The New York Clipper (October 1904)

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OCTOBBE 15. THE "SHEW- YORK CLIPPER. j. . i 785 yEWTRiLSquaV I TH |,JL A fIrLd9!i, ,X"L.T£. WN- 1 veBtr'Slow st. TROVOLIO, Ventriloquist. When tfic wise ones at the Orphdum last nightsaw -'Novel Ventriloquist" next on tJie program ,«.hey said: Here is where we vawn nnrt so out to get a drluk, as hii been the MM heretofore when * ventriloquist uei«-nrs: tun to, .ml behold, Iho mou with iho Italian Grand OHM ripag.ieui name, TttOl OLIO, was the Great Hit ami 8urprl.e of the evening; ftp made those hatchet-fsceil dummies cr.ok Joke,sth*t would make the average comedian look like a ClilncM tun >TM. Belaa whoieahow Inhlmaelf: decidedly the best In tils line ever Been on the Coast.—CALL, Frisco, Sept.'04. ' " —*■ WHAT? A VENTRILOQUIST HELD OVER FOR THREE "THAT'S 8TRANCE !" WEEKS «>•» TTH W F* j$ Al? «J 1*1$ VKivXRii^oQuiaa'r WHERE TO F-SSMO US NEXT WINTER. ,r : li •;• I i Noy. 21, Trent Theatre, Trenton, N. .1. Nov. 26, Hut-tig & Seamon'*, ninth Street Dee. R; Hyflf- i Behman'a, Brookiyu. Dec. 12, Chase's, Washington. Dec. 10, Keith's;" Baltimore. Dee. 26, Keith's, Philadelphia MJon. Jan. 2, Shea's, Buffalo. Jan. fl, Shea's, Toronto. Jan. 10. Keith's, Provld»>noe. .Ian. 23. Keith's, New York. Jan. .'10, Keith's. Philadelphia, New House. Kelt. (I. Keith's, Pittsburg. Open Nov. 20,1905. at Coliseum Theatre, London, England, for Mr. Stoll. Feb. in, Open. Feb. 1», Omaha, Neb., Orpheum Theatre. Fell. 20. Orpheum, St. Joseph, Mo. March H, Orpheum Theatre, Kansas, City, Mo. March 12, Oriilieitut Theatre, New Orleans, I.n. Mutch ,10, P.u Route tit Trltco. Mnroh an. (iriitieuin Thentre. Han Francisco. April 2. orpheiiiii Thentre, Hou Prnnelseu. April H. Orpheum Thentre, Angeles, Oil. April 10, tirplii'iiiu Thentre, I,os Angeles, 8& Voori Very Truly, April n, Rn It.mie to Denver.- • •:■■■ -u ..T"! Mny t, orpfieutn Thentre, Denver, Colo.:, Mav 1-1, orpheum Thentre,. MlnutapOll*. » Minn. '■ „ HARRY BOISE. i hb Borrun MRU JUoL-'BHEH, IntlUi fitU«iwftl ilnoMi to stud for tin fol- lowing iiiocmuw 01 YOI YOI VOI, TILDA PROM OLD 9ANANNAH. MISTER IIOOH, KINDLY COME OUT ANDJtWNK, BY THE WATERMELON VINB (Llndy Lou), 8CISSOR3 TO GRIND (companion song to "Anj Rags"), PRETTY MAMIE OLANCY (Irlth Wait* Bong), LET MR CALL YOU SWEETHEART ONCE AGAIN, CYNTHIA, BULKY HAL, Etc. Bend up-u-dat. prnprammes, and address Tr«mont Street, Bos-ton. tVlasi WANTED, FOR TnE Tie Big City Show af the West, THE FODI.OWING PEOPLE FOR REPERTOIRE: Staging and Dancing Soubietia, Tall Heavy Man, Cbaracttr Woman and Hustling Advance Agent. Will advance tickets anywhere. All In flrtt letter. Addrest MACK SWAIN, Sidney, Neb. WANTED, PUTNAM'S THEATRE, RICHMOND, VA. Team, Speolalty People. Berlo Obtnlcl, Slater Alio PIAKO PLAYER. ' Address F. W. PUTNAM. Si.bntti Waotod Qnlet-AI Spadaltias uud wardrobe; good.ttroog voice for III. .nogs; work sketches and radium effects. Allflnt loiter. Bend .photo, which will be relumed. Limit, 1* and board. M. V, <■., P. O. Box H2n, Hudson, N. T. FOR SALE CHEAP, Ladles' High Schoel menage GELDING; tyrs. old, if. hand. high. NdNf: iiK'itkk. For particular., etc., address JOHN K. MARTIN, i .. . ■ ■■ Box 338, Pulaski. Va. WANTED ftlUCK-Oood Baritone Singer, play own nceompnnltneut for bioscope co. I'ron- perous business for last 2 years. Will give '■ne fourth interest, flood chance right num. fl. II. Wentwnrth; Mgr„ Bangor, Mo., Q. 1). HAVB 100,000 New Assorted Lithographs, inltahle for any kind of show, 2Bc per 100. Boom 12, 4, Court Square, Brooklyn, N'. Y. FOR HALE-New Tent, 30*100, 4 Dancing fllrl Banners, 1 Centre Piece, Trunk of Cos- tumes, Curtiilos and Side Walls for Stage. Price,.H8S.00: cost *27n.O0. Room 12 , 4 Court Square, Brooklyn, N. Y. WANTHD—For big vaudeville novelty, Young Mao. who can sing and Invest little money. Gall or address. MANAOBR, 168 W. 2l«t Bt„ N. Y. City. loo LETTERHEADS, 2Jo,: Envelopes, same; 6,ooo coupons,Jl; 8,000 aais, il.24: half tone, SI; aunplek, 4c. flowed Show Print, Howell, Mich. AT L.IGTJCHTY, AGHItT OB ACTING MANAGER. THOROUQHLY EXPERIENCED, BOliEK AND RELIABLE, and a Hustler. Best of reference.. Can loin on wli e. AL. CLARK. M South BUth Avenue, Mt, Vernon, N. Y. ATl.IBHttTV-FELIXRIVARD,8llentTurDS • Work In A els); cnange for week; Alto lu Band. Responsible Managers, plesee write. P. 8.—Wardrobe Al. Address JCitre ot (lener.l Delivery, Phllndelpbls, Pa MKBTOIIB8 and every form of stage novelty written to order; high grade work. JOSEPH KB R9HAW , m Buttonwooil St., PhUa. HIDE SHOW MBlir, the Greatest Tent, Plat- form or Store Ronm Money Getter la the Chinese KOKAHAMA, on. long, 2 born, and 18 legs, with axio Painting, «ts. wm. nelson, 8 Yan Nordon Street, No, Csmbrldge. Mats. HAND BALANCING OUTFIT For Sale. Pedestal and Ladder and ert. Elrrel Tower. |;oit ouiflt, Diokel plated, elootric. lights, etc. Will sell heap. WM. NhLSON, e i g Van Notden St., No. Cambridge. Mass. MEDICINE LKCTUHEK AT L.IBER- ty,— onice and state. Co anywhere. 16 years' experience. Reliable. Fine front. Would con- sider llrac class performer as a fanner. • MEDICINE COMPANY, Odessa, Minn. WANTED Hl'ICK, COMKDIAN, must be versatile and change specialties for one week. And Piano Flavor; one who does some special- ties preferred. MURRAY A MURRAY, LoddOnlu, All drain Co.. Mo mnSSESi AT LIBERTY OCT. IS—Cor- net and Clarionet, B. A O. Strictly sober and re- liable. Travel or locale. Theatre pref Only relia- ble parties need write. Addreta KRICK BROS., ' are'itf Walter L.Maln Show, Harrisonburg, Va., OcM7; Cttarlest jwo, W.Va.. Is;after, Lebanon, l'a. WANTED—For the Mt. Clement Ad, Co., Sketch .Team. State If yon Play or fake piano. Write all lln: 1 letter. Hare go id opening for physician Rglaiercd In Michigan. QBO. P. WOOD, MU Clemens Med. Co., Baldwin. Mich. WANTED dUICK, for Quaker Concert Co., NdveUiy. Perlonners and Bkntub Team. James League. Trlxy McCabe ond Ben Tanner, please Write, ir at liberty wlic or write, D. D. ABHLBY, Mgr., 0.naker Concert Co., Iji Crosse, Wis., WANTHD AT ONCE, MEDIOINK PKRFURM- FRS. Wltn phsflty of Specnitles, S'l'ent Arts','Ms'itTo Picture Macblde, et:. Salary must be low If you wantwork. Small towns. MANAGER MEDICINE OtJ,, KlcbmondvUie, New York. SLIGHTLY USED FILMS: RAILWAY TRAGEDY, 374ft $48.04) BANK ROBBERY 0000 PERSONAL 4000 TRAIN ROBBERY OS.OO OPENINO OF ST. LOUIS WORLD'S FAIR, 187ft 12 00 1,000ft. of CLUB FILMS (hot) 70.00 One OPTIGRAPU MOVING P1UTURK and STEREOPTICON MACHINE, complete, lor electric, with rheostat and burner, as well as calcium burner, and tbe oxyllghtCas Making outfit, complete, like new 71.00 UneKDlHON ISKUi MODEL, complete 18.00 One LUBIN 1MI8 MODEL, complete 48.00 The best STEREOPTICON on the market.,.. 14.1a WE RENT MACHINES. FILMS AND SLIDES, WITH OR WITHOUT OPERATORS. One Hundred Sets et Seng Slides For Rent and For Sole. Does This Train Go to Heaven f Her Boy in Blue 8.oo Man with the Ladder and the Hose 0.00 Bine Bell. For Sale, a Raby, and One Hundred Othtrs. We will Exchange your old Films for new ones, at well aa yonr old Song Slides. ALFRED L. HARSTN & CO., 138 BAST 14TH ST., NEW YORK, N. Y. Tel. .itm-Cram. TO LEASE ON ROYALTY, One Night, Stock or Repertoire, My Two Successlul Melodramas, ACROSS THE DESERT AND A COWBOY'S GIRL. Special Paper and plenty or It; Scenery for each production. Write for particulars. H. WALTKR VAN PYKE. Lyric Theatre, St. Joe, Mo^ FOR «AI,K. AT THE DEATH OF CHARLES L. DAVIS, " JOiiilN" was told. The play j I has made more money tuau any Rube play I I ever produced. The oretent owner, now en-1 I gaged In a mercantile business, offers It fori Isale outfight,iirwlllrentonroyallv. Address] MORRIS B. MOSES, The Excelsior, si and 33 Newark Ave., Jersey City, N. J. WANTED, FOR "Other People's Money" Co., GOOD CHARACTER COMEDIAN For Hopper, will feature. People, for all other parti; preter those who have worked in piece. Send good photo. Can use Al hard working all day 1)111 Posting Agent. Southern Manager*, tend open time. M. A, M08RLE Y, Wlnterburn Show Printing Co., its-loo Clark St.. CHICAGO, ILL. Wild | Rich's flayers Want Character Woman, Soubrette and otter useful Repertoire People. Those with Specialties pre- ferred. Must have first class wardrobe. Only ex- perienced, reliable actors wanted. Slate lowest salary (pay own), and full particulars Dm letter. Can ute Al Scenic Artist and Pianist. WM. C. WILD, care of Wild A Rich Co., Week, Emporium. Pa.; week Oct. 17, Bellefonte, Pa. WANTED QUICK, CHARACTER HEAVY MAN. Wire, HOBT. SKlNSRl. Rloomlnctnn, Ind.. 14; Anderson, Intl., in. BOUT. 8KINHKI. REPERTOIRE MANAGERS Looking for. feature speolalty lor between acts, write to THE ULU1IJUQOLBR. Reliable managers only address No. 14T State St., No. Adams, Mas*. P. 8.—Open tor mlnttrels or burlesque. MEDICINEMEN, I have 8,uoo packages of Dr, Orav's S Herbs; will tell at 0e. by the groat. Also eoo Orota ol Dr. uray's Soap that I will sell for 8)1.00 per gross. Can'ship quid; nothing C. 0. I). DOC HUNGER, Ozone Park, Brooklyn. N.Y. WASTED AT OHOB, FOB THE ROCKWELL DRAMATIC CO., Man to Manage Stage and Play some Character Parts. Also Man with Moving Picture tiutllt that can play small parts. State all In ilist letter. Pay your own. Address J. C. ROCKWELL. Manager. Mllford. N. H. nnuucsB mi «im OR PROPS, INVITES 0PPER8. Address P. 0. Box 482. O We-Oo . Tioga Co., H. Y. Musical Director At Liberty. WALTKH riano," Sight Reader, Arranger. I1ILI.K, Etsiniton, l'a. AN ACROBAT. Mutt be fait ground tumbler. State til first letter, Address NAT ELLIS, 8 Irving Avenue, lllnghsmlon, N. Y. FLIP-FLAPS, with Pawnee BUI Show, wrlto. WANTED, Versatile Sketch Team, Two Comedians. Man with. Moving Picture Oulllt using gag, for B. and ()., If possible Double Stage. Wlnter't engagement, Make It low, BARNELL A BLAMPIIIN'SFLOATINO THEATRE, Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. AT LIBERTY, RUDY HARTLEB, Musical in i-coior, Violin and Piano; Producer and Arranger; 8 seasons World Burner. Uo. Addrcsx, this week, MINER'S SthAVE. THEATRE, care of Co.; next week, GOTH AM, Harlem, la-MJi si. RADIUM. IIUIt.I.lAN'1'l.Y LABTINO ••RADIUM EFFECTS" IndllToreut designs, to be attached to costumei quickly. Sample, lo cts. Costuinct prepared for bullets, Marches, etc. M. MADISON, lid West 13th St., N. Y. 0. Lease - Theatre-JX Population of cily, 8O.000; two houses in city. This theatre now running first class vaudeville; have 4 thowt a day; good liaslnest;'reason for Helling, other liusltiess. Come and look It. over. Add. RARE CHANCE, care of N. Y. CLIPPER. AT LIBERTY. A8MT. H. H. MOOR )I0<| EAST BRIB ST.. Chicago. WANTBD, SONG and DANCE TEAM. Versatile; vamp organ. Also single turns. DR. A. G. JA1LLET, Hnter, Westmoreland Co., Pa. SONG SLIDES FOR SALE. LARGE ASSORTMENT, CHEAP. Address C. L. HULL, 314 State St.. CHICAGO. WANTED, REPERTOIRE COMEDIAN WITH STRONG SPECIALTY, Alto Lady Pianist lo double In parts. Also Novelty Feu tun «. • MORItow A ARNOLD. HarwlchOOrL Mam. FOR SALE COMPLETE BALLOON OUTFIT. 08fi. Bag; new held Juat pat in; StR. Parachute, new, iw; or will trade for anything I ran we. J AH. A. G.LVlN, Pialnlleld. N. J. THE RlOHT KIND die*, Sketched, Monoiugues, Comedies and Drama, written to order. Beat work. Lowest prices. BOB WATT, Dramatic Author, 108 Wamut St.. Philadelphia^ • li X No. 1 B Flat Cornet Player for city theatre or- cheaira. Season's engagement. Addrtst 101 REAL ESTATE TRUST BLDG., Pulls., Pa. MM $1500 Would be (lie price—If written tu order, of the Oracker-Jaok material In Madison's Budge. No. 9. World's greatest book or comedy, con- taining 81 Original Parodies. I hew Mono- logues. 4 great Sketches, ucw Dutch, Irish and Hebrew Specialties; Oomlo Poemt, Toasts and Epllapna; two roaring farces. two big burlesques, bealdti hundreds of new Gags, Storle. and Je.ta—80 big pagca. Ope dollar per oupy. Baok number, as roi- lows: any i. gl.80: any 8, IS; any 4, flM or Budget! 3,4,1.8 and a, til. Other, out of print. Bend all orders to mragant, L. J.K. HBIIi, 1404 Third Ave., Neif York. If AT LIBERTY. LEAD ING WOMAN. OOKIKTU,MtB. Wanted al Once aid All Times, HEP. SHOWS AND VAUDEVILLE For BLaOEIOBB'8 IEW TBEATBI. BLAORMOHE A PITCHER, Shawnee, Okl. .-T LI«KRTY,Oot.lO, MARIE ROMERILL, GENERAL BUSINESS. BABT IRMA, CHILI) PARTS AND SPECIALTIES. M Kit it 11.1.. WI.con.ln. AT LIBERTY, lor Good Riptrtolr. Co., W. FREBERICK WAGNER, Gen. Bus. and Spec laities; CAROLYN LAWRBNCE, Second or General Business. 12 BKADY ST., Detroit, Mb h,_ "MRnagorB Opera Homes Take Notloe." All Manngera holding contract* for TERRY'S BIG TWO CAR UNCLE TOM'S CAHIN CO, con- sider the to cancelled, as the show will not go out this Winter. CBUNN A DICKEY, Managers, Little Sioux, low.. FOR Mitt-"IjitM! World," A show that always made a Big Hit; must be sold. NHS. F. C. 80IIMKL/., 383',' Washington Uoiil,,Uliloago, III. Notice to Opera House Sl^rs. Please cancel all contracts for "MR. DOOLY'S WEDDING DAY " Company lutl disbanded. WM. A. (JRHEN (Late Mgr.). VAUl>lflVIJLLiE ACTS, Mouolognei. Parodies, etc., written to order at reasonable rates. A few on hand. Music com- posed and arranged. J. tV. D.. earn N. Y. CLIPPER. r5,ooo,ooo People Will elng the greatett campaign song ever writ- ten. Send 380. to tbe author and get a copy, WILEY IIAMILTON.Ci nation Theatre, Tatii|M»,Fla. PLAYS 4-IIA Reading and Recitation Book*. , Catalogue Free. All draui.tlc "I paper, on aalu or mailed. i. HeDOMAiiO * CO , 83 Wathlnglou St., UhlCAQO. AT LIBEKTY-Baiid Leader, Cornet, B. and 0., or Srcond Violin; flood Rep. Mink. 0. L. PATfON, lllutrton. Ind. V7A1TEI, EXrBHIEICED OBOBUB DHLS POH BOSIOAL COBEDY. Apply at J AMES C. MOR T ON. 107 E. 13th Ht , N^V. EI»W1N MCEV. iM SSSS i °* JLBT RETURNED TO TOWN FOR THE WINTER, 1(4 E. lllb STREET, N. Y. CITY. Wanti.,LlOj Solo Corneltlst for Medicine Co, Send photo and state tilery. Address all letter* to THE CARR10AN HKDIOINECO., Ctre of NEW YORK CLIFFF.R. WANTED, YOUNG fll n II W.S.BATES, Biee'i Stock Co., Berlin. I. E. Wttjntwcl, for Man .nil Wile who do two or mum ant* labia- show, wire at num. Show open* Saturday. Oct. 18; Adilrnsa NORMAN OltT ON, Siim» I K < y *. Attention, Band and OrtImstra tiaAtnl Uu you want to i.fBMi loCuin|to.a and Arrange Bu.lel If so, teud Me. ttaup fur trial lesson. Nothlpg to pay mull you lave been taught Lessons I, -J and a. If these lesions do not yon that Hi la Is Strict Iy a.ogl t • I mate, then Th.y in Free, Don't write tin lest you itaVe alliorough koowledge of lite rudi- ment* ot init'lc, and Maan M««ln*.t a C. W. WIliOOX (Harmunl.l) 1030 Bruartwar. W. V. AT I.IHKRTY, B. J. BLETHF.N, Heavies, Clisrioters or General Bnalt^*, LEA MODE. HeuvltH, Characters or General Buslnew. L'au do l.s.ids. inih make good whemver euL If you want good people, write. B. J. HLKTIIEN. Sttrahton. Mli», To Strengthen Company, I require Lending Man, capable or playlDf frank Conway. In •'The Uastaw*ya|" Damon, In ••D.nioii and Fyhiaa," and possibly three oilier, rolsa. AhM Lady who can Act und do Hpeclult/, Aim Good, Usefm Mini. .We play with STAIR A HAVLIN and best theatres, HARRY LINDLIY, Fenelmi FalU, Ontario, Oatjarln, People Wanted TO OPEN NOV. 14. SPECIALTY ACTS of Merit, MAGICIAN Willi Reputation and H'eli Staged. Mend full panic nlars with flril letter, aud tiiemoraudiiiii of las' eugag.meut. Ready to negotiate fur Act* »f Novelty und Draft. Address manager lovkll, 3 Oat«» l.sne. Wnrceabsr. Ms»i. WAV J*,.. K..II SATIIIUAY NEXT, NEAR NEW VOTIK CITV, BIAU VAUDEVILLE PEBP0B1UB. Also for Oct. 34 and 81, flood chance to break In new act. State very lowest i|utok. To open Saturday night. Addrets PERFORMER, care of CLIPPER. ww A IMT BCD, medicine People of ail kinds, Lecturer lhai can get Hie money, Comedian thai o*u ling and dance, put on iota; Piano Player thatutu do other turiia. Novelty Act*. Must be good drenera on anil olr, and be aoner and reli- able. Oil AS. HERE ELL, Oregon. Me. t3tK50 to Invest lu live, promising proposition. No d*ad ones. Honest partle>, capable of reliable Judgment, aoswer. A. N. MOYER, Gen. PH.. Ohio***. WANTED, For Morklaj's Vaootville Stirs, Pluulit, Sketoh Team, comedian end Man with Picture Machine. Three tiav stnnda. I nay All. Permanent addrcn, IIARHY C, MERKLKY, St, Johnnvllle, N. Y. OOODPERPORHERKOFALL KINDS, PICTURE MAUMINB AND FILMS. AOdraM JACK ARNOLD. Ewing, Neb. RICTONS BLUE JOflULING BOOK, II, send now. Jaatwhityuu n»ed. 881 CARLTON. BkTyn, N. Y, P, N.-Beit yet;- ltioldlKtit week.