The New York Clipper (October 1904)

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OOTOfeEB 15. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 793 AN A51MHT OF POPULAR HITS. «■- >%, CISSY - CISSY A Pretty Waits Bon*. Sang la DOCKSTADER'S MINSTRELS. Beautiful Ballad bj Two Famous Writers, • CHA& IIORWITZ and MAX 8. WITT. iDINNERBE A Real Old Time Darkey Song, with Real Southern, Plantation Melody IN LINE - GEO ROSEY'S March Hit aet to Words. Send for this one. IO INDIAN CHII That Great 'Indian' Bone, by the Popular COLE and JOHNSON. % I HAVE LOST YOU STILL I LOVE YOU Just write (or thla—that's all. % THERE'S JUST fl$ GOOD FISH IN THE SEA Another MAX WITT Ballad Hit % WHEI WE LISTENED TO THE MURMUR OF THE PINE Great Pastoral Ballad. % SUNDAY MORNING WHEN THE GHURGHBELLS CHIME The Favorite of MANUEL ROMAINE, with the Dockslader Show, Prif, Ciplis free. Orchestrations, loo each K»gn)ar Copies loNon profeaslonale, 10c. each. IJ0S.W. STERN & CO., 34 E. 21 ST., NEW YORK. ORCH, LEADER"! Send 60c. for the big lilts: un uruhbelis Medley \V»,tz Sunset, - Medley Wslts PoUy Prim, Match. Wholesale Jewelry, Notions, Novelties H ICAGO. And 8T BEET MEH'S SnppllM . A European Novelty, WSTlBNimslllOUSF ■ oti w.. seaman*! am »7* E. MADISON ST THE FRENCH SIM. THE STHOKOIST OF ALL STRONG MEN. The ooly living person who can lift with one hand twice his own weight. A (est of strength which has never been accomplished before by any other athlete. The Best Heavy Weight LuMng Exhibition eter snown, carrying the Bttgeat Weight Ever Exhibited on any Stage A big draw and a guar- anteed success every wtieie. A feature of the uarnnin A Bailey t lrcus for the past six years. Can do anything that has ever been done In this line. Have toured all over the world, and have never met an equal or conqueror. Absolu'ely unde- feated Champion, Challenges the World on My Marvelous Feats of strength. Can be witnessed at nnber's Museum, N. Y., Oct 10,17 end 21; Phils., 31 and Nov, 7; Bos- ton, Nov. 14 snd 21. Open after that for Vande- dcvilleor any olher entertain- ment Also for Circus or Car- nival, season of 1905. Address sll business commu- nications to J. B. AN PERSON, Mgr. Buber'B Museum, N. T. City. Private: PIERRE GASNIER, 239 E. Uth Street, N. T. Oily. Eastern Managers and Agents, JOE ALLMON »■«••— In Black Face Monologue a ■-■ •'■»"• OPEN FOR EASTERN TIME JAN. 2. 1905 Add. a* per route In CLIPPER, or Present "time" booked by Per. add., 112 X.NOXV1LLE AVE., Peoria, III MR. ERNH8T L-. BARBOUR. STAR THEATRE, HOUSTOHT, TEXAS, • m. s T- aTa ri «-a »-s^+ Reynolds <Ss Callahan, Proprietors. Just opened. The prettiest vaudeville theatre In the city. WANTED aT ONCE. SONG AND DANCE TRAMS, SKETCH ARTISTS. SINGLE TURNS AND TAD1EB FOB CBOBCS. For particulars address at once REYNOLDS & CALLAHAN, Proprlelots, star Insure, Houston, Tex. WHO WANTS US? AL. £. READ <fc CO. 2 PEOPLE-COMEDIAN AHD SOUBBBTTF. SI*OCRS AHO VERSATILE! SKETCH ARTI sTS. GUARANTEE TO HAKE GOOD. Address AL. READ, IMS St. Catherine Street, Montreal, Canada, .T? IsIBERT' JAMES A. and GELIA WELGH THE EXCRUCIATINGLY FUNNY miSH COMEDIAN, ▼as Fonnd Guilty by the Old Howard Jury week of Oct. 3, Boston, Mass., Pago 1679. Closed the olio Just before the burlesque, and made the laughing hit of entire bill. WHOOPAr WBOOPA T Address All Agents, or JAMES A. WELCH, No. s Tremont Row, Boston, Mass., care of Horse Print Co. SPCCI1L MMKrl S, CQ-QPMl HUT11AL MIIM. PI8 TBTWE ASSOCIATION EVERY AGENT Doing busioeis In New York, whether booking a Binge actor making a single engagement, whether having an omce or not Is hereby Invited to attend this meeting at Elks' Hall, Majestic Tteatre llldg., Hth St. and Gi-cie, on next Thursday tvenlng, Oct. 13, at 8 P. M., AS ODE OUKbT, asmaiteis of vltsi importance will be discus* ed. GERTRUDE M. GEBEST & (Lata of GEBEST SISTERS), in an original skit, enUtled •'SKINNY DOOLBY'n TIP.« * The Most Novel, Beat 1stlo and Thrilling Bit of Bone Racing aver presented m Vaudeville, ^t ALL FIRST OLi S3 AG ENT8. Permanea t ad or ess, 106 W EST sotb 81 BEIT, ». T. -» UNITED STATES ANO FOREIGN PATENTS ANO TRADE-MARKS SfSRATES. And make yoa a fortune. Ifyon have a PLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT, KONG or BOOK tbat Is worth anything, you should copyright It. Don't take chances when you can secure our aerv. Ices at .mall cost. Sendfor oar SPtClU. Of f IX IO MVWfOtS before applying for a patent, it will fayjrou, HASDOOOk en fmltnti itnt fttE. We advise If patenta- ble or not. rHXE> We Incorporate STOCK COMPANIES, Small fees. Consult us. WORMELLE & VAN MATER, CalassUa Copyrl«*t A Patent Co. lac, V.XSIUNGTON, D. C J. C. DEAQAN S18T Bortla Clmrk St., Chicago, III., MANVFACmntER OF Musical Bells and Novelties As used by Leading Artists the World Over, Bend (or 111. catalog. KOHI.ER A CHASE, 110'FarreU St., San Francisco, Cat., our Western agents. SI bars, 8 octaves, Concert Xylophone, good as new, $12.W. 31 bars, 8 octaves, steel Marlmbaphone, used a few times, $35.00. 8 octaves, 28 heavy Orchestra Bells, shop worn, 112.(0. 8 Four in Hand Bells, $1200. 32 Metal Bamboo Chimes, played like xylophone, $2S oo. 28 Tubaphones, with resonators, 120.00. 16 Tubaphones, plain scale, gio.oo. 18 Aluminum Chimes, 180.00. 27 Aluminum Chimes, $88.00. 12 bars, steel Marimba- Shones, f 18.00. 22 Organ Chimes, $100.00. 28 deep lumlnum Chimes, for bass and accompaniment, with Trunk, $128.00. All above big hlta. SentO, O.D. on trial to responsible parties. MEDICINE PEOPLE Should hare "2MEH1ISXOA.X. 8ssZ>XSXs" The snly Book detoted to the Medicine lecturer, Street Man, Carriage Doctor, Optician, Curbstone Seller and to .11 who mil Mwiolne. Tolls t or Carat It. 0<xxli through art of ap«ch. Pata talk that rails foods la jour month. T.lla what to ear to hold atuutloa, aauw, Instruct and laUnat auffl.ol.ntlr totonob th» Kk.tbook. If yoa amn It you woold not part with t.niprlo*. lent for SA S*od $1 deposit audwillaaod book O.O.D. withuamtnatloa priTlIn» rANTVS CO. 545 Dearborn St. Chicago. Rhonemus Leg Improver Patented, For Men with bowed, crooked or hollow legs. Hake pants hang per- fectly straight, no mat tor how bow*S or crooked the legs. Mad. of alnml- nami lnvlalblsi no iasonventauMi you never know you have them eat sully adjusted With ordinary carter Bjmallpo.tpald e.Wperpalr. Writ, todaj tor Pm. Booklet. Boss. " '&i4nsrnel3, Ohio., ATTUACTIVC 'CARNIVAtS TOURNAMENTS PICNlCi FAIRS FUUNI0NS CULfirjATIONS SHOWS I' TYPE'^PICTORIALWORKV,:,, tj^RNiv-AL Poster Go ^ "P" MiNrM i'Vsi i» a i i v mii% r*' ■llbellno Tlstnts.JJO.Gq, IVorcted )i Cotton Tlnnta. 'ills Tlghte, tVean t)B.9o ~ Shirts to match all easne Tlchta, fLOOtSI tss tights, Pampe, as en. Bl.OOi Bl na t lo •LOOi cloth ■appertaa, ■end Cor catalogue ana tight* free. Tos: mltroqaima. i rice SB cental Gait* " GnnportaJB, HO cents. ittvely a «e- Kjlfroqalmd. Satisfaction guaraa- 1 or money refunflsd. 8FIORRBBOS. •$WoodbineBU, Urooxlyn, B.I. Old stand but new address. BEST PLACE TO BUY Watches, JeweUy, Silverware. Stage Brilliants, Medicine and Qltl Show Good*, Prof. Warnes- son's Grease Paints, Barntcork, Face Fowder.eto. Bosalter'sSoog Books. Full line of Eagle Em- blems. Bend for Catalogue. Itae Old Uellable. B. O, BBER A CO., 84 Wabash Ave., Chicago, HI. ttf Flu AppiritH, ILLCSIONB. TBJOLS, We. Grand End of Oentury. rally Illustrated. BOOK CATA, LOOVE, lie., tree by gsaS. Catalogue of Farlo; Trtckafrea lRTINEA A 00, m dOKth Ave^H.T SPANGLES &. EM B.■-■.MATERIALS {BEADS nmciAMCR*iM,°-~*l (fcUTkimii. Ctso fata "- tumif sastaeWMkvL «AB THiag CT IB Tall lllll •torn S~immp**m*ltM. BA 1 , UrOSTKB, 111 i flak ST., I Brooks Bros. & Co. 22 IINUTES OF COMEDY SIN0IH6 AND DANCIN8. A NEW ACT III VAUDEVILLE. ENTITLED ' BIFF! BAFF! BUFF! (COPVRIQUT NO. (630). A Big Laughing Hit--At Pastor's Theatre This Week. Otters Invited. Address Agents or aOT B. 14th St., N. Y. City. GEORGE XIOLDEN, THE MANIPU-MYSTIC. M»'» Different from th« PKIICXUR'8 »3d »T. THIS WEEK. Agents and Managers Invited to see this novettr. Ro.t. IHT al "rVTlrfl FOKTHE IlEOULAIl TIlAVELIMGIEAIO.f wf AIM Illl'a OK 1009, FOR THE M11 s«3lArri, Side »lic».v^ and J^tlmoloKloal Departments, iniB bios: nun greatest shows, Freaks, Prodigies, Noveltlea of Every Conrelwable Kind, exeeptlng Magic aasd Second eight, Cannot place any Oratora. Address as per following rontei LEW GRAHAM, Manager of Above Departments. ROUTE: Oct. 12, Abilene,Tex.; 13, Wcathc-iTord, Tex.; 14, Ft. Worth, Tox.j 14, Clelmrn, Tex. i Oct. 17, Ardmore.I.T.; 18, Denlaon, Tex.: 1», UcKloiioy,Tox.:m, Waxahaohle, Tex.; 31, lllilsWn,Tex ; i:, Uonton, Tex.: 24, Dallas. Tex : is. Terrell, Tex ; 20, Paris,Tex.: 27, Bonham, Tex.: 24. Texar- kana, Tex.; », Shreveport, La. 8ILBNCK RK8PECTFUL NKQATIVK. 3 -- CORNALL AS -- 8 IVialo airtd Fomalo Aorobats, AT LIBERTY OCT. 24. TBIS IS TUB BEST ACROBATIC AOT IS AMKRICA. ALSO THE BEST DRESSED ACT. Address all New York Agents, or permanent address, PETE CORNALLA, Bd.wood, III. YOUNG'S PIER THEATRE, ATLANTIC OITY, IM. J. JAMES A. WILLARD 8R„ Managera write for open time. t3eeera\l Director, 13M COLUMBIA AVE.. Phllsdolphls Office. 'mL mOFESSIONAL "mUNKS They're fibre Absolutely the Headline, of Trunks. They are Different from All Others SEND FOB CATALOGUE "O" y/VTEJMJLAJSL BAL, Manufacturer, «>» Broadway, Maar Third ■trees. Mew York. JAMES Melt ALLY, Theatrical Representative. (CTO ITB HALF-TONE 31 KA1 E. process co. _ PARK ROW BUILDING, N.Y. A.,1 nt .^ A Sets. SQUARE INCH- ^ ' cut f iREI OUR :OIAL.TY. TRT CB FOR PRI0ES. ALL OCR LAMPS ARE NEW CODE STVLR, AND WILL PASS INSPEC- TION IN ANY STATE. Send Sc. stamp for Catalogue. WE ARE THE PATENTEE AND MANUFACTURERS OF TOE OLEN1N 8TAOE POCKET. METROPOLITAN ELRCTRIC STAG! LIGHTING CO., ELECTRO-OPTICAL, STAGE LIOIITISG APPARATUS. Telephone BlOS-Wtu HL 131 WEST 40th STREET, HEW TOBE. THE OHBAT BNQLIall VAUDEVILLE PAPBB. THE AND 401 93tiTsa.zi.4d. Iiondon, .O. -■a t ail OPESSIoriAL 4DVKHTIIBHKNTI. ... ».. Ad aingl. Iaeh NEW YORK CORRESPONDENT AND REP;, IDA CAIILE, OFFICE 70S ST. IAMBS BLDO., wkers advertisements will be received. Copies on file. rOBEiail SUBSCRIPTIO!*, - - - - PDOFUHlnML AOVBHTItlMBNTI, - - SHOES FOR STAOE. STREET AND EVENING. EXCLUSIVE STYLES AND WORKMANSHIP OUARANTEED. Short Vamp and Stage Lasts alwajs on hand. Mall Orders Filled. Fit Guaranteed. V4/H.1-IA Tel. K8 Madison Bqaare. I BERNSTEIN, MM Sixth At*., near gist Street, V. T. Great Bargain Sale of Moving Pioiuro Films, BA0I0 LAHTEBH8, DalBaflHATED HONOS AID HOTaVa FICTUBE MAOHDfES, We bars Joet pnrahased the entire stock of Dims belonging to two large exhibition companies. Most of the Dims are absolutely new, never even used, all In Arte condition. Write at once tor a rest Bargain List No. 19 Q. Bon't delay. WILLIAMS, BROWN A BABL.E, DepL B. No. 918 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Fa.