The New York Clipper (November 1903)

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KOVEMBEB*i28. THE 1SOEIW YORK CLIPPER. 965 By J$D. GARDBNIBR. M. MBI/Vir*rvK BL.LIS. Tt " CnteAlest Coon gang In Years, gang by MAUDE RAYMOND, GBNARO nnd UAILBY, SYDNEY DX GRAY nnd Other*. ^^^ FOB HIGH OLABS SIHQER B. FORGET By PAUZ* CONNORS. (BALLAD) OHAR1VBS BEDFORD. ON A SPOONEY MOONEY NIGHT By ISO. GARDBNIBR. waltz bong, lko BDWARDS. ■■■« With Great fncren by MISS BONNIE MAUIIMN, In KLAW A ERLANGBR'S Drury Ltni. Kitrs.vag.naa, 'MB.. BLUKBKA11U." I'rofemion«l copies to recognised performers or those sending up to date programme. NO CAHDB. NEW YORK THEATRE BUILDING, BROADWAY. Bet. 44th and 45th STREETS, NEW YORK CITY. Charles Kenna, c. PBBSEIUIfi HIS ORIGINAL ONE IAI SKB.CH, THE FAKIR. KEITH CIRCUIT. 99 4*4* r? THE SWEETEST BALLAD EVEE WRITTEN. Professional Copies Free. THOMPSON MUSIC CO., 275 Wahash a,b„ Chicago. i THE Bona HIT OF THE BBAb ON.—Professional copies free. Write today. THOMPSON MUSIC CO., ST5 Wabash Ave., CHICAGO. MOTHER, DEAREST SWEETHEART. A New and Pretty Love Boat, with a beautiful melody and waltz refrain. Bend for free copies at once. WM. T. VAYO. Oneld , N. Y. MR. and MRS. And Witt Heaoa: * Fennetsy's "Charitj Horse" Co. MADELINE. THOU SHALT MOT t EAL. AT LIBERTY—Ed—THE TBARDOS-Nellie. With three flri-t class Acts, Knife -lid Bailie Axe Impaleuient Act, Grotesque Contortion, 10 Performing Dogs. Would Hie 10 hear fiom nigra. that par In real money each week. Good wardrobe. Bind our own btz. nnd work for Die Interest 01 tn „ e J'Jf? w, „ Address ED THARDO, UneavUle, Craw ford Co., Pa. REGARDS to MAM JABBERS and POOR OLD CRUSOE. A.O. TV, Ha COMEDY MnEruu AKTI«T8. Travesty Act, by U. L. NEwTON, '•SEEING THINUS." Singers and Dancers. Can obange specialties. Address quick, KINGSTON, N. Y. THE MUSICAL ROSAR TRIO WANTED, For Band and Orchestra, STRONG CORNET AND VIOLIN. Performers Doubling In Band, write. PATTEN A PERRY'S "JatlRY PROM KERRY" CO., Westvllle. Nova Scotia, Nov. 38, a.; Charlotttown, Prince Edward's island, Nov. 28, 37, as; Sammerslile, Prince Ed- ward's Island, Nov. 80-Peo. 1. U/AU r En Sellable protesalonal, .fWNII I fcll"' one night standi, to carry our line of advertising fans. Bold lo druggists, shoe Healers, hardware men, general merchandise deal- era, etc Samples ready Jan 16, iW4; convenient to carry; no trick to Bell. Three dollars per day eaauy made by giving toe business a few hours each day. Write for proposition now. GEO. H. JUNQ A CO., OlEQlnnatl. 0. PIANO TUNING Taught by mall. Musicians can more than double their present Income. Send atamn tor book with r^rttotilara nnd part of first lesson free. BOSTON SCHOOL OP PIANO TUNING, Room 36, Mnato Hall Building, Boston, Mass. Wintil, Lady Partier for High Class Knelt) SKETCH. Munt be Good Singer, and make good appearance on and off stage. Give age. height, welght.and full particulars first letter. Address P. J. OANFIKLD, 312 Power St-. Bxlu, N. Y. CONTRACTS SSSFSu PA1 »8EB. CARDS, EtO. SAMPLES. WEBB PTQ. CO., 868 Dearborn BU. Chicago, m. B^oi? {Stale. JJ» Seoond-hand plush OPERA CHAI RS, Goo d eondlUon, AMERICAN SCHOOL fTRNtTUU 00m 1MK West nth Bt.. New Yorlt City. PERFORMERS "%"• EUROPE ■JosJi apply for lowest rates of passage; exchange SM5H. particulars at the Kzchaoce 0s,oe,es gal.lttABL, QBRMAN SATINOBBa. .LB«., MX J08TOI FILI EICHASGE m WASHDiaToi HIGH CLASS MAGICAL APPARATUS At moderate prices. Large stock, Immense variety. Illustrated Catalogue free. A. ROTERBERO, i»«Ontario St.. flhleam. m. PERFORMERS FOR SUNDAY. Sohmer Park ARTISTS OP ALL KINDS WRITE TOR SUNDAY DATE. MONTREAL. Heated with Hot Air. 600 Opera chairs. Tbe Longfellow Opera House Jamesport, Missouri. (New Home). Stag e 25x60. Open to Pint Claw Tro upai Only. Recitations and Headings. Catalogues Free. All dra- ma tie papers for sale. CHAR. MACDON AJLD, 63 Washington St.. Chicago. PLAYS, WMTEt, FN WD. CO., PtSfORHEBS. week STANDS. Salary snre. No tickets ad- vanced. Boozers, save sumps. What can you dor DR. JOS, Box 317, Atchison, K an. ARRANGERS and COMPOSERS Of MU8I We pay Royalty for good oompotl •vrsf «V»„ is tn ie Onlnnv at. fl.b< sltlons. PIONEER at* Avnnpwc ladies' AHlJllilfTl). GOWNS. WORM ■ LIGHTLY Baa «t»tw «•*. metoasas*. PLAYS! 1 Sf™* n»ai ■ TV Catalogue or Piaje and ntiYf Hake tp t ( or profet- slonals and amateurs, sent on application. ERA ld. 30 ABU St., New York. OPEHA HOUSE. 8ALL0P, 1. I. ■RAVI TO*. Attraction, waate* for this_ea«son_ ataaaiara, REMOH FREE « any address, j- our bandion:. eals- w lome aa s e il k t a. sad r r»» aesJOH ia/ DIAMONDS, «h. band. w.omcit and moit perfect im- f II allon In the *orld Artist c- Fally mounted In solid S»ld. * , K.fb. 1807. ^ RiMOH JIWSL.V eo. IWloiivofit., 8t.Uola.ato. MAGICAL And Coniuring Goods. Best Grade. YOST A OOnPAHi, 41 N. Ninth St., (ElUbllshed 1170.) Phliadslihla. aw Descriptive oatalogne tor stamp. OPERA CHAIRS. MM WHY not brighten J(L " np yonr tbeatre 1* by putting in new ^ Opera Chairs. I will fc-*-» take chairs (which %/ * have been used) In exchange, and allow a fair price. H. D. WARNER, 63 Fifth Avenue, cor. 13th Street, N.Y. City. Telephone: 1847-lsth St. aw frequently i have second hand chairs for sale, ■BIRD FOR OUR CATALOGUE; A 400 page Price List. PHEB, t TWIHIPWY 6ALCI01 AND A 1 WlnLll I SIEBEOniGQICO. j I 720 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, tJInB. ] la Largest Stock of Slides, Fllme aid snp- taejT piles In the Northwest. QoodPUms wanted. Bargain Lists. O AB ORDBag PILLKlf PHOWPTL.Y ESTABLISHED Straight 1883. or Comedy. J. WIENER, GARMENTS FOR the $TAGE$ AND STREET ATTIRE. 128 BAST 14th STREET, HEW TORI, 1443 BBOAOWAT, Broadway Theatre Bldg. 12 TO ORDER IOT10E TO THE PBOFES8I0I. A N D Newly fnrnlshed, 110 and ANNEX 1S1 N. 9th ST.: also 133 N »th ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Special rates to professionals, fl per day; 16 and 16 single, per week: 110 >nd lis double, per week. A. WATTENHOPFER. Proprietor. Next door to Dime Museom. Three to live minutes to all theatres. FOR SALE, Floe Profeisloaal Punching Bag APPARATUS, built for 1, 3 and 3 bags; noely st |66. Will sell for 330, with ry thing complete. Write quick, care of 0MA8 DEPTY, lie Bush wick Ave., wklyn. N.Y. Hun, wunv .V, nickel plated; cost |6S ossesnnevei INrRRNATIONAL PLAYEXCHANOL ROYAlirPlAYS-llEASONABlfRENIS ir/lA^iu or .CHICAGO IIL NEW COOK BONO, OH, CARO-MY CAROLINE. THE W. I. LEGOBTr CO., 163 So. Sawyer Ave., Chicago, III. CULHANE, CNACE & WESTON'S MINSTRELS H. B. KVKRABRTS Proprietor ^W A I»J TP E 3> QUICK, Blnging and Dancing Team, Three Brother Aot. (Must be Oral cliuu) Baritone to double Second Violin or Viola, Trap Drummer, Alto to act aa asslnUnt purler. Cook una P„rter. Musicians and fingers do not black. We furnish wardrobe fur first p.rt and parade *«• " CllAUK, Barre, Vt., Nov. 38; Montpcller, Vt., SO; Woodivlllc, N. 11., Deo 1. YALTO DUO, RUSSIAN ACROBATIC DANCER8. FOR VAUDEVILLE, COMBINATION OR FIRST CLASS llllKLKFO.rK. ADDBKPS 813 K. nth BT, N. Y., or care of CLIPPER. VAUDEVILLE ACTS WANTED, THE BEST ONLY, AT ALL TIME8. TRENT THEATRE, TRENTON, NEW JERSEY, Address A REFINED VAUDEVILLE HOUSE. EDWARD HENTON, Manager. notice: to professionals i We still carry the Largest and Most Selected Line of Lsdies and Gents' Custom Made Clothing, slightly used, but good as new, consisting of Lndles' l'lne Kura, Evening, Dinner and Garden Dresses, Opera Closks, Hiding Habits, Ktc In Gents' wardrobe we have Extra Long Prince Alberto In Coats and Vests. Full Dress Suits, Tuxedos, Swell I.lneof Fall and Winter Overcoats, Inverness Capes, Opera Hats and Street Suits. Call or address MRS. L. SCHEUER, 924-020 South St.. Philadelphia. Pa. Between Oth St. and 10th St. Bell Telepbone, Walnut, 104D-A. I I 6SNOW WHITE SHETLAND PONIES, With Harness, which we have bought from a LARGE) CIRCUS, and are willing to tell at a bargain. ABB KLEB A SON, 272 No. Centre Ave., CHICAGO. Slot Machine Headquarters SNAPS FOR BUYERS: All Out Pries, M Picture Machines, 110 00 to 330.00; Punching Bags, 110.00; Hoover's Narre Plates, |36.00; Alureinnnt. 73r Is per pound, we buy sell or exntienge anything In the market. Bend for bargain list. RIOOS AMU8EMRNT CO., Nos. 41-43 University Place, N. Y. City. JOE, MYRA and BUSTER KEATON. The Cleveland Town Topics tsys "Busier Kenton Is a whole theatre within himself." This week a return date at Pittsburgh, Avenue; Detroit, Temple, neit wtek. IVK^PHTNE! EASY HOME CTOP, PAINLESS. PERMANENT. Wewlli scnl anyone addicted toOPfOaT. MORPIIINE LAUDANHMorBuyothcrdrug habit. bTbiai. TniamiNt. Ksei of ( iiahoe. ol tho most remarkable remedy ever discovered ContaimtiR Uhiat Vitai PaiNciri.e ticretnloro un- known RirBACTonvrtsni solicited. Conildcutial corrcsi«mdcnce invited irom all especially PnvairiANS. BT. JAMK8 SOCIETY SUITK «3. llsl HKOADvt A» MRW VORK. I" TWUTU19UI VVU WAIT, PUBLICITY. CONTRACTS. EACH BKOET8 TBE OTBIR. BOTH OAR Bl OBTAINED BT All ADVIBT. IN THE ENCORE ANNUAL, NOW BEING PREPARED. A BIO BUDOET, crammed f nil of Information and Interesting stories from the pens of Professionals and popular writers. Also THB ENCORE ANNUAL. 1 - Will contain Illustrations galore,a feature being COLORED BUPPIaEMBNTB. THE ENCOBE ANNUAL Has a world wlds and continual circulation, and la demanded throughout the year. Now HURRY UP, aid secure your position la t as doi. 19 doi. . 0 del. Britaln'i Boat Music Hall Annual, Price, per Pnete Advert, ■ j Pi O PRE8B~dH MJOV. IT Prlee, par itopIIi • Advart. All oommunlCHtlons, kUMAOER "gNOORE," 1U FLEET ST., LONDON. B.O.. anfland. SCENERY Globe Scenery Co.. Painters of High Qrsde Artistic Scenery, House sad Road Starr of All Descriptions. • LOME BCENEUY CO., Tlfdn, O., Ho. 14 lo 34 Empire Perl Place. 'Wanted, fox* ic Shriners, 'CLEVELAND, O., DEO. IT, VAUDEVILLE ACTS. Must be nrtt olass. Slate ail lo Oral letter. Address ** R.D. MORGAN, 333J Wlllson Ave.. Cleveland. 0. Myst 5,000 00D6ERS, « w vj» D .. $2 Samples for stamp. WUlcoz, Printer, Uamburg,N.J. MORPHINE Why Remain to Morphine, Cuealne. Opium, L.ndanum and otliur <lru« liablfi when you otn bo ouroU nt home. We sTUnr.ntee an absolute purrnn- nrnt and painless eurn to thnss ailillcted t» tlinu.s of ilriiss, If they will take tr.stmant and folli>w our liiatrLjctlons. Each case submittal! to u. rrcnivai l,i« dividual attention and treutnient from an experienced nerve sveHHllit. Wa Jo not detain yon from business. Wa Slve lnimmllato rellof. Appotlta for drug. It e.iroyeil and appotltn for food la vestured. Nln.p bocoiooi normal at the beslnnlns of the sreatmont. We rnii.T. the nervous and ghy.loal sy.toms to tholr natural conditions •oauie we remove tbe cause of disease, Wa Ouarantas a Cure Free Trial Treatment Writ, at once for nnr (r«e booklet * hlch gives reroreuces, terms, eto. HanhaMin Therapoirtlo Asa'n Suits 570, 1130 Broadway, New York aA/V>»VVir«rVVVVVVVVWVVNtVWWWVVfWVwV> For KIDNEV CAPSULES"^ TROUBLES and CATARRH of tie BLADDER. Cure* all Discharges In 48 Hours Kssca eapaajit ^ a n.