Invisible: no incon- voolencr;'don't know joo've rot tnrm on. Br mail, per pair, ;(«.: with i.i-ie wciij.ii • Win Silk Well (la. puMpalil. AddressS.F. niluNEMUS, irawer A ;*:.Spnogileld. Ohio i> darter, fl; arter.l fl.js. I Formerly Ihetlraml Oonicrl HsIV, - 22,24,26 Opera Place, Claclnmll, Ohio. AVANTJCB, AT AM, TIIUKK, Grace Van Studdiford. -1 hiqh CUSS TAUfMRVfLLE ACT J- %rrmir\ J-JiMnd St*., I Kve*.. S.1G. Jl KIAJ B'way.t TiliAve I Miit.Stt. •.•.».- EXTRA MATINEF. TIIANKSQIVINC GUERRERO RED FK A Til Kit.' IIKFt PANTOMIME IS A SESSATIONAL TRIUMPH Ko Sunday Work." * No Wim- Room*. _• i CHAN FRANKLIN. Bu». Mgr. MADISON SQUARE, Tliurs. ami Sat.' 2.15. LAST WEEK, AT LIBERTY, . jcssTe' iviiTiward, Musical Director. k, A CleanlSlate;: S* a CS TUT /\ B'way.t !9th St.Ev.8.r. UJj,51il %J Hntlnce Saturday 1.1b. EXTRA MAT. THANKStilYINIi. Last Week [" Dec. I, Paula Edwardes, In "Winsome Winnie.' mil uSi EVKNlNCS, K.1S. WAuIjAviad. mam., wkh. ami sat., : Uiialm Comer!}-, Tile Geo. Ada's COUNTY CHAIRMAN. ; Al PIANO PLAYER, SIGHT READER, TRANS- POSER. Ouarantcc to make good. One piece or I first class rep KuSS MOHLEY, Henderson, Kv.. 1 24-28: Metropolis, Illinois, .To-2., Pay ton Sisters Co. 1 CI.EANJ.INKNSaud Comfort, Electric Lighting, Steam Heating, Near All Mm Theuires. 6. W. THimrMiV. ... Manager. NEXT TO KEITH'S BIJOD. THE DAVIS, H. E Eighth nml Race Ms.. PHILADELPHIA. ! Enrooean. Over Ueo.Davia' Thirst Store. (Man.) A.MKltlCAS BEST AND GREATEST SCHOOL HAVE YOURMUSIC PUBLISHED ON ROYALTY ^■w ^»* m 3 %0 %Jf MM lii a ivlinltli- linn ciali.'ishcd 12 (cm-. M rile fur Sample Mu-lr, All letters miini'ieil. Indorsed by Press au.l T-iiWtr. !llff D1CI16. ETC. ■, , • (Up-to-date in every detail.) Bnofc, Jit, Skirt, Novel Cake Wall.. Elocution, Singing and. Rag-Time xonw. vauaeillie Avia.Kkelrlics.Nonolognea.Kto, j EN(IAUK.MKNTS HKOOHKb. Ml FAILURES. PROP. I*. J. HllMtK, Miss Frnm-ei U* and others j Circulars Free. ! fJJUNT» OPEKA HOTJSK. . I indorse PKi IF. KIliQR us tlin only Yerformar and ; Professional DancingTeacher In Chicago. i'HKD J. WILDMAK, Theatrical Agent,- 12 7 La Salle St.. near Madlaon. Chicago, 111.' pie Mu- FIIRDW. All letlcr-allll Kllsu MUSIC C,CENTR1C COMEDY 1 DANCING ACb. This week, Keith's NeWjThoatre, Phila.; Nov. 30, Keith's, Providence; Dec. 7, Empire, Cleveland; Deo. 14, Duquesne, Pittsburg; Phila. ; Dec. 28, Keith's, Boston; Jan. 4, Keith's, Pawtuoket; Jan. 11, Keith's, Union Square. Jan. 15, reb. i, a and If —_Masst»MsMsisWsWoieMoiwea*e»a**a*e' | i >M> *^ t ^ lMl »e'M |MM '»eMea^sMs^MBi -~~ —— BPJPJSnM«sMojBjeMBMOMawMMMMa^g^ M ■■ ... _ . _ mi.i. theatre, » Lew Ave. anil I., i St., 1 Rv'gM.on; mala. Wedatnd Sal .at 2 iiKSRV V. IMINNF.I.LY Manager IIKVKl 1.A8T wei:is. KKTRA'MATlSKri TIIANASUIVWO l>AVi, HARRI6AN - UNDER COVER 1 J\*r WKRK-VKRTA T1M.Y. ' VTho Wlll-Slni; Kew Sonus. s £ HAPPY HOOUBJIW ggg^g. ■Via aiejJtT^KHA flmailway and Mlh St. I renins iat s.3o. Mnllners, Tbnr?. ami Sat., 2.30. KYRLE BELLEW, "RAFFLES." Doc. 21, Bijou, EIM. tfo., riileagn. '.jKAMOl's uiiisi'l.]\<i mit ICS, AMI ■ \vi,uillii(r. its"RiHMHIXAVE., Chlra|o — gj-l— - .11 i I IV I I I II 1HJ1j'B"«I <4ih St, near Broadway. Evenings s :>i Matinee Saturday 211. IIKNKY II. HAKIMS Manager CHARLES FHOilMAN PRESENTS KTIIKIi BARRY MORE, la lliili»n Henry Davlcs' t'omedv, COUSIN KATE. Engagement Ends Kov. 2S. PASTOR'S SAm'k LLOYD, ' TIIOUOI OHI.Y f XPKRIESdEl) AGENT OR MANAGER. I.'lgrvp. RellaMe one night etand. If jou can't pay salaries doii'i write. Address HE WITT. ILLINOIS. I1ARRV liltlAS I'RESISNTS Nl IMA $5,000 Electric Dancer. Address FEIST BUILDING, Mew York. Wanted -to Laasi MYLES MCCARTHY & CO, , ri--|i Plpnu . iJT ALDRICH LIBBr & KATHLRINE TRAYER. £ SMALL ELEPHANT, IRKNE BAKER .ILYKJJ-, SANFORD SISTERS, man a iioon. |-(II.KIiOa PKK'E .V 7. V/.KL, LILLIAN SHAW, ALLEN .VIIELMAINE, SMITH* WHITE, DELHKY SISTEHS; and TUB Dewey E. 14th St. COLLINS A- HART as Exirn Attraction. MAT1NKK TODAY. For in weeks, not to weigh over eighteen himdivd iinini<i~. Address MaDABIK YUCCA, World's Slmnirest Wouihii, Walkers Musee. fcosion, M;i->, Blue Bibbon Barlesqaerg. "Female Mintsrels." "Novcllles." B. 7. KEITH'S international circuit. Theatrtoal Eaterprlsea. . K. F. ALBEE, General Manager. HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLK. S. K. HODGUON, Booking Manager, Association of Yandevllle Managers, St. James Bldg., Broad- way and 26th St.. N. Y. Huber's » Museum GEO. II. HUB EH, Propr. WASTED AT ALL TIMES, Living Cariosities, Freaks ol Nature, also First Class Vaudeville Act* f'ir Tneatre_ 1 _ Address J. H. ANDERSON, Manager, ADGIE, THE LION QUEEN THE ONLY ACT OF1TS KINII'IN VAODEVILLB _ Address N. Y. CLIPPER. _ 6. w. ooirirrivHY, ICooeiitirio J»1 trtilor. Address. KU1LA, AHK.__ A NOVJXTY NEWTON BROS. In their original comedy, entitled "MIXTrtRR.^_ FLYING BANVARDS CASTING ACT. 2 Ladles and a dent<-. Permanent iiildr«s.s. ClUH. flaNVARD. MM Third Ave , N. V. A NOVELTY, FROSTO and HARVEY. MAKING GiiOD WITH THEIR SBKTCil, "MU.l Ai;(IT SALI.V." Flexible AsrlKlis-t, AVENUE T1IBATRK. THIS WEEK. BURT0 LOWANDE WILSON BIJOU CIRCUS , „ KEITH'S, UOSTON. JAN. Ig ami SOME LATER TIME OPEN. Address JOB BURTO. Next week, Pontond Theatre, rorllinrt. Me. I ALWAYS vmoke a elgar In lu.y Art, «liy.I gel a •'Pnff—In tlit- ncwNf upem. Thai Is Regards ro John nnd Lillian Hoover and "Hoops." CO. COMEDY MUSICAL ACT, En Honle "I1BR FIRST FALSE STEP" ORVILLE and FRANK Arc"plavlngl Ills week at I lie ' EMrlRE THEATRE, HOBOKEN, 3. J. ENGAGEMENTS WANTED Ry two good young men; clever singers nnd dancers. Can al^o tukeaniall parts. Also a good, tlrat r.lar-s Singing and' Dancing. Experienced Sonbrette; good wardrobe. Reliable managers wanting clever talent, ladlen or gentlemen, ad- dress C. BREWER, eare Fror. Rayno'rt school, •On West Ohid St.. Indianapolis, lnd. CHARACTER WOMAN. CHILD COMEDIAN and I sEFUL PEOPLE, fur three iilgjirs nnd week stands. Low, sure salary. Management pays hoard. Long season. Address WALTER DOWNING, Phelps, New York. HIGH UHADF, P A IV TI%<n I OR SIDE SHOWS (L.\HK\(H ITA«G,40Bond SI., N. Y-Cily. LECTURER AND OFFICE WORKER AT LIBERTY. Large experience. Look the part. Salary nr perceu'age. cither way. DR. II. II. KRAKN. No M3UMarket Sr.._Ilarrlsl'Uig, P*. _ TRAP DRUlVtlVIER AT LIHEKTV. Experienced. Oood line of traps T. L. I'llll.I.IFS. Merchant"' Hotel, l k '"* , "". b 'J. , . 1 L_ "WAWTBD. IVIED. ormikinds. t^FZ&H^j^^ AT LIBERTY, FOR REPERTOIRE, MRS.H.E. HENRY Al Piano Plavtr. TEOilMSEU. Mltli. RICTON'S JUBGLING. BOOK AIN'T FREE. SF.NB ft 00. Andjiddres s RICTOM. c.aie of C LIPPER. KATIE A. LEE, PIANIST. AT LIBERTY. A. F. of M. Addresn SARATOGA SPRINGS. N. V. GOOD ATTRACTION FOB 0PEIINB STONE'S OPERA HOUSE, oritipun, Wlscortsl ii, ii Im nt Den. 1-19. J_Stage Entirely Remodeled. All New Scenery, flood .sho\T"TuwTir capiclty or house non; drawln g pop- ulation 0,ikki; college town, virile staling lerma. Wanted, All Bultaldc acts. Medicine People. $s nml ex. JA1LLET JOLLY JOKERS, Foisoiii, Wetzel Co.. W. Vn. New Pictorial Paper, Unlettered, Samples 25c. Bond resiling mailer and $1.mi for sample order of lu special :s ulieeisjnclndlng fsipieUirlal samides. si .1 nhceis, including .'iO pi A.HAFNF,R.».viN.2d8t.. Phlladelpliis. FOB SALE, MCHAIUCAL SHOWS. Will sell chesp. All Kinds of Mnmmlllcd floods at a Rcdmilon. 8 Van Norden 81 C 11 HOOD, , Cambridge, Mass. AT YOUR OWN PRICE. A PLAY OR SKETCH WRITTEN TO ORDER. A i liA, | > |luain Waliasli Ave.. Chicago. III. Film* For Rent Weekly change. EUGENE CLIXE, tui Uraod Ave., Chicago. TO LEAD BAND. Holley Rossmyn. wire. Eli.ER'S Blf: sntTW, Jackson, Mo., ■_':: oran 2K, sikesmn Hie. I, Walnnl Kldge, Ark. a. Per. W liHtemnre. la. ATTBACTI0IS WAITED, KOH RAVEN'S OPERA HOUSE, Mi:I.ROSE PARK, ILL. Eleven miles from Chicago, on U. \ N.W, R, R., drawing pn|iol.iiiiiii IciiiIiihusikI, seaiingi'apaeliy one tlioiisiiud. Addreas PEIE COItNALLA, Mgr. Elgin CMrniilla-.arrobaN; W.M.Colemua'sCiri'lis. Intertiatbniai Dog ami I'uny show, Boylaii itui- iircii.o" Uaf laJ.OanrrV "TUm Pruud iolten"uo. STANLEY STOCK CO. I WANTS QUICK, GOOD HRtVY MAN THAT CAN ACT; MAN FOR ' BITS, WITH STKO.VU SINGING AND DANCING i SPECIALTY. Don't inlsrepresi-ul. or ymi will be closed hi reliearaal. Salarr iiiukI be low. Pay your owu, Long cng«gemeut. Sure inotiuy. Address ARTHUR h'l'A.M.EV, Mamigrr, Week or Nov. z\, Pawnee, III.; week or Nov. 3a Nokornls. Ill, . E. LASK f\ m\gt% % "Madison's Bml.-ul is v n W ■ ui "' i" li1 "' "" '" i| " 1 '" A U 1 A ease of a bad place til a fafel I Vl eoiiiic operu, inn le-:iiin orexlriivagaii/a." contains 31 Original PnuiJlrs, f>y James MailMon and HarncyBsrnaril; n new Mono- logues, 4 new Sketches, Hurry Montague'* liurlesiiuo, "AN AWKWARD MISTAKE;" new Unloh, Irish and Hebrew Specialties; Comic rooms. Toasts and Klpllsplis. Walter Lniidan'siiinriiig farce, "BUBBLE'S TROH- ur.EH;" James Madison'scoinedv, "I'NCLF. JOHN'S VISIT,' 1 liesules noadredaor orig- inal Gags, smiles and Jests—SO I)|Rpages. One dollar per copy. Sc lid Al I Orders lo Complete vonr flics i any a tor $, any ;t for 12.00, any i [or $a to, or' lluilgela 3, 4,7, s and ti for fS. L.J.K. HEIL (Ageul for James Msdlson) ltot Third Ave., Si«w VorU. The Steelsntiths in Repertoire High Clan Specialty and Dramatic People. We Want a Dunblc Specialty or a High Class, Strong enough to Feature. Cood wnrdruiie, sober, rcilabie and ability, or closed aticr llr.i pcrrnrmancc. Oluey, HI., Nov. Si and week; Yin- cennes, lnd.. atiu week. < . 31. STKKI.SMITH. STBEET0EN TBAW* AGENTS. DOUBlE STAR and CHESCENT PUZZLE ami 2ilth eenturv wonder 1m|. Take iiilddliinliir otf. 2d Replace HgaUi. Made ol.l'olnheil Steel. Cut act nal m/c. K»lli|ili's bv Mall I.e. AtteniH wriiu lor Wholesale Prices. Universal Supply Co. 121 U Salle St., Chicago, Manufacturers. i STAR ATTRACTIONS Played on guarantee only. For open lime, write STAR LYt'EUM DIRF.AH, OPERA HOUSE Bl.K-., IIRA/.IL, 1ND. i.uiERAL rates AT LIBERTY- HEM ABLE I'O.'S ONLY. Malcolm and White, 11 i;r!i Clas< .Higgler, i First. Class Comedian, Baton and (Inn Spinner, ttnbc nnd Churaeiera. lire Joggling, Hoop | Wrongest Silly Kid Rolling, elc. | Speclaliv, bar none. Fine stage setting; wardrobe same. Address flF.N'L Cmi «g o, HI, WANTED, FOR STETSONS UNCLE TOM CO., Clarionet and Trombone to doubln Baud and nr chestra. Can place oilier musicians, state age, height and salary. Answer L. W. WA8nWBKj_2UWeslJIdl>J. 1 X._Y i .Clly._ WANTED, SC ETA. ERY I'orBtagninxIBfl. trout. Size of >tn«e, 18\2«n., •Jin. high. New or slightly used. Mast Im id good condition. Want nest euiU price ursl letter. Address T M. PRlNOLE. t Mgr. Opera House, Portage, Pit. WANTED. PERFORMERS! .101N OM WIRE. NOVELTIES and TEABS-PIAJiO PLAYEB Willi Specially: Hood Sure Money If Oood People. Add. !l. .1.1IANHINOTON tOJIKDV CO. Haiiipi'in.lll.. Nov. vnloiih^Albany, III., Dei'. I,ji, k. -A-- BANKS' IDEAS K B_ f la the liATKWT. Best work for Vatide- 0, I vllle Acta ever lasncd. Parodies, Mono- jues. Skelehes, End Gags, etc. Price 50c. Ideas No«..'., 0, T, II. Any 2 liooka, Stic. OCS BAN Kb. HJl Lock wood 8L. Providence. !_L_I. We Want Maiiuicrlpis or ii one mid song GASH Ult Poems. We also com- Tr%{WT A T fPX7 P«sc and do Arrati'rlng XiU X AJ-l J. X . at Golden Utile Prices. O0LDKN RCLE CO.. 2U1 Cheslailt St.. Chicago, III SKETCHES UVARAIfTEEU. Blight Plots, Clever. Dia- logues. Reasonable prices. No stamp no rsnly. >o Hi- rers. J W. BUHWAhT/.. 73 Bast Old St, N. Y. Clly. Walter Stanton A* THE GOLDEN (iOOSE. NEW AMSTERDAM THEATRE, WANTED, FOR 8 Repertoire People LINES. NO boo/.c. Have Young, sober, iwcll wardrolic. lincu "Ihorr." GUY HICKMAN, SIOIIX FALLS, S. D. H. H. LAMKiN i .iiioiriv l iMn ml Moiiiinci nnd llookinfc Agoni. AVENUE THEATRE, DETROIT, COLONIAL THEATRE, CLEVELAND, Invite Oilers. Address k: UlUlliriAN A Vt:., Delrnlt, Mich. 9 Pianist Thai doubles bass: tlienitlcal work: sieadv posi- tion; iiitist belonfr to M P.I. SlUARTHRlAN. Leader, Lynn Ylieairo,24 lllgb St., Lynn. Mass. First Class Orchestra AT LIBERTY, W. H„ 8 ver stine I0VEHILE8 and OEREBAL B08IHESS. REPERTOIRE OR ONE IMR0R. COMPKTKNT KTAUK MAN ACER. Address CORNINO, Ohio. AT LIBERTY, CIHS. II. BIMOM, JL'VENILR LEADS AND IlKNTEEI. HEAVIES. ADVAflllE. AddrosslHl NORTH (.'LARK ST.. Chhjsgo, III., care of Palace i Hole). to Ilii.v Tent, In. good uoiiilltioii and chea| Want About 30(113. In good cdiidllloh and cheap lor cash: also MM ALL ANIMA 1.1. JAS.LIV'INOHTON, MB Feder al St .. Yo iingstowti, o. l>oic« for Male Cheap. SM'LL TKOUPK EDUCATED DOOS AND ALL PROPS, Address H.A. MER1IAN. Nn. US* Michig an Ave . M Hal, "hlcago, III. AT LIBtRT.; THE LEVITTS, JOE and BRACE, Al Sketch Team, with plenty of strong singles. Chance for nut week. Address JOE LEVITT, IN'ieai IM St., New York City. First Class Fcr Prominent Minstrel Shaw Now EnTior. ALFRED TINT Communicate at Once, AIHIIIKHS . ■ WITMARK MUSIC AGENCY, Wifinullt lliillilliig, NEW YORK, IIRANCH K. "With His Eyes Shut." ChlriiKO Am. ill no Ailv, A SALLE ' TBEATEB, CONTINUOUS LAUQII SET TO MUBIO. ISLE op SPICE 100 TIMES \J T->BY LYONS And biB « GIRLS ACT ENOSMOtra OOO-OO0'' HUCCE88. "Tnhv Lyons, itici|iiiilnt.eoiiioillan. Is aniiislog In his droll enmedy ami Willi tin- asslstancoof the liird working chorus urtils nillcli lo the siiceess of I he piece". AMY LKHI.IK.Iti Hie Chicago New*. LA SALLE THEATRE, Chicago* AT LIBEKTY, TWO MACKS, A<ii: II AMI It YKARN. Take parti, dosiroiig Hlnglop mid dancing ape- e alil.a. Finn wardrobe. Mother lakes small inrts. line piece incfertcil, Per Add., «.'. N. '.mil NT, Philadelphia, DATES 90c. PER Sit, EACH CONSIHTINO OF loo 7 v21, 30 Nx<2 and 4 ishffi'S: uzdrt. me: mtiiH, aae.; halftones, Mc. Spuciil tirleits mi seasou collirscts, and the quality giiiMiiii.'Od the VERY IIKaT. Lowest prices ill America-qiinllty ('onsliliired. Write for iron satnplMand caialngiiQ. MOTOR SHOW PRINTING CO., Mils, Iowa. lilt; Kiriii vK.Alt as nn advertber initio CLIPPER, and everytioilv Is satisfied. BERNARD KLINQ, Playwright, 131 WEST 8STII BT.. NEW JORJC OITr, Only the lost playsluidakeicltes wrlilen loonier. For lliose that cannot « itoril to buy an exclusive act, send stamp for list nr typewritten sketches. Mcdielnc Pcri'ormerN WANTBO, All 'Hound, Experienced Med People, Long en- gagement, Komi treatment and reasonable salary. Tlckei irynu glvog'inilreferi'nee. Wire If possi- ble: noO. o. II.; give lowest salary, eia. ELECTRIC MKD. C!> .(Jstntielloii, N, 11., Csnaila. WANTED, MUSICIANS. WANTED, TRAP DRUMS AND OTHER MUSICIANS FOR BAND. Write or who al once. .11)11 N ft. WisniHCH, Bandmaster, Care of Ronlmon Unrnlval Co., Klherton, week M Nov. 2a. On., USEFUL REPERTOIRE IN ALL LINES. Those doing specialties preferred, Also.* GOOD SINGLE VAUDEVILLE ACT. I pay all. ION CARROLL, Winchester, Va. Annie Mitchell, write.