The New York Clipper (April 1904)

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ivT"^ THE ISTEW YOUK CLIPPEH. April 16. -Irr- TROUBADOURS K M I "' • The Supreiue Success of the Season. PlatiDg to the Larprest and Most TLoroujjhly Pleased Aadiences That Have Ever Assembled in the Play Houses of the United States, Cauuda and Oiiba. &igbtT«aT8 of l^riumph TJnequaled by Any UtageAttraction Under the Sun. Al^vajg Presenting the Smartest and Swellest Stl^e Specialties That Stagecraft Can Create. mow I*0RMULM1NG A mOHTIBB BLACK PATTI SHOW FOR THE NINTH SEA.SON, AND GKAND ENTOUEAQE OP THE UNITED BTATSB^OAKADA, MEXICO,,vCUBA; WEST INDIES and SOUTH AHERICA, COMMENCING AUG. 1, 1904. TIME ALL BOOKED. Colored Singers, I>luM;er9) Comedians and Stage-. gpccia KBtB Who Are Quahfied to Conform vith VOELCKEL & NOLAN'S Hi^h Standard OF MERIT, and Who Can Give Indisputable Teoti- mbmf^spf tbek ability to Shine ia.Our NEW, BLAZING SUNBURSTS Of SDRTH, MELODY and ACTION, are invited to correspond. Address all communications to A ■^ <S& BTOr^JlLBr. 18 E. 22d ST., NEW YORK CITY. OnBOON. Tortlaad.—At th« Marquam Grand (Cal- h Helllir.'n)aDar>r)'.—Anna Held pteacnted Mllli'aelTcN<lior«oa" March SU. St. to tbe r^tWd Itallaa Band. The Sllvef sripper" April 5-7, ., ..jtlaa Band. Hlg. U'Urtwno, c«ti- ductot, 9: Chas. B. Hahford, In "Rlcbard tbrTblnJ/'ll; VoM Cogblsn 12, 13, Hoitaer Ufteoport 14. ' • : : iJoRORAI'H TllEATBR (Cordrsy |[ Husgett. iiiaiuig«rii).—Tbc Ol/Dipla Oi>«ra Co. did good Iiu<lfa»ii8 «rc«k'»( Mareb 27, with "La Mai)- i-o<tc." The Olrl from Paris," by ttac bbidc «»(bipany. drew tvro packed houses April 4. 'BauiR's TiiEiTnfc (tieorge L. Baker, laana' I'VOR fSAIiK-llBDd Oritan, 12 trnieo, One con- dition, new, Tory loud, ^rlce $18; quick. Tent, 1M2S, new, »30; ReToIvlnR Peep Show, line, $10. rartlcularg, a'amn. All are batKiilns. No. 411 WEST MADISON ST., 8. Bend, Ind. offl^-The Nelll-MoroscoCo. had two crowd- ed iiauaea AprI) 8. to aee "Ptidd'nhead tril- aoD.'' ' The comnaDT' did fine bu^lneii week of'March 27, wfth^When We.Were Twenty- ouk: "AI-lBtocracr" April 1019. ARJiAOig" TiiBAiBD (S. Morton' Cohn, Kiaa- ajtfn.'—Uarney- aad Haines, t^ton.aDd mnki, DouBlKsa and: rietcber, Myrtle l>'ratikii, Jessie Uore,' American bloscoBe, re))- reiieotlnK.tbo Baltlmoi'e Are. Park ^nci'MG (Chan;'O. Jackson, nana- Sn,—^bn TbonipaoDB. .Mye'rii and Hack, On<wetb ">ul Prank. K. B. McKenzle, Kjate t'etlc. Cowles'and/Wallace. . •.- .TitK-MAKB (A> Shapiro; manager).—Jooei aoM Burt4>n. Hl^o nbtberta, ulanle Ward, Battle W»rd, JOBloDeap. Xflr, OfifiDON (fi«ii)aiDlD P.: ShamBtook, maJiBtel').— Lorraine Hlater^, BI/dle.Mc- O'ofao, •Mullaty-and-'BaoooB,Two Faloipaai iMBhB^.,; •,.,,,.. KiilTn'sSxwTUBWRB (William n. Brrtwn, tu4iUignr).'-^}Udel|he Del Ray, the'BerbardB, MKtnrc and' B^iaoi^tv Flo ;ZeHa, Brriha r,. Harlllc aitd Tat<!, Ifclen Jetrell, Prior : N'orrto, ,iUi» Tau. Alleo, the Oftat Aga< iiJMjii'B •CQfiCKfft nAlb (1311. B.. Davta, uiatiaker).-7^eilt atad'ltellT, Lconote Karl, N$lde Men, uioiBit ^'ordl, nomih Muller. BiilcliBorr'a MtJfifc Halp <H. p. Qflffln, mtttuBfD.-^'lalW B. .StaliJw, Heli-n MIg- iiol^. .KathBJI^a. JKrelg,. Stella- Clair,. Rose Mfls^ilAYMOflD, BjiowK, <ijr'New York, gave a lecture recital' Oft .'^arBKal," at Unitarian t'hfcpel Martb 2e. Illustrated bj hsrself at IbtS Blano, (0 .a. gtkod' alied nudlnncc. She wai) isalHled b^ Urs. Sherniaa D. Brown, tIo- 115(81, 6t tJilB city. •■• . ■:>,j,: V y I ■ ■ ■ POR a.KLK—A 2 Horn, e Leg, 9fl. Fo-Ka-Ha-Ma with 8x10 PalatlnE, t4t,; loTiine Uaud Organ,$26; a big Oarnlval Miiecuai, U Palntlngit, Ourulns, OurloslUea, etc.. $4:,. List free. W. NliLSON, ,,' 8 tan Norden St., So. Cambridge, Man. m>OS-Two Wblte f co<lleB, good hind footerx, tn per pair. Hlgb Diving Dog (none better), with 30It.ladder ins «ec(lons, net, oto., $26. la Per- girjhlng Canaries, with props., J20. HARRY lOKINBOS, 3740 Forest Park lllvd., St, LonlB, Mo. THE orlglnRl and OnlyTOMMV HAYES, Musi- cal Trick Bone boloist, at Mbercj for gnnimer Parlu. Regards to Van Rratbcrs and their China money, nnd 1 have another new one for yna. Eo roiite.VOOEL'^ MIXSntELa or N. Y. CLIPPER. WAKTBO .<tVICK, Al Black Face Bong and DanceBfaQ-,: ope wlio'does Dntcta and Irtdi. .One who nliiya Tloiln preferred. Tickets to thoae I know, i MO bocitti. need ana penaea m% llmtt' Dr. T: J. Ulller, ScarvUlc, la. P. 8.^wallace and Lewiy write... . o tKK'ftra.Dced anawer. Sio and ex- UTMOS.OllKCfeXT BACH, ANT STTLK. SENDM OBNTS FOR SAMPLES. JOHN GORDON, N. W. Oor. Eighth and ^Yalnnt Strccta. PhUa..PA. iiADYtrnsiciAi^s wAhtbo at oivob, TROMBONE, CORNBT, dJARlOITET, DROIHS. Concert and Theatra-txperlenee. IMuKt be llrHt Cl8(l«.. Adtfresa ^ OTTO HEBRMAN. ■ qsaeral DellTcry, Sew York city (N. Y.) . \'^1t MSSm^s. tmf.omm,—At the Tacoma Theatre (Ca|- TlBV"ll«llig, : iai>ntjzcr).-^Ih)!io : L*pgblaQ, in. "TJie.Oreelest.'I'hlog'ln ithe World," drew (alr'hpnaea.April " Blebcbo W^Bh bad A;l^raeiadvah<:e'aald for 7. -"The tjlKer Slip- per" R, "Tbc Game Keeper." 10 (return date), '^Jbe BUrar Slipper" (return date) 17, Mary tuliaering 28; .T^tckiIm frHDATi)B-(Oea 'Sbreeder, mana- ger ),-r-:ajif Watt-8t«Tenadn' Co, opeped its neebbd week ■(,' In «*My ,Wlfe;" to largo Kb- teadaiice.'>"1'h<!'Butterfly" week of U; ' GblROR TilRAtnii (J. Ii.: Bverett' mana- g«M;—Week of 4; The Vaje, W. P. Creawcll, cnrraon'fwd OouUer, ThoH-A. Armond, the Maatlotaa,: Bvatltem'ls pbedomenal. CcuFiVB TataTtl).—Week of 4!-The South- r.r&vQoei^et.' Mr. and Mra. Ciik'kB, Harry fi\«t\rt, and' Cko.' Welle. Buatnesn big.' OLVMPiCCLttB TiiEiinB- «OeOf Sbreeder, ntabagoc).—Wr-eic of 4: Lillian Haatinctte, FOR SAbtt-Two'slfeB'seLH Bmnd Cnifonn*, bapghtforTom Show which dldnotgoout; 7 Ma- roon broadoloUi Baok Coata, Pants and Caps, trimmed'la ono.locH'blaok braid and tracings. Also one bandsone Leader's duifonn. Coal kD; aallforfM. itVsHter brosdoloth.Coats and Caps trUnmed tnobe looh biaek braid with gold tracings. Ooit $9<. .BeU.for tM). All brand new. RoodBltel, Send 18 to goarabtue ezp. Ship 0. 0. V., balaiicc. allpwing examination. R.M. Dorlo, llonexdale, Pa. 'MtST BE SOLD—Lartre Imported Organ, fX; new'penny slot Regins Musto Box, fM, cost t86; al.so4 new Merry-Oo-Round Horses, tfl each, cost meaoU to bnlld. N'KU. MAIIANY, ' -238 Klagara Ave, Lockport, S. Y.. POR'4AX.B, Together or Sejwrate, Parker Shdotinf Gallery $140, Uanollnc Clnglne t3«, Crank Piano, ab tunes, SIM; SctUolls r^o, Round End Teal,2CX40£|40/7,lenirtb> 8-1 Icr circus beats, new, m. •■■ VtV, PHBOCOl'T. Rockland. Maine;, WAHTBD—coiltortlonlst, wire Walker, people :doln< £or atttmifbr ymall Wagon iibow. For Saler-SAmeraanitand Leaping Dog, Trained Povee, 1-Ooal,' Bdlton Concert Fbnnograph Oatflt, 2 new Tepta, l<xa8,-20x40. Prof, Harry Smith, OratE,.Pa. BARGAINS IN Moving Picture Machines I Cult Mov. Plct. Mac, 120.00; 1 Luhin Exhibition .1804 Hod., complete, electric and calcium, $40.00: 1 Ediaon, complete, electric. 8 calelam, $55.00; I gaB maklnit outfit, $1,^.00, THE BEST STEREOPTl- CON ON THE MARKET, tlS.OO. We rent ma- chloes, fllms and sons tjlldes, vlih or without operators, lo.oooft. of films and 5,000 sons slides foe salecbeap. We take your old song elideB, ma- lllme lu exchange for some of our new ALFRED L HAR8TN & CO., Studio, 114 Third Ave* chlnea and ones, 188 E. 14th ST., N. v.; Tel., 3612-Oram. WANTED AT ONCE, FOR REPERTOIRE, CommtUn, Chgraetcr Woman, Piano Player, I Agent ind Strong SpecliKiw. Long season. Cities ouly. If you can't make good don't write. Tell all Ilrst letter. .JACK TAYLOR CO., Hot Springs, Ark. 0.^,^NEV/YORK RtPRESENTATIVt BIG NOVELTT COLORED ACTS FUR ('lemehB and McAlHoter. Netary a>id Krauula,' ipMaIr dl<;tiirea. Bpalneas^tugood. Tbb 'PHOBtliX JObo. Millar, managtr);— "o follow: MinBtteifl, The Dainty < Big: Burleaoue Co. opfena'a tiro n'e<iki>> engiigbBU^iit April'11. 'BuaiueifB Ubm l)«^"larg«. ■ • OiiPlieoM TnBATM <A. r. Burlion. mana- g«r),r^bl« new 10 and 20 cent bouse, iho •attest'(>ti the Miltld.'opehB April 0, nilh a vektlng capacity of 400. Tho following peu- pln'ore billed: four Juggling Martina, <ba MnIVfTtia, the Hanniins. tWe Alblont*. Wiir- reo'alid HcClkln, James Neary, and moTing pletureit. I'-",' I I a I ' H'ealtlo.^-At tboOrandOpera Hot)8e(John Cort, managtir).—Blaachc ' Wulsh, In VBo- aiimetlou,'' April S-fl. • Bosc Cogblan' '" "Tht! ONsBlM'Thing in the World*' 10, •;Tho„8llwr Slipper' li-f6. To fol «'i>aB.*B. Hanfpn^ Al. ti. Weld's " Mary .Slunnerlng. 14K^'m.r TuRATRI (J. P. Bowt), manager). -TWeek of 3, the Baker Co.. In "AiUidnlght tleir:" Week of 10. the Baker Theatre Oi>.riB "At lta<i Wblt* nqrac Tavern. Jane" 18-28. .Tliino AVBNtB Thkatr!^ (BuNsell & Drew, mabegerN).—Week of 3, '.ruomsb J.Snilltt. in '■The'dame Keeper.'" Week of 10, ^''TUt Htowawnys," *'C«llfornla" 18-'jrt. " ALcAitAn Tubatrb. — iCd. nedmond. and «'<*., In "The Lighthouse Robbery," a-«. VTbh (iUJ ,froBi Albany" l-^. WeA. of 10.' «d. Kedmopd and Co.. In repertory. ■BbikcoN TiiBAtnh.— Np\i' ; WIllB and Bar- run,' Annie liesllo WUllams. thfi I'raaiplna, C^n^ut Perkins, Anita Montroae, proJcct(>- i-Wpe.|*ctura8. - . ■.•..:. •liMi'mB TiiBATne,—New: William J. Mills', F'tancia J,, Kryaat, Sam aadlda Kelly, Made- leine Drcene.morliigpletarcs. .i;KttiTAi.-,TiiftATi|».->-N«v: I>oro Parolly, <!Mdoer, WenUaadBumbliK. Shaw and Clif- ton, Mr. While, iliorlng pHurCs. ..'IM PfiTiTB Tiiii.\ruK.^Nc»'; Dulfec's ani- intrj. c;rcuB. MuHk'Bl Harts, Darcy atad Chase, moving pliituroB. .Ct>Hioi<u TnDAT^it' (Moae Ooldantltb, man- ageDV-r-Ne*-; Kwjy. the Prog; the Oreat Cuttnulbga, i'Uboc B dbg clreus. De Oarxos, Tta.vi9las, 'X^ill and Purroll, Kfaad Clark. . -.'v ■■■,•-'■-; ! . I » :Btfi»kaae.^At the Hpoliano J' (Dan I.. ""Mver. manager).— Rokp Coghlon came t(.v good btislneSH >l(tJaUl^>li> presenting "Tbo ilr«aleat Thine InTlio World." RUnche W«Ub comes 11. 1 J, "lie BHVor Bllpper" 18. ^9: • • ■ AvniToRitiM. (HarryC' Hayward, mana- gtWV—-StetsoB'a "U..T. C." tame to good livUHea 4. B. Ward & Wade's MlnatrelB at- n«R8. PARKS. THEATRES, Etc.-TBE MARVKL0C8 PIUARI BROTHERS ai-e At Litictry after April 9>. The greatost brother act In America. Onb of tbo features with ''Devil's Auctlou," Season l»0J,04. Wanto Novelty.' Address route: April 15, Winfleld, Kau.: April 19. Arkwisas city, Kan.; ApHiJ7, Wcl>b Cltr, Mo.; April 18, Plttatmrg.Kaa.; April 19, Ohauutc,\an.; April 20, lola, Kan.; April aL.tFU;Scott, Kan. . • ., . -., • ■ : . WAHTKO AND FOR SAI.B. Vifil. abptit, 06rt. Tent complete ror vatidevlllc ibow, most be In Euod Donditlon; UR TOP AND POLE AVITBOCT 8IHK WALL. For sale cheap, Med. Camp, ?oo(t.; goud side wall, Hiagc, seals, poles, ropes, etc.'Wanted, Goad Useful Performers tor nyA audevllic Cu. . Mui<t be sot>er and rellablo. UoodJob. .BalarvDure. Address FDK MAKERS, UmtedSlatOfl Hotel, KlQgBtoDjTI.Y.' RBAD TrtIS—Wlli> riot rodelve auy ordom fortlalateaaTler April'ai at,an>- price. t»oa lo $7Q0 weekly at parks. Price tlw. Investigate at onue.' Stamp fortuir Infonnation. OIIARLEB E. WESTON, 1^2 Spnioe St„Xawrenoe, Mass. "musicians ■WAHTBD-PI rat Violin, Double Baritone; PIvoo1o,'DouMd flute; Clarionet, Double UlarloUot: vioiia, Doiiblo Prencb Horn orMeio- phpae. Bammer rtisort IJiIb city. HuHt be P. of M. and come with iraosfer cards. Long en- gagement. Mualolau, Me Aualtn St., Houston, Tex. tr*ct«^ .aversKO butlnets 3. ^ '^ W. Smith, manager).—The ^ - ■• 1, Hayes and .flPISON sr»o i>u«nlngn 4 wiQrc: Tom Rolland, Wlncbeil, apd "Scboenworl^ ' ' .CiicuB D'AiiiNB (Jacob doata, mBnager).^^ i:.''.Wlll Bensley. Oordoa and Hayes. Beleti PcMetler.-Puoant and Baldwin, and the I'Xtut' klllWirvrtba. . ./_ eoMigva <I. D. > Holland, manager).'— Skaw Blatert, Santoro and Marlow, Noe) and (Jllbert, and fjUllan Howe. jClNBOORAPn >(C. B.' Peckham, mtriagtr). —(^aniDbell Trio. McSbaffreys. T>r<v« Katy Didt, Bt«ffo(d.aQd.81pn«,«tillj;:ora St. Uaa. J, ■ , .. , - ■ ■ ■ :. .. #«» . ' ,^ ' . . . . V.Hyrtle Kosslyn . Davis, professional rianlat.' compoHer and. arranger, of Clinton, ■id., haa wntlen a foiir act comsdr drama, entitled "Hearts," Jncludln'c all of the nualo to* iixtii. : , .' ■ ,.;. ■ AT LIBERTY, ftl PIANIST. state all lu drbt. 0. Leader, write. No hum. Can join at once. AddrcsR CHAS. JENNINGS Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Orabaiii'siMiOrasOo. Grand Opera HtDBe, Btstoa, Week of lay S. Address, stating lowesit terms, JOHN GRAHA3I, Grand Opera House. Boston. Tony Lubelski Vaudeville Circuit, E.Klenfllng from Deuvcr to Paclfle Coafit. Perform- ers wishing to book West can do ^o bv opplvlng to BERT PnTMAN. Novelty Theatre, fJcnvcf, Colo. ^F6B~DETBdiTr~ Summer Attractions and Novelties WISE PERFORMER . WONT LET 1 UIS ACT KBEP VP-TO-DATE. A PERFORMER D O ■■ u?sY^^" D""u U OBT MADISON BUDGET No. 9. Contains 21 Original Parodies. 9 new Mono- logues, 4 great Ske'.<:hes, Harry SIODlaguo's borlesque, "AN AWKWARD MISTAKE;" new Dutch, Irish and Hebrew Speclaltlett; Comic Poems, Toasts and Epitaphs; two roaring farces, "BUBBLE'S TROUBLES," and "UNCLE JOHN'S VISIT," besides hun- dreds 0/ original Gags, Stories and Jests— 80 big pages. One dollar per copy. Send all orders to my agent, I.. J. K. HEIL, 1404 Third Avenne, New York. (JOlrtRIGHT TITLE AND BOOK, HOW TO GET ON THE STAGE A Uroat Money Maker If properly advertised and handled rlsht. H. BHOMAN, Box 4U6, Fair Haveu, N. J. mmm wmim. strong, good appearance, and Buccessfal offlce workers. IliFlllCIl PERFORINERS That are up In acts and change often. WANTED TO OPEN APRIL SS OR MAY 2. State salary, particulars and If you plav organ. . >rATnRE'S REMEDY CO., Phllu., I'rt. It's what price Stands , for.- that makesi it high or low.;" Yoy caiii get a suit hi^asured to order for $2U, but that doesn't mean.that they're suits like WE make at $20. We'll toff up a ddublQ-breasted (our own excTiiaive ciil): cr^ft it of Imported cloth and liiake It Thirty-doUar way. If you don't want the; suit when it's ready— it'a'yours. -'Weknbw.our resqurces and war- rant abeolute : satisfaction. By the way—ryou'rc, sui^ 1^0 be impr^sed yith- the-new' ''Gun/Metal" gray"of our^ir-THE shade. / . 'Se-.)d for satAt>l(»,/mcasuriDg outfit nnd fashion caras;' ■' '■■ ARNltErM, ■ ' •9UiSt.,II.L WANTED QUICK! Big National Stock Co. Man Tor Leuda and Characters. Man with Moving Picture Machine—Actor preferred. Al rlanlBt. Others write. State lowest Summer salary. Pay own. Poultncy, Vt., week of April 11. Address CIIAS. SCUAD, Usmager. For Scenic Railway Park Midway. Desirable loca- tions can be seoured' on rental or percentage. Small. Tneatre for .special novelty attraction. Space for Ferris Wheel, Merry Co Round. State full parilculars drat letter, to SCENIC RAILWAY CO., 91 Grlswold Strecl, Detroit, Midi.. Wanted, Leaders, To Vhc the Lion's Bride Waltics. Played in THE GREAT LAFAYETTE PRODUC- TION. It Is the only Waltz Ult of the Season. Price,-Orcb., lo and Plono, iscLs. Pull Orch., Sic. Plauo Solo, ISC. POr DLAR MUSIC CO.. 219 Linden Street, tirooklyn, N. Y. ^^A/'A. IV rr* e: i>, FOR SOVTHERN PARKS, inn STOCK WOMEN. lUUsOUBRETTES. SISTER AND SKETCH TBAHS. A'lio All Kind of Novelty Ads. NEW YORK VAUDEVILLE CON'tRiVCTINO CO., SiOO E. nth Street, New Yort City. For the DU BER6 C0IED7 CO., Woman for Characters and Juveniles. Those doing specially preferred. Mtist Join ou wire. State nil. I'ay your own. Address to W. C. CONNOR, Mgr. Du Berg Comedy Co., H. 15, ItJ, Wstervllle, Maine; 18, 10, 30, rittRfleld, Maine. Balance of this and Summer Season, for Garsiile, GsniJit & Mick's Big Stock Co., Young, good looking Leading Man, Singing aud Dancing Soubrettc. Must niaKe good, write luU partluulars. Address J. S. UAUSIDE, Academy of Music, Fall River, Masj. COIOREO PERFOHMERST"' I-We want just one more Ail 'Round Worker; to complete onr Road Co. for Uio season. Reaaonible SALARY paid every week. When ; yon write, slate reasonable salary for your ■ oompetenoy. Tbla la a good place for a good SOBER Man. BBSNCTr MEDICINK CO., Norfolk, A'a. I iiMii ■■11 i.Bii 111 11 II n il I >♦» AT LIBERTY, WM. D. JONES, (JOHN P. NEVILUS, TRAP DRVMMER. | PIANIST. Would like to get a lolut euKngouient; nober and reliable. Address \VM. D. JONES, Grand Opera Houac, 188 L yon St., Ottawa , Canad a. Side billow Paintings .AMD Street Fair Fronts, E. Ji Haydon & Co., 108 B'vwy, B rooklyn , W.Y. BEBilABD Kintt...PLATWSieHT. , -11108 Uruadway, Room 17, Now York City. Only the Best I'luys aud Sketches Written ut huaxuaablc PrlceB. Good Monologues, "lypewrltten," for Dutch, IrlBli or black Faok, with two parodies, JSc. "Parodies, 4 for 25c." Siieclsl Monologuts, complete, £1. STAMP FOB REPLY WILL. H. FRANKLIN^. 282 Madis on 8U, Wilmington, Del. voerg'Fweida MUSICAL ARTISTS. Invite Offers for Summer and Next Seasou. 138 W. 8., Cmiton, Ohio. -k BANKS' IDEAS i< Nn 7 N the LATEST. Best work (or Vaude- nU> f vlUeActa ever Issued. Parodies. Uono- logueg, Skeichus,. End Gags, etc. PRICE SOc. Idean Nos. 6, 6, 7, $1. Any two books, SOc. COS BANKS, 221 LocKwood St., Providence, R. I. RHE LORRAINE. FurSommerand Recular Season. I.«iidlDg Msu, Heavy Nan', Comedlau, S. and D. Soubretle; A No. 1 Pianist, who can arrange; Specially People aud other useful Rep. People, write. State all llrsi letter. Salary must be low. Pay own. Roate booked BolM to Oct. 1. Address RHE LORRAINE, gctscvUlc N. Y. . TRilNSPARENTSCElRY Such as formerly U8«d io "Olrl W(lh the Auburu Hair:" also Second Hand Dress For BuUerny Dance. BOX 344, Saginaw, Mich. W4ifiD~AT"oiicB; GOOD GENERAL BIS. WOMAN. WlUi Specially, and other Useful Repertoire Peo- ple. Long neason; never close: salary nure. Send ptwto. and full particulars. If you cuu't maku good, don't write. MGR. IRENE JEA YOSS CO., Ro ckwooj, Pu. WANTED QTTIC^^ ALL AROUND GOiEDIAN, Put on ActAand make them go; Piano Player, reail or good Paklr. Other Med. Performers, write. Ghost walks every Sundav morning. Address Dfe. J. J. SEYMOUR. General Delivery,. Uinclunatl, OUio^ THE BELLE OF THE BEACH MARCH. Orchesirs lou. 8ve«tlieart, I Woold That Too Vere Ilae. Cornet Solo (with orchestra ace.) UK'. Song (with voice orchestration) luc. Address KURT P. UlRSEKORN, 53!) AUantIc Are., Brooklyn, N. Y- ■ Wantod Quick, UQ!<luiani>—Cornet, Trombone, Tutja and Dontile Ua>8. tor B. and O. Also Good Juvenile Man. w1lli Singing Specially, to Double In Hand. Work all Simimer. Wire A. J. GARIMi, Anierlcfln HoLo Co., Athol, Mabs., April 13; Fitchbaig 14, Maynard IS. Taunton 16. WANTED QUICK, ist VIOLIN, PIANIST. Bulh must double Band; a few more Performers, suitable for VaudevlUo, Olrcup, Stage and Blue, 8i»u lowest: it 3 sure. Ticket If not too far. Jobi OD wire. Address WILLlA.-a TODT, Cope ClJsrlcs, Va. riRVDIES- BEST YET. GUARANTEED •HITS. Each one a scream. NAVAJO, HOLDIER BOY. Etc., 24 cents each, two for M cer is. Limited issue. JACIC LAWRENIJE, care Of «W Keith Thcatn: Bidg., Philadelphia, Penna. Geo, W. iSnow, ,..,. MtiXOLOatJE MUSICAL ARTIST, lath Week Jolly Jesters Co., gllwood City, Pa. JIP-^iF'^^'S 'or the GREAT PARKKR AMLSE- MbXT CO. 1 he best none too goud. .wurcss HORACE MURPHY. Atiuone, Kan. WANTED. SET FOB AEBIAL BAB8. Must be In good uosdltlon and cheap for casli, at once. . c. A. HiLl,, 8106 Kennett Bgnarc, East End. Pittsburg. Pa. WOEKINfi WOBLD WANTED, A OOOO 0INOKR Who I'laya PIAJs'O for Moving Pictures. Vltttgraph Compopy, 116 Nasaau Street, N.'Y. AI.BKM'r OF»K*fri, Seenio Painter (late Koslcr A Blal's), Open for Ennceinent. Stock House, Opera, Spec- tacular, Uurieiinue, Tableau. Inventor of Out of Door and Park Aiuui't'itienls. ei WEST jeUi St., Now York. ■V .Good .VII 'Round Speaker for Medicine Wagon, also Two Comedy Men. Address Pit, 8MIT1L -lOT W. aOth 8t, N. Y. FOR SALE-Pissiofl Play Fllflis, 3,000 Feet, Complete. Most Important seeneB; good as npurt Bargain. W. R. JAVBNS, SIT seventh Ave., Benver Falls, Pa. PJIRTMBH WITH tSBO to Start out Comedy ■' -— iportnnlty f Chicago, ni, Draaia,; 141)7 or Nan: great opportunity for atlMeiir. K.Y. ANBERTOfi, 0. D., r BIO MECHANICAL SHOW for Kale: Juat made, witli nccncs froui RiiB«<a.and Jap War, llaltl- morc Fire, etc.. ouly $00. List free. 0. A UOOD. IBS VauNurdeuSt., No . Cam bridge . Maaa. WAifTED-IAN FOB IDTERILE8. Also Han fur Characters and Old Men; eober, reli- able; sabiry aud expensice. wire or write to BELCHER'S COMEDIANS, Coal Hill, Ark Med. Lecturer Wanted. A Money Cetter, who can do straight In Acts; a Long, Loud Talker for tbe Summer season, under canvaH. GUARANTEE REMEDY CO., Matsey, Md. FOR8ALE,^TENT8, I«r20, 28x40, 30X40, 3SX50, 80XIU7, 00x160: Clrcaa Seals, (^ulre, Quarter. Side Poles and stakes. PEARL VAN. NorthvlUe, N. Y. WANTED QUICK, MAN FOR COMEDY AND OEN. BUS. (speolaltles preferred). Salary low, butrure. Join at once. Other people, write. MOR, REPERTOIRE CO., Tupper Lake, N. Y. ESTABXJSHED 18T7. PREPAREDCORK M CeoM Per Pound. ReferencestAIl t he leading Mln- I trels. Order from lira. Kd MlllB,LondonTheatre,N,Y, For Sale, Black lent, m% Used All' throughour, sft. wall, ropes, poles, a snap, tU; notlesatlianBlllmB, coofL, $au. stamp for reply. O. P. BARKLEY, Mt. Plca.iaut, Pa. S5o5,'*\.P„\'i"S'>"'^ ZOUAVK LNIFORMS, MIN- STREL FIRST PART, ETC. Address UNIFORMS, . aoig S. 12th Streel, SULuulj, Mo. WANTED, FOR JONESVNEW EMPIRE SHOW, Tuba, Clarionet, Alto, Trap Drunimer, Clown snd Good Medicine Comedlau for concert. Muscio baocers. D. H. LANO. Mgr.. Hlnton, W. Va. WAMTED-GOllolGlirD MNlfCOMT. UIAN, to do Rough Irish and Dutch. Must Join on wire. AddrcM E. «. SMITH'S COLOSSAL SHOWS. Buckstown, Pa. Parody on^^NavaK^ls^lDento. Ounranteed to niako good. Parodies, etc., writteu LVJS^I; '**D'^ "^°'i' or fltampa to FRED H. LEONARD. 1108 8. aid 81.. Philadelphia. ■ Man and Woman for Characters with SpeclalUcs. Man with Picture Machine. Salary sure; CPRRAN, Gen. Del., Mlltoa t'o^, Dalla a, nsae. WOULD Ilka to bear from a good Elevator Boy to take np carpets. Party In Phlla. had beUer SETTLE with ME. or I'll e»poBe their name. Wanted, CANVAS MEN S?,1\' .'"*f'ng week stands In tolties. Address R. T. WILLIAMS, 4HS ColnmbUB Are., New York Oltyl EOFFE. HOTTMA.VN. BUTTERS A CAMR. Uwyera rSuT&i^ Chicago Special Attention to Xhentrlcul Business.