The New York Clipper (October 1904)

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760 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. OCTOBEB 15. *'A HXT FROM TJHE V SAM BHRUCH AJSM> At J. DOYLB'S *« START, 99 »» inia s '.?.;i M A MARCH BALLAD THAT IS WINNING ENCORES NIGHTLY. Beautiful Slides In Preparation. Professional Copies and Orchestrations PHKE 10 Recognized Singer*. Published by. : ■ i rillATRiCAiv Mrr®ic SUPPIVY CO., TUB 44 West llBtb St., NEW YORK. Clipper Post Office. In order to nrold mistakes and to Inanra the prompt delivery of the letters advertised In thU Hat, sua envelope plalnlr addressed must lie aent for eacb letter, and a written order for the letter, signed with the toll name and address and the lino ol bDilntii followed by the aender, nui also be enclosed. Plena* mention the date (or ■»• fcer) Of THE CUPPER la which the letters aent for were ndrertUad. '-... LADIES' LIST. Alemtndcr, 1,11 Arlelll, Florence /iflploDc, I.aiiru /.imleboe, M. Ai tclll, F. /■biros, May .Mian, Alice Austin, June Artclli. r. AsUton, Lnngtry Amctu, — llcnton, GoorRle Unrtram, Burdlc ltclmont, Anna Unnulng, On. II rooks, Jcnctto WJO, MlfB llutlcr, Mamie liiockilicr, Mm. A. M. llcckwltb, Li*. Ilurlelldt, Jusey Jlreiver, Nell Jlullii, Mrs.I'reC liruee. Mm. D. lloiirdslcy, A.Id. llnrrlnglinni, Cer liluiicbard, Mill UlnckuHcr Pearl 8 I'nrhtur, lva Louufort, Mat.J llli *, Helen hrlekt, JiihIc Imrtlctt MailgW lll'lstol, JcHS licncli, trior. •». Ihirllctt, Marie llnrrclt, Marlon llui'ki' UruceLiilt l\nitior. Maude •'•iiirlncy Iwttle <lover, Carol >:uililh, V. Collins, Minnie Carew, tin Lei rimrlcs, II. Coltcti, Mr*.Win 1'iiir. Join. Cliitlnpiicy Agues Carew, 'tlnln'l • '.union Mrs.Ilm Clancy, nana Cnrbley, Irene Clayton, Arnicas • 'lark, Agues I'ulohuru Mar. dirndl. Annie Clark. Kdylliis Cnlilll. Millie • 'in lis. Vent Currnll Mm. V. Chnuipncy, AiiU. Chester, Mile. Chcnlyu, Alien )>iuilu. Alice DeAlinn, Mile. Durrw, Clydo DcVcr*, Kit. Detfy. Maud Dorothy, Mtillle Daw, Aunt. I'lxaii, Clam Dcgolinr, Nell Drcfakl, Alum Diinbur, l.ll. DeVlgnc, (ilmlye DoTuek, Millnn Delia veil Minnie lieu,! Mrs. Mutt DeCoursoy. Hat, 1 tacit, Hiulle lleVere, l'aullne. Dlstnrli. Mlldol. Dixie, Untile DeaMoiida. Mill. Deltock, I'.ltlu Deaven, Ada 1). lames, Pauline Dean, Dollle Davenport. Mlas linV'al. Miui.le Dunrei, M. M. lie I'ureal. Oorlo Deffi, Kll. DcWnuntl, DvPnxe, I.lane Devere. KMUa DenipJtcr M u bio IicVIgne. Daisy linveii[ioi t, Mill Elliott. Lorua L'sicrbrook. VlTltU Mllolt. I.uele l'.vnua, ISIln Everett. Fhiimio Lnterniiti, Nell. Kltryni, llrauke Fuller Madullue Puller, Ia-oiui T'rnscr, Annie I-'ordau, Nell Prrua tides, Dolores Foropaugb, Many Frederick. Helena [''rands, Vo. Fiirnsworlh, 7*X FiTarl. Emma Fay, Anna V.. Fay, Mrs. 3. Goodwin, V:i. (lilsou. Llanche Ullmorc, Helen Oeorgc, Clnra Holiest, (Int. • lelnit. Helen • ■111, Florence Grny, Kll. GrwYcr, Mlblrerl Oiirilon. licit Oarlnial Fannie l.oriloii, Uelle • illDiorc, Helen Cariiellu, Mae R lliwled, Mm. J lluuler, Carrie llllloii. Mamie Hull. Dnlny ttarlen Ueaiilc. llurtuian, Net D Iluuituolid,. ilrncla Holmes, Jin. F. B llylni'.ds. lilta 'leya, Ailn Herla-rl, Ada 8 HtiritMou. trail Ilopper t'Mon W Hiimnjii, Marie DnycH, Oerlle llarilsoli, Mr.zle lliMTlui.. Natl llll, Nell. llnrni-li. .Mnuili' Hnywiii'il Miv.H llarvev, Marie llllloii. Uanh tlerberl, Nellie lluddi'sl'in, Mra. India IlatliHivay lielle llnyden, l>illy Illll, Frnnela Iluilvrell. Utile llobba. Mutlolt Howard, Dirkle KIiik, IniulHe Klujt, Untile Kelfoy, Ms. Kemp, Alice Fengle Minn. M Kwmef. Loulne l.e»1le, Klna l.tiimley. lninlae U'Hlle, Marie I nurent, Marie I .re. Mm';. l.uMoyue, ilarrlc l,uwsun, MaiK- lalinoN. ltiisa MttlcbaleK I...M l.innume Ada I, l.amiriiic, I'ruu l.iviKne, Anna l.lovd, MulK-l McKi'iiile, May, Ulna Musun. Ml, Mclilalr. Llale Marahall. tladelyu McKeun, Jlarg. tliirrlaon, I'lor, Mlskel, Corn Mlloa, A»ie» A Miller. Maggie Murenl, tlilo.B.;, Murrlson. Anule Mayiaird, Iain Murray, Annie Murtlnl, D«l»y MUdlelnn, Oludya MnrrUun. Zee Miller, Kitty A, MvVey, ICunna Morrow Annette Mlguuu, 111 Jen .Muck, Stella .Miller, Knllier. Muller, losey .MiicQuuid. Ami I Jlonurx, Myrtle Melvnle. Nell. Meredith fllatcra Norls, Corlune Mrlioln, N. V. Nadlne, <— Newton, Mnrgu. Norrls, Corlnuu Ctnxa, Mile, OrletU, May I'omeroy, Anna t'arker, Ilenn M. I'olncliel;. Ella I'aae. Dot t'enrl, Mluulc G Prentice, Mn. II. C. Plankctt Bluuck 1'nrauu Sisters Feeble* Rulb K I'nul, Netlle Rice, Fanny Knddlirc, Oarrlc Roue, M, Itlahcr, Anna V. Raymond, Alice UudcIlOc,. r.yleue Rlel, I«ulac Ulieuuril, Mndellno Raye, Yrrtta RlTers Margin'. Robinson. Until Kilinler Klsleru liotll. Kale Kiiswll, Knllier Reliant, Rerlliu Riinilnll. Flur. Riinalilo, I'^a Rollins, lUainbc Uerare, Anule Iluoney. Kiltie Rnyiitoiid, Ma D 'tuynnr. Klin Rawhlon. Zelnia toy. Kill !•* SniiMirtl Flui'llla siieei. Maud tit. Patrick, Mm. a. Scyiuniir Dot Xii'iti'l, IJaniu t>unfonl. Minnie 1'. Sy I venter. Nell. Seyuinnr Ulnleru Snillnx, ltess Suufinil, Miuld Sbetby, .Nora Slevenw, Labia Kilver, Alice Hertw uimuth S),arrow, Marie hHrMrt, Mb* (l.llluUtlillD ! everinei', tlnr^ Klewarl, Ma C. .MerlliiK, Nell Slvevlll, Delinell Tbnrne, Daisy T i ll , Daisy ', t'.lbel I'liomtiH, lua Tbursleil, 'lirare tMlir. .lulln M. Tiioiniisnn 1'nlny Thnrulvu. U"H. 'nylur, lollle Tbitriciite, Alice Taylor. May Tivnlinin, Mm. Vmilelll. l'iva Verne, M. VuiiL'iKik, Louise Welln. Trlx. Warlou, llesn. Wonka, Mafia IS Wynne, Menu Woodruff. Horn Welch. Alien Wilbur Ruby D Walker, Munale Wayne, l'lnv Wlllnrd, Kalber Weston, Calrle Wbllliey, Fdllli Wntnoti, Murxle Wilson. Gmue Weal. Marie Wood. M.iudo Zuuioru, K. GENTLEMEN'S LIST. A Is I on, A. V. Andrews, J). 0, Andrews Kilwd. Arnold, Alnsw. Adams, 10, 1*. A Is Ion, A. U. Ai'lioue. Del Allen, Frank Allen, 1m\ Avok), liar. Anhncy, P. 1). Allen, J. tt. Arninlrong, Kil. Allen, 1.. 0l tt. Allen, liar. Albiirlua. Morris A rlil. Clan. .Million,), Jnck AllllllH. UllH tinirelt. Dun Hell. II. s. Ilnrllno, Hurt llnrtram. Claud tkniil, Fred llhiekmurn Bit Hiviuain Am.t'o. Dennett, J. J. Drown Icy, M.D. Rrlxtou. I,. L. Unyd, It. C. Dan & hrimi Ilruuilon iWlley llonrilniiin. 01, ltiown. Kirk IlliUlner, J. V. Jltltler, A. V. lteituu, Uol> IMnme. F. K. Ilelelier, W. M. HiMwn, ('lias. Howell, U, F. Drain ird, Kill I'.nllirlik, II. II. lU'iiinrd, .Tunlus lii'ldt'ii. Novo ItcekwHli, W. G llurtun ft ... DeAlmo Ucuu Kearrnsl, Simon Itnyil, (tall . tilootn. Lew ruecketlrlnge, C. M. lirnnit, O. W. Itejvile. U, U, lli-yiint, Haul liutes, Neil Hurlo, lid. Hates Mas. Trie Mario & I.nffei'ly llrlalor, J. tt. ltlreli, Jan. Erooke, VituDyk lllake. It. J. Ilnxter. duo. linnaiiu'l, lleiiu Ikuiesl, Alia F. Ilond, 11. V. Rortlo, L. .1. llatteu, Fred I'lnlr. II. v.. Kelnnnil, J.»' Kulley, Albert Hloe.ks, L, A, Itnrrlimtou. It. Ii™ Alio Hie 11 lli.yle. V. II. Delcher, W. M. Iinidy, I'uul Invar W. R. lierkley, F. A. Hover., I.. M. Hlnek'mni W.H Dunli, Frauk F.ruily, 1. U. lilxiey, Dnlley & Fletcher Itoiub.iy. Dr. Burr, Win. Ftlttoiis. The Cnrlloti, Sam Coilnir, Hor. Collins Mov. We. Co. Crook, E. 0. t'nr|ienler, F. V Claylun, 0. A. Carey. J. D. Carroll & Chirk (.'ntnliino. Fiail Carney, Gun Carroll. W. K, Crnndnll. tlilr. i '.inner Mr KMn. Chester, I Int. f'artpr ft R.i*> Cliagnou. Mi. Coivln, A. Uluctu, A. U, Clniide, Hubert Cnrlln, Robl. Oi-uuch ft Rlchurdn Corbctl ft Forester Conner, C, M. I '111101.1. I'nul Coiihm ft Maud Culler, .link Colby, 0. R. Calilll. Win. Crnwrord, Geo. Cllnielils, II. 1>. Cnlilerit. A. Ti. Cinly, 'loin fancy ft LeOlalC Cliixl-m, Ileuu. Contcllo. J. Conn. ItUKO Cinik, C. K. Cramer, Kit. Clark, Huujo B. Cliainidim. Jink Cllfl'ovd. P. 11. Cunlemo L. *: ekius Cnrle'.on, Al. Oawrll, J. W. Calileia, A. K. Cnuip, Jack iVilton ft DniroiT Ctraagr, Win. Clark, Wnlly CUffonl, Friuik Cnnatdy, Jan. Cole. Bob Clifton! ft Burke Cnlloli, Clint. Callow, C. A. Cramer, J. D. Clarke K. V. Coiiltlillu. W. 0 Crok'uui. J. A. t'osniine ic FhireiiiH! Clinton. Chris. Ciisgrove. J. 1'. Dlxey. II. E. Ili'liililirtne, - Davidson. .1. W. Decoieiuv Rah, Paris, Will Podia', tiniif.Uil Dolsvii, Al. Daiolt, Geo, Dunbar, W. J. IteRoutTe, Elisor Davis, Austin DashlnKton, Alb IMnnldann, C..A Darll. E. P. Dnnlcla, Frank Drew, J. K. DeuTcn, Walt. lionornn, J. B. Dlckaion, liar. liemore. Jno. DeForwt. H. B. Dudley, Har. DATlel. B. U. dutoji, a Dawaon, 11. W. lieMonde. CUeal Del trick ft Slierlilan DeVeaux, W. (J. Dolsoii, Al. Jllinon, F. Daalen. St. Geo. DlckJwn. C. L. Dixon. A. 1. Drlscoll, O. F. Dearen, liar. Deuel, Jno. DcOng.1, Wllb. DeCovlsm, Eilwd DeRu?, Bob. DcOnzo Itroa. Derenzo ft I.ndu DeaKClem, Geo. Duvldnou, G. 0. Doll, C. If. Demurest. IL)lit. Pepcw, P. O. Dore, Dnu Deltry, Jos. Dunwortli, Fred Pans, liar. Duncan, C. II. Kdwurds, O. V. Falwardu, C, E. I'.ininonfl, CbM, Erne ft Honeggcr Kuo, liar. Fnlecrtoua, TUe ■Kllh.-0.-A. Krann, Clare I'.nnls ft n.van Fdwurds, YV. U ICilwiiriln, Kira Finer.son, J. E. Kurle, Jno. Kmniet', Itobt.Co I'm melt.' Kiib. Kiliterton Q.&M. Krnle, VA. Fair ley, J. It. l-.inery Stk. Co. Kriuia, D. II. Ivvatin. J. W. Envne, Ed. 'Kdwls. jWiii. Fnuilett. 1'lugCUe I'nile, Ed. ts'kl. Joe EviirelU-. W. U. I'alke, 0. H. tern, liar, llvnn, J. D. Ford. Geo. Flack, W. P!. Foiuian, A. V. I'rnlkea, Fred Fulf»r, Wuj. I'rlcke, W. W. ITlsby, T. \V. Ford, Geo. Frank, tlorrln Frailer, Kugeue l'otber, Iashi l'nnlerlekn. Con. Flseliei, A. I,. Fen ton, II. 0. l-'orbi'K Stewart I'lorer, <j. A Flnlier ft Carroll Ford, Ed. Furrell, C. II. Fern, II. lux. i'ldnd. 1'ol-enn, W. A. 1'enlH,' Wiley Fullon, i. C. Fonl. Geo. Full .sin, l>', I". l'rniik. Morris l'elirunin, Max Fiiriuiui.- P. N. Flnkn Stock Co. l'eelcy. Cluada C mini in, liar. Ciddlon. 1.. E. Cray, V. O. Guy, G. O. "Girl from Olilll" Co. Grneey, W. II. Cormnnrl, liar, lilleii, Tom Guy, A. I.. (iarslde. J. S. Grunt. C. II. • loodfrlcnd, O.I, nalcttl, O. F. llllliert, V. H. Goodhue, W, V. Gauo, O. K. Gntticriou. Dave Garelde, «'<>ndlt - A ttnekCo. Guvln. Kdwd. Grnynon. J. II. Green, Friincla Crovca, liar. tSrant. C. W. Gllellc, C. K. (trenn, P, N. Gnttliolil. G. W Itllroy, Chan, Green, Fred (illlelle, Al. Greer, Jim. George. C. V. Goodwill, Chan. Crimes. T. .1. CooliunT). Edwd. Gumlllo ft Fitna Gllison, AV. I.. Guy Matin. GUI Gillette. A. M. Gooilfl'Ielid. O.I. Grace, Frank Gleanjn J. ft B. llllle,. Geo. lloldnworlh, C. Derrick ft Cblreilse Hopper, Chan. 11 iiuies. Fred Haywood. Wm. Harder. W. II. 1-loyt, II. H. Hiiliies. Win. Harnar. N. w. Hull, Ben HnlsT. Jno, ltebert. W. 0. Ilowiinl, F. Harrington. D.J Hurt, I.. M. Party. Jim. Ilcrcrnu, Tom llelmi'N, J. I,. Iliciiu. Kruesl ll.ddeu. Turn llll-seliluunler. rnu lliirtley. F. I\, Hull lies, A. H. Hall. Rlllr Swwte Herla-rl. «'.' .1. A ll.inisnii liar. Ilnvis. 'I' lluuler, M. V. UllllB, Faul. , Howard. Leon lliinii'-r. Gi-o. Il.-itnlln llroi. Illll (Mitr. Velledta) 1I(ii.-iiii. Gun lliirrlson, C. II Hlguclii, II. Ilolilaivurth. C. Ilnycn. T. P. HocTet. Al. Howard Jr., W. Hartley, b: K. Hnlileman. Roh HugheB, Al. llarrlnglon. F. Howard. W. A. Henry, Tin*. Iluffert, A. V. Itellman, — Hnmtlton, G. I] Howard, H. E. Rally A Merhtm Hart A DIUou lloon, J. A. ' Hardy, W. B. Hart ft Dillon llelner, G. It. Healer, F. W. Koran, Enrnent Heeht. Staunton Hartley, F. K, Heal?*, The Hill, Lee Hoyei 4 Rol Horn, Fred Harris ftWaltere Hunter, S. Irvlniton. Hugh Ireland, G. 11. Isaac, LoulH ltnbof, Roger Jones. Frank lucobi, J. M. Jordan, Lew. Jordan, Chan. Jobnuon, E. H lone, R. J. JotiD-cin, Mgr. Jolinnou, W. V. Jobna. FlooflMgr .leanings. Steve Johnson, Carl Jntrla, BobLy Kclley, J. K. Karr, D. 8. Keauey. E. C. Keno, Walsh ft - . . MelrcnC Kent, Clar. Kingston, Roy Kranse, O. II. ICunftier, Mr. Kll lion, Frank Kelly. Walt Kltamurn |" Troupo Kuho, Jack Klein, Art. Kelcy, Alf. Kealons. The Koplln, J. W. Kelly, Simicer. KJellars, — Kottlewood, W. Kusclownky, E. Kelly Mer. Mai. Klp|iy, Jon. Kenny, Win. Kelly ft Violcttc King, It. K. Kefnmer, Geo. KliriM-cl, Ion. Kenedy, Brat. Ceo. Bob. Imrd. E. M. Lawremv. G, A Lawiiruucc, Wm f.iilM. J. M. LnVoy, Untie Lynn, Frank Li'lloy. Clias. l.lllll. II. II. I .libel I. D. It- l.uiimiit. F. W. lA'liuy. Hiss. Loon. The Lli.j.1, F. W. Milteun Trio I .a nut r. Bemsnn Ly^ter ft Cooke Luther. C. II. Lane. T. R. LaMoiit. Fred Lane. W. C. LyuiiH, .tiiei|iiea Logan, F. K. Limine, Fred Leroy. liar. I.orrnlne, Rbc l.nllette, Moiib. l.eitcr, C. T. . lawn-nce, Al. Lorn-lit, A. II. I.nmbrrt. F. H. Luninr, Renisoa IMtoy. Walt. LnVello, Albert Luring, E. It. I.iiNole, Ed. Lvnton, Har. leylan, liar. I^e, Henry T#|mlge Barrow MeQulnn, M. 1 Meclinn, W. A. Mcyera ft -I t'eruagaii Mack Com. Co. McDonougli T.C Monday. Little Mlllir.nn. Trlu Marco. .Tils'. Miller ft Krenko Mack, It. B. Marren. J as. Metcalfe, G. E. Mujeatlc Mils. Com. 4 McDonald. Ed. .Melville. Jean Merta, K. Milton. Gene It. Medal and the Muld Co. Mllo, Vie. Markle. Frxnl Mortluiei, Clias. Monilnee. Alex. Myern. M. 11. MdBrl.le. K. J. MrCalie. 3. D. Mlllor. Wm. Madilnx, Rich. MeWllllillils, JD McLaugblhi. Mike Moiulnello, Al. Mriiney. sti-pben McBrlde. K. J. .Melrose. V. L. Melville, Frank Milton, Frank Mnddern, W. 3. Mackey. J. J. Marshall, G. O. Muckie, Jow MrNnltr. Mart. Marnhull. II. 1. Mornhv. Ilert MeDnde ft Weleonie Marshall. W. II Masnlo, Ed. Mi'IVmuIm, Jno. Millard Bros. tfcCloskc.v. Marlmv, Dave Metlrnne. T. .1 Mill 111,-, H. P afnetrnr • i ',.■ i Murrnv. Flank,.lt J.J alurjyU)., F«A, MorrDey Morrlaseys, I Mann, Danny Melroie, Krneat N. Y. Notraboya Quart. 2c. Newman C.A.G. Nutb, W. T, Newton, Joe Nelson' ft tlllleilge Newton, Har. Nildo, Jake Nevarro, Tom Norton, E. N. Nelson, Claude Newton, C. J. Nagel. C. F. Nelson, Fred Neu. P. W. Norrla, W. B. Nalon. J. R. Norton ft Russel National Trio Orr. Jftn, 0*ton, Norman Oherwortli, L. Olio Bros. Price, F. L. Fattce, 0. M. Parker. B. a Paulton, Paul Poulton ft Doley Parker. O. t'erle ADlaraond Price, W. B. Fuggnley, K. 0. Frewit Howard Pope, J. 0. Prentice. J. E. I'carcc, K. Perry, C D. Powers,'Louis I'ean) featlier, • Frank Poaltcr, Edwd. Proaaer ft Diamond Pope, J..O. Playter, Vfell. Phillips. B. E. Peterson. Clark I'lppln, F'ugene Pariah, David utlcn, G. H. Fnlmer, I*w I'nttie. W. B. nicber. F. E. 1'arosto, Geo. I'oe,0. B. Paola, P. E. t'orker, TCI Pasll, P. E. Powers, J. T. Pcurcc, 0. I'enarden, W.D. Price. H. M. Parker, Lew Price ft Steele Peters, P. &N. Publllonn. A. Qulnn, 0. C. Qulnn, Paul Kelyea, C. E. Rockwell, J. 0. Roberts. Geo. Reap. WtU Itoxell, W. O. Itollajid, W. 0. Roberts, Geo. Rackctt ft Hazard Rowland, All. Iteyiiolds. F. H. Reeves, L. O. Reed. Claude Iiabsuod, 0. B. neap. Will ltonaldo. Obas. Rltsel. Billy Reeves, A. S, Jtobcrts, Geo. Itondell, Velma liosulre, Bob KadelUIc, Pearl Rio, Geo. Royer, Archie. It-.ilnboth, F. J. Held. J. II. Russell. Kdwyn Itolllus, 8. L. Rounldo, Edwin RcvUa's lit. Biiml Reynard, E. F. ■ant l'rctt Read ft Rile Rnckett, W. D. Ryan, Gus ltiinenblatt; M. 3 Rucbci, Family Roberta, Geo. Riley, Tom- ■ Rhebura. Frnuk I: leg, Ren Rlelnirdsou, T. Sullivan, Joe Salomon, Abe Snlly. J. F. Stark. 0. A. Schueller. Doc. Stewart, 0. It. St. Leon, Alt. Snunders, Claud Strutton. Art. Saye, J. It. Sulilval, Nell Slcgrlsl, Tots Snyder Bros. Snnkey Bros. Scblealnger, I.. Sawyer, F. B. Sella ft Downs Shaw, A, J. Sprnguillos. Tlio Shannon, Hur. Stauley ft Lnroy Smith. Frank Slegrlat. Toto Smith. Fred Stanley Norman Stenrn, Ren s . Smith. D. D. -' Sulllvau. Nell Smith. F. J. Siillley, J. I. Straub ft Flairs Suyiler. J. F. Silverlon, C. C. Sehnthlt. llerr Sawyer, tonnle Spencer, Oscar Stanton. F. J. Slider. W. O. Soiling',:. Mr. Smith & Baker Sumner, L. E. Siivaw, II. W. Sinln-r, Fred Silver, K. F. Smith. J. K. Schnek, Jacob Smith. W. H. Siiofford, Karen Sylvester. S. S. Mieed, Cl.ircm-e Shenrer. T. J. Siulih, J. W. Stratum. Arl. Swor. B-rt. Sittejllte. Air. Sury. T. II. Sullslniry, Geo. Scott. Tims. Slilnnla. Gt. Sully, Dun Sara, M'. 3. SpiAKsellos, TbB Seenrdo- ft ;; *Bltclil»r,n Sfl^lJJiAQ'Nval Sheridan, V. II Slnebler, Burt Sinclair, Jno. Squlrrell, J. E. Shannon ft Dixu St. John ft LcFovre Springer. Will Smith, Bllley N. Taylor, a A. Terre. W. II. Trainer, Wm. Todge, Ben Taylor, Fred Thompson. F. Taylor, H. W Thomas, Wm. Tolbert. -Lewli Taber, B. C. Tlnunona, 0. H Tapscctt. Itoy Taylor, Jerry Thornton. Jot. Thrash, Clias. Toledo, Har. Thelsc. U. Thoirias, O. II. Tlnunona. Geo. Tnekei, W. C. Thornton, Jim Tesalcr, Wo. Thomis, Dick Thurinc. J. B. Tuly. Ony TaeoteaccI, H. Then, Willi TenBrook, Lnm- Wooilward. II. bert <^o. Weaver, Geo. Till, C. L. Wallls Art. Valentine, Clias. Wrotbe, E. L. Vedmnrs, The Webb, H. L. VnnCnmpn, The Wntsnn, C. P. VonWIethoff. I.. Watsnn, C. It. VnnGofre, Ant. Wlllhiun. Sim Vnre, Tom Wakelee. Jlont. Vontello Ii Nlnn Weat, DeFor. VonDeck, A. II. Waters, Tbos. \alentlne. Chas. White, Jan. VnnCaiups. The Weat ftRaymond Vaughn, C. E. Weaver, liar. tauAoken. Har. Witter, Frank Vaughn, J. n. Wolf, A. O. Woodthorpc Har Wsltere, BUI Wall. Clar. Wilson, 3. It. Wrlgbter, Qord. Wolfing, I. S. White. M. F. Wills, J. B. Welch, Joe West, J. W. White ft Sheldon Wentworth. ltd. Watson, C. p. Wagner, Boy Wilson, A. Wardrobe Lady Watklns, H. L. Wilder ft'Wilder Wade 1 , • J. l\ Wada, J.. P. Williams; Har. Watson ft'Illlls Wright, Fred Wataon. Billy Webster. G. H. Williams, J. W. Webb. H. L. Wheeler Wilson Wlilttlr-r. H. H. YoaaU Nlek Welsh, J. E. Yacklay. L. K. -Walle. A. W. Yard, Geo. Williams, Male. Zlerke. Roht. Walten, L. ft D EoSilrs, The Williams, Billy 1 SEE NOTICE AT HEAR OF LIST. — ai» _ JfETW YORK STATE. Hnffnlo —At the Star Theatre (r. C. Cor- nell, manager) William Gillette, in "The Ail- mlraWe CrlctUon," Oct. 10-12. Wchcr&Zleg- feld Stock Co. 13-10, Blanche Walsli 20-2'J. The engagement of Arnold Daly wan un artis- tic triumph and the attendance was substan- tial. Tbck (Walter S. Baldwin, manager).—The excellent selection of plays here Is rcwnrdlns the management In excellent fashion. "Char- ley's Aunt" 10-15, "The C'llraberH" 17-22, "Supbo" proved to be u splendid ilra\vlu;r card. ' Director J. K. Hartftier's Orchcslrj will give Sunday concerts hcginnlng !l. Shea's 0ABDKN Theatre. —The Ornheuin Bhow 10-15.- A magal'ncent U1H last week was amply rewarded, especially pleasing be- ing HaHsan Ben All a ten Tooxoonln Arabs, Lewi: Sully and Mury Hampton and Co. Academy (G. C. Stevens, nmnuger).— Robert Fitzslmmons thla week. "Too Proud to Bog*' neit week. "Escaped from the Harem 1 ' drew good alzed audiences. I.YCKUU CJ. Laugblln, manager).—Kellat- nud Vulladnti provcel to he most poiiiilur lost week. The Itays, In "Down the l'lke," 10- 10: Nellie McHenry 17-22. L.ajmyistth (Charles M. Bngg, manager). —The Cherry Blossom Buriesnuers this week. The New York Stars, lu the two act comedy. "Stolen Sweets," pleased big gather- ings: lust week. Convention Halt. (IL L. Mecca, custo- dian).—The tircnadier Guards' Baud comes 14, Josef 11 of man Nov. 3. Milliliter Coquc- lln's Imperlul French Bund will be unable to stop over en route to Franco from St. Louis. Note. —Sunday coueertH are ugalu a uzed feature at the populur priced houses. Albany. —At Harmanus Blcecacr Hall (H. R. Jucobs, tuauuger) "The Beauty Doctor," Oct. 3-5, repeated the success of last season, to large audiences. "Hnbon In Toylund" drew two capacity houses 0. "The Ninety and Nine," 7, K, finished n good business week. Coming: llrnthers Byrue 10-12, "Sky Farm" lo-lG. "Tlio vYTuird of Ua" 18, 10, "Deulcrs in White Women" 20-22. Ennui; (II. It. Junolis, ninuugerl.—"The Secret of the Subway." u sHrrluc drama, had excellent ultendance S-R. Dnrlrtls. Wedded luul Parted" 10-12, "Why Girls Leave Home" 13-15. * - - - I'jioCTOit's (Howard Graham, resident tnan- ager).—A siieclally strong vuudevllle bill lllled the house all last week, to S. It. O. fill! 10 and week: Vlnelltt's trained horses, Illll and SltvluDl, Browheir and Stewart, Loncy Unskcll, Nessen- uutV Nessen, Kiltie Trio. Mo'nce Desmond, Reno nud Kelly, und the plcturo machine. Gaiety (U. B. Nichols, manager).—The Tiger Lilies, 3-5, gave a fine performance, the special feature being Bonlta and her picka- ninnies. The Brigadiers, 6-8, with particu- larly good performances, drew packed bouses. "The Wise Guy" was the burlenque, with specialties by Buford Sinters, Kulm Bros., Edmond Hayes, Four Nelson Comlques and Jock Symonds. Ulcc & Barton's Gaiety 10- 12, Wuldron's TrocadcroB 13-15. Odd Fellows Hall. —Anna Eva Fay 10- 10. BofJhcater.—At the Lyceum Theatre (M. E. Wolff, manuKi'i-) Arnold Daly and his most excellent company delighted large audiences Oct. 4, 0, in Bernard Shaw's successes. The Weber ft Zlegfeld All Star Stock Co. has been secured for the opening performance (the first on any Btucc) of the new musical melange, "Higgledy-piggledy," 10, 11. Wm. Gillette 14, lu. National (Max Hdrtlg, manager),—Jas. 3. Corbett, lit "Fills," pleased large audience 3-5. He was nluy assisted by Hal Duvls, Inez Much ii Icy und Wm. A. Quirk. "Paris by Night" entertained fair uudlences G-8, giving entire satisfaction. A feature was the excellent mounting und light effects. Mac Sailor made the success of the performance with "The Girl with (lie Changeable Eye." "Nlucty and Nine" 10-12, "The Beauty Doc- tor" 13-15. Bakkb TiiL-ATite (J. 1!. lloyle, manager).— I.urgc audiences were plcuscd with "A Game of Ilcnrts" U-tt. The company wus thoroughly competent. Mnrcella Forrest, Annn Slivers nud llarland Winters were well cast. Kobt. Fltzsluimons, In "A Fight for Love." turned 'cm away 0-8. He had excellent support In Julia Msy Gilford. Frederick Watson de- curves praise for an excellent character bit, nil tho local papers praising his work very highly. Nellie McHenry. In "M'llss." 10-12; Sam Thome, lu "The Peddler." 13-15. Cook Opera. Hovsk (J. ii. Moore, mana- ger).—A most ((iccllcnt bill was again re- sponsible the past week for S. R. O. houses. BUI 10-15: Rose Btahl, a strong local favor- ite, In "The Chorus Lady:" Tea Ic-lil Japan- ese magicians; Eddlo Glrard nnd Jessie Gardner, Lucy Clarke, John K. Camp, Eva Miulgc, the 8a-Vans and the klnctograpli. ConiNTUtAN TllHATRK (lieu it C. Jacobs, luiiUMger).—The Dainty Duchess Iturlesiiucis •lid irootl business the past week, giving n merlUirkiiiH perfonuiini-i*. Two linrlcsipien were (jlven aud llui Etiirslrom Slslers. t:niy nud Graham, Bessie Clifford, Jus. unit Sadie Leonard,'Chas. Robinson and Hunxcllu ami 1^> Rnlr plensed. MaarfTork Htnrs Co. 10-15. It's all in the cut. Good Tailoring isn't only good needle work-it's the shape that counts equally most. For thirty years we have been perfecting our system of cutting garments. We are constantly educating our designers. This Fall they're better than they were last Fall. You can have your pick of our clothes architects when you buy one of these $20 suits. Send for samples, measuring outfit and fashion cards! ' ARNHEIM Broadway and 9th St., New York. VCaajf—At the Lyceum Theatre Ml II Klllam, manager) the Snow Stack Co, drew large houses nil Insl week, lit "Secret Her- view" uiu bill. week. o: 10- U "Soldier* v( Increase Your Salary by a New Play or Sketch Don't remain in the same rat for yenra. Audiences tire of seeing your same actor play, ills tlio vehicle Uiat ollunes niskes the reputation ot tttc professional. Write me of your style of work and I will write you within one week a one act sketch orpluy thst may mean a fortune to you. Write particulars of yourself, and I will submit Idea, and If satisfactory will guarantee an act or play within one week, or no charge. Address DERICK SCHWARTZ. " 1813 No. 10th Street. Philadelphia, Pa. RAO I IMG. WESTCBESIEB RACING aSSL, MOIIH1S PARK. 8 RACES DAILY. OCT. 12-THK CHAMPAGNE, THE NEW ROOHELLK. OCT. 13-ATJTUMN MEADOW BROOK HANDICAP STEEPLECHASE, BAHAPO HANDICAP. OCT. 14-FORDHA.M HIGH WEIGHT HANDICAP. OCX. 15—CHAMPION STEEPLECHASE. WHITE PLAINS HANDICAP. MORRIS FARE WEIGHT FOR AGE Fortune," with the exception of 11, when Henrietta Crosman appears In "Sweet Kitty Bel lairs." GitlswoLD Orr.itA House (M. Bels, mana- ger).—"Nlui'ly and Nino' 1 did good business 3-5. "The Secret of the Subway" bad good houses 0-8. "Shadows of u Great City Is due in, 11, Andrew slack, lu "The Way to Keniuiire," 15. Uano'h Oi'nitA Uovhu (M. Kelt), muuager). —This house was badly damaged by tire at the close of last season,; and has been re- built and Improved lu many ways. It will be formally reopened with "Why Girls Leave Home" 10-t2, "Wedded and Farted" 13-15. ltiiv.u. Tiieatiii: (W. II. Buck, manager). —The Brigadiers did big business 3-5. The Tiger Lilies drew well 4-8. Trocadcro llttr- lcsijui'i's arc due 10-12, Rice d Barlou's Bur- lcsduurs 13-15. a Itlcn.—At the Majestic Theatre "A Bunch of Keys" opened to good buslnes Oct. 3 for u week. "Ebon Ilolden" was well re- ceived 5. "Ninety and Nine" drew well 0. Sam Thorne, lu "The Peddler," closed the week to good business T, 8. Coming: Chas. A. Lotler, in "A Funny Side of Life," 12: ■Slmdows of a Great Clly" 13, 14, "Holty Tolty" 15. Oat'itKUK Theatbe. —The vaudeville num- bers of last week were good and drew well. This week's bill Includes: Josephine Sabel, W, II. Murpliy, Blanche Nichols and com- pany, Gotham Comedy Four, Geo. W. Day, Clias. Barry and U'lldu llalvcrs, Mar'lu Bros, und Chinese Johnny Williams. Stab Tukatms. —The Fays were a drawing card last week and will remain this week. Jamestown.—^At Samuels' Opera House (M. Itcis, manager) Joseph Jefferson Jr. and Wlllltuu Jefferson, In "The Rivals." Sept 28, gave a linlsbed performance, to fair attend- ance. Clias. A. Lodcr, In "The Funny Side of Life," 20, gave an excellent performance. The Four Emperors of Music deserve men- tion. "A Trip to Chinatown" drew busi- ness 30. J. It. Sloddart, lu "Tho Bonnie Brier Bush," ideuscd a large house Oct. 3. George V. Hall. In "A Ragged Hero," ti; "A Bunch of Keys" 10. Dluuhamtoii —At Stone Opera House (J. P. E. Clark, manager) Paul Gllmorc drew irood business Oct. 3. Ixjuls lttisscll, lu "The .Middleman." had fairly cood attendance 4. Cliiis. It. nnnford, 5 und matinee, plvnsed good sized audleuces. "A Funny Side of Life" did good business 0, 7. "Eben lloldcu" 8, Benuctt-Moulton Co., In repertory, 10-15. «•■» B1AIKE. Piirtlnml— At the JefTerson Theatre (Calm & (irnnt, managers) "The Mummy nud the lluuuulus Bird" opened the week to a fair bouse Oct. 3. Robert Edeson, In "Hanson's Folly," delighted an exceedingly good house 4. "When Women l,ovo" at- tracted well 5. Eara Kendall. In "Wentucr- lipiiten Benson," nhnisnd a large audience «. Mildred Holland, In "'J'lie Ti-lumpli of nn Empress," cuinc to sailsfiictory returns 7, as did Maria Wultiwrlghl. In "Tweirih Night." for two pcrloruiiini-cx, 8. Booked: t'liokl'liurch Stock Co. ln-1,1, wllb excep lion of 12, when Howard Kyle, In "Ou Hie \ellowstone," upneurK, 1'riRTt^Nn (James E. Moore, manager).— Good bunliiens eontlimes, only nets or re- • ■•gulzeil merll lielng preneulinf. The hill for in,aM week- Kingslei and I*wis. Fiea l.ldiidgp, \orke aud Adams, Chaa. Hera, .Mnrsliiili .iiid Liirnlue, the Zarncs, Ed. Fos- tut' aud Ed. Esttis. BALLOONS AND CARNIVAL GOODS All PresU Stock, OUR QA8 BALLOONS are madootlho best French rubbci in three colors, red, blue aud green that inflate fall size, warranted! piece rubber. No. Per Cross a60. Assorted colors ft !5 1. White rattan swilchct 31 00. Fancy covered whips... 1 SO WHISTLING BALLOONS. PerGrosj ti. Assorted colon II n 55. Assorted colon 1 89 Assorted colon.... 'I 30 McUInty 2 it Sausage 2 75 Flyiug Serpents.... a.'» Dying Pigs „ 4 25 Wc also carry lull Hues of Walking Canes, Clican Jewelry, PockelKnivcM'ick out Prizes, ReturnBall(,etc. and inakeupaelectedlolslcr 13, 110, 130 and dp. Wc are Headquarters for SOUVENIR AND CAMPAIGN GOODS Daring 1904 wo will carry a complete lino of Fancy Sovcnir Goods and Novelties for World'. Fair sales; also acoiaplclclineof Campaign Hoods Buttons, Badges, Novelties, etc. Don't fall to cal and lee us when in the city. Catalogues mailed on application. COE. YONGE & CO., 7th and St. Charles St. St. Louis B E !7..? LITHOGRAPH V A ABOUT HALF THE PRICE ilf «£W tlTHO-TINT PAPER ■ UIB FOR OATALOOUB Mom'son Show Print- Oetrilt tm COLD CHE A1YI «S Ots. E-t». To in our goods we will sell our guaran- teed "CarneUsn Cold Cream" at Hie above rrlcc Make-up Boxes, HUed. $1.25, $2 60 and $5.i». These boxes contaiu from 25 to 60 articles, accord- ing to price, CAItNELIAN CO.. Office, 121N. Oth St.; Factory, U16 Arch St. Send for catalog. Phlla., Pa. Mfrs. of "CamelIan" Grease Palais, Face Powders, Rouges, Creams, Etc. MelNNERNEY'S THEATRICAL COLD CREAi. There are many Cold Cream PreparttioB* on t he ma rxet today. Some are GOOD—otheri an BETTER—But Molsnerney's Is BEST. The lnfredlenta of Molnserney'a Gold Cream are pore and harmless, and when yon ono* oaf this preparation yon will want no other. . Other food qnallUea In Its favor are lla delicate perfume, smooth whiteness and ooollng properttM. And it doea not eoit aa mooh u manj ot tia !•> Inferior preparaaona. rom bale oatiiT An tltftajSWnt Biii' XSJUW