The New York Clipper (October 1904)

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OCTOBEB 15/ • TUT] ISTEW 3TOBK: CLIPPER. 789 SEND KHW VUJi POCKBT KU1T1U.1. No. BOHOW KXHIB1TIOW KINKTOSCOPK, (P^15.00 Unas. md nag. EDISON FILMS &. 17 X2 93 *X- FEATURE SUBJECT 0] PATENTED AND COPYRIGHTED. MPTIE OF "YEGfi" BANK BURGLARS 15 THRILLING AND EXCITING SCENES. THE HIT OF THE SEASON. Showing the Criminal Life and Methods of the "Hobo- Bank, Vault and Hat. Burglar. ■a d*irrlb*<l In paper »ad b> WILLIAM A. PINKRRTON. of Plnkvrtun'a Natlunal Oeteettre Agenrr, Defer* the Aanaal Convention of the International A.iurlauoa oflhe Chief, of Folic, at. Lonls, Mo, June 6 io 11, 1HU*. IMKT PhlOKS CLANK A PILMH, In CKNTB MM POUT. CLAsB B FILMS, 1)1 CKMH^KH POOT. , RDINO.f UNIVKHBAL, KINKTOSCOPE, S s PI-PPIKR AND CAT uf.ft. B BARCELONA 'PARK BY MOON- LIGHT ....... ..*..,.' . 135ft. B FANTASTIC FI81IINO 100ft. D t'HANHQ BY DOGS „•.. 8nft. B A REAL WARRIOR.. .•...' ' g.lft.'B THB 8TBIKBT. , .. 4B5ft.B INDIANS AND COWBOYS....... B70ft. B DRAMA IN THH AIR 180ft. B FOX AND RABBITS 66ft. B ANNJR'B LOVE STORY 726ft. B BUTTERFLY 110ft. B NEST KOBBKRS 155ft. B TOUR OF ITALY ' BfiOft. B JAPANKNR AMBUSH 120ft. B BAR.VUM'8 TRUNK 390ft, B SAMSON AND DELILAH 410ft B SLEEPING BEAUTY 900ft. B AM BAB A AND THE 40 THIEVES frSffB ORLO AND HIS TRAINED DOGS. 135ft. B ItUFFIANS' DANCE 125ft. B PUSSY'S DINNER r h THE MISKR'B DAUGHTER....... 270ftB A CIRC US ROMANCE C35ft B LATEST COMEDY CHASE FILM MANIAC CHASE JUST FINISHED ORIGINAL Ludicrous Situations - Hair Breadth Escapes 12 CENTS 530 FEET CLASS B 12 CENTS EDISON MANUFACTURING CO. CHICAGO OFFICE, 304 Wnbajb. Ave.... MAIS OFPI0E Md FACTORY, ORANGE, N. J. NEW YORK OFFICE: 13 CHAMBERS ST. CABLK ADbHESS, KURILIAN, NEW YORK. OFFICE FOB UNITED KINGDOM: U OLBKKBNWELX ROAD. LONDON, E.O., ENGLAND! IN9 AOKN-TaBt OPERA HAT 80ft, B WRROTLINU DONKEY 116ft. B .SCULPTOR A*S*I> MllDEI 180ft. B I.UVE OR MONKY •!...■,..: rjnft. B HTOP Till KV SBMt. B hum vh. ciiEituiKN.. aoort. u DEATH OF ROBERT MrCAIHM AND BERTRAM 1118ft. B DRIVEN FROM HOME .100ft B JAPANESE FAN DANCE.-. ' 7fift. A JAPANESE FLAG DANCK 115ft. A FBNCINO CONTEST BimvEUN JAPANESE SOLDIERS. MAN- CHURIA 100ft. A ANCIENT JAi'ANl'HI] WARRIORS IN BATTLE SCENIC 70ft. A DEPARTURE 14TH CO.. JAPAN- ESE HNOINEERH, FROM SHIN- BASH I STATION FOR KOREA. 120ft. B ROXINO IIOR8E8, LUNA PARK, CONEY ISLAND.; lBBft, A POLLYWO08. 71ST REOT..'N. .0. N. Y.. INITIATING RAW RK- CKIIITH '.. »;,.,;. 180ft. A Desire to notify their Customers, the Trade and General Public that they HAVE ESTABLISHED A WI8TIRN OFFICE, where they will oarry a complete stock off latest Edison Films, Projecting Klnetoscopes, Parts and Supplies. 304 WABASH AVENUE, CHICAGO. "THE GREATEST TROUPE OF ACROBATS & WORLD And tblt beyond Ant onestlon of doubt, l« performing it SHEA'S TIIKATKK THIS WEEK, and vesterdi.v net two big audiences wild wllb enthusiasm of ttie ion that Is rarelt heard lu u ilieatre. ARAB THolIPK, whose members get all laws of equilibrium at deilance, and get through space upside down &• easily an they do In Hie right side up position* " Till" Ik II AIM A N HK.V A LI'* TUOZUIININ Every meiiibt r of the Iruupi' In* been tialuui Their featH are necu liar to i hi'mtel vea, boyhood, ijj HASSAH BEN ALL Thev are whirlwind performers, and'aside from their marvelous tumbling, l hey given great exhibition In human pyramid work."—BUFFALO COURIER, tin. 4, M04. "GYMNAST,* PROM THE PAH KAST-iHASSAN BEN ALPS TOOZOONIN ARABS at Shea's this week are Mtrvels, Wonderful Tumblers and Gymnast*, who perform all manner of aslonudlng feats of slreuglh ftndeglllly. Hheaguers have setn nothing me them, add the audiences at both performances yesterday cheered In enthusiasm. "-BUFFALO RX PRESS, Oct. 4,1904. .... '»•, >' •■ ■ ..' .. _■ ; ••No act combining sensationalism and humor ever seen at Shea's Theatre has equaled that of HA8SAV BBIf ALI's TOOZOONIN ARABS,' designated on the bill as the most wonderful tumbler* and gymnasts ever brought. In AUKKM'A. There are ten Id .the troupe, men and midget,. There Is a whirl to their tumbling that gives at times a sensational effjet, and at other times a most humorous eueot, the latter eiroot being caused bv the bouncing and i «lrllug of i lie men, garbed In utmiue raiment, shocked heavily with black hair, and the eldest whiskered from ear to ear. Tne young ones threw themselves. Into the air as though sprung from catapults. All through the act the troupe added to the sensationalism by jelling. The audience applauded and laughed Incessantly, and they recalled Ihe trouDe several times."—BUFFALO OOMJIBROIALjOct. 4.1904. ■ ___^. SI BE HASSAN BEN ALPS AODRC88: 117 W. 13th SIT.. T*. V. OITV WILSON mORAN, PRESENTING TBEIR ORIGINAL COMEDY SKIT, "A RAILROAD CATASTROPHE." 'AJdres WESTERN BUREAU OF THB NEW YORK CLIPPER, 502 Ashland Block, Chicago. WANTED, For "DORA THORNE" CO., Leading Man, Heavy Woman, Charaoter Man, Genteel . Old Man, and Comedian and Soubrette. dive fall particulars In Drat letter, and state age, height and weight. Send programmes and photos, which will be returned. Address 0. S- SULLIVAN, Zanesvllle. Ohio. V.MSTCD, POR McPHEE'8 BIG DRAMATIC AND SPECIALTY CO.-BAND and ORCHESTRA, Oood Dramatic People, Musicians for Band and Orchestra, First Violin to lead or- chestra And double baritone; Alto or Cornet In'brass, Cornet, Baritone and tAIto that can double parts or d'i specialties; good Dramatic People. One, two and Ibiee night stands. One matinee only. Speoiaiiy People that do tingles, and teams that do singles and doubles. Must change often. Those plAylnc brass nr parts preferred. Actors teat can play brass or do specialties. Show opens near St. Paul, Minn. Travel In onr own Pullman Stateroom Car. Will advance transportation to St. Paul to responsible people. All must be sober, reliable and experienced people, who can ap- preciate good treatment and regular salary day. Name lowest salary. Addreas nntil Oct. 16, ANDREW D0V7NIE, Box 12, Medina, N. Y. Oet. It to 10, General Delivery, Chicago, 111. After that Slandard Printing Company, St. Paul, Minn. ; EUGENIA MILLS, AT LIBERTY, Invites Immediate offers, with responsible repertoire or stock. HEAVIES, JUVENILES, CHARAC- TERS, UTILITY BUSINESS. Address T REVERE HOUSE, Ohiwgo. w«. c CUSHMAN and ST. CLAIRE louise --— THAT COMEDIAN 4 SOUBRETTE WITH THE FEATURE ACT. ASK YOUR AGENT. ONE CENT 'iWJLL OPERATF THB ; SOUVENIR POSTAL CARD MACHINE, DUMB- BELL LIFT AND GRIP DEVELOPER, THE HOROSCOPE, THE NEW FORTUNE TELLING MACHINE, with card tor etch month: ELEC- TRIC RIFLE ind AUTOMATIC PALMIST. These machines are all new and up-to-dutc, DO NUT CUT OUT OF ORDER, but do get Ihe money. All kinds of Slot Machines. Write for particulars. V. S. ZIMMKKMAN ■•■• -IS W. 28th St.. New Yo rk. WILSON'S SCR00L. ISTAGE DANCINGI AND COMPLETE STAGE TRAINING, 11.10 WKsT 23d ST., N. V. I Kndorred by the Enure Theatrical Profes-1 'aloa. Senator particulars and valuablej ^information. Engagements guaranteed. VPTAT Catalogue of PIati sea - — M Bake Up, for Profei. rl Q T \ alonsls and amateurs,tent «■ I l»*l I W application. l)ICt A >iry.OBRALU. 30 Ann St., New York TRAP DRUMMER AT LIBERTY APTKR OCT. 14. Address • . •_. BSRT. H. DA VIES, ctre of "Uncle Bet"*Co:, Jeannetue, Pa., Oct. u.' Wigwam Theatre, AU SABLE, MICH. ATTRACTIONS WANTED. Town Is adjacent to Oscola, Mich. Population, 4,ooo. Sealing capacity, too. GEO. C. WALKER, Manager. WASTED QUICK, Hinn. TaH Leading Man. Must have wardrobe. Sing- ing and Dancing Soubrette. Musi Join at once J. M. HAMILTON, ligr., Branlford, ont.. Oct. 10, 11. 12; Strathroy, Ont., Oct. 13, 14, IS; Sarnla, Ont . , Oct. 17 - 22. 1904-AT LIBERTY-1905 MR. J. E. WEIXSTON, Light Juveniles; direct stage; Giddy Old Melds; Specialty. TOLEDO, OHIO. WANTED, SKETCH TEAMS, SINGLE LADIES AND NOVELTY ACTS, AT ALL TIMES, AT "THE EVEREST." ED. If. EVEREST, Manager, Tiffin, Ohio. Dancers and Leaders, Send 25c. For ROSCBUD SKIRT DANCE. A beautiful No., orchestra or piano. ARTHUR BELLINGER, Pub., Desk A, Battle Creek. Mich. We Make a Specialty of Storing, Repairing and Sell- ing THEATRICAL CARS. Good Shop, Plenty of Protected Track Room, Excellent Loca- tion. Writel for Particulars. M. MITSHKUN CO,, DETROIT, MICH. DON'T TAKE OHANCE& If Yoa Wait HeaalU Vie n CKOiS LETTER HEAD miss UCBD POR FREE SAMPLES, Pristine and Enaj. Co., IBS Dearborn St., Book ofenu, BOe 15c. for Stnge Money. maH class MACrlCAL APPARATUS At modetate prices. Large stock, Immense variety. Illustrated Catalogue Free. New Mammoth Catalogue Just Issued, 20c. List of 400 bargains In flue apparatus for 2c. stamp. A. ROTERBEHO, ITU Ontario St., Chicago. GOWNS^?^ SLIGHTLY USED. AIM STREKT GOWNS. We have os hand a large assortment of slightly worn Evening Gowns, Dinner, Reception and Teaoowca. These robes are perfect In every respect, and are especially suitable for wear In HIGH CLASS DRA- MATIC PRODUCTIONS. We have a fall line of Seal Skin t'oais and Fori of all kinds. MRS. B. STARR. M7 Sontb State St.. CHICAGO. SHOW PRINTING. Stock Hanger*, Potters) and Cute on band for advertising every line of the Amoiemtnl Bualnea*. Send for Catalogue (D) of Ora matlc and Show Printing of all kinds; Cata- logue (C) Fair and Carnival Printing; Cata logue <B> BUI Poatera, Comerclal Potters. FTH8T CLASS PUINTINO OV ALL KINDS 6BEAT WESTEBIf PHHfTJHG CO., S13 Bias ■tweet. nt. Lonli, Mo, NEW VORM. CHICAGO. HEPKER WIO MAKER, 1M W. S«h STREET. NEAR BROADWAY, N. T. CHICAGO BRABICIl, ORAND OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. ' A, KERSHAW, Resident Partner. Send for Catalogue C, e!iber office. WANTED, POR TUB Le Pearl Repertoire Co., PEOPLE IN ALL LINES WITH SPECIALTIES. Piano Player that can play Violin. AmateMs, people with cheese clotb wardrobe, tar. stamp.. . . J.H.LK FEABL, Upe*. Mich. * P. 9.—Show optns Nov. 1, If Yott Are Looking for Flint Class N»vHly Acts, . ■ . , THE LEFFEL TRIO Have got It. kind. We carry Kiner Stage Setting, Si'onery and Sennit; Kneels than any Oyrniiatt Act of IN Stage Setllug, _ Have some open time In Oct. and Nov. Address FRANK LRPFs.1., 207 East Mtb St., New York Oily, N. Y., or All First Class Agonts. London Vaudeville Theatre, LONDON, ONT., CANADA. wantkh— Vaudeville Acts at all times: Aerial Acts, Mnslcal Acts, Hitler Teams, Singing and Talking Acts, Juggling Acts, Novell v Dancers, sketch Teams. Hlate lowest In first; we pay no fancy salaries. Break your Jump between New York and Chicago; wn are on the main linn of all roads. Yours sin cerely, C. W. nENNEfr, Oeu. Mgr., per W. V- FlKMINQ, BualoeSM llapresontatlve, Rooking Agent. THE MOST POPULAR MAN IN NEW YORK, JOHN F. CLARK, HIGH CLASS ENXXRTAINEB. JOHN v. CI. ARK was my BEAU LINE Act Kimduy,Oct, o t and drew Ihe largest business in the ory of the housc.-MAHTIN J. UIXON, Mgr. fid Ave. Thcalrn, N. V. City. Addr«Hs ALL AUKNTH. hlnlorv WHEN IN CHICAGO, ILL, And You Need a Mood Suit of Clot hi'i, Madi' In PIT Yon, Call On> .' .•' • BRILDE *te COMP4KY, Cuitoin Tillort, 87 Wiihlnglon Strttt, Roomt 406 to 409. > Nults frn'm *lo upwards. .Head for BMsfkw. We are In tin- same building as Edward ShayntU Vuudi'vllle Agency ea >lX., 01l.«J3«mi>«j3»S»t On MANU8CRIRT PLAYS ONLY - $1.60 SIT OP PARTS ONLY - - - - 81.00 8CRIP. AND PARTS ONLY - - S2.00 BarttL so' oavi OPwa-Y PLAINLY.TYPEWRITTEN*, NEATLY BOUND. HK.ND FOR NRW LIST. MOUTUEHSI JIAMMCHII'l CO., Knojvilla. 1 enn. Wanted, for Russell's Comedians Leading Juvonllo Mao, Man for Light Ootnedy; must do HpocLllles. usnerai Uusintss Man wlih Hneclald.a, Woman fur (lenersl Business, Hneolaltli'S. Oood wardrobe owsnllal. Uii" Join at once. Oilier peop'e. write. . IdMOOLN J. KIBBKV. Hnnngav, Bourboii. Indiana. , JOHN aosa wean MAitii*r" s u. HENNINCS, LEWIS and HENNINCS Iff A COflDBIfSKD HI1S1CAL OOMEDV, WM. MORRIS, or pi W. Will HT.i N. Y. City. a—uiu-u WASTH), far tie LTCEim STOCK CO, PULL ACTING CO, For three nlghis and wee" staoda. Those doing specialties given pr.fetfnce. Wu pay expspses. Write a I Brat If Iter. AddresN K. G. CKOSJUA V, Nf <id»shs, a t n. lew-loOMIS and VAN-«ay THE ROBB and TDK COON, With their Clever Sketch, NANCY'S COUSIN SKTIL Address tare of N.: Y, CUPPER. IIIAAI PnO OlinBI ItTO C\uU, Batons. Onus, Hulling, Olobts. llnof.s JaJlillLcKal NUHFI ltS."» WI,l,, » l,I * r "'APP<>'alu»,»<oiaa i uAi<*.Misnipfo VVWUkbllV UWI I hlhWi catalog and Boom low. Vau;wyo*d,CUielW)Atl,0