The New York Clipper (September 1904)

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630 THE NE^ . YQBK- CLIPP-KB. September 3. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER ■ • i in THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING CO. (Limit*!.) propbibtorb. ALBERT 3. BORIE, Editorial and Business Manages. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1904. RATES. Advertisements— $2.80 per Inch, single col- umn. Advertisements set wltb border, 10 per cent, eztrt. SUBSCRIPTION. One year in advance, f4 ; six months, $2; three months, si, Foreign postage extrs. Single copies will be sent, postpaid, on re- ceipt of 10 cents. oar Terms are Cash, THE CLIPPER, Is Issued every Wednesday morning. The last four (advertising pages (iO TO PRESS on Saturday at 11 a. k„ and the other pages on MONDAY and TUESDAY, l br Form* Closing; Promptly, Tues- day, at IO o'clock A. M. Please remit by express, money order, check, P. O. order or registered letter. All cash en- closed wltb letter Is at the risk of sender. Address All Communications to THE NEW YORK CLIPPER, 47 West 28tb Street, New York. RcgMerti Cable Addrem, "Authobitx." THE WESTERN BUREAU of the Clipper Is' located at Roam 602, Ashland Block, Chicago, Walter K. Hill, manager and correspondent, where adver- W. D.. New York.— The Htage can be ob- tained tbroiiKli the International News Co., New York City. BASEBALL. W. H. Campbell Hail.—As yon state tbs esse, yes. The American Sports Publishing (,'o,'« Official Handbook- of iDter-Colleglates of America, says 'In Its definition of an amateur: "An amateur Is a person who has never competed In so open competition, or lor money, or under a false name,- or wltb a professional for a prise,' or wltb a pro- fessional where gnte money Is charged; nor has ever at any time taught, pursued or as- sisted at athletic exercises for montf, or for any valuable consideration. But nothing in this definition shall lie constnfed to prohibit Hie competition between amateurs for medals, nips, or other prizes than money." T. P. T., Terre lisate.—The Pittsburg club bar. no pitcher i>y the name of Waddelf The man you probnhty have reference to Is pitching for the Philadelphia Athletics. H. B„ London.—The bet is a draw. As you state, the game has been thrown out, and stands as if never played. ■I. n. ]■"., Hsttoon.—The bet stsnds until a result is reached, providing that Is done on tbe same dsy the game Is played. CARDS. V. A. V., Oconto.—The demand to have the accompanied her to California last June, 'i'be telegram was received here late Friday evening and contained nothing more tban the simple-announcement of the death end tbe statement that the body could not be brought'bare before Sept. 1, owing to a wash oirt on tbe railroad. .Horace McVlcker. a stepson of Mrs. McVlcar, who happened to be in Chicago performing tbe duties of advance representative of Ethel Bsrrymore, became auspicious, which resulted la his giv- ing sn order to several local banks where company of dramatic Block players, owning with '"the Prisoner.of Zends.? The .wot* of making tbe building "conform" hah not been of serious moment ss It was newly re- built, after * Are which destroyed Its la-. ferlor arrangements a year ago. •CHiCAOO'-OMt** Hoi'sb (Kohl A Castle, managers).—Continuous vaudeville, always maintained at a blgh standard-of merit here, was particularly '"claasy" last Week with Valerie Bergere, In "Billy's First Love." as a top liner.- Fagan and Byron were in strong London Dime MtmeuM (Win. J. Sweeney, manager).—Carlo .hull: - Prof. Ceriaan, owe matt band; Jba Jess,' Mhvka. 'eucsantreae: Valdlmer.' magician, and Char Burr, crayon flfrist-''"On the stage: F.mmr. Wslte, Msroa- Ilne Zllla, Prof.-' Neat - and tbe Midway dancers. Business Is good. , - PaiN's "Last Day's or Pompiii" remains tbe cbleX attraction of tbe West Madison Street carnival. The beautiful display of fireworks begins Its third week at Wect-Madi- Vloker. When she married Mr. McVlcker, nearly fifty years ago, she was a widow— Mrs. Ruonlon. By ber second marriage she had two eblldmo, Mary and Frank, tbe daughter becoming; the wife of the late Edwin Booth, Both of these children died. Horace McVlcker, wbo Is the chief belr to tbe Mc- Vlcker estate, being a son of Mr. McVlcker bv bis first wife.' Two nieces of Mrs. Mc- Vlcker are the other heirs. > • - Illinois Theatre (Will J. Davis, mana- ger).—After two weeks of darkness, devoted to dusting tbe carpets and furnishing the decorations, tbls beautiful playhouse, re- opens for Its regular season on Monday, Sept. r>, wltb FrTttl Scbeff, in "The Two Roses." Tbe first American performance uf ■-. n. u., uLyim,,—me urmuiiu luuave liie noses, iue ursi AuicriLau prriuruinuce ui cards shuffled should have been made before this pastoral opera was originally announced l hi* bands were dealt. After tbe last card lias been dealt by-tbe himself It Is too late to demand a new dealt , D. S. \V„ Coldwater.—In playing lack pots If the player who opens a pot wishes to draw for a flush, he must announce tbe fact that he has discarded one of his openers and ■mist place It where It can be shown after the hand Is played; to prove that tbe pot was ager) legitimately opened. W. P. W„ Ilemljl.— If A could not use tbe card (0 of diamonds) to advantage, he was compelled to place It beside tbe talon, face up. to be used by B If be needed It. B could not force A to break either sequence be bad laid upon the table, J. V. T., South Boston.—The game Is evl to be given, but'If Is now-understood tbat a week In Cleveland will precede tbe Chi cago engagement. Roland ' Cnnnlngbam, I/oiiIr Harrison. Clarence Handysldesv Ida Hawlev. Josephine Bartlett and Louise La Baron will be -among tbe principals In Miss ScbefTa support Powers' theatrb (Harry J. Powers, man- -Amelia Bingham starts upon - tbe last half of her fortnight Sunday evening, Aug. 28. We were promised a repertory of Miss Bingham's plays. Including an original production for the final week of tbe engage- ment; but a change In plans retains "The Climbers," which proved on attractive bill last week, until the middle of this week, The Frisky Mrs. Johnson" going on Thurs- tlsements and subscriptions are received at rienrly an offsnot of the regular game and day night to finish out the week. On Labor ,nd Stationery CoT. 128 &«^&*#. &%***&&? W* ^TtTaSZZSSl sevVv/eekTofV ,.; Albert * Son. 1ST- ^«£S' •^ra^e^he'ccS KK£ B»* & "iK^&^JL. our regular rates. THE LONDON BUREAU Located at 48 Cranbourne St., London, W. C, where advertisements and subscriptions are received at our regular rotes. Tub Clipper can be obtained, whole- sale and retail, at our agents, Brentano's news depot, 37 Avenue de I'Opera, Paris, France; M. Llllentbal, Frederick Strasse 101 (Terminus Hotel), Berlin, N. W., Ger- many ; Diamond Newa Co., 07 Prado, Ha vana ; Manila Book a Escoltn, Manila, P. 1.19 King St., Sydney, Australia. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER publishes only one edition, and. tbat Is dated from New York. QUERIES ANSWERED. No Replies by Mall or Telegraph. Addresses or whereabouts not oivin. All in QUEST OF BUCK SHOULD WRITE to those whom they seek, in care of THE CLIPPER Post Opkicb. All letters will he advertised one week only.'' if tub route or ami theatrical company 18 bought, rkker to oub list of ' routes on another pace. wh cannot bend routes hv mail os tki.kiiral'h. therefore is governed-by local rules. We, therefore, can not decide the question. 3'. A. it.. New York.—As no plover raised A,' he; could not' raise bis "ante. OUR CHICAGO LETTER, Day Ethel Barrymore will start the regular season, then giving us our' first views ol "Cousin Kate. Orand Opeba House (Fred R. Hamlin, business manager). — Hamlin, Mitchell ft Fields bring their first production, "Bird Centre,"- to this house Sunday night, 28, to C/rom odb own correspondent.) Western Bnrean Of tbe New York Clipper, Room BOS, Ashland Block, Chicago. The new producing firm of Fred Hamlin, hit and an artistic auceus was scored by Mrs. Jules Levy, wbo, with her talented daughter and clever son, gave a mu- sical act of extreme merit and predominating vaudeville worth.- There were lots of other clever folk besides those mentioned and the show entire Won approval. Opening 20': Morris and Parker, Conwell and Hunter, the Seymours, Youngs and Brooks, Gibson and VAn Klein, Geo. Austin, Lillian Shaw, Khesns and Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Lucier, Hoey and Dee, Nicholson and Norton, tbe Trocadero Quartet. 'Marshall P. Wilder, the -FerretI Bros., and Geo. K. Spoor's klnodrome. This bouse in enjoying a period of great pros- perity, end rightfully so, as Chicago baa seldom enjoyed better vaudeville than Is here presented. •' ' • Haymarkkt Theatre (W. W. Freeman, manager - for Kohl ft Castle).—Rebuilt s* to entrance, Interior arrangements and stage construction, this now thoroughly "conform- ing" theatre opens to patronage Monday afternoon, 20—provided the working men get out in time. The initial bill of the sea- son names :■ f J. W. - Sherry, Bobbins and Trenemnn, Spauldlng. Stuart and Fitigtb- bons, Wm. Yvlndon, the Columbians, BoranI and Nevaro, Winona Winter, the Merlowe- Plunkett company, Geo. W. Monroe, Valart* Bergere and company, the Four Mortons and Geo. -K. Spoor's klnodrome—m fine starter toward a promised list of the best vaude- ville acts tbe-West side has ever known. '•- Cleveland's Theatre (W. 8. Cleveland, manager).—Tbls week : Joseph Yarrlck, Elsie Janls, Anton Hegner, Leah Russell, Mario and Aldo, Eddie Leslie, Allen Doone and company and the Bernstelns. Sam t. Jack's Opera House (Sidney J. Kuson, manager).—Stock burlesque retains the. call at this popular house. I'lnns for this week's entertainment, beginning Sunday afternoon,' and continuing, as usual, twice a start a bit of a run. Glen McDonough has art * rnooD -J n ii on t lnm ?J' "?,.r .VUSKSi.S written the comedy, with John.-lV Me- da * .S? p ^?A, the M b ^l' 8a ;"t!; Jl£5*i!!".. CutebeonVCWcOflo '.Tribune cartoon, a. Its ■*?■'"»•«B»"«! b "*•„ \*£*™*J±HgS™ basis. Julian Mitchell has aopervlsed tbe production, which was originally made In Peoria,-111., last Monday evening, 22. On Saturday night, 27, Madge Can Cook and ber talented associates bid farewell to a DRAMATIC. H. G. G„ Newburg.—We have no knowl- edge of the present wfierealionts of the party. Address a feller In our care, and' we will ndvertlse It In Tub Clipper letter list. II. & J. 11., Buffalo, Miss L. It., Norwich, W. P., «'. H., Cincinnati, R S. L„ Cohoes, It. II., Lawrence, It. H. y„ Somerset, T. M. (.'., New York, c. A. li., Huntington, Miss It. M„ Dallas, and H. C, New York.—Bee answer to H. G. G., alsive, Y. B—1. From 115.00. tip. 2. The salary depends entirely upon tbe ability of the team. 3. No. II. J. S„ Utlca.—Watch the route list In the columns of TUB Clipper each week. II. B., Worcester.--]. Address the Miner Lithograph Co., lSfiS Broadway, New York t'lty. 2 and 8. There are no books publlshea on the subject h. C, J. A,, Albany.—We can only advise you lo rend the Brooklyn newa eucb week In The Clipper. Wo never give bookings more tban two weeks ahead, M, K. T., Buffalo.—She Is engaged for tbe senium of 100-l-On with the stock company which will play nt Hamlin, Mitchell ft Fields Theatre, New York City. X. Y. /., Detroit.—Good acts of any de- scription can usually tine openings. J. J., San FranclBCo.—We refer you to ""t. &TcMtiBV-Wa tan It tbat they mean *■*§*»* &U lm 2S2£ t £S£!9& which Glen McDonough has-written around the newspaper cartoons of John T. McCutcn- eon, opens for a limited engagement at tbe (irand Opera House. This will begin the regular season St the Grand, where, on Sat- urday evening, 27, "Mrs. Wiggs, of the Cab- bage Patch, ends a Summer engagement of seven unprecedentedly prosperous weeks. During the current days two more theatres open j and on Labor Day the season will be Inaugurated at five morn local playhouses. "The Pit" will begin tbe new season for the practically rebuilt McVIcar's Theatre on Saturday evening. Sent. U, end on the same evening the new stock company at the Peo- flie's Theatre, on tbe West side, will begin is season. Sunday evening, Aug. 28, marks the close of a long Chicago term for "Tbe Royal Chef,"- Amelia Bingham begins her second and last week at • Powers' and on Monday evening, 20, "Tbe Yankee Consul" enters upon Its fourth and final week at tbe Studebnker. At tbe Great Northern "Buster Brown" terminates five. weeks of capacity business Saturday evening, 27', to - give Way to "Under Southern Skies," which opens for one week with the Sunday matinee, 28. Tbe week stands starting Bun- day afternoon name : "Hello, BUI," at tbe Columbus; "The'Flaming Arrow," at tbe Criterion; "At Cripple Creek,"'at the Bilou; "Too Proud to Beg," at the Alhambia; Weber's Dainty Duchess Co., at the Folly, ilnd'the Bohemian lturlogquers, at the Troca- dero. Vaudeville gains with tbe promised reopening of the Haymarket Theatre Mon- day afternoon, 20; the Chicago Opera House and Cleveland's Theatre - continuing their ?uota toward the supply of a strong-demand or this-class of entertainment. < Stock'bur- lesque prevails at Sam T. Jack's and Sans Soucl; Water Chutos and Blvervlewi Parks reach the beginning of tbe Summer season's end with tbe current do vs. Labor Day, Sept. 0, will be an Important date' la local theatrical chronology, lire theatres tbon opening tbe regular season. Tbe Garrlck, after being dark during the current days, will offer De Wolf Hopper- In a revival of "Wang;" Ethel Barrymore, presenting "Cousin Kate," comes to Powers'; "Wood- land" will be seen for the flrat time, locally, :it the Studebaker; -Frits! ScbeuT will give us our first Impressions ■ of "The Two Roses," at the Illinois, and tbe Players' Stock Co. opens for lit third season at the Bush' Temple of Music with "When We Were Twenty-one." The Academy of Music, u week luter, will be the last of the Stair & Havlin arenas of atrenn- ouaness to open, "Across me Pacific" betng Cabbage Patch." : The crowds nave been simply capacity all the time, and • the play has won such favor tbat It could easily run with-profit Into a duplicate of'Its rmvjust closing. "Mrs. Wiggs" may come back to us any time assured' of a rousing greeting and abundant financial reward. She Is easily the most popular old lady Chicago bas known In months of stage life.- : s f. ,. . Oarrick Theatre (Cbas. A. Bird, busi- ness manager).—"Tbe Royal Chef" departs for Its Broadway test after Sunday night s performance,'.28.- Its five weeks at this house have been unvaryingly profitable. Sun- day afternoon will witness a special and novel matinee performance. During tbe first half of the piece the leading roles will be Stayed by the old principals.' and' then the ew York cast will take up tbe running and finish the performance. Friday afternoon a special matinee was given, and preparations are being made for a rousing farewell Sun day night. One week will-be devoted to trimming up the decorations, beating the carpets- ana making slight alterations in some of the Interior details of tbls popu- lar house, and on Sunday night next De Wolf Hopper will start the regular Beason wltb a revival of "Wang."-■ .:«« ■ McVickkb's Theatbb (Geo. C. Warren, business manager).—After weeks of labor, during which the Interior of this favorite resort hss been completely overhauled, the season will open Sept. '3 (next Saturday night), with Wm. A. Brady's production-of "The Pit."' There is good reason to > hope for a renewal of Its popularity, so suddenly cut short by Mayor Harrison's order clos- ing all of our theatres. At that time "The Pit" was playing to the utmost capacity of the Garrlck. St comaker TiiEA-rnE (R. K. Harmeyer. business-manager).—"Tbe 'Yankee Consul' starts upon Its fourth and last week Monday evening, 20. "Woodland" will be 'given.for for a second week and Alhurms and Bartram come to provide the vaudeville features; Tbe Four Connollys ■ and Charley Banks -will -be among the other between-burlesque features. Business Is fine and Manager Luton la pro- viding a show which merits prosperity. : The Foli.y (John E. Fennessy, business maogerJ.-^-Tbls house, which wns. for many years known as Hopkins' Theatre, and whicii, last season, presented Starr & Havlin melo dramas, opened under Its new name as; a spoke in tbe "burlesque- wheel" Sunday af- ternoon, 21. with Frank B. Carr's Thorough- breds as the attraction. This week, start- ing Sunday afternoon, Weber's Dainty Duch ess 'Co. wll lentertnln. Through no fault or the Thoroughbreds last week's business was phenomenally poor. The entertainment was of excellent class, and those wbo did witness the performance enjoyed It Immense ly. Blanche Washburn led a copious bevy ofi fair femininity-in . tbe-burlesque, "The' Thoroughbreds," and in the first'part, "Look- ing for a Duke." -Josle i'lynn was a strong Seconal in appearance-and nopnrsrltv. while tbe comedians, Including Willie Weston, Tim Healey, Xbomas Coyne, lieo. Howards im,i Larry Lawrence, made most of their op- portunities and provoked much mlrib. ' The olio was- made of entertaining metal, Willie Weston. In clever imitations; tbe Unique Trio (including Tim Healy and tbe Clausen Sisters), In a- diverting act; tbe supple La Toaka,'- in- contortions ;■ Blanche Washburn and Josle Flynn, In a lively sister act Aftermath. —Plans have been, filed with the Building Department and a building per- mit has been Issued for the Majestic Theatre, In Monroe Street, near State. The Monroe Theatre Co. Is the title of the controlling corporation, the directors being 0. Li. Kohl, M. Meverfeid Jr., -Martin Beck, Geo. Middle- ton, M. C Anderson, Geo. Castle and J. J. Murdock, who also comprise tbe board of di- rectors of tbe Western Association of Vaude- ville Managers. The Majestic will be a part ot a twenty story office structure and It Is expected tbat the theatre portion of the build- ing will be ready for occupancy by March 1, next. Tbe new vaudeville house will have a seating capacity of 2.0OO. The parquet and fifty boxes will seat 800 people, the mazzan- ine balcony and boxes 300, tbe balcony 470, and the gallery 400. Tbe maxznnlne balcony, wbleb Is to be below tbe regular balcony, is to be a feature new to Chicago theatres. It will contain a row of sixteen boxes, a second row of thirteen like boxes, nnd - two rear rows of ordinary ■ seats, with a foyer In the rear. It will be fourteen l'eet above tbe floor of tbe auditorium:...... President Maurice Meyerfeid Jr., of tbe Or- phenm - circuit, Is due ■ in Chicago Sunday morning for a consultation with General Manager Martin Beck.' Later In the week Mr.-'Meyerfeid and Mr. Beck will make a business trip to New■ York".... ..Everhart, tbe boop-roller, has entered literary fields. 1'acknowledge the receipt'of a copy of hla book, which tells more about boon- rolling than anybody, save Bverhart, ever knew be- fore. ..,. .Tbe Fall term at the Chicago Con- servatory of Mnslc and Dramatic Art will open. Sept 1, with tbe largest enrollment In the history of this long established Insti- tution ..J. I. Devlin started for Butte, Mont» Friday afternoon, to take charge of "A Texas Steer" for Harry Bmery. He. will continue back with tbe show for the season. . i... .Bobby Carroll and wife, Lillian Gard- ner, are the happy parents of a girl baby which was born In Chicago, their home, on Aug. 2fi ... . .'i-tTbe vaudeville -agency for- merly conducted by Ireland'& Armstrong Is now under the sole 'control of Harry Armstrong. Fred • i. Ireland, wbo went East -with "Enigmarelle," bas withdrawn to "devote his 'entire -attention to tbe mechanical novelty which Oscar Hammer- stein - baa- taken under contract - for three years, most of which time will be spent In the European halls... ...Lena Ls. Couvler, wbo spent the Summer as principal boy at Sam T. Jack's, will go Into vaudeville short- ly, -Master Rocco Voeca assisting her with her songs Harry I.. Newton is In Mount Clemens taking the baths,- with'the hope ot dispersing his rheumatic enemies.... ...Mi. and Mrs. Clarence Morris, and H. Stanley I^wts. and wife, of tbe Norrls k Row'e Shows, were In Chicago last week, es route to the St. Louis Exposition. W. W. Brown, of the Lewis & Brown attractions, was at the National Printing Co. for a few days getting ont some new paper, »»» MASSACHUSETTS. Boston.—The Colonial and Boston join tin' list of opeh houses this week nnd Labor Day will find all of the local play shops open. The closing of tbe year at-tbe parka and beaches In tills vicinity . will occur' about Sept. 5. The- weather was of a dellgbtrnl temperature -last'week —cool and jusf the the Four Thoroughbreds --(Coyne," A^rdefi" Law kind to Induce theatregoinc. Current Shows: rencc and Edwards), in burlesque drama, and "Guincy Adams Sawyer, at the Boston; the Dancing Mitchell, in whirlwind dances, providing vaudeville diversion of much ex- cellence. . One week ot "night stands" pre- ceding* this - engagement, tbe Thoroughbrtd3 then entering- upon their round of "the wheel." Louis J. Oberwarth Is manager of the show. ' Trocadsoo Theatre (Robert Fulton, man- ager).—Last week's double event—the re- opening of th's popular theatre and the In- auguration of the road season of Fulton's Jolly Grass Wldows-^attracted fine business for the fourteen performances ending Sat- urday night, 27j Chicago's only representa- tive among "tbe wheel shows started *•*— ftie Fatal Wedding," at the Grand Opera; "The House tbat Jack Built." at the Castle Square;- 'The Sea of Ice," at the Bowdoin Square and new shows at tbe-vaudeville and burlesque houses.. The Tremont and Majestic offer continued cards-and, of- course,' there Is something ■ new to be seen at tbe museums and open-air resorts. ~ Colonial'Theatre (Chas. Frohman, Rich & Harris, managers).—Monday, Aug. 20, the doors of this house will-be thrown open for the season and for an opener "The-Southern- ers" has been selected. Some of the people In the cast: Junto McCree, Elfle Fay, Albert Hart,'Eddie Leonard, Vlnle Daly, Blllle Toy- w! season auspiciously,; beautlfoJliTequTpped ^J! lor, -Wltnter Bentley, Belie Davis," W. * ln|, 8™pt! 0. "The Yankee CoSsuT^has at- ? , - e I e - rl ^ m " II . Bed 4 ^ery one offta essentia BJacJt; Joseph : W. Blandish, Loulsa^tbrop fracted good business and renewed tbe favor In which it was held when suddenly with drown from local view last Winter with tbe Hint it |MM'foruier must huve two or more nets. L. S„ Canton.—Address Franklin Sargent, care of the Empire Theatre Building, New York City. " F. M. & Co., Marshall.—Watch our route Hut each week. J. It. Y. ft Co., Concord.—See answer to I'. M. ft Cu. .1. A. S., Sheboygnu.—We have no record of li. II. 1)., Albion.—There hnve been several similar acts boron' the public for some tlmp. Mias C. II., Kansas City.—We do not know tbe private address of the party. II. M. L„ New York.—Wo have no means of knowing. Address party. In care of The clipper, and we will ndvertlse It In our let- ter list .1. K. D., New York.—She did not. .1. K. J., Yonkers.—The letter is still In this office. J. 8., Chicago.—letter from N. V. was sent to Chicago July 21. Letter from N. S. Is still In tbls office. A Header. Richmond.—It will he pre- sented bv the same management as last year. A. L. Van I)., Jotmson City.—The so- called rndluiu effects as used for dances Is obi allied by covering the>Mress or material worn hv tbe dancer with a luminous or light absorbing paint which throws off light in the dork. H. It., Detroit.—We cannot undertake to give the full cast. If you wish the name of any particular player lu tbe cast we will endeavor to give It. II. <".—The communication received from the parly wns just as It appeared In The Ci.ippKii. We have no further knowledge of the matter. West side house. The'La Salle'may also closing of al Itheatres. lint at Northern Theatre (E. D. Stair, manager).—"Under Southern Skies" comes back to Its Chicago admirers Sunday after- noon, to remain. one week. "Arizona" fol- lows. "Buster Brown" ended five weeks of- capacity business Saturday night, 27- During the closing week of the engagement matinees were given dally to accommodate the demand for-admission to see this most popular farclal piece of tbe current year. Cr.rrBBioN Theatre (Ben M. Glroux, busi- ness manager).'—Lincoln J. Carter will take all- tbat -comes In - this - week, bis "Flaming posts of entertainment." The scenic epuln- menl Ik worthy of 'first mention, while the costuming is really beautiful throughout. Six captivating song numbers'lntroduce the plen- tiful allotment of femininity- with which the show abounds, Dora Denton, Tlllle Storke, .use Yutr, Jeanette Gulcbard and "the broil- era" all leading effectively, a beautifully cop- turned and fair to look upon array of -female frollcers. Good, clean comedy Is brought forward by Snltz Moore, Chas. Burckhardt. the leading comedians ; Gruet and Oruet, and Edward Coreltl; "Jeanette Gichard makes a dashing and -handsome principal boy, Yulr and Storcke are captivating and clever sou- brettes, 'and the show girls and dancing girls have been carefully selected with open Sept. 11. completing the catalogue of Arro «.?.*SSlnsr unon^ a week of tha^uanai a resalt,D K "e"""* "'V'"? of uncommon at- theatres which are likely' to bid for patron- two d aMr Mr\ormwces Sunday, afternoon factlvenesx- ■■ "A WieWa Wedding Night" age in the Immediate future. The American gu 0 "wmmES hu« Withont a Wifs" wlli '» the opening company number and "Down Theatre mny 'continue dork for many weeks, but tbe other cheap priced stock company houses—the Avenue, In Englewood, and How- ard's, on tbe Northwest ; aide—are already out for the dimes of theatregoers In their re- spective neighborhoods. When the La 8alle reopenB "Tbe Miller's Daughter", will be pre- sented. Previously known as "Tbe Fisher- man's Daughter," and- originally compound- ed by Arthur J. Lamb and Harry Von Tllser, the work- has been added to by Addison llurkhnrt and Cbas. Hoffman, and Harry Von Tllzer Is In town directing the rehearsal. The City Council, at a special meeting held Aug. 24, granted two months' extension of 28: "Wedded, but Without a Wife," will not only show something new In melodra- matic sensations, next week, but will also mark a new • kink In titles for stage- uses. "At Cripple Creek," last week's attraction, was well known and popular, hence-a week of prosperity resulted. - - ■ Albambba Ttieatbe (James H. Browne, business manager).—Lincoln J. Carter will also have an Interest In the receipts here tills week. "Too Proud to Beg," one of bis latest products, being attraction opening Sun- day afternoon, 28, with Patrice, In "'Driven from Home," to follow.' ''Tbe Wayward depicted his experiences with the cold. Son" _ time to bur theatre owners and managers in cold world last week, with housefuls.of sym- whlch to comply with all provisions of the W ,Dl, * r " t0 „ De D blnl " lon « t0 "^ f8ttwi cuit latest revision of the building ordinances aa < bejas applied to places ot amusement. Everybody was under bond to meet all requirements by Sept. 1, but tbe new respite gives them un- til Nov, 1 to full v comply or close up shop for good nnd all. Most of our theatres, how- ever, have fully compiled with all require. Columbus Theatre (Weber Bros., man- agers).—"Hello, BUI," is tbls week's muta- tion with Sunday afternoon, 28, set for the opener, Thus <mirth follows the woes of the unfortunate who was "Out ot the Fold" last week. Tbe managerial shepherd gathered- a <-,«.-,, ijw.t: inn, vuiuiiru wiiu uii reouire- . . . — w. r. 7. .■ —»_ _ t^ —_!_».,_ men b. although the sprinkler system bas fairly profilable llecce of coin on the week s not been installed In every caw. "taste of "f'' 1 * a " d '.fe ^"SSi^flS %*££ our managers who need the extra time to mlck's play Iked It as well as when It was our managers who need the extra time to - prepare for final Inspection will probably or i? ,na , r S,£' li 8 Uf* £j T.Vii^K bmi ' avail themselves of the opportunity now B "°-. Ca . rd8 are out * or Flnnlgans Ball, afforded and we are not likely to lose the next week. our present places previously dedlcat amusement. If K. D. Stair has mat Two Old Staqr Hasps.— Yes: It wns originally written for him nnd played by- ntisly III and unable to lake up "the matter of lilin for some lime. reconstruction at this lime ami.Ills recovery II. II. rittshurg.—We have published a and final action upon the matter seems to Ittle pamphlet containing, among other be a matter of speculation. The week-cod use of more than two or three (If any) of Bhou Theatre (Wm. Roche, business " "Icated to mausger).—Following Annie Blanche's Ihlrd made up consecutively successful Chicago week, which Ills mind what la to become of the Great ended Saturday night, 27, "At Cripple Creek," Northern he has not announced his decision, with pictures of Western strenuousnessr re- but It Is understood that he must-declare Places tbe struggles of "A Little Outcast' himself by Sept. 1. although the extension Bunday afternoon. More pictures of human or time may he construed to permit the house sorrow next week: "The Wayward Sou.'' In remain open until Nov..l.' The owner of The newly reconstructed BIJou has taken up Ihe American Theatre Is said danger- the thread of West side popularity where It nplili things, a list of agents. Anxious. Watermiry.—Address C. Reltf- man, Broadway, between Twenty-seventh and Twenty-eighth Streets, New- Y'ork City. C. M. *., Sialtlidild— Address Dick ft Fltsgernld. 18 Ann Street, New York City. W. J. II.. Falrhnry.—Address 27« km, Loudon, Eug. C C.—Inquire uf the parties themselves. sensation among local theatrical talks*was; Ihe rather sensational developments attend* Ins upon the announcement of the unexpected death or Mrs. J, II. McVlcar. widow of-the well known Chicago theatre owner sod man- ager. Mr*. McVlcar died- In Pasadena, Cal., Friday. 211. the brief ne»s or her death being contained In n telegram received by her tela lives lu left off early In the Hummer. (Tu.isr.cM Gardens (Stewart Spalding, manager).—Brooke and his Chicago Marine Baud will soon depart, but for-the current days,- at lenst(-we shall have those delight- ful-concerts along with copious measures-of F.ldlewelSs thirst dlspellers every evening and Sunday afternoons.- ■■• -•■*'■ - .PEOPi.RjR-THrATBB-- (Fred Conrad, mana- ger).— Where May Hoamer snd her, "family affair" stock company erstwhile reigned su- preme and wlth'brotlt. Manager Conrad will, peali _ tbe Line la the burlesque. The Intervening strictly male olio ls.«:novelty in itself. Gruet and Gruet start matters going with their clever black-face act, and Chas. Burckhardt and Suits Moore follow next with a. Hebrew- talking act of much merit.-Mullenadu Corelll's acrobatic number is uncommonly clever and Clnrton and Terre do a singing and talking; act far above the average. , The olio closes with Garden and Somer's striking xylophone specialty, which rouses great enthusiasm. Altogether, the olio Is a particularly strong feature of the show. Ous \V. Hogan Is again In charge-of-the-show for Manager Fulton. Opening) Sunday afternoon, 28, tbe Bohemian Burleequerr- ' : <• (.->•• K ■■ ■■• Sans- Souci Pabk (MaJ. Alfred Russell, manager)'.—This may be the laBt full week of tbe seasob.- The-gates may «lose Labor Day or It may possibly be determined to continue until Sept. 11. Tbe vaudeville for week starting Sunday afternoon, 28. names: Dakln, Lee and company, the Four Blanos, the Sisters Delmore, the Gotham Comedy Quartet and tbe Sankey Bros. Tbe even- ings are getting pretty cool hereabouts and business will-not, .In all probability, be phe- nomenal during the rest of the season. > Watkb CUI'tes Pabk (Wm. H. ■ Strickler, general manager).—Nothing Is said about closing here.' "Shooting the Chutes" will continue for some time to come. This West side resort Is extremely popular and people enjoy sliding down bill on the* water almost until frost. comes. The season has been prosperous. In spite of unfavorable weather much of the time. ' / . ■., HtvERViaw Park (Wm. M. Johnson, man- ager).—Xlrae. Lltjens. high 'leaiier through sheets of flame and lire; Mile, l'atlmn, who dances wlerdly without removing- her feet from the ground, and nil sorts of attractions along til* pike keep ihrotigs eim-rlnlued sfler- liooh aud night, tabor Day mny end the season and-It mny nof. The weather Will have a lot to doiwith the managerial derision to close or keep often after organised labor lakes Its annual holiday. . :• • • \ 'ClJtIK STftKKT ants*tM (Louis.M. Hedges, manager!.— Freaks and curios ■ atJUDii- anil throngs' crowd tbe spacious balls of exhibi- tion.' There Is also a vaudeville show, brief Chicago from a physician who on Saturday nlsht, Sept. 3, establish another but oft repeated." Business la One Joeeph Challlee and Tbeo. 8.' Peters. Tbe show is here for two weeks and will be fol- lowed by "The Two Orphans." Boston Theatre (Lawrence McCarty, manager).—The fifty-first-• season of this house will begin on Saturday night of this week. "(Julncy Adams Sawyer" is the opening play and the cast-remains practically tbe same as last season. Many changes have been made In the house during the Summer, the most Important of which Is a new elec- tric plant Monday, Sept. 12, "The Wizard of 0»" commences an engagement Tbbhont Theatre (Jno. B. Schoefel, manager).—Sell outs for nearly every per- formance was the buBlneas. of tbe "Sno- Hun's" first week at this bouse and whilo there was no opposition in town in tbe wav of a musical show the daintv-little comic ♦pera will undoubtedly hold Its own when the opposition does come. X real 1 comic opera with a bright story, pretty and tune- ful music, clean and very witty -comedy, clever cast and a magnificent-production are tbe points which make the piece the big suc- cess it la Majestic Theatre (Stair & Wilbur,man- agers).—"The Eternal City," now. In—It* second and last week, attracted large audi- ences the past week and opened the season most auspiciously. Edward Morgan, Janet Waldorf. Frederick de Belleville, w. B. Bon- uey and Frank: C. Bangs- are conspicuous tor clever acting. Next- week "Tbe Earl of Pawtucket," with Lawrence IVOrsey. Grand Opera House (Stair, Wilbur ft Ma- gee, managers).—The great favorite, "The Fatal Wedding," Is here this week. Julia Ralph, Cora: Quintan, Zena Kelfe and nearly all the original members of the company re- main In their respective roles. Gertrude Haynes and her choir celestial also contrib- ute to the performance. "More to be Pitied Than Scorned" made a good Impression last week. It is a strong and well constructed melodrama and was .well acted and finely staged. The play within the play, which forms part of the performance, was a decided nov- elty. Brothers Byrne, In "New Eight Bells," Is the next-attraction. - ■ ■ Casti.e Sor-ARE Theatre (J. H. -Emery, manager).—"Harvest, ■ or Wedded nnd Parted," proved tobea good card last week nnd afforded good opportunities for strong dru- matlc work. -For tbls, tbe last week of the regular season, a novelty Is, offered In the farce comedy, "The -House That Jack Built," which has Its first performance at this house. An added Interest to the production Is the speclsl engagement of Walter K. Perkins for the character of William Slab. J.-L.. Sealer, Franklin Ritchie/iTtHitzms Reynolds,- John T. Craven, -t.eonora Bradleyj Lillian Kemble and Alison Sklpworth have the other prominent rotes. ■ "Rose Michel" next week. BownotN -Square TiiRATnn (0. B. Lotbrop, manager):—"The Sen-of Ice" Is the drama selected for the current week, and frith Its thrilling story and.,exciting stage matters It ought-to be a big hit with the natrons. The ' principal characters and pwtfrsvers-. Carlos, Edwin Denleon: Ogarlts. Chsrlolle Hunt; Countess De TiermTge. Eugenie Du