The New York Clipper (October 1904)

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784 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. OOTOBBB J 5. 1^1 IVES LATEST NOVELTIES, 12 CENTS PER FOOT. OOMCAND LOOK AT OUR ORIGINAL FIL-IVIS AND YOU W.I_L NEVER BUY DUPES. We Recommend Our Great OF BIBLICAL THE PASSION PLAT • 1410 Feet JOSEPH SOLD BYHISBBOTHEBB 623 Feet 811801! ADD DELILAH * - 459 Feet THE PB0DI6AL SON 475 Feet THE STBIRE (\JZ\V) • ■ 442 Feet INDIANSand COWBOYS (o« .'KJU) 590 Feet ANNIE'S LOVE STOBY • ■ 754 Feet OflBISTOPHB COLDBBDS - -869 Feet TOUB IB ITALY • 787 Feet BARNOH'S TP.SRK • • ■ 410 Feet OUTLOOK AT POBT AHTHDB - 1S1 Feet ASCENDIRO I0UIT PILATE - 508 Feet WBE8TLIN0 DONKEY - - 114 Feet IAF0NAISEBIE AROUND FOHT ARTHUR FANTASTIC FISHING ■ FIGHT OH YALU - RUFFIAN'S DAHCE - DRAHA IN THE AIR (..„. REST R0BBER8 - 0008 AND CATS OPERA HAT • 262 Feet . 246 Feet 98 Feet . 131 Feet 131 Feet -..»«.,) 196 Feet 164 Feet • 65 Feet 82 Feet BDTTEBFLY . - 114 Feet BOAB HURT -328 Feet FALLS OF BHIRE • 131 Feet ACROSS THE ALPS - - 164 Feet PABK IN BABGELONA - 131 Feet 0B1A AND HIS D068 - - 147 Feet JAPANESE AIBU8H - - 131 Feet OREEDY CAT - - . 82 Feet BATHERS AT JOINVILLE . 131 Feet ItAMM***- all our mis CONE WITH RED TITLES, AND SHOW OUR TRADE NARK PATHE CINEMATOGRAPH CO., 42 E. 23d St., New York, . Beg to Inform the American Public that all Our Original Films Can be Purchased at the KLEIWE OPTICAL CO., 52 State St., Chicago, Our Selling Agents. A PLEASANT SURPRISE AT HURTIG & SEAM ON'S, OPENING OCT. 10, 1904. *&&" 2ES Im Xa and dBSS. x M zs. a: 35ff c* s of SPoiv HIIVOTNU TIIKIll NEW II.I-UHTIUTEU ROMQ HIT, A IONQ TEEMING WITH HEART INTKHKHT, "NOBODY SEESV1S TO LOVE ME NOW" Published by HEW YORK, 45 W. 2Hth Bt. Vclerle, A. ft H..-Boston. 10-lfi. Vnmlprkoora, The, Proctor's ftih Ayr., N. Y. 0„ 10-15. ' Vnlwif, The. BIJou,- Dulntli. Minn., 10-1B. Vomer (llrl* (N), Victoria. N. Y. 0„ 10-15. Vermel h * Plnnnc.Hlelileii, Hreslau. Qer., 10-31. Vcrno, Dell. Crystal. SI. Joseph, Mo.. 10-15. v.mtell * Nlnn. Keith'*, Banian, 10-15. Van 11 ofre. Antonio, Orpneura, Ran Bernardino, Cal„ 10-15. Win.I * Ctirran, Keith's, N, Y. 0., 10-15. Wotwui ft KIM, I'oH'li, Ilrldgeporl, Conn., 10-15. Wsison. Hutching* ft Kdwanls, Orpheuro, Kansas nij. Mo., 10-15. Windier Bros.,. J.eke View Part, Terre Haute, Ind., 0-15. r Walsh ft Ugnon, Chutes, Hod Fran., Cal., 10-15. Waldorf ft fMilM, Proctor's Bth Ave.. N. Y. C. 10-15, Wagner, Olnra. Umpire Terre Haute, Ind., 10-15. WoliKmrii ft Wbltuey, Fair, Btktou, Mich., 10-15. WanhltiKtoiiR,- The, <".>rnel. Umrton, Rng., 10-15. Wuvlie ftl.a Mor, Hippodrome, Anbtoii, Kng., 10- 15. , Hohlaad ft Tekla. Colombia. Cincinnati. 10-15. Warren ft Blanchard, Circle, N. Y. 0„ 10-10. Weston, May, Palace, Worcester, Maaa., 10-15. Welch, Cbaa. ft.Jenule,. A. AM., Bcatan, 10-15. Wentworlb, Waller H., Casino. Manchester, N. II:, 10-15; Portsmouth. N. H.. 17-22. Welsh-Mont rose Trio. Hnymarkct, Chicago, 10-15. Wemnn. r*nnjr. Mitale 11*11, Worcester. Malt., 10.19. Weblm, Marvelous, Proclor'* 2.1d Street, N. Y. o.rioi5., Margaret, Kinplre, Hohokcn, N. J., 10-15; Trent. Triton, J 7-22. wi-irh, .inim■ .i..■ StnV. Portland; Ore.,' 10-15;" ' M'r<i, Ford ft Dot, Praclor'a, Newark. N. J., 10- 15. While, Stuart, ft Co., Victoria, N. Y. 0„ 10-15. Whitehead ft Diamond, .lone. Ban Joar, Cal., lu- ll; Umpire, Han Fran., 17-23. ' • • Willi.- ft Simmon". Proctor 1 *, Newark, N. J., 10* 15: Proctor'a 5tb Are.. N. Y. 0.. 17-22. Whioliermiin'H Beam ft Monkeya, Fair, Blooms- hnr«, J>a„ 10-15 1 Fair, Frederick. M.I., 17-22. WIIkou, Geo., Proctor'a 5lb Ave., N. Y. 0„ 10- 15. I Wllnon A ■! 10-15. Wllnon.. Knox, 0. O, II.. Chicago, 10-16. Wilton llroii., Haymarket, Chicago, 10-16. Wllnon Trio, Lyceum. Bkln., 10-10. wiiimi. Ureal, Tbe, Oarden. Canton, O., 10-15; PhO'iiU, Calnmbua, O.. 17-211. Wood ft Ray, Keith'*, Pltaburg, 10-16. Wood, Oeo. II.. Howard. Boaton, 10-15. Wiii'iiiH-iiud'N Dog* and Monkeya, II. ft s., N. Y, C„ 10-15. M'onlwiml, V. P., Mohawk. Schenectady. N. Y„ 10-16; Park, Youngatown, 0., 17-22. Wyley ft Wylaan, star, Atlanta, Clu.. 10-22. Vmnamolo Broa., Howard, Boaton, 10-16, Yule lino. Olneotrapli, Rpokane, Wuab,, 10-15; riwir H'Alene, Rpokane, 1T-S2, Viirkr & Adoma, Moore'H, Portland, Me,, 10-15 Yiuiiik, Ollle ft-Bro., Ilonklna'. [.onlayllle, 10- 1.11 (1. O. II., lndlanapolla, 17-22. y.nrwni Tbe, Moore'*. Portland, Me., 10-16; Mu- ale Hall, Hiilem. Maaa.. 17-22. Zorrli. Weaat'a, Peoria, HI., 10-16, /.at Zam ft Mowra, Jacob*', ePorla, HI., 10-15. Zeno. curl A Zeno, Keith'* New, Phlla., 10-15, Xliiiineriniin. Al. ft Pearl, Unique Theatre, Ball Clnlre, Wl*., 10-15; BIJou. Dulutb, Minn.. 17-22. ' . '/Iiimieriiinn, Willy, Keith'* New, I'hlln., 10-15, Zlrner, John. Yorkrllle, N. Y. C, 10-15. |»Sdjft El. Orpbeum, Bkln.. 10-16. . HEATHS IN THE PROFESSION. He Monyllle, WeaaL'a, l'eorla, III., l'r.TKll 8M.I.R, tho well known Rhowmnn, •lied lit his home In Columbus, 0„ evcnlnB of Oct, 6, from mi ntteck of apoplexy re- eelveil nhout hIk week* prevlouR to that date. He mill IiIh brother I.ewl*. who survives him. were nt the head of the Hells Ilrotlier«' branch of the prcaent Korepnush-Solls Hrotli- ei's' Shuw. Peter 8ella was born April ti, 184r», In Cohitnbtiv. O., and he llrnt nasoclated bloiHelf with the uliow business In 18015, con- ducting, with his brother Allen, nn auction wiiHim, which traveled with llemlng & Coop- i-r'a 8how- Ho nml Ills three brothers, iCphrliini, Allen und r-ewis, organlted the Sells Hrotliers' Circus, In 1873, openlnft in Columbus, 0., on April 111 of that year, with len canes of animals and a fair company. For several years they ran two shows, oun by roll and n smaller one by wagon. Several veqr* ago tho Sells Brothers' Circus consoli- dated with the Forcpnugu Circus, and tho combined orgnnltntlon hna since been un- interruptedly on tour during the tenting HTson. VJmil Tiiomah, n comcillan, woll known on i He Herman stage, died In lierlln, Germany, Sept.' i». aged sixty -live years. Ho made two vIsIih to this countrv, making his first an- iintVance at the Tbnlla Theatre, New York, March 10, 1887. He returned to this city In 1803 and played nt Aniborg's Theatre. Mas. 8. B. IIknmuckr, an aeronaut, was drowned In Rock Island Lake, Pbllllpsburg, Kan.,'on Sept. 21], while making a puruehuto len)) from a balloon. — Jack Levitt, dialect Dutch comedian, Is In his fourth week with tbe "Acrosa the Kockles" Co., playing a responsible comedv part, also meeting .with success doing his monologue In tit* vaudeville bill. ANOTHER ONE OP MANY. SS posltlyelyoaii'r flffonf to, be jrJtbout our-nttfle «dr ittTJi,fpfEB, wHteli hrTngnStler rssultn tban «U other mediums combined. Yours truly, TBI MoaBisos I'BiNTi.Nd Co., Detroit, Mich, OHIO. • ■•;. Cincinnati.—After a Ave months' stay abroad, Frank Van der Htucken is at home. He attended the ilrst meeting of the Orches- tra Association, when this list of concert dates and soloists was announced; Dec. 2, B, .Minn, tiadskl; Dec. HI, IT, De Pacbman; Jan. 0, 7, Maud Powell; Jan. 13, 14; Cam- ?nnarl ; Jan. 27, 28, Josef Hermann; Feb. I), 11, Muriel Foster, and Feb. 24, 25, Frltr. Krelsler. Other books are to be made... < t OsUMD OraVU House (Harry Italnforth h John II. llavlln, managers).—Ethel Barry- more Oct. 10-10, in "Cousin Kate," Ijint week, " 'Way Down Kant" repeated its'earlier* Riicc«Kscs here. "Mother Goose" 17, ' ' ' ' Walnut Htheet Thratiifi (M. C. Ander- son, .manager).—Tbe Royal Llllputlans. in. "Dreamland." 10-15. "In Old Kentucky''' turned people away at some of the perform- ances, and the week's business averaged splen- didly. Nellie Callahan was a charming Madge. Rapley Holmes, Hcott Hlgglns, May Ander- son and John Tyrrell were among other members of a good cast. Ward and Yokes 10. Hk.uck'r Opbiia Hoiibh (Heuck, Fenhessy & Stair, managers).—Joe Welch, In "The Peddler. 1 ' 1)18. "Tbe Child Wife" did n tremendous business last week. Dolly Kemp- er, William S. Davis, Dwlght Perkins, Kobt. D. Cain and Georglne Brandon were members of the well arranged company. "A Desperate Chan«» 10. . Qoujwiiia (M. C. Anderson, manager).— Matgverlte Sylva la the top liner of the show promised 10-15. Barrows-Lancaster Co., Mr. and;-Mr*. Swlckard, Charlea Buckley and company, 'ICarnerulda Bisters, Dorothy Ne- ville, Wahiand and Teklo, and Kelt and Rus- slk will also be'seen. Howard Thurston'made the-success of last week's big bill. Busluess continues big, Lyceum (Heuck, Fennessy ft stair, mona- 8eri).—Anna Blancke 10-15, In "The tittle ititrast." E. Lawrence Lee personally di- rected "To Die at Dawn." la which Rlsle Cnwrv was seen as Nellie Ml I ward. She scored heavily and the play—located In Ken- tucky—made quite a thrilling Impression. 'The Wayward Son" 10. Ron in son's Oi'KnA House (W, E. Flsk. manager).—Tho Forepaugh Stock Co. Is to revive "The Idlers" 10-15. Last week "Tbe Cowboy and the Lady" waa put on, with John J. Farrell and Lavlnln Shannon In the leading roles. Bessie Stevenson, ns Midge, was charming and she will donbtless become a local favorite. The play was nicely staged nnd attracted audiences of good n'ze who wore warmly eulogistic. > Picopls'n (Herbert Heuck, manager).— The Rentx-Rnntley Burlesque™ will arrive 10, following Bob Manchester's Crackerjarks. Belle: Hathuwny's baboons and monkeys and the W.ingdootlle Quartet, the Greeve Sinters and Carl Anderson wore hits of the olio. Crowded houses enjoyed the show. Fay Foster Burlesnjuera 10. GosHir.—Jennie Blllson has arrived from Philadelphia to join the Forepaugh Co. re- hearsal of "The Idlers." Lola Vely, from tbe Berlin Theatre; Jose Danner, from Augsburg, und Ilausl Rossi, a soubrotte from the' Municipal Theatre, at Hamburg, . are tho bow members of the German Theatre Co.. which had n tremendous opening nt the Grand Opera House 3, when "The Dear Enemies" was put on Joe Rntllff, tbe Cincinnati boy, with "The Yankee Consul," sends word that he was married to Luetic Kgan. of the Francis Wilson Co., nt the bride s home In New 'York.. Business Manager MeVlcker Is here for Ethol Borrymore Sam Harri- son la already on the ground preparing for the. coming of "Mother Goobc," CHICAGO, 87-88 Clark St. scheme for the selection of operos to be snug at tbe Empire. He submits each week a list of operas to Ills patrons and the opera receiv- ing the largest number of votes Is Ilrst pre sented. »»» NEW JERSEY. DETROIT, 10 Wlth.rell 8t. Cleveland.—At the Opora House (A. F. Harti, manager) "The Two Orphans,'-' pro- sented by nn oil star cast, Oct. 3-8, will have big huslncno If tbe advance Bale la any cri- terion. Ethel Rarrymore, la "Cousin Kate," hud good bouses week of 3. Annie Russell, In her new play, "Brother Jacques," 17-22. Colonial (Drew ft Campbell, managers). —"Peaceful Valley," by tho Vaughnn Olnser Stock Co., this week. "For Fair Virginia" drew the usual capacity houses week of 3. Mrs. Louise Itlnl very acceptably illled tho role of Virginia because of tho IllnessMMM Hall,- "Are You a Mason?" week of 17. Lyi'evm (J. K. Cookson, manager).—Kel- lar this week. "Ilia Last Dollar" had nice business week of 3. "Mr. Plpp" 17-22. - Ci,k\xlanu (J. K. Cookson, manager).— "On tho Bridge at Midnight" tbla week..,"Too Proud to Beg" drew good houses week 1 of 3.' "Escaped from tho Harem" 17-22. * ' KMi'iRS (Max Fantkonheuer, manager).— Faelkeohenor's Opera Co. will sing "The Ifluck Hussar" this week. "Faust" was well Ming and drew capacity houses week of 3. "II Trovatore" 17-22. Keith's (I., m. Rrlck. manager).—Bill week of 10: Robt. Hllllard and company. Prosper Troupe, Flaber and Carroll, Babel ■lohnsou. Baifpy and Madison, Three Glea- «on* and Wood and Ray. ,-. 8TAR i. Dre . w I Campbell, managers).—The Thorouahbreds 10-15. The Cherry Blossoms week W of W* ° { a '" Boh * , " ,,,tt burlesiiiieW,, Noms.— Rente Falrborn Is the latest ae- aulsltlon to the Faelketihauer Opera Co laaager Faetkenbener hat bit Upon a good Newark.—Business was generally of moderate proportions Inst week. Nfwaiik Tiirathh ( Ottolengnl, mana- ger).—Robert Edeson, Oct. 10-15, In "Ron- sons Folly," which Is new In Newark. Law- rence D'Orsny, In "The Karl of Pawtuckct,' gave much pleasure to fair slued audiences •The Virginian" 17-22. Emfibr (H. M. Hymns, manager).—The Radium Girls form a strong feature of "Hap- py Hooligan" this week. The show seems as magnetic as ever. "Tbe Fatal Wedding" received fair attention last week, "A Pris- oner of War" 17-22. Coi.hmmia (M, J. Jacobs, manager).—"Her Marriage Vow" exploits o realistic railroad scene tills week, week ending 8, "The Stain of Guilt" drew fair houses. Bi.ANrit's (J. H, Bucket), manager).—"The White Tigress of Japan" makes its first ap- oeainnce here this week. "Dealers In White Women" proved a luring title Inst week, and tbe show ailed the house from top to bot- tom. The Russell Brothers, In "The Femnlc Detectives," 17-22. Waldmann's (W. S..Clark, manager).— Miner's Americans 10-15. A well selected olio Includes: Palfrey and Barton, McFar- lund and Murray, Rlcby W. Craig, Chas. Blake, Myers Sinters, Kola and Bigger, nnd Fisher and Clark. Hyde's Blue Ribbon Girls week of 17. Pkoctoii's Nbwamc (J. Austin Fynes, gen- eral manager).—Paul Spadonl and Smith and Campbell divide the principal honors 10-10. Amy Stone and company, Simmons and White, the Berenice Brezeale company, Mat- tie Locket, Ford and Dot West, and Kendnll und Thompson complete tbe bill. Notbs. —The regular season closed at Elec- tric Park, Vallsburg, last week. The dancing pavilion will remain open and concerts will be given on Sundays, when the weather per- mits. Ice skating will be one of the attrac- tions. Manager Dunlnn will, remain at the park to arrange plans for next season Julln L. Bonnell has signed for the lending role In "Gossip." — * ■ Jerney City—"David Harutu," presented In an admirable manner by a well balanced cast, fared well at the Academy, week end- ing Oct. 8. "The White Tigress of Japan," full of sensational and historical realism, proved a bonanza ut tbe BIJou. Harry Bryant's Burlesqucrx, with an attractive chorus and a company of clever people, fur- nished Joy and fun at tbe Bon Ton, to the standard business for which tho house is noted. Academy (Frnuk E. Henderson, manager). —For Oct. 10-10, "Lights of Home;" 17-2!:, Thomas E. Shea, In repertory. Buou (John W. Holmes, proprietor).— 10-10, "After Midnight," to follow "More to Be Pitied Than scorned." Hon Ton (T. W. Dinklns, manager),—For 10-15, the Bowery Btirlesquers; 17-22, the Moonlight Maids. a Honokren.—At the Lyric (H. P. Soulier, manager) "The Heart of Maryland" Oct. 2-5 and "When Women Love," tl-8, fared well dining their brief Btay. For the current week : 0-12, "From Rags to Riches;" 13-15, "The Span of Life," followed by "Wedded and Parted" 10-10, Robert FitBalmmona 23-2«. I.Mi'inK (A. M. Bruggerannn, proprietor).— BuslnesH continues excellent. Dnlv and De- vere and the Hurley Bros, were additions to Inst week's offering. For 10-10 another ex- ceptionally good bill will be presented. a i. Atlantic City.—At tho Ocean Pier The- atre (J. A. Wlllord, general director) "An l'.iigllsh Daisy" pleased good slied audiences Oct. 3, 4. "Tho Awakening of Sir. Plpp" made another success 0-8. Coming: "Sher- lock Holmes" 10. 11, "Kidnapped In Now \ork" 12, 'Her Mad Marrluge ,f 13, 14, Hen- rietta Crosmsn ir>, "Her Lord and Master' 17, Camden—At the Camden Theatre (.\r. W. Taylor, inauuger),—"Happy Hoollgun" played lo excellent business 3-5. Barnev Gllmore, In "Kidnapped in New York, 1 ' duplicated the early week's good business 0-8.' "The Stain of Oullt" 10-12, "Thou Shalt Not Kill" 13-15. "Child Slaves of New lork'.' 17-10, "The Charity Nurse" 4»» IOWA. Dea Sfolnea,—At Foster's Opera House (Win. Foster, manager) Blanche Ring, In "Vivian's Papas," pleased a large and np- Breclatlve audience Sept. 20. "Bird Centre" Bfc 6. "The Show Girl" 13, Walker White- sldo 15. ■ CirtAS-h Oi'rba House (Win. Foster, mana- :erj.—Tbe Lyman Twins presented "At the (DIE-CUT COUPON TICKETS Accurate In dating urni numbering. Uniform In size, color and thickness Round corners: notched coupon. Fair Prices; fair treatment. ! Smti Diagram; get samples and prices. THE DIEPRESS COMPANY, 3? MiB St., Cuenovla. N. Y. X y< THRSE TICKETS are made on special automatic mo c h 1 n e a invented for this com- pany solely for ticket work. It has taken- five years' time and many thousand dol- lars to develop them. We believe that both tickets and machines represent the only dis- tinct advance In tick- et work made in re. ceut years. LvcnuM (Millie Wlllard Nelson, manager). —May Hosmer and an excellent company pre- sented "Faust," :i-fi, to big business. "Be- ware of Men" 0-8, "Tbe Jewess" 10-12. i * Boone.—At tbe Aries Opera House (Wiley & Klrby, managers) "Tbe Little Homestead ' played to good business Oct. 6, giving good satisfaction. "An American Tramp" drew good houses 0 8 and the work was mucb ap- preciated. The .Metropolitan Amusement Co., with moving pictures, drew good audi- ences. Coming : "Humiin Hearts" 11, Joseph De Urasse, lu "Hamlet," 18) fiovernment Indian Rand, under tbe auspices of the Y. M. C. A., 17: 'Tbelma" 20, "A Brecny Time" 22, the Hoefller Stock Co. 24 nnd week. a) ■♦ CALIFORNIA. Lo* Anseiea.—At the Mason Opera House (H. C, Wyatt, manager) "The Bnrgo- inuster" attracted a good house Oct. :t and will no doubt drew well 4, S. "The Wizard it 0«" 6-8. SIorosco's Borbank (Oliver Morosco, manager).—"The Cavalier," as presented by the Oliver Aioronco Co., Is drawing the usual satisfactory business 2-8. "When We Were Twenty-one" follows. Bki.asco (John II. Blackwood, manager). —'The Gay I.ord Quex," by the Belnsco Jlientro Co., presents a good attraction 2-8 and Is followed l» and week by "Too Much Johnson." Oband Opera Houhr (Clarence Drown, manager).—"On the Bridge at Midnight" pleased pnstons 2 and week. "Mason and Mason, In "Frits and Snlts," follows 0. Ori'iirum (Clarence Drown, manager).— People 3 and week: Melrose Troupe, Sir. and Sirs. Hownrd Truesdell, Lawson and Namon. Leo Cavlllo, Kooney and Rent. Musical Oooltnnns, Al. Shean, Harry La llosp and company, in "The Sailor nnd the Horse." (i.kxI business rules. Cab i no (II. C. Wyatt ft Oliver Morosco. managers).—The Olympla Comic Opera Co., In "The Telephone rJlrl." 2 and week. "Tho Belle of New xork" 0 and week. Good houses rule. U.NiqiiB (Hentz ft Zalee, proprietors).— People 3 and week: Tegge and Daniels, Gar- rlty Sisters, the Bsrtelmes, Chevrlel, violin- ist : Raymond and Jessica WIIboh, Cowles and Aldeau. Good attendance. Broapway (A. J. Morganstern, manager). —Features 2 and week: Musical Harts, t'o- roro, equilibrist; tbe Randolphs, Falrburn anil Calnes, John Turner. Good business. CttVtM Paiik (Henry Kocb, manager).— (■eorge Cnnn's Band Is the attraction, aug- mented by a good coo collection. Votks.— Josef Hoffman, 11-1B, Is the first °. f J*". Behymer's attractions at Simpson Auditorium and good business Is assured.,,. Mclvan Tyndall has established a prschlc science Institute In this city Leo Cavlllo, mimic entertainer, now playing over the Or- pheum circuit, Is a Los AngeleB boy, who graduated from The Examiner artist staff. Bessie Busklrk has returned to this city and Joined the Oliver Morosco forces. Charles Ryton, treasurer of the Mo- roBCo Burbank Theatre, acted as referee for the Kid McCoy-Twin Sullivan go, In this * ,,tv V. B tP t - i 27 'V" Bln 8llng Bros.' Show caught the town heavy 3, 4, and genial J. J. Brady Is correspondingly elated, «»» CANADA. „ Winnlnear.—At the Winnipeg Theatre (C. P. Walker, manager) "Glittering Gloria" was the attraction Oct. 4, B, and the bouse was sold out for both nights. The management were compelled to put on a matinee 5 to accommodate the patrons. Next atractlon. "That Little Swede," 7. 8. Note.—The New Dominion Theatre la being pushed along very rapidly and tbe management hopes lo be ready for opening In December.- ■ tace*iy« «mbI hoiMM. Sept. 2MSct. K -MI)rr .■ekjll And Sir. Hyde" showed lo csnscltv M. "Over Niagara Falls" 0-8, "Tilly Ol- son"- 10-12, "Human Hearts" 13-16, North Bros.' Comedians 17-22. Ourlph— At the Royal Opera House (G. It •Wfglnat wanmert'-'^hi^Wrver'Srhrijert'*. Oct. (1, bad a well pleased houee to S. R. o. Coming: "The Real Widow Rrnwn" 10, "The Game Keeper" 14. "'Way'Down Eaal" 1«, Joseph Morphy 28, ' WANTEDftlJICK-Versatile Sketch Teams, Single Pertormers, People, eic; OnaDtfe lor wjbK. .Hilary all y«»ii are worth I i nun waekly. Preference lo orgun fakirs. State all In !i^h,Jj > J a m ' >a wlM - THE KODKRN KNTKR- TAIWEK8, Traverae oity. Mlohlgan, ■ ■ WAN TBii—flood, Versatile Single Acts tor Vaudeville Co. Play week stands. Also .Sketch Teams, write. Singles $8, doubles $16, ir you are not there don't write. I have the inonej; yon prodnce the goods. Address full panlduiaia first letter. If you play puuo or string, mention It. Addrea* »y or letter, I.orenza Qnlllln, Mela- mora, Franklin Co., Ind. ' WAJJXKO-ADVANOK AUKftT that can make beaaUt dates, Strong Fropoiltlun. Kaiv ooniraot. Al paper. Salary tio per weekauu I per cent, of total receipts. Address 0HA8, J. WAL8II. Mlllerton, New York, APPARATUS tot Illusionists aiid'MiiglelaiiM. alio Stage Noreltleii made to order at lowest pr ices. iiAUMAK N, ia» E. 14th Street, N. V. W ANTED—SOME IIDSIOAL MOVELTIkS; also TRIOR JUQ0I.1NO AI'PARATDS. Add. Q. P., care of CLIPPEH. MISSOURI. .. S ,l "■ B • rM T~—Out annual carnival was held last week and a goodly number of v sltors flocked to our gates. On Tuesday nlgllt the Priests of Pallas held their nuniisl parade: on Wednesday night the annual ball was held in Convention Hall; on Thursday afternoon Sonsa's Band gave a concert, aud on Ihui'sdny night the Kpperson Megaphone Sllnstrela made their annual appearance, in tonlunetlou with Sousn's Rand; .on Friday night the annual carnival ball was held. Special matinees were given at the Willis Wood and Grand on Tuesday afternoon. WILLIS Wood Theatrh (Woodward & Bur- gess Amusement Co., managers).—Blanche King, in "Vivian's Papoa," oppeared lost week. Miss Ring was clever and was ably supported by Harry, Conor and others. This week, \eru Mlchelenn, In "The Jewel of Asbi. and next week, "The Forbidden Land." Grand (Hudson ft Juduh, managers).—!'A Girl from Dixie," which was here three weeks ago. opened a return engagement -on Sundae mutlnee, and had a big week's business. The show repealed Its former success, (lenevleve Day and D. L. Don carrying off tbe honors. This week, "Under Southern Skies," and next week, "Tho Show Girl." a OPHzg .WJgal Lehman, manager).— 8 0 ™' 1)111 drew One houses Inst. week. This week: Watson. Htitchlngs and Edwards Co., tbe ,Jour Madcnpn, the Fldardys, Fetching Bros., Howe and 8cott, Don and Thompson, * nnn nnd Tureune and the kinodrome. -^. IL "^ 's ^Br'Bbam. manager).—I^al; week "On the Suwunee River" had a line week b business and gave satisfaction. Till* lit: "tV"^ Mnrr " ,ge '" antI DMt Aiditorium (Woodward ft Burgess Amuse- ment Co.. mnnagors).—Last' weelt Slannger . Woodward's Own Co., In "Under Two ► wg". gave it good performance of this One melodrama. Kvn Lung, Robert Burgees and t? e en . com A a,, y were excellent. Business g* ftJW ft.'.™» week, Al. W. Martin's eat RuBata™'* Cab,ll • aui next-week, "Dark- J9PB?*r ( ^' "f- Bn'Mtt, manager).—Last "J the hentucky Belles drew good houses. . J h'e'Vg C h elt Rotlers ,,eeVe " , ^-. and* next w f ek. _Xi^' 8 i T 5 ,Mx ^ !l < Ll0T <l Brown, manager). ^ e ^?- B L ,ed " ,,d i enc « 8 tufnwl out at all the six per day performances last week. The acts were: Sutton und Sutton. George At- kinson. Brooks and Young. Frank Grolt. Johann and Matt, and Edison's klnetoscope. r r ?J?.„ w S !l< . the •«'" will be: Ardelle and Leslie, Krosto and Harney. Huntress. JameM Dalton, lrank Groh and the klnetoscope. Notk.— Blanche Ring made a remarkably big Impression at Convention Hall Thursday ovenlng. Oct. tt, when she sang "Bedella,' accompanied by Souso's Bond, before an au- dience which Jammed the building and which ran away over fifteen thousand In numbers. She.was "sprung" as a surprise, and appeared there-immediately after her-perfofmattee Of Vivian a Papas." Sousa led for her and she was. recalled . many: times.- .All tbe loea. papers devoted considerable-.spaoe. to MlM Ring's great triumph.